Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 Morning News 6 20170126 : compar

Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 Morning News 6 20170126

stunt. fox5's annie yu is live with wth new information.orm good morning.orn good morning,, it was quite the day yesterday y here in the nation's capitol. d.c. police confirmed to used ts that all seven were brought brgt here to the second district secd police station late last statiot night.ght. all of the paperwork wasaperwors processed and then theyn they weretransported just about 30bo0 minutes ago downtown.nute this is the picture of thes ofe garage here and we capturedptud video of the officers gettingere ready to transport all sevenl sn protestors downtown.dow we couldn't get a glimpse ofgl what was going on inside gng one because they actually kept kept closing and opening up the the garage door i guess when they were transporting the folks inln but they'll spend a few hours hs downtown at central cell block and then face a judge atat 9 o'clock this morning at d.c. . superior court.superior c now, all seven are facing burglary charges, destructionesu of property among otherther charges. we also have video. vid our cameras were downtownwntown yesterday to capture the scenese and basically everythingeverng unfolding from 7:00 to aboutabot 10 o'clock when all of this let's show you that and it alltl began around 7 o'clock. o'cck. the demonstrators they they basically climbed the twoh 70-foot crane there on 15th on t and l streets northwest.or it's just blocks from the white house.white use. that end they hoisted a huge banner with the words resist ret on it. they have made their messageesse clear. they're protesting presidenttin trump's decision to pushpush forward with the keystone xl and dakota access oil pipelinelp projects. this is an environmentals an enl group. they say they had this protestpt planned for several months andtd from what we could see from se the ground these were clearly cl skilled experienced climbers.c they had all of the equipment.u they were able to stay uple to u there for hours, for more than t 15 hours. there were dozens of onlookersns and traffic backups as d.c. d.. police also had to shut downwn about three city blocks to traffic while the protestorsotrs were on top of this crane. th it was also a big surprise forrr the construction workers whomoke showed up to work on the site.te but all throughout the daythrout officers didhe d not try to coax the protestors down. do. they took a hands-off approachpr and finally around 10 o'clocko their careful descent and alles seven of themce were taken intoe that custody for questioningestg and again, all facing chargeses including burglary,u destruction of propertyo presidential nominee they will e that face a judge later this ls morning at 9 o'clock. o'clock. that's the very latest here h from the second districtnd dis police station in northwesttati d.c., annie yu,on fox5 local lcl news. news. >> annie, thanks., th in philadelphia overnight arnig large protest ahead oftest president trump's visit therethe today. the president will meet with congressional republicans at a retreat where they wille strategize on how to repeal repe and find a replacement for the e affordable care act. fox5 will bring you theu he president's remarks live.'s remr they're set to get under way way around noon today.aroundoon tod. also today the presidentodai expected to focus on the on he economy signing a notice tonotit congress that he florida tonsri start bilateral tradear negotiations with most of thet i countries in the trans-pacific partnership pact.part the presidneent said he wouldidd prefer top negotiate with countries individuallily. >> this morning more backlashba an executive order to jumpo jup start construction of hison of s promised wall along mexico'sicos border. on the campaign trail, he pledged that mexico would paycwl to that are that e wall. the president andt a congressional leaders now saynos that american taxpayers willwill pay for the wall and in that tht theory, later be reimbursed by mexico. last night though mexico'smexics president addressed his nationnn saying once again his countrycot will not pay for the wall. wa president trump addressed thed issue with abc news. nws. >> he has to say that.tht. but i'm just telling you theret will be a payment.a payment it will be in a form perhaps a complicated form and you havendv to understand what i'm doing do is good for the united it's also going to be good for mexico. >> this morning reports that mexico's prerninsident isis considering canceling nextngnc week's visit to d.c. he's scheduled to meet with the president.d to esident. >> in another move aimed ater mt illegal immigration the te president signed federalt signel funding to strip funding from sanctuary cities like washington, d.c.cwaington the term applies t, o cities counties which do not go after undocumented immigrants forigras violating federal immigration laws. d.c. mayor bowser discussed the por browesident's action.ct. >> anything that would suggestlg that the government not workoveo with an american city is worrise.e. obviously there are a lot ofthef things that we do in cities in partnership with our r government and we would object and we do that object tohat objo anything that the federalfed government wants to do to a local jurisdiction that wouldiih make it less safely.fely. >> the mayor says attorneysr sao for the district are reviewingei the executive order and it is i unclear how the federal government intends to to implement the plan. >> ♪♪ >> 6:05 on a thursday, 50 degrees. good morning. >> good morning. esterday.>> outside 50y >> yes. >> about thely. >> i had to like force myself to go inside.side. >> especially in the sun.lly in. >> gorgeous. made it to 61 yesterday. won't be qt uite as warm todayay and today's transition day to the cooler temperatures we'reeme 52ow.w.g still very mild start. look at your temperaturesstayour right now.right reagan national 52, dulles isis 49, baltimore currently, bwi marshall 42 degrees.2 all right, couple loan someoan e showers across the area.s ac we are looking at a frontal frol system coming through as wee speak. we got a little bit of cloude bt cover and i o guess maybe someyb of these showers out towardst tr crofton and bowie are hittingiti the ground towards that's about it as you can seean the bigger picture here, that ta frontal system approachingppro from the west giving us a few aw showers. we'll keep the showers in thehes forecast for awe frsew more hous and then we should turn partlypt to mostly sunny. it willto turn breezy thiss afternoon. and our temperatures will start to fr alltemp off but befe then, mid-50's.mi how about that? passingat? shower, breezy and cooler thiszd afternoon. most of your day will be fairly nice. ni >> i'm spoiled because of s yesterday but i'll accept it.po. >> today is still nice.oday is much coolestr tilhis weekend bud back to normal.oral. >> okay. >> another one to enjoy today. o hi caitlin. good morning.good mor >> good morning to you, allou, l three of you steve allison and tucker. .rnd morning on-time traffic starting outinst with a live view of a cra the inner loop as you approach p 267 the dulles toll road.oa i believe it has the centerthe lane blocked. you can see all the headlightsea where the vehicle is stopped.hi looks like there's two outs twot there. so, if you are making yourg yor way, maybe out to dullesls airport remember on the inneremn loop t approaching 267 that's t where the crash site site building delays back toays backo leesburg pike -- almost allalmot the way back to 66 if this6 if s continues to stay out there irei suspect it will be but for now w back to leesburg pike. let's go to our maps show youwyu some other spots for ourforour thursday morning commute justorg starting to pick u cp omvolume e most areas.most areas. southern maryland we are beginning to see some inbound delays here on 210 as you maketn your way up to the 2 10beltwa ad even on looks like branchike brn avenue some delays there rightat beyond where you hit 301. southbound 295 already here wer go just after 6:00 a.m. and we are jammed solid route visit to the 11th r street bridge.bri no word of any accident outccidt there at least not that i've i gotten but still very heavy havy vole.e. and the outer loop top of thep e beltway very heavy 95 to 95 to georgia avenue or at least heavy at this hour. this ho. checking 270, if you're comingc out of frederick county,ou frederick i-70 to about clarksburg a lot of heavy heavy volume right there as the right morning rush begins.rn it indoes start to break upeak though south of clarksburga pacific northwest looks finerthw through montgomery county for now head towards the spur.ntgome 66 e taowsartboundds heavy dela4 to route 28. 2 that is a look at steve and allison.lli >> coming up next a twitter twi war involving adorable zoo animals. >> what could be the beef there? there? plus heinz passing on a h super bowl eiadnz.wl . instead it's out with awith petition for the day after theae big game. g we'll explain all that whenat we we're back in just 30 seconds.en >> ♪♪ >> it. >> developing overnight in mississippi two, deputies recovering from gun sopinhositpt wounds fooling shootout with an suspect. now, this happened in the city he city of south haven after the he deputies confronted an alleged robber who carjacked someone.edm one of the police officers wasol shot in the foot, theic otherher deputy was shot with a a collapsed lung.collapse the suspect was killed in that exchange of gunfire. u >> this was the scene reallys tc take a look that's incredible video out of washington stateshs overnight. it's a huge fire. fire it ripped through an apartment n complex there. broke out in the stevestve linwood. linwood;, city of the blaze triggeredthe blaze tr evacuations of at leaigst two nearby apartment complexes.parte the red red cross >> crews in a philadelphiahiladh suburb trying to secure theure e ground around this massive sinkhole. it swallowed up half the street in this neighborhoodn its a pickup it appears to beisa about 20 fe0 deep. no one was hurt thankfully butnt people living in two homes have been evacuated.cuate >> new this morning the finals n bodies have been recovered from italy'sing ave devastatins avalanche pulled out of thee pul rubble of the hotel that hadth been crushed by tons of snow.s o after a week long searchserch firefighters did announce the th final death toll stands at 29. . surprise visit with theh h pope for arnoldnold schwarzenegger. the hollywood actor and ad politician was at the vaticane n attending the pope's weekly wkly address and ended up having aavn chance to meet the pope privately. privat afterwards schwarzenegger tookak to twitter saying it was an wasn honor top meet his they both share a commoncommon interest in fighting againstag climate change. >> former cargo vessele transformed into an artificialr reef in the gulf of mexico. the ship sank about 67 miles7 ms off of galveston and it will wil soon be home top fish corral say this project is reallys real good for fishermen and theyd th hope it will be a draw forraw a uba divers. >> it's a long way out though. not exactly right off shore.hre. >> take a couple minutes top get there. >> bit of a drive.>> b >> this morning the dow wille dl open above 20,000 for the for t first time ever.ever. so it's another record day onay tap. >> we'll find out in appt in app minute. now tottooutside right the wilson bridge as we headdged to break on this thursdaythursy morning. weather and traffic on theand t 5s coming upth enext. it's 6:11. >> ♪♪ >> ungrateful trader chelseate manning who should never have beenfuwho sh released callingca president obama a weak leader. e >> it seemed to me that even on the campaign trail what t struck me a lot of times was the -- wasn't direct combative tone againste o the sitting president at thatsid time, perhaps policiese and whatever, but it is one thingg that struck me because thereau was a lot of strong languagetro out there but didn't reallyt die seem that donald trump was atmpw that time -- candidate trumpatep was necessarily gunning foringor the president and so when io whn read this, yeah, i think itk it is -- he -- he says what is unsaid. un he's saying tsahat chelsea manning is a traitor anding is d probably shouldn't have beenhoun released but he is also sayingoi that he's ungrateful and wefulae know president obama releasedred chelsea manning early pardonednd him -- her and says it'ss terrible. says ot sure why it 3:04 a.m.04 a.. on my commuter it says 6:04.04. >> it's interesting when we're e in a age when we're talking takg aboutly twitter or what came out in a press release or what t the president said through histr spokes people. that's what's happening. just want to bring's yohau up date. da >> big travel day for ther the president. let's check in with tuckerch barnes right now and get aecht t look at the forecast.t the fo >> all right, steve,r thank you very much. we got changes, yes, we do.e do this time of year we often do do and it features chillier not going to be bitter cold,b just kind of more yesterday we made it today we mo 61 degrees. you can see that cooler airn sec not so much on the map thish ons morning. we're still very, very mild. mil i'llhow you the cooler airler here just off to the north and d west. 52 now in washington. washing not a bad start.a bad start. look at leonardtown, gooddtown,o morning, 55 for you guys.u guys. 56 in fredericksburg. 49 in dulles.n dulle 48 in hagerstown.age couple of sprinkles and light ai showers across the area. a looks like a little batch ofittc showers just south and east ofh town here out into princento george's county anne arrundel ce county and just expecting apecna few sprinkles and light showers over the next couple hours. few more showers out to theovere west. here's a bigger look and you anu can see the rain shower isra kind of approaching.prachin that's the first edge of our ofu cooler air that will work in.wo we'llrk have some clouds a few w showers for the first half oft h the day. as the front gets east of us of breezes will pick up and pick up temperatures will start toes wio fall this afternoon so thathis mid-50's wsoe get will be earlya this morning. there you go. chilly and breethzy,er ce oldero afternoon. but a pleasant after on and moof should be drive.ld be bigger picture reinforcinginfon shot of cooler air laterr ater tonight and then a colder cod weekend awaits. our daytime highs will behighs e 40's, low 40's, overnight lowsto back in the 20's and low 30's.'s so, starting to feel more likere winter around here by friday,fr, saturday and sunday. there you go. th breezy conditions next coupleern of dayss next as well. well. maybe a snow shower monday.onda. what do you think, caitlin? iii heard you were doing traffic and weather this morning.his moi >> well, someone had to sleep in, so, you know, with mike thomas off, tucker.tu i believe we'll have snowav showers there on monday but right now know showers outow sht there. however, we are seeing some so issues, big ones on the inner or loop virginia approachppoach pentagon the dulles toll thelre is a crash that has two left lanes blocked rightt where youlane hit 267.hit there's technological anotherte crash right around the samechnoe area and that has causedcause extensive delays.d let's go to oeur maps and i'll show it to you 'cause you getuet a better idea. i at this hour just seeing s blurry lights behind mehind doesn't do much.esn't do mu here's the crash i shoulderho you will right at the dullesdu toll road.toll rad. another crash site that forcedsd a closure of the express lanes x on the inner loop at 123pr inn virginia so here's 123, here's s the accident. you can't use the express the lanes on the inner loop.s on thi here's the second accidentsecond that has the two left lanestwol blocked and that is rightand tht where you hit the dulles tollleo road and we're starting to seer some delays as a result ofel that so if you have anay early y flight out to dulles and youa have to use the inner loophe ino prepare for some extra time needed the. delays heavy on the inner loop p back to 66 and we'll let youyou know if that extends further southward. 56 eastbound heavy right now. still volume builds from 234 top 2. and rule four pennsylvania avenue here in maryland we'ved w got an inbound crash rightight before you hit suitland suitland parkway and it looks lik we've got some decent delayst ds extending back down alongo pennsylvaniaw avenue.ue. so, beware of that spot. spt. southern maryland inboundrn maro delays on both branch avunenuene and 210 here as you approachapph the inner loop. that's a look at more coming up in less than 10 0 minutes. steve. >> caitlin thanks.>> caitlin have a have a the zoo in t norfolk stepping up its searchps for that missing red panda whodw was last seen in its enclosuress on monday. mo the zoo tweeter out in the apbrb asking for help from thep froe public to report any sightings s of snny.. sunny is just a young one,oung just about a year old y yesterday zoo workers tried tozo set upo wo a trap with fruitit hoping to lure her back intore the exhibit. it didn't work. male pan at an may have chased sunny andhave ca knocked her off one of the he trees in the exhibit and then,he you know, obviously it's a it's foreign environment aftergn envr that. so t-hopefully sunny gets back a homely. homely. >> yeah. my fear is that she looks like so many other -- you wille-- y might not know what you'reyo're dealing with as an animal thati would be displayed in the zoo. . >> they're supposed to be suppob nonaggressive animals but as b s we all know wild animals if know. >> and don't get me started onee people. >> i understand. the then's zoos are in cutest twitter battle of all ofl time. it started with smithsonianthnin right here in d.c. putting outtt a press release announcing the t birth of this adorable baby gray seal. ay se the virginia group tweeted out a photo of an osprey and otter. also little ones. smithsonian shared a photo of the orangutan on the left. virginia zoo counter we had aune awe worthy photo a teenie tinyey baby ttle. >> look at his little hands. h >> he's chilling.>> rub my h bellily.bel >> philadelphia zoo got in ondeo the action and sharedo goa picture with the caption mic do.. i love it.i love i that could go on all >> please let it happen all all day. da new milestone for the dow. . exllenent news. it passed 20,000 but what doesht that really mean for youror yor money. >> plus are we one step closer c to making the monday after the super bowl a national holiday? everybody wants to sleep ine that day, right?, rigt? >> circulating out there and youhe can guess whoer is behind it.hii we'll tell you about it next. n. >> ♪♪ >> ♪♪ >> this morning the dow willmorn open above 20,000 for ther t first time in history.hiso ever. joining us now from the fox fox business network studio lauren simonetti. i'm sure you were partying allgl night. night [laughter] >> reporter: i actually feel e like thank goodness it's overver with. with. because i remember that day tha not too long ago that we camegom within a third of point ofint 20,000 and we said oh, this continues. so we're here. we opened at 20 we're yesterdaye we closed at 20.at20. history in the making, perfectpt and this morning futures are fur up so we'll likely stay at a 20,000. association the big questione bi is why, what took so long,ok son where do we go from here? here? well, here is three answers.anw. why. corporate growth lookinggrowth i really good.go corporate profits coming in strongerha donald trump promised a lot ofdf things on the campaign trail. four days into his presidencyrey he is delivering. some of the topics are andhe controversial but there'sere's clarity. there will be infrastructurefrar spending. there will be tax cuts.spx cus. there will be regulatorye reguly reform and with that, wallhawall street just taking the marketart up and 21,000 i kid you notou no this is to add to numberer three, 21,000 is certainly on00 the horizonis at least to two analysts we spoke to durings we our show in the past hour.our. they see this market going up, p up and up. >> i have another w, a fourth one. what does it mean for the average person for me. does e pe >>rs f reporter: 20,000 is a: 2 round number it's a milestone.l. it's also kind of a magnet inet away. it makes regular people whoes r probablywh don't know too much about the stock market say, stok well, i got to mar get in 'cause it's judge going to keep going g up.up. we're buying high and sellingyi higher. the market will come down atme it's making the average a investor get excited.inve >> excited face.ce. i'm smiling. let's talk about soup bowlbou right aroundt the corner.orner. heinz is pushing for somethingsg that i am 100 percent a national day off after supertr bowl. >> reporter: yes. yes. >> please. >> reporter: yes, they're giving alleporte of their salare employees that monday off. o instead of spending millionsmil of dollars on a commercialcom this is their commercial.eir co you have off and they'rehey're calling the monday after thehe big game smonday and they have e al petition which i justet signed. >> you did. >> reporter: to give >>o rff. oft yeah, i did.ah, i . >> okay. >> reporter: make it a r nationalepor holiday. 60 million people call outall sith it's america's game. game. just give us off. >> and the boss knows you're bos not sick. i'm going to fin d thatd t petition and sign it myself.. just search heinz i suppose. >> reporter: i'll tweet itch hor out.r: i'l >> tweet out. ou lauren, thank you so much. mh get some >> reporter: thank you. u >> get some sleep. from the, you know, the bigow, celebration. we'll see you tomorrow. >> reporter: yeahly.see >> rr: l >> allison that's where you'rehe wrong. wro people are sick. sik. either sick 'cause you lost a lot of money.ey. >> right. lost ostcause your team or sick 'cause you ate tooo much food, right. food, r. yeaeah. >> so -- >> i understand.estand. >> yeah. that's not a fake call-out.e ca- >> i got to watch until thetil very end and then i got togo drag myself in here.elf in h >> at least half nothing before n >> i don't think it's going to k happen for it' us. >> i think when the game is onee fox it should be a holiday.hoda. >> oh, now, come on bosses,me oe that's a deal we can get ge behind. >> let's do the fork.>> l we're looking at cetloud coverco and the a couple light showers and sprinkles out early.e this is a cold front. fro it's still mild out early this s morning. we hit 61 yesterday.s 52 now in washington.w washi no wind chill to speak of.d chik there's your shore. you can see it's very,ther veryy light but the big picture isur s it's a frontal system comingg through so we'll have cloudswe for the next couple hours.'lxt o i think we'll getu partial partl clearing this afternoon.t winds will that pick up out oflh the north and west and it willat start to feel a ndmor ie likelie january ar afternoon and tonight as ours ur temperatures are going to fallo back into the 30's later tonight. night. but one more mild 56. we'll probably do that for thete first half of the we'll be in the 40's latt er this a40ft'sernoon.ernoon. weekend forecast looksrecast fantastic but sunshine temperatures in the ten 40's. overnight lows freezing.eeing. >> okay. it's january. ary.ith, it is janu >> all right. tlin get a ge a j i t c look at the roads thisoads this morning. >> steve morning.or let's start off with skyfoxwit bust inner loop virginia.virgina here's one long line of jammed d traffic approaching the dulles s toll road where we have awhere a crash that has blocked the two t right lanes and you can seeanesn the extensive delays will takele you all the way back to theack beltway and possibly even even beyond that at this point.po again the inner loop inr loop i virginia with a crash at two to 67. now, the express lanes it the looks like are opened. eke a here is the site of where the crash scene is with the i emergency vehicles out there ats thy e vedulles toll road we you've got the two, excuse me,ce left lanes blocked.le that's where they're allft at. . and so as a result you've got the beltway.eltway. earlier crash just before this in which the express lanesress l were closed but when we had a ha wider view we can see thate they have been reopened.e been let's goe back to our maps andra show you the actual site ofal sf where this is ongoing and an fyi if you take the inner loopip to get to the dulles toll toll road, here's the site of theitef crash right heavy delays back to 66.o let's go to our camera andra nd show some of those otherho delays. the crash is this is asa huge mess. m i know you're just looking atoo a lot of lights but antan eastbound crash 66 atcrash 66 at washington boulevard jammedton all the way back to thel thy bak beltway. t we'll have another update inate less than 10 minutes.inutes. fox5 will be right back afteraca this. >> ♪♪ >> ♪♪ 267. >> ♪♪ >> 6:30. welcome back on a thursday morning. what you're looking ate isba the inner loop this is inn virginia. there's a crash at the dullesdul tolload.d. delays back to i-66.6. caitlin will be along shortlysho along with tucker with yourth yo weather and traffic on thetraffe 5s. 5s. welcome back to fox5 news5 news morning. first, though, at 6:30, an30 an armed robbery at the cvs on arlington road in bethesda.d inb that store was held up justd u before 3:00 this morning.orning. police say the suspect had ahada gun. still on the loose.ill on thankfully no one in the store t was hurt.r the man accused ofthe man cf shooting a woman at a school o bus stop in front of several kids has turned himself in. rowland sims is his name.ame. he surrendered in princend p george's county top policepolice yesterday. yest family members say sims is the m witnesses say he attempted topto grab at the bus stop in front of other school kids. ki also breaking thisso bre morning, just aak short time agg our crews were on the scene assa police transported those sevenhs greenpeace protestors whostors w scaled a construction crane inrr downtown d.c. yesterday.e the stunt was in that protestt of some of president trump'sprrs policies. make their tto first court appearance at 9:00 9 this morning.morn also happening today,ning president trump will travel to philadelphia for the 115th 115th congressional the president is also expectedtd to turn to the economy todaymyty signing a notice to congresscon that he plans to startbilateral tradestala negotiations with most of the countries in the trans-pacificpc partnership those talks coming days afteray the president moved to pullo out of the 12 nation pacific rim agreement. today thousands are> to gearing up for the march fordaup life rally. f it omorrow on the national mall but this afternoon theres t will be a youth rally at the d.c. renaissance hotel and also an expo opened to the public. public the expo gives people attending friday'thse marchex e opportunity to connect withunit pro lifey organizations and and ministries. silver spring now, the springbrook high school cheerleading squad plans toad ao boycott future games.gaes. this was all after thefter principal called their routinere too "ghetto."ghtto." the principal apologized at a a meeting between parentsweenarens administrators and thenistrato e cheerleaders last night but b the squad says they're notquadth ready to accept that apologyaplo because their question aboutesta just why their style washeir s considered threatening or tool ghetto why those questionsues weren't they plan to continue theirntinh boycott until they get those get answers. over to you. yo. >> ♪♪ y much al s itar is time for the morning line lie right now. a quick check on sports this morning. it will bechec an all williamsls winners final. they were playing down under.und first venus advanced to theed te final round her first grand f slam final since 2009. then serene nap flu out hern flo opponent.ent. the match last minutes. serene nap chasing her 23rd 3rd grand slam title. t venus hoping for herm eighth.ei. it will be their 28th meetingthg and the ninth grand slam finalrd betwee n the two. t flat out domination. domination. big win for georgetownorgetn beating number 16 creighton at t verizon center. this game wasn't close. clos final score 71 to 51. before this upset head coachhis john thompson the third hadhirdd lost the last 16 conferenceferee games to teams teams owner depaul and saint john's. sain george mason hosting gw. gw wins pretty easily 87-68.68. both teams now three and fouranr in a10 play. pay. since the falcons consideredo to be the hnsome team in thetea super bowl they get to chooset o which uniform colors they wantr to wear and they're going totheo goal with the traditional homele team darker colors.r they're going red. re. but there are some concerns this morning if you look history that that color choiceh might give new aengland thee edge because 11 of the last 12 uniforms were won by the teame a wearing white. that's what the patriots willwil wear. there you go.ere you the week before the superwe bowl of course theek b pro bowl, hi al kirk cousins in orlandoino getting ready for sunday's sund' game and he was asked about he k the super bowl whoed awould win and here's what captain kirkt had to say.s >> my head says the hard to go against billgai bill belichick and tom brady aftera all these years. my heart saysese the falcons an it's hard one to call, man, man but that's why it's the supere u bowl. bo both teams have been playinging so well and i think it will be e maybe a 31-27 type deal.d i think maybe the offensesffen will put up some points and it i will be i guess that's why they play the game.. >> the hats make them look like the giants cloths willothsl the skins use the franchise f tag on multiple year and contract or cr talk of him possibly leaving lea the organization for the west coast. but if you ask jay gruden andde bruce allen there's noallen theo question cousins will be their t quarterback next year.arterbac nextk ne year. y that was key. k >> that doesn't answer thet n'tn question. >> no, it doesn't. if they don't sign him to>> a long term deal he could go.he co 25 years ago today -- you a- take a one year deal for 25 f mill or four year deal for 25or5 per? i'll go for four years y 25 per.25 per 25 years ago today marks themar last redskins super bowl.wl. 37-24 win over the bills.ills fox sports ranked all previouslp super bowl champions and champi believe it or not, the 1991 redskins topped the list, camei out number one. they outscored their opponents p in the playoffs one twentyyoon three to 41. th quarterback mark griffin g sacked only seven times alls yearly now, tucker i know youi had some questions earlier ea about this.t let me until a little bit oftle the details.e de it was andta pointed out this ts was ranking the b of all time, not the best teams of all time.teams of all t they say the imbest team of allf time the 2007 patriots but i will quote they chose theho redskins because it is exactlye because of how unmemorableme they were. were. the greatest make it lookgrea mt easy. they're saying this was a this a group of guys led by mark griffin an defense that -- >> it was a greath year. yea. >> not a lot of great>> not a lo individuals compared to some of the other superf al s bowl t. >> underdog. >> a team that achievedeam t together as a teamh.eam >> at first it sounded like a la dis' compliment. >> it is a little bit. >> it is a dis' compliment. it s >> no, i atis'' sco still asti compliment. >> there's a little dis' inre'si there. >> can i give a stat of the i day for this giv upcoming super bowl. >> yeah. >> brady has been to more has be super bowls than then entire en falcons roster. >> that's amazing, isn't >> so when he loses it will beie like wow amazing.mazng. >> unfortunately not going to no lose. >> i'm rooting for the i underdog. i've said that. so, whatever.'m we'll see. >> let's do the forecast. sokou don't , tuwec'lk.l et's d t >> you know what, i absolutelyby don't know. >> right. ean, i have no idea.da. 52 in 48 in new york city. hey, we'll be mid 50's here's he for a couple hours and then andn cooler weather gets in thistheri afternoon. had a few showers out looks likeower most of that ist blossoming there just east ofeaf the bay but we could have aoulda sprinkle or shower here we do have some cloud cover assc well.ov all of that get east of us and our and winds will that pickwina up, turn partly sunny thistly ss afternoon. should be a dry afternoon butoo you'll feel that cooler airler r working in on a briska risk northwest wind.est wind 49 by 4:00 p.m.49 by 4:m >> there's something you do know. >> yes. [laughter]hter] >> thanks tuck.tuk. >> for fact.or fact >> are we sure? we sue? >> hi, caitlin.>> hi, ctlin. >> hi. good morning, guys. we have a big messgood in virgia right at the inner loop here at 123. we've had this crash that has forced the closure ofd this thee express lanes on the innerss loop where you would lan get onn get around it but that has but t been shut down.hut down. again this is the inner loops tp at 123, accident ongoing.goi. another accident on 66, we'll wl go to that camera and show youou that accident right behind met e here. a lot of flashing lights.lash this is at washingtonshinon boulevard on 66 and you'rend jammed b as we go to our maps i'll showlw you the whole quagmire wherehere the beltway meets 66 meets the m dulles toll road.dues t we have two crashes on thewo c inner loop. so here'ins ourne first one.firt i showed you that at 123;, no, n excuse me this is the one athe t the dulles toll road and one an before that at 123 that hasat 1a forced the closure of thelos express lanes so and you can'tne use it.s sot ays back andack beyond 66 leading up to theto first crash.first you can't use the express lane and then you've got app secondac crash further up at dullesat tolload.d. 66 crash extends all the way back tohe nutley street buttreet physicals spilling andical southbound onto thes dulleso tollth road.rod. we'll keep you updated. steve. stev >> frito lay coming out withh something now. a chip bag that can tell whenn w you've been drinking and will wl help you get a safe ride home. h >> skittles is trending thislest morning. a foreign ad that hasn't evenas aired on television yet.elevisn we'll be right back. >> ♪♪ >> 6:41. back with what's trending on the web on this thursday h whweb on t morning.ursday snickers a fan favorite super bowl advertiser upping thet ante by planning its first it ever live commercial.ial. a 30 second ad will bead w performed live in the first ad of the third quarter.uater. stars adam driver who played kyle wren. if you plan to drinko during the super bowl tostitos released a party safe bag thatgt can tell when you've beenn drinking. drin the special bag uses a sensorseo to deem ticket alcohol on aalco person's breath.rson's b if it senses you have beensense drinking turns on a sensornsor that flashes a don't drink andea drive message in red like youd e see there.. the bag is equipped with a communications chip thaticationt allows party goers to tapgo their bags with a phone toh a po call an uber and you get a $10 skittles may wind up withayd the biggest buzz of all theggesu super bowl cozzmmercials by o te time the game ends. the commercial titled romanceroe is listed on you tubes list of videos. it went live on tuesday anda hasn't aired on tv yet. allison, back to >> we don't have any time bute if you have been drinking abeena lot and your bag lights start s to glow and stuff do you knowt what's going on with it?? >> or if those chips your breath can beoe pretty funky anyway.pretty funky >> you see what i'm saying. say >> i hear you.>> i hear you. >> it's a good idea. it's a >> i'll stick to the threethe dollars bag. ba >> should you eat a bag tould y know if you've been drinking. hollywood actor under arrest for warp police say hewap did at an anti-trump protest in new york city plus reactionrt pouring in overnighternight remembering one of the mostst influential women in television, mary tyler moore. fox beat is next. >> ♪♪ >> heads up right now. hea the inner loop is closed at 123 inner express lanes are closed.s la you canne see the activity righi there with all the emergency emy vehicles that have respondedt hs to this t you can see some firefightersreh it looks like that are workingi on the scene right there near nr where the express lanes are are compared to the regular lanes of trael.. we'll check in with caitlin ca get you the details.the in the meantime. >> morning meme, morning meme,nn morning meme. nd you got to wait for two and a half minutes allison.lln. flip the prompter.rompter. that would be fantastic.e fan we've got the bus stopsstop forecast. temperatures mild here overnight, low 50' s outmp there. th after school today, the the temperatures will be fallingwila because we've got a cold frontd coming through as we speak soeas mild start and cooler thisrt anc afternoon. it won't be cold. it't b 52 nowe coildn washington.ashn. leonardtown look at -- yeah, ye look at you, 55 degrees, nice.s. 57 in fredericksburg.eriurg all these temperatures well wll above normal for normalno 49 out at dulles.dll couple sprinkles and showers out there. most of the actione t has been east of the bay butbayu looks like just south of 95 we w got a couple sprinkles towardstw hagerstown along 81 a fewa few light sprinkles and showersshow its a cold front coming through and we'll be dealingealg with clouds this morning, ar couple of light showers andght sprinkles and then we'll gets al partial clearing and the windshe pick up out of the north andor west and it will be a breezyreey afternoon so just remembert those breezes bringing in some e cooler air and we'll turn'll chilly tonight back into theght 30's tonight.night then i think for the weekend just want to give you a headsh up here much colder air. honestly it's seasonable back to standards of january j here in early february but ityt will feel a lot colder. coldr. it's been about two weeks plusep now, 15 days since we hit the freezing mark at reagant a national and we'll keep thatp tt streak going for another day.ngr there's your seven day d t nice looking but chilly weekend. week temperatures in the 40's,n the , overnight lows near freezing. ng that's the weather update. #morning meme. >> can't wait. levity.ty. that#m busy morning especially fromecim virginia. this is the scene. right where you hit 123 inwh virginia. plenty of emergencyer personnelpersonnel from vdot on the scene. a crash blocked all of the all express lanes.anes. a very bad crash. at 123 you cannot get onto thet inner loop express lanes. les furthermore you've got the twoth left lanes left most lanesla blocked here on just thenes kede regular inner loop so you juseee traffic is just squeezingt sque around by it and you've got ot delays all the way back to o springfield as a result ofult this crash on the inner loop. l. prtyty bad. let's see if we can go to one of our cameras instead andd a this is another crash in a similar area at washingtonaston boulevard on 66 eastbound.stbo this is a crash that i believec is at leastthat taking out oneoe lane here on the right-mostright side and delays jammed back toa nutley street. so as we go to our maps that'ss' a total quagmire in the whole 495, 66, 267 area. those delays from 66 spilling back onto sound muchnd muc southbound 267 dulles road. a couple of crashes on the inner loop plus that crash ono 66 'causing a lot of problems.p. a live view out in then the district of the washingtonctf auto show. i'll be down there starting attt 9:30 on good day d.c.y c. previewing some of, yeah -- -- >> yeah. >> >> -- best vehicles out there. . i don't even know -- i'veko never even been to an out tow -- not even sure what i'me going to like the most.e most >> you're going to like theme hm all. >> yeah, you will many. >> all well beyond anything i've -- ve - >> like uber luxury vehicles.veh >> when you say uber --ubr -- >> that's a morning meme.rn >> time for the morning meme.m >> hit it. t. >> ♪♪ >> i don't know about our intro music. mus >> you don't mind.>> you >> let's get to it.>> let'so it. we've got three, we'reee, e featuring three today.aturin i promised our gun friendn f bonnie we would start with w this one today.e his one today. >> hi, bonnie. >> i am not mo hving to the kiddie table.ddie tab. >> ha ha. get it. i. >> come on cute. >> i'm saying ha ha.>> i'm >> i thought that was super suer cute. >> awesome. >> number two, thank you uniform power.or when you thought winter wasughts coming but tucker says otherwise. a few of us actual dollar lovell and winter we want a little lit winter weather.wi >> and that's a play of course u on winter is coming. >> exactly.>> exactly. >> game of thrones.>> >> that's a good one. gt's a go. >> and our final #morning#moning meme, can we get caitlin roth fox5 some water, >> ha ha. >> good.>> h >> yes. >> fox hazard doing weather and traffic this morning --rni has her doing weather andher nd traffic this morning.traf >> that's what i do in betweefie the weather and traffic.rac. you've got about five minutesous there. why not get some exercise.exerc. >> the truth is she wasth is shs multitasking earlier thisar morning with weather andthernd traffic. >> yes. >> i've been told i have bagsve under my eyes. i need to sleep in.i need to sl i needeep to get rest.. >> contractual. >> cue the >> ♪♪ >> hey. send us your morning meme, #morning meme. i'm getting great support fromas a number of people but i needi d more people to send us their thi morning meme. send it in. >> we appreciate it. >> we love everybody sending>> y it in.body sen #morning meme. send it in.#m send i >> awesome.t more tomorrow.tom we look forward to more onore on good day today jam packed withit celebrities. live with kerry an from f "dancing with the stars." 90's dance hits queen ccpennistonp brook lauren from brooklyn 99 hanging out witht wi us at 10 o'clock this morning.t >> very nice. we are almost there. tomorrow is are ou arlm big wedn the loft extravaganza.xtraganza. sara and corey will tie theie knot live on our air in ourr studio. ud today we're going share which wi wedding song that you can voteno on for the happu y and that got us thinking aboutat on this throw back thursday show your wedding pictures andud share your wedding songs withinh us. tweet us at the fox5 d.c. -- at fox5 d.c. of course and use #good day d.c. we want to see your wedding photos. we want to know what yournow whr wedding song was.songwas. all things wedding on this on t throw back thursday.h >> cue the fox beat music. >> ♪♪ >> cue kevin mccarthyly. >> all.son. >> yes. >> let's assemble.ase good to see you. yu. missed you.y obviously we're rememberingeem mary tyler moore this morninger and yesterday there was newsmo reports that sheerda was in gra condition from tmz and thenmz ah the reports came out that she te passed away unfortunately at age 80 but an incrediblec legendary actress. dick van dyk show, nominatedmi for an oscar, seven emmymy awards she loved.l one of the things i loved waslos the outpouring of support from that social media and the the celebrities that loved her andod this is one from oprah.pra oprah said look at this, eventh no want to cry. i still can't believe maryeli tyler moore touched my face.oreo i will love her forever. fo here's the cool thing about tng this moment. i had never seen this. th do you remember this moment? me anyone ever see this momenthis e will. >> vaguely. on oprah's show. s she was doing favorite womena celebrity segment and talkingy e about how she gmhad done app mp tribute on her show one time. t m meant so much to her over so the years and then she showeds this video of her like recreating something from the fe m show and then she came back on camera and this is what i wh happened.ha >> one of the greatest ever.tese i love her. thank you mary for being suchngh an inspiration to us all, all al of us women in television.lev thank you very much.. [cheers and applause] >> remember, at this momentber,t oprah had met everybody, okay. . this was like -- and this wass s an amazing video if you watch y the whole thing.g. mary tyler moore was a big fanm of opra ah. opah. they sat down she literally is crying there. t >> sweet. s reallyleally a powerful moment and i had not seen itnot and it was all over socialver media yesterday when shehen posted that picture.ed tt >> you know, and as open rapso said in there and i thoughti th about it yesterday when it heard the newsit yit's funny fy because your mind goes back to the mary tyler moore show. sho you're watching that andching td you're seeing a woman in a n a male dominated need that wasthaw the big deally.d >> it is special. >> and it really>> changed -- ii paved the way.. carrie fisher who young girlsyog looked up to because of ato bec strong female role in "starle wars" in 1977 so a lot ofof people who passed away were very were iran new wench whiche will.will. >> viola davis said thanks foris the real image of aa woman wom being independent funny and and vulnerable. vuln thank you for changing the the face of tv #mary tyler moore. mo news coming in from overnight about actor shia labeouf arrested in new york city. city. we're told he allegedly goteglyt into a fight with a a 25-year-old outside of a museum and anti-presidentanti-pi trump art protest and according to the police police labeouf pulled the unidentified man's scarfn'scarf allegedly scratching him indly c the process whichhi resulted inl his arrest.res he's also accused of pushing the n.n. the actor now faces charges off misdemeanor assault and i don't know if you've seen the sh 24 hour live stream he's doing g form trump. t have you seen this.thi >> i didn't see that but i sawth the videos over the weekend at some of the protests and him getting in the face of people.te >> he launched a f 2ac4e of p hu year live stream that people can go up and like kind ofkind o like say what they want to say o about the currentt the currt administration. it's very -- some of the stuffmf gets a little bit crazy. so -- >> always seems to get himselfto in the news one way gorne wayor another. >> that's what he does for his art. >> thanks kev. >> thanks guys. inncheck in with tucker aga 6:55. >> tucker barnes.>> tucker barn >> he's always kind of getting in trouble, isn't he?uble, n't h >> can i just a call you tuckjuo from now on.u >> yeah, that that's fine.that'. >> cool, i like it.>> >> let's do the weather. c looking at temperatures whichera are mild right now in the 50's.mild rthe 52 degrees. have a sprinkle our shower spriu moving through withr show our cd front and this is a transitiont to some cooler air. ar yesterday hit 61.yes we'll be in the mited-50's todas for a few hours but the the overall theme is cooler airolerr working in on a brisk northwest wind this afternoon.sf you can see a few showers lookok like southeast d.c. just south h of town down towards testimonyry alexandria, old timealexandria, alexandria maybe getting atidrat shower. there's the big picture. again we could clear it outit this afternoon. most of your day is dry. is dry. sunny and bright.bright. caitlin is here. her she's got roads.she's got roads. >> yeah, we've got three gothree crashes now on the inner loopno in many virginia.onin many viina not. good. skyfox over what was at the h first one onorato inner loope on here at 123. 3 this accident forced the closure of the express lanesres of the inner loop. l we had two left lanes blocked.l they have reopened.octhey he ren delays due to the edrub. necking then youneckinthen you breakthroughs. but these delays on the inner loop go all the way back to o 66. and we've got another crash on the and westbound on-ramp too route seven in virginia offir the inner loop so severalseve crashes on that stretch of these inner loop from 66 beyond theyo dulles toll road.dulles toll that's a look at rotraffic.tra much more coming up in thei 7:00 a.m. hour when fox5 news5 s morning returns right afterght this. >> ♪♪ >> ♪♪ >> this is fox5 news morning.or. >> ahead at 7 o'clock a day d long anti-trump protest on top of this crane in that d.c.s c id ended last night.d last night. right now the demonstratorsem are waiting to make their first court appearance.peance. we'll have a live >> plus, get ready for another n day of executive orders fromr the white house.white house. the president's focus fus immigration and nationaland naol security. all this as he talks strategytry with his fellow republicans.ep >> and we want to know what we youwa think.thnk. the redskins the greatest t championship team of all time? t it was 25 years ago today when n they won their last super bowl and some think they were the best championser. ch >> whoever that is i like that a very much. >> there you go. >> live look o on thiside on this thursday morning. morning. it's january 26th. januy 26th. weather and traffic coming uptro on the 5s at 7:05. 7:0 good thursday to you, i'mo allison seymour.allison >> and i'm steve chenevey.'m ste welcome to fox5 news morning.or. first up, developing overnighte what appears to be a string oftf armed robberies at pharmacieshas in montgomery our cameras c maonptured policei outside the cvs on a

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