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growls shrieking guess youre wonderin what im doing. Uh, yeah, i wonder what youre doing. Karate. Karate . Karate. Whats karate . Ancient form of selfdefense primitive, vicious. You know what kind of weapons we use . No. None. Just these. Just the hands . This is the most deadly form of attack known to man. Makes judo look like childs play. As for boxing id hate to see whatd happen to joe louis or Rocky Marciano if they ever tried to tangle with one of us karate men. Then youre a expert. Uh, well, no. I mean, i just got the book this morning. But i will be an expert before long. Andy, this is just fascinatin because in karate we really build these hands up till the edges are just like steel. Like steel. With one blow, andy, we can split a plank. No, you cant. No thud mmmmm. Hi, fellas. Well, howdy, mary. Hows every little thing in the county nursin game . Not bad. Hows it with the law and order boys . Oh, barneys an expert on karate and he was just showing me how he can split a plank with one blow. yelling oh, hi, mary. Hows every little thing in the county nursin game . Hows it with the law and order bo. . Ive got the feeling that weve all been through this before. Hows that hand of yours coming along . Oh, its fine. Fine. What brings you around these parts . Well, im on my way up to Rafe Hollisters place. You got dealings with rafe . You know that drive thats on to get everybody inoculated against tetanus . You think youre gonna make Rafe Hollister take a shot . Boy, thatll be the day. I wont get any of the farmers up that way. Hes a leader of that group up there. Barney you might as well forget it. Wait. Rafe hollister hasnt had his shot . No. Oh, well, rafe will have to take his shot. Oh, yes, Rafe Hollister will take a shot and well get that whole crowd up there to take a shot. Ill help you. Its important that everybody get their tetanus shot. Right, barn . Oh, yes, its real important. Well, thank you. Thats real sweet of you to help me out. Well, andys real sweet that way. Oh, listen, anything we can do. Got to get folks to take their shots. Just anything at all. Ill drive you up there. Wonderful. Ive got some things to pick up at the drugstore so ill be back here in ten minutes. Fine. That there is a fine girl. Yes, sir. Thats a fine girl. Uhhuh. . For it was mary . . Mary. . Yes, sir. A fine girl. Doing a fine job, works hard all the time tryin to help folks stay healthy. Ill tell you one thing were lucky to have her, ill tell you that. . They say marie . Are you doing . Huh . Oh, nothing. I was just listening to you go on and on about that fine girl. Aint it just fine that shes got such a fine sheriff to help her out with her fine work . A little sugar that didnt hurt none, did it . What are you talking about . That little kissy on the jaw that felt kinda good, didnt it . It felt better than a mules nose. Thats pretty good, isnt it . You dont think thats got anything to do with. . Oh, no. I just think you wanna help her out stay nice and healthy. Its good to be healthy. Its very good to be healthy. And its important that rafe get all them shots and you oughta help. The whole department oughta get in and help. Its a good thing she aint campaignin for folks to get their eyes examined. Hows that . One kiss on your jaw and wed all be wearin glasses. Oh, come on, barney. If she ever kissed you on the mouth wed all have to have our appendix taken out. Youre a nut. Shoo shoo howdy, rafe. Andy. Rafe, meet miss mary simpson our county nurse. Miss simpson, this here is Rafe Hollister. How do you do, sir . Nurse, huh . We dont need any nurse. Nobody get sick up here. Theres always that little bitty chance that they might. If they was to i aint never been to the doctor in my life. Mary not ever . When i was born, i had my mama and when i die, ill have the undertaker. I dont see no sense in clutterin things up in between. Rafe, there aint no sense in cheatin yourself out of somethin you might need. Cheat myself . Yes, sir. Going over my records. Mary, maybe we might just hold that for just a minute and show rafe some of the fine things the world of medicines come up with he might not have heard about. Look here, rafe. S . Thats theres a thermometer. I got one of them on my henhouse, only bigger. This heres a thermometer for people lets em know when they got a fever. I know when i got a fever. Im hot. This lets you know how hot. I know how hot i am when im hot dang hot. You said you all were never sick up here. Balls o fire. Being hot aint sick. Heres some other stuff. Oh, heres somethin. Know what that is . No. Thats a stethoscope. You know what it does . No. Lets you hear your heart beat. Wanna hear your heart beat . I know my hearts beatin. Well, yeah. Im alive, aint i . Well, yeah. Well, then my hearts beatin. Well, listen to it beat, rafe. Put these two ends in your ear there. Stick em right in there. They wont hurt you. Now, listen, listen. Huh . How bout that . Listen to mine. Huh . What do you think of that, rafe . All right, now we know were both alive. Yeah. Uh, rafe miss simpsons got one other thing to show you here. You know what that is . Looks like somethin for siphonin cider. Yes. Now, this wont hurt a bit and itll be real good for you. Just roll up your sleeve. You aint gonna stick that in me. You can put that thing away right now. I aint never been jabbed and i aint fixin to be. Goodbye. And take these. Ive heard all i wanna hear. Every time i think about that stubborn mountain attitude toward medicine i could just kick something. Now, mary, if you frown like that your face is liable to grow that way. Oh, it wouldnt be so bad if i hadnt gone out on a limb the way i did. But i promised my supervisor that id get a hundred percent cooperation on those shots. I sure am gonna look like a fool. Well, we aint gonna give up yet. Just be patient. I promise. telephone rings excuse me. Right there. I have to go up to the mayors office. If youll wait, ill come right back. Okay. door closing what happened . Rafe hollister turn you down, did he . Want me to take you back up there . What . Up to Rafe Hollisters to give him his shot . Oh, barney, if andy couldnt do anything with him. And you know why andy couldnt do anything with him . Because andys too soft. Now, Rafe Hollisters like a child and hes got to be treated like one. You dont beg a child to do something, you tell him. Come on, lets go. Barney, you really think. . Come on are you sure . Sure, im sure. Ill make him take his shot. Just dont do anything to get Rafe Hollister angry. Dont you worry about it. Now, you just leave everything to me, mary. Ill handle this baby. Rafe . Rafe hollister. Deputy fife here. T. What you want, barney . And whats that nurse doin back here . She came out here to give you your shot. Stop acting like a child and come out here and get it. What . you heard me. Here right now all right im going to give you exactly three to get out here. One. Two. Three. And ill give you exactly three to get off of my property. Now see here, rafe. One. Durn fool, he dont even know how to count to three. Barney, he shot at you. Thats all right. I just wanted to get you to safety. All right, ill be back, rafe youre in trouble, fella big trouble okay, buddy, you just threw away any chance you had for leniency. Youre in trouble is what you are andy, it was all my fault. I shouldnt have agreed to go back up there. And i couldnt take a chance on rafe gettin hurt. I mean, i figured it was better if me and you went up later and took him in one piece. And were goin to have to take him. Me and you. We cant have rafe shootin at people. Lets go get him. But, andy, hes a mad dog, a killer well, now, dont make rafe out to be a monster. Im sure well bring him in without any trouble. Ill go get the car ready. We better get right up there. Okay. Arent you even going to take a gun . Well, no, i dont figure on doin any shootin. Dont you get hurt up there. I wont. Be back after awhile. Be careful, andy. Youre a sitting. See . hes a mad dog stay back, andy. Dont use that tone of voice to me, Rafe Hollister and put that gun down dont come no closer, andy. Ill shoot i mean it well, doggone it, andy, whatd you expect me to do . Just let you come and take me . I told you to stay out of here. Rafe, im going to have to arrest you. You been shootin at people. You know thats against the law. Give himself up, did he . I figured he would once he seen he was overpowered. Who do you think youre playin with the boy scouts . Come on, move. Move andy, you keep her away from me. Easy, now, rafe. Aint nobody goin to make you take a shot against your will. Of course not, but. If i could just make you understand how important this is. Not to me, but to yourself and your family and to your friends. Why, this could save your life one day. I done all right afore you come around and im doin all right now. Im tellin you for the last time he sure is hardheaded. Nownow, you remember what i said. Iif you frown like that your face is liable to grow to it. See . Yeah, a little. A little bit more. Thats right. Thats a whole lot better. Now, we wont give up yet. No. We wont give up a bit. Ill talk to ya after awhile. All right. Hey, how bout that coffee . Comin right up, rafe. Aint nothin like a good, hot cup of coffee to straighten a fella out, is there . chuckles yeah, boy. Help yourself. Thank you. Yeah. You make good coffee, andy. Much obliged, rafe. Huh . Not lettin that nurse give you that shot. I can see now where you was 100 right. You can . Oh, yeah, yeah. I understand now why youre doin it. You do . Yeah. If you was to let her give you that shot see, youd be passin up your chance for immortality. You dang right, i would. Whats that mean . Immortality . Well, that means bein famous like columbus or George Washington or some of them. Well, see, they was famous. They was famous for, for doin great deeds and thats what youll be, too. Yeah. After youre dead. After im dead . yeah. How itll happen probably one day youllyoull get, uh, cut by a rusty saw or a animal will bite ya, or somethin like that and not havin the shot, well, youll be a cinch to go. Oh, yeah, yeah. Thats where the great deed comes in. See, by dyin, itll serve as a lesson to the others not to neglect their shots. It will . Oh, yeah, got to, got to. I can just see them neighbors and kinfolks of yours right now. Theyll be sayin. Theyll say did you hear what happened to rafe . Poor soul, he cut hisself and went just like that. snaps fingers . Moanin and groanin and sufferin. Im goin down there at that county nurse and get me that good shot right now now, wait a minute. And the funeral youll have. Funeral . Oh, yeah. Itll be the biggest thing mayberrys ever seen. Oh, yes, theyll be talks and eulogies. And while the folks are filin by payin their last respects. E up i might sing a song over ya a song just for you. strums minor chord . Dig my grave with a silver spade . . Dig my grave wide and deep . . Dig my grave with a silver spade . . Bury me neath the willer tree . . Cover me over with sod . . Tell em i died to save em all . . Tell my wife to marry again. . And later, after the funeral they might even put a statue up to ya down at the town square a figure of you slumping as you breathe your last. At the unveilin ceremonies i might sing that song to ya again. Just a minute just a minute wait a minute. What . Andy, i dont want to die. Butbut youll be a dead hero. I dont want to be a dead hero. I want to be a live me. Well, rafe, maybe i had you figured wrong when you refused to take the shot. Who wont take the shot . Ill take the shot. Just you go fetch that county nurse. Well, rafe, are you sure . Shes gonna jab ya. I dont care. My daddy lived to be 100 and i dont aim to break the tradition. T. Too bad, though. Youd a made a fine statue. There we are. That all . Thats all there is to it. Well, that wasnt so bad. Well, of course not. Here, ill rub off the alcohol for you. No, no. Leave it there. chuckles i cant tell you how delighted i am. I just hope now i can get all the others up in your district. Well, little lady, you just come on up. Ill have em all ready for ya. Oh, thats wonderful. Well, ill just check off your name now. You spell it with two ls, right . Youve done a fine thing, rafe. You ought to feel proud. I do you ought to feel a little ashamed, too. A grownup makin such a todo over a little thing like a shot. Sometimes its the big ones that make the worst babies. Caught what . Well, its your name, barney. What about my name . Well, it isnt checked off. You havent had your tetanus shot. What . Why, we might as well get it over with right now. Roll up your sleeve. Oh, well, now, wait a minute how do you know it hasnt been checked off . Maybe theres been some mistake. Oh, theres no mistake. But maybe the ink faded or something. The ink faded . Is. You ought to investigate it and make sure. Were sure, were sure. Come on, mary. sighs thank heavens thats over. Barney, that was just the alcohol

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