Transcripts For WPVI Good Morning America 20150428 : compare

Transcripts For WPVI Good Morning America 20150428

an suv speeding past a school bus. the horrified mother looks on. the search for the drive sir on right now. and stranded at sea. miraculous stories of survival as our reporter jumped in shark-infectioned waters. what does it take to survive in how cow can use the clothing off your back to make it out alive, as we kick off "gma survival week." >> and good morning, america. let's get straight to the breaking news. baltimore in chaos. rioters turned the city into a burning war zone overnight. the national guard being put in place. this is the scene moments ago. a bit calmer. a wild sken yesterday. police called in to enforce a city-wide sur few. schools are closed today. >> police cars set on fire. firefighters battling this plaz at a nursing home which was under construction. police reporting criminals threw cinder blocks at fire engines as they respond to calls. a look at the orioles game that was postponed by the violence. >> they just could not take the chance. jim avila starts us off in baltimore. good morning, jim. >> reporter: good morning, george. authorities are fighting back this morning. the national guard is already on some streets today, opening them up for state travel again and relieving the tired police officers who have been staffing barricades all night long. this morning, the smell of smoke wafts over baltimore as firefighters battled fire after fire, seven in all overnight. overnight, the baltimore skies lit up with flames. a huge blaze. intentionally set, suspect firefighter, as part of the day-long riot that hurt 15 police officers including this wounded cop rushed to ar an mored car for hospital transport. nearly 30 arrests for violence and resistance. this man carried away by a group of police. rampant looting breaking out in broad daylight,ing the mayor to impose occur view. >> if you're on the street it will be for two reasons. medical emergency or you're going to work. that's it. >> reporter: the mayor reacting to violence like this. this pharmacy, first looted then set on fire one of baltimore's signature streets. as firefighters battle the blaze, this rioter is seen slashing the hose on love tv. police cars danced upon. damaged. even set ablaze. a there are 16 million baptist nursing home which took eight years to build burnt to the ground. columns of police clashing with rock-throwing protesters. the governor labeled the rioters criminals. declared a statement of emergency, bringing in 5,000 national guard to be deployed today. >> the is lawless gangs of thugs rooming the roaming the streets. we're not going to tolerate that. >> reporter: baltimore school kids are being kept home today. all schools closed. police ring important buildings. lots of museums closed aez well as the city tries to get back to normal. >> jim avila are the latest from baltimore. all of this erupting after peaceful democraten stations of freddie gray who died in police custody, was laid to rest. his family has been calling for calm. >> reporter: freddie gray's family says this is wrong. with that are tiers still fresh, they were clear this their grief. he would never have wanted to see the city he loved burn. >> he wasn't a person full of violence. >> reporter: his mother and father and twin sister begged the thieves and criminals to stop from the same churchy they said a painful good-bye to their 25-year-old son hours earlier. their calls for peace were lost in the baltimore winds. a little more than an hour later, they were at it in the streets. >> we had a beautiful home going service. to see that i it turned into all this violence and destruction, i'm really appalled. >> reporter: baltimore's leaders, many of them african-american demanding piece but peace but not getting it. >> we will have order. we will have peace. >> reporter: this is the image nay want americans to see. a mother pulling her son from the gang of street thugs after seeing him live on tv. >> we know the national guard coming into place. hoping for calm today. there has been some criticism of baltimore firnls for not calling out the police enforce fast enough. >> reporter: yes, good morning, george. there will be monday morning quarterbacking on whether they had enough police on patrol. tensions would be high. did the police respond quickly enough to stop the stores from being looted? they were in a difficult situation once people started throwing rox and bricks. >> this city facing serious problem. >> reporter: thugs with high jacked what were largely peaceful protests. baltimore's poverty rate is nearly double the national average. they have crime and drug issues that lead to violence. between 2010 and 2013 the city had nearly 90 murders. some of those years, the homicides did not get solved. the police department has had a difficult relationship with the people of the town. it's a witch's brew. given what we're seeing there will be tremendous pressure on the president and his new attorney general to engage publicly in the issue. baltimore is 40 miles from the nation's capital. >> you're right. pierre thomts thank you very much. we move to the crisis in nepal. the desperate effort right now to save people who may be trapped after the devastating earthquake. the death toll has now topped 4,000. those climbers stranded on mt. everest has been rescued. terry moran has the latest. >> reporter: good mornings amy. that quake moved the earth here ten feet. this was a three-story temple that came down in the town outside of kathmandu. people here still living in fear from the aftershocks. and, from that moment of terror. this morning, the sheer force of the quake captured on this new cell phone video from tibet just as it struck. people terrified, grabbing children and running for their lives. watch as massive amounts of dirt and rubble come pouring in. the death toll from saturday's huge 7.8 earthquake has now surpassed 4,000. much of the country's ancient heritage in ruins. rescue teams sejing for survivors. this morning, miraculously this man pulled from the rubble 62 hours after being trapped. on mt. everest, a harrowing rescue effort. helicopters making loops between camps, bringing down nearly all who needed rescued. >> people are trapped up above the ice fall. the job of these three pilots is to extract as many of them as they can -- in the time they've got. >> reporter: scores injured. 18 bodies including four americans. take a look at base camp before and now. after 4,000 feet of snow came crashing down. a scene of destruction. there is still so much work to be done here. many of the more remote areas, where the devastation was the worst, have still not yet been reached by search and rescue teams. george? >> so much more work to do. terry, thank you. now to a possible attack on a u.s. army base near tokyo. police are investigating after pair of laujers and a projectile were found. this comes as president obama set to host japan's prime minister at a state dinner tonight. martha raddatz has the latest. >> reporter: it was the security guards and residents arn it who heard the small explosions. local police found two iron tubes that looked very much like launchers about half a mile from the army base. both appear aimed in the direction of the base. and nearby police found what looks like a projectile. they don't know whether the projectile itself was filled with explosives. the u.s. military says there were no injuries and the project tile did not land on the base. this come tong heelss on the heels of a new accord to increase cooperation. >> he and the president will address that later today. now to a land mark day at the supreme court. the justices hear arguments in a same-sex marriage case that could pave the way for couples in all 50 states to get married. jon karl has the latest. >> reporter: good morning, amy. it's an historic day at the supreme court. people started lining up on friday. hoping to get a seat inside. as the court determines whether or not same-sex marriage is a constitutional right. currently, same-sex marriage is legal in 37 states. the court will dern whether or not to extend that to all 50 states by declaring bans on same-sex marriage unconstitutional. >> any early indications to the outcome and when we can expect to hear it? >> reporter: advocates of marriage equality believe they will prevail here. the deciding vote once again will come from anthony kennedy, justice kennedy. we expect a decision to come by the end of june. >> all right, jon karl with the latest from the supreme court. thank you. now to the severe storms slamming the deep south. look at how the winds blew freight cars -- let's go the ginger right now. >> okay we have the damage from the wind. you will see in my story. this right here in lafayette, louisiana. it is going to be a whole day of cleanup. at least 50 storm reports. two reported tornadoes. much of them in louisiana. >> oh, my gosh. yep, got that one, too. >> reporter: severe storms shattering windshields. rain and winds pounding the south. blowing this train off the tracks near new orleans. watch again. gusts of at least 70 miles per hour toppling that train, tumbling to the street below. sparking an electrical explosion. the same storms dropping grapefruit grapefruit-sized hail in stevens, texas. producing at least 20 tornadoes. leaving so much to clean up. >> i heard glass. i heard everything breaking. my mama started screaming. >> reporter: across louisiana, trees splitting houses. semis blown on their side. power out for 150,000. >> the wind picks up going i don't know seems like 40 50 miles an hour. >> reporter: homes and barns destroyed. >> a big roll. the houses were shaking. the trees. the hail was hitting the windows. >> reporter: this morning, with more than three inches of rain falling fast in louisiana, flash flooding filling roads. making it impossible to get through. the severe threat has decreased for many. the surface low in the gulf and the stationary front will be a problem for central florida. it will keep dumping rain throughout the day. coastal north carolina south carolina through thursday lots of rain. >> thank you, ginger. now to the dramatic open statements in the trial of the man who massacred 12 people in a colorado movie theater nearly three years ago. james holmes pleading not guilty by reason of insanity. prosecutors say he knew exactly what he was doing. clayton sandell has the story. >> reporter: this morning, the first witnesses take the stand against james holmes. >> i got seven down in theater nine. seven down! >> reporter: during opening arguments, pros kirts said the 27-year-old former nrk euroscience student knew exactly what he was doing when he opened fire in a crowded movie theater. >> i'm going the come right here and ask you to hold him accountability for murdering 12 people and trying to murder 70 others. >> reporter: hol. s admits he was the gunman. but claims he was insane. the defense team showing video of his bizarre behavior in jail. falling off his bed. slamming into a wall. his attorneys say he plooefd president obama was communicating with him through his tv. >> his mind had been overcome by a disease of the brain. that had plagued him and pursued him. >> reporter: the gunman's parents in court alongside victims' families. sandy and lonnie lost their daughter jessica. what is it like being in the same room with him? >> i listened to a friend of mine. she said, you stare at him. you take him dund give him absolutely no power over you. ever again. >> reporter: eventually, the jury must decide if holmes will face life in prison, a mental hospital or a death sentence. for "good morning america," clayton sandell, abc news, centennial centennial colorado. >> let's bring in dan abrams. in colorado a bit of a different standard. >> the law helps him to some degree. it will still be tough for him. colorado is one of the few states where the prosecution has to prove he was sane as opposed to the defendant proves he's insane. how much do burdens matter? a case like this? i'm not sure. he'll have a really really tough time. this has been a case where they have been going now for literally years before the trial trying to figure out the ultimate question of who is an objective expert to determine that? you had one expert from the court appointed by the court and then there was a big fight over whether this person was objective. the court appoints someone new. months and months of delays. this coming down to a quote unquote battle of the experts. an insanity defense is almost impossible. >> there is so much evidence of real planning here. >> that will be crucial. even in addition to that you the fact that it's been decades since someone was found not guilty by reason of insanity in a mass shooting. it's almost impossible these days to win. >> okay, dan, thank you very much. we turn to dan harris for the other top stories. another big trial. >> indeed. good morning. witnesses will return to the stand today as jurors decide whether the convicted boston bomber dzhokhar tsarnaev should spend life in prison or be put to death. tsarnaev's attorneys asked for life in prison. the captain of the ferry that sank off the coast of south korea last year has been sentenced to life in prison. an appeals court found him guilty of murder citing willful negligence. many of the victims were teenagers on a school trip. a teacher in washington state is being called a hero for tackling a student with a gun. brady olson sprang into action after a student, who may have been motivated by bullying fired two shots in the ceiling. an suv plowed right into road service. the driver admitted he had been awake for 24 hours and he was on his cell phone. thankfully, everybody is okay. finally, loyal viewers will know that amy likes to dip into the dumb criminal file. >> are you stealing her beat? >> i am. you know me. this guy was arrested for brg larry. his t-shirt reading, oy do dumb things. here's a mug shot of a guy in texas arrested on his ninth drunk driving charge. same t-shirt. i guess if you want to be carrotable you could call it a useful early warn system. >> we have had lots of dumb criminals. but none with signage. >> i thought those were the t-shirts the cops gave them afterwards. >> a lot of people thought that this story was real. it isn't. it made rounds on the internet they said look at that hail stone almost like a valley ball and that is not correct. big x over it it's too round too dense. okay. you learn something. the internet isn't always right. your local weather forecast 30 seconds away. first though tuesday trivia brought did you buy royal caribbean,, to you by royal caribbean >> good morning everyone, dave murphy here with an update from accuweather. nothing showing on storm tracker six live double scan. as we take a look outside plenty of sunshine early on and in fact we're going to taken main mostly sunny skies today. a bit cool to start out. we're down around 50 or so and your exclusive accuweather 7-day shows a milder afternoon high today of 69 degrees with mainly sunny skies. a bit breezy. tomorrow sun giving way to a few clouds but still very nice with a high of 74. then thursday and friday we're back to the 60's with a spotty shower both days. >> now these, mamatus clouds near texas are real. it's unsettled either ahead of or behind a storm. >> what did you call them? >> mammatus. >> i photo shop those clouds all the time. i steal from amy, too. coming up on "gma," caught on camera, frightening video. an suv almost hitting three kids. stranded at sea. incredible stories of survival. our reporter jumping in to find how out how to use your clothing to save your life. and the new movement to get bruce jenner back on the wheaties box. and why nearly 40-year-old boxes are selling for big money. happiness is the most attractive form of beauty. the one that comes from deep within. discover rénergie 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academy through this point at cottman right into girard in center city. but it's farther south on 95 in delco where we really have the parking lot because of this crash by 320 taking out the two left lanes. you can see emergency crews on the scene. so as you come south away from the airport, you start to hit the wall of traffic right around 420 and it continues down through this accident scene at 320. remember our terrible accident from yesterday morning in lower providence? it's still closing a short chunk of south park avenue. maybe use egypt road trooper road or sunny side avenue as alternates. upper southampton bucks county a crash by the 7-eleven along maple avenue right by street road. tam. >> okay, thank you matt. let's go over to sky six -- that's a beauty. live look across atlantic city. today is a good day. >> it is good today and tomorrow. starting out sunny although you'll notice i still have the jacket on at this early hour. still sitting at 52 degrees and there's a bit of a breeze that is beginning to kick through the region. this afternoon we'll be milder than yesterday with a high of 69 some urban centers like center city could touch 70 briefly. sunny and breezy today. nice and warm again tomorrow with perhaps a few more clouds during the day, 74 is your high. thursday and friday look cooler and cloudier with the possibility of a little drizzle or perhaps a shower or two as a storm passes us by the coast and then we recover nice and bright again for the weekend, tam. >> okay, thank you david. that's it for us right now. we'll send you back to "gma." we'll see you back here in 30. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ i wear my clothes like this ♪ ♪ because i can, ♪ ♪ i wear my hair like this because i can, ♪ ♪ i walk around like this because i can, ♪ ♪ and i do my thing like this cause it's who i am ♪ ♪ and i do my thing. ♪ maxx your thing... at t.j.maxx! brands that help you express yourself at prices that look good on you! keep your standards high and your spending low. maxx life! at t.j.maxx. ghirardelli of san francisco. we carefully craft the finest chocolate so you can savor life's sweetest moments. we pour our hearts into every square. good morning, america. right now, the governor of maryland declares a state of emergency. activating the national guard after baltimore erupts in violence overnight. a curfew imposed. school canceled. right now, jon jones, ufc champion under arrest after leaving the scene of a car crash. police looking for the drive of this suv. good morning, everyone. it's "gma survival week." this morning, we're stranded at sea. well we aren't. matt gutman dropped into the middle of shark-infested waters. the item of clothing that can help you survive. >> i always say him and i should do a contest together. we would be really good. >> don't give them any ideas. >> we want them healthy and volunteering for these assignments so we don't have to. >> exactly right. we begin with new trouble for a mixed martial arts champion. ufc star jon jones turned himself in to police overnight. he crashed his car into a scene where a pregnant woman was injured. >> reporter: overnight, ufc champ jon jones spend spent a few hours in police custody. the best pound for pound mixed martial arts fighter in the world is fighting felony problems. >> lock it up all day long jon. >> reporter: he's the face of the ufc. >> place your back leg into my stomach. >> reporter: known as much for his endorsement deals as his fighting prowess. >> every morning, i'm doing something. jujitsu, boxing. >> reporter: this morning, he's facing possible tellny charges for an alleged hit and run at an albuquerque intersection sunday. >> unknown injuries. three vehicles. >> reporter: he ran a red light crashing into an oncoming car, breaking the pregnant driver's arm. 21-year-old vanessa sonnenberg. a third car also hit. after initially fleeing the scene, he came back grabbing a large wad of cash before jumping a fence. >> the driver of the suv fled on foot. >> reporter: inside the suv, a pipe with marijuana. that's not all. >> they located sports memorabilia with mr. jones' image and name all over it. >> reporter: jones' brothers arthur and chandler are defensive ends in the nfl. and jones became the yougest champion in ufc history at age 23 and earning millions in the process. he's no stranger to controversy. he tested positive for cocaine use late last year. telling fox sports -- >> i messed up. >> reporter: in 012, he pleaded guilty to dui. he's set to star in ufc 187 on memorial day. this latest incident could have him fighting in court. the ufc is not comments on the status of his title bout. if convicted, he could face up to three years in prison. a frightening close call for three kids getting on a school bus. a speeding suv comes within inches of running those children over. and the search is now on for that wreckreckless driver. we want to thank our station komo in seattle. >> reporter: this morning, frightening video from inside a school bus in washington state that no parents ever expect to see. watch again. three children about to board their bus when an suv speeds past on shoulder of the road. the kids jolting back disoriented and shell-shocked. >> it kind of ran over my shoe a little. >> reporter: the children's mothers watching. the terrifying moment fly out. >> we knew the kids were okay, the anger set in. i took off running. i was partway down this hill. >> reporter: the buss' surveillance system capturing the near miss from three angles. >> to have someone go that far out of their way to get around the bus. >> reporter: when a school bus stops are red lights flashing in most states, other drivers need to stop 25 feet away. that's not always what happens. this young boy gets off the bus and seconds later. >> that stupid car! >> reporter: nearly hit by an oncoming car. the same thing in minnesota. in fact, school bus drivers across 29 states reporting that on just one day, they witnessed as many as 76,000 violations. that's about 13 million a school year. back in pierce county washington district officials say all safety equipment was operating properly and the driver followed proper protocol. >> if it hadn't been two, three more steps, our kids might not be here. >> reporter: for "good morning america," gio benitez, abc news new york. >> seeing that video makes your blood boil as a parent. >> it stops your heart. >> you can understand that mother's reaction of chasing the car down. let's take a look at the we >> and let's start with brush fires and wildfires let's go to grenada hills in california north of los angeles. for the acre fire. they have contained this but the fire danger is going to be high because we're heating up not only in southern california but look at some of these numbers. phoenix could see their first 100 of the year which is about average timing. albuquerque from 65 today to 81 by thursday. l.a. into the 90's. quite the opposite here in parts of the great lakes and the midatlantic. look from north carolina up to west michigan talking frost advisories. for us this morning it gets warmer through afternoon and that's the big picturely let's get a check closer to home. >> ginger was talking brush fires out west we have an enhanced chance of a brush fire starting or spreading because it's dry. take a look at your accuweather 7-day. breezy today, is that knee nice otherwise, 69 and tomorrow 74. across the midwest and northeast, which also means your allergies have been kicked into high gear. to the isy-wise. zblat least it's warm in most places. >> warm and you can't breathe. but that's always right. coming up next here on "gma," bruce jenner making a difference and inspiring people all over the world. how they're showing their support this morning. and lost at sea. our matt gutman dropped from a helicopter to the water. what he learned that could help you survive. allergies can distract you. so when your symptoms start, doctors recommend taking 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(sniffing) new phone smell. jump on a video chat with my friend. he's a real fan boy, so i can't wait to show this off. picture is perfect. i got mine at verizon. i... didn't. it's buffering right out of the box he was impressed. i couldn't be happier. couldn't see him but i could hear him... making fun of me. vo: now get $200 or more when you trade in your smartphone for a galaxy s6 but hurry, this offer ends may 10th. verizon. i know what you're thinking, but this is the improved i can't believe it's not butter! 100% taste, 0% artificial preservatives. made with a blend of delicious oils, purified water, and just a pinch of salt. two, please. i can't believe it's not butter. 100% taste, 0% artificial preservatives. back now at 7:41. we're kicking off "gma survival week" with a harrowing situation. what do you do if you're stranded at sea, there's in dangerous waters? matt gutman knows. he's here to share it with us. >> reporter: good morning. for this installment, we traveled deep into mexico to learn the life-saving survival skills in the sea of cortez. "gma" dropping me off in the deep end where i learned one useful skill. all of this inspired by the people who survived the real thing. >> survivor is on the vessel. >> reporter: louis jordan rescued after being lost at sea for 66 days. a former football player thrown from his 36-foot fishing boat without a life preserver. >> i realized i was in real trouble. >> reporter: rob conrad forced to swim 27 miles over 16 hours. miraculously he survived. and seattle siblings dan and kate suskey on a charter fishing trip off the coast of st. lucia when their boat capsized. >> it's surreal. >> reporter: they swam for 14 hours in shark-infested water. >> we could see land off in the distance and started swimming that direction. >> reporter: basic skills that they applied helped them survive. i wanted to find out if there were in so here i am. drifting away in the shark-infested sea of cortez in mexico. not exactly sure how i'll get out of this mess but i do know exactly how i got into it. ♪ earlier that morning, in mexico i boarded a chopper for a 45-minute flight over the desert to a village. it's here i meet up with dan baird, head up instructor for the california vur vooifl school. how hard could it be to jump out of a helicopter? it's missing its doors. why would anyone jump out with nothing but the clothes on their backs and the shoes on their feet? the plan is for dan to teach me how the survive being lost at sea. i'm way too tear fied to have final words. as the chopper reaches the drop location, the devil's mouth dan and i take our positions. and on the count of three. whoo! that was awesome. it's a plunge into 70-degree water. as the rush subsides and i acclimate to the temperature, reality sets in. >> if our shoes are impeding our swimming, we want to relax and get them off. >> reporter: the first thing dan tells me to do is sake of my shoes and tie them around my neck. they're not conducive to treading water. we may be here for awhile. >> we maintain breathing. slow it down. slow down the heart rate. figure out how to maintain a float. >> reporter: and we do that by -- i just took my pants off. i didn't think i would do that on tv ever. is there tie them tight. >> reporter: it's a skill that takes some practice. by filling the wlegs air, i've turned my andpants into a life preserver. as for avoiding sharks as experts told us last year don't thrash around. you look like food. if you're with another person link arms back to back and fight them off with your legs. if you don't see land, what do you do? >> just stay calm and conserve energy. dan says your number one enemy is panic. >> if i didn't have a float like a set of pants, another option would be the dead man's float. fill our lungs with air, put yourself face down. float. until you feel like you need to take another breath. >> reporter: a plunge in the air i won't soon forget. whoo! all to help you survive the unthinkable. give yourself little tasks. focus on keeping afloat. use your watch to reflect sun flight you see a boat nearby. if you can't see land don't try to swim. above all, keep your pants on. >> please do. >> reporter: always. good advice. it's remarkable how good a pair of papts can be as a flotation device. >> of course, if you really want to survive, don't jump out of a helicopter. >> that was george's takeaway. >> brilliant. >> thanks matt. >> thank you, matt. coming up a different kind of special delivery from will and kate. how they surprised royal baby watcher this is morning. the new push to get bruce jenner back on the wheaties box, burning up your speed feed this morning. the first 10 pounds on weight watchers? 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no. trop50 calcium. new taste so good you won't believe it has 50% less calories. introducing lunch at outback every bloomin' day! hurry in for all your outback favorites. plus new aussie tacos, new savory ribeye melt and our delicious burgers. over 70 lunch combinations starting at just $6.99. it's lunch at last every day at outback. you wouldn't do half of your daily routine. so why treat your mouth any differently. brushing alone does less than half the job leaving behind millions of germs. complete the job with listerine®. kill up to 99 percent of germs. and prevent plaque, early gum disease and bad breath. complete the job with listerine®. power to your mouth™. also try listerine® floss. its advanced technology removes more plaque. why are dwight evans, marian tasco and so many other leaders backing jim kenney for mayor? because jim kenney's the one they trust. jim kenney's the one with a real record of standing up for public schools and he'll bring philadelphia together. so join leaders we trust in supporting jim kenney the block by block mayor philadelphia needs. >> ♪♪ >> good morning, i'm tamala edwards. 7:56 on this tuesday april 28. let's go back to matt pelman. he's still keeping an eye on 95. good morning. >> yeah, we're not having the greatest time on 95 in delco this morning tam. southbound side stacked solid from route 420 through this point at ridley park down to 320. barely moving at times as you can see but the good news is the crash southbound at 320 has cleared out. so, this should be breaking up in bit. but for now really heavy on southbound 95. in lower providence south park avenue remains closed because of yesterday's accident. again egypt road trooper road sunny side avenue all alternates and there's a crash in pennsburg you want the avoid main street between seventh and eight by the ucc. montgomery avenue a possible alternate. 295 in camden county southbound single digit speeds because of a wreck in the left lane between the white horse pike and the black horse pike and then farther south in salem county on 295 south approaching 48 another crash with a fuel spill. tam. >> okay, thank you matt. let's take a live look here into center city there on sky 6hd beautiful start to the morning. let's head over to dave murphy to tell us what expect. good morning. >> gorgeous across the region still a little cool, tam. 53 degrees currently in philadelphia. and every now and then you have a bit of a breeze dropping down out of the northwest. today's high is going to be nice though. 69 december in philadelphia. and center city probably hitting 70. sunny and breezy. tomorrow sun mixing with a few more clouds but a nice day with a high of 74. then on thursday and friday we're back into the 60's with clouds and occasionally a spotty shower or a bit of drizzle. but we clear out in time for the weekend when we're back into the 70's and looking very good both saturday and sunday. tam. >> okay, thank you david. don't forget when we're not here we're always on at we'll see you back here in 30 good morning, america. it's 8:00 a.m. so many people rallying behind bruce jenner as a new movement sparks. >> we're going make a difference in the world with what we're doing. >> how the former olympian's story is helping others change their destiny. ♪ wake me up when it's all over ♪ and kate and will's big surprise this morning. now new questions about whether she's overdue and if she's going to be induced. ♪ you can't stop no ♪ and bruce willis crashes "dancing with the stars." more on derek's injury. and the pro stepping in to take his place. and check this out. michael strahan center stage. what got him moving grooving and lip-syncing like you have never seen before. only on "gma." >> good morning, america. >> and josh groban out there in times square. doing a little bit of voguing, having fun with jesse palmer and the evolution of dance man himself, judson laipply. that's going up there right now. it's all part of our celebration of youtube. all of youtube's biggest stars here this week to celebrate the 10th anniversary. >> go josh. >> josh groban is always so much fun. >> jesse is taping. he's not doing a dance. >> strategically wise. >> we saw his gangnam style. so many people gathered in lopded wait for baby number two. kate and will sent them all breakfast. we have the latest on the royal baby. if she's late we all act like we know what the due date is. sara haines is standing by. a lot hads been made of the ribbon color that kate and will used to tie the pastries. >> what was it? >> you'll have to wait and see. >> good tease. news first from dan harris. amy moved over. the state of emergency in baltimore. curfew in effect tonight to prevent scenes like this. rioters looting store, throwing sinderblocks at firefighters and rox at police injuring 15 officers. what started out as outrage over the des of a black man in police custody is now violent. steve osunsami is there. steve, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning, dan. as we came into the city you could smell the fire in the air. all night, nothing but the sound of sirens and fire alarms. we could hear from our hotel rooms downtown adds we sheltered in place. it wasn't safe to be out in the streets because of the chaos. i'm standing outside one of the many fires that is burning in baltimore this morning. you can see the firefighters trying to put out the flames here. this building looks to be a total loss. there were about more than a dozen firefighters here a second earlier. they have clearly moved on to some other location. i want to repeat something we heard from freddie gray's family. that's said behind closed doors a i among plaque families. that is that this is not the work of demonstrators fighting for justice. this is the work of criminals. dan? >> a powerful message from steve osunsami. steve, thank you. in the middle of the violence this goes along with what steve was saying, in the middle of the violence a furious mom is being applauded for a show of tough love. hires what happened when she found her son hanging out with rioters. she got physical with him, right in front of the crowd. smacking him around and forcing him to go home. we turn to the earthquake in nepal nepal. new video shows the moment that quake hit. nearly 100,000 soldiers are working around the clock the find survivors. overnight, the death toll surpassed 4400. the government says that number could reach 10,000 as crews reach more towns cut off by rock slides. there are some science of hope this morning, like this man being pulled from the rubble after being buried alive for 6hours. the last of the hikers stranded on themountt. everest was rescued. four americans have been killed. two more are missing. breaking overnight, a possible attack on a u.s. army bah is in japan. noises were heard outside the base. police found a pair of missile launchers nearby. in health new, another reason to keep your adolescent away from alcohol. a new study lynx moderate drinking to changes in dwping brains that could affect long-term memory. reservers say alcohol could change the brain's circuitry leading to slower learning. a dramatic video from a show on the discovery channel. the crew was yizing bait to lure a great white when it lunged out of the water, chomping on their rope. causing sharks to associate humans with boats and food is extremely dangerous. and finally, from the cats would never do that file these two border collies, ace and holly are less than three years old. they've learned how to do an incredible balancing act. ace stands on the owner's belly as holly situates herself on top of her owner's feet. i can't get my cats to walk across the apartment to me when i'm holding prime rib. so -- >> i want to point out. >> congratulations to you. >> you did a dumb criminal this morning. that is really "pop news" territory. that is amazing. those dogs with balance. my guess is, they can -- what? >> we know they can talk. >> thank you. >> there you go. >> i'm keeping my weather clicker away from you. >> i'll steal from any of you. next thing you know i'll be talking politics. that's not going to happen. not strahan. "pop news" and weather coming up. we have to go to mike until the social square. >> to the "gma morning menu." in"pop news" the surprising reason sam smith was forced to cancel a concert. plus, the new movement sparked by bruce jenner and being shared by people everywhere. and where is the royal baby we have all been waiting for. new questions about whether kate will be induced. and we have the evolution of dance man here live with an epic performance. all coming up on "gma" on times square. ♪ she sees the world a little differently. and, by some miracle... she actually said "yes." to me. the charmed memories collection at kay jewelers featuring mother and child and open hearts. get this free bracelet or a charm valued up to forty- five dollars with any charmed memories purchase of $99.99 or more. at kay. the number one jewelry store in america. and she will be the best mom ever. every kiss begins with kay. ♪ what does the edge feel like? ♪ standing on it. dancing on it. holding it in your hand. ♪ meet the world's first dual edge smartphone display the shape of phones has changed. the samsung galaxy s6 edge. get up to a $200 best buy gift card when you trade in a working smartphone. coming up the outpouring of support for bruce jenner all over the world right now. and the new movement he sparked. how so many are joining in with him. stay with us. introducing new flonase allergy relief nasal spray. this changes everything. new flonase outperforms a leading allergy pill so you will inhale life. when we breathe in allergens our bodies react by over-producing six key inflammatory substances that cause our symptoms. most allergy pills only control one substance, flonase controls six. and six is greater than one. so roll down your windows, hug your pet dust off some memories, make new ones. new flonase. six is greather than one. this changes everything. hi everybody. just singing a little ditty. welcome back to "gma." it's time for "pop news." sam smith announcing he's closing the latch on his australian tour because of poor health. he's ready to lay me down lay himself down actually, after suffering a hemorrhage to his vocal cords. i know first hapd he's been ordered on full vocal rest. he took to instagram. saying i'm so horry to have doctor to all who have bought tickets. i truly am. this kills me. obviously wrote it didn't say it. doctor's orders. sam, we wish you well. lots of tea. you know who doesn't shh? this guy. michael strahan can sack qbs. he's a star on tv. now the question how are his -- lip-syncing skills? let's take a look. ♪ >> wow. where did you get that jacket? >> back in the '80s. >> unbelievable. let's watch the video. we'll explain our special guest. that's michael competing on spike tv's lip-sync battle. stray digging deep in the vault. belting out the song poison by '90s boy band bel biv devoe. he rekrutd the singers. i don't know if that is fair. >> i was actually an origin member that was bel -- >> i didn't do the. >> we saw your moves. we'll find out april 30th if michael wins. if it's a td. meanwhile, josh will be on the show today. thought the perfect time to get another sampling of your musical skills. josh you'll be the judge. everybody, michael strahan lip-syncing to a josh groban song, go. ♪ somewhere over the rainbow ♪ >> sing for me! >> keep going. ♪ blue birds fly ♪ >> that's all i got. >> wow. >> pretty good. >> i'm -- >> that was magic. >> you know i -- you get me every time. >> i shouldn't cry before i actually have to sing. >> i have that effect on people. >> this early in the morning, very impressive. >> how's his breath, josh? >> excellent. i only felt it on the side of my face. it was warm and comforting. >> only you, dan. only you. >> something tells me we're not in kansas anymore. >> we are going the hear the real josh in a little bit. let's go to ginger. >> stages. we'll hear the real deal. and hopefully, strahan not lip-syncing in the background. >> he's welcome to. >> i'm dancing in the background for josh. >> a little sbrerp active dance? >> >> little bit more of josh groban. more michael, too of course. look who i found some cousins if maine california and oregon, right. >> yes. >> and you guys are just altogether hanging out in new york. >> yes, with our other cousin who lives here. >> just like many families from all overcoming tomorrow. let's start with our forecast. some bad news overnight just south of dallas texas actually fortunate because these two ladies rescued out of their car, the flood waters subsiding but still something to watch for. much cooler in dallas, high of 59. heavy rains moved into central florida and that's where you could see flash flooding this morning. that is the big picture. let's get a check a little closer to home. >> we're going to wind up way coastal low pressure center in a couple days making us cloudy and cooler but no precipitation right now and as we head outside bright sunshine from the shore all the way up to the lehigh valley. a little bit breezy and cool this morning with temperatures climbing through the low 50's. but a good looking day ahead. your exclusive accuweather 7-day shows a high 69 with lots of sun breezy. tomorrow sunny for the most part a-few more clouds later in the day but nice with a high of 74 and now those temperatures in the 60's thursday and friday with some showers. ed. 50 years of marriage. congratulations. let's get inside. >> thank you, ginger. first up on the "gma" "heat index" bruce jenner's announcement starting a movement on social media. chris connelly has the story. >> we're going to make a difference in the world with what we're doing. >> reporter: a lofty goal. the former olympian seeking to inspire. and sparking conversation. and since friday night, thousands of men, women, and children across the globe are showing support. posting pictures with the hash tag paint your nails for bruce. >> having someone like bruce jenner tell his story really puts a face and makes a lot of people want to talk about it. >> reporter: the website for the trevor project, offering a host of resources for lgbtq teens saying their viewer ship is seeing a 40% boost in the wake of gender's transitioning. >> it opened up an amazing dialogue. >> i just want to enjoy life. as who i am. it's that simple. >> reporter: jenner's journey carrying special resonance for the transcenter community. this transgender model tell us our aditi roy that jenner's declaration will cheikh the world. >> it's huge. it will change people's minds. the fans' minds. >> reporter: erin andrews and katie reign hill, both transjerpd authors. saying jenner's interview bolstering awareness. and reshaping lives. >> this is going to change people. it suddenly made sense to people. >> when it comes down to it we all plead red and we're all human and all trying to be happy. >> reporter: for "gma" gm chris connelly abc news los angeles. >> a lot of good messages. now we turn to a big night on "dancing with the stars." derek hough battling back from his injuries. and superstar dad bruce willis crashing his daughter rumer's reversals. mom tweeting this. and rachel smith had the details. ♪ ♪ you want to be ♪ >> reporter: a journey through time. the stars dancing through the ages. >> what was that? oh my god. >> reporter: the night full of twists and turns and off the dance floor. >> i can't dance. i rolled my ankle severely and sprain it. i should be in a boot. i should be on crutches and different things. i'm working with a physio. we're trying to heal it in a way that will get me to recover faster. um, and i'm ahead of schedule right now, which is great. each day is better. i'm just going to -- i'll be good. i'll be good soon hopefully. >> reporter: sasha farber stepping in for derek hough. >> he's still going the choreograph the routine. ♪ >> reporter: but the five-time mirrorball winner joining in on the fun. >> you guys killed that dance. >> reporter: landing at the top of leader board. granted immunity from the danceoff. rummer willis overcoming a neck injury in rehearsal. >> it's tough. your body just starts to hurt. >> reporter: but also getting a visit from dad, bruce earlier in the week. >> i'm very proud of her. she makes me cry. >> reporter: but for one couple it was the end of the road. >> willow and mark. >> reporter: in a shocking twist, hunger games actress willow shields sent home after spending the majority of the season in the top half of the leader board. >> i have to say this is one of my proudest seasons. >> to get this far is already such a huge accomplishment. i feel like i've come a long way. >> reporter: don't worry, you'll see mark ballas again. ♪ as a decade of stars and pros gather for tonight's tenth anniversary special. we got exclusive access behind the scenes. this right here is the judges compound. catching up with the jumgs and getting the down low on the preshow snack ritual. >> peanut butter and bananas. >> reporter: check out this exclusive clip. >> the audition videos of some of our pros. >> what makes me a great dancer is what i bring to the floor, which is i guess, masculinity. >> i always love the audition videos. a nice glimpse. don't miss the big special, tonight, 8:00 p.m. 7:00 central, right here on abc. everyone will be there. >> it's going to be a big one. a fight back against bullies. social media star cassey ho is facing nasty comments online. she's battling back in a powerful way. abbie boudreau has her story. >> you're five-minute fat attack. >> reporter: she's one of youtube's biggest fitness phenoms. with more thanmillion people following her online workouts. >> i have helped my community lose hundreds of thousands of pounds. >> reporter: that's this real-time photo-shopping video going viral. already 4 million views and counting. >> i love it. >> reporter: inspired by her online harts, who felt her body wasn't perfect enough. what are they saying? >> her arms are so flabby. she doesn't have a six-pack. >> reporter: so using those negative messages -- she digitally changed her body in this clip. >> wow, what if i take these comments and i use them to morph my body. >> reporter: thinning her thighs. shrinking her waist. enlarging her chest. and plumping up her behind. this was theing shocking result. >> in tend i have this perfect body. i'm not happy inside. >> reporter: we asked parenting expert lindsay powers about combatting bullies. >> when you say a mean comment to someone on social media those are real people. it's important to lean on someone to help you put things in perspective. just realize, nobody's perfect. >> now, cassey, hoping her show of strength will silence the bull lis. >> as long as you get back up. >> i love her message. >> powerful. >> great video. >> if you're on your computer and you write something, you're sending an arrow. it does hurt. you can't take it back. i talk to my kids about that. >> look before you send. >> people of all ages. next on the "heat index" london is on high alert for the royal baby. some wondering if the duchess will have to be induced. sara haines in london with the latest. >> reporter: good morning, everyone. yes, the palace never confirmed kate's due date. all we have been told is mid to late april. with that timing many media outlets are speculating she's overdue. if that's the case she's not alone. around half of the newborn babies in the world are born past their due dates. sweetly, this morning will yal and kate had breakfast pastries delivers to the fans lined up outside the hospital where she'll deliver. they were they were wrapped in pink ribbon ribbon. when is this baby going the come? want to know who is ready for a new royal bay pea? the city of london. brits and tourists alike. we've been here for a week waiting for this baby. can you tell me when you think it will come? >> tomorrow. >> reporter: do you want to it be a boy or girl? >> boy. >> reporter: why a boy? girls are fun to play with. some royal watchers had suggestions for what kate can do to encourage the baby to come. everything from bouncing on exercise balls. z you sit on the ball and it -- >> reporter: it helps? >> it's supposed to. >> reporter: who knew? i hope kate's watching. >> curry. indian curry. >> eating mexican food. >> reporter: does it help? >> yes, it does. >> reporter: i eat mexican all the time. the current great kate wait is reminiscent of 013 when the world waited and waited for the birth of prince george who was reportedly a week overdue when he entered the world. wednesday marx william and kate's fourth wedding anniversary. whether they'll be a family of four in time for their fourth is anyone's guess. do you want to predict? >> may 16th. >> reporter: she better have that out before then. >> yes, it's turning into the great kate wait again, sara. i know everybody has tricks. i ran up and down stairs and did jumping jacks. it doesn't work too much for me. any other suggestions? >> well we're not an expert. we're not experts. a lot of people have told me if you eat pineapple, maybe spicy food tabasco sauce. one of my favorites is the exercise ball. we're going to be busy bouncing and eating all day long in honor of kate. >> ali was 2 for 2 with chicken burritos. >> you heard it here. we'll be right back. tt2wútbq@v4 btún6id tt2wútbq@v4 "aún&e tt2wútbq@v4 bmún-n, tt4wútbq@v4 " dzlq "t4 tt4wútbq@v4 " enlq rpt tt4wútbq@v4 " gzl& kw, >> ♪♪ >> good morning, breaking right now. philadelphia police are on the scene of a barricade situation. the action cam is live here on the 4700 block of mellon street in west philadelphia. police have responded to the report of a man with an automatic weapon inside a house threatening to shoot and word is they have just taken one person into custody. you see all the activity they have set up a staging area nearby called in swat to assist and again, we are told that they were evacuating nearby houses and that they've taken one person into custody. let's go over to matt pelman to take a look at your traffic. good morning matt. >> tam we have pretty substantial problems on the highway. a crash on the schuylkill expressway westbound near gulph mills taking out the left lane. a solid jam from the conshohocken curve through this point at gulf mills. on the turnpike westbound here by fort washington there's a broken down vehicle in the left lane so speeds are just in the teens coming west from bensalem. middletown township bucks county getting word of a motorcycle crash along 213 atwood born road. traveling through burlington and camden counties on the southbound side of 295 single digit speeds between the white horse pike and black horse pike. there's still a crash in the left lane. that travel time about 2225 minutes more than what it should be. tam. >> okay, thank you matt. now let's head out to meteorologist dave murphy. good morning. >> good morning, tam. a really good looking start with lots of sunshine, just a few clouds around but it's cool and breezy. current temperature 53 degrees in philadelphia. and most areas now up into the low 50's. your exclusive accuweather 7-day we're going to keep the sun in play today but it will be breezy. milder later with a high of 69 and altogether a pretty nice day. and then tomorrow nice and warm, a high of 74 with a few more clouds kicking in during the day. speaking of clouds it looks like we'll see more of them with some sunny breaks thursday. there could also be a few showers at times 67. and then 61 breezy and at times damp with some drizzle and a passing shower. nice for the weekend again though tam. >> okay thank you david. that's it for now. we'll send you back to the last half hour of "gma" and see you back here in 30. [ cheers and applause ] good morning, america. that is the evolution of dance video. one of youtube's most popular. get this. 290 million clicks. in just a minute you'll meet the man behind that. he'll perform here live. guess who else is here? josh groban getting ready to perform two stongs off his new album, "stages." we begin with youtube week. the tenth year of the online sensation. this morning, all about dance. jesse palmer is here with our youtube favorite. >> that's right. guys. i'm here are judson laipply. he became a superstar with his clip reaching nearly 300 million hits. hit the button. enjoy. >> evolution. of dance. ♪ you're nothing but a hound dog ♪ >> reporter: it's a mashup that mezsmerized the masses. ♪ so good ♪ ♪ jump on it jump on it ♪ >> reporter: the video shot to youtube superstardom with 70 million clicks in just eight months. ♪ airport no lie ♪ >> reporter: and nine years later, with almost 300 million views. ♪ can't touch this ♪ >> reporter: you still can't touch this all-time classic. and we're so lucky to have judson here with us. i gotta ask you, how crazy is it for you that these videos continue to become viral hits? >> tths phenomenal. i'm so humbled and honored to have done something people continue to appreciate and love. >> hopefully, you'll like this. a special rendition we'll only see on "gma." you guys ready? ready? >> born ready. good luck. >> okay, thanks. ♪ ♪ ice ice baby ♪ ♪ ice eye baby ♪ ♪ stop, you can't touch this ♪ ♪ can't touch this ♪ ♪ can't touch this ♪ ♪ can't touch this ♪ ♪ my my my my the music ♪ ♪ oh my lord thank you for allowing me ♪ ♪ ♪ come on vogue let your body move to the music hey hey hey ♪ ♪ just hangin' tough ♪ ♪ hangin' tough ♪ ♪ hey, i just met you and this is crazy but here's my number so call me maybe ♪ ♪ what's the fox say happy happy have to do ♪ ♪ what the fox say ♪ ♪ let's get out of here ♪ word to your mama. >> awesome. love a great flash mob. love a great flash mob. that's fantastic. come on back here. >> am i too late? >> where were you? >> i was working on my fox. i was thinking about what he says. thank you so much to judson. thank you to our flash mob. flash mob america. for an amazing performance. ginger now with a final check on your weather. >> if that didn't put you in a good mood i don't know w >> west of saint petersburg treasure island south and west of tampa rainy and stormy morning, looking for two to 3 inches of rain right there in the red swath. much of the southeast going to have a rainy day and from west to east a lot cooler back in the pacific northwest and drying out right behind all of that in parts of new mexico and west texas. that's the big picture. let's get a check a little closer to home. >> you might have seen that 70 up in washington, d.c. we're going to be close to that here in philadelphia today. lots of sun on the way too with nothing showing on radar. 69 is today's high, sunny a bit breezy. tomorrow 74, then 60's back in to you. >> thank you so much. tonight, a very special "20/20," robin sits down with two of the cleveland women who escaped after a decade of captivity. they've written a book, titled "hope." just released this week. in it we see hour their resilience was nothing short of a miracle. take a look. >> reporter: from the moment she's kidnapped, amanda berry is determined to survive and thrive. countless hours spent in a tiny room. she chronicles her day, her hopes and dreams in hundreds of panls in note boorks. on napkins. and turning fast food bags into a prize possession. you get a bag like this. what would you do to it? >> i usually take scissors. it was clearer. >> he only gave you the dull children's scissors. >> yeah like kindergarten. couldn't do much with it. but, hey, it cut paper. whoo. there's your paper. >> how many days could you get into this? >> that could last a good week if you needed it to. >> wait a minute. this is on the back of a -- >> the back of a cereal box. this is an oatmeal box. it was white. you were lucky to find white boxes. i dplued that part to a cereal box. i wrote mommy's recipes. >> what are those? >> lots of desserts. lots and lots of desserts. >> you can see all of robin's special interview on "20/20" tonight. i'm over here arewith our friend, nicolle wallace, from "the view." she work frd president george busch in the white house. her new book is out today. i love that -- this is your third book in the charlotte kramer. you were in the white house in 9/11. >> i thought a lot about whether to put the things that happened on that day into a noufl. because people con inflate and project on to a novel what's real and what's not. every detail about the white house, i sort of reported out. i went back after 9/11 i talked to the chefs about why there was so much food on that day. they said we couldn't do anything else but nourish the people dealing with the tragedy. i talked to the stewards on air force one. this won't surprise you. nothing change at the white house. no matter how dire the day. those are the most professional. it makes the hair on my arms staund. is there they do their job. >> they're the most devoted, professional sort of -- >> and one of the thing that makes your books so great in addition to the terrific fantasy stories. you get the details right. there's a little bit of fantasy in here as well. not just a female president. all the top staffers. >> sometimes people react badly to that. they'll say, i was willing to go along with nicolle wallace in imaging the female president, but i can't stand the female staff. it's a parallel world run by women. it's fiction. >> it comes at a time where hillary clinton is a big front runner for the democratic nomination. a lot of commentary from people. including sesly strong. >> the media put their hands up and swear something many election season. i solemnly swear. not to talk about hillary's appearance. because that is not journalism. [ cheers and applause ] >> that joke kind of divided the room. not even thought it was -- >> funny. >> or fair. it creates a big debate is there a double standard here? >> of course there is. i work frd sarah palin. our differences have been document d everywhere. there were more stories about her clothes, makeup hair pregnancies than any man in politics. hillary clinton seems to be at the acceptance phase of that. it is a funny joke. not open got it. >> everyone is going to love this book. thanks for coming in. it's available today. coming up josh groban performing hits from his new album live. ♪ say you want [ cheers and applause ] we're back now with our spring concert series. we're thrilled to have josh groban here to perform live in studio. your new album, "stages" is out today. >> no more lip sink bat-sync battle. this is for keeps. >> i was waiting for this album. what made you decide to do it now? >> i have wanted to make this album my entire life. i wept to school for theater. got plucked from the college musical theater program when i was signed. to revisit this world and these timless memories is a great joy for me. >> and also a big, big treat for the people of louisville. you're singing the national anthem at the kentucky derby. >> i am. i've been before. i usually do the lose money and get drunk. but this time i have some work to do. i'm going the honor the country and sing the national anthem. >> you can do that right after you finish. right after you hit the high note right? >> actually yes. i think the anthem will be longer than the race itself which is ironic. is there you're right. you can stay up here and do standup all day. i think the people here want to hear you sing. how about that. off of "stages," this is "somewhere over the rainbow" from "the wizard of oz." ♪ ♪ somewhere over the rainbow way up high ♪ ♪ there's a land that i heard of once in a lullaby ♪ ♪ somewhere over the rainbow skies are blue ♪ ♪ and the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true ♪ ♪ some day i'll wish upon a star and wake up where the clouds are far behind me ♪ ♪ where troubles melt like lemon drops away above the chimney tops ♪ ♪ that's where you'll find me ♪ ♪ oh somewhere over the rainbow bluebirds fly ♪ ♪ if birds can fly over the rainbow why then oh why, can't i ♪ ♪ if happy little bluebirds fly beyond the rainbow why, oh why ex-can't i ♪ [ cheers and applause ] i'm very happy to announce this next song. from our friend josh groban. here's "what i did for love" from "a chorus line." ♪ kiss today good-bye the sweetness and the sorrow ♪ ♪ wish me luck the same to you ♪ ♪ but i can't regret what i did for love what i did for love ♪ ♪ look my eyes are dry the gift was ours to borrow ♪ ♪ it's as if we always knew and i won't forget what i did for love what i did for love ♪ ♪ gone ♪ ♪ love is never gone ♪ ♪ as we travel on ♪ ♪ love's what we'll remember ♪ ♪ kiss today good-bye and point me toward tomorrow ♪ ♪ when did what we had to do won't forget can't regret what i did for love ♪ ♪ what i did for love ♪ ♪ what i did for love ♪ ♪ what i did for love ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] woman: i was tired of my chronic constipation and the way it made me feel the discomfort the bloating the straining. i'd just felt this way for too long. so i finally talked to my doctor about my symptoms. i'd tried laxatives before. he prescribed amitiza (lubiprostone) for my chronic constipation. it works differently than laxatives. man: amitiza is clinically shown to help relieve common symptoms like bloating abdominal discomfort hard stools, and straining and help people with chronic constipation go more often. don't take amitiza, if you have a bowel blockage or severe diarrhea. tell your doctor, if your nausea or diarrhea, becomes severe, or if you experience chest tightness or shortness of breath. the most common side effects are nausea diarrhea, and headache. woman: amitiza helped me find relief from my chronic constipation. ask your doctor if amitiza is right for you. there's over two hundred thousand students in philadelphia. jim kenney and tony williams are fighting over public schools versus charters. i think they're both's making sure they all get a good education. teachers should have their contracts respected. they also should be held accountable. and it's wrong philadelphia gets less school funding than other parts of pennsylvania. i'll work with harrisburg to change that. but if they refuse i'll take them to federal court. as mayor i'll do what's right for them. when you own a small business there's a never-ending list of small things to do every day. appointments... orders... deadlines... every one of them matters. so you need internet you can count on. verizon fios is really fast with 99.9% network reliability because when everything is running right, all those small things you do every day can turn into something big. team up with fios for this great limited-time offer. ur pets... aren't the only ones... that make bad choices. woman: honey, i'm home! anncr: now there's petarmor plus. so you can protect your pets without the shame of overpaying. petarmor plus. available at target and walgreens. josh that was fantastic. thank you. >> thank you, george. thank you so much. >> the name of the album, "stages." and sit out today. >> right this minute. yes. we want to give one lucky mom the mother of all surprises. look who is doing the knocking. are you ready? >> i am. >> garth will sing for her. >> let's put epic happy into your mother's day. >> go to >> i may come knocking at your door. >> ♪♪ >> good morning. we have an update to our breaking news this morning. police say a 38-year-old man is now in custody after there was a barricade situation this morning. this all went on on the 4700 block of mellon street in west philadelphia. now man said he had a gun but police have not found a weapon. a nearby school, parkway west, had been evacuated students sent home as a safety precaution. it's unclear now that this man is in custody if those students are going to return to school. 8:56 now on this tuesday april 28th. let's go over to matt pelman. he's taking a look at the schuylkill. good morning. >> tam we have pretty big traffic troubles include the crash on the westbound site of the schuylkill by gulf mills. it's extra heavy as you come west from the conshohocken curve through this point at gulf mills. broken down vehicle on the turnpike westbound by fort washington, it's gone but speeds are still in the teens westbound approaching willow grove out to approaching mid-county and teens or less on 295 southbound from past route 38 on down to the black horse pike. the good news is the crash there has also cleared. tam. >> okay, thank you matt. now let's head outside to meteorologist, david murphy. david don't know if we'll get you back inside. >> sunny and breezy right now tam with temperatures climbing through the low and mid-50's across the region. yeah it's pretty comfortable. your exclusive accuweather 7-day shows a nice afternoon with a high of 69 degrees sunny and breezy. tomorrow a few more clouds but a high of 74. then a coastal system starts to throw in cooler air off the ocean. there o could abscattered shower but the weekend is looking great tam. >> love the talk of that. thank you. coming up today on "action news" at noon the aftermath of the riots in baltimore. there were more than 140 cars set on fire and 15 buildings burned and the national guard is keeping watch on the city to try to prevent more violence. we'll have a live report for you and a full report at noon. "live with kelly and michael" next here on 6abc. i'm tamala edwards. have a great tuesday. dunkin's new vanilla coffee creamer really tastes like it has more vanilla flavor. how is that even possible? boom! [ laughter ] oh, it's possible. introducing dunkin's new coffee creamer. extra vanilla flavor you can really taste. announcer: it's "live! with kelly & michael." today, from "age of ultron," mark ruffalo. and star of the series, "elementary," jonny lee miller. plus, performing his big hit "good buy," who is fancy. all next on "live." [captioning made possible by disney-abc domestic television] now, here are the emmy award-winning talk show hosts, kelly ripa and michael strahan! [cheers and applause] ♪

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