Transcripts For WPVI Action News 5PM 20151019 : comparemela.

Transcripts For WPVI Action News 5PM 20151019

early this morning. the low in philadelphia -- or in allentown i should say dropped all the way down to 25 degrees. that's the third earliest state for 25-degree weather for allentown since records began there back in 1922. so, unusually cold. definitely needed the winter coats the past three days. however, if you look at what the temperatures are out to the west, that's the air mass heading our way. cincinnati, it's 64. chicago, it's 72 degrees. i'm tracking unseasonably warm weather moving in by the middle of the week. i'll have details on that coming up in the full accuweather forecast. brian. >> all right, cecily, thanks very much. you know, eagles fans hugely pumped for tonight's game. the tailgating began hours ago and the excitement will soon move from the parking lot into the stadium. "action news" reporter chad pradelli live outside the linc in south philadelphia where the party continues. chad, you've got details from there. >> reporter: yeah, brian, here in eagles country, it is a sea of green. fans are pumped up. the canopy and tents up. the grills are fired up and people are ready for this monday night tilt. >> let's go eagles! >> reporter: already arrived. they got the barbecue going. you can smell the smoke in the air. the beverages were flowing and people were just enjoying the nice brisk afternoon under the warm sun. it is a little chilly but fans like it. this is the giants, this is monday night divisional foes fierce rivals from up north. obviously the game is on the minds of everyone here. this is a must-win. the eagles put themselves in a hole early on in the season and fans know they need to get a victory tonight. >> must, absolutely must. have to take off the glasses. absolutely must win this game. we got to win this game. >> it's monday night, giants. doesn't get any bigger than this. >> it doesn't. our defense firing on all cylinders. offense firing on all cylinders. >> looking at it this way. as long as the offense does what they should do and protect sam we'll be okay. did he first last week they got to do the same thing this week and every week and it's the only way they're going to get better. >> reporter: the birds have shown some flashes of good football. fans are hoping that the seconds half against the saints, we'll see that football team here at the linc and they're hoping they'll see a repeat of last year when they put the beat down on the giants 27-nothing. for now the latest here outside of the linc, i'm chad pradelli, channel6 "action news." back to you guys. >> fingers crossed my friend. thanks chad. we're teaming up with phl17 to bring you all the action tonight. watch our special pregame show counter down to kickoff at 8 o'clock and then of course the game at 8:30. that's tonight on phl17. >> will he or won't he? everybody is waiting for vice president joe biden to announce his decision on whether he will run for president. abc news is reporting today that we could know within a few days and "action news" reporter david henry is live in greenville, delaware, where biden lives with more. hi, david. >> reporter: hey, monica, and multiple sources are now saying that joe biden will make his decision within the next couple of days. other sources are saying he's already decided to run. well, not surprisingly he has a lot of support for whatever he chooses near his hometown of greenville. >> i think he's strong. i think he says -- well, he's an offer the cuff speaker so he says what he thinks and i think people respect him for that. >> reporter: biden spent the weekend at his home in greenville and left this morning in a motorcade headed back to washington. he has been pondering a run for president for months. the home state crowd has been waiting anxiously for a decision. >> he should make up his mind. >> definitely for sure soon. [laughter] >> reporter: been dragging on long enough. >> yes. >> reporter: bob saw biden here at the market over the weekend. >> i said hi, joe and he shook my hand. >> reporter: did you tell him to run? >> no, i didn't. >> reporter: do you think he should? >> yes, i think so, he's from delaware, he's good man. >> reporter: the latest poll shows biden in third place behind hillary clinton and bernie sanders should he decide to run. even more encouraging, though, some that show him outpolling any of the potential republican nominees. the white house today said president obama is not pressing biden one way or the other. >> he has been considering this for some time and i'm confident that once he has made a decision, that he'll announce it but he'll do so on his time frame. >> reporter: numerous sources are saying biden has indicated to supporters that he will make his decision by this wednesday. his neighbors are hoping it's the right decision. some for, some against a run. >> i think that he should not run. >> reporter: why do you say that? >> i think that he should just take it easy from here on. i'm feeling for joe. >> i think a prolonged primary for him against hillary clinton is probably not good for the democratic candidate in the long run. >> reporter: do you think he has any chance against her. >> no. that's the other part. i don't think he has a chance at all. >> reporter: yeah, a lot of opinions around here for or against biden run for president but only one opinion counts and we should know what that decision is fairly soon. live in greenville, david henry, channel6 "action news." monica. >> thank you, david. tonight the candidates for philadelphia mayor will face off during a debate at temple university. they'll meet up again this weekend right here on 6abc when we show that you debate. well, we want to hear your questions for the candidates and you can submit them for jim kenney and melissa murray bailey by e-mailing them to join the action at or through the social media using #6abcaction and then tune in to watch the debate this sunday morning at 11:00 a.m. >> a jury today found griffin campbell not guilty in the murder -- of murder in the collapse that claimed the lives of six people in center city philadelphia. 51-year-old campbell was found not guilty of six counts of third degree murder but found guilty on all involuntary manslaughter and reckless endangerment counts. the demolition contractor was on trial for his role in that june 2013 catastrophe. that collapse killed six people and injured 13 others. >> police have arrested one of the suspects wanted in a deadly home invasion in dover, delaware. 23-year-old matthew harrington surrendered in pennsylvania and investigators say he and salim shabazz broke into a house and shot three people two of them died. shabazz remains on the loose. he is considered armed and dangerous. ah officials in new jersey have identified one of two women killed when a home in pleasantville caught on fire over the weekend. 48-year-old jenny lopez tavarez was killed. the second victim will not be named until her loved ones are notified. the cause of the fire on west wright street is still under investigation. family members say the victims had been living there for a few years without electricity and had been using candles at night. >> a fund created for a homeless family whose toddler was found wandering in love park this weekend has reached its goal of $12,000. a septa officer found two-year-old safe after he walked away without his parents' knowledge as they slept in a cardboard box. "action news" aired their story which caught the attention of brian jenkins and homeless organization chosen 300. since then his fundraiser pulled in enough cash to cover housing for that family for one year so they can be reunited with both of their young children. >> incredible. well, time for the "action news" traffic report for you monday night. >> let's do it. matt pelman standing by in the "action news" traffic center getting us home safely tonight. >> yes, getting to that eagles game and anybody headed doyne to the linc for some tailgating brian and monica better get their tails in gear. the highways are becoming more crowded. as we look 95 southbound side moving at a slow pace from academy into girard. backs up more substantially from the walt whitman bridge southbound to this point at broad street many people waiting to exit over at the linc where the parking lot is filling up here in southbound and looks like we have some police activity headed southbound on 95 headed towards the girard point bridge as well. if you want to miss the traffic septa says we would like to help. 14 extra sports express trains tonight on the broad street line leaving fern rock heading southbound starting at 6:08 and then they'll run every 10 minutes. take that down to at&t its a short walk over to lincoln financial field. in the suburbs just normal afternoon delays and we have a crash in east fallowfield by the mennonite church along 82 northbound. i think i would use youngs bird road instead of 82. 73 blocking its left lane both ways by stiles avenue. 38 or 70 better bets for you on this monday night. we'll check it again monica and brian, in the next half hour. >> see you then, matt. thank you very much. we've got much more to come on "action news" at 5:00 tonight a new lip filler product has the fda's approval and it's proving to be popular among cosmetic patients. find out how it's different from other fillers coming up on health check. >> oprah winfrey decides to go into business with weight watchers. how her new role could give the company a much needed boost. those stories and more coming up next. cecily is back for the complete accuweather forecast for the week ahead. that's next on "action news" at 5:00. the centers for medicare and medicaid services recently asked patients to rate the quality of over 3,500 hospitals. fewer than 10% received 5 stars. among them was cancer treatment centers of america in philadelphia. >> parole board in south africa putting oscar pistorius under house arrest for the next four years starting tomorrow. the pistorius served one year of his five year prison sentence. the former olympian was sentenced last year for the homicide of reeva steenkamp. the double amputee will be subject to gun prohibitions and he must continue psychotherapy. >> the state of texas will stop the flow of state medicaid funding to planned parenthood. state health officials said the clinics are potentially liable for serious medicaid program violation. the move comes after an antiabortion group released under cover videos in which planned parenthood officials discussed fetal tissue. the organization has denied that it sells that tissue for profit. >> health check tonight, a new tool now for turning back the hands of time on your face. it addresses one of the trickiest areas, the lips. >> reporter: we talk, we eat we drink and more with our lips. over time, though, the natural fat in them thins out. well, for decades cosmetic doctors have tried a host of ways to smooth fine lines and restore lip fullness but dr. tim greco says fullers have not been able to endure the continual movement of the mouth. >> there's constant sheering forces that are placed on any product that's placed in the lips. those sheering forces will break down the filler. >> reporter: that means getting treatments every six months, sometimes more. and over filling the lips to stretch the interval doesn't help. >> sometimes too much can be put in and then you've now converted this beautiful structure of the human face into a hot dog. >> reporter: two weeks ago the food and drug administration gave the green light to juvederm ultra xc a few product in the popular juvederm line. it is the first filler shown to last for a year in the lips. dr. greco who was involved in clinical tests on the new filler says it goes in smoothly and it has innages threat particular built right in to decrease discomfort around the sensitive mouth area. and he's noticed another difference. >> it doesn't have that propensity to have that tremendous swelling reaction right after the injection which can scare patients. >> reporter: he says juvederm traffic light xc brings up the corner of the mouth for a happier more youthful look. >> well, dr. greco says the cost can vary between 400 and a thousand dollars depending on how much of the juvederm you need. that is competitive with other fillers but they need to be used more often. >> four members of a delaware family who game seriously sick in the virgin islands are getting help with their medical care now. members of the cross fit wilmington presented a check for $25,000 today at dupont hospital for children. that's for teenagers sean and ryan esmond are still being treater months after they were exposed to a powerful pesticide at a resort in saint john. the boys' parents steve and theresa were also hospitalized. terminix was investigating why one of its workers sprayed that pesticide indoors. >> folks are trying to eat healthier tonight in trenton, new jersey. volunteers gave out free healthy snacks today and played games for national eating healthy day. the american heart association sponsors this events as a way to help fight heart disease and stroke. those are two of the nation's top killers. so eating more fruits and veggies is key, so the new jersey healthy corner store initiative is now pushing local vendors to market healthier options to customers. a million new jerseyans do face food issues. ññ >> ♪ >> amid growing concern about drone safety the federal government says it will require most of them to be registered. the move comes as the number of incidents involving drones increases including close calls with planes and crashes in the populated areas. the faa says the registration system will better allow drones to be tracked in the same way planes are. toys and small drones would likely be exempt. oprah winfrey is hoping to turn weight watcher around by making an investment in that company. the former talk show host is buying a 10 percent stake in the company and taking a seat on its board of directors. it's not clear if winfrey will serve as a celebrity spokeswoman just yet. the move comes as weight watchers has been struggling in recent months. profits plummeted nearly 50 percent in the first half of this year. >> students at rosa international school in cherry hill joined an attempt to earn a spot in the guinness world record book. the read across the globe initiative aims to break the record for the most children read to by an adult in a 24-hour period. the number to beat is 238,620. volunteers were asked to read to each classroom for 30 minutes at a time. if you are a plus size woman there's a new push to create fashions for you tonight. this is the kickoff at city hall today for the pink the runway black tie couture fashion show in philadelphia october 30th. the event is to assure women sizes eight and up that luxury brands are marketing to them, too. part of the proceeds will benefit the pennsylvania breast cancer coalition. >> and up next as "action news" continues tonight we get a check of the accuweather forecast. >> let's take you outside right now, sky6 hd checking out the ben franklin bridge. a beautiful night this night. cecily tynan will have details on our evening ahead and the week coming when we come right back. i want a supreme court judge who knows the law. for the past seven years, i've served on pennsylvania's second highest court. and the bar association has given me their very highest rating. i want a judge who understands regular people. i was the first in my family to graduate from college. my dad was a coal miner. my mom- a factory seamstress. i want a judge with integrity. me too. and that's why i'm running. i'm christine donohue. it's time to bring integrity back to the supreme court. >> time for accuweather. at the "action news" big board meteorologist cecily tynan here with a chilly forecast. >> we have much warmer air on the way which is great because a lot of us not quite ready for winter yet. ron posted this picture from the poconos on my facebook page said he went up to the poconos to look at fall foliage this is what he saw. some of that snow falling. even closer to home we had snow formed in the clouds, almost looks like soft sleet and part of the reason why because there was so much instability in the atmosphere from cold air moving in. philadelphia this morning down to 35 degrees. notice up burlington, vermont, some of the ski resorts already opened. 22 degrees this morning and afternoon highs today instead of the mid 60's, only in the mid fifty six. 54 trees in philadelphia but warmer air is on the way. satellite6 along with action radar showing what's going on. we've got high pressure down to the south so winds actually are from the southwest. it's pulling in warmer air but only higher in the atmosphere. we have an inversion so the cold air is trapped at the surface. what will happen as we head through the day tomorrow, that warmer air will be mixing in with the surface and that will make a big impact on our temperatures. even tonight not quite as cold as last night. last night in the 30's and 20's. ton 92 nightonight down to 44, n and trenton 40 degrees. the temperature for the eagles game at linc will be in the 40's so definitely bundle up. but tomorrow we start to see kind of trip away the players. the day planner showing a good amount of sunshine tomorrow, mixing with some clouds. at 8 o'clock 47. by 11 o'clock, 59. by 2 o'clock, 66. and then by 5 o'clock, 68 degrees. so temperatures slightly above normal tomorrow and then as we head into wednesday, future tracker showing, look at this, almost feel more like summer. temperatures in the 70's. we'll keep temperatures in the 70's for two days before we begin to trend down as we head toward the weekend but the weekend will not be nearly as cold as this pastor weekend. so the five day at 5:00 showing tomorrow much warmer. instead of temperatures in the mid-50's they get up to 68 degrees, mostly sunny skies. a few clouds bubbling up during the from that warmer air moving in. wednesday plenty of sunshine, gorgeous, definitely on the warm side, 74 degrees. you won't need a jacket in the afternoon. thursday even a little bit warmer, 75 degrees with some sunshine and then temperatures start to trend down on friday. sunny but cool, 61 degrees and saturday loads of sunshine with a high of 61 degrees. notice in that five day not a drop of rain adam will let you know if that dry weather continues into next week coming up in the full accuweather 7-day forecast. looking a little bit nicer, though, by the middle of the week, guys. >> sounds good. >> thank you cecily. there's much more to come in the next half hour of "action news" at 5:00 tonight. two people are rushed to the hospital following a serious crash overnight. why authorities think this could have been prevented. >> and a group of new jersey lawmakers says they know how to jump start the economy in the garden state. you'll hear from them. >> plus, a young inventor who was arrested for making a digital clock takes up one of the many offers he's gotten to meet a big fan. we'll tell you who. >> all right, those stories and more when "action news" comes right back. >> ♪ >> "action news" continues with meteorologist adam joseph, jaime apody, rick williams and monica malpass. >> ♪ >> hello again. rick is off tonight. brian taff joins us. here's what's happening on "action news" tonight. septa has ruled out the first phase of its new ticket system aimed at making it more user friendly for riders. we'll explain how it works for you. villanova university says it's stepping up its security on campus. we will have details. we're hours away from monday night football and the eagles taking on the giants at linc. we're live in south philadelphia with your preview. >> and now the details the way that hundreds of thousands of septa customers pay for their ride is about to change. today the transit agency officially unveiled its septa key program. officials said the days of fumbling with tokens cash and flimsy passes are done. instead, people will use cards that are tracked by central database. "action news" reporter john rawlins now live in center city and john, you've got the details tonight. >> reporter: hi, brian. well, septa riders have been noticing these little screens with the red surrounds. they've noticed them near turnstiles like this, they've seen them on buses and trolleys. they're called validaters part avenue new electronic system that will come online. right now it's in a testing phase. only a hundred people have access to it but the goal is for hundreds of thousands of people to use it. septa gm jeff neville showed us how the new system should work. he taps a card against the screen and gets a green light. it's been dubbed the septa key as in key to getting someplace. it will be used systemwide. >> so if i want to get on the market frankford line, what if i get off and want to use the bus. >> you can go there, too. >> reporter: and trolleys and eventually even the regional rails. visiting new yorker bee bee torres buying septa tokens today applauded the change that will make tokens eventually obsolete. back home she already uses a rechargeable metro card like this. >> that's good though 'cause you can fill it in and put it in and just go home like a credit card. >> reporter: you like that idea. >> yeah. >> reporter: with all the systems the money information is on the mag stripe. if you lose it it's like cash with key the money information stays in a computer. but it's also more complex. when a rider taps their card on a bus, the system uses cell technology to contact the computer. there's an electronic handshake. then the computer responds with a confirm or denial of the card. it's all supposed to happen in just a half second. there have been some glitches. >> some of the equipment has that trouble passing the reliability test but i think they have a fix for that now. >> reporter: the hope to move from the testing phase to customer use starting late this year or early next year. it will be a soft rollout, a slow rollout says the man '84 seeing the key. >> we'll start out on a small scale and build overtime. less risk for the customers so they don't get disappointed. >> reporter: you're going to hear a lot more about key as they get to that firm startup date for the public. this is a big project, $134 million, years in the making and the sense is they do not want to roll it out toot public until it is ready for prime time. live in center city, john rawlins channel6 "action news." monica. >> thank you, john. in other news philadelphia police are offering two separate, $20,000 rewards for information leading to an arrest and conviction in two weekend murders. the first one happened at 8:00 p.m. saturday night in the 7100 block of greenway avenue here in south philadelphia. when officers arrived, the victim, 43-year-old terrence blackson was lying on the ground with two bullet wounds to the chest. he was pronounced dead at penn presbyterian hospital. the second incidents happened saturday night but in the logan section of philadelphia. 30-year-old ronnie new bee was shot several times when he got out of his car. this time in the 5100 block of north camac street. he died later at the hospital. newbie had survived a previous gun attack back in august. it's not clear if that shooting and saturday's are connected but anyone with information in either shooting please should contact police immediately. >> philadelphia detectives are also asking for the public's help finding the person who stole from a church in king severing. investigators release this video of a burglary this summer. cameras captured the suspect kicking the door in back on august 19th. over the next several minutes the burglar stole two flat screen televisions, a stereo system and a microphone. if you recognize this suspect, please call southwest detectives. police are also looking for the armed thief who patiently waited to strike a southwest philadelphia 7-eleven earlier this month. detectives released this video from inside the store on the 2900 block of south 70th street. the suspect walked in and pretended like he was shopping until most of the other customers were gone. the man then pulled out a gun demanded cash and ran off with $300 and cigarettes. in chester county tredyffrin township authorities are looking for the man in this surveillance picture. they say he robbed a cvs along lancaster avenue in paoli on sunday. detectives say the suspect walked in and waited for the cashier to open the register. he then pulled out a tire iron demand money and ran out once he had it. no one was injured. >> villanova university's adding another level of campus security. the school announced it will create its own police department with some officers undergoing the same exact training as public law enforcement. the new police will carry firearms. they will have other defensive equipment as well. villanova says the change is part of an ongoing effort to improve student safety. school officials made that decision after two years of research and input from community members. >> a group of senators in new jersey say they have a plan to jump start the economy. today senate president steve 15 sweeney announced he's commissioned a half dozen democratic senators to focus on investing in six areas that he says are essential to improving the economy. the legislation will cover transportation improvements early childhood education and college affordability. >> not only to jump start the state's economy but to make investment in turning new jersey into a place where people want to live work and retire. >> now money to invest in these projects could come from tax hikes and by reallocating existing revenue. two main candidates running to be philadelphia's next mayor will debate this friday and "action news" wants you to join the action. democratic candidate jim kenney and republican candidate melissa murray bailey will tackle questions submitted by you our viewers. send them through 6abc facebook and twitter accounts with #6abcaction or send them to join the action as you can then a watch the mayoral debate on sunday october 25th at 11:00 a.m. right here on channel6. >> police have not yet said if a driver who fell asleep behind the wheel will face criminal charges a crash in south philadelphia this morning. this is the scene at the intersection of penn rose and pattison avenue around 2:00 a.m. the driver of the cart reportedly fell asleep and slammed into the back of a tow truck stopped at a light. the car's driver had to be cut out of the wreckage. he's in serious condition. the driver of the tow truck was also taken to the hospital to be checked out. >> now to another check of the "action news" traffic report tonight. >> swing it over to matt pelman in the "action news" traffic center. >> some of these people headed to the linc might be breaking out the tailgating food while in the car because they're stopped cold here along the schuylkill expressway eastbound side. good time for the cold cuts, right? eastbound stacks up as you try and get on 76 and it's basically stop and go the whole way into center city. that 18 minute eastbound travel time from the turnpike into the blue route is three times what it ideally should be. it's not quite this bad along 95 northbound in delco but still a sluggish pace coming north of the delaware state line up toward 476, the blue route and southbound is a little worse. now jamming from woodhaven through this point approaching cottman down towards center city. in the suburbs not a terrible afternoon but there is a crash in horsham along dresher road at business center drive, broken down vehicle on the northbound section of the northeast extension. subsequent slowing coming north of quakertown and plenty of slowing in maple shade because of that water main break along 73 near stiles avenue. 38 or 70 would be better bets as you head home. brian and monica, back over to you. >> all right, thank you my friend. still to come here on "action news" tonight the search is on for the person who opened fire in the middle of a zombie convention sending hundreds of people running for their lives. >> we have a big update about the young inventor who was thrown into handcuffs after his teacher thought he brought a bomb to school. who he finally got to meet today. adam. >> winter-like start here locally of the week. look at the midwest. 70's and 80's are building and temperatures here will go well above normal. we'll have those changing numbers on accuweather. >> the eagles taking on the giants in monday night football in just a few hours. the "action news" sports team has it all covered. we've got a preview of tonight's big matchup when "action news" comes right back. >> go eagles. that's amazing. it's amazing. this is amazing. that's amazing! real people are discovering surprising things at chevy. we're sold. it's so pretty. beautiful. it feels great. perfect. this is not what i would expect from a chevy at all. get more than you expect for less than you imagined. the 2015 models are going fast. find your tag and get cash back for 15% of the msrp on select 2015 vehicles in stock. or, get 0% financing for 72 months on these remaining 2015 chevy vehicles. >> police are still looking for the killer responsible for a deadly shooting at zombie cop in fort myers florida. they have a better description of the suspect after talk wind gust witnesses and reviewing a youtube video taken at the scene. according to police, the suspect is a white or hispanic man in his late teens or early 20's. the shooting happened saturday night. a 20-year-old man died. four others were injured. a man died on board a plane after he reportedly biting another passenger. it happened yesterday on an aer lingus flight from portugal to dublin ireland. the man was being restrained when he became agitated and bit the man. the flight was forced to make an emergency landing. investigators say the man was pronounced dead at the scene but they have not yet released how he died. >> the migrant crisis in europe continues tonight. today thousands of people fleeing to europe crossed serbia's border into croatia. this comes after thousands of others were stranded for days in back weather in makeshift shelters. a human bottleneck formed after hungary shut its border with croatia last week. many refugees are trying to make their way to sloven ya' and that country has set a daily limit as to how many people will be let through. >> reporter: investigators investigating to see if hackers hit the accounts of homeland security. the alleged hacker a high school student said he breached cia director john brennan's personal account and saw some sensitive work files including a security clearance application. he also claims they heard -- went into homeland security jeh johnson's voicemails and heard some of them. no classified information was reportedly breached. >> sundays are tough when the eagles don't play. the wait is over. the eagles take on the giant monday night. >> tonight. >> in just a few hours. >> wait well worth it. the eagles have had a lot of success especially recently against the giants. hopefully that continues tonight. after a slow start the eagles are trying to get on a run here and to do that tonight against the giants on monday night football, they'll have to beat one of the best teams in the nfl at shutting down the run. let's go live to ducis rodgers and jaime apody at the linc. guys, first place on the line tonight. cannot wait for kickoff. >> reporter: yeah, jeff we hear these two words thrown around a lot, must win but i think in this case we actually can use it. it has some weight. going down oh and three in the division will be like a knife to the heart of the eagles playoff hopes. and the running game will be interesting to watch tonight because ryan matthews is questionable. demarco murray might have to carry much of the load. >> reporter: on the other side for the giants they're worried about their star wide receiver odell beckham, jr. the pro bowl wide receiver was on the field just a short time ago within the last 15 minutes he is officially listed as questionable with a hamstring injury. several web sites are reporting he'll play tonight. in terms of rushing yards per game allowed giants have the seconds best defensive unit in the nfl. the giants is not allowed a 100-yard rusher yet this season. also they have only allowed three rushing touchdowns all year long. demarco murray knows he will have to work tonight. >> they play differently than any other team they faced thus far so i think, you know, we'll see a lot of very different looks and different defenses and whatnot, different blitzes and so we're preparing for what we think may come at us but i'm sure they'll have play or two up their sleeves. >> reporter: eagles defense is playing great football and they have the reigning afc defensive player of the week fletcher cox coming off a two sac one fumble performance against the saints. hard to believe it's first ever player of the week award. he says he wants to build off this especially after being snubbed for the pro bowl last year. >> of course i can't i came in this season with a big chip on my shoulder and just being focused more than anything. so, that was the most important thing just being focused and just worry about, you know, what can i do to help this team win. >> reporter: how do you tans late that and build on a game that you had into this giants game, another huge contest for you guys. >> i would be satisfied and i'm still hungry. still, you know, just want to be greedy about it and not just, all right, i had three sacks last week, get real comfortable about it and, you know, just go out and be -- start doing stuff that i don't normally do. >> we are teaming up with phl17 to bring you the game tonight over on phl17. kickoff is set for 8:30. jamie, jeff and i will have a pregame special for you at 8 o'clock over on phl17. counterdown to kick off. >> it is a blackout here at the linc today. the end zones are black. we purposefully wore our black coats for the occasion. fans will be dressed in black and hopefully their mood will not be black after this game because we want to be happy. we want to go home with a win. much more coming up at 6:00 live at lincoln financial field, jaime apody, ducis rodgers channel6 "action news. jeff. >> all right guys. eagles have not allowed eli to throw a touchdown in the end zone in more than three years. it was 12 years ago today brian westbrook had that dramatic fourth quarter 84-yard punter return to beat the giants. how fitting at half time tonight westbrook will be inducted into the eagles hall of fame. third round pick out of villanova as the eagles all time yards leader from scrimmage. two time pro bowler will be inducked along with maxie barns. it is no trick, it is a halloween treat for the first time in temple history, the owls will be on national television. here on 6abc halloween night against notre dame at 8 o'clock. what a matchup that will be. dom brown appears to be done with the phillies. the once upon a time top prospect and all-star is removed from the phils 40 man roster today. since becoming an all-star 2013, brown's numbers have dropped off significantly. brown hit just .232 over the last two seasons with 15 homers which is among the worst stats by an outfielder in the majors. brown could become a free agent if he elects to do so. you talk about a guy there had so much promise. now you talk about a guy and you say a was a bust. >> thank you, jeff. >> thanks jeff. >> star wars fans you're in for a big treat tonight during the eagles-giants game. lucas film will debut an exclusive new look at star wars the force awakens during half time. right now at and the "action news" facebook page we do have some short clips from that exclusive video. check them out. we also have details on how you can get tickets to the movie which opens december 18th. lucas film unveiled this new official movie poster yesterday. disney is producing star wars the force awakens and of course disney is the parent company of us here at 6abc. >> ♪ mom this is hugely important. is there anywhere in your house i can get a good signal? anyway, you were saying. it's a tragic love story. i love tragedy. what is that noise? what? i'm on set. what movie? i'm shooting a movie about laundry. leave slow internet behind. a movie about laundry? yeah the 100% fiber optics network gives you the fastest wi-fi available when you need it the most. get out of the past. get fios. when a moment spontaneously turns romantic, why pause to take a pill? and why stop what you're doing to find a bathroom? cialis for daily use, is the only daily tablet approved to treat erectile dysfunction so you can be ready anytime the moment is right. plus cialis treats the frustrating urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently, day or night. tell your doctor about 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traveled roadways in southern california. it was late last night when more than 100 cars were buried by a mudslide right there on highway 58. however, hardened mud still needs to be removed and drainage systems cleared before that roadway can completely reopen and that's not expected until this thursday. >> back here, preview of winter over the weekend. it was chilly. even this morning. but we're going to warm back up. don't panic. >> going to be a quick recovery as we get into your tuesday, wednesday and especially thursday with temps going way above average once again. this little preview, it's over for now. >> yes. >> double scan live radar, nice reminder of what's to come about in a month or so. double scan showing lot of blue sky today and in fact the action cam was out on a very chilly afternoon but i tell you, it was a big difference a light wind it felt pretty good in the sun but again, once you hit the shady spots, then it felt on the cold side. as we look at this fall chill, the morning low in philadelphia, we started at 35 degrees. it's the coldest it's been this early in october since around halloween of 2011 on october 29th of 2011 we hit 33 degrees in philadelphia, so this is a little early to have it this cold and again, the suburbs started in the 20's, in fact trenton was a record this morning of 27 degrees. 52 in allentown. just 53 reading. 52 in wilmington. 40's still in cape may county and the same in the poconos. it's sitting at 48 degrees. very little warming today despite that high pressure to the south. when a high is to the south we usually get a heat pump. the winds come out of the west-southwesterly direction but this cold air has been locked at the surface today and finally tomorrow we will break it and that's going to allow those westerly winds to finally warm us up and it keeps the boundary to the north well to the north so that's not going to slip through to drop our temperatures at all as we get into the next few days. 8:30 tonight big game at the linc as we have the eagles taking on new york. 46 degrees for your kickoff. by the fourth quarter, 45 degrees. so, definitely need many layers. again, this is very cool for this time of year despite most eagles games it is on an even colder side deeper into the season. a starlit sky for tonight. again not as cold. no 20's in the suburbs. we'll hit 35 there, 44 degrees for center city. and then in the city for tomorrow, looking pretty good. 68 degrees. near normal. if not just a little bit abov above. sunshine and just a few clouds. if you're up in the lehigh valley temperatures there a couple degrees cooler in the city at 66 but still a warmer afternoon compared to the low 50's of today and down the shore equally as nice because of a land breeze, southwesterly wind four to 8 miles an hour. topping off your temperature at 66. the exclusive accuweather 7-day forecast, 68 tomorrow. so, much warmer than today. and then we're going into the 70's back to back days wednesday into thursday. thursday is your warmest day ahead of a cold front despite a little more clouds on thursday compared to the next couple of days. but really no precipitation with that front. we just get a drop in temperature behind it friday and saturday with a decent amount of sunshine, back below normal at 61 and in the second half of the weekend it stays dry as we move those temperatures back up to 67 and then another front on monday, limited sunshine, maybe a shower with a high of 62 degrees. so, if this is a little too soon for you don't worry we're going warm it up in the next few days. >> thank you adam. that texas high school student whose homemade clock sparked quite a social media storm will be at the white house tonight. ahmed mohamed will be just one of the stars at astronomy night. mohammed was arrested last month at school when a teacher mistook his clock for a bomb. charges against him were dropped but tonight ahmed will be in the company of top space scientists and nasa officials. >> ♪ vince mazzeo- fighting to save atlantic county. chris brown's attacks? the press calls them "embarrassing" political "posturing." the truth? chris brown and will pauls opposed the atlantic city rescue plan, even though it would save thousands of our jobs. we already know they're propped up by north jersey casino interests. and pauls even wanted the vote to allow north jersey casinos "this year." now they brag about helping atlantic county. but there's a word for politicians like that. hypocrite. >> jim gardner and the "action news" team standing by with these stories and more next at s-:: verdict is in for the contractor on trial in the deadly center city building collapse. >> and a bucks county homecoming king takes quite a victory lap when he learns that he has taken crown. sweet story for rick williams adam joseph cecily tynan jaime apody brian taff the entire "action news" team i'm monica malpass. have a great night. "action news" at 6:00 is up next. ññ >> ♪ >> "action news." delaware valley's leading news program. with ducis rodgers, meteorologist cecily tynan and jim gardner. >> ♪ >> monday night the eagles are set for their monday night matchup with the giants. and investigators work to determine the cause of a fire that destroyed a historic country club in montgomery county. but the big story on "action news" tonight is a verdict in the center city building collapse trial of griffin campbell. the demolition contractor was found not guilty of six counts of third degree murder but was convicted of involuntary manslaughter and reckless endangerment. vernon odom is live at the criminal justice center. how are those close to the tragedy reacting. >> reporter: most are calling it just after five hours of deliberations from the jury. even the prosecutor which wanted murder convictions says it's a just verdict. they wanted murder convictions and life in jail. the defense and civil lawyers say justice hasn't been done. cut rate contractor griffin campbell ac equipmented on six murder charges today in the june 2013 building collapse at 22nd and market but he was convicted of all involuntary manslaughter and reckless endangerment charges. his lawyers argued it was a scapegoat for an architect and wealthy land owner who pushed him to use heavy mechanical gear to knock down an unsupported wall that crashed into the salvation army store. >> i think they made a decision about what his mind-set was, when he was acting this recklessly and thought that it was appropriate for involuntary

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