Transcripts For WPVI Action News At 4PM 20160201 : compareme

Transcripts For WPVI Action News At 4PM 20160201

clear the sky a little bit later tonight, 10 to 11 o'clock your temperature sitting at 40 degrees and double scan showing a new storm developing that will bring blizzard like conditions into parts of high what and that storm cuts to our north and west and brings a flood watch for noon and wednesday for the heart of the philadelphia region. we'll talk about this flood watch and what it could mean in the full accuweather forecast. >> after months of buildup the 2016 presidential election begins today. all of the candidates are in the hawk aye state pushing for last minute votes. the caucuses begin in iowa in just under four hours. >> the latest polls show it could be tight especially for democrats. let's go to the republican side though where polls show donald trump is the favorite to win tonight with ted cruz coming in second but for the democrats bernie sanders leads hillary clinton but the three-point gap is within the margin of error meaning it's a statistical dead heat. >> "action news" anchor rick williams is in des moines for tonight's contest. he joins us live from the media center in the state's capitol. rick. >> reporter: hi, brian. thank you, that's right and believe it or not things are actually relatively quiet here at the media center. in fact throughout the city of des moines that's because we are waiting for 7 o'clock central time, four hours from now after weeks of furious political campaigns media coverage it has come down to the big wait. at 7 o'clock tonight central time things will change. the iowa caucus will officially get under way the first contest of the presidential race, spin and speculation replaced by actual votes so how does a city prepare for the caucus? they have four hours to do so. take a look. there are no voting booths to set up at caucus locations but still quite a lot to do to get ready. this downtown museum in des moines has could be converter need a caucus hall by 7 o'clock tonight. it will play host to democrats in the main floor and the auditorium and republicans who will gather upstairs to vote. nearby high schools like this one will also be a caucus precinct tonight and even some residential homes. caucus today is a sort of political holiday in des moines with residents ready to cast a ballot and some even feeling a little antsy about it. >> i'm really nervous. i don't know what to expect. >> reporter: with members of the media on virtually every corner some iowans are anxious to have their city back. >> it's crazy. downtown not that big. when there's a bunch of trucks hard to get around. this resident will be happy when his phone stops ringing off the hook. >> candidates, polling organization that is kind of thing. you'll be glad when all that is over? >> yes. >> reporter: back live now yes, it is almost over. late tonight members of the media will be moving on into new hampshire weather permitting we wait for 7 o'clock central time for the iowa caucus to officially get under way. we'll watch the results come in on that electronic billboard. coming up at 5:00 we'll tell you how the candidates spent these last few hours leading up to the caucus and i can tell you this most of them were not resting on their laurels. we'll see you at 5:00 brian, sharrie, back to you. >> rick, the count down it is on. thank you. while iowa plays a prominent role in the campaign every four years it usually does not serve as a good predicter of who will win. only three candidates who were not incan incumbents have ever won iowa and also gone on to win the presidency but two of those three are our last two presidents. barack obama won iowa in 08 and george w. bush won in 2000. the third to do it was jimmy carter in 1976. well, stay with "action news" throughout the evening for continuing coverage of the iowa caucuses. rick williams will have more live reports at 5:00, 6:00, 10:00 and 11:00 and we'll bring you realtime results tonight on "action news" at 11:00 and online at >> amtrak is just released new information about the train that was damaged last night in the bridesburg section of philadelphia. so far the investigation suggests that it was a rock that cracked the window on a train carrying more than 200 people from washington to new york city. officials have not said how that might have happened just yet although he no one was hurt. some passengers said they felt really uneasy especially the man who was sitting right next to the damaged window. >> it felt like there was a strong force that hit the train which is why we didn't know if the train had run over something or if something hit the side of the train, but we did not suspect, you know, until we looked up that it was something that hit the window. >> now, the train was stopped in new jersey for an inspection and then cleared to continue onto new york. that incident comes as the ntsb releases its finding on the deadly derailment last year in port richmond. while there are no bomb shells the findings are giving us a better picture of just what happened. john rawlins has been sorting through the evidence released today. he's live with details in center city. john. >> reporter: hi, brian. well, we got a real clear picture of what did not cause the crash. we'll get to that in a moment but we started the day with a mystery, why did a locomotive accelerate over 100 miles an hour into a curve rated at 50 miles per hour. the focus remains on the engineer. it's still a mystery. he seems to be recovering some of his missing memory but he has been unable to tell investigators why that train sped up and crashed. the ntsb said it released all of the facts it has concerning the wreck of amtrak 188. investigators found no evidence of mechanical or equipment failure with the locomotive the tracks or signals. as for the man at the controls, brian bostian blood tests show he had not consumed either alcohol or drugs, that his cell phone was in the in use while the train was operating. a safety official said bostian had fully cooperated with investigators he was interviewed twice once a few day after the deadly mishap in may and then again in november. in may he said he had no recollection of what occurred after passing north philadelphia station and the 3 miles later at the franklin junction crash side. in november, though, he did recall parts of that time. he spoke of adjusting his speed at certain locations but added the memory from there is very vague. the only word and i hesitate to use the word dream-like because it sounds like you a asleep and i don't believe that i was asleep at all. but kind of a very foggy memory. two philadelphia based attorneys who represent victims and the victims' families who died in the crash have staffers now searching through the huge data dump of information from the ntsb. but they are skeptical. at this point of bostian's new details suggesting his memory gain is convenient. >> the significant difference is that in may he says i don't remember anything after north philadelphia and in november, he remembers a lot of things after north philadelphia. he remembers accelerating into the straightaway. he remembers applying the brake. he remembers how it tips over. >> reporter: so, what now at this point? well, the attorneys, that's mr. mongeluzzi and tom kline will look through those 2200 documents released today and 33 say they want to depose mr. bostian put him under oath and talk to him for their civil trial at this point. as for the ntsb it says it's done with its fact finding. it hopes sometimes this spring its experts will be able to look at all those facts and come up way probable cause. live in center city, john rawlins channel6 "action news." alicia. >> thank you. to new jersey now this afternoon. this is what remains of a popular camden county deli after a fire ripped through it last night. investigators say they aren't suspicious but they are still working on determining a cause. today the owners of amato brothers on the white horse pike in oaklyn tell "action news" that the flames started in the storage room. an "action news" viewer captured smoke pouring from that deli last night. luckily no one was injured but the store will be closed until they can get it all cleaned up and reopened. today some heartbroken customers. >> it's going to be opened soon, hopefully sooner than later but unfortunately this happens and i feel bad. >> reporter: good sandwiches here, hm. >> yes, very good. >> right now community members are raising money for the family. they set up a go fund me page which already has raised about $1,500 this afternoon. loyal customers also reaching out to see how they can help on facebook. you heard his voice there. vernon odom will have the full story from oaklyn tonight on "action news at 6:00 the good news no one was hurt but a very beloved deli there in nor'easter a lot of repair, brian. >> alicia, thanks very much. the falls bridge in fairmount park closed to vehicular traffic today meaning drivers who use it are going to have to find a different route across the schuylkill river until the spring. crews are installing special brackets under a bit. it's a temporary fix for its structural problems. they'll strengthen the steel floor beams underneath the road. the work is expected to be finished by april 1st. a detour will take drivers onto the city avenue bridges. anyone walking or biking will still be allowed to cross that bridge. >> likely will be a headache for drivers i think. time now for the "action news" traffic report. >> yeah, and a couple of headaches out there. the rain being one of them. matt pelman standing by in the "action news" traffic center with details. hey, matt. >> and the reopening of the falls bridge will be just one more reason to look forward to spring this year. good afternoon everybody. we're watching the new closure today of the falls bridge shut down in both directions as of this morning. it's putting a little extra traffic through east falls this afternoon and as we said the city avenue bridge is your primary alternate. i drove over that a little while ago, didn't seem too much worse than normal. another option route one the roosevelt boulevard, the twin bridges over the schuylkill expressway but once you get down the boulevard and try to hop on the westbound side of the schuylkill this is what it looks like, the typical afternoon slowing us a head westbound toward belmont avenue. 31 minutes ideally should be 14 minutes, that's if there was no delay but what afternoon is that the case? in middletown township delco by the acme watch out for a crash along 352 at rose tree road. fire police helping you around a crash in malvern along warren of a near spring lane. and in coatesville there's a crash along 82, that's man man erode. let's do the commuter report on this monday afternoon. hope you enjoyed your weekend. we have been talking a loot today about the closure of the falls bridge. you see it on the waze app. you see plenty traffic coming outbound on the kelly drive as well as ridge avenue. this will cause extra gridlock in east falls for the next two months. should be fun. brian and sharrie, we'll check it again in the next half hour. >> very good matt. see you then. new details on the e. coli outbreak tied to chipotle. >> a group of escaped inmates are back in custody and now we're hearing the 911 call one of them made as police were closing in. >> and bill cosby gets ready to head back to court. what his defense team will argue tomorrow that could get the rape charges against him thrown out. >> ♪ >> ♪ >> in california this afternoon all three inmates who escaped from jail are now back behind bars and today authorities are piecing together just how they broke free and what they did during their week on the run. the orange county sheriff's office says back on january 22nd the men sawed then crawled and climbed their way out of the maximum security central men's jail. the three violent inmates then used a rope made of bed sheets to rappel four stories to the ground. two of them were captured on saturday morning after a man in san francisco alerted police he saw the stolen van they were using. the third fugitive seen right there 43-year-old bac duong was taken into custody friday morning after he asked workers at an auto parts store to call police. here that is 911 call. >> he say he scared to turn himself in so he asked me to call. >> he's not armed or anything. he just wants to turn himself in peacefully. >> that's okay. tell him not to be afraid, we appreciate that he is turning himself in. >> and today that first listen into that 911 call. also in custody a woman seen rider here who taught english at the jail she's accused of giving one of the inmates a paper copy of a google earth map that showed an aerial view of the entire jail compound that information coming out as investigators piece together how they got out in the first place. sharrie. >> likely more charges to come from that. meantime the world health organization has declared the zika virus outbreak an international emergency. leaders made that statement during an emergency meeting today in geneva. the virus has been linked to berth defects. it has been spreading quickly through the americas including one confirmed case in new jersey. the who says there could be as many as 4 million new zika infections this year. as of now there's no treatment for it. >> chipotle got a boost today from the federal government. the centers for disease control has declared an end the that chain's e. coli outbreak. the news sent stocks surging new york despite clearing the chain the cdc says it was not able to find the source of the outbreak. the now the e. coli problem has devastated chipotle. the company will release its fourth quarter earnings tomorrow and analysts expect earnings to be down 50 percent. stocks closed on this mixed but moderate monday, dow off 17 points, nasdaq up six and a half points, the s & p down just about one point and change on the day. >> lottery to get into this year's blue cross broad street run is that now officially opened. there are 40,000 spots available for the 10-mile run down broad street. the lottery will be opened until next friday, february 12th. the race bibs will be awarded at random so there's no advantage to signing up early. anyone who wins will find out on tuesday the 16th as in wins the bid to run in it. the race is scheduled for sunday, may first. >> you can only hope to win the actual race. >> right. we'll see. >> better start training. all right, it is time now for the accuweather forecast. some raindrops falling right now. >> all right. let's head over to meteorologist adam joseph. what were you saying over there. >> i said good luck. even though it's downhill through a lot of it it's still a hard race for those 10 miles. as we look at double scan live radar if it rains on a rain like today not so lucky. we're dealing with light showers from trenton philadelphia down to wilmington and just to the south of lancaster as we zoom in a little closer here philadelphia to woodbury glassboro can see areas of yellow. most of that steadier rain will be south of philadelphia even south of newark heading now into salem elmer about to get hit by some of those quick heavy downpours and it's all green to the north and west with some lighter showers. so a-slow go as we go home on that evening rush. but nothing too heavy and it won't be enough to create much in the way of flooding on those roads here this evening. but the numbers are still pretty mild. 51 degrees in philadelphia, 45 allentown, 46 in reading, 47 in wilmington, 57 in millville. where the rain has not pushed in temperatures still on the verge of 60 degrees at the shore. as we look at satellite and radar it's a ribbon of moisture. this will be at the coast and off the coast between about 7 o'clock and 9 o'clock. it's a quick hit. there's another storm developing in the nation's heartland where we have five states there have blizzard warnings including central and northwestern iowa as this system will cut across into the great lakes, send warm air our way and eventually rain for the middle of the week. but for tonight those early showers and then cloudy and chilly for the rest of the overnight, 27 allentown, 33 philadelphia, to upper 30's down the shore. future tracker at 6 o'clock those showers still in philadelphia but notice some drying to the west. the showers are off the coast at 9 o'clock. temperatures falling into the 30's north and west, 43 philadelphia and then tuesday morning it is dry for that rush on the cool side upper 20's to mid 30's. and tomorrow afternoon sunshine, a beautiful tuesday, a little cooler than did, mid 40's north and west to around 50 in philadelphia and future tracker at 7 o'clock on wednesday morning some showers arriving but there is that system. it will pack a punch here as we get into noon on wednesday and wednesday afternoon some very heavy downpours, maybe even a gusty thunderstorm with near an inch of rain. as we look at the four day at 4:00 forecast tomorrow sun and cooler and hey, it's ground hog day for tomorrow morning and with sunshine you think he should see his shadow but they've already made that decision whether he's going to see it or not. it doesn't depend on the sunshine at 50 degrees and on wednesday wet, warm and windy, 63 and at the end of the week a little cooldown but still above average and staying dry thursday into friday. >> is it rigged? >> i never knew it was riged. >> i'm telling i was little secret. i probably shouldn't tell that you. >> you should not. >> doesn't father i matter if is sunny or not. >> a threat that brought police to a local police school district. >> chaka fattah jr. will your honor and learn his punishment punishment. >> loss for one family turns into something positive in a gift of life. "action news" is about interaction with you. follow us on social media for the latest headlines accuweather and breaking news and also to communicate with us on facebook we're 6abc on "action news" on twitter we're at 6abc. join us and be a part of the action. >> prosecutors in the shack fat jr. case are asking the judge to throw the book at the congress plan's son when he sentenced tomorrow. fattah jr. was found guilty of misusing loan money as well as funds he got as a school management subcontractor. he was convicted on 22 of the 23 counts against him. he faces between 57 and 71 months in prison. today prosecutors filed a memo with the court asking the judge to punish fattah jr. at the high end of that range. that would send him to prison for almost six years. bill cosby will be in court tomorrow in montgomery county where his lawyers will try to get the rape case against him thrown out. charges stem from testimony cosby gave in a lawsuit. defense attorneys say cosby only gave that testimony because of a deal that said he would never be criminally prosecuted. district attorney kevin steele says there was no immunity deal but the prosecutor at the time, bruce castor is expected to testify for cosby's defense. >> students in cherry hill saw extra police protection today after someone made a threat against cherry hill east high school. police say they arrested someone for texting the threat last night. that text ended up making the rounds on social media and police say that helped them track down the person who posted it. they did not identify that person because they say he or she is underage but they stepped up security at schools today to make sure everyone was safe. caitlyn jenner will visit the university of pennsylvania for a conversation with the author who wrote the iconic vanity fair piece about her transition. the event is called an evening with caitlyn jenner it's scheduled for wednesday, february 17th. jenner will hold a discussion with author and penn alum bus bissinger. >> i think bissigger is also writing her moment moyers. still ahead here in our next half hour today, we help fuel your online shopping habit by showing you how to get exclusive deals and cash back in the process. >> ahead in big talkers, it was love at first click. hear from the couple who took a leap of faith turning their instagram romance into a wedding after only meeting one time. >> ♪ >> "action news" continues with meteorologist adam joseph, alicia vitarelli, sharrie williams and brian taff. >> ♪ >> hello again. 4:30 and "action news" continues with new video of a violent robbery inside a philadelphia restaurant. >> and turning an unimaginable loss into hope. ahead in big talkers meet two families connected by tragedy but brought together to celebrate a thriving young life. one heartbeat at a time. plus. >> did you know there are 11 cities in new jersey where the lead poisoning rate of the kids tested is higher than flint, michigan. i'm nora muchanic in trenton. i'll have that story coming up. >> but first here at 4:30 we are tracking rain and unseasonably warm temperatures clear across the delaware valley. >> sky6 hd looking live outside at the philadelphia international airport. busy activity happening but the rain is only the beginning of what looks like a wet week ahead and so those wet run ways out there today. let's start 4:30 with "action news" meteorologist adam joseph and the latest from accuweather. hi, adam. >> sharrie and brian this will be a quick hit of rain this evening. that's the good news. it's stretching basically right along that i-95 corridor a little bit to the north and west and to the south and east. as we close in closer to around philadelphia to the south glassboro wilmington and newark dealing with some pops of yellow as this rain is working from the southwest to the north and east so quick hits of some heavier bursts of rain but already the ending line, the leading edge there just to the west of honey brook so it only lasts about an hour or two once the rain starts and then it will be off the coast as we get into the seven to 8 o'clock hour. then as we go into wednesday, a whole separate storm. tomorrow is beautiful and sunny but a flood watch will go into effect on noon on wednesday and it lasts through thursday at 5:00 p.m. and that's because of snow melt in addition to about an inch of rain and it basically is newark, delaware, also wilmington, new castle county, parts of salem county, gloucester camden and northwestern burlington county north and west where you still have snow on the ground in addition to the rain falling we could see stream as well as street flooding. we'll kind of elaborate a little more on what this means for wednesday with future tracker and that seven-day forecast coming up, brian n-just a little bit. >> alall right, adam. thanks. stick with 6abc as that unseasonably warm weather returns to the region. we'll help you stay ahead of the rain and any other changes as they start happen. >> from our new jersey news room there are growing concerns tonight about lead poisoning across the state. children are et ceteracross the. funding to fix the problem is running drive. new jersey correspondent nora muchanic joins us live from trenton with the details. >> reporter: hi, sharrie. we've heard a lot of talk about lead poisoning in flint michigan. activists say it's a problem here in new jersey aggravated by the state dipping into the fund earmarked to fight lead poisoning. >> kids are going to the emergency rooms and they're center back to places that are going to make them sick again. we're perpetuating a cycle. >> reporter: a coalition is trying to get governor christie to fund the $10 million that's supposed to be in the state gust to help relocate and clean up homes like this contaminated with lead. >> when i touch that it becomes bright red which indicates this is all red here. >> reporter: cities like trenton camden and atlantic city have tons of old housing stock filled with lead paint its in the ceilings walls and window frames continually poisoning kids who live here. >> we know that there's 11 cities in two counties here in new jersey that have a higher rate of elevated blood lead levels in 2014 than flint had in 2015. >> reporter: that list includes trenton and atlantic city as well as salem and cumberland counties. in 2015, 3100 new cases of lead poisoning in kids was reported in new jersey which can lead to permanent brain damage and other issues. >> couple of milligrams of lead paint is enough to put a child at the old danger level of 20 units now. the level of concern is five units of lead. >> reporter: since the fund to help lead poisoning cleanup was enacted into law in about four critics say the state has diverted more than $50 million into the general fund to help balance the budget. >> by not funding these programs governor christie is allowing children to be poisoned by lead. >> reporter: the group plans to send the governor 3100 handprints representing the number of kids they say were needlessly poisoned by lead last year. back live now experts say all it takes to poison a child is lead that measures half the size of a thumb tack and it's found in dust and dirt in these old homes not just the paint. advocates say it's foolish not to fund these programs. its cost os about $10,000 to mitigate the lead out of a home, three times that to treat a child who has lead poisoning. live in trenton, i'm nora muchanic, channel6 "action news." >> ounce of prevention pound of cure nor r thanks very much. a violent robbery in logan has landed a victim in the hospital in critical condition. police released this surveillance video showing the three suspects attacking a man. they repeatedly punch him and then one of them starts stabbing him. all of this unfolded late saturday morning inside the lucky garden chinese food store on the 4900 block of north broad street. investigators say the suspect stole the man's watch and belt, then they allegedly drove off in a gray pontiac grand prix. police in berlin camden county are hoping this video will help to find a driver wanted in connection with a deadly hit and run. investigators say a minivan hit a pedestrian near tansboro road and gardens avenue friday night. that person stayed on scene but investigators think this dark colored sedan also hit the victim and then drove off. if you know anything you are asked to call the police. >> more than a dozen people were injured in a bus crash this morning. chopper 6hd was over the scene in the fern rock section of philadelphia around 6:30. a septa trolley bus collided with a school bus at the intersection of olney avenue and north park drive. no students were on board at the time and three adults who were on the bus were not hurt. 12 people on the trolley and the septa driver were all checked out for minor injuries. >> a berks county politician just learned his sentence in a federal bribery case. former reading city council president francis acosta was ordered to spend two years in pries s he resigned in august after he pled guilty to taking an $1,800 bribe in order to repeal an ethics law. in addition to the prison time acosta was ordered to pay an $1,800 fine and complete 200 hours of community service. lehigh valley correspondent walter perez will have much more on this in a live report tonight at 6:00. >> in egg harbor township a man is charged with stealing from the shop rite in the english creek shopping center and it's not the first time. police say saturday kevin boyle tried to leave the store with more than $270 worth of seafood without paying for it. boyle was arrested at the same store two other times last month for the very same crime. >> a former philadelphia funeral director is facing new charges today months after police found 3-d composing bodies in her garage. "action news" anchor monica malpass now live in our news room with the details on this one. monica. >> reporter: hi, brian, that's right. this is a story "action news" has been following for you since august. warm front new developments. this woman janet powell daily is already facing charges related to the abuse of a corpse. new at 5 o'clock tonight the accusation that has her facing charges of theft and deception as well. plus former philadelphia mayor michael nutter has a third job now less than one month after leaving office. his new position that is getting him national exposure. we'll have those stories and more coming your way on "action news" in just a little bit at 5:00 sharrie see you then. >> sounds good, monica. see you then. an acclaimed legal scholar brought his knowledge to the national constitution center. he was appointed united states circuit judge in 1994. he discussed had us new book its future law and economics during a town hall series. the judge is also the former dean of yale law school. >> and still ahead here on a monday afternoon an update to that murder case that has two virginia tech students facing charges. >> plus, the surf's way up in hawaii and cameras were rolling for the terrifying moment a surfer fell from a monster wave. >> incredible video there. coming up in bats the deal today, we'll show you how to save money and get cash back while shopping at all your favorite online stores. >> and meteorologist adam joseph will be back with the full forecast from accuweather when "action news" at 4:00 continues this monday. >> ♪ >> two virginia tech students were in court today to face charges in connection with a 13-year-old's murder. 18-year-old david eisenhower kidnapped and killed nicole lovell. investigators have not released many details in the case but we do know eisenhower apparently knew the victim. >> that has to be the blackest day of their lives. >> i didn't think that would happen to her because she was always the cutest little thing. >> the victim's parents say she disappeared on wednesday night after pushing a dresser against her bedroom door and climbing out her window. authorities found her body 80 miles away on saturday morning. >> the truck driver accused of crashing into a limo van carrying comedian tracy morgan was in a new jersey courtroom today. kevin roper pleaded not guilty to vehicular homicide and aggravated assault. police say roper was driving a wal-mart truck when the crash occurred on the new jersey turnpike in 2014. the crash killed comedian james mcnair and seriously injured several people including tracy morgan. well, the terrifying moment a surfer was thrown from the top of a giant 40-foot wave was all caught on video. this happened off the coast of hawaii. you can see the professional surfer tumbled down the enormous wave and then it crashes on top of him. incredibly the surfer survived the ordeal but later described the experience to being in a car crash. >> on health check the governor approved a new drug for hdld at tension deficit hyperactivity disorder. new yo' therapeutics got the fda okay. it's the first adhd drug which dissolves on the tongue in seconds. it's a possible plus for kids. it will be a competitor to ritalin and adderal which are pills or capsules. about 5 percent of kids have adhd. >> big talkers now and the story about life. losing it and giving it. a tragic loss for one family brought life to another in arizona. it is a meeting that's warming hearts all over social media in a viral video that is absolutely unforgettable. this is four-year-old jordan drake and she spent her first few years of life in a hospital. she was born with a congenital heart defect and her only hope was a transplant. a perfect match. then the seven month old lucas clark who tragically died back in 2013 when authorities say the infant was abused by his babysitter's boyfriend. his mother rachel donated his organs. donate life arizona says they have now saved three lives including jordan drake's. the agency posted this video showing the family's meet for the very first time and rachel hearing her son's heartbeat live on in jordan >> it's so strong. >> so strong and that little girl so thankful. donate life arizona hoping this video will inspire people to sign up and donate the gift of life. and talk about a love connection. was might call a modern romance. two people who randomly connector on instagram get engaged only minutes after they met in person. here's the back story. erica hair race center city from california. artie van is from new york. for months after a love click on instagram they were #smitten. they stayed connected long distance until they met for the very first time at the airport in california. he only bought a one way ticket and the two plan to elope minutes after he landed. >> you don't drag your feet with real love, you leap into that like there's no tomorrow and that's what we're doing. >> oh, there was no tomorrow. just wait. they aren't just engaged, they did exchange those vows right there at the airport. so, mr. and mrs. artie van. >> wow. >> congratulations to them. >> the new world of speed dating i guess. >> don't discount instagram. move over tinder or whatever. >> insta is that the new word. >> i'm just glad i'm not dating anymore. alicia, let's get another check of the roads. >> matt pelman has the update. >> from #smitten to #dripping this afternoon. things are a little bit wet on our roadways and definitely more than a little bit slow. as we look at the speeds along 95 just 11 miles per hour northbound. even worse, 10 in each direction on the schuylkill expressway and don't forget and how could you if you live in east falls, as of today the falls bridge is closed for construction for a couple of months. opened to pedestrians and bicyclists but not cars and trucks. everything shut down there. sticking with the city avenue bridges, the roosevelt boulevard twin bridges as your alternate. britton township some wires came down along this afternoon along radcliff street. we're having trouble in the middletown townships. in the one in bucks county a crash along durham road at trenton road and one in delaware county there was a crash along middletown road 352 that's cleared out but now there's a transformer fire along glen riddle road near palmers lane so that's a good spot to avoid. a crash along warren of a near spring lane. in coatesville by the marriott there the hotel 82 manor road at the 30 bypass is an accident scene. also have a creche in west marlboro to avoid along newark road northbound approaching 82. crossing into delaware in new castle a crash is shutting down route nine river road. stay over on seven to get around that. also have the normal southbound slowing on highway one as you pass that christiana mall. we'll check it again brian and sharrie, coming up in the 5 o'clock hour. >> matt thank you. see you then. >> coming up meteorologist adam joseph has your wet forecast next. >> ♪ >> ♪ >> meteorologist adam joseph starting us off this week. it is warm but it's going to be an awfully wet couple days. >> yeah, today we get a break tomorrow and then heavier rain coming in on wednesday which when a flood watch goes into effect for some of the area. as we're looking at the present rain you can see it's mainly green, some yellows which is pockets of heavier rain but it's not going to last all that long but moving in during the evening rush is never a good time no matter how heavy the rain is. as we look closer on double scan live radar south of new jersey turnpike is where we're seeping the most moderate rainfall, anywhere near berlin glassboro elmer down into salem. a little wider to the north and west but still near malvern and parts of chester county, even parts of delaware county near springfield and media dealing with some pockets of heavier rain but again it will be pretty much off the coast between 7:00 and 8 o'clock this evening. but temperatures running on the warm side for philadelphia 51 degrees. even though it's only in the mid 40's north and west deeper snow pack is a little cooler, those numbers are still above average. 57 in millville and still near the verge of 60 degrees at the atlantic city airport. this is a weak cold front that is passing through and once this pushes up the coast we'll start to clear the sky overnight tonight and it will drop those temperatures a little bit on tuesday with high pressure but it will come with a lot of sunshine and then our next storm is developing in the nation's heartland and this will cut across the great lakes and west of chicago bringing blizzard-like conditions for five dates but it's going to bring us a whole lot of warmth. but back to the present system we're dealing with at 6 o'clock philadelphia, trenton, lakehurst still dealing with light showers. by 9:30 you can see everything is off the coast, we're beginning to kind of clear the sky to the north and west. so, 29 to 33 is the overnight low tonight with those clouds lingering the first half of the night then some clearing but it will be chilly and there could be some icy patches in the lehigh valley with those temperatures dropping below freezing after midnight. then on tuesday high pressure in control, 50 degrees, still above average. little cooler than today. and then that low pressure goes across the great lakes, sends the warmth here near record highs on wednesday of 63 degrees. and also some flooding with that flood watch that will go into effect on noon on wednesday and there will be a very strong low level jet stream so that could bring down some strong winds with any of the downpours or maybe even a random thunderstorm. in the forecast rainfall here for wednesday, here's our four different models and they're all in fairly decent agreement. we're not looking at a ton of rain but you have to think about that snow meltly anywhere between about three-quarters of an inch and an. on average for philadelphia and areas to the north and west. the exclusive accuweather 7-day forecast foreground hog day tomorrow, lots of sunshine. 50 degrees. but a little bit cooler. then its warmer wet and windy, 63 degrees the record for philadelphia is 62, so it will be near record warmth for many locations but the issues will be that near record warmth melting snow, heavy rain which will bring some street and stream flooding. the most susceptible streams will be any of the tributaries along the schuylkill river here on wednesday into thursday, this evening gusty thunderstorm and then beyond it, it cools down, brisk but the sun is back here thursday at 50 and we stay above average for the entire seven-day forecast for the first full week of february. right now friday into the beginning of the weekend pretty quiet, sun and clouds, maybe a quick rain or snow shower sunday but not a big deal at 44 and then still looking pretty good monday at 42 degrees. so, we have a quiet day on tap for tomorrow and then that flood watch noon on wednesday. >> okay. adam, thanks. >> yup. >> thank you. some tips for online shopping, how you can get more perks in what's the deal. >> all right. >> if you are an avid online shopper before you make your next purchase either on your computer or on your smartphone stop and watch this. you can get money cold hard cash just for doing that shopping. >> basically you get paid to shop online and all it is is just one click through our site to any store. >> you shop the way you normally would at close to 1500 online retailers and with just one click you get some of your own money back. >> we credit your can account with, you know, with the money and then we send you a check in the mail. >> shop tiff have the partnered up with retailers like neiman marcus and travel sites like price line and >> some of the top earning is nordstrom's with 6.5 percent and then shop box 7 percent and it goes up to 15 percent. >> for those questioning where that cash is coming from, greg gora the ceo tells me it's all part that of partnership between shop tiff have th those checks add up. >> anywhere from $50 to one person had $900 within three months. >> you can even earn money back shopping locally. >> we work with anthropology urban outfitters. looking for tickets to the adele concert at wells fargo we can get you cash back on that. >> we're looking. they'll give you sale alerts on items or even flights or hotels you have your eye on and without clicking a button part of your sale also benefits charity. >> right now we're giving 10 percent to souls for soles and soles for souls donates shoes to third world countries and they help to create jobs. >> win-win. besidesivity. you can get cash back at e bates. 40 percent back from fat and with swag bucks, that's another web site you can sign up, you can earn gift cards for shopping like you would normally be doing. lynx to all these on, sharrie. >> yeah, several sites. i need to check out. >> we like the check is in the mail. >> alicia thanks. finally at 4:00 a retiring sheriff's deputy dances business hey out of work. the el paso sheriff's department posted this video on phanes it's since been viewed more than four and a half million times. it shows deputy tony doing the nae nae in the elevator and then a coworkers joins in until a ranking officer then shows up and the two try to keep a straight face. but once he levers the party is back on. the sheriff had served that community for 29 years before deciding to retire. >> that guy in orange dresses like everybody's dad. >> and he's going for it. >> not bad. >> nene, yeah. >> that will do it for "action news" at 4:00 today. for sharrie williams, alicia vitarelli. i'm brian taff. join us for a full hour of "action news" at 10:00 on phl17. >> ucoming up anticipation in iowa. we're live in des moines tonight. plus a scare for amtrak passengers as they travel through philadelphia. what officials now say may have caused that window to crack. and developing now the world health organization has declared an international emergency in connection with the spread of the zika virus. ali gorman with the latest on this developments and what is next in the fight against this disease. those stories and more coming your way next at 5:00. >> ♪ >> "action news." delaware valley's leading news program. with jaime apody, meteorologist cecily tynan, rick williams and monica malpass. >> ♪ >> the calendar may read february but the headline from accuweather is not snow, it's rain. looking live right now sky6 hd at philadelphia international airport where you see the run ways and tarmacs are wet, rain moving through or area right now. for many that is a welcome change from all that wintry weather. monday night, rick is on assignment, brian taff joins us and the big story on "action news" is some green here on our double scan radar. >> lots of it. meteorologist cecily tynan standing by live at the big board with the first check of the accuweather forecast. hi, cecily. >> hi, brian and monica. it is bad timing for the evening commute because this is slowing things down but double scan live showing that we do have a band of some rain moving across our area. this is ahead of a weak cold front that's pressing in and closer up on double scan slowing that the steadiest rain right now has slid east of the new jersey turnpike from salem glassboro heading towards berlin and medford lakes and you can see how this is all advancing up to the north and the east and what this will do is bring us slightly cooler air tomorrow. today we had a taste of spring in the upper 50's. right now it's cooled off a bit but temperatures generally in the mid 40's to mid-50's, so no chance of any icing with this event and this is kind of an appetizer before the main event that will move through

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