Transcripts For WOIO Cleveland 19 News At 5PM 20160321 : com

Transcripts For WOIO Cleveland 19 News At 5PM 20160321

on sunday, no word came down and the nfl clarified it. we are not bound to 60 days if we are still examining and looking for answers. it could happen any day not and like the nfl had to release a statement or decision on gordon. and kaepernick and browns said we are not actively looking to trade for the 49ers quarterback it was his agent who called us. he called us to kind of kick the tires and to do that he had to get permission from 49ers who wanted to move kaepernick and doesn't mean browns were actively looking to make a move for him. robert griffith iii may be a better option than kaepernick for a decision. those are big deals. if you think about what everybody is talking about, who is the quarterback and what do we do with left tackle and how to move forward with the browns and finally turn things around. more coming up. i am here for a reason cavaliers and nuggets at 6:00. guys? okay. should do next. leave your comments on, facebook or twitter with the #19browns. now, tough news coming out of a local school district. they are talking about significant layoffs in the classroom. >> dozens of teachers may be missing this fall. and jen picciano has the emotional fallout. jen? >> reporter: dan and denise, cleveland heights university heights school district made the announcement friday that they tend to eliminate more than 50 positions of course leaving those teachers, parents and students pretty upset. at dismissal today students and parents were disappointed and surprised to hear about pending layoffs at the cleveland heights university heights district. >> they should let us know before we hear it on the news that they will do the layoff. why not tell us. >> reporter: roughly 9% of the district's staff will be cut for to align the staffing levels to population. enrollment is down by 900 students since 2007 and expected to decline by 800 more in the next 10 years. teacher union president ari klein thinks cutting this many teachers this quickly is excessive and fear it will hurt their special ed students. >> if you look at the special ed teachers we are losing it looks like a lot of special ed teachers and they don't have a maximum load. special ed is one of the few areas we really shine in. >> the superintendent dr. dixon says it will increase special education caseloads they will stay under state minimum and says parent should know cuts won't affect officers or course offerings. >> we want to make sure parents are still very comfortable with their students being educated in our school district and there's no interruption of services regardless to guidance counselors in every school and and we offer all of our elective courses. pending approval by the district this will bring the state class sigh average and by product would save the district about $3.5 million. dan, denise? >> all right, thank you, jen. a cleveland police officer appeared in court charged with assault. officer david mans is accused of attacking a woman. they said it happened friday when he was off duty. he pleaded not guilty and out on bound tonight but he has been suspended without pay. still no word what caused a fire at a wendy's in massillon. the fast food restaurant was destroyed wednesday morning and thankfully, no one was hurt there and the fire may actually the owner was set to open one later this year and close one. >> president barack obama is in the middle of his historic trip to kubina and talked about agriculture to human rights. obama met with raul castro in havana and they said the road to normal relations is not easy and said it is possible for both countries to work together and for castro and that means ending the u.s.-trade embargo. >> it is the most important obstacle to our economic development and well-being of the human people. >> president obama and castro promised to continue the dialogue and they praised the work both nations have done so far in renewing normal relations. the cuban-born artist who i am greated to northeast ohio for the opportunity is speaking out about the historic visit. >> that's right. and said he thought this day would never come. sia nyorkor is here for continuing our team coverage. >> reporter: the kubina he left in the late 90s is different than this cuba and thinks president obama will open an entire world. >> augusta says his artistry brought him to northeast ohio from cuba 17 years ago and he left for other reasons. >> it is a political entrenchment that happened for generations and generations and generations. >> reporter: but now he is encouraged to see president obama trying to restore relations with cuba and he says many thought it would never happen. the president and his family arrived in cuba and he is the first american president to visit the island in almost 90 years. >> my family is still down there. everybody is so excited. my father said this is going to be even larger than when the pope went to cuba. >> augusta says he understands efforts but says it is time to stop punishing cubans. >> you have a relationship and you have a relationship with china, with russia. why us? a tiny island. it doesn't make sense. >> his parents still lives there and augusta is raising his family in northeast ohio. his daughter visits cuba often. >> my daughter is 12-years-old and she has been going to cuba since two and goes once or twice a year. >> he hopes this generation will help foster change. >> people have to stop fantasizing about the change they want to see in cuba. cuba is cuba and it will change to happen. >> reporter: he says the president's visit is historic in more ways than one. he plans to visit his family later this year. denise and dan? >> dan: thank you, sia. center where a family died is demolished. authorities believe jeff mather killed his wife cindy and the couple's two children before using gasoline to set the fire and kill himself. the medical examiner ruled 12-year-old allison and 8-year-old ruthie were suffocated before the fire but haven't determined by whom. >> denise: just awful. well, we have this also tonight a gofundme account is set up for a kayaker who died over the weekend. searchers found luke collins body saturday. he and another man went missing at west branch state park saturday and kayaks capsized. a fram managed to rescue the other kayaker. >> what a beautiful day. sunshine and it felt more like winter than spring. >> dan: it is a cool spring. we need to get that changed. right, jeff? >> jeff: right you are. that's what's coming at us. you will notice a return to spring weather on the way here and pretty much a good portion of the week. there will be some rain in here. let's go to the cleveland 19 weather app and interactive radar and severe weather alerts and hourlies. make sure you customize it to your neighborhood. downtown cleveland 39 at 7:00 and the winds will go light and it was blustery out there this afternoon and notice 33 at 11:00 and then we start to go up in temperature by morning as clouds are on the increase. it is a mostly cloudy sky downtown, 41. akron 42. we've got 45 in mansfield with more sunshine there. also 42 in sandusky. so, yeah, it is the winds of change. we will turn the wind to the south. it will increase. it will be a windy day and that will bring in the warmth. best risk of rain on thursday. that will be the next cold front. in case you are wondering right now, it will be a changeable weekend and i am calling for i know that's important for everybody. we have a little ways yet, okay am. that could change and right now it is rain on easter. all the forecast details coming up at about 5:18. dan, over to you. >> dan: don't worry, i will work to get the easter forecast changed for you. >> denied and approved today. upgrades to the rock 'n roll hall of fame in cleveland. the rock hall had to go back to the planning commission. they were there today and given approval for renderings for several new transitions transforming the plaza in time for the republican national convention. the changes include a long live rock sign in big bold letters and larger stage than previously planned and outdoor cafe and art exhibit. good news for cedar point fans, the new coaster is about finished. park officials say the track is complete and the crews are now focusing on the landscaping, the new valravn boasts 10 world records including the tallest, fastest, longest and most inversions for a dive coaster. it is expected to open in may. should be awesome. >> denise: i want to try it. >> dan: absolutely. >> first alert traffic on cleveland 19 news is sponsored by ford. >> denise: all right. look at that. >> smooth sailing throughout on the roads. this is near 77 and 480, the cloverleaf. it is looking great out there. still clear skies and no rain to contend with right now. >> you can always get the latest on traffic conditions by downloading our cleveland 19 news app and clicking on the traffic tab. well, a series of public hearings started in cleveland. the sessions will help decide the future of rta. the greater cleveland regional transit authority is dealing with budget cuts and they want the riding public to help determine what happens next. the session attracted a demonstration. plans to raise fares or cut certain routes. what they want to see happen look for that story coming up at 6:00. >> dan: tomorrow another tuesday and another round of primaries as we try to get closer to who will represent republicans and democrats on the ticket. let's talk about the republican first. here is their scorecard right now with the delegate count 676 delegates for trump, 406 for cruz and we can skip to governor john kasich at 143. up for grabs tomorrow looking at the map on the states voting tomorrow are arizona. we've got -- we can go arizona here are 58 delegates and for the republicans utah where they have 40 delegates in the mix. let's talk the democrats now. here is their scorecard. hillary clinton well more than half the delegates she needs at this point at 1580 and 819 bernie sanders. they have thee states going there will be 75 delegates up for grabs there. utah with 33 and they will even go up to idaho at 23. all total at stake for the republicans, 98 delegates tomorrow and fort democrats, 131. denise. >> denise: all right, dan. coming up on cleveland 19 news at 5:00 late night boozing for the republican convention. this was deadline day for bars to sign up. live from cleveland's newscenter driven by don joseph a heartbreaking picture is trending on social media tonight. two children with their mouths and hands duct taped. we have blurred their faces. the oldest child is crying in the picture. a tennessee woman posted this picture of two young children in a vehicle in memphis and the caption reads: kids for sale. 45% off because they bad. the woman's cousin says it was just a joke but police are not laughing. they are investigating. >> dan: some scary moments in maryland when two children were trapped inside a well. two 11-year-old boys were jumping in a mulched area at a mcdonald's and didn't know it was a well until the ground gave way and started falling. one boy climbed out and got help. it took emergency crews 45 minutes to pull the boy out of the 30-foot well. >> denise: scary. >> dan: today is the deadline to apply for late night boozing permits for the republican convention this summer. >> that means they could serve alcohol until 4:00 a.m. if approved. harry boomer takes a closer look at the potential impact. >> it was very simple fill out the forms and information and the state was very great about it. >> reporter: michael manages the corner alleys in cleveland and thrilled to have the waiver permit allowing holders to extend service time for alcoholic services until 4 a.m. until 2:30. we applied a month and a half ago when it fist came out. the decision was we were getting out of the events and late-night sessions and great place to unwind and have a drink. >> reporter: some of the restaurants here will be hopping with activity when the rnc is in town. some will do private parties and won't be affected by this. others all over the city are all in. >> we actually have a liquor license open until 4:00 a.m. we had to apply and we got >> the bartender at the chocolate bar. he is glad to be in the mix of bars and restaurants offering the extended hours. >> i think it will be pretty nice on east 4th, the heart of downtown. all the traffic comes through here and the chocolate bar is a great to be. >> and following counties cuyahoga, geauga, lake, lorain, medina, portage and summit. they can sell liquor and beer during the time the rnc is in cleveland sunday july 17th through thursday july 21. >> there was no charge by the state and it was a no brainer to give it a try. >> in cleveland, harry boomer, cleveland 19. >> denise: all right. the group mothers against drunk driving released a statement about this. m.a.d.d. says its mission has always been do not drink and drive. they hope everyone who drinks has a designated driver. >> jeff: all right. it is officially spring even winter report card. let's talk about that. this winter was an a- plus. if you don't like the winter weather. it ended up being the 5th least snowiest on record in cleveland. winter of 2015/16, here we go. 43 when you average out all the days december, january through february and that ended up being 6 degrees above normal. that's significant. 25 inches of snow at cleveland hopkins. we should be at 68 inches. i posted this on my facebook page. feel free to ask me any questions and people wonder about the upcoming summer. i answered that in there as well. we will see what happens. we will tell you this, the short-term forecast is calling for a warm up. right now we are at 41 cleveland and note temperatures 50s and 60s out west and that's what's moving in tomorrow and it is a and east and those have since dissipated. 36 is the low tonight generally mostly cloudy and 36 as well in the akron-canton area. tomorrow morning 8 a.m. mid to upper 30s and by 11:00 a.m. tomorrow we will be warmer than what we are right now. mid-50s at 2:00 in the afternoon. i went pretty aggressive here. i think we could sneak up close to 60 degrees for a high. the wind will pick up out of the south and southwest with gusts over 30 and perhaps a little light rain along the lakeshore late day tomorrow. then we have an alert on wednesday for some light rain. this is less than .1 and wind gusts over 25. i will show you, though, the best opportunity of rain and that will be on thursday here. we have 60 tomorrow, 61 wednesday and a lot of cloud cover wednesday and some light rain. boom, cold front on thursday and as this passes and there you see the drop in temperature on friday for one day. it will be a very changeable week especially at the end of the week headed into the weekend. 60 tomorrow. 61 wednesday. light rain and then we've got the rain and wind on thursday. up to 63. the bottom falls out on friday as we clear things out. only 41. but then over the weekend boy saturday 65. how about that for a change. warm saturday night and easter sunday right now i have rain. that wind will be off the lake. >> denise: at least 50. >> so we'll see. >> the a- plus for the winter that's your grade? you graded it out. >> jeff: we decided to give it an a- plus and some like the snow and they would disagree. >> it was a mild one for sure. >> all right. >> dan: coming up on cleveland 19 news at 5:00, a big >> dan: welcome. a long awaited announcement by apple. the tech giant is retooling its popular i- phones and i- pads. apple introduced a smaller replacement to a 4-inch phone and unveiled a slimmed down version of the ipad pro tablet and plus apple announced a price cut and bands for its apple's watch. analysts say apple is trying to generate more excitement about the product line up that has been losing some of its pizazz. amazon warns customers if you bought a kindle before 2012 you better update your device before tomorrow. amazon is disconnecting those models from the internet and you will not be able to access the store or sync your cloud if you if you have a kindle connected to wi-fi you may not have anything to worry about. it updates automatically in the sleep mode. fallout continues in a florida town after they decided to ban any drinking on the beaches during the spring break season. >> gulf shores banned consumption and possession of all alcohol. the city was worried about public drunkenness and damage to the beaches. the ban just started and police are pouring out any booze they find. and an easter bunny at a new jersey mall was hopping mad over the weekend. look at this. it is not exactly clear what caused him to start throwing punches. it was steps away from the bunny's photo studio. the man playing the legendary bunny lost his head in the battle. that's not good for the kids to see. the brawl lasted 30 seconds before security pried the group apart. everybody needs to calm down. supposed to fight the easter >> i think standing in the long lines. i have been there waiting for santa and it can be taxing on the parent. >> dan: jeff how was your visit with the easter bunny this year. >> jeff: not violent. let's leave it that way. let's look at independence tower cam cloudy sky and first alert details indicating big warm up compared to where we haven. a customer tweets "bank fees make me physically ill. #overdraft" how do you respond? sounds like a medical problem. i'd send her to a hospital. "hashtag not the bank's problem." at huntington, she can link with her savings account and then we transfer the money for free. we do that. to transfer her own money? hashtag obviously. free transfers from savings when you're overdrawn. welcome to huntington -- >> denise: all right. let's talk campaign 2016. today the candidates are courting the jewish vote speaking to the most powerful pro israeli lobbying groups in the world. >> dan: some plan to walk out and boycott donald trump. the one candidate raised eyebrows by not choosing to attend at all. with the controversy. >> reporter: hey, dan and denise, it is not often to get candidates back to washington, d.c. in the middle of a campaign, apec, one of the most powerful pro israeli lobbying groups there is. they are so powerful they convince almost all the remaining major party candidates except for bernie sanders to come and speak at their event this week. >> with the continued threat of terror and uncertain situation in the middle east, the u.s. relationship with israel is as important as it has ever been and something candidates for president understand. >> we need steady hands. not a president who says he is neutral on monday, pro israel on tuesday and who knows what on wednesday because everything's negotiable. >> the approach to israel has been a big divide to candidates for both parties. hillary clinton is a staunch supporter of israel and bernie sanders, the only jewish candidate in the race did not attend the event choosing on the republican side ted cruz has attempted to show that the situation in the middle east is an example of how donald trump cannot be trusted. >> he would be neutral between israel and the palestinians. well, let me be very, very clear. i will not be neutral. >> reporter: trump says he supports israel and would be willing to broker a deal with palestinian leaders and had more in his speech in washington and used his time in d.c. to reach out to g.o.p. leaders. >> trump and republicans that supported him at his hotel in d.c. hoping to show he has the ability to bring the party together. >> it is a beginning meaning and it is a good one with the most respected people in washington. >> the trump meeting did not include party big wigs like paul ryan and mitch mcconnell showing the billionaire may be the frontrunner and has a long way to improve party relations the nomination. we have another big day tomorrow. it is the western primary as we are calling it. utah, idaho and arizona will all vote in this next stage for race for president. dan and denise. >> denise: all right, ryan. let's talk about it. can you break down the vote for the republicans tomorrow. which candidate has the best shot in which state? >> let's talk about arizona first. that's the place where donald trump expects to do very well. of course his signature issue is immigration reform and his concern about illegal immigration in particular. that's an issue arizona is dealing front and center and he of course locked up the endorsement of the controversial but popular sheriff there joe arpaio and arizona is a winner take all state. if the polls are any indication, trump should lock up all the delegates tomorrow. it is a different story up in utah where ted cruz is surging. and utah is also a caucus state which cruz has done better across the board what's interesting about utah. we have seen the states where donald trump is popular utah is not a state where he is popular at all running 3rd. john kasich is in second and kasich could play a bit of a spoiler in utah because ted cruz would really like to get over the 50% mark. if he gets over the 50% mark he would win all the delegates in utah. if he doesn't it is because folks are voting for john kasich in utah instead of him. >> dan: really strange to watch utah break that up if any candidate gets 50%. let's talk more about donald trump. he may be starting to fill in his leadership roles. who is on the team so far. >> well, he put out a list today of five names on his national security team as he calls it. are all that familiar with. some former military generals, some business leaders that worked with the defense department and, you know, a lot of folks here in washington don't recognize these guys as being heavy hitters, so to speak in the national security community. but they are respected. now, in response to trump's release kasich tweeted out his list of national security advisories. if you saw it, it ran 4 pages long and kasich is pointing out not only is he is more serious about national security issues and folks decided to support his campaign and trump is trying to show he has specifics when it comes to the issues and we'll see how voters respond. >> denise: all right, ryan, as always, thanks for the insight. >> dan: stay with cleveland 19 news for continuing coverage of campaign 2016 and can you find the latest updates on, our facebook or twitter page. washington, d.c. and you know, the chilly weather isn't stopping the trees from blossoming. the national park service says temperatures are expected to stay above freezing tonight allowing the buds to open right on schedule. >> beautiful. >> all right. this is the first full day of spring. it was hard to tell in parts of the northeast. you thought you were complaining about cold. the cold and snow created a messy rush hour. 4 to 8 inches of heavy wet snow expected in rhode island and parts of massachusetts could get 8 to 10 inches. >> jeff: yeah. that came down this morning. >> dan: another bullet we dodged. >> jeff: the thing interesting about the new england snow, sun came out in the afternoon and it is pretty much gone now. >> it goes to show you the sun angle is getting higher and higher. snow we do get this time of year, it doesn't stick around. of snowflakes flying here and keeping things well keeping everybody in the spring spirit. winds of change. we will be warming up, just like that. we will lose the cold for a little while and becomes quite changeable at the end of the week. the worst threat of rain will be on thursday. that will be with the next cold front and right now it looks like a wet easter sunday and we will keep an eye on that. 41 akron-canton and wind is starting to go down. northwest at 9:00. it will be, you know, a light wind out there tonight. so that will make it feel better. we are only at 40 in downtown here. forecast temperatures 39 at 7:00, 35 at 9:00 and overnight in the low to mid-30s and i think we will go up by morning and we will be in the upper 30s at that time. next alert day on wednesday. this will be for light rain. remember, the best chance of rain will be on thursday. it will be a windy period around here. look at tomorrow. 60 degrees with a mix of clouds and sun. i think more sunshine midday and we could see a little bit of rain as the warmer error warm front comes through and that's the winds of change when winds are gusting 30 out of the south. 60 akron-canton and i did keep you dry. the planner tomorrow, cloudy sky, 7 a.m. and the noon a partly cloudy sky and 53 with windy conditions there. 5:00 light rain around. the chance is pretty small. 59 and here you see the futureview temperatures mid to upper 30s to start things off and 11:00 a.m. and well in the 40s if not approaching 50 degrees and i think during the afternoon, 2:00 about 55 in afternoon we will be around 60. it looks like a pretty nice tuesday. more on the 7-day focus, that's coming up a few minutes from now. denise? >> denise: all right, thanks. let's talk hospitals. the operating room can be stressful for surgeons not to mention patients. >> dan: doctors at one hospital found a way to relieve the pressure. marlie hall shows us what they are doing. >> reporter: this is how the doctor and his operating team prepare for surgery. >> take a nice deep breath in. >> reporter: everyone at the neuro surgery team at new lenox hospital stops what they are doing to breathe. it is a practice called mindfulness. >> just settle down, calm down. be present. >> reporter: the doctor started the sessions a year ago to bring a quiet to sometimes stressful and hectic o.r. >> as a unit we focus on the moment and the breathing and the the operating room. and then we are starting the operation in a way of calm as opposed to chaos. >> reporter: studies show mindfulness helps doctors and staff reduce stress and better empathize with patients. >> it helps me to forget about the stress which i cannot control at this exact moment. >> reporter: the doctor says it is risk-free routine improving every area of his life. >> a married man with four kids and stressful job, incorporating small mindfulness helps me. >> reporter: he predicts mindfulness is a trend in o.r.'s around the country as they take a moment to breathe. >> reporter: marlie hall cbs news, new york. >> dan: the doctor believes another added benefit practicing mindfulness before ending a operating room is a happy surgical team. >> denise: a tiny smidge of yoga. >> dan: that's basically what >> denise: just get it all out thereof. >> coming up on news at 5:00 potential problems for a popular vehicle. it could roll away after you put it in park. >> dan: potential problems for jeep owners, the government is investigating the electric gear shifter. >> denise: yeah, it follows hundreds of reports of vehicles just roll ago way after the some cases have even led to accidents and injuries. chris van cleve with the warning. >> reporter: gary titus leased a 2014 jeep grand cherokee, a vehicle built with a new kind of electric transmission that changed the feel of shifting gears maybe too much. >> if i don't hit it just right and get it into drive, i could get into an accident because of that. >> the new shifter is a electronic gear shift or e- shift. and it lacks of groove of accept sayings of moving the car into park or reverse. >> i got out of the jeep and thought it was in park but it was in reverse still. >> osha is investigating more than 850,000 vehicles. most are 2014 and 2015 grand cherokees equipped with e- shift. that investigation claims reports of 121 accidents resulting in several people being hospitalized. >> we drove a 2014 grand reports" test track in connecticut. >> here, because there's also not -- i pushed it forward and doesn't necessarily mean it is in park. >> we would like to see a fail-safe. so at the end of the day you don't have a problem with the car launch forward or roll backwards in a way the customer is not expecting it. >> fiat chrysler is cooperating and they changed transmission in new vehicles and has not changed recalled models they were due to customer satisfaction and not safety reasons. >> chris van cleve, cbs washington. >> denise: bmw and mercedes used similar electronic shifters and it puts it in car automatically when the driver opens the door. romona? >> romona: thank you, denise. it is your chance to weigh in on possible fair hikes in the rta. why is the rta so behind in its budget. an update on a family tragedy in summit county. two children and parents found dead after an explosion. as the investigation continues their home comes down. a deadly shooting in a quiet neighborhood. police say it started as a road rage incident. >> pop, pop, pop. >> like a firecracker. >> denise: the shots rang out on a street full of families. cell phone video captured the aftermath. one man was killed after some sort of a fight there. this was in fort lauderdale, florida. detectives do have one man in custody. >> dan: in colorado authorities are trying to figure out what made 22 people sick recreation center. it was first reported as a possible chlorine gas leak and several tests failed to find gas or chemicals in the air. testing was expected to continue through the day. >> electronics giant samsung says tests concluded its new hoverboards are safe. samsung says the new model passed all u.s. regulations and we have heard plenty of stories in the past several months of hoverboards exploding or catching fire and samsung says the new redesigned hoverboard is safe. no release or price is announced. >> denise: the f.b.i. issued a hacking alert for certain connected cars. this comes after federal safety researchers were actually able to take over function like breaking and steering by remote control. feds are warning drivers to keep your vehicle's software up to date. that's frightening. problems we will see with the cars that can drive themselves. there's a lot of testing and stuff that will happen first. >> i like two hands on the wheel. thank you very much. >> jeff likes two hands on the weather. yes. >> and the hands are suggesting a warm up here. that's the direction it is going, up. 60 degrees will be the high tomorrow. the wind will pick up out of the south and i will show you the planner. it will be cool to start. not as cold as the 24 we saw this morning. 7 a.m. 38 and already at noon tomorrow up to 53. that's when the wind will pick up here. we could see areas of light rain best potential of that will be east of cleveland late tomorrow afternoon and an alert wednesday light rain 61. rain and wind thursday. this is with the cold front. best chance of rain thursday, 63 clearing things out. saturday it is back up to 65. wow. a lot of changes there. saturday night 45 and easter sunday i have us only at 50. and it looks like it will rain. the wind will be off the lake. stay tuned for that. that's what we have now. monday looks to be cool there and 46. looking at the trend, it is definitely up tomorrow wednesday and thursday and low to mid-60s and bottom falls out friday with cold front and back up to 0 saturday. >> there's the 50 sunday and cleveland 19 news first alert weather app and customize it for your area. dan? >> dan: coming up super hero now it's time for "the buzz" sponsored by national carpet mill outlet. versus superman on the red carpeted daniel pearl a rock 'n roll hall of famer draws a crowd at a new york hospital. roger daul tree received a welcome at the new york hospital. the who, front man for the who helped launch a special facility for teens and young adults. the band donated $1 million to the memorial sloan kettering cancer clinic to help develop the space. >> denise: awesome. the custody battle between madonna and guy ritchie is moving to the states. reports say a london judge ruled a new york judge should decide who gets custody of their 15-year-old son rocco. the london judge also encouraged the parents to consider the effects this custody battle is having on their son and reach an out of court settlement. >> batman has an attitude problem. he will have a problem with everyone. >> super heroes landed in new york city for the red carpet versus superman dawn of justice. ben affleck and henry play dualing heroes in the big screen match up at local theaters this friday. >> i think it is hit or miss. >> and not sure you should mix the two. coming up on cleveland 19 news at 6:00. a closer look at rta and why some are protesting the first >> mark: it was a family tragedy, the bodies of a husband, wife and children found dead after an explosion. today crews tear down their home. >> jeff: i am forecasting a warm up. it begins tomorrow. >> romona: a lawsuit with wild claims about metro health. live from cleveland's newscenter, cleveland 19 news starts now. >> mark: cleveland 19 exposed money problems at rta months ago. >> romona: riding the bus or trains may soon cost more. before that happens they are holding public hearings. denise zarrella was at one today and passengers say they are not happy. >> make it fair! >> reporter: protestors gather outside the rta headquarters in cleveland. many here say they can't afford the rate hikes being proposed. mary works two jobs. >> my savings and everything, it can't take any more being withdrawn. it is working against me. >> saundra ellington works at the airport and says a proposed route change would be dangerous. >> i work second shift 2:00 to 11:00 and i could get home at 12:30, 1:00. it is a drastic change.

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