Transcripts For WPVI Action News 11pm 20160526 : comparemela

Transcripts For WPVI Action News 11pm 20160526

oakwood street this is norris town. it is wednesday night and the big story on "action news" tonight is hit and run tonight and mercifully the boy is apparently going to be okay. but police want to find the driver who is still out there somewhere. "action news" reporter dann cuellar is live at norris town police. dann what are the details? what are police saying about this? >> reporter: well, jim, and the latest word we're get something that the 6-year-old boy that was struck is in stable condition over at children's hospital in philadelphia. meanwhile, the search goes on for the hit-and-run driver. surveillance cameras captured the hit-and-run accident just before 4:00 in the 1200 block of oakwood. incredibly, seconds after the collision, the driver is seen backing and up speeding off into an alley. >> as soon as he drove past him and he just pulled over to the side of the street, didn't stop or anything, slammed his car into reverse. i'm surprised he didn't run the kid over trying to get away. and went right down the alley and just flew away. >> reporter: susan says she and her family were inside when they heard a loud crash. >> we went out and here it was a child on a bicycle that was hit by a runaway car, a hit-and-run. >> reporter: the police would later recover the car, a gold colored toyota camry a couple blocks away. but the driver still on the loose. meanwhile, her instincts were to look after the child until paramedics could arrive. >> my motherly instincts kicked in, and i ran right out and i held his hand, and i was telling him to stay till still because he was bleeding from the back of the head. and his mouth, and his teeth were messed up. and he had blood in his mouth. i was like, lay skill. don't move. just stay calm. he said, "i want mommy." i'm like, "mommy will be here." >> reporter: the 6-year-old is a kindergartner at marshall street elementary. again, he's said to be in stable condition over at children's hospital. anyone with information on the whereabouts of that driver is being asked to call norristown police. we're live here in norris town, dann cuellar, "action news at -- "channel 6 action news." >> dann, thank you. there was tragedy tonight in whoever havertown. at least one person was killed in a multi-vehicle wreck at 7:30 on darby creek road. police are releasing few details about who's to blame or the identity of the victim. police in solebury, bucks county, tried to match stolen items to their owners. that's why they put out hundreds of items on display tonight. they have linked william dalton iiu to four burglaries in solebury and elsewhere. they say this could be just the beginning. chad pradelli has the story. >> reporter: hundreds of pieces of jewelry in all shapes and sizes were on display in the solebury police department. they're believed to have been stolen and nick was keeping a watchful eye. his home was burglarized last month and most of his wife's jewelry was taken. >> most of it was heirloom jewelry from her mother who died four months ago. a lot of it was jewelry from her grandmother and grandfather who passed away. >> reporter: you see, recently, police nabbed william dalton iii and found all this jewelry. >> right now we have four confirmed burglaries and are looking for additional ones. >> reporter: this woman who doesn't want to be named helped police catch dalton. she interrupted his alleged break-in of her home and was able to get a partial license plate number on his vehicle. >> i was very angry. i'm very angry. and i feel -- at the same time i feel bad for the guy. >> reporter: that's because detectives suspect dalton was stealing jewelry for a drug habit. this is dalton's linkedin photo and his mug shot. he appears to be a man that spiralled downward. and get this. his linkedin account said he's a former drug and alcohol counselor. >> he's a walking casebook for why you don't want to do drugs. i mean, he really -- he looked so gaunt. >> reporter: this crime-fighter says she recovered most of her jewelry which was mostly inexpensive items but still sentimental. police say dalton already pawned most of the valuable items. and lesy, he wasn't very lucky. >> i was hoping we'd find something, at least one piece, but we didn't so that's it. >> reporter: investigators say almost all of the jewelry was identified by victims. police have connected dalton to four burglaries but they say that number should climb. in solebury, chad pradelli, "channel 6 action news." to now around the world using only the sun's energy for fuel. that's what a pair of pilots are in the midst of doing. and they landed their plane tonight at lehigh valley international airport. live on the scene is "action news" reporter christie ileto. christie, tell us about the flight of solar impulse 2. >> reporter: well, jim, what's really cool about this flight is that when it was landing you could barely hear it because there's absolutely no engine so there's no sound. now, the plane did pass into this hangar. lots of people superexcited. the crowds did not disappoint. this is a plane that's as light as an s.u.v. and has the wing span of a 747. [ cheers ] gliding in at less than 30 miles per hour, solar impulse 2 ended its 17 hours in the air from dayton to the lehigh valley airport. >> welcome to the 21st century. >> it's as big as a 747, i think, they said, right? the wing span, yeah. >> can you believe that this is powered by the sun? is that the most -- >> they originated in abu dhabi. and they've come all the way around here. >> reporter: right. >> it's absolutely amazing. first it was turbulence. so half of the time i had to fly manual. >> hems the payment stay in the air well into the night. how do you fly without any sleep? >> we -- we do rest. when i flew five days, five nights over the past week, i did a resting period of 20 minutes. many six every 24 hours. i do yoga, meditation. >> i love airplanes. so this is a chance to get him excited about seeing something that was history in the making. >> it has long wings. >> it's fascinating. >> reporter: what looks most fascinating to you? >> it's necessarily lightweight and fragile, and it's not falling apart. which tells you it's very well designed. >> reporter: it's pretty shocking that these pilots sleep in such short intervals and able to steer that plane without any problems. the plane will be here in allentown at least until monday before it heads to new york city. reporting live in allentown, christie ileto, "channel 6 action news." jim? >> gorgeous looking machine. thank you, christie. pennsylvanians are a step closer to buying beer at gas stations. today, the liquor control board approved nine new applications allowing sales of sixpacks. governor tom wolf pushed for that in the interest of convenience. but there are legal stipulations that beer cannot be running up on the same -- rung up on the same registers as gas, even though drinking beer can cause gas or -- [ laughter ] we are looking live right now on sky6 at the battleship new jersey which will soon have a new glow about it. a $380,000 federal grant will pay for 2500 energy efficient l.e.d. lights. state regulators approved the switchover today. the l.e.d. lights are expected to save $30,000 a year in energy costs. all of us here at channel 6 experienced some bittersweet emotions tonight. we all came together to say thank you to lisa thomas-laury on the occasion of her official retirement. and monica malpass, we all shared some memories with lisa. lisa shared some memories with us. there are a lot of the memories to be had. >> absolutely, there were. and viewers also fell in love with lisa right from the beginning. her intelligence, kindness and classy ways. she worked hard every day to bring viewers her very best from the anchor desk and through the stories that she reported. >> last-minute preparations are just about completed. >> reporter: lisa came to philadelphia in 1978 as "action news" noon coanchor and reporter. she grew up in west virginia and the audience was charmed by her southern gentility. >> the blaze forced the evacuation of hundreds of center city employees -- >> reporter: years later she joined mark howard and jim o'brien on the 5 p.m. newscast. they were a winning team for decades and she became one of the delaware valley's premier tv journalists and personalities. >> lisa thomas-laury. [ cheers and applause ] >> reporter: lisa also teamed up with dave roberts hosting the annual thanksgiving day parade in philadelphia and our annual best of the class special. >> lady diana is now making her entrance into the processional -- >> reporter: and lisa was a strong reporter covering everything from princess diana wedding to the republican national convention. she won numerous awards but it's her courage in battling a debilitating illness and then returning to "action news" that forever cemented her in our hearts as a person of extraordinary courage. she underwent numerous bone marrow transplants but still greeted us with a smile. the community responded with numerous awards. >> thank you so much. [ cheers and applause ] >> reporter: tonight, we honor lisa with a party in studio 1. her devoted husband, bill, a highly respected internist and their two sons, leland and langston, were there along with the entire "action news" family and she said goodbye to viewers herself tonight at 6:00. >> you made sure i knew every day that you had me in your thoughts and your prayers, and it has meant more than you could possibly know. >> you're crying. >> i was crying. she's a sweet person. real friend. and we will always remember our lisa. >> we, indeed, will. thank you, monica. you can relive special moments from the iconic career of lisa thomas-laury right now at just view photographs to videos from her reports and we'll see well wishes from her colleagues as well. and there are a lot of them. hundreds from our viewers. and just be sure to share your messages to lisa thomas-laury on "action news" facebook page. still to come on "action news" tonight, inbox investigation, the state department lays out blame for the hillary clinton email scandal. plus, the csa reveals what it's doing to make your summer vacation less aggravate act the airportt. cecily? >> we hit 80 degrees today. i'm tracking 90s on the way and some rain over the holiday weekend. i'll have the details in the accuweather seven-day forecast. police canine in training suffers a debilitating injury. in our special report, we will see the cutting edge procedure that will heal her injuries to regenerate from the inside-out. plus ducis rodgers with the phillies trying to claw out a win against the tigers when "action news" continues. not good news today for hillary clinton. the state department inspector general says clinton ignored guidance from the state department that her email setup broke federal standards. a state department audit found that clinton's use of a personal server when she was secretary of state left sensitive material vulnerable to hackers. clinton was campaigning in california tonight. she did not mention the finding. at a donald trump rally, pro and anti-trump demonstrators shouted at each other. but police moved in to prevent a repeat of last night's violence in new mexico. inside, trump referred to the email report saying hillary clinton had a little bad news today. and wondered out loud if clinton will even be the nominee. trump said "it could be we're going to run against crazy bernie." bernie sanders held a big rally in california. he is intent on winning the california primary on june 7t june 7th. sanders referring to polls that show him doing better against trump than clinton does said that, if he wins the nomination, donald trump is toast. the head of the tsa took a grillening ott capitol hill today and pledged that change is coming to deal with long airport security lines. peter nevinger said the agency is adding 768 new describers by the middle of june. tsa officelers be moved to checkpoint duties at the busiest airports during peak times and that government officials will coordinate with major airlines. septa is teaming up with the driving service uber to ease the parking crunch at train station lots in the philadelphia suburbs. the partnership allows septa commuters to take uber to a train station for a deeply discounted price. right now this is just a trial run that will last through the summer. it includes 11 of the busiest stops including exton, doylestown, and glenside. here's tonight's special report. "action news" reporter erin o'hearn shows us a groundbreaking procedure that is used for humans but now it is being used to save man's best friend. >> reporter: almost anyone in law enforcement will tell you how valuable canines are. they not only protect their handlers from unknown threats but are extremely loyal partners. however, the intense training they can junld go may cause detrimental injuries that can disqualify them from the force. but now there is a new procedure that may not only save the canine's career but her quality of life. >> just a touch. >> that is -- >> reporter: stem cell treatment has been successful treating the human population for diseases like cancer and ms. now it is showing great promise helping dogs with everything from degenerative conditions to ligament injuries. like the one kimer was diagnosed with. in the middle of training to be part of the police force which cost up to $26,000, her owner, new jersey police patrolman e.j. parker, noticed something wasn't right. >> you a fi das after she had a light limp. >> reporter: a vet visit resulted in a diagnosis of a partially ruptured cruciate ligament in her left knee. because she is under a year old and still growing, surgery was not an option. >> to see her diagnosis, i was upset about it, because you don't know how much dogs can bounce back from that. >> reporter: the doctor of st. francis veteran nare center of south jersey believes a combination therapy of platelets and stem cells taken from the dog's own bone marrow has potential to totally heal kimber's injury. >> the stem cell also be placed into a processing flask and placed in the companion medicine unit. >> reporter: the machine is the only one validated for use on dogs and the only one of its kind in this area. the platelets and stem cells work together to regenerate the severed tendons. >> between the two of them, you're actually getting healing. you're not getting scarring. >> reporter: and because he suspects she may have been favoring her right knee to compensate for the left during training he also injects the platelets into her right knee. >> there's no harm in injecting the prp and the stem cells in that joint. and with the assumption that there's got to be some stress to that joint. all it's going to do is help. >> reporter: kimber will have to go through six to eight weeks of physical therapy before vets can determine whether the treatment worked. but the team is optimistic. >> i think we've got a good chance that we're going to get her back. >> reporter: almost the entire cost of this procedure is covered by the canine hero's total health program. st. francis vetnary center founded the program in conjunction with local police departments to provide top medical care to area service dogs. if you want to help visit our website in eight weeks we'll let you no he if the therapy was successful. erin o'hearn, "channel 6 action news." >> hope it's successful. >> absolutely. >> let's get the accuweather forecast from meteorologist cecily tynan. >> and it was warm today. it's going to get warmer tomorrow. then it's going to get downright hot. stormtracker 6 live double scan showing we have rain-free conditions out there. but temperatures still quite warm. 73 degrees in philadelphia. our normal high is 77. but we hit 88 degrees today, the warmest day since early last september. reading, 71. currently the same in wilmington. cape may point's dropped down to 64. and trenton currently 73 degrees. satellite 6 along with action radar showing we're seeing some high serous chouds beginning to move in over this ridge of high pressure. tomorrow i think we'll see more of that hazy sunshine and this high pressure, that classic bermuda high is going nowhere fast so that will provide that heat pump that brings us the warmer air as we head toward the holiday weekend. so tomorrow, the forecast, shorts and t-shirts fine for the kids tomorrow. already 66 degrees at 6:00. up to 70 by 8:00. and temperatures will continue to climb up to about 89 degrees tomorrow. and it will be a little bit more humid. and we could get an isolated thunderstorm mainly west of philadelphia in the afternoon tomorrow. as we head into friday, that heat machine works even more, a high up to 90 degrees, and we could have an air mass pop-up thunderstorm essentially anytime during the day, and we keep that 90-degree weather right through saturday, though heading to the holiday weekend, if you are heading down the shore, saturday is the pick of the weekend. lot of sunshine, 74 degrees. sunday, still foir, but more clouds with a possibility of a shower or thunderstorm. and monday, memorial day, is going to be quite a bit cooler, 67 degrees. mostly cloudy with showers and thunderstorms. the poconos, 84 degrees on saturday. 82 on sunday. both days a chance of a few pop-up showers or thunderstorms and cooling off to 73 degrees on memorial day. part of the reason why we could see some more clouds and moisture on memorial day is because of this. i was talking about this last night. this area of disturbed weather in the southern bahamas. it's not organized right now but the national hurricane service is giving a 60% chance of becoming a tropical depression or tropical storm over the next five days. even if it doesn't, we will likely see some of that moisture begin to stream towards the southeastern u.s. as we head towards monday. so the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast, tomorrow it's warm, humid, 89 degrees. a pair of 90s, friday and saturday. friday chance of some thunderstorms. saturday should be dry. and then sunday, warm and sticky with a chance of some thunderstorms. i think a better chance on sunday and then on monday, looking little bit more gloomy for memorial day. mostly cloudy. a few showers, not a washout, though, 79 degrees. tuesday, clouds and some sun, 82. and wednesday, partly sunny with a high of 80 degrees. so all in all, the memorial day weekend is looking pretty good. not perfect but we've had a lot worse. >> thank you, cecily. thousands of people turned out to soak up the last rays of such in center city philadelphia on this the hottest day of the year so far. they were also enjoying the suds at a brand-new beer garden during a grand-opening party. it's located in the courtyard of the by melon building at 17th and jfc. hundreds of people attended a dinner in malvern tonight to celebrate 30 years of making wishes come true. the make-a-wish foundation held this event to horn its volunteers and its donors. in the past three decades, the organization has fulfilled the wishes of more than 5,600 children who are battling life-threatening conditions. "jimmy kimmel live" coming up at 11:35 right after "action news." here is jimmy with a preview of tonight tonight's show. >> thanks, jim. hello, philadelphia. tonight, a visit from donald trump. it's going to be fantastic. just do as i do when you're out in the stump, and you'll all be winners -- >> like me, donald trump. [ cheers and applause ] ghinch ♪ hey! ♪ they go ooh ooh. ♪ hey! ♪ they go oh-ooh-ooooh. ♪ sitting, watching, waiting, wishing. ♪ ♪ i tell you one thing, you never knew it. ♪ ♪ at the back of the bus ♪ there is so much to give, so dream big. ♪ ♪ yeah. ♪ and when they screaming get out, get out. ♪ ♪ all i wanna hear is get down, get down. ♪ ♪ yeah. ♪ and when they screaming get out, get out. ♪ ♪ all i wanna hear is get down, get down. ♪ ♪ get down, get down. kenneth, are they closing the stage this afternoon for auditions? what's on that piece of paper? oh, miss maroney... your forehead! it should not be doing anything. i just had botox! i know exactly what's happening-- happening. whoa! this is a bad streaming experience. it really shows a real fun... (announcer) don't let bad streaming ruin a good show. don't look at me! (announcer) only verizon has the largest, most reliable 4g lt network. can your network say that? switch now, buy a galaxy s7, and get one free. plus up to $650 back, only on america's best network. >> the phillies' glaring weakness this season has been the bat. they don't score many runs. today in their series finale in detroit that change. phills up in the fourth. facing anibal sanchez. a three-run blast. herrera's fifth home run of the season. he's batting .327. that's top ten in the nl. aaron noel cruising in the fifth inning. he vendors three runs in the frame including this martinez rbi single. the tigers pull to within one. the phills get some insurance in the seventh. petr bourjos, a solo homer to give the phillies a 6-4 lead. the phillies bang out 12 hits. trouble later in the inning, though. maikel franco sprains his ankle sliding into second base. he says he'll play friday against the cubs. we shall see. the phillies win 8-5. today was day two of the eagles latest ota. the last two years under chip kelly, the eagles faded down the stretch. the players felt they were overworked. >> just our bodies let us down. you go so fast for so long. there's only so much your body can do before ultimately it's going to fail you i defense care who you are. i think we're taking a better approach this year. we're going -- we're getting our work in but it's a better approach. still ahead, hear from delaware's new basketball coach on its homecoming. plus the union play a tight one in orlando. delaware's new basketball coach knows he has a challenge ahead, but he's happy to be coming home. martin ingelsby was introduced today. he takes over a team that went 7-23 last season. ingelsby is from berwyn, pennsylvania. he spent the last 13 years as an assistant coach at notre dame. >> my entire life has been building up to this opportunity. i grew up in the area. i played in the philadelphia catholic league. my family vacationed down at bethany beach in the summers as we grew up. this job is a chance to kind of bring my 15 years of experience as a basketball coach back to an area that i'm extremely familiar with. >> familiar with that nightclub lighting. union. kyle laren gets credit but does the ball tomb. >> i across the end line? >> no. 2-1, did. four minutes later, the ball ends up on the foot of the union player. that's how this one ends. in a draw. that's sports. >> thanks you, ducis. 2000ly, u of the philadelphia's most tal inned youngsters had an evening in the spotlight at the arts festival. this dance troupe put on one of the performances by high schools. in addition to dance, the audience also enjoyed music from choirs, bands, and orchestras. ♪ lot of good music in northeast philadelphia. "jimmy kimmel live" next on channel 6 followed by "nightline." jimmy's guest tonight, donald trump and music from gregory porter. "action news" continues at 4:30 with tamala edwards, matt o'donnell, meteorologist david murphy and karen rogers. for the entire "action news" team, i'm jim gardner. good night. "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight, donald trump, lie witness news, plus music from gregory porter. and now, here's jimmy kimmel! ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: welcome. welcome, everybody. thank you. thank you for coming. thank you for watching. i'm glad you're

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Transcripts For WPVI Action News 11pm 20160526 :

Transcripts For WPVI Action News 11pm 20160526

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oakwood street this is norris town. it is wednesday night and the big story on "action news" tonight is hit and run tonight and mercifully the boy is apparently going to be okay. but police want to find the driver who is still out there somewhere. "action news" reporter dann cuellar is live at norris town police. dann what are the details? what are police saying about this? >> reporter: well, jim, and the latest word we're get something that the 6-year-old boy that was struck is in stable condition over at children's hospital in philadelphia. meanwhile, the search goes on for the hit-and-run driver. surveillance cameras captured the hit-and-run accident just before 4:00 in the 1200 block of oakwood. incredibly, seconds after the collision, the driver is seen backing and up speeding off into an alley. >> as soon as he drove past him and he just pulled over to the side of the street, didn't stop or anything, slammed his car into reverse. i'm surprised he didn't run the kid over trying to get away. and went right down the alley and just flew away. >> reporter: susan says she and her family were inside when they heard a loud crash. >> we went out and here it was a child on a bicycle that was hit by a runaway car, a hit-and-run. >> reporter: the police would later recover the car, a gold colored toyota camry a couple blocks away. but the driver still on the loose. meanwhile, her instincts were to look after the child until paramedics could arrive. >> my motherly instincts kicked in, and i ran right out and i held his hand, and i was telling him to stay till still because he was bleeding from the back of the head. and his mouth, and his teeth were messed up. and he had blood in his mouth. i was like, lay skill. don't move. just stay calm. he said, "i want mommy." i'm like, "mommy will be here." >> reporter: the 6-year-old is a kindergartner at marshall street elementary. again, he's said to be in stable condition over at children's hospital. anyone with information on the whereabouts of that driver is being asked to call norristown police. we're live here in norris town, dann cuellar, "action news at -- "channel 6 action news." >> dann, thank you. there was tragedy tonight in whoever havertown. at least one person was killed in a multi-vehicle wreck at 7:30 on darby creek road. police are releasing few details about who's to blame or the identity of the victim. police in solebury, bucks county, tried to match stolen items to their owners. that's why they put out hundreds of items on display tonight. they have linked william dalton iiu to four burglaries in solebury and elsewhere. they say this could be just the beginning. chad pradelli has the story. >> reporter: hundreds of pieces of jewelry in all shapes and sizes were on display in the solebury police department. they're believed to have been stolen and nick was keeping a watchful eye. his home was burglarized last month and most of his wife's jewelry was taken. >> most of it was heirloom jewelry from her mother who died four months ago. a lot of it was jewelry from her grandmother and grandfather who passed away. >> reporter: you see, recently, police nabbed william dalton iii and found all this jewelry. >> right now we have four confirmed burglaries and are looking for additional ones. >> reporter: this woman who doesn't want to be named helped police catch dalton. she interrupted his alleged break-in of her home and was able to get a partial license plate number on his vehicle. >> i was very angry. i'm very angry. and i feel -- at the same time i feel bad for the guy. >> reporter: that's because detectives suspect dalton was stealing jewelry for a drug habit. this is dalton's linkedin photo and his mug shot. he appears to be a man that spiralled downward. and get this. his linkedin account said he's a former drug and alcohol counselor. >> he's a walking casebook for why you don't want to do drugs. i mean, he really -- he looked so gaunt. >> reporter: this crime-fighter says she recovered most of her jewelry which was mostly inexpensive items but still sentimental. police say dalton already pawned most of the valuable items. and lesy, he wasn't very lucky. >> i was hoping we'd find something, at least one piece, but we didn't so that's it. >> reporter: investigators say almost all of the jewelry was identified by victims. police have connected dalton to four burglaries but they say that number should climb. in solebury, chad pradelli, "channel 6 action news." to now around the world using only the sun's energy for fuel. that's what a pair of pilots are in the midst of doing. and they landed their plane tonight at lehigh valley international airport. live on the scene is "action news" reporter christie ileto. christie, tell us about the flight of solar impulse 2. >> reporter: well, jim, what's really cool about this flight is that when it was landing you could barely hear it because there's absolutely no engine so there's no sound. now, the plane did pass into this hangar. lots of people superexcited. the crowds did not disappoint. this is a plane that's as light as an s.u.v. and has the wing span of a 747. [ cheers ] gliding in at less than 30 miles per hour, solar impulse 2 ended its 17 hours in the air from dayton to the lehigh valley airport. >> welcome to the 21st century. >> it's as big as a 747, i think, they said, right? the wing span, yeah. >> can you believe that this is powered by the sun? is that the most -- >> they originated in abu dhabi. and they've come all the way around here. >> reporter: right. >> it's absolutely amazing. first it was turbulence. so half of the time i had to fly manual. >> hems the payment stay in the air well into the night. how do you fly without any sleep? >> we -- we do rest. when i flew five days, five nights over the past week, i did a resting period of 20 minutes. many six every 24 hours. i do yoga, meditation. >> i love airplanes. so this is a chance to get him excited about seeing something that was history in the making. >> it has long wings. >> it's fascinating. >> reporter: what looks most fascinating to you? >> it's necessarily lightweight and fragile, and it's not falling apart. which tells you it's very well designed. >> reporter: it's pretty shocking that these pilots sleep in such short intervals and able to steer that plane without any problems. the plane will be here in allentown at least until monday before it heads to new york city. reporting live in allentown, christie ileto, "channel 6 action news." jim? >> gorgeous looking machine. thank you, christie. pennsylvanians are a step closer to buying beer at gas stations. today, the liquor control board approved nine new applications allowing sales of sixpacks. governor tom wolf pushed for that in the interest of convenience. but there are legal stipulations that beer cannot be running up on the same -- rung up on the same registers as gas, even though drinking beer can cause gas or -- [ laughter ] we are looking live right now on sky6 at the battleship new jersey which will soon have a new glow about it. a $380,000 federal grant will pay for 2500 energy efficient l.e.d. lights. state regulators approved the switchover today. the l.e.d. lights are expected to save $30,000 a year in energy costs. all of us here at channel 6 experienced some bittersweet emotions tonight. we all came together to say thank you to lisa thomas-laury on the occasion of her official retirement. and monica malpass, we all shared some memories with lisa. lisa shared some memories with us. there are a lot of the memories to be had. >> absolutely, there were. and viewers also fell in love with lisa right from the beginning. her intelligence, kindness and classy ways. she worked hard every day to bring viewers her very best from the anchor desk and through the stories that she reported. >> last-minute preparations are just about completed. >> reporter: lisa came to philadelphia in 1978 as "action news" noon coanchor and reporter. she grew up in west virginia and the audience was charmed by her southern gentility. >> the blaze forced the evacuation of hundreds of center city employees -- >> reporter: years later she joined mark howard and jim o'brien on the 5 p.m. newscast. they were a winning team for decades and she became one of the delaware valley's premier tv journalists and personalities. >> lisa thomas-laury. [ cheers and applause ] >> reporter: lisa also teamed up with dave roberts hosting the annual thanksgiving day parade in philadelphia and our annual best of the class special. >> lady diana is now making her entrance into the processional -- >> reporter: and lisa was a strong reporter covering everything from princess diana wedding to the republican national convention. she won numerous awards but it's her courage in battling a debilitating illness and then returning to "action news" that forever cemented her in our hearts as a person of extraordinary courage. she underwent numerous bone marrow transplants but still greeted us with a smile. the community responded with numerous awards. >> thank you so much. [ cheers and applause ] >> reporter: tonight, we honor lisa with a party in studio 1. her devoted husband, bill, a highly respected internist and their two sons, leland and langston, were there along with the entire "action news" family and she said goodbye to viewers herself tonight at 6:00. >> you made sure i knew every day that you had me in your thoughts and your prayers, and it has meant more than you could possibly know. >> you're crying. >> i was crying. she's a sweet person. real friend. and we will always remember our lisa. >> we, indeed, will. thank you, monica. you can relive special moments from the iconic career of lisa thomas-laury right now at just view photographs to videos from her reports and we'll see well wishes from her colleagues as well. and there are a lot of them. hundreds from our viewers. and just be sure to share your messages to lisa thomas-laury on "action news" facebook page. still to come on "action news" tonight, inbox investigation, the state department lays out blame for the hillary clinton email scandal. plus, the csa reveals what it's doing to make your summer vacation less aggravate act the airportt. cecily? >> we hit 80 degrees today. i'm tracking 90s on the way and some rain over the holiday weekend. i'll have the details in the accuweather seven-day forecast. police canine in training suffers a debilitating injury. in our special report, we will see the cutting edge procedure that will heal her injuries to regenerate from the inside-out. plus ducis rodgers with the phillies trying to claw out a win against the tigers when "action news" continues. not good news today for hillary clinton. the state department inspector general says clinton ignored guidance from the state department that her email setup broke federal standards. a state department audit found that clinton's use of a personal server when she was secretary of state left sensitive material vulnerable to hackers. clinton was campaigning in california tonight. she did not mention the finding. at a donald trump rally, pro and anti-trump demonstrators shouted at each other. but police moved in to prevent a repeat of last night's violence in new mexico. inside, trump referred to the email report saying hillary clinton had a little bad news today. and wondered out loud if clinton will even be the nominee. trump said "it could be we're going to run against crazy bernie." bernie sanders held a big rally in california. he is intent on winning the california primary on june 7t june 7th. sanders referring to polls that show him doing better against trump than clinton does said that, if he wins the nomination, donald trump is toast. the head of the tsa took a grillening ott capitol hill today and pledged that change is coming to deal with long airport security lines. peter nevinger said the agency is adding 768 new describers by the middle of june. tsa officelers be moved to checkpoint duties at the busiest airports during peak times and that government officials will coordinate with major airlines. septa is teaming up with the driving service uber to ease the parking crunch at train station lots in the philadelphia suburbs. the partnership allows septa commuters to take uber to a train station for a deeply discounted price. right now this is just a trial run that will last through the summer. it includes 11 of the busiest stops including exton, doylestown, and glenside. here's tonight's special report. "action news" reporter erin o'hearn shows us a groundbreaking procedure that is used for humans but now it is being used to save man's best friend. >> reporter: almost anyone in law enforcement will tell you how valuable canines are. they not only protect their handlers from unknown threats but are extremely loyal partners. however, the intense training they can junld go may cause detrimental injuries that can disqualify them from the force. but now there is a new procedure that may not only save the canine's career but her quality of life. >> just a touch. >> that is -- >> reporter: stem cell treatment has been successful treating the human population for diseases like cancer and ms. now it is showing great promise helping dogs with everything from degenerative conditions to ligament injuries. like the one kimer was diagnosed with. in the middle of training to be part of the police force which cost up to $26,000, her owner, new jersey police patrolman e.j. parker, noticed something wasn't right. >> you a fi das after she had a light limp. >> reporter: a vet visit resulted in a diagnosis of a partially ruptured cruciate ligament in her left knee. because she is under a year old and still growing, surgery was not an option. >> to see her diagnosis, i was upset about it, because you don't know how much dogs can bounce back from that. >> reporter: the doctor of st. francis veteran nare center of south jersey believes a combination therapy of platelets and stem cells taken from the dog's own bone marrow has potential to totally heal kimber's injury. >> the stem cell also be placed into a processing flask and placed in the companion medicine unit. >> reporter: the machine is the only one validated for use on dogs and the only one of its kind in this area. the platelets and stem cells work together to regenerate the severed tendons. >> between the two of them, you're actually getting healing. you're not getting scarring. >> reporter: and because he suspects she may have been favoring her right knee to compensate for the left during training he also injects the platelets into her right knee. >> there's no harm in injecting the prp and the stem cells in that joint. and with the assumption that there's got to be some stress to that joint. all it's going to do is help. >> reporter: kimber will have to go through six to eight weeks of physical therapy before vets can determine whether the treatment worked. but the team is optimistic. >> i think we've got a good chance that we're going to get her back. >> reporter: almost the entire cost of this procedure is covered by the canine hero's total health program. st. francis vetnary center founded the program in conjunction with local police departments to provide top medical care to area service dogs. if you want to help visit our website in eight weeks we'll let you no he if the therapy was successful. erin o'hearn, "channel 6 action news." >> hope it's successful. >> absolutely. >> let's get the accuweather forecast from meteorologist cecily tynan. >> and it was warm today. it's going to get warmer tomorrow. then it's going to get downright hot. stormtracker 6 live double scan showing we have rain-free conditions out there. but temperatures still quite warm. 73 degrees in philadelphia. our normal high is 77. but we hit 88 degrees today, the warmest day since early last september. reading, 71. currently the same in wilmington. cape may point's dropped down to 64. and trenton currently 73 degrees. satellite 6 along with action radar showing we're seeing some high serous chouds beginning to move in over this ridge of high pressure. tomorrow i think we'll see more of that hazy sunshine and this high pressure, that classic bermuda high is going nowhere fast so that will provide that heat pump that brings us the warmer air as we head toward the holiday weekend. so tomorrow, the forecast, shorts and t-shirts fine for the kids tomorrow. already 66 degrees at 6:00. up to 70 by 8:00. and temperatures will continue to climb up to about 89 degrees tomorrow. and it will be a little bit more humid. and we could get an isolated thunderstorm mainly west of philadelphia in the afternoon tomorrow. as we head into friday, that heat machine works even more, a high up to 90 degrees, and we could have an air mass pop-up thunderstorm essentially anytime during the day, and we keep that 90-degree weather right through saturday, though heading to the holiday weekend, if you are heading down the shore, saturday is the pick of the weekend. lot of sunshine, 74 degrees. sunday, still foir, but more clouds with a possibility of a shower or thunderstorm. and monday, memorial day, is going to be quite a bit cooler, 67 degrees. mostly cloudy with showers and thunderstorms. the poconos, 84 degrees on saturday. 82 on sunday. both days a chance of a few pop-up showers or thunderstorms and cooling off to 73 degrees on memorial day. part of the reason why we could see some more clouds and moisture on memorial day is because of this. i was talking about this last night. this area of disturbed weather in the southern bahamas. it's not organized right now but the national hurricane service is giving a 60% chance of becoming a tropical depression or tropical storm over the next five days. even if it doesn't, we will likely see some of that moisture begin to stream towards the southeastern u.s. as we head towards monday. so the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast, tomorrow it's warm, humid, 89 degrees. a pair of 90s, friday and saturday. friday chance of some thunderstorms. saturday should be dry. and then sunday, warm and sticky with a chance of some thunderstorms. i think a better chance on sunday and then on monday, looking little bit more gloomy for memorial day. mostly cloudy. a few showers, not a washout, though, 79 degrees. tuesday, clouds and some sun, 82. and wednesday, partly sunny with a high of 80 degrees. so all in all, the memorial day weekend is looking pretty good. not perfect but we've had a lot worse. >> thank you, cecily. thousands of people turned out to soak up the last rays of such in center city philadelphia on this the hottest day of the year so far. they were also enjoying the suds at a brand-new beer garden during a grand-opening party. it's located in the courtyard of the by melon building at 17th and jfc. hundreds of people attended a dinner in malvern tonight to celebrate 30 years of making wishes come true. the make-a-wish foundation held this event to horn its volunteers and its donors. in the past three decades, the organization has fulfilled the wishes of more than 5,600 children who are battling life-threatening conditions. "jimmy kimmel live" coming up at 11:35 right after "action news." here is jimmy with a preview of tonight tonight's show. >> thanks, jim. hello, philadelphia. tonight, a visit from donald trump. it's going to be fantastic. just do as i do when you're out in the stump, and you'll all be winners -- >> like me, donald trump. [ cheers and applause ] ghinch ♪ hey! ♪ they go ooh ooh. ♪ hey! ♪ they go oh-ooh-ooooh. ♪ sitting, watching, waiting, wishing. ♪ ♪ i tell you one thing, you never knew it. ♪ ♪ at the back of the bus ♪ there is so much to give, so dream big. ♪ ♪ yeah. ♪ and when they screaming get out, get out. ♪ ♪ all i wanna hear is get down, get down. ♪ ♪ yeah. ♪ and when they screaming get out, get out. ♪ ♪ all i wanna hear is get down, get down. ♪ ♪ get down, get down. kenneth, are they closing the stage this afternoon for auditions? what's on that piece of paper? oh, miss maroney... your forehead! it should not be doing anything. i just had botox! i know exactly what's happening-- happening. whoa! this is a bad streaming experience. it really shows a real fun... (announcer) don't let bad streaming ruin a good show. don't look at me! (announcer) only verizon has the largest, most reliable 4g lt network. can your network say that? switch now, buy a galaxy s7, and get one free. plus up to $650 back, only on america's best network. >> the phillies' glaring weakness this season has been the bat. they don't score many runs. today in their series finale in detroit that change. phills up in the fourth. facing anibal sanchez. a three-run blast. herrera's fifth home run of the season. he's batting .327. that's top ten in the nl. aaron noel cruising in the fifth inning. he vendors three runs in the frame including this martinez rbi single. the tigers pull to within one. the phills get some insurance in the seventh. petr bourjos, a solo homer to give the phillies a 6-4 lead. the phillies bang out 12 hits. trouble later in the inning, though. maikel franco sprains his ankle sliding into second base. he says he'll play friday against the cubs. we shall see. the phillies win 8-5. today was day two of the eagles latest ota. the last two years under chip kelly, the eagles faded down the stretch. the players felt they were overworked. >> just our bodies let us down. you go so fast for so long. there's only so much your body can do before ultimately it's going to fail you i defense care who you are. i think we're taking a better approach this year. we're going -- we're getting our work in but it's a better approach. still ahead, hear from delaware's new basketball coach on its homecoming. plus the union play a tight one in orlando. delaware's new basketball coach knows he has a challenge ahead, but he's happy to be coming home. martin ingelsby was introduced today. he takes over a team that went 7-23 last season. ingelsby is from berwyn, pennsylvania. he spent the last 13 years as an assistant coach at notre dame. >> my entire life has been building up to this opportunity. i grew up in the area. i played in the philadelphia catholic league. my family vacationed down at bethany beach in the summers as we grew up. this job is a chance to kind of bring my 15 years of experience as a basketball coach back to an area that i'm extremely familiar with. >> familiar with that nightclub lighting. union. kyle laren gets credit but does the ball tomb. >> i across the end line? >> no. 2-1, did. four minutes later, the ball ends up on the foot of the union player. that's how this one ends. in a draw. that's sports. >> thanks you, ducis. 2000ly, u of the philadelphia's most tal inned youngsters had an evening in the spotlight at the arts festival. this dance troupe put on one of the performances by high schools. in addition to dance, the audience also enjoyed music from choirs, bands, and orchestras. ♪ lot of good music in northeast philadelphia. "jimmy kimmel live" next on channel 6 followed by "nightline." jimmy's guest tonight, donald trump and music from gregory porter. "action news" continues at 4:30 with tamala edwards, matt o'donnell, meteorologist david murphy and karen rogers. for the entire "action news" team, i'm jim gardner. good night. "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight, donald trump, lie witness news, plus music from gregory porter. and now, here's jimmy kimmel! ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: welcome. welcome, everybody. thank you. thank you for coming. thank you for watching. i'm glad you're

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