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Today. Y. Absolutely. Its peak bloom and its it the weekend. Nd weather is great today. Ay blue skies later thiskies afternoon, lots of sunshine. Sin we dressed for the occasionf you and i. Yod i were in blue. Lu we always try to color coordinate. Somehow we seem to pulloul through this time. Time. Live look at the Cherry Blossoms down there thisere th morning. Rnin its going to be a a gorgeousgou day for them but youllll probably want the jacket. Jke first thing youll notice asotic you walk out the door is cooler temps outside. Psside. 41 degrees in d. C. , 30s elsewhere. 34 gaithersburg, 32 frederick,dk hagerstown and martinsburg asbus well as winchester cumberlandrln checking in at 34 degrees thiss morning so pretty much upperch r 30s lower 40s anywhere you go. Winds the good news, theyrere starting to lighten up a bit. Upt still a little breezy inezy washington at 14 miles an hour u butter those will continue touet diminish as we head into thein late morning and afternoonftno hours. Hour calm in gaithersburg and frederick. Frederic 7 miles an hour winds in h baltimore but they wont be as a breezy but notice those arrows a are coming out of the north thats bringing in the coolerooe air so we will not be as warmsar today as we were the past the ps several days. Heres a wider view out there. Binghamton, new york, is 27 degrees. Degrees. 28 this morning in new yorkor city, 32 for pittsburgh, 37burg3 this morning in columbus. Columu satellite and radar shows justrs a few clouds over southernther maryland, the Eastern Shorern this morning. This mor those will break as we head weea through the course of thecour oe morning and afternoon hours today. Today. Your next play maker is swinging through wichita outhitt in kansas. An that will bring some rain byai monday but it will bring some se clouds by tomorrow and moreor details on that easterhat forecast coming up in just aust bit but if you are heading headi down to see the cherry cherr blossoms its going to be is gob absolutely beautiful today. 48 degrees by 11 00 a. M. , by 5 oclock near 60 degrees. Des. Probably want the light l jacket. Lots of sunshine, a beautiful b day. I do have changes for yourges fy easter forecast and we will andw talk about that in just a little bit. Le bit. All right, thanks so much, mike. Mike. Now to the brussels attacks. Bru prosecutors confirm one of their suicide bombers found the Brussels Airport is najim laachroui. Hes the subjected bomb maker in septembers bomb attacks in paris. S. Foxs greg palkett has thekett t latest. Reporter the capitol of europe was a war zone today, a a brussels neighborhood sealedgh off by dozensbo of policee explosions heard, shots fired. Id three terror suspects arrested e in various locations. Atio the locals were rattled. Boom, boom, two shots. T reporter two shots. Te two two shots. Sho. One big shot one shotho regular shots you can heardanea like if you military but the t second shot was sniper shot. R s. Reporter this clashs clash linked to a raid outside ofsi o paris last night. St night. Police there said they broketheo up another terror plot againstas france. This as the investigation intoig tuesdays attacks here continues. Two fugitives are being soughtar directly involved in thenv bombings at a metro stationmetr and the airport. Port. As two americans are confirmed among the more several are still missing. Is 12 americans were injured. Including mason wells, a mormon missionary from utah uh caught up in the airport bombings. I remember seeing, youber know, fire in front of my face and also kind of fire down byn y my feet on the ground and we we were really close. Lose i feel lucky to have escaped esp with what i did. Did reporter in brussels bruss today, secretary of state kerry paying his respects,ct metering with belgian and European Union officialsffials offering assistance. Nce. In an interview with fox news, we pressed him on whether the Obama Administration slow andatw steady approach to dealing with isis was now enough. Noug dont we need to pick up our up pace. Pa well, we are pick up our up pages the president has put special forces on the ground tho zero ya. We are more engaged with more me people doing more things than we ever were before. Reporter secretary can kerry claimed to me he that an inea attacks on civilians is ans is result of added u. S. Pressure on isis on the mideast battlefield. Le little consolation for folksla close to home feeling caughtfeeh in the crossfire. In brussels, greg palkett, fox news. Meanwhile belgian officials l say the suspect in theect the november 13th paris attacksttac has stopped cooperating with police. Po. Salah abdeslam was arrested aes last week. K. Yesterday during theerday questioning he stoppedtion answering any questions. Uestio france is seeking his extradition. Ion. At first his lawyers fought that but they have sinceut ty he changed their mind. Min pentagon officials plan to f increase the number of u. S. U. S. Troops in iraq. Raq. This is the latest step in thept fight against isis and a big b in taking down several keyey members of the group. Officials say the groupsthe rop financial minister was killed ke along with two associates in aen raid in syria. Ia another isis leader was killedle in mosul. Mosul. No word on how many troopsy tros will be needed. E need. And metros top safetyety officer is stepping down. D resignation yesterday. Yrday. Brown has been in the role for h six months following the departure of James Dougherty in september. Mb. Browns last day will be april 22nd and metro Spokesman Says interviews with wh prospective candidates havee cad been set up for next week. W and this can you thinkhis after another fire on metro hero that shut down parts of the orange and silver lines yesterday. All is cleared now butlear yesterday people were evacuated from the clarendonrenn metro station after fire sente t smoke into that tunnel. Tt tunne firefighters quickly put it p i out and metro says this wass was not an electrical fire. Ctcal they say debris was to blame t e and this comes a little moreit than a week after safety safet concerns closed the entiree eir system for a day. Day. Some riders we spoke with say they are concerned. Oncerned were heading to the Washington Mall and wered we going to take metro. Unfortunately metro is down so probably take an uber or lyft. Very disconcerting thencertie problem with delays, theay tracks and the fires. He f investigated. Vest now metrobus riders wills w notice big changes this weekend. About 60 routes are affectedtes this weekend. This w the changeees will take effect tomorrow. To some routes will be eliminatewil fundamental and others will be added or altered. R alter changes are part of metros meto Better Bus Initiative. Tiative. The changes will affectill fe service in d. C. Maryland and virginia. Rg. Passengers are advised to adviso check out metros web site forit the latest information. Mati and we are seeing from ourig first video he from a d. C. D police body camera. C the video captured an arrestn as of a robbery suspect. Uspect now, this happened onapned wednesday. Police say they responded to a robbery on Martin Luther kinging jr. Avenue in southeast. Th when officers arrived theyrid te found a man with a knifeh a standing over the victim. Thvic the officers quickly arrested ae the man and no one was hurturt but police have identified thed suspect as christopherhristoph galloway of southeast. Oway he is being charged withg assault with intent to commit robbery. Robbery. And an emotional memorial yesterday for a fallen princeler georges county detective. Ount friends, family and for jacai colson. Colso he was killed by friendly fire earlier this month during a shooting outside the districtisr three police station. Tati detective colson was praisedlson for his courage and rememberedee with love. He dedicated his life toe to making this county safe and henh died protecting us, all of us. He was not just your son, heour was our son and it hurts whenhe we lose someone from our from ranks. But when we lose someone whone w has devoted their life to protecting us and their lossir s hurts in a difficult way that tt we cant begin to describe. Des. The men and when im protect us do so with a sense of unintended and unintentionalenon valor. His friends recall hisal smile, his engaging personality and his wonderfulonf sense of humor. Hum when many would run fromun fm danger and adversity, jacai ran toward it. It. Where others would back downow in fear, he stood on the front line. Line. Stand here today looking atda true heroes of america thatricat represent this red, white and blue. I want to by my heart thank everyone in this room forhis ror coming with the same style heart, a warm heart, a jacaistyle heart. E since the day that we lost jacai, we have wondered why w happen . These questions rip at our heart because we cant understand why our friend, our colleague, our brother, our protecter could leave us so soon. On. My baby is at peace. Tce just like everybody who spokehos of the wonderful things of my son, he was special. Peci. He was special. He was ahe good man and i i love him. Ve i will never forget him and he d was a cops cop. He stupid and he fought thate ft dane ill never forget that. Rest easy 3693. 69 we got us a hero. Fios is not cable. Were wired differently. In the last 10 years our competitors have received a few awards. But weve received a few more, including jd power who ranked us highest in Customer Satisfaction for the third year in a row. Only fios has the Fastest Internet on the most awarded network. Now get superfast 100 meg internet tv and phone for just 69. 99 per month, online. Cable cant offer internet speeds this fast at a price this good, only fios can. Yes, it was an excitingit w morning. Rnin [laughter] reporter whitney isr w talking about thursday morning when she and her husband glanced out their kitchen kitch window only to discover itcove looked like someone had a wildil party overnight on their patio. We were kind of confused at first but i heard there werehere bears in vienna. S in that was my first thought iug i wonder if the bears made itthe over to our house. To our house. Reporter they had and ar te quick peak outside revealed reva they were still there. Sure enough two black bearscs kind of werewalking through and one looked to be m bear, kind of an adult sizedults bear with a smaller bare with bh her. Reporter the bears were just hanging out betweenhe their Backyard Fence and a soundnd wall for i66 just feet from f their back door. D they had stolen apparentlyenl a bag of bird seat from our cabinet and dragged it into the woods with them sewn the baby one was playing with thelag bag and eating from the bag frog for a little while. W and they just kind of roamed oad around and eventually disappeared. Reporter you would expect to hear a sighting coming from someone likear this who lives in the woods. Woods Fairfax County police say this i is one of several recent reports coming from acomingrom residential neighborhood andeigo other areas around the vienna ve oakton area. Oakt area. Fairfax county Police Say Two st black bears were also seenwe ale crossing oakton road wednesdaytd morning and there was aand sighting of a bear and cub on c sunday as well. Police say dont panic if you iy see bears. Ea whitney says she and her and h husband didnt. Didn i wasnt too nervous causet i think that they probably t would be more scared of us ifsf we ran out there but certainlyey wanted to keep our distance. Is repoer best advice from police. Keep a respectful distance iftaf you do see bears and remove rem anything from your yard theyrom might view as food to try and ty keep them away. Away. We need to clean up theanp mess and kind of get rid of the burd seat and things but ing think that once they learny theres nothing hereothi her apparently they probably wontyn come back. Back. Theyll kind of move on. Nd reporter i on vienna, jennifer davis, fox5 local news. Hm. Kind of frightening. Ghtening let Mother Nature be mothere nature. Nature. Yeah. As long as you dont go near them and of course momma with her cub you dont want toat bother mama bear. Exactly. How is the weather for taws . Or w weather is looking fantastic today in terms of sunshine. A little cooler. Le it felt a little coolertloole walking outside today. Od you can totally feel it. Eel i for the past few days i daysi felt like it was a mild start st and then this morning it kind i of hits i was little bit. It you got it perfect. Pfe look at that sunrise. Oh, so pretty. P down at the Cherry Blossomshe and look at the cro cwds already building. Yeah. Of people out at 7 00 in the 7 0 morning on a saturday morning. I you know what, mike, yesterday, people were out as early as frida 5 00 a. M. On a fy morning. Morn all right, weatherwise, weae today whats going on . We goi . Have High Pressure off to our north. North. High pressure is your friend. E s you want it down to the south tu though because then it bringst g up the warmer air to the south. When its off to the north north its kind of bringing in that northeasterly flow. Lo good news well still have theae sunshine today. Hi ouwever keep your eye on this y guy. By the time we get to tomorroweo its going to change itshang position and when it does that d its really going change outerhu loop weather. Again big changes to the t easter forecast today. For more details on that in a bitn but again today, cooler, 60s but lots of sunshine thishis afternoon. Oo generally speaking a dry daydr an very nice saturday here. Ere. Current conditions live look outside on our tower cam beautiful start to the day. Art you saw the Cherry Blossoms bom down at the tidal basin. B 41, chilly start to the day. Ted if youre about to headea youll need it some cloudslo early but well get into morente and more sunshine as we growse through the day today. Da today still a little bit of a breeze r out there. Eet ther however those winds will beds subsiding as we head into theine afternoon hours muchternoon ho temperatures on a national natio scale, buffalo very cool,oo 29 degrees right now. Boston 37 degrees. 7 g gram bee canada 22 and very22 cold air in southern canada. Cabin basin 39. Still some winterlike air out t there. Kind of winter and spring are ar going to be battling back andk d forth as we head into early april. Satellite and radar clearra skies here across the region reg to starter the day thisar morning. Te generally speaking a fewng a f clouds Southern Marylander Eastern Shore. Eastern sh well get rid of those as we w head into the afternoon hours. S theres your next play maker. Kansas, wichita that rain you yu see there, that energy is i going to swing south. South. As it does so it will grabl gra moisture and cloud cover and throw it in our direction foreci the day tomorrow. Om i did mention big changes to the easter forecast. Er well talk about that in justutt a couple minutes. 62 degrees today. Keeping the cool air in place ie but generally speaking a lotaki of sunshine. Sunshin it will be cool. Coo it also be nice and yes, what, w to expect. Changes to the easter forecast you probably wont like them, either, if you have outdoorut plans. Ill tell you what i mean i coming up in just a bit. A all right, annie, back over to you. You. Mike, thank you. Ha y happening this morning,en were taking a deeper diveeeperi into the political gutter. The scrum between donald trumpe and ted cruz has descendednded into territory virtual vir uncharted in a republicand in primary campaign. Im a supermarket tabloid. Ar foxs carl cameron has the t story. Reporter campaigning inampa wisconsin ted cruz accused acc Donald Trumps campaign of planting a false story in this weeks national end inquirer alleging cruz has had h extramarital affairs. This National Inquirerl inirr story is garbage. Garbage. It is complete and utter lies. E it is a tabloid smear. Idar and it is a smear that hast has come from donald trump and his henchmen. Reporter cruz specifically p veteran gop operative roger stone and separately noted his friendship with its ceo. Ceo the National Inquirer has endorsed donald trump. Reporter the spat began when trump threatened to attack cruzs wife. If cruz has called trump a sniveling coward for bringing spouses into it and today cameae close to revoking his pledge hie to support trump should he win the gop nomination. I dont make a habit out of supporting people who attack atc my wife and attack my family. And donald trump is not goingotg object republican nominee. Epub this man would be an embarrassment as president. Pret we dont want a president whosiw seems to have a real issue with strong women. G wen he doesnt do well with strong g women. Wome strong women threaten him un him trump issued a statement sta saying he has no idea if the inquirer article is true oricle not but said i had absolutelyol nothing to do with it. H ted cruzs problem with the National Inquirer is his and his alone. Trump is scared. Sca it aint complicated. Ated donald has a real problem. Probl he doesnt know what hes talking about. Reporter cruz is making an all out push of wisconsinruin and is near to winning the endorsement of scott walker. As washington pads paul streets pockets hard workingorg americans get left behind. B my tax plan will change that. Ha the ted cruz plan ends the irs replaced by a simple fair 10 percent flat tax. Er Bernie Sanders wascee nder campaigning yesterday andg yest while at a stop in portlandan oregon a little birdie stoleol the show. S the alcoholic first landed on l the ground inside the center the through his speech but the t bird wanted to leave its markar landing directly on the podium. Di it perch thread for about 30 abt seconds prompting sanders tong s say i think there may be some symbolism here. Happening today there aree a three democratic caucuses thatca weve got our eyes on ins on Washington State, hawaii and alaska. Alaska. Frontrunner Hillary Clintonhi stillll maintaining a commandinm delegate lead. And plenty more coming up mp this morning but first anng fir amazing story about one mansans undying love for his late sister. Brett bramble is walkingbl across the country in honor of his sister brittany who dived dv a drug overdose. Ug er his journey began nearly twoo weeks ago in delaware and hesns hoping to raise awareness andrea save lives. Photojournalist chip basdenasde has this incredible story. Sto i woke up with about 30ut 3 something missed phone callsd and i knew something wasnew soi wrong. I called my mom. I just knew, i knew what it i was. Wa i said is brittany alive. Tany ai she said no. Sh that started the worst dave my life. It. May name is Brett Bramble and a im have atlanta georgia. Eorgia im walk, owing across america. Im doing this in honor of myf y sister. Si she started using heroin just a month or two before she died. My sister was the closesthe cst person in the world to me. The some people thought we wereght w twins. When brittany walked into a room it lit up. T li i think of my sister everyr ever day. Theres not one day that goese e by that i dont miss her. Er i started in delaware. Are. I finished on the pacificif coast in san francisco. Isco. In october or november when ir h get there. Here somewhere around 3200 miles. Mile im getting a lot of supportpo from good friends. Frien today in fact im walking with a. A. Buddy my john. Bud he lives in winchesterives iwint virginia. Virg he picked me up let me stay at his house dropped me off at off the same place and decided to walk with me today. Od since ive started this walk, everybody i talked to tells me m that im glad youre walking wai through this area because itsbi such a bad that started in the beach in delaware, through maryland, marl through d. C. , over the t mountains into virginia. This is affecting everywhere. Its affecting your neighborhood i have to worryo wr about bears, mountain lions, wolves, people, weather is a i big concern. Its going to be hot inng to kansas. Kansas. Its going to be cold in thehe rockies. Ro i just got to go. Go. A lot of people have a storyve y of people with addiction that are still living but fightingigt really hard. Har todays my 13th day and thehe people that ive met have been amazing. Ing. From friendly strangers sayingay hello to people to mothersote that have also lost somebodyomed driving two hours away to comeom pay for a hotel room. M. Ive had people that are struggling with addiction addici contact me and tell me that i ta am motivating them to stayy clean and sober. Sober i had no idea that that would happen. I had no idea i would be that i want people to know how many people are dying of drugng of du Overdose Deaths in this country. Its not just heroin. Its drug overdoses everywhere. And its its more than 130h3 people a day. Day thats a lot of families that are hurting. Its a lot of people dying. Yi i want people to know that. Ha i want to it stop. It sto i want it to reach a tipping t point. I dont know how. Do im lost. Nim lost. I dont know how. I don im just trying to walk the walk. When he forgets who i am, ill still know who he is. The first time we said i love you we didnt use words. We simply held each others hands. We still are. I lost my dad to alzheimers. Preventing alzheimers is within our grasp. Lets double the budget of nih and get it done. Im david trone and i approve this message. Is that coffee . Yea, its nespresso. I want in. Youre ready. Get ready to experience a cup above. Is that coffee . Nespresso. What else . Historic night last night in cuba. Fans of the Rolling Stones. Here are some clips of thecl rock show. Rock they played in havana. Music by the stones beatleshe and elvis were banned back in 1959 there but thoseutse restrictions have been lifted. Al the concert comes three days das after president obamas trip. T front man mick jagger jokedke that the president was a gooddeg front man clearing the way for w the stones first trip to cuba. And guns and roses is getting the band back together. The hard rock groupk confirmed its going on a reunion tour and the band will hit 21 north american citiesca this summer and, yes, d. C. Is. I on that list. Lis the band has not announced aou specific dates yet. Ificates however, the tour will reportedly feature lead singer axle rose on stage with lead guitarist flash for the first fa time since 1993. Ti we may know what may havemah caused comedian garyedian shandlings death. Dl his Spokesman Says doctors docrs believe the 66yearold divedod a heart attack. Ttac shandling had no history ofg ha heart trouble. He was taken from his l. A. Home by ambulance thursday thuda morning for an unspecifiedspecif medical emergency and thenergen pronounced dead at thed the hospital. A coroners official saysial shandling died of natural nur causes and no autopsy is planned. D. Coming up for the first up time a drone delivers a d package to a residential area. Re find out who beat amazon to the big delivery. Plus, mike thomas back, ba with another look at todaysat s weather. Stay with us. Fox5 news morning on this o this saturday will be right back. Il time now 7 28. Welcome back. Time now 7 31 as we take a live look outside along the alog tidal basin there. Tidal ba you see the beautiful cherryhe blossoms in peak bloom. Akloom enjoy this for the next, what, four to 10 days, mike, m depending on the weather. Weath. Get out there and enjoy it. Goingy going to be a decent day. You can tune into a livecan web town of georgetown cupcaketp part of the network tlc that t runs the show d. C. Cupcake. C if youre watching the cupcake p cam and take a screen shot of it andshod then post it to social media using cupcake cam and contest. The tlc will pick a winner and that person will that then get a free dozen cup cakes. Cupakes the contest ends tonight at 9 oclock. 9 o d. C. Is in full emergencyemy room. We officially reached peakeach bloom yesterday. According to the u. S. Nationaltt park service this means the mea blossoms will be at their peak r color this weekend. Lor this weed it is gorgeous. It over a Million People are expected to descend ono ded o washingtons tidal basin to visit over the next week and tourists and locals have and l already started swarming theing area to get a firsthand lookha o and today is the big familyig fm day. So, its great for the entire family. And a lot of people arelot l posting about the beautifulul blossoms. I was down there. I did thewn t same. Heres a look at some of yourour pictures. And we want to keep themto kp t coming. I cant really see what thatth says but it looks like the ladies are enjoying adi are Beautiful Day out there. Oh, thats gorgeous. Looks kind of like the filter there, right, mike, aght, little bit. B. Yeah. It looks fantastic there. Ks fana i think that might be my my picture. Picture. It might be your picture. Ght no, no, no. Everybody took the samee shot. Shot i love the sunrises and sun sets. Theyre absolutely gorgeous. Y yeah. Oh, the Washington Monument there you go. Blossoms near the Washington Monument. Ooh, yeah. A lot of similar photos that t we took out there yesterday. Teay right, well, but still,. Sll its stunning. Tunnin its worth taking the photos. Phot its breath taking. It it really s ists like a a magical feeling. Ee when they werent in peak i bloom on wednesday it wasm on still absolutely gorgeous. Ly gor the good news is they survived the winds we had over the pastt couple days and survived the rain yesterday morning. Yni today is going to beo absolutely gorgeous if yourely heading down there. Bring a jacket though this morningis mor heavier jacket. T. Later this afternoon probably ao a lighter jacket asligh temperatures get up into thees g 60s but it is chilly outll there this morning. Ng 41 degrees in washington atn this hour, 34 in gaithersburg, frederick, maryland, at theylan freezing poi dulles, manassas, culpeper 37 ce this hour, fredericksburg good morning, 42 to your and leonardtown down in Southern Maryland 43 degrees. 3 degr clouds in Southern Maryland tola start the day today. Ay t same kind of deal with the Eastern Shore and the beaches. You can see them in Central Virginia kind of breaking up. Ing a few clouds for the prettyre sunrise picture down at theown t tidal basin this morning. Morni we should see more good photoss coming in from the tidalom basin. Its going to be a gorgeous gore gay. 48 degrees, lots of sunshine s by 11 oclock. By 11 ocl by 2 oclock 56 degrees. Ees. Again, lots of sun, 59 degrees. Eges. 60 degrees about to end your tod day at about 5 oclock later lat tonight. To all right, lets talk about abot tomorrow cause some big big changes for the easterr the easr forecast. Yesterday we were going sunnyer and 68 but changes today. Es tod area of low pressure a littlee closer than it was looking loo like it would be earlier in the week and its going tong throw some clouds up in ourloudi direction for most of the dayhey tomorrow unfortunately. Tely. Last hit i told you about high h pressure kin overhead. Er. It gets far enough off shoreff to the north and to the east to that our winds turn in an i easterly direction then comely d right off the ocean and whenth that happens, not only do youdou get the clouds but you get y get Cool Temperatures and you have some pockets of drizzle here ofe and there. Not everybody will see drizzley tomorrow and it wont be anwona all day kind of washout thinghi but there will be pockets of o drizzle here and therezle tomorrow that well have tohave watch out for on easter on weekend unfortunately. Weeken so, keep that in mind for your y easter plans. Easter plans. I wouldnt cancel any outdooruto plans but just do be aware a that maybe you have to put the tent up or Something Like thatol to keep the drizzle away. Rizzle all right, your weekendeend forecast. Today very nice, 62 degrees. Deg. Cool conditions during the afternoon hours. Hours we have clouds roll in during iu the overnight hours. Rs we get some pockets ofets drizzle. Izzl tomorrow is a cooler day. D 60 degrees for your High Temperature on easter sunday. Thats we have to cut it by b 8 degrees annie. Aie. Originally we were thinking t upper 60s, lower 70s but too t many clouds, winds comingud winc right off the ocean is nevers what you want of year. All right. A but its not a washout. Ut i i dont want to sound like its doom and gloom here. M an gm its just not as sunny and bright and warm as it was a ait couple days ago. Ds the big white house easterteh egg roll is monday. M theres an issue there. Hes well talk about that nextut thx hit. Yeah, okay, cause imkay, a going to go this year. G to go ty are you going . G yes. Yes. Oh. So the weather betterther ber cooperate. Check out this dramatic video of a rough landing fort gl some passengers on a jetblue flight. This plane which took off fromff Reagan National had a landing gear malfunction as it was landing in the bahamas. Ahas pilots landed the plane using the rear landing gear. E ar l you can see sparks coming offff the plane as it skidded alongddo the runway. The r believe it or not no one was was hurt. Hurt. That is great news. That i new this morning for thew th First Time Ever a drone has successfully delivered aessful package top a residential location. Location the company flirty is behindd this historic delivery. It happened in a small nevada av town, a six rotor drone new droe about a half mile along a preprogrammed delivery ro the package included bottledde d water food and a first aid fst kit. And get out the mop the rags and some cleaning solution. Spring is here and that means many of you arere doing that t deep cleaning and weve goteani some tips from the pros next on fox5 news saturday. Ews sat well be right back. Spring is here and you knowih what that means. Wh time for a deep Spring Cleaning and we have called in l the experts this morning. Bob camp from home depotep brought along a lot of goodiesf today. Absolutely. Going to show us how to deep clean. Le i never clean at all in winter. Nt its too cold to get up and clean the house. House Spring Cleaning time what can you tell us us. Yo lets do this. Well start inside and work line our wa ay ondutside. De. Okay. Oka and one thing to keep in mind is cleaning doesnt havesnt to be just a chore. Are think of it as something somi first of all getting yourngou house clean, its in order and its also a good way to burn wao calories while youre doing whi it. Put on the headphones, do your thing. Work. Absolutely. What did you bring bob. D youn what did i bring today . Did the first thing i would likei uk to show you is the scrubbing bubbles, the color power. Cor p spray this on. Sp where are you going to gng t spray it. Im going spray it on thispr tile. Ay what does this do. The color power it goesower s on oops. Oops. It goes on blue. Itoes oh, its blue. Lu yeah. And it will dry and as it cleans, it turns white so you yu just leave it on. T o it kind of takes the guessuess work out of about how long do you have l to leave it on. It on about 30 seconds. Seconds no scrubbing involved. Bbinvol all were going do is take one k of the micro fibers rags and a just wipe it down. Wow. You can use there on your bathroom tub, you can use it use on the surround and you can y c also use that on your sinks. Okay. Thats great. G. Thats not going to burn a lot of calories. Calor the wiping down aspect willia indeed. Of course were allf coure familiar with like windex,in pledge and then that sort ofnd s thing so lets move down to d the big guys here, the big toys. Toys. Okay. This is i this is this is a beauty. We actually own two of these at home. Wood floors, if you want towantt get your wood fl this thing is wonderful. Onderf is it a steamer . A s . Its its a shark steamer, ste correct. Okay. And a sanitizer as well. W it does this evening, it has, i three functions on it. It. You can use it for just dusting your floors or you cansn use it for the mopping of your y floors or actual scrubbing s power. How does it sanitize your floor . Do you have to put y something in it. Yes. In here theres a basin. You put solution in there. Ol you put water in there andn d the water is then heated upea and transferred into steam andnd you go right across your floor. On the scrubbing motion, it actually pulsates. Psa about how much does that usually run. This is about 125, 125 and12a it will last you forever. Orever worth every penny thereen this is what i gotn what i wantr christmas. Ch first sign of getting old ild want a steamer. What do we have here. D hav this is our outdoor gear. Is t this is the stuff that makeshats me excited. Meited im a lawn and garden guy soandn this is t our top sellers and theyrey great for the home. H this is the toro ultra its a blower vac shredder. Ed if i can im going to stepan i around here real quick. Eal q yeah, sure. And with the blower, you itou blows your hard surfaces it sfa blows your leaves but it also you can attach a a vacuum to it and you canndou c vacuum up your leaves and it a comes with its the only one of its kind that actually has a metal propeller in it so as its sucking up the things that are left in your yard, yar the propeller can chew throughoh the acorns. Th wow, thats pretty neat. Rett. And it wont be destroyed. Ed. And thats calorie burning for sure. And then we also have the ryobi, the 1700 p. S. I. Pressure washer. Was this thing is a beauty. Ea its electric. You dont have to worry about wr the gas or oil. Although if you have theha the bigg p the gas powered but this willre do your siding, this will do d your driveways. D it will make are home looke brand new. And yeah, your windows, yourdowsu patio furniture, absolutely absl everything. Okay. You dont want to go that big, we have windex, the outdoor cleaner as well. It will attach directing toir your home. Awesome. Awe bob you brought a lot ofrof things. Thank you for going throughhr them so quickly. Ly. Absolutely. Thanks for your tips. S fo absolutely. Bs my pleasure. Fox5 news at 7 00. Well be right back. What happens when an allencompassing brain scan is followed up with an allembracing hug . What happens when the worlds latest Surgical Technology is combined with caring for the worlds newest mother . What happens when you match cuttingedge Clinical Trials with a gentle touch . Novant health and Uva Health System are proudly partnering to bring better care to every patient. Hey, check this out. Ey, how wild is this . Stunnings video of a stunning shelfth stuh cloud in the tampa bay aelrefa n florida. Or my goodness. My gdn the cloud rolled through theouge Sunshine State yesterday andte a at times it looked very ominous. A shelf cloud occurs along theon gust front of a thunderstorm. Wow. It is basically the leading much warmer downmer w there in tampa so its the leading edge of the that thehe thunderstorm is creating. It almost looks fake. F theyre very rare but we get them from time to timefr mainly during the summertime. G what exactly causes that toto happen. Its just usuallytjust thunderstorms, warm air,detorm storms but the storm itselfrm is creates its own cool of colderco air so the cooler air comes slamming into the warmer air, makes that roll cloud flashlo gust strength. Gu interesting. Were getting spoiled thising morning with a look at theth a o Cherry Blossoms. Erry we dont even have to go downo d there. No, this is the best way tott the crowds down at the tidal basin. But its absolutely gorgeous. Elu weve had great shots coming in all morning long. L lots of sunshine down there today and its going to be b gorgeous. Gorg even locally signs of spring. Pr a live look from our tower cam outside. Blossoms blooming on the trees. Trs. Cherry trees around town here. Currently outside grab thera jacket 41 degrees. Some clouds out there to start the day but well get into theeo sunshine here within the nextex hour or two. Hour winds still a little breezy. Ere camera is shaking a little bitib but winds will continue totinu subside as we head into those to afternoon hours. Hours here are those temperaturesho right now. Gh i mentioned grab the jackethe je and this is why. This ihy 37 at dulles. Ul lower 40s here in the city. Cit 44 for quantico, 41 for leonardtown, annapolis 42 degrees. Baltimore a chilly 39 degreesch to startil the day today. T little breezy here in townnow right now but also lighterlso lr winds off to the north and that winds here willer w subside as we head into the next few hours. Xt fou 9 miles an hour wind there in annapolis, seve satellite and radar, whatsan going on . D High Pressure inure control here in the northeast. Generally a few clouds hereuds and there but generally ahere g sunny day coming up for uss here. Thats the area were watching t next towards widget today. Get ta its going to swing south as soh we head through the day todayhet and by the time we get intogetnt tomorrow and monday it willil start to throw clouds and thenhn eventually some rain in our direction. Lets go to the futurecast here. Ill show you what you canan expect. Today lots of sunshine as we o head through the course of theos day. Tonight a few more clouds cloud coming in from the south as weha get into really the overnight o hours with the cloud cover coming back in. Ac on sunday our winds now coming n out of the east, coming off the water. The wa by 8 oclock we could haveould h showers and drizzle down tole the south and east and thenh d a that kind of just continuesd of all day. These little kind of patchyittl green spots you see onsp futurecast is just how it doesoe drizzle but it is a concerns a c and it is major change frome fro what we were calling for cng easter earlier in the week. In e weve gone from 68 degrees down to 60 for easter sundayrun with the clouds and the drizzle around. Drzle arou again that area of lowa pressure comes up theesp th coastline, were dealing with we clouds, were dealing with theat showers. Good news is by tuesday highsdah pressure builds back in, welluik get sunny although we will be b a little cool on tuesdaysday afternoon. 62 degrees your daytime hightimh for the day today. Tay lots of sunshine. Sunine. Theres your fox5 accuweather 7day forecast. Fec easter cloudy, drizzly, but, but you know, all in all not toooo bad, 60 degrees. De up to 65 on monday. On cooler on tuesday but then we tw warm right back up to the 70s 7 by the end of next week. Is it going to rain all day monday do you think . U t it looks really bad in the morning. Okay. Lots of rain around unfortunately for the easterthee egg roll. I think my tickets are at myi 4 oclock. So will i be okay by then. He it will be better althoughlto the ground will be wet. Ll b im getting my personaly rs forecast. Okay, thank you. Ay all right. Okay, yesterday was payday foray some people. Have you already burned a hole in your wallet . Why, yes, i have. Av according to a new study more se than half of working americansga boost their spendingt thei actually get a paycheck. Ay i believe it. Its mostly on things like food, drinks and a entertainment. Tertnmen so, would you agree with that . T i would id say so. Drinks entertainment t you etain need the food. Need t i think its just a natural reaction. Like you know youre gettingnow paid and i always have like my m mortgage paycheck and then my fun paycheck so with my fun f paycheck im like hello, i canl actually order something over oe 10 today. 10 theres nothing wrong with wh that. Right. All right. Maybe youre waking up make something w breakfast rightfastt about now. Good news for fans of mcdonalds breakfast. Breakfast the fast food chain isai expanding its allday breakfast menu. Starting on monday theyllon start serving the mcgriddle mri sandwiches at another 1,00000 locations across the country cot after a successful test run. Run have you ever had one. Hadne oh, yeah. O yeah. Its like a breakfast inke aa one. Its like a breakfast treat. Syrup inside the one. Ide th its got a lot of caloriest f but every once in awhile. Wh its fun to spoil yourself. Ol coming un, tomorrow is easter. What youll hear waitull until you hear how much people o are spending on this holiday. Hy the story is ahead. Head stay with us. Well be right back. Here comes peter cottontail. Experts say Easter Spending could be more than ever. St tomorrow is easter sunday. Sn and foxs Lauren Simonetti set breaks down the business take a look. Oo grass eggs candy thesandy baskets themselves. Hemsve reporter Easter Holiday has shopper hitting theit the stores. Americans could hit a record rec 17 billion in spending thisinhi year. Thats roughly 146 per person. On thinking about kids and those easter outfits as we move towards those brighter t colors and the warmer weathereah clothing for spring and summer thats really what easter whast allows an opportunity for a oppr parents to do when they doy their gift giving. T reporter lets not not forget the centerpiece of thatt basket. Basket. Its certainly hard tohard to imagine an easter basketter without that iconic chocolate co bunny. Reporter one chocolate o maker says the classics are what most people look forwardrd to. Even people that buy trendy chocolate at easter they comeate for traditional chocolate. Ho reporter according toter the a national confectionersfect association 71 percent of americans will hunt for real r or candy filled eggs. E almost two and a half billion dollars will be spent on sweets. Sweets. There are more candyre a associated with easter than any of the other holidays. Itays. Chocolate bunnies, ch eggs, jelly beans and ofns course those iconic marshmallow peeps. Most people eat the headop first, tail is number two andleo then a lot of people either ehe take little anybody bells or pop the whole thing in their mouth. Reporter peeps produces pce and sells about 2 billion withlt threequarters being aroundng a easter sunday. Da there are more than 40eha varieties of the little guyss including threeof new mysteryysy flavors sold exclusively att walmart. Walmart. Consumers have an emotional l connection with the brand. H b many grew up at easter time with their mom or dad givingom them to them. Em. Reporter heres more funmorn facts. Fa the first reference to thece easter bunny dates back to 17th century german folk lore. R. Cherry is the most popularopul jelly bean favor and one peepnde will cost you 28 calories n ca new york, im Lauren Simonetti, fox business. Ines but its worth every single l calorie. I dont like the peeps. You dont . P you no. I have to be honest growing upti i didnt like them but now iow i love them. Im addicted to reeses ree eggs. Those are good to. Those a love it. T. Reporter that does it for us here at 7 00 more ahead at 8 00 as the 8 oclock rolls on. Stick with us. Its time to get out and explore. Look beyond the expected. Hidden among the trees. Theres a special place. Where getting away. Brings us so much closer. With an allinclusive ticket. Busch gardens williamsburg. A whole other world awaits. Welcome back to fox5 newsac x morning on this saturday andday it is a gorgeous, gorgeous gor morning as we take this livehi look outside at the Cherry Blossoms along the tidal basin. Basi os looking beautiful. Ut stunning really in person. Y in oh, yeah. O yeah, good morning, im goo annie yu. Thanks for joining us. And caitlin roth is off today. To shes on vacation. Ac we wish her a very happy vacation. Meanwhile you and i get to have some qt, quality time. Li always love seeing you and i love seeing those Cherry Blossoms. Cherry blossom madness isrry out in full force here in d. C. I whats the deal . They . They usually stick around for four ff to 10 days. To0 da four to 10 days as long ass n weather conditions permit. Ons well generally speak having hav nice calm weather thiseath weekend. We were a little nervous about the winds. And what about the rain. Rain on monday could be aon m problem but if youre going youi today or tomorrow, youre allour right. Ri okay. Although tomorrow is going to be a different issutoe just in terms of getting outside out and getting through the dayought completely dry. Dry more details on your easterouea forecast which, yes, had major r changes coming up in a bit. Ominp i want to start with tempsrt w right now. If youre heading down to theow tidal basin grab a jacket,n gr j its a cool one, 41 degrees in washington, 34 in gaits gaithersburg. 30 degrees in frederick. Feels like winter time if youre waking up in frederick. I 36 for martinsburg. Artins heres your satellite and you radar. Few clouds across southerns sour maryland starting to break uprtn this morning. Is theyre really kind oflly kind o thinning out here and wellng o have lots of sunshine as wes head through the course ofof thf day today. Tay. Next system were watchingat from kansas, wichita that willhl swing south through the day tomorrow, grab some southerne su moisture and head in ourture and direction for Easter Monday m but by tomorrow, it will be it i throwing some clouds in ourclour direction so not as sunny for f sunday as it was looking was l earlier in the week. Earlr in well have more details on your easter forecast in just a bit. Cherry blossom forecast thoughls for the day, this is steve Steve Cheneveys photo, absolutely gorgeous. Rg 48 agrees by 11 00 a. M. , 2 00 p. M. , 56 degrees. 5 oclock, 59 degrees. 9 de well do 60 probably betweenet two and 5 oclock in the oclo afternoon so that will beill prime time for getting downime t there and enjoying the cherryg blossoms. More details on that easterls o forecast. As i mentioned changes coming cm your way in just a bit. T a b all right, annie, back to you. Well, developing overnight Fairfax County police aree are investigating a homicide thisom morning. Police say around 8 oclock a last night they foundro a man suffering from apparent staben wounds in the 5100 block of celtic drive in along. 29yearold William Martins mar palmer was taken to theaken hospital where he later died. W no word on a suspect orhe motivt at this point and police aske if you have any information tona give them a call. L. Now to the brusselsel attack. Ck prosecutors confirm one of theie suicide bombers found dead at da the Brussels Airport is najim laachroui. Laac hes the suspected bomb maker in novembers terror attacks in paris. Police in brussels conducteds raids looking for accomplicesccc from tuesdays attack. A greg palkett has the late e. Reporter a brussels bssels neighborhood sealed off byhbor dozens of police. Zens of lice explosions heard shots fired, fr three terror suspects arrested r in various locations. The the locals were rattled. Boom, boom, tw one big shot one shott regular shot that you cant th heard like if you military, mitr but the second shot was sniperpr shot. Reporter this clashsh linked to a raid outside ofd paris. Pa police there said they brokere h up another terror plot againstli france. This as the investigation into tuesdays attacks here continues. Two fugitives are being soughts directly involved in the bombings at a metro stationta and the airport. As two americans were we confirmed among the more than t 30 dead. Several are still missing. Ll mig 12 americans were injured. Including mason wells a mormon o missionary from utah caught up t in the airport bombings. Bombi i remember seeing, you rber know, fire in front of my facey and also kind of fire down by b my feet on the ground and we and were really close. Clo i feel lucky to have escaped eap with what i did. Reporter in brussels,orte in secretary of state kerry paying his respects meetingespem with belgian and European Union officials offerings oer assistan we pressed him on whether theere Obama Administrations slow and steady approach to dealingeg with isis was now enough. No dont we need to pick up our pace . Doesnt the united doesn states es well, we are picking up ourcu pace i mean, the president hasdt put special forces on the fces e ground in syria. S we are more engaged with more wm people doing more things thanngt we ever were before. Bef reporter secretary kerryryer claimed to me that an increasene in isisbacked attacks onn civilians is a result of added a u. S. Pressure on isis on the is mideast battlefield. Attlefield. Little consolation for folksonso close to home feeling caught in the crossfire. Ssfire in brussels, greg palkett, fox news. News. Meanwhile belgian officialshe say the suspect in the november 13th terroristmber attacks have stoppedattacks ha cooperating with police. Ole. Salah abdeslam was arrested arr last week and yesterday duringrd questioning he stoppedong he s answering any questions. Questi. France is now seeking hishis extradition and at first his lawyers fought that but th minds. Meanwhile singer mariahingea carey canceled her sunday concert in brussels due to her h bombing attacks. Attac she says i love my fans inn brussels but at this time imthe being advised to cancel the cce show for the safety of my m fans, band crew and everyone ery involved with the tour. Lved back here at home metros m top security or safety set officer is stepping down. Louis brown jr. Submitted his resignation yesterday. Brown has been in the role foren six months now following the departure of James Doherty in i september. Pt browns last day will be april 62 twenty twond. T dan cecil says in inter int interviews with prospectiveroec candidates have been set up he n for next week. K. Metro service back tose normal after a fire shut downutd parts of the orange and silvernl lines yesterday. Erd the tunnel fire sent smoke into the clarendon metrolarero station which had to be evacuated. Evacuate firefighters quickly put ittersy out. Metro says this was not anot electrical fire. Electric they say debris was to blame. Ola this comes a little more thanme a week afters safety concernsy closed the entire system for ara day. Y. Some riders concerned. Were heading to the Washington Mall and we werewe w going to take metro. Unfortunately metro is down soso probably just take an uber or o lyft. Very disconcerting all ofng l the delays, problems withs wit tracks and most recently of course the fires. Fir this comes as metros m acting chief safety officeretyic handed in his resignationesigna yesterday, too. Again, lieu brown is steppingbre down. Metro has not yet announced a a permanent replacement. Epce and metrobus riders willil notice big changes this week. W about 60 routes are affected. Re the changes will take placece tomorrow and some routes will be eliminated, others will be added or altered. Lter changes are part of metros o m Better Bus Initiative intendeden to increase service in somerv sm places and expand hours of operation. The changes are affect serviceef in d. C. , maryland andin d virginia. Ia passengers should check out the metros second site foreconf the latest information. E to virginia where a georgelg place son university officialsvy there ar oe investigating to separate sexual assaultra reports that may have occurredte on or ner one female student says she was raped on march 17th by a male student she knows. No george place son says thatt incident occurred neither a Student Residence hall or inrese an off campus apartment. Apartm. The University Says the womantye may have ingested an unidentified drug. Dru another female student reportdt that she was raped at a campusts Residence Hall on monday by ahab man she met through a dating app. Ap and trump cruz and the and wives. The campaign turning ugly as ugl trump is accused of spreadingeag false rumors. More on that coming up. Time right now 8 07. The bigger the burrito, the bigger the fun. Dunkins new grandde burrito a breakfast burrito packed with big southwest flavor. Go grande with veggie or sausage today. America runs on dunkin. There are three democratic ae contests we have our eye os os and in Washington State hawaiihg and alaska. Hang this morning were takingsn a deeper dive into thent political gutter. The scrum between donald trumpme and ted cruz descended into territory virtually unchartednc in a republican primaryublin p campaign. Ai a supermarket tabloid. Foxs carl cameron has the t story. St reporter campaign r information wisconsin ted cruzeu accused Donald Trumpsld campaign of planting a false story in this weeks national nl end inquirer alleging cruz has had tracks marital affairs. Acks this story is garbage. Gar it is complete and utter lie. Ur it is a tabloid smear. And it is a sneer that has can t come from donald trump and his henchman. Reporter cruz rorte specifically point to doo veteran gop operative roger stone for emailing thee article around the country to cu prominent republicans and reporters and separately notedae trumps friendship with a wit tabloid ceo. C david pecker is goodavid friends with donald trump. In n fact the National Inquirer hasn endorsed donald trump. Do reporter the spat beganhe s when trump threatened to t attack cruzs wife after a super pac used a feet of trumps wife melania in ann attack ad. He came close to supporting supt trump should he win the gop gop nomination. I dont make a habit of outha of supporting people whoe attack my wife and attack my family. Mi and donald trump is not goingrug to be the republican nominee. Omn this man would be an embarrassment as president. De we dont want a president whoeso seems to have a real issueal i with strong women. He doesnt do well with strongon women. Strong women threaten him. Te reporter trump issued arump statement saying among other things he has no idea if thea if article is true or not but i had absolutely nothing t with it. I ted cruzs problem with the National Inquirer is his and his alone. Ne. Cruz says trump is resortingesor to sleaze because he doesntaze understand the issues and has t no otherhe option. Trump is scared. S it aint complicated. Donald has a real problem. He doesnt know what hessnt talking about. Reporter cruz is making a push forr wisconsin is that near to winning the endorsement of scott walker. T of hes trying to contrast hisis policy chops to trumps lackhomp of them with new issue ads a aimed at softening his own image. Ime. As washington pads wallads streets pots hard workinghard w americans get left behind. Get lb my tax plan will change that. Get the ted cruz plan ends the irs replaced by a simple fair 10 percent flat tax. All right. R time for the cutenessen factor of the day. Of thay yay you mean its not you. No. We have someone cuter. Cut who do we have today. E t much cuter today. Its time for our fox5 first fox five and meet little madison. Is. Way cuter than me. Way cuter. Sorry, mike. Mik youll find no argument. Superstar. She will be turning fiveil years old onl monday so verydao happy early birthday. Thda a huge milestone madison. Congrats. Ra her mom says she has been s watching fox5 ever since sher ss was just a little baby. Ittle b my goodness. We love to hear that. Fox5er for life right there. For your childs chance to beilc our next fox5 first five justivj post their picture right rig underneath madisons over onisor our facebook page. Face she really does look like akk little model in that photo. I love that smile. S smiles are so addictive. Gorgeous. Gorgeous. Wonderful madison. Happy birthday madison ormado happy early birthday. Ir time to take a live looke loo outside at the cherry the blossoms. Pretty, pretty. P absolutely gorgeous. Y g its beautiful out there. Its today is your day. Day iy if you havent seen them yet, we have some issues withssue w tomorrow. Rr we have some issues with wh monday so today is the day to its family day down there asr well so bring the kids and getsg down there and see them while tw theyre out in peak bloom. Its going to be an absolutelyob gorgeous day today. Rgeo beautiful shot by the way. Sh bye all right. Rht 41 degrees your current number here in d. C. So if youre y heading down there early this morning definitely going tode want maybe the sweatshirt orfior the heavier jacket. Acke by this afternoon sun comesafte out, we get into the low 60s 6 so not bad. B maybe still light jacket light weather. Good news is the winds wontews be as gusty as they were they past two days. 32 this morning in pittsburgh. 37 in column bulls. 28 very chilly weather this morning in binghamton, new york and you see we kind of have a norther ily wind ilouhere were going to keep the coolerth air around. Ad. No 70s today. Today not like the warm air we had a to end the work week. W satellite and radar here generally showing clearing skies. We had some clouds to startom the day e but were starting ton clear things out this morning here in washington. Hing and a lot of sunshine cominge c our way for the afternoon hours. Hour again High Pressure inin control. Control. Northeasterly wind will filterwt in the cooler air but thingsr a will stay sunny just about all afternoon long. Ternoon lon as we head through the dayhrough today, maybe some through from time to time bute again more sunshine than cloud cover. Cool air, 60s for high h temperatures. Te generally speaking a very niceen day. Heres your highs for thisr afternoon. 62 here in washington. Washing 63 for manassas. S. 65 degrees, so a little mild down there towardsds fredericksburg. 62 for quantico, 71 in frederick. 60 for hagerstown. Herstown. How about easter . We do havest some changes to talk about. K that same area of high o pressure thats responsiblere t for all of our gorgeous ggeou sunshine today and keeping andee temperatures in the low 60s 6 looks a little farther to the east tomorrow. When that happens, we get winds right off thet ocean. O thats not a good thing sod in some major changes to our t easter forecast. Its not a washout but youllas want to stick aroundho for it. Ill have full details coming cn up on your easter forecast in . I a couple minutes. Minutes. Annie back to you. Annie back too thank you mike. Vermont officials sentvermof hundreds of bottled water over o tof the town of palmermer yesterday after authorities auto confirm slightly elevated eva levels of a potentiallyally dangerous chemical has shown s up in the water there. The we reporter it was a big delivery for the smallry fhe community. A truck filled with 336 casesh c of clean, bottled water itt slowly made its way into the rescue squad in ponel. P the way theyve gone about ga it has been very quick. Ve reporter and withinter a wt minutes lisa was the firsthe person to walk away with twoit cases after getting news last night to stop drinking thein water. Wate wow. Ive been drinking it for 30 something years. What is the long term effect. E reporter environmental technician vincent k ride. An erno was on site to help answer any questions. He says anyonere who is is concerned about pfoa levels in ponel could pick up the water. T we had to limit to it two cases so it doesnt get abused u and theres plenty fornty everybody. Reporter lisa knew itteis was a matter of time beforee b they had pfoa problems. Robl because we knew the planter r was right there. Reporter the plant shes talking about could be theaboute possible source of the owned by mac molding. Molding my first question i wonder in still, i can walk to macko , molding planter. Reporter and as a newor routine starts ofte picking up bottled water lisa wonders howos long this will last. L my main concern is justt getting it fixed as quickly as they can. Can mammograms could do moreamul than just detect breast cancer. Cancer. Coming up well tell you howllou it is helping to predict other health issues. Discover every way to easter at target. Get a 10 target gift card when you spend 50 on groceries. See store for coupon. And i knew something was kne wrong i called my mom. I i just knew. I knew what it was. I said is brittany alive . She said no. That started the worst day of my life. My name is Brett Bramble and im from atlanta georgia. Im walking across america. Im doing this in honor of my sister brittany. She died of an overdose in march of 2014. She started using heroin just a month or two before she died. My sister was the closest irson in the world to me. Ewhetc somein twaworl people thought we twins. When brittany walked into a room it lit up. Y room i i think of mliy sister everyvery day. Theres not one day that goeshag by that i don m i started in delaware. Delar i finish on the pacific coastoa in san francisco. Ncis in october or november when ien get there. Ge somewhere around 3200 miles. 0mi im getting a lot of support spt from good friends. Goo today in fact im walkingac with a good buddy of mine john h and he lives in winchester liv virginia. He picked me up let me stay at y his house dropped me off at a the same place and evencend decided to walk with me today. Od since ive started this walk wal everybody i talked to tells me l that im glad youre walking wal through this area because itseu such a bad area. A that started in the beach in delaware, through maryland, marn through d. C. , over ther mountains, into virginia. Irni this is affecting everywhere. Ryr its affecting your neighborhood. I have to worry about bears,ea mountain lions, wolves, people. Le. Weather is a big concern. A big its going to be hot in kansas, cold in the rockies. Roc i just got a lot of people have a story of people with addiction thattia are still living but fighting really hard. Todays my 13th day and the the people that ive met have been amazing. Amazg. From friendly strangers saying y hello to people to mothers that have also lost somebody sy driving two hours away to comeso pay for a hotel room. Ive had people that are struggling with addiction addic contact me and tell me that il t am motivating them to staymo clean and sober. S i had no idea that that would happen. Ha i had no idea i would be that impact on somebody. Somebod i want people to know how many m people are dying of drug d Overdose Deaths in thiser country. Its not just heroin. N. Its drug overdoses everywhere. And its its more than 130 people a day. Thats a lot of families thatth are hurting. Thats a lot of people dying. I want people to know. Now. That i want it to stop. T it s i want it to reach a tipping aip point. Poin i dont know how. I nt kn im lost. Im lost. I dont know how. Knowow im just trying to walk the walk. Easter is tomorrow and manyom have already bought theirgh easter baskets and outfits but how much money do peopleey do oe actually spend during thisurin t holiday . I think youll bethine surprised. Were going to crunch thoseun number coming un. Mberin plus mike thomas back with h another look at todaysts weather. Hes taking a live look at theot Cherry Blossoms there alongtherg the tidal basin. B already its getting crowded. Festivities are kicking off kki today as well. Stay with us. Fox5 news Morning Saturday will be right back. Kathleen matthews if we want to be heard, we need women in congress. It was the women who forced republicans to include Womens Health and contraceptive coverage in the Affordable Care act. In congress, ill fight for pay equity, family leave and tougher gun safety laws. Ist, ill work combat climate change. I know as a journalist and as a Senior Executive in business that when women are at the table, we get things done. Im Kathleen Mathews and i approve this message. Welcome back. Time now 8 29 as we take a live look outside. Utside. That is a live look at the Washington Monument as well as the Cherry Blossoms. Ssom they are in peak bloom along the advertisement looks like aen sea of pink and white outink d h there at this point and itinand should stick around forun several days for you to enjoynj and of course the festivitiestii kicking off as well. Meanwhile for the firstile time ever a drone has successfully delivered aer package to a residential location. The company flirty is behind the historic delivery and it i happened in a small nevada town. A six rotor drone new about a d half mile alongro a preprogrammed delivery routemed and the package includedlude bottled water, food and a first aid kit. T ai amazon will open a new Fulfillment Center near kansasaa city, kansas. A Company Spokesperson saysn sa the new facility will create nearly 1,000 fulltime jobsme jb and the company uses itss it fulfillment warehouses for its ownes f its inventory as well as for third party merchants. Kansas governor sam brownbackno is calling the announcementen good for kansas. Here comes peter cottontail. Tton. Experts say Easter Spendingsay n could be more than ever. Gore tomorrow is easter sundayw is and foxs Lauren Simonetti simot breaks down the business of easter. Ea take a look. Look. Everything from grass to t eggs to candy to the baskets bas themselves. Reporter the easterr holiday has shoppers hitting t g the stores. Store the National Retail federationeo says americans could hit a record 17 billion in spendingil this year. Li thats roughly 146 per person. Person. Thinking about kids anding those easter outfits as weer ofs move towards those brighter colors and the warmer weatherear clothing for spring and summerie thats really what easterasr allows an opportunity forop parents to do when they doo their gift giving. Gift givin reporter lets not forget the centerpiece of that basket, its certainly. Hard to imagine a easteraste basket without that iconic chocolate bunny. Reporter one chocolater maker says the classics areic a what most people look forward fr to. To even people that buy trendy d clock late the rest of the year at easter 33 come foreasteo very traditional chocolate. Choe reporter there are morere m sweets to be had according to hd the national confectionersctiors association 71 percent of americans will hunt for real foa or candy filled eggs. Dy f two and a half billion dollars will be spent on sweets. Sweet there are more candyore Candy Associated with easter thaneastt any other holiday clock late lat bunnies, chocolate eggs, jelly beans and of course those iconic marshmallow peeps. Pee moat people eat the head firms, tale is number two. Reporter peeps producesdu and sells about 2 billion 2 bil chicks per year with abouter y threequarters of that beingf i around easter sunday. Nd e as of this year there are moreoe than 40 varieties of theva little guys including whori neww mystery flavors soldflavorsold exclusively at walmart. Alm consumers have such ansu emotional can connection withioh the brand. Many grew up at easter time with their mom or dad giving or it to them. The reporter heres more fun fact. Ct the first reference to the to te easter bunny dates back to 17. Century german folk lore. Cherry is the most popularul jelly bean favor and one peepndp costs you 28 calories. U 28 calo. In new york Lauren Simonetti sei fox business. Mike and i are ready fordy fr easter. St were also ready for the Cherry Blossoms. Bssom Cherry Blossoms. Om how beautiful. Bea theyre so beautiful. Re sbeau theyre beautiful here as wel hw take this live look. Loo imagine what its like beingng there surrounded by stunningin trees. I was there earlier thisre e week. It was beautiful. Little more purple to the aspurple t trees earliero the before peep e bloom. They turn more kind of a pingish whitish once they hit h peak emergency room. Ak emergency you said you were going. You i was there yesterday andeste plenty of people were out and od about as early as 5 00 a. M. A. M if youre going to go t g definitely go today or o tomorrow because the weatherecau is not going to cooperate. Ooper. Tomorrow is a littlerow drizzly. Well talk about the easter forecast. Today is the day to go. Uthe day o g theres people out there. E there are people out there pl already. Re i saw people taking selfies s and standing in the branches. Bc you cant touch them so dontuc pick at them but you canou certainly stand underneath andnh take photos and this is thi i surrounding you. I totally accidentally touched one on wednesday and ind was like oh,g if the National Parklar service is watching,. Ching, take me away. Away. Yeah, because these treesecae are over a hundred years old. Od right. And theyve been able tove b maintain the beautifulnessutifus because of the National Parkk service and the cooperation from the public by not fussingus with them. And the National Park service does a great job. At job oh, yeah. Theyre the only reason orea were able to see them asm a beautiful as they are everyhey e year. And it symbolizes symli friendship so with that i i leave you. Y friendship going away ashiin well. All right. Al lets take a look outside. Osi if youre heading down to then o Cherry Blossoms, little chillyil out this morning. Ouis 39 degrees in manassas, 43 for r quantico. Tico. Here in the district dtr 41 degrees down at the tidal dow basin so youre going to want ta the jacket as you headea downtown early this morning. By the afternoon still still probably the light jacket. Ke its kind of upper 50s, lower 60s for High Temperaturesig today. H good news is lots of sunshine. Uh clouds now clearing the regioneo and sun is already out at theut tidal basin and lots of bluets u skies. You just saw it in the livehe l shot out there. He so it will be a gorgeous day d sunshinewise. Su things change tomorrow. Esea of low pressure willngpr swing down to our south. O ouut as it do close enough tomorrow that itom will throw some clouds in ourur direction. In addition an area of high are pressure thats going to keepto us sunny today scoots off toff o the east tomorrow. Tom that brings in an easterlyn easy wind and that comes right offt the ocean. Co that means Cool Temperatures and the potential for drizzle. R. Big changes to your easterst forecast from what we werem wh calling for earlier this weeks w h to drop the high by b 8 degrees from yesterday. Esrday down to just 60 degrees for a High Temperature easter sundayte with areas of drizzle in o there. Today the nicer day of course. S sunny with temperatures in the e 60s. 60 we will have much more detailsei on when the next warmup is warms coming in just a few minutes. Mt all right, annie, back over to o you. You. Thank you, thank you. You many people are on spring break which means so long work clothes and hello vacationacatio style. Can coming up well show youow u some items that you definitelyey want to take with you onn vacation so you can maintainai that fashion. Well be right back. Discover every way to easter at target. When you spend 50 on groceries. See store for coupon. Welcome back. Well, many people aremany replacing their work clothes for vacation clothes as theyotht head to spring break but what ba are some National Styles youstyl can wear while enjoying youringu time off. Ti joining us now to help us out is fashion stylist kerry henderson. Hello. I love all the colors. L the of course i love the colors ther you brought in and i know youre going run through theough must haves. Must hav right. The thing about vacation isatio thats the time to stepp outside of your comfort zoneort and experiment with colors and d prints. Today im going to walk throughgo some accessories. Es. Your wardrobe. Ur lets start with the w accessories. First this is a Henry Ben Dell convertible pack back itsre a three in one. Pa wear it onthre your wrist like l this if you want to go ando walk around but if usual goingug on a tour of the a city like when we went to puerto rico or if you want to go hiking or go somewhere where nice, you can c make this a cross body likeik this if you want to walkal around in the city or acrosss your chest or you can make itr n a backpack. Bkp this is really neat whatlly a youre doing right now. Ow yeah. I notice the backpack isthe definitely making a come back. A. Remember back in the 90s when s we had we had yes, everyone had ah backpack. I had one, my sister hadisr one and we thought we wereught w cool and then they kind of then went away and it was liket lik youre not rocking a backpack bp are you. Are you. So then its a backpack. Bkp you can put it like this on i your back and youre good togoot go. Vacation with bags you want toon be hands free because youllree be out and about and doing a doi different things. Thats the easy way to dohe eas that. That it is a good size bag. Si it is a good size bag. Instead of doing black you cancu do a bright color especiallyspel if youre going somewhere tropical. Tropic this color is available and onnd sale online. Ine. So im going jump to theum sunglasses. These are from urban sweetheart. Com. Ee we always wear sunglasses butase instead of the traditional trati black you can go with a bold color blue or a mirrored sun glass aviator style. Or thats so funny these are fun. Are those are fun too there. Tre. Theyre all under 20. Nder i would never think to get Something Like this kerry. Er. Thats why you help us get us g outside the box. These are fun. These e f the thing about sunglasses s you dont have to spend a lotndl of money on sunglasses. Unas especially yes inn youre ony a mom because i end up losingosg it sitting on it or eva breaksrk it. It. Thats a great location urban sweetheart. Com orr forever 21 you can get them t under 10 bucks. B i love that. E tha these. These are beautiful. Eautiful. This is a love courtneyy clutch right here want i love about her bags is that theyrete big enough you can put yourgh yt wallet in. We always have to as women wom take out our id and creditredi cards and we cant takean tak everything. This bag is big enough to fitout in there and this is an aldo clutch. Say you wear a black dress you can use your clutches totches to elevate your outfit. Ofit. Fun patterns. Patterns. Youre helping me to see thate s patterns are good. Oo patterns are great. Are gre when you when it can comes tohe sneakers were in the habitsbits of wearing our gym sneaks out but i like to call these fashiony fashionable sneakers. E. These are sneakers youre not se going to wear to the gym buthe b what a lot of people have beenpe doing this year is wearingea them with dresses and skirts. Drs instead of your traditional you shorts and tshirts r you may take these printed nikes or snows perry slip on sneakersn se youll put them on with ait linen dress and thats me on vacation. Look at you. Loo i wore sneakers with ah denim dress in puerto rico. Esint you look super cute. Cut i think thats right its liketl a fun casual look super cuteer c and you can wear a sexy dress. Re it dresses it down a little bit. Bi all these sneakers are these available at i nordstroms. Ords. Youll want to wear athletic gear so again youre yu stepping outside your comfortr t zone and youll wear a pattern athletic gear or prints andris colors and bold colors andd stand out cause youre onoue o vacation its tropical, its warm. Warm. Thwart. We want to add color manycoln threats tease are fro. These ares the busier the print it print kind of hides that things. Hi if youre smaller patternsate are great because it makes you look like you have curves. You h. Its good for everybody. Then here we have pat at ive never owned a hat like owne this i have to be honest. On the model is wearing it. Weang i the model is wearing it. Odel a straw hat hats like these fedoras in the wintertime in a wool version are popular. Populr transitioning to the summerheum youll look for the straw str version instead and theyrehey great to block the sun if youre laying on the beach youi can wear them with yourour bathing suit or beach coveruph r wear them with a dress while out. Its a great addition orreat alternative to sunglasses ifse you dont want to do both. O bot this will keep the sun out and stylish. Traditional flats and theseon fun guys rightal here. H you have to be brave to rock r these. You do but theyre alsot thea great because you dont we always wear traditional blackal sandals or rubber sandals thatat you can get from the store but e well elevate it a little bit. These are gladiator sandals. Dal. They zip in the back so you bk dont have to worry aboutorry at lacing them up on your on. Up on are these comfortable. Frtab very comfortable, yes. Theyre soft. re soft. These remind me of Something Like kim k wouldould wear. We. Yes. Very fashion forward. Fash and they are great, too e because they kind of elevate the traditional elevate a simple. You can wear them with jeanith a shorts a skirt, wear them way dress but the apparel doesnt de have to be crazy because the sandals speak for themselves. Ve thank you so much. M thanks for having me. Ving you can get more inspiredet on our web site at kerry henderson. Com. Thank you. Tha coming up bat plan versuser superman dawn of justice hastice hit theaters and our kevin kin mccarthy sat down with onen wit of the stars and can coming upiu he dishes on how some of theome action made it to the big maditt screen. Sc time now 8 43. 8 4 well be right back. Is that coffee . Yea, its nespresso. I want in. Youre ready. Get ready to experience a cup above. Is that coffee . Nespresso. What else . Welcome back. Elco bac time now 8 45. Were taking a live look outside and it is a beautiful,a, beautiful morning. Few days but mike has a very a r good forecast for us actually. Ut yeah, not bad for saturdayorr but youre right, its definitely chillier out thisly morning than the past several ct mornings. Youll want the jacket, youll y want the sweatshirt if youre heading down to see the see closures which are gorgeous wou blooming beautifully. We have been so spoiled s this morning. Yes, we have. You need a jacket j especially with we saw the s the trees swaying in the breeze. Little bit of a breeze thist morning. It will get better as we got tt through the day. Th good, okay. Improving conditions today. Vg tomorrow a different story. Dify lets get right to it. Right to and you know, im going startis with my own live picture picture outside here as we starter toer walk over to the wall. [laughter] in just a minute. M there we go. Theres a live look look outside. Outs yeah, lots of sunshine comingom our way really all day today. D. We had a little bit of cloud a l cover early this morning. It finally is kind of broken and were getting into gg the sunshine this afternoon. Nshi heres your live shot right r out trees blooming besides the Cherry Blossoms driving myry b allergies absolutely crazy butsu it looks beautiful outside soo extra dose of the allergythe alr medication today. Tion t 41 degrees your current temperature downtown days. Winds are again a littleagain lt breezy to start the day hereay but as we go through the t afternoon theyll get lighterig and lighter. Much better day windwise thania we had both on thursday andrsdad friday. Satellite and radar showsit those clouds froe m earlier ear today starting to push offerh to the east here o so lots ofs f sunshine coming your waygour way today. You are heading down to the Cherry Blossoms and this isoms Steve Chenevey photo he waso there on thursday afternoon. 11 oclock today 48 degrees,8 de 56 by 2 00 p. M. By 5 oclock, 5k 59 so maybe kind of lightht jacket weather especially nearsl the water down there at then t tidal basin but sunshinewiseshn very nice. Should be a gorgeous day toa rgo head down. Ad d heres your futurecast. Our fuec change is on the way. S onhe again lots of sun today, tod clouds start to increase tonight. Ni tomorrow winds shift out ofhi the east and that brings inng i cooler air and the potentialen for drizzle. Drizzle easter does not look as nice doe as we were thinking earlier in i the week unfortunately. Te little dots of green is how futurecast does drizzle byst dsd 3 oclock tomorrow afternoon. Fto quick look at that fox5 sevenox day accuweather forecast. For 62 today, 60 tomorrow. Omor monday best chance of rain all week, 65 degrees. , 6 we get into next week, we get wt sunshine back and we warm itar back into the 70s by the time t we get to the end of the week. All right, thats a look atts t your weather. Annie, over to you. All right, time now for our, facebook fan of the day and this morning everybody meetrydym debra bacon. She says she loves waking up s to fox5 duhering the week. Nghe e she says were like family to her. Thats so sweet debra. Eb thank you so much for watching. Wa we really appreciate that. T to be our next facebook fan ofeo the day post yourself fee picelf right underneath debras. Well, history was madery wasd earlier this week when wk w president obama became theecam first sitting president inde i nearly 90 years to visit cubauba and last flight anothert ano historic moment took place. The Rolling Stones performedin in havana before tens ofanfo thousands of people the rock groups first tripst ever to the country. Ou band leader mick jagger salesags the stones have wait add veryesh long time for this moment. Mom time changes everything and a so were grateful to be here be and im sure its going to be a great show. It was considered illegalwas to listen to rock and roll music under fidel castro regime so the concert was ancera major break through and eventhro better, the concert was concert completely free. Jagger credits president obamare for helping open the door todig cuba and the hope is this mayhi pave the way for other british b and american rock bands to ban perform in the island nation. N and its one of the mostitne anticipated movies of theov year, batman versus superman, s, dawn of justice hit theatersf j yesterday and our very own very Kevin Mccarthy gave it a big a thumbs up. Umbs he also sat down with batman himself ben affleck. F ben af take a look. When you say the lines tell me, do you bleed, you will,. Wil tell me. Do you bleed . You will. W how do you say i do you say the it in your iin y normal voice and then theyal voi digitally render it. Ta yeah, the performance ish,er done like because the idea behind this bat plan is hess h this public face bruce wayne billionaire philanthropistna well known we can think of o other well known billionaireaire that ithat people recognize. So, what we do is i performeds r it and then we could fool withlh it using the computers laterom to make it adjusted. Dj obviously you look at thely o adam west batman. Bat totally different from what d you have here. Still holds onto some of in o value but its a lot darker obviously. Ou if you could see those two batmans talk, obviouslybviously different generations, different time frames what do f you think they would talkin k about. I dont know. I watched the adam west batmest plans a fair bit because my m son is real into him and he likes watching him. Li ive been watching a lot oft these episodes. They did a full length movieh and i watched that recently rec and they talk about, its very, i different eras but there isuthee something that still remainsemas the same about this character. A since its inception in the ition 30s, this idea of a guy whos has this secret identity thatnt he fights crime at night and,att you know, nobody knows aboutbo it and he takes on the burdens b of the city, that like allure, a you know, seems to have endured. The scene that geeked me tha out the most was the warehouse u scene and you come up throughup the Ground Fighting those tho guys. When you throw that guys you face. There was amazing. Wmazi how did that work. T that guy is just like i mean, it wasnt into a board but it was like he got throwne r down you know what i mean. Y kn those guys just i tip my tip hat. Movies get made because a lot be of stunt guys work really hard r and like will take some hitsom and sometimes theres no waymem to fake it. To fe i you just get knocked downetcked really hard especially if youre the stunt guy anduy a theres some guys who reallyuysl took some big shots to make ito look cool, you know, and we looks g all right, comingks a up if youre feelillng a littlel crabby we got something that wen will make your taste buds swoon. Sw were whipping up some crab se b cakes in the lost here and thehe chef from capitol hill crab hl c cakes is going to show us sw us thousand make the perfect ones. Cant wait. Stay with us. The bigger the burrito, the bigger the fun. Dunkins new grandde burrito a breakfast burrito packed with big southwest flavor. Go grande with veggie or sausage today. America runs on dunkin. Welcome back. Of course, okay, so maryland is obviously known for itsno for crab cakes but theres a spot in d. C. Thats making a nameatak for itself in the world ofor surf and turf. Here to talk about his restaurant in the het anacostia is chef davis owners n of capitol hill crab cakes. Welcome to the loft kitchen. Kin hello. First of all i like your like y style. Thank you. Also i saw as you weresa youe putting the paprika in you y dont just sprinkle it in, you i kind of yes. The key with everything is have a little bit of style with it. Wi its all about abo exact. Ct. Okay. So, you didnt bring crabng cakes today but youre making some shrimp. Shrp. Its a shrimp and crab s macaroni and cheese and ihe wanted to make somethingke somei pretty quick so we could be in c and out. Im going make it look real lk easy so the people at home areoa like i never make macaroni and c cheese that fast. F what are we doing. D we have butter paprika a little bit of old bay. Tt bit were going to do a little bit b of cream. Ofream. Lots of butter. Yeah, lots. S. We saw you put in theyot in butter. Bu lots of butter. Lo well, i guess i got give my cool a pub. I went to the cuisine. Ine. They love the it. T full fat butter. Youll let that get happyle and marinate and cook. K. And cook. K. Once the shrimp is pretty much cooked ill drop my cheese. Its so easy. Eay. Ill drop my cheese, sauce it si and then were eating in nog time. While thats cooking tellskis a little bit about yourself. Bit are you from d. C. Aru fr im from d. C. , born and raised. I think were like tianjine tia asians in d. C. Right aboutd. C. It now. Wow. So, from capitol hill. O,rom went to all capitol hill school. School. Hence why were call capitol hill crab cakes and were in anacostia. An we get a lot of grief fromgriefm that. Its just the story. S its where im from. Re im fro i started cooking at beekingt smiths in about 2002. Ut 2 i worked for a lot of top a lotf people. I helped open up bens next door. Do just a lot of good a of restaurants. Restaurants. Youve always had yourve career based in d. C. Yes. So family, your career andnd now your very own restaurant. Uhhuh. What is it about theha nations capitol thatt makes m you stay . You get from your y its definitely itsy s definitely the love. Finite the its always the love. S its definitely the love thaty i get from my friends, my family. Family i have a nice background ohio,ro too. I actually finished high school in ohio, so i know lost people there. The tell us a little bit abouts your location. Where exactly can can folks go to find you. We area at 1243 good hopedop road right next to the art center and directly next to the ace Cash Checking place. Pla as far as landmarks somedmks s people would know it as a were like right around the corner from the big claire. Ig c. We only have a few secondse c here but this is going tong t complete cooking and then. Ng ant yes. What do you do after that. Af. Just add pasta. Asta you drop your pasta. Ur pasta there you go. The you it smells delicious. Smells dc you drop your pasta, you drop your crab and its literally game over. Game ov that was so easy chef. As so c we cant wait to taste it. As so, with that note, we say we sy goodbye. Goode. Were thank you for joining us this morning. Whew let it sizzle. Well right no. See you tomorrow. Happy easter. rock music [philippe] in this episode, were going to the Saint Lawrence river in the dead of winter. Another kind of ice we have specifically here in quebec area, is what we call brash. [philippe] you wont believe what we find in this creek. Whoa, that was in here . Our rivers and lakes are a major source of fresh water and recreation. So were moving from Lake Michigan into the canal itself. Join me philippe cousteau, as we explore some of the worlds most exciting waterways, on xploration awesome planet. The great lakes, located in both canada and the united states, are a product of the last ice age. Carved out by receding glaciers, they are truly one of the great natural wonders of our world

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