Transcripts For WPVI Action News At 4PM 20170220 : compareme

Transcripts For WPVI Action News At 4PM 20170220

8-inches tall speaking in as yet an unspecified accent. >> we'll have increased police patrols. our communications with our residents within new castle county will also be increased. >> reporter: sharrie tonight police say they are analyze surveillance video they've picked up from around those places and they say any tip calls they add will be greatly appreciated. i'll be back at 6:00 with more on this developing story. live at police headquarters in new castle county, i'm vernon odom channel6 "action news." >> okay vern. thank you. authorities searching for 22 mean beat aion him tied tup. a concerned family member found him last night boundl tape in his bedroom in juniata park. police believe he had been there since friday when his attackers got in through the garage. "action news" reporter bob brooks is working this story. he'll have an update on the man's condition and the investigation coming up at 4:30. news this afternoon. presiden new national security adviser and it's man with deep philadelphia roots. in a short press briefing just about one hour ago the president announced that he had chosen lieutenant general hr mcmaster for th mcmaster was born in philadelphia and attended the valley forge militaryy. >> mr. president thank you very much. i just like to say what a privilege it is to be able to continue serving our natyou for that opportunity and i look forward to joining the national security team and doing everything i can to advances and protect the interests of the american people. thank you very much. >> that announcement came after a series of interviews at the president's private club in florida over the last three days. mcmaster succeeds general michael flynn who was fired last week over allegations that he'd lied about contacts he made in russia. >> groups of protesters across the country are using this president's day to voice their frustrations with president trump. chopper6 hd was over thomas pane plaza near city hall around noon today as protesters gathered. the not my president's day rally intend to send a message to president trump that people oppose his policies and executive orders. they say their goal is to keep momentum going following last month's women's march. people took to the streets in many major cities today with the same cause including in los angeles, new york and chicago. >> all right, turning now to accuweather and the warm welcome to this springlike weather. today's temperatures didn't get quite as warm as yesterday but it was nice enough to leave those bulky jackets at home and enjoy the sunshine. the action cam caught people out for a lunchtime stroll in ardmore today. >> and why not? let's head outside to meteorologist adam joseph and adam it looks like we have great week ahead as well. >> that as well. it's one of those presidents' day weekends you want to kind of take in and remember. one of the best we've had in quite some time. in fact we take a look at the numbers over the weekend, it was 68 on saturday, a record high of 70 degrees yesterday. so far today just 57 but that's still 12 degrees above normal. when you think about this particular holiday weekend if you remember back in 2003, 14 years ago we were digging out from a blizzard at this time. so, this is far b as we look at the temperatures right now that cooler air is coming in from the north. it's 36 in syracuse, 53 new york city 60's in pittsburgh and baltimore. there was a front that came through that that pushed in notice those northerly winds so that's why those numbers were carved back a little bit today. that high pressure in northern new england will continue to settle there and sink to the south and east a little bit but you see high clouds working in from the west there near pittsburgh. that will be pushing in for the day tomorrow so tomorrow will be "cooler" despite that it's still above average. late week we're talking about temperatures skyrocketing around here with more records likely to be broken. we'll show you all those numbers coming up in that full accuweather. forecast brian in just a little bit. >> all right adam thank you. it is that time of year again when you might see smoke billowing over forests in new jersey like this one in warren grove. chances are it's from so-called prescribed burns. those that are purposely set by firefighters to help decrease damage if a wildfire were to ignite. new jersey correspondent nora muchanic went to the fire line in ocean down see crews at work. >> reporter: crews with the new jersey forest fire service were in the woods in tabernacle township purposely setting fires. it's called prescribed burning. >> by burning these fires in the way we're doing weary deucing the fuel load that's in the forest. >> reporter: leaves branches pine needles and other debris sitting on the forest floor is fuel for a wildfire. >> it's equivalent to like gasoline on the ground. as you see right now it's been dry for about a 10 day period with very low humidity high winds which dries this material out. >> reporter: burning way all that under controlled circumstances can help stop a wildfire later on. south jersey pinelands are extremely susceptible to wildfires because of the type of trees and shrubs here. firefighters are learned although it's unorthodox it makes sense to fight fire with fire. >> it does seem a little destructive but the disturbance caused by the fire is very important for these species. >> reporter: the forest needs the fire to regenerates self. >> fire produces heat cleans the forest floor makes a nice sea bed cones open recedes the seeds, the wind blows spreads the seeds around new forests start. >> reporter: the peak of wildfire season typically begins the middle of march and runs through late spring. the forest fire service wants to carefully burn debris before that begins. it could burn as much as 20,000 acres this year. ly in the pinelands i'm nora muchanic channel6 "action news"." >> a familiar face is hoping to ascend as the next to that prosecutor in philadelphia. tariq he will shabazz kicked off his campaign today to be philadelphia's next district attorney. he served as philadelphia assistant d.a. from 1988 to 1993 and he returned to the office last year and wasas to that deputy before resigning from that post last week. he vowed to find funding for more court diversion programs for nonviolent offenders and to reform the state's probation and parole system. the seat is up for grabs after current d.a. seth williams announced he will not run for a th >> a truckload of produce spilled all over the new jersey turnpike causing big backups in mount laurel burlington county today. the box truck flipped o its side just before 4 othis morning. cr finally got everything cleaned up at about 8:00 a.m. after four hours of delays. the driver was the only one injured here and he's being treated for a broken arm. >> time now for the "action news" traffic traffic report on this holiday. >> hoping things have cleaned up and cleared up since then. matt pelman standing by in the "action news" traffic center. should be light with a lot of people off today matt. >> sure and indeed the meds presidents' day holiday is produce pentagon less delays than we would normally see brian and sharrie. the roosevelt boulevard extension appropriate to check that on presidents' day looking good no northbound delay you yet as you come off the schuylkill expressway and head up towards broad street but that doesn't mean we don't have any delays. here in vine street expressway ajammed packed across town from this point at the schuylkill on out toward 95 and i have a feel protests going on in center city at thomas pain helpi around city hall. on the schuylkill still just 5 miles per hour street. 13 on the sid girard avenue and this is a live look in bucks county. the superhighway route one southbound as we spin around we're definitely on the brakes coming south throughout langhorne area. of course not helping us out is the continued closure of the turnpike connector bit. on the new jersey turnpike the ramp still partially blocked from route 7206 to the southbound side because of an overturned vehicle. >>a number of abnormal schedules. n? t river line on a sunday schedule. buses on a saturday schedule. lats grab the ipad do the cohis holiday monday. if you're near the zoo close to the schuylkill expressway watch out for a extra congestion i of the wood. we'll check it again sharrie and brian in the next half hour. >> thanks matt. tornadoes blast through a texas town overnight. we take a look at the trail ofbehind and wipee c miracle. >> plus there's a dramatic spike in the number of people trying to cross america's borders. they don't want into the country, they want out. we'll show you what's happening to those trying to get into canada. >> ♪♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ if you want to celebrate winter in a palace of ice there's only one place to go. and that's not the only thing you can only find in new york state. ♪ ♪ you can find it all, only in new york. new york. it's all here. it's only here. plan your winter getaway at >> ♪♪ >> well, dozens of families are picking up the pieces in san antonio texas, after three tornadoes at least hit that area overnight. the wind was so strong it incumbent transmission tower in half. around 150 homes are said to be damaged. the twisters raked through residential areas just a few miles outside of the downtown area. while many people were sleeping. some houses collapsed and families are now scouring their neighborhoods for belongings that were blown away by the wind. one man even saw someone's picture frames drop into his home after his roof was blown off. >> that picture is from other people. my neighbor too she had picture frames with other people's pictures. i said nancy is this your pictures, she says no, i don't know who's it is. >> well, despite all the damage, there were no major injuries. heavy downpours are slamming an already soaked northern california. the region is bracing for more flooding with days of relentless rain on tap. the southern part of the state is also drying out from storms that killed at least five people over the weekend. one of the victims was found dead inside of an suv that flipped over in high waters. the latest soaker is expected to drop up top 8-inches of rain in some places. >> defense secretary jim mattis is in iraq today talking about howto is he has been meeting with military commers s u.s. forces will stay in country and be involved in the fight against isis for some time. he also says he'll be opened to requests from u.s. commanders looking to increase aid for iraqi forces fighting to retake the rest of mosul. mattis did not provide any other details on that. there has been something of a dramatic increase in people trying to flee america by heading north. this weekend immigrants and their families trekked through snow and braved cold temperatures to cross into canada. abc's janai norman takes a look at their illegal journey and what happens next. >> reporter: some families fleeing on foot. >> we make. >> reporter: immigrants limbo packed up with everything they own taking cabs right to the canadian border, some even willing to be arrested so they can begin making a refugee claim. the number of those seeking asylum e quebec border is skyr in452 incidents an increase of 230 percent ohio river valley january s havechreased a in just in the last 10 days twoweeks. >> reporter: the influx started picking november. the canadian immigration web siterash election night. recent imm debate over the presideexecutive order bannin refugees from seven majority muslim countries continues fueling fears. >> these are campaign promises. some people are so surprised that we're having strong border os. >> reporter: prime minister justin trudeau has promised to keep canada's borders open pent trump is preparing to introduce a new executive order on immigration. in new york, janai norman channel6 "action news"." is reporting ordering an immediate investigation into allegations of sexual harassment at the co-the accusations came to light this weekend when a former worker wrote about what happened to her and her coworkers. susan fowler an engineer says they all complained about a male boss' inappropriate behavior. fowler alleges the human resources department ignored their reports. ceo travis colinick says there's absolutely noplace for such behavior at uber. >> snapchat's special sunglasses once only snowed special vending machines are now available online. called spectacles the high tech glasses have builtly in cameras that let you film snaps with a touch of a button and don't require your phone to be in your hand. videos are wirelessly saved to snapchat's a, try saying that three times fast where they can be edited and shared with friends. a pair cost $130. despite the hype the parent company says it is not making any money off these glasses. if you're in the market for a new job time to dust off your resume. a king of prussia hotel will host a massive career fair tomorrow. the event will run from 11:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. at the crown plaza hotel valley forge from physical therapists to police officers and administrative assistants organizers say a broad range of employers will be there looking to hire on the spot. the career fair is free for job sekoses. weseekers. we posted a registration link on ab lin>> consumer reports recently took a look at some of the smaller carrier options what they found may have you switching. why a lesser known carrier could save you a bundle. that's tonight only on "action news" at 11:00. >> did you get a chance to get out this weekend and enjoy the weather. >> i did. i was out all day. >> i think most everybody i know. >> i loved it. >> we hope you enjoyed the weekend as well. as we turn our attention no you to what comes next. >> meteorologist adam joseph now with a look at what's to come. hey, >> peopleh zoos, at the local parks. what you a sper weling into this hitself t life on sky6 right now from philadelphiarport, hardly a cloud in the sky. littleowibut ys off are thursday and friday and you didn't get to weekend, we got some beautiful weather, if not even better weather for your days off this week. as we take a look at thes right now 54 allentown, 57 in reading 60 degrees right now in wilmington, upper 50's down to the south and in beach haven atlantic city airport because of that north-northwesterly wind, it is equally as warm at the shore in those locations. and in fact we take a look at the numbers this month so far and when you calculate this past weekend, philadelphia's running almost six and half degrees above normal for the month. the same for allentown. the same for wilmington. the same for atlantic city. and despite that that trenton's down to 4.9 above normal, that is still nothing to shake your head at. as we take a look at satellite and radar there's that crystal clear blue sky. we look to the west. there are high cirrus clouds coming in and they will arrive late tonight and be around here during the day on tuesday. sole, for tonight it's mainly clear before they all arrive. much cooler, though, we're going to drop back into the 20's in most of the suburbs so that is going to feel very chilly after that 70 degrees yesterday 32 in philadelphia for tonight and just above freezing for dover, cape may pan the atlantic city airport. we look at your hour by hour forecast here for your tuesday, a lot of high clouds. it's that milky white appearance to the sky temperatures in the 30's through mid morning and then going into the upper 40's around lunch and we'll kind of flirt right around that 50-degree mark during the middle part of the day before backing off into the mid 40's at 7 o'clock. then we have high pressure that is anchored just to our south and east. this is acting as if it was a bermuda high in the summer, purging allpumping all that heat across much of the eastern part of the country. 60's and 70's building from chicago to wichita even here in philadelphia, we are back to 63 for your wednesday. in fact as we take a look at that four day at 4:00 forecast, tomorrow is the coolish day with a lot of high clouds 51 degrees. then on wednesday, clouds some sunshine around maybe a quick shower early in the day at 63. we are back to the 70's on thursday 73 degrees. that wouldn't be a record. the record is 75 back in the 1800s for thursday but record warmth more than likely friday, 75 with sun and clouds so that is far better than what we just went through over the weekend if you can believe that. we'll have the seven day to look at the next weekend coming up in the next half hour. >> i don't know if you heard it but you just got a full on ovation. >> i heard a little clap over here. you have to work though. >> i know but i still like looking at that. i love it. >> thanks adam. >> stick with as outer loop winter warmup continues. you'll find constantly updated details on any expected changes and we invite you to rely on our expert team of meteorologists to keep you up to day. it's simple to do. follow each of them on facebook and twitter. >> next on "action news" the search is on for an arsonist believed to have damaged a well known philadelphia restaurant. >> plus, the boy whose family was forced to give up their beloved pet leaves a letter for the dog's future owners and his adorable heartwarming requests have gone quickly viral. see what he had to say coming up in big talkers today. where's frank? it's league night! 'saved money on motorcycle insurance with geico! goin' up the country. bowl without me. frank.' i'm going to get nachos. snack bar's closed. gah! ah, ah ah. ♪ ♪ ♪ i'm goin' up the country, baby don't you wanna go? ♪ ♪ i'm goin' up the country, baby don't you wanna go? ♪ geico motorcycle great rates for great rides. >> philadelphia police say an arsonist caused some damage to the famous fourth street delicatessen. they're releasing this surveillance video of the man that they believe is responsible. he was trying to open car doors along the 700 block of south fourth street sunday february 12th, the same night of the crime. a few minutes later, he was seen running from the opposite direction and a fire broke out. well, the flames caused damage to the front of the restaurant and melted some of the phone lines. you're asked to call police if you know who this suspect is. >> a gas leak at an apartment in camden startled residents overnight. fire crews discovered that natural gas was leaking from the building on the 2,000 block of ferry avenue right about 1:30 this morning. utility crews were called to the scene to make repairs. no one was hurt. and no one had to be evacuated evacuated. 12 years have passed and there's still no sign of danielle imbo and richard petrone, jr. february 19th, 2005 investigators say petrone an imbo left the bar at fourth and south streets in philadelphia to get petrone's dodge dakota pickup. but imbo petrone and that truck have not turned up since that night. imbo lived in mount laurel new jersey. anyone with any tip about this is asked to call (215)546-8477. the fbi philadelphia police and burlington county authorities are working this case. a $50,000 reward has been posted. >> a movement to crush childhood cancer stepped off at independence mall. it's the mascots for a cure lace up and twist away childhood cancer tour. the tour will us have sit 36 cities to symbolize the 36 kids diagnosed with pediatric cancer every day. mascots in those cities will back the cause and you can donate on the mascot for cure web site or at shoe carnal stores. a group of mothers and their children spent this presidents' day giving back at the sunday breakfast mission in wilmington. the new castle county chapter of jack and jill assembled what they're calling hope totes for the homeless. they will also go to children who are aging out of foster care. the more than 400 bags are filled with toiletries and snacks. today's goal was to teach the young ones that they can spend their time off from school helping others. >> the national constitution center celebrated presidents' day all day today. there were a number of family friendly programs and activities to entertain and teach students on their day off from school. the young ones had a chance to step inside an actual voting booth and learn about the election process and cast a vote for their favorite historic president. >> that's pretty cool. >> very cool stuff. future voters right there. still to come in the next half hour of "action news" at 4:00 today, education arrest. an update new york mother says she's facing charges for home schooling her children. >> and beaten bound and left alone for days, the brother of a juniata park man shares new details about his sibling's agonizing home invasion ordeal plus. >> i'm nydia han. whether you're making soups or smooth these before you buy a blender you need to make sure it's worth the investment. test results from consumer reports coming up in what's the deal? >> ♪♪ >> ♪♪ >> "action news" continues with meteorologist adam joseph, alicia vitarelli, sharrie williams and brian taff. >> ♪♪ >> it's 4:30 and "action news" continues with evidence of something pregnant women have long suspected. their bodies really do react differently whether they're having a boy or a girl. >> and it's a site straight out of the jet sons but this isn't a futuristic flying car it's a super sized drone that can actually carry people. how the aerial uber works and which city is getting these things. >> plus, fume follow-up two days after carbon monoxide filled a popular delaware skating rink sickening several people, we have an update on the culprit. >> we'll begin with a horrifying ordeal for a juniata park man. sometime friday night two intruders got into his home and then beat bound and gagged him leaving him to suffer until his brother found him last night. "action nortd to that sibling today. he joins us live from scene of the home invasion. bob, you've got the latest here. >> reporter: yeah, brian, you said it this is sick. this victim was tied up and left gagged for almost two days before anyone found him. it happened here right behind me. we're told the suspects went in through this garage. this is where the vic times working inside and that door was always opened. was on friday night around 11 in paul mayer was doing wh hlways does that's work onall en in fact every r says he's the kind of a guy you want to live next >> i he never ed n my neighborhood. that's all he digit according to philadelphia police that's also when the 50-year-old was violently attacked. his garage door was opened like it always was. his friends ness got taken advantage >> he shouldn't work at night with the garage door opened. he should go n, close it and >> reporter: two men in masks and gloves walked in took mayer up to the second floor beat him tied him up gagged him and left him there. >> thank god they didn't shoot him or kill him or something. they're like crazy here. >> reporter: mayer wasn't found until 4:00 p.m. yesterday. detectives say he was tied up with a rag stuck in for more than a day and it wasn't until he didn't slow up sunday that his brother we're told by family thatm.t in the front door but it was locked so he climbed up the second floor that'shere er tie wnighttime. across he street to ors sayup with electrical tape a air gun was found next to him. it's possible that that's what he was beat with. mayer had his homestalled with cameras b vi police haven't red yet. >> for s to this to him, this is horrible. >> reporter: certainly hope they catch the according to his family mayer is pretty bangedp. we're told his face is fractured and his nose is broken. no woonw anything, from thereporting live from juniata park bob brooks channel6 "action news." >> a teenager whipped during an attempted robbery in the city's east oak lane section early this morning. it happened along the 6600 block of north sixth streetst detectives say a 19-year-old man was ambushed in front of his house by a gunman demanding money. though the gun went off duringle, the have ick tim wall notvictimwas not he was treated r a headinjury. thegunman.nor man charged a doubletablishing that left o person dead and another in the hospital. 51-year-old josé lopez was arrested yesterday morning after he was spotted driving a car that belongs to one of the victims. lopez is accused of stabbing a 54-year-old woman to death at an atlantic city home saturday night. a 52-year-old man was found in a nearby road with multiple stab wounds. now, he remains in the hospital at this hour. lopez is facing a number of charges including murder. police in atlantic county say the driver who struck and killed a person in folsom last nightological notlastlastnight will not face any charges. the have ick tim identified as a 33-year-old man was hit while walking on 322 near cherokee road around 9:30 sunday. the driver did stop and stayed at the scene. >> we are learning more now about a scary carbon monoxide incident shut down a popular indoor skating rink in delaware. this is the zamboni that malfunctioned saturday night sickening several people. the machine started the leaking fumes during a presidents' day weekend hockey tournament quickly filling the arena. the manager of the rink says a part of that -- that zamboni's exhaust was replaced thisng. the machine was then tested by the fire departm and it has been deemed safe. we are still waiting to hear when that rink will reopen. >> turning now to the forecast and we love talking about it today.pera close to >> it's a big drop from yesterday but it's still well above average. we got spoiled really quickly around here this past weekend. >> didn't we. >> as we take a look live on the center city skyline, 57 r-the normal is 44 degrees.the dewpoint 22, win north-northwest at 12 miles an hour so really no wind chill. and in cape may t-look at that sea of blue. beautiful shot there, 49 degrees. the wind out of the north-northwest at 3 miles an hour. so you're catching a little bit of a wind off of the bay which is keeping the tip of cape may county a little bit on the cooler side and up in that camelback brilliant blue sky pack there for the holiday. skiers and snow borders 43 degrees, wind chill up that were at 36 degrees. this weather though, detrimental to the ski resorts. they are not liking it one bit and they're not going to like what i have to show you in that seven-day forecast. >> don't have to get so sad. >> you want people to be happy. can't get it a you will eagle's when you see the seven day you're going to go wow. >> adam thank you. most parents know they should take every precaution to keep prescription drugs out of the hands of their children but a new study shows many of them are not following through. "action news" anchor rick williams live in the news room with the details on this story. >> researchers looked at households with both older and younger children and it's safe to say the results are startling. health reporter ali gorman breaks down the research along with a reminder of how you can keep your kids safe coming up tonight at 5:: also coming up tonight you heard the saying the third time's a charm. well, what about 21 times? tonight we'll introduce you to the man who has earned nearly two dozen oscar nominations without actually taking one home. those stories and much more when we see you in just a little bit on "action news" at 5:00. until then back to you. sharrie we'll see you in a bit later. >> our first president george washington returned to valley forge this morning he posed for pictures alongside his wife martha at the visitor's center. this is a party to mark his upcoming birthday and today's observance of presidents' day r children can stop by and try on military uniforms and the soak in the history. george washington commanded troops at valley forge in 1777. a bit of history right there for you. >> you got it. still ahead on this presidents' day a love letter for rhino lightning. a little boy leaves heartbreak pentagon heartwarming dog's 5:00 a.m. >> plus pregnancy proof. women have long claimed their bodies react differently with boys versus girls and now science is backing them up. >> and later the future is here. which city is rolling out super sized drones that can actually carry you to work. and how they work coming up next. >> ♪♪ >> ♪♪ >> despite having a gun pointed in his direction a las refused the demands of a armed robber.alks into the smoke happen with a bandanae. he s gunter and demands access to the cash register but the owner says no repeatedly. but decides an olive branch ing the man a pack of cigarettes. >> that's the icing on the cake. he virtually says here you're not going to leave empty handed. >> police are still looking for that failed thief. if you're wondering how the owner sta calm, he says he has pperience in high pressure situations. he's from afghanistan he says where he used to be a translator for the military. all right. in health check today at 4:00 women have long said that their bodies react differently whether they're pregnant with a boy or a girl. now there's evidence of just that. a team at ohio state university found that a baby's gender is linked to a mother's immune res the immune cells of women carrying girlse inflammatory proteins than those carrying boys. >> too much inflammation can e unhelpful for our body's functioning it can contribute to symptoms like fatigue or achiness. >> well, it could also explain why some women with allergies asthma and other medical conditions have stronger symptoms during pregnancy. the ohio steam now plans to explore how a baby's gender could alter inflammation. >> all right over to the big board now with big talkers today and we'll begin now with a mother's fight to get her children what she deemed a proper education. that fight landed her behind bars and her children in foster care. quiana harris said she decided to home school her two children after becoming fed up with what she called buffalo new york's failing public school system. according to her she met with the home school coordinator filled out all the necessary paperwork and was given approval to unenroll them. then less than a month later child protective services came knocking saying her kids were supposed to be in class. >> and they said well it's too late now to fill these papers, the judge has already made the order we have to take your children. >> well, kiara who at first refused to turn over her children was then arrested. her kids were put in foster care. she's not seen them since. despite the paperwork showing that she did fill out and submit all the proper forms, the district says it cannot and will not comment. all right. one to make you smile here. his cheeks make a lot of slobber he's a striped dream and his name is rhino lightning. those are just a few of the things an eight-year-old utah boy wanted his beloved dog's future family to know. when the three-year-old boxer mix arrived at the humane society last week he had a spiral notebook with him. rhino's heartbroken little owner had filled the pages with information aboutes, sleeping under the blankets and running around. also his dislikes were in th the family was forced to sue energetic dog kept accidentally knocking over the boy's youngerp his best friend was devastating there's ere.humane society first posted the boy's instructions on facebook, the adoption applications have been pouring in. they're pretty sure whoever gets the child's amazing puppy will honor his very and specific requests, keep his name rhino lightning, and the family's last name and tell him every night that he is loved and he is missed. love that. finally here from delivering packages to helping rescuers search tricky terrain, drones are being used for just about everything these days. and soon that will include carrying dubai is about to become the first city in the world to allow passenger carrying drone taxis. the roads and transport authority released video of the aerial uber aid flight injuly. each drone can carry a single r small suitcase. afterthe ridermply puts in their destination up to 31 miles away then zooms into the sky at speeds an hour. lueryone the person inside won't actually be flying that drone. it is piloted by a team in control room on i loved jetson growing up. it was one of my favorite shows. now if we could ony get rosie the robot. >> in our home to do the work i'm with you on that. let's get a check of the roads on this monday. matt standing by with the update for us. >> hi sharrie wish i could say all was rosy on the traffic front. no, no we've got issues on this holiday monday. backups on the schuylkill expressway. this is the westbound jam. half hour travel time. that's what a normal afternoon would be so it's really not any different from normal even though it's a holiday today. this is the westbound scene by the roosevelt boulevard extension. roosevelt boulevard for presidents' day. and there is a little fender-bender here in the gore point that's attracting some attention. as you come westbound away from montgomery drive a little extra heavy headed towards city avenue and belmont. also watching a you can in of accidents around the region in delco. there's one in springfield township along woodlanvenue, that's 420 at spring there by the in netter ne along baltimore pike rightte 76th we're also watching some dores in south e to the melrose diner at snyder and 15th so i would avoid that intersection if you can. meanwhile up in the lehigh valley, just 8 miles per hour coming eastbound on 22 into allentown, that's because of a crash. 78 had speeds in the 50's so i think that's the much better choice. intch our for a crash along plymouth road at maplewood drive. thorn burr ream brinton lake road near fox meadow lane. more downed wires blocking barley mill road. i would stay down on 48 lancaster pike. there's also a crash in hockessin along limestone in cherry hill it's traffic light troubles along route 70 at cornell avenue. that's causing some confusion as you travel through that intersection. stk let's talk some more brian and sh'clock hour. >> all right, looking forward to the conversation. >> good. >> matt, thanks. >> matt thanks let's talk more about the sunshine shall we? stepping outside sky6iving us a look at the penn's landing. >> meteorologist adam joseph standing by with the excluweather 7-day forecast coming up next. >> time to talk about the accuweather forecast. we are talking about temperatures that will blow even this weekend out of the water. >> can it be done? i guess it can and will more than likely on that seven-day forecast. yeah, these numbers skyrocketing here once again at the end of the week. as we take a look at theut on this presidents' day thatsky above, 30th street station there getting r on the left part of your screen there and the cira center in the background. a great day to be outdoors. as we look at storm tracker6 live double scan a few high clouds coming in at times at the present hou and south of philadelphia but overall a beautiful way to start the work week for a the school week we take a look at theperatures 54 in allentown,nton, 57 millvi we officially hit a high today of 58 degreesa. high pressure the north and there was a little front that came through late last nighthis morningled in the northerly wind so that's why we saw those temperatures drop from that 70 yesterday back into the upper 50's to 60 for today but we look at the west ahead of another front near minneapolis and stretching down to texas. this high cloud cover will be pushing day tomorrow so we're not going to have that deep blue sky for tuesday, more or less it's going to kind of r of a milky white appearance. so for tonight it's clear for most of the night. much cooler, though. temperatures 27 in the suburbs, 32 for center city so that chilly wind out of the north-northeast three to 6 miles an hour. there's your sky cover tomorrow. again, it's going to look for white than it will blue with those high clouds and very dim sunshine. 48 in allentown, 49 red regular, 51 in philadelphia 50 dover millville. these numbers still close to 7 above normal but definitely going to feel really cooledoming off of this week. however, it's all going to start to change wednesday andbeyond.the storm ing over tog toa southwesterly wind directing right up t eastern seaboard. so, we crank up that blow torch machine as temperatures hit the 70's again for not one, not two but maybe three days in a row. tusive accuweather 7-day forecast, 51 tomorrow. clouds come in with a warm front wednesday morning someng in the afternoon of 63 degrees. we are back to t 70 on thursday. 73 with a lot of sun. we take a look at the records. we'll be in range of the records but the record for philadelphia on this date was 75 back in 1874. so it was warmer back in the 1800s on this date for trenton and philadelphia. these other records for atlantic city and wilmington could be very close to tying or breaking. record warmth more than likely friday of 75. it is breezy cloudy some rain arriving late saturday with the front. it's 70 before that rain arrives and then a reality check here on sunday. slamming down to 48 degrees for a high and then turning cloudy with some late showers monday of 50 degrees but even though i say slamming back down to 48 that is still normal sunday what we're getting used to this month around here. >> we are getting used to it. >> we are very spoiled. >> yes. adam thanks. if you're in the marketwe'll help you pick the best option for everything from soups to smooth thesesmoothies in what's the deal. >> all right. if a smoothie sounds pretty good to you during his unseasonably warm weather we're enjoying you might be thinking about shopping for a blender. >> the problem is many of the new machines are bulky our nydia han boy is help. >> reporter: the most b buck when buying a blender consumer reports has done sometesting looking for blenders that can multitask so you can use it all year round. why wait for summer to break out the blender. in addition to crushing ice coladas and g reports testers a soup. er the summer weto ca handle that task. >> reporte price tags on some lendeu'll want round if notareports tests include blenders that c up to mor$600nly are pric blere quite large too. this 180-dollar dash might not even fit under your kitchen cabinet and this 500-dollar tchen aid ways 21 pounds and takes up precious counter space. while both can turn out an icy drink or puree up a nice soup neither made consumer reports recommended list. nor did the vita mix turbo blend three speed blenders. >> the vita mix professional has been at the top. >> reporter: the vita mix will set you back $650. for less money consider this electrolux expressionist for $170 excellent for icy drinks durable and whips up a nice warm soup, too. although it didn't make consumer reports recommend list for its mediocre scores in pureeing soups you may want to the ninja professional. i'm nydia han channel6 "action news." >> finally at 4:00 a dog in ohio that was growing impatient was caught on camera making a lot of noise to get his owner's attention. car lorne beeping paren again. that is diamond the dog using his pause to honk the horn because hey he's ready to go. his owner stopped pick up ad left diamond alone in the car. he was tired of waiting. another driver saw diamond barking and honking and found it pretty hilarious and started recording. diamond has gone viral for loudly turn te his o >> smart dog. >> he's on it. >> that dog had to learn that. >> he got that from somewhere, right. >> that will do it for "action news" at 4:00.for sharrie williams alicia vitarelli and adai'm brian taff. join me along with sharadam and and every night for a full at 10:00 on phl17. williams and monica malpa with a look at what's ahead at 5 o'clock. hica. >> hi there. coming up next on "action news" at 5:00 tonight the search for a kidnapper is under way after two women were targeted and assaulted in new castle county. the rallies around the country and here in philadelphia against president trump on this presidents' day. >> and the cleanup under way in texas and california continues after a seri he ve those stories and more coming your way next at 5:00. >> ♪♪ >> ♪♪ >> "action news." delaware valley's leading news program. with jaime apody, meteorologist cecily tynan rick williams and monica malpas♪♪ >> tonight the search is on delaware. last monday a woman attacked and abducted outside apartment complex herewidey and to traore he ight"action new kidnapping investigation wa coun >> the latest attack happened just lasthe apartments in pike creek and that's where reporter sarah bloomquist joins us with details. sarah. >> reporter: rick and monica, new castle county police are using all available resources to try to find this suspect. they do believ that he has kidnapped two women from their apartment complexes here in the wilmington area just within the past week. residents here are very rattled if not flat out afraid as police search for this armed masked man. >> so, it's very scary 'cause this is a great area. >> reporter: today residents of the arundel apartments are thinking about what precautions they'll take in the aftermath of two kidnappings the most recent here last night. >> sometimes i come home late to babysit. >> reporter: that worries you. >> yes. >> until they find this guy i think any time my wife has toghttime i'm going toto the car and bringing her back up from the car fidget last night the victim returned home to the arundel complexer and round 7:45. the masked suspect was waiting in a common area and brandished a handgun. >> the suspect forced the victim into her apartment where he demanded money.

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