Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 Morning News 5 20180108 : compar

Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 Morning News 5 20180108

we're going to get to mike and erin in just a moment. first we have a couple school closings and delays. we'll start in maryland. marlton elementary school in upper marlboro is closed today due to heating problems. all other prince george's county schools though are open on time. elsewhere in maryland, dorchester county schools are closed. queen anne's county schools on a 90 minute delay and talbot county schools you are on a two-hour delay. >> let's take you to virginia. shenandoah county schools closed today. king george, page and spotsylvania county schools are also closed today while stafford county and frederick city schools are on a two-hour delay. >> and in west virginia, jefferson county schools you are closed today. >> all right. erin como is talking about traffic. a lot of red behind you. i'm afraid to ask what that's all about. mike thomas talking about weather. no delay. you guys hit it. >> all right guys well it's the cold ground temperatures we're worried about today. actually most -- most of the atmosphere supports rain coming down but could freeze on contact. we got details o up. erin that looks like trouble. >> it is. unfortunately we have several water main breaks you need to steer clear of. crash after courthouse road. we'll talk about those drive times, help you out this morning in thank you both of you. if you're just waking up with us now at 5 o'clock major problems continue with streets impacted by water main breaks. one of the newest overnight happened on porter street near 34th in northwest. >> all of this as we wait for more icing issues across the d.c. region this afternoon. that's where we find fox5's melanie alnwick. she's live with details. what a situation, mel. >> reporter: good morning, guys. the icing issue is real and present right now here at 34th street and porter street. you can see where the water as it was flowing from that broken main literally just froze in ripples, froze in place as it was pouring down the street. you can see the crews up the street, they are actively digly into the street right now to try to locate that water main and get repaired. so, we think this is probably one of those priority repairs. sometimes we'll see them shut off the water and then have to deal with other higher issues. one of the things that goes into it is the impact on the surrounding area and the number of customers. we don't know at this point how many customers may be impacted by this break but i'm going to assume that there probably are some right now without water just based on the quick response here from d.c. water. they've been dealing with 141 or more water main breaks since december 1st and they're saying most of them happening just in the last week. so, really these things are happening as fast as crews can get to them. and they're really -- or faster we should say than crews can get to them. you just don't know where they're going to pop up. now you add cold weather to it, cold pavement temperatures and you end up with the impact of potentially some slippery areas. we have seen d.c. water crews coming through here and putting down some salt and some of the hopefully it's not going to cause too much of a problem. but it really is important to just let people know that when they see a situation like this they really do have to take it very carefully. live in northwest, i'm melanie alnwick, fox5 local news. >> all right, mel, thank you for that. the cold and the damage it's causing continues to impact howard university in a major way. undergraduate students will not be able to return to class today as schedule. frozen pipes led to heating and steam damage in several buildings. right now only four of nine dorm buildings have reliable heat. some buildings could be closed for a month. undergraduates won't start until next tuesday, january 16th. graduate programs are expected to resume today. >> 5:04 is our time right now. aren't the bombshell new book "fire and fury" inside the trump white house remains at the top of amazon's best seller list this morning. the book paints a dysfunctional picture of president trump and questions his fitness for office. many of president trump's top supporters were on the sunday talk shows calling the book complete nonsense and white house cleavage gist says he regretted the impact the comments had on president trump's presidency but did not apologize. >> president trump makes a scheduling change to his fake news awards. last week the president announced on twitter he would prevent the fake news awards today but then yesterday he tweeted the fake news awards those going to the most corrupt and biased of the mainstream media will be presented to the losers on wednesday, january 17th. the interest and importance of these awards is far greater than anyone could have anticipated. >> five minutes past the hour right now. lawmakers in maryland and virginia are set to debate several bills which would give the metro a permanent and dependable source of funding, this would be the first time in more than 50 years that both states exam metro funding at the same time. this could funnel hundreds of millions of dollars a year to the transit agency. and if you're taking the metro this morning, don't forget to reload your smart trip card. starting today, you can no longer carry a riders are encouraged to sign up for auto reload through their smart trip account. that will ensure a passenger always has money on their card. >> ♪ >> i didn't even know that was an option really auto reload. >> i didn't know that either. >> that's good. >> 5:06 is our time. we're talking about traffic which we know is a problem. weather probably part of the reason for that problem. >> probably part of the reason. yeah, we had cold temperatures. i'm sure pipes have been bursting all weekend long. we have relief temperature-wise on the way. actually near 60 by the end of the week but we do have today to get through first and that is kind of a transition day. cold air is leaving but some -- do want to update you on breaking news. fairfax county school virginia, schools are closed today. >> really? >> so, that's just in. >> okay. >> because of fear of icing. >> okay. >> so there you go. fairfax county schools congratulations you are closed today. 20 degrees outside of washington, manassas gaithersburg 17 degrees at this hour. temperatures going to play a role because it's this moisture off our west starts to move into our region later on today. even if it falls as rain it could freeze on contact. winter weather advisories start today at 3 o'clock. the precip could start feeling even a little bit before then. be weather ready weather aware this afternoon. if you're going to be pulling into work get your windshield wipers on. you don't want to have to be scraping ice off the car later this afternoon. dry through the afternoon and it's the afternoon hours when the wintry mix comes in. even with a temperature of 34 it's the ground we're concerned about. watch untreated roadways. erin has trouble on the roads this morning. >> that's right mike. we have crashes water main breaks causing a big problem early this monday morning. this in start after 630 courthouse road. left lane left shoulder blocked. 10 minute use caution much watch for slick spots on sidewalks. several water main breaks in the area. getting updates from the water department. two eastbound lanes on east-west highway in takoma park near new hampshire avenue remain closed for water main repairs. lanes that are opened surrounding that area could cause delays because of icy spots. metro is on time but use caution. any questions at erin fox5 d.c. on twitter. >> coming up, transportation leaders investigating the weather related problems at j.f.k. airport. >> we're following a developing story from texas where a sports reporter has gone missing. >> heading to break right now take a live look outside on this monday morning. this is prince george's county 495 traffic moving well there luckily, no issues there. we'll have more news, weather and traffic when fox5 news morning returns. >> ♪ >> ♪♪ the arctic national wildlife refuge -- one of the most pristine and beautiful parts of the world. but barbara comstock just voted to put it up for sale. why? to pay for tax cuts for billionaires and big corporations. comstock supported donald trump's tax scheme for the wealthy, adding $1.5 trillion to the debt and leaving us with the bill. tell barbara comstock we won't stand for selling our wild lands to give billionaires a tax cut. >> welcome back. 5:09. here's a live shot from porter and 34th streets in northwest d.c. this is where melanie is this morning. and as you can see, just from the shear sheen and the shine, that is nothing but a sheet of ice. of course there are a lot of water main breaks throughout the area causing lots of problems. the cold weather continue to wreak havoc in our region. we'll update you on this particular situation throughout the morning and keep you abreast of anything else that will be happening in and around the area but if you are out there driving this morning please exercise caution. >> 5:10 is our time. off the coast of china, a tanker full of toxic oil is currently on fire and threatening to explode. fears of an environmental disaster are growing. the vessel has been leaking oil since it collide we had a chinese cargo ship on saturday night. the tanker belongs to an iranian company and was carrying 136,000 tons of oil. all 32 crew members on board remain missing. >> concern is also growing for a missing sports reporter in houston texas. 29-year-old courtney rowland reportedly hasn't been seen since saturday afternoon. rowland had attended a texas a & m football camp prior to going missing but her roommate reportedly received text messages from her about a suspicious man follong >> the port authority of new york and new jersey is launching an investigation into a burst water pipe which led to flooding inside a baggage claim area at j.f.k. international airport. crews yesterday had to rush passengers out of the baggage area to avoid getting wet. the flood added to the problems at j.f.k. which was trying to get back up to full speed after days of delays and cancellations stemming from last thursday's storm. >> space-x successfully launching another rocket over the weekend this one carrying a top-secret satellite for the u.s. government. the launch in cape canaveral carried the summa satellite. not much information was given about the satellite's purpose other than it was carrying a restricted pay load. four key figures in the flint, michigan water crisis is due in court today. they all worked in the city's department of environmental quality. liam smith the fired former head of the deq responsible for overseeing flint's water switch will be in court with them. their case has been delayed for 18 months. all are charged with involuntary manslaughter for failure to alert the public of legionnaires' disease which killed 12 people. >> meanwhile the fight over the estate and body of charles manson also heads to court today. manson died in november nearly a half century after ordering his followers to kill actress sharon tate and eight others in 1969. a judge must sort out who is entitled to songs manson wrote that were used by the beach boys and guns n' roses. they will also decide who gets the commercial rights to manson's name likeness and any of his possessions which could be worth thousands of dollars to collectors. at least two people claim to have wills signed by manson. a third claims manson did not leave a will. some sad news in the music world today. ray thomas from the moody blues has passed away. he died after a four year battle with prostate cancer. he was 76 years old. thomas played the flute solo on one of the moody blues' biggest hits night in white satin. the band will be inducted into the rock and roll hall of fame later this year. >> the winner of saturday's $560 million powerball jackpot has yet to come forward. the winning ticket was sold in new hampshire. that followed one winner in friday's 445 mega millions jackpot. that 60 was ticket was sold in florida. that winner has not come forward either. >> because they're both still in shock. >> it wasn't me so i don't care anymore. any more. i'm going to be salty. >> good to work maureen. coming up on fox5 news morning the carolina panthers questioned about the treatment of quarterback cam newton. >> disney accused of browning up white actors in the filming of its new aladdin movie. >> as we go to break let's take a look outside. live look at the lincoln memorial of course this morning. 5:13 is our time. it's still very cold out there, folks. only 19 degrees but hope is on the horizon mike thomas says. fox5 news morning coming right back. >> ♪ before we start, i just want to say if anyone still doesn't have fios, please stay out of the way so your lag doesn't get us all killed, ben. what's so good about fios anyway? uh. what's so great about a 100% fiber-optic network that makes your gaming system actually work awesomely? hey. did you take out the trash? haha, garbage boy! dad, i already took out ben. it's not funny. so get fios. now, just $79.99 per month with a 2-year price guarantee with a 2-year agreement. with dunkin' deals, you get two egg & cheese wake-up wrap sandwiches for $2. and two of those for two of those means you deserve a few of those. stop in for the latest dunkin' deal, two egg & cheese wake-up wrap sandwiches for $2. america runs on dunkin'. >> a wintry mix will move through this afternoon could set up for a slick and dangerous evening commute. several school systems aren't taking any chances. fairfax and loudoun county schools will both be closed today as a precaution because of this weather system moving in that could make roads more slick, conditions worse than they already are with this bitter cold that really settled into the region this weekend. >> that's what we need to think about when they're picking the kiddos up today. mike what time is this all supposed to start. >> believe here in the d.c. area, mediate it's in the afternoon hours, early afternoon. >> like 1:00, 2:00. >> like noon -- between noon and 2:00. >> noon and 2 o'clock. >> i'll show you futurecast k will be earlier for those out to the west. temperatures are the big power teens and 20's to start the day. yesterday morning we had single digits so the ground is extremely cold so whatever falls even though we're warming kind of above our head so it may fall as rain but when it hits the ground it may freeze on contact here especially on untreated roads and surfaces. high pressure scooting off to the east. that's going to start to pull that cold air out of town so good news there. the bad news is cold air is very slow to move in these kind of situations so as the cold front swings in from the west with all that moisture it's going to kick up some precipitation which again could freeze on contact here around the region. here's that same radar you just looked at. there it is out to the west moving through ohio, through kentucky this morning. starting to push into western areas of west virginia there and then we're watching this area right here just starting to pop up in the maryland panhandle. i don't think too much of that is hitting the ground but we'll continue to watch it. here's that timing holly was asking about. right around the noon hour according to our latest models we'll have to start watching out in d.c. in the green which indicates futurecast showing us rain it's the ground t because they're well below freezing and what falls could freeze on contact on untreated surfaces. be careful with that that especially if you're heading out later this afternoon. things should wind down later this evening. winter weather advisories for all these counties you here in purple. does include d.c. doesn't start until 3 o'clock. we'll see if they bump that timing up. bus stop forecast 14 to 24 degrees before school its after school hours that we're concerned about the mix around the region and watch out for those slick spots. fox5 accuweather 7-day forecast we got relief on the way. 34 today. then look at that, just to the freezing mark later on tonight and then up to 47 tomorrow with more sunshine. into the end of the week staying unsettled with the chance of just rain because look at those temperatures up near 60 by friday. all right, that's a check of the forecast. erin is back with traffic. >> 5:18 right now. some good news for you. a crash that we were dealing with out in stafford did clear. unfortunately residual delays lingering. this camera is north of courthouse road crash previously blocking left lane left shoulder. factor in that extra time. or consider taking route one northbound. melanie alnwick guessing us team coverage. several water main breaks. annapolis road eastbound. two right lanes blocked. watch for slick spots on those additional lanes in that area. another one between -- on were. bw parkway northbound the beltway. metro is on time. melanie is out on porter street where that's shut down in northwest near 34th. >> wisdom is back with our realtime news tracker. hey whiz. >> good morning to you both. first up this morning the golden globes awards wasn't all glitz and glamour last night. there was a bit of shade also thrown in the mix. it started when actress natalie portman graced the stage to announce the winner for best director category. after co-presenter ron howard announced the category portman added and here are the all people following on social media were quick to praise portman for making the most of that particular moment crowning her the savage queen. also trending this morning actress debra messing outed e, "e! news" during an interview with the network during the awards show. while being interviewed she mentioned the back of equal pay at that network saying i was so shocked to hear that e doesn't believe in paying their female co-hosts the same as their male co-hosts. the comment comes as catt sadler a former an anchor for ! news" left because of a large pay gap. disney slammed after bosses admitted to browning up their extras. disney says it was forced to bring in white actors to fill background roles. at least one man who worked on the film claims there were more white actors used than the stud jacksonville jaguars defensive end says buffalo bills richie incognito used racial slurs during sunday's game. this is not the first time incognito has been accused of using racist insults. a member of the dolphins says he harassed martin and caused him to leave the team. carolina panthers might have violated the nfl's concussion protocol in the handling of cam newton. after taking a big hit from defensive tackle tyler davidson near his head and neck newton remained on the ground and appeared to be dazed from that particular blow. changes requires a locker room concussion evaluation. clearly that didn't happen and that's why people are concerned about it. >> yeah, right fully so. >> absolutely. >> thanks whiz. >> coming up on to of news morning, an embattled air bag maker announcing yet another recall. >> one of the country's largest doughnut makers announces change >> heading to break, this is a live look across the d.c. region. okay, it's going to be cold out there but there is a warmup on the way. you want to hear the details coming up. 19 degrees right now. 5:21 is the time. back after this. >> ♪ >> ♪♪ z2l2xz z16fz y2l2xy y16fy >> time right now is 5:24. a computer giant hp issued a recall after finding out that several laptop batteries are overheating. the recall involves about 50,000 lithium ion batteries. hp laptop owners should run the validation utility software. the batteries were sold at best buy amazon and and other web sites. >> takata is recalling another 3.3 million faulty air bag in automotive recall in u.s. history. the latest recalls include front seat air bags in a slew of vehicles made by 11 automakers between 2009 and 2013. the air bags can explode with too much force hurling shrapnel into drivers and passengers. fans of dunkin donuts be advised. maureen you take it. >> menu changes on the way. the chain is expected to offer a new simplified menu. the changes will be put into place nationwide in mid march. less popular items that are time consuming to prepare are being replaced including smoothies afternoon sandwiches and some breakfast sandwiches. >> i didn't hear anything you said because i was so busy looking at the video of all those doughnuts. they looked good to me. >> i'm hungry too. >> we need good warm stick to your ribs breakfast. >> we need that every morning. we are watching some winter precipitation moving in from the west. we're not talking big snow fall amounts here. in fact we're talking something many consider to be worse, potti later on this afternoon. 20 degrees outside your current anybody and many of us waking up to temperatures in the teens but notice the winds. south at eight. that's going to start to push the cold air out of here. we'll get warm air in for the second half of the week. before then we have what you see out to the west aren't saonsatellite and radar and thas snow sleet and rain as it moves into our region later this afternoon. could lead to icing concerns. be aware of that if you're hitting the roads later today. here's your planner for the day today. 24 degrees at 10 o'clock. by 1 o'clock that's when we have to start to watch those concerns moving into our region even though temperatures may reach above freezing your ground temperatures still very cold so that's why we're concerned with slick spots. that's a check of your weather. over to erin now for traffic. >> 5:26. speaking of slick spots, several water main breaks. melanie alnwick gathering more information out here in the district. northwest porter street closed both directions between 34th and 35th streets. you can see the sheen on the road. they have salted it but it's again in that area intersection very slick. take it slow as those vehicles behind me are doing. as you move things over for a look in takoma park now this is a look right now at crews all lanes have reopened. you can see the cones moved to the shoulder. east-west highway near new hampshire avenue. but that water main break scene still active. they're still working. please use caution past that area. aside from that we have slowdowns through stafford and another water main break as you make your way out in annapolis road in lanham. the latest on that. metro is on time. holly and maureen. >> thanks erin. 5:27. coming up on to of news morning virginia voters appeal the results of a random drawing which decided which political party would control the statehouse. >> and a new report says where you live determines your health and your success in life. >> as we head to break let's go ahead and look live outside across the d.c. region. there it is, it's a chilly one out there, folks. 19 degrees. we could have some icing headed our way later this afternoon. it's an important forecast you need to know about and we've got more stories to share as well. you're watching fox5 news morning. don't go anywhere. >> ♪ small business, internet providers promise you a lot. let's see who delivers more. comcast business offers fast gig-speeds across our network. verizon doesn't. we offer more complete reliability with up to 8 hours of 4g wireless network backup. verizon, no way. we offer 35 voice features and solutions that grow with your business. verizon, not so much. get internet on our gig-speed network and add voice and tv for $34.90 more per month. call 1-800-501-6000. the great emperor penguin migration. trekking a hundred miles inland to their breeding grounds. except for these two fellows. this time next year, we're gonna be sitting on an egg. i think we're getting close! make a u-turn... u-turn? recalculating... man, we are never gonna breed. just give it a second. you will arrive in 92 days. nah, nuh-uh. nope, nope, nope. you know who i'm gonna follow? my instincts. as long as gps can still get you lost, you can count on geico saving folks money. i'm breeding, man. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. i like these award-winning cheddar puffs. and i like these award-winning cheddar puffs. first place. both events? booyah! we're an awards family. you'll like them both but love our price. award-winning organic cheddar puffs from aldi. >> today on fox5 news morning, nearing the end. the cold weather gripping the country isn't going without a fight as much of our region gets ready for a today of some freezing rain and severe wind chills. too late to say sorry. president trump's former adviser steve bannon says he regrets his comments about the trump white house. but he's not apologizing. and no negative balance. begin today metro riders will have to make sure they have enough money to catch a ride. fox5 news morning starts right now. >> ♪ >> this is fox5 news morning. >> good morning to you. thank you very much for joining us. >> it is monday, we're going to get to mike and erin in just a few minutes. first though we have several school closings and delays to tell you about. major systems in maryland closing today in anticipation of this afternoon's potential for an icy commute. >> fairfax and loudoun county schools closed today. spotsylvania and warren county schools will also be closed today. >> let's stay in virginia. shenandoah king george and page county schools are also closed today. stafford county and fredericksburg city schools, you are on a two-hour delay. >> in maryland p-marlton elementary school in upper marlboro closed due to heating problems. all other prince george's county schools opened on time. dorchester county schools are closed, queen anne's county schools on a 90 minute delay and talbot county schools on a two-hour delay. >> west virginia grant hardy hampshire and general and mineral county schools are closed. >> all right. erin como talking about what's happening on the roads. mike thomas talking about the cold weather causing problems on the roads. >> cold weather we're concerned with some ice, some sleet, some freezing rain moving in later on this afternoon. we'll time it all out coming up. hey, erin. >> several water main breaks, slick conditions. we're going to get you around some trouble spots this morning. my advice to you, take it slow. watch for those slick spots. >> sounds good. thank you both. we'll check back in a few but at 5:32 right now, as we wait for possible icing issues across the d.c. region, you heard mike just talk about it, major problems continue this morning with certain streets impacted by water main breaks. >> one of the newest overnight porter street near 34th street in northwest. then its where we find fox5's melanie alnwick live with the latest. mel, lots of problems out there. you're at one of the big ones this morning. >> reporter: that's right, yeah, this is just the latest in more than 140 water main breaks that d.c. water has had since december 1st, the majority of them coming they said just in the last week or so. and this is going to continue to happen as we have these unprecedented cold temperatures here. now, the big problem here, of course, is the icing as all the -- the hill. it really just started to freeze in place and you can see just the shine all the way across this well traveled intersection here. this is 34th street. a lot of people also know it at the far end as reno and then you're looking up porter street here where that water main break began and actively right now d.c. water crews are digging into the middle of the street there to try to repair that water main as quickly as possible. we can only assume that there will be areas in here that are impacted by the water restrictions. also wanted to show you wssc, they're also dealing with an unprecedented number of water main breaks. they said they have 78 active water main breaks that they are dealing with as of 9:00 a.m. yesterday and i know erin has been reporting on some of those as well. they continue to cause traffic problems around the area and we just know those crews are working as quickly as they can to try to get them fixed. ve alnwick, fox5 local news. >> mel, thank you very much. 5:33 is the time. the cold and the damage it's caused impact the howard university in a major way. undergraduate students won't be returning to classes today as scheduled. now, frozen pipes led to sporadic heating and steam damage in several buildings. emergency repairs are currently under way and right now only four of nine dorm buildings have reliable heat. some buildings expected to be closed for a month. under grads won't start the new semester until next tuesday, january 16th. graduate programs expected to resume today. >> growing backlash this morning over the bombshell new book "fire and fury" inside the trump white house. the critical book paints a dysfunctional picture of president trump and questions his fitness for office. many of president trump's supporters have come to his defense calling the book complete nonsense and former chief strategist steve bannon said he regretted his comments about president trump but he didn't really apologize. the book is the number one best selle >> we're continuing our coverage on the battle for the virginia house this morning. four democratic voters are appealing the court decision that cleared the way for republicans to take control of the virginia house of delegates. at issue is the district 28 race in northern virginia. republican robert thomas beat his democratic challenger by 73 votes but the state board of elections acknowledges it sent out more than 140 incorrect ballots that might have impacted the race. now, if the appeal succeeds the house would possibly begin its new session on wednesday split 49-49 which would likely force a power sharing agreement. 5:35 right now is the time. if you're taking the metro this morning, reload your smart trip cards. you can no longer carry a negative balance on your card. metro is urging riders to sign up for auto reload through their smart trip account. now, the program ensures that money is always on your card. >> 5:35 is our time right now. and it was a bitter cold weekend, cold continues mike and we're in for another kind of big weather day, right. >> yeah, very head into the afternoon with freezing rain, sleet. even a little bit of snow possible but i think it's the icing concerns that are the biggest threat as we head into the afternoon. there's satellite and radar. you can see the moisture out to the west moving through ohio, kentucky, starting to push into west virginia. expected here in the d.c. region during the early afternoon. just checking out road temperatures on the maryland department of transportation web site and they're all in the teens, so as this moisture come, even if it falls as rain when it hits the ground it could freeze on contact. that's the biggest concern. look at these numbers to start the morning. 20 degrees here in washington, well below freezing. we have teens in the suburbs. 17 in gaithersburg, 18 at dulles, 15 manassas. it's not the single digits in negatives we had yesterday but still cold enough that it's not going to warm the ground all that much. we're not going to have a whole lot of sun to warm the ground. winter weather advisory start at 3 o'clock locally earlier than that north and west. there's your forecast. 34 today. watch the mix this afternoon. more sun tomorrow. all right, that's weather. over to erin for traffic. >>:3 because of water main breaks as melanie alnwick has been offering with team coverage in northwest. porter street closed between 34th and 35th. please use caution at that intersection because the traffic that is moving by on the other streets moving slowly because of the potential for slick spots. they've salted things out there. takoma park this is where our photographer mike rickert is. you can see one lane of traffic is getting through this water main break scene. doesn't appear to be as slick but please use caution. you never know you could hit icy spots. east-west highway near new hampshire avenue. in addition to that riggs road we have a crash at powder mill road. average speeds 18 miles per hour and then as we move things over we also have another water main break on annapolis road eastbound out by veterans parkway blocking two lanes in lanham. several water main breaks. metro is on time. use caution guys. back to you. >> coming up on fox5 news morning, where you live could determine how healthy you are. >> and who knew the smell of a loved one could help reduce your stress. >> all right. as we head to break right now we're going to look at the national harbor at 5:37. temperature of 19 degrees. now thomas says that at the end of the week we're going to get up to 55 or so. >> now, do we have to wait all the way until friday. >> we have to wait until all the way to the end of the week according to mike thomas. >> come on, friday! ♪ music ♪ i was diagnosed with hiv in 2016, but i didn't want my life to just...stop. i wondered if starting treatment would put my life on hold. my doctor and i chose triumeq, it seemed like the right fit for me. triumeq is one pill a day. any time of day. with or without food. now, i'm moving forward with triumeq. triumeq treats hiv-1 in adults, and does not cure hiv or aids. don't take triumeq by itself if you're resistant to any of it's ingredients. don't take triumeq at all if you're allergic to any of its ingredients, or have a certain gene variation. serious or fatal allergic reactions have occurred with triumeq and other abacavir containing medicines. full list, see the warning card that comes with your medicine. if you have an allergic reaction, don't take triumeq... ...or the medicines in it again. don't take triumeq if you take dofetilide or have liver problems. serious side effects include lactic acid buildup, heart attack, or liver problems. if you're female, obese, or take nucleoside analogues, you may be at greater risk. if you have hepatitis b or c, it may get worse. tell your doctor if you have liver, kidney, or heart problems, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, or hepatitis b or c, if you smoke, drink alcohol or if you are, or planning to be, pregnant or breastfeeding. some medicines may interact with triumeq, so tell your doctor about any medicines or supplements you take. the most common side effects include trouble sleeping, headache, and tiredness. i'm moving forward... ...with triumeq. to learn more, get this free kit at and ask your doctor if triumeq is right for you. before we start, i just want to say if anyone still doesn't have fios, please stay out of the way so your lag doesn't get us all killed, ben. what's so good about fios anyway? uh. what's so great about a 100% fiber-optic network hey. did you take out the trash? haha, garbage boy! dad, i already took out ben. it's not funny. gaming is best on a 100% fiber-optic network. so get fios. now, just $79.99 per month with a 2-year price guarantee with a 2-year agreement. z2kqoz z16fz y2kqoy y16fy >> welcome back to fox5 news morning on this monday january 8th. it's 20 mi 6 o'clock and this is what you're facing as you head out this morning. it's very cold out there and the cold is causing quite a few problems. on the left-hand side of your screen there is 34th and porter. that's in northwest washington. water main break. you can see it's just a sheet of ice out there. that stretch right there is closed. they're working on it. but anyway nonetheless you need to exercise caution and we have a crew on the scene. we'll keep you updated as to how things progress throughout the morning. >> on the other side is east-west highway in new and new hampshire there's also a water main break. our photographer mike rickert is showing us live pictures there. there are a couple of -- there's another one out in annapolis out in lanham. there's an issue out there. erin como talked about that a short while ago. lots of issues on the roads and it's because of the freezing temperatures. mike thomas is going to give us an update on weather coming up in just a moment. >> more importantly he's going to give us a ray of hope. >> yes. we got to have hope. we go the to the have hope. 5:41 is the time right now. in the research suggests that the scent of a loved one lowers stress levels in women. researchers examine the effects of a male partner's scent on a woman's stress levels. >> the findings suggest something as simple as taking an article of clothing worn by a loved one when you're away. it actually could help lower stress levels when you're not in familiar surroundings. >> interesting. getting fit is one of the most popular and most broken new year's resolutions but experts say it may not entirely be your fault if you couldn't follow through. >> recent wallet hub study says location can play a role in weight loss. seattle san francisco and san diego were named the three best cities for weight loss. gulf port, mississippi, shreveport, louisiana, both areas he's familiar with, and newark, new jersey are at the bottom. >> hm. that's interesting. >> all right. coming up on fox5 news morning. >> a new search is approved for malaysia airlines flight mh370. >> new changes are coming to the miss america pageant. >> as we head to break, le waterfront this morning. ooh, you know that water is cold, right. everything is cold out there. it's another cold morning in the dmv. 5:42 is our time though but there is a warmup on the way once we get through today. mike thomas says just hold onto the end of the week. he's going to tell us more on the other side of the break. >> ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ start the car! start the car! the ikea winter sale. wooooooo! get up to 50% off select items. now through january 10th. ikea. with dunkin' deals, get a $2 medium latte from 2 to 6 pm. looks like it's latte o'clock. time for a rich, creamy afternoon pick-me-up with a $2 medium latte from 2 to 6 pm. america runs on dunkin'. ♪ ♪ ♪ start the car! start the car! the ikea winter sale. wooooooo! get up to 50% off select items. now through january 10th. ikea. >> ♪ >> neither do i. >> we don't understand why it's sool 5:45. it was brutal weekend weather-wise that is. nonetheless -- really is it just one more day, like today we get through today and then -- >> and then tomorrow is a little better. in fact you know what, upper 40's tomorrow. >> oh. >> it's probably going to feel like the best day ever. >> yeah, right. >> tell you how it felt this weekend. >> not the best day ever. >> even with the sunshine you didn't want to be outside much especially saturday with the winds blowing a little bit. sunday a little better and again progress every kind of day here but we are watching winter weather concerns today. today is kind of that transition day. cold air very slow to exit especially down at the surface. we're going to warm above our heads first and then that warmer air will eventually make it down low. because of that we could have some rain or wintry mix falling but when it hits the surface, that's when we're concerned about it freezing. pavement temperatures still in the freezing. even warmer as we head towards the late work week. you heard wisdom mention before the break get to friday believe it or not. 20 degrees this morning, far from 60. 17 degrees in gaithersburg, 18 dulles, frederick 18 degrees as well as hagerstown. martinsburg at 16. temperatures play a role in all of this because cold air is stubborn when it comes to moving out. high pressure off to the east. that is going to start to kick up a south wind and that will move the cold air out slow and steady. just in time we have a cold front sliding through the region and because of that, that causes our -- the moisture to fall and that causes that sleet, some freezing rain icing concerns later this afternoon. there's satellite and radar. you see the moisture off to the west. again, not a whole th of it but we don't necessarily need a whole lot of it to cause icing concerns later on today. there's futurecast. it's right around noon. even though you see green here on futurecast be aware, again, it's once it hits the surface that it could freeze so that's the concern. it's kind of with us through the afternoon hours and then gets out of here later on tonight. eventually i think we should turn it over to all rain steady enough that what has kind of frozen should start to melt so, not sure it's going to last and we'll have problems through tomorrow morning's commute but we'll watch it. we'll see what we have later on this afternoon. everything in purple you see there is under a winter weather advisory locally here d.c. baltimore doesn't start until 3 o'clock though they may bump that up early if the precip starts to move in sooner than expected. forecast 34 degrees. dry through the morning hours in d.c. and baltimore. afternoon wintry mix starts moving in. take caution if you have to hit the roads later on this afternoon. 34 degrees later today. back to freezing tonight. up tomorrow to 47 under a good amount of sunshine. tomorrow will feel nice. 45 though wednesday and then look at the end of the week. rain moves in, yes, but up to 60 degrees or near 60 degrees by friday. all right, that's a check of the forecast. erin is back with traffic this morning with lots of water main breaks, right. >> that's right. 5:48 right now. we're starting off with a look in the district this one in northwest. porter street closed between 34th and 35th street. use caution on those secondaries surrounding. watch for slick spots. they have salted the road but as you can see with that still very slippery. want to move it over because we have another water main break, this one in takoma park. crews working hard out here east-west highway near new hampshire. one lane of traffic getting by very slowly. please take it very slow in takoma park this morning on east-west highway. annapolis road in lanham also dealing with a water main break impacting eastbound traffic between ardwick ardmore road and veterans parkway. two right lanes blocked. please slow it down. things on 50 in bowie look good. watch for slick spots in your neighborhoods and surrounding these water main break scenes. bw parkway northbound water main break by the beltway watching the left merge lane. crash riggs road at pop-up powdr mill road slowing us down. camden line ticket machine out of service. metro is on time. back to you. >> 5:49 is the time right now. while we're in the middle of a deep freeze people in sydney australia are sweating their way through a heat wave. on sunday the temperatures hit 117 degrees fahrenheit. it was just shy of the city's all time of 118 degrees back in 1939. the scorching heat has left thousands without power. a heat wave plan has been activated. and closer to home in prince georges county we have new details on an intense search for a missing man with dementia. police say 65-year-old daniel dehaven might have been picked up while walking along route one this past tuesday. then he was dropped off along annapolis road in gambrills. dehaven went missing this past tuesday from a costco parking lot in beltsville. family friends and volunteers have been searching for him all weekend and will continue the search this morning at 11:00. >> the malaysian government approves a new attempt to find the wreckage of malaysia airlines flight 370. the aircraft disappeared over three years ago on a flight headed to beijing. over 230 people were on board. malaysia china and australia called off the search last year. the crews looked for the house for more than 1,000 days. 10 minutes before let's take a look at the stories you're engaging with the most this morning on social media. >> maureen umeh is back now with our realtime news tracker. >> good morning both of you. first up oprah winfrey being praised this morning after she used her golden globe lifetime achievement speech as an opportunity to share a message to young girls watching saying a new day is on the horizon. >> in that new day, finally dawns -- [cheers and applause] -- it will be because of allot of magnificent women, many of whom are right here in this room tonight and some pretty phenomenal men fighting hard to make sure that they become the leaders who take us to the time when nobody ever has to say me, too, again. >> winfrey also thanked the women and men who have bravely shared their personal stories of sexual abuse and sexual harassment. the blackout that came with the message oprah winfrey wasn't the only star standing for victims of sexual harassment and assault. angelina jolie, jessica biel, kerry washington, katherine zeta-jones and countless others dazzled the golden globes red carpet as they united in solidarity by wearing black. the color black was chosen as a way for the movie and the. tv industry to. veteran filmmaker kirk douglas honored with a standing ovation for his long career at sunday night's golden globes. the 101-year-old took to the stage with daughter-in-law katherine zeta-jones to present an award. katherine the wife of kirk's actor son michael paid tribute to her father-in-law's career. let's switch gears a bit here. h and m facing a fierce backlash for the release of what some consider a racist hoodie. twitter users noticed the uk web site of h and m was selling a green hooded top with a phrase cool left monkey in the jungle. it was being model by ala many are accusing h and m of a lack of awareness at best or casual racism at worst. as of early this morning that item is still for sale. finally a song you won't be able to get out of your head. steph curry is sending social media into a frenzy with his new brita filter ad that ad shows the basketball star in his attempts to be a positive example and inspiration coach in the new year. it's catching praise and criticism as twitter users say the musical ad is irritatingly catchy. but it's catchy. >> that's what jingles are supposed to do. >> kind of like steph curry -- >> i don't know that ad. >> the final season of "game of thrones" is at least a year away but harrington is refusing to bend the knee this time to bouncers is a bar. this is video showing him acting drunk and disorderly on friday night. an eyewitness told tmz he was first asked to leave the bar but found his way back in from theol removed. >> another shakeup for the miss america pageant. board members are raised the maximum age of competitors to 25. now, this is the first major rule change to the pageant since former fox news anchor and 1989 miss america gretchen carlson became chair woman. this comes less than two weeks after a vulgar e-mail scandal led to the firing of the former pageant chairman. carlson has hinted at major reform that could also get rid of the swimsuit competition. six minutes before 6:00 let's go ahead and say hello, oh, what a cool picture of our facebook fan of the day. good morning stacy barber. stacy was nominated by her husband marcus. they are both pastors in a local ministry. >> stacy celebrated a birthday last week. she's 47 years young and marcus says the mom of four and step mom of two uses fox5 like an alarm clock. stacy wakes up to allison and steve and goes to bed with shawn and tony. >> sounds like a perfect schedule to me. let's head over to mike thomas now who has a lot to talk about weather-wis >> yeah, we're tracking some rain sleet and snow moving into the region which could lead to some icing concerns here in d.c. later on this afternoon. there it is. it's a cold front although as weird as it sounds after the cold front moves through we're going to warm it up as we head into the day tomorrow. here's kind of the headlines. air temperatures near to above freezing later on this afternoon but it's the ground we're concerned about because we were so cold this weekend, and we're so cold this morning that ground temperatures do not warm as fast as the air. what falls could potentially turn to ice especially on untreated roads surfaces sidewalks your car so be aware of that this afternoon and that could lead to some trouble for the afternoon commute. we feel several school delays, several school closings all scrolling at the bottom of your screen. of course we'll update that list at the top of the hour. here's futurecast. 9 o'clock hour watch out north and west. here in the afternoon again even though futurecast is showing green, it's once it hits the surface we're concerned about it freezing. be aware of that. we head into the 4 o'clock hour we're keeping it around and later tonight things should finally exit the region and we'll start to see improvement both temperature-wise and here's your winter weather alerts. we have winter weather advisories for all the areas you see there in purple that includes d.c., includes baltimore. starts at 3 o'clock here locally. off to the north and west starts a little earlier as soon as 11:00 a.m. for some of the counties out in the maryland panhandle. fox5 accuweather 7-day forecast improvement at last. 34 today, cold but up to 47 took. look at the end of the week thursday 46. friday 45 degrees. erin is back with traffic. >> 5:56. see the flashing lights behind me. this is a new crash. 66 on the eastbound side out by 28 in centreville. crash blocking the left lane. we already have delays picking up. look at that parking lot. just from 234 to the fairfax county parkway. yellow zone. 14 minute ride right now and i'm just anticipating that's going to get slower because of the amount of volume out there. aside from that we have several water main breaks all around the dmv. please slow it down use caution. annapolis road eastbound s impacted by veterans parkway blocking two right lanes. we also have another one in greenbelt. bw parkway northbound out by the beltway. metro is on time. but other water main breaks to get to. keep it to fox5 news morning. 6 o'clock hour jam packed with news, weather and traffic for. >> ♪ >> ♪♪ havertys furniture helps your home look perfect even when life isn't. nice pick. pops, your pick. art monk! retired. i'll take him over these fools playing today. aw come on, man. that's not how this game works. art monk! i want to change my name to hot momma! lame. you're lame. no! i'm not writing down somebody who's retired! baby, i'm changing my name to hot momma. that's not how this works... [talking over each other] the new year savings event is on now at havertys. life looks good. >> ♪ >> this is fox5 news morning. >> ahead at 6 o'clock this morning, let's take a live look outside. on the right the the left what's headed our way after a bitter cold weekend a threat of freezing rain and an icy afternoon commute. that's leading to some school closings this morning and delays. probably weren't expecting these. we're going to talk about several major systems that are closed today. >> we're also talking about this, that book bombshell "fire and fury" continuing to cause a political firestorm and over the weekend steve bannon broke his silence. details ahead. >> and an historic night in l.a. at the 75th annual golden globes this year's me too movement was seen and heard from the red carpet to the podium. school closings we have thiss- morning and many may come as a surprise to you. as we begin to thaw out from the deep freeze over the week it's the threat though of a wintry mix this afternoon that is leading many systems to close today. >> let's start in virginia where fairfax, loudoun county, spotsylvania warren and clark county schools are all closed today. >> also fauquier shenandoah king george and page county schools closed in virginia. stafford county and fredericksburg city schools on

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