Transcripts For WPVI Action News At 1230 PM 20160425 : compa

Transcripts For WPVI Action News At 1230 PM 20160425

reception from the late breakfast crowd in the penrose diner. this was his last pennsylvania stop before tomorrow's primary. looks like athletes here. >> reporter: pennsylvania polls showcasic and cruz run -- show kasich and cruz running 21 points behind trump tomorrow. kasich will stay out of indiana, cruz will not campaign in oregon and new mexico. kasich was grilled about the shot gun political marriage. we don't have all the resources in the world, but we can keep going, i feel it's fair to go to areas where i can spend my resources effectively and same with cruz. >> reporter: top party bosses who want to block trump's nomination this summer. ted cruz says trump cannot beat clinton in the fall. [inaudible]. donald trump will be appearing in southeastern pennsylvania late today for one last time. he was a rally scheduled for west chester university campus late this afternoon, live in south philadelphia, i'm vernon odem channel 6 "action news." thank you. democratic frontrunner hillary clinton is drumming up support in delaware ahead of tomorrow's primary picture. let's take a look at the world cafe live at the queen in wilmington. she was just introduced by governor markell. she is holding a get out the vote event. we're streaming it live at clinton will rally philadelphia voters tonight outside of city hall. that event kicks off at 7:00 p.m. this evening. meantime, bernie sanders campaigns today from one pennsylvania to the other. this afternoon he holds a rallyt the university of pittsburgh and actors will be with him. vice president joe biden and his wife are travel to philadelphia speaking at the community of philadelphia in the next hour or so. they will highlight the school's efforts to make college more affordable to help students prepare for and graduate from college. philadelphia are looking for a break in two deadly shootings they believe may be connected. one of the shootings happened after a political candidate finished talking to the victim. annie mccormick is live at police headquarters where we are learning about the man who was killed. annie? >> reporter: and rick, police sources say there's been a rise in gang related activity in the cedarbrook neighborhood where the shootings occurred yesterday. we spoke with the mother with one of the victims off camera she planned to work at the polls with her son on tuesday, she said he was interested in working with a local campaign and speaking with a local candidate minutes before he was shot. somebody tell me who killed my son! >> reporter: a father reacting to his son's murder in broad daylight. police say 3:00 p.m. sunday a 21-year-old alex perry finished speaking to chris rabb and he continued to talk to an aide when he was killed execution style. a young man was interested in chris' campaign and another man came up behind him and shot him execution style in the head. we do not know why he was targeted. we have to believe there was annex us between this and the second shooting. >> reporter: someone in an red suv fired shots in the crowd. elijah frazier shot in the back was killed. frazier ran into a store on the same block where cherry died hours earlier. we're trying to to see if there's a retaliation, we believe it is. today police cruiser stayed in the neighborhood near a small memorial for cherry. rabb did not campaign, but leaflets were distributed door to door. in a statement he extended his condolence to cherry's family saying he was going to volunteer to work for the campaign. he said he pulled a campaign worker into the store to safety the same store that centered around has surveillance video and homicide detectives have been reviewing and plan to release it sometime today. annie mccormick channel 6 "action news." an investigation is underway in north wales, montgomery county after a man was shot and killed during a church service. the shooting happened yesterday morning after 11:00 a.m. after the congregation had finish singing a song. investigators believe an argument between two church members started the incident. the victim 27-year-old robert braxton was hit in the chest. according to officials the gunman had a conceal carry permit for the his weapon. nobody has been arrested or charged. we're following a developing story from the poconos. residents are being evacuated as firefighters try to contain a brushfire. two fires were intentionally set on wednesday near the monroe pike county bothered. four buildings have burned, five thousand dollar reward is being offered for information leading to an arrest of the arsonist. authorities say low humidity and steady breeze have hampered effort to put out the flames. let's go over to david murphy. the lack of rain can't help the situation at the poconos at this hour. >> reporter: that's the main thing they are fighting, the winds are strong, but the humidity is low and not low enough to trigger an enhanced fire danger, but the forest floor is dry now that the thing has started to burn they may have difficulties with that. we have rain coming in tomorrow noticeably for the firefighters in the poconos. we have sun and high clouds mixing. temperatures are warm, 6 degrees, shooting past that in some aerials we're in the 70s. this afternoon accuweather says we'll be in the 70 most of the time, it is going to be pretty nice and summer-like weather. 75 degrees by 2:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. that's the high today, 80 degrees cool drinks and sunscreen are part of the package as we go through the rest of the afternoon. after that, the testers will tumble a little bit, by -- temperatures will tumble a little bit. mid 60s by 10:00 p.m. the overnight low, 62 degrees. as you head out tomorrow morning it will be mild for this time of the year. when i step inside we'll look at the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast including future tracker 6 we have a chance of showers in the morning and thunderstorms in the afternoon details ahead. see you back inside, thank you. you can find the seven-day forecast and look at double scan radar 59 our website breaking right now our sister station of zen reporting that eagles quarterback sam brad for is requesting a trade. according to espn bradford will not show up to any of the eagles off season activities while he waits for the team to trade him. he signed a contract with the birds, but the eagles traded up to a second pick in the thursday night draft where they are expecting to take a quarterback. the "action news" sports team is looking to get more information on this we'll have that at 4:00 p.m. tom brady an appeals court in new york ruled he must serve a four-game suspension stemming from the 2015 title game. today's decision supersedes an earlier decision so he did not miss playing time. hover boards are band on the boardwalk. settlement is reached in a controversial police shooting that story ascertain much more when "action news" at 12:30 comes right back. a little child with big dreams. dwight evans. first a community activist. a legislator at 25. always looking out for us. he worked to create a thriving commercial district. and he's brought new grocery stores to underserved areas. dwight evans is committed to revitalizing neighborhoods in all of philadelphia. he'll be a block by block congressman for us. i'm dwight evans and i'm proud to approve this message. modres: the cost of living the pay stays the same. i have to work extra hours just to make ends meet. it's a big struggle. one person that really gets this is katie mcginty. she came from a working-class family. she was ninth of 10 kids. she gets it. she'll fight for equal pay for equal work. katie mcginty will protect social security and medicare. that's why president obama and vice president biden support her, too. she'll make a heck of a senator. dscc is responsible for the content of this advertising. pass along at this hour, chopper 6 is over the logan section of the city philadelphia police are investigating a shooting that happened before noontime. 5800 block of old york road where police say an adult male was shot multiple times transported to einstein in critical condition. as you can see police are on the scene and we are told a nearby day care center was told to shelter in place while they look for the gunman. there were no other evacuations or any other areas affected. 5800 block of old york road a man shot multiple times rushed to nearby hospital. we'll watch the situation for you and bring you more information as it becomes available. the city of cleveland settled a wrongful death lawsuit over the shooting of tamir rice in 2014. cleveland will pay $6 million over the next two years. the lawsuit alleged the police officers acted recklessly who shot the boy who was playing with a pellet gun. students are back in class after a gunman shot two teenagers at the prom. >> reporter: good afternoon, sarah there is heightened security at the school and counselors on hand after the attack that could have been so much worse. a small town is in shock this morning as police try to understand why an 18-year-old allegedly plotted a rampage at a high school prom. we have a shooter. >> reporter: police say former high school student jacob wagner was armed with a high powered rifle and large amunition clip when he opened fire on students leaving the prom saturday night. a young man hit in the leg his date grazed by a bullet. an officer patrolling the parking lot heard the gunfire and took down the shooter right away. he did what he needed to do and took care of the -- to me, saved a lot of lives. >> reporter: school officials are praising police saying their quick actions might have prevented a disaster of unimagable proportions. i didn't think this would happen in a small town like this. wagner displayed this gun on instagram and wanted to be a hunter and loved art an music. they say a girl at the school broke up with him last month. his grandfather said wagner was bullied, but we never saw it coming. life can change in an instant, it certainly did, we feel for the other families as we mourn our loss. a school administrator said wagner started shooting from a distance and did not appear to be targeting students specifically. in washington, channel 6 "action news". hover boards will not be seen on the boardwalk in wildwood this summer. town officials will ban the battery powered craft. they are worried about insures liabilities and fire danger to the boardwalk from over heated batteries. days ago, federal officials seized 4,000 counterfeit hover boards. normally ul insignia is a sign of quality. ul has not certified any hover board. it's counterfeit unauthorized. officials say if you see ul on the box stay away from it and notify authorities. still ahead on "action news," another check of the forecast. looking live outside, sky6 live hd, there we go, the jersey shore, cape may. nice afternoon there. warm temperatures, might be cooler at the shore. we'll get the latest from meteorologist david murphy when we come right back. >> all right another check. the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast, taste of summer today. >> reporter: absolutely, let's get you outside, storm tracker 6 live double scan shows we are rain free. take a look the action cam out in the gardens, what is that an impatient? anyway it's a nice day for the flowers and gardeners and anybody else who wants to spend time outside. it's a month an half two months down the road from here. tuesday we're looking at a late thundershower it will be warm, cooler air will wing back in for a few days, 68 degrees we'll be in the 70s may already be there in a lot of spots. winds out of the west/southwest drawing up the mild air from the south. 9-mile an hour winds is not too bad. satellite showing us the cloud cover has gotten thicker. it's high, thin cloud cover. if you look toward pittsburgh that's all we've got, i think the sun will win out, but the skies will turn that milky white color. 80 in trenton and wilmington, even numbers up and down the i-95 corridor. 76 in allentown. 74 in millville. 72 in toms river. along the coast with the flow coming off the cool ocean you're in the low 60s in most shore communities. 75 degrees by 2:00. looks like we'll jump up to 80 by 4:00 p.m. and settle back to 75 by 6:00 p.m. afternoon and evening warm norm where the happen to be. 67 by 8:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m., 64. the numbers are evening out overnight. with the southerly flow in place. we'll wind up fairly mild going down into the low 60s tonight. tomorrow, we're back up to 81 for the high beneath the frontal boundary. the thing about the frontal boundary it will cause us to be cloudier and we'll be unstable and we'll seal showers and thundershowers before the end of the day. future tracker 6 will pick up that part of the story tonight at 11:00 p.m. when we are still dry. in the overnight we might have showers popping through maybe a heavier shower or rumble of thunder. i'll be here with karen rogers looking at that on storm tracker 6 live double scan. the rest of the day up until 2:00 p.m. looks dry. up at 2:00 p.m., 3:00 p.m., in the northern and western suburbs we'll see showers popping through ascertain between 2 and 5:00 p.m. they charge into south jersey and we might see a drenching thunderstorm. it's scattered precipitation, by 9:00 p.m. it's off the coast. the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast, warm today, high of 80. nice one out there. tomorrow, 81 with a few showers, especially in the afternoon and evening. and then cooler behind the departing front, high of 69 degrees on wednesday, with lots of sun. only 59 on thursday. it now looks like we could see occasional periods of rain through the day, kind of on and off. on friday, more rain possible, inching up to 63 degrees. the best shot of rain would be in south jersey and delaware. a pair of 70s saturday and sunday looks great for phillies fans and union fans, i can't see. a celebration of american southwest is coming to the prince theater. the dance performance is described as a kid's show for adults. karen rogers has more in this week's 6abc loves the arts. >> reporter: the daniels company is called -- the dance company show is dubbed opus cactus. it's full of colorful costumes and crazy props that the new york times calls a feast for the eyes. the company was founded 36 years ago by awards winning choreographer, moses pendleton. the company first debuted opus cactus in 2000. it was inspiermd -- inspired by his trip to the arizona. very athletic. we have recipes any sports star would really envy. there's a native american sound there's an arabic sound. >> reporter: abbey -- and their use of special props rumbles the dream camper is -- such as the dreep catcher is -- dream catcher is the best part of the show. it's the show that the arctic director said will -- artistic director said will hold the audience's attention from beginning to end. >> reporter: the performance is may 11th to the 22nd. for tickets and show time visit prince or 6abc loves the arts. for 6abc loves the arts i'm karen rogers. "dancing with the stars" everyone survived america's shakeup. tonight the performances might seem familiar because it's famous dances night when the couples recreate iconic dance choreographies from music, videos and dance performances. "dancing with the stars" airs tonight at 8:00 p.m. on 6abc. ♪ gaviscon is a proven heartburn remedy that gives you fast-acting, long-lasting relief. it immediately neutralizes acid and only gaviscon helps keep acid down for hours. for fast-acting, long-lasting relief, try doctor-recommended gaviscon. narrator: listen to katie mcginty for obama vo: katie will stand up to special interests to protect your right to health care, social security and equal pay for women. as the 9th of 10 kids and the mother of 3 daughters, katie is fighting to ensure every family has a fair shot at getting ahead. katie from debate: "i'm a champion, i'm a fighter and i'll have the back of hard working families in this country." narrator: endorsed by president obama and vice president biden, a champion for working families. katie vo: i'm katie mcginty and i approve this message. exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast before we head out the door. >> reporter: what an afternoon ahead take a look at the northern and western suburbs, 77 degrees in kutztown and allentown and reading. downingtown 78 degrees. highs of 80 up and down the i-95 corridor for the most part. a little bit cooler in middletown. as you go through central part of south jersey and delaware, mid 70s. 60 at the shore. keep in mind if you suffer from allergies, poll nl -- pollen count on the high side, tuesday the rain will knock it down. breaking news concerning the eagles, quarterback sam bradford is requesting a traded and not show up to any eagles off-season activities. we have more at 4:00 p.m. his estate is worth $300 million, he died without a will. what happens to prince' fortune now? that's it for "action news," don't forget to join us for "action news" at 4:00 p.m., 5:00 p.m., and 6:00 p.m. for rick williams and david murphy and the entire "action news" team, i'm sarah bloomquist. have a great afternoon! 5 white men brutally attack an african-american. using racial slurs. and beating the victim unconscious. the entire incident caught on tape. but district attorney steve zappala gives the attackers plea deals. drops all charges of hate crimes. and now four will serve no jail time at all. five black guys jump one white guy... nobody would be going home. steve zappala. he shouldn't be our attorney general. the wolf was huffing and puffing. like you do sometimes, grandpa? well, when you have copd, it can be hard to breathe. it can be hard to get air out, which can make it hard to get air in. so i talked to my doctor. she said... symbicort could help you breathe better, starting within 5 minutes. symbicort doesn't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. symbicort helps provide significant improvement of your lung function. symbicort is for copd, including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. it should not be taken more than twice a day. symbicort contains formoterol. medicines like formoterol increase the risk of death from asthma problems. symbicort may increase your risk of lung infections, osteoporosis, and some eye problems. you should tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. symbicort could mean a day with better breathing. watch out, piggies! (children giggle) symbicort. breathe better starting within 5 minutes. call or go online to learn more about a free trial offer. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. ♪ >> announcer: get ready to fall in love with your food. because we're serving up fabulous family favorites all hour long. carla's in the kitchen with the hilarious alfonso ribeiro and they're rockin' and rollin' with a dish that'll be your new go-to recipe. then mario's stirring a low and slow sunday supper that'll have everyone begging for more. plus, here come the joneses! one of our favorite "chew" families is back and they've got a recipe perfect for a hungry crowd. the fun starts right now on "the chew." ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> hello, and welcome to "the chew." you know, right now i'm surrounded by some of my favorite people who aren't just family, they also happen to be fabulous.

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Transcripts For WPVI Action News At 1230 PM 20160425 :

Transcripts For WPVI Action News At 1230 PM 20160425

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reception from the late breakfast crowd in the penrose diner. this was his last pennsylvania stop before tomorrow's primary. looks like athletes here. >> reporter: pennsylvania polls showcasic and cruz run -- show kasich and cruz running 21 points behind trump tomorrow. kasich will stay out of indiana, cruz will not campaign in oregon and new mexico. kasich was grilled about the shot gun political marriage. we don't have all the resources in the world, but we can keep going, i feel it's fair to go to areas where i can spend my resources effectively and same with cruz. >> reporter: top party bosses who want to block trump's nomination this summer. ted cruz says trump cannot beat clinton in the fall. [inaudible]. donald trump will be appearing in southeastern pennsylvania late today for one last time. he was a rally scheduled for west chester university campus late this afternoon, live in south philadelphia, i'm vernon odem channel 6 "action news." thank you. democratic frontrunner hillary clinton is drumming up support in delaware ahead of tomorrow's primary picture. let's take a look at the world cafe live at the queen in wilmington. she was just introduced by governor markell. she is holding a get out the vote event. we're streaming it live at clinton will rally philadelphia voters tonight outside of city hall. that event kicks off at 7:00 p.m. this evening. meantime, bernie sanders campaigns today from one pennsylvania to the other. this afternoon he holds a rallyt the university of pittsburgh and actors will be with him. vice president joe biden and his wife are travel to philadelphia speaking at the community of philadelphia in the next hour or so. they will highlight the school's efforts to make college more affordable to help students prepare for and graduate from college. philadelphia are looking for a break in two deadly shootings they believe may be connected. one of the shootings happened after a political candidate finished talking to the victim. annie mccormick is live at police headquarters where we are learning about the man who was killed. annie? >> reporter: and rick, police sources say there's been a rise in gang related activity in the cedarbrook neighborhood where the shootings occurred yesterday. we spoke with the mother with one of the victims off camera she planned to work at the polls with her son on tuesday, she said he was interested in working with a local campaign and speaking with a local candidate minutes before he was shot. somebody tell me who killed my son! >> reporter: a father reacting to his son's murder in broad daylight. police say 3:00 p.m. sunday a 21-year-old alex perry finished speaking to chris rabb and he continued to talk to an aide when he was killed execution style. a young man was interested in chris' campaign and another man came up behind him and shot him execution style in the head. we do not know why he was targeted. we have to believe there was annex us between this and the second shooting. >> reporter: someone in an red suv fired shots in the crowd. elijah frazier shot in the back was killed. frazier ran into a store on the same block where cherry died hours earlier. we're trying to to see if there's a retaliation, we believe it is. today police cruiser stayed in the neighborhood near a small memorial for cherry. rabb did not campaign, but leaflets were distributed door to door. in a statement he extended his condolence to cherry's family saying he was going to volunteer to work for the campaign. he said he pulled a campaign worker into the store to safety the same store that centered around has surveillance video and homicide detectives have been reviewing and plan to release it sometime today. annie mccormick channel 6 "action news." an investigation is underway in north wales, montgomery county after a man was shot and killed during a church service. the shooting happened yesterday morning after 11:00 a.m. after the congregation had finish singing a song. investigators believe an argument between two church members started the incident. the victim 27-year-old robert braxton was hit in the chest. according to officials the gunman had a conceal carry permit for the his weapon. nobody has been arrested or charged. we're following a developing story from the poconos. residents are being evacuated as firefighters try to contain a brushfire. two fires were intentionally set on wednesday near the monroe pike county bothered. four buildings have burned, five thousand dollar reward is being offered for information leading to an arrest of the arsonist. authorities say low humidity and steady breeze have hampered effort to put out the flames. let's go over to david murphy. the lack of rain can't help the situation at the poconos at this hour. >> reporter: that's the main thing they are fighting, the winds are strong, but the humidity is low and not low enough to trigger an enhanced fire danger, but the forest floor is dry now that the thing has started to burn they may have difficulties with that. we have rain coming in tomorrow noticeably for the firefighters in the poconos. we have sun and high clouds mixing. temperatures are warm, 6 degrees, shooting past that in some aerials we're in the 70s. this afternoon accuweather says we'll be in the 70 most of the time, it is going to be pretty nice and summer-like weather. 75 degrees by 2:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. that's the high today, 80 degrees cool drinks and sunscreen are part of the package as we go through the rest of the afternoon. after that, the testers will tumble a little bit, by -- temperatures will tumble a little bit. mid 60s by 10:00 p.m. the overnight low, 62 degrees. as you head out tomorrow morning it will be mild for this time of the year. when i step inside we'll look at the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast including future tracker 6 we have a chance of showers in the morning and thunderstorms in the afternoon details ahead. see you back inside, thank you. you can find the seven-day forecast and look at double scan radar 59 our website breaking right now our sister station of zen reporting that eagles quarterback sam brad for is requesting a trade. according to espn bradford will not show up to any of the eagles off season activities while he waits for the team to trade him. he signed a contract with the birds, but the eagles traded up to a second pick in the thursday night draft where they are expecting to take a quarterback. the "action news" sports team is looking to get more information on this we'll have that at 4:00 p.m. tom brady an appeals court in new york ruled he must serve a four-game suspension stemming from the 2015 title game. today's decision supersedes an earlier decision so he did not miss playing time. hover boards are band on the boardwalk. settlement is reached in a controversial police shooting that story ascertain much more when "action news" at 12:30 comes right back. a little child with big dreams. dwight evans. first a community activist. a legislator at 25. always looking out for us. he worked to create a thriving commercial district. and he's brought new grocery stores to underserved areas. dwight evans is committed to revitalizing neighborhoods in all of philadelphia. he'll be a block by block congressman for us. i'm dwight evans and i'm proud to approve this message. modres: the cost of living the pay stays the same. i have to work extra hours just to make ends meet. it's a big struggle. one person that really gets this is katie mcginty. she came from a working-class family. she was ninth of 10 kids. she gets it. she'll fight for equal pay for equal work. katie mcginty will protect social security and medicare. that's why president obama and vice president biden support her, too. she'll make a heck of a senator. dscc is responsible for the content of this advertising. pass along at this hour, chopper 6 is over the logan section of the city philadelphia police are investigating a shooting that happened before noontime. 5800 block of old york road where police say an adult male was shot multiple times transported to einstein in critical condition. as you can see police are on the scene and we are told a nearby day care center was told to shelter in place while they look for the gunman. there were no other evacuations or any other areas affected. 5800 block of old york road a man shot multiple times rushed to nearby hospital. we'll watch the situation for you and bring you more information as it becomes available. the city of cleveland settled a wrongful death lawsuit over the shooting of tamir rice in 2014. cleveland will pay $6 million over the next two years. the lawsuit alleged the police officers acted recklessly who shot the boy who was playing with a pellet gun. students are back in class after a gunman shot two teenagers at the prom. >> reporter: good afternoon, sarah there is heightened security at the school and counselors on hand after the attack that could have been so much worse. a small town is in shock this morning as police try to understand why an 18-year-old allegedly plotted a rampage at a high school prom. we have a shooter. >> reporter: police say former high school student jacob wagner was armed with a high powered rifle and large amunition clip when he opened fire on students leaving the prom saturday night. a young man hit in the leg his date grazed by a bullet. an officer patrolling the parking lot heard the gunfire and took down the shooter right away. he did what he needed to do and took care of the -- to me, saved a lot of lives. >> reporter: school officials are praising police saying their quick actions might have prevented a disaster of unimagable proportions. i didn't think this would happen in a small town like this. wagner displayed this gun on instagram and wanted to be a hunter and loved art an music. they say a girl at the school broke up with him last month. his grandfather said wagner was bullied, but we never saw it coming. life can change in an instant, it certainly did, we feel for the other families as we mourn our loss. a school administrator said wagner started shooting from a distance and did not appear to be targeting students specifically. in washington, channel 6 "action news". hover boards will not be seen on the boardwalk in wildwood this summer. town officials will ban the battery powered craft. they are worried about insures liabilities and fire danger to the boardwalk from over heated batteries. days ago, federal officials seized 4,000 counterfeit hover boards. normally ul insignia is a sign of quality. ul has not certified any hover board. it's counterfeit unauthorized. officials say if you see ul on the box stay away from it and notify authorities. still ahead on "action news," another check of the forecast. looking live outside, sky6 live hd, there we go, the jersey shore, cape may. nice afternoon there. warm temperatures, might be cooler at the shore. we'll get the latest from meteorologist david murphy when we come right back. >> all right another check. the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast, taste of summer today. >> reporter: absolutely, let's get you outside, storm tracker 6 live double scan shows we are rain free. take a look the action cam out in the gardens, what is that an impatient? anyway it's a nice day for the flowers and gardeners and anybody else who wants to spend time outside. it's a month an half two months down the road from here. tuesday we're looking at a late thundershower it will be warm, cooler air will wing back in for a few days, 68 degrees we'll be in the 70s may already be there in a lot of spots. winds out of the west/southwest drawing up the mild air from the south. 9-mile an hour winds is not too bad. satellite showing us the cloud cover has gotten thicker. it's high, thin cloud cover. if you look toward pittsburgh that's all we've got, i think the sun will win out, but the skies will turn that milky white color. 80 in trenton and wilmington, even numbers up and down the i-95 corridor. 76 in allentown. 74 in millville. 72 in toms river. along the coast with the flow coming off the cool ocean you're in the low 60s in most shore communities. 75 degrees by 2:00. looks like we'll jump up to 80 by 4:00 p.m. and settle back to 75 by 6:00 p.m. afternoon and evening warm norm where the happen to be. 67 by 8:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m., 64. the numbers are evening out overnight. with the southerly flow in place. we'll wind up fairly mild going down into the low 60s tonight. tomorrow, we're back up to 81 for the high beneath the frontal boundary. the thing about the frontal boundary it will cause us to be cloudier and we'll be unstable and we'll seal showers and thundershowers before the end of the day. future tracker 6 will pick up that part of the story tonight at 11:00 p.m. when we are still dry. in the overnight we might have showers popping through maybe a heavier shower or rumble of thunder. i'll be here with karen rogers looking at that on storm tracker 6 live double scan. the rest of the day up until 2:00 p.m. looks dry. up at 2:00 p.m., 3:00 p.m., in the northern and western suburbs we'll see showers popping through ascertain between 2 and 5:00 p.m. they charge into south jersey and we might see a drenching thunderstorm. it's scattered precipitation, by 9:00 p.m. it's off the coast. the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast, warm today, high of 80. nice one out there. tomorrow, 81 with a few showers, especially in the afternoon and evening. and then cooler behind the departing front, high of 69 degrees on wednesday, with lots of sun. only 59 on thursday. it now looks like we could see occasional periods of rain through the day, kind of on and off. on friday, more rain possible, inching up to 63 degrees. the best shot of rain would be in south jersey and delaware. a pair of 70s saturday and sunday looks great for phillies fans and union fans, i can't see. a celebration of american southwest is coming to the prince theater. the dance performance is described as a kid's show for adults. karen rogers has more in this week's 6abc loves the arts. >> reporter: the daniels company is called -- the dance company show is dubbed opus cactus. it's full of colorful costumes and crazy props that the new york times calls a feast for the eyes. the company was founded 36 years ago by awards winning choreographer, moses pendleton. the company first debuted opus cactus in 2000. it was inspiermd -- inspired by his trip to the arizona. very athletic. we have recipes any sports star would really envy. there's a native american sound there's an arabic sound. >> reporter: abbey -- and their use of special props rumbles the dream camper is -- such as the dreep catcher is -- dream catcher is the best part of the show. it's the show that the arctic director said will -- artistic director said will hold the audience's attention from beginning to end. >> reporter: the performance is may 11th to the 22nd. for tickets and show time visit prince or 6abc loves the arts. for 6abc loves the arts i'm karen rogers. "dancing with the stars" everyone survived america's shakeup. tonight the performances might seem familiar because it's famous dances night when the couples recreate iconic dance choreographies from music, videos and dance performances. "dancing with the stars" airs tonight at 8:00 p.m. on 6abc. ♪ gaviscon is a proven heartburn remedy that gives you fast-acting, long-lasting relief. it immediately neutralizes acid and only gaviscon helps keep acid down for hours. for fast-acting, long-lasting relief, try doctor-recommended gaviscon. narrator: listen to katie mcginty for obama vo: katie will stand up to special interests to protect your right to health care, social security and equal pay for women. as the 9th of 10 kids and the mother of 3 daughters, katie is fighting to ensure every family has a fair shot at getting ahead. katie from debate: "i'm a champion, i'm a fighter and i'll have the back of hard working families in this country." narrator: endorsed by president obama and vice president biden, a champion for working families. katie vo: i'm katie mcginty and i approve this message. exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast before we head out the door. >> reporter: what an afternoon ahead take a look at the northern and western suburbs, 77 degrees in kutztown and allentown and reading. downingtown 78 degrees. highs of 80 up and down the i-95 corridor for the most part. a little bit cooler in middletown. as you go through central part of south jersey and delaware, mid 70s. 60 at the shore. keep in mind if you suffer from allergies, poll nl -- pollen count on the high side, tuesday the rain will knock it down. breaking news concerning the eagles, quarterback sam bradford is requesting a traded and not show up to any eagles off-season activities. we have more at 4:00 p.m. his estate is worth $300 million, he died without a will. what happens to prince' fortune now? that's it for "action news," don't forget to join us for "action news" at 4:00 p.m., 5:00 p.m., and 6:00 p.m. for rick williams and david murphy and the entire "action news" team, i'm sarah bloomquist. have a great afternoon! 5 white men brutally attack an african-american. using racial slurs. and beating the victim unconscious. the entire incident caught on tape. but district attorney steve zappala gives the attackers plea deals. drops all charges of hate crimes. and now four will serve no jail time at all. five black guys jump one white guy... nobody would be going home. steve zappala. he shouldn't be our attorney general. the wolf was huffing and puffing. like you do sometimes, grandpa? well, when you have copd, it can be hard to breathe. it can be hard to get air out, which can make it hard to get air in. so i talked to my doctor. she said... symbicort could help you breathe better, starting within 5 minutes. symbicort doesn't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. symbicort helps provide significant improvement of your lung function. symbicort is for copd, including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. it should not be taken more than twice a day. symbicort contains formoterol. medicines like formoterol increase the risk of death from asthma problems. symbicort may increase your risk of lung infections, osteoporosis, and some eye problems. you should tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. symbicort could mean a day with better breathing. watch out, piggies! 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