Transcripts For WSVN Channel 7 Weekend News At 5PM 20160221

Transcripts For WSVN Channel 7 Weekend News At 5PM 20160221

kyle, walk us through the final lap and a half how you were going to try to set up to go for the win. >> denny -- denny took my idea and did it sooner than i did and for me to jump up there, i don't know that i would have been able to protect my spot i think he had too much momentum. i was kind of stuck with what i had. overall great day for our m&m's toyota camry. great day for joe gibbs cing. it's cool to see denny get that. it was a day of toyota camrys up front. a day that we all just kind of worked together, developed a plan that seemed to work. wish it was our toyota camry in victory lane but you can't be greedy. >> great day of team work for jgr. >> vince: carl edwards finishes fifth. they talk about how arrow is so important. how in the worldid you finish fifth with that thing? >> i don't know. 0 i've got a great group of guys. this arris camry is a grere after all of the wind tunnel stuff, that's good. proud of my guys. proud of denny. everybody at arris and toyota. we fought back, went a lap down. my guys never gave up. dave is a lot of n to work with. i had a great day. great day for toyota and jgr. >> vince: carl edwards fifth place. >> mike: 95 laps led by denny hamlin. the tenth daytona 500 settled by a last lap pass. this one the closest in history in the great american race. we'll have more from daytona in just a minute. chevy. i'm going with ram. definitely ford. the new 2016 chevy silverado offers best in class v8 fuel economy holy smokes! ...horsepower, and towing. they're all chevy. that's right. alalchevy. the fastest-growing pick-up brand. it's truck month. now, get a total value of seventy five hundred dollars on this silverado all star with a 5.3 liter v8. anybody who knows me will tell you, i don't like to slow down. even during the offseason, i never stop moving. i've got a lot of chores to do... a lot of mouths to feed... and a lot of races to run. that's why 5-hour energy is part of my life. 'cause i'm having too much fun to slow down. now is the time for 5-hour energy . people know me as dale earnhardt jr., racecar driver. but there's more to me than that. at my office, they call me boss man. i scout the talent, close the deals, do it all with a firm handshake. (loud clap noise) gentlememe.. (loud clap noise) to others, i'm water cooler dale. steve still hasn't accepted my friend request. he has really high standards. and he doesn't check it that often. i'm friends with everyone but him in the office. it's so steve. don't worry about it. are you guys friends with him? (both) oh no, we're friends with him. i'm friends with him. oh. lowe'u presents how to find the rfect match. wow, they're so perfect together. it's like they were made for each other. they were, by the experts at hgtv. right. our best paint and primer in one starting at $23.98 at lowe's. year was passed on the last lap this time comes from fourth on the final lap, passed kenseth and truex to win by .01 of a second and give joe gibbs three-time super bowl champion, four-time nascar champion a daytona 500 in. and in the 11 car, this is how close it was for hamlin and truex. a true photo finish, and you get the trophy, something that denny was 0 for 10. in the 11th, it's a heavy trophy. hamlin needs a little help. exhausting after 500 miles. dominant miles by denny hamlin. we welcome you back inside our studio track side and join a terrific day at the daytona 500. michael waltrip finished 29th. let's see what denney did. truex, harvick, kenseth could >> harvick had a big decision. it wouldn't have worked out for any of them if he had trie to pass denny. he tried to bang into the back of it. thought that was his best chance to win. chris, watch. bam. look at the momentum it gives the 11 car. he shoots away from harvick. just does an amazing job. don't think you can whip these things to the left at 200 miles an hour like that and squeeze into a hole like that. it's so tough. denny did an amazing job. >> well, there was the earlier pit stop where kenseth took two tires, hamlin took four. we knew he had a fast car. dale earnhardt jr. in the pre-race, he said, hamlin, that's who i am going to be watching closely. he said his karan bebeer out front. he was able, he talked about his toyota teammates to get to the top. >> i love his passion. i talked abououit in the pre-race. his focus was all over the race. denny is a great racer. he does special things. he came back with vengeance at daytona. toyota, getting the win, j.d. gibbs, that's got to feel good. >> he's the chairman. . j.d. gibbs birthday. joe gibbs talked about such an important victory winning the championship with kyle busch. now he gets a daytona 500 title with denny hamlin. tonight on fox the simpson's. later family guy and then border town. don't forget over on fs 1, victory lane, denny hamlin will be joining us in o o studio to talk with the guys. we'll expound more on how he was able to capture his daytona 500 victory. and then next sunday in atlanta and the weather's supposed to be good early. come out for great tickets and great speeds.p that's a change of pace from restrictor plate racing here to atlanta. different kind of a race. >> i heard drivers say something about we want less down force. they're going to get it in atlanta. that surface is worn. these cars are going to be sideways. how about daytona, 58 years ter another photo finish just like the first ever daytona 500. >> i know that denny hamlin, brad keselowski said it will be more in the hands of the driver next sun when we ra in atlanta. today, denny hamlin the dominant driver. the fast car throughout the two weeks here in daytona. finally gets that daytona 500 title. congratulations to him. thanks for being a part of it with us. >> jeff: now at 5:00, a community coming together, calling for an end to the violence after a 6 year old boy is shot and killed. live team coverage on the investigation. boaters off to the south with the rough waters rocking their vessel causing it to take on water. >> a quiet and breezy sunday across south florida. they changes and some warmer temps. >> a suspected uber driver going on the random shooting spree, killing several people. >> jeff: business as usual on the campaign trail. candidates back out stumping for support ahead of the next major contest on the trail. heheo and good evening. m jeff lennox. >> robbin: i'm robbin simmons. 7 news at 5 starts right now. the community rallying together hoping to catch whoever shot and killed a 6-year-old boy. good evening. that child playing outside when someone pulled the trigger. >> and the shooter taking off and now hopes someone will turn in the shooter. tragedy. we begin with walter morris live in northwest miami-dade at the scene of the crime and today's rally for change. walter? >> reporter: robbin, jeff, that's right. hundreds joining the 6-year-old's family this afternooand the message is clear. if you know anything, come forward and help bring that child's killer to justice. >> 5, 4, 3, 2, 1! >> we love you! >> balloons in)the air as the community comes together in the wake of the tragedy. >> and i stand here with another family and on the chance it's been 6 years with the baby. >> sunday hundreds gathering at the same apartment complex where 6-year-old king carter gunned down. police say the first grader was playing outside with friends when gunfire broke out saturday afternoon. carter struck by a bullet pronounced dead at the hospital >> when i heard the shots, i everywhere around and asking where is king? and me, i had to find my son in the corner with h eyes open. >> sunday activists and religious leaders joining carter's grieving family as the crowd marched through the neighborhood, many holding police fliers, others reading "justice for king." >> and gripped in fear and we know that we catake this back. >> enough is enough. >> enough is enough! >> reporter: they said prayers, making an emotional call on others to come forward that they can help track down the gunmen. >> it has to stop. if you u e something, somebody saw something! please tell us that you saw something! tell the police department you want to be part of solving the tomorrow it may be yours. this hases to stop! >> and if you knowanyone, ll that number. 305-471-tips. that reward now at 25,000 dollararand you can remain anonymous. reportrtg live in northwest miami-dade, walter morris, 7 ws. >> jeff: and our coverage continues tonight outside northwest miami-dade. elitsa? >> reporter: jefftomorrow morning here at this elementary school, little king carter's elementary school, there are going to be crisis counselors for the students and for the teachers. this afternoon's rally making it hereto the elementary school while scol leaders react to this senseless act of violence. >> this is not a single person's problem. this is not a single zip code's problem. this is chipping away at the at a timement>> reporter: the supentendant alberto carvalho taking a stand against gun violence once again. after another student in his district is gunned down and killed. this time an innocent first grader, king carter. >> over the past 12 months alone, over 100 children have been shot over the past 12 months alone. 21 kids were killed. only a fraction of those have been solved.. >> reporter: the little boy was shot and killed saturday in broad daylight while playing outside in hihinorthwest miami-dade neighborhood. just blocks away from his elementary school. the latest killing comes on the heels of another rally held friday where school leaders, parents and pastors made a call to action, asking community members to call their lawmakers so they can get a bill passed that will help protect witnesses. will be cryg in a few weeks. >> but that fear of parents who lost their children to gun violence becoming a reity all too soon. now, 48 hours after that rally, superintendant carvalho renewing the call to action sunday. >> if you don't want to call the police, call a pastor, call me, call a counselor, tell anybody. tell somebody! tell everybody! >> reporter: and you heard it there from superintendant carvalho, if you do not want to callllthe police, call him. we puthe office's contact information on our website. is the place to go to find that. for now live in northwest miami-dade, elitsa bizios, 7 news. >> jeff: all right, a sad story. stay with 7 news for continuing coverage of the tragedy. we'll havevethe latest on air and online at be alive after a close call. sea tel fort lauderdale showing the crews rescuing people who went overboard. they say the boaters were inexperienced in dealing with bad weather when they took on water. they had no life jackets and when rescuers arrived, the woman could barely keep her head above water. >> also in the news today, a shooter stopped after a random killing spree that ended with 6 people dead and two hurt. the targets on the streets of kalmazoo, michigan. >> ask police say the uber driver was the man pulling the trigger. jeremy roth has the latest. >> we had multiple people messaging us saying be careful. there's this killer around town. >> reporter: the night out in kalmazoo, michigan, turned into a nightmare after jason dalton opened fire at random killing 6 people and seriously ininring >> we weren't targeted for any reason other than they were there to be a target. they were shot multiple times. >> according to authorities it spanned 3 different locations including a complex where a woman washot 4 times. she remains in serious condition. then dalton opened fire again at a car dealership where two men were shot and killed. two minutes later 4 people were gunned down in the parking lot of the cracker barrel. the 14-year-old girl also shot remains in critical condition. it takes police 2 more hours before catchihi up to dalton. >> the suspect vehicle was spotted in kalmazoo by th sheriff's department and the vehicle was followed a short distance. eventually it was stopped and the driver was, indeed, identified as our suspect. he was taken into custody. >> a source says dalton, the uber driver, picked up passengers in between the shootings. monday afternoon. >> the next most important thing is to reassure everyone there iso continuing threat to the safety of the community. >> reporter: jeremy roth, 7 news. >> and the 47-year-old pass aid background check to be e a driver with uber. police still don't have an idea about the motive behind the case. >> in the race for the white house, democrat candidates turning their focus to south carolinan rivalry. and the field getting smaller with former florida governor jeb bush dropping out. >> there's nothing ease berunning for president, -- easy about running for president. i can tell you. it's tough and nasty and mean and vicious. it's beautiful. when you win, it's beautiful! >> robbin: if donald trump saw the beauty after winning the south carolina primary and taking all the state's tough, nasty and mean side of a presidential campaign. >> i congratulate my competitors remaining on the island on their success for a race that has been hard-fought. >> reporter: the former florida governor first to announce his candidacy and beneficiary of the war chest. >> the people of north carolina and south carolina have spoken and i really respect their decision so tonight i am suspending my campaign. >> bubufor republicans and democrats there is little time to rest on their laurels. hillary clinton beat bernie sanders. >> we spent a lot of time talking with voters in the past week about the barriers they felt did impede their getting ahead. >> reporter: the inroads with mirities will continue to draw support. >> when they hear our message about the need for the economy that represents all of us, not just the 1%, you'll see us >> reporter: the republican caucus in nevada is tuesday and south carolina democrats hold the primary saturday. but trump's sizable lead going forward could spell trouble for marco rubio who eked out the win over ted cruz. this because come march 15th it's winner take all. >> we won't beat hillary clinton or bernie sanders if we're still divided in october and november. it's important to bring someone together. >> it's now apparent the only campaign that can beat donald trump and has been is our campaign. >> robbin: trump had back to back wins and is thinking ahead to the general election. >> i think it's going to be between hillary and myself. they say it will be the largest voter turnout in the history of the united states elections. >> all right, that remains to be seen but if you haven't donene so now is the perfect time to download the voice your choice app downloaded with all the latest from the campaign trail. minutes! >> reporter: it's mostly dry and seeing a few showers to the south of the florida keys right now. the clouds clear out with lots more sunshine and partly sunny skies as we go into e rest of the evening. 70s across the board and 74 in coral springs d 79 in doral and 75 in west kendali and 77 for hialeah and 76 elsewhere right now. the winds picking up with marathon in the 10s and 12 in key west. and anticipating the @pick up once again for tomorrow. that dry air is starting to exit and we'll have the moisture move in aheadadof the next front. that brings in the better rain chances into the week ahead. for your monday to get the work week started but the better chance of rain will start on esday. we're taking that not just to tuesday, but also in through thururay. once that front clears it will clear out just nicely so steamy ahead of it and when i say steamy it's through into tomoow so hot and humid in south florida and with that front closer it will stay more so to the north and still can't rule out a few and maybe a few storms. can't predict the severity and keep in mind the possibility of the thunderstorms popping up and that will be on tuesday. and the risk of rip currents on the local beaches and the light chop and no advisories in place with the coastal waters and the moderate chop. the next high tide in miami-dade and coastal waters 2 seasonal range as we go into the 60s and entering the 80s and those are sticking around. taking you to the 80s with the 7 by 7 forecast, 84 on wednesday. knocking those temperatures do by the end of the week. >> >> what's up, south florida. we start the sports party on the track where it's the annual daytona 500!0 chase elliott the youngest pole sitter was involved in the crash during lap 20. one of the favorites though at th500 was little e, dale earnhardt jr. he spins out with 30 laps to go. final lap, the man with two first names, matt kenseth pushed out of first by danny hamlin who wins by 4 inches. one of the closest races in daytona 500 history! look at that! h! first time toyota racing has without the 2 all-stars in the line up, winners of two straight and heat are heating up. after the suspension whiteside with the historic night and big man with 29 boards in 23 minutes and 's a 20-20 game for the last 20 years. >> and just talking about bring the energy off the bnch and guys are playing faster. >> my teammates made it easy for me and pushing the break. >> that's sports. i'm donovan and campbell. robbin and jeff, back to you. >> bbin: that will do it for this late edition of 7 news first at 5. >> jeff: i'm jeff lennox. we'll see you back here at 6 depere, wi the worse neighbors in america. speeding cars, wild causes. gunshots day and night. then natalie cole's grieving family. why they are so upset with this grammy's tribute. >> it's really ininlting. and what could possibly go wrong? do-it-yourself disasters. then he s kidnapped right outside his pet stsre. just because of his name. >> i'm telling them you have the wrong guy. >> the deswa dash to freedom caught on tape. just released video at this sports illustrated perateswim suit issue. plus behind the scenes of the

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Miami , Florida , United States , Fort Lauderdale , Nevada , North Carolina , South Carolina , Florida Keys , Michigan , America , American , Matt Kenseth , Marco Rubio , Denny Hamlin , Robbin Simmons , Tommy Baldwin , Jeremy Roth , Brian Vickers , Joe Gibbs , Jeb Bush , Jason Dalton , Kyle Busch , Natalie Cole , Matt Yocum , Walter Morris , Michael Waltrip , Jeff Lennox , Alberto Carvalho , Dale Earnhardt Jr , Carl Edwards , Denny , Danny Hamlin , King Carter , Regan Smith , Ted Cruz , Hillary Clinton , Brad Keselowski , Bernie Sanders ,

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