Transcripts For WRC News4 At 11 20150224 :

Transcripts For WRC News4 At 11 20150224

pedestrians. >> and a woman describing the moment of impact after an suv flipped and killed a pedestrian tonight. that woman was one of the first on the scene after an suv spun out of control. >> when it did that it sparked a destructive chain of events that ultimately led to a pedestrian's death. chris gordon in northwest d.c. right now where that wrecked suv has just been moved. chris? >> reporter: the clearing the scene that had been chaos. people running yelling call 911. those that had cpr training knew there was little they could do to help. the driver of the suv lost control of the suv after a harrowing trip down h street west. this woman was heading to class. >> i was right at where the bus stop is there. and i just heard like an explosio large crash. >> she turned and saw the suv flipped over just 20 feet from r it smashed into this marble wall outside the government accountability office. the major crash unit is investigating the accident with the benefit of video from a camera mounted on police say it started a block away when the suv hit two cars. >> struck the light pole here then we had two pedestrians walking on the swak down the street. as the car flipped over, it actually crushed one of the pedestrians under the car. >> reporter: the second pedestrian and the driver of the is suv were taken to the and treated for nonlife threatening injuries. she realizes how lucky she is. >> i called my mom, told her what happened. i just feel very blessed because i walked by the scene probably 15 or 20 seconds before it happened. i really could have been one of those pedestrians. >> rep why the driver lost control of the suv and if any criminal charges will be filed in this crash that left one dead and two injured. that's the latest live in northwest washington chris gordon news 4. right now temperatures are in the teens out there, and as chief meteorologist doug kammerer shows us some of us will be waking up to record breaking cold tomorrow morning. >> the record tonight is 14. we're going to shatter that no problem. take a look. you add in a little bit of wind. we're not seeing a lot of wind but it doesn't take much. you get wind chills down around 12 in d.c. leesburg coming in at 3. annapolis around 9. a very cold night once again. the arctic air making its way backo lead to ice overnight. give yourself extra time tomorrow morning. just plain cold. i'll show you how long this cold lasts plus we'll talk about your chances for snow coming up in just a minute. right now customers in one community they've got a lot of problems as far as the colder air is concerned. shomari stone is in alexandria. >> i'm upset. >> reporter: bill mccrory is having a rough time in alexandria virginia. >> i'm in trouble here. i have no water, for the house. >> reporter: today an 8-inch water pipe broke u ss 100 in the neighborhood. this past weekend's cold tes sudden thawing caused six water pipe to break in alexandria. the pipe on bill's street was installed when he move here 50 years ago. >> you can't operate without water, for flushing toilets and things water to heat and things like that. >> reporter: tonight a supervisor told me these guys have to be very careful because the broken pipe is near a gas and sewer line. >> i'm go ahead and get my equipment. ep crews closed the road fearing the weight of a car or truck could cause a sinkhole. bill mccrory realizes he might have to give up his independence for a day if they don't fix the pipe by tomorrow morning. >> tomorrow i'll have to gto daug apartment and stay there. that's what i'll do. >> reporter: macarthur elementary school is also on cheney's lane. folks are wondering if the school reopened. tonight school officials say it's expected to reopen depends on these hard working guys out here. we'll let you know tomorrow on twitter @nbc washington and on our facebook page at nbc washington. i'm shomari stone, news 4. new at 11:00 tonight there's a huge fire burning in a tire warehouse in anne ar county. yoe fla pouring out of the k & k tire company in linthicum heights. several surrounding counties are helping to fight that fire. we've not heard of any injuries. we're learning about a local mosque vandalized tonight in northeast washington. it happened at the ivy city mosque on gallaudet street. the inside of the mosque was damaged including some broken chairs windows and scattered prayer books. d.c. police are investigating this as a destruction of property case. class sizes could be smaller. teachers could get a raise in prince william county next year but the county still needs to figure out how to pay for those expenses. the county released its initial budget proposal tonight. it includes a $17.5 million budget shortfall. new details tonight after a local bar owner was arrested for secretly videotaping women in the restaurant's bathroom. kyle muehlhauser is one of the owners of the rams head tavern in savage maryland. he was arrested last week. police say this is still an active investigation. >> we're also reaching out to police jurisdictions where there are other similar restaurants owned by same person to let them know that we've made this arrest that they can pursue any investigations that they feel might be appropriate. >> for the first time we're hearing from the restaurant group that also owns ram's head tavern. since the incident quote, we've been focused on ensuring that all of our facilities are safe and secure. no other locations or incidents are involved. police tell us that a man who installed a heating system in a home in bethesda went back robbed it and he knew exactly where the cash was. dr. paul shore and his wife were home during the break-in. dr. shore says the man went right for the box that was filled with $10,000 in cash and rare coins. the thieves, he said explained why they did it. >> we are not going to hurt you. we will not hurt you. we respect you. and then he said we're doing this because the economy sucks. that's s-u-c-k-s. a man is out on bond accused of stealing from an apartment where he did repair work. he's been charged with burglary for allegedly taking cash from an apartment unit he was supposed to be repairing. parker had access o the a number of apartment units a the presidential greens complex in alexandria. poli a trying to determine whether parker is connected to any other crimes in that area. new at 11 more concerns over d.c. mayor muriel bowser's plan to help black and latino male students succeed. the empowering males of color initiative includes an all boys prep school in southeast. the american civil liberties union applauds this effort but questions whether the program singles out black female students. in a letter to bowser the aclu writes studies show that separating boys and girls does not improve academic performance. it simply increases gender stereotyping. > l federal employees could be working for ious next week if congress doesn't work on way to fund the department of homeland security. reports show 1,000 workers in maryland would stay on the job but without their regular paychecks. the federal emergency management agency has also notified workers it will be unable to process emergency declarations and could furlough 3600 employees, and mu that the u.s. fire administration headquarters in frederick is to be shuttered unless an agreement can be reached. fairfax county high school students and parents packed an aw tore yum tonight for a unique program aimed at preventing teen suicide. jackie bensen tells us why it's different from traditional. >> tonight you'll hear from six brave souls. >> reporter: no psychiatrists, therapist ors counselors just brave souls, some in high schools, in in their 20s, one older, talking about the things that made them believe life was not worth living. >> i went out to a set of train tracks near my house. and i just stood on top of them. and i waited for a train to come. >> i was this very strong and self-conscious and self-aware person but yet underof it i was one of the loneliest people i've ever met. >> reporter: each had one thing in common that their greatest help came from talking to others struggling with similar problems. the teen-to-teen mental health summit named for a fairfax county teen that took his own is based on a simple premise, you are not alone. someone else has been there and made it through. >> i felt like a problem. my parents are very supportive and loving and they worry, but i didn't want them to. >> reporter: this event is growing in popularity every year. attendance this year estimated at twice what it was last year. jackie bensen news 4. we have lots of mental health resources available on our website, just search changing minds. woman and her two young children were killed when a plane crashed into their house. >> we don't want this to become what you know defines our lives. >> in his first tv interview, kent gamel explains how he and his survivi is there an elk in your bed? with sleep number, now there's an adjustment for that. you can only find sleep number at a sleep number store. right now find our best-buy rated c2 queen mattress starting at $599.99. know better sleep with sleep number. tonight a man in maryland and his daughter talk about the death of their loved ones. marie, cole and devin gemmell died when a plane crashed into their house in montgomery county last year. >> for the first time ken gemmell shares what his life is like without his wife and two sons. news 4's angie goff has their story of perseverance. >> we were always out and about, you know. i know a lot of our friends didn't know how we did it with two three kids getting out as much as we did. >> reporter: there was a time a short time when ken gemmell had it all, a beautiful family a wife marie, his college a daughter arabelle. she loved being a big sister to 3-year-old cole. and baby devin, just 7 weeks old. there was so much to look forward to. then monday december 8th, 2014. ken was at work. his daughter arabelle was at school. he started getting phone calls about a plane crash in his neighborhood. >> they didn't know where it was. i started calling my wife but there was no answer. >> reporter: he got to the scene but police wouldn't let him see the house. the plane had pierced the home setting it on fire. his wife marie and their two sons trapped inside. i think we knew that they were probably in there, but we didn't know for sure. we were holding out hope that maybe they got out and were somewhere else. >> reporter: after five agonizing hours, his fears were confirmed. most of his family was gone. >> they found them in an upstairs bathroom. and i think one of the first couple words i knew what it was. probably overwhelmed with grief. >> reporter: police say marie s cradling her sons 3 1/2-year-old cole and her baby devin. she used her body to try to shield them from the smoke and fire. >> were you surprised by that? >> no not at all. i knew she was trying to do everything she could to keep them calm and try to save them if it was possible but make sure that it wasn't painful for them. >> reporter: in his eyes his wife was a hero. her actions touched hearts here and across the nation. a go fund me site raised $500,000 in just days. >> this was before the game. >> reporter: the denver broncos, the gemmells' favorite team reached out flying ken and arabelle in for a game. things like that have been good. >> for me it can be difficult. because it's overwhelming. i think more of we're only here because of what happened and to me that hurts a little bit, but to see my daughter smile at those events it's really cool. >> reporter: together ken and his second grader are doing the best they can to rebuild in a new home. their old one torn down with no plans to go back. amid the scores of donations sits the few things they managed to salvage, some picture frames a teacup a family tree made by cole with a little help from marie. what do you want people to know about her? >> just how great of a mother she was. she would have loved the kids so much. >> reporter: love so strong this grieving father knows he can't give up now, not ever. there are going to be people who watch your story and not be able to understand how someone who goes through such loss and such tragedy is able to wake up every day. >> i told my daughter we don't want this to completely defeat us. we to become what defines our lives or ruins the rest of our lives going forward. we have to persevere and honor marie, cole and devin. >> takes a lot to keep going. ken says the overwhelming support from the community is helping them to heal. we'll have that part of the story tomorrow on news 4 at 6:00. and now, your storm team 4 . >> oh and that forecast talks about more cold. 21 degrees the windchill, just reverse that over 12 degrees right now. not much wind but doesn't take a lot to produce the windchill. 10 gaithersburg 19 hunting town 14 in manassas as the winds continue to relax. that will allow temperatures to continue to fall. as i mentioned, i do think dulles will set a record tonight. don't think we'll reach it at the airport up national. the record there 13 -- or rather 1 degree going for a temperature of 13. nothing on the radar in our area but the cold air has come down making its way all the way to the south. that's shunted our storm down to the south well. atlanta seeing snow. a lot of weather advisories. this system is going to try to make its way our way over the next 24 hours but most of us won't see anything at all. 8:00 a.m. nothing going on with future weather. but watch what happens tomorrow evening. a little bit of that snow try to make its way in here. wouldn't be surprised. maybe the northern neck over towards the eastern shore might see a few flurries late tomorrow night. the rest of us will be a-okay. the next storm system moves in wednesday night into thursday morning. not much going on here. here we are wednesday at 8:00, just the cloud cover. but look at the snow trying to make its way up. some of the computer models trying to make its way to the north. others continuing to keep it out of our area completely. this is something we're going to watch very closely. they have been making their way a little farther up. we'll see what happens with this one. tom kierein will have the latest on this storm cominge ingg up tomorrow at 4:26. that's so early tomorrow. we'll see years of ice during the day early, but i'm not expected too much of it. we saw a ton of delays earlier on monday. i don't think we'll see a repeat of that on tuesday. the d.c. metro area. 4 in manassas. 11 down towards fredericksburg. the record in dulles will be 14. we'll break that any time now. we'll get down to 4 or 5 degrees there. so we'll shatter that record. there's that chance of snow on thursday. once again i think most of the area will see a chance of snow but the best chance will be down to the south. southern maryland down around fredericksburg you folks have the best chance of seeing accumulating snowfal out of this. but continue we'll continue to watch. 30 degrees on friday. you notice our average highs up to 15. we won't be close to that till the end of the weekend. right now the weekend looks dry. 43 on sunday monday hey, at least we get to average but that comes with some rain. >> it is going to feel like a heat wave man, if it ever comes. are you sure it's coming? >> yes. am i sure it's coming. >> don't change your mind. >> please. we've less than a week until march and the maryland terp women already how can i avoid maintenance fees? why would you want to avoid them? because i don't want to... you know what? i'm gonna bring my maintenance guy in here to tell you all about it. roddy! so, uh, without your fee your checking chamber can't run smoothly. every time you put money in it causes, uh...deposit friction. gotta get some fiscal lube on there. [ male announcer ] it's time to bank human again. [ defeated] okay. [ male announcer ] avoid monthly maintenance fees at td bank with a minimum checking balance of just $100. td bank. america's most convenient bank. this is the xfinity sports desk brought to you by xfinity. your home for th. doreen in her words -- >> we've got winners to talk about tonight. >> that's right. people are asking me what do you do to help women get more sports coverage. i say nothing, not when you have a team like maryland. they deserve it. that's what sports are about. why we watch. we want to see something extraordinary, o be ato be amazed and marvel. the women, impressive displays off the court public display of dancing. yep, tonight as penn state came to town, maryland up 10-2 early. lexie brown with the steal. brionna jones contact. the tough shot. she gets it to go. terps leading by 21 at the break. this one well in hand for maryland. lexie brown with a little shake six points for her. maryland cruises past penn state. a perfect 16-0 in the big ten. immediately after the game the maryland women gathered at center court tonight for a well deserved trophy presentation. yes, they still have two regular season games to go but they clinched the big ten regular season title. they get to take home the hardware. head coach brenda frese embracing this special moment. >> to be able to do it in the fashion we've done it undefeated with such a young team you know one senior on the roster and a league that is so talented from top to bottom. so just the consistency factor night in night out, not having an off night to be able to have this dream come true. >> we put a lot of hard work do it. that's what people don't see. they see what we do on the court. we work hard on the off season and continue to work hard through the season. we're not satisfied at all. we want to keep going, keep working hard. a lot to look forward to this season. >> alyssa thomas who i think -- no they never say that. >> one senior. that's totally off the hook. >> last year their big rock star alyssa thomas left. how are they going to replace her? it seems like it will be ok. the wizards have plenty of time to figure out what ails them. february not kind to this team. they lost 8 of their last 10. some have been even record bad performances but help could soon be on the way. bradley biehl coming to an arena near you, maybe. he hasn't played with a right leg injury. the guard averaging 15 points a game had become their best three-point shooter. good news to hear he's practicing and pain free. but the time and date of his return still tba. >> i think i'm close. how close i am i have no idea. but i'm just hoping this week that we can line some things up in week and just get back out there as soon as i can. it's difficult because you wanp the team out immediately but at the same time you want to look out for yourself and your benefit and your career for a long time. just a matter of justboth which is just being smart about the situation. >> wanted to be smart but boy do they need him especially against the warriors tomorrow. steph curry still questionable. >> maybe a road trip with their [ female announcer ] business travel isn't just about the going. it's also about the going home. and being connected all along the way. whether you're working or recharging do business travel on your terms. acela. take off. director scott had a great idea for our next staff meeting. you guys can use it too. this is what you do at your next staff meeting. you get a bunch of oranges or if you can get tomatoes if you want and you throw them at each other. >> ow. >> this is down in mexico. they call it the war of the oranges festival. 150-year-old tradition. hundreds of people pelt each other with oranges. they say it's in hopes of bringing rain and good harvest. >> right in the face! >> i think they go out and try to find a person they've been trying to get back at for the longest time put a mask over their head and say, here >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center in the heart of new york city, it's "the tonight show starring jimmy fallon." tonight, join jimmy and his guests -- christina aguilera jeff probst, musical guest, kid rock

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