Transcripts For WRAZ WRAL 8am News On Fox 50 20160307 : comp

Transcripts For WRAZ WRAL 8am News On Fox 50 20160307

are focused on the next primary tomorrow in your old stomping grounds, michigan. >> tracie potts is in washington with more with what the numbers are looking like. >> reporter: good morning, everyone. the republicans are already very much focused on florida. that primary coming up next week, it's winner take all. first up, michigan tomorrow where the voters are focused on water and jobs >> i voted to save the auto industry. he voted against the money that ended up saving the auto industry. >> reporter: auto jobs and the flint water crisis, big topics in tomorrow's michigan primary. water bill for poison water. >> reporter: most democrats want michigan's governor to resign. our poll shows clinton with a 17 point lead and forehead in the delegate count after last weekend. donald trump is topping polls in michigan, targeting florida, marco rubio's home state. rubio won puerto rico this weekend. but he is trailing back home. >> i haven't given up on florida, yet. >> neither is ted cruz who is closing in on delegates and does not want a contested convention. >> we've got to unite. >> reporter: trump thinks republicans will unite behind him. >> i'm very much a unifier. maybe people don't see that but they will see that. >> reporter: the next test, tomorrow in michigan. mississippi, idaho, and hawaii also about tomorrow. from washington, i'm tracie potts, wral news. north carolina's primary is a week from tomorrow and candidates are turning their focus to our state. >> hillary clinton will be getting campaign support from mikaya thurmond is in the newsroom. she's got three stops including raleigh. >> reporter: that's right, he will also stop in greensboro and charlotte to drum up support for his wife. his first stop will be in raleigh and 9:15 f market hall on wall street. his speeches are likely to focus on major talking points for his wife's campaign, why he believes she is the best candidate for families. he will also encourage north carolinians to participate in early voting for the primary which runs through saturday. hillary clinton will be in north carolina herself later this week. her campaign released only a few details about the visit except that she will be in the state thursday. after bill clinton's campaign stop in while he will appear at yvonne law school in greensboro, then onto the historically black johnson c smith university in charlotte. >> mikaya thurmond in our republican presidential front runner donald trump will be in north carolina today as well. he'll make a stop in concord in the charlotte area. he plans to appear at crown coliseum in fayetteville wednesday. last december he spoke at dorton arena. the weather is going to warm up nicely. i'm so excited about it. >> i know. still cold out there so if you make it outside make sure to grab a coat >> it's so weird. we're talking about a big warm- up this week the temperature started at or below freezing in most places this morning. that sunshine is warm things up pretty quickly, you can see sunshine looking west across wake county on our tall tower camera. in durham, 41, cary 32, 31 wake forest, 35 popcorn, 39 in holly springs. it's a little bit after 8:00 so these temperatures will just a little bit as we get through the next few minutes. degrees in rocky mount. having started at 3232 this morning you can see a big jump in temperatures in the last hour or so. at lunchtime expect temperatures to climb up into the upper 50s and mid-60s later this afternoon. huge warm-up continues with highs in the 70s for most of this week. there is eventually rain in the forecast, we'll talk about when in a few minutes. tara, it looks like you've got a number of accident showing up on the commute map. >> reporter: i can tell you one of them is clear, that's the one at i-40 and gorman street. that was earlier but has been clear for about 15 to 20 minutes. still seeing heavy delays along the south side of raleigh because it is that time of morning but of course all it takes is one accident to add significant delays, and we have had two. thankfully they were both clear within 10 minutes. county area of -- we are good to go? all right. taking a look at the drive on i- 40 w. garner and white oak road. 10 minutes ago this westbound traffic had been pretty much bumper-to-bumper, and stopped. so we are seeing some improvement as that traffic is able to move through that area at this point. this is a look at i-40 and gorman street. this is where there was an earlier accident. people moving through the south side of raleigh. it is improving. we do have at least a little bit of good news. down a couple of minutes from where we checked in 10 minutes ago. 18 minutes from cleveland area of johnson county to the 440 split. 22 minutes to make your way from there to us-1. once you make it to wade avenue, a quick six minute ride to make her way onto the park and 540 at this point of the morning. still seeing heavy delays through 500 40 westbound, we will take a look at those traffic numbers coming up shortly and things are looking good around the belt line. is to the north of the belt line so it should not be impacting dreck traffic. the nation is preparing to say goodbye to former first lady, nancy reagan. >> reaction from president obama and candidates on the campaign trail. vice president biden is in the middle east. who he plans to meet with while they are. plus the big announcement from future hall of fame quarterback, peyton manning. life's sharing a meal. and a kitchen with room for everyone. spend $4000 or more on a new kitchen and a kitchen with room for everyone. spend $4000 or more on a new kitchen and get 15% back at the ikea kitchen event. and this is a live picture from our nations capital. the american flag flying at half staff in honor of nancy reagan. the nation continues to mourn the age of 94. she is being remembered for her strength, intelligence and as a woman who changed the role of first lady. dan scheneman has reaction to her death. >> reporter: across the country, nancy reagan was honored and remembered. president and mrs. obama said they are proud to learn from her example and said that the first lady redefined her role in the time here. biographer lou cannon said as first lady she protected president reagan. >> she wanted to make sure people around her husband were advancing his agenda and not their own. she was outspoken about it, privately, very much so, publicly, too. and, in that way, i think she played an important role in the reagan administration. >> reporter: at the debate in flint, michigan, a moment of silence. on the campaign trail, republican presidential hopeful, john kasich, who served in congress during the reagan years, paid tribute to >> she was an incredible lady. very strong and a total class act. >> reporter: florida senator marco rubio fondly recalled meeting the former first lady. >> i had been invited to speak at the reagan library which was an incredible honor for me. i grew up and i'm a child of the reagan revolution. >> reporter: in southern california, mourners brought flowers to the reagan library. >> it's like the end of an era. it's sad, bitter sweet. >> reporter: mrs. reagan will be buried at the library next to her husband. dan scheneman, nbc news. former president jimmy carter has news to share to the world. details of the progress he has made in recovering from cancer. durham city leaders get ready to decide on a proposal that would give its police force body cameras. vote. bill first has it right, it is a lovely day. >> it is. to get to some sunshine out there. >> warmer than the weekend. we'll take that. then we jump into the 70s for the rest of the weekend it stays dry for several days. by the end of the week we will see how that goes. we may end up with a chance of rain especially as we head into saturday and sunday. a system that has not even developed. we'll cross that bridge when we get to it. over our wral gardens outside the door it looks pretty. look at the blue sky. temperature currently 41 degrees at the airport. we started off this morning near freezing but of course sunshine on a day like today really warms things up quickly. that southwesterly wind helps a lot, too. and we continue to have that southwesterly flow for the rest of the work week keeping temperatures nice and mild. dewpoint 37, humidity 86%. for the one in roxboro and at the airport. 41 southern pines, 40 rocky mount and 37 s. hill. big jump in the temperature in the last hour. we went from temperatures closer to freezing to almost a 10 degrees jump in some places. skies are mostly clear right now but there is some cloud cover back to our west. you can see some of that trying to edge eastward but it's going to have trouble really invading this high pressure system. this will be what we call a blocking high which really keeps most of the moisture away from is an funnels it up into the great lakes and northeast and we stay fairly dry under this ridge of high pressure. so, that'll be true for the next several days. that high will shift eastward bringing us to more of a southwesterly flow in the next few days. that is what will cause our warming temperatures. for the next four days, we have a huge jump in our temperature from 65 today to mid-seventies tuesday and wednesday to near 80 thursday. this redline is normal for this time of year which is low 60s. you know, this time of year we are typically either side of it. in the 50s over the weekend, now we jump into the 70s. we get back to temperatures below normal shortly which is why we encourage you not to run out even though it is nice and warm, it is still too early to be sure that we are not going to have another phrase. our average last freeze for most of our viewing area happens in the first 10 days of april, and then this pocket the viewing area is april 11 through the 21st. you really want to wait until after easter before you jump in there and plant a lot of delicate vegetation. 65 our high temperature today. we warm up to 50 at lunchtime and again to 65 this afternoon. it's going to be really nice. another 10 degrees jump tuesday thanks to this high pressure system. as it shifts offshore, we get into this solid southerly flow. that remains our pattern through the end of the week. now, there may be a friend that tries to drop in on this friday to call our temperatures off just a little bit. but, 77 thursday, maybe even warming up closer to 79. 62 is normal, 81 is the record for us there on thursday. on saturday and sunday, we are looking at the potential for maybe a light patchy shower, depending on how that flow develops. at 9:00 a.m., you want to head out to the reptile and amphibian day at the north sciences. we are starting to get into that time of year where we have a lot of fun stuff going on that is one of the biggest events at the museum. the weather looks okay for that with the exception of a shower. don't forget on saturday night, ahead one hour. we go back to daylight saving bill? travel experts say this is the week to make some critical decisions about where you would like to be a few weeks from now. cbs's chris clacken has more. >> reporter: for a variety of reasons it looks like traveling to a spring break destination this year will be dry dramatically different even from just a year ago, thanks in large part to lower gas prices. >> i think that people are see where they can go regionally within that, you know, one tank of gas stripe. according to a survey by retail may not. >> 55% of americans went to hit the road in terms of traveling. >> reporter: even if spring breakers choose to fly, airfares are also down. international. again, because of lower fuel costs. and the timing is good, especially internationally. >> reporter: look at panama city, panama. average hotel rates this year over spring break our $113 a night. >> reporter: competition is optimistically, too, with florida and las vegas among top destinations. >> you will find deals upwards of 29% on anything travel related. >> reporter: travel experts say the key to saving on spring break this year is to book at the end of this week. chris clacken, nbc news. the strong el nino weather pattern brought heavy rain to parts of california, leaving behind a serious flooding like this scene in lindo, which is about 40 miles north of sacramento. the heavy rain is needed in northern california as the area for the past several years. rain will keep falling through the morning. a town in massachusetts is saying goodbye to a police officer who was killed on her first day on the job. ashley guindon's funeral will be held today where she lived as a child. she was shot and killed while responding to a domestic violence call in woodbridge, virginia late last month. the suspected shooter also killed his wife and two other officers. a cvs pharmacy heavily damaged following protests in baltimore nearly a year ago is back open for business. the store on pennsylvania avenue burned during the riots in april over the death of freddie gray. construction began in august. a second cvs pharmacy rebuilt following the riots we opened in february. a union pension fund is pledging $25 million in loans to help solve the water crisis in flint, michigan. the city's mayor made the announcement last night. company will replace low-cost loans for replacing lead water pipes. it would boost the $50 million fast start program with the goal of replacing all residential lead pipes in flint, michigan starting with families most at risk. lead leaked into the drinking water supply after the city switched its water source about two years ago. new overnight vice president joe biden and his wife arrived in theunited arab emirates on their first leg of their middle east tour. this morning, biden visited a grand mosque in abu dhabi. examined a wall in the ornate mosques bearing the 99 names of god written in arabic before stepping outside. biden is unoriginal tour that will also include visits to israel, the west bank and jordan. the u.s. olympic committee will hold a form today to discuss the zika virus. they formed an infectious advisory group last week to help perform best practices, mitigation and assessment of the disease. the mosquito borne virus has rio de janeiro where the disease is prevalent. organizers insist august is brazil's cool season so the infected mosquito population will be smaller. the world health organization declared the zika virus an emergency last month. former president, jimmy carter, says he no longer needs to be treated for cancer. members of his sunday school class inplains, georgia were among the first to hear the good news. a carter spokesperson says he will continue to be scanned and resume treatment if needed. the former president was declared cancer free in december after beating an aggressive form of melanoma that spread to his liver and brain. peyton manning's days of decoding defense and recuperating in cold tubs are over. he scheduled a news conference this afternoon to announce his retirement from football today. the five-time mvp is retiring after 18 nfl seasons, five mvp trophies, and two super bowl championships. month after hoisting the lombardi trophy after winning super bowl 50. the soon-to-be 40-year-old quarterback will forgo $19 million and a 19th season in the nfl. >> but there will still be money to be made. >> is so likable. it'll be interesting to see what he decides to do after football. it is a case that has gained national and >> why attorneys for beau bergdahl are hoping to meet with donald trump. amazon taking steps to make sure tablets are more secure. embrace encryption. it is 8:26. i'm renee chou with your top stories. raleigh police are looking for two suspects left a teenage girl tied up in a closet. investigators were told two men force themselves into a home on glade aster court yesterday. the girl's mother found her bound with duct tape and without clothes. an investigation is ongoing. former president bill clinton will be in raleigh for his wife, hillary clinton. he'll make stops in north carolina just a ek ahead of our state's primary election. the candidate herself comes to north carolina thursday. let's see how the monday weather is shaping up with elizabeth. >> it looks pretty out there as we take a look at this guy came in downtown durham. a nice bright day and quick we started near freezing with temperatures in the low 40s in a lot of places. 40 in rocky mount and wilson, 41 and six, 42 degrees now in fayetteville. quickly into the mid-60s this afternoon and mid-seventies tuesday and wednesday. our morning lows warm-up to the mid-40s tomorrow morning and 50 wednesday morning. it stays dry through the end of the workweek but we may be the weekend. we have an accident in holly springs on the highway 55 bypass at green oaks parkway according to the sensors, not going to be adding a lot of extra time to your drives. widening out, things are starting to quiet down a little bit in the triangle. things have been clear for the most part once you have been able to get past south saunders street and out onto rtp, the airport, and that area this morning. as we take a look here at rock quarry road and i-40 there was an earlier accident. thankfully it did not last long but added to congestion. beltline in te it is 8:29. today, durham city council members are expected to vote on the body camera proposal. >> this is the next step in getting body cameras for the city police officers. wral's mikaya thurmond joins us in the newsroom. what will councilmembers vote on today? >> reporter: today's votewould authorize the city manager to execute a contract with the body camera vendor. that means they would be able related software and services. this comes on the heels of public police shootings were the actions of both officer and suspects were called into question. last month, the vote was postponed after concerns about the original video access policy. durham city leaders wanted the public to have access to the footage recorded by the cameras. since then, councilmembers have made suggestions to the city manager about when the videos should be released. this proposal would allow up to $366,000 for the purchase of the body cameras. bill and renee, the meeting is set to start at 7:00 p.m. >> mikaya thurmond in our newsroom, thank you very much. also today the durham police department will present the annual crime report to the city council. it includes information on violent crime, property crime, staffing. the report comes out four times per year but this is the final quarterly report in 2015. it will contain a summary of the entire year. about the direction raleigh leaders expect to head for the future. mayor nancy mcfarland will deliver a state of the city address during a noontime meeting of the raleigh rotary club. her speech at the convention center is due to start at 12:30. the mayor of fuquay-varina will give his state of the town address tonight, mayor john burns says it has been a great year with lots of positive activity in just about every facet of the town. he will also spell out how town leadership is planning for growth and the challenges that come with the changes. today wake county commissioners consider a proposal to hold property tax evaluations more often. right now assessors determine your home worth every eight years. under a new proposal that would change to every four years. this will help ease sticker shocks for residents to see tax rates increase significantly after the eight year evaluations. wake county just had the reevaluation this past year. if passed, they will vote on it at the march 21 meeting which will give residents a chance to weigh in. attorneys for army sergeant, beau bergdahl, want they're concerned that his comments about him could impact his right to a fair trial. last month he called bergdahl, quote, a no good trader who set --should have been executed. who is charged with desertion after leaving his post in afghanistan. he said he was trying to bring to light problems with his commander. his attorneys want to determine if trump should be deposed or called as a witness. trump's campaign has not responded. the next hearing for beau bergdahl is next month at fort bragg. the state naacp continues to march to the polls as it has been across the state. the civil rights organization is leading a march today at north carolina central university in durham. the group is concerned the voter id law and a shortened early voting period will hurt minority turnout. today's event begins at noon at north carolina central student union. look for a new dmv office on wheels today in wake forest. it will be parked on south brooks street and offers the it will be open from 9:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. then it hits the road, heading to creedmore, scotland neck in halifax county, warrenton, and returns to wake forest later this month. governor patrick mccrory has declared this week severe north carolina. he's reminding us that with the flooding and severe thunderstorms, we need to have emergency plans, an emergency weather alerts. last year in north carolina there were nine tornadoes, more than 130 incidents of flash flooding and more than 500 severe thunderstorms costing more than $12 million in damage. of course just two weeks ago we had an outbreak of tornadoes in the area. >> any way to determine what kind of season we will have? i know we make predictions >> not as much. that is harder to pinpoint. we can tell you that in el nino years we have more rain than normal. you could extrapolate that to say more storms than normal for the spring. but it's typically just more rain than normal is what we would expect out of el nino. our raleigh skycam taking a look at quite conditions across the area. taking a look over centennial campus over there just to our west, town by town looking at temperatures climbed into the 30s and 40s. a couple of chile spots. 40 henderson, 40 lillington, 39 smithfield, 40 in wilson. we are going to have a quick warm-up but temperatures by lunchtime looking at 58 degrees, breezy with southwesterly breeze, warming things up nicely with a high of 65 this afternoon. tomorrow into the mid-70s. a quick jump, well above normal. that trend continues into the weekend but we do have a chance of some showers for the latter part of the weekend. we will check that out in the 7- day forecast. bill? look to pay more at the pump. for the first time in eight the average price jumped by seven cents over the past two weeks. the national average is $1.84, $.70 per gallon cheaper than year ago. industry analysts say growing demand and high crude oil prices are causing the increase. tucson, arizona has the cheapest gas, $1.33. the most expensive is la, $2.51 . a new survey finds less than half of american businesses adopted credit card chip technology intended to fight fraud. the straw-hecker group found that 37% of businesses are able to accept chip enabled credit and debit cards. the survey included 92 payment service providers that work with more than 3.9 million merchants. that is 50% of the u.s. card accepting market. retailers, credit card companies and merchants were supposed to adopt the new technology by last october or face penalties. the man who invented modern email has died. raymd mlsodi surday raytheon company. in 1971 he created a way to send a message to a specific person at a specific address. tomlinson also chose the "@" symbol to connect with an address. tomlinson wrote and sent the first email on the arpanet system, a computer network that was a precursor to the internet. he said the test messages were entirely forgettable and therefore i forgot them. he was 74. amazon will offer full encryption on the fire tablets this spring. they removed the ability to encrypt local data last year because customers weren't using it. amazon is one of 15 companies including google, facebook and microsoft backing apple in its encryption fight with the fbi. the fbi wants access to the iphone of one of the san encryption protects user data by scrambling it and only allowing access with passwords. they say breakfast is the most important meal of the day. >> our smart shopper is here with some great breakfast deals that will help a sick child. plus, could a smiley face really unlock a preteen's true feelings? lunchroom waste. today is national serial day, and tomorrow is national pancake day. >> that means free brand cakes and a chance to help children time. joining us this morning to tell us about it is our wral smart shopper, fay prosser. good morning. >> good morning. >> good deal for national pancake day. >> who does not like free pancakes? every year, ihop does this promotion where they offer a free short stack of pancakes to everyone who comes in the door. but, this is actually the annual fundraiser for the children's miracle network. and they have raised millions and millions of dollars for children's charities, a lot of that gets funneled into local charities, and it's a great way to enjoy some really yummy breakfast. and, be able to give back a little bit. so, i love this promotion, to take place tomorrow, march 8, and, limit one per person. so, head on over to the local ihop and enjoy some good news and do a good deed. >> i have never eaten asparagus with pancakes but i do want some grilling out to do. >> i just ate it yesterday. but i will buy some more because i guess there is a good deal for asparagus. >> crazy good deal. asparagus now through tomorrow on sale at harris teeter, $1.48 per pound. this is asparagus season and does not get much lower than that. i'm going to stock up. you can freeze asparagus, you can roast it with some salt, fantastic deal. plus other good deals. let's take a look at that list again. avocados for only $.49 each through tomorrow, strawberries for $1.49 at aldi as well because you know it is also strawberry season. they are coming up from florida right now of course but still great deals. and finally you can get colgate toothpaste and a bunch of different places for free. nobody has an excuse to not have great teeth with all of the colgate. you can get it at kroger through tomorrow, cvs this can't go wrong there. lots of good deals.; excited for spring produce. you got tired of eating apples. >> some good deals on fresh tomatoes. >> oh, dream come true. first tomato and cucumber sandwiches. >> yes, yes. you are speaking bills dream right there. >> a lot of good shopping tips to come from our smart shopper. for more smart shopping tips, go to, search a smart shopper or look under the consumer tab. 8:42. a very unique competition bringing couples close together. >> pick her up like a sack of potatoes. take you to the uk wife carrying competition. move aside, dead pool. there is a new number one movie at the box office. "pick 3" numbers, 7, 1, 9. sum it up, 17. "pick 3 double draw" numbers, 1, 4, 5. sum it up, 10. "pick 4," 3, 2, 8, 5. sum it up, 18. 23, and 28. you know, is that an arrangement in their? that's really cool. al green, "happiness." >> everybody has to be happy about the weather. i have to say that our producer had a little conversation >> what? >> snow. we don't have much time left and here we go. you know, seven days in a row for for this year. >> that window has passed. snow. now, we say that, but we have had snow, measurable snow, at the end of april in raleigh. so, never say never. but, it is certainly not looking good anytime soon. our fayetteville skycam is looking good, it looks there will be high thin clients that come into the afternoon making it feel partly cloudy. our temperature at the airport is 41, southwest flow at 6 the southwesterly wind helping to warm things up. we stay put in this pattern which continues to warm things up and we see sunshine. it really looks pretty this time of week. 86%. for the record i would like it one or the other. 43 roxboro, 41 in south hill, 41 goldsboro, 47 clinton. quick warm-up going on out there now this morning with all the sunshine. high pressure sitting right over north carolina, have simper to the tatian, -- we have some precipitation, ring out to the west continuing to head up and over this area of high pressure which rotates clockwise creating a rich often times over wherever they are. so, the precipitation look at force to network and this high pressure system will keep things dry for us for a while. it's going to stay put for several days and shift back over here into the atlantic it will keep things dry but also help bring us a southerly flow in southwesterly flow which you can see some of that in the clouds through the afternoon and evening. it will stay dry, just maybe cloudy on and off, we may wake up to fog or low cloud cover tomorrow morning which should clear out nicely and we had a the way through the 7-day forecast until we get to the weekend. we have some showers in the forecast for saturday and sunday, we'll talk more about that in a few minutes. 60s today, noticeably warmer than yesterday when we were in the 50s. we continue to see temperatures climbing thanks to our high that moves out over the atlantic and we get directly into the southerly flow which warms things up very nicely, looking at mid-seventies to upper 70s wednesday and thursday, and then on friday we have a friend that may slip a little further to the south, it may call us down a little bit and then a load that is in the gulf of mexico, or they may be developing in the gulf of mexico could come in to bring us a chance of showers saturday and sunday. it really does not cool things off and another sure sign that spring is right around the corner is we go back to daylight saving time. don't forget to turn your also a good time to remember to change the batteries in your smoke detector. look at that long string of 70s and morning lows get into the opt in the 50s for most of this week. >> looks great. kansas researchers say emojis may help hold the key to understand schoolchildren's true feelings about school lunch choices. researchers the sensory and consumer research center at kansas state university are surveying children ages 7 to 12. the kids are tasting and then rating three foods. oatmeal, pepperoni pizza lunch bowls, and japanese soda. with 28 face emojis and 28 words. they hope the results could cut down on lunchroom food waste. al roker and lady gaga were among celebrities to take the polar plunge in chicago. lady gaga braved the frigid waters of lake michigan with her fiance, taylor kinney. al roker was joined by bagpipes for his plans. the annual event is a fundraiser for the special olympics. year, the weather was warm by chicago standards, with an air temperature of 40 degrees. a french and american couple retained their title in britain's highly competitive wife carrying championships. the ninth annual uk wife carrying championship was held yesterday in southern england. couples raced over a hilly course which features straw bale obstacles and a splash zone. some women carried men. others had same-sex pairings but the person carried has to weigh at least 110 pounds. the winning couple, one minute and 42 seconds, beating their time of last year by 20 seconds. >> it was tough uphill, better downhill. lungs are still burning. >> i couldn't see anything. >> do you do any training for this? >> oh, god, yeah, we do. >> the coveted prize to the winning pair, a barrel of ale. they will also compete in the world championships in finland. the miami heat's mascot, bernie, celebrated his birthday with a few mascot buddies. during the timeout stunned, he did his best evil knievel impression, trying to break the record for the most mascots flipped over during a break in the game. he did not quite make it, landing hard on the last two or three of his friends. i hope they had good padding. surgeon today. >> everyone grab a spoon this morning and lifted high because it is national cereal day and cheers to all of you. cereal is truly an american breakfast food. the revolution began in akron, ohio in the 1950s when a store owner was trying to find another use for the oats he had outside feeding livestock. his company later became known cereal is not on the internet breakfast but just about anytime of the day and night, and snacks are really a big selling point for cereal these days. this is the less. frosted flakes number one followed by cinnamon toast crunch. lucky charms, honey nut cheerios home and froot loops coming in at number five. froot loops number one in north carolina. those. >> yeah, they have a lot of good. seeking shelter from stormy seas gave birth to a pop in the monterey bay aquarium as visitors and staff looked on. the mom and cubs spent the rest of the weekend resting in the great tidepool where they continued to delight onlookers with amazing opportunities to see this where occurrence. this is the second time since december that a mother otter as a birthing center. disney's newest film "zootopia" took the box office by storm this past weekend. the animated comedy success top spot cleaning in an estimated $73 million in revenue. it easily passed "frozen" for disney animation's biggest three-day debut ever. the action-packed thriller "london has fallen" came in second, raking in more than $21 billion. and, marvel comics-based superhero "deadpool" dropped to number three with about 16 billion. hoping to conquer alaska's iditarod race, taking off from willow, alaska and traveling nearly 1000 miles on the race. seven former champions are among those competing in the race tracking over some rough this year's winners expected to be added for about nine days. 8:53. transit police may soon be one step closer to wearing body cameras. some of the actions to be issue tonight. time now 8:56, i'm renee chou. >> i'm bill leslie. city leaders in durham are expected to talk police body cameras today. the city council will take up a proposal to authorize the city manager to execute a contract for body worn cameras for the city's officers. tonight at 7:00. our weather is looking elizabeth. >> if you're ready for a little spring is coming. take a look at solar farm 5, beautiful sunshine over eastern things up pretty quickly. so far it has been pretty quick, we started in the low 30s, now we are in the low 40s. the three roxboro, 42 fayetteville, we continue to warm up quickly and we climb to a lunchtime temperature of upper 50s and mid-sixties for the high at 4:00. plenty of sunshine, a few clouds rolling in late this afternoon but it stays dry for into the 70s tomorrow. things looking much better on the road as we take a look at the live commute map, inc. have cleared up as things are making their way in johnston county through garner on i-40 west. the outline is clear and things morning. i want to let you know of a capital boulevard at old wake the southbound lanes but it does not seem to be adding extra time to your commute in that area. take a look at i-40 and wade avenue, no issues, things look good on the belt line. ormer president bill clinton is in raleigh this morning stumping for his wife, the candidate herself will be in raleigh thursday. today at noon, we will share a speech on why he s joey fatone: it's time to play "family feud." give it up for steve harvey! [captioning made possible by fremantle media] steve: how you folks doing? folks doing? hey, welcome to "family feud," everybody. i'm your many steve harvey, and boy, boy, oh, boy, do we have a good one for you today, folks. we got a family that's returning for the fifth and final day with a total of 21,615 bucks, straight out of pacific, washington, it's the gould family. and from lithonia, georgia, it's the kirk family. well, everybody's here trying to get out of here with a whole lot of cash and the possibility, because today, remember, if the gould family wins the game, they're driving out of here in that brand-new head-turning ford fusion. let's get it on! give me

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Warrenton , North Carolina , United States , West Bank , Southern Pines , Florida , Lithonia , Georgia , Alaska , Akron , Ohio , California , Johnston County , Washington , District Of Columbia , Mexico , Charlotte , Johnson County , Arizona , Rio De Janeiro , Estado Do Rio , Brazil , Monterey Bay Aquarium , Massachusetts , Panama City , Panamám , Panama , Sacramento , Finland , Chicago , Illinois , Miami , Japan , Afghanistan , Raleigh , Scotland Neck , Iditarod , Virginia , United Arab Emirates , Michigan , Jordan , Holly Springs , London , City Of , United Kingdom , Mississippi , Fayetteville , Puerto Rico , Smithfield , Fort Bragg , South Hill , Cornwall , Idaho , Israel , Lake Michigan , Chile , Kansas , France , Hawaii , Americans , Britain , French , Arab Emirates , Japanese , American , Nancy Mcfarland , Marco Rubio , Patrick Mccrory , Joe Biden , John Kasich , Steve Harvey , Abu Dhabi , Al Roker , Renee Chou , Fay Prosser , Jimmy Carter , El Nino , Las Vegas , Peyton Manning , Taylor Kinney , Hillary Clinton , Nancy Reagan , Tracie Potts , Ted Cruz ,

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