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What caused this derailment causing passengers to evacuate crawling through the tunnels to safety. And good to be alive. A bus plowing right into this man as he walks down the street. Knocking him to the ground. Debris flying everywhere and the miracle moment he gets up and walks away. And good morning, america. You know, we say miracle moment a lot but that one has to qualify. Simon smith in redding, the united kingdom, look at that. Hit by the bus, gets up, dusts himself off, goes trait to the pub and no one believed he was hit until they saw the footage. Yesterday big surprise in washington. The republicans sevenyear effort to replace and repeal obamacare hit a major roadblock. Voting on the bill is now delayed after republicans could not get enough senators on board. At least nine have said they opposed the plan in its current form. This after President Trump met with republican senators at the white house. Senate Majority Leader Mitch Mcconnell is planning to hold a vote after the july 4th recess on a revised version. Our Congressional Correspondent mary bruce tracking down senators on capitol hill and starts us off with the latest. Good morning, mary. Reporter good morning, robin. The Health Care Plan is now headed for a complete overhaul. For seven years republicans have promised to replace and repeal obamacare but now they dont have the votes to even hold a vote. With Health Care Reform out of reach, the closer in chief tried to rally the republican troops. This will be great if we get it done and if we dont get it done its going to be something that were not going to like and thats okay. Reporter the president huddled with more than 40 Senate Republicans at the white house. Were getting very close. Reporter this morning Republican Leaders are optimistic too. I think we got a really good chance of getting there. Itll just take a little bit longer. Reporter for now the votes just arent there. What are you hoping to hear from the Vice President tonight . Anything he can change his mind . Good morning. Reporter ill take that as a no comment. Do you think republican also get it done . I dont have any comment. Reporter Republican Opposition grew after the Budget Office painted a grim picture of the bill. Predicting 22 million more americans could be uninsured over the next decade. 15 million more next year alone. And nearly 800 billion slashed from medicaid. The Vice President and Top White House aides made an all out push but republicans were unable to overcome the divisions within their own party. Moderates who say the bill repeals too much and conservatives who say the bill doesnt repeal enough. I think the bill would dr. To be fundamentally changed and tinkering around the edges is not going to be sufficient to secure my vote. Reporter outside the capitol, democrats put a face to the bill holding pictures of americans they say will suffer under the gop plan. This is not just abstract numbers. These are real people. Reporter republicans will now work on a new version and try again after the fourth of july recess but this still fays a big uphill climb. If republicans arent able to get it done the president said it might be time to let obamacare crash and burn. And, mary, what could that mean to someone who is currently covered under the Affordable Care act . Reporter there is a lot of uncertainty out there in the health care market, but both parties up here say they want to do something to address these issues. The big question is now in order to do that the two parties may have to actually work together. Looks that way. Mary, thank you. More on this from jon karl. Republican pollster, abc news contributor Kristen Soltis anderson, thank you both for joining us, jon, the president s up and tweeting, resisting this commentary analysis that says hes not the closer in chief here. But this whole effort has exposed the limits of his influence over those republican senators. Reporter well, he says he is totally engaged and has been making phone calls and saw virtually the entire Republican Senate conference coming down here to meet with him yesterday but, george, there are limits to what he can do. The bottom line is that this president does not have deep relationships with republican senators. He doesnt have much influence with them, in fact, the senator that he is perhaps closest to of all of them is rand paul who you remember he ridiculed during the primaries and who right now looks like the republican most steadfastly opposed to this bill. He along with Susan Collins, a more moderate from maine on the other side and bring that to Kristen Soltis anderson. It really does seem very, very difficult for the president , Mitch Mcconnell, will anyone define some path that satisfies both the conservatives and the moderates right now . The balancing act is very challenging because any changes that you make to the bill that can bring along some of those more moderate member, folks like Susan Collins from maine and dean hellmaner, these will make them less appealing to someone like rand paul so Mitch Mcconnell has to find ways to bring folks to the table but with the ability to only lose two members of his caucus in the vote he doesnt have a lot of room. When the public support for both the house bill and this senate bill, there is a new poll out showing 17 , tremendously n unpopular. The politics of this also make it very challenging so its not just that folks on either side moderate or conservative have policy problems with the bill but theyre worried about what this might do back home especially those moderate members curiously until yesterday a protrump super pac said they would run ads going after heller from nevada for not supporting the bill and since pulled those because it would make it harder for them to get reelected. Folks are worried about taking this vote and what it might mean for their reelection chances. It was run by a super pac allied with him. Hard to see how this gets better over the fourth of july recess. Reporter opposition could get increased but, george, theres one big factor working to the Republican Leaderships advantage here. That is that every one of those republican senators in that room have campaigned on repealing obamacare and the alternative at the end of the day if they cannot pass anything is to leave obamacare in place. Right, this has been a sevenyear promise, okay, jon karl, kristen, thanks very much. We move on to those raging wildfires nearly two dozen tearing through the west this morning. And overnight the Big Bang Theory star Johnny Galecki revealing his home is lost among those in the blaze. Hot, dry, windy conditions persist and near prescott, 18,000 acres. Hundreds evacuated here. One of several states dealing with large fires burning right now. This morning, wildfires burning out west. 23 in total across seven states. An army of firefighters battling a blaze north of los angeles in San Luis Obispo county. I saw the plume when i was driving home. I dont care about my house or belongings. I want my animals to be safe. Reporter 250 people ordered to be evacuated. Cars burned out. One of the latest vics to lose his home, Johnny Galecki from the Big Bang Theory who thanked firefighters saying i know youre fighting the good fight to keep us safe and viewing to help rebuild his community. While in arizona an entire town evacuated as they battle explosive conditions as the largest out fire in utah now at 50,000 acres and growing. Over 1,000 firefighters on the lines there and this morning, its only 10 contained. That is a massive wildfire. We do have one in florida but the bulk of the action is out west where were in the height of the fire season and gusty winds condition. The canyons will be gusty, red flag warnings for all of utah and much of the Intermountain West for wins gusting to 35 miles an hour. This jet energy by the way bringing a Severe Weather threat to the plains. More on that in a few minutes. We move to that massive global signary tack. It has hit hospital, bank, government agent cyst and companies from ukraine to europe, parts of the u. S. As well. The hackers are seeking ransom to release crucial data and our chief investigative correspondent brian ross has a major new development. Good morning. Reporter good morning. Right now the attacks continue but this morning, researchers say they may have discovered a kind of kill switch that could stop or at least slow its spread. Hospitals outside pittsburgh in beaver, pennsylvania, were among the targets where doctors could not access patients medical records. She called and said surgery was canceled because a computer was down. Reporter other targets in the u. S. Include Merck Pharmaceutical in new jersey, even the company that makes oreo cookies may have been hit as well as the computers and phones at this Washington Law Firm which warned its lawyers as they entered the lobby. You cant read any emails. You cant read any files. Basically your computer becomes a brick. Reporter it first surfaced in ukraine shutting down everything from Grocery Stores to atm machine, power grids and airports. The thousands of targets all received this ominous message in english on their screens, your files are no longer accessible. Nobody can recover your files without our decryption service, send 300 worth of bitcoin. Sometimes if you pay you get your data back. Sometimes they just take your money and move on. Reporter it bears great similarities to a scheme last month that hit british hospitals particularly hard. But that attack later linked to north korea was stopped when cybersecurity experts discovered a kind of kill switch. This morning computer experts are trying to activate a new kill switch, a vaccine to protect individual computers. What can all of us do . Microsoft has put out a patch or a fix. This attacks vulnerabilities in the windows operating system so download any upgrades from microsoft. Obviously a lot of people have not done that. Okay, brian ross, thanks very much. All right, george, now to chicago where three Police Officers are facing conspiracy charges in the Fatal Shooting of Laquan Mcdonald. A 17yearold who was killed by an officer sparking massive protests. Dash cam video contradicts what police say happened that night. Abcs alex perez is there in chicago and has more. Good morning, alex. Reporter hey, good morning, robin. This special prosecutor handling this case alleges the officers involved knowingly lied to cover up for and protect the officer who shot Laquan Mcdonald. This morning, more fallout from that dash cam video that shows Chicago Police officer Jason Van Dyke shooting 17yearold Laquan Mcdonald 16 times as the teen walks away while holding a knife. The video too disturbing to show in its entirety. A special prosecutor investigating the case now charging van dykes Police Partner former officer joseph walsh, officer Thomas Gaffney and former detective david march all with conspiracy, obstruction of justice and official misconduct. These defendants lied about what occurred during a Police Involved shooting in order to prevent independent criminal investigators from learning the truth. Reporter all three officers were there the night of the shooting in 2014. The indictment alleges they lied. Falsely saying that mcdonald was assaulting officers forcing van dyke to shoot him. Van dyke whos awaiting trial on murder charges has pleaded not guilty. The video which was not released until a year after the shooting [ chanting ] reporter sparked a National Outrage and protests. No justice. [ chanting no justice ] no peace. Reporter theyre due in court july 10th. George. Thanks very much. We turn now to new trouble on the tracks causing major problems for commuters in the northeast. Amtrak service between philadelphia and washington was shut down in both directions early this morning because two workers were struck and killed near washingtons Union Station overnight. Weve just learned those workers were from the csx railroad. Service is slowly being restored. New information on what caused a subway Train Derailment tuesday. Set off a chaotic scene as smoke filled the tum. Dozens injured trying to escape the tracks and transit officials blame it on human error. A preliminary investigation indicates an extra piece of rail was not properly secured during repairs. Now to the trial of a former pharmaceutical ceo who caused a nationwide uproar when he hiked the price of a lifesaving drug 5,000 and refused to apologize. Now hes on trial for fraud but struggling to find impartial jurors and linsey davis is following it for us. Good morning. Reporter that notoriety from the infamous price hike has left a stain thats now following him even into trial. Even though those charges are n unrelated. So far this week its been a laborious lesson in how difficult it is to seat a jury when the subject of the trial has been described as the most hated man in america. This morning, the taxing jury selection is entering its third day for the trial of the socalled bad boy of pharmaceuticals, martin shkreli. Martin, do you think youll be able to get a fair trial . Nearly 200 potential jurors have already been dismissed in the trial after some of them told the judge they could not be impartial. Even calling shkreli the face of corporate greed and a snake. Shkreli rose to infamy after raising the price of anand cancer drug from 13. 50 to 750 per pill, a 5,000 increase. Shkreli defended himself when we interviewed him in 2015. Not a greedy person. This is a very low demand drug. The price of the product was so low no company could continue to afford making it. The fact we need to make a profit with a much better outcome than it being distipped. Reporter when he faced congress over pharmaceutical pricing, he declined to answer questions. Do you think youve done anything wrong . On the advice of counsel, i invoke my fifth amendment privilege. Reporter now hes facing unrelated charges for alleged securities fraud. I dont really care about people hating me. Reporter prosecutors claim he ran his two former companies a hedge fund and biotech firm like a ponzi scheme. Im innocent and intend to prove it. Reporter once theyre able to get the jury seated Opening Statements could begin as early as today. The trial is expected to last six weeks. If convicted shkreli faces up to 20 years in prison. Robin. All right, linsey, thank you very much. Well bring in abc news chief legal analyst dan abrams. How difficult is it going to be to seat this jury. Not as difficult as his attorney would have you believe. Most people dont know who he is. The bottom line is his attorneys make it sound like anyone who walks into the courtroom of course knows who he is. A lot of people dont know who he is. The greater danger, i think, is that the people who do hate him not make comments in front of other prospective jurors because then you have the risk of tainting the entire pool of people who are there so thats the real challenge for the judge which is containing the very passionate comments that certain people may make about him and making sure that it doesnt affect the rest of the jury pool. You know his lawyers already called for a mistrial citing the attention and coverage he has received. The judge said no. It ignores his own comments on social media. His own lawyer has said dont believe everything he said on social media because some of it is so unappealing and so unhelpful to him in the context of this case the notion that its the media that has been the problem, the fact that the media is reporting on the things he says and does, thats not the problem. The problem is the things he says and does. But thats not what hes on trial for. Thats right. He is not on trial for raising the prices. He is on trial for securities fraud for wire fraud effectively for defrauding his investors, a completely separate issue from the main reason so many people despise him. But sometimes hard for people to separate that. Exactly. All right, dan. Thank you, guys. We move on to rob with a new Severe Weather outbreak developing from the plains to the midwest. This is after what happened yesterday across parts of new england in holden, massachusetts. A lot of hail, upstate new york, maine, stormy winds and some neighborhoods climbing out of the upper 50s. Were in the low 60 in philadelphia. Boy what a pretty shot of head to the beach today o playground. This afternoon lots of sun comfortable killings low humidity a high of 81. Tomorrow breezy and warmer a little bit more humid 88 and then hot and humid weather returns for friday, saturday and sunday, couple of weekend thunderstorms. Saturday night into sun finally feeling like summer out there. Big Holiday Weekend coming up. Well talk more about whats going on at the beaches. Sounds great, rob. Thank you. Coming up, the families who say 13 reasons why triggered their teens to take their own lives. What parents should know as the show comes back for a second season. A new warning about a hidden danger at the swimming pool. Children rushed to the hospital because of chlorine. The new warning signs to look out for on gma. Sy, son. This a blow your mind. Whoa. Awesome. That is really cool. Take on summer right with ford, americas bestselling brand. Now with summers hottest offer. Get zero percent for sixty months plus an additional thousand on top of your tradein. During the ford summer sales event get zero percent for sixty months plus an additional thousand on top of your tradein. Offer ends july 5th. Sometimes you justs need to turn off. Declare peace, with sertas cool to the touch memory foam. The allnew Serta Icomfort temptouch mattress collection. 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Find yours at sherwinwilliams. Com save. Good morning, im tamala edwards. 7 23 on this wednesday june 28. Lets head to karen rogers. Shes starting on 95. Good morning. And its a big accident key creating a mess on 95. 95 approaching the vine street expressway fire crews ambulance on the scene. Two fire crews police out there and theres the vehicle thats overturned blocking the right lane but creating a jam on 95. Check out this ride nearly path hour. This is a 52 minute jam from woodhaven to the vine on i95 with that big accident southbound approaching the vine street expressway. Heres our other big accident of the morning much this has been out here for hours. An overturned tractortrailer blocking four lanes on i95 northbound at 295 in new castle. Look at these speeds. Six, 3 miles an hour, youre jammed. Keeps getting long forty three 273 to 495 stick to route 13 instead. Thank you, karen. Well take a short break and come back to lots of sunshine and low humidity this morning making for a very nice start. Take a look at temperatures. 63 degrees in philadelphia. And some of our suburbs like allentown reading and lancaster still in the 50s. 59 in millville and 68 down in cape may. And your exclusive accuweather 7day shows a nice afternoon. 81, lots of sun, low humidity comfortable. Tomorrow breezy and a bit warmer, 88. A bit more humid too and hot and humid weather returning for friday saturday and sunday. A couple weekend thunderstorms tam. I think the center of the main action for strong storms would be saturday night sunday morning. Thanks, david. Thats it for new. Well send you bac t wise man, im nervous about things i cant control. Affecting my good credit score. I see youve planted an uncertainty tree. Chop that thing down. The clarity you seek. Lies within the creditwise app from capital one. Creditwise helps you protect your credit. 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Tonight the president will speak at the Republican National Committee Dinner in washington, d. C. After he meets with some members of the chicago cubs, of course, theyre the world series champs there in washington to play the nationals. We are going to begin with new concerns about the Netflix Series 13 reasons why. Two california families now say watching it triggered their loved ones to take their own lives and abcs linzie janis has more. Good morning. Reporter good morning. 13 reasons why is a huge hit with young people across the country. It holes the title of most shocking show of 17 million mentions but these two families say it romanticizes suicide. Why didnt you say this to me when i was alive. Reporter one of the most talked about shows of the year. Netflixs 13 reasons why chronicles the life and suicide of a High School Student named hannah baker who leaves behind audio cassette tapes for the 13 people she claims drove her to death. Settle in because im about to tell you the story of my life. Reporter but now two families are speaking out to fox affiliate ktvu saying that the show triggered their daughter and niece to commit suicide. Theres no word that describes my contempt for the people that did this. You cant convince me that they were trying to attract peoples attention to the issue of teen suicide by showing a little girl killing herself. Theres nothing positive about that. Reporter 15yearold bella herndons parents say she loved english and wr50i89ing but on april 18th she attempted suicide eventually succumbing to her injuries. Four days later and just 40 miles away, 15yearold Priscilla Chui also taking her own life. The girls did not know each other. But according to their families both had just watched 13 reasons why. I feel its dangerous for that small percentage of young adults who the show could become a trigger for them and i feel as if the show gives only one alternative. Reporter at the shows launch earlier this year the producers including selena gomez said their desire was to help teens. And we wanted to make something that can hopefully help people because suicide should never ever be an option. Reporter but once it aired concern intensified. The National Association of School Psychologists cautioning that vulnerable youth not watch the series because they may row perhaps size the choices made by the characters. Netflix issuing the following statement, our hears go out to these families. We have heard from many viewers that 13 reasons why has opened up a dialogue around the difficult topics depicted in the show. We took extra precautions to alert viewers to the nature of the content. Netflix says it it has created a global website to help people find Mental Health resources. Bella and priscilla attended high schools in the San Francisco area which happens to be the backdrop for the series. Bolton families are angry and concerned the show has been renewed for a second season. George. You can see that, linzie. Thanks very much. Dan abrams has more. Our heart goes out to those families. You can see and feel their anger. One thing theyre not talking about is legal action. Right because they wouldnt be able to win any lawsuit against netflix or the makers of the show and the reason is this, because if you think about it, you could go down this slippery slope where any time someone saw something on television they would say, well, i had this impact and this effect on me, et cetera. So you cant begin to say that theyll be held responsible just because someone watched it and took action. Has anyone ever tried to. For video game, people have sued video games saying it led to murders, et cetera. These lawsuits almost always fail unless there is a closer relationship. For example, reality shows, right. If they go and actually impact someone. They go to someones home, they Say Something about someone specific and those kinds of cases then you can have a lawsuit against the reality show, et cetera. But when you just say in its broadest sense, i or my child or somebody else watched a show and as a result of watching it did something bad to themselves or to somebody else, very, very hard, almost impossible to hold the show legally responsible. The show has triggered concerns all across the country. I mean my girls school had a warning about it especially for younger girls. Netflix says they took precautions. Did they do enough. There are some warnings on the show. They probably could have more. I think that they probably forthe next season will likely have a warning at the beginning of every show. They ought to. Not because its their fault, per se, but because its Good Practice considering people like, you know, your school and around the Country Schools have been doing this. Principals warning parents, be ready for this conversation if your kids are watching the show, et cetera, it simply doesnt hurt for them to have a warning, a lot of shows have warnings at the beginning of them that say, hey your show. We give a warning at the end of each segment. At the beginning of every segment just saying, look, this is live. A lot of things can happen, et cetera. There is no reason not to do that in a story like this. Take the extra step, dan abrams, thanks very much. Hopefully theyll do something with the release of the second season, maybe do a little more precaution. Has heartbreaking. A new warning before you jump in the pool about chlorine dangers after a young girl was burned at a water park. singsong budget meeting. Sweet. If you compare last quarter. Its no wonder everything seems a little better with the creamy taste of philly, made with no artificial preservatives, flavours or dyes. 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Were back with that alert about swimming pools and chlorine dangers after five children were rushed to the hospital in florida on monday. Abcs gio benitez can at a pool in new york city with an important warning. Good morning, gio. Reporter hey, robin. Good morning. No doubt a scary situation in florida. This after another chlorine emergency in indiana just last week so this morning we ask, what went wrong . Its the troubling new headline out of florida, five children rushed to the hospital after apparently coming facetoface with chlorine gas monday night during their swim lesson. The children suffering respiratory burns, stomach irritation and vomiting in what pool operators are calling a freak accident. Heres what officials believe happened. The water pump stopped circulating water. Chlorine built up in the pipe and when it started working again, it released that chemical buildup as a small cloud of chlorine gas right into the water. Then evaporating into the air. The kids breathing that in. The tampa pool operators tell abc news, weve trained hundreds of kids for water safety and our concern is about everyones safety. We believe that it was a malfunction. All this coming days after another incident in indiana. A dozen other kids were injured at the seven seas water parks with chemical burns. Stacey says her daughter was playing in the water park when the pain started. I pulled my daughter out of the pool and as soon as i did she started screaming. Then i realized something was wrong like she was in pain. Reporter her skin visibly burned. These are some of the images shared by her mom. Officials believe these burns were caused by a dangerously high level of chlorine in the water. The cdc says pool chemical injuries make up almost 5,000 hospital e. R. Visits each year, nearly half of the patients under 18. The sevenpeaks waterpark telling ab news we get the incident that occurred. The accident was the result of a nonfunctioning automatic chlorine feeder and the park will remain closed until a thorough inspection has been completed. All right, so what should you do if youre at a public pool . Well, theres a couple of questions you could ask. One, how often is the equipment inspected . That should happen every week and ask how often is the water, ph, the chlorine tested. That should happen every hour if youre at a personal pool once a week is fine. What if the water hasnt been tested, gio. Reporter well, actually you could bring your own kit. It costs about 10 buck, strips so well do it with this pool and just going to dip it in and immediately we see those colors match up, it shows this pool is safe, robin. Thats a Worthy Investment right there. Okay, gio, thanks so much. Coming up on our big board, as millions had he had to the beach for the fourth of july, new concerns about sharks there. Great whites swimming near a popular vacation spot and tell you about it coming up. To sprint. Ask whyd well, their Network Reliability is within 1 of the big guys. And they have the best price for unlimited among National Carriers and. Wait are you watching this on the awesome iphone 7 . You gotta get iphone 7 from sprint and theyll give you a second one on them what are you doing . Go switch to sprint whos he talking to . I dont know. But i better go to sprint. Wait two iphone 7s. Love you vo get sprint unlimited. And now, get iphone 7 for people with hearing loss, and get a second iphone 7 on us. Visit sprintrelay. Com. This scarf all thats my left to rememb. Sayonara. What. She washed this like a month ago the long lasting scent of gain. Now available in matching scents across your entire laundry routine. The uncertainties of hep c. Wondering, what if . I let go of all those feelings. Because i am cured with harvoni. Harvoni is a revolutionary treatment for the most common type of chronic hepatitis c. Its been prescribed to more than a quarter Million People. And is proven to cure up to 99 of patients who have had no prior treatment with 12 weeks. Certain patients can be cured with just 8 weeks of harvoni. Before starting harvoni, your doctor will test to see if youve ever had hepatitis b, which may flare up and cause serious liver problems during and after harvoni treatment. Tell your doctor if youve ever had hepatitis b, a liver transplant, other liver or kidney problems, hiv or any other medical conditions and about all the medicines you take including herbal supplements. Taking amiodarone with harvoni can cause a serious slowing of your heart rate. Common side effects of harvoni include tiredness, headache and weakness. Ready to let go of hep c . Ask your hep c specialist about harvoni. Did any bag of dog or buy cat food at petsmart we give a meal to a pet in need . Help us reach our goal of donating more than 60 million meals so hungry pets across the country get to eat. Buy any bag, we give a meal to a pet in need. Petsmart for the love of pets. We are back now with those growing concerns about sharks as many are going to head to the beach for the fourth of july weekend. Yeah, experts warn there will be more great whites off the coast of cape cod. This was spotted there recently. Towns along the water taking precaution and joined by senior fishery biologist dr. Greg skomal. He joins us from marion, massachusetts. Thanks for joining us. Youve been tracking them going back to 2009. What were the numbers then and what are we seeing now . Hi, george. Hi, robin. Its good to be here. Weve been studying sharks off the coast of massachusetts for 30 years. And other work with white sharks off cape cod is relatively recent and the numbers were seeing on a relative scale are increasing. In 2014 we counted 80 individuals over the course of the summer and just last summer that went up to about 147 so there is a general increasing trend as more and more sharks recruit to the area. I know. Is there another reason why youre seeing this increase, do you think . Well, we think its highly correlated with the presence, the growing presence of gray seals in the area. Big white sharks like to feed on gray seals. And over the last the course of the last 45 years the gray seal population is a Success Story and rebounded after protection was put in place in 1972 and that rebounding population now has reached levels that could be in excess of 20,000, 30,000 animals in the area and white sharks are drawn to those to feed on. Understandably it makes a lot nervous. How serious is the Public Safety concern . Well, the towns are very proactive and i think its a good thing. We work very closely with each of the towns, with the Mass Division of fisheries and the conservancy to coordinate what we can tell them about the biology and behavior to educate the public. Lets face it. When youve got large numbers of sharks, the prey they feed on, the seals and people in the water, the potential of an interaction is there. And you want the people to be aware of it and thats really what our goal is, collect the kinds of data to inform the towns so they can enhance Public Safety. Of course, just not in cape cod but on both coasts. But there is mistaken identity. I think you were alluding to it. Shark encounters, not shark attacks and mean no harm but they just get a little confused. Yeah, i mean its really hard for to us get in the brain of these thats but know these attacks occur. Its extremely rare. Low probability events but in the mind of the shark it is going after a prey item thats sometimes confused with a human being and, you know, a silhouetted seal at the surface might look like a swimmer or vice versa. When that happens a shark will do a test bite thinking its a seal and, of course, no one wants to be bitten by a shark because they are large serrated teeth and cause a lot of damage that could lead to fatality. Why not just stay on the beach where you are. Beautiful, its a lot safer and a great view and just wonderful information that you shared with us. Stay safe. Thank you very much. Coming up the new app being called tinder for moms helping mothers connect with one another to get the support they need. And we know that more than 90 Million People snore, but now we have a dangerous diagnosis that could be behind it and some devices that can help. You can now reserve a car online and carmax will hold it for you up to seven days, for free. You come in when its convenient i know this because im from seven days in the future. Now dont be frightened, seven days in the future is a glorious place. After all you had two good hair days in a row. Perfect. Right out of bed. And this car you reserved on carmax. Com is still being held for you, for free. Pretty sweet. Or as we like to say from seven days in the future. Ah. We still say pretty sweet. Its basically the same. Be the you who doesnt cover your moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. Be the you who shows up in that dress. Who hugs a friend. Who is done with treatments that dont give you clearer skin. Be the you who controls your psoriasis with stelara® just 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. Stelara® may lower your ability to fight infections and may increase your risk of infections and cancer. Some serious infections require hospitalization. Before treatment, get tested for tuberculosis. Before starting stelara® tell your doctor if you think you have an infection or have symptoms such as fever, sweats, chills, muscle aches or cough. Always tell your doctor if you have any signs of infection, have had cancer, if you develop any new skin growths or if anyone in your house needs or has recently received a vaccine. Alert your doctor of new or worsening problems, including headaches, seizures, confusion and vision problems these may be signs of a rare, potentially fatal brain condition. Some serious allergic reactions can occur. Do not take stelara® if you are allergic to stelara® or any of its ingredients. Most people using stelara® saw 75 clearer skin and the majority were rated as cleared or minimal at 12 weeks. Be the you who talks to your dermatologist about stelara®. Where are mom and dad . saved money on motorcycle insurance with geico goin up the country. Love mom and dad im takin a nap. Dude, you just woke up im goin up the country, baby dont you wanna go . Im goin up the country, baby dont you wanna go . Geico motorcycle, great rates for great rides. Infby sherwinwilliamstv home has complete onecoat coverage. And its also stain resistant. How stain resistant . This stain resistant. And it s also scrubbable. So scrubbable. It has complete onecoat coverage. And its ohso durable. This durable. Infinity paint from hgtv home by sherwinwilliams. Get 10 to 40 off now through july 5th. Available at lowes. Welcome back to gma after all that rain and snow out west, this past winter, now its all dried up so we are me into the fire season. Theres the San Bernardino county fire, highland fire. Gusty wind as cross california will subside. Somewhat cooler air coming in. Phoenix, youve had 11day stretch of 110 or better finally dropping down below that as this cooler air moves in. Cool and comfy across the northeast. Now summer will start to heat things up 90s in d. C. And new york on friday. This weathercast brought having a baby. 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We had this overturned vehicle on i95 southbound near the vine street expressway. It just cleared. 76 minutes is actually good because about 15 minutes ago it was taking almost 100 minutes on i95 southbound. It is a mess to get from woodhaven to the vine. I think the worst of it is its summertime traffic oftentimes we dont check the traffic, you expect its going to be a little lighter volume. Not the case. That accident did clear though these delays are trying to diminish. Coming out of new castle because of a big overturned tractortrailer for hours youve been crawling at three, 5 miles an hour. Fix to route 13. The northeast corridor line between philadelphia and d. C. Still suspended because of Police Activity tam. Okay, thank you, karen. Lets go over to sky6 hd looking down the shore. An absolutely breathtaking image from the shore. Lets go to dave murphy. You say its the perfect day to head out there. Absolutely beautiful across the region tam. Take a look. 66 degrees right now in philadelphia. Cool and comfortable across the region and your exclusive accuweather 7day shows a high of 81 this afternoon low humidity all the way lots of sun, comfortable today, really beautiful and then tomorrow breezy and warmer, lots of sun a high of 88. Might start feeling a little bit more humid during the day and a heat humidity really build in friday saturday sunday looking at the potential of the seasons third heat wave. There will be a stray thunderstorm friday. Thunderstorms on saturday night into sunday morning tam could be strong. Okay, thank you david. A 16yearold girl is in the hospital with several gunshot wounds. She had gathered with a group of friends outside of a home in southwest philadelphia and someone appeared and opened fire on them seeming to target the girl. It happened on the 5900 block of springfield avenue around midnight last night and again, Police Believe that the girl was the focus of the gunmans fire. With simply right checking from santander bank, just make one deposit, withdrawal, transfer, or payment each month to waive the monthly fee. And theres no minimum balance. Youre alright with simply right checking from santander bank. Are you feeling alright, baby . Good morning, america. Its 8 00 a. M. Republicans yank the big to replace obamacare. A crucial vote postponed. The president tries to rally gop leaders. Question make a deal . Gas price plunge. As a Record Number of americans get ready to travel this Holiday Weekend, could we be looking at the lowest gas prices in ten years . Swipe left for friends. The new app being called tinder for moms. Is it the key to finding friends and play dates and support from other parents . 90 million americans every night are snoring. Now could sleepless nights for everyone finally be over . Were heading into the gma sleep lab. The results right here. And live in times square, a very modern man and our favorite dallas cowboy. And theyre here to say. Both good morning, america. [ cheers and applause ] and good morning, america. Happy wednesday. Great to see lara up there with our old friends and we have a lot coming up this shaft hour. We do and when you go on vacation, you come back, none of your pictures came out great. Take a look at this. Jesse is with one of our audience members who says she struggles to get the perfect photo. I was out there and she was saying i can never take a good photo. I knew we would do this segment so jesse did that. Look what happened. He fixed it. Well show you how to turn your picture around coming up. Good advice right there. We are going to begin with the latest headlines out of washington. And the health care battle, it is stalled right now. The republican effort to repeal and replace obamacare. Mary bruce is back on capitol hill with the latest. Good morning, mary. Reporter good morning, george. Republicans are now heading back to the drawing board. For seven years they promised to repeal and replace obamacare but right now there is too much opposition from within their own party to get this done. Republicans can afford to lose just two votes but right now at least nine republicans say they are not on board. Conservatives say the bill doesnt go far enough to repeal obamacare while moderates say it goes too far and rolls back too much. These opponents now say they want to see fundamental changes to the bill, not just tweaks, they are now going to head home, work on a new version and try all over again after the fourth of july recess but they could also face new pushback from constituents while back at home which is something they were hoping to avoid. Robin. All right, mary, we have good news for people planning to travel this Holiday Weekend. Abcs david kerley joins us with a great headline about, wait for it, gas prices. Hey there. Reporter its like a present for us on this fourth of july weekend, robin. Were all going to save some money as we did to hit the roads. 44 million americans expected to drive over the Holiday Weekend and they will be saving money at the pumps. Its been plummeting the past week, some of the lowest in a decade. Right now the average price nationally is ready for this, a dollar make that 2. 21 a gallon. If you want the cheapest gas in the country go to South Carolina, 1. 88 there in South Carolina. Unfortunately for the west coast the prices are going to be a little bit higher there if you head out. The reason why . Well, were becoming an oil exporter and there is a glut on the world market. Opec has been unable to cut back production so theres a lot of oil, prices are down. So american drivers are the winners, robin and george. Save some money. You can buy all those picnic supplies you want for the holidays. Thank you so much, david. You know, amy got an early jump on vacation and already out there. Paula faris is in with the other morning headlines. Maybe shes in South Carolina getting 1. 88 i remember when it was 88 cents a gallon. You do . Driving my honda accord, michigan, everything is a bargain. Thats where i grew up. Happy hump day. We begin with a dramatic scene from the political crisis in oil rich venezuela. Attackers in a helicopter opened fire and dropped gre nates on Venezuelas Supreme Court and other government buildings. The pilot was an official in the local equivalent of the fbi. Now, the president there calls it a coup attempt. Nobody was injured but months of protests have left 75 civilians dead. Cybersecurity experts have found a socalled vaccine to protect computers against a virus that has targeted hospitals, government offices and companies from ukraine to the u. S. The strain of Malicious Software locks up computer files and then demands a ransom. Drug company merck, the maker of oreo cookies among those affected. The usa Gymnastics Organization has agreed to adopt reforms to protect athletes from sexual abuse after a scandal involving dozens of accusers. An independent review found the organizations protocols to report abuse, they werent enforced and said, a complete cultural change is needed. A former team doctor has faced more than 50 complaints. A lucky escape caught on camera in england. I warn you, however, the video is pretty tough to watch. A man was walking across the street when he was hit by a bus but then, watch, hes going to get up, brushes it off and he heads to the pub. Maybe looking for a drink to celebrate his luck. He was not seriously injured. Amazingly, heres hoping at least he got a pint out of that. What not to do with your lucky coins. A woman was getting on a plane in china, robin is already shaking her head and tossed coins toward the engine for good luck but they actually landed in the inyen then forced mechanics to retrieve them and the plane delayed five hours. Maybe she could find a fountain . Maybe a plane engine . Finally we want to you meet the best darned dog in baseball. Jake, the diamond dog. He is so cute. Delivers water to umpires at Minor League Games and also fetches foul balls and bats. Jake is traveling stadium as cross the country to pitch in. I just want to know if jake is for hire. Diamond dog. What a sweet dog traveling around stadiums around the midwest. Thank you, paula. Coming up, tinder for moms. The popular new app helping mothers connect with each other with just a single swipe. We are back in the sleep lab. Well tell you dangerous condition behind snoring and the treatment that can help. Lara, whats going on upstairs. So well flip your furniture. Well, not yours but all of yours of weve got this bar cart and chairs. Wait till you see the transformation. The handmedowns that will be worth saving forever coming up on gma. Ng when frankie popped the alligator floaty. Plus, the snacks and drinks are gone, people. 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Now i feel a lot better. announcer you can quit. For free help, call 1800quitnow. The was weakening. Eeth the whiteness wasnt there as much. My teeth didnt look as healthy as others. My dentist said that pronamel would help protect my teeth. Pronamel is giving me the confidence to know that im doing the right thing. So its nice to know that it was as simple as that. How dixie ultra plates . Roved with two pounds of steak. In each hand. Dixie ultra. Stress tested so you can stress less at dinner. Give extra. Get extra. Whats the story behind Green Mountain coffee and fair trade . Lets take a flight to colombia. This is boris calvo. Boris grows mindblowing coffee. And because we pay him a fair price, he improves his farm and invest in his community to make even better coffee. All for a smoother tasting cup. Green mountain coffee. Is this my car . Ck. State farm knows that for every one of those moments. What . This is ridiculous theres one of these. Sam, i gotta go. Is this my car . What . This is ridiculous this cant be happening this cant be happening oh, its happening sweetheart. Oh, its happening sweetheart. Shut up shut up thats why state farm is there, what a day. With car insurance, for when things go wrong. But also here with car loans, to help life go right. State farm. What a day wow. I know. We will have what they are having. Dont you think . No doubt about it. Great to have this audience with us and jesse here with us this week. Good morning, everybody. Im a little upset because he informed me that his gators beat lsu. The College World series champions. I cant look at him right now. I feel championship belt. I brought it with me to work. I was wondering. Guys ready for pop news . Yes. [ applause ] whats going on today. An update and reported daniel daylewis is saying farewell to show business. Hes starting a new career as a fashion designer. The move from agoing to clothing designer was not made by the seat of his pant, yes, pun intended. [ laughter ] thank you. Turns out hes reportedly been planning it as far back as three years preparing for his upcoming and possibly last role. The oscar winner will tar in a still untitled movie set in the fashion world in the 1950s in london due out this coming christmas day. Leave it to a method actor like daniel daylewis to prove that art does, in fact, imitate life. Whatever we does, we wish him the best. If he is a smidgen as good a designer as an actor he will have an unbelievable career. So good. Spent five years making shoes. As a cobbler. Its a passion of his. Well see this role and who knows whats next for him. Im a huge fan. Also in pop news, speaking of art imitating life hugh yakman entering the world of politic, george. Wow. At least in his next role. Ah. Thank you. I know. Im full of it today taking on a story that rocked the news back in 19 8, its called the frontrunner in it hell play colorado senator gary hart. A story many of us remember. I know jesse, you werent born yet. I was not. Shes always talking about that. Was he a singer . Senator. Colorado senator, yes, he was the frontrunner in the president ial candidate in the primary. Well, the news of an extramarital affair with actress model donna rice rocked his career and Michael Dukakis who had been trailing hart went on to win the democratic nomination then later lost to george h. W. Bush. You didnt know you were getting a History Lesson today. Yeah, you know, i i look up to you very much and try to add a little bit of your world into mine sometimes. The movie being written by jason writeman sounds interesting. In the news adam driver more than just a hollywood star, also a former marine and the actor went back to his roots. By surprising a fellow vet and his daughter with a scholarship and a new partnership he has with budweiser that gives back to vets and their families. Take a look. Youre in school now. Yes. And thats where you reached out to folds of honor and reached out to me and told me to let you no he that you got the scholarship. Oh, my goodness. Ah. Adam driver shows up at dawn Williams House to give the folds of Honor Foundation grant so she can pursue her dreams of becoming a nurse and pay for all of her other schoolrelated expenses. That is great. [ applause ] paying it forward. Had a really cute picture that ill save for tomorrow and end on that note. A great pop news for lara spencer. Now a story that has a lot of parents talking. Gma cover story this morning. And its a new app helping mothers to connect with each other. Abcs Mara Schiavocampo has all the details for us. Hey, guys, good morning. You know, a lot of moms find being a new mom can be lonely especially if none of your friends have kids or if you dont gel with the parents of your kids friends but can swiping which is so popular this dating apps actually help you find mommy buddies . Well, one app says, yes, it can. Its the new app being called tinder for moms except not for dates but friends. Tinderellas clock trikes. My clock strikes loudly at 9 00 until she cries out for me. The peanut app mothers find likeminded buddies with just a few intieps. You know youre gneiting people that have the same interests and similar age kids. Reporter sign up with your facebook account and create a short profile with how many kids you have and pick a few wores to describe yourself. Anything from mom boss to wine time or geek chic, similar to dating apps they can swipe up to wave. If two users wave to each other its a match putting users in touch with each other so they can set up mommy dates. Very much similar dialogue. You also have like kids running around. Reporter these were all strangers until they met on the app just three months ago. Theyve since become fast friends providing some much needed mommy support. One study finds women who receive support from friends and family are less likely to report having a fussy baby. You kind of need friends who understand your new circumstances and your new life. Reporter many moms find that making new friends can be just as hard as dating. Simple song, chat, chat, chat. Reporter the cofounder and ceo Michele Kennedy says that challenge is what promised her to create the app. It was 2 00 a. M. I was scrolling through instagram looking at pie girlfriends in the club and felt like i needed to speak to another woman who was doing the same thing as me. Reporter so far this social site seems to be working. With more than 1 million waves sent so far. Now, the app uses an algorithm to match mops with similar interests just like with online dating. Not interested in meeting another mom, you can just say maybe later so, robin, theres not quite as much rejection. Got to keep that in mind. Thank you. Joining us ericka souter, the editor of mom. Me. What do you make of this peanut. I think its a great idea. It goes to one of the biggest pitfalls of new motherhood. Loneliness and isolation, especially if youre raising kids away from your family which is a natural support system so its great to find other moms you can connect with, be honest with, share your ups and downs with and moms tell us that connection goes a long way to making a baby happy and more complete and makes them a better parent. You have been talking to a lot of moms. Any concerns or reservation, any safety issues. Its nosily new moms would want to use this app but one of the concerns is rejection, what if no one swipes to meet you. Theres also, you know, what about the dads. A lot of stayathomes are also desperate for connection. Also have to make sure you are connecting with another mom and somebodys not using that app for the wrong reasons. You got to keep that in mind. One of the reasons the app requires you to sign up through facebook and that way you can check someone out to make sure theyre a mom and make sure if you do meet someone that you have met online, meet in a public place, a park, a playground, a restaurant until you get to know them. Youre on it. So what if youre a new mom and maybe this isnt for you, what suggestions do you have . Right, you can check Message Boards and bulletin boars at your church or library or pediatricians office. Those are good places to look for a meetup group and you can also put yourself out there. If you see the same mom at the playground every day at 3 00, go up to her and ask her to have coffee and also consider volunteering. Many people are likeminded and interesting in helping out the community and meet a friend and also benefit the world at the same time. All great suggestions. Thank you so much. An issue so many deal with, sleep n snoring. Our gma health alert taking on the snore wars. And paula, oh, come on, you got your husband involved in this again. You know what, can i just say leave him alone. I cant. He is a great sport. He actually got himself into this. John, youre a great sport and i love you. Well hear from you in a second. Snoring can be disruptive for the snorer and whomever is lying next to them. Whatever forces them to sleep in separate rooms. How many of us do that . Snoring can be benign but in my home it turned out to be the sign of something much more serious. Snoring, oh, if youre on the receiving end of a noisy sleeper be being woken up all night kicking the noise maker losing sleep youre not alone. The National Sleep foundation says as many as 90 million americans snore and one of them is my husband john. Apparently you say i snore. I have secondhand snorers syndrome. I think thats what its called. You know what it is. No, i think you made it up. Reporter it took convincing on my part. You still dont believe you snore. I still havent heard myself snore. But john finally agreed to do a sleep study at the mt. Sinai sleep center in new york city and sleep here tonight attached to sensors that will monitor functions including his heart rate, respiration and body position for roughly seven hours. Hes wired up and ready to go. Good luck. To sleep. Now, most of americas snorers are men. But snoring is by no means limited to them. It turns out that women often take a turn at keeping their partners up at night too. But getting them to admit it is another story. Before lee turns out the lights she puts on a dental device described by dr. Cortez the dentist who treats snoring. Snoring is the big, big man with the big thick neck so for women to snore is unusual. Its becoming more common. Reporter the mouthpiece moves her lower jaw forward and gives her airway room to expand increasing the airflow. I would snore and would kind of wake up in the middle of the night and catching my breath sometimes. Now i can sleep all through the night. Its helping me so much. Then you open the eyes whenever youre ready. Reporter but back to john, it turns out his snoring is not just a nuisance to me, its a real danger to him. Johns apnea is severe and needs to be treated before it becomes an even bigger problem. Hes having over 30 episodes per hour. About 37 episodes per hour. Of not breathing in not breathing completely or partially stopping sudden cardiac death has been linked with it so it is a possibility. Its probably not likely to happen but its not completely out of the potential consequences that are associated with that. Obstructive sleep apnea can be lifethreatening with the potential to cause not only heart attack but diabetes, stroke, even depression. Does it feel like something you could do on a nightly basis. Yes. Ill make sure he wears it. Reporter for john the answer may be a cpap. A continued positive Airway Pressure machine. Which hell use at night. And hopefully itll restore a little peace and quiet in our home. I love you. I love you too. Okay, so the apnea is when youre not breathing. Sometimes holding his breath for 30 seconds. The majority of people struggling is undiagnosed. Its indiscriminate, men, women and children and not always linked to weight. Also one of the fallacies but for john his symptoms extreme fatigue. He didnt start Drinking Coffee until a couple of years ago just to get him through the day. Is he wearing it. Its a mix between darth vader, hannibal electricer and a superhero but its not working quite yet. They have several different options you can use so im trying to figure out which one will be the right one to give me the relief i need at night. Do you always wear it with a suit. Always with a sleep. Thats how i sleep at night just like you. Thank you. Thank you for joining us. Hes such a good sport. Talking to people that have been diagnosed with it and starting to wear the cpap they say they feel so much better. We hope the same for you, john . Thank you. And is that your little man. Thats my little girl. Karl line, my oldest. Your minime. Paula jr. Ive been sleeping in her room because of the snoring so sharing so much. I know. Family show. Family show. Rob, save us, rob. Please. It is a family show. Summertime, look at this t it says hi family members. Very eve for the. Claire and her brother, get everybody in one big sign. If youre going to the beach, temperatures starting to warm up in long beach on long island. Thats a quick check of whats happening. Time for your local forecast. Everybody having fun there in new york rob. Storm tracker6 live double scan shows us dry conditioning. As we take a look at sky6 its nice outside. Temperatures are currently in the 60s in most neighborhoods. Heres your exclusive accuweather 7day forecast. A high of 81 degrees 5 degrees below average. With low humidity its comfortable. Great day to be outside. Breezy and warmer tomorrow more humid 88. Hot and humid switching gears now and go behind the scenes with the bachelorette and going right into rachels closet and for all the shows bombshell moments she seems to have a wardrobe to match and abcs Abbie Boudreau takes us inside. Im so excited. Its just not real. I feel like im living a dream. Reporter you kind of are. Look at the shoes. Rachel takes us behind the scenes, along with the bachelor franchises lead stylist to show us their favorite looks of the season. I have a little different style just because i am a tomboy and like to change it up like i would love to wear, you know, sweats with a heel. Reporter kid ago side rachel is all about mixing sassy and chic. I love leather. Reporter but she has mixed opinions when it comes to sequins. I said i dont like sequins. He said you wore it all season. I know so i guess im a little bit more girlie than i like to admit. Reporter inspired by victoria beckhams style she is not afraid to take chances in love or with her fashion. Like this red lacy piece. What looks like fantasy suite linger ray, rachel pairs it with jeans. Oh, my gosh. A true bachelorette. I love this. I feel fun and flirty. Reporter sporting more than 100 outfits this seeing and already weve seen some of rachels favorites on the show. Especially rings, one of her signature accessories. Astle as my hands could hold. I know were having fun talking about fashion but are you ready to find love. I am ready. I mean, how could you not be ready with all this too . Reporter for good morning america, Abbie Boudreau, abc news, los angeles. [ applause ] shes ready. Im telling you. So you can see the bachelorette monday 8 00, 7 00 central on abc. Coming up next modern familys Eric Stonestreet and dak prescott. Good morning, im tamala edwards. 8 27 now on this wednesday june 28th. Karen rogers yet again. 95. How is it doing. Ive been talking about this for four hours and the delay is growing. Im thinking people arent listening. So if you know anybody heading out on 95 in new castle tell them dont take i95. Take 13 its your option. Youre going five, 6 miles an hour. You see the extended delay coming up north from delaware and thats because of an overturned tractortrailer and a fuel spill blocking three to four lanes. 95 southbound approaching allegheny we see some heavy volume but this is a lot better than it was. We had an accident involving an overturned vehicle near the vine. It has cleared. All lanes back old. This is a 36 minute jam from woodhaven to the vine. Earlier it was a 96 minute jam so things are actually better. Not better yet though on the northeast corridor. Traffic suspended on the northeast corridor between philadelphia and d. C. To do a police investigation. Also a 17 minute delay on the wilmington newark line. New accident on 422 eastbound approaching oaks traveling own orange line 16 miles an hour. Summertime traffic is supposed to be easy. Not today, tam. Not today. All right. Well, thank you, karen. At least summertime weather is easy today. Dave murphy has more on that. Feeling great on the terrace right now under the sun tam. Take a look. Were at 66 degrees in philadelphia, 62 in allentown, 69 down in cape may. Humidity is low and it stays that way today. Look for plenty of sunshine, a high of 81, great day to get outside and get stuff done or just enjoy yourself. Tomorrow breezy warmer 88 a little more humid during the day. Friday saturday and sunday and the heat and humidity build back in. It looks like the seasons third heat wave sap possibility and is a possibility. Saturday night into sun morning we could have strong storms. Thank you david. Thats it for action news right now. Theyre going to finish up on gma and then well get to see you again in 30 minutes. Its raining shades during blinds to gos all shades sale. Every shade in the store roller, solar, cellular. And more all 25 off. Find your perfect shelter among hundreds of styles and colors. Sale has been extended so pour on in. Blinds to go. Blinds for life. Shadesapoppin during blinds to gos all shades sale. Select from roller, woven wood, solar, cellular, sheer, roman shades and more all 25 percent off. Shades are still poppin, but not for long blinds to go. Blinds for life. [ applause ] very happy crowd here with us. On this wednesday morning. And it is great to have everybody here with us. You got something to share with us. Who here is the sort of photographer in their friend group . I know i am. I am. Jess, you are. Ali does it for you. Theres a story on buzzfeed that made us all laugh. This giantny keeling called out his friends on twitter by writing do you all understand how hard being the friend that takes perfect picture force everyone else but when its my turn to get some, this is what i get. So they posted these pictures. Thats not good. Thats not good. Apparently a lot of people can relate. 70,000 people have reacted to that tweet and you know this guy is theres i guess some other folks sharing theirs. Oh. But this giantny who writes this and started a funny conversation is a model. I dont know if we have a model to show you but hes spectacular it would be very difficult to take a bad picture of him. Is that him. Yeah. You can imagine when he got back his pictures from said event and not one usable photo he was wondering, so he gave tips to his friends about take into consideration lighting, please. Please take multiple photos. Just hook a friend up. If youre taking the picture with a camera phone and lighting bad, tap on the persons face that the picture will focus in itll focus on it. Thats a lot of work. Thats a lot of work. It is but its not hard to do, though. Really and, tory, my producer, we went out earlier and tried to practice what anthony wag talking about. Take a look. So heres what not to do. If you look like the lighting is bad, i look like im doing a Dance Recital from a broadway play, torys thumb you can see her finger. This is actually a centered shot and see the background. And your socks. You can see my socks. Signature socks. Light blue socks and, you know, its true. Its my biggest pet peeve. I travel by myself all the time and, you know, people are nice enough to take a picture for me but youre standing in front of the eiffel tower in paris, its like im not in the middle of the picture. The eiffel tower is cropped. Get back on the plane and you got nothing to remember it by. Anthony, thanks for sparking that conversation. This is a Public Service announcement. Please take multiple pictures of your friends. Were bringing out two guests. People will want to take their picture incredible here in times square with us. You know one from modern family and the other in the dallas cowboys. Hes the qb, please welcome Eric Stonestreet and dak prescott. [ cheers and applause ] imagine you. Are you awake. Yeah, i am. Hey, george, good to see you. Youre killing it. What . Youre killing it. Good to see you again. How are you doing . [ cheers and applause ] thank you. Hello. Have you been here since we had the live out kwaens. No. Its so exciting. Hi, everyone. Can they say hi back. Theyre here for me. Not you. Oh. Wow, wow. You guys are old friends. We are. We are, yeah, now we are. Tell us what brought you together. Ready, raise, rise. Yeah, its a campaign ive been fortunate enough to work with three years and this year we brought in dak and tia because we know a cancer diagnosis takes a community of people to support that person. My mom was a twotime is a twotime cancer survivor. And you know i lost my grandpas both to cancer and uncle. Dak had his own personal journey so important to lend my name and face to cancer groups and immunooncology is one of the most exciting things in cancer research. Thats my mom and thats what the ready, raise, Rise Campaign is about, bring ago wareness to immunooncology. How did you get involved . [ applause ] similar to eric. Losing my mom only a sophomore in college only 20. Cancer is near and dear to my thoughts. Anything going on with immunooncology is to honor my mom. This is another situation of using my platform. Oh, nice picture. Awareness to all americans affected by this devastating disease. The message we want and tia and bms and ready, raise, rise want to say, a cancer diagnosis is a serious thing, obviously it can be very bad but its not the cancer diagnosis it used to be thanks to things like immunooncology and what were working for is making cancer for manageable, survivable for the patient and thats why they can go people can go there and raise a flag for someone been affected by cancer, a caregiver, whomever and bms will donate 150,000. For advocacy groups. [ applause ] reading that your beautiful mom twotime cancer survivor was actually the inspiration for your character on modern family. She was back in the beginning. You know, i needed sort of a portal into the character i never played a character like cam before. I played a lot of murderers. You didnt know that about me, did you . I didnt see that coming. Yeah, you should. Anyway so i needed a way in and there was a specific line in the original pilot of the script that didnt actually end up making it into the First Episode of modern family of cam walking into a room oh, no, it did make it in. Where i walk into a room and go, oh, my gosh, do you love it and i was like where have i heard people say that before and it was sort of my moms version of like, whoa, i made christmas cookies. Do you love them . Thats cam right there. Thats what i used and thats where it started. Really quickly, i know youre a football fan. Kansas city. Any impressions of the nfl offensive rookie of the year, mr. Dak prescott . [ applause ] hes heard me say it before. I am a massive football fan. Im a Kansas City Chiefs fan but i love thats another thing he and i have in common our pure athletic ability. [ laughter ] and thats why thats why we came together, right . But chiefs play dallas november 5th. And i told him in the interview that i root for him to have a very healthy game and throw put up 400 yards and no touchdown, im fine with that. Youre going to meet my friends, eric berry and meet my friends justin houston, tom ive got friends. Youve got friends. I got friends too, ezekiel elliott. Dez. I dont want to hear about them. Im already nervous. Last time i saw you womens final four. Hail state. I didnt bring out the cow bell but you went to Mississippi State and here cheering it on in dallas there that was awesome just to be there in Mississippi State to make it that far. The big david versus goliath knocking down uconn. I know the women were excite sfwld was that almost a Mississippi State just a little. Just a little mix. Nice too that jess taught you everything you know. As quarterback. You know what, youre welcome. Appreciate it. But, guys, thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Thank you guys, thanks. For more information about this Amazing Campaign you can visit ready, raise, rise. Com. Lara and our team on the case showing you how to revamp your handmedowns. Check it out. Doing instagram before woe come live on television. Love it. New movie baby driver cause i assume you have a beautiful baby face and youre a talented driver. I am now. I was okay before but im a better driver now. Yes. You got jamie foxx, kevin spacey. Whats it like. A dream come true. Every actor you want to work with oscar winners. Thats your demand now. Now that ive done it thats how i want to keep it. Well, shane woodley, are you going to get back on screen with her. Oh, yeah id work with her again, too. I would die to work with shailene again. She was so no pun intended she was so amazing to work with in that movie. Are you a singer song writer. You sang while we were doing a snapchat. Jamie jacques very talented. Has he given you any advice i was a big fan of jamie. The first day he said heymann i want to hear you music. He was so supportive. It was unbelievable. How did you support him in your basketball game. He beat me. Hes very good at basketball but im not bad either. I threw down a dunk. I can dunk. Come on. I can i can jam man. I played in high school and im pretty tall. [laughter] more athletic than me. Id put you up against john, palafer press husband. Baby driver in theaters right now. Time now for your local weather. Check it out. Rob nothing showing on storm tracker6 live double scan as we are dry and as we take a look at your exclusive accuweather 7day staying under the sun today. Low humidity, comfortable 81. Tomorrow breezy warmer a little more humid 88. All right. So, Everybody Knows me knows i kind of love taking diamonds in the rough and refurbishing them whether its a find from a flea market or family heirloom and current day of womans day magazine played into my passion and asked me to be part of a feature on hand me down makeovers. Take a look. Its like a treasure hunt. Nothing i love more than upcycling and updating out of fashion furniture. Shes a hood ornament from a cadillac but to me shes a towel holder so when the staff of cat womans day asked me to reinvent some of their pieces i jumped at the chance. We took end tables, a sentimental yet outdated hand me down from a great grandmother and gave them new life by adding cool clean marble tops, a coat of sleek gray paint and replaced the humdrum handles with modern poles. So now the end tables are turned. Womans day Taryn Mohrman is going to help me make magic. My mothers antique tea cart is in rough shape. We want to give the chairs a more sophisticated look. Think you can help us. Well do a clean wood finish and then find some new 235b brick. You and the gma gang are going to sand this down, prime and paint it. Meanwhile, i took the glass to the flea market flip workshop to paint on a mirrored effect. Its literally turning glass into a mirror. Simple. Easy and quick and now for the big reveal. Done, done, done. Time to flip your furniture. Taryn mohrman, lifestyle director of womans day magazine, thanks for being here. Hanks for having me and thank you for your work on our project. It was really fun. Check out the magazine, by the way. Theyre pretty big transformations and asked you to help with not only a gma staff member but some of our viewer stuff. We have the viewers right here. Come on up, guys. Everybody, i want you to meet greg, paula, zoe and ezra and you guys had these chairs for awhile of we have a picture of them up in the monitor. Tell us about the chairs and what were you were hoping to do with them. Where did you find them and what was the plan . We actually found these on the curb and we thought they had a lot of potential. Give me a highfive on that. Theyre gorgeous. Thank you. Do you know theyre actually very nice midcentury really solid beautiful wood chairs. What did you want when you handed them over and said, okay, im trusting you. What was your hope. We had them in the kids room because they were so funky and colorful but we would love for them to look more Danish Design to bring them into the dining room. You knew they were diamonds in the rough. Everybody, come on out. Lets see them. Billy, oh, billy. Wow amazing. Amazing. Theyve theyre all grown up. These are really, really highend chairs that somebody left out for the trash because of the old paint and the old fabric. So, tape, what did you and the gang do. Were talking about makeovers but clearly these chairs needed a make under in a big way. To do that we had to cut through all the thick layers of paint with a stripping solution and sanded them down and created this custom color by mixing together a walnut with a black gloss and that really gives it the chic look like something you could buy in the store today then the upholstery we used a faux leather will give the family durability and easy to wipe clean. You mentioned you might use them in the dying room as auxiliary seating so we thought we know you two. These were so we screwed them in but popped them out. You put the fabric on almost like a wrapping paper. Its so simple. You need a staple gun and basically a little its very, very simple. Well get to our next piece. Ali ehrlich from good morning america, well talk to ali. So ali is one of our great producers. You have this bar cart. Tell us the history and where it was and why you loved it. Ive been asking around in my family. We think that my great grandmother purchased it in an antique store in the 1940s. Early 1940s in coastal connecticut around madison, we think. We think it is 1940s as well. One of shes outdoor garden pieces, useful but you wanted to bring it indoors and update it, make it a little more modern. What was the goal. So ive been keeping it in my apartment for years, falling apart and my goal was to turn it into a cool chic elegant bar cart. Lets see if we did it. Lets go. Bring it on out. Only have 30 seconds. [ applause ] wow its really pretty. Isnt it . I love it. Glass is in so so simple. Used a simple brass spray paint and one with a primer in it and then this you guys is call mirror effect. It ha that dated glass. Now look at this. It actually looks like its mirrored and took two coats of this spray paint, mirrored top, spray paint. Very simple diy. You guys, these are simple tricks. Got to thank the flea market flip gang for teaching me how to use it. I love it. Check it owl in womans day and see the wonderful before and afters. Thank you, taryn. Its on newsstands now. You happy . Im so happy. Im going to throw a party and invite everyone. Were back to the secrets of perfecting tea time from a man would literally wrote the book on it, jesse, i know you love a crumpet. Tom Parker Bowles is exploring the secrets beyond the english tradition of high tea in Fortnum Mason, the cookbook. Thanks for being with us. In thank you. This cookbook is really cool because you wrote this alongside Fortnum Mason. Theyre basically a famous market from england known for high tea. This is their First Official cookbook in 300 years. Over 300. Thats crazy. Aside from the history, whats different about it. Fortnum mason is one of the congratulate english stores. Its the best quality food and tea for centuries and so every single thing, all these products, the tea, they wrote the book on. Right here we have something quintessenti quintessentialally english. Crumpets. And right now weve got a lot of different condiments. Honey and cream cheese. Weve got marmalade and lemon curd and a mystery condiment our guests will help us taste. Are you ready . Take a bite. What is this . What do you think . Um a man of many words. I absolutely love this. Ready. You dont find it often in crumpets. Mango chutney butter. Pretty good, right. Its very much a Fortnum Mason all the honeys, you can buy online. Lets skip on down here to our next table, something of course were familiar with. Tea sandwiches but theres a way that you need to prepare. Its a real key. Good bread, butter it and have a look. Very quick, this is curried chicken. On like that. And you need a plate. Youre pushing it down. Just like this. And that means you get all the flavors in there. You get wonderful texture, again, Fortnum Mason, doing tea properly is the look as well as flavor, smoked salmon. Exactly. Such a big part of the tea experience. It is. Fantastic. Finally here we have something thats very traditional but maybe some americans dont really know about this. A battenburg. Looks cool. Marzipan and different colors. People say it was named after Queen Victorias granddaughter or a prussian village. The point about this, it contains all these tea recipes, also its very anyone can cook. Lets have a bite. Guys, im not even going for it. I might be breaking the rules. There are no rules. Oh, that is delicious. Yes . Thumbs up. Awesome. Thumbs up all the way around. Tom, thank you very much. Youre welcome. Fortnum mason, the cookbook, on sale now. Thank you very much e. Jesse. Thank you very much e. Jesse. We will be right back. Oo, yeah. Are you ready for a rush . Yes, yes i am. Youre in for a treat. Fast play is the new way to play fast and win instantly from the pennsylvania lottery. Pick a game, get your ticket and see if youve won. I won pretty fast, huh . Fast play. Play fast. Win instantly. Good morning america is brought to you by state farm. Before we go we have a big congratulations to one of our writers, producers, Raquel Hecker and her husband michael welcomed a beautiful baby anastasia sophie. Another member of the family. Home at home with her folks and big brother if thanks for watching, everyone. Good morning, im tamala edwards. 8 56 on this wednesday june 28. Lets head to karen rogers taking a look in delaware. Good morning. All morning long weve been talking about the problems in New Castle County with this overturned tractortrailer. Now weve got a new problem. We have a multivehicle accident and a vehicle fire. Its on 295 southbound at route 13. So youre jammed at this point solid. You can see 12 miles an hour so stick to route nine or 295 southbound instead. And then also on i95 northbound youve got this overturned tractortrailer and fuel spill. The delay just keeps getting longer. Stick to route 13 at that point but what a mess now in new castle with not one but two huge accidents out there. Another issue as we look live this is i95 northbound at girard. Weve got a disabled truck you can see penndot with the arrow board. 95 has been a mess all morning. This time its northbound tam. Thank you, karen. Now lets head out to meteorologist, david murphy who ought to have on shades and have a beach blanket out there. Yeah its really a nice day building. Lots of sunshine tam. Were up to 69 degrees and the humidity still low so it really feels comfortable. As we go through the exclusive accuweather 7day changes are coming but today is a good one. 81 degrees lots of sun low humidity. Tomorrow breezy, warmer an little bit more sticky 88 degrees the high and then hot and humid weather returns on friday, saturday and sunday, a stray friday evening thunderstorm is possible and then friday or i should say saturday night into sunday morning there could be some strong storms rolling through at times in spots. And the seasons third heat wave is possible this weekend. Tam. Im not going to worry about that. Ill just enjoy the day t live with kelly and ryan up next here on 6abc. Im tamala edwards. Get out there and enjoy this wednesday. Announcer its live with kelly and ryan today, from the new film baby driver , ansel elgort. And performing her new hit be the one, dua lipa. Also, join the cohosts in a workout. Plus, actress Busy Philipps joins for another day of cohosting. All next on live [cheers and applause] and now, here are Ryan Seacrest and Busy Philipps [cheers and applause] busy hi

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