Transcripts For WRC News4 Today At 5 20151208 : comparemela.

Transcripts For WRC News4 Today At 5 20151208

spotsylvania county sheriff's office is asking for your help. katelin akens is missing. yesterday someone found her luggage in the drainage ditch right outside fredericksburg. however, akens family last saw her about 40 miles away at the francona springfield metro station. they say she was heading to reagan national airport to catch a flight. also in spotsylvania, investigators are now looking for a suspect in a murder. they say that heather ciccone was found dead inside of a car on piney branch road. county detectives say she was in the driver's seat and had severe trauma to her upper body. ciccone was 21 years old. and 5:01, a change in the defense for first officer charged in freddie gray's death. trying to prove that gray was hurt before he arrived. porter's lawyers are shifting the blame to officer caesar goodson who faces the most serious charge. scheduled to go on trial next month. an expert medical witness claims freddie gray likely would have survived if he had immediate medical attention. donald j. trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of muslims entering the united states until our country's representatives can figure out what the hell is going on. >> donald trump claims the ban is needed because a large number of muslims living in the united states hate america and have no respect for human life. coming up at 5:30, tracie potts will break down the new controversy and how it is dividing some in his own party. we have new information this morning on the san bernardino shooting. a judge orders the suspect's 6-month-old daughter to be placed in foster care before being adopted by extended family. we're learning that county employees underwent active shooting training inside the same conference room. last wednesday's rampage took place. the fbi says the couple was seen at multiple shooting ranges practicing with rifles. one witness said he saw syed farook a couple of days before at a shooting range. heads of the agency will tell the subcommittee how they plan to protect the united states from aviation related terrorism. today's hearing comes three months after an inspect general reports cited the agency for several procedural failures. after that hearing, all security screeners and management with the tsa had to be retrained. you may encounter new security checkpoints on metro. they're looking for possible explosives, also more than 20 canine teams doing sweeps. leaders from d.c. and virginia and maryland are working to find ways to improve business. muriel bowser, terry mccauliff and mike miller are hosting the first capital regional business forum. business owners meet in fairfax county. they have a chance to bring up development in job opportunities. also talk about challenges that they face. four d.c. council members are pushing to stop the exelon, pepco murder. they arg the merger was initially denied and then later approved after mayor bowser renegotiated a deal. the final decision on that merger is expected next year. the redskins, not too happy right about now. >> and good! >> unbelievable. really unbelievable. a nail biter, but the cowboys won the game with that field goal with just ten seconds left to go. the teams traded the lead multiple times. in the last couple of minutes, kirk cousins says the season is definitely not over yet. >> fourth quarter still out of us, won't be an easy road, but still meaningful games where we play for something and it is all out there in front of us. >> certainly is. the redskins, the giants and the eagles are tied. and the cowboys are one game back now. unbelievable. >> but we have a bright spot to share with you. a member of our news 4 morning team had a special night. check it out. take a look. this is our traffic reporter melissa mollet's son, he got to do the coin flip. that's amazing. >> every redskins fan's dream. >> good to see everybody back, even though we couldn't get them in there. go brennan. we have breaking news in the oscar pistorius case, why he was just granted bail despite his new murder conviction. if you use i-66, you probably have thoughts on the plan to add tolls. where your voice can actually be heard later today. let's peek at the temperatures. most of you are going to see temps in the 30s and 40s if you're just walking out to the metro. chuck is fine tuning your commuter forecast at 5 wove breaking news about an hour ago, a south african judge grand bail to oscar pistorius. that is pending sentencing for his murder conviction. the supreme court of appeal convicted him of murdering his girlfriend reeva steenkamp of 2013. the conviction overturned a lower court's conviction of lesser crime of manslaughter. sentencing now set for april. you can weigh in tonight on a plan to add tolls to i-66 inside the beltway. that plan would mean tolls for drivers on week days, peak periods and peak directions. some could pay as much as 300 bucks a month to use the lanes. a public meeting at 6:00 tonight at george mason high school. the commonwealth transportation board expected to make a final decision on those tolls. tolls are one way to get around the traffic, but you also got to deal with the weather. if you plan on driving early this morning, going to be a quick, cold walk to the car. >> temperatures back down to the 30s this morning. 36 winchester and lorh and lura. upper 20s in the panhandle of west virginia. seasonably colder early this morning. cold but dry this morning. temperatures mid-30s on the way in to work and school and mid-50s on the way home. plenty of sunshine today, sun goes down before 5:00. any weather slowdowns, nothing today or tomorrow. little risk of a sprinkle or drizzle coming in tomorrow night. more about that coming up in ten minutes. for now, it is traffic time. here is mellissa mollet. first crash of the morning, centerville, left lane and shoulder getting by. you can see here in the camera, that crash activity in the center of the roadway and causing delays back towards route 234. be careful with that and pay attention. if you're from frederick, all the way down to 270 to the beltway, no problems now. moving at posted speeds. when you get in your car morning, don't forget, tune into wtop 103.5 fm for traffic updates on the 8s. passengers on board a flight from the u.s. to france, they're being rebooked after their plane had to be diverted. what forced them to make a pit stop in montreal. dramatic new video coming in from the pacific northwest where portland saw record rainfall yesterday. and the threat of flooding isn't over yet. >> while you were sleeping, students at a local university were sheltering in place. the threat made against catholic university. this holiday, ford america's best-selling brand is giving you more. the ford holiday sales event... with 0% financing for 60 months on 2015 f-150 and focus and 2016 fusion and escape. plus 1,000 dollars holiday bonus cash on 2015 focus and 2016 fusion and escape. it's the best gift ever. now during the ford holiday sales event get 0% financing for 60 months plus 1,000 dollars holiday bonus cash on select vehicles. see your local ford dealer. we're following a developing story, a scary night for students at catholic university in northeast washington. they were told to stay inside after reports of an armed suspect on campus. molette green is live on campus where the all clear has been given, but tensions are still high. >> good morning, yeah. campus, this campus is back to normal. after a lockdown that lasted several hours here. d.c. police and campus security gave the all clear. a few hours ago after telling the school community to shelter in place through social media, posting several tweets about this. there was a concern about a potentialed arm suspect described as someone of middle eastern appearance. campus police say a custodial worker reported being approached by a possible suspected gunman. approximately someone between 19 and 20 years of age wearing a black sports coat. d.c. police came here to search for a possible suspicious package. two areas had to be evacuated. the explosives unit came in to search through the properties. no explosives found on this campus. i repeat, nothing found on this campus. some students were studying at the time in the library. and reportedly police escorted them back to their residents. the all clear given several hours ago here at the campus university of america. that is the latest there live from the campus. a muslim cab driver who was berated and attacked by a passenger in alexandria has been given $350,000 in damages. a federal jury found ed dahlburg assaulted salim. he was caught on video saying anti-muslim slurs. after the video ended, salim says dahlburg punched him several times and he ed stimes. passengers waiting to get on a new flight to paris, their flight was diverted after an anonymous threat. this is new video of police on the tarmac up there in montreal. the air france flight was six hours into its flight from san francisco when it was diverted there and the airline says it is trying to find out who is behind that threat. it was 5:17. a plan for high speed rail is up for debate tonight. leaders are having that public meeting. they are going to talk about possible new station locations along with track and safety improvements. that meeting is set to start at 5:00 and run to 7:30 at dorothy hart community center. there could be big changes in how the safety of your car is actually measured. transportation secretary anthony fox and the national highway traffic safety administration will announce enhancements to its five star safety ratings system. that could include new technology for avoiding crashes like emergency braking and collision warnings. right now the ratings system is based only on how safe the car is once it is in a crash. in news for your health, health experts say if you don't work out in your 20s, it may affect your health latern life. university of michigan researchers say when you hit 30, it is harder to burn fat and build muscle. they studied more than 5 ,000 people in the 20s. and followed them for 25 years. those who exercised less were more likely to die at a younger age and develop heart disease. >> 20s, they tend to eat out a lot, cut back, you can afford a gym membership or training or help. >> fitness expertes say if you can't afford a gym membership, head to the web for free workout videos. >> i wish i had time to work out. that's what it is. oregon families are packing up their homes to avoid torrential rainfall across the state. take a look here. water poured into this home. several neighborhoods are under an evacuation. right now rivers continue to overflow from all that rain there. the weather will not let up today. rainfall will continue throughout the day and into tomorrow. my goodness. what a scene there up in the pacific northwest. >> i know. it is just the opposite right here because we're going through this nice dry pattern. it looks like it will last into the weekend. it looks like clouds are breaking up. >> the complaint department is closed. >> closed until further notice. if you complain about this kind of weather in december, i would like it a little colder with a chance for snow, but i refuse to complain because i'm saving money on my heating bill. no fog here at national harbor in prince george's county. nice smooth waters of the potomac early this morning. a nice low impact weather day coming your way again today like yesterday. plenty of sunshine and temperatures running 5 to 8 degrees warmer than average today. average high now is 49. 60 or better starting thursday and going through the weekend. saturday and sunday, both now, not only do they look dry, but temperatures way into the 60s in places like richmond or charlottesville in the 70s on sunday. very little in the way of anything, there is a slight chance of a few sprinkles here late wednesday night into thursday morning as that surge of even warmer air comes our way for the weekend. pockets of fog across northern maryland and down to the shenandoah valley, zero visibility. there are pockets of fog to be dealt with here this morning. twill be a mostly sunny day today after a chilly start. back with temperatures well above average today. 30 in manassas. 42 in falls church. 30 in damascus. hour by hour, chilly 30s this morning. little bit of fog around. sunshine up to near 50 by noon. and mid-50s for highs today all across the area. gorgeous day coming today. clouds thickening up. a risk of a sprinkle or two tomorrow night into thursday. saturday, mild and dry. 67 degrees on saturday and sunday. a risk of a few showers in the shenandoah valley on your sunday. complete check of the full seven-day forecast at 5:51. for now, traffic time with can kim mccormick. problems on eastbound 66. things have been in the center of the road, but now pushed all the traffic off to the right lane only. this is causing significant delays already this morning. so this is your road of choice. you might want to think about heading out the door now, just so you don't get stuck in too bad of a delay. so southbound, you'll find a crash off on left side of the roadway. not impacting your traffic too badly. most of the traffic is moving in the northbound direction. you want to watch out for it nevertheless. if you are on 270, things getting a little heavier below i-70, making your way to the beltway. just your standard delay. we're getting reports of a possible crash on southbound baltimore/washington parkway around 198. be careful if you're headed out there. in the newsroom now, we are watching st. peters square in vatican city. pope francis celebrated mass to formally open a special new year. he opened the basilica's big bronze holy door and walked through it to symbolically mark his revolution of tenderness. now, france launched this 12 month jubilee to emphasize what they're saying is the catholic church's merciful and welcoming side. all of this in contrast to all of the security at mass just a little while ago. metal detectors, police checking bags of tens of thousands of people. holy years are celebrated every 25 to 50 years. a man who posted a video of a suspected rape on social immediamedia is being questioned by police. officers couldn't find the victim or a crime scene matching the video posted to the site. florida a&m says campus police weren't able to confirm it was connected to the university or students. >> wanted to make a dpifrniffer. >> that's the mentor of noah leotta. officer john womack says he and his mentes shared a passion for going after drunk drivers. leotta was serving on the holiday alcohol task force when he was hit by an alleged drunk driver. montgomery county police say that 47-year-old lewis rulisco ran into the officer. his blood test results are still pending. officer leotta is in the hospital with a traumatic head injury. officer womack says this didn't have to happen. >> you don't want it to be any >> -- dear could face the death penalty if convicted. carrie stewart was a veteran of the iraq war, died after walking outside of the planned parenthood to get a cell phone call. police say that the suspect shot him as he ran back inside to warn others. stewart leaves behind a wife and two children. a school bus driver who rolled over the bus she was driving is now facing serious charges today. accused of driving under the influence of drugs. this accident happened in colorado yesterday afternoon. we know eight students were on this bus when it veered off the road. as a driver tried to get the bus back on the road, it ended up rolling over. five students were taken to the hospital. we know that two students were seriously hurt. an update to the alarming story out of upstate new york. rochester police say they charged six people with kidnapping two college students. the students are seniors at the university of rochester. one was shot after they were abducted saturday. police originally said they had four people in custody. the six they arrested are all between the ages of 19 and 26 years old. 5:26. more controversy on the campaign trail. how both sides of the aisle are responding to donald trump's latest comments. we're also staying on top of the radon controversy in montgomery county, where dozens of schools tested for elevated radon levels. what is expected to happen in the classroom starting today. take it in. we're taking a live look outside this morning. it is dry out there. but chuck bell says we could see some sprinkles in the near future. the four things you need to know about the forecast. now at 5:30, trump under fire. i'm adam tuss. the controversial comments the president hopeful made about muslims that everyone is talking about this morning. i'm angie goff. gearing up for a different kind of test. where officials will be testing for radon in the classroom. and we are in for some sunshine today. but sprinkles are also in the forecast. we want to check in with you, chuck, for four things we need to know. i'm hearing december is going on vacation. >> is that what you're hearing? okay. i think you hear it right. temperatures are going to be on the mild side for sure. seasonably cold outside early this morning. we'll have your what to wear forecast in ten minutes. sunshine for all today. good news. a risk of a couple of sprinkles today or tomorrow, tomorrow night as a warm front comes through. that brings temperatures way above average, december on vacation starting on thursday and going into early next week. out the door this morning, 30 degrees now, 35 at 7:00, 43 by noon. 48 before lunch time. most of the afternoon sunny and mild, temperatures low to mid-50s. and if you're going out for dinner and movie, nothing to worry about. cool and dry, evening temperatures in the 40s. it is time for more on the slowdowns in traffic with kim mccormick. good morning. we have a new crash southbound on baltimore-washington parkway after route 198, reportedly the left lane is blocked. that's creating slowdowns from 32, ft. mead. crash on eastbound 66, on the right shoulder. damage has been done. wilson bridge, both sides looking good into and out of maryland and virginia. >> thank you, kim. it is going to get worse and worse. you're going to have more world trade centers. it is going to get worse and worse, folks. we could be politically correct and we can be stupid. but it is going to get worse and worse. >> donald trump wants a ban on all muslims traveling to the u.s. it is the latest controversy surrounding his campaign and members of both parties are now outraged over its rhetoric. tracie potts joining us from capitol hill and the white ho e houhous house. >> he seems to be out there on his own on this one. democrats and republicans as you notice condemning this plan to prevent all muslim americans from coming into the united states. we're seeing democrats like hillary clinton tweet about this. she says it is playing right into the terrorists' hands. bernie sanders questions does trump want us to hate all muslims. martin o'malley with the strongest -- against trump calling him a fascist demagogue. republicans are distancing themselves on this one. carly fiorina says this is a dangerous overreaction to the president's address earlier this week. cruz says that's not his policy. and dick cheney said this is against everything that we stand for, everything that we believe in. donald trump came out last night, an event at the uss york town, double down on what he had to say. racial profiling, telling people what to report to see, not to worry about racial profiling. that he protects him from that. >> homeland security will unveil a new national alert system. now the agency uses its two-tier system with the top tier meaning an immediate and imminent threat. secretary jeh johnson saying the new system will have a middle ground. >> i believe we need to do a better job of informing the public at large of what we're seeing, removing some of the mystery about the global terrorist threat and what we are doing, when we're asking the public to do. >> secretary johnson is expected to release more details about the new system in the next few days. today, we'll learn more about the 2017 budget for montgomery county public schools. a recommendation will be presented to the board of education in a few hours. you can can be part of the presentation today. the meeting happens at 9:00 this morning in rockville. the operating budget for 2016 was just over $2.3 billion. also in montgomery county, all schools being retested for radon gas starting today. that comes after tests showed those schools had high levels of the cancer causing gas. some are not happy they weren't told about it. the school system says it won't stop testing until all schools are in compliance with the epa standards. >> drive from uranium, which is in the ground, which over time decays, rots, breaks down, turn into a gas. that gas is the radon gas. >> a letter to teachers and parents, interim superintendent larry bowers encouraging to test their own homes for radon. to find out which schools have high levels of the gas, head to the nbc washington app, use the search term radon in schools. >> happening today, two men will receive sentencing for murdering a man in the district. carlos parks and troy robinson admitted to shooting and killing thompson in 2013 in southeast d.c. both men accepted a plea deal which would have them in prison for a decade. congress is just three days to avert a government shutdown. right in the middle of the holidays, passing a long-tm spending bill. that's the first real test for paul ryan. a police officer in the district is getting a lot of attention this morning for going above and beyond the call of duty. a great story. officer juanita graham started with the d.c. police as a cadet in high school. dw graham was inspired to help others. since last month, graham now starts each shift by giving care packages to homeless people she comes across. she said it made her more grateful for what she has. >> emotional because we have so much and we take so much for granted and i hope that i never end up like that. but someone will reach out and care for me. >> graham has been with the police department for 25 years. a shocking accident caught on camera. how is it possible nobody is hurt when a train slammed into a car. >> neighbors on edge, why two bodies have recently shown up in alexandria. people staying vigilant. recess is guaranteed to be outside today. but what does the rst of the school day look like? chuck bell is back with the answer at 5:41. it was a lucky escape for two people in florida after a train plowed into the back of their car. it happened in orlando on sunday. all caught on camera by a passerby. the driver and the passenger trying to free the car that appeared to be stuck on the tracks there. they ran away before the train hit. no word if the driver of the train was hurt. montgomery county police say that at least two women reported being touched inappropriately by gavin oto. oto is currently out on bail, police wanted to hear from anyone who had inappropriate conduct during a massage from the suspect. off to another chilly start, but the rest of the day looks promising. >> that's right. we want to check in with chuck bell. >> good morning, everybody. the view outside from our tower in northwest. that's tyson's corner. good visibility out there this morning. temperatures are seasonally chiller. into the 20s and 30s now across much of the area. and a nice warmup for later on today. temperatures will indeed climb quickly from where we are now in the 30s all the way up to the 50s later on today. i'll have my computer fixed in ten minutes and your seven-day forecast at 5:51. here is kim mccormick. >> crash southbound at 198, left side is blocked. causing delays back into ft. mead. the crash is on the right shoulder and delays are starting to ease. southbound 95, you see the crash being pushed off on to the tow trucks on left-hand side of the roadway. take a look at your traffic times, 66 and 95 making your way to the beltway in virginia. moving along fairly well. don't forget, you get in your car, tune into wtop 103.5 fm for updates on the 8s. shot in the morning and back home by dinner. this morning we're hearing from the firsthand account from the man shot during a carjacking. what has officials concerned when it comes to using your cell phone while driving. one year since a plane crashed into a gaithersburg home. why is the investigation still ongoing. the future of metro. how they're looking at ways to improve. i'm chuck bell. clear skies and winter chill outside. temperatures upper 20s to mid-30s in most of the suburbs. when i see inside, a look at today and the whole seven day forecast. looking good at 270. problems in virginia and baltimore-washington parkway. we'll talk about that coming up next. today marks one year since a tragic plane crash that killed six people in gaithersburg. the ntsb released a preliminary report on the crash last year. but the cause of that crash is still under investigation. derrick ward is live in gaithersburg this morning. what is the latest there? >> this community this cul-de-sac is just starting to rebuild. the house here where three people died on the ground, a new house still under construction, but the memory of what happened here a year ago today is still fresh. 10:43 on december 8th, one year ago, when a plane visibly in distress, people say it stalled, came down in this cul-de-sac, killing three people in that house. marie gamble and her children died on the ground. also killed were all three people in that airplane. it was on approach from north carolina. 66-year-old michael rosenberg, 31-year-old, and 32-year-old david hartman died as well. people asked for changes at the airport which is less than a mile away. so far that hasn't happened. and the investigation still continues into what caused that crash. we're live in gaithersburg, derrick ward, news 4. it is 5:46 now. neighbors living in one northern virginia community on edge after the murders of two young men. two bodies have turned up in two separate alexandria parks. there are no arrests in either case. edwardo maderes found dead last week, less than a month earlier a 24-year-old man found dead in beverly park. one neighbor says until an arrest is made, she doesn't feel safe. >> just in shock. i won't let my grandchildren out of the yard. i won't let them in the yard at night. >> police say there is no indication the cases are connected or gang related. four d.c. council members are pushing to stop the pepco, exelon merger. they're arguing the merger is not in the best interest of the customers. the merger was denied and then later approved. a final decision on that merger is expected next year. 5:47 now. meters from d.c., virginia and maryland are work to find ways to improve business. they are hosting the first capital region business forum. business owners will meet in fairfax county and they have a chance there to bring up development and job opportunities and also talk about the challenges they face. we're learning about the future of metro bus as the transit agency looks forward. it says both the bus and rail system can improve. new study says customer satisfaction on metro bus is up, even as rail satisfaction is dwindling. metro will need to buy nearly 400 new buses to accommodate growing ridership over the next several years. they may end up several hundred short. metro's new gm says the agency needs to focus on all rider. >> i know that they sort of have been separate. but in my mind, it is a system. >> we learned metro plans to buy close to 1200 new buses but used as replacements, not additions. a plan for a high speed rail between d.c. and richmond is up for debate tonight. leaders are having that public meeting and will talk about possible new station locations along with track and safety improvements. that meeting is from 5:00 to 7:30 at dorothy hart community center. we have an update on phase two of the silver line. we're told the project is just over a quarter of the way done right now. it is expected to be up and running in about five years. you may have seen the cranes, the concrete at the reston town center. excavation is under way at herndon and dulles airport stations. big project there. turning our attention to the weather and the traffic. chuck bell tracking a chilly forecast on this tuesday morning. >> good morning. tuesday is here. going to be every bit as nice as monday. temperatures are going to be well above average again today, and this is literally the begin of what will turn into an enormous warming trend as we head toward the end of the week and the weekend. temperatures by saturday and sunday might be 20 degrees warmer than average. outside this morning, clear sky, tyson's corner visible there in the distance. what to expect today, plan on sunshine, start to finish, sun is not up until after 7:00 and down before 5:00. for everybody that has to work, nice morning chill, sunshine today and positive territory, we'll be well above average today. cool today by comparison to what is coming. 50s today and tomorrow. last december, we only had two days in the entire month of december that made it to 60 degrees or warmer. we got five in a row scheduled, thursday through monday and that may not even be the end of it as mild air may hang around longer than that. outside this morning, winter chill out there, need your coat for now. shedable layers for today, sweater and sunglasses for later on. can stay ahead of the forecast, follow me on twitter. great pictures of your out and about festivities in the weather and also christmas light photos. no rain for us today if you're traveling up towards providence or boston. rain showers there. most of the eastern seaboard high and dry for today. future weather, a couple of fair weather clouds, that's about it. if you're heading out for activities in the next couple of hours, 20s and 30s through 9:00 in the morning. highs today, well up into the 50s. and our average high now is only about 48, 49 degrees. this is well warmer than average. whole seven day forecast, 50s today and tomorrow, 60s and toasty warm by december standards. little chance of some sprinkles and showers. that's the next big change in the weather. more about that coming up at 6:01. now here is kim mccormick. >> crash southbound baltimore washington pork way. right lane getting by. they wait. inner loop and outer loop moving nicely. in the district, no problems for you on 395, 14th street bridge, d.c., 295 and i-295. we have a problem eastbound 66, just after the prince william parkway. a vehicle fire and they just flipped this camera shot around. we were able to see it earlier. off on the right shoulder. that's part of your delay there. the crash on eastbound 66 is off on the right shoulder as well. investigators in maryland are trying to figure out what sparked a fire in frederick county where one person died. the fire broke out in an apartment building on main street. main street was shut down for several hours. the building had four apartments there. firefighters rescued three people trapped inside. two people being treated at the hospital. fire also damaged an apartment next door. >> yeah, like iraq around here. >> that's how one neighbor described the violence on newcombe street, comparing it to a war zone. an innocent bystander tried to get away from a carjacking and ended up getting shot. after he was shot in the leg, he got to his house and called for help. >> it is a mean city. got to get better. >> scared? >> i ain't scared. >> you going to be all right? >> god is good. >> some neighbors and businesses put up signs trying to deter the crime. residents say there was another shooting last friday and they're worried about their safety. a scandal at the vatican involving leaked documents is unlikely to wrap up before next year. two italian journalists recently published two books detailing pope francis' battle to reform the vatican bureaucracy. the paper work accuses vatican of greed and mismanagement. the defendants face up to eight years but it is unlikely they'll serve any time in the vatican small jail. police want your help to get guns off the street. the department is holding a gun giveback at its headquarters this saturday. for every weapon turned in, a donation will be made toward helping underprivileged kids, homeless and victims of domestic violence. police are giving away free gun locks. 67 gun were turned in last year. today, lawmakers in the district will consider ramping up penalties for traffic offenses. testimony will be heard on a bill that will increase fines for distracted driving. if it is approved, a bill would suspend someone's license if they had three citations in one year. according to aaa, sigh taking a down as drivers have become more vigilant about the penalty. many people are still becoming distracted while driving and there is a new growing threat. a report out today finds 29% of drivers admit to surfing the web while behind the wheel, up from 13% in 2009. another 21% say they're reading facebook or twitter feeds. more than a third texting while driving. that number stayed the same for several years. i'm landon dowdy. the home of maryland football could have a different name. they're asking the board of regions to change the name of byrd stadium. opponents of the name say former university president byrd had segregationist views. lowe is recommending the name be changed to maryland stadium. the board will take up the proposal on friday. if approved, the legacy would be recognized in one of the main libraries. politics now. the republican shake-up in iowa. ted cruz is very encouraged by a new poll that puts him in first place. the monmouth university poll gives cruz a five-point lead over donald trump. and seven-point lead over marco rubio. ben carson led the same poll two months ago. not all the polls are exhibit. new numbers from cnn have trump leading cruz. council is fighting against senator rand paul's attempt at dismantling the city's strict gun control laws. paul introduced the defend our capital act earlier this month letting people carry concealed handguns around the city. council members said the bill disregards safety and accused paul of meddling with a local city law. today we'll learn more about the biggest clean energy jobs program in maryland. top lawmakers lay out their job plans as part of a major bill to expand renew able energy in the state. as much as $40 million could be directed into workforce training and sustainable development programs. that announcement takes place in just a few hours out of annapolis. udc will unveil the new student center. the center is designed as a national model of energy, sustainability and targeted for lead platinum certification by the u.s. green energy council. the $63 million project covered almost 100,000 square feet and includes a rain garden and water treatment system. the center will serve as destination for student aes and residents and open to the public in late january. the government says fewer of you are struggling to pay medical bills. good news. the centers for disease control and prevention released a report showing households that face problems paying medical bills decreased by 12 million from the first half of 2011 through the first six months of this year. this is a fourth year in a row where fewer americans struggle. the results are from a major ongoing sample called the national health interview survey. coming up on 6:00, we have a developing story right now in north d.c. after a scare on campus. some students forced out of their dorms there. we're tracking new developments. this one involving that air france flight. it was forced with passengers aboard to divert to canada after a threat. when those passengers could be back on their way to paris when we go to the live desk. that's ahead on "news 4 today" starting at 6:00 a.m. the only way to get better is to challenge yourself, and that's what we're doing at xfinity. we are challenging ourselves to improve every aspect of your experience. and this includes our commitment to being on time. every time. that's why if we're ever late for an appointment, we'll credit your account $20. it's our promise to you. we're doing everything we can to give you the best experience possible. because we should fit into your life. not the other way around. on "news 4 today," students on edge after an overnight scare. the threat that forced the evacuation of two dorms after catholic university. donald j. trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of muslims entering the united states. >> donald trump adding new fuel to the anti-muslim rhetoric with a fiery proclamation. the response we're seeing to those remarks. new developments in the last 30 minutes involving that air france flight that was forced to divert to canada after a threat. i'm kristin wright with what the airline just said about the latest scare. >> first, storm team 4 meteorologist chuck bell is here your weather headlines for the day ahead. good morning. >> good morning, adam. good morning, everybody. clear sky out there, not much of a breeze to worry about. 39 downtown, 30 in manassas. 37 in shchantilly. mid-30s this morning. back to the mid-40s by 7:00 tonight. cloudy skies and chilly tomorrow morning. temperatures in the 40s. cloudy tomorrow. that's when the next big change in the weather starts to come in. late wednesday night into

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Transcripts For WRC News4 Today At 5 20151208 :

Transcripts For WRC News4 Today At 5 20151208

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spotsylvania county sheriff's office is asking for your help. katelin akens is missing. yesterday someone found her luggage in the drainage ditch right outside fredericksburg. however, akens family last saw her about 40 miles away at the francona springfield metro station. they say she was heading to reagan national airport to catch a flight. also in spotsylvania, investigators are now looking for a suspect in a murder. they say that heather ciccone was found dead inside of a car on piney branch road. county detectives say she was in the driver's seat and had severe trauma to her upper body. ciccone was 21 years old. and 5:01, a change in the defense for first officer charged in freddie gray's death. trying to prove that gray was hurt before he arrived. porter's lawyers are shifting the blame to officer caesar goodson who faces the most serious charge. scheduled to go on trial next month. an expert medical witness claims freddie gray likely would have survived if he had immediate medical attention. donald j. trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of muslims entering the united states until our country's representatives can figure out what the hell is going on. >> donald trump claims the ban is needed because a large number of muslims living in the united states hate america and have no respect for human life. coming up at 5:30, tracie potts will break down the new controversy and how it is dividing some in his own party. we have new information this morning on the san bernardino shooting. a judge orders the suspect's 6-month-old daughter to be placed in foster care before being adopted by extended family. we're learning that county employees underwent active shooting training inside the same conference room. last wednesday's rampage took place. the fbi says the couple was seen at multiple shooting ranges practicing with rifles. one witness said he saw syed farook a couple of days before at a shooting range. heads of the agency will tell the subcommittee how they plan to protect the united states from aviation related terrorism. today's hearing comes three months after an inspect general reports cited the agency for several procedural failures. after that hearing, all security screeners and management with the tsa had to be retrained. you may encounter new security checkpoints on metro. they're looking for possible explosives, also more than 20 canine teams doing sweeps. leaders from d.c. and virginia and maryland are working to find ways to improve business. muriel bowser, terry mccauliff and mike miller are hosting the first capital regional business forum. business owners meet in fairfax county. they have a chance to bring up development in job opportunities. also talk about challenges that they face. four d.c. council members are pushing to stop the exelon, pepco murder. they arg the merger was initially denied and then later approved after mayor bowser renegotiated a deal. the final decision on that merger is expected next year. the redskins, not too happy right about now. >> and good! >> unbelievable. really unbelievable. a nail biter, but the cowboys won the game with that field goal with just ten seconds left to go. the teams traded the lead multiple times. in the last couple of minutes, kirk cousins says the season is definitely not over yet. >> fourth quarter still out of us, won't be an easy road, but still meaningful games where we play for something and it is all out there in front of us. >> certainly is. the redskins, the giants and the eagles are tied. and the cowboys are one game back now. unbelievable. >> but we have a bright spot to share with you. a member of our news 4 morning team had a special night. check it out. take a look. this is our traffic reporter melissa mollet's son, he got to do the coin flip. that's amazing. >> every redskins fan's dream. >> good to see everybody back, even though we couldn't get them in there. go brennan. we have breaking news in the oscar pistorius case, why he was just granted bail despite his new murder conviction. if you use i-66, you probably have thoughts on the plan to add tolls. where your voice can actually be heard later today. let's peek at the temperatures. most of you are going to see temps in the 30s and 40s if you're just walking out to the metro. chuck is fine tuning your commuter forecast at 5 wove breaking news about an hour ago, a south african judge grand bail to oscar pistorius. that is pending sentencing for his murder conviction. the supreme court of appeal convicted him of murdering his girlfriend reeva steenkamp of 2013. the conviction overturned a lower court's conviction of lesser crime of manslaughter. sentencing now set for april. you can weigh in tonight on a plan to add tolls to i-66 inside the beltway. that plan would mean tolls for drivers on week days, peak periods and peak directions. some could pay as much as 300 bucks a month to use the lanes. a public meeting at 6:00 tonight at george mason high school. the commonwealth transportation board expected to make a final decision on those tolls. tolls are one way to get around the traffic, but you also got to deal with the weather. if you plan on driving early this morning, going to be a quick, cold walk to the car. >> temperatures back down to the 30s this morning. 36 winchester and lorh and lura. upper 20s in the panhandle of west virginia. seasonably colder early this morning. cold but dry this morning. temperatures mid-30s on the way in to work and school and mid-50s on the way home. plenty of sunshine today, sun goes down before 5:00. any weather slowdowns, nothing today or tomorrow. little risk of a sprinkle or drizzle coming in tomorrow night. more about that coming up in ten minutes. for now, it is traffic time. here is mellissa mollet. first crash of the morning, centerville, left lane and shoulder getting by. you can see here in the camera, that crash activity in the center of the roadway and causing delays back towards route 234. be careful with that and pay attention. if you're from frederick, all the way down to 270 to the beltway, no problems now. moving at posted speeds. when you get in your car morning, don't forget, tune into wtop 103.5 fm for traffic updates on the 8s. passengers on board a flight from the u.s. to france, they're being rebooked after their plane had to be diverted. what forced them to make a pit stop in montreal. dramatic new video coming in from the pacific northwest where portland saw record rainfall yesterday. and the threat of flooding isn't over yet. >> while you were sleeping, students at a local university were sheltering in place. the threat made against catholic university. this holiday, ford america's best-selling brand is giving you more. the ford holiday sales event... with 0% financing for 60 months on 2015 f-150 and focus and 2016 fusion and escape. plus 1,000 dollars holiday bonus cash on 2015 focus and 2016 fusion and escape. it's the best gift ever. now during the ford holiday sales event get 0% financing for 60 months plus 1,000 dollars holiday bonus cash on select vehicles. see your local ford dealer. we're following a developing story, a scary night for students at catholic university in northeast washington. they were told to stay inside after reports of an armed suspect on campus. molette green is live on campus where the all clear has been given, but tensions are still high. >> good morning, yeah. campus, this campus is back to normal. after a lockdown that lasted several hours here. d.c. police and campus security gave the all clear. a few hours ago after telling the school community to shelter in place through social media, posting several tweets about this. there was a concern about a potentialed arm suspect described as someone of middle eastern appearance. campus police say a custodial worker reported being approached by a possible suspected gunman. approximately someone between 19 and 20 years of age wearing a black sports coat. d.c. police came here to search for a possible suspicious package. two areas had to be evacuated. the explosives unit came in to search through the properties. no explosives found on this campus. i repeat, nothing found on this campus. some students were studying at the time in the library. and reportedly police escorted them back to their residents. the all clear given several hours ago here at the campus university of america. that is the latest there live from the campus. a muslim cab driver who was berated and attacked by a passenger in alexandria has been given $350,000 in damages. a federal jury found ed dahlburg assaulted salim. he was caught on video saying anti-muslim slurs. after the video ended, salim says dahlburg punched him several times and he ed stimes. passengers waiting to get on a new flight to paris, their flight was diverted after an anonymous threat. this is new video of police on the tarmac up there in montreal. the air france flight was six hours into its flight from san francisco when it was diverted there and the airline says it is trying to find out who is behind that threat. it was 5:17. a plan for high speed rail is up for debate tonight. leaders are having that public meeting. they are going to talk about possible new station locations along with track and safety improvements. that meeting is set to start at 5:00 and run to 7:30 at dorothy hart community center. there could be big changes in how the safety of your car is actually measured. transportation secretary anthony fox and the national highway traffic safety administration will announce enhancements to its five star safety ratings system. that could include new technology for avoiding crashes like emergency braking and collision warnings. right now the ratings system is based only on how safe the car is once it is in a crash. in news for your health, health experts say if you don't work out in your 20s, it may affect your health latern life. university of michigan researchers say when you hit 30, it is harder to burn fat and build muscle. they studied more than 5 ,000 people in the 20s. and followed them for 25 years. those who exercised less were more likely to die at a younger age and develop heart disease. >> 20s, they tend to eat out a lot, cut back, you can afford a gym membership or training or help. >> fitness expertes say if you can't afford a gym membership, head to the web for free workout videos. >> i wish i had time to work out. that's what it is. oregon families are packing up their homes to avoid torrential rainfall across the state. take a look here. water poured into this home. several neighborhoods are under an evacuation. right now rivers continue to overflow from all that rain there. the weather will not let up today. rainfall will continue throughout the day and into tomorrow. my goodness. what a scene there up in the pacific northwest. >> i know. it is just the opposite right here because we're going through this nice dry pattern. it looks like it will last into the weekend. it looks like clouds are breaking up. >> the complaint department is closed. >> closed until further notice. if you complain about this kind of weather in december, i would like it a little colder with a chance for snow, but i refuse to complain because i'm saving money on my heating bill. no fog here at national harbor in prince george's county. nice smooth waters of the potomac early this morning. a nice low impact weather day coming your way again today like yesterday. plenty of sunshine and temperatures running 5 to 8 degrees warmer than average today. average high now is 49. 60 or better starting thursday and going through the weekend. saturday and sunday, both now, not only do they look dry, but temperatures way into the 60s in places like richmond or charlottesville in the 70s on sunday. very little in the way of anything, there is a slight chance of a few sprinkles here late wednesday night into thursday morning as that surge of even warmer air comes our way for the weekend. pockets of fog across northern maryland and down to the shenandoah valley, zero visibility. there are pockets of fog to be dealt with here this morning. twill be a mostly sunny day today after a chilly start. back with temperatures well above average today. 30 in manassas. 42 in falls church. 30 in damascus. hour by hour, chilly 30s this morning. little bit of fog around. sunshine up to near 50 by noon. and mid-50s for highs today all across the area. gorgeous day coming today. clouds thickening up. a risk of a sprinkle or two tomorrow night into thursday. saturday, mild and dry. 67 degrees on saturday and sunday. a risk of a few showers in the shenandoah valley on your sunday. complete check of the full seven-day forecast at 5:51. for now, traffic time with can kim mccormick. problems on eastbound 66. things have been in the center of the road, but now pushed all the traffic off to the right lane only. this is causing significant delays already this morning. so this is your road of choice. you might want to think about heading out the door now, just so you don't get stuck in too bad of a delay. so southbound, you'll find a crash off on left side of the roadway. not impacting your traffic too badly. most of the traffic is moving in the northbound direction. you want to watch out for it nevertheless. if you are on 270, things getting a little heavier below i-70, making your way to the beltway. just your standard delay. we're getting reports of a possible crash on southbound baltimore/washington parkway around 198. be careful if you're headed out there. in the newsroom now, we are watching st. peters square in vatican city. pope francis celebrated mass to formally open a special new year. he opened the basilica's big bronze holy door and walked through it to symbolically mark his revolution of tenderness. now, france launched this 12 month jubilee to emphasize what they're saying is the catholic church's merciful and welcoming side. all of this in contrast to all of the security at mass just a little while ago. metal detectors, police checking bags of tens of thousands of people. holy years are celebrated every 25 to 50 years. a man who posted a video of a suspected rape on social immediamedia is being questioned by police. officers couldn't find the victim or a crime scene matching the video posted to the site. florida a&m says campus police weren't able to confirm it was connected to the university or students. >> wanted to make a dpifrniffer. >> that's the mentor of noah leotta. officer john womack says he and his mentes shared a passion for going after drunk drivers. leotta was serving on the holiday alcohol task force when he was hit by an alleged drunk driver. montgomery county police say that 47-year-old lewis rulisco ran into the officer. his blood test results are still pending. officer leotta is in the hospital with a traumatic head injury. officer womack says this didn't have to happen. >> you don't want it to be any >> -- dear could face the death penalty if convicted. carrie stewart was a veteran of the iraq war, died after walking outside of the planned parenthood to get a cell phone call. police say that the suspect shot him as he ran back inside to warn others. stewart leaves behind a wife and two children. a school bus driver who rolled over the bus she was driving is now facing serious charges today. accused of driving under the influence of drugs. this accident happened in colorado yesterday afternoon. we know eight students were on this bus when it veered off the road. as a driver tried to get the bus back on the road, it ended up rolling over. five students were taken to the hospital. we know that two students were seriously hurt. an update to the alarming story out of upstate new york. rochester police say they charged six people with kidnapping two college students. the students are seniors at the university of rochester. one was shot after they were abducted saturday. police originally said they had four people in custody. the six they arrested are all between the ages of 19 and 26 years old. 5:26. more controversy on the campaign trail. how both sides of the aisle are responding to donald trump's latest comments. we're also staying on top of the radon controversy in montgomery county, where dozens of schools tested for elevated radon levels. what is expected to happen in the classroom starting today. take it in. we're taking a live look outside this morning. it is dry out there. but chuck bell says we could see some sprinkles in the near future. the four things you need to know about the forecast. now at 5:30, trump under fire. i'm adam tuss. the controversial comments the president hopeful made about muslims that everyone is talking about this morning. i'm angie goff. gearing up for a different kind of test. where officials will be testing for radon in the classroom. and we are in for some sunshine today. but sprinkles are also in the forecast. we want to check in with you, chuck, for four things we need to know. i'm hearing december is going on vacation. >> is that what you're hearing? okay. i think you hear it right. temperatures are going to be on the mild side for sure. seasonably cold outside early this morning. we'll have your what to wear forecast in ten minutes. sunshine for all today. good news. a risk of a couple of sprinkles today or tomorrow, tomorrow night as a warm front comes through. that brings temperatures way above average, december on vacation starting on thursday and going into early next week. out the door this morning, 30 degrees now, 35 at 7:00, 43 by noon. 48 before lunch time. most of the afternoon sunny and mild, temperatures low to mid-50s. and if you're going out for dinner and movie, nothing to worry about. cool and dry, evening temperatures in the 40s. it is time for more on the slowdowns in traffic with kim mccormick. good morning. we have a new crash southbound on baltimore-washington parkway after route 198, reportedly the left lane is blocked. that's creating slowdowns from 32, ft. mead. crash on eastbound 66, on the right shoulder. damage has been done. wilson bridge, both sides looking good into and out of maryland and virginia. >> thank you, kim. it is going to get worse and worse. you're going to have more world trade centers. it is going to get worse and worse, folks. we could be politically correct and we can be stupid. but it is going to get worse and worse. >> donald trump wants a ban on all muslims traveling to the u.s. it is the latest controversy surrounding his campaign and members of both parties are now outraged over its rhetoric. tracie potts joining us from capitol hill and the white ho e houhous house. >> he seems to be out there on his own on this one. democrats and republicans as you notice condemning this plan to prevent all muslim americans from coming into the united states. we're seeing democrats like hillary clinton tweet about this. she says it is playing right into the terrorists' hands. bernie sanders questions does trump want us to hate all muslims. martin o'malley with the strongest -- against trump calling him a fascist demagogue. republicans are distancing themselves on this one. carly fiorina says this is a dangerous overreaction to the president's address earlier this week. cruz says that's not his policy. and dick cheney said this is against everything that we stand for, everything that we believe in. donald trump came out last night, an event at the uss york town, double down on what he had to say. racial profiling, telling people what to report to see, not to worry about racial profiling. that he protects him from that. >> homeland security will unveil a new national alert system. now the agency uses its two-tier system with the top tier meaning an immediate and imminent threat. secretary jeh johnson saying the new system will have a middle ground. >> i believe we need to do a better job of informing the public at large of what we're seeing, removing some of the mystery about the global terrorist threat and what we are doing, when we're asking the public to do. >> secretary johnson is expected to release more details about the new system in the next few days. today, we'll learn more about the 2017 budget for montgomery county public schools. a recommendation will be presented to the board of education in a few hours. you can can be part of the presentation today. the meeting happens at 9:00 this morning in rockville. the operating budget for 2016 was just over $2.3 billion. also in montgomery county, all schools being retested for radon gas starting today. that comes after tests showed those schools had high levels of the cancer causing gas. some are not happy they weren't told about it. the school system says it won't stop testing until all schools are in compliance with the epa standards. >> drive from uranium, which is in the ground, which over time decays, rots, breaks down, turn into a gas. that gas is the radon gas. >> a letter to teachers and parents, interim superintendent larry bowers encouraging to test their own homes for radon. to find out which schools have high levels of the gas, head to the nbc washington app, use the search term radon in schools. >> happening today, two men will receive sentencing for murdering a man in the district. carlos parks and troy robinson admitted to shooting and killing thompson in 2013 in southeast d.c. both men accepted a plea deal which would have them in prison for a decade. congress is just three days to avert a government shutdown. right in the middle of the holidays, passing a long-tm spending bill. that's the first real test for paul ryan. a police officer in the district is getting a lot of attention this morning for going above and beyond the call of duty. a great story. officer juanita graham started with the d.c. police as a cadet in high school. dw graham was inspired to help others. since last month, graham now starts each shift by giving care packages to homeless people she comes across. she said it made her more grateful for what she has. >> emotional because we have so much and we take so much for granted and i hope that i never end up like that. but someone will reach out and care for me. >> graham has been with the police department for 25 years. a shocking accident caught on camera. how is it possible nobody is hurt when a train slammed into a car. >> neighbors on edge, why two bodies have recently shown up in alexandria. people staying vigilant. recess is guaranteed to be outside today. but what does the rst of the school day look like? chuck bell is back with the answer at 5:41. it was a lucky escape for two people in florida after a train plowed into the back of their car. it happened in orlando on sunday. all caught on camera by a passerby. the driver and the passenger trying to free the car that appeared to be stuck on the tracks there. they ran away before the train hit. no word if the driver of the train was hurt. montgomery county police say that at least two women reported being touched inappropriately by gavin oto. oto is currently out on bail, police wanted to hear from anyone who had inappropriate conduct during a massage from the suspect. off to another chilly start, but the rest of the day looks promising. >> that's right. we want to check in with chuck bell. >> good morning, everybody. the view outside from our tower in northwest. that's tyson's corner. good visibility out there this morning. temperatures are seasonally chiller. into the 20s and 30s now across much of the area. and a nice warmup for later on today. temperatures will indeed climb quickly from where we are now in the 30s all the way up to the 50s later on today. i'll have my computer fixed in ten minutes and your seven-day forecast at 5:51. here is kim mccormick. >> crash southbound at 198, left side is blocked. causing delays back into ft. mead. the crash is on the right shoulder and delays are starting to ease. southbound 95, you see the crash being pushed off on to the tow trucks on left-hand side of the roadway. take a look at your traffic times, 66 and 95 making your way to the beltway in virginia. moving along fairly well. don't forget, you get in your car, tune into wtop 103.5 fm for updates on the 8s. shot in the morning and back home by dinner. this morning we're hearing from the firsthand account from the man shot during a carjacking. what has officials concerned when it comes to using your cell phone while driving. one year since a plane crashed into a gaithersburg home. why is the investigation still ongoing. the future of metro. how they're looking at ways to improve. i'm chuck bell. clear skies and winter chill outside. temperatures upper 20s to mid-30s in most of the suburbs. when i see inside, a look at today and the whole seven day forecast. looking good at 270. problems in virginia and baltimore-washington parkway. we'll talk about that coming up next. today marks one year since a tragic plane crash that killed six people in gaithersburg. the ntsb released a preliminary report on the crash last year. but the cause of that crash is still under investigation. derrick ward is live in gaithersburg this morning. what is the latest there? >> this community this cul-de-sac is just starting to rebuild. the house here where three people died on the ground, a new house still under construction, but the memory of what happened here a year ago today is still fresh. 10:43 on december 8th, one year ago, when a plane visibly in distress, people say it stalled, came down in this cul-de-sac, killing three people in that house. marie gamble and her children died on the ground. also killed were all three people in that airplane. it was on approach from north carolina. 66-year-old michael rosenberg, 31-year-old, and 32-year-old david hartman died as well. people asked for changes at the airport which is less than a mile away. so far that hasn't happened. and the investigation still continues into what caused that crash. we're live in gaithersburg, derrick ward, news 4. it is 5:46 now. neighbors living in one northern virginia community on edge after the murders of two young men. two bodies have turned up in two separate alexandria parks. there are no arrests in either case. edwardo maderes found dead last week, less than a month earlier a 24-year-old man found dead in beverly park. one neighbor says until an arrest is made, she doesn't feel safe. >> just in shock. i won't let my grandchildren out of the yard. i won't let them in the yard at night. >> police say there is no indication the cases are connected or gang related. four d.c. council members are pushing to stop the pepco, exelon merger. they're arguing the merger is not in the best interest of the customers. the merger was denied and then later approved. a final decision on that merger is expected next year. 5:47 now. meters from d.c., virginia and maryland are work to find ways to improve business. they are hosting the first capital region business forum. business owners will meet in fairfax county and they have a chance there to bring up development and job opportunities and also talk about the challenges they face. we're learning about the future of metro bus as the transit agency looks forward. it says both the bus and rail system can improve. new study says customer satisfaction on metro bus is up, even as rail satisfaction is dwindling. metro will need to buy nearly 400 new buses to accommodate growing ridership over the next several years. they may end up several hundred short. metro's new gm says the agency needs to focus on all rider. >> i know that they sort of have been separate. but in my mind, it is a system. >> we learned metro plans to buy close to 1200 new buses but used as replacements, not additions. a plan for a high speed rail between d.c. and richmond is up for debate tonight. leaders are having that public meeting and will talk about possible new station locations along with track and safety improvements. that meeting is from 5:00 to 7:30 at dorothy hart community center. we have an update on phase two of the silver line. we're told the project is just over a quarter of the way done right now. it is expected to be up and running in about five years. you may have seen the cranes, the concrete at the reston town center. excavation is under way at herndon and dulles airport stations. big project there. turning our attention to the weather and the traffic. chuck bell tracking a chilly forecast on this tuesday morning. >> good morning. tuesday is here. going to be every bit as nice as monday. temperatures are going to be well above average again today, and this is literally the begin of what will turn into an enormous warming trend as we head toward the end of the week and the weekend. temperatures by saturday and sunday might be 20 degrees warmer than average. outside this morning, clear sky, tyson's corner visible there in the distance. what to expect today, plan on sunshine, start to finish, sun is not up until after 7:00 and down before 5:00. for everybody that has to work, nice morning chill, sunshine today and positive territory, we'll be well above average today. cool today by comparison to what is coming. 50s today and tomorrow. last december, we only had two days in the entire month of december that made it to 60 degrees or warmer. we got five in a row scheduled, thursday through monday and that may not even be the end of it as mild air may hang around longer than that. outside this morning, winter chill out there, need your coat for now. shedable layers for today, sweater and sunglasses for later on. can stay ahead of the forecast, follow me on twitter. great pictures of your out and about festivities in the weather and also christmas light photos. no rain for us today if you're traveling up towards providence or boston. rain showers there. most of the eastern seaboard high and dry for today. future weather, a couple of fair weather clouds, that's about it. if you're heading out for activities in the next couple of hours, 20s and 30s through 9:00 in the morning. highs today, well up into the 50s. and our average high now is only about 48, 49 degrees. this is well warmer than average. whole seven day forecast, 50s today and tomorrow, 60s and toasty warm by december standards. little chance of some sprinkles and showers. that's the next big change in the weather. more about that coming up at 6:01. now here is kim mccormick. >> crash southbound baltimore washington pork way. right lane getting by. they wait. inner loop and outer loop moving nicely. in the district, no problems for you on 395, 14th street bridge, d.c., 295 and i-295. we have a problem eastbound 66, just after the prince william parkway. a vehicle fire and they just flipped this camera shot around. we were able to see it earlier. off on the right shoulder. that's part of your delay there. the crash on eastbound 66 is off on the right shoulder as well. investigators in maryland are trying to figure out what sparked a fire in frederick county where one person died. the fire broke out in an apartment building on main street. main street was shut down for several hours. the building had four apartments there. firefighters rescued three people trapped inside. two people being treated at the hospital. fire also damaged an apartment next door. >> yeah, like iraq around here. >> that's how one neighbor described the violence on newcombe street, comparing it to a war zone. an innocent bystander tried to get away from a carjacking and ended up getting shot. after he was shot in the leg, he got to his house and called for help. >> it is a mean city. got to get better. >> scared? >> i ain't scared. >> you going to be all right? >> god is good. >> some neighbors and businesses put up signs trying to deter the crime. residents say there was another shooting last friday and they're worried about their safety. a scandal at the vatican involving leaked documents is unlikely to wrap up before next year. two italian journalists recently published two books detailing pope francis' battle to reform the vatican bureaucracy. the paper work accuses vatican of greed and mismanagement. the defendants face up to eight years but it is unlikely they'll serve any time in the vatican small jail. police want your help to get guns off the street. the department is holding a gun giveback at its headquarters this saturday. for every weapon turned in, a donation will be made toward helping underprivileged kids, homeless and victims of domestic violence. police are giving away free gun locks. 67 gun were turned in last year. today, lawmakers in the district will consider ramping up penalties for traffic offenses. testimony will be heard on a bill that will increase fines for distracted driving. if it is approved, a bill would suspend someone's license if they had three citations in one year. according to aaa, sigh taking a down as drivers have become more vigilant about the penalty. many people are still becoming distracted while driving and there is a new growing threat. a report out today finds 29% of drivers admit to surfing the web while behind the wheel, up from 13% in 2009. another 21% say they're reading facebook or twitter feeds. more than a third texting while driving. that number stayed the same for several years. i'm landon dowdy. the home of maryland football could have a different name. they're asking the board of regions to change the name of byrd stadium. opponents of the name say former university president byrd had segregationist views. lowe is recommending the name be changed to maryland stadium. the board will take up the proposal on friday. if approved, the legacy would be recognized in one of the main libraries. politics now. the republican shake-up in iowa. ted cruz is very encouraged by a new poll that puts him in first place. the monmouth university poll gives cruz a five-point lead over donald trump. and seven-point lead over marco rubio. ben carson led the same poll two months ago. not all the polls are exhibit. new numbers from cnn have trump leading cruz. council is fighting against senator rand paul's attempt at dismantling the city's strict gun control laws. paul introduced the defend our capital act earlier this month letting people carry concealed handguns around the city. council members said the bill disregards safety and accused paul of meddling with a local city law. today we'll learn more about the biggest clean energy jobs program in maryland. top lawmakers lay out their job plans as part of a major bill to expand renew able energy in the state. as much as $40 million could be directed into workforce training and sustainable development programs. that announcement takes place in just a few hours out of annapolis. udc will unveil the new student center. the center is designed as a national model of energy, sustainability and targeted for lead platinum certification by the u.s. green energy council. the $63 million project covered almost 100,000 square feet and includes a rain garden and water treatment system. the center will serve as destination for student aes and residents and open to the public in late january. the government says fewer of you are struggling to pay medical bills. good news. the centers for disease control and prevention released a report showing households that face problems paying medical bills decreased by 12 million from the first half of 2011 through the first six months of this year. this is a fourth year in a row where fewer americans struggle. the results are from a major ongoing sample called the national health interview survey. coming up on 6:00, we have a developing story right now in north d.c. after a scare on campus. some students forced out of their dorms there. we're tracking new developments. this one involving that air france flight. it was forced with passengers aboard to divert to canada after a threat. when those passengers could be back on their way to paris when we go to the live desk. that's ahead on "news 4 today" starting at 6:00 a.m. the only way to get better is to challenge yourself, and that's what we're doing at xfinity. we are challenging ourselves to improve every aspect of your experience. and this includes our commitment to being on time. every time. that's why if we're ever late for an appointment, we'll credit your account $20. it's our promise to you. we're doing everything we can to give you the best experience possible. because we should fit into your life. not the other way around. on "news 4 today," students on edge after an overnight scare. the threat that forced the evacuation of two dorms after catholic university. donald j. trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of muslims entering the united states. >> donald trump adding new fuel to the anti-muslim rhetoric with a fiery proclamation. the response we're seeing to those remarks. new developments in the last 30 minutes involving that air france flight that was forced to divert to canada after a threat. i'm kristin wright with what the airline just said about the latest scare. >> first, storm team 4 meteorologist chuck bell is here your weather headlines for the day ahead. good morning. >> good morning, adam. good morning, everybody. clear sky out there, not much of a breeze to worry about. 39 downtown, 30 in manassas. 37 in shchantilly. mid-30s this morning. back to the mid-40s by 7:00 tonight. cloudy skies and chilly tomorrow morning. temperatures in the 40s. cloudy tomorrow. that's when the next big change in the weather starts to come in. late wednesday night into

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