Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 Morning News 5 20170515 : compar

Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 Morning News 5 20170515

about our heather -- our weather headline. i can't talk this morning. >> give it time. lots of sunshine. temperatures headed into the 70's. all in all just a beautiful spring day. erin. >> right now suitland parkway shut down on the inbound side because of a deadly crash scene at forestville road. melanie alnwick working on that. we'll help you get around that and choose your alternates next. >> let's get you caught up on news at 5:01. breaking news on suitland parkway erin just talked about a deadly crash causing major delays. >> we're told three people were killed. our melanie alnwick just arrived on the scene and joins us live with what she knows. hey, mel. >> reporter: good morning, guys. yeah, so we're just kind of getting here to the scene and you can kind of see what we -- when we first got here there was a large light. you can barely see there in the distance there's sort of a with a little bit of policely- light there on it. that car definitely is that damaged. what you cannot see is just in front of that vehicle is another vehicle, so this l what we can tell. in front of that red car, that other vehicle completely burned out. but we don't have a a lot of details in terms ofly what happened with this accident. obviously still very early in the investigation. we believe it happened probably just about 3 a.m. you can see that obviously forestville road here blocked. suitland parkway outbound is getting by but this accident on suitland parkway inbound toward washington, d.c., police now telling us that one person was taken to a hospital, three confirmed fatalities so this is going to be shut down here obviously for several hours now. again, forestville road blocked inbound suitland parkway blocked. outbound suitland parkway is getting by okay o you can get to -- you can get to pennsylvania avenue and other points from there. so, again, still very early on here. park police now have control of this scene. prince george's county fire was here initially dealing with the accident. the fire person and the fatalities and now park police have taken over the scene and we hope to get some sort of an update for you guys as the morning wears on and we'll be able to get you some better pictures, too, as the sun comes up. back to you. >> thanks mel. appreciate it. 5:03. developing this morning, the cyber world on edge over fierce of another massive ransom wear attack. an attack on friday affected more than 200,000 people around the world including 20 percent of england's hospitals. the hackers reportedly used a.m. flaw that's exposed in documents leaked from the nsa to carry out the attack. it was eventually stopped by 22-year-old british computer security expert but there are concerns another attack or a continuing spread of the first one could come as people return to work today and turn their computers on. >> you've seen the rise of ransom wear becoming the principle cyber threat i think but this is something we haven't seen before. the global reach is that unprecedented >> it is unclear who is exactly behind the attack. the ransom wear virus disabled computers remotely and then threatened to keep users' electronics locked until they paid a bit coin ransom. >> search continues for a new fbi director. over the weekend eight people were interviewed for the position. there are 14 total candidates. a decision could come this week but questions continue over the firing of james comey while republicans and democrats remain divided on the president's decision. some lawmakers say comey's firing is very troubling. >> i'm not sure how this president makes lots of decisions so i honestly don't know but i do know that we are in the midst of a civilization warming crisis of public trust went need to talk honestly about our institutions that need to be restored and need to have the ability for people in five, eight, ten years to trust these institutions. >> the senate's top democrat chuck schumer says his party may try to stall the nomination process unless the whit special prosecutor investigate russia's meddling in the election and also possible ties to the trump campaign. >> new this morning, growing condemnation from civic leaders and the candidates for governor following a weekend of protests in charlottesville, virginia. on saturday night a torch wielding crowd organized by white nationalist richard spencer rallied at charlottesville's statue of confederate general robert e. lee. lee. his twitter pavement he also posted a video from earlier on saturday showing people marching while holding confederate flags. the group protested the planned removal of the statue and made speeches defending white heritage. the charlottesville city council voted a few months back to take down lee's statue and rename lee park. but a court has put that on hold for at least six months. >> turning to the nba playoffs game one of the western conference finals the spurs with a huge early second half lead but kawhi leonard going down with an and then that's when the warriors they just took over. steph curry scoring 40 points hitting a tying 3-pointer with one minute, 40 seconds remaining. warriors beat the san antonio spurs 113-111. that game was off the chain. but they need more than steph curry. happening today, wizards versus boston celtics game seven of their best of seven series winner moving onto the eastern conference finals against at the lebron james cleveland cavaliers. tipoff 8:00 p.m. come on wizards. >> go, whiz. >> d.c. family. >> and they're going to need more than john wall,, too because he was about the only one playing that last game. >> that's okay. here we are game seven yet again. >> yes. >> i'm going to believe again. >> haven't won on the road yet but hopeful that trend ends tonight. >> we end it tonight. >> hey, mike thomas what's on top weather-wise. >> a beautiful monday coming our way with lots of take yesterday and temperatures will be cooler. we made it into the 80's for mother's day across most of the region but today with a northwest breeze a little cooler and temperatures will hold in the 70's but just as much sun as yesterday so a beautiful day coming your way. there's satellite and radar, clouds sinking down from the south will clear it out quickly. get lots of sunshine as we head through those afternoon hours. temperatures cool to start. we've fallen back into a couple 40's in our suburbs. 47 gaithersburg 49 martinsburg, 46 at winchester. here in d.c. it's 56. 55 quantico, leonardtown good morning 54 for you annapolis 55 degrees at this hour h your forecast for the day today, up into the mid 70's here in washington. low to mid 70's across most of the region. lots of sunshine. occasional coastal low breezy with wind gusts up and over 30 miles an hour. but don't let that ruin any afternoon plans you have. it's going to be a beautiful day. that's a check of the forecast. over to erin now for traffic. >> well, right now at 5:07 taking a look at suitland parkway melanie alnwick letting us know about this deadly crash investigation. all inbound lanes suitland parkway still shut down between route four pennsylvania avenue outside the beltway and suitland road. crash scene at forestville road to. get around that if you're headed inbound this morning take pennsylvania avenue or south of that point you can take branch avenue or 295 inbound. just be prepared we'll see a lot of influx of heavy volume as folks try to get around suitland parkway. such a busy route as we gear up for the morning rush. we'll keep you updated on that. again outbound traffic moving, inbound traffic completely parked because you have to detour around that one. in the district blare road northwest closed at nicholson street way big crash scene and also if you're taking metro today is a break from safe track. currently no metro delays. tomorrow surge 15 is impacting the orange line with big adjustments. no trains between new carrolton and stadium-armory. limited shuttle service available. several orange line stations closed. new carrolton landover cheverly deanwood and minnesota avenue a silver line trains running between wiehle-reston east. we'll let you know if any metro delays pop up today. back to you. >> erin thank you. coming up on fox5 news morning, an international health scare making headlines this morning. >> and all eyes are on north korea after the country's weekend missile launch. >> we're heading to break. here with a live look across the d.c. region. it is 5:09 and 59 degrees. more fox5 news morning after the break. >> ♪ >> ♪♪ >> ♪ >> 5:09 right now. north korea celebrating its latest missile launch saying the missile has the ability to carry a nuclear warhead. and leader kim jong un has offered a disturbing promise& saying the country will conduct more tests and the reportedly warned that north korean weapons could strike the united states. the test was one of the first major challenges for south korea's newest president. major health scare. the world health organization has declared an ebola outbreak in the democratic republic of congo. it says the virus has killed at least three people. more than 11,000 and people died during the ebola outbreak in west africa between 2014 and 2015. the who described the outbreak as a public health crisis of international importance. >> emmanuel macron's inauguration ceremony was held on at 39 years old he's become the youngest elected president in the country's history and the eighth president of france's fifth republic which was created in 1958. he says he plans to begin a mission to shake up french politics world economics and the european union. >> ♪ >> former army private chelsea manning is expected to be released from a federal prison this week. in january president barack obama commuted the sentence of the transgender soldier convicted of national security secret leaking. manning was sentenced in 2013 to 35 years in prison for stealing classified military and diplomatic documents. while her court-martial conviction is under appeal man willing remain a private in the army and an active duty so. she'll also continue to receive healthcare but will not be paid. >> coming up on fox5 news morning a 22-year-old is credited with inadvertently stopping friday's worldwide cyber tact. >> star of the big bank theory was spending the weekend getting married. >> big weekend. let's head to break now. live look outside on morning. 55 degrees is the temperature right now, 5:11 is the time and we are on our way to one gorgeous monday. so, get out and enjoy. fox5 news morning back right after this. >> ♪ >> ♪♪ ralph northam: being a pediatrician has taught me to listen carefully. i'm ralph northam, and when survivors of the virginia tech shooting asked me to support an assault weapons ban and close the gun show loophole, i took on the fight. i saw what those weapons can do as an army doctor during the gulf war. now, i'm listening carefully to donald trump, and i think he's a narcissistic maniac. whatever you call him, we're not letting him bring his hate into virginia. >> ♪ >> time now 5:14. if you're just waking up, here are some stories that are making headlines on monday may 15th. three people have been killed in an early morning crash in prince george's county. this happened on suitland parkway at for the vial road. these are live pictures from the scene right now. the southbound lanes of suitland parkway are closed there and are expected to stay closed for several more hours. >> today in boston judge is expected to prove the settlement between wal-mart and its same sex married workers. back in 2015, a wal-mart employee sued the company claiming that she was denied medical insurance for her wife. the nearly 8 million-dollar settlement would cover claims of those employees who were not able to obtain coverage for their same sex spouses from 2011 through 2013. >> for the first time in history if you take a white house tour you will get to see the movie theater in the east wing. the tours kicked off on friday. the theater was created in 1942. it has red seats and decor. if you want to go on at a white house tour contact your congressional representative. >> for the second year in a row miss d.c. has been crowned miss u.s.a. cara mccullough was that crowned this year's winner sunday night at the mandalay bay in las vegas. mccullough is a chemist who works for the u.s. nuclear regulatory commission. she also funds an outreach program called science exploration for kids. miss u.s.a. 2016 deshauna barber was also from d.c. >> both of which have graced us with their presence in the loft. >> i was like you work for the nuclear >> yes. >> and you are gorgeous. >> amazing. love it. >> sounds to me like the loft is good luck then. >> i think you're right. both contestants came before. >> that's right. >> and then wop. won. >> anybody wants to be miss u.s.a. has to come on good day. we have of a full weekend of weather. it starts today. actually it started yesterday. from the mothers -- today we'lll it back just a little bit. here's your storm system that brought you all that rain on saturday. slow mover up towards boston. strengthening a bit and that's going to throw some breezes in our direction today. that will help keep temperatures on the cooler side of things compared to yesterday. still very pleasant with temperatures heading up into the 70's later on this afternoon and look how quiet it is out to the west. again, just no weather systems moving in our direction means a much quieter week ahead for us here in d.c. 56 degrees your curnt cool to start here but some of our suburbs have fallen back into the 40's. there's gaithersburg 46, culpeper 49, winchester 46 degrees. dulles at 51. quantico 55 degrees. so, again, a cool start. certainly jacket weather to start your day here put this afternoon very pleasant and beautiful. we will have a northwesterly breeze today. that's the only kind of hiccup in your monday forecast t a gust up and over 30 miles an hour is possible but from time to time not an overly windy day not something that's going to ruin any outdoor activities but just a beautiful spring day temperature-wise with highs getting up into the 70 70's. 75 under sunny skies mild and breezy this afternoon, occasionally breezy but those breezes die down by the evening hours. 57 degrees overnight. just a few clouds out there. very comfortable. humidity is going to start kicking up a couple notches as we head into the day on tuesday. lots of sunshine and then check that out. by the middle to the end of the week temperatures up into the 90's feeling like summertime here in d.c. t l forecast. erin is back. lady in red in traffic today. hey erin. >> 5:17. we are tracking this breaking news. melanie alnwick at the scene in prince george's county. deadly crash three people killed at the scene at suitland parkway inbound all lanes shut down between route four just outside the beltway and suitland road. this crash scene is at forestville road. should be shut down if you're heading down towards d.c. for several hours. police investigators on location. you can see that one red vehicle involved with the smashed up front end. we'll keep you updated. melanie alnwick gathering more information. allow for extra time this morning suitland parkway very busy route. keep to it pennsylvania avenue already noticing extra traffic on the inbound side or branch avenue. notice are great alternates for you. blare road in northwest closed at nicholson street from an earlier crash. 270 no delays right now from frederick down through rockville. metro is on time right now. safe track taking a break. the next surge, surge 15 kicks in tomorrow impacting the top of the beltway you're quiet right now. no problems on route one or bw parkway. any questions erin fox5 d.c. o twitter. back to you maureen and holly. >> erin thank you. 5:18. let's take a look at stories you're engaging with the most this morning on social media. >> wisdom martin is back with our realtime news tracker. >> good morning. a 22-year-old security research in london hailed a hero after stopping the massive cyber attack from spreading more. the man who goes by the on line name malware tech found the kill switch on friday and was able to prevent further possible infects. it affected hospital and computer systems in several countries in an effort to extort money. marine corps looking for a few good men and women. it is now running a new ad that features a woman. the ad was released on friday and the commercial system aimed to highlight women in the marines ton recruit more women. the marine corps has the lowest percentage of women participants among other military services and there are some critics though who say the ad is correct and that women are not equal to men physically. more than 200 cook county jail officers called off work on mother's day forcing the jail to go into lockdown. 32 percent of officers assigned to a 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. shift called out. last mother's day 420 officers called in sick and for father's day 520 officers called out. one of the stars of the big bang theory got married over the weekend. jim parson married todd spiewak yesterday. the couple had been together for 14 years since they met at a karaoke bar. would you take the plunge? a drone company says they're the first to complete a drone sky dive. it happened on friday and the company says that 28 propeller lifted a skydiver more than a thousand feet into the sky and the man let go and released his parachute. so no more jumping out of airplanes you can just do it through a drone now although i wouldn't be either one am i wouldn't get on a drone or an airline. >> not jumping out of anything. >> and i'm sure not going to be the fist. [laughter] >> no. >> thanks whiz. coming up on fox5 news morning, ride sharing companies lyft and wemo teaming up to take on google. >> aoff rules against seaworld in a lawsuit involving on the the theme park's easy pay system for repeat visitors. >> we're heading to break. a live look across the d.c. region. 5:21, 55 degrees. good morning. >> ♪ >> ♪♪ havertys furniture helps your home look perfect, even when life isn't. and now with our memorial day sale - get free delivery -- -- save big on our most popular living room, dining room and bedroom sets. plus save $100 dollars on every $1000 you spend. the memorial day sale at havertys. life looks good. >> lyft may be taking on uber in a big way. lyft reportedly joining forces with wemo to help develop new ride sharing technology. both companies confirmed the partnership but stopped short of giving specific details. wemo released a statement saying they are exploring new self driving products that will make our roads safer and transportation more accessible. >> fiat-chrysler recalling around a million ram pups in north america. a software glitch could make the side air bags and seat belts fail during a rollover crash. one death and two injuries have been connected to the problem. the recall involves ram 1500 pups from the 2013 through 2016 model years. as well as ram 3500 models from 2014 to 2016. >> new this morning, a judge ruling against seaworld in federal court. according terrorist orlando sentinel a man sued seaworld over payments for his annual pass. he claimed that the park breached its contract by renewing the pass earlier than it should have. the judge agreed and ruled that the lawsuit could now be made class action. >> check your freezers. red robin recalling its burgers and bruce crispy onion rings. the company says at products may contain milk in them an allergen not listed on the packages. the items were not sold in red robin restaurants but if you purchased them in the store you can return the products for a full refund. >> ♪ >> 5:25 on this monday morning. mike thomas a much better week on tap for us weather-wise. >> absolutely. unless you don't like the heat because we got a lot of heat coming our way by the time we get to the middle of this week. temperatures in the 90's. etts getting towards summertime in d.c. you know that's bound to happen sooner or later. you either choose the rain and the cool temperatures or sunshine and the hot temperatures. today is pleasant. 56 degrees to start, just a few clouds to start the day. winds out of the west-northwest at 12 miles an hour. they could be a little gusty as we head through the late morning and early afternoon hours but winds improve as we head towards tonight. here's satellite and radar. quiet, clouds sinking down to the south across southern portions of virginia. those will continue to move southward and we'll have lots of sunshine today. here's day today. sunshine 68:11 o'clock more so at 2:00, 72 degrees by 5 o'clock, mid 70's around the region just an absolutely pleasant day. here's your highs for today. 75 in washington, 73 for manassas t-73 for culpeper. again get out and enjoy it, if you can. that's a check of the forecast. over to erin now for traffic. >> right now we continue to track this breaking news out of prince george's county. a ed deadly crash investigation closing inbound lanes of suitland parkway at forestville road. closure extends from that outside the beltway at route four to suitland road. this could cause big traffic headaches this morning. let's help you get around that. melanie alnwick getting to the scene gathering more information. you can take pennsylvania avenue inbound or continue to the beltway to branch avenue but any way you cut it watch for a lot of extra traffic until suitland parkway does reopen. bw parkway right now as you make your way out in laurel, 197 laurel bowie road closed in both directions between basswood drive and laurel drive. that's just east so watch for delays there. we have some downed wires and a downed pole from an earlier crash. and also in the district, a deadly crash investigation closing blare road northwst at nicholson street. july to detour around that one. any questions at erin fox5 d.c. on twitter. back to you. >> thanks erin. comingcoming up flags fly at half-staff around the white house and throughout the country. >> more schools allowing children to bring over-the-counter medications to school without a doctor's note. >> sun starting to eke its way up maybe you are, too. nice weather on tap for today. you're going to like this monday. we're at 55 degrees right now. we've got a lot more to share, though. don't go anywhere. fox5 news morning coming right back. >> ♪ >> plank >> ♪♪ >> plank ♪ whoa. are you actually about to scratch it rich at mgm national harbor? of course you are. because everyone who plays is an instant winner. so before you win your share of 1.5 million dollars in prizes and free slot play. take these last few seconds to remember what life was like as a normal, everyday person. because in an instant, that all could change. join mlife rewards and play scratch it rich for your share of 1.5 million dollars in prizes and freeplay®. this is monumental. >> ♪ >> today on fox5 news morning, global cyber attack. concern and worry grow across the globe as fear of another attack spreads. choosing a new director. president trump is expected to name the new head of the fbi by week's end. and wizards and celtics. game seven. winner moves onto the eastern conference finals. the losser is, cleans out their locker. fox5 news morning starts right now. >> ♪ >> this is fox5 news morning. >> good morning to you. thanks for joinings. >> and i'm holly morris. today is monday may 15. >> erin como is talking about the roads but mike thomas starts us off with weather. mike. >> hey, wisdom nothing happening out there today. going to be a gorgeous day. if you have outdoor plans they'll goat off without a hitch. sunshine and 70's. erin. >> deadly crash investigation has suitland parkway shut down from route four to suitland road. we'll get you those work arounds. >> thanks erin. we'll start with that. fox5 has learned that three people were killed in that crash on suitland parkway. >> melanie alnwick is live on the scene with the latest on what we need to know about this crash. mel, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, guys. yeah, i think this is going to be probably an issue for several hours now. trying to get information from park police. they tell me frankly they're just too busy right now trying to deal with the accident itself rather than being able to come out here and brief the media. of course we totally understand that but you can look here as the sun is coming up we're getting a better look at one of the vehicles involved in this accident. you can see incredible damage there to begin with so this is inbound suitland parkway at forestville road and investigatorring were over there for a little while this morning. in front of that vehicle which you can not see are the burned out remains of another vehicle. so, from what we can tell, at least two cars involved in this accident but we really just can't get a better look down suitland parkway. we can't see around the hill to see if it's just two vehicles, perhaps there are more. we did find out that there are three fatalities. we don't know if they are in two cars or if all of the fatalities were in one vehicle. one person was transported to a hospital. we do not have an update on that person's condition yet either but again, this is going to be an investigation here that's going carry on for quite some time. that's the latest from here at suitland parkway. i'm melanie alnwick fox5 local news. >> ♪ >> 5:32 right now. also developing this morning, the cyber world is on edge over fierce of another massive ransomware attack. an attack on friday affected more than 200,000 people around the world including 20 percent of england's hospitals. the hackers reportedly used a flaw exposed in documents leaked from the nsa to carry out the attack. it was eventually stopped by a.m. 22-year-old british computer security expert. it is unclear whom exactly is behind the attack. the ransomware virus disabled computers remotely and then threatened to keep users electronics locked until they paid a bit coin ransom. there are concerns another attack could come this week or a continuing spread of the first one could come as people return to work today and turn on their computers. >> meanwhile over the weekend eight people were interviewed to be the new director of the fbi. there are 14 total candidates. a decision could come this week but questions continue over the firing of james comey. republicans and democrats remain divided on the some say it feels like american institutions are under siege. >> in many ways, our institutions are under assault both externally and that's -- that's the big news here is the russian interference in our election system. and i think as well our institutions are under assault internally. >> internally from the president? >> exactly. >> the senate's top democrat chuck schumer says his party way try to stall the nomination process unless the white house agrees to have a special prosecutor investigate russia's meddling into the election the case of freddie gray. the baltimore sun reports that the baltimore police department has but will not release findings from a review of the officer's actions in gray's arrest and death. the department says releasing the information would be against state laws that govern the personnel records of police officers. the new information is based off an administrative review which are officers have violated internal policy. gray died in 2015 after suffering a spinal cord injury while in police custody. >> today flags will be flying at half-staff at the white house. it's in observance of police memorial week. this week events around the country will be held to honor police officers who have been killed in the line of duty. >> ♪ >> 5:35 is our time right now. and mike, you delivered an amazing mother's day. >> yeah, what a weekend. >> it was on point. >> it was absolutely gorgeous and looks like it's going to continue. >> it will that continue rolling into this week but we'll start getting hot. >> i'm okay with that. >> we're good. you get our seal of approval on the heat. >> okay. but it comes with humidity. >> i'm okay with that. >> okay, we'll vote for that, too. we're all on board. >> i think of the alternative and i'm okay with that many. >> better than the rain and the cool temperatures much just get the ac's ready because we'll need them later this week. satellite and radar showing you clearing skies across t region this morning. and lots of sunshine on the way for this afternoon. temperatures outside right now pleasantly cool at 56 degrees rage analysis, dulles 51, several suburbs have fallen back into the 40's including bwi at 49. jacket weather to start but this afternoon you can get reddist ask jacket. it's going to be gorgeous. 75 degrees. warmer tomorrow but just as much sunshine temperatures heading into the 80's. that's a check of the fork. erin is back with traffic. >> right now we're continuing to track this breaking news out of prince george's county. suitland parkway inbound completely shut down all lanes blocked between route four just outside the beltway and suitland road just inside the beltway at forestville road there's a deadly crash investigation three people killed at the scene. mel i wasn't gathering more information. this is a view of the very smashed up suv at that location they're investigating currently. to get around that take pennsylvania avenue inbound. notes all that yellow on the map. volume building already. take the beltway down to branch avenue inbound as welly we'll keep you updated on those up against. a deadly crash investigation in the district in northwest. blare road northwest shut down at nicholson street for an investigation. we'll look at a downed pole and downed wires causing problems in laurel next. back to you. >> coming up on fox5 news morning, more schools around the country are allowing children to bring a certain medication to school without a doctor's note. >> one of the most beloved christmas movies of all time will soon be coming live to a tv near you. >> we're going to break right now with a live lookout side across the dmv. time is 5:37, temperature 55 degrees. back in a moment. >> ♪ >> ♪♪ ♪♪ nobody knows what their future holds, but... in my future i'm 26% more likely to develop an irregular heartbeat, which raises my risk for heart failure. i have a 65% higher chance of developing diabetes. and i have a 42% chance of becoming obese. if i develop breast cancer, it's 39% more likely to kill me. i'm at higher risk for depression. i'm not likely to talk about my depression at all. and we all have a 30% chance of developing hypertension. no matter who we are, or where we're from, these diseases can be managed or prevented when caught early on. i may not have a say in the risks i face. but with better research, the right medicine, and with doctors who help keep me healthy to begin with, we will thrive. ♪♪ >> ♪ >> time right now 5:40 and this morning's health watch new study on sudden infant death and rages researchers found certain ethnic groups face higher infant death rates than others. those include american indians alaskan natives and african-americans. preemies and infants born to young mothers are at a higher risk of their babies suddenly dying. >> more states are getting on the bandwagon allowing kids to bring sunscreen to school without a doctor's note. arizona utah washington are the latest states to enact the laws. several states like florida will begin following similar legislation this spring. while some parents worry about sun overexposure during the school day school nurses warn some children are allergic to the lotion. >> one of the most popular christmas movies of all time is coming back this holiday season. fox has picked up a christmas story to be its next live musical special. the original film was a cult classic after it came out in 1983 and became a musical on broadway a few years ago. several new songs will be written for this version by the same team behind "la-la land." the special airs in december. >> i don't get it. do you love that movie? my husband lovers that movie. >> oh really. >> i know a lot of people that love it. i don't get it. >> yeah. >> remake, reboot, reimagining, just -- >> i never got the original. >> yeah. >> okay. coming up on fox5 news morning, we are following a developing story of yet another family kicked off an airplane. >> and yankee captain derek jeter celebrating with a plaque in monument park. >> as we head to break, let's take a live look across the d.c. region. 5:41 is our time right now we're at a 55 degrees on our way to the 70's today. 70 and sunny. good way to start the work week. fox5 news morning back right after this. >> ♪ >> ♪♪ narrator: "the time is always right to do what is right. ralph northam. army doctor during the gulf war. progressive democrat. in the senate, he passed the smoking ban in restaurants, stopped the transvaginal ultrasound anti-choice law, and stood up to the nra. as lieutenant governor, dr. northam is fighting to expand access to affordable healthcare. ralph northam believes in making progress every day. and he won't let donald trump stop us. >> ♪ >> time now is 5:44. if you are just waking up with us here are some of the stories making headlines for monday may 15. three people have been killed in an early morning car crash in prince georges county. it happened on suitland parkway at forestville road. these are live pictures from the parkway are closed there and they are expected to stay closed for several more hours. we will, of course, continue to bring you updates from the scene. our melanie alnwick is there and erin como will continue to update you on work arounds if this is your morning commute route. >> all right. 5:45 is the time right now. let's talk to mike thomas about a gorgeous day that we have in our area. >> yeah, take a look, a little bit of haze early this morning, looks like some high thin clouds. sunshine will be quick to return. spring weather moving in big time. liking it. >> liking it. >> yeah, going to be gorgeous. >> you know what you should add to your forecast, a grass cutting day. what's the best day to cut the grass. >> today. [laughter] >> today i think. >> case closed, reit. >> don't put it off, wisdom. >> don't put it off. >> yeah. >> get it done. >> you don't want to do it too fast. you got to time it out. you got to do it on like a thursday that way you have friday, saturday sunday to relax. >> thursday is going to be in the >> i won't be cutting it. >> it's his poor kids. >> i'll be supervising. >> looking out for the kids. do it today, martin children. >> sunshine is back. temperatures heating up as we head towards the middle of the week. much drier this week compared to the end of last week. we had several inches of rain in parts of the region. that's gone and our next rain chance won't arrive in the d.c. region until friday. breezy at times laid this afternoon with winds gusting up and over 20 to 30 miles an hour later today t and then summer heat moving back in by the time we get to the middle of the week could be our hottest stretch of days so far this year. next rain chance doesn't arrive until friday afternoon with just hit and miss showers and thunderstorms. all right, temperatures outside right now, it's 56 degrees here in d.c., 51 in dulles. winchester has fallen back into the 40's as has culpeper and manassas, chilly 44 this morning in manassas, 45 for gaithersburg. jacket weather to start here but this afternoon sun is back out, we'll warm it back up and you can put the jackets away. big storm system that brought us rain on saturday has continued to kind of -- big storm system that broughts the rain on saturday has -- it's strengthened a bit. we'll get that northwest breeze today. here's a look at what's going on out to the west which is absolutely nothing. lots of sunshine coming our way as we head through the course of the day today. here's a look at futurecast and some surface features on it for you. high pressure off to our south will pull in a northwest breeze. it will start getting hot though just off to our west. as this area high pressure continues to slide off the coastline as we head towards the middle of the week we'll start to push into some of this southern warmth and get our temperatures up into the 90's with lots of sunshine by wednesday afternoon. today is much more spring like. 75 degrees. right where we should be. mild temperatures, just the occasinal breeze up and over 30. by tonight those breezes are gone. it's much calmer, very pleasant 57 degrees with just a couple of clouds out there. again, enjoy it, if you can. fox5 accuweather forecast, 75 today, 80's back tomorrow though and you'll start to feel humidity moving back in. 92 on wednesday, 93 on thursday. again, next chance of storms not until friday. all right, that's weather. erin is back with traffic this morning. already busy out there erin. >> that's right mike. 5:48. tracking a deadly crash investigation closing all lanes of inbound suitland parkway from forestville road all the way to suitland road. the closure earlier was between route four so we'll keep you updated on that closure point. any way you cut it three people died at this crash scene. it's going to be a very long closure for the investigation unfortunately. let's move it over to our maps to get around that. keep in mind pennsylvania inbound, pennsylvania avenue inbound already backing up. branch avenue inbound is going to be extra slow this morning as well. watch for outbound delays. aside from that we have another deadly crash investigation in northwest closing blare road in both directions at nicholson street. also out in laurel 197 closed in both directions and that is between basswood drive and laurel drive just east of bw parkway. from an earlier crash. skipping the roads and taking the rails taking a break from safe track today. surge 15 kicks in tomorrow. but right now for your early morning commute, earlier train malfunction outside medical center delays on the red line in both directions. other than that, tomorrow morning the orange line impacted by safe track surge 15. we'll get a look at that next. wisdom and holly. >> ♪ >> we continue to follow the search for a missing woman and her eight month old daughter in central virginia. keir and chloe johnson were reported missing back on ain't 30 in the hampton area. police tells the car johnson was likely driving a black kia optima has turned up in newport news. police suspected a man may have abdid you knowed the pair. they believe the maybe may be in extreme danger. >> a community responded to a hate message with a message of love. yesterday dozens of showed up to chalk the walk. people wrote supportive and positive messages in chalk outside the school. >> it's much bigger than two people hanging up a noose. >> the event was led by a group called crofton is kind. >> a new jers blank family stora cake in the overhead bin but were told to move it and they did. under a seat. a second flight attendant came out and confronted the first attendant. they started arguing prompting jetblue to evacuate all the passengers. >> i approached them and i said everything was fine and she said, sir, this does not involve you. when she told me i was being noncompliant then i said ma'am have you been drinking because her behavior normal. >> jetblue released a statement claiming the father refused requests to remove the cake as well as cursing and yelling and making "false accusations about the a crew member's fitness to fly. ." >> ♪ >> 5:51 is the time. we're back with what's hot on the web the stories you're engaged with the most on social media. >> maureen has more. >> microsoft's president is calling for a set of and global rules to be followed in cyber space following the cyber attack. brad smith says it's important that the world's governments do not end good itch in cyber attacks that targets civilian infrastructure. the tech giant ceo says that includes stockpiling flawed computer codes that could be used as digital weapons. attorney general jeff sessions is cracking down on crime. in a memo from last week sessions recommended that federal prosecutors should punish criminals to the fullest extent. sessions is also bringing back mandatory minimum sentences. he wants prosecutors to charge serious crimes with harsh and punishments. combating distracted driving new york lurks considering a breathalyzers to combat distracted driving. are the legislation would allow police to use a so-called text tractor-trailer ali zer. similar legislation is being considered in new jersey tennessee and also in chicago. city of los angeles wants to host a 200024 summer olympic games. members of the international olympic committee can visiting l.a. to tour proposed venues. los angeles is one of two bidders for the games alongside paris. they say they would only host the games in 2024. >> finally we have derek jeter the former new york yankee iconic number two is retired in a soldout ceremony a plaque honoring the player was unveiled last night at yankee park alongside tributes to legends like babe ruth lou gehrig and mickey mantle. great company to keep there. >> thank you maureen. >> absolutely. >> yeah. let's talk about this. nascar driver eric amarillo released from the hospital. the accident happened after joey logano and danica patrick collided. the number 43 car ran right into the other two. he fractured his vertebra in his back. the 33-year-old had to be cut out of the roof of his car. no word yet on how much time he's going to miss. >> singer barry manilow postponed concerts this week because of sprained vocal cords. the 73-year-old was due to perform in chicago and los angeles. the singer says i was doctor's orders to cancel the shows but the good news is the shows have been rescheduled. >> and the weekend box office was a repeat of last week. guardians of the galaxy volume two remained in the top spot pulling in another $63 million in amy schumer's "snatched" opened up in second place. king arthur legend of the sword, fate of the furious and boss baby round out the top five. >> ♪ >> time now for our facebook fan of the day. today it is lesley and clay vaughn white celebrating 10 years of marriage. >> they say they wake up with fox5 every morning. we say happy anniversary to you both and we wish you many, many more years of marital bliss. for your chance to be tomorrow's fan leave a comment and a photo below this lovely picture. do it on our facebook page. >> ♪ >> mike thomas, you're back now to wrap it up for this hour. >> yeah, beautiful weather. i mean, this will be a quick nice easy wrapup, no rain on the way so let's get you off to school on time this morning. 49 to 58 degrees. even a couple of our suburbs are down below 49 so a chilly start to the day for some. this afternoon v pleasant. sun is back out. little breezy from time to time but that's the only hiccup in the day. generally speaking it will be a beautiful day its a northwest breeze today sometimes gusting up and over 30 miles an hour but by the time we get into the late afternoon early evening those breezes should subside. headed for temperatures seasonal for this time of year highs in the middle 70's. take a look at your planner. heading out and about today, outdoor lunch sounds like a good day for it for me. 68 degrees by 11 o'clock, by 2 o'clock 72 degrees, 5 o'clock 74. plenty of sunshine to go around all day long, maybe grab the sunscreen. we're getting towards that time of the year with the high single. 84 tomorrow o-wednesday here comes the heat, 92 degrees wednesday afternoon. by thursday, 93. keep the 90's going into friday with a chance of thunderstorms. that's your next chance of rain. hit and miss thunderstorms next friday. right now the weekend looks drive. temperatures a little cooler. it's not the 90's but it's the 80's on saturday and sunday. all right, that's a check of the forecast. erin is back with a final look at traffic at your 5:00 a.m. hour. delays developing because of this closure. suitland parkway inbound shut down between forestville road and suitland road. as you can see a very serious crash investigation. deadly crash there. it may be shut down for the duration of the morning rush. we're already seeing delays building on pennsylvania avenue inbound. you can take the got pennsylvania avenue inbound to get around that. over to suitland or branch avenue. 295 295 northbound as well. suitland parkway definitely busy this time of morning so allow for extra time to detour. aside from that anotherly crash investigation in northwest. blare road remains shut down in northwest in both directions at nicholson street. as you make your way out in laurel 197 laurel-bowie road shut down in both directions between basswood and laurel drive. downed pole and wires down at that location east of bw park parkway. 295 southbound side slows between eastern avenue and east capitol street with volume. 50 inbound jammed. red le from an earlier train malfunction outside medical center. more traffic in a few. keep it to fox5 news morning. 6 o'clock hour coming right back. >> ♪ >> ♪♪ quin was crazy about curls. but it took a twist of fate to find a high-end curler at such a head turning price. and that's the beauty of a store full of surprises. you never know what you're gonna find, but you know you're gonna love it. ♪♪ did you know slow internet say goodbye to slow downloads, slow backups, slow everything. comcast business offers blazing fast and reliable internet that's over 6 times faster than slow internet from the phone company. say hello to internet speeds up to 250 mbps. and add phone and tv for only $34.90 more a month. call today. comcast business. built for business. what's happened to snacking? how did it become absent-mindedly eating one after the next? we are a creamy cheese that still believes in savoring our food. the laughing cow. reinvent snacking. vo: at dominion, we have a long history of providing reliable energy and that'll never change. what is changing, is our name to dominion energy. it's a reflection of our commitment to energy innovation and renewable sources like solar, wind... and cleaner energy like natural gas. novate, upgrade technology, protect our environment and serve our communities. dominion energy. more than a new name, a new way of seeing energy. ing. >> breaking news at 6:00, two deadly accidents overnight both causing big issues for the morning rush. we're on the scene of a violent crash in prince george's county along the suitland parkway and in the district police investigating a single car crash in northwest. >> plus students at crofton middle school will be greeted with words of acceptance and love this morning coming days after two men arrested for hanging a noose outside of the maryland school. >> live look outside, it is monday morning, may 15th. weather and traffic coming up on the 5s at 6:05. good morning. i'm allison seymour. >> and i'm steve chenevey. welcome to fox5 news morning. first up at 6:00 this morning more on the breaking news on the roads impacting the morning commute as several lanes of suitland parkway at forestville road in prince george's county now closed after this deadly crash overnight. >> three people killed in the crash. melanie alnwick is live at that scene. she's got the very latest now. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, steve and allison. as the sun is coming up here, we're getting a better look at one of the vehicles involved in this accident. you can see all of the front end damage here to that what appears to be an suv and some of the air

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