Transcripts For WSVN Channel 7 News At 5PM 20160213 : compar

Transcripts For WSVN Channel 7 News At 5PM 20160213

hospital early saturday morning. the latest miami teen to become the victim of gun violence. >> i just ard a shot like right after they left the house. >> reporter: the 16-yearmold was walking with another teen at the intersection of southwest 10th street in little havana when the bullets started flying. witnses say the gunman in dark clothes came up and opened fire around 1:30 a.m. >> i heard shots and started panicking. >> reporter: kelly brito describing the chaotic moments after the shots sent the teens running. her boyfriend cut by broken glass. e 16-year-old victim hit in the leg. >> he was limping right here in the middle of the street. >> reporter: the teen taken to jackson trauma center and is expected to survive. this as the police began the investigation. and while they marked out shellicatesings, teens like brita look - shell casings, teens like brita look for answers. >> it's ridiculous in the area. sometimes you hear shots if it's shots or fireworks and it's so much. >> police say the shooter may have left the man in the @area and just call crime stoppers. that number 305-471-tips. you could get cash with the right information. reporting live at jackson memorial hospital. walter morris, 7 news. >> reporter: the deadly drive in north lauderdaleclaiming the life of the child and two carc collided in the nonohbound lanes of rock island road near tam oshanter boulevard. one of the cars spun out of control, crashing into a barrier thenennto the third vehicle. >> we understand when the vehicle spun out, the juvenile was ejected in the vehicle and just pronounced dead here on the scen the female driver of the vehicle had non-life threatening injuries and was transported to university hospital. >> jeff: detectives are looking into the cash but cann believe speed or alcohol are factors in the accident. stealing a car with a baby inside facing a judge today. 16-year-old brian john charged with kidnapping and grand theft. he was taken into custody friday at the juvenile assessment center after investigators say they found fifierprints linking him to the crime. you may remember the story from monday. police say june stole the car from the fort lauderdale laundromat while a 10-month-old-girl was sleeping in the back of the statewide car. the babyultimately found abandoned in the car unharmed hours later. >> jeff: a live look now outside of the studios our bay village and looking for a perfect picture studio. brent? >> brent: jeff, this vantine's eve looking pretty good with the nice cool breeze coming our way. not as chilly as some other nights we've been encountering and even since start of this year. going to call it lovely weather heading into the holiday and most of you will really like this. the barometer on the rise and the breeze at 14 but there is a nice little tch of humidity around ananthings are fine on the radar with the dry sweep across the region and with the cold front and it's hard to pick out his vantage point. at times the gulf of mexico or the atlantic and that front is moving by dry and then it's a lot of chilly air behind it. coming up in a few minutes we'll talk about your mild day on valentine's day. what to expect for the holiday on monday. stay tuned. a south florida medical student speaking out after hes he contracted the zika virus whilin haiti. >> all of a sudden i felt this huge, huge headache. headache i ever felt. >> robbin: kristoff said he came down with the virus while on a trip to port-au-prince. he said he developed the e fever and rashes. >> and then on sunday i saw the rash spread through my entire body. so then i said well, i've never felt anything like that and never had anything like that before. and they've been tested and when it was confirmed to be zika. >> reporter: according to the cdc the first transmission of zika happened in december but meanwhile here in south florida the total number of cases is now at 20. miami-dade reports 7, broward 3. all patients got the virus while visiting overseas. the health emergency remains in effect for 5 florida counties. or concerns about the zika health emergency. if you have any questions or concerns, the number is 855-622-6735. it is staffed 24 hours a day. we also have that number posted for you on >> pope francis receiving a warm welcome in mexico. thousands of people coming out for the chance to see the pontiff in person. and we have some live pictures right here. this is the pope francis in the pope mobileand see the streets lined with a lot of people trying to get a glimpse of the pope on thisissaturday afternoon. preparing to celebrate mass in the hoest catholic shrine. mary maloney has this report. >> reporter: a sea of thousands greeted the first latin through mexico's historic center on saturday. >> pope francis stopped to meet the adoring crowd on the way to the national palace handing out rosaris and embracing several ck children. mexico's president welcomed the pope with the special l ceremony where francis later delivered his first major address aimed d at the country's political and religious leaders. >> (voice of interpreter): experience teaches us that each time we seek the path of privileges or benefits for a few to the detriment of the good of all, sooner or later the life of society becomes fertile soil for corruption. >> reporter: it leads to the lives and the richness of the young people. >> (voice of interpreter): the youthful people in the population is to renew and transform. it's the invitation for the hope. >> reporter: francis would wrap mass at the virgin of guadalup >> today i come as a missionary of mercy. but also as a son who wishs to pay homage to his mother, the blessed virgin of guadalupe and place himself under her watchful care. >> reporter: mary maloney, 7 news. >> jeff: and stay with 7 news for continuing coverage of the pope's visit to mexico. coming up on 7 news at 6, live to mexico city where the pope will end the day celebrating mass. >> robbin: and u.s. airlines getting ready for runway trips to cuba. it's the latest for the historic ilaund and the department of transportation are set to sign an agrereent in havana allowing commercial flights between the u.s. and the island. stops ready for travelers. >> for any service between any city in the united states and any city in cuba. >> robbin: tourism is not under the agreement. visiting family is one of the approved reasons for flying there. and breaking news to share with you. fox news is reporting that associate justice scallia has died. we have a statement from the governor of texas because according to reports he died at a ranch there in texas. those reports say he arrived on friday. did not awake for breakfast this friday. it appears he died of natural causes. he was appointed byronald reagan in 1986 and the governor of texas has released a statement saying, quote, he was a man of god, a patriot and unwavering defender of the rule of law. he goes on to say we extend our deepest condolences to his family and will keep them in our thoughts and prayers again. the u.s. supreme court associate justice scallia dead at the age of 79. >> jeff: now to the race for the white house. the republicans getting ready to square off in south carolina ahead of the state's primary. >> robbin: and the democrats hitting the trail hard. both for support from the key group of boaters. >> reporter: coming off the new hampshire primary, 6 candidates facing off in the saturday night debate and it continues among two gop candidates after autographing baby in louisiana this week and donald trump pledged to go positive. >> i won't use foul language. i just won't do it. >> reporter: less than 24 hours later he threatened ted cruz with a lawsuit tweeting if ted cruz doesn't clean up his act, negative ads, i have standing to sue him for not being a natural born citizen. cruz returned fire. >> there's more than a little irony in donald accusing anyone of being nasty. given the amazing torrent of insults and obscenitis and vulgarities that comes out of his mouth. >> reporter: meanwhile trying to traverse the message that took him to the second place finish in new hampshire. >> it's all negative. how the heck can you sell negative? for my vision and my view and my positive. >> reporter: and after finishing in the back of the pack in new hampshire and going after the front runner's credibility. >> and it's negotiating the hotel deal in another country that's not foreign policy. >> reporter: hillary clinton also in south carolina. >> i'm going to go after every single barrier that stands in do. >> reporter: hoping the palmetto state slows the momentum following the big granite state win. >> thank you, new hampshire! >> reporter: it likely hinges on the support from african american voters who make up to half the democratic electorate in the state. in south carolina to president obama and back in 2008. >> reporter: and then the gop debate coming up on the night team at 11:00 and a reminder. download the voice your choice app. it has the latest on the news coming with the campaign trail. >> and just getting started d coming up from the news station. the beautiful art work and beautiful boats and action packed weekend in full effect in south florida. >> jeff: elitsa bizisos live with all the action. elitsa? >> reporter: we are in coconut grove and having a lot of fun out here at the arts festival but this is not the only thing more on that coming up next. >> reporter: i'm certainly jealous. i'm donovan campbell. coming up in sports hear from the first place florida panthers looking to get back on track tonight. >> and enjoying the final nba all-star game and check in with sports. >> and now little boats, luxurious yachts and pieces of history from the high seas. >> nostalgic to go back and drive a boat that feels like plastic. it's a unique experience. >> reporter: plus beautiful works of art as far as the eye can see. >> moderate and merging temporary street art. >> the fun and festivities in full swing for a big south >> jeff: and what a great time it is be in south florida and happening around town. >> what a great weekend. 7's elitsa bizios is live in coconut grove with the look at all the fun first hand. elitsa? >> reporter: it's a beautiful weekend at the coconut grove arts festival and really enjoying the day. they've been out here since about 10:00 and if festival in particular comes until 6 and it is a big week and this is not the only thing happening this president's day weekend. check it aught owl. it's bringing hundreds of thousands of people to the magic city for 4 major events. kicking off saturday the 53rd annual coconut grove arts festival. >> it's fantastic. we go year after year. >> we right in. it's been beautiful and the weather is like to die for. >> and 180 0 artists with painting sculptures and even ese lawn pieces. >> and then the family is as well. they bring them out each year and the family, vent with everyone. >> and then it's the free m mic on for all thisart. and it's a wonderful thing. >> reporter: the coconut grove arts festival is also an attraction for artists like luis gonzalez. he set up shop here for the last 5 years and each year he says it keeps getting better. >> it's supporting us and going to see them even bett. >> reporter: art also on display at art winwood and about 30,000 art lovers are expected to shuffle through. over in virginia key, boa^ after boat at the 75th annual miami international boat show that's been opened since thursday. and on the beach, collins avenue transformed into yachts miami beach. hundreds of the most expensive vessels like these on display under water giving buyersor take in. >> all right, you saw it there with 4 different locations and transportation and parking and the best way to get here is. we put all of that information on the website. is the place to go. for now live in coconut grove, >> and 7 news coming right back. >> brent: starting off the night with a fine note and even though this morning is a little brisk at times. since then we've had pardly cloudy skies and the temperatures rebounding nicely. currently 74 in pompano beach. mid70s in pembroke pines in fort l lderdale. and mid70s in miami. but not a drop of rain on the radar. looking realalood. and the reason for that dryer air is moving in. out of the west and northwest at just 9 so the humidity is way down at 46 or 48%. now that front, there is a very weak cold front over us but we're not going to have, as we've seen, many times, the real chill spreading in behind it. it just doesn't have that much cool air support. what we're going to track is the area of high pressure where you see the lack of clouds and that is going to continue to move off and tords the middle atlantic states and as we go deeper into mainly sunday night and into monday and even on tuesday. y be a little moisture on the back side of the high coming in from the ocean waters as the breeze picks up. that windy forecast as we start the new week. here's your boating forecast. use caution with any boating plans with the waters choppy and biscayne bay there in the keys with the small craft advisory as well and winds out of the north and northeast for we are going to have that cool breeze. the temperatures mid to upper 50s depending on your location in south florida. heading into valentine's day and tomorrow on sunday. mild and beautiful day with lots of sunshine. the temperatures in the comfortable range for this time of the year and then the temperatures are going to rise a little bit warmer as we go down into the deeper part of the week and maybe even 80 by tuesday or wednesday. that's your 7 on 7 forecast. >> jeff: and tonight following this news out of west texas, sicalia dead after being found early in the ranch and going to attend a private party with 40 people and he was found dead and the fbi and also the u.s. marshal service is investigating. we're on top of the developing story with live pictures of the u.s. supreme court right there. so far no reports and no information coming from the stay with us. feel. on the ice. they got on the e score board first against the blues and gave up 3 goals in the first then going to try to bounce back against the nashville predators. >> and they were awful. i think they should have been up 2-0 and made some good saves and then we got the first goal but i didn't like the way we started the game last night. they scored the 3 goals after that but i thought the first 5 shifts were sound asleep. >> reporter: and continuing in toronto with the competition and the 3-point shoot out and slam dudu contest. the former contest winner kobe bryant is making the most of the final all-star weekend. playing some defense on the black mamba. check it out! then going to come with the status as an elder statesman. >> and the amazing line over 20 years and d i think literally my first all-star gimmight have been 7 years old. so it's a joy to kind of be around these young guysysand see how much the game has evolved. >> reporter: we're not that old. and then traveling to then going to have a stand out year. then it's 10 points a game and shoot out the career high and they say dedense is the key to the canes' success. >> we believe that tom should be first game all defense and then it's the defensive player of the year. and then if not i don't know because so many people will not go deeply enough into numbers to know how important a defensive player is for us. >> and then it's the super bowl champion with denver brofrpgo guesting on sports xtra. it's here tomorrow night at 11:30. that's the sports. robbin and jeff. >> all right, donvan, thank you. >> i'm robbin simmons. >> jeff: and i'm jeff lennox. justice antonio scalia is dead. we'll have more tonight. stay with us. captioning provided by: depere, wi it's another edition of the best half hour in high school sports. meet the next star basketball prospect to come out of new jersey... and we'lllllso talk to all-americans on the boys' and girls' sides.... plus, we look back at what happened on national signing day... that's all coming up next, on sports stars of tomorrow. (show open) hello, and welcome... i'm your host, charles davis... we're basketball court today... let's get started with one of the nation's top point guards... new jersey has an impressive history of producing n-b-a talent... and we've seen a few on this show... from kyrie irving... to karl towns... and this year, one name to know in the garden state is tyus battle... he's hoping to add his name to the prestigious list of new jersey sta players of the year. battle 42:20 - it's a huge honor, so many great players to come out of this area, kyrie, michael gilchrist, andrew bynum, so many others. huge honor. battle has had a few changes of heart on his way to becoming a nationally ranked prospect... he was once committed totoichigan, but is now on his way to syracuse... and he previously played his hi school ball at gil saint bernards in gladstone, new jersey... but he's playing his senior season at st. joseph in metuchen (met-touch-en)... that's the same high school towns came from... battle knows that no matter where he plays in new jersey, he'll be facing some tough competition. tyus 36:40 -

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