Transcripts For WPVI Action News Weekend 9AM 20160828 : comp

Transcripts For WPVI Action News Weekend 9AM 20160828

millville, 76 and a pair of of s for dover. we have high, thin clouds today. that's the call from accuweather, sun and clouds, slightly more humid, high of 90 feeling like 91. you will notice a change in the humidity overnight tonight and into tomorrow when the feels-like temperatures get onry again. we'll talk about a fall-like cool down. police want to know if a man who was groping women throughout the city has struck again. officers investigating an indecent assault in south philadelphia that's similar to those carried out by a man on a bike. a man touched her inappropriately as she walked home on bainbridge street. one person is dead after a crash in winslow township, new jersey. the action cam was at choose landing road at sicklierville road. the car went out of control and slammed into a utility pole. police are trying to determine what caused the accident. sudden violence on the city streets sent two men to the hospital overnight. one has died. crime scene tape was draped across the 1700 block of north newkirk street in north philadelphia as police began the investigation into that shooting. they say a are 25-year-old man was -- they say a 25-year-old man died after being shot in the chest. a 45-year-old man is in critical condition with a gunshot wound to the chest. there are no motives or systems. northeast philadelphia steak shop was the scene of a shooting overnight. a man riding a motorcycle was shot in the head outside steve's prince of steaks on the 2500 block of comly street. the 32-year-old victim was rushed to the hospital in critical be but stable condition. so far no arrests in the shooting. your time, 9:03, this morning the reward has grown to $24,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the killer of 8-year-old gabby carter. >> heartbreaking vigil was held last night outside her camden home where she was gunned down by a bullet that was not intended fore. jeff chirico was there. >> reporter: you could feel ma ma -- marissa carter's anguish as she spoke and mourned her daughter. >> my baby is gone. >> she was fun, loving, outgoing, she had so much character. >> reporter: family friends and neighbors lit candles and hugged in of the home where gabby lived feet from where she was shot in the head an innocent victim of a gun battle thursday night. >> i just got to say it could be me next. >> call the police. >> reporter: the vigil was a rally for justice. gabby's cousin appealed to those in the crowd who are afraid to tell police because they know the gunman. despite handing out flyers and growing reward police officials say the community has remained largely tight lipped. gabby's uncle is holding out hope. >> we know somebody knows something, we encourage anybody with information any knowledge if you think you know you hear chatter among you, we ask that you report it to the proper authority. >> reporter: there has been significance police presence in the neighborhood since the shooting on wednesday, we are told it will continue for the foreseeable future. the reward is up to $24,000 and tipsters can remain anonymous. in camden, jeff chirico channel 6 "action news." >> we're learning about the suspect who is behind bars accused of skimming atms. police arrested the man on medford road in northeast philadelphia. this is video of what appears to be the device that steals bank atm pin numbers. that allows the suspect access to bank account. police saw the suspect try to place the device at the true mark credit union at academy and byberry road. a bank material tipped off police. police say his action were very bold. >> his arrogance brought him back on the following week on the 20th. that continued arrogance brought him back today and that led to his arrest. >> he was busted at the credit union, and police are looking for an accomplice who may have helped with the crimes. >> turning to the race for president. democratic vice presidential candidate, tim kaine will be campaigning in pennsylvania making a stop in erie and lehigh valley and lancaster county. kaine has spent days offering response to donald trump's indications that's hillary clinton is a bigot. abc news obtained e-mails between then a top clinton foundation official and clinton's inner circle when she was secretary of state. in one exchange he requested invitation to the state lunch with the chinese president. on the list were three groups that donated millions to the clinton foundation, donald trump said it's hard to tell where the foundation begins and the state farm ends. get breaking alerts from the campaign trail and life results from the election night. the 6abc news app is a free download to your mobile device. the eagles scored a win beating the colts on the road. sam bradford led three touchdown drives in 33-23 win. beckham caught a score, josh huff ran for another. the defense stifled andrew loche who is the top quarterback. >> i think the preseason is important this year as we made a switch to the new system, how to play with each other and rotate and get the communication on the same page. >> the up front four set the tone for the entire defense. >> they did a good job toning the run early and getting the third down with passing situations, and put another guy in coverage. >> the birds will face the jets at home in their final preseason game at the linc. kickoff at 7:00 p.m. hundreds of runners are racing through the streets of philadelphia. runners started off at 8th and south streets because of the race, a whole lot of city streets are closed because of the race because traffic will be rerouted. this will happen until 10:00 a.m. you can find the closures by clicking on to the features page on our website coming up, game time isn't the only concern for a concussion, we have details on a new study that shows your child may be more vulnerable during practice. >> plus, widespread flooding in the midwest. we'll take a look at the destruction that the region endured this weekend. and now, let's take you live outside sky6 live hd giving you a glimpse of the commodor barry bridge. >> pretty. >> it's a nice shot, but it's hot out there, meteorologist chris sowers says a cool down is coming. he'll complain in -- explain ine seven-day forecast when we come right back. >> emergency management has gone door to door in areas of clay county missouri to rescue residents trapped by vast flooding. the kansas fire department said they had to make ten water rescues. more than 5 inches of rain fell in just a few hours. people in indianapolis are spending the weekend cleaning up. strong storms toppled trees on friday. one homeowner said he heard heavy hail and described what he could only say sounded like his house was growning before a huge came crashing down. >> that would be scary. >> no scary weather here, unless it's the heat. >> reporter: just a little hot and a little more humid this morning. let's get you outside and show you the view as we look live on sky6 live hd over the ben franklin bridge. just like yesterday it's a delightful morning. sky conditions are crystal clear. there's not a cloud in the sky. temperatures are on the cooler side, but the humidity levels have come up. the numbers are cooler this morning than yesterday at this time. the human has increased. it's not as comfortable out there. double scan live is clear, 78 degrees for the city of philadelphia. dewpoint, 69. yesterday it was down to 62. so we increased it. pressure is rising. winds are calm, ocean temperature 74 degrees off the coast of atlantic city. what a summer this continues to be, the city of philadelphia on average should see 27 days of 90 degrees or higher. the prediction this year from accuweather was for 32. we have 37 in the record books already and this will be 38 today. tomorrow will be 39 and looks like that string will continue through wednesday, and finally, all the heat and humidity will come to an end. cold front puts it to an end. we'll see conditions out of the northwest move on threw. thursday, friday, saturday, look really, really nice. temperatures in the 70s across the board, higher humidity levels this morning. satellite arena radar -- and radar, high pressure in control. future tracker has us topping out at 87. accuweather puts us at 90 right on the dot. all morning long i've been showing this. the surrounding suburbs is staying in the 80s. it's the city that's cracking the 90-degree mark. tomorrow, more locations top 90 degrees. you get the idea, most of the area will stay in the 80s maybe just the i-95 corridor topping out in the 90s. tuesday, the whole area except for the city will top out in the 80s. this is technically a heat wave, but it's not a stifling heat wave like what we saw earlier in the year, when temperatures were feeling like 110 and air temperatures 95 to 97. poconos, beautiful, sun and clouds, warm, 81 degrees is the forecasted high in the mountains. jersey shore, the problem continues to be the higher than normal risk for rip currents. mostly sunny, comfortable with the sea breeze, 82 degrees. water temperature, 74. higher than normal risk for rip currents this afternoon and especially monday. sun and clouds in the city, slightly more humid, high of 90. winds out of the south at 5 to 15 miles per hour. overnight tonight, warm, 65 degrees outlying suburbs, 70 center city. after midnight tonight, the humidity starts to climb. you'll notice the change for tomorrow. the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast, look at that, bottom of the screen, 90 degrees today. 92 for tomorrow, tomorrow's 92 will feel like 95 or 96. tuesday a little bit cooler with a high of 88 and slightly less humid and wednesday, the temperatures as well as the humidity both climb again into the 90s, thursday, friday, saturday, look at these numbers, 84, 80, 83. i was just taking a look at what's called moth data for allentown on friday, high of 77. >> can't wait. >> it is 9:16, a montgomery county girl who received national attention when she was accepted into college is starting her freshman year. >> this is to tell you your acceptance into the program, i got in, i got into college. >> i would say she is excited. that is rachel gray she is beginning her first year at reis stroudsburg university. the first time rachel will be living on her own. she said she is looking forward to the new adventure. >> not really, my parents are, i'm not. >> it's exiting and nerve wracking and we're excited for her, but scared for us. >> rachel is not nervous at all. rachel who has down syndrome will take part in the independent learning and living studies program. the three year program is tailored to students with disabilities. was always on my mind. so i asked a dermatologist about aczone dapsone gel 7.5%. i apply it once a day, any time. aczone gel 7.5% is fda approved for the topical treatment of acne for people 12 years and older. aczone gel is a once-a-day acne treatment with clinically proven 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this morning, a new study says football practice is a place to worry about concussion in younger players. researchers put sensors in the helmets of 90 to 11-year-olds, 80% of the hard hits capable of causing concussion occurred during practice. tackling drills caused more risk. it's the opposite of high school and colleges. drug makers keep increasing their prices largely because nothing is stopping them. patents give pharmaceutical companies a monopoly. in addition doctors prescribe drugs not knowing their prices. laws could bring pricing into line. the first child to receive a double hand transplant said he does not feel any different now, september he can throw a football a little farther. the 9-year-old of baltimore returned to children's hospital of philadelphia a few days ago to mark the one year anniversary of his hand transplant. zion losts hands and feet to an infection when he was two years old. his doctors say he has done it all without a single complaint. in a video that the hospital released. as i i don't -- zion said he sto his mother's advice, learned to it yourself. >> if any kid is watching this and going through a rough time, never give up on what you're doing. you'll get there eventually. >> wow. >> if we could all be so wise. zion can zip his own clothes and write and with that writing he is penning a letter to the family that's donated his two new hands to thank them. my son has meningitis b. but how did we end up here? his mom thought he had the flu and that he was covered by the meningococcal meningitis vaccine he had received. until 2014 there were no vaccines for meningitis b in the u.s. now there are. while uncommon, meningitis b can lead to death within 24 hours. trumenba is a vaccine for 10 through 25 year olds to help prevent group b meningococcal disease. trumenba should not be given if you had a severe allergic reaction after a previous dose. most common side effects were injection-site pain, fatigue... headache, muscle pain, and chills. ask your doctor or pharmacist about all the risks and benefits of trumenba and tell them if you've received any other meningitis b vaccines. meningitis b can be spread by typical sharing like... a drink... a spoon... a kiss. it all started here... it might have been prevented with trumenba. ask your doctor or pharmacist about trumenba. everyone, 9:23 sunday morning, let's get you caught up on the tropics, this is the same disturbance we've been monitoring over the last several days. we're zoom into the florida straits and the florida keys. here's cuba, it's still an disorganized mess, it's better organized than yesterday at this time. the upper level center is displaced by 20 to 30 miles per hour. all this is actually moving to the west. this is where our concern lies because water temperatures in the gulf are in the 90s and we lose the wind sheer or the wind that are ripping the storm a part. once it reaches the gulf we are prime for explosive development. as forecaster you would like to see the lines closer together, but right now they are all over the place. if you're heading to florida or somewhere in the gulf, keep monitoring the situation and check the forecast as we continue to see where the storm is going to travel. >> 9:25, the home delivery milk business is a red hot 400 million-dollar market. >> consumer reports checked out some of the most popular services in this booming visit. >> reporter: what a meal can it? a prepackaged chilled box arrived at your door with every ingredient excluding salt and pepper. you can fix the meals or have the company choose for you, they are convenient, are they fresh, healthy and affordable. consumer reports evaluated five different meals. >> we've prepared and tasted a week's worth of dinners from each service. we found 24 to 27 were very good to excellent. hello fresh was a stand out. hello fresh averaged the lowest in fat calories and sodium. green shift veggies featured lots of veggies in creative ways. consumer reports asked 57 meal can it users about their experiences. everyone said they liked trying different flavors. >> americans throw away 28% of the produce they buy. meal kilts come with what you -- kits come with what you need so there's loss. >> reporter: now you can dine in like you're dining out, but in this case, you're also the chef. if you want to give meal kits the try, shop around, whether you like meat are vegan or vegetarian or have a family to feed. >> 9 8:26 if you have received an invitation to a wedding, you may be wondering what do i get for a gift. retail me knot, the average cost of a wedding gift is $200. that depends on the relationship with the bride and groom. 41% give a gift whether they attend a wedding or not. those polled said they will spend 195 bucks for a family member. for a friend, $89, a co-worker is $63. >> the times are changing when it comes to gift giving. the couple puts together a register tri -- registry for a reason, there are those who would prefer cash. >> you can save money on the out of town weddings, consider sharing a hotel room or the cost of a bigger gift with others that way you can enjoy the wedding without going broke. a pedestrian is struck while trying to cross roosevelt boulevard overnight. >> frightening moments for passengers on a flight this weekend after part of an engine falls off. >> plus, it is hot and muggy, sound familiar? we could be staring down another heat wave. >> oh, boy. outside we go to meteorologist chris sowers joins us outside with a look at the accuweather forecast. chris when will it end? >> reporter: hopefully thursday, the cicadas are restless this morning. we have a few days in the 90s and get a cold front with a canadian cold front that will set up a nice weekend. sitting at 78 degrees in philadelphia. allentown, 72. poconos, 70. millville, 76. cape may, 80. atlantic city, at the airport, 78. dewpoints have come up, from where they were yesterday at this time, you look toward the top of the screen you can see the scale, 65 is humid, 70 is oppressive. anything beyond 7 is awful. you can see 60ss and 70s for most of the area. in the poconos it's slightly humid, but everybody else is looking at dewpoints pretty high. they will come down as the day progresses just like yesterday, but the next couple of hours will be sticky. sun an clouds that's the call from accuweather, it's hot and humid than what we saw yesterday. 88 degrees by 1:00 p.m. 90 by 3:00 p.m. same number by 5 perform. 5:00 p.m. if we reach 90, it's heat wave number 6. we have cooler changes on the horizon, when i come back we'll talk about that. i'll show you some cooler numbers for a change. >> looking forward to it, chris. a pedestrian is in extremely critical condition this morning after being hit by a car on the boulevard. the action cam was at the scene on the boulevard past rising sun avenue in the feltonville section of the city. this is where a buick heading north ran into the victim at 2:30 a.m. the impact sent the pedestrian flying. police have questioned the driver, and no charges have been filed. gunfire erupted on a north philadelphia street sending the driver to the hospital. it unfolded on the 1300 block of erie street around 2:00 a.m. bullet holes riddled a white audi after someone opened fire. the driver was shot in the head and rushed to temple university hospital. he is in critical, but stable condition. police are looking for the person who fired the shots. >> this week there were terrifying moments for passengers on southwest airline. part of an engine blew a part in mid flight. the plane was over water when it happened. we have reaction from passengers and audio from inside the cockpit. >> reporter: this morning stunning images of an in-air emergency. >> sounds like an tire blowing. you could smell smoke. >> reporter: the southwest flight suffering a cat traffic engine failure midair. out of the 737 left window, the 99 passengers on board had a clear view of the mangled engine housing as oxygen masks dropped from the ceiling. >> children were screaming and crying. >> reporter: in the cockpit, breathing heavily through their own oxygen masks they run through a checklist. >> this was an explosive event with the engine and put hot metal into the cabin losing pressure. >> reporter: the diverted to pensacola dropping 20,000 feet in 8 minutes. >> we're going down pretty fast. >> during an emergency accident they are trying to -- decent and trying to take care of a sick engine and making sure the passengers are okay. >> reporter: the boeing 737 landing safely in pensacola, 30 minutes after takeoff. initial reports indicate there were no injuries among the 99 passengers and five crew members on board. adding it is cooperating with an ntsb investigation. we continue to get more images of what passengers experienced in the plane and on the ground, most of them saying they are so thankful to the pilots for keeping them alive. abc news, reagan national airport. >> glad to hear there were no injuries. 9:34 a.m. surveillance video shows the moment before a sheriff deputy in california opened fire on a man accused of attacking him. the deputy pulled his truck over at a market. walked over to talk to the driver, soon after the driver tries to getaway. the deputy runs over and tries to get the driver to stop. he steps away, and fires his gun, the owner of the market was inside when this all happened. >> i was shocked are what happened in the parking lot. >> the sheriff's office said the deputy shot the suspect after being assaulted. the suspect was taken to the hospital in stable condition. >> this morning there are still no charges in the fatal shooting of nba star dwyane wade cows -- cousin in chicago. she was shot in the head in the middle of crossfire meant for somebody else. dwyane wade voiced his outremain over his cousin's death. collin carp -- kaepernick has created a firestorm. he sat during the anthem before a game against green bay. he will not show pride in for a flag flue -- in a country that oppresses black people and people of color. the 49ers say he has a right to protest. there has been no shortage of 'pins and emotions on both sides of the issue. >> gas prices in the area keep climbing. the average gas price for a gallon of regular in pennsylvania established at 2.32. that's up five cents from last week. things are better for drivers in new jersey. a gallon of regular goes for $2 that's up five cents from a week ago. in delaware, it will cost 2.11 an increase of 8 cents from last week. road closures begin as the city of philadelphia perhaps for the made in america festival. two lanes of eakens oval in front of the art museum are closed. the inner lanes between benjamin franklin parkway and 20th street will close on wednesday. the roads will stay closed through tuesday, september 6. you can find a full list at >> all right time now, 9:37. the future of mail delivery may already be here. we'll show you how this postal robot works and where it is being tested right now. it may sound like something out of a tom hanks movie, two people use an old technique to get the attention of rescuers after they stranded all alone on a island. no word when there was a volleyball. looking live sky6 live hd penns landing. it looks beautiful, it is hot and muggy. meteorologist chris sowers has the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast with word of a break in the heat coming up. for senate, katie mcginty or pat toomey? mcginty supports clean energy jobs. pat toomey voted to protect tax breaks for oil companies. mcginty is pro-choice. toomey wants to overturn roe v. wade and criminalize abortion. mcginty will consistently stand up to the gun lobby. toomey's against an assault weapons ban and gets an a rating from the nra. this year, pennsylvanians have a clear choice. senate majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. the number of dead from last wednesday's earthquake in italy has risen to 291. the 6.2 magnitude quake flattened three medieval towns in central italy. yesterday a state funeral was held in the gym for dozens of victims. a local bishop under the community to cry and take courage. state museums are donating the proceeds to the relief and reconstruction efforts to the quake's devastated area. a plane crash in oregon, small plane -- new orleans, it went in lake lake pontchartrain. coast guard crews searched the water, the plane was on a training flight when it went down. there's a road hazard that are creating problems on the florida turnpike, sinkholes formed after a damage water line ruptured. drivers were forced to turn afternoon on the highway and go in the wrong direction so they could get off the road and out of the way of the sinkhole. take a look at this, message in the sand to the right of your screen there. s-o-s. likely saved two people who were marooned on an uninhabited island in hawaii. they were stuck there for 8 days. they had limited supplies, the coast guard picked them up on friday. >> it still works. like the movie cast away, tom hanks, he was there for 8 careers not 8 days. >> s-o-s from the sun. >> reporter: we'll get a little s-o-s. i don't know what that means. looking live down in cape may. we have nice sunny conditions, especially for the shore where temperatures will struggle to get into the low 80s. we'll have temperatures in the 90s in the i-95 corridor before the relief arrives. this was sent in on twitter. this is from my buddy bob, they go out in the pine barren's club they fly these huge i airplanes. look at all the haze in the back, it was a humid morning. perfect conditions for you, as it was tranquil, first thing this morning. it's tranquil right now, the humidity is increasing, so it's increasingly more uncomfortable. 90 degrees is the forecasted high. normally we should be around 84. the average low for this time of career is 66. 70s across the board, the farther south you you go the humidity starts to increase. millville, 76. dover, 79. 80 in cape may. you'll not go much higher than that, once the sea breeze kicks in, that will put a lid on the temperatures there. trenton, 74. satellite arena -- and radar. crystal clear in the way of sky conditions. same thing for today. cling of sun and clouds, no cold front, no storm systems, monday is quiet, 8:30 a.m., high, thin clouds that will push to the south. that is a cold front that will knock the temperatures down a little bit as we get into tuesday, same thing, not much going on with the frontal system. it should push through on the dry side. 90 degrees and sun and clouds, more humid than yesterday. allentown, 89. reading, 90. trenton, 89. the jersey shore your main concern is this guy right hear, moderate risk for rip currents has to do with gaston spin in the mid atlantic. choppy seas, waves 23 to 4 feet. the burn index is on the high side. not much in the way of clouds down there. gaston, 620 miles due east of bermuda. a category one storm. slowly drifting to the north it will make a right hand turn and may hit the british isles the following week. increased surf from north carolina to new england and higher than normal risk for rip currents. the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast, 90 degrees today. feeling like maybe 91 or 92. monday is a sticky one, 92 feeling like 95 or 9 of. tuesday, mostly sunny, somewhat of a break from the heat, 88 degrees. the numbers jump back up wednesday, 93 and thursday, friday, saturday, there's your relief guys, 84, 80 ascertain 83. no humidity, lots -- 80 and 83, no humidity and lots of sunshine. labor day two thumbs up. >> you can find the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast and double scan radar at our website ♪ ♪ award winning interface. award winning design. award winning engine. the volvo xc90. the most awarded suv of the century. i'm hillary clinton, and i approve this message. michael hayden: if he governs consistent with some of the things he said as a candidate, i would be very frightened. gillian turner: he's been talking about the option of using a nuclear weapon against our western european allies. max boot: this is not somebody who should be handed the nuclear codes. charles krauthammer: you have to ask yourself, do i want a person of that temperament controlling the nuclear codes? and as of now, i'd have to say no. [bill o'reilly sighs] and as of now, i'd have to say no. 9:48 a seattle neighborhood is in shock after utility workers discovered kids were living inside a sewer system there. two boys living below grounds, a meter reader discovered a manhole cover a jar and made a call to have it replaced. it was later found a jar again. that's when workers made a disturbing discover. there was a makeshift bed and cloths food and toys in the soar. le the boy who are believed to be 12 or 13 have not been seen since. >> we're "action news" big board technically speaking. uber is hoping to build a customer loyalty base by offering a subscription service. cruisers would be charged $2 to catch an uber pool to share with others going in the same direction. this is all part of a new program in select cities called uber plus, to get the deal, the rider must pay $20 for a month of 26 cost trips for -- or $30 for up to 40 trips. domino pizza said it's one step closer to bringing fresh, hot pies by drones. they demonstrated deliver in new zealand. they hope to delivery pizza in that region by drone by the end of the year. thanks to restricting aerospace in the u.s., it will be sometime before we see a drone dropping off a pizza. >> you can have your mail delivered by this, it is a postal robot. the national postal service is planning to put out a small fleet of robots. hey, do we need people any more? they travel slowly on sidewalks, they avoid obstacles,sance and cars -- and cars. robots they will deliver dummy packages, but eventually they will be used to deliver things like food and medicine. they are being tested in britain and germany and there are plans to test them out in washington, d.c. this fall. we'll be right back. turning to sports this morning, the eagles turned on the heat in indianapolis, beating the colts. >> indeed they did, plus, the phillies hope to turn things around when they face the mets in new york. here's jamie apody. >> reporter: good morning, last year eagles started 3-0 in the preseason, didn't have any playoffs to show for it. last night against a formidable quarterback, there was plenty to cheer about. first team got in the endzone on this play, josh huff. 10-3 eagles. sam brad for the hit his newest weapon who looks like a real deal. bradford still in the groove, 24-3 birds. 167 yards, two touchdowns and interception and 114 pass rating. seven other top defensive players, but still, eagles win 3-23. here's jeff skeverski. >> the eagles starting offense was not explosive, but they were not flashy or efficient. sam bradford led the eagles on three touchdown drives if this his final game action of the preseason, bradford looks good, but feels there's a long way to go before the opener in two weeks. >> it's nice to execute like we did tonight, but we have to build on that, the regular season is a different animal. we have to take it to different level. >> there's room to grow, including myself, we did take strides tonight obviously pleased with the victory. >> i feel like the receiver group, i feel like we had a great job from our receiver group and our quarterback, all around everyone did their part. >> reporter: carson wentz is in the position to possibly play next week against the jets in the final preseason game, but he is still sore. carson wentz participated in the pregame warmups be but he is still sore. for the second straight preseason, eagles are undefeated after three games, is this misleading? last year they lost 3 of 4, hopefully this doesn't happen with doug peterson and his first full season. >> reporter: ment phillies not in a new york state of minds. i can't want ton what their state of minds is. new catcher, ellis is here, probably not happy about that after this one. 5-1 mets. they blow it open with 6 runs in the 7th including a grand slam by kelly johnson. phillies blown out for the 4th time in five games 12-1. in his first public comments about his held for a long time, was the main attraction at the 76ers beach bash in avalon. he had no trouble on the court with his opponent. sounds like he is ready to take on real competition finally. >> i feel 100%. my summer has been great to be walking down the lot i've got a chance to play a little bit against the guys and everier guy, it's been going great. >> reporter: do you think you'll be full go for training camp? >> yeah. >> reporter: music tokers fans' -- music to 6 others fans' ears. have a great sunday. >> he is one of the hottest country music singers in the world. we'll tell you how tim mcgraw pulled off something pretty cool at a wedding in philadelphia. it is a surprise one local couple will never forget. >> plus another patty labelle dessert craze is coming your way. it started with a pie and viral video. >> a pleased and excited guy eating and singing. >> those stories, plus chris sowers will have the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast. we're back after this. >> so glad you stayed with us, it is now 10:00 a.m., sunday, august 28. nydia han is off, alicia vitarelli joins us in the news right now. has a groping suspect struck again? philadelphia police are investigating a new report of another attack in the city. >> one person has killed in a crash on a south jersey road this morning. >> eagles fans have plenty to cheer about this morning, after the birds easily take care of business in indianapolis. meteorologist chris sowers is at the "action news" big board first with a look at the accuweather forecast. oh, we see the temperatures climbing. >> reporter: they are climbing quickly now. the humidity levels are climbing, as well. everybody north of that line, let's say north of the p-a turnpike it is actually comfortable with low humidity and low dewpoints. temperatures in the 70s. you go south of that line it's a different story as you start to see the humidity increase. quakertown, 74. pilots, 74. oxford, 75. you get into south jersey it's sticky, especially the delaware bay region, gandys beach delightful on the water, 73 degrees, you don't have much in the way of a breeze. woodbine 80. on the boards in atlantic city. 79. winds are light out of the northeast. ocean temperature, 74. sea isle city checking in at 81. what you can't see here it's off the screen. it's an upper level low pushing westward through the carolinas. that's going to move onshore later this afternoon. the winds around that blow in a counter clockwise rotation. that will shift the winds in an easterly direction. we'll drive the humidity inland. overnight tonight into the tomorrow it becomes uncomfortable as we progress along. for today, you'll notice the change already. it will not be as comfortable as yesterday. hot, temperatures near 90 degrees. with the humidity maybe it feels like 91 or 92. sun mixed with a clouds, overnight tonight into tomorrow where the humidity starts to crank. look at this, look at the drop off here, this is the relief, thursday night into friday. there's the cold front right there, the humidity levels drop so low they are off the scale. a very fall-like change is on the way. i'll have the details coming up in the search day forecast in just a bit. >> look forward to it. thanks for the update. philadelphia police are investigating a new indecent assault on a woman in the city. >> they wranlt to know if it is the -- want to know if it is the same man groping women whieg riding -- while riding a bike. trish hartman is near the scene in south philadelphia. >> reporter: that's right, philadelphia police put out surveillance video asking for the public's help in solving an indecent assault in the city. we learned about another incidents that may be connected to others that happened earlier this month. it happened along the 1600 block of bainbridge street. police are looking for a hispanic male with dark hair wearing a white t-shirt and tan pants and fled on a mountain bike. philadelphia police held a press conference and released surveillance video showing the crimes. we're looking for the public's help in finding the man behind four other assaults that took place this month in the city. police described that suspect as a hispanic male 5'4" to 5'6" in his early 20s with a stocky build. in thee incidents the man was on -- three incidents the man was on a bike, he was targeting women wearing dresses. in the press conference, police say the suspect he was looking for was wearing a black backpack with anger sides and strap he is -- orange sides and trap across the chest. anyone with information notify police special victims unit. trish hartman channel 6 "action news." >> 10:03 a.m. one person is dead after a crash in winslow township, new jersey, the action cam was at the scene choose landings road at sicklierville road. the car went out of control and slammed into a utility pole. police are trying to determine what caused the accident. gun violence on the city street sent two men to the hospital overnight. one has died. crime scene tape was draped across the 1700 block of north newkirk street in north philadelphia. as police began their investigation into that shooting. they say a 25-year-old man died after he was shot in the chest. a had a-year-old man is in critical condition with a gun shot wound to the chest. police have no motive or suspect. a north philadelphia steak shop was the scene of a shooting overnight. a man was riding a motorcycle and shot in the head right outside steve's prince of steaks on the 2700 block of comely road. police believe an argument led to the gunfire. the victim is in critical, but stable condition. so far no arrests with the shooting. this morning the reward has grown to $24,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the killer of 8-year-old gabby carter. >> a heartbreaking vigil was held last night outside her camden home where the little girl was gunned down by a bullet that wasn't intended for her. "action news" reporter, jeremy augustine has the story. >> reporter: you could feel marissa carter's anger as she spoke to hundreds there to mourn her daughter, gabriel carter. >> she is not coming back. >> she was fun, loving, crowd going. >> family friends and neighbors, lit candles and hugged in front of the home where gabby lived feet from where she was shot in the head an innocent victim of a gun battle wednesday night. >> i guess this was her time to be called, if this was her time to be called, lord, i got to say it could be me next. >> call the police. >> reporter: gabby's cousin appealed to those in the crowd who are afraid to tell police what they know about the gunman. >> you're too friendly with them. >> reporter: despiting handing out flyers and growing reward, police officials say the community has remained largely tight lipped. gabby's uncle is holding out hopefully'. >> somebody knows something, we encourage anybody who has any information anybody who has any knowledge funk you know, you heard chatter, we ask that you report this to the proper authorities. woe want to bring this killer to justice. >> reporter: there's more police preference in the communities and it will continue into the foreseeable future. the reward is up to $24,000 and tip can remain anonymous. democratic vice president candidate tim kaine will be in lancaster and lehigh valley. he has offered a sharp response to donald trump appear accusation that hillary clinton is a bigot. trump continued his attacks against hillary clinton and the clinton foundation, abc has found e-mails between tim band and clinton when she was secretary of state. on the list were three groups that donated millions to the clinton foundation. yesterday, trump said it is hard to tell where the clinton foundation ends and the state department begins. country said nothing inappropriate was done by her staff. >> i would like to invite you to download the 6abc news app to get breaking news alerts from the campaign trail and live results on election night. it is a free download to your mobile device. there's a new school calendar to one new jersey community and this year it does not include jewish holidays. the reason is that there are not many jewish families length of time in the district. but always new jersey correspondent, nora muchanic reports. devout jews feel blindsided by the decision. >> reporter: that's rabbi from cinnaminson upset about the school board's decision to drop robber roshashana and yom kippur. >> i think it's very important that the children be given the opportunity and the teachers be given the opportunity to take these days off and not have to choose between going to synagogue or going to school. >> reporter: the superintendent said 2500 students in the districts less than 40 are jewish along with staff numbers. >> 15 years ago we had a significant number and now they have dwindled. >> it doesn't matter how many it is that you respect the students you have in your schools and the teachers up in your schools and to rip that away without notification. it's upsetting. >> the decision was made by the school board back in december, but few knew about it. >> let us know if you're thinking about making a change and let us be involved in the discussion. >> reporter: then said the rabbi, the jewish community might have had input in the decision. teachers will be expected to take a personal day to over the jewish holidays. students will not be pencillized in anyway if they take the days off. the school board -- meet again and there will be people there to give their point of view. eagles win on the the road against against the the colts. 33-23. defense stifle andrew loche who is one of the nfl's top passer. >> the preseason was important this year as we made a switch to the system, how to plateauing and rotate and -- how to play, how to rotate and get the communication on the same page. >> they stopped the run early and we got in third down situations we got a lot of pressure that puts another guy in coverage. >> reporter: the birds will face the jets rat home in their final -- here at home in their final preseason game on thursday at the linc. kickoff is the 7:00 p.m. do you know how it feels to start a project all over again we'll tell you how close this couple was to are a world record, come on when their domino power, welling you see -- well, you see what happened. it went down. >> it is warm and muggy morning for those taking part in the philly 10k. >> sky6 live hd is giving you a beautiful glimpse over atlantic city. you see many people out there enjoying it. where we all want to be some day, meteorologist chris sowers has the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast when we come right back. so glad you stayed with us, right now hundreds of runners are racing through the streets of philadelphia. they are taking part in the annual philly 10k. raw -- runners started off at 8th and south street. a lot of roads weather closed, but they should be reopening right now. you can find the closures at >> it was a hot morning to get out there and do the running. hopefully they hydrated. >> reporter: i hate running in the humidity. >> i hate running altogether. that's another story. >> i'm on your team. >> reporter: put our feet up on the couch and watch you guys. let's go live on sky6 live hd down in penns landing. it's a nice morning, it's sticky, dewpoints are up, not much in the way of a breeze. temperatures are starting to warm today. today more than likely it will be the 38th time this year that we hit 90 degrees or higher. congratulations everybody, the endless summer continues. double scan live nothing going on. look at this shot, this was sent in to me from kathy, she has ties to the philadelphia area. she was in tennessee when she took this. look at the rainbow through the cirrus cloud, it's made out of ice crystals, as the sun hits it, the rays of the sun reflect over the ice there. it's a neat shot, it was coming over the smoky mountains when she captured that. dewpoint, 67. pressure is rising. winds at the airport are calm. ocean temperature, 74 degrees. 70s to the north, low 80s to the south and east, philadelphia, 80 degrees, millville, 80. atlantic city at the airport, 82. and still fairly comfortable in the lehigh valley. it's only 76 in allentown and 74 in the poconos. satellite and radar nothing to talk about, high pressure in control, the heat-pump high keeps us high and dry. there's not much in the way of cloud cover from richmond to new england. all the storms have to go up and around the huge area of high pressure. it's a protective bubble. see this counter clockwise swirl as that pulls inland, the swindz shift off the water. that will increase the humidity overnight tonight and into tomorrow. it will feel sticky. as we travel farther to the south. there's the florida keys and the florida straits. this cluster of showers and thunderstorms continues to travel to the west. it's starting to enter the gulf of mexico, the question remains where is it going to head from there. the spaghetti plots pretty much take this everywhere. they have no idea, poor agreement amongst the models on where it could go. each particular model shows a different solution here. right now it's heads up anywhere from tampa bay all the way to hughes -- houston, once it enters the gulf of mexico conditions are prime for explosive development. temperatures in the 90s in the water water and no wind sheers, that means it could develop rapidly. right now it's pretty much nothing, but that could change over the next day 0 or two. sunny and warm in the poconos, 81 degrees, slightly higher humidity levels. jersey shore, you'll get a sea breeze, 82 degrees on the sand, moderate risk for rip currents. 74 degrees is the ocean water temperature. sun and clouds for the city, hot, 90 degrees the forecasted high, slightly more humid than yesterday, overnight tonight, partly cloudy and humid, 65 degrees outlying suburbs, 70 for center city. the humidity starts to increase after midnight tonight. the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast, 90 degrees today. 92 tomorrow. that 92 you'll feel the gingers there. that will feel like 95 or 96. 88 for tuesday, somewhat cooler, wednesday, 93 that's the lone chance of precipitation this week. thursday and friday, we cool it down it will feel like fall temperatures in the 80s. >> to that last gaps labor day weekend. >> reporter: there's another heat wave coming after that. >> we'll talk about that later. >> patty labelle's sweet treats are coming to walmart. the philadelphia native and award winning singer is expanding her line to include five new pies. now, labelle's sweet potato pie was such a hit that walmart has been turning them out no none s. well that isn't just any wedding singer, would you believe that tim mcgraw surprised the bride and groom at their reaccepting. the bride's father was behind the singer's surprise attendance. it makes sense that the country music star first appeared during the father daughter dance. this happened at the event spaces on spring garden in northern liberties in philadelphia. what a moment congrats to the couple! iso let me tell you what i knowe about senator pat toomey.. my mom was the principal at sandy hook school in newtown. she died that day protecting the young children in her care. when it came time to vote on background checks, pat toomey crossed party lines to do the right thing. that's who he is, and i'm grateful. independence usa pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. stayed with us, i like that song. >> yeah. >> it's time to check out what's going viral in the social corner. >> this is where we talk about the videos everyone is talking about from facebook to youtube and more. it hurts your heart and crushes your soul watching this moment. 12 hours of work crashing to the ground in mere seconds. a duo had created what was america's second largest domino tower with more than 32,000 dominoes. the 19-foot tall free standing to your was ten levels short of being the tallest dominoes tower ever. well, when it came crashing down, the duo was recording their efforts, it has become a viral sensation with 88,000 views. >> what do do you when it happens? start all over again? >> start over. >> a skunk was walking around in circles over and over again because it had gotten a cup stuck on its head. who university of arkansas police officers fried to help out. -- tried to help out. they were trying to figure out out how he got a cup on his face. corporal gabriel golden reached down and grabbed the cup and runs away like anyone would. he did not want to get sprayed. his partner in gray was not so lucky. he was hit by the sticky defense and needed a new uniform. corporal golden posted this on his facebook page it was viewed 73,000 times. look at this here, the panda appears 0 to have the time of its life rolling down the hill. he is rolling over and over again makes you feel like a kid again. that panda rolled down the hill in china. this cute video has been viewed over a million times on youtube. ♪ you know these guys are looking to put other guys to shame. a wisconsin man pulling off his extremely creative proposal and it has gone viral. he created an epic proposal with a leah dial with a musical movie theater that he convinced them to play. as the previews begin to roll, a hidden camera caught her reaction. plan their wedding is one things she doesn't have to worry about, because he has man planning skills and volunteer talent. >> he said yes. tells about any other videos by going to our facebook and twitter accounts. >> meteorologist chris sowers has another look at the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast in just a moment. for senate, katie mcginty or pat toomey? mcginty supports clean energy jobs. pat toomey voted to protect tax breaks for oil companies. mcginty is pro-choice. toomey wants to overturn roe v. wade and criminalize abortion. mcginty will consistently stand up to the gun lobby. toomey's against an assault weapons ban and gets an a rating from the nra. this year, pennsylvanians have a clear choice. senate majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. later on 6abc, here's monica malpass with a preview. >> reporter: good morning, guys, coming up on inside story, the pennsylvania senate race is pinning gun advocates against each other, will pat toomey or katie mcginty prevail. we know why the fbi is investigating john dougherty and local 98. we'll have that coming up later this morning an inside story. i hope you join me. >> plus a final check of the forecast with meteorologist chris sowers. >> reporter: thing got interesting around here, let's go off the coast of the carolinas, this is off the coast of cape hatteras in north carolina. this is rapidly intensifying, they say a 100% chance this will form into a tropical storm moving to the west at are 15 miles per hour that's not too far away from the jersey shoreline. we'll have to watch that closely. here's the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast, 90 today. 92 for tomorrow, cooler by the end fortunate week. >> okay. thank you. >> "action news" continues at noon, here some of the stories we're working on for you. has a serial groper struck again? philadelphia police are investigating another indecent assault we are live with the latest. two college football players are facing charges after a violent home invasion. for chris sowers, alicia vitarelli, nydia han, i'm gray hall. make it a great day. starting right now on "this week" with george stephanopoulos. war of words. >> hillary clinton is a bigot. >> a man with a long history of racial discrimination should never run our government. >> both candidates trading the toughest jabs yet.on immigration -- >> there certainly can be a softening. >> -- where does trump really stand? and can clinton answer new questions about donors to her foundation? this morning, key supporters on each side. new jersey governor chris christie. and dnc chair donna brazile, live. plus, a nation divided. >> what do you look for when you're patrolling?

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