Transcripts For WPLG Local 10 News At Noon 20160209 : compar

Transcripts For WPLG Local 10 News At Noon 20160209

>> constance: video gaining national attention, a pair of attacks caught on camera. one of them a man ambushes two people in lauderhill with a sword. the other he attacks a man with a small metal pole. >> kristi: new at noon we are now hearing from one of the victims left battered and bruise. local 10 news reporter derek shore is live in lauderhill with this one. derek? >> reporter: this was a brutal unprovoked atake. according to the 81-year-old victim is bizarre but he says he was here in the parking lot of the shell station when that suspect would walk up to him and tell him his eye was red. the victim's eye was redment he said it was irritated. he didn't think much of it. the victim then walked into this shell station and a couple of minutes later he was followed by that suspect and beaten. 81-year-old douglas bershea's condition is shocking. swollen, 18 stitches in his head but he is alive after a brutal attack that was caught on tape on came out of nowhere. >> i didn't see it. >> reporter: the violent bizarre encounter went down inside a shell gas station in lauderhill sun morning with the man's wife desperately trying to protect him. police say with no apparent motive javan walker attacked the quebec native with a pole and took off. >> didn't ask for money. didn't ask for anything. >> reporter: instead just came and attacked you? >> yes. >> as the man was rushed to the hospital, incredibly police say the 21-year-old's terrifying crime spree was not over. they say a short time later walker would attack a store clerk at a nearby swap shop store with a sword before officers were able to catch up with him. that clerk will be okay. as for the 81-year-old man, he will recover. he said he wants to see the suspect get help. >> so you are recover? and i hope they take care of him. >> so you actually have some compassion f him. >> very much. >> reporter: and after the attack, the man says walker would run out and jump into the victim's car but the man had the keys so walker couldn't get anywhere. a short time later he would allegedly have that attack on a clerk with a sword. walker is facing a number of charges and police have said they do believe he may have been under the influence of some sort of drugs. live in lauderhill, derek shore, local 10 news. >> kristi: thank you. we haveore breaking news right now. police released a photo of a man they are now looking for in connection with a homicide in miami beach. >>onstance: a mother, she was found dead in her condo last night. who two young children told police she had been assaulted. we are live in miami beach with new information just into our newsroom about this case. >> reporter: i want to show you this photograph of theperson that police are now his name is samir jemaaoui. they tell us he is 36 years old and is about 5'11", 200 pounds. they say this man is married -- or was married to the victim in this case, t stepfather of these two young children who ran for help after their mother was killed. >> oh,hmy god, terrible. >> reporter: what two children may have witnessed, just 4 years old and 6 years old, those two little ones grown up enough to go get help though. they ran down from their apartment around 7:00 last night to tell flaming condominium security their mom was hurt. security calledpolice. >> i just saw a stretcher going up there. i didn't see the police. th must already be there because the van isout side. >> reporter: we would later see what@ appeared to be a medical examiner's van leavingthe complex. miami beach detectives had to wait for a search warrant after findg the victim dead inside an apartment we are hearing o one of the lower floors of the south tower. officers were in on out of the along along with crime scene investigators and they have been here before. >> a couple of months ago somebody else got murdered here. >> reporter: this couple just moved in las summer in time for a deadly shooting inside the dead. this latest incident prompting a them. out. neighbors. >> i want to leave. sad situation. what can you do? >> reporter: we've also been background. we are hearing and learning from court ecords that he was arrested at least twice last year on battery charges. in fact, it looks like according to court records he is supposed to be in court again this morning around 9:00 possibly for some sort of plea or some sort charges. the children, the step-children custody. we are still workingo learn their mother's identity. any further we learn we will of course, if you know where this man may be or may have seen where he went last night after encouraged to contact miami beach police. local 10 news. >> kristi: police do want you man. if you have seen him, know where he could be call miami-dade crime stoppers at 305-471-tips. also caught on camera, a masked man storming a store and inside. this as surveillance video from last month of this scene. the crook demanding crash out of the register as customers and workers slowly back away. it happened inside the dollar general along west oakland park boulevard in oakland park. the man got eye way in a gray newer model chevrolet possibly an impala. if you have any information call crime stoppers at 954-473-tips. [inaudible] >> k ksti: also new at noon a mother's emotional plea for help to find her missing son. >> constance: plantation police releasing that video message fromm the mother of aage jorgensen the 16-year-old was last seen in december. his father is accused of abandon abandonment. terrell forney is live outside the jail in ft. lauderdale where that teen's dad is being held this afternoon. >> reporter: yeah, that father still in jail this afternoon. he says he does not know the whereabouts of his teenage son. he was picked up by police a little more than aeek ago while trying to board a flight to new zealand even though his teenage son was missing. foul play is not suspected but we knowhe agony of not knowing where that boy is is certainly wearing on that teenager's mother. >> if you are still there andnd come call the police, the fbi. those peoeoe are helping you so please don't hide, come out and talk to them so they can help you to come home, please. it's been so long. i love you. >> reporter: and that emotional video was recorded where t tt mom calls home. she lives in hawaii. 16-year-old aage jorgensen is the boy's name. we know that the department of children and family sues that they've never had prior contact with this family. he was last seen december 18 at american heritage high school in plantation where he attends class. he is described as being about 5'9", 140 pounds and has short brown hair and brown eyes. meanwhile his dad tells police that he kicked his son out off the car near their plantation home, because, quote, he was being rude. that was on december 27. a few weeks later securury guards at the complex called police after noticing missing community with that 16-year-old's picture and information about that boy and that's wha eventually led police to bruce jorgensen and en his arrest while trying to board that intertional flight. now, again, foul play is not suspected according to the plantation police department which is the entity investigating the disappearance of this 16-year-old boy. jorgensen is charged with desertionf a child. again, he is still here at the broward county jail. his mom and police though, they just want to know that he is okay. so if you know where that 16-year-old is, certainly pick a call. we are liven ft. lauderdale this afternoon, i'm terrell forney, local 10 news. >> constance: an update this noon. police say there are no signs of foul play after a body was found on sny isles beach. sky 10 was above that scene earlier today. the body was discovered this morning off collins avenue and 167th street. officers say the death appears >> kristi: a baby is safe today after a car was stolen with that childnside. the carjacking outside of a laundromat sparking an amber alert yesterday afternoon. police later found that child but the carjacker is still out there somewhere. local 10 news reporter is live in ft. lauderdale this midday with the latest on the search for that person. erica? >> reporter: kristi, police have been searching for him since you likely heard that loud tone come across your cell phone or tv last night when that amber alert was issued. this morning it is canceled for good reasons. that baby home and safe but guy. they say he wasted no time jumping in tt mother's car parked right here yesterday afternoon and taking off with the child. she is bright-eyed yet tired but ten-month-old baby is home with her family. her mothero relieved. back@safe in her mom's arms after police found the baby inside her mom's c abandoned the find made hours after a frantic search by air, on the ground, all hands on deck. it all started around 4:00 yesterday afternoon at this laundromat and west sunrise boulevard. the baby's mother stopped to pick up clothes, left the car running with the baby sleeping insideust for a minute. >> just walked up to the car. it didn't seem like a crime going on. >> reporter: police y this man in the minute jumpeped at a chance to commit a crime. he was apparently hanging out inside the laundromat, walked t and jumped in the car. the mother ran out and her carand baby gone. >> the lady came out screaming. i didn't realize what was going on. >> reporte she says she never thought that would happen and she didn't want to wake her daughter up. and mom lives only a couple of minutes away from this laundromat where she had run in to grab her clothes. that car found eight miles from here off power line and mcnabb. we spoke to people in the area where the car was they did not see anybody suspicious in the area. if you recognize that man or know anything about him or this incident please call broward crime stoppers this afternoon. the number is 954-493-tips. live in sunrise, local 10 news. >> kristi: thank you. right now it is indeed a sad day for all fire rescue services. today fire rescue chief joe monopoli is being laidd to rest. the casket was loaded on to a fire truck in hollywood headed toward a church service that happened in north miami beach. immediately after that church service the procession will be passing all the davie fire rescue stations as well as pembroke pines fire station number 69. he started his career with the pembroke pines fire rescue back in 1980 and rose to the rank of assistant chief. the 57-year-old died in his sleep february 1. his burial service with full firefighter honors is set for 2:00 this afternoon. >> constance: to vote 2016. it is primary day in new hampshire. the first presidential primary. trump has a 31% support in new hampshire followed by marco rubio with 17%, ted cruz, john kasich and jeb bush round out the top five. on the democratic side, bernie sanders maintains a sizable lead over hillary clinton at 61% compared to 35%. right now voters in new hampshire are casting their blots inballots inthe granite state. today. she is live with more. >> reporter: constance, we have been at the polls this morning. they are packed, and the turnout expected 50% to 6 6 turnout. think about that in a primary. in south florida our communities don't even get that for the day of a presidential election in november. so much interest, so much engagement and the candidates they were out making the rounds at the polls for some last-minute face time. but right now it is all about the voters. >> what ballot would you like? >> reporter: the lines in ward 3 started early but not ass early as this town. at the stroke of midnight the couple dozen people in that down near the canadian border became the first to cast their choices >> thank you. church. >> we have 61 in ward 3. >> reporter: we found peoplpl waiting to cast their vote who had not yet decided for whom. >> for the longest time it was anybody but trump a a i was leaning toward kasash. now that bernie is surging so far ahead i feel hillary needs the vote and i will vote for hillary. >> one perern came in, got a ballot, picked it up and looked and said i don't want to vote for any of these people and gave and he left without voting. >> reporter: so many stories online at the polls today. they stay open until 8:00 tonight eastern time and anyone who is on the line at 8:00 does get to vote. so they expect we w wl see some results from new hampshire probably about 9:00 tonight. they're already counting the absentees and we know how dixville notch voted. for bernie sanders five votes, hillary clinton nothing on the democratic side and 12eople there or so chose ohio governor john kasich as their number one vote with three votes. so if that's something that might foretell what new hampshire voters are going to do, stay tuned. i'm glenna milberg live in new hampshire this afternoon, local 10 news. >> constance: thank you. stay with local 10 for our team coverage o the new hampshire primary. you can look for live reports of course our senior political reporter michael putney will be watching the polls all night. a possible shake-up in the race for the presidency. former new york mayor michael bloomberg says he is considering a run for the white house this year. now the new york times reported last month that he was considering a third party run but this is the first time that he's openly discussed that possibility. >> krii: president barack obama will be asking congress for more than $ $1.8 billion in emerncy funding to fight the spreads it. the virus is spreading rapidly througuout latin america and the caribbean. there are now two more cases in florida including one more in broward coun bringing the total to 16 cases in the state. there will be more numbers announced later on today. two are in broward, miami-dade has six cases. all of them though important to note are travel-related. let's take a peek at the stock market, look at those numbers. points standing at 15,952. the nasdaq is also pointed downward and the s & p is down almost 8 points. >> constance: we are learning what led up t ta deadly train crash in southern germany today that killed nine people and injured over 100. it happened this morning near the height of morning rush hour. officials say the trains were on a curve and it appears they did not have enough time to brake before they hit head-on. the black boxes have been recovered which witl provide more answers as to why those trains collided. also new at noon, senator bill nelson is calling for the national transportation safety board to investigate a royal caribbean cruise ship damaged during a storm. take a look at this. nelson is questioning why the ship would be allowed to sail out when the storm was forecasted days earlier. the national weather service prediction center issued alert toss strong storms four days in advance. the anthem of the seas turned to home port in new jersey. sea sick. >> kristi: grab your phones. it is app tuesday. >> constance: coming up the details about an app launched at miami international airport to make travel easier. >> kristi: a gator ends up in a florida drive-through. how it got there and who is facing chargeses coming up. >> we've got some clouds moving in acrosossouth florida but will it make way for more sunshine as workweek? there. we will let you knoww about a warm up coming up after the break. >> tonight at 11:00, celebrity endodoement. >> seems to be a life-changing prododt. >> big claims from a south florida company. don't miss the opportunity to regain control of your life. but before turningver your credit card you must see this bob norman investigation. >> i want to talk about the complaints your company has received. >> bob normama tracks down the 10 news. we h h real people make their own pizzas. they chose the ingredients they wanted. i like the fresh dough. what's bha? what are fillers? you guys just made your pizza the way i make my pizza. hey! no ingredients that you can't pronounce and no artificial flavors. and we're prou to announce get any large pizza up to 5-toppings for just $9.99. online only. at >> constance: the search is on for this man accused of stealing a necklace worth thousands of dollars in oakland park. the man took the 10 carat gold jewelers on december 30. if you have information please contact police. one of the women accused of in coral gables appearing in court today. the incidents happened last month and caught on surveillance video. liane morejon is live with what happened in court today. >> reporter: constance, today that woman had her bond hearing, and it seems she preys on men that are sitting at bars wearing pricey watches or jewelry. that ishen she makes her move. right now she is behind bars and she is not going any where any timeoon. let's look right now at her mug shot. this is 21-yeararld qumisha williams of milwaukee, wisconsin. she was arrested yesterday by miami-dade police facing charges to a crime committed in coral gables. now polic say that the male victim was at morton's restaurant inoral gables when williams allegedly struck up a conversaon with him and the two had a few drinks there. surveillance cameras were her onamera at that restaurant. now this is video of williams court haaring today. police say that she and the victim went back to his place. they kept drinking, and that's when william allegedly slipped a xanax into his drink and he passed out. tests the next morning showed he did have drugs in his system and that's not something he says he takes or has a prescription for. he woke up the next morning and williams was gone and so was his firearm. here is some of what the judge said in court today. >> you were arrested and ann arrest charge. they charged you with placing poison in food or water, armed burglary, strong arm robbery, grand theft and another charge of grand theft with a firearm. the victim was drugged with a xanax derivative and he lost consciousness a few minutes after having a d dnk. gone and the g g was gone. >> reporter: so it would seem through documents that we've obtained that pole are also linking williams to other similar crimes around south florida. as you heard there, she is being held without bond. we are live in miami, liane morejon, local 10 news. >> kristi: thank you. a former miami teacher accused of digging his nails into a student's hand and leg pleaded guilty today in court. frederick mena was sentenced to ten years probation on an aggravated child abuse charge for that one. mena was arrested last march when he was working as a kindergarten teacher at silver bluff elementary school. he claimed he did this to the little girl because he was frustrated she was not getting the correct answers. mena must enter therapy and see a psychologist at least once a month. if he violates that probation, he could spend up to 30 years in prison instead. a man accused of peeping into windows in pembroke pines the man was released on bond today. his bond raised to $290,000. he is facing a number of charges including burglary and aggravated stalking. thth man was caught on camera looking through window's bedroom windows in pembroke pines late last year and accused of fondling himself and trying to break into the homes. >> constance: a church in miami is asking for your help after they were targeted by vandals. >> kristi: someone stole major wiring in the building while it was being renovated causing thousands of dollars in damage. we are live in miami with what the church is going to do now. >> reporter: kristi, we are talking about temple missionary baptist church. a staple in overtown. the church has been around 86 years. they bought the building next door with the hope this would become a living facility for the homeless but they discovered st week that someone broke these panels stealing wiring and now they are trying to figure out how they are going to pay for all this damage. walking around this apartment wires scattered everywhere, walls smashed in, broken windows and this isn't the first time something like this has happened. >> we were doing something good, but evil came over us. >> reporter: temple mission tare i baptist church is a staple in overtown and have been and 86 years. for years the apartment building next door was a drug house. church goers would often see people passed out on the lawn. the church decided to buy the building and turn it into a temporary living facility for the homeless. >> we had no results from outside. all of it we have done ourselves. >> reporter: two years ago while the building was being renovated crooks broke in stealing wirin but the church got things back up and running. they were one ipection away from opening this month until last week when they discovered someone stole wiring again. the cost of all of this, more than $30,000. this is how they believe the crooks were able to get inside. by throwing a rock through this window, breaking the glass, them access to the entire second floor. the facility is meant to help people like teresa who have no place to call home and depend on services this church offers. she and many others are hoping whoever did this will do the right thing and turn themselves in. >> whoever found out they should report them to the police. they stole from the house of god. >> reporter: so even though this is a major setback for the church, ty are confident they will find a way to get the facility up and running. in the meantime place are investigating and asking anyone withnformation to step forward. reporting live in overtown, jenise fernandez, local 10 news. >> constance: a lost calf is back home. pembroke pines police tweeted out this photo. they helped capture the animal knee century village and returned it back to its owner. >> kristi: just another day on the job. >> constance: a good day, maybe he wanted to take a walk outside. >> night, cool change. what we call winter in south florida. unlike the sunny skies the past couple of afternoons we have clouds moving in. with that temperatures s ll stay in the 60s once again today. here is a look at hollywood beach cam. people riding bikes on theoard walk in jackets but the real estate is available on hollywood beach t is a windy day keeping many people away from the coastline. in mallory square more sunshine down there in the conch republic repuic. the wind is northwest at 16 miles per hour and temperatures in the flori keys below 70 here this afternoon. here is what it looks like on the satellite view. you can see clouds blanketed in from broward county all the way through miami-dade and the skies get a littleit more partly cloudy as you head towards the overseas highway.even there a batch of clouds moved through 45 minutes to an hour ago. radar most of what you are seeing are all false return. rain chances stay low but reinforcing shot of northwesterly wind keep they are sustained near 15 miles per hour, marathon through key west where we have gusts in the low 20s. homestead, you have a gust of 23 and we could see these up in the mid 20s later on this afternoon. so right now our temperatures barely at 60 in pompano beach, getting closer to 70-degree mark in marathon. tomorrow morning we will wake up around 52 degrees in miami with another school start on the way and it get even colder as we wake up and thursday. we will be back in the 40s for one more morning. big area of lowpressure off the east coast, cold front to the south bringing snow as far south as northern alabama and georgia. look at that, you can see how far south the snow is falling as we have quite a cold@ weather autobreak' you canning on the east coast and keep the chilly weather pattern going throughout the week. sunshine back in the forecast here for the middle parts of the week. by thursday morning, 48 degrees, that's the coolest day before we warm up. look what happens for the weekend. friday back to 75. it will be perfect here as we get closer to the upcoming weekend. the beach forecast for today if you are heading out there to enjoy the afternoon and evening probably not the best beach day. wind 15 to 20 miles per hour, surf 3 to 5 feet and small cft advisory on dade and broward coastline and the florida keys. seas are rough 6 to 8 feet beyond the reef, inside 3 to 5. the rest o the workweek forecast, tomorrow 67, thursday 66 andhat chilly start. looking ahead toward the weekend, nice reminder, valentine's day is this weekend and temperatures look good. looks like a fantastic forecast for the weekend. betty will be back in tonight to walk you through the forecast at 4:00. >> kristi: thank you. fat tuesday is turning intoo app tuesday at miami international airport thanks to a new app therer >> constance: the airport is launching a brand new app today.ben kennedy joins us live from m.i.a. to tell us about the new features to make travel easier. ben? >> reporter: good afternoon. way you fly out of miami. no need to look at the big boards like the ones here to my right. in fact, everything you might need could soon starting today be on your phone. in fact, moments ago we did get a tour of the terminal to see how the mobile app works. 500 bluetooth data beacons are installed throughout the airport which will activate when you scan your boarding pass. the app will work like a personalized travel assistant give you travel updates and suggest nearby shopping and dining based on your profile. >> people can navigate in a seamless way. >> what kindf impact will the app have on passengers traveling through? >> it will move people through faster and more efficient. >> i did almost miss on the monorail almost miss our stop. it wasn't quite clear where we were supposed to go. >> so an app would be good? >> absolutely. that would an great addition. came out today, but they are already updating it. in fact, soon you will be able to click the dining part, select what kind of food you want and the food could actually be delivered to your terminal as you wait for your flight. plus they are working to allow you to reserve a parking shot here at the airport. reporting live in miami, ben kennedy, local 10 news. >> kristi: touch of your fingers. thank you. workers at wendy's weren't expecting this. >> constance: this is a pretty crazy story. the man facing charges after police say he threw an alligator in the drive6through window. this crazy story is up next. it is fatuesday, and i hope you are hungry because we are cooking up the ultimate mardi gras menu. michael is shaking up a big easy cocktail, mario making an the kitchen wit when it comes to connecting to the world online, people have different needs. that's why high speed internet from at&t... you the speed you need at a price you'll love.. get high speed internet-just $15 dollars a month for 12 months with other qualifyi service and a one-year agreement. all on one bill! no matter what you use it for, it's a connection you can count on. save on smartphone and tablet data usage when you connect all your wi-fi devices at home. video-chat and play games... get 99.9 percent reliability to stream, surf and download worry free. get high speed internet-just $15 dollars a month for 12 months with other qualifying service and a e-year agreement all on one bill! with high speed internet from at&t, you get the speed that's right for you. and if you call now you can get a $100-dollar promotional card with this great offer! only from at&t. ca an at&t expert to switch today. (donkey sound) (elephant sound) there's a big difference between making noise, (tapping sound) and making sense. (elephant sound) (donkey sound) when it comes to social security, we need more than lip servrve. our next president needs a real plan to keep social security strong. (elephant noise) give us a plan. >> kristi: this is the story you have been waiting for. a florida man facing charges for through a drive-through window. >> constance: this only happens in florida, people. it hatched in october at a wendy east in jupiter. the man's mother claims her son was playing a prank on someone he knew who worked at the wendy's. the alligator was safely releed in a canal, that's the good news. the man was charged with aggravated assault and unlawful possession and transportation of an alligator. it is national pizza day. in dr. oz moment the truth about popular food. he itels us what's gone wrong with it in the u.s. >> pizza in america is about 800-calorie as slice in ate i will it is 250 calories. what giviv? first of all, we are not using real mozzarella cheese and we n. these are things you can ask for when you order your pizza. it wasn't have much grease and stays white when you cook it and tastes better. the tomato sauce is laden with get real tomatoes or real tomato sauce. cut the tomatoes and put them on there. make sure the bread is real. it should rise overnight and have pocketing in it. not the heavy, thick stuff when you eat feels like a lead weight in your belly. i share with you how to order the right pizzas from the big vendors and double size the pizza. it is half the thickness and psychologically help you eat less food. >> constance: i'm sure we'll get pizza out here. >> kristi: good idea. >> constance: dr. oz airs weekday after noons at 3:00 and local 10. another big event in south florida you to get ready for it. the south beach wine and food festival. >> kristi: the one and only has you covered. local 10 is giving away tickets for the events. you don't want to miss the biggest names and tastiest dishes from all over the world. head to our facebook page and it is also fat tuesday. big dought with no calories. scary momentsp at a gas station. it was caught on camera. >> constance: an awning the frustrated with your overactive bladder medicine not working? can't handle the side effects? botox treats symptoms of leaking, going too often, and the strong sudden need to go. ask your urologist if botox can help calm your bladder and reduce your dailyleakage episodes. the effes of botox may spread hours to weeks after injection, causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, loss of bladder contro or muscle weakness can be a sign of a life-threatening condition. don't take botox if you can't empty your bladder on your own or have a urinary tract infection, or uti. injection site pain, fatigue, uti, painful urination and difficulty emptying your bladder. tell your doctor your medical history. what would you do, if you could choose your ultimate adventure? explore the ocean with a tour guide that's a ton of fun. race like a cheetah at 60 miles per hour. or fly down a waterslide. with choose your adventure, you can explore four parks for less. enjoy any two parks for just $99, then add an additional park or visit for only $10 more. more visits. more savings. >> constance: pro protesters clash with police in hong con disrupting the chineseew year. celebrations were violent when police tried to evict unlicensed area. they he been lenient in the past years toward unlicensed food stalls but they took a stronger stance this year. police usedd pepper spray and fired warning shots to disburse the crowds. south korea has released note owe of the debris they@ believe to be part of a north korean rocket. about 270 objects w we found by a navy ship just southwest of the island. officials say the number of piecesesound show that the first stage rocket was fitted with a self-destructive device. was for scientific and peacefulpurposes. >> kristi: the roof of a gas station is caught on camera absolutely collapsing in southern california. this happened at a chevron outside of l.a. two maintenance workers were on the roof when it came crashing down crushing a car underneath. the station washut down. clean-up crews cleaning up all the debris. the twoorkers say they noticed a few cracks on the roof before it gave way. one of the workers suffered some minor injuries. a 9-year-old, can you believe this, behind the wheel of a car. >> constance: no, no, no. why deputies say their couple allowed to drive with them and also with their baby inside. historic events in haiti and local 10's calvin hughes was there with the extraordinaryry exclusive. the exclusive interview in the presidential palace, personal momonts with the outgoing president. >> his final time leaving the grounds of the national pal race. >> covering a nation in transition. >> you want big stories, big coverage, then you want the one and only local 10 news. (phone ringing) you can't deal with something, by ignoring it. but that's how some presidential candidates seem to be dealing with social security. americans work hard, and pay into it. so our next president needs a real plan to keep it strong. (elephant noise) (donkey noise) >> kristi: casey anthony is out of hiding nearly five years after being found not guilty y murdering her 2-year-old daughter and she is opening upher own business. documents show that anthony launched her own photographer business called case photographer llc in west palm beach in 2011. anthony was acquitted in the murder of her daughter kaleigh. >> constance: donald trump is facing backlash from a word a woman shouted at his rally about ted cruz. >> they asked ted cruz what do you think of wer boarding? is it okay? honestly, i thought he would say absolutely and he didn't. he was concerned about the answer because some people -- she just said a terrible thing. you know what she said? i don't want to say it. >> okay. you are not allowed to say, and i never expecto hear that from you again. she said, i never expect to hear that from you again. she said [bleep]. >> constance: well, he did reprimand the woman for saying the word saying, quote, what kind of people do i have here? well, beyonce is slammed by rudy giuliani for her halftime show. he described the performance as atake and police officer. he took issue with her racing fist and dancer wearing black costumes similar to those worn by the black panther party. >> kristi: a wisconsin couple is facing charges after police say they let their 9-year-old girl drive the pickup truckck because they were drunk. behind the wheel and two parents in the backseat drunk along with a baby. they face charges child endangerment and child abuse. a real housewife opening up for the first time since released from prison. >> constance: whatt she said to abc news in an exclusive interview abouterving time and her financial right now. first a look at winning lottery numbers. local 10 news will be right back. with at&t the choice is yours. you only pay for the services you need to make call now to get high speed internet for just $15 a month for 12 months with a one-year agreement... ...when you bundle with tv, home phone oeven wireless on one bill. with high speed internet, you'll get 99.9 percent reliability with a coection you can count on.n. call now to get high speed internet for just $15 a month for 12 months with a one-year agreement... ...when you bundle with tv, home phone or even wireless on one bill. switch today and get a $100-dollar promotional card for every eligible service you add! don't wait. cabl this number today. get more choiceso bundle and save. because with at&t,t's whatever works for you. flonase allergy relief nasal spray. this changes everything. flonase ishe 24 hour relief that when we breathe in allergens, our bodies react by over-producing six key inflammatory substances that cause our symptoms. most allergy pills only control one substance, flonase controls six. and six is greater than one. so go ahead, inhale life, excite your senses, seize the day and the night. flonase. six is greater than one. >> kristi: breaking news right now. update to the story we first brought you at the beginning of our newscast. the man police wer@e looking for, that man in connection with a homicide in miami beach, we have now learned he has committed suicide. he has apparently jumped we're told from a hotel building. his name samir jemaaoui, he is 36 years old and wanted on second degree murder charges for the murder of his ex-wife. his wife s found dead in her condo last night. her two young children tol police that she had been assaulted. constance? real housewives of new jersey star teresa giudice speaking out for the first time since she was released from a federal prison. teresa spent 11-and-a-half months behind barar after she and her husband ultimately pled guilty to multiple crimes including bankruptcy fraud. she admits the transition from reality star to inmate in prison was not easy. >> i mean there's mold in the bathrooms. constantly. it was hell. it broke my heart becauau, you know, i was always g gwing up the good girl. >> constance: now teresa's house joe was sentence the to three-and-a-half years in prison and will be leaving for prison next month. >> kristi: looking outside a trent will be back with >> kristi: let's take you live right now to new orleans where mardi gras and the carnival celebrations with real underway. it is fat tuesday. the city celebration really kicked off yesterday. >> constance: mardi gras festivities were in full swing last night.marching bands, floats and, of course, plenty of beads as you see took over the streets. the chilly weather wasn't enough to keep the crowds from joining the fun. thousands packed together for the big parade whicharks its 135th year. i think trent was trying to get >> i was unbnbtoning my jacket. just kidding. let's get a check of the forecast across south florida. it is going to be nice and quiet each have some cloud cover out there but most of what you see on the radar is false return. northwest wind with us today. it will keep temperatures cool once again. we are talking about staying in the 60s this afternoon. you can see wind gusts 70 miles per hour in pembroke pines, ft. lauderdale, 23 down in h hestead so to really wrap up here, what we're expecting overnightht tonight and tomorrow the wind will start to shift a little more out of the west. when it does so, it will be right around 20 to 25 mis per hour and could see gusts as high as 30 and we will stay in the 60s one more day. don't forget today at 4:00 betty will be in with your forecast to talk more about the upcoming week and a sneak peek at the seven-day forecast forecast as well. >> kristi: that does it for now. we thank you for watching. "the chew" is checks. you are ready for valentine's day. >> constance: i am. see you bac here at 4:00. remember for real-time closed captioning it's about time the taco...came out of its shell. unleash the power of dough. give it a pop. look at this sweet face. so sweet. ok, we're going to need a napkin >> announcer: bust out the beads and fire up some beignets, it's fat tuesday, people, so we're bringing you a taste of the big easy with our ultimate mardi gras menu. clinton's kicking things off then michael's making a cocktail

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