Transcripts For WPVI ABC World News Now 20140623 : compareme

Transcripts For WPVI ABC World News Now 20140623

good morning. i'm matt gutman. >> i am reena ninan. welcome, matt. >> thank you, reena. so good to be here. >> excited to have you here. i am seeing you doing something crazy, nothing personal. i am looking at you look what is he thinking? among that, hurricane coverage. what were you thinking? practically blown away. where were you here? >> this is hurricane irene, on top of the bridge near the eye of the storm. you see -- rolling out of there. basically near the eye of the hurricane with some storm chasers. actually really cool. just rain and wind. >> you look like you will be blown off the bridge. crazy to me when i watch the video. i make it a point never to cover assignments where my mascara has a chance of running. >> that's smart. mine did run that day. >> covergirl, waterproof. i recommend it. so, speaking of torrential rains. we are going to bring you to the plains where this weekend the rains are taking its toll. >> terrible. >> the cedar river crested at 6 1/2 feet above flood stage. at cedar falls, iowa. much higher than expected. even before that. many roads were flooded and closed. >> and minneapolis, the swollen mississippi river left a hospital building teetering above the water. the mud fell onto the parkway along the river. narrowly missing two passing cars. abc's neal karlinsky has more on the wicked wet weather. >> reporter: along the crow river in delano, the water is reaching its peak barely protected by a freshly built dam. some businesses on the wrong side of that barrier are now scrambling. >> yesterday morning we had, 40, 50 people here that were just sandbagging. because as you can see we are on the wrong side of the clay levee. >> reporter: the smallest towns facing the biggest impact. in chaska, the minnesota river is choked with logs and getting hired. >> that low shack over there, if you go down, 4, 5 feet, there is a bench down there. >> reporter: this which looks like a pond is actually the field where the state's high school baseball all-stars were supposed to play this weekend. that game had to be moved. it's been an unusually violent weekend of weather. severe thunderstorms blew through chicago bringing trees down on homes and wiping out power lines even causing hundreds of delays at o'hare airport. back in minnesota whey there a living through the wettest first half of the year on record, they're still coping with a series of mudslides. a number of them keeping us from reaching henderson. but a forecast of more rain that has them concerned because this land of 10,000 lakes can't take much more. they're just keeping their fingers crossed here that if there is more rain to come it doesn't make things any worse. neal karlinsky, abc news, chaska, minnesota. now to a near tragedy in georgia. a man walks away after getting hit by lightning. sean o'connor was raking leaves in his yard when a bolt of lightning struck him in the foot knocking him right out of his boots. o'connor initially thought he was hit by a falling tree limb and then he saw his steel toe boots ripped open and smoldering. >> when i stood up i had blood in my mouth. i could smell burned hair and felt like a bad sunburn. >> reporter: the left side of o'connor's body was in pain. by the time his wife got him to the hospital his heart rate dropped but he was well enough to go home the next day. >> guess you could say he was real lead footed. >> can you believe he shows up, nobody believed he was struck by lightning. he was standing up. walking, talking. >> is the moral of the story do not wear steel-toed boots raking the yard during a lightning storm? >> that or prada, they never have steel toes. as you personally know, matt. >> i'm sure this guy wears prada all the time. >> joke he should go play the lottery. doctors believe this, doctors warned him if you are struck by lightning once you have higher chance of being struck again. >> that's incredible. >> never knew that. so -- taking a look at monday's weather. a chance for severe storms in the midwest today. this weekend's rain storms are moving to the south today. the east remains sunny and mild, for now. >> the high temperature in l.a. today will be in the mid 70s. a little warmer in the northwest. denver's high will be 80. in the 90s in dallas, chicago, detroit will be in the mid 80s. breaking news from baghdad, secretary of state john kerry arrived in baghdad hoping to put u.s. diplomacy to work. he is said to head high level meetings with iraqis after the meeting with the egyptian foreign minister over the weekend. kerry warned the isis forces were a threat to the entire gulf region. >> this is a critical moment where together we must urge iraq's leaders to rise above sectarian motivations. and form a government that is united in its determination to meet the needs and speak to the demands of all of their people. >> sunni rebels captured two border crossings yesterday. they have seized four towns in anbar province just since yesterday. >> a report that a judge who sentenced saddam hussein to death has been executed by isis. raouf abdel-rahman was capture and killed in retaliation for hussein's death. he is of kurdish background. isis forces are sunni as was saddam hussein. topping our health headlines this morning, there is more evidence tanning salons for teens may be risky. a study out this morning says adults with a form of skin cancer are more likely to have used indoor tanning as teenagers. the amount of time spent outdoors in the sun didn't appear to be a factor. researchers want restrictions on teen use of tanning salons. >> an anti-smoking group says cigarettes are more addictive than ever. the campaign for tobacco-free kids says the cigarette makers want to hook younger smokers. the group says there is more nicotine but ammonia has been added so nicotine packs more punch. tobacco is the number one cause of preventable premature death in the u.s. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> that music can mean one thing. team usa at the world cup trying to put a massive disappointment behind it. as fast as possible. they're turning their attention to thursday's match against germany. >> last night's game against portugal. nearly saw the u.s. in the tournament knockout stages, but as abc's karen travers reports, their advancement was put on hold. >> a great cross! and it is an equalizer. rancheros it -- >> reporter: it was a heartbreaking tie for team usa. >> obviously we are disappointed. end of the day look at the positives. we got a point. >> reporter: the u.s. looked like it had the game wrapped up. it was seconds away from advancing to the second round. when portugal heading this goal to even it up. >> it hurts when the goal goes in. you know? but the game is cruel. >> reporter: the game is played in the amazon rain forest and heat and humidity were grueling. in the 39th minute the referee called for a cooling break. the first time that has ever happened in world cup play. portugal got on the board first scoring in the fifth minute. the u.s. had its offensive chances in the first half but couldn't punch in a goal. goalkeeper tim howard came up with two huge saves before halftime to keep the u.s. in it. then in the 63rd minute. jermaine jones booted in the shot from distance. finishing with such a curve, the portuguese goalie didn't make a move. later, clint dempsey playing with a broken nose seemed to hit the game winner. >> then dempsey -- >> reporter: but the u.s. couldn't hold on to the lead. team usa will advance to the next round with a win or a tie against germany. >> so we have got to go in and beat germany. got to get a result against germany. all we have got to do. >> reporter: the u.s. takes on germany thursday, 12:00 noon eastern time on espn. karen travers, abc news, washington. >> i can't wait to watch that one. matt, you have been eating so much all night you. probably know a little bit about the next subject. >> always. >> i know a lot about a lot. especially eating. see it there, the bear in british columbia, the locals call yogi. something of a sting. the owners of the fridge wanted to know who or what was helping themselves to the food inside. and leaving the door open. they got their answer when the camera caught yogi making off with what looked like a pie. good morning, yogi, nice job. >> you know what drives me nuts. he leaves the freaking door open. don't leave the door open. close it. >> i think a man in a bear suit. looking around. reading the labels. >> apparently he steals the food. known to go in the garbage areas as well. >> does he replace the food after he is done eating it. [ burps ] >> oh, come on! oh. before you all take a quick break for munchies. we have a special announcement to make. got your prop here. >> it's, my great privilege, after my first show here to announce only one thing, "world news now" has racked up 500,000-plus fans. >> thanks to our faithful viewers who still keep watching. we love you guys. we are so grateful. keep spreading the good word. coming up in "the skinny" now -- social event to have an inside look at katie couric's wedding. >> team usa's goalkeeper had some personal struggles before he became a star. now, tim howard and his mother speaking out later on "world news now." ♪.ctz >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by -- vista print. ♪ i need you and your love too come on and rescue me ♪ ♪ come on baby and rescue me >> an incredible tale of rescue at sea played out off the coast of key larg ♪ i need you and your love too come on and rescue me ♪ ♪ come on baby and rescue me >> an incredible tale of rescue at sea played out off the coast of key largo. started when a couple fell off their boat and weren't spotted until 14 hours later miles away frying to stwim -- swim back to shore. abc's marci gonzalez has the story. >> reporter: stranded at sea. no boat, no life jackets, no way to call for help. >> they were lucky couples. >> reporter: sean mcgovern and melissa morris were boating near the florida keys friday when they somehow went overboard. the 30-foot island hopper still in gear, driving away from them. all they could do was tread water and wait. >> my first thought was how in the world did you get out here? >> reporter: the current carrying them off the coast of key largo nearly 75 miles north to hallandale beach. after 14 hours in the atlantic ocean, finally, a few guys out deep sea fishing spotted the couple. >> it's hard enough to find fish. but two people floating in the water was pretty strange. >> reporter: a strange sight even for these guys who thought they had seen it all. the two broward county sheriff's detectives and paramedic enjoying a day off suddenly going into life saving mode. >> the closer we got we realized this is a true emergency. kicked it into gear. got there. actually performed a rescue. >> reporter: the couple suffering jelly fish stings and minor hypothermia. but otherwise okay. back at home with an incredible story of survival and luck. >> pure chance. >> one of the miracle stories. thank god we found them. >> marci gonzalez, abc news, new york. >> so, you know i am based in miami. >> yeah. >> i got a call from a lot of these undercover guys involved in this. there is a reason that this couple fell off the boat without any life preservers and that the boat was still in gear. >> what? >> yeah. they were doing something -- >> oh, no. >> that made them fall off the boat, apparently. yeah. they weren't fishing. they certainly weren't fishing. [ boing ] don't dry that at home, folks. take the boat out of gear. it's perfectly okay if you want to do that. take it out of gear. >> oh, boy. i think "gma" may be leading with the story. breaking news. tune in. i can't believe. you never know what to expect. my gosh. as i collect myself. when we come back, we'll check out what's making headlines in "the skinny." >> we'll take a peek inside katie couric's wedding and why sting has no intention of leaving any of his many millions to his kids. that's next. >> announcer: "world news now" continues after this from our abc stations. ♪ hey. my name is katie, and i'm in the ninth grade. i'm an "a" average student, and i'm an athlete working towards a scholarship. and everybody tells me how much potential i have. but i just wish someone would tell me where my next meal is coming from. katie, how'd i do? do you have to be so serious? well, i mean, i did, like, a crazy dance in a movie if you want me to, like, you know, do a little--no? announcer: play a role in ending hunger. visit and find your local food bank. ♪ ♪ skinny so skinny ♪ that last story. what the heck, it is "the skinny" on this monday morning. we start with a shout out and congratulations to our colleagues at "good morning america." >> indeed, "gma" won outstanding morning program award last night at daytime emmy award. so as reena said, congratulations, "gma." >> we both have done work for "gma" -- hardest working folks in the business. so nice. really fantastic these guys are getting recognition for all right hard work. of a big congratulations to them. >> and big congratulations to katie couric. as of saturday she is no longer a single woman. she tweeted this picture, as you see right there, after tying the knot with financier john molner, 50 guests attended a private backyard ceremony at her home in the hamptons. and couric's two daughters from her first husband that died of colon cancer in 1988. >> wearing an ivory beaded embroidered lace gown. the wedding was reportedly so low-key, she didn't make a final decision on the gown until last week. my kind of bride. >> beautiful. sting showing a little tough love to his six kids. six kids first of all. he says they shouldn't expect any inheritance from his $300 million fortune. >> none of it, huh? the former police frontman says, there won't be much money left because he and his wife, plan on spending it. sting says he expects his three sons and three daughters to work. he doesn't plan on leaving them a trust fund which would just, be an albatross around their necks. >> come on! a little bit? >> we did hear back from his rep who said this report is not true. he has done well for himself. sure he will leave a little something. >> i could use a $2 million, $3 million albatross. not a lot. not hundreds or dozens. >> trustafarian. you were a trustafarian. >> look who is saying, let it go. from the movie "frozen." ♪ let it go ♪ let it go ♪ let it go >> pearl jam, the group broke into the hit song, frozen in italy this weekend. right in the middle of "daughter." pearl jam touring europe through next month. starts the u.s. tour in october with the austin city lights music festival. sing it. bet you can sing it. >> i can't sing it. >> frozen. come on. come on. pearl jam version. >> let it go. let it go. >> that's pretty good. ♪ i don't want to hurt no more >> that's awesome. encore. encore. encore. >> now i know how to get my daughter into pearl jam. if eddie vedder sings "let it go." >> that could work. >> we'll be right back. does bi, an identity thief who stole mary's identity, took over her bank accounts, and stole her hard-earned money. unfortunately, millions of americans just like you learn all it may take is a little misplaced information to wreak havoc on your life. this is identity theft. and no one helps stop it better than lifelock. lifelock offers the most comprehensive identity theft protection available. if mary had lifelock's bank account alerts, she could have been notified in time to help stop it. lifelock's credit notification service is on the job 24/7. as soon as they detect a threat to your identity within their network, they will alert you, protecting you before the damage can be done. lifelock has the most comprehensive identity theft protection available, guarding your social security number, your money, your credit, even the equity in your home. my years as a prosecutor taught me that we all need to protect ourselves from crime. in today's world, that includes identity theft. it's a serious problem. we all have to protect ourselves. [ male announcer ] no one protects you better than lifelock. you even get a $1 million service guarantee. that's security no one can beat. you have so much to protect and nothing to lose when you call lifelock right now and get 60 days of identity theft protection risk free. that's right. 60 days risk free. use promo code: take charge. order now and get this universal device charger, great for everything from smart phones and cameras to tablets, keeping your digital life powered at home, the office, or in the car... a $30 value, free! don't wait until you become the next victim. ♪ and get a universal device charger free. use promo code: take charge. ♪ but lysol power & free cann change the way you clean.h. it cleans even better than bleach without the harshness. a powerful clean, that's family friendly - that's what we call healthing. lysol power & free. start healthing. >> team usa gave its late lead last night for down to the last second score. by portugal. and a 2-2 draw. >> this morning, he is still a national hero. team usa star goalkeeper. tim howard. here is david muir with the amazing story behind his rise to fame. >> reporter: tim howard was diagnosed with turret's syndrome at 10 years old when his mother noticed involuntary repetitive ticks. she knew her son was struggling. >> i would blink, cough, turn my neck. could have been anything at that point, you know? so that was tough. point, you know? "r who met him would not be able to see past the ticks and twitches to person that tim was. >> reporter: that boy from new jersey he could tell he was good at something. he started playing soccer at 6. >> as i began to excel with soccer, i begin to answer in just that way. yes, i have turret's syndrome. and at the time it was a little drawback. i also had this wonderful gift that was soccer. >> reporter: that soccer became his refuge. raised by a single mom with multiple jobs, she's convinced that's where she got his work ethic on the field. ethic. he would play in the uk for manchester united. british papers were not kind. "distabled goalie lined up to play for manchester united." "united's zombie." that's his wife, laura. they have a son and daughter. all of them rooting on team usa, the mom who cheered him on as a buy still cheering him on now. >> she does. my mom watches me play. she -- she still gets really nervous which is funny. she understands the game more now. so she is kind of an analyst. tell me what she thought of the game afterwards, right or wrong. >> reporter: even after all he has been through. just listen to what he told us. >> i think it is important to stay humble. i make sure that is the first thing people see when they meet me. because at the end of the day we are all human. in tough times that hard work and humility has always gotten me through. >> my goodness how did he do that? david muir, abc news, new york. >> he was amazing in that game down to the last goal. 30 seconds left before the end. >> i had no idea. >> so tough. >> speaking of courage under fire. how good are you? >> really? challenging me. >> challenging you? >> what you want the headers? >> one, two three, four, five, six. seven. >> almost headed reena. >> almost. see you back here. >> see you. ♪ ♪ . breaking news this morning, secretary of state john kerry in baghdad as radical militants expand their control. the tense meetings he's expected to have, and stern message for the prime minister. we're live with the details. world cup heartbreak, a late-game shocker disrupts the party for americans and the players. but it's not over yet for team usa. direct hit, a man is struck by lightning, knocking him out of his boots. why doctors and nurses were amazed when he got to the hospital. and great encounter. a fisherman hoping to catch dinner got something much more dangerous on camera.

Related Keywords

Miami , Florida , United States , New York , Cedar River , Iowa , Germany , Minnesota River , Minnesota , Portugal , Georgia , Washington , District Of Columbia , Denver , Colorado , United Kingdom , Chaska , Iraq , Egypt , Hallandale Beach , New Jersey , Baghdad , Anbar , Al Anbar , Florida Keys , Dallas , Texas , Broward County , Italy , Chicago , Illinois , Cedar Falls , Americans , America , Portuguese , British , Iraqis , Egyptian , John Kerry , Marci Gonzalez , Tim Howard , Eddie Vedder , Katie Couric , Sean Mcgovern , Matt Gutman , Jermaine Jones , Atlantic Ocean , Melissa Morris , Raouf Abdel Rahman , Clint Dempsey , David Muir ,

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Transcripts For WPVI ABC World News Now 20140623 :

Transcripts For WPVI ABC World News Now 20140623

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good morning. i'm matt gutman. >> i am reena ninan. welcome, matt. >> thank you, reena. so good to be here. >> excited to have you here. i am seeing you doing something crazy, nothing personal. i am looking at you look what is he thinking? among that, hurricane coverage. what were you thinking? practically blown away. where were you here? >> this is hurricane irene, on top of the bridge near the eye of the storm. you see -- rolling out of there. basically near the eye of the hurricane with some storm chasers. actually really cool. just rain and wind. >> you look like you will be blown off the bridge. crazy to me when i watch the video. i make it a point never to cover assignments where my mascara has a chance of running. >> that's smart. mine did run that day. >> covergirl, waterproof. i recommend it. so, speaking of torrential rains. we are going to bring you to the plains where this weekend the rains are taking its toll. >> terrible. >> the cedar river crested at 6 1/2 feet above flood stage. at cedar falls, iowa. much higher than expected. even before that. many roads were flooded and closed. >> and minneapolis, the swollen mississippi river left a hospital building teetering above the water. the mud fell onto the parkway along the river. narrowly missing two passing cars. abc's neal karlinsky has more on the wicked wet weather. >> reporter: along the crow river in delano, the water is reaching its peak barely protected by a freshly built dam. some businesses on the wrong side of that barrier are now scrambling. >> yesterday morning we had, 40, 50 people here that were just sandbagging. because as you can see we are on the wrong side of the clay levee. >> reporter: the smallest towns facing the biggest impact. in chaska, the minnesota river is choked with logs and getting hired. >> that low shack over there, if you go down, 4, 5 feet, there is a bench down there. >> reporter: this which looks like a pond is actually the field where the state's high school baseball all-stars were supposed to play this weekend. that game had to be moved. it's been an unusually violent weekend of weather. severe thunderstorms blew through chicago bringing trees down on homes and wiping out power lines even causing hundreds of delays at o'hare airport. back in minnesota whey there a living through the wettest first half of the year on record, they're still coping with a series of mudslides. a number of them keeping us from reaching henderson. but a forecast of more rain that has them concerned because this land of 10,000 lakes can't take much more. they're just keeping their fingers crossed here that if there is more rain to come it doesn't make things any worse. neal karlinsky, abc news, chaska, minnesota. now to a near tragedy in georgia. a man walks away after getting hit by lightning. sean o'connor was raking leaves in his yard when a bolt of lightning struck him in the foot knocking him right out of his boots. o'connor initially thought he was hit by a falling tree limb and then he saw his steel toe boots ripped open and smoldering. >> when i stood up i had blood in my mouth. i could smell burned hair and felt like a bad sunburn. >> reporter: the left side of o'connor's body was in pain. by the time his wife got him to the hospital his heart rate dropped but he was well enough to go home the next day. >> guess you could say he was real lead footed. >> can you believe he shows up, nobody believed he was struck by lightning. he was standing up. walking, talking. >> is the moral of the story do not wear steel-toed boots raking the yard during a lightning storm? >> that or prada, they never have steel toes. as you personally know, matt. >> i'm sure this guy wears prada all the time. >> joke he should go play the lottery. doctors believe this, doctors warned him if you are struck by lightning once you have higher chance of being struck again. >> that's incredible. >> never knew that. so -- taking a look at monday's weather. a chance for severe storms in the midwest today. this weekend's rain storms are moving to the south today. the east remains sunny and mild, for now. >> the high temperature in l.a. today will be in the mid 70s. a little warmer in the northwest. denver's high will be 80. in the 90s in dallas, chicago, detroit will be in the mid 80s. breaking news from baghdad, secretary of state john kerry arrived in baghdad hoping to put u.s. diplomacy to work. he is said to head high level meetings with iraqis after the meeting with the egyptian foreign minister over the weekend. kerry warned the isis forces were a threat to the entire gulf region. >> this is a critical moment where together we must urge iraq's leaders to rise above sectarian motivations. and form a government that is united in its determination to meet the needs and speak to the demands of all of their people. >> sunni rebels captured two border crossings yesterday. they have seized four towns in anbar province just since yesterday. >> a report that a judge who sentenced saddam hussein to death has been executed by isis. raouf abdel-rahman was capture and killed in retaliation for hussein's death. he is of kurdish background. isis forces are sunni as was saddam hussein. topping our health headlines this morning, there is more evidence tanning salons for teens may be risky. a study out this morning says adults with a form of skin cancer are more likely to have used indoor tanning as teenagers. the amount of time spent outdoors in the sun didn't appear to be a factor. researchers want restrictions on teen use of tanning salons. >> an anti-smoking group says cigarettes are more addictive than ever. the campaign for tobacco-free kids says the cigarette makers want to hook younger smokers. the group says there is more nicotine but ammonia has been added so nicotine packs more punch. tobacco is the number one cause of preventable premature death in the u.s. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> that music can mean one thing. team usa at the world cup trying to put a massive disappointment behind it. as fast as possible. they're turning their attention to thursday's match against germany. >> last night's game against portugal. nearly saw the u.s. in the tournament knockout stages, but as abc's karen travers reports, their advancement was put on hold. >> a great cross! and it is an equalizer. rancheros it -- >> reporter: it was a heartbreaking tie for team usa. >> obviously we are disappointed. end of the day look at the positives. we got a point. >> reporter: the u.s. looked like it had the game wrapped up. it was seconds away from advancing to the second round. when portugal heading this goal to even it up. >> it hurts when the goal goes in. you know? but the game is cruel. >> reporter: the game is played in the amazon rain forest and heat and humidity were grueling. in the 39th minute the referee called for a cooling break. the first time that has ever happened in world cup play. portugal got on the board first scoring in the fifth minute. the u.s. had its offensive chances in the first half but couldn't punch in a goal. goalkeeper tim howard came up with two huge saves before halftime to keep the u.s. in it. then in the 63rd minute. jermaine jones booted in the shot from distance. finishing with such a curve, the portuguese goalie didn't make a move. later, clint dempsey playing with a broken nose seemed to hit the game winner. >> then dempsey -- >> reporter: but the u.s. couldn't hold on to the lead. team usa will advance to the next round with a win or a tie against germany. >> so we have got to go in and beat germany. got to get a result against germany. all we have got to do. >> reporter: the u.s. takes on germany thursday, 12:00 noon eastern time on espn. karen travers, abc news, washington. >> i can't wait to watch that one. matt, you have been eating so much all night you. probably know a little bit about the next subject. >> always. >> i know a lot about a lot. especially eating. see it there, the bear in british columbia, the locals call yogi. something of a sting. the owners of the fridge wanted to know who or what was helping themselves to the food inside. and leaving the door open. they got their answer when the camera caught yogi making off with what looked like a pie. good morning, yogi, nice job. >> you know what drives me nuts. he leaves the freaking door open. don't leave the door open. close it. >> i think a man in a bear suit. looking around. reading the labels. >> apparently he steals the food. known to go in the garbage areas as well. >> does he replace the food after he is done eating it. [ burps ] >> oh, come on! oh. before you all take a quick break for munchies. we have a special announcement to make. got your prop here. >> it's, my great privilege, after my first show here to announce only one thing, "world news now" has racked up 500,000-plus fans. >> thanks to our faithful viewers who still keep watching. we love you guys. we are so grateful. keep spreading the good word. coming up in "the skinny" now -- social event to have an inside look at katie couric's wedding. >> team usa's goalkeeper had some personal struggles before he became a star. now, tim howard and his mother speaking out later on "world news now." ♪.ctz >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by -- vista print. ♪ i need you and your love too come on and rescue me ♪ ♪ come on baby and rescue me >> an incredible tale of rescue at sea played out off the coast of key larg ♪ i need you and your love too come on and rescue me ♪ ♪ come on baby and rescue me >> an incredible tale of rescue at sea played out off the coast of key largo. started when a couple fell off their boat and weren't spotted until 14 hours later miles away frying to stwim -- swim back to shore. abc's marci gonzalez has the story. >> reporter: stranded at sea. no boat, no life jackets, no way to call for help. >> they were lucky couples. >> reporter: sean mcgovern and melissa morris were boating near the florida keys friday when they somehow went overboard. the 30-foot island hopper still in gear, driving away from them. all they could do was tread water and wait. >> my first thought was how in the world did you get out here? >> reporter: the current carrying them off the coast of key largo nearly 75 miles north to hallandale beach. after 14 hours in the atlantic ocean, finally, a few guys out deep sea fishing spotted the couple. >> it's hard enough to find fish. but two people floating in the water was pretty strange. >> reporter: a strange sight even for these guys who thought they had seen it all. the two broward county sheriff's detectives and paramedic enjoying a day off suddenly going into life saving mode. >> the closer we got we realized this is a true emergency. kicked it into gear. got there. actually performed a rescue. >> reporter: the couple suffering jelly fish stings and minor hypothermia. but otherwise okay. back at home with an incredible story of survival and luck. >> pure chance. >> one of the miracle stories. thank god we found them. >> marci gonzalez, abc news, new york. >> so, you know i am based in miami. >> yeah. >> i got a call from a lot of these undercover guys involved in this. there is a reason that this couple fell off the boat without any life preservers and that the boat was still in gear. >> what? >> yeah. they were doing something -- >> oh, no. >> that made them fall off the boat, apparently. yeah. they weren't fishing. they certainly weren't fishing. [ boing ] don't dry that at home, folks. take the boat out of gear. it's perfectly okay if you want to do that. take it out of gear. >> oh, boy. i think "gma" may be leading with the story. breaking news. tune in. i can't believe. you never know what to expect. my gosh. as i collect myself. when we come back, we'll check out what's making headlines in "the skinny." >> we'll take a peek inside katie couric's wedding and why sting has no intention of leaving any of his many millions to his kids. that's next. >> announcer: "world news now" continues after this from our abc stations. ♪ hey. my name is katie, and i'm in the ninth grade. i'm an "a" average student, and i'm an athlete working towards a scholarship. and everybody tells me how much potential i have. but i just wish someone would tell me where my next meal is coming from. katie, how'd i do? do you have to be so serious? well, i mean, i did, like, a crazy dance in a movie if you want me to, like, you know, do a little--no? announcer: play a role in ending hunger. visit and find your local food bank. ♪ ♪ skinny so skinny ♪ that last story. what the heck, it is "the skinny" on this monday morning. we start with a shout out and congratulations to our colleagues at "good morning america." >> indeed, "gma" won outstanding morning program award last night at daytime emmy award. so as reena said, congratulations, "gma." >> we both have done work for "gma" -- hardest working folks in the business. so nice. really fantastic these guys are getting recognition for all right hard work. of a big congratulations to them. >> and big congratulations to katie couric. as of saturday she is no longer a single woman. she tweeted this picture, as you see right there, after tying the knot with financier john molner, 50 guests attended a private backyard ceremony at her home in the hamptons. and couric's two daughters from her first husband that died of colon cancer in 1988. >> wearing an ivory beaded embroidered lace gown. the wedding was reportedly so low-key, she didn't make a final decision on the gown until last week. my kind of bride. >> beautiful. sting showing a little tough love to his six kids. six kids first of all. he says they shouldn't expect any inheritance from his $300 million fortune. >> none of it, huh? the former police frontman says, there won't be much money left because he and his wife, plan on spending it. sting says he expects his three sons and three daughters to work. he doesn't plan on leaving them a trust fund which would just, be an albatross around their necks. >> come on! a little bit? >> we did hear back from his rep who said this report is not true. he has done well for himself. sure he will leave a little something. >> i could use a $2 million, $3 million albatross. not a lot. not hundreds or dozens. >> trustafarian. you were a trustafarian. >> look who is saying, let it go. from the movie "frozen." ♪ let it go ♪ let it go ♪ let it go >> pearl jam, the group broke into the hit song, frozen in italy this weekend. right in the middle of "daughter." pearl jam touring europe through next month. starts the u.s. tour in october with the austin city lights music festival. sing it. bet you can sing it. >> i can't sing it. >> frozen. come on. come on. pearl jam version. >> let it go. let it go. >> that's pretty good. ♪ i don't want to hurt no more >> that's awesome. encore. encore. encore. >> now i know how to get my daughter into pearl jam. if eddie vedder sings "let it go." >> that could work. >> we'll be right back. does bi, an identity thief who stole mary's identity, took over her bank accounts, and stole her hard-earned money. unfortunately, millions of americans just like you learn all it may take is a little misplaced information to wreak havoc on your life. this is identity theft. and no one helps stop it better than lifelock. lifelock offers the most comprehensive identity theft protection available. if mary had lifelock's bank account alerts, she could have been notified in time to help stop it. lifelock's credit notification service is on the job 24/7. as soon as they detect a threat to your identity within their network, they will alert you, protecting you before the damage can be done. lifelock has the most comprehensive identity theft protection available, guarding your social security number, your money, your credit, even the equity in your home. my years as a prosecutor taught me that we all need to protect ourselves from crime. in today's world, that includes identity theft. it's a serious problem. we all have to protect ourselves. [ male announcer ] no one protects you better than lifelock. you even get a $1 million service guarantee. that's security no one can beat. you have so much to protect and nothing to lose when you call lifelock right now and get 60 days of identity theft protection risk free. that's right. 60 days risk free. use promo code: take charge. order now and get this universal device charger, great for everything from smart phones and cameras to tablets, keeping your digital life powered at home, the office, or in the car... a $30 value, free! don't wait until you become the next victim. ♪ and get a universal device charger free. use promo code: take charge. ♪ but lysol power & free cann change the way you clean.h. it cleans even better than bleach without the harshness. a powerful clean, that's family friendly - that's what we call healthing. lysol power & free. start healthing. >> team usa gave its late lead last night for down to the last second score. by portugal. and a 2-2 draw. >> this morning, he is still a national hero. team usa star goalkeeper. tim howard. here is david muir with the amazing story behind his rise to fame. >> reporter: tim howard was diagnosed with turret's syndrome at 10 years old when his mother noticed involuntary repetitive ticks. she knew her son was struggling. >> i would blink, cough, turn my neck. could have been anything at that point, you know? so that was tough. point, you know? "r who met him would not be able to see past the ticks and twitches to person that tim was. >> reporter: that boy from new jersey he could tell he was good at something. he started playing soccer at 6. >> as i began to excel with soccer, i begin to answer in just that way. yes, i have turret's syndrome. and at the time it was a little drawback. i also had this wonderful gift that was soccer. >> reporter: that soccer became his refuge. raised by a single mom with multiple jobs, she's convinced that's where she got his work ethic on the field. ethic. he would play in the uk for manchester united. british papers were not kind. "distabled goalie lined up to play for manchester united." "united's zombie." that's his wife, laura. they have a son and daughter. all of them rooting on team usa, the mom who cheered him on as a buy still cheering him on now. >> she does. my mom watches me play. she -- she still gets really nervous which is funny. she understands the game more now. so she is kind of an analyst. tell me what she thought of the game afterwards, right or wrong. >> reporter: even after all he has been through. just listen to what he told us. >> i think it is important to stay humble. i make sure that is the first thing people see when they meet me. because at the end of the day we are all human. in tough times that hard work and humility has always gotten me through. >> my goodness how did he do that? david muir, abc news, new york. >> he was amazing in that game down to the last goal. 30 seconds left before the end. >> i had no idea. >> so tough. >> speaking of courage under fire. how good are you? >> really? challenging me. >> challenging you? >> what you want the headers? >> one, two three, four, five, six. seven. >> almost headed reena. >> almost. see you back here. >> see you. ♪ ♪ . breaking news this morning, secretary of state john kerry in baghdad as radical militants expand their control. the tense meetings he's expected to have, and stern message for the prime minister. we're live with the details. world cup heartbreak, a late-game shocker disrupts the party for americans and the players. but it's not over yet for team usa. direct hit, a man is struck by lightning, knocking him out of his boots. why doctors and nurses were amazed when he got to the hospital. and great encounter. a fisherman hoping to catch dinner got something much more dangerous on camera.

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