Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 Morning News 5 20170518 : compar

Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 Morning News 5 20170518

90-degree heat wave and erin como talking about the roads where we have some issues already. mike, what about this heat. >> yeah, hot, hot, hot. 90's once again later this afternoon. we'll keep it dry but you'll notice the humidity upticks a little bit later today. erin. >> outer loop a mess. crash closes all lanes. i have your work around drive times all that when we come back. >> thanks erin. 5:01 is our time. we'll begin with breaking news from overnight. chris cornell the lead singer of audio slave and sound garden has died at the age of 52. a representative says his death is "sudden and unexpected." crnell's family is working closely with the medical examiner to find out exactly what happened. >> ♪ >> turning to politics the white house reacting to the justice department appointing a special counsel to take over the investigation into possible ties between russia and the president's campaign. >> while president trump insists nothing will be found, the move is receiving bipartisan suppo outside of fbi headquarters with more. good morning, mel. >> reporter: good morning, guys. now, in appointing that special counsel deputy attorney general rod rosenstein said that it was important to bring in someone who is independent of the normal chain of command. former fbi director robert mueller has been working in the private second working in a law firm since 2013 coming back as special counsel to oversee the investigation into russian influence in the election and the trump campaign, he will have a budget, a staff and the ability to prosecute if he uncovers any crimes. mueller has bipartisan respect from capitol hilly. >> i think it's a good thing because this takes the politics out of it hopefully. this has gotten too political. those on the left yelling impeach those on the right saying it's fake. hopefully >> reporter: president trump says he believes "a thoreau investigation will confirm there was no collusion between my campaign and any foreign entity." now, also today deputy attorney general rosenstein will be on capitol hill. he was already summoned by the senate to answer questions about the firing of fbi director james comey mee and what, if any, role rosenstein's memo you may recall that brief that the white house said that president trump relied on to make that decision to fire fbi director james comey. he will probably also talk a little bit about the appointment of are robert muellr as special counsel. live in from the justice department i'm melanie alnwick fox5 local news. >> melanie thank you. lawmakers want to see the memos. both the house oversight and senate intelligence sent letters to demanding that the bureau hand over comey's memos. >> we have an obligation to carry out our oversight regardless of which party is in the white house. and that means before rushing to judgment we get all the pertinent information. >> i'm not going to sit here and pass judgment or basically condemn somebody or convict them until i see the facts and the facts is basically being on the intelligence committee is what we receive. >> both house and senate committees, both of them invited former fbi director james comey to testify publically about his termination. the russian investigation and the his interactions with the president. >> a new name added to list of possible candidates to fill the vacant fbi director position. joe lieberman. he ran as a vice presidential candidate on the democratic ticket. he later left the party became an independent. the white house says the president is also interviewing three other people for the job. oklahoma governor frank ke andrew mccabe and richard mcfeeley a former top fbi official. >> drama today in d.c. is becoming a drag on wall str street. the dow tumbled 370 points. the other markets fell as well. here's a look at the stock futures right now. this morning the dow s & p and nasdaq are all up. >> tragedy has struck a d.c. family t a little boy has died after being hit by a car in southeast. he was just six years old. the driver of the car did leave the scene but did contact police. no word yet if he will face any charges. >> to prince george's county now. police there facing a -- a police officer facing jail time. he was convicted of hitting a suspect with his police cruiser. juan hernandez was convicted of second degree assault. that incident happened last sumner hyattsville. it was all caught on dashcam video. >> ♪ yes, it's the middle of may and it is already 71 degrees. >> it feels like the middle of july, doesn't it. >> right. >> instead of the middle of may. another day in the 90's coming up. little summer time preview. by the weekend we'll have cooler air moving back in but for today and tomorrow we have 90's in the forecast. because the air hasn't moved too much we're under a code orange air quality alert. this just means it's unhealthy air for the sensitive groups so the very young, the very old those with allergy or asthma issues you'll want to limit your time outdoors later this afternoon. satellite and radar showing some clouds out there to start the day. those will break up and we'll get back into the sunshine by the afternoon and things quickly heat up as holly just mentioned look at these temperatures to start the day. 71 degrees but look annapolis, 77, 74 for gaithersburg, 77 at quantico, leonardtown good morning 73. few 60's out there and when that's the cool spot, that kind of gives you an idea of just how warm this air mass is that's in place. 92 degrees your d.c. manassas maybe 93 for you. dulles if you hit 92 today that will break a record but here in d.c., i think we stay below our record which is 96 degrees. that's a check of your forecast. let's head over to erin como for some traffic. >> on-time traffic brought to you by toyota. visit buy a for special offers. >> 5:07 and as you can see the outer loop moving along a little bit better. previously it was completely parked. all lanes had been blocked before georgia avenue with a serious crash scene. that has moved over to the shoulder so we're starting to see that delay by colesville road ease. watch for that traffic pattern as things get back to normal. right now about a five minute delay. inner loop dealing with just a bit of a rubberneck delay top of the beltway. we'll switch over to a look at our maps. not the only problem we're dealing with. you can see that delay lingering. hoping it clears soon now that that crash scene has moved to the shoulder. in d.c. in the district in northeast -- excuse me northwest macarthur boulevard closed between foxhall road and reservoir road. dealing with a water main break in northwest at q street. it is a so that scene is closed. could put a damp on things damp. northbound side of benning road seeing a steady delay from pennsylvania avenue up. southbound side no typical morning delays because there's not enough volume out there. 50 inbound quiet through cheverly. outside the beltway you're cruising along through annapolis. metro is on time except for safetrack impacting the orange line. any questions at erin fox5 d.c. on twitter. maureen and holly. >> thank you erin. coming up, reaction pouring in after a police officer who shot and killed an unarmed black man is found not guilty in his death. >> and president trump appears to have said thanks but no thanks to a tv host who claimed she was in the running to be the next white house press secretary. >> as we head to break right now, let's take a live look across the d.c. region. it's 5:08, 71 degrees. back after this. >> ♪ ralph northam: being a pediatrician has taught me to listen carefully. i'm ralph northam, and when survivors of the virginia tech shooting asked me to support an assault weapons ban and close the gun show loophole, i took on the fight. i saw what those weapons can do as an army doctor during the gulf war. now, i'm listening carefully to donald trump, and i think he's a narcissistic maniac. whatever you call him, we're not letting him bring his hate into virginia. >> 5:09. protests erupted in tulsa oklahoma after a police officer was acquitted in manslaughter in the shooting death of an unarmed black man. betty joe shelby says 40-year-old terence crutcher out of fear because she thought he was reaching for a gun that was in his suv which broke down before she approached him. >> new york bound flight forced to make an emergency landing at dulles. it hit a bird seconds after takeoff. a passenger on board posted these pictures. the pilot immediately reported the strike and then landed. crews found a fuel leak and applied foam to contain that spill. no one was hurt. >> looks like former san francisco prosecutor kimberly gil foil will not be heading to the white house. the washington examiner reports president trump was furious that gill foil who is a host of fox news spoke to the press about the possibility of becoming white house press secretary. the paper says gill foil is staying with fox where she reportedly has a three year contract paying $800,000 a year. >> fed ex confirming it has been hit by worldwide malware attack. the international cyberattack also struck healthcare systems in britain and several other uncan stoking fears hackers could attack healthcare systems at random. >> coming up on fox5 news morning, the first licensed grower of medical marijuana is approved in maryland. >> and jennifer lawrence says she is not sorry and has nothing to apologize for after video surfaces of her pole dancing. >> as we head to break, let's go ahead and take a live look outside on this thursday morning. 5:11 is our time. 71 degrees. it's going to be another day in the 90's, folks. dress like it's summer. fox5 news morning is coming right back after this. >> ♪ (counting for hide n' seek.) ready or not, here i come. ♪♪ anyone can dream. making it a reality is the hard part. northrop grumman command and control systems always let you see the complete picture. and we're looking for a few dreamers to join us. >> diplomatic immunity will not keep them from investigate wag they call an attack on otherwise peaceful protesters. police believe body guards for turkey's president instigated the fight. 12 people officer were hurt. >> for the first time in seven years, army private chelsea manning is waking up outside of a prison. she was released yesterday after serving seven years of a 35 year sentence for giving classified materials to wikileaks. shortly after her release she posted photos to her instagram page with the caption, first steps of freedom. >> federal regulators issued the state's first license to grow medical marijuana. the company has a massive warehouse in anne arrundel county. the license means they can now legally grow plants. they expect to have a product for patients by the fall. >> no surprise here. kentucky derby winner always dreaming is the favorite to win saturday's preakness stakes. always dream willing start in the number four gate. in gates five will be his closest rival classic empire. preakness stakes set for a 6:48 start. >> taking you to the nba playoffs now. eastern conference finals cavaliers in boston taking on the celtics. even started. lebron james finishing with 38 points. kevin love adding 32. the cavs winning game one, 117-104. game two friday. >> ♪ >> why bother. >> exactly. we know who is going to win. 5:15 is our time. there's a live look outside. sun not up just yet but when it does come up we're going to feel at this time, right, mike thomas. >> yeah, going to be steaming once again this afternoon. it's a shame pools aren't open. yesterday would have been a great pool day. today would have been as well. these are your highs from yesterday. reagan fell 1 degree shy of tying their record at 91 degrees. dulles 92 degrees set a record as did bwi reaching 93 degrees. normal highs for mid may should just be in the mid 70's. kind of getting a little ahead of ourselves with this heat so far into the month of page. temperatures outside on the warm side. feels like a july start with temperatures in the 60's here in washington, it's not just us, all around the region temperatures detroit at 72 as is chicago, lexington 71. these are locations where temperatures should be starting off into the lower 50's to start the days here so again a little unseasonably warm here. it won't last forever. by the weekend we've got cooler air moving in. for the next couple days we're stuck in the heat. satellite and radar showing some high thin clouds. you just saw that in the shot moving across early this morning. also a the sun gets in the sky these will burn off quickly. we'll get into the warmth quickly this afternoon. high pressure still in the sweet spot off the southeast coastline called the bermuda high that's pumping in a lot of southerly heat and humidity. you'll definitely notice the humidity more this afternoon than you did yesterday. 80's for some are our northern suburbs. upper 80's that is and then 90's kind of d.c. south and west today with again mixture of clouds and sun but i think more sun than clouds as we head into this afternoon. dewpoints are going to be in the middle 60's today. that's in the uncomfortable range. that will make our highs, the high forecast high today 92, that will make it feel two to 4 degrees times. partly cloudy skies. hot and humid. winds maybe a little breezy from time to time but nothing that's going to bring you any relief unfortunately. 92 again your daytime high today. tomorrow we could pop a thunderstorm or two. 91 degrees. not everybody will see them. but it will cool us down for the weekend. highs on saturday and sunday holding in the lower to mid 70's. all right, that's a check of your forecast. erin is back with a look at the busy roads already again, erin. >> i know, what a day mike. right now 5:17. you can see traffic is moving top of the beltway toward georgia avenue. earlier crash had all lanes temporarily blocked. once again that crash has moved to the shoulder. still backed up from university boulevard to georgia avenue. right now just about a five to seven minute slow down. you can see traffic parked around the corner there. please give yourself extra time. a little bit of a rubberneck delay on the inner loop side. you can see right there that residual delay that's still lingering from 95 over to university boulevard you're in the clear and then that's when things start to slow down. aside from that macarthur boulevard in northwest closed for a water main break from yesterday. it's closed between foxhall road and reservoir road. use caution there and then as you make your way out 295 northbound construction at benning road. that is slowing things down from pennsylvania avenue all the way up to benning road so allow for some extra time. aside from that if you're skipping the roads and talking the rails no trains between new carrollton and stadium-armory. limited shuttle service available every 30 minutes on the orange line. minnesota avenue all those stations are closed so allow for extra time. take one of the express shuttles. silver line also impacted. any questions at erin fox5 d.c. on twitter. >> ♪ >> 5:18 right now. let's take a look at the stories you're engaging with the most this morning on social media doing it with our realtime news tracker. >> wisdom is back with what's hot on the web. >> good morning to you. first up president trump is making deep financial cuts to the can country's education program. funding for college work study programs public service loan forgiveness would that end and money for mental health servicesil to cut $10.6 billion from federal education initiatives. a milwaukee county sheriff will be making his way to washington as the assistant secretary of the u.s. department of homeland security. david clark is back is that a staunch critic of black lives matter. critics blamed clark for his management of a milwaukee county jail where a mentally ill man died in 2016 of dehydration. democratic senator kamala harris of california called clark's appointment a disgrace. actress jennifer lawrence clapping back after people criticized her for pole dancing at a club in vienna. she said she was at her best friend's birthday party and dropped her paranoia guard for one second to have some fun. she says she's not going to apologize and had a blast that night. well, she is rolling with the big boys. meet 19-year-old knuckle baller she has spent the past two years pitching for the university of british columbia. and finally, the wait is over. cbs has released the trailer for its new star trek series. the series originally scheduled to launch this year, it will premiere in the fall. the show will be set 10 years before captain kirk and his five year mission in the original 1960's star trek series. so there you go. the to boldly go where no man -- you know, all that stuff. >> right, right. >> you got it. >> is this a reboot. >> it is a rematch nining reclassic reinvigorated regenerated series. >> all right. thanks wisdom. 5:20 is the time. coming up on fox5 news morning one of the nation's most popular fast food chains agrees to help clean up the bay. >> baltimore is a test city for a new product from starbucks. >> heading to break right now. so, let's take a live look outside. traffic moving there will but not so lucky on other parts of the road. some troubles. erin's got the details. mike hia has the weather. more news when fox5 morning continues. ♪ [doorbell] ♪ ♪ when you have doctors working as a team for your health, you get the care you need to help you thrive. ♪ visit to learn more. kaiser permanente. thrive. ♪ [vo] one moment can change a life. q5 is here. >> new affordable housing is coming to d.c. today d.c. mayor muriel bowser will participate in a groundbreaking ceremony for south capitol street apartments in ward 8a the new apartments will have 195 units for low income families. >> there's something new at starbucks. they're testing out ice cubes made of coffee. so far the experiment is only happening in about a hundred stores in baltimore and saint louis. they cost 80 cents extra but can be added to any iced espresso s you might see them in stores here in the district. >> federal reserve hayes says household debt tops a record high set back in 2008. american families now owe more than $12.7 trillion altogether with the biggest jumps coming from things like home if you're planning a memoril day get away looks like you will have a lot of company. aaa estimating a million people more than last year. >> chipotle helping to raise money for the restoration and protection of the chesapeake bay. from 10:45 to 10:00 tonight all d.c. area locations will donate 50 percent of the proceeds from your food purchase to the chesapeake bay foundation. make sure to mention the fundraiser though at the register. >> ♪ >> nice day to be by the water today 'cause anything to cool us off just a tad. this heat is here. >> yes, getting you near one if you can. annapolis the lucky folks. bay still kind of cool this time of year so hopefully get a little bay breeze going. that's what you need to keep it cool. >> indeed. >> or has been some of those starbucks ice cubes. >> i have that coffee ice cube trays. i've done that at home. >> a lot of people have done >> in the shape of a little coffee bean. >> that's what you don't -- >> doesn't water down your iced coffee. >> i like the idea. i think it will work. >> i do too. >> let's get to the forecast. another hot steamy summer-like day in mid may. 71 degrees as we get started in d.c. winds out of the south which they will be all day pumping in more heat and humidity from those southern states t satellite and radar showing thin clouds out there. we've seen in the live shots the sun is beginning to rise over the washington, d.c. region. again very warm, very mild start. definitely don't need the jacket as you hit the road this morning and you most certainly will not need it this afternoon. 83 degrees by 11 o'clock. by 2 o'clock, 89 degrees. and then here come the 90's by the time the kids get out of school, most of the region seeing temperatures crossing that 90-degree threshold although we should not hit records today. our records are a little higher than they were yesterday in the mid to upper 90's around the region so we should stay below those levels. 92 degrees your daytime high here in washington t manassas. 91 for dulles. 83 for fredericksburg. not sure why it's showing that cool in fredericksburg. i'll take a look at that t that's a check of the forecast. let's head to erin como for a check of traffic. >> 5:26. taking a look at our maps 66 westbound a new crash near the dulles toll road. please watch for that slowdown. that is just inside the beltway. as we move things over to an outer loop crash after georgia avenue cleared to the shoulder, however, delays back to university boulevard holding strong right now. it's about a 10 minute delay. inner loop a slight rubberneck delay past that scene. macarthur boulevard closed in northwest between foxhall road and reservoir road. water main break repair at q street. aside from that as we take a look at 295 northbound construction at benning road backed up to pennsylvania avenue still. one lane blocked. use caution. 50 inbound through cheverly also nice and quiet right now. and as we look there's 66 westbound metro is on time except for safetrack impacting the orange line. any questions at erin fox5 d.c. on twitter. back to you. >> thanks erin. coming up on fox5 news morning o-the secret to a long life may be found in eating spicy plants. >> ♪ >> prince george's county leaders saying that conviction of a police officer shows there is -- that they are dedicated to serving the best interests of the community. >> as we head to break let's go ahead and take yet another live look outside. live picture of the white house on this thursday morning. 5:25:27 is our time. 71 degrees . you're watching fox5 news morning. >> ♪ >> ♪♪ >> special counsel in charge of the russia investigation. just the late nest a series of growing controversies overshad going the trump administration's political agenda. deadly hit-and-run. a six-year-old boy struck and killed in southeast but the driver has yet to be charged. and summer in may. prepare yourself for another day of sun and warm air across most of the midatlantic region. fox5 news morning starts right now. >> ♪ >> this is fox5 news morning. >> good morning to you. thank you for joining us. i'm wisdom martin. >> and i'm holly morris. today is thursday may 18. >> erin como is watching the roads, mike thomas watching the weather. mike start us off. >> we'll be watching the in the 90's expected with more sunshine. >> 95 northbound a construction zone by benning road. a crash in the backup. we'll take a look at that and problems on the top of the beltway. >> all right. thank you both. see you in just a bit. 5:30 is the time. we'll begin with breaking news. chris cornell lead singer of audio slave and sound garden has died at the age of 52. a representative says his death is "sudden and unexpected." cornell's family is working with the examiner to find out what happened. >> protests in tulsa oklahoma after a police officer was acquitted of manslaughter in the shooting death of an unarmed black man. tulsa officer betty show shelby says she shot 40-year-old terence crutcher out of fear because she thought he was reaching for a gun that was in his suv which broke down before she approached him. >> in other news this morning we continue to follow the fallout over the firing of former fbi director james fbi d today deputy attorney general rod rosenstein will address senators on president trump's decision to do so. the white house previously said attorney general jeff sessions recommended the president fire comey. however the president later said he made the decision before their recommendation. rosenstein is also expected to address the appointment of former fbi director robert mueller to oversee the justice department's investigation into russia's influence in the election. it's a decision that is earning bipartisan support. >> it's good that we now have a focal point of somebody that he were all trust. >> have a body that is truly independent from political consideration and also has all the resources it needs and a single focus on the oversight of what russia did. >> president trump released a statement saying he is confident an investigation will confirm that there was "no collusion between his campaign and russia." >> lawmakers from both sides of the aisle want to see the memos james comey mee kept of his interactions with president trump. both the house oversight aren't the senate intelligence committees send letters to andrew bureau hand over comey's memos. >> we have an obligation to carry out our oversight regardless of which party is in the white house. and that means before rushing to judgment, we get all the pertinent information. >> i'm not going to sit here and pass judgment or basically condemn somebody or convict them until i see the facts and the facts is basically being on the intelligence committee is what we receive. >> both house and senate committees invited james comey to testify publicly about his termination. the russian investigation and his interactions with president trump. no word if mr. comey will testify. >> tragedy has struck a d.c. family a little boy has died after being hit by car in southeast. he was just six years old. the driver of the car did leave the scene but he did that contact police. no word if he'll face charges. >> a prince george's county police officer facing jail time after he was conviced of hitting a suspect with his police cruiser. juan hernandez was convicted yesterday of second degree assault. the incident happened last summer in hyattsville and was all caught on dashcam video. hernandez was immediately reported to his supervisor and suspended that very same day. >> we hope that today's verdict will affirm the public's trust us in that when we see things that are in opposite of the values of this community, that we will act on them. >> the man who hernandez hit was not hurt. hernandez worked for the department for 11 years. >> turning now to the nba playoffs. eastern conference finals lebron james and the cavs taking on isaiah thomas and the celtics. cavaliers, well, they had no problem finding their groove. lebron james hit seven of his first eight shots scored 15 points in just the first quarter. cavs, they had a big least 22 points by halftime. lebron james finished with 38 points. kevin love added 32. cavs roll 117-104. >> ♪ >> just get to the finals already. >> i know. >> we could have skipped the whole season. >> and just went right to th >> seems like we're skipping a season, also, spring. >> the good news is for the weekend we'll get springtime back if you're not ready for the heat just yet. this is your warmup for your ac. >> okay. >> here we go. we got 90's later today. temperatures very warm and very kind of humid to start the day. reagan at 71 as is dulles, bwi 74 degrees. we do have some clouds moving on through but we'll be back to the sunshine pretty early this afternoon. now, one change i have had to make to the forecast. make a look at futurecast. sunny and bright through the afternoon but because of the heat and because of the humidity futurecast is trying to bubble up one or two showers or thunderstorms right around the early evening hours. so, because of that and since it's a threat, i've thrown in the chance for an isolated thunderstorm later today. again, not everybody will see them. hit and miss. 92 degrees still your daytime high. tomorrow probably a better chance for thunderstorms around the region. high of 91 degrees. a couple days in the 90's to go before we get back to the 70's for the weekend. full forecast coming up in a few minutes. for now let's send it to erin como with a check of traffic. >> right now we have the construction zone on the northbound side taking out a lane at benning road. southbound side a little bit of a rubberneck delay. we have a crash at benning road involving a truck and a vehicle. so that's causing southbound delays as well from burroughs avenue on down and then the northbound delay holding strong from basically just north of the 11th street bridge now. it's grown. so, let's forward our maps. not the only problem. 66 westbound there's a crash near the dulles toll road. as you head outbound on 66 watch for that one. things on the beltway looking good as you make your way up towards mclean this morning and in d.c. in northwest, macarthur boulevard remains shut down between foxhall road and reservoir road. dealing with a water main break repair out by q street. you need to detour around that. on the outer loop crash over to the shoulder at georgia avenue but delays actually extending back past university boulevard now closer to 95 so just past 95 as you head toward that crash scene. right now it's about a 15 minute slowdown. use caution there. that delay has picked up earlier than usual because of the crash. safe track orange line. no trains between new carrollton and stadium-armory. shuttle service is that available but it's limited and running every 30 minutes. give yourself extra time on metro. the rest of your rail service on time. any questions at erin fox5 d.c. on twitter. >> coming up a new study suggests your neighborhood could negatively impact your blood pressure. >> and the secret to a long life may actually be found in spicy foods. we'll explain why coming up. >> we're going to break right now with a live look outside across the region at 5:37, 71 is the temperature. back in a moment. >> ♪ >> ♪♪ whoa. are you actually about to scratch it rich at mgm national harbor? of course you are. because everyone who plays is an instant winner. so before you win your share of 1.5 million dollars in prizes and free slot play. take these last few seconds to remember what life was like as a normal, everyday person. because in an instant, that all could change. join mlife rewards and play scratch it rich for your share of 1.5 million dollars in prizes and freeplay®. this is monumental. >> ♪ >> 5:40 is the time right now. we're back in today's health watch. lawmakers in michigan approved a bill that would make genital mutilation of girls a state felony. under the law the crime would be punishable by up to 15 years in prison much the bill was approved by the state senate and goes to the house for a vote. it was inspired by a case of a physician who was charged just last month under federal law with performing genital mutilation on two young girls outside of detroit. >> new study found in blacks living with high blood pressure is linked to where they live. the study found in more than 2,000 black adults who lived in racially segregated areas had a small but significant rise blood pressure decreased for those who moved to less segregated neighborhoods. >> spicy food lovers could be improving their life span by chowing down on chili peppers. a study done in china shows people who eat spicy foods six or seven days a week had a 14 percent lower death risk compared to those who ate spicy food less than once a week. the key is the active ingredient which gives peppers their heat which is capsaicin. >> love spicy. >> we'll live forever. >> all right. >> coming up on fox5 news morning, someone has been quietly cutting the sugar in sprite fanta and dr. pepper and replacing it with sweeteners. >> also this morning, a case of international drama is swirling around the trump white house as the president gets ready for his first official foreign trip. >> as we head to break let's take a live look across the d.c. region on a thursday morning. 5:41 is our time right going. get you up and out the door. just dress coolly when you do. it's going to be a hot one. 75 degrees. fox5 news morning back right after this. >> ♪ ♪ ♪ >> ♪ >> 5:44 is the time. 71 degrees already. >> are there words to this song. >> there are words coming at some point. >> i think it's called "grinding." >> i never heard this song. >> really. >> you know what it sounds like to me and i did get an assist from my produce here told me. for those of you that were impressed. >> i was impressed. >> it sounds like one of those songs that you would do like a stomp routine to. >> oh, yeah. >> you know when they do like the garbage cans and everything and they're doing the beats and cool stuff with the brooms. >> a halftime drum line thing. >> i like that. i like both of those ideas. >> yeah. >> we're idea people, wisdom. >> i see. >> mike and i. that's how we roll. >> that's exactly how you roll. >> fox5 drum line. >> oh, there you go. maybe for a zip trip. >> probably not . >> [laughter] maybe we'll get someone out that knows what they're doing other than us. >> yeah, we didn't say we have to be the drum line. >> all right, let's get to it. another day of summer-like heat today t feeling more like july than mid may, that is for sure out there. temperatures record levels in some spots yesterday. not here in d.c. but two airports did set records yesterday. do take note. allergy sufferers i'm sorry, trees still very high. grass pollen very high as well. because of this and the fact that the air hasn't really moved over the past couple of days, we are under a code orange once again today your very sensitive groups, your very elderly very young, you want to limit your outdoor activities, those who suffer from conditions like asthma limit your outdoor activity as well later on today. temperatures mild to start t look at gaithersburg starting today at 74, baltimore 74 as well. quantico, annapolis 77 degrees here. manassas and d.c. starting off at 71. some 60's off to the far north and west but generally speaking a very mild an little bit avenue humid start as well. satellite and radar showing some clouds coming across early this morning. these will quickly break up. we'll get back to the sunshine by the afternoon hours. high pressure still in the sweat spot pumping in all that heat and humidity up from the south. that means more 90's on the way later on this afternoon. some upper maryland-pennsylvania border there but i think most headed for the low 90's later today. we'll go 92 here in d.c. under partly cloudy skies. a pop-up thunderstorm is not out of the question. not everybody will see those. 73 degrees your overnight low. will be muggy and humid tonight. take that into account. 91 tomorrow. storms probably more likely tomorrow than today. saturday, sunday we cool it down. temperatures returning to where they should be which is the 70's. all right, that's a check of the forecast. erin is back with traffic this morning. >> 5:47. this is a live look from northwest macarthur boulevard still shut down. water main break repair. you can see the crane out there. obviously the street completely ripped up. looks like it's going to be shut down for some time. that is between foxhall road and reservoir road. the closure points. it's exactly at q street if you need any help getting around that let me know on twitter at erin fox5 d.c. but again that closure should be out there for some time. we'll switch top a look at our maps right now. we have some other issues. 295 northbound construction zone at benning road still in place. delays extendi southbound crash at benning road. that's causing delays back to burroughs avenue. it's involving a truck and a car. caution there. so 295 both directions really slow right now. 66 westbound crash near dulles toll road not causing any major delays. just use caution there. you can see the toll road is looking pretty good in both directions and then macarthur boulevard we showed you from that live view. also outer loop top of the beltway from an earlier crash out by georgia avenue. any questions at erin fox5 d.c. on twitter. holly and wisdom. >> ♪ >> speaking of the commute, happening today is the dulles greenway's 12th annual drive for charity. so, today tolls collected will be donated to six local charities and the dulles greenway scholarship program. last year they collected more than $330,000. >> fox5 is following the latest in a traffic stop in arlington which ended in gunfire. officers pulled over a car on 395 at the glebe road exit. as they walked to the car the driver reportedly hit one of them with his vehicle. the officers then shot the driver. the driver is in the hos injuries. one officer was taken to the hospital with some serious injuries and another officer was treated on the scene. two people are dead and two others are recovering after ahead on wrong way car crash on route 50. maryland state police say 22-year-old laura murphy was driving the wrong way on eastbound route 50 when she hit another car head-on. she died at the scene. a 14 month old boy in her car is hospitalized with critical injuries. the driver of the second car, 66-year-old robert skidmore also died. a third car was involved. it was slightly damaged but the driver wasn't hurt. >> drama at the white house has president trump prepares for his first foreign trip to israel. earlier this week a senior u.s. official reportedly said the western wall is in the west bank. not israel. during a heated exchange with israeli delegation helping to plan the president's visit. yesterday the president's national security adviser h.r. mcmaster and press secretary sean spicer wouldn't say the western wall is i during press briefings adding fuel to the fire. >> the western wall is obviously one of the holiest sites in the jewish faith. it's clearly in jerusalem. but there's -- there's been -- it's an issue that has had serious consideration. it will be a topic that's going to be discussed during the president's trip between the parties that he meets with. >> president trump spoke with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu yesterday. the conversation was solely about the president's upcoming trip. the trip may be a challenging one not only because of the recent headlines but also with the efforts to resume peace talks between the israelis and the palestinians. >> time now is 5:50. let's take a look at the stories you're engaging with the most this morning on social media with our realtime news tracker. >> maureen is back. >> new reports claim that the trump administration knew that michael flynn was under federal investigation weeks before the inauguration. flynn reportedly told president trump and his transition team that he was under investigation for secretly working as lobbyist for turkey during the campaign. flynn was fired just 24 days into his job. house majority leader kevin mccarthy accused president trump of being paid by russian president vladimir putin. according to the washington post, mccarthy made the remarks during a private conversation. the post reported paul ryan stopped the conversation and made members swear to secrecy. gisele bundchen says her husband has suffered from concussions throughout his year including one last season. brady has never missed any games because of head trauma in his entire career. the nfl released a statement saying there aren't no records indicating that brady had sustained a concussion or exhibited any symptoms. if brady did suffer a concussion last season it would fall under the nfl's new concussion policy which means if it's true and the patriots failed to report it, the team would be at risk for a series of six figure fines from the league. if prince harry wants to say i markel he can do so at westminster abbey even though she's a divorcee a the church says dives of coursed people have been able to wed there since 2002. the prince will still need his grandmother it's permission to wed there. finally coca-cola has been cutting sugar from some of its most popular drinks t sprite dr. pepper have even a reduction. the company has added sweet nearsness to try and maintain the same taste. the company says the sugar cuts have not hurt their sales. those have your trending stories. >> thanks mo. baylor university facing another lawsuit over alleged sexual assault by football players. former baylor volleyball player alleges shawl drugged and gang raped by as many as eight football players back in 2012. the lawsuit also accuses football players of recording two other baylor students getting gang raped. this is the seventh such lawsuit against baylor. >> a massive investigation in california has the united states buzzing. police have arrested a man they say stole $1 million worth of beehives and bee keeping equipment from orchards and farms. many farmers rely heavily on bees to pollinate their crops. police say recent decline in the bee population has increased the value of beehives. >> not so much pomp. the happy occasion quickly became a violent one and a volatile one when several women got into a fight. you can see the brawl there at the bottom of your screen. whole thing started over a simple request to switch seats. authorities escorted two women off the premises, one of them was wearing handcuffs. >> hm. >> anger management needed perhaps. >> let's talk about this. let's take a moment to celebrate because wawa is coming to d.c. >> whoo-hoo! >> which means they're going to be -- we're going to be in hoagie heaven soon in d.c. on june 13 they'll hold a special event to unveil the plans for a new wawa has stores in maryland and in virginia as well. >> you can get some good sandwiches at wawa. >> really? >> yes. >> i've never had one. mike thomas had one, too. >> who are you? no lucky charms no, wawa. >> no wawa. >> how long have you been in this country. >> clearly i haven't been here long enough. >> all right. a mother-to-be from florida is not letting distance keep her from taking maternity photos with her husband. veronica and brandon phillips have been separated for the majority of veronica's pregnancy. veronica wanted a picture of the couple together and that's when a photographer worked her magic fusing two separate photos into one seamless picture. >> time for our facebook fan of the day. it's pt and gaby. >> they tune into fox5 every morning and kt told me specifically yesterday i'm trying to be the fan of the day forever. and i said you know what, i got connections. >> okay, yh. >> you made it happen. >> gaby does some amazing latte art. she's going to enter her first compeition coming up. >> that's cool. for your chance to be tomorrow's fan leave a comment blow kt and gaby's photo on our facebook page. very nice. >> you know me, mike, it's never tool hot for coffee. that was the middle of the afternoon yesterday in georgetown. i was like -- >> do you ever get that look on days like yesterday where you go to starbucks and you're like i'll take a hot caffeine tcoffeeand they're like really?e gotten those looks before. >> i was at pete's coffee and they were like let us hook you up. >> well then i'll have to go down to pete's. >> road trip to pete's. >> all right, reagan national 91 yesterday. dulles set a record 92. bwi 93 degrees. normal highs should be in the mid 70's. now, today not as many records. these are the records for this afternoon. reagan's record is 96. don't think we'll break that. dulles is the only one that could threaten a record of 91 from 1987. forecast highs for this afternoon 92 at reagan as well as bwi. we'll go record tying 91 at dulles later today. for the kids at the bus stop it's warm, muggy to start 65 to 75. some cloudiness to start but by the time we get to the afternoon we're back to the sunshine, 87 and 93 degrees. we'll be hot. maybe a pop-up storm later today. a better chance tomorrow. one more day in the 90's on friday and we'll cool it down for the weekend. all right, that's a look at the weather. erin is back with traffic. >> 5:56 right now. taking a live look in northwest. water main break repair. you can see a huge mess out there. construction equipment as well. macarthur boulevard closed between foxhall road and reservoir road. this actual activity is at q street. metro bus is on detour. any questions at erin fox5 d.c. on twitter. a live look on 95 northbound. actually here's a look at our maps. maryland the outer loop jams up from 95 to georgia avenue. 25 minute delay. earlier crash by georgia avenue cleared. keep it to fox5 news morning. a look at the rest of morning commute and metro ne next. >> ♪ >> ♪ >> this is fox5 news morning. >> straight ahead at 6:00 a d.c. family mourning the loss of a young boy killed in a new details this morning about a suspect turning himself in to police. >> also bombshell after bombshell after bombshell and& the white house didn't even see this latest one coming. former fbi directed set to lead a special counsel to probe russia election. >> live look outside on this thursday morning. may 18. weather and traffic on the 5s at 6:05. good morning to you, i'm allison seymour. >> and i'm steve chenevey. welcome to fox5 news morning. first up, breaking news from the entertainment world this morning. chris cornell frontman of sound garden audio slave passed away overnight. he was just 52 years old. rose to fame as the lead singer is of sound garden which broke up in 1997 but had been touring again later joined audio slave. after that band broke up he reunited with sound garden. he was on tour with sound garden when he passed away. he just posted this photo his twitter page before a show last night in detroit. a

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