Transcripts For WPVI Action News At 430 AM 20160803 : compar

Transcripts For WPVI Action News At 430 AM 20160803

been waiting for really today and tomorrow both look absolutely fabulous. as we take a look at satellite and radar, you can see that there's a lack of a lot of significant cloud cover out there. some of you might have a little patchy fog or low lying cloud cover. on our reporting stations we're not seeing a whole lot of. that humidity has been knocked down to the south. we're still somewhat humid in dover but a lot of these numbers -- well, actually the dewpoints will tell you that in a second but 70 degrees in dover and 67 in philadelphia, these are comfortable numbers this morning. 64 degrees in allentown and trenton. let's check out those dewpoints. we have is i -- we still have tt 70 down in dover. everybody else in the 60. that's not nearly as humid as it has been. great morning for a workout. 69 degrees by 7 o'clock, sun coming up, 75 degrees by 10 o'clock and then we spend the afternoon in the 80's with a high of 84 degrees and we'll probably hit that at about 3 o'clock but with low humidity and lots of sun, little sunscreen and cool drinks and we are ready to roll. things do get a little more humid toward the end of the week and we could see some thunderstorms on saturday, matt, the way things are shaping such now i'll have details on that and give you the latest on tropical storm earl. that's all coming up. >> all right. so, this is the day we've been waiting for weather-wise. these are the times we've been waiting for traffic-wise as well here along 202 in chester county. yesterday we got our third lane in the southbound direction between 401 and this point at the 30 bypass and we're wondering if possibly this morning we could get the third lane opened northbound. they're still out here doing overnight construction. you can see they're blocking the right side of the roadway this morning. yesterday it was the left side of the roadway that was blocked. so, i have a feeling when they he clear we may have three lanes opened northbound but only time will tell and of course we'll keep you posted. we'll also be keeping you posted on when they get the vine street expressway reopened. it's still closed right now for the overnight construction between the schuylkill and broad street. no traffic getting by just yet in either direction. and it's just a whole bunch of construction this morning. in delaware there's some work on 95 northbound as you head toward 295. that's going for the next half hour and for the next hour and a half until 6:00 there's southbound work between 273 and the delaware service area as you head down toward newark couple lanes blocked there until 6:00 also work going on in gloucester county along the new jersey turnpike as you head southbound passing exit two for route 322. lane out of commission there. until 6 o'clock. tam. >> okay, thank you, matt. developing overnight philadelphia police a car fulling engulfed flames. the driver was still inside. the officer helped to pull that man to safety. "action news" spoke to the officer and reporter katherine scott filed this story. >> thirty-ninth district officer saved this individual's life. >> reporter: philadelphia police officer joel wright says he was in the right place at the right time. he's been returning from northwest detectives shortly after midnight when something caught his attention further down broad street. >> as i approached wyoming avenue i saw up in the distance what looked like a fire ball. >> reporter: moments prior a 2008 champer had spun out of control hit a median and two parked cars before coming to a stop in the middle of broad street near belfield and logan. officer rice approached the vehicle and saw the 47-year-old driver sprawled unconscious across the front seat with no seat belt on. there was a fire in the engine compartment. the officer was able to open the passenger side door and around this time a passing private ambulance company pulled up. >> with their help i pulled the male out of the front seat of the car as the flames were growing. >> reporter: the fire spread through the car but the driver was out and no one else was injured. >> i'm glad of the outcome. but obviously it would have been better without the fiery wreck but all things considered, this is a positive outcome. >outcome. >> breaking this morning a fast moving fire damaged a house in southwest philadelphia overnight. the fire broke out on the 6200 block of florence avenue at 2:30 this morning. crews got to the scene to find flames shooting out of the second floor windows on the row home. they say a large amount of debris on the second floor hampered their ability to fight that fire. there are no reports of injuries. dealt wear county say a driver hit a pedestrian and took off. chopper6 was over the scene of chester pike of route 420 prospect park. this happened before 10:30 last night. officials have not yet revealed the victim's condition. >> ♪ >> republican presidential nominee donald trump is openly taunting the leaders of his own party by refusing to endorse two of the nation's most prominent republicans. it comes as more republicans announce their support for his democratic opponent. abc's maggie rulli has more on the widening division in the party. >> reporter: donald trump battling with members of his own party this morning refusing to endorse speaker paul ryan and long time senator john mccain in their upcoming republican primaries even though they're both supporting him telling fox news. >> i've never been a big fan of john mccain. >> reporter: trump ignited a firestorm last year by criticizing mccain's capture in vietnam. this comes as a time when his relationship with military families is already on the rock after his public battle with the family of a muslim american soldier who died fighting in new york and a report revealing his five military deferments. then this happened. >> a man came up to me and he handed me his purple heart. >> reporter: the retired lieutenant colonel giving trump his purple heart as a show of support. >> i said man, that's like -- that's like big stuff. i always wanted to get the purple heart. this was much easier. >> reporter: many top republicans continue to distance themselves from their nominee and now former silicon valley executive and major gop fundraiser meg when it man is taking her anti-trump stance one step further saying she's decided to support hillary clinton and going on to urge all republicans to reject donald trump this november. president obama also jumping into the fray. >> i think the republican nominee is unfit. i think i was right in mitt romney and john mccain were wrong on certain policy issues but i never thought that they couldn't do the job. >> reporter: and now the first republican in congress retiring congressman richard hannah of new york says he will vote for hillary clinton over donald trump come november. in washington, maggie rulli, channel6 "action news." >> happening today, vice president joe biden will be honored in philadelphia. the world affairs council of philadelphia will present the vice president with the 2016 atlas award. biden is being recognized for his outstanding efforts leading the president's initiative on cancer research. tonight's event takes place at the hyatt at the bellevue in center city. >> the search is on for the three bandits hoop smashed and grabbed their way to $10,000 in jewels at the montgomery mall. surveillance video shows the masked men taking hammers to the jewelry display. the trio struck in broad daylight just before 11:30 yesterday morning. investigators believe the suspects scouted out the mall and were able to get in and out through an unlocked back door. >> the way they're moving organized and the equipment that they have they're in and they're out, there's no hesitation, i would say it's definitely not their first time. >> no employees or customers were hurt. the bucks county man accused of fathering to children with an under aged girl and the parents who authorities say knowingly gave their daughter away to him for sex, will all be held for trial. 51-year-old lee kaplan of feasterville whom you saw a moment ago in the gray beard was walked into court yesterday afternoon along with daniel and savilla stoltzfus. they have been kicked out of the amish order and that's when prosecutors claim kaplan helped the company out of dire if this straits. they gifted their then 14-year-old daughter to kaplan and later sent the girl's nine younger sisters to also live with him in his feasterville home. >> turning to the fight against the zika virus the mosquitos that are spreading the disease in miami florida may be harder to get rid of than first believed. the cdc says they may be resistant to the insecticide they are trying to use to fight them and this come as a 15th person has been confirmed as contracting zika. the virus can cause severe brain related defects including abnormally small heads. we know many of you have questions about zika. that's why today "action news" health reporter and registered nurse ali gorman is hosting a live facebook chat with an infectious disease expert from einstein health. join us from 4:30 to 5:30 this evening. go outside find any standing water and get rid of it. >> i have a lot of questions myself. i'm glad she's doing that. we have more news coming up. these bees caused a lot of buzz around the neighborhood but now the family has finally gotten some help to get rid of them. >> a young hero helps save a driver from being washed away in monsoon flooding. david. >> a high of 84, low humidity and another nice one tomorrow. things change as we led into the weekend and what about that earl? tropical storm may be headed to a category one hurricane status before too much longer. we'll have details on all of that coming up. >> ♪ >> rescuers saved multiple people from monsoon flooding in the phoenix area. pictures show one of the cars that got swept into the river. strangers chased the car and helped pull the driver to safety. one of those good samaritans was only 12 years old. witnesses who watched the car get away say they have no idea how far it floated. >> let's talk about what's going on around here. let's talk about earl. you have a lot to go through. it's going to be a nice day. >> it is. beautiful around here. looks like we'll get two real winners before the humidity starts to creep back up. storm tracker6 live double scan though shows you this morning we are high and dry. as we take a look outside we've got sky6 down along the commodore barry bridge. might be a little patchy cloud cover around this morning but overall we're expecting to transition to mostly sunny skies quickly and it really does look like a nice pay back day. 67 degrees currently in philadelphia. a little cooler than it's been the last couple mornings at this hour and how about that dewpoint, down to 61 no longer talking about up are 60's and 70's, that really heavy humid air that we've had recently so it is going to be great for your morning workout or just a walk to the bus stop or whatever else you're doing. winds out of the northeast at 5 miles per hour. as we take a look at satellite, well, you can see the lack of cloud cover, a little shower activity down in virginia and west virginia but no such problem here and with a frontal boundary well down to our south the humidity is lurking well to the south and we are going to feel comfortable. so, get ready for a nice one today. 70 degrees by 8 o'clock, 75 by 10 o'clock. going to wound up mostly sunny throughout the day and by 3 o'clock that's your high, 84. it will still be warm enough to keep the cool drinks flowing if you're outside working but with the lower humidity, it will feel a lot more comfortable. temperatures getting up into the low 80's up in allentown and reading today. your highs of 82 in wilmington and 80 in trenton not bad. 82 degrees in millville. and down the shore it looks like we'll be closer to the upper 70's or maybe 80 depending on where you live. going to go with a lot of 80's from beach haven ocean city. mostly sunny skies slightly humid, sunblock important on the beach. 78 in cape may, 81 in rehoboth and 82 today in bethany beach. for the phillies tonight another great night for baseball and beautiful with lower humidity than we had last night. 79 for the first pitch. 71 in the ninth inning tonight just about as good as it gets down at the ballpark for a summer evening in philadelphia and then tomorrow another nice one on thursday with high pressure delivering a nice comfortable breeze out of the northeast. low humidity again tomorrow with with another high around 84. things will start to change on friday when we start to kick that humidity back up. tropical storm earl still a tropical storm at this hour. it formed yesterday right before the noon broadcast in case you missed it. the winds have climbed up to 60 miles per hour and it now appears as though this could become a category one hurricane before it makes landfall in belize later tonight and for belize northern guatemala and the surgeon portion of the yucatan peninsula we could be looking at not only decent winds as it dee grades to tropical storm but also eight to 12-inches of rain. belize is a good tourism destination looks like the storm falls apart over central mexico over the weekend. your seven-day forecast 84 is today's high mostly sunny and nice. tomorrow a repeat sunny still great 84 and then musikfest starts on friday night and it looks like it will be warm and humid with a high of 86 but we're no longer worried about thunderstorms on friday night so if you have plans to head out to musikfest on night one, good night to do it. saturday hot and humid. we will be looking for a thunderstorm around particularly in the afternoon and evening, 90 is the hot high but then on sunday sunny and less humid with a high of 87. and it looks like we ease back into the 80's on monday and tuesday with pretty comfortable conditions there as well. remember when we're not on the air you can always get the latest weather information by going to isn't it nice to have such a flies one on tap, though. >> yes. >> it certainly is. >> thanks, david. two massachusetts men behind bars accused of trying to intimidate officers by talking about police shootings. police pulled over calvin mendoza and emanuel rodriguez in salem. he they found two loaded guns with a cell phone with a police scanner app. the officers were concerned the men were monitoring their activity. mendoza also claimed to have been discharged from the military and said he was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. here's a weird one. new on "action news" a state lawmaker in tennessee arrested for stealing his campaign opponent's signs but it was that representative who got him out of jail. someone recorded him removing campaign signs last month. todd was arrested yesterday when he failed repeated to show up for questioning. hours later lovell posted his bond. not clear why he was so helpful to his rival. curry faces lovell and two other challenges in the republican primary. an australian couple got this backyard pool they never asked for. a large circular sinkhole appeared yesterday and continued swallowing up the property as news cameras recorded. neighbors woke up neighbors lynn and ray mckay. it eventually grew to about 26 family look at that. authorities think the sinkhole is due to an old mine tunnel collapsing. a family in houston is finally rid of a colony of 100,000 bees that had taken over their garage. the bees had been living there for two years. the homeowners say they avoided the garage and backyard area for fear of course of getting stung. a pest control expert cut the walls where the bees built lonnie combs and found both african and regular honeybees. >> wow. >> the family of course happy to have their yard and garage back. our kids are terrified of flies much less bees. fascinating. >> it is 4:48. matt pelman will give us another live look at the roads. that's coming up next. >> and we have a recall from starbucks to tell you about when "action news" continues. >> ♪ where things come from? how they get here? what they're packed in? it's a lot of stuff. and these things add up. that's why we recycle. [vo:]it's nice to know that raymour and flanigan is proud to be a leading recycler- 17 million pounds of recyclable materials every year. turned from trash into treasure. so in the future, we will all have a more beautiful world. ♪ >> ♪ >> and here we go with wednesday. and it's going to be a beauty especially if you're down the shore. good morning to you. also a nice morning to be doing some construction i suppose and we have some going on here in delaware county. it's way up ahead in the distance along macdade boulevard between bowens lane and fairview road. overnight paving on macdade by the blue route. traffic is moving fine. those are the lanes of the blue route 476 right there. we've also been watching overnight construction here along the vine street expressway and it's still out here. all lanes blocked in both directions between the schuylkill and broad street but everybody should be out of here the crews should go in the next 10 minutes or so. also some overnight work going on on the pennsylvania turnpike eastbound past downingtown in chester county. looks like it's a little slow he there because the left lane is blocked. you've got the right lane blocked eastbound between virginia drive and willow grove in montgomery county but speeds there don't look too bad. in hamilton township mercer county there's more work this morning along 295 southbound past arena drive. right lane out of commission there until 6 o'clock. and this is a live look in cherry hill along route 70 at haddonfield road by the wegmans. traffic moving fine but if you're headed eastbound just up ahead by cooper landing there's a lane blocked for construction until 6:00. tam. >> okay, thank you, matt. >> ♪ >> now taking a look at business, take a look at this straw see if it's something you think you have in your home because starbucks which sells the straw they're recalling two and a half million of these stainless steel strauss. the company has received reports of children with mouth lacerations and that could come from the ridge at the bottom meant to keep it attached to the lid. starbucks is urging people not to let their children use these strauss. google got the green light to begin testing drone delivery. the announcement came from the white house's office of science and technology with approvals from the faa. the white house says drones could create yes, sir billion dollars for the economy. taking a look all right stocks, the major indices were down, the dow fell by 90 points. not looking so good this morning. all futures are pointing to a lower open. samsung has unveiled a galaxy note seven among its features an iris scanner that allows users to unlock the phone with their eyes. we real are getting into blade runner aren't we. you can preorder the galaxy note seven starting today. it will be available in stores august 19th. i'm just waiting on the one that you can open and dial with your mind. >> that is just amazing. now a new navy ship is named after a special world war ii vet. herschel woody williams was in san diego yesterday to he see the vessel named in his honor. the 92-year-old is the last surviving medal of honor winner from the battle of iwo jima miasm it will support a variety of missions including maritime security and counter piracy operations. >> 4:53. there's a lot more to come on "action news" this morning. >> an umpire says he was surprised by the crowd's reaction when he ejected a fan at the phillies game. that's next. i approve this message. donald trump: i could stand in the middle of 5th avenue and shoot somebody and i wouldn't lose any voters, okay? and you can tell them to go f--- themselves! you know, you could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever... you gotta see this guy. ahh, i don't know what i said, ahh. "i don't remember." he's going like "i don't remember!" >> an umpire made an unusual call at the phillies game last night telling a fan you're outta' here. an unruly man got bootd from citizens bank park during the sixth inning. the home plate umpire bob davidson interrupted play with the call. >> he is actually going eject a fan. when was the last time you saw that happen? >> davidson says the fan heckled him for two straight batters yelling all the way from 14 rows up. davidson then joked his actions drew plus from the crowd something he rarely here's here in philadelphia. >> it is now 4:57. still ahead on "action news," a 10-year-old boy from new jersey does not shy away from a teachable moment. more on a motivational speech that started with a pair of sneakers. >> a fiery crash ends a dramatic rescue involving a philadelphia police officer is a great story. we're live with more when "action news" comes right back. >> ♪ ♪ ♪ 4 by 4 by land, 4 by 4 by sea ♪ ♪ 4 by 4 by air - 'cause i like to fly free ♪ ♪ 4 my country and how it all started out ♪ ♪ 4 the brave and every boy scout ♪ ♪ 4 doin' it yourself cuz you want it done right ♪ ♪ 4 by 4 the top down - stars keep ya up at night ♪ ♪ 4 by 4 every one of our seventy-five years ♪ ♪ 4 by 4 the wave - that's how we say 'cheers' ♪ ♪ that's how we live ♪ 4 by 4ever >> ♪ >> "action news." delaware valley's leading news program. with matt o'donnell, tamala edwards, karen rogers and meteorologist, david murphy. >> ♪ >> good morning. it's 5:00 a.m. on this wednesday august 3rd. i'm tamala edwards with nydia han. matt is off. >> we are following developing news. civil servants risk their lives to save a man from a fiery crash. we are live with the developing details. >> philadelphia police shoot and kill a dog after they witness it attacking multiple people. >> troubling information about the popular bounce houses. the danger health experts say it could pose for your kids. >> but now let's head over to dave murphy and matt pelman to take a look at your weather and traffic. good morning. >> good morning. we're off to a great start today. is going to be that day we've been waiting for all week. right now we have a lack of real significant cloud cover. there's the possibility

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Vietnam , Republic Of , Millville , Pennsylvania , United States , Australia , Delaware County , Chester County , Delaware , San Diego , California , Montgomery Mall , West Virginia , Mexico , Dover , Massachusetts , Downingtown , Cooper Landing , Virginia , Allentown , Trenton , Rehoboth , Cape May , New Jersey , New York , Center City , Texas , Washington , Philadelphia , Florida , Belize , Mercer County , Tennessee , Phoenix , Arizona , Houston , Beach Haven , Bethany Beach , Australian , American , Dave Murphy , Bob Davidson , Karen Rogers , Richard Hannah , Ray Mckay , Chester Pike , Joe Biden , Ali Gorman , Lee Kaplan , Emanuel Rodriguez , Katherine Scott , David Murphy , Joel Wright , Mitt Romney , Nydia Han , Calvin Mendoza , Iwo Jima , Paul Ryan , John Mccain , Hillary Clinton ,

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Transcripts For WPVI Action News At 430 AM 20160803 :

Transcripts For WPVI Action News At 430 AM 20160803

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been waiting for really today and tomorrow both look absolutely fabulous. as we take a look at satellite and radar, you can see that there's a lack of a lot of significant cloud cover out there. some of you might have a little patchy fog or low lying cloud cover. on our reporting stations we're not seeing a whole lot of. that humidity has been knocked down to the south. we're still somewhat humid in dover but a lot of these numbers -- well, actually the dewpoints will tell you that in a second but 70 degrees in dover and 67 in philadelphia, these are comfortable numbers this morning. 64 degrees in allentown and trenton. let's check out those dewpoints. we have is i -- we still have tt 70 down in dover. everybody else in the 60. that's not nearly as humid as it has been. great morning for a workout. 69 degrees by 7 o'clock, sun coming up, 75 degrees by 10 o'clock and then we spend the afternoon in the 80's with a high of 84 degrees and we'll probably hit that at about 3 o'clock but with low humidity and lots of sun, little sunscreen and cool drinks and we are ready to roll. things do get a little more humid toward the end of the week and we could see some thunderstorms on saturday, matt, the way things are shaping such now i'll have details on that and give you the latest on tropical storm earl. that's all coming up. >> all right. so, this is the day we've been waiting for weather-wise. these are the times we've been waiting for traffic-wise as well here along 202 in chester county. yesterday we got our third lane in the southbound direction between 401 and this point at the 30 bypass and we're wondering if possibly this morning we could get the third lane opened northbound. they're still out here doing overnight construction. you can see they're blocking the right side of the roadway this morning. yesterday it was the left side of the roadway that was blocked. so, i have a feeling when they he clear we may have three lanes opened northbound but only time will tell and of course we'll keep you posted. we'll also be keeping you posted on when they get the vine street expressway reopened. it's still closed right now for the overnight construction between the schuylkill and broad street. no traffic getting by just yet in either direction. and it's just a whole bunch of construction this morning. in delaware there's some work on 95 northbound as you head toward 295. that's going for the next half hour and for the next hour and a half until 6:00 there's southbound work between 273 and the delaware service area as you head down toward newark couple lanes blocked there until 6:00 also work going on in gloucester county along the new jersey turnpike as you head southbound passing exit two for route 322. lane out of commission there. until 6 o'clock. tam. >> okay, thank you, matt. developing overnight philadelphia police a car fulling engulfed flames. the driver was still inside. the officer helped to pull that man to safety. "action news" spoke to the officer and reporter katherine scott filed this story. >> thirty-ninth district officer saved this individual's life. >> reporter: philadelphia police officer joel wright says he was in the right place at the right time. he's been returning from northwest detectives shortly after midnight when something caught his attention further down broad street. >> as i approached wyoming avenue i saw up in the distance what looked like a fire ball. >> reporter: moments prior a 2008 champer had spun out of control hit a median and two parked cars before coming to a stop in the middle of broad street near belfield and logan. officer rice approached the vehicle and saw the 47-year-old driver sprawled unconscious across the front seat with no seat belt on. there was a fire in the engine compartment. the officer was able to open the passenger side door and around this time a passing private ambulance company pulled up. >> with their help i pulled the male out of the front seat of the car as the flames were growing. >> reporter: the fire spread through the car but the driver was out and no one else was injured. >> i'm glad of the outcome. but obviously it would have been better without the fiery wreck but all things considered, this is a positive outcome. >outcome. >> breaking this morning a fast moving fire damaged a house in southwest philadelphia overnight. the fire broke out on the 6200 block of florence avenue at 2:30 this morning. crews got to the scene to find flames shooting out of the second floor windows on the row home. they say a large amount of debris on the second floor hampered their ability to fight that fire. there are no reports of injuries. dealt wear county say a driver hit a pedestrian and took off. chopper6 was over the scene of chester pike of route 420 prospect park. this happened before 10:30 last night. officials have not yet revealed the victim's condition. >> ♪ >> republican presidential nominee donald trump is openly taunting the leaders of his own party by refusing to endorse two of the nation's most prominent republicans. it comes as more republicans announce their support for his democratic opponent. abc's maggie rulli has more on the widening division in the party. >> reporter: donald trump battling with members of his own party this morning refusing to endorse speaker paul ryan and long time senator john mccain in their upcoming republican primaries even though they're both supporting him telling fox news. >> i've never been a big fan of john mccain. >> reporter: trump ignited a firestorm last year by criticizing mccain's capture in vietnam. this comes as a time when his relationship with military families is already on the rock after his public battle with the family of a muslim american soldier who died fighting in new york and a report revealing his five military deferments. then this happened. >> a man came up to me and he handed me his purple heart. >> reporter: the retired lieutenant colonel giving trump his purple heart as a show of support. >> i said man, that's like -- that's like big stuff. i always wanted to get the purple heart. this was much easier. >> reporter: many top republicans continue to distance themselves from their nominee and now former silicon valley executive and major gop fundraiser meg when it man is taking her anti-trump stance one step further saying she's decided to support hillary clinton and going on to urge all republicans to reject donald trump this november. president obama also jumping into the fray. >> i think the republican nominee is unfit. i think i was right in mitt romney and john mccain were wrong on certain policy issues but i never thought that they couldn't do the job. >> reporter: and now the first republican in congress retiring congressman richard hannah of new york says he will vote for hillary clinton over donald trump come november. in washington, maggie rulli, channel6 "action news." >> happening today, vice president joe biden will be honored in philadelphia. the world affairs council of philadelphia will present the vice president with the 2016 atlas award. biden is being recognized for his outstanding efforts leading the president's initiative on cancer research. tonight's event takes place at the hyatt at the bellevue in center city. >> the search is on for the three bandits hoop smashed and grabbed their way to $10,000 in jewels at the montgomery mall. surveillance video shows the masked men taking hammers to the jewelry display. the trio struck in broad daylight just before 11:30 yesterday morning. investigators believe the suspects scouted out the mall and were able to get in and out through an unlocked back door. >> the way they're moving organized and the equipment that they have they're in and they're out, there's no hesitation, i would say it's definitely not their first time. >> no employees or customers were hurt. the bucks county man accused of fathering to children with an under aged girl and the parents who authorities say knowingly gave their daughter away to him for sex, will all be held for trial. 51-year-old lee kaplan of feasterville whom you saw a moment ago in the gray beard was walked into court yesterday afternoon along with daniel and savilla stoltzfus. they have been kicked out of the amish order and that's when prosecutors claim kaplan helped the company out of dire if this straits. they gifted their then 14-year-old daughter to kaplan and later sent the girl's nine younger sisters to also live with him in his feasterville home. >> turning to the fight against the zika virus the mosquitos that are spreading the disease in miami florida may be harder to get rid of than first believed. the cdc says they may be resistant to the insecticide they are trying to use to fight them and this come as a 15th person has been confirmed as contracting zika. the virus can cause severe brain related defects including abnormally small heads. we know many of you have questions about zika. that's why today "action news" health reporter and registered nurse ali gorman is hosting a live facebook chat with an infectious disease expert from einstein health. join us from 4:30 to 5:30 this evening. go outside find any standing water and get rid of it. >> i have a lot of questions myself. i'm glad she's doing that. we have more news coming up. these bees caused a lot of buzz around the neighborhood but now the family has finally gotten some help to get rid of them. >> a young hero helps save a driver from being washed away in monsoon flooding. david. >> a high of 84, low humidity and another nice one tomorrow. things change as we led into the weekend and what about that earl? tropical storm may be headed to a category one hurricane status before too much longer. we'll have details on all of that coming up. >> ♪ >> rescuers saved multiple people from monsoon flooding in the phoenix area. pictures show one of the cars that got swept into the river. strangers chased the car and helped pull the driver to safety. one of those good samaritans was only 12 years old. witnesses who watched the car get away say they have no idea how far it floated. >> let's talk about what's going on around here. let's talk about earl. you have a lot to go through. it's going to be a nice day. >> it is. beautiful around here. looks like we'll get two real winners before the humidity starts to creep back up. storm tracker6 live double scan though shows you this morning we are high and dry. as we take a look outside we've got sky6 down along the commodore barry bridge. might be a little patchy cloud cover around this morning but overall we're expecting to transition to mostly sunny skies quickly and it really does look like a nice pay back day. 67 degrees currently in philadelphia. a little cooler than it's been the last couple mornings at this hour and how about that dewpoint, down to 61 no longer talking about up are 60's and 70's, that really heavy humid air that we've had recently so it is going to be great for your morning workout or just a walk to the bus stop or whatever else you're doing. winds out of the northeast at 5 miles per hour. as we take a look at satellite, well, you can see the lack of cloud cover, a little shower activity down in virginia and west virginia but no such problem here and with a frontal boundary well down to our south the humidity is lurking well to the south and we are going to feel comfortable. so, get ready for a nice one today. 70 degrees by 8 o'clock, 75 by 10 o'clock. going to wound up mostly sunny throughout the day and by 3 o'clock that's your high, 84. it will still be warm enough to keep the cool drinks flowing if you're outside working but with the lower humidity, it will feel a lot more comfortable. temperatures getting up into the low 80's up in allentown and reading today. your highs of 82 in wilmington and 80 in trenton not bad. 82 degrees in millville. and down the shore it looks like we'll be closer to the upper 70's or maybe 80 depending on where you live. going to go with a lot of 80's from beach haven ocean city. mostly sunny skies slightly humid, sunblock important on the beach. 78 in cape may, 81 in rehoboth and 82 today in bethany beach. for the phillies tonight another great night for baseball and beautiful with lower humidity than we had last night. 79 for the first pitch. 71 in the ninth inning tonight just about as good as it gets down at the ballpark for a summer evening in philadelphia and then tomorrow another nice one on thursday with high pressure delivering a nice comfortable breeze out of the northeast. low humidity again tomorrow with with another high around 84. things will start to change on friday when we start to kick that humidity back up. tropical storm earl still a tropical storm at this hour. it formed yesterday right before the noon broadcast in case you missed it. the winds have climbed up to 60 miles per hour and it now appears as though this could become a category one hurricane before it makes landfall in belize later tonight and for belize northern guatemala and the surgeon portion of the yucatan peninsula we could be looking at not only decent winds as it dee grades to tropical storm but also eight to 12-inches of rain. belize is a good tourism destination looks like the storm falls apart over central mexico over the weekend. your seven-day forecast 84 is today's high mostly sunny and nice. tomorrow a repeat sunny still great 84 and then musikfest starts on friday night and it looks like it will be warm and humid with a high of 86 but we're no longer worried about thunderstorms on friday night so if you have plans to head out to musikfest on night one, good night to do it. saturday hot and humid. we will be looking for a thunderstorm around particularly in the afternoon and evening, 90 is the hot high but then on sunday sunny and less humid with a high of 87. and it looks like we ease back into the 80's on monday and tuesday with pretty comfortable conditions there as well. remember when we're not on the air you can always get the latest weather information by going to isn't it nice to have such a flies one on tap, though. >> yes. >> it certainly is. >> thanks, david. two massachusetts men behind bars accused of trying to intimidate officers by talking about police shootings. police pulled over calvin mendoza and emanuel rodriguez in salem. he they found two loaded guns with a cell phone with a police scanner app. the officers were concerned the men were monitoring their activity. mendoza also claimed to have been discharged from the military and said he was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. here's a weird one. new on "action news" a state lawmaker in tennessee arrested for stealing his campaign opponent's signs but it was that representative who got him out of jail. someone recorded him removing campaign signs last month. todd was arrested yesterday when he failed repeated to show up for questioning. hours later lovell posted his bond. not clear why he was so helpful to his rival. curry faces lovell and two other challenges in the republican primary. an australian couple got this backyard pool they never asked for. a large circular sinkhole appeared yesterday and continued swallowing up the property as news cameras recorded. neighbors woke up neighbors lynn and ray mckay. it eventually grew to about 26 family look at that. authorities think the sinkhole is due to an old mine tunnel collapsing. a family in houston is finally rid of a colony of 100,000 bees that had taken over their garage. the bees had been living there for two years. the homeowners say they avoided the garage and backyard area for fear of course of getting stung. a pest control expert cut the walls where the bees built lonnie combs and found both african and regular honeybees. >> wow. >> the family of course happy to have their yard and garage back. our kids are terrified of flies much less bees. fascinating. >> it is 4:48. matt pelman will give us another live look at the roads. that's coming up next. >> and we have a recall from starbucks to tell you about when "action news" continues. >> ♪ where things come from? how they get here? what they're packed in? it's a lot of stuff. and these things add up. that's why we recycle. [vo:]it's nice to know that raymour and flanigan is proud to be a leading recycler- 17 million pounds of recyclable materials every year. turned from trash into treasure. so in the future, we will all have a more beautiful world. ♪ >> ♪ >> and here we go with wednesday. and it's going to be a beauty especially if you're down the shore. good morning to you. also a nice morning to be doing some construction i suppose and we have some going on here in delaware county. it's way up ahead in the distance along macdade boulevard between bowens lane and fairview road. overnight paving on macdade by the blue route. traffic is moving fine. those are the lanes of the blue route 476 right there. we've also been watching overnight construction here along the vine street expressway and it's still out here. all lanes blocked in both directions between the schuylkill and broad street but everybody should be out of here the crews should go in the next 10 minutes or so. also some overnight work going on on the pennsylvania turnpike eastbound past downingtown in chester county. looks like it's a little slow he there because the left lane is blocked. you've got the right lane blocked eastbound between virginia drive and willow grove in montgomery county but speeds there don't look too bad. in hamilton township mercer county there's more work this morning along 295 southbound past arena drive. right lane out of commission there until 6 o'clock. and this is a live look in cherry hill along route 70 at haddonfield road by the wegmans. traffic moving fine but if you're headed eastbound just up ahead by cooper landing there's a lane blocked for construction until 6:00. tam. >> okay, thank you, matt. >> ♪ >> now taking a look at business, take a look at this straw see if it's something you think you have in your home because starbucks which sells the straw they're recalling two and a half million of these stainless steel strauss. the company has received reports of children with mouth lacerations and that could come from the ridge at the bottom meant to keep it attached to the lid. starbucks is urging people not to let their children use these strauss. google got the green light to begin testing drone delivery. the announcement came from the white house's office of science and technology with approvals from the faa. the white house says drones could create yes, sir billion dollars for the economy. taking a look all right stocks, the major indices were down, the dow fell by 90 points. not looking so good this morning. all futures are pointing to a lower open. samsung has unveiled a galaxy note seven among its features an iris scanner that allows users to unlock the phone with their eyes. we real are getting into blade runner aren't we. you can preorder the galaxy note seven starting today. it will be available in stores august 19th. i'm just waiting on the one that you can open and dial with your mind. >> that is just amazing. now a new navy ship is named after a special world war ii vet. herschel woody williams was in san diego yesterday to he see the vessel named in his honor. the 92-year-old is the last surviving medal of honor winner from the battle of iwo jima miasm it will support a variety of missions including maritime security and counter piracy operations. >> 4:53. there's a lot more to come on "action news" this morning. >> an umpire says he was surprised by the crowd's reaction when he ejected a fan at the phillies game. that's next. i approve this message. donald trump: i could stand in the middle of 5th avenue and shoot somebody and i wouldn't lose any voters, okay? and you can tell them to go f--- themselves! you know, you could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever... you gotta see this guy. ahh, i don't know what i said, ahh. "i don't remember." he's going like "i don't remember!" >> an umpire made an unusual call at the phillies game last night telling a fan you're outta' here. an unruly man got bootd from citizens bank park during the sixth inning. the home plate umpire bob davidson interrupted play with the call. >> he is actually going eject a fan. when was the last time you saw that happen? >> davidson says the fan heckled him for two straight batters yelling all the way from 14 rows up. davidson then joked his actions drew plus from the crowd something he rarely here's here in philadelphia. >> it is now 4:57. still ahead on "action news," a 10-year-old boy from new jersey does not shy away from a teachable moment. more on a motivational speech that started with a pair of sneakers. >> a fiery crash ends a dramatic rescue involving a philadelphia police officer is a great story. we're live with more when "action news" comes right back. >> ♪ ♪ ♪ 4 by 4 by land, 4 by 4 by sea ♪ ♪ 4 by 4 by air - 'cause i like to fly free ♪ ♪ 4 my country and how it all started out ♪ ♪ 4 the brave and every boy scout ♪ ♪ 4 doin' it yourself cuz you want it done right ♪ ♪ 4 by 4 the top down - stars keep ya up at night ♪ ♪ 4 by 4 every one of our seventy-five years ♪ ♪ 4 by 4 the wave - that's how we say 'cheers' ♪ ♪ that's how we live ♪ 4 by 4ever >> ♪ >> "action news." delaware valley's leading news program. with matt o'donnell, tamala edwards, karen rogers and meteorologist, david murphy. >> ♪ >> good morning. it's 5:00 a.m. on this wednesday august 3rd. i'm tamala edwards with nydia han. matt is off. >> we are following developing news. civil servants risk their lives to save a man from a fiery crash. we are live with the developing details. >> philadelphia police shoot and kill a dog after they witness it attacking multiple people. >> troubling information about the popular bounce houses. the danger health experts say it could pose for your kids. >> but now let's head over to dave murphy and matt pelman to take a look at your weather and traffic. good morning. >> good morning. we're off to a great start today. is going to be that day we've been waiting for all week. right now we have a lack of real significant cloud cover. there's the possibility

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Vietnam , Republic Of , Millville , Pennsylvania , United States , Australia , Delaware County , Chester County , Delaware , San Diego , California , Montgomery Mall , West Virginia , Mexico , Dover , Massachusetts , Downingtown , Cooper Landing , Virginia , Allentown , Trenton , Rehoboth , Cape May , New Jersey , New York , Center City , Texas , Washington , Philadelphia , Florida , Belize , Mercer County , Tennessee , Phoenix , Arizona , Houston , Beach Haven , Bethany Beach , Australian , American , Dave Murphy , Bob Davidson , Karen Rogers , Richard Hannah , Ray Mckay , Chester Pike , Joe Biden , Ali Gorman , Lee Kaplan , Emanuel Rodriguez , Katherine Scott , David Murphy , Joel Wright , Mitt Romney , Nydia Han , Calvin Mendoza , Iwo Jima , Paul Ryan , John Mccain , Hillary Clinton ,

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