Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 Morning News 5 20171229 : compar

Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 Morning News 5 20171229

here. >> i see you. >> mike thomas. >> stay warm. >> only 5 o'clock on a friday. >> not okay wisdom. >> right, right. >> stay warm today guys. it is going to be a cold one. we have a little bit of snow in the forecast. we'll talk about it all coming up in a minute. hey, erin. >> a crash on some of our secondaries in the district. i'll get you around this one in southwest as we continue. >> want to take you to new york city now. a fire breaking out of that place in the bronx at least 12 people including an infant are said to be dead. that fire happening in a bronx apartment building. the four alarm fire broke out just before 7:00 last night in the building not far from the bronx zoo. officials say four other people are fighting for their lives. about 170 firefighters responded to the scene to help rescue people trapped as they battled temperatures in the teens. officials fear the death toll unfortunately will rise. also while you were sleeping, d.c. police have been working to identify a body found inside a burning car. a viewer sent us this video of the fire on ridge road in southeast. >> witnesses say they heard gunfire shortly before the fire erupted and fox5's annie yu is liv morning. she has the latest. annie, good morning. >> well, wisdom and maureen, you mentioned the neighbors. neighbors said they actually heard that gunfire followed by an explosion just after 7:30 last night. and you can see behind me that police still guarding the crime scene. it's literally right in between a row of homes. let's get right to that video that the fox5 viewer shared with us last night. she was in the neighborhood with her family and of course this has left neighbors feeling really concerned about this because literally it is in the middle of their neighborhood. you can see the flames just lit up the alley way. this is ridge road and g street in southeast. inside the vehicle they found a body and right now it's not clear whether the body inside the vehicle was a plan or a woman. they also have not identified the victim. now, neighbors tell us they heard the blast followed by gunfire and an explosion. around 7:30. and then they looked outside, they saw this vehicle on fire. take a listen to the woman who shared this video with us and what >> sound like big gunshots, like four, five gunshots and then a big explosion. we all hit the floor for a moment. then my son ventured out and it was a car in the alley exploding. >> but it wasn't a car that they recognized from the neighborhood? >> no. not at all. >> truly disturbing and again, neighbors feeling really you think settled about this. police say it looks like a older lexus model and they are still working to piece all this together and including identifying who this person is. that's the very latest here from southeast, annie yu, fox5 local news. >> all right, annie thank you for that. this morning charges are pending against a man accused of shooting and killing his wife in fredericksburg, virginia. he then led authorities on a high speed chase even shooting at police as they attempted to pull him over. police say his bullets narrowly missed two officers. the chase ended on i-95 when the suspect's vehicle crashed into a guardrail and then flipped over. police found the man alive with wound to his head. he is in critical condition right now. neighbors describe the situation as sad. >> um, it's sad. it's really terrible. i mean the kids now i'm worried about them, you know. they have, what, no mother, no father now? i don't know the facts about the story. so, it's depressing. the neighborhood's not bad but family disputes, things happen but it's sad. >> police say motive is still being investigated. >> all new at 5:00 emergency crews have been busy overnight in montgomery county. around 9:30 last night they responded to a serious crash on brink road in germantown. now two people were taken to the hospital with some serious injuries. one of those victims is fighting for their life. >> 5:04 right now. we want to turn to the ice. capitals hosting the boston bruins at capital one arena last night finally ending their losing streak. bruins came out swinging though scoring twice inside the first three minutes of the game. caps battling back tying up the game in the second quarter, then third quarter but ultimate a shootout determined the winner. alex ovechkin putting the caps on top. final score four to three. >> 5:05 is the time right now. time to talk weather and traffic. mike thomas is here. good morning to you. good to see you. >> good morning. happy friday. happy last can you believe it last friday of 2017. >> no complaints. >> boom its gone. >> yeah. >> 2018. >> here we come. >> hopefully it's better. all right. >> we always hope it gets better. every day is better than the last. >> hoping this year's better. satellite and radar -- when will we ever be satisfied? satellite and radar. >> it's perspective, man. >> it's true, it's true. >> yeah. >> satellite and radar, lots of clouds out there this morning. not a whole lot coming down from the sky, which is good news 'cause it's really cold. anything that falls would have fallen would have stuck but again, we'll get the snow away for today. different story tomorrow. 21 now in d.c. so temperatures actually came up a degree. 16 degrees in gaithersburg though. 18 at dulles. 18 at frederick. yeah, it's not the single digits and the lower teens that we had yesterday but little bit of wind goes a long way and because of bit of wind it feels like 12 here in d.c. >> what. >> 16 gaithersburg. 17 in baltimore. 20 in annapolis. so, moral of the story is bundle it up again today because it's going to be a cold one. forecast 34 degrees. believe it or not that's 9 degrees warmer than we were yesterday. still 10 degrees below normal for this time of year though. we'll get back to a little bit of sunshine this afternoon. little snow threat tomorrow. we'll talk about it coming up in a few more minutes but first we need traffic and for that we say happy friday erin como. >> i'll give you a happy friday. right now 5:06. last friday of 2017. i didn't mean it like that. i meant -- >> i know what you meant. >> you need some more coffee. >> i'm just ribbing you, too. >> wow. >> sometimes you say things in the moment and you want to eat the words. you want to take them back. >> how about we just -- >> you can't. >> how about we just start it again. >> okay, let's do that again. try it again. >> all right, here we go. >> go ahead, say it. >> happy friday erin. >> happy friday to you, too. >> there you go. teamwork. >> 5:06. >> whew. >> right now there's a traffic light out seventh stree street southwest initially came in as a crash. use caution there. treat that intersection as though you would a stop sign. things in virginia looking good. since it is a holiday week we're moving along so much better right now than what we typically see on the roads around the dmv. take a look right now, inner loop 66 legion bridge clear and flowing. things in mclean look good. gw parkway quiet. earlier outer loop crash by gw parkway cleared. things looking great on 395. no issues toward the pentagon. things at the mixing bowl flowing and then 95 from fredericksburg stafford and dale city all great. looking nice on the bottom side of the beltway by 210. no issues in fort washington. i like what i'm seeing in southern maryland brandywine clinton as well as waldorf this morning. we'll forward things along once again and then you can see the outer loop looks good. again early morning flights to bwi reagan national and dulles look good. if you're headed out of town for the new year and you have some great amazing plans tell me about them 'cause i'll be here. metro is on time. that's all i got for your d.c. on twitter. back to you. >> all right, erin thank you. 5:07 is our time. coming up on fox5 news morning. >> holy guacamole. a truck carrying thousands of avocados spills on the highway. details of that ahead. >> heading to break, let's take a live look across the d.c. region. it's 5:08, 21 degrees. it's friday. we're back after this. >> ♪ >> ♪♪ your daughter wants to stay organic. your husband wants to stay free from artificial ingredients. you want to stay free from artificial preservatives. and your debit card wants to stay on a diet. fill your cart with small victories like giant's nature's promise brand. great prices on over 1,300 items. eat well for less. only at my giant. >> it is friday december 29th at 5:09 in the morning. welcome back. now we want to take a look at the some of the stories making headlines this morning. we're starting with this. 12 people are dead 13 others are injured after a fire in a restaurant in mumbai india. officials say the fire started on the top floor and then engulfed the building within 30 minutes. check this out. new video showing 40,000 pounds of of avocados spilling on a texas highway. crates spilled across the highway and traffic was backed up for miles. the interstate was shut down for nearly three hours. police are still trying to figure out what caused the 18-wheeler to crash. >> all new at 5:09, you two u2 frontman bono died. while he declined to go into specifics, bono said he felt the ordeal parallelled with the current turmoil in america and abroad and this is not the rocker's first major scare, either. the singer had a throat cancer scare back in 2000. herniated disk back in 2010 and a bike crash in 2014. that one required extensive surgery. apple ceo tim cook only nice private. the tech company says cook is not use commercial air travel because of his high tech visibility as chief executive. his trips cost over $93,000 in the 2017 fiscal year. cook now joins facebook's mark zuckerberg and disney's bob iger who both also use private planes for all their personal travel. >> all right. 5:10 is the time right now. coming up on fox5 news morning,. >> a new trend is starting on cruises. famous singers are hitting the stage on the sea. details ahead on what big name is set to perform on the carnival cruise line. >> we're going to break right now with a live look across the region at temperature 21 degrees. we're warming up. back in a moment. >> ♪ >> ♪♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ it all starts with a wish. the final days of wish list are here. hurry in and sign and drive off in a new lincoln with zero down and a complimentary first month's payment. >> ♪ >> now to the top story we're following for you this morning. a busy night for crews in montgomery county. around 9:30 last night they responded to a serious crash on brink road in germantown. two people were taken to the hospital with serious injuries. one of those victims is fighting for their life. >> breaking news out of new york city. at least 12 people including an infant are dead after fire broke out in a bronx apartment building. four alarm fire broke out just before 7:00 last night. officials say four other people are fighting for their lives. about 170 firefighters responded to the scene to help rescue trapped people. officials fear that the death toll will rise. >> democrat doug jones' historic victory over republican roy moore is now official. alabama election officials certifiedim the special senate election despite moore's last minute lawsuit claiming voter fraud. moore's attorney called for a fraud investigation and a new vote writing that he believes there were irregularities during the election. the race was closely watched with jones winning by about 20,000 votes. >> new unsealed documents reveal that romanian hackers took over two-thirds of the district's outdoor surveillance cameras just days before president trump's inauguration. investigators arrested two men last week. the men are accused of illegally disabling more than 100 computers associated with the d.c. police department. the secret service was apparently aware of the hack and alerted the public in january but the suspects have been unknown until now. >> ♪ >> all right. taking a live look outside on this friday morning. snow billowing from those buildings out there;, smoke billowing from those buildings out there. it's just cold out there man. >> very cold. >> mike thomas any relief in sight? >> not really. >> may. >> yeah, way out like a hundred days or something like that. >> countdown is on though. >> countdown is on. if you can't stand the cold we had temperatures like this yesterday. reagan only hit 25. coldest december day in quite sometime. dulles 23. bwi started off the day with a record low of 10 degrees much only made it to 24. average highs this time of year should be in the middle 40's. only the middle 20's yesterday. temperatures still hanging in the 20's. 21 degrees in washington but teens have settled in north and west and even south of town, fredericksburg 19 this morning as is culpeper. 16 manassas. dulles at 18. frederick at 18. westminster at 16. you factor in a little wind. feels like 12 degrees outside right now here in d.c. not a whole lot going on on satellite and radar. yes, there are some snow showers off to the north. there's a piece of energy sliding through pennsylvania. that will lift north. not expecting -- if anything, maybe an isolated area gets a flurry here but nothing of any concern around the d.c. area today aside from some clouds in the morning that will break off to some sunshine in the and that's why the cold air is kind of sticking around. this will break a little bit this afternoon and while temperatures will still be below normal, they'll be about 9 degrees warmer than they were yesterday. so, there's some -- a little bit of good news for you. we head into the evening hours tonight. a clipper system will be approaching from the west. we'll start some snow showers in the mountains late tonight so if you're doing any holiday travel be aware of that. here's futurecast. 10, 11 o'clock there you go, there's you were snow showers starting up. this will actually move its way eastward through the overnight and into the early morning hours tomorrow. there's your 5:00 a.m. on saturday. dealing with some light snow. kind of overtakes the region during the morning hours before settling down in the afternoon and kind of tapering offoff to just a few snow flurries around the region for your daytime hours on saturday. iit could potentially drop a coating to an inch. i think this is kind of spotty in nature and less likely the farther south you go. farther north and west you go, once you hit the elevation that's where you could get an inch or so of sno mountain tops two to 4 inches. as far as how big of a concern is this, i don't think it's a huge concern. heading into the new year's weekend happy new year everybody, we'll have 37 degrees tomorrow with the snow showers we just mentioned, 26 degrees as we head through your day on new year's eve. and look at your monday. 25 degrees. could be the coldest new year's day since 1940. whew. >> all right. that's a check of the forecast. over to erin now. seriously erin it's going to be that cold. >> right now 5:17 and we're going to start you off with a metro problem. orange blue and silver line single tracking and there is out been stadium-armory and eastern market. late clearing track work. delays in both directions. a few extra moments needed for those three metro rail lines. aside from that some caution. first street near xena street police activity. problem free on alabama avenue, south capitol is clear and suitland parkway has been pretty quiet in terms of congestion all week really. as we make our way out in the district as well in southwest, seventh street and g street malfunctioning traffic light. just tweet -- just treat that intersection as though you would a stop sign. slow it down and take turns. i need that second cup of coffee. very badly this friday morning. right now 450 northbound at jennifer road utility work blocking the right lane. left lane getting by. across the bay bridge things looking great in both directions. problemproblem free on the way i reagan national and dulles. we're at speed on 66. the entire stretch of the beltway inner loop and outer loop 270 and looking good on bw parkway in maryland p that's your look at track. traffic. back to you. >> ♪ >> time now is 5:18. let's take a look at the stories you're engaging with the most this morning on social media with our realtime news tracker. >> first up, a new california law set to take effect on january 1st will give free rides to people who are too drunk to drive home. assembly bill 7-eleven allows alcohol makers or licensed sellers to offer free or discounted rides to would be drunk drivers. under the old law they were restricted from helping inebriated people. again the law takes effect on january 1st. >> actress rose marie who was famously known for peeing on the dick van dyk show has died. that's according to a family spokesman. we are told marie died yesterday in her los angeles area home. she played the wise cracking sally rogers on the dick van dyk scholl during the 1960's. she was also a child star of the 1920's and if 1930's. rose marie was 94 years old. >> fans have been patiently waiting, they've been waiting patiently and beyoncé and jay-z have delivered. the power duo finally released the teaser to their upcoming video family feud. now, the video stars beyoncé and their five-year-old daughter blue ivy. the song addresses the infidelity rumors between the couple that came to light in 2016. >> feeling lucky? you could be $306 million richer after tonight's mega millions drawing. so far no one has won the jackpot. the drawing is tonight at 11:00 and the powerball jackpot that's up for grabs, too. it's an estimated $384 million. no one won the wednesday drawing and the next powerball drawing is tomorrow night so good >> and finally, carnival cruise ships has booked carly rae jepp son to play a gig on their ship in february. now, the call me maybe singer is just one of many big names the cruise liner has booked for 2018. this would be jepp son's first time playing on a cruise. it's all part of this cruise line live concert series program. tim mcgraw and carrie underwood have also performed on that same line. >> carly rae, big names. >> coming up. >> apple is saying i'm sorry and they're offering a perk to people who think their batteries are slowing their phones down. >> we're going to break right now. live look outside. 5:20 is the time. temperature 21 degrees. >> ♪ >> i like carly. >> ♪ ♪ ♪ whoa! the mercedes-benz winter event is back and you won't want to stop for anything else. ho! lease the cla250 for $329 a month at your local mercedes-benz dealer. mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. >> welcome back. time now is 5:23. and uber is about to complete a deal with a big tech investor. the ride hailing company is selling up to 20 percent of its stake in its company to the japanese company soft bank. soft bank will assume 15 percent of uber's shares and members will take another 5 percent in shares. >> home values are going up. the value of u.s. homes grew 6.5 percent in 2017. the hot housing market soared and so did the amount of money that renters paid. the increase in demand for housing drove up rent prices. the 6.5 percent increase is the biggest gain in the housing market that they've seen in four years. >> apple apologizing for the slowing down performance of older iphones. apple says the phone's batteries do n power for the processor causing them to slow. the tech company also announced it will be selling new batteries for $29 starting at the end of january and until december of 2018. >> is your smart speaker rick rolling you? i don't know what that means. what does that mean? >> i don't know. never heard of it. rick rolling. >> really? >> do you know what that means. >> yes. >> what does that. >> 'cause if it doesn't say rick astlly in here. it says is your smart speaker rick rolling you. >> is that for rick astly. i'm completely lost. like a baby crying or glass breaking have been randomly playing on someone and yes, some songs by rick astly reported by wired researchers have found some bose speakers cop vulnerability to be hacked. the effect could be prevalent in as many as 5,000sono speakers and 500bose devices. >> creepy sounds bose speakers as the banner says. that was confusing. >> rick rolling so if i sent you an e-mail and i was like here click this link and you'll win $500. >> if you have to go through all that to explain it. >> if you click the link and it pops up that song then you've been rick rolled. >> i have never heard that. >> i've never heard it. >> maybe it's millennial. >> #good day d.c. you've heard it. >> hey, never going to give you up. i do like this song, though. you like it too. >> i like the song too. >> we've all just been rick rolled. all right now i got to try and follow this up with the weather forecast. >> it's cold outside there. don't you know. see? >> all right. let's get to it. 21 degrees outside. does not take much wind when temperatures are this cold to get those wind chills down. so, with a wind of only 7 miles an hour feels like 12 degrees outside. clouds hanging around is why temperatures have not able to fall as much as last night so thank the clouds for that. they'll be breaking up later on this afternoon though. we'll get back to sunshine. here's your planner. we'll keep it mostly cloudy through the morning hours but more sun pokes through by this afternoon. by 1 o'clock 30 degrees. by 4 o'clock, 33 degrees and compared to yesterday's 25, a high of 34 today is not going to feel all that bad but we're going back down again for the new year's holiday. that full forecast coming up in few more minutes. first we go to erin for a check of traffic. >> 5:26 right now and we are taking a look at metro because we have some delays. power problem on the blue line at van dorn. delays to largo town center in addition to single tracking on the orange blue and silver lines. late clearing track work. big blue line gra delays as well as orange and silver line. any questions at erin fox5 d.c. on twitter. 270 at speed. really pleasant morning commute for this last friday of 2017. 95 from 32 down to the beltway looks good. northbound side of bw parkway quiet by same story on the southbound side. all of our secondaries in silver spring cruising and then as you make your way out in college park that pretty much represents the entire stretch of the beltway inner loop and outer loop. more traffic in just a few. >> we're still talking about rick rolling. coming up on fox5 news morning. >> love hurts. coming up at 5:00 a horrible first date that ended with an an arrest and $300,000 in damage. >> heading to break right now, live look across the d.c. region. 5:27 is the time. 21 degrees your temperature. so, it's been around for years y'all say. >> years. centuries. >> rick rolling? where i have been? >> ♪ >> fox5 news morning. developing overnight a car is set on fire with someone inside. details on the brutal murder investigation unfolding in the district. plus, a deadly fire breaks out in an apartment building in new york city. 12 are dead including an infant. we've got the details. and extreme temperatures making for some frigid conditions around the region.& just how long will this cold snap last? fox5 news morning starts right now. >> ♪ >> this is fox5 news morning. >> good morning to you. and thank you very much for joining us. >> today is friday december 29th. >> all right. we're talking weather and traffic. erin como and mike thomas. mike, let's start with you. >> hey guys, good morning. it's cold outside once again and obvious kind of point there. we do have some snow in the forecast though as you head into your saturday morning. we're going to let you know how much you can expect in your neighborhood coming up. hey, erin. >> 5:30 right roads. they're quiet but we have orange blue and silver line delays. we'll look at metro next. >> 5:30 is the time right now. let's talk news. right now at 5:30 we're continuing to follow breaking news out of new york city. the city's deadliest residential fire in decades spread through every floor of a five story building in the bronx. 12 people were killed including a child. the four alarm fire broke out just before 7:00 last night. officials say four other people are fighting for their lives. about 170 firefighters responded to the scene to help rescue people that were trapped as they battled the temperatures in the teens. >> in a department that's certainly no stranger to tragedy, we're shocked by this loss. fire started on the first floor, quickly spread upstairs into this building, five story building with 25 apartments. people died on various floors of the apartment. >> officials fear the death toll will rise. still no word yet on what caused this fire. developing overnight, d.c. police are working to identy burning car in southeast. a viewer sent us this video of the fire on ridge road. >> witnesses say they heard gunfire shortly before the fire erupted. fox5's annie yu is following the story for us this morning. she's live now with the latest. annie. >> reporter: maureen and wisdom, according to d.c. police they still have not been able to identify the body that was found inside this burning car. you can imagine this incident has left a lot of people that live here very unsettled, very concerned about it. we have video that we want to show you from last night. this is video that was shared to us by a fox5 viewer who heard and saw everything kind of go down. flames you can see lit up this entire alley way near ridge road and g street southeast. inside the burning car police found a body and it's not clear whether the person is a man or a woman and again, the identity still unknown at this time. now, neighbors tell us they first heard a loud blast of gunfire just after 7:30 followed by an explosion and that is when flames engulfing the vehicle. the car obviously now charred and hollowed but police say that they believe it is an older lexus model type vehicle and as of this morning they are still working to identify whether this is a man or a woman and the identity as well as, you know, how to sort of treat this because we know homicide detectives were out here but they still don't know if this was an incident involving suspects. that's the very latest from southeast, annie yu, fox5 local news. >> 5:33 is the time and this morning charges are pending against a man accused of shooting and killing his wife in fredericksburg, virginia. he then led authorities on a high speed chase even shooting at police as they attempted to pull him over. police say his bullets narrowly missed two officers. that chase ended on i-95 when the suspect's vehicle crashed into a guardrail and then flipped. police found the man alive with a self inflicted gunshot wound to the head. he is now in critical condition. neighbors describe the situation >> it's sad. it's really terrible. the kids now, i'm worried about them, you know. they have, what, no mother, no father now. i don't know the facts about the story. so, it's depressing. the neighborhood is not bad. but family disputes, things happen but it's sad. >> police say a motive is still being investigated. >> let's go to prince george's county now where a man has died after a shooting along interstate 295. now, investigators tell us that she was shot in the upper body. he was found just before 6:30 last night on the side of the road near route 50. traffic was backed up in both directions but the victim hasn't been identified. identif. investigating a stabbing at the noma-gallaudet station. authorities say someone stabbed a man around 5:00 p.m. he was taken to the hospital. no word on his condition. investigators still looking for a suspect and a motive. >> ♪ >> all righty. coming up on 5:35 right now on this friday morning. let's talk about it. >> it's cold. well, there's -- i mean, that's the the h december so far its going get colder for the new year's believe it or not. >> right. you're going to rick roll the weather. rick rolling. rick astley. you know when something happens and you keep playing -- never mind. >> i would never do it. >> he's still salty. >> let's go to the weather graphics. >> oh. >> that's what i was talking about. that's rick astley. see, what happens is -- have you heard of rick rolling? >> i haven't wisdom. why don't you explain it to me. >> well, you know what, i'll let you do the weather and then i'll explain what rick rolling. >> let's let this play. >> we just rick rolled everybody. >> ♪ i got to bring you all up to the times here. >> we're just salty 'cause we're old and didn't know. >> maureen, this song is probably older than both of us. >> it is. but it's a goody. hey, hey. friday. >> all right. >> do the weather, mike. >> it's cold. let's listen to rick astley. >> that's your weather forecast time. that is how you rick roll somebody. lesson learned. we've gone to school today a little bit. >> you should be ri >> we'll think about it. 34 degrees today, mix of clouds and sun. lots of clouds this morning but more sun this afternoon. planning your new year's weekend. watch out for a little bit of snow. shouldn't be too much but a little bit of snow tomorrow morning. 37 degrees for your saturday afternoon. we'll go through that in detail in a minute. sunday 26 degrees with falling temperatures through the day. falling enough that by new year's eve, 11 o'clock midnight hour, temperatures falling down through the teens and that sets us up for a brutally cold honestly new year's day. temperatures as we bring in 2018 only 25 degrees which yes would be the cold of the new year's day since 1940. i'm never going to give up on traffic. let's send it over to erin and see what we got. >> right now roads are quiet. we have orange blue and silver line delays. my old station one of my first traffic reports they put the rick video behind me on the green screen and they all came out and rick rolled me and danced around me and totally caught me off guard and surprised me. they do it to all the new employees. yeah. it's called the rick roll. i got the video. i'll send it to you maureen. now that i know i feel so lost. like where i have been okay. >> i hadn't heard of it until that happened to me. >> until you were ricked. >> until i was rick rolled. then i was like this is a thing. >> i feel like this whole show has been rick rolled. [laughter] >> orange blue and silver line delays single tracking stadium-armory to eastern market. delays on the blue line to largo town center. i need to get it together. back to you. >> we do, too. okay. serious business now. coming up on fox5 news morning. >> millions of people will be in new york city to ring in the new year. we'll tell you what extra security will be in place. >> a live look across the degrees region. you people will not let this go. 5:37, 29 degrees. >> ♪ >> never going to give you up ♪ ♪ ♪ [ splash ] [ horn sounds ] dang! ok, i gotta run. hey, wait, there's something i need to tell you- dang. dang! dang! dang. dang. see zero in a whole new way. get zero down, zero deposit, zero first month's payment, and zero due at signing on select volkswagen models. now with the people first warranty. before we start, i just want to say if anyone still doesn't have fios, please stay out of the way so your lag doesn't get us all killed, ben. what's so good about fios anyway? uh. what's so great about a 100% fiber-optic network that makes your gaming system actually work awesomely? hey. did you take out the trash? haha, garbage boy! dad, i already took out ben. gaming is best on a 100% fiber-optic network. so get fios. now, just $79.99 per month with a 2-year price guarantee with a 2-year agreement. you can't predict the market. but through good times and bad... t. rowe price... ...we've helped our investors stay confident for over 75 years. call us or your advisor. t. rowe price. invest with confidence. >> welcome back. it is friday december 29th. 5:40 is the time right now. in the news this morning more than a million people are expected to ring in the new year in new york. typical measures like a mix of plainclothes and uniformed officers will be deployed as always but other steps such as increasing security at nearby parking garages and closer surveillance of large rental trucks are also being put in place. >> rihanna's makeup line is generating quite a buzz working with fenty beauty the singer released a makeup line in september which was praised for including all skin tones and according to one study seems that the fanfare has not died down. physiology found that more social media users are talking about rihanna's makeup line than fellow celebrity kyleigh jenner's. the makeup line gets four times the amount of buzz than jenner's line. >> cringe worthy first dates? well, maybe none like this one. last weekend a houston texas man went on a date with a 29-year-old lindy lulamon. the woman was drunk and refused to leave his mansion. he tried to call her an uber but she hid. when he called another uber, she got angry. so naturally she took her anger out on priceless art including two original andy warhol paintings. her drunken rampage did a total of more than a million dollars in damage. she was charged with criminal mischief and granted a $30,000 bond. >> now that's a bad first date. >> well, she got drunk came to your mansion. >> whew. >> key word in that being mansion. i'll just leave it at that. >> he should have swiped left. >> and i'll leave that at that. 5:41 is the time right frow now. coming up on fox5 news morning. >> it was a sad year in hollywood. coming up we'll take a look back at all the celebrities we lost this past year. >> together break with a live look outside across the region. temperature 21 degrees. back in a moment. >> ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ start the car! start the car! the ikea winter sale. wooooooo! get up to 50% off select items. now through january 10th. ikea. your daughter wants to stay organic. your husband wants to stay free from artificial ingredients. you want to stay free from artificial preservatives. and your debit card wants to stay on a diet. r cart with small victories like giant's nature's promise brand. great prices on over 1,300 items. eat well for less. only at my giant. ♪ ♪ ♪ start the car! start the car! the ikea winter sale. wooooooo! get up to 50% off select items. now through january 10th. ikea. whatever you were about to do just became whatever you're about to do after you get coffee. nothing comes before coffee. that's why we're introducing a new line of café-quality espresso drinks from mccafé. get a small peppermint mocha for just two dollars. >> ♪ >> back at 5:44. ne continues to sweep across parts of the country. in pennsylvania along lake erie the weather is so cold it turned the shore line into an outdoor ice palace. you can see the sheets of ice covering benches and poles leaving behind strange but beautiful formations. >> hm. wow. that is good to look at. >> yeah. >> from a long, long way away. >> from a nice chair near a fire. >> yes, on the inside of a warm place. >> wow. >> or sitting at home on fox5 because there's no way i'd ever go there. i'm just saying. >> they did the whole pouring hot -- i forget where pouring the hot water -- >> ♪ >> maureen, time to move on. >> they just rick-rolled me. >> they just rick-rolled you on your script. >> you just rick-rolled my ad lib. >> there you go. >> for a true rick-roll, the video has got to pop up. >> okay. >> for the real one. >> i'll do the -- >> okay. >> giving you a little rick astley. >> do the shoulder. that's all he does. that's >> ♪ together forever with you ♪ >> that's going to do it for 2017. >> right, right. okay. all right. >> this is the note we're going to end on. >> we rick-rolled the whole year. >> if the public knows without googling, if you know what rick-rolling is before we started all these shenanigans this morning hit us on twitter and let us know. don't google it. >> it's been out there for like years and years. >> i guarantee you half our audience -- i know, i'm telling you -- >> that song came out before you were born. >> i got a poster on my wall, i got all his albums. >> rick, what. >> i'm pulling your leg a little bit there. >> rick ross posters. >> i like me some rick ross, too. >> from his tiger beat magazine. [laughter] >> reagan national yesterday 25. frigid cold december day. dulles 23. bwi 24 degrees. bwi had a record low yesterday, 10 degrees which was -- i think it actually tied it way back from 1950 so that's how cold things were yesterday. outside right now still cold. 21 here in teens have moved in north and west t21 for quantico, 20 now in fredericksburg so not as bad as yesterday but still awfully cold outside. you factor in just a touch of wind 'cause that's all you need and it feels like 12 degrees here in d.c. 13 at quantico, 16 for gaithersburg, as well as westminster. winds are pretty light to calm north and west so it feels sort of like the air temperature which is still awfully cold outside. satellite and radar not too much going on. few snow showers off to the north. maybe we're able to pop a flurry or two but it wouldn't shock me if we just stayed dry all day. lots of clouds around for the morning hours. we get back to the sunshine this afternoon. high pressure still kind of hanging out keeping the cold in place. we head into this evening. we get a clipper system that starts pulling into the region. will spread snow showers across the mountains north and west of town as early as 10, 11 o'clock tonight. we roll into your overnight morning hours tomorrow. there you go. little bit of light snow starting here in d.c. 5, 6 o'clock in the morning. continues kind of through the morning hours before tapering off into the afternoon just down to a few scattered snow showers and flurries through the afternoon. not much but what does fall may stick even to some of the untreated roads because of how cold we've been. we're in the teens this morning. we were in the 20's all day yesterday so ground temperatures really cold. we'll say a dusting to an inch of snow possible. again, i think it's pretty spotty in nature. you're going to have to go north and west to get your amounts that are kind of more clear -- more measurable off to the north and west there. new year's eve 26. new year's day 25. it's going to be a cold one so dress warm if you're going out. that's a check of the forecast. over to erin for traffic. >> all right, right now it is 5:48 and some updates for you with metro. orange blue silver line no longer single tracking. residual delays in both directions. earlier late clearing track work between stadium-armory and eastern market. blue line problem at van dorn. rest are metro rail lines on time. police activity in the district first street near xenia street. caution there. all majors 295 suitland parkway looks great. all malfunctioning traffic light seventh street and g street in southwest. give yourself some extra time to get around that intersection. treat as though you would a stop sign. take a look at this. we are dealing with a crash scene right now ridge road southbound at oak drive blocking all lanes in damascus. we'll keep you updated on that. we are also dealing with some construction work. utility problem blocking the right lane 450 northbound at jennifer road. again, the rest of your majors very quiet this morning, guys. back to you. >> all right, thanks erin. 5:49 is the time. it was a sad year in hollywood with the loss of several major actors comedians and singers who have touched millions with their talent. >> fox's michelle polino takes a look at just a few. >> ♪ >> reporter: 2017 saw the passing of some unforgettable celebrities. >> ♪ >> reporter: playboy founder hugh hefner whose magazine launched the sexual revolution and spawned a media empire died >> celebrated place in the world. >> reporter: there were many actors who left their mark on the big and small screens including james bond star roger moore 70's teen idol and partridge family lead david cassie and robert guillaume best known for playing tv's benson. 1960's tv batman adam west oscar winning actor martin and will dowdell la reese and 71-year-old actor bill paxton. the year also saw the passing of three super stars with long and honored careers. the king of insult comedy don rickles, mary tyler moore died at 80 and legendary funny man jerry lewis. in music sound garden's chris cornell and lincoln park frontman chester bennington. jim neighbors. country stars mel tillis and glen campbell and rock and roll hall of famers fats brothers greg almond and tom petty. >> ♪ >> reporter: in hollywood, michelle polino, fox news. >> ♪ >> 5:51 is the time and we are back with what's hot on the web the stories you're engaging with the most this morning on social media. >> all right. first up while vacationing in florida the president suggested climate change could be a good thing. he tweeted "in the east it could be the coldest new year's eve on record. perhaps we could use a little bit of that good old global warwarming that our country but not other countries is going to pay trillions of dollars to protect against ." according to the world meteorological organization last year was the hottest on record. >> california as only issued 42 retail licenses for shops to sell pot. recreationally that is. so most cities will not have places to legally buy marijuana including los angeles and san francisco. about 150 applications for pot shops are still pending. >> two nurses being hailed as heroes for saving a man's life mid flight. it hpe aboard delta airlines. the two nurses from north carolina a mom and her daughter were flying together when they saved an unresponsive man 30,000 feet in the air. they say he was on the brink of death and in hypo volem agent c shot. they used the on board medical kit to keep him alert. delta thanked the two women with a free bottle of wine two vouchers for a free flight an shout-out. >> okay cupid will no longer allow creative user names. the online dating site will require subscribers to use their real names. the company says it wants users to keep up with the times and not hide who they really are. some users say the new policy is a violation of privacy. >> ever wonder if switching to a shorter line sa saves time. >> according to harvard business school it's best to stay put. researchers found people who moved to shorter lines wait about 10 percent longer than people who stayed put. switching twice worse. that makes the wait almost 70 percent longer. the key is pay attention to what people in front of you have in their carts not how many people are in line. >> okay. >> proves that the grass is not always greener on the other side or in the other line. >> so well said. >> kansas city has found an echo friendly way to dispose of christmas trees. they're using goats. most trees are usually tossed away in landfills. but for the farm animals they're a tasty snack. more and more farms are asking people to donate their trees after the holidays. >> the clocks are ticking away with just two days until the new year begins or days before the new year's begin. today is national tick tock day. be sure to take advantage of the time left in 2017 as you start setting next year's resolutions. and while you're at it you can use the tick tock day hashtag to post your year's progress on social media. >> all right. time to say hello to our facebook fan of the day. thanks for sending your lovely picture today. she's a life long fox5 fan. she says being fan of the day would be a dream come true and a great item to cross off her 2017 bucket list. >> there you go. latika starts her day off with fox5 every morning. she just can't get enough of allison, tucker and the wisdom martin. by the way, happy belated birthday. we hear you celebrated your birthday back on december 20th. >> happy belated birthday. >> latika, good morning pretty lady. >> all right, mike thomas wrap up this hour with some weather. >> all right, guys, let's do it. we're cold once again outside this morning. temperatures will be slow to rise through the 20's but we should make it to the 30's this afternoon. lots of clouds to start. more sunshine coming your way by the time we get to the afternoon hours. how about that new year's weekend? happy new year everybody. we're closing out 2017 with again chilly conditions. maybe some snowfall for your day on saturday. i'll show you amounts here in just a sec. 37 degrees though by the afternoon hours which will feel good -- well below normal but will feel good compared to the 25 we as we head into your day on sunday though the cold starts to roar on back. 26, that will be early afternoon and then down we go in terms of temperatures. how much snow with that little bit of light snow falling tomorrow morning? dusting to an inch possible here in d.c., baltimore emphasis on the dusting versus the inch and then if you want the more measurable amounts you have to head north and west mostly towards the mountain tops there for that two to 4-inch zone. locally i don't think it's a huge deal. just be aware in every flake that falls will likely stick given the cold ground temperatures. for your new year's eve and forecast temperatures will be falling as i mentioned through your day on sunday. by the time we get totten, 11, midnight hours temperatures should be in the teens whip possible wind chills in the single digits so do exercise some caution if you're headed out tomorrow night for your new year's day forecast. only 25 degrees so very cold. lots of sunshine. no weather concerns. but that 25 degrees, if we're able to do it will be the coldest new year's day since 1940. seventh coldest on record here in d.c. if you're under 78 degrees you're likely headed for your coldest new year's day kind of on record here of your lifetime. 34 today. 37 tomorrow. watch out for light snow in the morning and again we bring in 2018 frosty cold. all right, that's a check of the forecast. erin is back with traffic. >> i don't like the weather frosty cold, mike. right now 5:56, i'm still in front of your forecast 'cause we just want to emphasize how chilly it actually is out there. moving over to the traffic maps i can show you you're wide opened on 95, dale city to the beltway. south that are point you look great. woodbridge quiet. route one looking good. not seeing any problems on 395 past the mixing bowl. things looking good through annandale. i can pretty much name every area and tell you how clear it is so enjoy this last friday of 2017 for your morning commute. inner loop looks great. gw parkway at speed. orange blue and silver line no longer single tracking by stadium-armory and a wide view, it's covered in green. things looking good in southern maryland and we are problem free as you make your way out on all those secondaries in northeast and northwest. we're looking good in chevy chase. problem free out in potomac and i love what we're seeing surrounding neighborhoods. any questions for your commute at erin fox5 d.c. on twitter. we'll be right back with your 6 o'clock hour. last 5 o'clock hour on friday morning. it's my favorite song. i want to do like the weird 80's dance moves. we'll be right back. >> ♪ [lance] it is absolute chaos out here! t a shot of this cold front, right here. 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"what if" all these "what if"s became a reality? well, they are. at dominion energy, we're completely transforming our power grid and the way we think of energy... move from "what if" to "what's next." dominion energy. >> ♪ >> this is fox5 news morning. >> ahead at 6:00 details on a gruesome discovery in d.c. where police found a body inside of a burning car. >> also a woman shot and killed in her apartment. the very chase the suspected killer led police on. >> live look outside on this final friday of the year. weather and traffic coming up on the 5's at 6:05 although we know what they're going to say in weather. it's cold outside. >> it's cold. >> it's really cold. >> it is definitely cold out there. let's start though with breaking news not for d.c. but out of new york city this morning where officials continue to investigate the deadliest fire that city has seen in decades. >> at least a dozen people are dead this morning after a vicious fire breaks out overnight in a bronx apartment building. this was in the belmont neighborhood not far from the bronx zoo. 170 firefighters were the scene battling the blaze as temperatures plunged into the frigid low teens. new york city fire commissioner the daniel negro says one of the victims was as young as a year old. >> in a department that's certainly no stranger to tragedy, we're shocked by this loss, this tragedy is without question historic in its magnitude here and

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