Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 Morning News 5 20171215 : compar

Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 Morning News 5 20171215

more sexual misconduct reported on the hill. this time republican representative blake farenthold. >> he is the latest to announce he's stepping down all this while calls continue for an investigation into the president. fox5's melanie alnwick is live on capitol hill now with the latest. good morning, mel. >> reporter: and good morning. the texas congressman says that the allegations brought by a former communications director against him are false. nonetheless he said he will not seek reelection next year. accusations from former staffers include allegations of sexually graphic jokes and comments farenthold is also suspected of using taxpayer funds to settle a 2014 harassment lawsuit filed pie one of those staffers. the texan is accused of berating aides and creating a hostile work environment. he apologized on facebook. face. stress of the job to manifest itself in angry outbursts. >> unacceptable behavior has been alleged no those stories and i think he's made the right decision that he's going to be >> reporter: the house ethics committee will be investigating claims against farenthold. misconduct accusations in the u.s. house have also forced out michigan democrat john conyers and arizona republican trent franks and in the senate democrat al franken's replacement has been named though the senator's resignation date has not yet been set. also this week you may recall three women who went public with accusations of sexual misconduct against donald trump during the presidential campaign also spoke out again this week, now a growing group of female congress -- female congress women i guess that's redundant congress women said they would like the house oversight committee to investigate. live on capitol hill, i'm melanie alnwick, fox5 local news. >> thanks, mel. appreciate it. republicans are on the verge of taking action on tax reform and meeting their christmas deadline. but some obstacles are still in the way. some senators are holding out for an increase in the child tax meanwhile democrats are jumping on reports that the bill would mainly benefit the wealthy. negotiations are expected to continue today with a vote expected next week. major changes could be coming to your internet service. the feds changed the rules regarding the web. now yesterday the fcc voted three to two to overturn obama era regulations on net neutrality. providers like verizon at&t and others can slow down apps run by their rivals. they could even block them altogether. or charge them more to use faster internet performance. critics say this move will effectively sensor online content. >> in other news now, a local church says once again an historically black burial ground in bethesda is under attack. montgomery county is moving forward with plans to build a storage facility over the moses african cemetery despite protests. the cemetery dates back to the early 19 hundreds and was built by freed slaves. but the storage facility owner says the remnants are within a smaller pl back to the county. the obstetrics unit at united medical center in southeast d.c. officially shut down. back in august health officials suspended the unit's license for 90 days after it found deficiencies inpatient care. the umc board voted not to renew the unit's license. the board says it will cost millions of dollars to create a quality ob unit and it hasn't ruled out opening another ob unit in the future. >> check out this chaotic scene outside the warner theater last night. a d.c. government vehicle somehow crashed in front of the theater with no one behind the wheel. the vehicle actually jumped the curb. a person was taken to the hospital but she is expected to be okay. the crash remains under investigation. >> ♪ >> all right, we're coming up on 5:05 on this friday morning. we're talking about snow and i'm thinking oh my goodness what are we in store for? is it a little sprinkling. >> in most locations it's going to be a little sprinkling, northern virginia, of from d.c. north and east that our primary area of concern is. >> okay. >> forgetting a little bit of snowfall here. biggest concern hours is unfortunately that afternoon commute time so that could be a problem. >> sprinkling that sticks. >> this is why because temperatures are below freezing around the region. 30 degrees this morning in washington. manassas at 27. again, look at that area of concern north and east. gaithersburg is 22. westminster 25. baltimore 24. temperatures not expected to reach above freezing in those locations, so, again, any snow that does come down should stick to the ground and, yes, those roadways could be a little slick as well so do take caution later today as you're heading home. two pieces of energy we're watching one over the great lakes and one in the carolinas. it's not one that's going to give us jackpot snow totals but a few special north and east of town could get an inch or two of snow. i'll show you the snowfall map in just a winter weather advisories go into that effect starting at 1 o'clock today. they'll last until 7 o'clock for all those counties shaded in purple from the potomac river d.c. up to the north and east of town. does include metro baltimore as well so commuters in maryland especially be aware later on this afternoon as we expect snow showers to increase. 34 degrees is all we're going to make today and that's here in town. again i expect. of our suburbs will stay below freezing this afternoon. it will probably be our coldest day so far in terms of high temperatures and watch out for that afternoon light snow. if you're ready for a warmer air. great news. warmer air coming your way. erin como is watching the roads this morning. how are they looking erin. >> [inaudible] taking a look at our traffic -- can mike thomas come over and help me. >> i can. how is traffic. >> we have some gremlins in the system. mike help you for your help. you said weather won't be an impact for our morning commute, correct. >> correct. >> i like this s this is a nice start to friday. teamwork. you can see that traffic is quiet right now on the inner loop and outer loop side of the beltway. problem free 95 at 212. no issues on the southbound side as you make your way down toward the beltway. that's really cool news, guys. what do you think about that mike. >> two thumbs up. >> you said this afternoon what is going to get the worst of east. >> north and east. northern maryland, baltimore. >> aside from that 1270 looks really good. i like that. that's good. how do you feel about that. >> i feel good about that. >> me, too. and the way the setup is here we kind of look like we're making a prom picture and i like that. >> yes. >> a little holiday photo guys. metro is on time right now. red line adjustments this weekend. we'll get the latest on that one. >> happy friday. >> happy friday to you. >> coming up on fox5 news morning,. >> a wild encounter out west. a man was attacked by a sea lion while swimming. we'll have details ahead. >> okay. as we head to break a live look across the d.c. region. it is 5:07 right now and it is 30 degrees. back after this. >> ♪ >> ♪♪ >> welcome back to fox5 news morning. today is friday december 15th. it is 5:08, 30 degrees outside. great shot of the capitol looking nice and lit silhouetted. >> crisp and cold, right. >> yeah. >> like the weather out there. could see some white stuff later today. mike will have more in a minute. eight minutes past the hour right now. let's talk about the stories making headlines across america. new video of a scary moment that happened last month at a costco outside of kansas city in kansas. the newly released video shows a gunman entering the store. the gunman walks into the store and begins pointing his weapon at employees. police say he threatened to kill other shoppers. now, that's when off duty police captain michael howell tracked him through the store and confronted him but when he wouldn't drop his weapon, howell shot and killed him. >> the mourners gathered in london yesterday to remember the victims of the againville highrise family. members of the royal family as well as adele taking part in the memorial service. it happened at saint paul's cathedral in london. 71 people were killed when the fire engulfed the residential tower block in west london eagle outfitters stopped selling a controversial bracelet online and in its stores. it responded to a big backlash from customers linking the screw cuff bracelet to slavery. the bracelet comes in a brass color and features a screw cuff that many people on twitter compared to slave wear. they also referred to it as a shackle bracelet. american eagle outfitters has issued an apology. >> a man is in the hospital this morning after being bitten by a sea lion while swimming in san francisco's aquatic park. that attack happened yesterday afternoon. the 56-year-old man was bitten in the arm. sailboat in the area saw the man in distress and bleeding him pulled him onto the boat. a police marine unit also responded. officers say the man was bleeding badly but he's expected to be okay. >> it is official. abc has fired mario batali from the chew. the company says batali was terminated after a review of the sexual harassment allegations that were made against him. batali was accused of sexual harassment in a report by ea earlier this month. one female chef and three other women accused the chef of sexual misconduct. coming up on fox5 news morning. >> a woman who said she slept with matt lauer while she worked at nbc. details in the top trending stories. >> let's look live across the region there. look at that. the district of columbia court of appeals, beautiful shot of our city in the early morning hours. 5:11 is our time right now. 30 cold degrees. bundle up before you head out on this friday. fox5 news morning coming right back. >> ♪ >> ♪♪ >> ♪ >> welcome back. time now is 5:13. a look at the top stories on this friday december 15th. florida senator marco rubio throwing a wrench in the gop effort to pass tax reform. he said he will not support a bill that doesn't expand the americans. the gop is rushing to make changes before a vote expected early next week. >> let's go to california now and the latest on the thomas wildfire. the massive wildfire is now considered the fourth largest wildfire in california history and it's still spreading. than the city of san diego. one person, a firefighter, has died battling the blaze. 974 structures are destroyed. 258 others are damaged. >> yesterday the fcc added a new alert to the nation's emergency notification system. this one is called the blue alert. the alert will notify the public when there is either a credible threat to a member of law enforcement or an officer has been seriously hurt or killed. it will take 12 to 18 months to be implemented by the emergency alert system and just like other major alerts it will not only go out to broadcasting cable but also to our smartphones. >> ♪ >> 5:14 is our time right now. looking live across the d.c. region on this early, early friday morning and it's a day that's shaping up to be a busy friends, mike. >> absolutely. it's what you can't see that will hurt you this morning, that's the cold out there. especially north and east of town where temperatures back in the 20's this morning and that's going to play a big role in where we expect the snow to have the best chance of sticking and piling up just a little bit which is north and east of town. i'll show you all that coming up. cold with light snow, that's kind of your big headline for today. not for the morning. morning hours are going to be just fine. it's the afternoon hours where the concern starts to kick in here. temperatures outside right now below freezing or at freezing for everybody. so, 30 in washington. there's your freezing mark. 32 at quantico. 20's out west of town. cold, 23 at dulles. 22 at gaithersburg. gaithersburg looks like you're the cold spot so congratulations there. 24 in baltimore. and 25 up towards westminster and again it's this area where the coldest air is where the ground temperatures are falling the most and that's going to be a concern when the snow does start to fall later on this afternoon. two systems, weak little clipper coming through. this will slide to our north but some of that energy will get transferred to another area of low pressure that will develop as it comes up from the that combined will kind of throw some light snow back our way. nothing too heavy but remember, with the cold temperatures like that, every flake that falls may stick to something. at least the grass and potentially some of the roadways, especially untreated ones later on this afternoon. there we are at 4 o'clock. heading home from, would, heading home from school you're getting the kids that's when you have to watch out especially east of town. there's a deeper shade of blue right there that indicates maybe moderate snow through anne arrundel western portions of prince george's county. 6 o'clock it starts to exit. later this evening it's out. this is really our last snow threat for the next several days. want to mention the winter weather advisory. starts at one block. all the way until 7 o'clock tonight for all those areas you see in purple and those areas that are under the advisory will have the chance of seeing the most snow. one to 3 inches is what we'll go, mostly north and east of town. quick look at the seven-day cause it shows improvement. weekend's just fine. not expecting any rain as we head into next week. 60 degrees b all right, that's weather. erin is back with traffic. >> all right, 5:16 right now. keeping an eye on the roads and thank you for that microphone help earlier mike. >> teamwork makes the dream work. >> team player. right now northbound 95 quantico to dale city we are at speed and looking really pleasant right now. no problems past dale boulevard. route one looks good as well. i'll let you know if any of that changes. as we forward things along, 395 also wide opened hov and main lanes looking good. as you make your way toward the 14th street bridge. all of your secondaries in the district looking good independence, pennsylvania avenue, no problems. just a little bit of volumel increasing as you head out from gainsville and then moving things over once again this morning you can see things on the inner loop across the legion bridge quiet. gw parkway is looking good. metro rail lines currently on time. any questions at erin fox5 d.c. on twitter. we're going to keep you moving on this friday morning. holly and maureen. >> ♪ >> time right now is 5:17. let's take a look at the stories you're the most this morning on social media with our realtime news tracker. >> first up the new york city police department has opened an investigation into russell simmons. several women have accused the music mogul of sexual misconduct including rape. the nypd can start an investigation without a complaint being made directly to them as is the case with simmons. the women told their stories to the new york times and the los angeles times. the incidents allegedly occurred over decades. simmons has said all encounters were consensual. >> meanwhile former today show employee is revealing new details about a secret relationship that she had with disgraced tv host matt lauer. addie collins was a former nbc news production assistant. yesterday she revealed to variety magazine they had a month long sexual relationship with lauer back in 2000. zion says the relationship was consensual but that she felt like a victim because of the power dynamic. the woman says lauer would go after the most vulnerable women at nbc. the production assistants and the interns. >> a new study finds that people are calling for ube they need to go to the hospital. researchers have found that ambulance usage dropped at least 7 percent between 2013 and 2015. a lot of low risk patients opt for uber over an expensive ambulance. uber says they are not a substitute for law enforcement or medical professionals and they always encourage people to call 911. >> after successful "grease: live" production fox is back for another go round with the unique take on a classic. we're talking about a christmas story. they're doing it live. the three hour live musical production is based on the 1983 film and the tony nominated broadway show. sunday's production will follow a grownup ralph fee parker who looks back on his favorite childhood christmas. it airs on fox5 at 7:00 p.m. on sunday. >> three hours, hm. >> right. what an investment. today is national cupcake day. local bakeries may also be celebrating national cupcake day with deals so check with your favorite. ask about any specials and monitor social media using the #national cupcake day. >> i'm on it. coming up on fox5 news morning. >> today is a great day to do some online because there is a big perk and we're going to tell you what after the break. >> really. heading to break a live look across the d.c. region. it's 5:19 right now and it's 30 degrees. back after this. >> ♪ ck after this. >> ♪♪ >> ♪ >> my name is private first class davis. i'm from prince georges county maryland. i want to shout out my mom, my dad, my sister, my aunt, my uncle. my man fat aaron. travis. taz, shout out everybody. man, my man benitez. i love y'all man. shout out to y'all. y'all got me here. thank you and happy holidays. >> see more greetings from our troops on our fox5 facebook page. >> ♪ >> ♪♪ >> welcome back. it is 5:23 right now and attention all you last minute holiday shoppers out there. today is free shipping day. participating retailers will offer free shipping with no minimum order and will still guarantee delivery by december 24th. over 800 retailers are taking part this year including most the big names amazon, target, macy's emergency rooming dale city, gap, best buy, toys r us and many more. >> as you are getting ready for work this morning heads up. today is national ugly christmas sweater day. that means you can proudly support your favorite ugly sweater. parts parents are encouraged to show off those holiday themed sweaters by #christmas sweater day on your social media platforms. >> you can now get around town with some extra holiday cheer thanks to lyft. the ride sharing app is offering its merry mode ride experience. between now and sunday you can request a car that's all decked out to look like an ugly holiday sweater. >> okay. >> inside passengers can sing karaoke to holiday songs of their choice. all fares for merry mode rides will be donated to the nonprofit martha's table. i might have to take a lyft for the karaoke itself. >> that sounds fun. >> coming up on 5:25 on this friday morning. you know, if you are going to be in a lyft later on today pack your patience because the roads might be a mess because me our way. >> right, little friend, yes. some will thinks that, some will not. kids might think that. maybe in a few locations north and east it could get them out of school a little early. i don't know. we'll have to watch that. it is a concern for the afternoon commute though and that's what some officials may want to avoid dealing with. winter weather advisory starts at 1 o'clock today. wi so, again, it is that afternoon commute that we are concerned about. 30 degrees currently outside. feels like 24 though with winds out of the east. that east wind will keep temperatures from going very far at all today. we're only expecting a high of 34 degrees later on this afternoon. there's your satellite and radar. again, nothing but clouds out there right now. it's two pieces of energy that are going to combine a little bit, start to develop a storm off the coast. however, it should be weak enough that the snow we're expecting today is just of the lighter variety. however, because it's so cold this morning, what falls will stick. bus stop forecast, 20 to 30 this morning, just clouds out ct there. we're cold, after school 29 to 35 with snow coming down especially if you live north and east of town. here's a look at your -- the winter weather advisory i was talking about. one to 7 o'clock, all those counties you see in purple. it does include d.c. it includes montgomery county, prince george's an are you den howard up through baltimore as well. forecast 34 degrees today. again clouds through the morning. snow moves in in the afternoon. that's a forecast. over to erin for traffic. >> 5:25 right now. taking a look at your morning commute around the dmv and we're seeing very nice conditions 95 southbound just a 10 minute ride. excuse me. as you head from 32 to the beltway there. i think i need to get some tea. it's cold out there. bundle up and just stay warm. excuse me. 50 westbound between 301 and the beltway looking good. just a little bit of light volume. no problems in bowie. 295, 395 quiet and then as you make your way out on 270 volume picking up by father hurley. just a 17 minute trip. still in the green zone between 70 and 121. i'll let you know when that changes. on gw parkway you're quiet. problem free right now. we do see a little yellow line picking up on 270. don't forget 355 not your best bailout there's ongoing construction work closing 355 in both directions across the monocacy bridge. 70 still in the clear right now. love to see that for your early morning ride. problem free on 66 through arlington. the key bridge looks really nice. metro right now is on time. i'll let you know if that changes. back to you. >> sounds good. thanks erin. 5:27 right now. coming up on fox5 news morning. >> taking sticker sh shock to a whole new level. the price drivers saw on the new i-66 toll road. >> let's take a break right now with a live look across the d.c. region. can we just say our christmas blessing this morning is our photographer tom. look at that smithsonian castle in the early morning hours. love it, love it, lover it. 30 degrees is the temperature right now and it's cold out there. fox5 news morning coming right back. >> okay. >> ♪ >> ♪♪ heard about eucrisa for mild-to-moderate eczema? it can be used almost everywhere on almost everybody. the face of a fisherman? the hand of a ranch hand? the knee of a needle pointer? prescription eucrisa is a nose to toes eczema ointment. it blocks overactive pde4 enzymes within your skin. do not use if you are allergic to eucrisa or its ingredients. allergic reactions may occur at or near the application site. the most common side effect is application site pain. ask your doctor about eucrisa. >> ♪ >> today on fox5 news morning, harassment on the hill. blake farenthold says he won't run for reelection after allegations of sexual harassment. we've got the latest on that. plus, save the cemetery. the efforts to preserve an historical burial site in our area. and headaches on the highway. people are upset over those sky high tolls on i-66. find out the outrageous amount it hit this week. fox5 news morning starts right now. >> ♪ >> this is fox5 news morning. >> good morning to you. thank you for >> it is friday december 15th. >> we're talking about our weather, talking about our roads and the weather really going to be an issue today. mike thomas what's the headline. >> yeah, snow is possible later on this afternoon and unfortunately could time out with your afternoon to evening commute. we're especially concerned with drivers in maryland today. we'll talk about timing and when the winter weather advisory goes into effect in just a minute. hey erin from right now volume increasing on our majors. we have a water main break in northwest as well. newton street near 22nd and you know with those cold temperatures we could be dealing with slick conditions. the latest on that. >> time right now is 5:31. new this morning a local church says once again a historically black burial ground bethesda is under attack. >> the county's planning board is expected to approve a project for a self storage facility to go on what the church argues are the remnants of an historic cemetery. annie yu live in the news room this morning with more on this controversy. good morning, ann annie. >> reporter: hey, good morning holly and maureen. the battle is saving the site of a historically black cemetery. members of church they are protests to save the sacred ground that was for a community built by freed slaves. on thursday, last night, the montgomery county planning board approved plans to build a storage facility on the land despite the protests and church members argue the facility will cover the burial ground but the owners say any remnants of this cemetery are within a smaller plot of land they gave back to the county. >> the planning department is going to approve a new plan to put another structure on top of moses african cemetery. and so we are here to protest another site of desecration for our ancestors. >> well, it's disappointing. i hope by the time we open that they change their minds i mean, we're very excited to be a part of the community as they said we were -- are the first ones that donated land to the project, to the greenway, so hopefully wounds will be healed and they'll be receptive to it 'cause we want them to be a part of it. we're doing the benches and the history of the black community and all the history of -- of bethesda and the river row community. >> reporter: now protesters also say their first amendment rights were violated when the board chair made them turn their black lives matter signs backwards so the words weren't visible and the board says it has a policy outlying signs bigger than a standard sheet of paper and the fox5 tried to ask the board more about the sign policy but we would not answer any of our questions. church members and supporters they say they plan on boycotting the storage business once it is built so tempers flaring on this story. we'll continue to follow it but we'll send it back up to you for now. >> annie thank you. in other news this morning we have new images of a man wanted for a deadly stabbing in alexandria. his name is endless taylor and he's accused of robbing and stabbing luis bonilla near the meadow woods apartments. you can see a tattoo on taylor's neck that says pray for me. detectives recov victim's phone. it helped them identify the suspect. >> charges have been upgraded against the man accused of driving a car into a crowd of counterprotesters during the white supremacist valley in charlottesville. james fields jr. is that charged with first degree murder. back in august a group of white nationalists gathered in charlottesville spurred by the city's plan to remove a confederate statue. violence broke out as counterprotesters gathered too. now during the chaos fields allegedly drove a car into the crowd of counterprotesters killing heather heyer. he claimed he feared for his life and mistakenly hit the accelerator. >> d.c. massage therapist pleaded guilty to sexually assaulting three female clients. 24-year-old habtamu gebreslassi is charged with sexual abuse and assault. he's accused of inappropriately touching three women, two at the massage envy in tenleytown. and one at a deluca massage and body work near dupont circle. gebreslassie faces up to five years in prison. he will also have to register as a sex >> the toll for driving that 10-mile stretch on the new i-66 toll lane in northern virginia hits a new high. a driver tweeted this image yesterday morning from the toll road and as you can see the price, $44. chris cane 82 also wrote, that's insane. drivers have expressed outrage over the pricey tolls. last week the northern virginia transportation commission in arlington met with frustrated drivers hoping to discuss a proposed resolution for the skyrocketing fares. some possible solutions include capping toll prices and changing the hours when motorists are charged tolls. no word on when any of the proposals will actually happen. >> ♪ >> 5:35 and i know there's still issues with that toll road but are there going to be issues on all roads when the snow comes a calling. >> might be worth the $44. >> not so fast. hang on now. let's not get carried away. >> it's payday but i'm not paying $44. >> that's quite expensive. yes, we're concerned about snow today especially if you live northeastern maryland will be kind of where the heaviest and highest snowfall totals look like they're going to be. here in d.c. we could do a coating, half inch of snow during the evening commute and if they don't treat the roadways or some of those side streets -- >> also known as havoc. >> yes. >> on a friday for sure. >> right. not how you wanted to end your work week. good news. this is the last chance of snow it looks like for at least the next 10 days. 30 degrees in washington right now. look at the temperatures off to the north, though. 22 at gaithersburg. that's chilly. 24 in baltimore. 25 up towards westminster and again, it's those locations off to the north there where we are concerned about the snow sticking. kind of most consistently and where we're concerned about the most snow coming down. satellite and radar shows the systems. there's two of them one over the great lakes coming down going to transfer some of its energy to a developing low that you can see the clouds right around raleigh right now. nothing too big there at this hour but it's going to develop later on this afternoon. here's futurecast. let's run it through. by 2 o'clock is whe showing light snow starting here in washington. we head to 4 o'clock. there's more snow kind of popping up. later today temperatures only 34 degrees here in washington. that's a check of the forecast. over to erin for traffic. >> it is 5:37 right now and we do have an issue in the direct right now. take a look at this. downed wires talbot street southeast and talbot terrace southeast. use caution through that intersection. suitland parkway still quiet. take a look at our camera down by the washington monument. seventeenth and constitution avenue northwest looks good right now. light volume picking up in the district. we have reports of a water main break newton and 22nd. we're going to work on those details and bring them to you here on fox5. aside from that light volume increasing outer loop right now van dorn to wilson bridge looks good. inner loop a little volume picking up. not enough to cause any major slowdowns. 295, 395 and 50 still in the clear and metro is on time. back to you holly and maureen. >> coming up on fox5 news morning. >> the white house getting in on the holiday spirit. after the break we're show y portrait. >> a l live look across the d.c. region. it is 5:37 right now and it is a chilly 37 degrees. back after this. >> ♪ >> ♪♪ fl plank >> welcome back to fox5 news morning on this friday december 15th. 10 days from christmas technically nine i guess because it's on the tenth day we just enjoy the holiday. 20 minutes before the hour is our time right now. >> 5:40 is the time and happening today fox5 making wishes come true. we're introducing you to a young boy who is about to have his wish to become a k-9 officer come true. his name is ember. we will be live with him all day as he helps the city solve crimes. you can join us live starting at 8:00 a.m. on fox news morning and to cheer him on. use the #k-9 cop ember. that's k-9 cop ember. >> should be a whole lot of fun. this year's official white house christmas portrait is out. president trump and first lady melania trump posed for the picture in the cross hall of the white house surrounded by christmas decorations of course. the photo was taken on december 5thth. melania trump tweeted the picture showing her hand in hand with the president. >> the vp also releasing their pictures. they looked marvelous. >> coming up. >> find out why some people were happy they g >> as we head to break let's look live again across the d.c. region. another beautiful shot there. this is one of my favorites. you can see the lincoln memorial just past the washington monument there. gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous. 5:42 is our time. only at 30 degrees. fox5 news morning coming right back after this. what a gorgeous city we live in. >> ♪ you can't predict the market. but through good times and bad... t. rowe price... ...we've helped our investors stay confident for over 75 years. call us or your advisor. t. rowe price. invest with confidence. whatever you were about to do just became whatever you're about to do after you get coffee. nothing comes before coffee. that's why we're introducing a new line of café-quality espresso drinks from mccafé. get a small peppermint mocha for just two dollars. >> welcome back at 5:44. a cow from a scene outside a church causing quite a commotion in philadelphia yesterday. his name is stormy. somehow escaped early in the morning and wanted onto i-95. i should say her name was stormy. she was finally corralled by state police. hours later the cow got loose again this time making her way to the fourth floor of a parking garage. police are still trying to figure out how in the world stormy was able to break free not once but twice. >> stormy looks strong. >> she's like i've had it. >> i must say. i have to make a correction because i had some misinformation. i thought all these gorgeous shots were coming from dave who is an extraordinary photographer but they're coming from another amazing photographer, 'cause we have the best in town. >> drum roll, please. >> massimo we call him max. >> bar none we have the best photographers in all of the dmv. i know i'm bragging. >> brag away because it is rightfully so. >> we have some phenomenal photographers. max you are doing it big this morning. >> he's braving the cold. >> that's like a postcard. i love that. >> thanks max. we appreciate it. merry christmas, friend. >> all right. lots to talk about today ladies 'cause we have the snow in the forecast and unfortunately it looks like it could come for the evening commute hours in a few locations. >> my goodness. >> let's get right to it. let's not waste any time. snow impact forecast i'm going to give this one a moderate just because of the timing of everything. this is not a jackpot amount snow. it's not even shovellable. it's not going to be a sledding snow but it's just because of the timing, how things are going to come it looks like right during the front end of the evening commute that things will get a little tricky around town. light snow developing, kind of 1, 2, 3 o'clock lasting until 6, 7 o'clock tonight in a few spots. one to 3 inches possible if you live north and east of town. more likely towards baltimore as opposed to d.c. it is cold out there. we're below freezing in all of our neighborhoods especially north of town where temperatures are in the low 20's in a few cases. that's cooling the every flake that falls looks like it will stick on untreated roads. look at these temperatures. 22 in gaithersburg, baltimore 24 and again it's this area up here that has the best chance of seeing trouble spots this afternoon. stretching down to d.c., we're under a winter weather advisory. i'll show you those in just a second but i think northern virginia, out to the west, you're cold as well but the snow is going to have trouble getting to you. so, maybe a spotty coating here and there but i don't think this is the snow for you. satellite and radar showing the pieces that are going to come together, one to the north going to transfer its energy to one to the south down here. all of that's going to take its turn up to the north and that's going to give us our snowfall potential. quick look at futurecast. 2 o'clock is when it kicks things up, 3, 4 o'clock is when it's steadiest. and then it moves out pretty quickly. winter weather advisory starts at 1 o'clock. it does include d.c. counties kind of off to the north and to the east here for potentially one to 3 inches of snow. it's the timing that's the big concern here. how much snow, there you one to three kind of north and east of town. the three would be really spotty. kind of focus on the one to two here and again, the focus is on the timing more so than the amounts with this particular event. so today's planner, again we're dry through the morning hours light snow possible as early as 1 o'clock but probably after that. i think by 4 o'clock kind of steady with temperatures right around 33 here in d.c. up to 47 tomorrow. you ready for a break from the cold and snow? here it comes. by sunday we'll cloud it up but 50 degrees and look at early next week. monday mostly cloudy, 58. how about 60 degrees, why not, tuesday 60. look at winter officially begins next thursday with a temperature of 50 degrees. all right, that's weather. erin como take it over. i think your evening commute is going to be rough erin. >> not looking forward to a rough evening commute. a few problems picked up for our morning commute currently in northeast newton street northeast between 22nd and 24th, water main break right now. watch for slick conditions with the really cold temperatures as mike mentioned. i would suggest detouring around that street. water department is out there and some homes in that area northeast without water this here on fox5. you can see monroe street still looks good south dakota and rhode island also looking good. watch for slick spots in northeast this morning. aside from that one, talbert street southeast between mount view place and talbert terrace southeast downed wires you'll have to detour around. branch avenue southern avenue suitland parkway still look good. 295 quiet from the beltway to past laboratory road. the 11th street bridge looks good. excuse me. and then as you make your way out on 295 southbound, dipping below 30 miles per hour as you get south of 50 down to the 11th street bridge. a little bit of light congestion. not enough to cause any major delays from maryland to the 11th street bridge but you'll see a tap of the brakes starting to pick up. 50 nice and quiet new york avenue past bladensburg look good. things on 95 looking great on the inbound side from quantico to dale city. 66 still quiet. volume picking up 270 southbound but not enough to cause any major slowdowns. back to you guys. >> all right, right now the time is 5:49 and police on patrol in kansas city in a suburb there the writing tickets wednesday night. >> instead, they were handing out brand new hundred dollar bills. >> wait what? >> yes. they stopped people in stores, even made a few traffic stops to give out the cash. >> did you see her face. >> i want to see them. >> what? [laughter] >> so, the money came from an anonymous donor who gave $10,000 to the police department asking officers to hand it out at random. >> wow. >> he filters it through us as a way to help build positive relationships with our citizens that we serve so, i think it's a great cause and it gets us out there, you know, more so than we already are. >> this is the third year the police department has received this anonymous $10,000 donation making the total 30,000 to date. >> i love that story. >> that is my favorite story of the day. >> i know. look at their faces. >> i love that guy's face. look. what? >> you know what -- [laughter] >> why can't that happen to me instead i get slow down. i will. have a good morning, officer. [laughter] >> okay, new this morning, fans of taco bell will soon be able to buy mexican style beer at the fast food restaurant. the chain announced the rollout of its very own beer. the brew will be a mexican style amber lager that was created in conjunction with four sons brewing a craft brewer located in huntington beach california. it will be available at the canteen in a store in newport beach california. no word when or if the beer will be available anywhere else. >> yeah 'cause they would have to get liquor licenses. interesting. >> but chipotle carries beer, right. >> they do. >> i've seen it. >> your friends. >> my friends. you know, i'm not a beer person, i'm a wine person. >> i hear you. >> if they had wine, oh, yeah that and the burrito bowl, oh, yeah. let's take a look at the stories you're engaging with the most this morning on social media with our realtime news track. >> let's talk about what is trending. >> you first. >> okay i'll go fares. first. house speaker paul ryan reportedly considering retiring after the 2018 midterm elections. according to politico ryan has told people his current term as speaker will be his last. ryan is disputing the reports. he smiled when reporters asked him about it. ryan first entered congress in 1999 and was elected speaker in 2015. >> dustin hoffman facing new allegations of sexual misconduct today. three women have stepped forward with accusations, one of them saying that the iconic actor exposed himself to her in a new york hotel room when she was just 16. she says the incident happened in 1980. the other two women say they were sexually assaulted by hoffman while he was shooting the 1987 movie "ishtar." a lawyer for hoffman calls the claims defamatory falsehoods. >> survivor of terror attacks may be at risk of developing migraine headaches. hundreds of young survivors finding many were at a much higher rate to suffer with migraines or the tension headaches than the general population. the study authors believe the findings could have far reaching implications. >> for the first time an eighth planet has been found orbiting a distant star. nasa made announcement yesterday. the planet is orbiting kepler 90. the new planet is the third rock from its sun and joins several others previously discovered by nasa. >> finally from holiday cheers to holiday jeers on the road. aaa expecting a record breaking number of americans to travel during the upcoming holiday season. more than 107 million people will be on the move with most of them driving to their destination. >> that they will be doing. all right. 5:53 is the time. and 'tis the season for the holiday fun and joys of laughter. for this week's fox beat friday you could enter to attend a magical dazzling holiday event. >> we are selecting one lucky person to win four tickets to six flags holiday in the january 1st. each prize has an approximate retail value of $272 and is provided by six flags america. >> go to the fox5 d.c. facebook page starting now through 11:59 p.m. and enter for your chance to win. one winner will be selected by random drawing on december 18th. all entrants have to be 18 or older. for complete rules they're available at fox5d >> six minutes before 6:00 right now. that means it is time for us to say hello to our facebook fan of the day. today we have a very, very special fan. this is trudy. today is a milestone birthday for her. how old do you think she is? >> i would say easily 60. >> right. well, l let me just employee your mind because she is turning 90 today. >> what. >> yes. mind blown, right. >> wow. >> she was nominated by her daughter cat walker. >> cat says they lost their dad back in august. so sorry for your loss. he will be buried in arlington national ceremony this month. he and trudy were married for 68 years. she was a real estate agent for over 30 years, she's a member of the national women's club, a ballroom dancer, so much more. 90 years young today trudy is. and we wish you a very, very happy birthday. wonderful holiday season as well. >> absolutely. >> she's gorgeous. >> trudy you are an inspiration. >> look how fashionable she is. >> you have to wear a scarf swearing gene to be able to pull it off. >> and you have to know how to wear it. >> trudy come give us a scarf tying lesson. we'll take it. >> very happy birthday to trudy. >> yes. >> guys watch out for snow this afternoon. that's your headline. snow moving in later on this afternoon of the light variety and as i mentioned it's not going to be a should havable snow. you could get an inch or two if you live north and east of town. clouds for the morning commute. after school is when the threat to are snow moves n29 to 35. some of the temperatures aren't expected to reach above freezing. your evening commute. winter weather advisories all these counties you see in purple, it does include metro d.c. and then off to the north and east of town as well. starts at 1 o'clock this afternoon. will go until 7 o'clock tonight. quick look at what you can expect total-wise. maybe it will give us an inch here in d.c. but the best chances are going to be north and east of town of getting anything measurable. more the coating to half inch variety kind of there in the white and as you work through virginia it gets more spotty. seven-day forecat, weekend is dry and getting a little bit warmer. temperatures reach 60 by next week. that's a check of the forecast. erin is back with traffic. >> all right, mike thomas 5:56. problems coming up. right now all metro rail lines are on time but keep in mind this weekend red line service will be suspended this weekend for the metro officials to install a new cable. previously they were going to do single tracking but this weekend shuttle buss replace trains. take the green line between fort fort totten and gallery place. that's this weekend train service line. shuttle service is limited but replacing those trains. traffic looking good on the freeway 695 pennsylvania avenue to the third street tunnel. volume increasing 270. already a yellow zone. keep it to fox5 news morning. we'll be right back. >> ♪ >> ♪♪ >> ♪ >> this is fox5 news morning. >> straight ahead at 6:00 republican farenthold will not seek reelection amid sexual allegations, sexual abuse allegations. the news capping off a week of varied misconduct fallout. >> save the cemetery. the effort to save a historical burial site leads to a confrontation between protesters and police. >> live outside it's a winter weather advisory with a chance of some snow. and the timing could make for a tricky afternoon commute. weather and traffic coming up on the 5s at 6:05. >> first up though another day, another name. more sexual misconduct reported on the hill, this time republican representative blake farenthold. >> he is the latest to announce he's stepping down. all this while calls continue for an investigation into the president. fox5's melanie alnwick is live on capitol hill with the latest this morning. mel. >> reporter: good morning, steve and allison. the texas congressman has said that the accusations brought by his former communications director are false, even so, farenthold said that he will not seek reelect

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