Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 Morning News 6 20170504 : compar

Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 Morning News 6 20170504

annie. >> reporter: hey, good morning to you allison and steve. that's right, after a nearly week long search it finally ended late last night. this morning we are told that 28-year-old david watson is in custody with howard county police and it was all thanks to a crucial tip that police received wednesday morning that led to the arrest. if you look behind me the clifton t. perkins psychiatric hospital is located in an area that's filled with industrial buildings, thick forest and the local worker who called 911 after seeing a man who he believed to be watson was spotted not far from here. this is where he escaped from police custody last friday but the caller reported seeing him running not far from here near railroad tracks and after an all day search, watson was finally found hiding near the hospital in a wooded area off of dorsey run road just a few hundred yards from where the tipster spotted him. we have learned that where watson was found was in an area that police and k-9 units and the fbi had previously checked. but around 9:40 the howard county police tactical team found watson hiding in a small drainage pipe about 18-inches in size and even though that pipe was searched earlier in the day officers used night vision equipment and rechecked that area and found him laying inside this pipe. they also found packing materials inside the same tunnel and police say watson surrendered and he was taken into custody in good condition. now, we're told when he was found he was wearing a white hard hat and safety vest and police say those were stolen from a nearby storage building. he is currently serving a sentence of over 100 years for attempted murder in delaware and at the same time faces additional charges for attempted murder of police officers and that is why he was being brought here to the perkins hospital where he was due to that undergo a psychiatric evaluation. again, this morning he is in the custody of howard county police and later this morning at 9:30 in just a few hours, they're goi going to be holdinga press briefing where we hope to learn further details about how he was discovered. that's the maryland, annie yu fox5 local news. >> in prince george's county it's sentencing day for the man convicted in the murder of his ex-girlfriend. police say in may of 2015 maurice wig fall forced his way into his former girlfriend's apartment and stabbed her multiple times before pouring gasoline on her and setting her on fire to cover up the evidence. the two had a child together and the victim had just been awarded primary custody. he faces a maximum sentence of life without the possibility of parole. >> let's get to politics. the white house looking for a big victor. house members set to vote on a new healthcare plan and republicans say this time they do have enough support to mass the measure h the bill updated to include $8 billion over five years to help people with preexisting conditions pay their premiums. p>> we're focused on giving states the ability to get that waiver and get out from under the regulations that are driving up premiums for family. while this is not full repeal it's the best we think we can get out of the house. we're willing to support it and keep w repeal. >> democrats not happy with the new plan. house minority leader nancy pelosi telling her members to rally against the bill today but this is a critical test for both the president and house speaker paul ryan who could any other get this done back in march. >> also today supporters and protesters getting ready to welcome the president to new york city o he's set to arrive this afternoon. this will be president trump's first trip back to the big apple his home state as commander in chief. he's scheduled to meet with australia's prime minister then deliver a speech on the u.s.s. intrepid. >> prince philip the husband of queen elizabeth will no longer carry out public duties. now that will begin in the fall. he will still, however, continue heading numerous charitable organizations. he just won't play an active role in attending engagements. buckingham palace made the announcement after calling a emergency meeting. prince old. queen elizabeth will continue to carry out a full public schedule of public engagements. prime minister theresa may released a statement following the news expressing gratitude to the prince upon his retirement and thanked him for supporting the queen. >> amazing. >> it is a great day to head down to the ballpark. fox5 partnering with the nationals to host local school kids for the annual weather day presentation. >> then of course the students get to stay for the big game this afternoon. so, let's check in with our tucker barnes live from nats park. hey, tuck. >> good morning, allison, good morning steve. good morning, everybody. yeah, it is -- it's my favorite day of the year. it's like christmas for me here. we got weather day with the nationals. i think -- i feel like this is like year number six or seven. we're getting up there. and we're very excited about this year. we've got some new features, some some new videos we're going to show the kids and all morning long we get to be out here at nats park. they let me down near the field. don't tell anybody they'll probably get me out of here once they find out i'm standing down here. we'll explore the park and some of the n morning long. hope you stick with us. hope if you get a chance you can get down and enjoy the game today because the weather is going to completely cooperate o earlier this week we were a little nervous about today but it looks like it's going to be just fine. here are your current numbers. let me mention. the sunrise this morning, 6:06, so it's getting up and it's a beautiful start but a cool start. 55 now in washington. 54 in leonardtown. 50 out at dulles. 46, look at the 40's there north and west. fro46 in frederick this morning. showers out to the west and we will get a.m. period of some pretty heavy rain late tonight and early tomorrow. i think that morning commute tomorrow is going to have a loot of rain and thunderstorms for friday. cinco de washout is on the way tomorrow. today we're in great shape. come down and join us. we'll be look, at daytime highs in the upper 60's to about 70 later today with a lot of clouds around by late afternoon but we should stay dry late this afternoon. plenty more from nats park all morning long weather day. caitlin is going to join sue will be here shortly allison will be here. come down and say high. can't wait. big day. let's do some traffic. erin we and want you to come too. >> i wish i could join you guys but we're working on something special. safe track surge 14 into that trains between greenbelt and college park. greenbelt station closed. no yellow rush plus. use blue or yellow as alternates this morning. aside from that metro is on time. we'll let you know if that changes. taking a look at our roads we have a crash in manassas 234 crash at sudley manor drive. extra time to get around that one. 295 it's a mess right now. we have late clearing construction on the northbound side right by benning road. so you're backed up as you exit the 11th street bridge. southbound side congestion and a rubberneck delay from the northbound construction. that's causing about a 10 minute slow down. 50 inbound from 202 to 295 jams. pennsylvania avenue in the northwest section of the district westbound side is closed. you can use northbound 24th, 25th or 26th to get around that. from there you can take it over to m pennsylvania. but it could cause some delays as we get used to that adjusted traffic pattern. for the rest of your commute outer loop outside 95 to georgia avenue about a five minute delay. through falls church a little bit sluggish. 395 looks good. crowded a bit across the 14th street bridge. i'll let you know if any of that chasings. at speed down to the beltway except for some from 70 through urbana it's about a five minute delay there. back to you. >> thanks so much. getting your espresso buzz from your bagel. >> plus a local student in trouble with the law after driving a stolen car to school. but it wasn't just the car. it's what police found in the trunk of that vehicle that has them really concerned. we're back in just 30 seconds. d. ♪ ♪ ♪ at ikea, we believe that you should be able to afford your dream bedroom. that you can get it all for less. that you can find what you're looking for at a price you've been waiting for. and we believe the cost of a good night's sleep shouldn't keep you up at night. save up to 20% at the ikea bedroom event. >> back now at 6:09. disturbing story out of montgomery county where an 18-year-old student now faces charges accused of driving a stolen vehicle to school with a stolen weapon inside. >> police are crediting an alert school resource officer. melanie alnwick live outside of albert einstein high school now with more. mel. >> reporter: well, steve and allison, this happened on monday in the parking lot here. that's where it all began. there's a number of shocking things about this case. one of them being that there were two stolen vehicles discovered with two rifles in all. alvarado, he's the one who is facing the most serious charges in this case. he is charged with these crimes. spotted driving an unfamiliar blue mazda three on monday morning. police say school resource officer saw alvarado get out of the car, walk toward the school, then back to the car. alvarado got in the car drove off school property. the school resource officer followed. alvarado ditched the car at a nearby intersection and ran off but he was arrested when he returned to the car a short time later. montgomery county police determined that that mazda three was stolen in wheaton last thursday. in the trunk an ar-15 rifle stolen from a rockville city police cruiser last saturday as well as some ammunition. police say a second stolen car, a nissan frontier was parked near einstein high school. inside officers found a shotgun stolen from the same rockville city police cruiser. parents were informed of the incident in letters from the school principal and also from superintendent, dr. jack smith. now, here's another interesting thing. we just did a court record case search. we found out that alvarado was arrested a few weeks ago in baltimore for a stolen vehicle. he posted bond just two weeks ago. now, in this most recent case, he was arrested on monday. we and found out that yesterday he also posted bond in case so he has been released from police custody. his bond was set at just $2,000, so a lot of people perhaps raising their eyebrows they're not sure why the bond was set so low. there was a 15-year-old who was also arrested. that 15-year-old was charged with some auto theft charges but was released to the custody of his parents. live in kensington, i'm melanie alnwick, i don't have local news. >> melanie thanks. the search continues for whomever hung bananas tied to nooses left them around the campus of american university. the school released this surveillance video of a person of interest. the bananas had the a-k-a written on them referencing a predominantly black sorority. members that of sorority are expected to publically denounce the racist act. we'll talk about it later this morning. the university of maryland is also investigating a racist act on this campus. the school said a noose was that found inside the phi kappa tau house. the noose hanging in the kitchen. campus police investigating. >> another airline under fire this morning. why a family wall booted from a delta flight. >> and a live look at nationals park on this thursday morning. sunshine bright and early at 6:12. it's fox5 weather day. that means tucker barnes is there and he's got your game day forecast. one:05, first pitch today. >> ♪ ent making. we see what makes you unique. so we have something for everyone, at a price that's just right for you. maxx you. maxx life. t.j.maxx >> ♪ >> that's why i'm down here at nats park and we are very, very excited for another big year down over the area, virginia, near d.c. and maryland that are going to be coming down and join us. we give a nice weather presentation. i'm joined by the rest of the fox5 weather team. we watch the nationals win. they had a big win last night two to one. allison and steve i don't know if you guys can see it or not but we got the jumbotron on. steve t-yo, you got a big head n there. allison looks beautiful and radiant. clouds back in the forecast. more this afternoon than this morning. we've got in some sunshine this morning but we are going to be looking at some cloudy skies this afternoon t it will remain dry if you want to come out to the game today, we'll have dry conditions later. 55 now in washington. it's cool out there. look at culpeper, manassas in the 40's this morning. manassas now 43 degrees. and 45 in culpeper. 54 in leonardtown. everybody is off to a cool start. lots of sunshine here early but as we get into the afternoon the clouds are going to build. there we go, our satellite and radar and you see we've got some storminess out to the west. that will move in later tonight and during the daytime tomorrow. we'll have rain around here. potential for some pretty good downpours by tomorrow morning's commute so plan accordingly when you're out and about tomorrow we'll have some rain in the forecast. here's futurecast. notice we're in good shape today. there's that that rain shower activity approaching late tonight and tomorrow and there's your heavy rain moving through the area during the daytime hours tomorrow. so, we are going to have potentially some thunderstorm activity as well. that's tomorrow midday as we get the frontal system coming through. seven-day forecast, 70 this afternoon. come out to nats park. should be a beautiful afternoon for baseball. game against the diamondbacks starts at one 1:05. there's your heavy rain for cinco de mayo. weeweekend is mixed. next week temperatures in the 60's. that's a look at weather. traffic now with erin. erin we just got a couple birds overhead. >> what a great day for northbound 295 construction at benning road backed up with about a 10 minute delay from the 11th street bridge. southbound side congestion from 50 down to the bridge as well. we're dealing with about a 10 minute delay. new york avenue past bladensburg road a bit heavy. taking gw parkway southbound at the memorial bridge dealing with an oversized truck having trouble crossing that area. so it's causing some delays. some minor slow traffic as you make your way out in that area. 395 stacks across the 14th street bridge. other than that northbound 234 ought out in manassas crash at sudley manor drive. caution there. 66 we have a yellow zone from lower merion 28 in centreville. right now it's a 10 to 12 minute delay because of congestion. drive times starting to increase in terms of volume. 33 minute ride 95 northbound dell city to the beltway and once you cross the mixing bowl from the beltway to the 14th street bridge, about a 10 minute delay 395 northbound. 270 still quiet from 109 to the beltway that's in the green but that of .70 to the truck scales about to 10 minute delay. 66 still in pretty good shape. back to you guys. >> happening today we should get an update into the investigation into metro's finances from former transportation secretary ray la hood. he was hired by virginia governor terry mcauliffe back in march after ordering an independent review of what the governor calls "very serious problems with metro." a final review of those findings expected later this year. new this thursday morning another black eye for delta airlines after a california family refused to give up their two-year-old child's seat. >> their encounter with airline staff caught on camera and here's a portion of it. >> ticket on another flight so that my son would have a seat and you're saying -- and you're saying you're just going to t-, you're going give that away to someone else when i paid for that seat. that's not right. >> i bought the seat is that you need to leave us alone. >> family was on their way back from hawaii where the airline told them they needed to give up the toddler's seat for another passenger have the child sit on his the family refused. they said they paid for that seat for the toddler and they should not have to give up what they paid for. however the family originally bought the seat for their 18-year-old son who took an earlier flight home and that's when the family put the two-year-old in that seat. they argued the toddler's name was not the name astound that ao that seat s the airline staff can be heard threatening the family with jail time and telling them small children should sit on their parents lap seems to counter what's on the web site. the family ultimately was kicked off the flight and forced to pay $2,000 for another flight. >> that flight is about how long from hawaii? >> it's a hall. >> yeah, it's a hall. >> hours. >> okay. new warning about an e-mail scam. what you should be on the lookout for right now. >> plus, self driving cars all the buzz but can a new fleet actually hurt the auto business? seems like we always talk about self driving cars. >> what is the obsession about it? >> there must be one. >> ♪ hey allergy muddlers are you one sneeze away from being voted out of the carpool? >> ♪♪ try zyrtec® it's starts working hard at hour one and works twice as hard when you take it again the next day. stick with zyrtec® and muddle no more®. z2cpsz zi0z >> back now with the new e-mail scam. don't you hate it? it's spreading fast, too. first though a check of the markets. joining us from the fox business network studio lauren simonetti. happy little friday. >> reporter: happy little friday. good morning. it is a good morning for investors, too. we are seeing pretty nice gains this morning ahead of the opening bell. yesterday was a mixed bag. we're trying figure out exactly why investors are so optimistic today. and it could be because some markets in europe are at record highs this morning so that could just be the buying influence that's targeting us right here in the u.s. more earnings on tap. there is a lot going on but i'm pleased to report we should have a nice day. >> i don't know how you keep it straight in your head but that's why we rely on you. let's talk about another e-mail scam. i don't know for me it's like g mail seems like a really solid account to not get hacked. i don't kno false notion. somebody found out how to do it. >> reporter: well, everybody's vulnerable. hackers are really smart. billions of g mail users are vulnerable. hacker sent an e-mail inviting users to join google docs. if they did they got into their e-mail and contact list and were able to read everything in your e-mail as well ascend e-mails on your behalf. google is aware of this situation. they have disabled what they could but how do you know if or what do you do if your account is compromised. >> right. >> reportr: go to the account management page. if you see an app that were that's called google docs just totally get rid of it. that could be where the hacker got in. and then of course change passwords. >> first up is to know and then to do something. let's talk about this new. >> reporter: yeah. >> report by this think tank that says that driverless cars are coming and basically it will have a pretty big ripple effect. >> reporter: basically get rid of the house. that's essentially to bottom line this report, that's what they're saying. 'cause we're not going to own a car anymore. we're all going to ride share self driving cars that don't have drivers in them and they're electric. and we're going to start to see this not in the distant future, in the year 2021. so, if you don't own a car, you are saving $1 trillion collectively. that's how much money that can be poured into the economy. the oil industry will suffer as a result. think no one is pumping gasoline anymore. but we'll have more money to spend and i'm just wondering does the garage become a man cave, does it become a bonus room. >> mine will become a family room. >> reporter: what happens to the garage. >> i've been waiting to get rid of it. it will become a family room but i have to ask are we going to group ride down to ocean city on the long weekend this summer? >> reporter: i know, there's still resistance among regular people regardless of what the technicians and analysts and the think tanks and scientists s own car sometimes it's easier and it's mine and i don't care how much it costs. >> okay. so, we'll work on that. in the meantime coffee bagels. basically two in one. your coffee cup in your breakfast in the same dose. >> reporter: a bagel with caffeine. einstein brothers bagels is out with the buzz bagel. the third amount of caffeine as a cup of cough family you can't displace the coffee but this might eliminate the feeling of feeling full after you ate a bagel. you're really sluggish, like i just ate that bagel but if it has caffeine in it may you'll not notice it. >> i like it. i'll try it. einstein bagels. but selfishly that -- when the coffee that first sip in the morning, there's nothing like it so maybe a smaller cup of coffee. >> reporter: we're not replacing the coffee. >> we're not okay. >> reporter: we'll eat them together but one is not replacing the other correct. >> we'll drink our coffee and drive our cars and sends our e-mails. >> reporter: and leave us alone. >> and leave us alone. lauren thanks so much. see you tomorrow. >> reporter: see you tomorrow. >> okay. >> i think i'm the only one that didn't know you could buy bulk caffeine in powdered form and add it in foods. >> uh-huh. did you know there's peanut butter powder, too? i know. >> i knew that. >> now i'm blowing your mind. >> we have that at home. it's not any good. i prefer the liquid variety. >> it is interesting. >> all right. >> all right. weather day today. we got a pretty good weather day for weather day. >> awesome. >> yeah. satellite and radar showing a few clouds to start the day. tucker has been showing it all morning. beautiful sunrise, temperature of 55 degrees. definitely a cooler start but later this afternoon temperatures will warm it back up into the 60's. we'll hold the rain off until later this evening. there's your planner. temperatures kind of slow to rise to the 60's near 70 this afternoon with clouds steadily increasing. again rain holds off until later tonight. >> good. 'cause a bad weather day for weather day would be bad. did you follow that? >> you go the that right. >> yeah. >> i think . >> [laughter] >> i think i did, too. erin good morning. >> we want sunshine every day but especially today. right now and northbound 295 late clearing construction still lingering at benning road. heavy delays over 10 minutes as you get from the 11th street bridge. stacked up on the southbound side. congestion and a rubberneck delay from 50 down as well. 50 inbound from 202 to cross 295 slow. new york avenue past bladensburg road jams up and then suitland parkway inbound slows to south capitol. as we take a look at gw parkway there's an oversized truck at the memorial bridge having trouble crossing. that's causing a bit of a delay as well and then northbound 234 crash at sudley manor drive. metro is on time except for safe track. keep it to fox5 news morning. we'll be back in just a few. >> ♪ narrator: "the time is always right to do what is right. ralph northam. army doctor during the gulf war. volunteer director of a pediatric hospice. progressive democrat. in the senate, he passed the smoking ban in restaurants, stopped the transvaginal ultrasound anti-choice law, and stood up to the nra. as lieutenant governor, dr. northam is fighting to expand access to affordable healthcare. ralph northam believes in making progress every day. and he won't let donald trump stop us. >> ♪ >> that is where the action is today. fox5 is at nats park for weather day. yay! mike thomas just gave us a ay.erb weather outlook for the the team will be down, the weather team and me. i'm like the, you know, the auxiliary player today. weather team and allison down at nats park. welcome back to fox5 news morning. and i'm excited to go. weather and traffic coming up on the 5s at 6:35t first though at 6:30 a live look at the capitol dome there in just a couple hours the house will vote on a new healthcare bill and republicans say they have enough support for it to pass. since collapsing in march the bill has been revamped to attract hard line conservatives. if it does pass the house it heads to the senate where it could face a harder test. also on the hill today, a group of bicyclists representing the 26 children and educators killed at sandy hook elementary school will gather on the steps of the capitol. it's the starting point of the fifth annual team 26 ride to raise awareness for common sense gun laws. the last four years riders took off from newtown connecticut and ended up at the capitol here in d.c. but this year the group says they'll ride with congress at their backs until they do their job and pass laws that make americans safer. this morning, police in maryland will give us more details on how they caught up with an escaped prisoner. police caught david watson last night in jessup. police received a tip yesterday morning that watson was spotted in a wooded area near the location where he escaped custody from officers last week. watson was in jail for attempted murder. d.c. police surveillance video overnight of a person of interest wanted in a burglary. this happened last month at a business in the 1900 block of l street northwest. you can see the suspect is wearing a hat and a backpack. if you recognize this man police want to hear from you. to maryland now. police are investigating a suspicious incident in takoma park after a man approached a youn girl on tuesday morning asking if he could give her a ride. this happened in the 7400 block of hancock avenue. that girl ran off and called police. a witness told police the man was driving a black four door toyota with d.c. tags and damage to the rear of the vehicle. montgomery county also the principal who created a so-called smash space for staff at kensington parkwood elementary is resigning. barbara liess said she'll remain at the school through june then look for another position within the school system. she apologized last week for creating a space on the school's loading dock where staff members could relieve to hit a broken rocking chair. the new top boss at d.c.'s veterans affairs medical center addressing growing concerns for veterans and care they receive n a town hall meeting last night acting medical director lawrence connell says issues of potentially dangerous conditions at the center have now been fixed. it comes after an inspector general's report found such things as dirty storage areas improperly stored and dirty supplies. however, some who attended last night's meeting say it's a systemic issue. >> what he put over my husband's port on his arm, i mean, this -- this is just unbelievable. you don't do this to veterans. >> in addition to removing the former medical center director, three d.c. va medical center employees with the responsibility for acquisition, storage and distribution of inventory have received proposed >> acting director o'connell also insisted no patients were ever harmed despite these findings. steve, over to you. >> ♪ >> all right, a let's get right to it. morning line time right now. caps with their back against the wall on the brink of elimination you can shoot the penguins all you want outscoring them a different matter entire and that was the case last night. game four caps down two-nothing in the second period after dmitry or love with an own goal as they call in it soccer kicks it in the wrong net trying to break up a cross ice. put it in. counts for the pens. nice slapshot from the point tied things up. penguins came back with the game winning goal o caps had that 38 shots on goal 18 for the pens. didn't have to worry about sydney crosby. could but could not get the job done. >> all the cliches is you want backs against the wall blah, blah, blah it's do or die now. take it game by game and, you know, it's -- doesn't take -- you get the first game and then you get the second one and move from there but we got to focus on our game right now and taking it to them in game five. it is essentially a one game season right now. but there is still hope. caps coming back home saturday night a must win game five at versus center and they are great on home isoif they win game six they'll be back in pittsburgh on monday. if they win that game seven back here in d.c. wizards back in d.c. hoping the home court will get them back on track in the second round series with the celtics. they're down two games to none. game three tonight tips off at 8 o'clock at verizon center. tension between the orioles and red sox. on the field this time. that's a 77 miles an hour curve ball. shouldn't make a big deal. players get hit with 100 miles an hour fast balls but they threw him out of the game. remember al you were asking about why they just warned the guy and didn't throw him out of the game. this time he throws a little softy and they throw the orioles guy out of the game. ridiculous, right? then ada jones gets thrown out of the game because he argued the third strike call. well, i don't know what mood the umpire behind the plate was in but he was making his presence known. and he was just tossing everybody. o's lost four to two. less drama at nats park because it was cuteness in the stands. what's up little person? >> a were. w. steve don't call her a little person. >> she's still a person baby. >> what's up, baby person. >> there it is. [laughter] >> anyway she was super cute and the game itself worked out well. gee joe gonzalez a little trouble with the control but didn't matter 'cause you got ryan zimmerman on the team end hits the ball really far leading the league in home runs. that double play, run bryce run. helmet stayed an on almost the whole time. he scores and that's all they needed. two-one is the win. go ahead hadn't celebrate zim.& >> with all that hair he should have just done a -- >> hopefully they can score a few more runs today tuck but as long as they're on the winning end of things it's a great day at the ballpark. >> hey, steve, you remember a couple bryce harper had three home runs on weather day remember that. >> i do remember that. it was a lucky charm weather day and bryce. >> that's what i'm saying. so i think maybe we have a chance again this year. new section, a very private section, this is the new mgm national harbor section. not sure quite what's going on there but i think these are very plush seats and probably pretty nice view of the park and of the game since the field is right there. let's do some weather. we are off to a great start here. it is sunny, bright and quite cool out here. 55 now in washington. 57 in annapolis. look at your 40's to the west and the north. culpeper, manassas, winchester 43 degrees. as we've got just nice cool air mass overhead. what can we expect today? cloud cover will increase here pretty quick after some morning sunshine but we are going to keep it dry so you coming out to the park this afternoon you'll be out later today you're in good shape for at this time. here's a quick look at that forecast this afternoon and we'll get the high temperatures into the upper 60's to about 70 in a few spots if we can keep that sun around for a few more hours. should stay dry here a little later today. coming up the seven day and i get to talk to john about the head groundskeeper here about the field and about field conditions here at nats park so we'll be doing that in just& a couple minutes. let's do traffic now and get the latest from erin. erin, a beautiful morning out here. hopefully there's not too much sun glare. >> i know, right, grab your shades it's bright out there tucktory. right now northbound 295 construction at benning road cleared. residual delays about a seven minute slowdown from the 11th street bridge past benning road. still dealing with about a 10 minute delay from visit to the bridge on the southbound side. let's take a look at skyfox right now. they are up and over 66 right now. beautiful sunny view and green trees out there. slow moving traffic on the eastbound side from 234 prince william parkway through 28. again you slow metro station. as we move over to our cameras right now, some other slow zones including 395 northbound jammed from the beltway to king street with about a 15 minute delay. as we forward our cameras along we're also seeing slowly conditions as you make your way out on 95 northbound, little bit better conditions through newington than what we're seeing on 395. however, a lot of stop-and-go traffic from fredericksburg on through. standstill conditions almost bumper to bumper on -- this is the outer loop from 95 to georgia avenue in college park. 15 minute delay. holding strong there. keep it to fox5 news morning. we'll be right back. >> ♪ >> ♪♪ i'm going first. no you're not, you went first last time. why are those lines on my floor? i already made it from this line. life's bleachable moments need clorox bleach. we just got the keys to our new house! we got the keys! ahhh! wooo! this is exciting we've got our own house! yeah! i'm sorry do you like it here maddie? i love you. i love you too. stronger is rebuilding a newborn's heart... and restoring a father's faith. it's standing tall after one surgery... not six. stronger is being a typical kid... despite a rare disorder. stronger is finding it earlier... and coming home sooner. stronger is seeking answers... and not giving up, until you find them. we want them to grow up stronger. did you know slow internet can actually hold your business back? say goodbye to slow downloads, slow backups, slow everything. comcast business offers blazing fast and reliable internet that's over 6 times faster than slow internet from the phone company. say hello to internet speeds up to 250 mbps. and add phone and tv for only $34.90 more a month. call today. comcast business. built for business. >> ♪ >> let's check what's trending on the the web on this thursday morning. might want to pack your pink bunny pajamas like that little girl because you can spend a night in the house from a christmas story. that home is in cleveland ohio. now the owner of the christmas story house and museum says from fans wanting to spend the night at the house well their christmas wish has been granted. >> what does it look like on the inside. >> like it did in the movie r i don't know about the inside. outside. redskins fans might be sad they can't boo tony romo. tony romo going to try to make the u.s. open cut this summer is. he says he's going to try to beat 9,000 other golfers and qual open. he's entered in a local qualifier in texas. he did try for the open in 2010 and 11 but now he's got a little less pressure from not playing in the nfl. al this is for you. this dog went viral because he was the only dog left behind after an empty the shelters event. >> no way. >> every other dog was adopted. p>> no way. >> except for this dog right here. the dog has a serious medical condition and so they think that's why everybody adopted the other dogs but he has a new home this morning. >> okay. >> he did get adopted. his name is eastwood. he was adopted by detroit pistons head coach stan van gundy and his family. he does have health issues that could require a very expensive surgery down the road but the pistons coach said when his family they heard of eastwood story they said he's going to be the perfect fit for our family and i know you love those stories. >> it's going to make me cry. >> i know. >> think of the life he just got. amazing. >> thanks steve. kevin once again on the month of this morning he's in paris en route to london. we are going to check back in with tucker barnes too is not overseas but he's at nats park and that's pretty cool, too. he's there for weather day. that's next. what's happening? >> ♪ so we have something for everyone, at a price that's just right for you. maxx you. maxx life. t.j.maxx >> it is that time of year. wait, now, tuck what were you just doing on that tractor? >> steve, i'm out. i'm going to take it for a spin later. >> fair enough. >> hang in there. i got some great stuff built in here. >> hey, good. what's going on right now? >> all right, i'm going to do the weather and then i've got a fascinating interview. we'll learn all about the field and how we keep this field looking so nice out here during the summer months. let's do weather first. i know a lot of people are running out the door to work. nice start to the day. the sun is up as of 6:06. it's cool out here but it should be a beautiful day for baseball an beautiful day if you want to get outside this afternoon with temperatures in the 60's. it will be a little cool. 55 right now in washington. storminess on the way and i'm just talking weather about later tonight and tomorrow. tomorrow looks wet much it looks soaking wet. cinco de washout as i mentioned earlier as we'll have plenty of rain for the day tomorrow and even potentially thunderstorms. tomorrow does not look good. there's futurecast showing you tomorrow. but later today we'll keep it dry for the baseball game. we'll keep it cool out here later with temperatures in the 60's to about 70 this afternoon. and there's your forecast for tomorrow. wet weekend. saturday a few showers around and cool. we'll keep it dry on sunday which i think is turner bobblehead day right. >> on sunday? >> is it sunday? no, is it friday? it's -- i don't know when it is but i'm going to find out. you see, that's why i'm here. i can't remember. all right, let's go. i'm joined by -- sir your name and title. >> john turner director of field operations. >> we go way back now. >> yeah we do. seven, eight years now. >> seven, eight years. you got a very important job with the nationals. why don't you tell everybody what you do. >> first of all i like cinco day washout. >> you like that? nobody else appreciates that. what kind of tool do i have here. >> we have a rake nicknamed floyd. >> why do we call it floyd. >> we got a variety of rakes we use out here so we identify them all with little nicknames. >> all right. tell me exactly what this tool does. kind of keeps the field in -- >> we use this on a day-to-day basis. the width of the teeth allows us what to it moves the dirt. doesn't take a whole lot of material, moves just a little bit. good forgetting sunflower seeds out if you want to get some of those out for us. >> got it. >> it's a great tool for us to use on a day-to-day basis out here. >> how is the field this year so far so good. >> yeah. >> when is your most challenging month. is it when we get the spring season. >> march is a challenge to get ready for baseball because of the rollercoaster of temperatures. temperatures. may you got the spring showers and then summer time you got thunderstorms and by september rolls around mentally you think that fall is here but it always seems like september is ssuch a hot month. >> when we have the summer concerts out here do you kind of tremble about what it's going to look like the next day after the show. >> yeah, fortunately we've had -- at least over the last couple years we've had a couple concerts so we kind of know what to my expect. we learn a little bit with every concert we have out here but certainly getting through for us and they're always right in the heat of the summer too. >> we got to wrap up our conversation but what's sort of been the worst situation you've had out here. >> i think any time the team is in town, any time we're dealing with weather. >> yeah. >> thunderstorms, those overnight pop-up storms that we're not expecting that kind of just really changes our course of action the next day so any change in weather out here. >> how many days -- how many times a day do you check radar? several when they're in town right. >> it's got to be over two dozen times. >> take me for a spin. >> let's go. >> all right, erin, i'm outta' here. no traffic here at nats park. >> be careful. >> i'm ready. let's go. >> oh, boy. oh, boy. i don't know why that looks so weird to me. >> got to wave by. >> allison we'll talk about it later. >> right. >> all right. well, we can tell you will the road conditions out at nats park are nice and quiet going an average of 5 miles per hour. morning drive times slowest zone is 66 from prince wilam parkway to the beltway. an hour and 13 minute ride. wear your shades, watch for visibility problems. 270 officially backed up from 109 to the beltway that will take you 35 minutes. 395 that's a 28 minute trip to the 14th street bridge on the northbound side. 95 as you get to the mixing bowl 34 minutes from dale city to the beltway. stacked from fredericksburg into stafford t let's take a live look outside and show you 395 so you can get some idea. this is just bumper to bumper traffic towards seminary road. just seeing really heavy traffic there as well as volume on the inner loop for your virginia commute. let's go ahead and we'll take a look at metro next but you're on time except for safe track. back to you guys. >> erin thanks. >> 6:51. let's take a look ahead to good day d.c. the weather day fun at nats park of course it will continue. back here in the loft. >> you'll meet the one time elementary school from reston now a standup comedian and the lasts will continue. me us for a little celebrity dish. >> actress laura linney will join us live. and hip hop star young dro will join us. >> let's get to the fox beat. headed back overseas is. as we saw yesterday our hero, the young dashing globetrotter kevin mccarthy was boarding the venice express in italy. >> he'll give us a tour of that stop before that crossing o the austria. >> i've been on the express since about 11:10 this morning. we started off in venice italy now we're in brenner which is amazing we're right by the austrian border. i can see my breath look. i'm going to take you along the train. we're here for murder on the orient express which comes out in november. this is what my buddy -- this is ricardo. he's awesome. helped me out with my door. thank you for that. how is you >> easy. >> have we been a good crowd for you. >> yes. >> we'll head into the train. i'm going to show the train so come on in. this is absolutely incredible steve and allison you guys got to see this place. follow me through here. all right, so, i am currently in car k for kevin, they named it after me apparently. let's follow through here as jim from igm you'll be on tv tomorrow in d.c. while you're watching this i'm further away now but this is my current location as of wednesday afternoon here in i guess italy almost in austria. moving down, check it out, all right, so it's see what we got here. this is actually where i'm sleeping tonight. i'm bunking up with a gentleman who is holding the camera, chris van veep from that amazing miami. here's the cool thing. this is a very, very -- they're actually going to bunk this bed, there's going to be two bunks and they're basically going to come in tonight while we're at dinner and they're going to put this on top and then chris and i both have our own lights which is really cool and look at this. this our own little bathroom. i don't know why i'm showing you all these details. that's how we're charging our phones. this is my tuxedo for dinner tonight its a really, really cool event and i already interviewed josh gad earlier today t he was amazing. you know him as olaf from frozen. now, earlier today we had an amazing lunch with a gentleman named matthew pritchard who is the grandson of agatha christie who wrote the 1934 famous novel that this train inspired so we're going to have more on this coming up when i get to london tomorrow, which is the day you're watching this on thursday so i'm speaking to you from the past, you're watching this in the future i guess i'm going to be getting to london going to say alien covenant which is the new alien film. friday i'm going to panel with pretty much the entire cast of murder on the orient express including judy dench as well as daisy ridley josh gad kenneth brenner the filmmaker and back to you guys in the studio. i miss you all very much and i can't wait to he sao you guys monday -- see you guys monday morning. >> how much s is a ticket on the orient express. >> it's several thousand miles per leg of the trip. >> as fans as it looks. >> kevin is getting it and showing all of us. >> he's in a lay overfor a premiere of alien covenant. as you heard him talk earlier about "guardians of the galaxy" volume two veal preview of that. >> tutucker good morning. >> what's up steve. >> kevin is on the orient express. i'm going to see you later on the green line express. >> that's clever. that's a good one liner. you know, ticketing to weather day are a lot cheaper than tickets on the orient express. let's do a quick look at weather for you. sunshine early. we get it's a little cool out here this morning. we've got temperatures have have fallen back into the 40's and 50's overnight. we have storminess on the way. tomorrow is going to be a wet one. tomorrow's going to be very wet around here maybe thunderstorms as well but today we'll get some afternoon clouds. temperatures later today about 70 degrees. we do keep it dry for weather day and for the game this afternoon and tonight. i don't think the rain will generally get in here until after midnight which is good news. let's wrap it were you with traffic with erin. plenty more weather day nats park coming up. erin. >> it's gorgeous out there. love the sunshine. 6:56 and keep in mind if you're taking metro skipping the roads for the rails we're still dealing with safe track. no trains between greenbelt and college park. free shuttle services available. greenbelt station closed. no yellow rush plus. use the blue or yellow line as an alternate to get you around that one. all metro rail lines on time all morning. we'll let you know when that changes. even though some earlier construction 295 northbound at benning road cleared a seven minute rigid from the 11th street bridge on through. about a 10 to 12 minute day keep it to fox5 news morning. we got your 7 o'clock hour. that's coming right up. >> ♪ >> ♪♪ well it's a perfect nespresso morning here, george. hold on a second. mmm. ♪ ♪ [mel torme sings "comin' home baby"] hey there. want a lift? ♪ ♪ where are we going? no don't tell me. let me guess. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ how far would you go for coffee that's a cup above? i brought you nespresso. nespresso. what else? >> this is fox5 news morning. >> the week long manhunt for an escaped felon in marylad over. david watson behind bars this morning. where he was found and the tip that up in a live report. >> the district is being overrun with rats. one neighborhood says the rodents created their own sanctuary city. details coming up. >> could today be the day republicans begin to fulfill their pledge to repeal and replace obamacare. we'll have the latest. >> good thursday morning. i'm allison seymour. >> and i'm steve chenevey. it is 7 o'clock on this thursday morning. it is may fourth 2017. >> hey, look we're famous, steve. we're on the jumbotron at nats park. yay! >> hi everybody. >> if you're just waking up this morning here's a live look at nats park. it is weather day and the whole weather crew will be at the park all day. >> guy everybody the guy driving the tractor with tucker because they're the people who are out there this morning. hi, tuck. >> hey, steve. it is weather day. we are totally excited about another great afternoon with students from across the area. i'll have a lot more on weather day and your weather. beautiful start but it's a little chilly. coming up in a couple minutes.

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