Transcripts For WRAZ WRALs 10PM News On Fox50 20160908 : com

Transcripts For WRAZ WRALs 10PM News On Fox50 20160908

candace sweat joins us with more, candace? >> reporter: we received word that valentine was found dead inside of a south carolina hotel room from a self- inflected gunshot wound. valentine has been on the run since tuesday after the police sayy he shot and killed 15-year- old -- his 15-year-old son and critically wounded his ex-wife. minutes later valentine logged on confessing to the shootings. the police at one point believed he was in richmond where he and hi family but his cell phone pinged at a motel in north carolina and law enforcement found him dead inside of a room. now, as for valentine's ex-wife we asked about her can condition and we are told she spoke once again for the first time today and she is doing better. gerald? >> all right, thank you. a 12-year-old from fayetteville is recovering from williams was at myrtle beach when something bit her leg near her aeufrpbgel on labor day. her bother posted -- her ankle on labor day. her mother posted this on facebook. she had to get 20 stitches. the police are asking the public to be on the lookout for 2 missing children. the police are looking for 6- year-old and 2-year-old. when the amber alert went out the police thought that michael mayo had the children. this afternoon they talked to him and the children were not with him. the detectives now believe the children are with 27-year-old sierra. the police and social services are concerned because the young boy needs medication for his health problems. you see this family call 911. tensions from a community that sometimes feels targeted by the police was part of a meeting tonight in raleigh. that meeting was an opportunity for residents to share their concerns and for raleigh police to work on building the trust with the people they serve and protect. wral's adam owens was there for police department, adam? >> if you were looking for blunt conversation a barbershop is a good place to start. that is where the officers met with citizens earlier it this evening and there were some tough questions about how the police operate. >> black men, in particular, want to be respected. >> reporter: sometimes it is about the police. >> they are being targeted or was -- it want further than it had to be. >> reporter: for him it did not cut it. he wanted to get to the bottom of the stories so he invited raleigh's police chief and her officers in. >> the important thing is that we go where the people are. and today it was the barbershop. >> reporter: there were a lot of questions and concerns. >> why are you afraid of a black man. >> questions about bias was officers, how the mentally ill are handles and when an officer brown welcomes those moments. >> tell me what is on your heart and mind and clear up some of the misunderstandings. >> reporter: she believes officers and residents are on the same team. also happens to be the father of a 9-year-old boy. a big reason he wanted to invite officers in. >> it was my love for my son and my community that i felt like i need to bridge this gap. >> reporter: the police chief has taken part in forums like this. i have been at a few of those more in the future. >> thank you. tonight it, trump leading into the future. the candidates took part in the commander and chief forum hosted by matt lauer. he won a coin toss. during her time on stage, and the ongoing fight with isis. >> they are not going to get ground troops. we are not putting ground troops into iraq ever again. not putting ground troops in syria. we are going to defeet isis without committing american ground troops. -- defeat isis without committing american group troops. >> i have great judgment, i know what is going on. i called so i happen to hear clinton say that i was not against the war in iraq. i was totally against the war from iraq. you can look at "es choir" magazine in 2004 and before that. i was against the war in iraq because it is going to destabilize the middle east. it has. absolutely been a disastrous war. >> reporter: you can see more trump holds a lead over clinton with active military. a poll will shows trump with a 19 point lead and 36%. by a 25 point pharg in. veterans and active military trust trump over clinton to handle veterans issues. now, 53% of the voters think trump would be an effective commander in khoef. 35% of 35% of the military is in the poll. >> browder will be there here on wral. voters are getting mixed messages about voter id rowels for the november election. last month the supreme court refused to put a quart of appeals ruling -- forgive me. last month the supreme court to put it on hold. voters do not have to show a id. information was postmarked september 2nd. we reached out to the state board of elections but have not heard back yet. the governor finds himself at odds with the business lobby. the leaders helped draft house bill 2. something the chamber denied for months. the statement appears to put them lobby supporting the candidates in campaigns. the governor made the remark in salem. ryan lochte is expected to be suspended by u.s. swimming tomorrow. according to a report he will be suspended for 10 months by both organizations. the 12-time limp olympic medal winner told the police they were held up by armed men posing as rio police officers he made up much of the story. the other three swimmers will be punished but not as severely as him. he can not compete in the 2017 world championships in july. the mother of a 3-year-old girl that died in a hot van appeared in court today. now, charged with involuntary manslaughter and negligent child abuse. the judge raised her bond fr they claim she had an altercation with her 3-year-old daughter the same day she was left in the car. >> she did leave her 3-year-old biological child in the vehicle for four hours, causing her death, while the child was? her care. >> she was running errands with the five children and thought when they got home. she is in the jail, her other children are in the custody of social services. orange county woman is recovering after she was bitten by a rabid skunk while watering her flowers. animal control say the animal latched on to her ankle. the animal was spotted by her husband and he shot and killed the animal. investigators spent the day at a cary apartment complex trying to figure out how and why a fire started there. it happened after midnight on and burned 3 floors. 20 people are without a home. everyone got out safely thanks to smoke alarms and neighbors who went door to door. -- three pets died in the fire. another clown sighting prompted a pan to take action. also ahead, manny mitchell reports from denver with a preview of the i know you! [laughs] welcome! hi! we're your neighbors. we live across the street. thanks for this. i see you've got time warner cable like the rest of the hood. genius. yeah, they offer tons of free hd channels. and you can record six shows at the same time. looks like you're all hooked up. game's about to start. let's do it. we're watching here? oh yeah. go watch my favorite show? make your move to time warner cable. for $89.99 per month you'll get tv, 100 meg internet and phone. switch today. y23eqy yvpy the governor takes aim at a state toxicologist today in another political dustup over coal ash. woman: governor pat mccrory's office is refuting claims he misled the homeowners about the safety of their well water. dr. megan davies was the state epidemiologist, but she resigned this week, saying she cannot work for a department and an administration she claims the state never should have told people who live near coal ash ponds their well water was safe. a teenage girl, caught on camera fighting a classmate is apologizing today. she said she learned a tough lesson about social media. it has been shared on social media many times. portrays a 15-year-old girl in the yellow shirt as the aggressor. grabbing a student by the hair. they were being bullied by each other. the 15-year-old in the yellow shirt and her parents are the ones taking the heat over the video and another video showing the teen bragging about the boating while sitting next to her mother. today, both she and her parents say the videos don't reflect what really happened. >> i was like i can't believe this is happening. you know. i high-five'd her because she i am by what happened. >> i was just trying to be a cool kid like everyone else is. i did not happening it would be take tone this -- all of this because i mean if i can go back i would not of done it. >> spokes person for the wake county school system says protocol for discipline in school. separating them during the school day and counseling. the spokesperson said protocol was followed in this case. a greensboro his machete and chased down a clown. after hearing reports of clowns trying to lure kids in the woods. he spotted a clown near his apartment. a witness reported seeing a person wearing a clown costume. the officers found nothing suspicious. at least 3 other sightings were reported including salom and south carolina. every day thousands of drivers passed stop school consequences. income income superintendent of public instruction teamed -- income income superintendent of public instruction teamed up with others to help with safety. atkinson said should t is important for parents to review safety rules with their children. across the state 800,000 students ride the bus to school each day. closing the curtain on a movie theater with history. the carmike 12 will belo one final screening tonight and tomorrow. when it opened it was the largest theater in the region. they tell us their lease expyred and they were not able to negotiate another one -- expired and they were not able to negotiate another one. mine. a section of highway 12 is back open now after the storm. the state-dot had it in place of the corrective ocean wash. that road opened up to traffic early this afternoon. showers popping up on this warm august or september day. >> yes. indeed. yes. they are dropping out of southern virginia and it looks like a few counties will see that. about as exciting as get, folks. nothing severe on. random raindrops. that is what we use to get skpaoeuted this time of the year. let's go ahead and show you the forecast radar. interms of what things are likely to look like over the coming 16 hours or so. and, as we do that, you can see the activity moving southward by midnight. those that are around rolling oak rapids will have a shot at seeing some of that. a good part of ha alifax and heading on through the overnight period you see a rocky mount and wilson. in general, the activity dies away so by the time we get around sunrise most of it is gone. then, as we head a little deeper into the morning we see a few more showers develop and they drop southward, late morning, midday hours, again, this is never to be taken literally in terms of the exact time and location. just trying to give you an idea as to which areas have the potential for at least some shower activity to pop up and mainly it is going to be the fa even around 2:00. tries to develop a couple of isolated, very, very small showers out here to the south and the west. so, if theory what it is telling us is that nobody can be absolutely promised that they are not going to see a raindrop tomorrow. by far and away the greatest probability is going to be up here in the far northeastern counties. all right, let's take a look at west-southwest wind at 5 miles an hour. the dew point temperature sitting at 69 now. so, it is starting to get muggy out there. no question about it. other temperatures around the local area are if in the middle to upper 70s. if we open up the view, no big changes, fayietville the warm spot, sitting at 81. all right, here is the bigger picture. we still have this seurbging -- this ciulion here. some of it is -- hermine. it force today to sit there and spin its wheels for several days. on the western area we have the showers breaking out. then moving southward. now, taking a look at future cast over the next couple of days you can see it showing cloud cover and a couple of showers off to the north a the east on. then as we head into the afternoon again, partly sunny we will start to see more in the way of sunshine heading into the afternoon. then, on friday. it looks like plenty of heat and plenty of humidity. the good news for friday is, they will be playing high school football unlike many of them having to cancel because of the rain last friday. the bad news is it will be plenty hot and humid and it is going to strain those players just a little bit to fight their way through that. they are tough, they to >> tonight, fair skies for most of us. accept the far northeastern counties, maybe even drifting down into portions of wilson and maybe even a sliver of nash county before it dies away. the overnight low around 70. tomorrow, starting off bright, 73. 89 at lunchtime. and then middle 90s for the afternoon high. again, most of it getting through the day without seeing a drop. more of the same on friday. still hot over the weekend. th sunday afternoon or sunday night. that will usher in cooler and less humid weather for monday and tuesday. so, if you are taking a walk at 1:00 in the morning, take the umbrella. >> [ laughter ] thank you, that is great. now, crews are making skpr-gs that comes with changes for you. >> we explain what you need to know about new lane changes that that might pa your commute in the heading west with mandy mitchell if denver with a i know you! [laughs] welcome! hi! we're your neighbors. we live across the street. thanks for this. i see you've got timwarner cable like the rest of the hood. genius. yeah, they offer tons of free hd channels. and you can record six shows at the same time. looks like you're all hooked up. ga's about to start. let's do it. we're watching here? oh yeah. ohh. how about you and i go watch my favorite show? to time warner cable. for $89.99 per month you'll get tv, 100 meg internet and phone. the first two nfl teams to take the field will panthers and the broncos. the same two teams that closed out last season. you can watch tomorrow night's game live on wral at 8:30. >> reporter: rematch of last year's super bowl. on national tv and premiere game to kick off the 2016 nfl that is something the coaches -- panthers in the spotlight. that is something the coach essay you -- coaches say you have to get used to. >> a big part of it is every woke we have to be on our game. >> that extra pressure is the onthing that ron says he willing to take into the season. he has been telling his team all preseason he wants moving forward into 2016. they have the first chance to do that tomorrow night denver against the broncos. mandy mitchell, wral sports, denver. >> thank you, manny. nc state found the perfect blend of improvement in their $35 million renovation. this morning i was among the media members who got a tour of the old barn. >> from the outside of the coliseum it looks about the of the press epbt and the past. the old barn lives again. >> a project like this walks a delicate balance preserving a landmark and updating to a modern era. >> one is blending the old with the new. retaining the character. >> we reached the point where we needed to fix reynolds or get rid and i am so grateful that we were able with help were able on fix it. >> reporter: shemented to change was the fact there was no nc state hall of fame. there is now. and it is a part of entrance to reynoldss. artifacts like the blad jacket of the basketball -- reynoldss. artifacts like the plaid jacket of the basketball coach. this space now. >> it is also peon for us on to have the townity to bring t of storage all of our history and to now have it displayed on 2 levels throughout the concourse in&in the grand hall of ren-- concourse and in the grand hall. >> some of the old seats remain. steel beams are there painted white with the ceiling to provide a pop of the new scoreboard accomplishment. from visuallizing it, dreaming it, seeing it. it is ready for public conception. >> reality matches design some. >> and there is air conditioning. >> this time of the year you need it. >>es >> it looks fabulous. a great blend of the two things this they were trying to accomplish. its a difficult thing to do. preserve it and modernize it. that they have done the perft job of that. the wooden seats. >> they have wooden ones and neweplastic ones in there. all mixed in well. friday, the first event at 11:00 a.m. >> oh, wonderful. >> okay. thank you, jeff. ill to come, a special show of supporfor a high school cheerleader in california. >> find out why players, one by one, placed roses at her feet as they walked on the field. quite a sight along the florida shoreline. what the driver of this boat ad doing today, technology is changing... homes are changing.... at duke energy, we're changing too, giving you new ways to control your power use and stay in the know... ...for smarter energy choices every day. so no matter how things change, we're always here .... grand jury indicted a young man for the abduction of the 3 girls. >> going to an apartment last skphopbt left with 3 girls. ages 11, 13, 15. the girls were found in selma unharmed. the girls knew gutierrez. charged in the abduction of a 13-year-old in johnson county last year. the murder of unc student. there is still no arrest in this case. the 19-year-old was found dead in her off campus apartment. an autopsy shows she was beaten to death. 40,000 reward is offered for information leading to an arrest. >> wake forest police confiscated several cell phones in connection to the murder operation. smith was shot to death last smith was with sebastian smith before the shooting. later, they received phone calls about the shooting. he turned over 3 phones. massenberg is charged with murder. lives on the street where the shooting happened but they have not said if they knew each other. a second newborn in miami is effected boy the swroebga virus. the first effected baby was born last month. that child's mother was infected in venezuela. the baby has issues with muscle tone and calcium in her brain. officials say 16 other born in the u.s. with zika- related birth defect firefighters are monitoring hot spots after a massive fire at a south carolina company. we first showed you it this scene in our earlier newscast. flames and smoke can be seen for miles. south carolina firefighters say his cell phone may of caused a fire at his home. plugged in his phone and when he came back he could not believe what he saw. his house on fire. he says the phone was a samsung galaxy 7 that is no longer because of heating batteries. the cause is under investigation. >> 2 plains may have been trying to land asame time when they collided in the air above a georgia airport. two men and 1 woman died off of pie lot who witnessed the crash from the air a the planes collided. the faa anntsb is trying to figure out what went wrong. the paerpblss who died have not been identified. firefighters deployed drones to seven through debris after a powerful earthquake init low last month. this is a view. a town devastated by the quake. they gather information on the 300 lives and injured more. thousands of oem are homeless. a waterspout spotted camera. waterspout was spotted just r 9:00 a.m. it spun around for a few minutes. no one was hurt and no damage reported. also in floor floor a voter admitted he was drinking alcohol when his 72foot yacht washed up onshore. to the beach early this morning. the poliharged him with boatg under the influence. beachgoers spotted the yacht nicknamed "timeout" floats at the oreline. it was weaw one was hurt. san francisco 49er quarterback, kaepernick has the highest number of jerseys. charity. he sparked controversy after refusing to stand during the national anthem. high school cheerleader is getting a lot of love from her football team. they did their walk on on the field and stopped by a senior on the cheer squad to place a rose at her feet. you can e her she was diagnosed with leukemia. itment so much. >> yes. her and her cheer squad. >> it is incredibly sweet. bruce springstein is shares handwriting story after overcoming from depression after suffer progress it for years. >> more about his depression in his auto biography. i'm no marketing guru... but this guy is. he's from madison avenue. he likes to say things like... raised without antibiotics. that's a phrase he invented to make chicken sound safer. and it doesn't mean much because, by federal law, all chickens must be clear of antibiotics before they leave the farm. i've got more. "mom approved?" "caffeine free?" we think mr. marketing guru would fit in better at a different chicken company. ooh, i got it. "gluten free." all chicken is gluten free. bruce springstein reveals a long and ongoing battle in his auto biography. it will be "vanity fair"'s cover story. -- "vanity fair" cover. performances the jersey boys will close an 11 year run in january. declining ticket sales led on the decision on end the show. it tells the story of the four seasons. what a great show. >> after 11 years everybody seen it. yes. >> that may be it. what a show, though. yes. now, time for a look at what is trending what do you have? tonight, shameless cuteness. i will put the that way. raw cuteness. check this out. little baby and a dog. combination than a baby and a dog. this is a puppy and a baby. they just love each other. mother says her daughter and this dog have an unusual and sweet relationship. >> i don't know come is cuter. >> exactly. [ laughter ] the little girl just smiles at the camera. this is so great. a christmas card waiting to happen. >> and the puppy is so gentle and sweet. although may get a few nips in >> yep. both of them just sleeping. >> that may be the cutest napping baby and puppy. >> yes. there is your puppy love. >> that is good sleep now. >> it has a quarter of a million views. who does not love a good backrub, right? >> oh, yeah. >> a pweb getting a backrub from a parent, looks like mom's hand there. every time she stops the baby says -- do it again. it might be dad. but any way, watch this stops and -- hello! >> who said you can stop. >> right. [ laughter ] >> so it this was originally posted on youtube and shared on facebook. combined two million views for this video. >> it is -- there is something about a backrub. i like to rub my kid's backs, just the touch but a good backrub feels fantastic. >> yeah. if it is done right, absolutely. topic to include. send me a tweet and a message. >> all right, thank you. your next drive through the fortified work zone could be a smoother one. newly paved lanes just opened. . we will let you know how much of an issue it will be for the remainder of tonight and summer vacation season is over. roads are busy with work and traffic. a new lane in shift in place. >> that is where crews are tearing up and rebuilding the interstate. we are shown what is new and what is next. >> the latest hraeup shift happened o westbound in south raleigh. crews moved traffic from the outside lanes to the nowly paved inside lanes -- newly paved inside lanes. workers are rebuilding those outside lanes. now, those freshly paved smooth new inside lanes are sending drivers a dangerous message. into one thing you notice that a work zone. that means it is dangerous with the speed in it. just because poem are on new roadways it is speeding up more. urging people to slow down. most of the accidents in the work zone, you are speeding or distracted driving. >> now, the message from the d.o.t is is slow down and put down the phone while driving. expect lane shifts through the area for the next several weeks and all rafic weeks and -- and all traffic should be new pattern. abbott told me all lanes of 40 should be reopened sometime next spring. wral news, raleigh. a reminder for troeufers crews will close the exit starting tomorrow night at 9:00 and lasting through the weekend. >> construction on 11 new habitat for humanity homes is under way. the town homes are part of the build a block project. it is a khrab raeug between collaboration between habitat and habitat wake. 10,000 vol -- volunteers will help build these homes over the next year e. now, 22nd annual radio thon for dallas county's children's hospital today and tomorrow. it supports patients and families and pay for toys, books, games to parking passes for families when they have an to give. a great opportunity to support them. everything you need is in the don't miss it section of and you will find on our home page. disneyworld is scanning the fingers of small children before they enter the theme parks. they updated the finger apple unveiled the new iphone. >> among the feetures, upgraded camera and flash and duel for the 7 plus. it is water-resistant. sharper screens, more storage and possibly the biggest talker is the absence of traditional headphones. yes, the phone use ons wireless ear buds with an adapter. prices for the new phone starts at $650. and orders begin on friday. the apple watch the big thing, it has gps. >> yes. >> you are geeing over that. >> totally. [ laughter ] >> i want one. [ laughter ] >> i have been saving my pennies? i will need a bunch. >> yes. >> we will see. >> you manufacture want to get that apple watch secondhand. >> no you don't. >> you want them to be brand- new. >> true. that is a good point. [ laughter ] >> all right. let's move on here. video into our far northeastern counties. the stuff in the middle are clear air returns -frp the stuff around rapids and jackson. that is role in terms of rainfall. let's show you a forecast as what it should look like over the course of the next coming hours dropping southward and weakens overnight. and just, you know, reduced to a few showers at that ponent and then as we begin to heat things up tomorrow morning we may see a little bit of resurgence with this late morning and more showers develop and head southeast to cross pr area. if we take a look at rain forecast between now and 2:00. you can sort of see that it is limited. now, not a whole lot else across our viewing area. also, maybe just getting into extreme eastern mclenberg county. the temperatures over the northern part of the viewing area is in the 70s. looking farther south we so 70s showing up here as l. fayetteville is the warm spot, 81. again, other than this activity drifting southward on the west side of the circulation still associated with hermine and the upper lated area. it is fairly quiet at this particular hour. i will have to race through the next thing here quickly. it is complicated but in general just look at the light shadings not here but the light shadings indicate where the hot air is located. we will be right in the midst of that over the coming days. we see changes by sunday. look at that area shrink and retreat off to the south. by the time we get to monday it is well to our south. by that time we got high pressure up here. the clockwise flow around it, giving us a bit of a north easterly flow off of the atlantic. that should knock the temperatures down a little bit at least for the first couple of days of next week. maybe by wednesday a little bit back in. probably not as hot as what we are seeing now and will see over the next couple of days. for the rest of tonight, for 95% of us. fair, the overnight low, 70. we only mentioned the 95% because up here there may be a few showers to deal with over the next few hours and then tomorrow, another hot, humid day, for most of us, dry. middle 90s for afternoon highs. more of the same on friday, saturday still 90s. then, sunday, the cold front arrives there is a chance of seeing a shower or a thunderstorm in some spots and turning cooler, more comfortable as we head into the early part of next week. so, looking forward to it. >> i think it looks good. >> absolutely. stay cool. >> it is hard to believe but twin brothers, that never met, are caught by surprise when they actually come face-to-face at a basketball game. >> coming up next sharing the remarkable story of long lost tonight scott mason is in raleigh with a man whose new book tells a story of a secret military mission and a long lost brother. were adopted? >> no. i did not know it until i was 13 years old. >> reporter: he found out at a basket ball. >> reporter: i was going in and someone said go on in, johnny. >> his reaction some. >> >> my name is not johnny. >> reporter: i wanted to tell the story. >> the twin brother he never knew he had until they came face-to-face at the basketball game. >> i have a twin brother? mirror image twin brother. johnny. >> reporter: when you see mirror image twins it it is like looking if in the mirror at yourself. >> living different names. >> reporter: different foster parents. though both lived in west virginia. >> our senior year in high school we played football against each other. >> reporter: later they joined the tphaeuf flee two weeks navy two weeks before the boot camp they harassed the japanese and lived with khaoeupnies. dressed like the khoeupbnies. - - w i th the chinese. >> no one knew about soko. >> reporter: such a secret the only recognition a medal came not from the united states but from the chinese. >> probably the most undecorated unit in the war because nobody knew who we were. >> reporter: he lived much of hi johnny moved to maryland after the war. became a lieutenant colonel with the police. if time they reunited with their other brothers. >> five brothers. >> they were all separated as kids. >> that is the only time we have ever been together. key. my name's not johnny. >> johnny. he was a good guy. i know where he is. >> johnny died in 2008. >> it still hurts. that is why the last page is a picture of him and it is "till we meet again". >> you wish he can read it. >> when i go i will take it to him. he was quite a guy till we meet again. >> they first time. >> i had a dream about that once and i have a twin brother but we are fraternal. i was walking down the street and i saw myself walking the other way. >> oh, wow. >> that would be shocking. >> a little bit, right some . [ laughter ] >> for more information about keith allen's book go to wra are and find his story under the tar hill -- and find his story under the tar hill page. sharing coffee with customers and stories. star bucks is moving further into the world of content creation. series of text, video and pod disabled veterans. they will promote the new digital series. if this stores and on its mobile app over the next 10 weeks. >> a beachgoer in australia stumbled upon footprints. >> amazing. they say she was collecting seashells at a popular beach near broom when she felt something in the sand. the tracks are 0 they were probably covered by sand or water for decades until erratic tides revealed them. it looks like one of the more sort of water animals? or -- >> or a bird. >> yes. like the -- yes. like a prehistoric duck? >> a big one. [ laughter ] lights, camera, access. you got to keep at it. you have to communicate. and lots of sex. >> they reunited after a public split eight months ago. how patrick dempsey and wife jillian strengthened their marriage. i'm natalie morales. a surpri it involves nannies. what really happened with taylor and tom. >> is this about redemption with you? >> dancing down the comeback trail. ryan lochte preparing to pull out all the stops on "dancing with the stars." >> if you guys maybe want to see me in a speedo. >> exclusive images of the obamas. what they are revealing about leaving the white house. i'm kit hoover. plus with "people's" ten most

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Transcripts For WRAZ WRALs 10PM News On Fox50 20160908 :

Transcripts For WRAZ WRALs 10PM News On Fox50 20160908

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candace sweat joins us with more, candace? >> reporter: we received word that valentine was found dead inside of a south carolina hotel room from a self- inflected gunshot wound. valentine has been on the run since tuesday after the police sayy he shot and killed 15-year- old -- his 15-year-old son and critically wounded his ex-wife. minutes later valentine logged on confessing to the shootings. the police at one point believed he was in richmond where he and hi family but his cell phone pinged at a motel in north carolina and law enforcement found him dead inside of a room. now, as for valentine's ex-wife we asked about her can condition and we are told she spoke once again for the first time today and she is doing better. gerald? >> all right, thank you. a 12-year-old from fayetteville is recovering from williams was at myrtle beach when something bit her leg near her aeufrpbgel on labor day. her bother posted -- her ankle on labor day. her mother posted this on facebook. she had to get 20 stitches. the police are asking the public to be on the lookout for 2 missing children. the police are looking for 6- year-old and 2-year-old. when the amber alert went out the police thought that michael mayo had the children. this afternoon they talked to him and the children were not with him. the detectives now believe the children are with 27-year-old sierra. the police and social services are concerned because the young boy needs medication for his health problems. you see this family call 911. tensions from a community that sometimes feels targeted by the police was part of a meeting tonight in raleigh. that meeting was an opportunity for residents to share their concerns and for raleigh police to work on building the trust with the people they serve and protect. wral's adam owens was there for police department, adam? >> if you were looking for blunt conversation a barbershop is a good place to start. that is where the officers met with citizens earlier it this evening and there were some tough questions about how the police operate. >> black men, in particular, want to be respected. >> reporter: sometimes it is about the police. >> they are being targeted or was -- it want further than it had to be. >> reporter: for him it did not cut it. he wanted to get to the bottom of the stories so he invited raleigh's police chief and her officers in. >> the important thing is that we go where the people are. and today it was the barbershop. >> reporter: there were a lot of questions and concerns. >> why are you afraid of a black man. >> questions about bias was officers, how the mentally ill are handles and when an officer brown welcomes those moments. >> tell me what is on your heart and mind and clear up some of the misunderstandings. >> reporter: she believes officers and residents are on the same team. also happens to be the father of a 9-year-old boy. a big reason he wanted to invite officers in. >> it was my love for my son and my community that i felt like i need to bridge this gap. >> reporter: the police chief has taken part in forums like this. i have been at a few of those more in the future. >> thank you. tonight it, trump leading into the future. the candidates took part in the commander and chief forum hosted by matt lauer. he won a coin toss. during her time on stage, and the ongoing fight with isis. >> they are not going to get ground troops. we are not putting ground troops into iraq ever again. not putting ground troops in syria. we are going to defeet isis without committing american ground troops. -- defeat isis without committing american group troops. >> i have great judgment, i know what is going on. i called so i happen to hear clinton say that i was not against the war in iraq. i was totally against the war from iraq. you can look at "es choir" magazine in 2004 and before that. i was against the war in iraq because it is going to destabilize the middle east. it has. absolutely been a disastrous war. >> reporter: you can see more trump holds a lead over clinton with active military. a poll will shows trump with a 19 point lead and 36%. by a 25 point pharg in. veterans and active military trust trump over clinton to handle veterans issues. now, 53% of the voters think trump would be an effective commander in khoef. 35% of 35% of the military is in the poll. >> browder will be there here on wral. voters are getting mixed messages about voter id rowels for the november election. last month the supreme court refused to put a quart of appeals ruling -- forgive me. last month the supreme court to put it on hold. voters do not have to show a id. information was postmarked september 2nd. we reached out to the state board of elections but have not heard back yet. the governor finds himself at odds with the business lobby. the leaders helped draft house bill 2. something the chamber denied for months. the statement appears to put them lobby supporting the candidates in campaigns. the governor made the remark in salem. ryan lochte is expected to be suspended by u.s. swimming tomorrow. according to a report he will be suspended for 10 months by both organizations. the 12-time limp olympic medal winner told the police they were held up by armed men posing as rio police officers he made up much of the story. the other three swimmers will be punished but not as severely as him. he can not compete in the 2017 world championships in july. the mother of a 3-year-old girl that died in a hot van appeared in court today. now, charged with involuntary manslaughter and negligent child abuse. the judge raised her bond fr they claim she had an altercation with her 3-year-old daughter the same day she was left in the car. >> she did leave her 3-year-old biological child in the vehicle for four hours, causing her death, while the child was? her care. >> she was running errands with the five children and thought when they got home. she is in the jail, her other children are in the custody of social services. orange county woman is recovering after she was bitten by a rabid skunk while watering her flowers. animal control say the animal latched on to her ankle. the animal was spotted by her husband and he shot and killed the animal. investigators spent the day at a cary apartment complex trying to figure out how and why a fire started there. it happened after midnight on and burned 3 floors. 20 people are without a home. everyone got out safely thanks to smoke alarms and neighbors who went door to door. -- three pets died in the fire. another clown sighting prompted a pan to take action. also ahead, manny mitchell reports from denver with a preview of the i know you! [laughs] welcome! hi! we're your neighbors. we live across the street. thanks for this. i see you've got time warner cable like the rest of the hood. genius. yeah, they offer tons of free hd channels. and you can record six shows at the same time. looks like you're all hooked up. game's about to start. let's do it. we're watching here? oh yeah. go watch my favorite show? make your move to time warner cable. for $89.99 per month you'll get tv, 100 meg internet and phone. switch today. y23eqy yvpy the governor takes aim at a state toxicologist today in another political dustup over coal ash. woman: governor pat mccrory's office is refuting claims he misled the homeowners about the safety of their well water. dr. megan davies was the state epidemiologist, but she resigned this week, saying she cannot work for a department and an administration she claims the state never should have told people who live near coal ash ponds their well water was safe. a teenage girl, caught on camera fighting a classmate is apologizing today. she said she learned a tough lesson about social media. it has been shared on social media many times. portrays a 15-year-old girl in the yellow shirt as the aggressor. grabbing a student by the hair. they were being bullied by each other. the 15-year-old in the yellow shirt and her parents are the ones taking the heat over the video and another video showing the teen bragging about the boating while sitting next to her mother. today, both she and her parents say the videos don't reflect what really happened. >> i was like i can't believe this is happening. you know. i high-five'd her because she i am by what happened. >> i was just trying to be a cool kid like everyone else is. i did not happening it would be take tone this -- all of this because i mean if i can go back i would not of done it. >> spokes person for the wake county school system says protocol for discipline in school. separating them during the school day and counseling. the spokesperson said protocol was followed in this case. a greensboro his machete and chased down a clown. after hearing reports of clowns trying to lure kids in the woods. he spotted a clown near his apartment. a witness reported seeing a person wearing a clown costume. the officers found nothing suspicious. at least 3 other sightings were reported including salom and south carolina. every day thousands of drivers passed stop school consequences. income income superintendent of public instruction teamed -- income income superintendent of public instruction teamed up with others to help with safety. atkinson said should t is important for parents to review safety rules with their children. across the state 800,000 students ride the bus to school each day. closing the curtain on a movie theater with history. the carmike 12 will belo one final screening tonight and tomorrow. when it opened it was the largest theater in the region. they tell us their lease expyred and they were not able to negotiate another one -- expired and they were not able to negotiate another one. mine. a section of highway 12 is back open now after the storm. the state-dot had it in place of the corrective ocean wash. that road opened up to traffic early this afternoon. showers popping up on this warm august or september day. >> yes. indeed. yes. they are dropping out of southern virginia and it looks like a few counties will see that. about as exciting as get, folks. nothing severe on. random raindrops. that is what we use to get skpaoeuted this time of the year. let's go ahead and show you the forecast radar. interms of what things are likely to look like over the coming 16 hours or so. and, as we do that, you can see the activity moving southward by midnight. those that are around rolling oak rapids will have a shot at seeing some of that. a good part of ha alifax and heading on through the overnight period you see a rocky mount and wilson. in general, the activity dies away so by the time we get around sunrise most of it is gone. then, as we head a little deeper into the morning we see a few more showers develop and they drop southward, late morning, midday hours, again, this is never to be taken literally in terms of the exact time and location. just trying to give you an idea as to which areas have the potential for at least some shower activity to pop up and mainly it is going to be the fa even around 2:00. tries to develop a couple of isolated, very, very small showers out here to the south and the west. so, if theory what it is telling us is that nobody can be absolutely promised that they are not going to see a raindrop tomorrow. by far and away the greatest probability is going to be up here in the far northeastern counties. all right, let's take a look at west-southwest wind at 5 miles an hour. the dew point temperature sitting at 69 now. so, it is starting to get muggy out there. no question about it. other temperatures around the local area are if in the middle to upper 70s. if we open up the view, no big changes, fayietville the warm spot, sitting at 81. all right, here is the bigger picture. we still have this seurbging -- this ciulion here. some of it is -- hermine. it force today to sit there and spin its wheels for several days. on the western area we have the showers breaking out. then moving southward. now, taking a look at future cast over the next couple of days you can see it showing cloud cover and a couple of showers off to the north a the east on. then as we head into the afternoon again, partly sunny we will start to see more in the way of sunshine heading into the afternoon. then, on friday. it looks like plenty of heat and plenty of humidity. the good news for friday is, they will be playing high school football unlike many of them having to cancel because of the rain last friday. the bad news is it will be plenty hot and humid and it is going to strain those players just a little bit to fight their way through that. they are tough, they to >> tonight, fair skies for most of us. accept the far northeastern counties, maybe even drifting down into portions of wilson and maybe even a sliver of nash county before it dies away. the overnight low around 70. tomorrow, starting off bright, 73. 89 at lunchtime. and then middle 90s for the afternoon high. again, most of it getting through the day without seeing a drop. more of the same on friday. still hot over the weekend. th sunday afternoon or sunday night. that will usher in cooler and less humid weather for monday and tuesday. so, if you are taking a walk at 1:00 in the morning, take the umbrella. >> [ laughter ] thank you, that is great. now, crews are making skpr-gs that comes with changes for you. >> we explain what you need to know about new lane changes that that might pa your commute in the heading west with mandy mitchell if denver with a i know you! [laughs] welcome! hi! we're your neighbors. we live across the street. thanks for this. i see you've got timwarner cable like the rest of the hood. genius. yeah, they offer tons of free hd channels. and you can record six shows at the same time. looks like you're all hooked up. ga's about to start. let's do it. we're watching here? oh yeah. ohh. how about you and i go watch my favorite show? to time warner cable. for $89.99 per month you'll get tv, 100 meg internet and phone. the first two nfl teams to take the field will panthers and the broncos. the same two teams that closed out last season. you can watch tomorrow night's game live on wral at 8:30. >> reporter: rematch of last year's super bowl. on national tv and premiere game to kick off the 2016 nfl that is something the coaches -- panthers in the spotlight. that is something the coach essay you -- coaches say you have to get used to. >> a big part of it is every woke we have to be on our game. >> that extra pressure is the onthing that ron says he willing to take into the season. he has been telling his team all preseason he wants moving forward into 2016. they have the first chance to do that tomorrow night denver against the broncos. mandy mitchell, wral sports, denver. >> thank you, manny. nc state found the perfect blend of improvement in their $35 million renovation. this morning i was among the media members who got a tour of the old barn. >> from the outside of the coliseum it looks about the of the press epbt and the past. the old barn lives again. >> a project like this walks a delicate balance preserving a landmark and updating to a modern era. >> one is blending the old with the new. retaining the character. >> we reached the point where we needed to fix reynolds or get rid and i am so grateful that we were able with help were able on fix it. >> reporter: shemented to change was the fact there was no nc state hall of fame. there is now. and it is a part of entrance to reynoldss. artifacts like the blad jacket of the basketball -- reynoldss. artifacts like the plaid jacket of the basketball coach. this space now. >> it is also peon for us on to have the townity to bring t of storage all of our history and to now have it displayed on 2 levels throughout the concourse in&in the grand hall of ren-- concourse and in the grand hall. >> some of the old seats remain. steel beams are there painted white with the ceiling to provide a pop of the new scoreboard accomplishment. from visuallizing it, dreaming it, seeing it. it is ready for public conception. >> reality matches design some. >> and there is air conditioning. >> this time of the year you need it. >>es >> it looks fabulous. a great blend of the two things this they were trying to accomplish. its a difficult thing to do. preserve it and modernize it. that they have done the perft job of that. the wooden seats. >> they have wooden ones and neweplastic ones in there. all mixed in well. friday, the first event at 11:00 a.m. >> oh, wonderful. >> okay. thank you, jeff. ill to come, a special show of supporfor a high school cheerleader in california. >> find out why players, one by one, placed roses at her feet as they walked on the field. quite a sight along the florida shoreline. what the driver of this boat ad doing today, technology is changing... homes are changing.... at duke energy, we're changing too, giving you new ways to control your power use and stay in the know... ...for smarter energy choices every day. so no matter how things change, we're always here .... grand jury indicted a young man for the abduction of the 3 girls. >> going to an apartment last skphopbt left with 3 girls. ages 11, 13, 15. the girls were found in selma unharmed. the girls knew gutierrez. charged in the abduction of a 13-year-old in johnson county last year. the murder of unc student. there is still no arrest in this case. the 19-year-old was found dead in her off campus apartment. an autopsy shows she was beaten to death. 40,000 reward is offered for information leading to an arrest. >> wake forest police confiscated several cell phones in connection to the murder operation. smith was shot to death last smith was with sebastian smith before the shooting. later, they received phone calls about the shooting. he turned over 3 phones. massenberg is charged with murder. lives on the street where the shooting happened but they have not said if they knew each other. a second newborn in miami is effected boy the swroebga virus. the first effected baby was born last month. that child's mother was infected in venezuela. the baby has issues with muscle tone and calcium in her brain. officials say 16 other born in the u.s. with zika- related birth defect firefighters are monitoring hot spots after a massive fire at a south carolina company. we first showed you it this scene in our earlier newscast. flames and smoke can be seen for miles. south carolina firefighters say his cell phone may of caused a fire at his home. plugged in his phone and when he came back he could not believe what he saw. his house on fire. he says the phone was a samsung galaxy 7 that is no longer because of heating batteries. the cause is under investigation. >> 2 plains may have been trying to land asame time when they collided in the air above a georgia airport. two men and 1 woman died off of pie lot who witnessed the crash from the air a the planes collided. the faa anntsb is trying to figure out what went wrong. the paerpblss who died have not been identified. firefighters deployed drones to seven through debris after a powerful earthquake init low last month. this is a view. a town devastated by the quake. they gather information on the 300 lives and injured more. thousands of oem are homeless. a waterspout spotted camera. waterspout was spotted just r 9:00 a.m. it spun around for a few minutes. no one was hurt and no damage reported. also in floor floor a voter admitted he was drinking alcohol when his 72foot yacht washed up onshore. to the beach early this morning. the poliharged him with boatg under the influence. beachgoers spotted the yacht nicknamed "timeout" floats at the oreline. it was weaw one was hurt. san francisco 49er quarterback, kaepernick has the highest number of jerseys. charity. he sparked controversy after refusing to stand during the national anthem. high school cheerleader is getting a lot of love from her football team. they did their walk on on the field and stopped by a senior on the cheer squad to place a rose at her feet. you can e her she was diagnosed with leukemia. itment so much. >> yes. her and her cheer squad. >> it is incredibly sweet. bruce springstein is shares handwriting story after overcoming from depression after suffer progress it for years. >> more about his depression in his auto biography. i'm no marketing guru... but this guy is. he's from madison avenue. he likes to say things like... raised without antibiotics. that's a phrase he invented to make chicken sound safer. and it doesn't mean much because, by federal law, all chickens must be clear of antibiotics before they leave the farm. i've got more. "mom approved?" "caffeine free?" we think mr. marketing guru would fit in better at a different chicken company. ooh, i got it. "gluten free." all chicken is gluten free. bruce springstein reveals a long and ongoing battle in his auto biography. it will be "vanity fair"'s cover story. -- "vanity fair" cover. performances the jersey boys will close an 11 year run in january. declining ticket sales led on the decision on end the show. it tells the story of the four seasons. what a great show. >> after 11 years everybody seen it. yes. >> that may be it. what a show, though. yes. now, time for a look at what is trending what do you have? tonight, shameless cuteness. i will put the that way. raw cuteness. check this out. little baby and a dog. combination than a baby and a dog. this is a puppy and a baby. they just love each other. mother says her daughter and this dog have an unusual and sweet relationship. >> i don't know come is cuter. >> exactly. [ laughter ] the little girl just smiles at the camera. this is so great. a christmas card waiting to happen. >> and the puppy is so gentle and sweet. although may get a few nips in >> yep. both of them just sleeping. >> that may be the cutest napping baby and puppy. >> yes. there is your puppy love. >> that is good sleep now. >> it has a quarter of a million views. who does not love a good backrub, right? >> oh, yeah. >> a pweb getting a backrub from a parent, looks like mom's hand there. every time she stops the baby says -- do it again. it might be dad. but any way, watch this stops and -- hello! >> who said you can stop. >> right. [ laughter ] >> so it this was originally posted on youtube and shared on facebook. combined two million views for this video. >> it is -- there is something about a backrub. i like to rub my kid's backs, just the touch but a good backrub feels fantastic. >> yeah. if it is done right, absolutely. topic to include. send me a tweet and a message. >> all right, thank you. your next drive through the fortified work zone could be a smoother one. newly paved lanes just opened. . we will let you know how much of an issue it will be for the remainder of tonight and summer vacation season is over. roads are busy with work and traffic. a new lane in shift in place. >> that is where crews are tearing up and rebuilding the interstate. we are shown what is new and what is next. >> the latest hraeup shift happened o westbound in south raleigh. crews moved traffic from the outside lanes to the nowly paved inside lanes -- newly paved inside lanes. workers are rebuilding those outside lanes. now, those freshly paved smooth new inside lanes are sending drivers a dangerous message. into one thing you notice that a work zone. that means it is dangerous with the speed in it. just because poem are on new roadways it is speeding up more. urging people to slow down. most of the accidents in the work zone, you are speeding or distracted driving. >> now, the message from the d.o.t is is slow down and put down the phone while driving. expect lane shifts through the area for the next several weeks and all rafic weeks and -- and all traffic should be new pattern. abbott told me all lanes of 40 should be reopened sometime next spring. wral news, raleigh. a reminder for troeufers crews will close the exit starting tomorrow night at 9:00 and lasting through the weekend. >> construction on 11 new habitat for humanity homes is under way. the town homes are part of the build a block project. it is a khrab raeug between collaboration between habitat and habitat wake. 10,000 vol -- volunteers will help build these homes over the next year e. now, 22nd annual radio thon for dallas county's children's hospital today and tomorrow. it supports patients and families and pay for toys, books, games to parking passes for families when they have an to give. a great opportunity to support them. everything you need is in the don't miss it section of and you will find on our home page. disneyworld is scanning the fingers of small children before they enter the theme parks. they updated the finger apple unveiled the new iphone. >> among the feetures, upgraded camera and flash and duel for the 7 plus. it is water-resistant. sharper screens, more storage and possibly the biggest talker is the absence of traditional headphones. yes, the phone use ons wireless ear buds with an adapter. prices for the new phone starts at $650. and orders begin on friday. the apple watch the big thing, it has gps. >> yes. >> you are geeing over that. >> totally. [ laughter ] >> i want one. [ laughter ] >> i have been saving my pennies? i will need a bunch. >> yes. >> we will see. >> you manufacture want to get that apple watch secondhand. >> no you don't. >> you want them to be brand- new. >> true. that is a good point. [ laughter ] >> all right. let's move on here. video into our far northeastern counties. the stuff in the middle are clear air returns -frp the stuff around rapids and jackson. that is role in terms of rainfall. let's show you a forecast as what it should look like over the course of the next coming hours dropping southward and weakens overnight. and just, you know, reduced to a few showers at that ponent and then as we begin to heat things up tomorrow morning we may see a little bit of resurgence with this late morning and more showers develop and head southeast to cross pr area. if we take a look at rain forecast between now and 2:00. you can sort of see that it is limited. now, not a whole lot else across our viewing area. also, maybe just getting into extreme eastern mclenberg county. the temperatures over the northern part of the viewing area is in the 70s. looking farther south we so 70s showing up here as l. fayetteville is the warm spot, 81. again, other than this activity drifting southward on the west side of the circulation still associated with hermine and the upper lated area. it is fairly quiet at this particular hour. i will have to race through the next thing here quickly. it is complicated but in general just look at the light shadings not here but the light shadings indicate where the hot air is located. we will be right in the midst of that over the coming days. we see changes by sunday. look at that area shrink and retreat off to the south. by the time we get to monday it is well to our south. by that time we got high pressure up here. the clockwise flow around it, giving us a bit of a north easterly flow off of the atlantic. that should knock the temperatures down a little bit at least for the first couple of days of next week. maybe by wednesday a little bit back in. probably not as hot as what we are seeing now and will see over the next couple of days. for the rest of tonight, for 95% of us. fair, the overnight low, 70. we only mentioned the 95% because up here there may be a few showers to deal with over the next few hours and then tomorrow, another hot, humid day, for most of us, dry. middle 90s for afternoon highs. more of the same on friday, saturday still 90s. then, sunday, the cold front arrives there is a chance of seeing a shower or a thunderstorm in some spots and turning cooler, more comfortable as we head into the early part of next week. so, looking forward to it. >> i think it looks good. >> absolutely. stay cool. >> it is hard to believe but twin brothers, that never met, are caught by surprise when they actually come face-to-face at a basketball game. >> coming up next sharing the remarkable story of long lost tonight scott mason is in raleigh with a man whose new book tells a story of a secret military mission and a long lost brother. were adopted? >> no. i did not know it until i was 13 years old. >> reporter: he found out at a basket ball. >> reporter: i was going in and someone said go on in, johnny. >> his reaction some. >> >> my name is not johnny. >> reporter: i wanted to tell the story. >> the twin brother he never knew he had until they came face-to-face at the basketball game. >> i have a twin brother? mirror image twin brother. johnny. >> reporter: when you see mirror image twins it it is like looking if in the mirror at yourself. >> living different names. >> reporter: different foster parents. though both lived in west virginia. >> our senior year in high school we played football against each other. >> reporter: later they joined the tphaeuf flee two weeks navy two weeks before the boot camp they harassed the japanese and lived with khaoeupnies. dressed like the khoeupbnies. - - w i th the chinese. >> no one knew about soko. >> reporter: such a secret the only recognition a medal came not from the united states but from the chinese. >> probably the most undecorated unit in the war because nobody knew who we were. >> reporter: he lived much of hi johnny moved to maryland after the war. became a lieutenant colonel with the police. if time they reunited with their other brothers. >> five brothers. >> they were all separated as kids. >> that is the only time we have ever been together. key. my name's not johnny. >> johnny. he was a good guy. i know where he is. >> johnny died in 2008. >> it still hurts. that is why the last page is a picture of him and it is "till we meet again". >> you wish he can read it. >> when i go i will take it to him. he was quite a guy till we meet again. >> they first time. >> i had a dream about that once and i have a twin brother but we are fraternal. i was walking down the street and i saw myself walking the other way. >> oh, wow. >> that would be shocking. >> a little bit, right some . [ laughter ] >> for more information about keith allen's book go to wra are and find his story under the tar hill -- and find his story under the tar hill page. sharing coffee with customers and stories. star bucks is moving further into the world of content creation. series of text, video and pod disabled veterans. they will promote the new digital series. if this stores and on its mobile app over the next 10 weeks. >> a beachgoer in australia stumbled upon footprints. >> amazing. they say she was collecting seashells at a popular beach near broom when she felt something in the sand. the tracks are 0 they were probably covered by sand or water for decades until erratic tides revealed them. it looks like one of the more sort of water animals? or -- >> or a bird. >> yes. like the -- yes. like a prehistoric duck? >> a big one. [ laughter ] lights, camera, access. you got to keep at it. you have to communicate. and lots of sex. >> they reunited after a public split eight months ago. how patrick dempsey and wife jillian strengthened their marriage. i'm natalie morales. a surpri it involves nannies. what really happened with taylor and tom. >> is this about redemption with you? >> dancing down the comeback trail. ryan lochte preparing to pull out all the stops on "dancing with the stars." >> if you guys maybe want to see me in a speedo. >> exclusive images of the obamas. what they are revealing about leaving the white house. i'm kit hoover. plus with "people's" ten most

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