Transcripts For WTSP 10 News This Morning At 600am 20161104

Transcripts For WTSP 10 News This Morning At 600am 20161104

>> i am ian reitz. it is friday. we are at our 10news school of the week powered by duke energy florida. we are at john hopkins middle school. and tampa has gone to the dogs. and if you are looking to take a cruise out of tampa bay, you will have more options. >> emerald morrow is live this morning. we are getting a new cruise ship that will take week-long cruises all over the caribbean? >> reporter: yeah, a lot of you at home are up. we know you are excited about getting that right here in tampa bay. the question is, when are you going to be able to come to the port and set sail to those destinations? you're gonna have to wait to january 2018. when the carnival miracle takes up from the port, it's gonna head to some beautiful vacation destinations including the room on this ship which will carry more than 2100 passengers. it's just one more reason to attract people to the tampa bay area. we could potentially have tens of thousands of people driving or flying in each year to set sail, and that means more money into our local economy which is always a plus on an area like ours that depends thrive. this will boost this area's position as a top ten destination. >> on top of those regular stops the ship is making a special trip from the port? >> reporter: yeah, in april of 2018 it's going to set sail to the panama canal. so that's really exciting. if you want to go on that trip that gives you a little more time to stack your coins for that. in tampa. thanks. three minutes after 6:00. the clock is ticking down to election day and the presidential race is getting tighter. donald trump and hillary clinton have deployed surrogates to help them get to the finish line. donald trump is scheduled to be in the fairgrounds in the tampa area tomorrow morning. melania trump is campaigning on behalf of her husband as well. in a speech on thursday in pennsylvania she said as first lady she would focus on putting particularly cyberbullying. >> children and teenagers can be fragile. they are hurt when they are made fun of or made to feel less in looks or intelligence. >> hillary clinton's gonna be campaigning in pennsylvania and michigan today and finish being a jay z concert in cleveland, ohio. donald trump will be in pennsylvania and ohio. with this. >> yeah, a lot of people are saying how can she focus on this when her husband has been known for cyberbullying himself? a lot of people have strong comments. sean tweeted if melania wants to combat cyberbullying she should start by changing the password to her husband's twitter account. and another, it proves she doesn't follow her husband on twitter. saying she wants to tackle bullying is like my wife saying she wants to control people eating pizza too quickly. a lot of harsh words. gearing up for a massive party in chicago. this is gonna kick off in a few hours. thousands are expected to line the streets of the windy city honoring the world series first world series win in 108 years. so the parade starts this morning at 11:00. we are gonna stream the entire thing for you. that way you don't have to miss any of it on our website. also check out our facebook page. we will have the live stream there as well. this is not the showing the tampa bay bucs wanted on thursday night football. they lost big 43-28. that was the final at home at ray jay. one highlight was mike evans. takes a hit. final score 43-28 for the falcons. all right. so a lot of you with dogs probably already think this. a lot of people are going to be talking about it because tampa has topped the list for the most dog friendly city. it was a list put out by barefoot. it says tampa has a lot of pet- friendly listings and dog parks and the tampa bay expo was a draw. >> i believe it. we have some great areas near the beach especially. >> yes. let them run around, have fun. good place. this has a lot of people excited this morning as well. >> a lot of speculation around this. "toy story" 4 is happening. you are going to have to wait a while before you see the whole gang in theaters. the fourth installment will be out june 21 of 2019. got a while. >> got to wait some time. >> there were rumors t coming out early, but disney and pixar are focusing on other sequels like incredible 2. tom hanks and tim allen, the voice of buzz lightyear, are returning for the movie. >> that's good. you want to keep the originals intact when you add on it a series like this. >> especially a fourth movie. that's way down. you have to have that. if you need help waking up this morning, we will let you know where you can get free coffee. >> we had a squirrel that entered our building. >> raw, you heard that -- yeah, you heard that. scary moments. the 911 calls after that squirrel attacked three people at a senior center. this is the sweet sound of learning at john hopkins middle school. our school of the week. boy oh boy do they know how to get down. they are learning a lot in the classroom, too. we will when we come back. 6:07 is the time here. your bridge update. the howard frankland bridge is picking up in the northbound direction coming into tampa. six minutes to cross. live to sky 10 on the gandy bridge. drive time is five minutes. nothing like a little steel drum music to get you started on a friday morning. weather-wise it is quiet out until perhaps the late evening hours and i'll tell you why coming up in just a few minutes. i'm hillary clinton an i approve this message. donald trump: i could stand in the middle of 5th avenue and shoot somebody and i wouldn't lose any voters, okay? and you can tell them blood coming out of her eyes, blcong out of her wherever... u gotta see this guy. ahh, i don't know what i said, ahh. "i don't remember." he's going like "i don't remember!? this is mike's office. if he doesn't show up, he doesn't get paid. too often marco rubio didn't show up and failed us when he did. i am patrick murphy. to get things done, you've got to show up. you've got to work together. whether it's protectinal curity and women's health care or growing the economy, we've got to start solving problems instead of pointing fingers. i am patrick murphy and i approve this message today, technology is changing... homes are changing.... lives are changing. all ose changes take energy. at duke energy, we're changing too, giving you new ways to control your power use choices every day. 6:11 is the time on this friday morning. we are live from our 10news school of the week powered by duke energy florida. >> one of the magnet programs offered at john hopkins middle scho journalism. students get experience from print, online, and broadcast and they get national recognition for their work. the j hop times won the national press association's award. >> we are live there this morning. you heard some of the steel drum music from the students. very impressive. the journalism class. look at what these students are doing. >> reporter: a behind-the- scenes look at the j hop program. broadcast is one part of the multimedia journalism program which also includes print and online journalism. they learn all three disciplines. >> who, what, when, where, why, and how. >> reporter: and select those considered news worth to the j hop audience. they have 30 to 40 minutes to write the script and produce a rundown. >> at 10:45 we hit the air no matter what. >> reporter: a similar process takes place on the print side. while their award-winning print edition is released three times a year, the website is updated more often. >> we have different stories every day. we try to upload as much as we can. >> reporter: they learn the journalism and technical side i do teleprompter. i do whatever. >> and the photographers mostly just take pictures and obviously they can write, too. >> reporter: and for some students interested in pursuing a career in journalism john hopkins middle is on top of their list. >> i saw they had a journalism program and i automatically went to this school. >> are you kidding me? >> it was great to watch. i walked into their editorial meeting. they were talking about why it was important and then went from that process to putting i watched them go live at 10:45. it was great. they did a wonderful job. >> they are going to come work here? >> absolutely. they have a bright, bright future ahead of them. >> that is really, really cool. this is middle school. it's one of the reasons why john hopkins middle is our school of the week powered by duke energy florida. >> reporter: you all were mentioning that national award. take a look at these. these students are doing quality work here. look at this. something you might pick up at the newsstands. it's the student's work. they are finalists. we will have to keep you posted on that. all of the finalists, 50 of them, only three of those were middle school programs. so that shows you how impressive. i know the teachers have been saying keep it quiet, but they don't go to school until 9:30 in the morning. they got they are like lightweights. they are like we got to get some z's later. we are so proud of this program. this is one reason we chose them as our 10news school of the week powered by duke energy florida. we want to highlight, coming up, their art program. the arts magnet program. you see some folks back here. these are some dancers back here. you have been seeing a little bit of what they can do throughout the morning, like at all. so we're gonna be highlighting more of that coming up. so i invite you all to stick around. it's going to be a lot of fun. now you guys can be loud. [ cheers ]. >> they are practicing for the nutcracker. we will show you that in just a few minutes. >> looking forward to that. 10news school of the week powered by duke energy florida we want to hear about it. send an email to [email protected]. don't forget to tell us about a student or a teacher or a program that you think stands out and you want to show off to tampa bay. the time is 6:15. friday morning. let's check in with road warrior hilary zalla. >> good morning. there is a new accident in hillsborough county right near the polk county line. let's go live to sky 10. charlie taylor road between county line road and charlie taylor. i can't see it from the cameras. what i know from fhp is it's not blocking any main lanes. you will see it on the shoulder. back to our maps in polk county. all of your roads are looking good. polk parkway and i-4. if you are traveling along i-4 through plant city past that accident at charlie taylor your drive time is 15 minutes from polk parkway to 75. in hillsborough county a lot of you have been asking how is southbound near fowler. police were able to catch him. he was caught right near a parking lot at busch and florida. a little scared, but doing okay. your drive time along 275 is just 15 minutes from the apex down to i-4. you really haven't picked up there just yet. if you get out the door in the next 20 minutes or so, you will beat the backups. the veterans expressway, i-4, selman expressway, everything in pasco county an accident in san antonio. you will see it on antonio way near antonio elementary school. you have some lanes blocked there. in pinellas county your drive time along 275 is nine minutes from the skyway bridge to gandy boulevard. if you are in manatee or sarasota county i-75 is still in the green. all right, we are looking good this morning. seeing some rain off the east coast of the sunshine state, but right now we are the west coast and you can see that. nice and quiet this morning. some cars picking up there along the roadways, but we will stay dry for the day. a little breezy at times as we are tracking a cool front that will bring some drier weather as we head into the weekend. so current temperatures 66 degrees in tampa. it is mild right now in st. petersburg. 70 degrees there. but still a little bit cool on the nature coast. 59 degrees in crystal river and you might want to light jacket, maybe a sweater as you head out the front door. okay. winds basically calm. we are tracking 3-mile-per-hour winds in tampa. in st. petersburg seeing those winds out of the north at about 5 miles per hour. right now current temperatures across the northern tier of the country, it's pretty chilly out there. 39 degrees. actually, 34 in bismarck, north dakota. 40 billings and 42 degrees in minneapolis-st. paul. but we are gonna heat the temperatures up for a lot folks. 75 degrees lincoln, nebraska. chicago up to 60 degrees today. pretty nice weather for the big parade. across the northeast still saying cool. syracuse, new york, their high 45 degrees. at home it's going to be very nice for you. mostly sunny skies. winds out of the north- northwest five to seven miles per hour. high temperatures cooler by the coast, 83 clearwater, 58 haven. let's show you what we have on tap with our futurecast. staying out of the northwest, that's where our winds will be today, and then we will see some clouds increasing later on tonight and this indicates the front that will start to move into our northern zones after about 9:30. the front will push through overnight. that means slightly drier air for the weekend. we can show you that with the dew points. dew points dropping down into the upper range of the 50s by saturday evening. winds will be bit as we do head into sunday. and for your friday night, nothing more than a stray sprinkle. so looking pretty good. wake-up temperatures saturday morning in the upper 60s. here is your seven-day forecast. nothing more than a 10% chance of an isolated shower. keep in mind you can get our 10weather forecast in your car on the road. join us on catch us on magic 94.9, the duv on 105.5 fm, on sarasota talk-radio 106.9 fm and 10 weather in spanish on throw out the reported. one of the nfl's most vicious and oldest rivalries takes center stage sunday. jets-dolphins 1:00 on 10news. i am ryan bass. history hangs in the balance for fins back. he has 1-2 hundred yards back-to-back games. ryan fitzpatrick has been awesome for the jets so far this season. he is getting better. 2-0 over the last two weeks. we will see if he can keep that fitz magic going. i am ryan bass and that's your toyota sunday spotlight. dolphins-jets at 1:00 right here on 10news wtsp. up. >> we have been looking at ways to keep were you being overwhelmed. after the break, managing those busy lives as we head into the holiday. and could a hollywood a- lister be making a move to tampa bay? you love all-day breakfast. but you don't love that you can't get all your favorites. but now you can get more of what you love. so you can find something else to not love. betweerk having a social life we sometimes have schedules that are overwhelming. >> there are some coaches working to help busy people get the most out of their precious time. take a look. >> reporter: a mother at home. >> i am a mother of three. >> reporter: is a stylist at work. >> we can wardrobe you for every occasion. my business started to really take off. >> reporter: that can be a >> with that came more responsibility. it was like i was always on the go. i was jumping from one thing to the next. i never felt like i was doing anything well. >> reporter: work got busier, time shorter, and she felt stuck and wondered if less was more. >> i realized a simpler life i wanted a farmhouse. >> reporter: she thought about giving up her business but then met robin pugh. >> when they talk about being overwhelmed, my antenna goes up as a coach. >> reporter: he helps people stuck like sally. three lies people tell themselves. >> i can do it all. second, that i have to do it all. third, if i don't do it all, i'm gonna miss out. >> reporter: when you realize what you want, pugh says you can then focus on getting it. that crammed schedule isn't about managing time, but priorities. >> when you are doing everything, when everything is a priority, nothing is a priority. >> i started making choices for me and my family. priorities, sally now has a booming business and her dream home. >> here is our chicken coop. >> reporter: she is not trying to do it all. >> i did have to give up a few things like tennis and some of the fun. >> reporter: but she is doing what she wants. >> i needed to realize what i want, first of all, and then set strategies around that. >> reporter: now she has. >> i have always wanted to grow my own vegetables. >> reporter: what wanted. >> what will not overwhelm you is traffic. we are about to go up in the sky with sky 10 and look at our morning commute. >> sounds great. weather-wise, we are looking good, too. temps in the mid-60s. but if you live in citrus county, hernando county, you probably want a light jacket with temperatures in the upper 60s. a couple days back we told you about a college student who had a kit-kat bar stolen. today, technology is changing... homes are changing.... lives are changing. and all ose changes take energy. at duke energy, we're changing too, giving you new ways to control your power use hillary clinton: i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. vo: in times of crisis america depends on steady leadership. donald trump: "knock the crap out of them, would you? seriously..."vo: clear thinking... donald trump: "i know more about isis than the generals do, believe me." vo: and calm judgment. donald trump: "and you can tell them to go fu_k themselves." vo: because all it takes is one wrong move. donald trump audio only: "i would bomb the sh_t out of happy friday. the weekend just about here, and it's a nice start weather- wise as you head out the door this early morning. we are looking at temperatures in the mid-to-upper 60s. mild start. the winds nice and calm for you. partly sunny skies at 8:00. as we head into the 10:00 hour mid-range of the 70s. again mostly sunny skies, but we have some slight changes coming for the weekend. stay tuned. those details coming up in a few minutes. hilary, how are the roads this friday morning? >> right now it is 6:30 and your hot spots aren't too bad, but we have a new accident for you in tampa. let's go live to sky 10. we are flying over this right now. it is along westbound i-4 right at the split with 275. so the downtown interchange you can see a couple of vehicles in that median there between the ramp and the main la time for you here and a look at your bridges. good morning. i am allison kropff. >> i am ian reitz. this is your eye opener. a look at today's top stories at 6:30. >> another cruise ship is coming to port tampa bay. carnival miracle will offer seven-day western caribbean sailings in 2018. coming. a massive backlog of passport applications is expected next year, so experts warn the time it apply is now. donald trump was endorsed by the official newspaper of the klu klux klan. >> hilary is an unstable person. >> the clock is ticking. we are now just four days from election day. donald trump will be in tampa tomorrow morning pushing for your vote, and saturday night hillary clinton's running mate tim kaine and jon bon jovi will be in st. pete trying to win support for r. changes we are talking about when it comes to your passport. if you plan to fly and travel enter partially in the next couple of years -- internationally in the next couple of years, get a new passport as soon as possible. taking a look at the five fast facts you need to know when it comes to the changes. walk us through what to expect. >> first and foremost, the biggest thing you will notice is there is going to be a new chip inside of your passport that's going to do two things. no one is going to try to duplicate your passport. also, it will speed up the time it takes to get the information at tsa at the gate. the second big thing you are going to notice, your glasses. you do not want to wear these in your passport photo. they are no longer going to accept any photos that have glasses because they want to be able to see your full face. third thing, make sure that you check your children's passports. those are good for five years versus yours that are good for paperwork. so that's going to be big. and the next thing that you want to think about, there are driver's licenses. luckily, i checked florida is not one of them, but many states haven't converted over their driver's licenses. that means a lot of those folks not going to be able to use them to get -- to travel internationally. that's going to be a big deal. the other minor thing you are going to notice, your passport is actually going to be a lot lighter. instead of being 52 pages, it's now going to be 28 pages. big change for folks. this is all coming at a time when a lot of people's passports are actually expiring. ten years ago we saw a lot of changes for canada, the caribbean and mexico. that's why we are going to see a big rush of people trying to convert their passports at the same time. >> a lot of folks talking about this on facebook. when asking about the changes and if they are going to impact reapplying for a passport, can they they have to go to a processing center like a post office? >> nothing is changing with that. what that means for you, if you have a passport and you have been using it, it's less than 15 years old, you're good. mail it in and you can take care of it. the bad news is, if you got that passport when you were a kid, before age 16, or it's damaged or your photo is outdated, you definitely need to get a new picture taken and it's gonna be quite a process. >> we will put this information on, the 10news app because we want to make this as easy for you as possible. sarah hollenbeck live in the newsroom for us. good information. thank you. this is an interesting time for travelers in the tampa bay area. >> yeah. if you want to go outside of the u.s., this is really good news this morning. tia is looking at new non-stop flights to europe and latin america. the hillsborough county aviation authority voted to update and extend a program routes. some places are dublin, amsterdam, and manchester, england. they are hoping for more non- stop flights to the western part of the country. doesn't free coffee sound good right about now? to celebrate the 100th store opening you can get it at wawa today. the store is at brandon boulevard and brandon, the 100th store. tower is under construction. there are rumors tom cruise may be looking to settle in the city. the top three floors will be turned into a lavish penthouse. there was an application applied for and it will have a gym, theater, pool, garden, and game room. also plans for a private garage with a car elevator. >> fancy. >> yeah. >> they are going all out. whoever is condominium tower is spending a lot of money. 6:35. this is a bizarre story out of deltona. a girl attacked several people at a senior center. a woman called 911 saying it attacked and bit at least three people. they are not sure how it got inside. she told the dispatcher that people were bleeding and they needed help right away. >> we had a squirrel that entered our building and it's in our activity room and it's jumping on people and biting them and scratching them. take them to the hospital? >> i don't know if we need to go in an ambulance, but we need care for people here. people are bleeding. >> the manager of this center didn't want to talk about what happened. they were able to get that squirrel out of the building. >> that's scary. >> you think the windows were open, the thing kind of came right in. >> crazy. we told you earlier this week about a student, remember this, at kansas city university who out of his car. he left a note though saying, sorry, he was just hungry. >> kit-kat heard about the robbery. and check this out. the company filled this guy's car with 6,500 kit-kat bars. i hope he locks the doors. >> he better. >> they gave away the bars to students on campus. pretty cool. we talked about that. that went viral because he shared that on twitter. that may have been how kit-kat heard about it because they tweeted him back. >> yeah, the thief said i am hungry, i am just taking the kit-kat. >> so weird. so this is a story that every parent and child should hear this morning. a student goes above and beyond to make sure her new classmate who doesn't speak english feel welcome. >> we are going to share that with you in a few minutes. tough for the bucs. they may have lost, but a fan favor for ray jay. we will teou next. tonight for you it's friday night on cbs and 10news and we have got "macgyver" at 8 followed by "hawaii five-0" at 9, "blue bloods" at 10, and z25qmz zy6z y25qmy yy6y hillary clinton: i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. vo: in times of crisis america depends on steady leadership. donald trump: "knock the crap out of them, would you? seriously..."vo: clear thinking... donald trump: "i know go fu_k themselves." vo: because all it takes is one wrong move. donald trump audio only: "i would bomb the sh_t out of good morning. a live look at the howard frankland bridge right as you get into tampa. it's more a look at the northbound lanes of 275. there is the kennedy airport exit and the howard frankland bridge is just beyond this. it's taking you about a minute extra to cross because we are seeing those delays into tampa. your drive time about 7 minutes. skyway bridge, picking up in the northbound lanes. taking you 17 minutes to cross. hilary, weather-wise we are off to a great start on this friday morning. quiet on stormtracker 10. mild temperatures for the most part. right now 66 degrees in tampa. a little bit cooler for citrus and hernando counties. we are tracking mild temperatures across the southeast. it's 60 degrees in nashville. 63 degrees for the folks in charlotte. want to give you a quick tease to the weekend. mild and breezy on saturday with a slightly warmer on sunday with a high of 83 degrees. now let's get a check on sports with ryan bass. happy friday everybody. i am ryan bass. coming up tonight on 10sports the gators get set for a tough stretch of games to end the regular season. we are going to carve a path for how the gators can get to tampa bay and make the college football playoffs. also my weekend picks coming up. can the dolphins keep the jets and we will look at the tape from last night's bucs-falcons matinee. what went wrong for tampa bay and what's next for the buccaneers. this was halftime last night. john lynch forever taking his spot inside ray jay. the bucs' legend inducted in the ring of fame. the legendary john lynch. >> fantastic to see that. >> that is cool to see. that hometown crowd ch very cool. all right. so of course it is friday. our 10news school of the week powered by duke energy florida is this morning, and we are out at john hopkins middle school, center for international studies in the media -- in the arts, rather, and multi-media journalism. >> the school is across the street from the trop. tammie fields is live this morning. earlier we looked at the winning awards, too. >> reporter: yes, they are so impressive. we go to a lot of schools. boy oh boy, this is a tough one to beat. these folks can say a lot of good things about the school, too. barry brown is the principal as well as the assistant principal jeffrey mills. thank you both for being with us. >> thanks, channel 10 and duke energy of florida. >> reporter: let's talk about the programs we haven't had the opportunity -- because we have so much going the visual arts. chorus. drama. >> yeah. i think one of the things you want to make sure we highlight, it's an opportunity for our students to be in class that they are passionate about every single day as opposed to some schools every other day or short times throughout the week. our kids can fine-tune their task or skill set every day. that's what makes us unique. >> reporter: let's talk to the assistant principal, jeffrey mills. what can you talk to us about when it comes to highlighting some of the programs here and stand out? >> one of the most exciting things we provide the kids are content area experts. each area, drama, instrumental music, they have professionals that are working in their field that work with the kids every day. >> reporter: that makes a difference, doesn't it? >> absolutely. >> reporter: looking ahead to the future. you were just telling me about ib programs? >> we are an official ib canvasing schools which means we will be submitting an application, working to our teachers are working through a global concept, giving our students ideas to think outside of their community and the entire world. impact the world with everything that they do. it's a great opportunity from an academic standpoint. it supports what we do within the arts. >> reporter: talk about how you mix all of this with technology. >> i think one of the most exciting parts of our program, our journalism program, you saw some of those spots where they were in an actual professional classroom not only in the journalism program, but also within music, within the arts. it's not just the traditional sense, but we also use computers and technology to enhance their experience every day. >> reporter: mr. mills, mr. brown, thank you so much for letting us hang out. again, this is one of the reasons why this is our 10news school of the week powered by duke energy florida. all this talent here, we had to come out, guys. [ music playing ] >> i the things they are getting to do. you see the tv studio. they have the green screen, the control room. they have everything. they are getting to practice and see if this is something they like and pursue that career down the road. >> if you have a nomination for a 10news school of the week powered by duke energy florida, make sure you send us an email. [email protected]. tell us about a great teacher, school, program, something you think the bay area needs to know about. all right. let's get over to road warrior hilary zalla. you have had a couple of issues in some spots we would prefer not to see an issue this morning? >> exactly. for our friday morning commute hot spots. hillsborough county our newest accident on waters avenue at country way bumped. possibly back to i-4 in downtown tampa we have an accident in the westbound lanes. there are two cars and now police officers right there in the median between the ramp at 275 and the main lanes. this is causing a little heavier of a drive time this morning. 12 minutes from 75 to 275. let's take a live look at the apex here in wesley chapel. we are flying over this from sky 10 where 75 and 275 branch off here, and you can see we are seeing heavier traffic there in pasco county and as county. your drive time along 275 is getting up there, about 20 minutes from the apex to i-4, and about 20 minutes as well along 75 from right here, more like state road 56 to the selman expressway. if you are heading out the door in pinellas county, no major accidents. u.s. 19 and east lake road are in the green. traveling in polk county you are looking good along i-4 and polk parkway state through lake wales quiet. drive time along i-4 is a minute delayed. 16 minutes from polk parkway to 75. in sarasota and manatee counties i-75 in the green. state road 70 getting a little slow at the 75 interchange. kate. >> all right. hilary, we are off to great start this friday morning and we have you covered with our sky 10 network looking good, quiet around the bay area region from tampa to lakewood sarasota county, and pinellas county. no rain out there this morning and pretty comfortable temperatures. it's mild across the bay area. 70 st. pete, 66 bradenton. heading north, 59 degrees, a little bit cooler in crystal river, and starting out with a temp of 58 degrees in brooksville. these temperatures a little bit cooler than where we were yesterday at this time by 5 degrees. during the afternoon though we will be warming things up nicely. we are tracking a cool front just in but folks, if you are hoping for a really nice taste of fall- like weather, we are not going to see significant cooling behind this frontal boundary. temperatures will drop just a few degrees and we will notice our dew points a little bit lower. that will be comfortable with less humidity around. daytime highs today mid-80s for you with winds out of the northwest about 6 miles per hour. so your highs by the afternoon of 83 degrees. we are pretty quiet here on stormtracker 10. futurecast model winds out of the west-northwest. now, we are going to have to wait until mid-evening before we start to see some clouds associated with that cool front that will be finally dipping southward and there you can see some clouds moving across the bay area early into saturday morning. by saturday midday that front moves to our south, and with it we are going to see the dew points drop from e the 50s by saturday afternoon. less muggy, less humid, pretty comfortable weather out there. winds will be increasing as that pressure gradient tightens. saturday we are looking at winds out of the east northeast. here is a look at what you can expect on saturday. mostly sunny skies. looking pretty nice there. and don't forget we have the st. pete wine and food festival this evening. beer night from 5:30 to 9:30 and the grand tastings both on here is your seven-day forecast. mainly a dry forecast. high pressure building back in. plenty of 9 as we head into the -- plenty of sunshine as we head into the weekend. monday looking nice, too. if you live in the bay area, pick up a copy of the "tampa bay times." out in polk county we have you covered with "the ledger." this story is going to touch your heart. a 10-year-old girl finds a unique way to make a new classmate feel at home. >> post." rafael had just started at a california elementary school and only spoke spanish. amanda moore used google translate to write a note in spanish asking him to sit by her at lunch. it says look for me and i will show you where i sit. we can color or simply tell scary stories. thank you for your time. signed amanda. >> her mom put a video of her reading that letter on facebook. it's been viewed more than >> her mom has to be proud that her daughter went that step to make sure he felt included. >> so sweet. they are going to tell scary stories. >> i know. really cool. a couple minutes we are back out to our 10news school of the week powered by duke putting a wife to work is a very dangerous thing. grab 'em by the p****". when you're a star, they let you do it. you can do anything. more accusers coming forward to say they were sexually assaulted by donald trump. i'll go backstage before a show... yes.. and everyone's getting dressed. donald trump walked into the dressing room whilestanding there with noyoung as 15 wclothes.ging. she ate like a pig. a person who's flat-chested is very hard to be a 10. do you treat women with respect? uh... n'say thatither. alright, good. today, technology is changing... homes are changing.... lives are changing. and all those changes take energy. at duke energy, we're changing too, giving you new ways to control your power use and stay in the know... ...for smarter energy choices every day. 6:54 is the time on this friday. breaking news this morning. cbs news is reporting that sources say u.s. intelligence has alerted joint terrorism task forces that al-qaeda could be attacking on monday. at this point the credibility has not been confirmed. "cbs this morning" is going to have much more on these potential threats in a couple minutes at 7:00. keep it here for the very latest. every friday we feature a 10news school of the week powered by duke energy florida the center for international study for arts and multimedia journalism. >> you have a big announcement for the school? >> reporter: we love these kinds of announcements. duke energy, i am going to let you make the announcement to john hopkins middle school. >> duke energy is proud to support education and the 10news school of the week and we want to say congratulations to john hopkins middle school. here is your check for $1,000. >> thank you. [ cheers and >> thank you duke energy. thank you channel 10 for highlighting our school. thank you very much. [ cheers and applause ]. >> reporter: a lot of excitement here, everyone. these kids, the students, the staff everybody really excited. so thank you, duke energy, for making it all happen. >> thank you. >> back to you. >> remember those kids, tammie, they don't have to be to school until 9:30? >> reporter: yeah. these kids are going to be warn out by the end of the day. >> yeah. >> yay nap! >> reporter: i am going to take a nap, too. back to you. >> the parents got them up early on a friday. >> nice to hear that music. the steel drum bands this morning. >> they were talented. >> a bunch of talented students out there. we have an accident on u.s. 301 in hillsborough county. we are going to it from sky 10. we are flying on top of u.s. 301 at the selman expressway. the cras northbound direction. so you can see right there the blinking lights not really a huge delay. give yourself some time here. >> all right. weather-wise, we are off to a nice start and just to give you a nice little overview of what you can expect the next seven days. slightly cooler temperatures as we head into the weekend. and remember this is when we fall back. so we turn those clocks back 2 a.m. technically sunday morning. you can go ahead and turn it enjoy that extra hour of sleep. thanks for joining us this morning. as we leave we will take you back out to john hopkins middle. they are excited this morning. great time out there at john hopkins. have a great weekend. we will see you back here carson and i have seen some terrible ads attacking our mom it hurts because mom is cool. she is caring, she works hard. whenever something is not right mom is on it. trust us we know from experience. mom put her career on hold for us. to raise our family. she is a role model for everyone in our community. i'm proud of you, bh are. fifit there is shaving. then gillette shielding. comfy lubrication before and after. and also cooling. oooh. i got goosebumps. gillette proshield chill with lubrication before and after the blades. shields and cools while you shave. proshield chill from gillette. the best a man can get. proshield. captioning funded by cbs good morning. it is friday, november 4th, 2016. welcome to "cbs this morning.? four days to go. hillary clinton makes a b push for votes, while donald trump rallies small town supporters. we will show you each candidate's path to victory. sources tell cbs news police in three states are being warned about a potential terror threat. they are all concerned about attacks before election day. >> only on "cbs this morning," the former wife of subway pitch man jared fogle tells us why she is suing the sandwich chain. she claims subway knew about potential problems with her

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