Transcripts For WSOC Eyewitness News Daybreak 500A 20160218

Transcripts For WSOC Eyewitness News Daybreak 500A 20160218

all parents are getting the opportunity, the same opportunity to voice their opinions, another education group called one charlotte said some parents can't get to meetings in places like matthews and job schedules make it hard for them to attend. >> are we asking the questions to people that always get their opinions heard or are-we reach out to the marginalized communities? >>reporter: now, once charlotte is planning on holding list campaigns in different areas so parents won't be left out. they'll have another opportunity to voice their opinions on this topic. the meeting starts at 9:00 this morning. reporting live in south charlotte. angela hong, channel 9, eyewitness news. >> thank you. we have posted a link on our website for parents to take the cms survey on reassignment. we have information about monday's forum on look for the story on our home page. happening today, a judge convicted in a murder for hire plot against her ex-husband. a jury found fasha davis guilty last summer. she secretly recorded v showing her trying to pay undercover officers who she thought were hit men. the nursing supervisor was in a custody battle with her ex-husband. she faces 40 years in prison. 5:03. happening today, the cmpd chief will meet with city leaders to discuss ways to cut down on the rise of violent crime. kirk putney and members of the safety committee will review the crime numbers. they will try to identify trends in the stats and impact on the community. leaders will discuss cmpd programs like the cops and barbers events aimed to build trust between the police and the community. he released the crime numbers last month showing crime up 10% last year. violent crime was up 18% led by murders up 36%. chief putney has said he plans officers to fight the rising crime. a maiming story we'll be following for your day ahead. north carolina lawmakers will hold an emergency session that could ultimately impact who represents you in congress. >> this comes a day after state leaders unveiled new congressional district map. eyewitness news reporter joe bruno is live along i-85 in north charlotte. tomorrow is the deadline to redraw the . >> yeah, if the lines aren't redrawn by tomorrow, north carolina's congressional primary in less than a month can't happen. the district in question is district 12. the new line breaks it up. it is informally known as the i-85th district. this is what the district looks like. it stretches along the interstate from charlotte to greensboro. a three judge panel ruled last week it is unconstitutional based on race. yesterday lawmakers came up with this map, you can see there are major changes for the up coming primary. new districts and means district 12 is left without incumbent congress matter alma adams. creating new districts this close to an election is unprecedented and a lot of questions r. >> whether or not the elections will be cancelled, postponed. filing will be reopened -- >> right now she is just focussed on doing her job. the emergency session starts in raleigh at 10. reporting live in north charlotte, joe bruno, channel 9, eyewitness news. eyewitness news reporter jim bradley will be in raleigh this morning for the emergency session. watch eyewitness news at five for a complete coverage. it is expected to be another busy day for republican presidential candidates as they try to drum up support days before the south carolina primary. presidential hopefuls jeb bush and john kasich will hold campaign events in our area today. at 5:30, bush will be in rock hill for a town hall and kasich will hold a similar event in indian land. a town hall, cnn is hosting in columbia tonight with rival donald trump. republican candidates marco rubio, ted cruz and ben carson answered questions from voters in greeeeille during a similar event. they discussed a variety of topics from immigration to the replacement of late supreme court justice antonin scalia and explained what sets them apart from the others. >> i can guarantee you i've had more 2:00 a.m. phone calls than all of the rest of them. had to make life and death decisions. i can look at that field of candidates running today and tell you without any hesitation that no one running as a republican has shown better judgment or has more experience on national security or on foreign policy than i do. >> we won among conservatives but we won among evangelicals and reagan democrats and young people. >> trump is firing back at lindsey graham. this comes after we told you on tuesday that the former is reevaluating whether he would support trump as the republican nominee. >> he is a disgrace and i think you have one of the worst representatives of any representative in the united states. i don't think he could run for dog catcher in this state and win again. i really don't. >> a new national poll shows trump is falling behind senator ted cruz. the wall street poll says 28% of voters support cruz. trump is close behind with 26%. rubio is close in 3rd. dozens of people in cleveland county will soon be moving their jobs. williams electric company in shelby says it is cutting the 168 positions. there the company is an electrical contractor that designs and maintains control systems for government and commercial users. right now it is 5:07. a group of military members in north carolina will soon receive falling victim to a massive financing scam. attorney general roy cooper says hundreds of military members were tricked into buying over priced electronics and given loans through a company called rome finance. they're refun$250,00 $1,100 per service member. they will offer debt forgiveness. down to the wire finish kept dung and unc chapel hill -- duke and unc chapel hill faps on the edge of -- fans on the edge of their seat. with minutes to go, gracen allen had game winning free throws they won 74-73. we have weather and traffic every ten minutes. here is meteorologist keith monday in severe weather center 9. we're keeping this streak of nice weather going. >> going to be great the next couple of days. nice, clear picture out there from the charlotte cam. all clear, all dry. a few clouds in the mountains to start the day. the mountain counties under a two delay from the residual couple of days ago. secondary roads may be icy but not anticipating any big problems up there. as we get ready for the weekend, a big warm up is on the way. 60s are coming back in with the sunny and dry weather coming in. it will be short lived. don't get used to it. we'll go back to a cloudy and dreary weather pattern into next week. let's get you on the roads. live pictures in. what is the current situation. >> we have an update on work going on on nevin road. there was a pedestrian bridge that started back on january 19th. it has been extended through march 18th over irwin creek. we'll see this closed throughout february and march. this is happening between fisher boulevard and nevin brook road. you're taking statesville up to old statesville back to nevin road. are monitoring on wilkerson boulevard on bowyer street. no big issues as far as slow downs for folks. developing this morning, clover town leaders plan to hear resident's concerns over a proposed cell phone tower. it would be built on walnut street. neighbors are concerned it will be an eyesore and hurt the property values. it will be the tallest structure in the entire town.n. the zoning board will reconsider the approvea. a date hasn't been set yet but a decision puts another hold on construction and the courts decide what is next. a charlotte mother is furious after american airlines lost track of her 11-year-old daughter who was travelling alone. >> i don't want another parent to go through this. >> ahead at 5:45, the conflicting information she was given when her child's flight was diverted. >> if you were hanging out to the same credit card for years, you're not alone but the loyalty the factors you should consider if you're shopping around for a better rate. a hickory man needed help getting into court after learning that his girlfriend he is accuse of shooting died. the mistake that sent him before a judge without knowing he was . 5:14. we're taking a live look at the lake norman cam trachlt is a little cool at 30 -- camera. it is a little cool at 30 degrees. some places are cooler. avery and watauga with a two delay for lingering issues in the mountains. a paper work error put a suspect in court before he knew he was facing a murder charge. >> you can see how shaken he was yesterday when he arrived at court. he leaned on his lawyer at one point who told him minutes thacker shot her monday. he was in jail on assault with a deadly weapon charge. he had not been served the murder warrant. >> he just found out when i went in to speak with him. >> nobody told him before? >> no. he had not heard. >> investigators told us they found what was believed was the murder weapon not far from the home during the search. the error has been corrected. developing this morning, a federal judge agreed to move the trial of a morganton teen accused of providing support to isis. a judge signed an order yesterday granting a delay moving justin sullivan's trial on the federal charges from february to october. both sides say they need additional time to further investigate the case. the fbi arrested sullivan june 19th. investigators charged sullivan with murdering his neighbor three months before he expressed his support for isis. he stole his father's gun to the union county sheriff's office has sea cracking down on heroin in the neighborhoods and it seems to be paying off. yesterday, deputies arrested three people on felony heroin charges. christina karn and carl garner are charged with felony possession of heroin, drug paraphernalia. harley helms is charged with trafficking heroin and intent to sell it. it is implementing new tactics to tackle this problem. they're undergoing training for a drug that reverses the effects of heroin. they hope to have them equipped with the drug by early march. officials at the national institute of health say researchers may be closer to developing a zika vaccine than originally thought. this summer. they're using previous research from west nile to quickly create a vaccine for the zika virus. a larger scale trial for the vaccine could happen as soon as early next year. there are more than 50 cases of the virus in the u.s.. a 4th person is being treated for the zika virus in south carolina. the health department says there are no confirmed cases so far. the virus is believed to cause birth defects. all cases have been contracted outside of the u.s.. researchers say more young adults are abusing a drug to treat adhd. john hopkins university researchers found adderall prescriptions have not increased but the number of people who got it from a friend or relative sky rocketed 67%. emergency room visits jumped 156%. the federal government is trying to crackdown on where people can use the food stamps restaurants and congress didn't intend noor to happen. the agency wants to change the rules so that a store can only accept food stamps if 15% of the sales include food that is cooks or heated on site. >> as long as it is used for food, who are we to micro manage. >> the usda is accepting public comment for 60 days. if you want to weigh on this, go to our link,, we've got the link there. scroll over news and click on latest links. weather and traffic e ten minutes. here is meteorologist keith monday in severe weather center 9 with a very clear look outside. >> nice and clear picture. check out the lake norman picture. you can see for miles and miles today. no fog issues across the board. everybody completely dry. obviously it is cold out there. we're at 29 in charlotte. 27 in lincolnton, statesville, salisbury. no fog or ice issues. low to mid-30's but you'll fall near freezing before your so crystal clear sky this morning so the chilly start, 40 by nine, we bounce up to near 50 by lunch time. a gorgeous day today with a few thin clouds passing through from time to time. you hit the mid-50's, close to average this time of the year. this is your typical february, late february forecast heading into the weekend, though it will feel a lot more like spring. it is good baseball weather. the charlotte 49ers are starting the baseball. we'll be in the upper 50s tomorrow. 60s for the weekend. a small chance for rain on sunday. it will be a mountain light shower chance but can't rule out a few sprinkles coming into town. very little shot. most of us will be quiet and dry. those clouds coming in on sunday, that is a sign of a bigger change for next week. look at the outlook for temperatures next week across the southeast. below average temperatures are likely and that will mean a cool forecast dropping us back into the 40s after monday of next week. lot of the rain chance building in as well. this weekend, again, very quiet, monday, the showers start up, that chance will get even better still as we head into early next week, by tuesday and wednesday, maybe talking about pretty heavy downpours coming in. the five-day forecast, the weekend always in view. it will beautiful. more clouds build up on sunday, the rain chance not that significant as of right now. closer to 70 degrees sunday afternoon. still in the low 60s on monday as the rain chance starts up. once that rain chance gets stronger next week, the temperatures will start to plunge pretty quickly once more. 5:20, weather and traffic every ten minutes. a few minor problems throughout early this morning. >> we had earlier wrecks near billy graham parkway. no big delays and that goes for east charlotte as well. we're checking out independence boulevard for those around briar creek and john belk and brookshire freeways. it is a quiet start and that includes folks in monroe. matthews to uptown this morning. 50 miles an hour. 13 minutes. plenty of troom move around from mint hill on u.s. 74 heading from albemarle road at 14 minutes. 44 miles an hour. south charlotte from providence road around 51 towards queens road. 14 minutes. average speed will be 40 miles an hour. stephanie? a local mother outraged saying american airlines gave her the run around after they lost track of her 11-year-old daughter flying around. >> they lied to me about where she was. they really didn't know! >> at 5:45, the series of problems that kept the little girl stranded for hours and system her mother says failed misblaechl. health officials in -- misably. >> health officials reporting mumps viruss. where the virus originated and reason the vaccine may not be nouf protect you. police are taking steps to during one of the biggest myrtle beach police hope to have new tools in place as they try to avoid problems during the atlantic bike fest. the department will have stationary license plate readers to alert them when vehicles are linked to crimes in the area. the bike fest ran smoothly with no shootings but in 2014, 3 people were killed. it was a homecoming for the first african-american to hold the job as u.s. army surgeon general. naja west will visit fort bragg to talk about the success and concerns moving forward. she applauded the er expansion and mother baby unit renovations at womack army center. she says going back to the base where she used to be commander is a surreal moment. >> that is inspiration to others who have humble beginnings to know they can go as far as they desire if they work hard at it. >> the law enforcement general and highest ranking woman to graduate from west point. chances are, the credit card in your wallet will last alonger than your carry or even your -- car or even your current job. when is the right time to change car cards? the reason most people don't close old accounts and why it might not hurt your credit as much as you might think. >> i'm looking forever the futurecast data to see -- i'm looking over the futurecast data to see if rain is sneaking into plans. to keep mumpsrying your buddy ron once said he could install your ceiling fan. he couldn't. and that one time ron said another chili dog was a good idea. yeah, it wasn't. so when ron said you'd never afford a john deeretractor, you knew better. now ron does too. the e series. legendary john deere quality. unexpected low price. e series compact tractors come with ost powertrain warranty. . parents on edge after six more suspected cases of the mumps in the area the reason you may not know if you've been in contact with an infected person and how officials believe it got here. local police used to turn cash seized from criminals into new equipment from the department until feds yanked the program. . thanks for joining us live this thursday morning. i'm stephanie maxwell. meteorologist keith monday is in severe weather center 9. keeping an eye on the temperatures. >> cold this morning. it is dry outside. a very calm start to the day today. we're at 29 charlotte douglas. and up into harrisburg. most of this will fall below freezing to start day today. but we still ep joy a nice warm up coming our way for this afternoon with temperatures running close to seasonal averages this time of the year. maybe a couple of layers here this morning. won't need all of the heavy layers this afternoon with another day in the 50s. lots of sunshine will be around, fairly light winds today. the nice warm up is not changing. the clouds will go back quickly during the weekend plans. i'll have the futurecast timeline to see if anyone has the rain chance for the outdoor activities this afternoon. let's head over to mark taylor in the traffic center. >> southbound to the john belk looking great. light traffic flow heading south at 5:30 connecting, rather merging from the connector lane onto the interstate without problems. for folks out of york county. just checked in with highway patrol north. checking conditions on 85, it will be closer to sugar creek for folks heading south out of university area. traffic starting to build south out of concord but from bruton smith south out of town, free and clear. if you want to get caught up on traffic conditions, head over to our website, and click on the traffic tab. 5:31 now. health officials in three local counties are working to contain the spread of the mum peps after eight possible cases. >> we've been following this after we broke the story about two confirmed cases tuesday. eyewitness news reporter joe bruno is live to explain how they think the virus started joe? feet away from someone to get mumps. to give you an idea, that is how close to the fence i am right now. somebody contracted this rare virus by travelling through an airport. . health officials aren't confirm wheeg that is. one is in mecklenburg county, the other in iredell county. channel 9 learned six additional people are being monitored for mumps as well including at least one person in cabarrus county. health officials say they're all co-workers or acquaintances. vaccines made the virus rare but vaccines wear off ove. >> as you're getting into the later teen years, young adult years, many preventible diseases, you see them come back . >> doctors say it is contagious. they also say that the symptoms are similar to the flu except with extremely swollen glands. reporting live in north charlotte, joe bruno, channel 9, >> we posted information about the mumps and what you can do to prevent the virus at look inside the story on our home page. new this morning, two york county men are in jail facing a slew of charges after they led police on a brief chase through rock hill. deputies tell us this started yesterday before 6:00 p.m. when they tried to pull over two men along west white street when the two got out and run. they arrested brandon griggs and anthony grejeda. they found drugs including cocaine and heroin, 10 cell phones and nearly $600. the two are facing a total of 18 charges now including possession with the intent to sell. >> choppers and neighbors helped catch a man who police say kidnapped and raped a woman in rock hill. >> antonio wiley attacked a woman near a busy shopping center. into his car and beat her. they heard her scream for help. the witnesses led police to an apartment where they arrested wiley and found the victim. >> apparently, just ordinary people saved a woman's life by being willing to take a personal risk to do the right thing. >> it didn't look right to everyone who saw it and they were a big help. >> wiley faces several charges this morning including kidnapping, assault and rape. time now, 5:34. right now, north carolina agencies are pushing to bring back federal funds used to keep the charlotte area safe. >> this all comes after the federal government pulled the plug on a program that allows agencies to keep some of the money that is seized during investigations. eyewitness news reporter angela hong is live in south charlotte. they hope the state law will get the program back up and ru. >> that's right, john, many they're trying to make up for some of the federal funds they also. matthews police department in the past have collected half a million dollars. we spoke with monroe police department who is feeling the effects of losing the money. it went towards keeping the community safe. some would buy tasers or vehicles. we reported that because of budget cuts, the department of justice suspended the program to allow money seized during investigations. now departments are turning to state leaders to create a tlafrp would allow them to get some of the money back. state senator jeff tarte says he is willing to have a discussion about a new law. >> there is an appropriate place and use for that type of program potentially. there are ways that it could be tremendously and grossly abused if administered inappropri. office told channel 9 that north carolina is unique in that money from forfeitures goes to public schools instead of local law enforcement agencies. reporting live in charlotte, angela hong, channel 9, eyewitness news. 5:36. new this morning, americans are very loyal to the credit cards with about 25 million not switching the go to card in the last 10 years. thee wall street journal reports 20 million credit card holders have never changed their cards at all. credit experts recommending keeping existing credit cards open because that could impact your credit score. it maintains the amount of credit available to the consumer. consumers have been increasing the spending lately so companies have begun making better offers including sign up boepuses to spend on travel and even a zero % interest rate for limited time. new this morning, toyota is recalling 3 million suvs issue with the seatbelts. the affected vehicles include the rav four. rav four v and vanguard vehicles thchlt we were sold between august 2014. they have e ports of two crashes including one in the united states where a rear seatbelt had come apart. toyota dealers will fix the problem at no cost. a filibuster stopped south carolina senator from voting. they took the floor for hours last night. he does not support a bill that could raise taxes by more $800 million. one proposal includes boosting the tax by $0.12 a gallon while cutting the income tax. some south carolina drivers told us they will support it if lawmakers are serious about the plan. >> if i knew for sure that is where the money would go, i would be good with it, but who knows where the money is really going to go. >> the issue of repairing roads came to the forefront after october's historic floods. were damaged across south carolina. it created a momentum to raise the gas tax to pay for flood damage but lawmakers want to use a $1.2 billion surplus in the state budget to pay for the damage. a national non-profit fighting hate says more americans are joining hate groups. the southern poverty law center says the groups grew to 892 last year nationwide and it is a 14% jump from 2014. the kkk and black sabbath groups saw the big grew. north carolina has 29 hate groups across the state. south carolina has 22. the mississippi state senate will start going over a bill to allow some people to carry guns in church. the house passed a bill yesterday in response to the deadly shooting at emanuel ame church in charleston. he proposed the bill because some churches cans ford security be able to designate some members to get firearms training and carry gunning. crews are scheduled to break ground on charlotte's new football field that the panthers are paying for part of. it is being funded in part by the grass roots field grant. the panthers are kickin $200,000. it is supposed to be ready for the next football season. the ground breaking is scheduled for 10 a.m.. new this morning, governor pat mccrory is paying up for his bets on the panthers in the super bowl. you can see it here. he put on, the bet he placed with colorado governor and he is wearing that denver broncos jersey and announced food will be sent to a food bank and animal shelter in colorado. shelters in north carolina would also get food. we have weather and traffic every ten minutes. here is meteorologist keith monday, still need a coat out there this morning. a little chilly. >> it will be here for the next few mornings. that is coming our way by the end of the week and into the week. you can still see a lot of 20's across the region. zooming into the mountains here this morning, we saw teens up at banner oak. it is at 19 right now. watauga county is under a two delay because of the residual effects of the snow. 24 in blowing rock. mid-20's in the foothills. thankfully it is dry. no fog issues, no ice issues on the roads. we'll talk about the bigger warm up coming in for the weekend. it may be short lived though. let's get on the roads and see if alternate routes are needed. >> so far so good, keith. no accidents blocking lanes or causing big delays but there is a new problem in north charlotte. this is reported on harris boulevard around rocky river road. still green conditions in the area something we'll continue to watch for you this morning. checking out south charlotte. i-485 at i-77. no issues here getting onto the ramp for folks heading into pineville. york county at the state line, 13-minute ride. average speed is 62 miles an hour. stephanie? a 10-year-old girl stranded for hours in columbia's airport as her mother tried to find out where she was. >> i'm getting frantic because i have no idea who took her wlshgs she is. what she is thinking. >> next this morning, the break down in communication she says caused the problem and what she wants the airline to d. almost two years ago i started reporting on the unusual number of cases of a rare eye cancer here in huntersville with possible connections to the campus at the high school. to get involvers (donkey sound) (elephant sound) there's a big difference between making noise, (tapping sound) and making sense. (elephant sound) (donkey sound) when it comes to social security, we need more than lip service. our next president needs a real plan to keep social security strong. (elephant noise) hey candidates. enough talk. . close to 5:45. a local mother says american airlines lied to her about her daughter's where abouts as she waited for her to arrive in charlotte. >> corin shaw paid extra money to make sure they took care of magazine yeechlt when her flight when her flight was diverted to columbia the they never contacted her. she reached out to them who said she was inside the airport. she talked to her daughter who said she was still on the plane. >> they lied to me about where she was. columbia, south carolina, because of the weather. shaw says she started driving there but the airline told her charlotte. she says the flight was turned around again. she wants the airline to review the policy in place and figure out why it failed. american has since apologized. world's largest package delivery company is expanding the passport services. ups will allow customers to schedule appointments for passport pictures at the 4,500 stores nationwide including here in charlotte. last year it started offering the option at 1,000 of the stores. the expansion is in response to an expected surge in demand. 50 million american passports expire over the next three years. about to get a big boost from a charlotte foundation. yesterday, the leon levine foundation said it will match contributions up to $150,000. it applies to any donations made to the living legacy fund. last year the fund helped finance zero interest mortgages for six new habitat owners. let's go live to blowing rock this morning. you can see there is still snow sitting on the ground in watauga county. they're all delayed by twos. it is likely because of the lingering issues out there and the cool temperatures to be sure, we weather and traffic every ten minutes. here is meteorologist keith monday in severe weather center 9, and you know it is, we're seeing this upward trend with the temperatures. >> you're getting a lot more melting in the mountains as we head through this weekend into next week because we may end up getting a rain chance even for the high country next week than the actual snow chance. it would be cold enough if we had moisture around. salisbury, you're 26. 29 in charlotte and of course, in the mountains we have below freezing also. you saw the mountain communities in the teens this morning. so it is going to stay cold. throughout the day today. we hover near the average high mid-50's. 49 at noon, so it is a nice warm up thanks to a lot of sunshine and a fairly light breeze. up in the mountains today. beautiful, you're breaking out of the 30s today. back at2 up around boone and jefferson so a lot of sunshine it will be great here, weather pattern for the mountains as we head through the end of the weekend. same for hickory. you'll stay in the sunshine through the afternoon. you'll be in the low 30s this morning but back into the 40s by midday. we're looking ahead to a nice and swift turn around. for the next three days in the city. it will be beautiful. mid to upper 50s tomorrow. mid-60's saturday and sunday. still a very, very, very small chance for just a light shower mostly a mountain light rain chance on saturday. a lot of high cloud cover will mix through the day on saturday and the futurecast, very little rain coming in. heading into sunday, same story, we may just see a few little sprinkles rolling through. it is next week, though, when things begin to change as the temperatures will eventually start to go back down. so our five-day forecast with the weekend always in vefrment we'll keep in in 50s -- in view. we'll keep it in the 50s. 60s are on tap for the weekend. we'll be at 62 on monday. that is the warmest day we'll have next week by far as the temperatures may go back into the 40s again by tuesday and wednesday as more rain starts to settle back in. but this is looking like an all rain event coming in our direction. >> okay. >> we're on this roller coaster. >> we're on the up swing into the weekend. >> we have weather and traffic every ten minutes on eyewitness news daybreak. here is traffic team 9's mark taylor. >> watching traffic as it builds we're in the green condition for the most part. no big slow downs for 85. and 77 northbound down in south charlotte coming in from york county. we're watching things out of kannapolis and concord southbound from nc 73 to 485. 68 miles an hour. folks getting through with lots of room and no big issues. we did have an accident on harris boulevard on rocky river. minor delay expected here and checking conditions on 85 this is north of w.t. harris boulevard southbound lanes headed from university area over towards the i-77 interchange without any issues. stephanie? new development overnight in the hunt for a man accused of bilking local car dealers out of thousands of dollars with a sophisticated scam. the way he used the business's own credit card machines to trick them. if you're of leasing a cable box, the changes regulators will be discussing today that could end up saving you lots of money. in hours, north carolina congressional district mapscongressional district . breaking news. six soldiers are dead in southeast charlotte in the second major bombing to -- southeast turkey in the second major bombing. military vehicles drove by. here is video of the fire and you can see people running after that explosion. this comes one day after a suicide bombing killed 28 people. the leader of the kurdish rebel group denies involvement but tushgm's president said evidence points to the rebels. authorities say no charges will be-be filed after a teacher was hit and killed in the parking lot. brandon kin cade was a second grade teacher. the daycare bus hit kincade killing him. says after an investigation, the driver ray bass would not be charged in the death. the charlotte d.o.t. will host a meeting about train horn noise. the federal rail administration requires them to sound a horn. there is an exemption called a kwie yet zone. they will -- quiet zone. they will share information related to way side horns, a device that directs it away from the road. >> nice, clear morning. >> it will be nice this afternoon with sunshine. you'll want the jackets this morning obviously. the temperatures are below freezing in many neighborhoods. a couple of clouds in the mountains are clearing out. you'll find minor icy travel because of the snow. secondary roads especially. be cautious of that. i'll be talking about the weekend. the big warm up coming in with it, and the rain chances that will be increasing as we wind our way into next week. out there on the roads. >> watching traffic build out of davidson. still no big issues here. heading through huntersville this morning but we do have updates for you including an accident on harris boulevard and an update on the construction project on nevin road. if you have children you know how expensive it can be to hire a babysitter. data shows how big of a business it is becoming. the factors pushing rates higher and unusual group turning to babysitting to get extra cash. hundreds of parents are expected to gather today to discuss student reassignment and busing. i'm angela hong in south charlotte, coming up next in a live report, i'll tell you what . thousands of votes up in the air ahead of today's emergency meeting about next month's congressional primary. the complications leaders have to sort out as they try to quickly redraw voting districts that will determine who you can vote for. another opportunity this morning to weigh in on efforts that could shuffle cms students to different schools. the concerns that not every parent is getting their voice heard and what one group wants to do to fix that. good morning, thanks for joining us, i'm john paul. >> i'm stephanie maxwell. it is almost 6:00. ashe, avery and watauga county schools are on a two-hour delay. >> meteorologist keith monday is in severe weather center 9 with a first look at the weather and the temperatures will be going up from where we're at right now. >> a little cold but we'll see sunshine and warm weather. you're stepping out the door, freezing in charlotte. 26 in lincolnton. 28 in concord. 20's in albemarle and the mountains. still may find a few icy spots from the last couple of days. all dry. i know snow is falling up there but maybe a few slick patches. the morning drive, a chilly start. back to 40 around 9:00. lots of sunshine all day long today will put us back in the mid-50's once again. really great weather pattern as we head toward the weekend. we'll show you a few tweaks for making it to the weekend. a few sprinkles will try to sneak back in. the time is of 6:00 a.m.. let's get you out on the roads with mark and see what is happening on the road closure. >> we had an update on this. a pedestrian bridge built adjacent to nevin road. it has been extended because of it will be closed and has been closed since january. now it is march 18th. the alternate route is taking nevin to statesville road. old statesville to given road. we've been watching an accident scene to the north near harris boulevard near rocky river road. we're expecting minor delays. stick with harris. we'll watch that, if that changes, we'll let you know. in a few hours there, will be an emergency meeting to determine who you vote for next month. people who live in this area right here could become part of north carolina's new 12th congressional district. this is a far cry from this current district 12 that was declared unconstitutional. eyewitness news reporter joe bruno is live in north charlotte to explain the complicated process that comes with such a big change right before the elections. joe? >> hundreds of thousands of voters could find themselves living in a different district

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