Transcripts For WRC News4 Midday 20150129 :

Transcripts For WRC News4 Midday 20150129

afternoon hours, but once we start to get into the later afternoon and evening hours, we could have a wintry mix moving through parts of the area. showers, though, mainly only for the d.c. metro region. those of you here in purple the countiness purple including western montgomery western loudon fret drikderick northern carroll counties a winter weather advisory there 3:00 to 9:00 p.m. dealing with sleet, freezing rain snow and rain during this time period. again, the d.c. metro, mainly only showers, but in the advisory there could certainly be some isolated slick spots later tonight and early tomorrow morning. the timing on future weather, 4:00 p.m. showers push in. by 5:00 p.m. that mix in parts of frederick and montgomery county prince william, falkier, fairfax, seeing showers at 6:00 p.m. inside of the district. potential of a wintery mix for areas to the north, and then by 9:00 p.m. we return to dry conditions. so a quick-moving system. maybe another quick round of showers and snow around midnight barbara, and then behind it windy conditions. wait until you see what it's going to feel like with the winds here tomorrow. >> thanks, amelia. new on "news4 midday," a 6-year-old boy listed in critical condition at the hospital after being hit by a war snowboarding. the boy was snowboarding yesterday on a steep driveway along matthew mills road in mclean with his parents. he slid into the street and was hit by a passing suv. so far, no charges filed against the driver. no bond for a sterling virginia man accuses of trying to hire someone to murder his ex-wife in loudoun county. dallas brombeck linked to a white supremacy group, arrested earlier this month, charged with capital murder. today in court, prosecutors gave a detailed list of evidence seized at his home. they included multiple weapons and kkk material. he described himself using a title, used by the kkk meaning chapter president. his current rife told the judge that they are no longer part of the kkk. she asked that he be given bond to return home to their children. closing arguments are expected today in the trial of a former fbi agent accused of killing his wife. arthur gonzalez is being tried for a second time. jurors failed to reach a verdict in the first trial. he shot his wife julie in self-defense at their stafford home in2013 say sheg attack himd during an argument. prosecutors accused him of staging the crime scene. kids at two north d.c. schools surprise with an unexpected day off due to a water main break. what's happening, megan? >> reporter: you can see where the water main broke behind me here on t street right in front of two schools. langley elementary and mckinley tech. they're saying the repair work will take anywhere from six to eight hours. the schools are without water until this pipe is fixed. so they had no choice but to cancel classes for the day. it's 9:30 in the morning, but instead of walking into mckinley tech this girl is walking home. same thing for students next door at langley elementary. >> so i noticed the water coming down the street but didn't think it was anything and i guess there's no school today. so i have to walk all the way back home. >> reporter: classes unexpectedly canceled at the two schools after a water main break knocked out water service to the area. robo calls and e-mails went out to parents this morning. mckinley principal, louise jones, says most families got the word. only a few students came to school. staff waited with those kids until their parents could be reached. >> out of almost 900 kids we only have a handful that we're contacting parents and i have staff who stayed to help do that, and we won't leave anyone unattended. >> reporter: in addition to the two schools, about 18 other customers in the area are without water. the repairwork should be completed today. so sorry, kids. you're going to be back in school tomorrow. back to you, barbara. >> all right, thank you, megan. and back open after a water main break in this area. the main broke lost night and crews worked through the night to get roads back open. d.c. water says the cold winter temperatures have been wreaking havoc on the district's aging pipes. crewed repaired 86 water main breaks in the past month alone. we have breaking news in mexico right now. news 4 richard jord sn following an xpoegsexplosion at the hospital. live at the live desk. >> several young victims because it was a maternity and children's hospital where they had that explosion early this morning. we are tapped into mexican television with 24-nonstop coverage of the explosion. a gas tank blew up near that hospital. at least three people are dead. one woman was found in the rubble. her body found in that rubble there. 54 people are hurt. 22 of them children. most of them have now been taken to nearby hospitals and people asked to avoid the area as the search continues now through that rubble to see if there were any other victims that may have survived this. watching it from the live desk. barbara, back to you. >> thank you, richard. right now we're getting word of new information on a possible prisoner swap between jordan and isis. the information jordan just demanded. plus word on when hillary clinton will announce whether she is running for president. find out if the political right now new details into the live desk on the prisoner swap. the deadline passed and hour ago and it seems that talks have now stalled. jordanian authorities saying they want proof that a pilot be alive. they want his release along with a japanese journalist that is also being held by isis militants. jordan still holding an iraqi woman that was behind a deadly hotel bombing back in 2005. isis wants her release in exchange for these two hostages but, again, the deadline passed. jordanian officials saying the iraqi woman they have on death row is still in jordan. so we're still waiting to find out whether talks resume or perhaps the negotiations collapsed. barbara? >> thank you, richard. the atf will begin re-creating this deadly fire that burned down a mansion in annapolis leaving six people dead. the fire started in an outlet powering 15,000 lights on the pyle family's 15-foot christmas tree. the tree had been up 65 days and dried out apparently. the fire spread in 50 minutes. they had no time to get out. investigators say a sprinkler system in the home could have stopped that fire. starting in june all new homes in maryland will be required to have sprinkler systems. after learning the cause of the fire the boone/pyle family release add statement saying while the explanation that has been stated with us shared with us today, does not bring us any solace it does saturday us on the long road to acceptance. this magazine cover is getting a whole lot of attention. we'll take a look at number of women who are really a part of the u.s. tech companies, plus the biggest threats to this country, and what's being done about them. the director of homeland security just finished his annual state of homeland security address. and a quick-moving system will bring a bit of a wintry mix to the area tonight, but a larger system arrives on super bowl sunday and lasts through monday. the latest has helped thousands of people let go of all the hassle that comes with selling or trading in. we make selling your car truck or suv fast, safe and fair with three simple steps: one -- get your free online valuation. two -- drive to your local car-buying center. three -- walk out with a check in as little as thirty minutes. buying cars is all we do. all makes and models and no dealership pressure we'll even settle your loan or lease. so, don't wait. get your free online valuation now at jeh johnson just wrapped up an address on the state of homeland security talking about immigration enforcement and airport security you but says the agency's top priority is dealing with terror threats. in particular foreign fighters. people who travel to syria to train with extremists and then come back loam tohome to plot attacks saying cyber attacks a big concern, how the internet is used to recruit extreme s and lone wolf attacks, of high importance of to homeland security department especially after recent incidentsen in paris, ottawa and sydney. >> i said here a year ago as long as i'm secretary, counterterrorism will remain the cornerstone of the department of homeland security's mission. 13.5 years after 9/11 it's still a dangerous world. and in 2015 we must recognize that we have evolved to a new phase in the global terrorist threat. and johnson says his main folk sis to detect terror plots in the early stages so they can be broken up before anything is actually initiated. barbara? >> thank you, richard. the maker of that drone that crash-landed at the white house says washington will soon be a no-fly zone. the chinese company dji will release mandatory update blocking drones from flying within 15 mimes of d.c. and block the drones from flying in residential areas around 10,000 u.s. airports. dji says the update will be available in a couple of days. a government intelligence employee caused alarm when he crashed his drone on the lawn of the white house last week. he was off the clock and had been drinking when he launched that drone. you're looking at a live feed or will be in a minute confirmation hearings for loretta lynch, set to be the nest attorney general. she is not afraid to say, no to the president. she faced questions on a number of areas where a number of republicans disagree with president obama and outdoing attorney general eric holder as well. today's panel includes people speaking up for lynch. also those who have been harshly critical of the obama justice department. new reports hillary clinton will delay her decision whether to run for president. for more we're joined by a political writer for nbc news. good morning. >> good morning, the report is coming from politico. the delay as much as three months, they're saying. why wait? >> most of the conventional wisdom up to now had been hillary clinton would probably announce her run maybe in april. which would be a little bit later than she did in 2008 but it's a little more on the line with where in the calendar mitt romney and barack obama announced their runs in 2012. she may end up delaying it as this report states what she would probably do though according to politico in april announce an exploratory not say, okay i'm exploring the possibility. there's not that much for her to explore. folks think she's probably runs for president, and later in the summer actually begin campaigning and raising money in earnest. >> mitt romney is looking and sounding more like a candidate. yesterday went after hillary clinton. what did he say? >> giving a. see at mississippi university. sounded like a candidate. the nation's need for strong leadership and explicitly attacked hillary clinton by name along with barack obama, both on economic issues and on foreign policy. something he's done in the past but especially on economic issue, he said hillary clinton doesn't know how to create jobs with the implicit suggestion i, in fact, do. >> so it really does look like she definitely about to jump in. doesn't it? >> everything from what he said yesterday, he sounded like a candidate. he was speaking ex-press is lit sort of what his mission would be as president both on the economy and foreign policy. big issues that could end up being the things that define this race. >> will he be the front-runner and have a different strategy this time around? >> too early to tell. his team wants to say a different issue. talking about poverty and helping the middle class. that hurt a lot's in 20127.. a lot who supported him last time are not sure if mariaitt romney is the right person. maybe look at a jeb bush or chris christie or scott walker. >> continue to follow this. >> a long way to go. >> for more check out "further read" or a series of threats on social media disrupted air travel over the past few days. coming up a look who investigators now think is responsible for those threats. plus a missing teenager. why police think the 16-year-old is with a man she never met in person. and a newly discovered planet is being compared to saturn with one big new this morning, investigators searching for the airasia jet saying the copilot was at the controls just before last month the crash. data from the black box flight recorder is giving investigators a "pretty clear picture of what happened in the last moments of airasia flight 8501." the jet vanished from radar screens and the people onboard killed. airports around the country are on alert right now as the fbi is working to stop bomb threats that are seriously affecting flights. so far, not one bomb has been found, but nbc's tom costello tells us federal officers are taking the threat very seriously. >> reporter: the radio traffic between the tower and pilots anything but usual. >> this is fbi. just doing a check. >> the flight deck is secure. passengers are pretty well behaved. starting to get a little bit antsy. >> reporter: it's happened nearly two dozen times over the past two weeks. bomb threats posted on twitter. by someone claiming to represent isis. on january 17th, delta flight 1803 atlanta to raleigh. >> dogs sniffing us coming on and off the plane. yeah. a little crazy. >> reporter: on sunday jetblue 1006 long beach to seattle. then delta 4741 phoenix to seattle. then delta 1061 los angeles to orlando, diverted to dallas after someone tweeted, we are isis. we are here. onboard, this woman saw the tweet in the air to see that and see someone say, we are isis. we are here we're on the plane, that was absolutely terrifying because you don't really know what you're looking for. if someone looks suspicious or not. >> reporter: once on the ground to the plane and passengers isolated add searched. >> everyone has to be cleared. the entire aircraft has to be cleared. due to possible credibility of a threat. >> reporter: sources say it appears to be the work of pranksters and copycats not terrorists. the penalty if caught up to five years in prison and a $250,000 fine. now the fbi is analyzing the twitter feeds looking for the footprints that could lead them to a suspect. >> every time there's these additional threats coming in it's actually creating a profile that gives authorities more information so they can make better decisions. >> that was tom costello reporting. the issue affected more than 20 flights in just the last four days. each time it happens it costs an airline tens of thousands it of dollars. the next president of the united states will take off in a brand new air force one. the pentagon announced the contract for the ngo to chicago based boeing. the current fleet of two presidential aircraft will be replaced by boeing 747-8 planes. that's the latest generation of the 747. the current air force one went into service in 1990. that was during president george h.w. hush's timebush's office. no word when it will awe've. and another planet is out there with ringses like saturn, except those rings are about 200 times as large. changes in the planet's lighting clued them in on how it look. the first time scientists have found a planet other than saturn with rings. if saturn had rings as big as this one does you'd be able to see it clearly from earth just like the moon. "newsweek's" latest cover story focusing on women or the lack thereof in silicone valley. look at the cover. diversity figures in the article. 69% of people who work at facebook are men. 31% are women. a similar situation at apple. globally 70% of the staff are men for apple. 30% women. same for google. 76% of intel's to2013 are men. pledging $300 million in tackling the diversity problem in the tech industry. and a developing story out of california now pap suspicious package left near a tech company turns into a complicated death investigation. the gruesome discovery police made. plus two things that you're going to notice about our weather in the next 24 hours. some form of precipitation, and very very cold conditions. also we'll tell you about the outrageous amount of money to clean up of a a snowstorm in cities like new york. and if you're trying to eat healthier in the new year there's a berry you want to add to your diet we think. you may not have heard of it. storms cost cities a lot of money, and the cleanup may carry the biggest price tag. a new study says the cost of removing snow in new york city is about $1.8 million per inch. the most expensive year is for remaneuvering snow were winters where the city received the most snow. the most cost efficient winters are ones with a moderate amount of snow. storm team 4 meteorologist emileiaamelia segal joins us. >> talking about a wintry mix moving through later today on into the evening hours mainly 0 for those north and west of the d.c. metro area. inside of the beltway through southern maryland and northern neck only a quick passing shower that lasts about about hour orn hour or so. the system moving through bringing wintry weather later today brings in windy conditions tomorrow. still breezy saturday. wait until you see the windchill temperatures tomorrow night. winter plans, definitely catch that. the next storm system sunday into monday. you've seen a chance of snow, maybe rain in the forecast later sunday and monday. second but right here on the satellite and radar, this is the storm system that i'm tracking. this moves through our area between 4:00 and 8:00 p.m. of course veronica is in later today bringing you the latest updates exactly what's happening in your neighborhood. as this starts to show up on storm team 4 radar. again, a winter weather advisory because of the potential of a wintry nation could produce slick spots late tonight, early tomorrow morning for parts of western montgomery, western loudon counties northern howard county frederick, the areas in purple starting at 3:00 p.m. runs until 9:00 p.m. temperatures today, you can see in the winter weather advisory warm into the mid30s. gaithersburg 36 pap high today in washington of 40. also a little breezy later today. temperatures right now are in the 20s and 30s. washington coming in at 34. tomorrow this is the windy day. a high temperature of 39 degrees, but with the winds at about 15 to 30 miles an hour during the afternoon it's going to feel like temperatures are in the 20s. it's breezy already at 7:00 a.m. temperature 34. by noon at 36. 5:00 actually down to 33 degrees. remember it's windy. at 6:00 p.m. how it feels. like temperature, in the teens and single digits. so i've posted this on my facebook and twitter pages. getting a lot of comments. something to help you warm up not the jex graphic, but about 50 days way from spring today. 8:00 p.m. tomorrow night. i said heading out, the warmest jacket you have feeling 5 degrees in washington. by 10:00 p.m. tomorrow night. your super bowl forecast as we head out to phoenix, jim hand li is there enjoying the warmer weather. this is what we're looking at for the big game. temperatures in the upper 60s at kickoff. by the time the game's winding down temperatures around 60 degrees, slight winds, and plenty of sunshine. here on saturday still breezy. not windy. high temperature 3shgs 2. looking like sunday starts off dry, getting into the afternoon and evening hours mainly snow. potentially rain moves into the area. the biggest impacts from the system look to be on monday. barbara, we're continuing to track this system. we're still a ways away from exactly what it will bring us. so storm team 4 continues to update the forecast. high temperature monday 26. blustery on monday as well barbara. >> thanks so much. several people are hurt after a house fire in prince george's county. checking in with richard jordan at the live desk. >> two residents and a medical attention. video that just came in. 62nd avenue and seminole place in berwyn heights. by chance three people in the area who saw those flames. one of them an off-duty volunteer firefighter who went into the home and rescued the two residents, a 60-year-old woman and 80-year-old man. taken to the hospital suffering from smoke inhalation. firefighters battling the flames there. one of the firefighters also hurt. still no word on what caused the fire here. as you can see in the video, the flames are out now but lucky for those two residents to have three good samaritans in the area ready to jump in and save them. barbara? >> thanks richard. a virginia family holding out hope this morning after their 16-year-old girl went missing. virginia state police continue to look for aysia monique lewis saying she was last seen monday at christianburg high school which is south of blacksberg. police believe a man named donald quizenberry drove from the middle of illinois to meet her and she willingly got in the car, they believe. aysias mother made an emotional plea for her daughter to calm if she can. >> aysia, we love you. we miss you, and we are worried sick about you. please call us. text us facebook us. however you can get in touch with us. whatever you have to do. >> police say the man and teen could be heading south to florida. right now investigators aren't saying how the two know each other. and right now opening statements in the aaron hernandez murder trial just started. it was delayed because one juror late and another sent a note to the jump. hernandez is charged with murdering a semiprofessional football player in 2013. the trial is expected to take six to ten weeks. hernandez could spend the rest of his life in prison if convicted. a developing story out of california today. human body parts found in a suitcase left on the sidewalk near mission and 11th streets in san francisco. police found more body parts as they searched the area. it's an area that has long had a large homeless population. it's also a mere block way from the headquarters of the social media giant twitter. investigators hope to recover surveillance footage from businesses in the area. it's unclear whether those remains are from one or more people. and following breaking news out of mexico right now as we reported at the top of the news cast. a truck carrying gas exploded outside a maternity and children's hospital. the live desk is working to get new information and we'll have the latest before the end of this news cast. and where is the tv? you're watching right now? set up? well why it could be dangerous, and a look how to resolve that problem. stay a new video simulation out today reminds parent to make absolutely sure those flat-screened tvs are properly secured. the consumer product safety commission video shows the frooitenning impact of a flat screen falling on a child-sized dumb pip kids may be tempted to climb for a toy or for the remote and these tvs can fall with the force of 1,000 pounds. if your family bought a new flat screen for the super bowl and you'd like installation at vice ask your sales associate for that. according to the cpsc every two week as child is killed by a falling appliance. in just a few hours, the montgomery county council discussing changing the turf on athletic fields looking at a new filler made from coconut fiber, corn and rice husks instead of the coarse rubber you've seen before. the first two fields to use the filler will likely be at churchill high school and latonia recreational park. the council notes, however, the change will cost more money. she spent nearly ten months in the hospital until she got a christmas gift that saved her life. news 4's doreen gentzler has the story of a little girl who got a heart transplant in time for the holidays. ♪ >> reporter: teresa perez loves to dance and laugh and play. ♪ but that can be tough when you're barely 2 years old and the only thing keeping her alive, she had cold symptoms and lethargic couldn't even play. >> it's scary. yeah. very very scary. especially because the symptoms are sort of vague. when we found out that her heart was really big on her chest x-ray, and then it wasn't pumping well then we knew the reason behind her symptoms. >> reporter: coming up tonight, find out what was causing this little girl so much pain and how doctors got her a heart just in time. that's holiday heart, tonight on "new4 at 5:00." southern living magazine has chosen virginia for their 2015 idea house. the house will be built at a preservation the 4,500 square foot house modern pap twist on the classic virginia farm house, actually. it will open to the public june 27th and featured in the magazine's august issue. it's been several years since virginia was chosing for the idea house. the idea house program builds and renovates homes with the aim of providing ideas and inspiration for others. lawmakers in other area want to make sure you get paid, even if you're sick. what's being done today to make that happen. plus super foods, we have all heard of the benefits of things like kale. coming up a look at five other foods you should add to your diet today. a shoothy, ysmoothie using one of those new super foods. would love to set the record straight because i feel the rumors have been going on way too long. >> victoria justice sits down with meredith vieira to set the record straight at 1:00 right ring ring!... progresso! it's ok that your soup tastes like my homemade. it's our slow simmered vegetables and tender white meat chicken. apology accepted. i'm watching you soup people. make it progresso or make it yourself you say avocado old el paso says... zesty chicken and avocado tacos in our stand 'n stuff tortillas . (record scratch) you say stand n' stuff tortillas old el paso says... start somewhere fresh today learn more about paid sick leave in montgomery county. it's considering a new law mandating businesses to give you an hour of paid sick leave for every 30 hours worked. earn as much as seven days of paid time off each year. the law would require safe leave, paid time for those dealing with domestic violence. a public hearing tonight at 7:30 at the county council building in rockville. the latest super food getting attention is a berry from peru and a registered dietitian joins us all the way from san francisco to talk about this new one calmed the peachu berry. thank you, running around the country telling everybody about the verb virtues of this. you say five wonderful foods to indmorpt our diets right now. >> yes. actually i've written two books on peruvian super foods. there are 21 but i brought 5 here and we have quinoa peaches, avocados purple potatoes and potatoes as well. >> okay. the pichuberry -- incorporate those in our diets as soon as we can. >> yes. super foods, what are super foods, these foods give you not just nutritional value, but they also give you health benefits i. want to go through what i brought with you and then get to the pichuberry. quinoa with avocado. >> we have the dressing that is just orange juice. actually quite nice. >> what will that do for you? >> quinoa actually protein and antioxidants. pichuberry vitamin krmplt and rich antioxidants and anti-inflam forefat, avocado. we need fat in salads to absorb the fight fight fight oh nutrients -- fitonutrients. >> and this is rich in antioxidants as well. >> over here sweet potatoes fried? >> sweet potatoes. we like fried but this time i baked them. yes. quite delicious. >> that looks great. all right. i will get to the pichuberry. newest thing. tell us about it and what you'll make? >> pichuberries are quite outstanding. 3/4 cup give you 39% of your vitamin d, has a fitonutrient and researchers say these can actually stop cancer growth and it's it has vitamin b12 protein and rich in antioxidants as well. >> what's in here already? orange juice? >> so orange juice and i like to include all different colors when making smoothies for health benefits. strawberries. pichuberries and then blueberries. i mean again, each color provides different health benefits. what you do add protein if you like and go and make your smoothie for the day. >> i want to take a taste of that while you -- what will i get from the pichuberry are they on the market? >> they are on the market. you can find them at safeway. >> and other grocery stores you said? >> yes, uh-huh. >> very good. i'm going to be healthy from this. >> that's right. >> look like i'm 25 years old after i drink it. make a 70-year-old feel like a 30 40. anyway sounds fantastic. to your health. >> to your health. cheers. on this week's "wednesday's child" two wonderful young brothers waiting and hoping for the love and comfort of ap adoptive home. we took them for a very special visit to a pretty famous institution right across from the white house. >> wow. >> reporter: they were welcomed in grand style to washington's famed hay-adams hotel. the manager greeted us and the boys 12 and 10 were excited to learn about the emeantamenities, guests and even presidents enjoy here. first stop the off the record room where caricatures of a few famous guests graced the ruby red walls. we met the conscierge. >> which room do you want? >> the barack obama one. >> that would be the presidential suite. >> here we are. >> wow. >> oh wow. lie like the pillows on the bed. >> very comfortable. try it out. >> reporter: first a peak out of the window at the impressive real estate down below. but that's sumptuous bed beckoned. >> it's okay. go ahead. >> reporter: he went for it! and a different approach. we also met the chef jonathan little and the boys each tried their hand at making fancy mashed potatoes. >> do you have any idea what you'd like to be when you grow up? >> construction. >> reporter: what sort of things? >> build houses. buildings. >> reporter: do you know what you want to do when you grow up? -- >> reporter: although procedures have not always lived together in the foster care system. they hope to be adopted. >> i'm looking for a family to that will love them unconditionally, and provide a safe and stable environment for them. >> if i was adopted i would like to have a regular ordinary family with, i like children. >> the most important thing for me is that someone that -- gets -- like someone that treats me like a nice way and can treat me like a real mother and dad or a brother and sister. >> reporter: they topped off their visit to the hay adams with a view from the top looking out at the white house and lafayette park from the roof terrace. but their favorite memory had to be this -- something they'd like a brand new family to bring back and try out with them. if you have room in your home and heart for these boys or another child who's waiting, call us our special adoption hot line or search "wednesday's child" on time 11:350. coming up tv deals ahead of the super bowl plus the live desk staying on top of breaking news in mexico city. the death toll climbs after an explosion outside a maternity and children's hospital. seven people now confirmed dead. four of them are children. 54 others hurt. half of those also children. it was a gas tank that exploded in front of that hospital. the gas tank truck was servicing the hospital at the time. it is still unclear why it blew up but the flying glass that erupted from the blast, that caused most of the injuries. there again, seven people confirmed dead. barbara. >> thank you, richard. another developing story we're following. jordan's government is demanding proof of life of the jordanian's pilot held by isis before moving ahead with any possible swap to bring him home. the militants have threatened to kill the pilot and the japanese journalist unless jordan frees an iraqi woman with connections to al qaeda. and we'll keep an eye on the progress of t street in northeast washington. crewing are working right now to repair a broken water main. the problem forced mckenley technology high school and langley elementary school to close. the repairwork is expected to take about eight hours. just three more days until super bowl sunday and today we're expecting the team to learn more about the entertainment for the big teams that are going to be there. katy perry and idina menzel will speak to the media. perry performs the half time sew, manziel sing the national anthem. security is ramping up ahead of the game sunday. the faa made the area around the university of phoenix stadium a no-drone zone. news 4 jim handly is in phoenix now. follow his facebook page leading up to the super bowl and watch every night at 4:00 5:00 6:00 and 11:00 for jim's live reports from phoenix. if you need to or just want a new tv this is great time to buy one. the super bowl prompts super sales. the research from market tracks says you can expect to save about 19%, or shave that much off the cost of most tvs. consumer reporter erika gonzalez shows us some of the best models for your money. >> reporter: so many options. so which tv should you buy? consumer reports has tips to help you score the best set for watching sports. a sports bar is a great place to watch the game. >> yes! >> reporter: at this one, follow the action on 49 tv screens. >> we're going to expect a big crowd. a bunch of noise. a good time. >> reporter: but if you're buying a tv for your super bowl party at home consumer report says a screen at least 50 inches or large sir a good size for a crowd. testers in consumer reports labs size up hundreds of tvs every year. also important, a set that delivers a wide viewing angle. >> when watching a big game way crowd of friends, not everyone's getting that great seat front and center. one of the issues i l.e.d. and lcd tvs, the picture can look washed out when viewed from an angle. >> reporter: another consideration. how well the tv can handle fast action. these patterns help testers evaluate motion. >> most tvs do fine with ploegs. sports is a con thaent can stress a trch ability to present fat-moving scenes without the image blurring. ♪ whenever i see you smile ♪ >> reporter: testers evaluate whether the tv's sound is clear and loud enough without distortion. a 55-inch sony bra via delivers ex-lend sound and gets top marx for ultra high definition picture quality costs $2,800. >> this year's super bowl is not broadcast in 4k but will look great on the set and will you have future-proofed for when more 4k becomes available. >> reporter: the 5 inch panasonic vieira is a consumer reports best buy for $700. you'll see big sales of televisions leading up to the super bowl consumer reports says you'll get better deals in late february as retailers clear out older sets to make way for the new. >> running out of time to buy a new tv. we just learned prap hannah and clark county public schools will close at 1:00 p.m. and all amp-school activities cancelled. a check on the forecast. if you're going to buy a new one before the super bowl get out there and get it. what will happen this afternoon? >> not the best idea to head out this afternoon. especially in the winter weather advisory and schools closing early could see that wintry mix later today. could about slow evening commute for northern montgomery western loudon frederick county the areas in purple. damascus germantown and purserville with that wintry mix arriving around 4:00 leaven around 8:00. showers in washington and areas south. windy tomorrow barbara. feeling like temperatures in the 20s. veronica will have the latest on the win the ittry thix win the think mix this afternoon. and that's "news4 midday" day. thank you for being with us. we'll be back here tomorrow morning at 11:00 a.m. until then have a great day. we'll see you in the morning. >> will: i don't want to talk about this anymore. i should never have told you about paul! >> kate: no, the person you can't tell is sonny! >> sonny: what can't will tell me? i want to know. >> kate: hi. oh, it's nothing. how are you? how are you doing? >> sonny: i'm good, thank you. be a lot better when you tell me what you're not supposed to tell me, will. >> jordan: hey, let go of me! >> chad: i will, when you tell me why you were kissing rafe. >> jordan: that's why you've been treating me like this? >> chad: you lied to my face. you said that you and rafe were done--no going back--and then you went b

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Transcripts For WRC News4 Midday 20150129 :

Transcripts For WRC News4 Midday 20150129

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afternoon hours, but once we start to get into the later afternoon and evening hours, we could have a wintry mix moving through parts of the area. showers, though, mainly only for the d.c. metro region. those of you here in purple the countiness purple including western montgomery western loudon fret drikderick northern carroll counties a winter weather advisory there 3:00 to 9:00 p.m. dealing with sleet, freezing rain snow and rain during this time period. again, the d.c. metro, mainly only showers, but in the advisory there could certainly be some isolated slick spots later tonight and early tomorrow morning. the timing on future weather, 4:00 p.m. showers push in. by 5:00 p.m. that mix in parts of frederick and montgomery county prince william, falkier, fairfax, seeing showers at 6:00 p.m. inside of the district. potential of a wintery mix for areas to the north, and then by 9:00 p.m. we return to dry conditions. so a quick-moving system. maybe another quick round of showers and snow around midnight barbara, and then behind it windy conditions. wait until you see what it's going to feel like with the winds here tomorrow. >> thanks, amelia. new on "news4 midday," a 6-year-old boy listed in critical condition at the hospital after being hit by a war snowboarding. the boy was snowboarding yesterday on a steep driveway along matthew mills road in mclean with his parents. he slid into the street and was hit by a passing suv. so far, no charges filed against the driver. no bond for a sterling virginia man accuses of trying to hire someone to murder his ex-wife in loudoun county. dallas brombeck linked to a white supremacy group, arrested earlier this month, charged with capital murder. today in court, prosecutors gave a detailed list of evidence seized at his home. they included multiple weapons and kkk material. he described himself using a title, used by the kkk meaning chapter president. his current rife told the judge that they are no longer part of the kkk. she asked that he be given bond to return home to their children. closing arguments are expected today in the trial of a former fbi agent accused of killing his wife. arthur gonzalez is being tried for a second time. jurors failed to reach a verdict in the first trial. he shot his wife julie in self-defense at their stafford home in2013 say sheg attack himd during an argument. prosecutors accused him of staging the crime scene. kids at two north d.c. schools surprise with an unexpected day off due to a water main break. what's happening, megan? >> reporter: you can see where the water main broke behind me here on t street right in front of two schools. langley elementary and mckinley tech. they're saying the repair work will take anywhere from six to eight hours. the schools are without water until this pipe is fixed. so they had no choice but to cancel classes for the day. it's 9:30 in the morning, but instead of walking into mckinley tech this girl is walking home. same thing for students next door at langley elementary. >> so i noticed the water coming down the street but didn't think it was anything and i guess there's no school today. so i have to walk all the way back home. >> reporter: classes unexpectedly canceled at the two schools after a water main break knocked out water service to the area. robo calls and e-mails went out to parents this morning. mckinley principal, louise jones, says most families got the word. only a few students came to school. staff waited with those kids until their parents could be reached. >> out of almost 900 kids we only have a handful that we're contacting parents and i have staff who stayed to help do that, and we won't leave anyone unattended. >> reporter: in addition to the two schools, about 18 other customers in the area are without water. the repairwork should be completed today. so sorry, kids. you're going to be back in school tomorrow. back to you, barbara. >> all right, thank you, megan. and back open after a water main break in this area. the main broke lost night and crews worked through the night to get roads back open. d.c. water says the cold winter temperatures have been wreaking havoc on the district's aging pipes. crewed repaired 86 water main breaks in the past month alone. we have breaking news in mexico right now. news 4 richard jord sn following an xpoegsexplosion at the hospital. live at the live desk. >> several young victims because it was a maternity and children's hospital where they had that explosion early this morning. we are tapped into mexican television with 24-nonstop coverage of the explosion. a gas tank blew up near that hospital. at least three people are dead. one woman was found in the rubble. her body found in that rubble there. 54 people are hurt. 22 of them children. most of them have now been taken to nearby hospitals and people asked to avoid the area as the search continues now through that rubble to see if there were any other victims that may have survived this. watching it from the live desk. barbara, back to you. >> thank you, richard. right now we're getting word of new information on a possible prisoner swap between jordan and isis. the information jordan just demanded. plus word on when hillary clinton will announce whether she is running for president. find out if the political right now new details into the live desk on the prisoner swap. the deadline passed and hour ago and it seems that talks have now stalled. jordanian authorities saying they want proof that a pilot be alive. they want his release along with a japanese journalist that is also being held by isis militants. jordan still holding an iraqi woman that was behind a deadly hotel bombing back in 2005. isis wants her release in exchange for these two hostages but, again, the deadline passed. jordanian officials saying the iraqi woman they have on death row is still in jordan. so we're still waiting to find out whether talks resume or perhaps the negotiations collapsed. barbara? >> thank you, richard. the atf will begin re-creating this deadly fire that burned down a mansion in annapolis leaving six people dead. the fire started in an outlet powering 15,000 lights on the pyle family's 15-foot christmas tree. the tree had been up 65 days and dried out apparently. the fire spread in 50 minutes. they had no time to get out. investigators say a sprinkler system in the home could have stopped that fire. starting in june all new homes in maryland will be required to have sprinkler systems. after learning the cause of the fire the boone/pyle family release add statement saying while the explanation that has been stated with us shared with us today, does not bring us any solace it does saturday us on the long road to acceptance. this magazine cover is getting a whole lot of attention. we'll take a look at number of women who are really a part of the u.s. tech companies, plus the biggest threats to this country, and what's being done about them. the director of homeland security just finished his annual state of homeland security address. and a quick-moving system will bring a bit of a wintry mix to the area tonight, but a larger system arrives on super bowl sunday and lasts through monday. the latest has helped thousands of people let go of all the hassle that comes with selling or trading in. we make selling your car truck or suv fast, safe and fair with three simple steps: one -- get your free online valuation. two -- drive to your local car-buying center. three -- walk out with a check in as little as thirty minutes. buying cars is all we do. all makes and models and no dealership pressure we'll even settle your loan or lease. so, don't wait. get your free online valuation now at jeh johnson just wrapped up an address on the state of homeland security talking about immigration enforcement and airport security you but says the agency's top priority is dealing with terror threats. in particular foreign fighters. people who travel to syria to train with extremists and then come back loam tohome to plot attacks saying cyber attacks a big concern, how the internet is used to recruit extreme s and lone wolf attacks, of high importance of to homeland security department especially after recent incidentsen in paris, ottawa and sydney. >> i said here a year ago as long as i'm secretary, counterterrorism will remain the cornerstone of the department of homeland security's mission. 13.5 years after 9/11 it's still a dangerous world. and in 2015 we must recognize that we have evolved to a new phase in the global terrorist threat. and johnson says his main folk sis to detect terror plots in the early stages so they can be broken up before anything is actually initiated. barbara? >> thank you, richard. the maker of that drone that crash-landed at the white house says washington will soon be a no-fly zone. the chinese company dji will release mandatory update blocking drones from flying within 15 mimes of d.c. and block the drones from flying in residential areas around 10,000 u.s. airports. dji says the update will be available in a couple of days. a government intelligence employee caused alarm when he crashed his drone on the lawn of the white house last week. he was off the clock and had been drinking when he launched that drone. you're looking at a live feed or will be in a minute confirmation hearings for loretta lynch, set to be the nest attorney general. she is not afraid to say, no to the president. she faced questions on a number of areas where a number of republicans disagree with president obama and outdoing attorney general eric holder as well. today's panel includes people speaking up for lynch. also those who have been harshly critical of the obama justice department. new reports hillary clinton will delay her decision whether to run for president. for more we're joined by a political writer for nbc news. good morning. >> good morning, the report is coming from politico. the delay as much as three months, they're saying. why wait? >> most of the conventional wisdom up to now had been hillary clinton would probably announce her run maybe in april. which would be a little bit later than she did in 2008 but it's a little more on the line with where in the calendar mitt romney and barack obama announced their runs in 2012. she may end up delaying it as this report states what she would probably do though according to politico in april announce an exploratory not say, okay i'm exploring the possibility. there's not that much for her to explore. folks think she's probably runs for president, and later in the summer actually begin campaigning and raising money in earnest. >> mitt romney is looking and sounding more like a candidate. yesterday went after hillary clinton. what did he say? >> giving a. see at mississippi university. sounded like a candidate. the nation's need for strong leadership and explicitly attacked hillary clinton by name along with barack obama, both on economic issues and on foreign policy. something he's done in the past but especially on economic issue, he said hillary clinton doesn't know how to create jobs with the implicit suggestion i, in fact, do. >> so it really does look like she definitely about to jump in. doesn't it? >> everything from what he said yesterday, he sounded like a candidate. he was speaking ex-press is lit sort of what his mission would be as president both on the economy and foreign policy. big issues that could end up being the things that define this race. >> will he be the front-runner and have a different strategy this time around? >> too early to tell. his team wants to say a different issue. talking about poverty and helping the middle class. that hurt a lot's in 20127.. a lot who supported him last time are not sure if mariaitt romney is the right person. maybe look at a jeb bush or chris christie or scott walker. >> continue to follow this. >> a long way to go. >> for more check out "further read" or a series of threats on social media disrupted air travel over the past few days. coming up a look who investigators now think is responsible for those threats. plus a missing teenager. why police think the 16-year-old is with a man she never met in person. and a newly discovered planet is being compared to saturn with one big new this morning, investigators searching for the airasia jet saying the copilot was at the controls just before last month the crash. data from the black box flight recorder is giving investigators a "pretty clear picture of what happened in the last moments of airasia flight 8501." the jet vanished from radar screens and the people onboard killed. airports around the country are on alert right now as the fbi is working to stop bomb threats that are seriously affecting flights. so far, not one bomb has been found, but nbc's tom costello tells us federal officers are taking the threat very seriously. >> reporter: the radio traffic between the tower and pilots anything but usual. >> this is fbi. just doing a check. >> the flight deck is secure. passengers are pretty well behaved. starting to get a little bit antsy. >> reporter: it's happened nearly two dozen times over the past two weeks. bomb threats posted on twitter. by someone claiming to represent isis. on january 17th, delta flight 1803 atlanta to raleigh. >> dogs sniffing us coming on and off the plane. yeah. a little crazy. >> reporter: on sunday jetblue 1006 long beach to seattle. then delta 4741 phoenix to seattle. then delta 1061 los angeles to orlando, diverted to dallas after someone tweeted, we are isis. we are here. onboard, this woman saw the tweet in the air to see that and see someone say, we are isis. we are here we're on the plane, that was absolutely terrifying because you don't really know what you're looking for. if someone looks suspicious or not. >> reporter: once on the ground to the plane and passengers isolated add searched. >> everyone has to be cleared. the entire aircraft has to be cleared. due to possible credibility of a threat. >> reporter: sources say it appears to be the work of pranksters and copycats not terrorists. the penalty if caught up to five years in prison and a $250,000 fine. now the fbi is analyzing the twitter feeds looking for the footprints that could lead them to a suspect. >> every time there's these additional threats coming in it's actually creating a profile that gives authorities more information so they can make better decisions. >> that was tom costello reporting. the issue affected more than 20 flights in just the last four days. each time it happens it costs an airline tens of thousands it of dollars. the next president of the united states will take off in a brand new air force one. the pentagon announced the contract for the ngo to chicago based boeing. the current fleet of two presidential aircraft will be replaced by boeing 747-8 planes. that's the latest generation of the 747. the current air force one went into service in 1990. that was during president george h.w. hush's timebush's office. no word when it will awe've. and another planet is out there with ringses like saturn, except those rings are about 200 times as large. changes in the planet's lighting clued them in on how it look. the first time scientists have found a planet other than saturn with rings. if saturn had rings as big as this one does you'd be able to see it clearly from earth just like the moon. "newsweek's" latest cover story focusing on women or the lack thereof in silicone valley. look at the cover. diversity figures in the article. 69% of people who work at facebook are men. 31% are women. a similar situation at apple. globally 70% of the staff are men for apple. 30% women. same for google. 76% of intel's to2013 are men. pledging $300 million in tackling the diversity problem in the tech industry. and a developing story out of california now pap suspicious package left near a tech company turns into a complicated death investigation. the gruesome discovery police made. plus two things that you're going to notice about our weather in the next 24 hours. some form of precipitation, and very very cold conditions. also we'll tell you about the outrageous amount of money to clean up of a a snowstorm in cities like new york. and if you're trying to eat healthier in the new year there's a berry you want to add to your diet we think. you may not have heard of it. storms cost cities a lot of money, and the cleanup may carry the biggest price tag. a new study says the cost of removing snow in new york city is about $1.8 million per inch. the most expensive year is for remaneuvering snow were winters where the city received the most snow. the most cost efficient winters are ones with a moderate amount of snow. storm team 4 meteorologist emileiaamelia segal joins us. >> talking about a wintry mix moving through later today on into the evening hours mainly 0 for those north and west of the d.c. metro area. inside of the beltway through southern maryland and northern neck only a quick passing shower that lasts about about hour orn hour or so. the system moving through bringing wintry weather later today brings in windy conditions tomorrow. still breezy saturday. wait until you see the windchill temperatures tomorrow night. winter plans, definitely catch that. the next storm system sunday into monday. you've seen a chance of snow, maybe rain in the forecast later sunday and monday. second but right here on the satellite and radar, this is the storm system that i'm tracking. this moves through our area between 4:00 and 8:00 p.m. of course veronica is in later today bringing you the latest updates exactly what's happening in your neighborhood. as this starts to show up on storm team 4 radar. again, a winter weather advisory because of the potential of a wintry nation could produce slick spots late tonight, early tomorrow morning for parts of western montgomery, western loudon counties northern howard county frederick, the areas in purple starting at 3:00 p.m. runs until 9:00 p.m. temperatures today, you can see in the winter weather advisory warm into the mid30s. gaithersburg 36 pap high today in washington of 40. also a little breezy later today. temperatures right now are in the 20s and 30s. washington coming in at 34. tomorrow this is the windy day. a high temperature of 39 degrees, but with the winds at about 15 to 30 miles an hour during the afternoon it's going to feel like temperatures are in the 20s. it's breezy already at 7:00 a.m. temperature 34. by noon at 36. 5:00 actually down to 33 degrees. remember it's windy. at 6:00 p.m. how it feels. like temperature, in the teens and single digits. so i've posted this on my facebook and twitter pages. getting a lot of comments. something to help you warm up not the jex graphic, but about 50 days way from spring today. 8:00 p.m. tomorrow night. i said heading out, the warmest jacket you have feeling 5 degrees in washington. by 10:00 p.m. tomorrow night. your super bowl forecast as we head out to phoenix, jim hand li is there enjoying the warmer weather. this is what we're looking at for the big game. temperatures in the upper 60s at kickoff. by the time the game's winding down temperatures around 60 degrees, slight winds, and plenty of sunshine. here on saturday still breezy. not windy. high temperature 3shgs 2. looking like sunday starts off dry, getting into the afternoon and evening hours mainly snow. potentially rain moves into the area. the biggest impacts from the system look to be on monday. barbara, we're continuing to track this system. we're still a ways away from exactly what it will bring us. so storm team 4 continues to update the forecast. high temperature monday 26. blustery on monday as well barbara. >> thanks so much. several people are hurt after a house fire in prince george's county. checking in with richard jordan at the live desk. >> two residents and a medical attention. video that just came in. 62nd avenue and seminole place in berwyn heights. by chance three people in the area who saw those flames. one of them an off-duty volunteer firefighter who went into the home and rescued the two residents, a 60-year-old woman and 80-year-old man. taken to the hospital suffering from smoke inhalation. firefighters battling the flames there. one of the firefighters also hurt. still no word on what caused the fire here. as you can see in the video, the flames are out now but lucky for those two residents to have three good samaritans in the area ready to jump in and save them. barbara? >> thanks richard. a virginia family holding out hope this morning after their 16-year-old girl went missing. virginia state police continue to look for aysia monique lewis saying she was last seen monday at christianburg high school which is south of blacksberg. police believe a man named donald quizenberry drove from the middle of illinois to meet her and she willingly got in the car, they believe. aysias mother made an emotional plea for her daughter to calm if she can. >> aysia, we love you. we miss you, and we are worried sick about you. please call us. text us facebook us. however you can get in touch with us. whatever you have to do. >> police say the man and teen could be heading south to florida. right now investigators aren't saying how the two know each other. and right now opening statements in the aaron hernandez murder trial just started. it was delayed because one juror late and another sent a note to the jump. hernandez is charged with murdering a semiprofessional football player in 2013. the trial is expected to take six to ten weeks. hernandez could spend the rest of his life in prison if convicted. a developing story out of california today. human body parts found in a suitcase left on the sidewalk near mission and 11th streets in san francisco. police found more body parts as they searched the area. it's an area that has long had a large homeless population. it's also a mere block way from the headquarters of the social media giant twitter. investigators hope to recover surveillance footage from businesses in the area. it's unclear whether those remains are from one or more people. and following breaking news out of mexico right now as we reported at the top of the news cast. a truck carrying gas exploded outside a maternity and children's hospital. the live desk is working to get new information and we'll have the latest before the end of this news cast. and where is the tv? you're watching right now? set up? well why it could be dangerous, and a look how to resolve that problem. stay a new video simulation out today reminds parent to make absolutely sure those flat-screened tvs are properly secured. the consumer product safety commission video shows the frooitenning impact of a flat screen falling on a child-sized dumb pip kids may be tempted to climb for a toy or for the remote and these tvs can fall with the force of 1,000 pounds. if your family bought a new flat screen for the super bowl and you'd like installation at vice ask your sales associate for that. according to the cpsc every two week as child is killed by a falling appliance. in just a few hours, the montgomery county council discussing changing the turf on athletic fields looking at a new filler made from coconut fiber, corn and rice husks instead of the coarse rubber you've seen before. the first two fields to use the filler will likely be at churchill high school and latonia recreational park. the council notes, however, the change will cost more money. she spent nearly ten months in the hospital until she got a christmas gift that saved her life. news 4's doreen gentzler has the story of a little girl who got a heart transplant in time for the holidays. ♪ >> reporter: teresa perez loves to dance and laugh and play. ♪ but that can be tough when you're barely 2 years old and the only thing keeping her alive, she had cold symptoms and lethargic couldn't even play. >> it's scary. yeah. very very scary. especially because the symptoms are sort of vague. when we found out that her heart was really big on her chest x-ray, and then it wasn't pumping well then we knew the reason behind her symptoms. >> reporter: coming up tonight, find out what was causing this little girl so much pain and how doctors got her a heart just in time. that's holiday heart, tonight on "new4 at 5:00." southern living magazine has chosen virginia for their 2015 idea house. the house will be built at a preservation the 4,500 square foot house modern pap twist on the classic virginia farm house, actually. it will open to the public june 27th and featured in the magazine's august issue. it's been several years since virginia was chosing for the idea house. the idea house program builds and renovates homes with the aim of providing ideas and inspiration for others. lawmakers in other area want to make sure you get paid, even if you're sick. what's being done today to make that happen. plus super foods, we have all heard of the benefits of things like kale. coming up a look at five other foods you should add to your diet today. a shoothy, ysmoothie using one of those new super foods. would love to set the record straight because i feel the rumors have been going on way too long. >> victoria justice sits down with meredith vieira to set the record straight at 1:00 right ring ring!... progresso! it's ok that your soup tastes like my homemade. it's our slow simmered vegetables and tender white meat chicken. apology accepted. i'm watching you soup people. make it progresso or make it yourself you say avocado old el paso says... zesty chicken and avocado tacos in our stand 'n stuff tortillas . (record scratch) you say stand n' stuff tortillas old el paso says... start somewhere fresh today learn more about paid sick leave in montgomery county. it's considering a new law mandating businesses to give you an hour of paid sick leave for every 30 hours worked. earn as much as seven days of paid time off each year. the law would require safe leave, paid time for those dealing with domestic violence. a public hearing tonight at 7:30 at the county council building in rockville. the latest super food getting attention is a berry from peru and a registered dietitian joins us all the way from san francisco to talk about this new one calmed the peachu berry. thank you, running around the country telling everybody about the verb virtues of this. you say five wonderful foods to indmorpt our diets right now. >> yes. actually i've written two books on peruvian super foods. there are 21 but i brought 5 here and we have quinoa peaches, avocados purple potatoes and potatoes as well. >> okay. the pichuberry -- incorporate those in our diets as soon as we can. >> yes. super foods, what are super foods, these foods give you not just nutritional value, but they also give you health benefits i. want to go through what i brought with you and then get to the pichuberry. quinoa with avocado. >> we have the dressing that is just orange juice. actually quite nice. >> what will that do for you? >> quinoa actually protein and antioxidants. pichuberry vitamin krmplt and rich antioxidants and anti-inflam forefat, avocado. we need fat in salads to absorb the fight fight fight oh nutrients -- fitonutrients. >> and this is rich in antioxidants as well. >> over here sweet potatoes fried? >> sweet potatoes. we like fried but this time i baked them. yes. quite delicious. >> that looks great. all right. i will get to the pichuberry. newest thing. tell us about it and what you'll make? >> pichuberries are quite outstanding. 3/4 cup give you 39% of your vitamin d, has a fitonutrient and researchers say these can actually stop cancer growth and it's it has vitamin b12 protein and rich in antioxidants as well. >> what's in here already? orange juice? >> so orange juice and i like to include all different colors when making smoothies for health benefits. strawberries. pichuberries and then blueberries. i mean again, each color provides different health benefits. what you do add protein if you like and go and make your smoothie for the day. >> i want to take a taste of that while you -- what will i get from the pichuberry are they on the market? >> they are on the market. you can find them at safeway. >> and other grocery stores you said? >> yes, uh-huh. >> very good. i'm going to be healthy from this. >> that's right. >> look like i'm 25 years old after i drink it. make a 70-year-old feel like a 30 40. anyway sounds fantastic. to your health. >> to your health. cheers. on this week's "wednesday's child" two wonderful young brothers waiting and hoping for the love and comfort of ap adoptive home. we took them for a very special visit to a pretty famous institution right across from the white house. >> wow. >> reporter: they were welcomed in grand style to washington's famed hay-adams hotel. the manager greeted us and the boys 12 and 10 were excited to learn about the emeantamenities, guests and even presidents enjoy here. first stop the off the record room where caricatures of a few famous guests graced the ruby red walls. we met the conscierge. >> which room do you want? >> the barack obama one. >> that would be the presidential suite. >> here we are. >> wow. >> oh wow. lie like the pillows on the bed. >> very comfortable. try it out. >> reporter: first a peak out of the window at the impressive real estate down below. but that's sumptuous bed beckoned. >> it's okay. go ahead. >> reporter: he went for it! and a different approach. we also met the chef jonathan little and the boys each tried their hand at making fancy mashed potatoes. >> do you have any idea what you'd like to be when you grow up? >> construction. >> reporter: what sort of things? >> build houses. buildings. >> reporter: do you know what you want to do when you grow up? -- >> reporter: although procedures have not always lived together in the foster care system. they hope to be adopted. >> i'm looking for a family to that will love them unconditionally, and provide a safe and stable environment for them. >> if i was adopted i would like to have a regular ordinary family with, i like children. >> the most important thing for me is that someone that -- gets -- like someone that treats me like a nice way and can treat me like a real mother and dad or a brother and sister. >> reporter: they topped off their visit to the hay adams with a view from the top looking out at the white house and lafayette park from the roof terrace. but their favorite memory had to be this -- something they'd like a brand new family to bring back and try out with them. if you have room in your home and heart for these boys or another child who's waiting, call us our special adoption hot line or search "wednesday's child" on time 11:350. coming up tv deals ahead of the super bowl plus the live desk staying on top of breaking news in mexico city. the death toll climbs after an explosion outside a maternity and children's hospital. seven people now confirmed dead. four of them are children. 54 others hurt. half of those also children. it was a gas tank that exploded in front of that hospital. the gas tank truck was servicing the hospital at the time. it is still unclear why it blew up but the flying glass that erupted from the blast, that caused most of the injuries. there again, seven people confirmed dead. barbara. >> thank you, richard. another developing story we're following. jordan's government is demanding proof of life of the jordanian's pilot held by isis before moving ahead with any possible swap to bring him home. the militants have threatened to kill the pilot and the japanese journalist unless jordan frees an iraqi woman with connections to al qaeda. and we'll keep an eye on the progress of t street in northeast washington. crewing are working right now to repair a broken water main. the problem forced mckenley technology high school and langley elementary school to close. the repairwork is expected to take about eight hours. just three more days until super bowl sunday and today we're expecting the team to learn more about the entertainment for the big teams that are going to be there. katy perry and idina menzel will speak to the media. perry performs the half time sew, manziel sing the national anthem. security is ramping up ahead of the game sunday. the faa made the area around the university of phoenix stadium a no-drone zone. news 4 jim handly is in phoenix now. follow his facebook page leading up to the super bowl and watch every night at 4:00 5:00 6:00 and 11:00 for jim's live reports from phoenix. if you need to or just want a new tv this is great time to buy one. the super bowl prompts super sales. the research from market tracks says you can expect to save about 19%, or shave that much off the cost of most tvs. consumer reporter erika gonzalez shows us some of the best models for your money. >> reporter: so many options. so which tv should you buy? consumer reports has tips to help you score the best set for watching sports. a sports bar is a great place to watch the game. >> yes! >> reporter: at this one, follow the action on 49 tv screens. >> we're going to expect a big crowd. a bunch of noise. a good time. >> reporter: but if you're buying a tv for your super bowl party at home consumer report says a screen at least 50 inches or large sir a good size for a crowd. testers in consumer reports labs size up hundreds of tvs every year. also important, a set that delivers a wide viewing angle. >> when watching a big game way crowd of friends, not everyone's getting that great seat front and center. one of the issues i l.e.d. and lcd tvs, the picture can look washed out when viewed from an angle. >> reporter: another consideration. how well the tv can handle fast action. these patterns help testers evaluate motion. >> most tvs do fine with ploegs. sports is a con thaent can stress a trch ability to present fat-moving scenes without the image blurring. ♪ whenever i see you smile ♪ >> reporter: testers evaluate whether the tv's sound is clear and loud enough without distortion. a 55-inch sony bra via delivers ex-lend sound and gets top marx for ultra high definition picture quality costs $2,800. >> this year's super bowl is not broadcast in 4k but will look great on the set and will you have future-proofed for when more 4k becomes available. >> reporter: the 5 inch panasonic vieira is a consumer reports best buy for $700. you'll see big sales of televisions leading up to the super bowl consumer reports says you'll get better deals in late february as retailers clear out older sets to make way for the new. >> running out of time to buy a new tv. we just learned prap hannah and clark county public schools will close at 1:00 p.m. and all amp-school activities cancelled. a check on the forecast. if you're going to buy a new one before the super bowl get out there and get it. what will happen this afternoon? >> not the best idea to head out this afternoon. especially in the winter weather advisory and schools closing early could see that wintry mix later today. could about slow evening commute for northern montgomery western loudon frederick county the areas in purple. damascus germantown and purserville with that wintry mix arriving around 4:00 leaven around 8:00. showers in washington and areas south. windy tomorrow barbara. feeling like temperatures in the 20s. veronica will have the latest on the win the ittry thix win the think mix this afternoon. and that's "news4 midday" day. thank you for being with us. we'll be back here tomorrow morning at 11:00 a.m. until then have a great day. we'll see you in the morning. >> will: i don't want to talk about this anymore. i should never have told you about paul! >> kate: no, the person you can't tell is sonny! >> sonny: what can't will tell me? i want to know. >> kate: hi. oh, it's nothing. how are you? how are you doing? >> sonny: i'm good, thank you. be a lot better when you tell me what you're not supposed to tell me, will. >> jordan: hey, let go of me! >> chad: i will, when you tell me why you were kissing rafe. >> jordan: that's why you've been treating me like this? >> chad: you lied to my face. you said that you and rafe were done--no going back--and then you went b

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