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Transcripts For WPHL Action News At Ten On PHL17 20141120 :

Transcripts For WPHL Action News At Ten On PHL17 20141120

protesting for change. but is it a mute point? "action news" reporter kenneth moton is live in ac with the big story. kenneth? >> reporter: shirleen and brian, sources close to this revel deal say it fell a apart because of an annual and contract this power plant, had with revel. it is one and only customer. both sides were negotiating over those costs, and just could not come to terms. >> what do we want. >> contract. >> when do we want it. >> now. >> reporter: hundreds of unionized casino workers were rallying against looming december 12th closure of the taj had man hall when the news broke when revel deal was in more. >> i didn't hear that. i'm very upset. >> that was the hope for atlantic city. >> reporter: brookfield asset management out of toronto bandon its plan to buy revel for 110 million-dollar because of disagreements with the one holders of the building's 160 million-dollar power plant. it is south jersey's parent company ac r energy llc is owed millions, and it is still providing minimum power to the building. >> revel dropped the ball from the get go. all we want to does come up a and show up to work, and, make it a decent wage. >> reporter: unite local 54 president bob mcdevitt wouldn't comment on the failed revel deal. he would focus on this rally tonight. they have marched from the taj mahal and down the boardwalk to tropicana which is own by billion air karl ican. investors is considering buying the taj if he receives 175 million-dollar in governmental tax breaks. that is not likely. >> this place can still be a viable money maker for atlantic city. we need an owner that takes a interest and capitalize on the beauty. >> reporter: trump entertainment stopped page health and benefits for 3,000 taj mahal workers. ceo a accused their union as operating its health fund as a profit enter. >> it is a knott for profit health fun. we run it well as opposed to the way he runs taj mahal which was into the ground. >> reporter: as for revel which you can barely see this dark building here there was a developer who lost a bid when this building went up for auction. apparently he is still interested, but he doesn't know if he would reopen it as a casino. that is latees from atlantic city, i'm kenneth moton for "action news" at ten on phl17. >> sad sight to see, thank you, kenneth. baggage handlers at philadelphia international airport are all ready to walk off the job. they have scheduled a one day strike that begins at 7:00 o'clock in the morning. baggage hand letters all work for subcontractor, prime flight, and they are protesting begins what they say are unfair labor practices, a along with a termination of a co-workers. a shred of good news here. you can expect to warm up in a coming days but not quite the kind that will have have you, put ago way those winter coats. meteorologist melissa magee live with the action naus big board with the word from accu weather, hi there, melissa. >> there is a slight rebound in our temperatures throughout this week. don't pack away winter gear just yet. it is still cold outside, from philadelphia along i-95 corridor and area south and west where temperatures are in the 30's but for trenton you can see that number at 28 degrees and 20's still holding on for areas north and west of town. we will factor in the wind chill along the coast, and atlantic city feels like 29 degrees. most spots have wind chills in the 20's a. twenty-six in philadelphia, current wind chill in allentown at 22 but we have dropped down to 15 only in lancaster. i do want to show you wind direction, yesterday and date prior we have those wind out of the west northwest that did bring down, the clearer than average air. notice win particles coming from the southeasterly direction sustain from five to 18 miles per hour. that southwest wind flow will help warm our temperatures, a little bit closer to average but still struggling here. we will talk about what ace ahead, slight recovery for our thursday, the cold, however is making a come back, and it will turn mild but with that mild air comes some wet changes. we will talk about those details coming up with the full, exclusive accu weather forecast. >> melissa, thank you. this hat, which will be both fashionable and functional tonight. action cam was out in university city where bunled up was the only way to be as temperatures sank in the 20's with the wind chill. even the police officers tried to keep the heat while out there on the beat. triple a tells "action news" that calls for roadside services have been up double digits since mercury drop. peoples car were as unprepared as their bodies for this cold snap. >> they can check their belts, hoses, fluids, tire pressure is very important, mainly fluids in the car are important, washer solvent, windshield wipers are important for the wintertime. >> business is heating up for h va c workers fixing peoples furnaces. these are the coales november temperatures we have seen, since the mid 1970's. we are learning more and more about the dramatic rescue of six people, trapped, in a crash car. not only was the car overturn but it was submerged in water, making it all of the more remarkable that people jumped into come to the rick tim's rescue. and our sharrie williams has a full story, she's live now in stanton, sharrie. and shirleen, the driver and all of the passengers were transported here to christiana hospital, and this was a life and death situation. it was also, as you can imagine a very frigid, cold day, despite that, a group of strangers, passing by, didn't waste anytime to help out. he was driving along route one near christiana mall when something caught his eye. >> i saw a man stop here in the middle of the median, got out and started running. i just followed suit. i ran after him. >> reporter: man running was dallas black, he just witnessed a car korean off the road and was rushing into help. >> car ran off the embankment, went down in the upon, flipped upside down and people were trapped inside there. >> reporter: trapped inside, five a adults and a young child, a good samaritan wasted no time. >> he jumped in the water, he wound up actually throwing one of the victims out who was conscious. >> reporter: determined to save the trapped members the complete strangers waited through the treacherous pond water. >> there was a couple spots where the rocks were down on the bottom and you could feel different depths, one spot was probably neck high. >> reporter: frantic scene was capture in the cell phone video taken by a six abc viewer with one person, rescued, there were five others, still in danger. >> the driver was the guy that i pulled out of the reek will who was unconscious upside down because vehicle was upside down. seat belt was still buckled, reached in, hit the seat belt, pulled him out by his belt loops, drug him out. >> reporter: by that time four bystanders join effort to help get everyone to safety. tonight they are being called heroes. >> what can you think when you saw all this down here. >> you don't really. you just, we knew there were people in there so you help them out as best as you can. >> everyone, pulled from the vehicle is still alive but an official review of new castle county tell us all six are listed in either serious or critical condition tonight. we are live from stanton, delaware, sharrie williams for "action news" at ten on phl17. >> incredible acts of heroism sharrie, thank you. century old home went up in flames in kenneth square chester county today and one person had to be hospitalized as a result. that person suffered smoke inhalation, here in the 200 block of north union street. fire fighters called an extra alarm, to help get that scene under control. surveillance video could lead to a pair of robbers behind a hold up in bensalem. police released it tonight and showed two men carrying out a robbery inside of the luk oil gas station on the 4600 block of street road, last night. each man had a gun and demanded cash from the clerk. whom they eventually locked inside a store rest room. they got away with money and cigarettes there was a getaway car waiting for them behind the gas station and that is how they escape. is there a new charge of vehicular homicide begins a driver accused of leaving a crash scene with the victim in his windshield. ocean county prosecutors upgraded mark owe ortega charges because victim died yesterday. ortega has been jailed since the november 10th crash. race for philadelphia a mayor now includes two more well known names. lynn abraham announced her candidacy at the franklin institute this morning. she served as district attorney in the city for nearly two decades. tonight, state senator anthony hardy williams confirmed his bid in a speech at independent visitors center. they join to second other democrats in the race, city solicitor ken trujillo and terry gillen former aid to mayor nutter. primary will take place in may of next year. former trenton mayor tony mack wants out of jail. his attorney is now filed an appeal for a new trial, on corruption charges, mack was quick of extortion, bribery, and fraud, he is now serving a 58 month event isens. philadelphia is in it to win it when it comes to hosting the 2016 democratic national convention and in it to win it was title of tonight's fundraiser at the c ira center. the entity signed for young professionals to build excitement for philly a's bid for dnc was attended by mayor michael nut's among many other folks. philadelphia is one of five cities vying to be next years host. well, viewers of six abc came through in a big way to help feed the hungry this holiday ease on. this evening hundreds of you called to donate to philadelphia abundance and channel six was happy to chip in once again, our president and general manager bernie prazenica presented the the $15,000 check on behalf of six abc and our parent organization, world disney corporation. money will provide much needed food to families, throughout our region and a wonderful effort and we much appreciate your help with it today. >> absolutely. still ahead on this full hour of "action news" at ten the national guard is going on snow patrol, it is response to a snowstorm unlike many other have ever seen. i'm dann cuellar somebody is in big trouble after spending $300,000 worth of weed to a wrong address, upper darby police now have it, i'll have that story coming up. it is getting harder to find bill cosby on television these days, more fall out from the growing list of rape allegations against him, next - ( helicopter whirring ) - ( roars ) ( siren wails ) ( pop music playing ) ♪ when you're ready ♪ ready, ready, ready ♪ come and get it ♪ get it, get it ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na ♪ na na na na na na na ♪ ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na... female announcer: it's a great big world and it can all be yours. here and only here. ♪ come and get it. something unusual for a clothing store to receive a ship. unless that ship. happens to be tens of thousands of have dollars worth of marijuana "action news" reporter dann cuellar has the story, in upper darby tonight. >> reporter: police say guy who sent all this marijuana to the wrong address has to be in big trouble, 90 pounds of high grade weed with a street value estimated around 290 to $300,000. does run or try to explain how he had had it shipped by fedex to the city blue clothing tore on 69th street in upper darby. the store owner ask that we not show his face out of concern that somebody will come looking for their pot. >> when i opened up the boxes and look inside there was no clothing, it was marijuana. my first reaction is one phone call and that is to the police only. >> reporter: adding insult to injure the the center in california made the same mistake twice. he sent 60 pounds of weed to the store yesterday and another 30 today. >> so somebody is missing a lot of marijuana in the treats of our community. >> reporter: the person the the ottawas addressed to was unknown to the store owner. >> person that was addressed to never work for this company. >> reporter: police say the person does exist and they are looking for them. investigators expect to have a state in guy in california will put a dent on the holiday pot supply here but for cops a job made easy at a time when a lot of drugs are being shipped all the way around. >> it is credits mass season. more and more packages are delivered. so more and more attempts are being made to deliver whether it is cocaine, heroin, or marijuana. >> reporter: with police on the hunt for person, the pot that was supposed to go to, they are consulting with authorities in california, to catch the person or persons, who sent it here in the first place. in upper darby police headquarters, dann cuellar for "action news" at ten on phl17. the sexual abuse allegations against bill cosby continue piling up tonight and as they do, more and more of his work is being dropped. tv land has now taken all repeats of the cosby show off of the air. earlier today nbc scrapped a comedy it was developing with that actor. yesterday netflix canceled plans to air a comedy special about cosby. former montgomery county d.a. bruce castor had a chance to prosecute cosby back in 2005 after an accusation at cosby's elkins park home but the accuser waited a a year before going to police. >> i do think that there is some value though in all of the of what is happening certainly the fact that cosby is being shamed, doesn't bother me in the slightest. >> reporter: former upper model janice dickinson is late's cues tore come forward. she is one of more than a does bone man who said she was drug and raped by cosby. more snow is coming to buffalo, new york which is already buried under more than 5 feet of snow, and now the national guard is moving into help. storm has now left at least seven people dead. it stranded countless people on the highways, some of whom were trapped in their cars for more than a day. many residents opened up their doors and came face-to-face with that a wall of snow. the buffalo bills are looking for volunteers to help clear their stadium, 3 feet have of snow inside there. they will give free tickets to the first 500 shovelers, who help clear the field in advance of this weekend's game. >> luckily for us, no snow, but we've got the cold. >> we've got the cold. >> yes. >> a little bit at least. >> melissa magee live with the details tonight, hi there melissa. >> hi there brian and shirleen. for past couple of days we have been stuck in the deep freeze with temperatures only in the 30's. as you check out the afternoon highs on tuesday we only had a high at freezing mark at 32 degrees. thirty-three was our high temperature yesterday. this is early stretch of 30's we have seen for philadelphia a in the month of november since 1996. is there a bit of a recovery on the way as we get into thursday but not by much. outside tonight in philadelphia 35. wilmington 33. thirty-nine in sea isle city. but the 20's north and west from allentown down to lancaster. now you factor in the wind chill and it feels much colder. feels like 26 in the city, just teens there in lancaster and current wind chill of dover of 24 degrees. here's satellite six with action radar. we have partly cloudy sky in our region. few clouds billowing in from area from the west and work their way eastward but these will thin out starting our week i should say, start our day i should say on thursday. we will fast forward and go in tighter, areas across the great lakes we are dealing with that lake effect snow shower activity. we have heavy snow once again starting to pile up for areas south and east of buffalo. in fact future snowfall showing you round two is on the way, yesterday we told you areas south of buffalo he for lackawana and lancaster saw anywhere from five to 6 feet of snow. round two will bring this region one to 3 feet on top of what they have already seen and snowfall rates anywhere from two to 4 inches per hour. here's the call from accu weather and morning rush. sunshine overhead. wind chills in the 20's. dress for that. 6:00a m33 degrees. 7c a.m. 33. at 8:00 o'clock in the morning that temperature at 34. call from accu weather looking in the afternoon turning sunny, not as harsh tomorrow with a high temperature of 45, that is a 9 degrees below average. thirty-seven for the high temperature in cape may. coming up we will take a closer look at the the forecast and let you know if these numbers get higher then. that those details coming up in a bit, guys. >> melissa, thank you. now to the eagles and real questions swirling about whether the the teams hopes have been dashed this season. >> ducis rodgers is live in the "action news" sports center with that, hi there dues is. >> hi there brian and shirleen. before last week's beating in green bay eagles considered themselves among the elite in the nfl. has that changed heading in to sunday's game with tennessee? well, not really. jeff skversky reports. >> we are really close to being not the best team in the nfl, one of the best teams. >> pick up by packers, they will score. >> reporter: worst loss in the chip kelly era has not shaken eagles confidence in one bit and why should it in birds are still tied for first and they know how to bounce back. eagles have not lost bajk to back games in more than a year. >> the the at the dude has changed, you know, feel down after the game, which we should have and the attitude today, positive. >> reporter: reason for eagles to be confident going into this game with the titans they return home to the lincoln sunday where they have won nine straight games, longest stretch in 21 years and eagles attribute some of that success to you, the fans. >> just home games because we're comfortable playing at home. fans, create ago this noise and making it a hard place to play, it is a huge factor. >> the fact that we're at home. we're comfortable, on our field, with our fans. >> reporter: eagles have quickly turned around a ten game losing streak at the link and made it a tough place to play again and thanked the offense for that. in five home games this year they are averaging over 35 points per game. jeff skversky for "action news" at ten on phl17. ahead next half an hour we will check in on the flyers and sixers both in action tonight. more news with brian and tonight. more ndeciding which bread to buy can be tough. deciding between buying bread and health care is much tougher. healthy pa is now here to help, with name-brand health insurance for the cost of a few basic groceries. if you're uninsured, visit healthypa.com to learn more. in health check at ten a diagnosis of breast cancer, while scary, has been translating to surgeries, that may not be necessary. that is the the finding, of a new study that looked at more than a million woman with early stage breast cancer. researchers discovered that nearly two in five had a mastectomy when they could have had a more conservative operation. experts say more informed you are, the better chances you will get the treatment that you need. also insurance industry honored one of the top executives tonight, insurance society of philadelphia presented its distinguish leadership award to deborah rodgers at lowes philadelphia hotel. rodgers is senior vice-president at aramark. it double as a fundraiser for citizens for fire prevention committee which helps get smoke detectors into houses where they need them. we put all the apps you love... inside a car designed to connect you to a world of possibilities. the connected car by volvo. innovating for you. give the gift of volvo this season and we'll give you your first month's payment on us. ♪i want it all! ♪and i want it now! your toys want more. they need more. so get more guaranteed from verizon fios. including your favorite movie channels, blazing fast internet and $400 back. all for this amazing price online, guaranteed for 2 years with a 2-year agreement. so take the hint. and get more guaranteed today. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800.974.6006 tty/v we're got much more in the next half an hour including details on charles manson's upcoming wedding. last night we showed you video of this guy stealing a package on the doorstep while holding on to a toddler, tonight we've got an update on who he is and the steps that he took to allude police. a semi driver is accused of falling sleep and causing this deadly crash, up next, we will hear from the young woman whose husband was kill in the pile here's a lot at big stories we are covering on "action news" at ten on p hl17. >> just when we thought atlantic city was getting a break, it has been dealt another blow tonight a toronto company has abandon its plan to buy the revel casino. and more fall out from the sexual assault accusations a maid by several women, including janice dickinson begins bill cosby. tonight, tv land pulled the cosby show, earlier today, nbc scrapped plans for a new cosby sitcom, and netflix has postponed a stand up special. and buffalo new york is still trying to dig out from a massive snowstorm that the pictures are simply incredible. as much as five and a half feet has already fallen a and that city could get hit with two to 3 feet by tomorrow night. we've got some new developments in the horrible accident in berks county that killed two people, and injured nine others. tonight we're hearing from the young woman whose husband died if that crash. chopper 6hd was over the scene on allentown pike in route 37 in maiden creek township. authorities say 50 year-old steven bernier was driving a semi when he fell asleep. the tractor trailer plowed into several cars, stopped at a light, and some cars were crushed between the big rig and dunkin' donuts sign where the tractor trailer finally came to a stop. twenty-three year-old jimmy augusteen died in the accident, he leaves behind his wife kim of four years. >> he had a big heart. sometimes he kind of buried it, it was his personality, but when you got to know him he was just down to earth, sweet, tried to make you laugh. >> the driver of the semi was a arraigned this evening, steven bernier is facing a number of charges including homicide by vehicle. he is being held tonight on $500,000 bail. well, a as we told you we're in for a cold night but won't be quite as bad as last night. >> tomorrow will warm up just a bit, for the latest, lets go to meteorologist melissa magee. >> yes, shirleen and brian, wind are easing and relax a little bit but unfortunately our temperatures are so below average, even when we show you numbers for thursday, we will show you picture outside sky six live in ht. we are in atlantic city. you can see that camera still swinging a little bit. with the wind over head there is a wind chill there. down a along the boardwalk. outside for areas north and west of town, tannersville 20 degrees. slating ton 22. martin a's creek 24. center city 30 with wind chills in the 20's. thirty as well in chester, kenneth square and upper 20's. down across new jersey 30 in toms river. ewing 29. dover, 33. hockessin in at 29. and you factor in the wind chills this is how cold it feels, only feeling like the teens there in the poconos. feels like 15 in lancaster and sea isle city we have a win child of 29 degrees. here's, satellite six with action radar. we have quiet conditions across our region. it is partly cloudy as well overhead. all of the activity once again tonight over the great lakes and areas south of buffalo and upstate new york where we are already eag in that region to lackawana and areas south of buffalo from five to 6 feet that was yesterday around two, in for that region later tonight where they can pick up one to 3 feet of snow. thankfully we will not find snow but that cold unfortunately is sticking around. we have low pressure that rides up to the north and by thursday we are tracking a frontal boundary that moves through. tomorrow sunny and breezy not as bad as high of 45 but that still looks good. 9 degrees below average. as we get into friday, this cold front moves the way and in the wake of that here we go reenforcing shot of cold air with high pressure in control, brisk cold, closing out workweek with these win west northwest at 12 to 20 miles an hour and a high temperature of 36 with wind chills in the 20's. call from accu weather for rest of tonight, not as bad so late day clouds move from the west and clear out by thursday morning. twenty-three in allentown. thirty in philadelphia for overnight low and 34 for the low in cape may. your a accu weather forecast showing you for thursday, just a touch warmer relatively speaking here. high of up to 45. friday brisk and cold in at 36 degrees. wind chills in the 20's. on saturday still chill which a high temperature up to 42 degrees and then on sunday mild with evening rain developing a high temperature of 58. eagles at home at the lincoln sunday. this is how forecast is shaping up for eagles. they will be dry and also for runners participating in the race we have on saturday, the rothman hk, it is bright but cold. temperature of 28 at the start. sunday at marathon for half or full temperatures for the start in the upper 30's and in the 50's toward noon time. monday warm and showers around. high of 68. sixty on tuesday. we will clear out. once again we will drop back below normal with the high temperature of just 48 degrees. so definitely a roller coaster but good news we are heading in the the right direction tomorrow, guys. >> it got warmer in quotes. >> relatively speaking. >> thanks, melissa. new tonight police are looking for a shoot inner wilmington this was the scene in the 2700 block of enterprise street. suspect is wanted for shooting a man twice in the abdomen. victim was taken to christiana hospital in critical condition. the lawyer for a ten year-old pennsylvania boy charged with murdering a 90 year-old woman says there is quote no real question his client did it. wayne county public defender made the comment after waving the boy's preliminary hearing. the ten year-old is charged as an adult but his lawyer is trying to get the case moved to juvenile court. authorities say that the boy lost his temper last month when the woman yelled at him. he is accused of holding her down with the cain and punching her. another court date is set for december 10th. last night at 10:30 here we told but a man stole a package off a front porch in upper darby while holding a baby. police say that man is behind bars. that he rested evan brown, authorities say brown saw him self on television and shaved his head, in the hopes of a a looting them. it didn't work. investigators say child he is holding in the video is his one year-old daughter, brownies now charged with theft, office are a they have recovered some of the stolen toys that were inside that stolen package. a customer walk in the at&t store in bear, delaware and found the employees tied up with duct tape. tonight police are looking for two suspects. they say two armed men walked in that store in the 18 hup block of pulaski highway just afternoon, they force $3 workers to the back of the store before grabbing several electronics and running off. tomorrow several convenientors at columbus farmers market in burlington county will reopen. yesterday afternoon a huge fire destroyed ten of the markets 65 shops. business owners say it happened at the worst possible time. thanksgiving is one of the market's biggest day. investigators are still trying to figure out how the fire started. temple university students were beneficiaries of the culinary throw down tonight. johnson and hardwick dining hall was backdrop for battle of the chefs, meal madness tonight. four chefs had to compete using local ingredients in their dishes. chef mike quinn came out on top but ask any students and they were winners here also. she may be small but she's fierce, young red belt from west amount on is teaching everyone a lesson into giving back. tonight after practice, 11th one year-old mad i, boxed 100-pound of halloween candy. it is going to u.s. troops serving overseas and it was all collect by maddianne friend who went door to door asking neighbors for all of that left over candy. we've got much more coming up here on "action news" at ten tonight including what guests can expect at charles manson's upcoming wedding. plus one owe takes a spill in central park while bike riding, he is all banged, doctors give an update on his condition. next up a man ace rested at the white house but what the secret service found inside of his car. ♪i want it all! ♪i want it all! ♪i want it all! ♪and i want it now! ♪i want it all! ♪i want it all! ♪i want it all! ♪and i want it now! your new toys want more. they need more. so get more guaranteed from verizon fios. get all your favorite 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(record scratch) you say stand n' stuff tortillas old el paso says... start somewhere fresh a man was arrested at the white house and weapons were found in his car, there was a hunting rifle and ammunition. agents say the man went to the white house because someone in way told him too. he is now charged with possessing an unregistered firearm. tomorrow president barack obama plans to announce steps he will take to protect up to 5 million immigrants who are in the country illegally from being deported. the president says that they have agreed that the immigration system is broken. washington has allowed the problems to start to fester for too long. republican lawmakers say such steps would poison relations with the new g.o.p. controlled legislator. tonight we are learning more details about charles manson's upcoming wedding. published reports say manson and his 26 year-old fiance, cab hold hands, curing the ceremony but that is bit. because manson is serving a life sentence he is not eligible for visits even after they tie the knot. spokes he men for california department of corrections say wedding will to have happen on the wrist tongue day and they can invite ten outside guests. bono took a spill while biking through central park and today we found out just how bad it is. doctors say he suffered multiple fractures over the the weekend and had two surgeries. he has a facial fracture involving his left eye socket. his left shoulder blade is fractured in three places with his left elbow. he was trying to avoid another cyclist when he crash. doctors say he will need therapy but he will make a full recovery. so are you still debating whether to go shopping on black friday? we will tell you how many other people say they will try to score big deals the day after thanksgiving. next up, a push by the federal government to get more cars recalled, because of exploding air bags. don't forget to wake up with the "action news" team to get top news headlines, weather and traffic at 4:30 a.m. only on six abc. major showdown is brewing between federal regulators and japanese air bag maker in the center of the recall. as karen traverse reports tonight the the government wants more cars recalled, over the i havety concerns. >> it is a move that could affect millions of drivers, federal government says that it wants a nationwide recall of air bags, made by the japanese company takata. that is because the air bag inflaters explode they can potentially send shrapnel through the bag into passengers. >> every within needs to understand that takata needs to act. >> reporter: but so far the company is not willing. up until now there was a limited recall, focused on hot, humid parts of the u.s. the moisture may be to blame for ceanging the chemicals and making the explosions more powerful and fragmenting the metal canisters but then there was an august incident in north carolina a owe now the government says takata needs to replace all of the affected driver side air bags across the nation. takata says it is committed to addressing all safety issues promptly but claims their tests outside humid area have not shown problems. cot also says it is concerned that a national recall could potentially divert replacement air bags from where they are needed, putting lives at risk. the government is unclear exactly how many vehicles would be affect. new expanded recall would apply to five car makers, ford, honda, chrysler, mazda and bmw, mostly model years 2008 and earlier. >> do not get these cars off the road when you have that many years to do it, that is a major problem. >> reporter: center will hold a hearing tomorrow in the takata air bag issue and question top company executives. karen traverse, abc news, washington. if you are planning to fly jet blue anytime soon you can expect more fees and less leg room. airline plans to take a away 1.6 inches from passengers and add 15 seats to most of its fleet. company is changing its pricing structure, the lowest ticket will in longer include a check bag. higher tears will offer one or two check bags, currently jet blue allows to you check one bag for free. if you every planning to skip the crowds and stay home on black friday you are not alone. only 40 percent of americans plan to shop according to bank rate.com. 28 percent will actually shop in the store while the rest will go on line. so who is brave enough to brave the crowds? the answer is mostly millennials, to them it is about the experience. if you are wondering why 60 percent are in the planning to head out next week? it is because of the lengthy shopping season. some retailers began offering deals weeks ago. flyers in action tonight as we get another look at sports right now. >> ducis rodgers live at the big game. >> hi there, surprise, surprise claude giroux does play tonight against rangers. the mysterious lower body jurist not that big of an issue apparently. we were told wow miss the game and that he was day today. kevin kline, to steve mason. may on has been sharp all game but this makes it one to nothing new york. rangers on the power play and thinks perfect passing. tic, tack toe, rick nash scores. two to nothing. it does not matter. cam talbot shuts them out. flyers lose this game two to nothing. let me spare you suspense, innings isers lose tonight by 11 points to the celtics. their 11th straight loss to start the season. unfortunately my bosses will let you spare the highlights. michael carter williams and nerlens noel back in. tough shooting night for mcw, four of 13. inningsers up by four here. he scores ten points, grabs eight board. inningsers lead by nine points in the game but too many defensive break down. jared sellinger could not be anymore wide open. twenty-two points for him. sixers lose 101-90. once again, they are zero and 11. they may not have known it a at the time but nfl schedule makers gave the eagles a home game sunday begins two and eight titans. bird say they have moved on from that stumping they took in green bay. despite that 33-point loss, the confidence have of this team remains, very high. >> i think that we're really close to being, if not the best team in the nfl, one of the best teams. it is justin consistency has killed thus year. >> every single day we come out and we train like we're the best. we didn't play like that this past weekend but we cannot let that get to us and let it waiver us because we are a good football team. >> the eagles are seven and three despite lesean mccoy's production being down significantly from a season ago. he is constantly being asked about that. today he let us know he is tired of those questions. >> i'm not going to address, am i the same player. i will in the dress that? for what? what are we talking about not the same player. that is for y'all to figure out. i am the same player. >> no, he did not have have jaw surgery. supposed to keep him warm. college basketball st. joes off to one and one start out west to face gone sag, tip off at 11:00. incredible chapter about to close at penn, al bagnoli is set to coach his final game on saturday. glass was raised in his honor today. he has been at penn since 1992. as you might imagine his emotions are every where. >> it is bitter sweet moment. it has been really good 23 years. a lot of great people along the way, great players, coaches. administrators, so thank you tough to say good bye. that is sports. >> yes. >> ducis, thank you. chris hemsworth says best part about being named peoples sexiest man alive is the alive part. the australian actor has been busy guy this year, th or two was released this year and filming ron howard's latest movie in the heart of the sea. hemsworth and his wife welcome twin boys. other men to hold sexiest men alive title includes bradley trooper, channing tatum and ryan reynolds. head liner for white house correspondent dinner will be cecily strong. her political humor is describe as sly, edge y. her dad used to work for the associated press in illinois. white house correspondence dinner is set for april 25th, and chance for journalist and politicians to have a little bit of fun, very often, at each others expens you are looking at a group known as the 42 mega watts. for six years these 42 co workers in illinois have been playing the lottery, and they finally won. the group of utility company employees collected their million-dollar check today, they will each get about $23,000 before taxes. not bad at all. >> good pay take there. melissa magee with one last look at the forecast. >> little better tomorrow, guys. we will show you the forecast stepping out the door, tomorrow morning still grab an extra layer of sunshine and clouds, wind chills in the 20's. 6:00 a.m. 33. twenty-four as we get into the rest of the day here as far as wind chillies concern. your day planner showing you at 7:00 in the morning 33. thirty-nine at 10:00 a.m. with mostly sunny skies. 45 degrees as we get in the 1:00 in the morning and 41 at 4:00 o'clock with plenty of sunshine overhead. better but still 9 degrees below average. meteorologist david murphy a has latest tomorrow morning on six abc. >> thanks, melissa a. thanks for joining us tonight for "action news" at ten modern family is next followed by friends. >> for shirleen allicot, adam joseph, melissa magee and ducis rodgers i'm brian have taff, have a great night, great day tomorrow and we will see you back here tomorrow night. >> see you. hlhlhlhlhlhlhlhlhlhll l l hlhlhlhlhl hlmehlg hlrihldehlhlfo@@drhlhlhl hl ihlw hlsehl l hlhlhld hl ihl yhlmohllhl ohln l hlhahlgihliehl hlrehl?hl@@hlhlhlhlhlhll hlanhlanhl hl, hli hlshl@hl dhl ihllndhllil hlorhldohlal@@n?hlhlhlhlhlhlhlhl hlhahlgihliehl hlrehl?hl@@hlhlhlhlhlhll

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Transcripts For WPHL Action News At Ten On PHL17 20141120 : Comparemela.com

Transcripts For WPHL Action News At Ten On PHL17 20141120

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protesting for change. but is it a mute point? "action news" reporter kenneth moton is live in ac with the big story. kenneth? >> reporter: shirleen and brian, sources close to this revel deal say it fell a apart because of an annual and contract this power plant, had with revel. it is one and only customer. both sides were negotiating over those costs, and just could not come to terms. >> what do we want. >> contract. >> when do we want it. >> now. >> reporter: hundreds of unionized casino workers were rallying against looming december 12th closure of the taj had man hall when the news broke when revel deal was in more. >> i didn't hear that. i'm very upset. >> that was the hope for atlantic city. >> reporter: brookfield asset management out of toronto bandon its plan to buy revel for 110 million-dollar because of disagreements with the one holders of the building's 160 million-dollar power plant. it is south jersey's parent company ac r energy llc is owed millions, and it is still providing minimum power to the building. >> revel dropped the ball from the get go. all we want to does come up a and show up to work, and, make it a decent wage. >> reporter: unite local 54 president bob mcdevitt wouldn't comment on the failed revel deal. he would focus on this rally tonight. they have marched from the taj mahal and down the boardwalk to tropicana which is own by billion air karl ican. investors is considering buying the taj if he receives 175 million-dollar in governmental tax breaks. that is not likely. >> this place can still be a viable money maker for atlantic city. we need an owner that takes a interest and capitalize on the beauty. >> reporter: trump entertainment stopped page health and benefits for 3,000 taj mahal workers. ceo a accused their union as operating its health fund as a profit enter. >> it is a knott for profit health fun. we run it well as opposed to the way he runs taj mahal which was into the ground. >> reporter: as for revel which you can barely see this dark building here there was a developer who lost a bid when this building went up for auction. apparently he is still interested, but he doesn't know if he would reopen it as a casino. that is latees from atlantic city, i'm kenneth moton for "action news" at ten on phl17. >> sad sight to see, thank you, kenneth. baggage handlers at philadelphia international airport are all ready to walk off the job. they have scheduled a one day strike that begins at 7:00 o'clock in the morning. baggage hand letters all work for subcontractor, prime flight, and they are protesting begins what they say are unfair labor practices, a along with a termination of a co-workers. a shred of good news here. you can expect to warm up in a coming days but not quite the kind that will have have you, put ago way those winter coats. meteorologist melissa magee live with the action naus big board with the word from accu weather, hi there, melissa. >> there is a slight rebound in our temperatures throughout this week. don't pack away winter gear just yet. it is still cold outside, from philadelphia along i-95 corridor and area south and west where temperatures are in the 30's but for trenton you can see that number at 28 degrees and 20's still holding on for areas north and west of town. we will factor in the wind chill along the coast, and atlantic city feels like 29 degrees. most spots have wind chills in the 20's a. twenty-six in philadelphia, current wind chill in allentown at 22 but we have dropped down to 15 only in lancaster. i do want to show you wind direction, yesterday and date prior we have those wind out of the west northwest that did bring down, the clearer than average air. notice win particles coming from the southeasterly direction sustain from five to 18 miles per hour. that southwest wind flow will help warm our temperatures, a little bit closer to average but still struggling here. we will talk about what ace ahead, slight recovery for our thursday, the cold, however is making a come back, and it will turn mild but with that mild air comes some wet changes. we will talk about those details coming up with the full, exclusive accu weather forecast. >> melissa, thank you. this hat, which will be both fashionable and functional tonight. action cam was out in university city where bunled up was the only way to be as temperatures sank in the 20's with the wind chill. even the police officers tried to keep the heat while out there on the beat. triple a tells "action news" that calls for roadside services have been up double digits since mercury drop. peoples car were as unprepared as their bodies for this cold snap. >> they can check their belts, hoses, fluids, tire pressure is very important, mainly fluids in the car are important, washer solvent, windshield wipers are important for the wintertime. >> business is heating up for h va c workers fixing peoples furnaces. these are the coales november temperatures we have seen, since the mid 1970's. we are learning more and more about the dramatic rescue of six people, trapped, in a crash car. not only was the car overturn but it was submerged in water, making it all of the more remarkable that people jumped into come to the rick tim's rescue. and our sharrie williams has a full story, she's live now in stanton, sharrie. and shirleen, the driver and all of the passengers were transported here to christiana hospital, and this was a life and death situation. it was also, as you can imagine a very frigid, cold day, despite that, a group of strangers, passing by, didn't waste anytime to help out. he was driving along route one near christiana mall when something caught his eye. >> i saw a man stop here in the middle of the median, got out and started running. i just followed suit. i ran after him. >> reporter: man running was dallas black, he just witnessed a car korean off the road and was rushing into help. >> car ran off the embankment, went down in the upon, flipped upside down and people were trapped inside there. >> reporter: trapped inside, five a adults and a young child, a good samaritan wasted no time. >> he jumped in the water, he wound up actually throwing one of the victims out who was conscious. >> reporter: determined to save the trapped members the complete strangers waited through the treacherous pond water. >> there was a couple spots where the rocks were down on the bottom and you could feel different depths, one spot was probably neck high. >> reporter: frantic scene was capture in the cell phone video taken by a six abc viewer with one person, rescued, there were five others, still in danger. >> the driver was the guy that i pulled out of the reek will who was unconscious upside down because vehicle was upside down. seat belt was still buckled, reached in, hit the seat belt, pulled him out by his belt loops, drug him out. >> reporter: by that time four bystanders join effort to help get everyone to safety. tonight they are being called heroes. >> what can you think when you saw all this down here. >> you don't really. you just, we knew there were people in there so you help them out as best as you can. >> everyone, pulled from the vehicle is still alive but an official review of new castle county tell us all six are listed in either serious or critical condition tonight. we are live from stanton, delaware, sharrie williams for "action news" at ten on phl17. >> incredible acts of heroism sharrie, thank you. century old home went up in flames in kenneth square chester county today and one person had to be hospitalized as a result. that person suffered smoke inhalation, here in the 200 block of north union street. fire fighters called an extra alarm, to help get that scene under control. surveillance video could lead to a pair of robbers behind a hold up in bensalem. police released it tonight and showed two men carrying out a robbery inside of the luk oil gas station on the 4600 block of street road, last night. each man had a gun and demanded cash from the clerk. whom they eventually locked inside a store rest room. they got away with money and cigarettes there was a getaway car waiting for them behind the gas station and that is how they escape. is there a new charge of vehicular homicide begins a driver accused of leaving a crash scene with the victim in his windshield. ocean county prosecutors upgraded mark owe ortega charges because victim died yesterday. ortega has been jailed since the november 10th crash. race for philadelphia a mayor now includes two more well known names. lynn abraham announced her candidacy at the franklin institute this morning. she served as district attorney in the city for nearly two decades. tonight, state senator anthony hardy williams confirmed his bid in a speech at independent visitors center. they join to second other democrats in the race, city solicitor ken trujillo and terry gillen former aid to mayor nutter. primary will take place in may of next year. former trenton mayor tony mack wants out of jail. his attorney is now filed an appeal for a new trial, on corruption charges, mack was quick of extortion, bribery, and fraud, he is now serving a 58 month event isens. philadelphia is in it to win it when it comes to hosting the 2016 democratic national convention and in it to win it was title of tonight's fundraiser at the c ira center. the entity signed for young professionals to build excitement for philly a's bid for dnc was attended by mayor michael nut's among many other folks. philadelphia is one of five cities vying to be next years host. well, viewers of six abc came through in a big way to help feed the hungry this holiday ease on. this evening hundreds of you called to donate to philadelphia abundance and channel six was happy to chip in once again, our president and general manager bernie prazenica presented the the $15,000 check on behalf of six abc and our parent organization, world disney corporation. money will provide much needed food to families, throughout our region and a wonderful effort and we much appreciate your help with it today. >> absolutely. still ahead on this full hour of "action news" at ten the national guard is going on snow patrol, it is response to a snowstorm unlike many other have ever seen. i'm dann cuellar somebody is in big trouble after spending $300,000 worth of weed to a wrong address, upper darby police now have it, i'll have that story coming up. it is getting harder to find bill cosby on television these days, more fall out from the growing list of rape allegations against him, next - ( helicopter whirring ) - ( roars ) ( siren wails ) ( pop music playing ) ♪ when you're ready ♪ ready, ready, ready ♪ come and get it ♪ get it, get it ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na ♪ na na na na na na na ♪ ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na... female announcer: it's a great big world and it can all be yours. here and only here. ♪ come and get it. something unusual for a clothing store to receive a ship. unless that ship. happens to be tens of thousands of have dollars worth of marijuana "action news" reporter dann cuellar has the story, in upper darby tonight. >> reporter: police say guy who sent all this marijuana to the wrong address has to be in big trouble, 90 pounds of high grade weed with a street value estimated around 290 to $300,000. does run or try to explain how he had had it shipped by fedex to the city blue clothing tore on 69th street in upper darby. the store owner ask that we not show his face out of concern that somebody will come looking for their pot. >> when i opened up the boxes and look inside there was no clothing, it was marijuana. my first reaction is one phone call and that is to the police only. >> reporter: adding insult to injure the the center in california made the same mistake twice. he sent 60 pounds of weed to the store yesterday and another 30 today. >> so somebody is missing a lot of marijuana in the treats of our community. >> reporter: the person the the ottawas addressed to was unknown to the store owner. >> person that was addressed to never work for this company. >> reporter: police say the person does exist and they are looking for them. investigators expect to have a state in guy in california will put a dent on the holiday pot supply here but for cops a job made easy at a time when a lot of drugs are being shipped all the way around. >> it is credits mass season. more and more packages are delivered. so more and more attempts are being made to deliver whether it is cocaine, heroin, or marijuana. >> reporter: with police on the hunt for person, the pot that was supposed to go to, they are consulting with authorities in california, to catch the person or persons, who sent it here in the first place. in upper darby police headquarters, dann cuellar for "action news" at ten on phl17. the sexual abuse allegations against bill cosby continue piling up tonight and as they do, more and more of his work is being dropped. tv land has now taken all repeats of the cosby show off of the air. earlier today nbc scrapped a comedy it was developing with that actor. yesterday netflix canceled plans to air a comedy special about cosby. former montgomery county d.a. bruce castor had a chance to prosecute cosby back in 2005 after an accusation at cosby's elkins park home but the accuser waited a a year before going to police. >> i do think that there is some value though in all of the of what is happening certainly the fact that cosby is being shamed, doesn't bother me in the slightest. >> reporter: former upper model janice dickinson is late's cues tore come forward. she is one of more than a does bone man who said she was drug and raped by cosby. more snow is coming to buffalo, new york which is already buried under more than 5 feet of snow, and now the national guard is moving into help. storm has now left at least seven people dead. it stranded countless people on the highways, some of whom were trapped in their cars for more than a day. many residents opened up their doors and came face-to-face with that a wall of snow. the buffalo bills are looking for volunteers to help clear their stadium, 3 feet have of snow inside there. they will give free tickets to the first 500 shovelers, who help clear the field in advance of this weekend's game. >> luckily for us, no snow, but we've got the cold. >> we've got the cold. >> yes. >> a little bit at least. >> melissa magee live with the details tonight, hi there melissa. >> hi there brian and shirleen. for past couple of days we have been stuck in the deep freeze with temperatures only in the 30's. as you check out the afternoon highs on tuesday we only had a high at freezing mark at 32 degrees. thirty-three was our high temperature yesterday. this is early stretch of 30's we have seen for philadelphia a in the month of november since 1996. is there a bit of a recovery on the way as we get into thursday but not by much. outside tonight in philadelphia 35. wilmington 33. thirty-nine in sea isle city. but the 20's north and west from allentown down to lancaster. now you factor in the wind chill and it feels much colder. feels like 26 in the city, just teens there in lancaster and current wind chill of dover of 24 degrees. here's satellite six with action radar. we have partly cloudy sky in our region. few clouds billowing in from area from the west and work their way eastward but these will thin out starting our week i should say, start our day i should say on thursday. we will fast forward and go in tighter, areas across the great lakes we are dealing with that lake effect snow shower activity. we have heavy snow once again starting to pile up for areas south and east of buffalo. in fact future snowfall showing you round two is on the way, yesterday we told you areas south of buffalo he for lackawana and lancaster saw anywhere from five to 6 feet of snow. round two will bring this region one to 3 feet on top of what they have already seen and snowfall rates anywhere from two to 4 inches per hour. here's the call from accu weather and morning rush. sunshine overhead. wind chills in the 20's. dress for that. 6:00a m33 degrees. 7c a.m. 33. at 8:00 o'clock in the morning that temperature at 34. call from accu weather looking in the afternoon turning sunny, not as harsh tomorrow with a high temperature of 45, that is a 9 degrees below average. thirty-seven for the high temperature in cape may. coming up we will take a closer look at the the forecast and let you know if these numbers get higher then. that those details coming up in a bit, guys. >> melissa, thank you. now to the eagles and real questions swirling about whether the the teams hopes have been dashed this season. >> ducis rodgers is live in the "action news" sports center with that, hi there dues is. >> hi there brian and shirleen. before last week's beating in green bay eagles considered themselves among the elite in the nfl. has that changed heading in to sunday's game with tennessee? well, not really. jeff skversky reports. >> we are really close to being not the best team in the nfl, one of the best teams. >> pick up by packers, they will score. >> reporter: worst loss in the chip kelly era has not shaken eagles confidence in one bit and why should it in birds are still tied for first and they know how to bounce back. eagles have not lost bajk to back games in more than a year. >> the the at the dude has changed, you know, feel down after the game, which we should have and the attitude today, positive. >> reporter: reason for eagles to be confident going into this game with the titans they return home to the lincoln sunday where they have won nine straight games, longest stretch in 21 years and eagles attribute some of that success to you, the fans. >> just home games because we're comfortable playing at home. fans, create ago this noise and making it a hard place to play, it is a huge factor. >> the fact that we're at home. we're comfortable, on our field, with our fans. >> reporter: eagles have quickly turned around a ten game losing streak at the link and made it a tough place to play again and thanked the offense for that. in five home games this year they are averaging over 35 points per game. jeff skversky for "action news" at ten on phl17. ahead next half an hour we will check in on the flyers and sixers both in action tonight. more news with brian and tonight. more ndeciding which bread to buy can be tough. deciding between buying bread and health care is much tougher. healthy pa is now here to help, with name-brand health insurance for the cost of a few basic groceries. if you're uninsured, visit healthypa.com to learn more. in health check at ten a diagnosis of breast cancer, while scary, has been translating to surgeries, that may not be necessary. that is the the finding, of a new study that looked at more than a million woman with early stage breast cancer. researchers discovered that nearly two in five had a mastectomy when they could have had a more conservative operation. experts say more informed you are, the better chances you will get the treatment that you need. also insurance industry honored one of the top executives tonight, insurance society of philadelphia presented its distinguish leadership award to deborah rodgers at lowes philadelphia hotel. rodgers is senior vice-president at aramark. it double as a fundraiser for citizens for fire prevention committee which helps get smoke detectors into houses where they need them. we put all the apps you love... inside a car designed to connect you to a world of possibilities. the connected car by volvo. innovating for you. give the gift of volvo this season and we'll give you your first month's payment on us. ♪i want it all! ♪and i want it now! your toys want more. they need more. so get more guaranteed from verizon fios. including your favorite movie channels, blazing fast internet and $400 back. all for this amazing price online, guaranteed for 2 years with a 2-year agreement. so take the hint. and get more guaranteed today. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800.974.6006 tty/v we're got much more in the next half an hour including details on charles manson's upcoming wedding. last night we showed you video of this guy stealing a package on the doorstep while holding on to a toddler, tonight we've got an update on who he is and the steps that he took to allude police. a semi driver is accused of falling sleep and causing this deadly crash, up next, we will hear from the young woman whose husband was kill in the pile here's a lot at big stories we are covering on "action news" at ten on p hl17. >> just when we thought atlantic city was getting a break, it has been dealt another blow tonight a toronto company has abandon its plan to buy the revel casino. and more fall out from the sexual assault accusations a maid by several women, including janice dickinson begins bill cosby. tonight, tv land pulled the cosby show, earlier today, nbc scrapped plans for a new cosby sitcom, and netflix has postponed a stand up special. and buffalo new york is still trying to dig out from a massive snowstorm that the pictures are simply incredible. as much as five and a half feet has already fallen a and that city could get hit with two to 3 feet by tomorrow night. we've got some new developments in the horrible accident in berks county that killed two people, and injured nine others. tonight we're hearing from the young woman whose husband died if that crash. chopper 6hd was over the scene on allentown pike in route 37 in maiden creek township. authorities say 50 year-old steven bernier was driving a semi when he fell asleep. the tractor trailer plowed into several cars, stopped at a light, and some cars were crushed between the big rig and dunkin' donuts sign where the tractor trailer finally came to a stop. twenty-three year-old jimmy augusteen died in the accident, he leaves behind his wife kim of four years. >> he had a big heart. sometimes he kind of buried it, it was his personality, but when you got to know him he was just down to earth, sweet, tried to make you laugh. >> the driver of the semi was a arraigned this evening, steven bernier is facing a number of charges including homicide by vehicle. he is being held tonight on $500,000 bail. well, a as we told you we're in for a cold night but won't be quite as bad as last night. >> tomorrow will warm up just a bit, for the latest, lets go to meteorologist melissa magee. >> yes, shirleen and brian, wind are easing and relax a little bit but unfortunately our temperatures are so below average, even when we show you numbers for thursday, we will show you picture outside sky six live in ht. we are in atlantic city. you can see that camera still swinging a little bit. with the wind over head there is a wind chill there. down a along the boardwalk. outside for areas north and west of town, tannersville 20 degrees. slating ton 22. martin a's creek 24. center city 30 with wind chills in the 20's. thirty as well in chester, kenneth square and upper 20's. down across new jersey 30 in toms river. ewing 29. dover, 33. hockessin in at 29. and you factor in the wind chills this is how cold it feels, only feeling like the teens there in the poconos. feels like 15 in lancaster and sea isle city we have a win child of 29 degrees. here's, satellite six with action radar. we have quiet conditions across our region. it is partly cloudy as well overhead. all of the activity once again tonight over the great lakes and areas south of buffalo and upstate new york where we are already eag in that region to lackawana and areas south of buffalo from five to 6 feet that was yesterday around two, in for that region later tonight where they can pick up one to 3 feet of snow. thankfully we will not find snow but that cold unfortunately is sticking around. we have low pressure that rides up to the north and by thursday we are tracking a frontal boundary that moves through. tomorrow sunny and breezy not as bad as high of 45 but that still looks good. 9 degrees below average. as we get into friday, this cold front moves the way and in the wake of that here we go reenforcing shot of cold air with high pressure in control, brisk cold, closing out workweek with these win west northwest at 12 to 20 miles an hour and a high temperature of 36 with wind chills in the 20's. call from accu weather for rest of tonight, not as bad so late day clouds move from the west and clear out by thursday morning. twenty-three in allentown. thirty in philadelphia for overnight low and 34 for the low in cape may. your a accu weather forecast showing you for thursday, just a touch warmer relatively speaking here. high of up to 45. friday brisk and cold in at 36 degrees. wind chills in the 20's. on saturday still chill which a high temperature up to 42 degrees and then on sunday mild with evening rain developing a high temperature of 58. eagles at home at the lincoln sunday. this is how forecast is shaping up for eagles. they will be dry and also for runners participating in the race we have on saturday, the rothman hk, it is bright but cold. temperature of 28 at the start. sunday at marathon for half or full temperatures for the start in the upper 30's and in the 50's toward noon time. monday warm and showers around. high of 68. sixty on tuesday. we will clear out. once again we will drop back below normal with the high temperature of just 48 degrees. so definitely a roller coaster but good news we are heading in the the right direction tomorrow, guys. >> it got warmer in quotes. >> relatively speaking. >> thanks, melissa. new tonight police are looking for a shoot inner wilmington this was the scene in the 2700 block of enterprise street. suspect is wanted for shooting a man twice in the abdomen. victim was taken to christiana hospital in critical condition. the lawyer for a ten year-old pennsylvania boy charged with murdering a 90 year-old woman says there is quote no real question his client did it. wayne county public defender made the comment after waving the boy's preliminary hearing. the ten year-old is charged as an adult but his lawyer is trying to get the case moved to juvenile court. authorities say that the boy lost his temper last month when the woman yelled at him. he is accused of holding her down with the cain and punching her. another court date is set for december 10th. last night at 10:30 here we told but a man stole a package off a front porch in upper darby while holding a baby. police say that man is behind bars. that he rested evan brown, authorities say brown saw him self on television and shaved his head, in the hopes of a a looting them. it didn't work. investigators say child he is holding in the video is his one year-old daughter, brownies now charged with theft, office are a they have recovered some of the stolen toys that were inside that stolen package. a customer walk in the at&t store in bear, delaware and found the employees tied up with duct tape. tonight police are looking for two suspects. they say two armed men walked in that store in the 18 hup block of pulaski highway just afternoon, they force $3 workers to the back of the store before grabbing several electronics and running off. tomorrow several convenientors at columbus farmers market in burlington county will reopen. yesterday afternoon a huge fire destroyed ten of the markets 65 shops. business owners say it happened at the worst possible time. thanksgiving is one of the market's biggest day. investigators are still trying to figure out how the fire started. temple university students were beneficiaries of the culinary throw down tonight. johnson and hardwick dining hall was backdrop for battle of the chefs, meal madness tonight. four chefs had to compete using local ingredients in their dishes. chef mike quinn came out on top but ask any students and they were winners here also. she may be small but she's fierce, young red belt from west amount on is teaching everyone a lesson into giving back. tonight after practice, 11th one year-old mad i, boxed 100-pound of halloween candy. it is going to u.s. troops serving overseas and it was all collect by maddianne friend who went door to door asking neighbors for all of that left over candy. we've got much more coming up here on "action news" at ten tonight including what guests can expect at charles manson's upcoming wedding. plus one owe takes a spill in central park while bike riding, he is all banged, doctors give an update on his condition. next up a man ace rested at the white house but what the secret service found inside of his car. ♪i want it all! ♪i want it all! ♪i want it all! ♪and i want it now! ♪i want it all! ♪i want it all! ♪i want it all! ♪and i want it now! your new toys want more. they need more. so get more guaranteed from verizon fios. get all your favorite 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(record scratch) you say stand n' stuff tortillas old el paso says... start somewhere fresh a man was arrested at the white house and weapons were found in his car, there was a hunting rifle and ammunition. agents say the man went to the white house because someone in way told him too. he is now charged with possessing an unregistered firearm. tomorrow president barack obama plans to announce steps he will take to protect up to 5 million immigrants who are in the country illegally from being deported. the president says that they have agreed that the immigration system is broken. washington has allowed the problems to start to fester for too long. republican lawmakers say such steps would poison relations with the new g.o.p. controlled legislator. tonight we are learning more details about charles manson's upcoming wedding. published reports say manson and his 26 year-old fiance, cab hold hands, curing the ceremony but that is bit. because manson is serving a life sentence he is not eligible for visits even after they tie the knot. spokes he men for california department of corrections say wedding will to have happen on the wrist tongue day and they can invite ten outside guests. bono took a spill while biking through central park and today we found out just how bad it is. doctors say he suffered multiple fractures over the the weekend and had two surgeries. he has a facial fracture involving his left eye socket. his left shoulder blade is fractured in three places with his left elbow. he was trying to avoid another cyclist when he crash. doctors say he will need therapy but he will make a full recovery. so are you still debating whether to go shopping on black friday? we will tell you how many other people say they will try to score big deals the day after thanksgiving. next up, a push by the federal government to get more cars recalled, because of exploding air bags. don't forget to wake up with the "action news" team to get top news headlines, weather and traffic at 4:30 a.m. only on six abc. major showdown is brewing between federal regulators and japanese air bag maker in the center of the recall. as karen traverse reports tonight the the government wants more cars recalled, over the i havety concerns. >> it is a move that could affect millions of drivers, federal government says that it wants a nationwide recall of air bags, made by the japanese company takata. that is because the air bag inflaters explode they can potentially send shrapnel through the bag into passengers. >> every within needs to understand that takata needs to act. >> reporter: but so far the company is not willing. up until now there was a limited recall, focused on hot, humid parts of the u.s. the moisture may be to blame for ceanging the chemicals and making the explosions more powerful and fragmenting the metal canisters but then there was an august incident in north carolina a owe now the government says takata needs to replace all of the affected driver side air bags across the nation. takata says it is committed to addressing all safety issues promptly but claims their tests outside humid area have not shown problems. cot also says it is concerned that a national recall could potentially divert replacement air bags from where they are needed, putting lives at risk. the government is unclear exactly how many vehicles would be affect. new expanded recall would apply to five car makers, ford, honda, chrysler, mazda and bmw, mostly model years 2008 and earlier. >> do not get these cars off the road when you have that many years to do it, that is a major problem. >> reporter: center will hold a hearing tomorrow in the takata air bag issue and question top company executives. karen traverse, abc news, washington. if you are planning to fly jet blue anytime soon you can expect more fees and less leg room. airline plans to take a away 1.6 inches from passengers and add 15 seats to most of its fleet. company is changing its pricing structure, the lowest ticket will in longer include a check bag. higher tears will offer one or two check bags, currently jet blue allows to you check one bag for free. if you every planning to skip the crowds and stay home on black friday you are not alone. only 40 percent of americans plan to shop according to bank rate.com. 28 percent will actually shop in the store while the rest will go on line. so who is brave enough to brave the crowds? the answer is mostly millennials, to them it is about the experience. if you are wondering why 60 percent are in the planning to head out next week? it is because of the lengthy shopping season. some retailers began offering deals weeks ago. flyers in action tonight as we get another look at sports right now. >> ducis rodgers live at the big game. >> hi there, surprise, surprise claude giroux does play tonight against rangers. the mysterious lower body jurist not that big of an issue apparently. we were told wow miss the game and that he was day today. kevin kline, to steve mason. may on has been sharp all game but this makes it one to nothing new york. rangers on the power play and thinks perfect passing. tic, tack toe, rick nash scores. two to nothing. it does not matter. cam talbot shuts them out. flyers lose this game two to nothing. let me spare you suspense, innings isers lose tonight by 11 points to the celtics. their 11th straight loss to start the season. unfortunately my bosses will let you spare the highlights. michael carter williams and nerlens noel back in. tough shooting night for mcw, four of 13. inningsers up by four here. he scores ten points, grabs eight board. inningsers lead by nine points in the game but too many defensive break down. jared sellinger could not be anymore wide open. twenty-two points for him. sixers lose 101-90. once again, they are zero and 11. they may not have known it a at the time but nfl schedule makers gave the eagles a home game sunday begins two and eight titans. bird say they have moved on from that stumping they took in green bay. despite that 33-point loss, the confidence have of this team remains, very high. >> i think that we're really close to being, if not the best team in the nfl, one of the best teams. it is justin consistency has killed thus year. >> every single day we come out and we train like we're the best. we didn't play like that this past weekend but we cannot let that get to us and let it waiver us because we are a good football team. >> the eagles are seven and three despite lesean mccoy's production being down significantly from a season ago. he is constantly being asked about that. today he let us know he is tired of those questions. >> i'm not going to address, am i the same player. i will in the dress that? for what? what are we talking about not the same player. that is for y'all to figure out. i am the same player. >> no, he did not have have jaw surgery. supposed to keep him warm. college basketball st. joes off to one and one start out west to face gone sag, tip off at 11:00. incredible chapter about to close at penn, al bagnoli is set to coach his final game on saturday. glass was raised in his honor today. he has been at penn since 1992. as you might imagine his emotions are every where. >> it is bitter sweet moment. it has been really good 23 years. a lot of great people along the way, great players, coaches. administrators, so thank you tough to say good bye. that is sports. >> yes. >> ducis, thank you. chris hemsworth says best part about being named peoples sexiest man alive is the alive part. the australian actor has been busy guy this year, th or two was released this year and filming ron howard's latest movie in the heart of the sea. hemsworth and his wife welcome twin boys. other men to hold sexiest men alive title includes bradley trooper, channing tatum and ryan reynolds. head liner for white house correspondent dinner will be cecily strong. her political humor is describe as sly, edge y. her dad used to work for the associated press in illinois. white house correspondence dinner is set for april 25th, and chance for journalist and politicians to have a little bit of fun, very often, at each others expens you are looking at a group known as the 42 mega watts. for six years these 42 co workers in illinois have been playing the lottery, and they finally won. the group of utility company employees collected their million-dollar check today, they will each get about $23,000 before taxes. not bad at all. >> good pay take there. melissa magee with one last look at the forecast. >> little better tomorrow, guys. we will show you the forecast stepping out the door, tomorrow morning still grab an extra layer of sunshine and clouds, wind chills in the 20's. 6:00 a.m. 33. twenty-four as we get into the rest of the day here as far as wind chillies concern. your day planner showing you at 7:00 in the morning 33. thirty-nine at 10:00 a.m. with mostly sunny skies. 45 degrees as we get in the 1:00 in the morning and 41 at 4:00 o'clock with plenty of sunshine overhead. better but still 9 degrees below average. meteorologist david murphy a has latest tomorrow morning on six abc. >> thanks, melissa a. thanks for joining us tonight for "action news" at ten modern family is next followed by friends. >> for shirleen allicot, adam joseph, melissa magee and ducis rodgers i'm brian have taff, have a great night, great day tomorrow and we will see you back here tomorrow night. >> see you. hlhlhlhlhlhlhlhlhlhll l l hlhlhlhlhl hlmehlg hlrihldehlhlfo@@drhlhlhl hl ihlw hlsehl l hlhlhld hl ihl yhlmohllhl ohln l hlhahlgihliehl hlrehl?hl@@hlhlhlhlhlhll hlanhlanhl hl, hli hlshl@hl dhl ihllndhllil hlorhldohlal@@n?hlhlhlhlhlhlhlhl hlhahlgihliehl hlrehl?hl@@hlhlhlhlhlhll

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