Transcripts For WRAZ WRALs 7AM News On Fox50 20161101 : comp

Transcripts For WRAZ WRALs 7AM News On Fox50 20161101

i did sneak into the big ?rak of, let's see, snickers? >> what didn't you sneak into. elizabeth, a nice night for trick or treating but it's cold. it is cold. we had a warm halloween, and then once the sun set, it felt good. we had a brief shower roll throw. it's over at this point, and temperatures in the 50s. 52 in wake springs. 55 in erwin and 52 in rocky mount and 50 in south hill. your planner this morning, temperatures in the low to mid- 60s. 61 at lunchtime and a high of 65. yesterday's high, 72. so it will be cooler than yesterday. we'll see increasing sunshine through the afternoon. tomorrow, temperatures jump way up. brian's here with a look at closed still from matthew. that's right. south and east of the triangle. it will be a long time before they re-open. we have news about roger's road in wake forest. right now, a look at the accident on the east side of raleigh on the knightdale bypass westbound before you get to new hope. this is from the new hope road interchange. looks like we have a right lane blocked there, the shoulder blocked on the westbound side of the bypass, slowing things down at 440. we'll keep our eyes on the drive from knightdale, slowing in well in advance of the new hope interchange back to 540. give yourself extra time. an accident on 55 bypass near ballentine street in holly springs. overall, your major routes are clayton bypass. >> thank you, brian. durham police are investigating a shooting at an apartment complex around east pilot street at 3:30 this morning. no word of the condition of a victim or the search for suspects. we are exactly one week away from election day, and donald trump and mike pence are in pennsylvania focusing >> the fbi is not just, meanwhile, focusing in on hillary clinton's e-mails. as tracie potts tells us, they are looking into ties between russia and donald trump's former campaign manager. >> i will tell you this. if they want to look at more e- mails of one of my staffers, by all means. go ahead and look at them. i know they will reach the same conclusion they reached when they looked at my e-mails last year; right in. of emails of a top clinton aide, sources confirm that the agency is taking a preliminary look at the foreign business ties of donald trump's former campaign manager paul manafort. >> the director has discussed the investigation of one candidate and opens up bias if they don't investigate another. >> re last-minute review of clinton's e-mails just days before the election has energized the trump campaign. >> i guarantee you there are many. many of the e-mails that were missing are in there report comes just before election day but it's unknown if it will sway voters. tracie potts, washington. north carolina's senior senator is apologizing for comments made. >> emmy victor joins us now to tell us more about the conversation that we understand was record. it happened at a gop event on saturday. this is audio from cnn. we want to warn you that it's hard to hear it. >> reporter: we have reached not replied. however, in a statement to cnn, senator burr calls his own remarks inappropriate and the audio has faced criticism from democrats and groups worried about gun violence.. deborah ross said unfortunately this is just the latest in a disturbing string of amendment supporters take matters into their own hands was the comment besides my trump who later said he was not encouraging violence but encouraging second amendment voters to take action by voting. >> emmy, thank you. a new news poll will give us an idea of how voters feel about the candidates. we'll have exclusive results senator, and more today at 4:00 p.m. on wral. the state naacp has filed a lawsuit against election boards in north carolina saying voters' registrations are unlawfully thrown out and this involves challenges to thousands of voters in cumberland and moore counties. the mail address is returned as undeliverable. according to the lawsuit, the voters were not given a to prove their eligibility. naacp voters are asking for an emergency hearing this week. today marks the start of the enrollment under the affordable care act. there will be changes for north carolinians this year and some may see price increases. renee chou has more on where you can go for help. renee? >> reporter: lena, limited options. north carolina has only one participating insurer in the majority of the counties. blue across blue shield. cigna will sell coverage in five counties, and others have quit the marketplace because they said that the overhaul has not drawn enough young, healthy people to pay into the system and balance out policy holders who are older and sicker. the cost of health insurance going up. in north carolina, premiums are going up 25%. but most who sign up will qualify for federal tax subsidies anwi or most of the premium costs. you can go to health to enter the health insurance marketplace. you can sign up for new options or change your plan. if you don't do it today, you have three months to decide. the penalty for not signing up under the accordable care act or if you don't have other insurance is $695 or 2.5% of the group get covered and enroll america are hosting a kickoff event at the barton street baptist church in raleigh from 10:30 this morning to 5:00. you can get in-person help. blue cross expects to enroll 250,000 aca insurers left behind, nearly doubling the policy holders. back to you. >> renee, thank you. a controversial issue for wake county parents is up >> the response to latest reassignment plan. >> and a deadly pipeline we count on them to show up for us. now buck newton wants to be our top law-enforcement officer, ly one out of five votes, more than any senator but one. 10 times, buck was penalized for missing tax deadlines. his business was dissolved. there's too much at stake to make buck newton attorney general. this buck stops here. what's happened to our north carolina? but mccrory's given them a sweetheart deal, leaving us to pay for cleaning up their mess. and while mccrory's given huge tax breaks to those at the top, his education cuts have left our schools falling behind. governor pat mccrory has revised the number of storm- related deaths from 28 to 27. a death in lenoir county was determined to be unrelated from the hurricane. a number of towns are still recovering from the flooding. he stopped to visit homes an businesss in ivanhoe and bladen borrow and fair bluff that just took a beating from a nearby dam break. student reassignments will be up for discussion when the wake county school board meets. the board is work on its 30 draft of the plan and promotes proposals to the horton street the move. board members will get a refresher on what went into the assignment. and they will look into the vernon malone academy that was diagrammed in the flooding and the cost of cleaning things up. the stre -- city of brotherly love and that could cripple are you looking to me for a comment? >> we were, bill. we know you listen to this all day long. >> well, i am rather hip. >> it's a good tuesday. we gotta get moving because it was halloween last night and who was up late? >> you were? >> i got to bed my 8:00. >> you know, i was disappointed. i didn't have any trick or treaters. you didn't either, though. >> we had some but t as usual. the wife was worried we would run out of candy and now we have the leftovers. >> bring in here, bill. >> we had 70 people at my house. >> they were all there. [laughter] >> the street behind us was blocked off. our neighborhood is wild for halloween. >> we must not live on a cool street, bill. [laughter] oh, it was a lovely night over halloween. it was hot in the house until the sun set. then it was nice. let's take a look out right now. it was gray. and this starts to hit the current radar. no rain on it at the moment. and what is happening next, we have gr and those clouds will thin out this morning, and it will be warmer in the south than in the triangle. we'll see more sunshine there earlier. temperatures have jumped up for wednesday and thursday, and we are talking about a potential record high for thursday and finally settling back down to normal for the weekend. but september was warm and october, much was warm and getting back to normal, it will elchilly. normals, 60s for the high this the blanket of clouds over roxboro which often has a beautiful sunrise but too much cloud cover for that this morning. the dew point at 47 and 54 is the temperature, and 52 in rocky mount, low to mid-50s for everybody right now. we have warmer air to the west on the other side of the front. we'll be cool today with the clouds and then a front comes in with cooler air that rolls in for here is the rollercoaster all because of the fronts. cool now and warmer behind this front and this one rolls in on thursday and also bring us a chance for rain. so thursday, talking about our chance for rain. at 4:00, a 25% chance in the triangle and a 45% chance near the virginia line and at 10:00, back down to a 20% chance of rain. and then it's done. and the potential rainfall is the a .25". 65 the high today, so cool and jumping up to 78 tomorrow and 83 on thursday and that's close to a record. the record is 84 set in 1974. a cool friday. 83 to 62 for the high, oh, whoo, weather whiplash, and cool for football friday. 7:00,%, and it's one of the last football fridays. i think there is one more after looks lovely with a cool start and then with sunshine, it will warm up nicely for the fayetteville veteran's parade and we are proud to broadcast that. brian clayeder and lena tillett and gilbert baez hosting that. cool but not bad and then 69 on sunday. i know you are excited about that. great event. if you can't make it in person, tune in on saturday morning on wral. it's 7:20, and let's take you to the knightdale bypass at new hope road. a minor accident blocking the right shoulder with a blackup from 540 towards 440 on the westbound side of the knightdale bypass. lanes are open and the majority of the delays we mostly congestion related and not directly because of the accint. we do have a fresh accident near the 40-u.s. 1 interchange. working on pinpointing a specific location and i'll have an update in a few minutes. holly springs, look out for a h ballantyne street. that's the latest information we're getting about the precise location of that accident. north raleigh a couple of accidents on capital boulevard, burlington mills. that's leading to delays from wake forest, 15 minutes from wake forest to 540 inbound capital and down to the lewisburg road interchange, another accident on capital boulevard at millbrook. not seeing delays directly related to the crash but it's something we will watch. lena? >> thank you, brian. overnight, forces have begun assaults on mosul with machine gunfire and the extremists responding occasionally with rocket- propelled grenades. for the last two weeks iraqi forces and rdish allies and sunni tribesmen and shi'ite militias have been working to drive the islamic state from the city. millions could face a gasoline shortage, this time from a pipeline explosion. colonial pipeline shut down a pipeline after it caught fire injured half a dozen others in northern alabama after construction equipment struck it and sparked the fire. duke energy sent another coal-fired power plant into the history books. you are explosions that brought down the last structures at the dan river steam station where a breach led to one of the largest ash spills in u.s. history. work continues to close the basins at the site. the plant was retired in 2012. there is a reward in an unsolved murder case in fayetteville. someone knocked on the dood shothim while he was standing in the doorway are, and more than a year later, they are working to find out who's responsible. the governor is offering a reward for information on an arrest and conviction. a pre-trial hearing for comedian bill cosby is scheduled for today in pennsylvania. prosecutors hope to talk with 13 accusers. theysay that he drugged and assaulted women as part of a signature crime spree over decades. he is charged with drug and assaulting a former temple university employee. he remains free on $1 million bail. the trial is scheduled to begin in june. transit workers in philadelphia are hitting the picket lines this morning. buses, trolleys, and subways have come to a halt in philadelphia. the union representing 4700 transit workers walked off the job after they failed to reach rail lines outside the city. be prepared to pay more for natural gas. 7:26. i'm bill leslie with the top stories. open enrollment begins for insurance under the affordable care act. vu until the end of january to sign off. the cost of health care plans is going up by more than 80% in some cases. most, however, will qualify for federal tax subsidies covering much or most of the cost. student assignment plans are up for today including completed elementary school. families are against the move. our weather is cloudier today. here's elizabeth. all the cloud cover has kept the temperatures warm overnight. take a look. gray skies over rdu, a brief shower that roll through and not having an impact. the best chance of rain late thursday. 56 in fayetteville and 53 in goldsboro and low to mid-50s right now and we warm up into the mid- it will be cooler than yesterday. a quick jump to 78 on wednesday, and 83 on thursday. brian? elizabeth, delays in east raleigh on the westbound side of the knightdale bypass between new hope and 440. you need to scoot over and give them room to work. slow between 540 and 440. we have an accident reported on interchange. seeing heavy delays on 40 westbound between rock quarry road and the u.s. 1 interchange. once you get beyond that, it's a smooth ride. the trip from raleigh will take you 6 minutes. bill? thank you, brian. a shooting at a bus stop in rocky mount sends 2 to the cooper: when we lost the nba all-star game... the ncaas... and the acc championships... it hurt north carolina's economy and our national reputation. but this election for governor is not just about one bad law. it's about them. i'm roy cooper. and this election is about finally stopping the loss of our teachers, time is now 7:30. a cary man is due in court accused of trying to murder his ex-girlfriend and her son. >> it happened haft morning in rocky mount. mikaya thurmond joins us live outside the nash county courthouse where his first appearance will be held. >> reporter: bill and lena, the suspect was charged with two counts of first-degree murder in violation of a protective order. authoritss girlfriend outside her rocky mount home as she was walking her youngest son to the school bus. detectivessay he opened fire shooting 43-year-old tonya boyd in the neck and her son, 21- year-old emmanuel boyd was shot in the face. both were transported to the hospital and underwent surgery. a judge had issued a ago. white's first court appearance is scheduled for later today. we'll let you know what happens. bill and lena? >> thank you, mi dayia. a spokesman for the state forest services that roughly 20 acres burned near holly springs. crews saved a home nearby. investigators don't have a cause. starting today, psnc will charge more for natural gas. >> the company will be allowed for the average residential customer, that's $2 a month. psnc said that the money covers costs for expanding infrastructure. we expect an update on the bonner bridge that carries highway 12 12 against the occur for the new surf city swing entering with more capacity for traffic and bicyclists and pedestrians. it will be especially helpful during times of emergencies. the old courthouse will be undergoing renovation. it opened in 1978 and construction crews will bring it up to code to house various it will be home to new shops in the downtown durham area. and a work on the 5 year recovery study for the red wolf is officially underway. the u.s. fish and wildlife service wants input about the red wolves' recovery and status. this is the first in five steps of recovery work. a top priority is to secure the population of red solves. >> did you think it was cooler this morning when you came in or warmer? harry, our security guard had on his coat and i did not have on mine and he said you are not prepared. harry likes to give it to you straight. he does, and you can gauge the weather by harry. he stands out there for a while so if he has his hat or gloves or jacket on, it's chilly out there. [laughter] just giving you a hard time. it's gray out there. this is a look over downtown raleigh and it's not very bright out there just yet. as the sun continues to climb higher in the sky, it will be gray for us. later in the afternoon we'll probably see more sunshine. 53 in holly springs and 54 in smithfield and temperatures will stay cool for today because of the additional cloud cover. 63 at lunchtime and 66 this afternoon and that will be down from the low 70s that we saw yesterday. and after that, temperatures and thursday. we'll talk more about that. expect temperatures to be in the low to mid-60s as you head out the door to the bus stop and on the way home, clouds will thin out a bit. partly cloudy and cool, and maybe not a shorts and t-shirts day for the bus stop. brian is here talking more about what is happening on the roads. we had a few accidents. indeed, one on the south side of raleigh causing big delays. 7:34, and let's the camera 40 at u.s. 1. you can see the blue lights just past the u.s. 1 interchange with the bridge there in the distance and just before you get to the carytown boulevard interchange. no lanes are blocked but it's contributing to the typical 40lify 40 -- fortify congestion. up, no real alternate routes. give yourself extra time leaving south raleigh to the west. and we have it a little slow on the westbound side of the knightdale bypass at new hope road at 440 but the delays are easing up a little bit from the knightdale area and slow through garner. we showed you the fortify work zone delays but then it's a smooth trip to the airport and rtp. fine. lena? >> thank you, brian. wral salutes our veterans with the 2016 veteran's day parade. brian shrader, gilbert baez, and i will host. it honors world war ii veterans, the greatest generation. you can watch it live on wral to join us using #wralvetparade. you can write a short tribute honoring the veterans you know. we will use it during the broadcast. record flooding forced plane -- many to flee their cars. now, they are working with the damage. >> perhaps the biggest concerned with flooded cars next. >> and changes to the homegrown halloween helped make it this year. this year. your i alone can fix it! bomb the [bleep] out of 'em. i'd like to punch him in the face. i like people that weren't captured, okay? he's a mexican! she ate like a pig... i moved on her like a [bleep] i did not say that... i love war. yes, including with nukes. they're rapists... wrong. there has to be some form of punishment. such a nasty woman. i wanna be unpredictable. ...on 5th avenue and shoot somebody... she's a slob... i don't remember! and you can tell them to go [bleep] themselves! lcv victory fund is responsible side has shared before but bears repeating after the record flooding following hurricane matthew. monday --monica laliberte has more on what to look for. >> reporter: car after car after car underwater right after hurricane matthew. >> oh, shoot. >> reporter: in the aftermath, the horrid smell is the first sign of the problem. >> look at the mold on the door. >> reporter: mold, d, and contamated water. obvious now but -- >> strip it down and take the seats out and clean the carpets and the smell goes away for a bit. the car looks good on the inside. eventually, the mold and bacteria will come back and the mechanical systems will corrode and electrical systems will fail out and fail. >> reporter: carfax is a service that provides history reports on used vehicles. >> flooded cars is one type of because it's unpredictable how the water will impact the vehicle. >> reporter: chris showed us what to look for. >> there's the waterline. >> reporter: the paper trail may not always reflect flood damage. thoroughly inspect any used vehicle. >> the door frame, metal parts of the car, underneath the carpets. get in the nooks and crannies. if you see dirt or any sign water was reach under the dashboard. the coating of the wire thas -- wires that were wet and dried will be brittle. >> reporter: consider what you can't see. >> that's black mold and can be scrubbed free from the door and will be growing in the ventilation system and that can't be cleaned. odor can be hidden. >> this is an overwhelming smell that the car was recently cleaned with perfumes, another red flag there may have been flood damage. >> reporter: he warns that the risk of buying one will be an issue for months and years after the flooding is long gone. >> that's monica laliberte. and the dmv will temporarily waive certain fees to customers in the 37 counties affected by hurricane matthew. >> such as drivers licenses and id tags. we'll take you inside the governor's mansion for a scary i learned you have to work together to get things done. but for too long now, that hasn't been happening in raleigh. as governor, i'll put partisan politics aside... so we can turn around our economy and fix our schools. no more social legislation that divides our state and hurts our reputation. we can build a better north carolina... and it starts with all of us working together to get it done. we count on them to show up for us. w-enforcement officer, but he failed to show up in the state senate. buck missed nearly one out of five votes, more than any senator but one. 10 times, buck was penalized for missing tax deadlines. his business was dissolved. there's too much at stake to make buck newton attorney general. that's pretty. i like that. >> it's called "wake up where every morning. >> it's not too loud and obnoxious. yeah. just enough. just kidding. it's not obnoxious at all. you know, we have not had a lot of gray mornings but it's november 1, and we tend to have long stretches of gray weather when we finally get into your winter weather pattern. let's take a look and start off we begin at 3:45, and you can see this little shower that kind of slips through the area in the southern part of wake county and johnston county, there and gone, and we had damp road there is. i was surprised. i saw it on the radar, and i thought most of that will not reach the ground but brian drove through it on the way here. a couple of sprinkles and damp roads. apex and looking down salem long gone. our best chance of rain will be on thursday. 54 is the current temperature and gray skies and calm winds at the airport and the dew point is at 47 and the humidity at 77% and in 50 in south hill and 48 in roanoake rapids and 54 in chapel hill and 52 in sanford and 56 in fayetteville. fairly uniform temperatures this morning in the low to mid- 50s, and that's about 10 degrees warmer than normal for even warmer back to the west. 60 in atlanta and 66 in st. louis. that's very warm for this time of year but this warm air mass will come rolling into our area tomorrow. so a little cool ahead of our warm front. the warm front pushes across our area late today and tomorrow and brings us into the warm air mass, upper 70s tomorrow and low to have mid- 80s on thursday, and then little bit of rain late thursday and thursday evening and then cool down for the weekend. and once we cool down for the weekend, it looks like temperatures will stay cool for a while. look at the cloud cover at 11:00, heading into lunch hour, clouds from raleigh northward and may be warmer south and east of the triangle where the clouds will be thinner earlier. the clouds will hang around near the virginia line for most of the day. so varying conditions depending on where you are. tomorr we'll be into the warm dry air mass. and we'll have pretty weather into the weekend. don't get me wrong but noticeably cooler. it will hit us like a rock. from 82 to 62. 85 for today and clouds to begin with, and then the clouds will thin out and 78 on wednesday, and 83 on thursday, and friday, a football friday, one of the last of the season, football friday. 7:00, 54 and on friday, a lot of folks will be out at difference events. last friday we were at the north carolina museum of art with the big, glowing, giant inflatable bunny, fun stuff to do with the kids. and the time change, don't forget to set the clocks back before you go to bed on saturday night. sunriseon sunday at 6:42 and the sun sets at 5:14 and the temperatures will be cool saturday, sunday, and monday. and brian is here with a look at a nice big backup on i-40. weather? not really. 440 westbound is slow, not too many alternates to get to the delays in the fortify work zone. this is largely because of an accident that we had a little while ago on the right shoulder of 40 westbound beyond the u.s. that combined with the typical fortify backup and we are looking at a slow trip through south raleigh. 32 minutes from 440 to wade avenue, and 440 is backed up from the knightdale bypass to wade avenue and beyond and because of the slow traffic on 40 westbound around the u.s. 1 interexchange, slow traffic from apex to cary. about 20 minutes from 55 to action there because of the way that 40 westbound is so slow right now, right now the interchange. traffic is backing up to merge into it and it's backing up on the 55 as well in apex. just need to be patient as you head through cary. the north side of raleigh, we still have an accident on inbound capital boulevard beyond burlington mills road with traffic from wake forest. as soon as you head down to towards the beltline and 540, an accident on falls valley at 5:40, not one of the interchanges but the brinks, not directly affecting traffic but just congestion delays. i-40, a 30-minute ride. scooting over to durham, getting busier on the northbound side of durham, intermittent stop and roll traffic from i-40 into downtown. southbound traffic is looking good between 40 eastbound looks good heading into rtp but a slow down approaching 55. thank you, brian. a halloween tradition continued last night. about 25,000 people packed franklin street down from 40, 000 last near. alcohol-related incidents were down, about 3 last night compared to 10 last year. this year, homegrown halloween early. and a popular halloween tradition continued at the governor's mansion. for 2 hours, governor mccrory and his wife opened their home to trick or treaters and they enjoyed seeing the mansion lit up for halloween, and there were young guests at the white house in washington. president obama and his wife handed out hershey's kisses and cookies to 4000 families. there were activities and games on the south lawn. renee chou is here to tell us what's trending. 1 of my favorite shows, nbc's e office. remember when it was on? a great, great halloween costume to show you. ashley dressed up her son iconic characters. jenna fisher, she tweeted this photo and shared with her fans. of course, we have tens and tens of thousands of likes here. the boy's mother said that her 2-year-old son watches the office, 2 years old, and he dances to the theme song. but look at that. even the expression, the detail. he is holding the beet. you remember th >> that was a great show. i wish they would bring it back but we can live it again through halloween costumes, and what cam newton wore for his post-game news conference on sunday. he always has his own style and he is not shy about it. now, as colorful as the whole ensemble was, there was a lot of buzz about the kicks he wore. people compared it -- if you can take a closer look at the kind of sneaker. it was compared to hershey's cookies, ice cream bars, slices of cheese or uncooked olive garden bread sticks. >> oh, there, they are. >> yeah. they have like strips on them, thick strips. there were other tweet thas showed them up close. bizarre. >> pink suit, green hat. >> a selection going. >> he was happy or sunday. >> looking like a beacon or something. [laughter] >> he is looking -- yeah. wasn't good. >> all right. thank you. >> not on the gridiron. >> we'll be right back, and linda coleman: i'm linda coleman, 2 has cost us thousands of jobs. i know from my experience in the state cabinet what it takes to bring good jobs to north carolina. we have to recruit businesses based on our state's reputation. right now, north carolina is showing how not to create jobs. as lieutenant governor, i'll work with roy cooper to get rid of hb2 and create good jobs, the time is 7:56. i'm lena tillett. here are your top stories. a man accused much -- first court appearance. brian white is charged with two counts of attempted first- degree murder and violenting a protection order. starting today, psnc will charge more for natural gas. the company will be allowed to raise rates 4.39%, about $3 a month. a cloudy morning, elizabeth. will feel cooler this oorch. afternoon. we had a sprinkle earlier. that's gone. don't expect more rain today and the best chance late on thursday. 52 in roxboro and 53 in goldsboro and 52 in rocky mount. everyone in the low to mid-50s. we have uniform temperatures and climb into the mid-60 60 area this afternoon and back to sunshine wednesday thursday. brian? 7:57, elizabeth, and we are looking at big delays in south raleigh. an earlier accident 40 westbound at u.s. 1. that's gone but the usual delays continue. 33 minutes to make the ride to 440 out to wade. and because of ramp delays at u.s. 1, the northbound trip on u.s. 1 is slow this morning. as you leave apex to cary at i- 40, 20 minutes to make the ride. south wake county, and heavy delays coming in from wake forest towards i-40, a 20- minute trip. back to you. >> thank you, brian. a new report is out on the diets of babies narrator: want to go to paris? richard burr took a sixteen thousand dollar christmas trip to paris...paid for by the special interests. just one of richard burr's twenty six special interest trips. prague. barcelona. seville. stockholm. madrid... richard loves europe. inst cracking down on special interest trips. richard burr. twenty years in washington ...and europe... serving himself. dscc is responsible for the content right now, one week ago before election day and hillary clinton is trying to rise above look at donald trump's ties to russia. >> and senator richard burr is apologizing about comments he made about hillary clinton. his apology and the response from democrats. open enroll settlement here. what you need to know. thank you for joining us. i'm lena tillett. >> and i'm renee chou. breaking news out of durham. police are investigating a shooting at an apartment complex at 3:30 this morning. so far, no word on the condition of the victim or search for suspects. as soon as we get updates we'll bring them to you. we are exactly one week away from election day. donald trump and mike pence are in pennsylvania today focusing

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Alabama , United States , Paris , France General , France , North Carolina , Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , Washington , Raleigh , Burlington , Madrid , Spain , Virginia , Johnston County , Chapel Hill , Russia , Holly Springs , Fayetteville , Barcelona , Comunidad Autonoma De Cataluna , Nash County , Smithfield , Mexico , Temple University , Iraq , Stockholm , Sweden , Point Is , Midi Pyrées , Prague , Praha , Hlavníesto , Czech Republic , Lenoir County , South Hill , America , Mexican , Iraqi , Emmy Victor , Brian Shrader , Tonya Boyd , Gilbert Baez , Glinda Coleman , Roy Cooper , Deborah Ross , Monica Laliberte , Emmanuel Boyd , Renee Chou , Jenna Fisher , Lena Tillett , Pat Mccrory , Hillary Clinton , Tracie Potts , Richard Burr ,

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Transcripts For WRAZ WRALs 7AM News On Fox50 20161101 :

Transcripts For WRAZ WRALs 7AM News On Fox50 20161101

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i did sneak into the big ?rak of, let's see, snickers? >> what didn't you sneak into. elizabeth, a nice night for trick or treating but it's cold. it is cold. we had a warm halloween, and then once the sun set, it felt good. we had a brief shower roll throw. it's over at this point, and temperatures in the 50s. 52 in wake springs. 55 in erwin and 52 in rocky mount and 50 in south hill. your planner this morning, temperatures in the low to mid- 60s. 61 at lunchtime and a high of 65. yesterday's high, 72. so it will be cooler than yesterday. we'll see increasing sunshine through the afternoon. tomorrow, temperatures jump way up. brian's here with a look at closed still from matthew. that's right. south and east of the triangle. it will be a long time before they re-open. we have news about roger's road in wake forest. right now, a look at the accident on the east side of raleigh on the knightdale bypass westbound before you get to new hope. this is from the new hope road interchange. looks like we have a right lane blocked there, the shoulder blocked on the westbound side of the bypass, slowing things down at 440. we'll keep our eyes on the drive from knightdale, slowing in well in advance of the new hope interchange back to 540. give yourself extra time. an accident on 55 bypass near ballentine street in holly springs. overall, your major routes are clayton bypass. >> thank you, brian. durham police are investigating a shooting at an apartment complex around east pilot street at 3:30 this morning. no word of the condition of a victim or the search for suspects. we are exactly one week away from election day, and donald trump and mike pence are in pennsylvania focusing >> the fbi is not just, meanwhile, focusing in on hillary clinton's e-mails. as tracie potts tells us, they are looking into ties between russia and donald trump's former campaign manager. >> i will tell you this. if they want to look at more e- mails of one of my staffers, by all means. go ahead and look at them. i know they will reach the same conclusion they reached when they looked at my e-mails last year; right in. of emails of a top clinton aide, sources confirm that the agency is taking a preliminary look at the foreign business ties of donald trump's former campaign manager paul manafort. >> the director has discussed the investigation of one candidate and opens up bias if they don't investigate another. >> re last-minute review of clinton's e-mails just days before the election has energized the trump campaign. >> i guarantee you there are many. many of the e-mails that were missing are in there report comes just before election day but it's unknown if it will sway voters. tracie potts, washington. north carolina's senior senator is apologizing for comments made. >> emmy victor joins us now to tell us more about the conversation that we understand was record. it happened at a gop event on saturday. this is audio from cnn. we want to warn you that it's hard to hear it. >> reporter: we have reached not replied. however, in a statement to cnn, senator burr calls his own remarks inappropriate and the audio has faced criticism from democrats and groups worried about gun violence.. deborah ross said unfortunately this is just the latest in a disturbing string of amendment supporters take matters into their own hands was the comment besides my trump who later said he was not encouraging violence but encouraging second amendment voters to take action by voting. >> emmy, thank you. a new news poll will give us an idea of how voters feel about the candidates. we'll have exclusive results senator, and more today at 4:00 p.m. on wral. the state naacp has filed a lawsuit against election boards in north carolina saying voters' registrations are unlawfully thrown out and this involves challenges to thousands of voters in cumberland and moore counties. the mail address is returned as undeliverable. according to the lawsuit, the voters were not given a to prove their eligibility. naacp voters are asking for an emergency hearing this week. today marks the start of the enrollment under the affordable care act. there will be changes for north carolinians this year and some may see price increases. renee chou has more on where you can go for help. renee? >> reporter: lena, limited options. north carolina has only one participating insurer in the majority of the counties. blue across blue shield. cigna will sell coverage in five counties, and others have quit the marketplace because they said that the overhaul has not drawn enough young, healthy people to pay into the system and balance out policy holders who are older and sicker. the cost of health insurance going up. in north carolina, premiums are going up 25%. but most who sign up will qualify for federal tax subsidies anwi or most of the premium costs. you can go to health to enter the health insurance marketplace. you can sign up for new options or change your plan. if you don't do it today, you have three months to decide. the penalty for not signing up under the accordable care act or if you don't have other insurance is $695 or 2.5% of the group get covered and enroll america are hosting a kickoff event at the barton street baptist church in raleigh from 10:30 this morning to 5:00. you can get in-person help. blue cross expects to enroll 250,000 aca insurers left behind, nearly doubling the policy holders. back to you. >> renee, thank you. a controversial issue for wake county parents is up >> the response to latest reassignment plan. >> and a deadly pipeline we count on them to show up for us. now buck newton wants to be our top law-enforcement officer, ly one out of five votes, more than any senator but one. 10 times, buck was penalized for missing tax deadlines. his business was dissolved. there's too much at stake to make buck newton attorney general. this buck stops here. what's happened to our north carolina? but mccrory's given them a sweetheart deal, leaving us to pay for cleaning up their mess. and while mccrory's given huge tax breaks to those at the top, his education cuts have left our schools falling behind. governor pat mccrory has revised the number of storm- related deaths from 28 to 27. a death in lenoir county was determined to be unrelated from the hurricane. a number of towns are still recovering from the flooding. he stopped to visit homes an businesss in ivanhoe and bladen borrow and fair bluff that just took a beating from a nearby dam break. student reassignments will be up for discussion when the wake county school board meets. the board is work on its 30 draft of the plan and promotes proposals to the horton street the move. board members will get a refresher on what went into the assignment. and they will look into the vernon malone academy that was diagrammed in the flooding and the cost of cleaning things up. the stre -- city of brotherly love and that could cripple are you looking to me for a comment? >> we were, bill. we know you listen to this all day long. >> well, i am rather hip. >> it's a good tuesday. we gotta get moving because it was halloween last night and who was up late? >> you were? >> i got to bed my 8:00. >> you know, i was disappointed. i didn't have any trick or treaters. you didn't either, though. >> we had some but t as usual. the wife was worried we would run out of candy and now we have the leftovers. >> bring in here, bill. >> we had 70 people at my house. >> they were all there. [laughter] >> the street behind us was blocked off. our neighborhood is wild for halloween. >> we must not live on a cool street, bill. [laughter] oh, it was a lovely night over halloween. it was hot in the house until the sun set. then it was nice. let's take a look out right now. it was gray. and this starts to hit the current radar. no rain on it at the moment. and what is happening next, we have gr and those clouds will thin out this morning, and it will be warmer in the south than in the triangle. we'll see more sunshine there earlier. temperatures have jumped up for wednesday and thursday, and we are talking about a potential record high for thursday and finally settling back down to normal for the weekend. but september was warm and october, much was warm and getting back to normal, it will elchilly. normals, 60s for the high this the blanket of clouds over roxboro which often has a beautiful sunrise but too much cloud cover for that this morning. the dew point at 47 and 54 is the temperature, and 52 in rocky mount, low to mid-50s for everybody right now. we have warmer air to the west on the other side of the front. we'll be cool today with the clouds and then a front comes in with cooler air that rolls in for here is the rollercoaster all because of the fronts. cool now and warmer behind this front and this one rolls in on thursday and also bring us a chance for rain. so thursday, talking about our chance for rain. at 4:00, a 25% chance in the triangle and a 45% chance near the virginia line and at 10:00, back down to a 20% chance of rain. and then it's done. and the potential rainfall is the a .25". 65 the high today, so cool and jumping up to 78 tomorrow and 83 on thursday and that's close to a record. the record is 84 set in 1974. a cool friday. 83 to 62 for the high, oh, whoo, weather whiplash, and cool for football friday. 7:00,%, and it's one of the last football fridays. i think there is one more after looks lovely with a cool start and then with sunshine, it will warm up nicely for the fayetteville veteran's parade and we are proud to broadcast that. brian clayeder and lena tillett and gilbert baez hosting that. cool but not bad and then 69 on sunday. i know you are excited about that. great event. if you can't make it in person, tune in on saturday morning on wral. it's 7:20, and let's take you to the knightdale bypass at new hope road. a minor accident blocking the right shoulder with a blackup from 540 towards 440 on the westbound side of the knightdale bypass. lanes are open and the majority of the delays we mostly congestion related and not directly because of the accint. we do have a fresh accident near the 40-u.s. 1 interchange. working on pinpointing a specific location and i'll have an update in a few minutes. holly springs, look out for a h ballantyne street. that's the latest information we're getting about the precise location of that accident. north raleigh a couple of accidents on capital boulevard, burlington mills. that's leading to delays from wake forest, 15 minutes from wake forest to 540 inbound capital and down to the lewisburg road interchange, another accident on capital boulevard at millbrook. not seeing delays directly related to the crash but it's something we will watch. lena? >> thank you, brian. overnight, forces have begun assaults on mosul with machine gunfire and the extremists responding occasionally with rocket- propelled grenades. for the last two weeks iraqi forces and rdish allies and sunni tribesmen and shi'ite militias have been working to drive the islamic state from the city. millions could face a gasoline shortage, this time from a pipeline explosion. colonial pipeline shut down a pipeline after it caught fire injured half a dozen others in northern alabama after construction equipment struck it and sparked the fire. duke energy sent another coal-fired power plant into the history books. you are explosions that brought down the last structures at the dan river steam station where a breach led to one of the largest ash spills in u.s. history. work continues to close the basins at the site. the plant was retired in 2012. there is a reward in an unsolved murder case in fayetteville. someone knocked on the dood shothim while he was standing in the doorway are, and more than a year later, they are working to find out who's responsible. the governor is offering a reward for information on an arrest and conviction. a pre-trial hearing for comedian bill cosby is scheduled for today in pennsylvania. prosecutors hope to talk with 13 accusers. theysay that he drugged and assaulted women as part of a signature crime spree over decades. he is charged with drug and assaulting a former temple university employee. he remains free on $1 million bail. the trial is scheduled to begin in june. transit workers in philadelphia are hitting the picket lines this morning. buses, trolleys, and subways have come to a halt in philadelphia. the union representing 4700 transit workers walked off the job after they failed to reach rail lines outside the city. be prepared to pay more for natural gas. 7:26. i'm bill leslie with the top stories. open enrollment begins for insurance under the affordable care act. vu until the end of january to sign off. the cost of health care plans is going up by more than 80% in some cases. most, however, will qualify for federal tax subsidies covering much or most of the cost. student assignment plans are up for today including completed elementary school. families are against the move. our weather is cloudier today. here's elizabeth. all the cloud cover has kept the temperatures warm overnight. take a look. gray skies over rdu, a brief shower that roll through and not having an impact. the best chance of rain late thursday. 56 in fayetteville and 53 in goldsboro and low to mid-50s right now and we warm up into the mid- it will be cooler than yesterday. a quick jump to 78 on wednesday, and 83 on thursday. brian? elizabeth, delays in east raleigh on the westbound side of the knightdale bypass between new hope and 440. you need to scoot over and give them room to work. slow between 540 and 440. we have an accident reported on interchange. seeing heavy delays on 40 westbound between rock quarry road and the u.s. 1 interchange. once you get beyond that, it's a smooth ride. the trip from raleigh will take you 6 minutes. bill? thank you, brian. a shooting at a bus stop in rocky mount sends 2 to the cooper: when we lost the nba all-star game... the ncaas... and the acc championships... it hurt north carolina's economy and our national reputation. but this election for governor is not just about one bad law. it's about them. i'm roy cooper. and this election is about finally stopping the loss of our teachers, time is now 7:30. a cary man is due in court accused of trying to murder his ex-girlfriend and her son. >> it happened haft morning in rocky mount. mikaya thurmond joins us live outside the nash county courthouse where his first appearance will be held. >> reporter: bill and lena, the suspect was charged with two counts of first-degree murder in violation of a protective order. authoritss girlfriend outside her rocky mount home as she was walking her youngest son to the school bus. detectivessay he opened fire shooting 43-year-old tonya boyd in the neck and her son, 21- year-old emmanuel boyd was shot in the face. both were transported to the hospital and underwent surgery. a judge had issued a ago. white's first court appearance is scheduled for later today. we'll let you know what happens. bill and lena? >> thank you, mi dayia. a spokesman for the state forest services that roughly 20 acres burned near holly springs. crews saved a home nearby. investigators don't have a cause. starting today, psnc will charge more for natural gas. >> the company will be allowed for the average residential customer, that's $2 a month. psnc said that the money covers costs for expanding infrastructure. we expect an update on the bonner bridge that carries highway 12 12 against the occur for the new surf city swing entering with more capacity for traffic and bicyclists and pedestrians. it will be especially helpful during times of emergencies. the old courthouse will be undergoing renovation. it opened in 1978 and construction crews will bring it up to code to house various it will be home to new shops in the downtown durham area. and a work on the 5 year recovery study for the red wolf is officially underway. the u.s. fish and wildlife service wants input about the red wolves' recovery and status. this is the first in five steps of recovery work. a top priority is to secure the population of red solves. >> did you think it was cooler this morning when you came in or warmer? harry, our security guard had on his coat and i did not have on mine and he said you are not prepared. harry likes to give it to you straight. he does, and you can gauge the weather by harry. he stands out there for a while so if he has his hat or gloves or jacket on, it's chilly out there. [laughter] just giving you a hard time. it's gray out there. this is a look over downtown raleigh and it's not very bright out there just yet. as the sun continues to climb higher in the sky, it will be gray for us. later in the afternoon we'll probably see more sunshine. 53 in holly springs and 54 in smithfield and temperatures will stay cool for today because of the additional cloud cover. 63 at lunchtime and 66 this afternoon and that will be down from the low 70s that we saw yesterday. and after that, temperatures and thursday. we'll talk more about that. expect temperatures to be in the low to mid-60s as you head out the door to the bus stop and on the way home, clouds will thin out a bit. partly cloudy and cool, and maybe not a shorts and t-shirts day for the bus stop. brian is here talking more about what is happening on the roads. we had a few accidents. indeed, one on the south side of raleigh causing big delays. 7:34, and let's the camera 40 at u.s. 1. you can see the blue lights just past the u.s. 1 interchange with the bridge there in the distance and just before you get to the carytown boulevard interchange. no lanes are blocked but it's contributing to the typical 40lify 40 -- fortify congestion. up, no real alternate routes. give yourself extra time leaving south raleigh to the west. and we have it a little slow on the westbound side of the knightdale bypass at new hope road at 440 but the delays are easing up a little bit from the knightdale area and slow through garner. we showed you the fortify work zone delays but then it's a smooth trip to the airport and rtp. fine. lena? >> thank you, brian. wral salutes our veterans with the 2016 veteran's day parade. brian shrader, gilbert baez, and i will host. it honors world war ii veterans, the greatest generation. you can watch it live on wral to join us using #wralvetparade. you can write a short tribute honoring the veterans you know. we will use it during the broadcast. record flooding forced plane -- many to flee their cars. now, they are working with the damage. >> perhaps the biggest concerned with flooded cars next. >> and changes to the homegrown halloween helped make it this year. this year. your i alone can fix it! bomb the [bleep] out of 'em. i'd like to punch him in the face. i like people that weren't captured, okay? he's a mexican! she ate like a pig... i moved on her like a [bleep] i did not say that... i love war. yes, including with nukes. they're rapists... wrong. there has to be some form of punishment. such a nasty woman. i wanna be unpredictable. ...on 5th avenue and shoot somebody... she's a slob... i don't remember! and you can tell them to go [bleep] themselves! lcv victory fund is responsible side has shared before but bears repeating after the record flooding following hurricane matthew. monday --monica laliberte has more on what to look for. >> reporter: car after car after car underwater right after hurricane matthew. >> oh, shoot. >> reporter: in the aftermath, the horrid smell is the first sign of the problem. >> look at the mold on the door. >> reporter: mold, d, and contamated water. obvious now but -- >> strip it down and take the seats out and clean the carpets and the smell goes away for a bit. the car looks good on the inside. eventually, the mold and bacteria will come back and the mechanical systems will corrode and electrical systems will fail out and fail. >> reporter: carfax is a service that provides history reports on used vehicles. >> flooded cars is one type of because it's unpredictable how the water will impact the vehicle. >> reporter: chris showed us what to look for. >> there's the waterline. >> reporter: the paper trail may not always reflect flood damage. thoroughly inspect any used vehicle. >> the door frame, metal parts of the car, underneath the carpets. get in the nooks and crannies. if you see dirt or any sign water was reach under the dashboard. the coating of the wire thas -- wires that were wet and dried will be brittle. >> reporter: consider what you can't see. >> that's black mold and can be scrubbed free from the door and will be growing in the ventilation system and that can't be cleaned. odor can be hidden. >> this is an overwhelming smell that the car was recently cleaned with perfumes, another red flag there may have been flood damage. >> reporter: he warns that the risk of buying one will be an issue for months and years after the flooding is long gone. >> that's monica laliberte. and the dmv will temporarily waive certain fees to customers in the 37 counties affected by hurricane matthew. >> such as drivers licenses and id tags. we'll take you inside the governor's mansion for a scary i learned you have to work together to get things done. but for too long now, that hasn't been happening in raleigh. as governor, i'll put partisan politics aside... so we can turn around our economy and fix our schools. no more social legislation that divides our state and hurts our reputation. we can build a better north carolina... and it starts with all of us working together to get it done. we count on them to show up for us. w-enforcement officer, but he failed to show up in the state senate. buck missed nearly one out of five votes, more than any senator but one. 10 times, buck was penalized for missing tax deadlines. his business was dissolved. there's too much at stake to make buck newton attorney general. that's pretty. i like that. >> it's called "wake up where every morning. >> it's not too loud and obnoxious. yeah. just enough. just kidding. it's not obnoxious at all. you know, we have not had a lot of gray mornings but it's november 1, and we tend to have long stretches of gray weather when we finally get into your winter weather pattern. let's take a look and start off we begin at 3:45, and you can see this little shower that kind of slips through the area in the southern part of wake county and johnston county, there and gone, and we had damp road there is. i was surprised. i saw it on the radar, and i thought most of that will not reach the ground but brian drove through it on the way here. a couple of sprinkles and damp roads. apex and looking down salem long gone. our best chance of rain will be on thursday. 54 is the current temperature and gray skies and calm winds at the airport and the dew point is at 47 and the humidity at 77% and in 50 in south hill and 48 in roanoake rapids and 54 in chapel hill and 52 in sanford and 56 in fayetteville. fairly uniform temperatures this morning in the low to mid- 50s, and that's about 10 degrees warmer than normal for even warmer back to the west. 60 in atlanta and 66 in st. louis. that's very warm for this time of year but this warm air mass will come rolling into our area tomorrow. so a little cool ahead of our warm front. the warm front pushes across our area late today and tomorrow and brings us into the warm air mass, upper 70s tomorrow and low to have mid- 80s on thursday, and then little bit of rain late thursday and thursday evening and then cool down for the weekend. and once we cool down for the weekend, it looks like temperatures will stay cool for a while. look at the cloud cover at 11:00, heading into lunch hour, clouds from raleigh northward and may be warmer south and east of the triangle where the clouds will be thinner earlier. the clouds will hang around near the virginia line for most of the day. so varying conditions depending on where you are. tomorr we'll be into the warm dry air mass. and we'll have pretty weather into the weekend. don't get me wrong but noticeably cooler. it will hit us like a rock. from 82 to 62. 85 for today and clouds to begin with, and then the clouds will thin out and 78 on wednesday, and 83 on thursday, and friday, a football friday, one of the last of the season, football friday. 7:00, 54 and on friday, a lot of folks will be out at difference events. last friday we were at the north carolina museum of art with the big, glowing, giant inflatable bunny, fun stuff to do with the kids. and the time change, don't forget to set the clocks back before you go to bed on saturday night. sunriseon sunday at 6:42 and the sun sets at 5:14 and the temperatures will be cool saturday, sunday, and monday. and brian is here with a look at a nice big backup on i-40. weather? not really. 440 westbound is slow, not too many alternates to get to the delays in the fortify work zone. this is largely because of an accident that we had a little while ago on the right shoulder of 40 westbound beyond the u.s. that combined with the typical fortify backup and we are looking at a slow trip through south raleigh. 32 minutes from 440 to wade avenue, and 440 is backed up from the knightdale bypass to wade avenue and beyond and because of the slow traffic on 40 westbound around the u.s. 1 interexchange, slow traffic from apex to cary. about 20 minutes from 55 to action there because of the way that 40 westbound is so slow right now, right now the interchange. traffic is backing up to merge into it and it's backing up on the 55 as well in apex. just need to be patient as you head through cary. the north side of raleigh, we still have an accident on inbound capital boulevard beyond burlington mills road with traffic from wake forest. as soon as you head down to towards the beltline and 540, an accident on falls valley at 5:40, not one of the interchanges but the brinks, not directly affecting traffic but just congestion delays. i-40, a 30-minute ride. scooting over to durham, getting busier on the northbound side of durham, intermittent stop and roll traffic from i-40 into downtown. southbound traffic is looking good between 40 eastbound looks good heading into rtp but a slow down approaching 55. thank you, brian. a halloween tradition continued last night. about 25,000 people packed franklin street down from 40, 000 last near. alcohol-related incidents were down, about 3 last night compared to 10 last year. this year, homegrown halloween early. and a popular halloween tradition continued at the governor's mansion. for 2 hours, governor mccrory and his wife opened their home to trick or treaters and they enjoyed seeing the mansion lit up for halloween, and there were young guests at the white house in washington. president obama and his wife handed out hershey's kisses and cookies to 4000 families. there were activities and games on the south lawn. renee chou is here to tell us what's trending. 1 of my favorite shows, nbc's e office. remember when it was on? a great, great halloween costume to show you. ashley dressed up her son iconic characters. jenna fisher, she tweeted this photo and shared with her fans. of course, we have tens and tens of thousands of likes here. the boy's mother said that her 2-year-old son watches the office, 2 years old, and he dances to the theme song. but look at that. even the expression, the detail. he is holding the beet. you remember th >> that was a great show. i wish they would bring it back but we can live it again through halloween costumes, and what cam newton wore for his post-game news conference on sunday. he always has his own style and he is not shy about it. now, as colorful as the whole ensemble was, there was a lot of buzz about the kicks he wore. people compared it -- if you can take a closer look at the kind of sneaker. it was compared to hershey's cookies, ice cream bars, slices of cheese or uncooked olive garden bread sticks. >> oh, there, they are. >> yeah. they have like strips on them, thick strips. there were other tweet thas showed them up close. bizarre. >> pink suit, green hat. >> a selection going. >> he was happy or sunday. >> looking like a beacon or something. [laughter] >> he is looking -- yeah. wasn't good. >> all right. thank you. >> not on the gridiron. >> we'll be right back, and linda coleman: i'm linda coleman, 2 has cost us thousands of jobs. i know from my experience in the state cabinet what it takes to bring good jobs to north carolina. we have to recruit businesses based on our state's reputation. right now, north carolina is showing how not to create jobs. as lieutenant governor, i'll work with roy cooper to get rid of hb2 and create good jobs, the time is 7:56. i'm lena tillett. here are your top stories. a man accused much -- first court appearance. brian white is charged with two counts of attempted first- degree murder and violenting a protection order. starting today, psnc will charge more for natural gas. the company will be allowed to raise rates 4.39%, about $3 a month. a cloudy morning, elizabeth. will feel cooler this oorch. afternoon. we had a sprinkle earlier. that's gone. don't expect more rain today and the best chance late on thursday. 52 in roxboro and 53 in goldsboro and 52 in rocky mount. everyone in the low to mid-50s. we have uniform temperatures and climb into the mid-60 60 area this afternoon and back to sunshine wednesday thursday. brian? 7:57, elizabeth, and we are looking at big delays in south raleigh. an earlier accident 40 westbound at u.s. 1. that's gone but the usual delays continue. 33 minutes to make the ride to 440 out to wade. and because of ramp delays at u.s. 1, the northbound trip on u.s. 1 is slow this morning. as you leave apex to cary at i- 40, 20 minutes to make the ride. south wake county, and heavy delays coming in from wake forest towards i-40, a 20- minute trip. back to you. >> thank you, brian. a new report is out on the diets of babies narrator: want to go to paris? richard burr took a sixteen thousand dollar christmas trip to paris...paid for by the special interests. just one of richard burr's twenty six special interest trips. prague. barcelona. seville. stockholm. madrid... richard loves europe. inst cracking down on special interest trips. richard burr. twenty years in washington ...and europe... serving himself. dscc is responsible for the content right now, one week ago before election day and hillary clinton is trying to rise above look at donald trump's ties to russia. >> and senator richard burr is apologizing about comments he made about hillary clinton. his apology and the response from democrats. open enroll settlement here. what you need to know. thank you for joining us. i'm lena tillett. >> and i'm renee chou. breaking news out of durham. police are investigating a shooting at an apartment complex at 3:30 this morning. so far, no word on the condition of the victim or search for suspects. as soon as we get updates we'll bring them to you. we are exactly one week away from election day. donald trump and mike pence are in pennsylvania today focusing

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