Transcripts For WNYW Good Day New York 20150928 : comparemel

Transcripts For WNYW Good Day New York 20150928

he's got so much energy, how does he do it, you know? i mean, he's shaking hands, taking selfies, saying mass, different languages -- >> no, he really was -- >> he inspired so many people while he was here. >> he's home now. all right, so the presidential campaign, carly fiorina, look at what happened to her. >> just missed her, by the way. >> curtain came down crashing on her. >> it just missed her. >> seemed like it fell all around her. >> right. >> she's okay. anyway, a snafu from the campaign be trail. by the way, anybody see the, what do you call it, the eclipse last night? >> a little bit of it. >> was it decent? >> i just saw before it eclipsed. >> in other words, you missed it. [laughter] >> hey, i'm not going to miss the powerball jackpot. it's at $300 million right now. that's tomorrow -- no, wednesday >> i realize one statistics that said something like 52% of people think they're going to win the lottery someday. >> somebody has to win it, greg. >> i understand, but it ain't gonna be us. the odds are really against you in a huge way. >> oh, you party pooper. >> i feel bad sometimes. you put that money into an interest-accruing account, they say, you might become a millionaire someday. in 3,000 years. [laughter] let's go to the pope. let's recap his trip. he had a fantastic time, and we enjoyed seeing him here. what were some of the highlights? >> well, for me, the mass on friday. that was a beautiful, beautiful mass. >> here he is at the u.n. that was impressive, that he spoke there. and the mass on friday, you're right. 22,000 people -- oh, here he is at world trade center, ground zero. >> a lot of people liked this in particular because it was interfaith. so many different religions came together, prayed together. there were so many different highlights. i also love the fact that this city stopped for a second. people, you know, new yorkers are always in a hurry, we've always got somewhere to go. people actually stopped and enjoyed the moment as, you know, the popemobile went by. >> it was nice. and there was also an opportunity to hobnob with celebs. backstage at the mass there was pretty much everybody because there was a concert before the mass at madison square garden on friday night. rosanna, who are these people? >> perhaps you recognize them, gloria and emilio estefan. >> i saw gloria sing. >> wasn't she beautiful? >> behind the scenes, martin sheen. oh, there's us, hello. there we are. >> it felt weird, you could buy hot dogs and soda before the mass. you see i got a diet coke. >> things go better with coke, right? >> just so you know, when the pope came out, i put my refreshments aside. >> that was good. also behind the scenes, hangs out with -- that's communion. there was something strange about receiving communion by the froze been yogurt. [laughter] >> it was -- priests were hearing con he'ses before the mass -- coon -- confessions before the mass, and they were doing it by the ticket booth. madison square garden is not configured for church services, so they had to be a little bit creative. >> yeah. and they were. do you have that video behind the scenes with martin sheen? maybe not. >> the actor. >> yeah. >> and kelly o'hara and norm lewis and d train kind of warming up before, and i got a little bit of that. okay, we'll show it later. how do you feel? >> i feel fantastic. mike woods, do you feel rejuvenated? >> actually, i think i've got a hitting bit of a cold. >> he too. i don't know if it's a cold or allergies. >> yeah, overnight last night i'm like, hmm, i don't like this. anyhow, nice and warm outside. cloudy skies back in the area again, and it looks like some rain is on the way and some pretty big stuff. this is another thing that's popped up in the last hour or two, some fog being reported here and there. visibility is down to three-quarters of a mile in belmar. quarter of a mile in monticello. jfk reporting visibility down to one-eighth of a mile, so just be aware there is some patchy, isolating to that hay slow you down on the roadways -- that may slow you down on the roadways. we do have a partly cloudy sky at this point, the sun is up, and you'll get a little bit of that for the early part of the day. there's a lot of moisture over the southern states -- south even tates. high pressure is going to head up to the northeast. there's also that cold front that's going to swing into the tristate region. the combination will make for a messy scenario in about two days. right now we've got mostly cloudy sky through the majority it doesn't look like rain's going to be an issue today, but tomorrow you're going to have a chance of showers which actually kicks in in the morning. chances on the minimal side in the morning, but it does increase later in the day, and as that cold front be drags into the tristate region, wednesday looks like a washout which we haven't had in quite a while. be rared for that, again, in two days. today it looks pretty dry and warm, high temp up to 79 with more clouds heading into the afternoon especially. 78's your high tomorrow and shower chances pick up a bit tomorrow afternoon and basically with us throughout the day on wednesday, and it wraps early on wednesday. let's get you over to ines ines row sal who has travel issues. >> it's a bit of a busy monday. street cleaning rules are suspended today and tomorrow for religious observance, meters remain in effect. the belts parkway jammed this brooklyn, there's an accident out there, tractor-trailer struck the overpass, spilled some pipes, so they shut down everything eastbound between coney island avenue andman street. heads up on that. here's a new one, new jersey, route 46 westbound by valley road, you have an accident there blocking a lane. a couple of problems on the long island expressway. that's some of the fog, that's in nassau county. westbound willis avenue, a little delay there. traffic slow, an accident in the area. then in suffolk county, the lie by terry road, that's moving slow eastbound, there's an accident by vets highway blocking two lanes. let's go to the tappan zee bridge, westchester-bound traffic, what happened was earlier this morning around 6:00 here by the super structure there was a metal debris spill from a truck, it caused a lot of flat tires. that's where they pushed off all have a fuel spill, so that's why there's traffic slow there. trains are doing fine this morning, greg and rosanna. >> the president is in town, waking up in new york city. so far not a big deal. oh, i'm sorry, he actually spoke yesterday before a smaller session of the united nations. >> right. today's going to be a little bit bigger. he's going address the 70th sex of the u.n. general -- session of the u.n. general assembly. >> you know, for all the hype about the pope and the traffic, i didn't find it that bad. >> it wasn't terrible. in this morning, you never know. with the u.n., sometimes they close more streets for that. the president's going to speak about 10:00 this morning at the u.n., and later in the day he'll be be meeting with the russian president, vladimir putin. >> oh, boy. teresa priolo has more. >> good morning, everyone. this area is on lockdown here, so avoid it at all costs the you can. president obama will be speaking at 10:30 this morning, vladimir putin speaking around 12:15. see what these two men say is, but the main event is really that meeting between the two of them behind closed doors later today. >> the general assembly is called to order to. >> today all eyes will be on the united nations, watching to see what comes of the lick addresses and the high -- public addresses and the high profile private meetings. today president obama will give his annual address to the general assembly. his speech expected to be a broader examination of world issues like poverty, famine and long-term effects of war. >> here, today we out those myths to rest. >> sunday the president addressed a smaller contingent, calling on global leaders to commit to a 15-year development plan that will require trillions of dollars from nations and companies around the world. the plan calls for action so that that terrible depths during childbirth decrease, also an emphasis on women's education worldwide and prevent are bl diseases like ebola and aids to be greatly reduced. >> many children are just one mosquito bite away from death, and that is a moral outrage. it is a profound injustice. it is literally a heart of life and death -- a matter of life and death, and now the world must act. >> also on the president's to to do list today, a meeting with russia's president, vladimir piewt opinion, the host anticipated sit-down obama will have this week. the meeting, requested by putin, will be the pair's first face to face in nearly a year. it comes as recommendations between the two countries -- relations between the two countries have deteriorated. a way -- with all the high profile leaders in town, the area surrounding the u.n. will continue to be a frozen zone and traffic nightmare. street closures surrounding the east side complex will remain in >> oh. >> okay. >> teresa, dropped her out. >> we'll take it from here. >> there's some technical problems. we'll work it out. in the meantime, lots of people, dignitaries, in town. >> meanwhile, do you remember a couple of months ago the prison be escape upstate? this woman helped them, joyce mitch snell she's 51 years old, she'll get seven years behind bars. she's reached a predeal. i think she'll be back in court today and they'll actually formally sentence her. >> yeah. she is expected to get a few years. she gave hacksaws and other tools to richard math at and david sweat. she enjoyed the attention the two prisoners gave her. they broke out of the clinton correctional anytime june, they were on the run for three weekings. matt was killed, sweat was wounded and recaptured. and we'll hear about her sentencing later. apparently, she's going to get maybe two-three years and maybe a $5,000 fine. >> that was a wild story while it lasted, remember? i can't believe they reached a plea deal so quickly. usually it takes quite some time. >> oh, yeah? meantime, the pope is in rome, italy, this morning. six days in the united states. rosanna, we had been anticipating this for months, and i don't think we were disappointed. >> no. and i bet our blessed robert moses was not disappointed. tell us about your experience. >> well, greg and rosanne a -- rosanna, i'll show you some pics in short order. the pope is back safely in rome, he tweeted his thanks to the american people. by the way, st. patrick's cathedral and the rest of the city is still glowing after his visit. et really was a love affair here for the pope. we always grumble about street closures and traffic tie-ups, but this time new yorkers seemed to take it all in stride. through the window of his plane, pope francis waved good pi to the united states one -- good-bye to the united states vice president joe biden and his wife jill saw him off. the american people fell in love with the holy father during his visit, and from the sounds of it, he tell this love with them. >> dear friends, i embrace all of you in the lord. >> the pope spent his final day in the u.s. celebrating mass along the ben franklin parkway in philadelphia before nearly a million people. >> this has got to be a once in a lifetime opportunity, to be this close to the pope. >> god bless you, you all. >> earlier he met with prisoners, family members and facility. he also tackled the painful sex abuse scandal that scarred the church. some have criticized the holy father for saying bishops handled it well. the pope held a closed door meeting with victims and exrested his pain for what -- exed his pain for what they endured. here in new york the pope's visit reinvigorated the faithful. crowd than usual at st. pat patrick's on the first sunday after his visit. >> he inspired us cotom to st -- us to come to st. patrick's. >> just feel feel really good and revitalized for him. >> i will pray for you and your families, and i ask you, please, to pray for me. may god bless you all. god mess -- god bless america. [cheers and applause] >> and i was lucky enough to be invited to the mass at madison square garden on friday by the silversmith and longtime friend of the pope. he made the chalice that the pope used. following the mass, i was lucky enough to meet the holy father. these are some photos taken by his official photographer are. i greeted him, i asked him for prayers, and i promised to pray for him as well. it was a truly unforgettable night, and i'll have more on my meeting coming up in our next hour. for now that is the latest live from st. patrick's ca cathedral this miles an houring. >> wow, bobby. >> a bit of a conundrum for me because as i see these photos of a holy man, i am filled with feelings of jealousy and rage. [laughter] robert moses, well done. we'll see you later. >> he's not going to -- you're not going to rattle him today. his halo's on perfectly straight. [laughter] unlike ours. anyway, got a little scary at the campaign for republican presidential candidate carly fiorina. the curtain being used as a backdrop came crashing down. >> wow. she's okay. it seemed to fall all around her but not on her. carly fiorina, she is currently one, in the top tier, i think she's in second or third place for the republican nomination. >> yeah, i think so. >> she did well in the republican debate a couple weeks ago. she's okay, and she finished her remarks. >> did you watch "60 minutes" by the way? >> i saw the donald trump interview. >> he was huge. >> he was huge. i think if you like donald trump, you were 'em pressed by it -- impressed by it. if you are not a fan -- who knows? he's a clip. he -- here's a clip. he talked about not taxing the poor. zero taxation. listen to this. >> there will be a large segment of our country that will have a zero rate, a zero rate. and that's something i haven't told anybody. >> you're talking about -- >> we're talking about people in the low income brackets that are supposed to be paying taxes, many of them don't anyway. >> you're talking about making part of the pop belation exempt from income tax. >> that is correct. >> the interview was shot in his trump tower. what else? >> there's a new poll out, by the way. he and ben carson are this a virtual tie. mr. carson has 20% among republican primary voters nationwide, and i think donald trump has 21%. carly fiorina in third. >> donald trump has been giving marco rubio a hard time, and i will say this, he does look boyish. >> he's in his 40s, right? >> i understand, but there is a boyishness to him. hey, that won't keep him out of the white house -- >> how old was john f. kennedy? >> 43, i believe. teddy roosevelt was 42. again, they looked older than they were, right? mike woods, i'm not going to ask you your age. >> we'll keep the age a secret. anyhow, let's get you going out the door. a decent weekend, saturday was better than sunday but, yeah, we had a little of this, little of that. no rain. we need the rain, but it's still not happening, but it's coming in a couple of days, thank goodness. 57's the average low, we are above normal. 66 right now out at central park with winds coming in from the northeast at 10 milesser hour. other temps in the region, 56 in newark, montauk you've got can 67 and let's call it artily cloudy for the time being but more clouds will be building in as time dose on. winds from the east/northeast at around 3 milesser hour. sky nice and dry even though we have a mix of clouds and sun out there. see all this moisture over the south ian states and that -- southeastern tates and that cold front the midwest? today into be tomorrow artily to mostly cloudy skies. then showers start popping up tomorrow. it looks like only a little bit for you in the morning at 8:00, a few spots of rain, but it does pick up as time goes on and the cold front goes by. be prepared for wet weather later in the day tuesday into wednesday. going on with the rain, but it will be warm. high temp up to 79 today, showers late tomorrow. biggest rain day is on wednesday, and then it wraps up early on thursday. all right, now let's bring in ines rosales, the other thing we'll talk about, fog be, at least in some part obviously the tristate. >> you know how thursday and friday traffic in the morning was okay? >> today? >> no. catching up to us. traffic slow here on route 3 westbound as you head towards 46 right by valley road after you pass that ford dealership. you have a lane blocked so traffic jammed on route 3. the lie slow as you approach queens boulevard, grand central parkway, there was an earlier accident by 94th street, cleared away. so a little extra slow this front of laguardia. take a look at your commute on the bronx parkway, a slow ride. northbound side, you're find. tappan zee bridge, speed restrictions are in lace and terrytown toll plaza. earlier debris spill caused a lot of flat tires, so that's jamming things up on the tappan zee bridge. and you have the u.n. general assembly going on, so you want to avoid, basically, the perimeter between 34th and 609 street between the, the dr drive and seventh avenue. that's what will be closed throughout the week, so heads up on that. trains are doing fine, and there's the van wick. very foggy. of course, if you're flying out today, call ahead. >> where is it? >> you see the cars? it's right there. >> no. >> okay. >> all right. thank you very much. quick look outside. man, it's foggy out there. >> i know. >> rosanna, today is d-day by the way. i've got to go out to court in suffolk county and see the judge. all of our legendary racing heritage. all of our pioneering four wheel drive experience. come together in one amazing new vehicle. this is the all-new gle coupe. a mercedes-benz suv with the heart and soul of a race car. >> what kind of truck is that? >> oh, they're driving a -- >> i wonder, everything you walk into a store, it all came from somewhere, you know? you buy a snickers bar, it came from somewhere. and they had to put it on a truck. >> i have to tell you, the last few days there were very few deliveries in the city. people were afraid to come in, and if you were waiting for a you it's going to be a few days, you know, with the open in town? rightly so. >> sure. that looks like northbound -- southbound traffic on -- oh, that was bernie madoff's old apartment building on the northwest corner. >> yeah. >> that's where he used to live. >> you're right. >> he now lives in jail. >> all right, let's talk about other news. oh, my goodness, it was so emotional. warren hills regional high school, new jersey. first time students returned to classes since evan murray died. >> so he was 17 years old to, the quarterback. he collapsed after being hit during a game on friday. he actually walked off the field but died later at the hospital. grief counselors will be there, i heard over the weekend, friends and fact be allty -- and they don't know what happened. field. he gave them the thumbs up. they put him on a stretcher, took him to the hospital. >> so very sad story and, again, over the weekend i heard faculty and friends saying really great things about young man, how talented he was. the funeral will be on thursday. >> all right, meanwhile rising hip-hop star fetty wap is out of the high school. he crashed his motorcycle in patterson, new jersey, over the weekend. >> check this out. looks rate serious. >> yeah. the crash ininjured the rap star and the driver of the car he ran into head on. he was issued three traffic summons for driving without a license, no rebelling dispraition no insurance. the crash happened on saturday. he's got some pretty popular music going on right now. >> he's got to get the paperwork squared away there, huh? >> uh-huh. >> all right, so mars, the closest planet to the earth, i believe. it's right next door. anyway, nasa -- have you heard about this? they've got some wig information they're about to release about mars, but they're not telling anybody. >> they're going to tell us later. little green men or about the water, not the frozen water they sound at the poles, but about images from the mars or bitter that shows -- orbiter that shows floating water on the surface. >> oh, big deal. >> that could be good. >> remember 2001: a space odyssey? that was cool. >> but this flowing water, their saying at nasa it could be a game changer because researchers might be one step closer to finding life. >> well, it'll with be announced at 11:0 this morning and, rosanna, something tells me you with will not be sitting by your computer. >> i'll be looking for the information on twitter, and i'll retweet it. >> there was an eclipse last night. it was different because it was during a super moon. >> super blood moon. >> that's when the orbit brings us closer to the earth. here's the imagings. so this lieu or far e -- lunar eclipse when the earth's shadow covers the moon, and if you were out there trying to figure it out this our area, some people saw a little bit. the last time both happened at once was in 1982. 2033. good day's coming right back. royal caribbean's wow sale is back. buy one get one half off. plus free upgrades and up to $200 onboard spending money. it all ends september 30th, so call 1-800-royal-caribbean >> all right, welcome back, everybody. let's see, rockefeller center vicinity. the pope was there, when did he arrive, was that thursday? thursday. >> thursday. thursday night he did that beautiful vespers service there. yeah. you know what was really, really nice about this visit is that i heard from so many different people of different faiths who said that they thought it was such an inclusive time. everybody kind of -- even if you were not catholic, that you got something out of the pope's visit here. >> i liked it. yeah, everybody was kind of talking about it. it was in the air. and for all the grumbling about the traffic situation, i think people really took it this stride in the end. >> it wasn't too bad. wasn't too bad. >> by the way, cardinal dolan says if you go through those front doors of st. patrick's cathedral, that makes you an official new yorker. >> oh, it does? >> he said that publicly. he said now, your holiness, >> i love it. >> yeah. you don't get paperwork, but, you know, it's a spirit type thing. >> heene while, busy weekend on saturday. big walk for st. jude's hospital. elvis duran, eric trump and his wife laura and thousands of other people walked the raise money for st. jude's hospital -- >> where are you? >> i'm there with steven levine. it was a gorgeous day on saturday. we walked over the brooklyn bridge. by the way, they raised, i think, half a million dollars. >> i feel terrible about this. i did it last year and the year before but this year i just wrote a check. >> i know. that was very nice of you. you know what? we were all a little exhausted from, you know -- >> the pope mania. >> the pope petered us out, you know? [laughter] i don't know how he did it. but the rest of us were a little tired. but anyway, it was great, we were there. you were missed. >> eric trump, be by the way, son of donald trump and very imrestive guy. >> very involved with st. jude's hospital. >> well done, rosanna. >> thanks, everybody, for coming out there and supporting. mike, you were messed as well. >> but you wrote a check though, greg, i'm proud of you for that. yeah, you know what? i'll have to join you guys one of these days. my buddy, timmy bailey, was there -- >> i don't knowny was there -- johnny was there, everybody was there. >> had some cooperative weather at least on saturday. sunday things got gray and cool. you know what? we need rain. we are well behind where we should be this time of the year. it's coming at us, but you're going have to hang this there a couple more days. temp wise we're still looking at above normal temperatures out there with partly cloudy sky. thing this central park, 58 in bridgeport and clouds will start to build in her so over the next couple of days. 57 in monticello, more cloud cover out there. winds not that big of a deal coming this from the east/northeast at around 3-9 miles an hour. partly cloudy sky right now, there's some showers over the western sections of pennsylvania and western new york, but it looks like the cold front that's going to come in here and help to squeeze out all this moisture feeding up from the southeastern states, that won't be here until later tomorrow into wednesday but, yeah, leading up to it, it's on the mild side. high temp today goes up to 79 degrees, so it's pretty warm later this afternoon. 78's your forecast high for tomorrow. showers late tomorrow and wednesday looks sloppy with showers and storms pretty much throughout the day. that's a washout right in the middle of the week, and and it's going to be fairly wet thursday let's get over to ines rosales who's got fog out there amongst all sorts of other issues. >> yeah, traffic issues too. street cleaning rules today, actually, they're suspended today and tomorrow because of religious observances, meters are in effect. route 3, expect delays if you're heading toward 46 westbound, there's an accident blocking a lane. and on the belts parkway, there was an earlier accident by coney island avenue. that's been cleared away, you still have traffic jammed back to ocean arkway. staten island expressway slow towards the verrazano. take a look at the long island expressway by terry road, there's an accident by vets highway blocking at least the right lane there. the hov lanes not affected by that. tappan zee, that's been slow this morning, earlier problems involving flat tires and fuel spills because of some debris on the road. everything was pushed off by have some lane closures. delays go back to the garden state parkway on the thruway rockland side. as far as lincoln tunnel, 30-40 inwound. the holland tunnel, also 30 minute delay. george washington bridge, 30 on the upper and lower level. traffic moving okay crossing the bridge. greg and rosanna, back to you. >> fordham university in the bronx, a sexual assault there over the weekend a student claims, and she was walking down an alley actually near the rose hill campus when she was attacked by two men. >> she says they ran off when a group of people ran toward them. the alley is in the belmont section and is a popular shortcut with students. greg, are you familiar with that shortcut? >> i mean, it's a long time ago so, no, i don't recall -- i don't think they had the dunkin' donuts there. >> police are looking through security footage hoping to track down those attackers. two little girls are missing >> 3-year-old destiny mccoy and her 2-year-old sister vanished after a visit by their biological father. cute girls. if you know anything, please, call crimestoppers at 800-577-tips. it's believed they're with their mother, but the mother should have returned these children. >> well, the powerball jackpot is now worth, i think, 300 million ask $1. >> we haven't had one of these leg -- mega jackpots in a while. 300 million, when's the drawing? >> wednesday night, i believe, but carrie drew is on the upper east side. you have all the info, right? >> yeah, exactly. good morning to you, greg and rosanna. the powerball drawing, $301 million, beginning today you can download this app ask play right here it is, the app is called jack pocket, and you can play wednesday night's powerball draw canning, $301 million right here on this ipad. you cantic your own numbers, $2 quick pick, $10 quick pick, lay the new york lotto, the megamillions and several other games. the company that founded this app is based in soho, and the founder thinks this will make the lottery appeal to a whole new generation. he's targeting to people in their 20s and 30s, and we talked to a couple people this convenient. >> you know, a lot of people are not going out a lot of places, and it's more convenient for a lot of us. the you work late or really early and you don't have time, why not? >> it's just easier, i guess, yeah, i'd try it. the store? >> yeah, absolutely. >> a couple things to note about this app, it is free to download, and it's only available right now in new york state, but the founder hopes to expand to other states. usest get their first ticket for free and you can add and buy more with your credit card. this is basically a courier service, so you order the lottery ticket and this app basically buys it for you on your behalf. if you do win and the amount is less than $600, they will transfer that money into your account. if you win more than $600, they transfer the ticket to you. i haven't tried it yet, looking forward to maybe doing it for wednesday night's drawing, you can see here right in the window, $301 million. greg and rosanna, i'll -- lottery? >> no, it's a courier service, and it's legal in new york city. they buy the tickets for you. stay on the lottery. rosanna, i am done playing the lottery. except when ines does the group thing. first of all, you're not going to win, i'm sorry. and if you take that mentioner i've heard in the story -- that money, $5 a day that you spend on something dopey and put it into an account, you can really headache real hundred over a -- make real money over the long term. i think about some of those guys whose lives were ruined after they won the lottery. it happens. >> you are such a debbie downer on the lottery. >> just think about something just keep it this mmm... nothing like johnsonville breakfast sausage. delicious and packaged with nothing to hide. no secrets. just like our family. well there is one. folks, i'm not your grandma. just a handsome kind hearted drifter who wandrered in years ago and stayed for all the yummy sausage. feel bad about lying. nap time. i got her. seriously? i feel like i just woke up. ha ha ha! fully cooked johnsonville breakfast sausage. we don't make sausage. good morning. what can i get for you? a medium hot coffee, cream and two sugars, please? medium hot coffee, cream, two sugars -- sounds good. at dunkin', we make your coffee just the way you like it. if not, we'll make it again on the spot. see you tomorrow. that's the dd commitment. america runs on dunkin'. >> it's great. all right. so that's where the pope was. >> okay. but thousand be look at the traffic, this looks like fifth avenue. you know, the president of the united states is in town, and he's not staying at the usual haunt which is the waldorf-astoria. he's staying on madison avenue -- >>, at the palace? >> at the palace. >> good for him. shop around. >> shop around, yeah. but i think that might be the reason for all this traffic this morning. >> did you see when the pope was coming down on fifth avenue i was it was thursday -- friday night? thursday night, that whole mess of ambulances behind him. every vehicle you could think of to, they added in that caravan. >> there was. anyway, we met some nice people, fire fight beers who were volunteering at madison square garden on friday night at the mass. nice to see you all. it was great. what a great night. >> yeah, it felt -- >> so good and special, right? >> thank you for arranging everything. great tickets. all right, mike, what's up? >> all right. well, we have a decent weekend. saturday was a little better than sunday, but now we've got to get back to work, and skies are getting a little gray on us again. temps are not so bad, 66, central park be, 58 in bridgeport and kind of a mixed sky throughout the tristate. the other thing we're keeping an eye on, the fog. look at some of these visibility numbers, there has been some reports of patchy fog in long island, kennedy at the airport down to one-eighth of a mile, height want to check ahead on your flights if your flying into or expecting somebody to arrive out at the airports because there is some fog. anyhow, winds are coming in at around 3-9 milesser hour. the clouds will send to thicken up, and we've dot a lot of moisture that's going to feed up from the southeastern states and really squeeze out a good amount of moisture. not today. tomorrow more or less the same thing until later in the day tomorrow as that front gets a little bit closer, then an area of low pressure is going to enhance that shower action, a pretty wet day coming up on wednesday, but today not really. on the cloudy and warm side, high of 79 today, 78 tomorrow, then the showers come through especially wednesday, that's the big wet one. the fox 5ny weather app at the apple itunes store and google play store has live, interactive radar. it's all set to go free. let's bring this ines and see what's going on with our commute. lots of challenges. >> it's a rough one this morning. let's start off with new jersey, route 3 heading towards 46 westbound, accident there. a lot of delays on route 3. traffic you can see backed up beyond the parkway. as far as your commute on staten island expressway, delays approaching the verrazano bridge as usual. if you're traveling on the belts parkway, residual delay ares between an earlier accident. bqe eastbound by the williamsburg bridge, watch out for an accident there. lie, not a bad ride eastbound and westbound and as greg and rosanna mentioned, the u.n. general assembly's going on, and president obama's this town. avoid 60th street down to 34th treat between the fdr drive and seventh avenue. that's the remmer the you want to avoid. >> that's a wig perimeter, ines. >> you remind me, i've got to put money in the meter. i parked on the street. there was no room in the garage. >> so you going to go do this? i'll take care -- >> you've got the con. >> i've got sports. >> we'll begin with the jets. all three facets of the game, they still had a chance in the fourth quarter. jets down 17-0 when ryan fitzpatrick, who did not play well, here's iran done hard shall, looked to be a first down. tries to last early -- lateral, and that was recovered by the eagles. 24-0. the jets did headache a second half -- did make a second half comeback. cut the lead to 24-14 in the fourth. jets had another great chance after an eagles' turnover. fitzpatrick gave it right back. there's a reason he's been with so many teams. picked off by jordan hibbs. the eagles beat the jets 24-17. jets thousand 2-1 on the -- now 2-1 on the green. like i said, as poorly as the jets played though and as much as they miss those guys, they still had a chance. jets do play next sunday in london against the miami struggling. victor cruz looks like he's going to make his 2015 debut when big blue travels to buffalo on sunday. baseball now, the yankees still trying to clinch a playoff berth. joe girardi has to like this. another great outing by louie severino. you know, i would start him that wildcard game if that that can ca can't go because of that hamstring. gave up just one run after the sixth. dustin actually continues to make a push for the second base job. new york wins 6-1. magic number down to 3. mets back in cincinnati. after getting skipped to rest him up, giving up just one run in six innings s ask he struck out nine. the mets played the backups, no problems yesterday scoring runnings. herrera, two-run homer in the second for the 3-0 lead and the mets win it, 8-1, final score. mets fans, this is like icing on the cake. how disfunctional are the washington nationals? bryce harper, they exchange words ask to quote on burgundy -- ron burgundy, apparently, harper did not run out a fly ball, and i guess there's a little history there, ask matt williams, the manager, actually kept helping balm in the game. chokes the pest player on the team. >> are i can't believe that. >> the phillies go on to win. big news in nascar, tony stewart will reportedly retire after the 2016 season. he's expected to make the official announcement wednesday. he won the sprint cup in 2002, 2005 and 2011. he missed out on the chase for the sprint cup this year after posting zero wins and two top ten finishes. clint boyar will reportedly replace stewart in 2017 at stewart-haas racing. finally, the mets' rookies have had a phenomenal season ask just because they made it to the playoffs means they go without wearing underradios -- >> what is this? >> you know, it's a tradition. >> wattman? >> yeah, dress-up. i had no idea that they maid underoos f for adults. i remember having them, hi grandma sending me aqua man and batman at age 7. they had to wear these out of the cincinnati ballpark yesterday back to the motel. they at least got to wear superheroes, flash gordon and batman. >> so exciting, yeah. >> and, you know, i just remember getting those. it came in, like, a manila it was, like, a flat envelope, and i remember being so excited. but i didn't know they made them for adults. >> do you still have them? >> tail, i'm going -- actually, i'm going to go out and buy a pair. >> maybe that's where greg is right and better color, but you want more... me too! new garnier nutrisse. now with 2x the nourishing power. plus avocado, olive and shea. for rich, radiant color. new garnier nutrisse. there's no place like it in the world. come fall, i like to get a taste of everything the state like this famous winery nestled in the hudson valley. or the award-winning vineyards of long island. this cooperstown brewery belongs in every beer lover's hall of fame. you can even try new york's exceptional cider and spirits. this fall, drink in the beauty of new york state. plan your trip at >> all right. let's talk health watch. there is a new gene test that can tell whether women with breast cancer, whether they should have chemo or not. that's huge, dr. raj. >> it's really big news, and this is coming right out of our back yard, and this study looked at women who had early stage breast cancer who were hormone positive, tumors were responsible to hormone therapy, whether or not they needed additional chemotherapy. they found these women did not benefit from additional chemotherapy. in fact, the if they went without it, they had only a 1% chance of having different me tsa tease after -- me tsa seize after five years. this is great news because, as you know, chemotherapy can have many very dewill tating side effects and if women don't actually need it and have good survival, that's great. there's a special kind of gene test which has for several breast cancer genes and really can determine which women can skip chemotherapy, which women actually need it. covered by insurance? >> yeah, it's very expensive and, actually, it is covered by most insurance plans, which is great. >> what about for men? men -- >> breast cancer in general, the attention on the hormone therapy versus the chemotherapy. hopefully there might be broader applications? >> absolutely. it's not one treatment for everyone, figure out what your genes say, what you're going to respond to ask really tailor it to you. >> my uncle actually died of breast cancer. >> you told me that. i know, i remember. >> it was undiagnosed for quite some time. it's unusual, i guess, for men. >> a lot of marines i know actually came down with breast cancer. >> really? >> environmental kind of -- >> that was the concern, but it wasn't firmly established. it. >> let's talk entertainment. anna has the day off. we've got can all the day off. >> i think it's a day of wedding planning, but, okay. >> maybe a mental health day. let's talk about weddings, there is wig news for the only daughter -- big news for the only daughter of the late kurt cobane. francis bean cobain she reportedly secretly wed isaiah silva. they tied the knot in a small seven mother think in front of -- ceremony in front of about 20 guests. somebody who was not on the invite list, her mother. >> what happened? >> i know they've had a rocky relationship in the past, but they did exchange kind words on social media recently -- >> i hate it when relationships like that are reduced to a couple of tweets. >> i know, mother and daughter. >> all right, let's go to central park, the global citizen festival. take a look. >> wow. the fourth annual festival featured performances by beyonce, parallel -- pearl jamb, coldplay -- >> that's kind of cool. it works. >> 60,000 people packed the great lawn for the show, and it was all for a good cause. >> that didn't even look outdoors. >> i love the way you were able to get a ticket for this. you have to pledge to take part in the global poverty project which aims to eradicate extreme ity by 2030. >> how do you do that? >> figure out ways on how to give back, which was really nice. anyway, they gave awareness ideas about climate change ask everything else -- >> all right, times square today they're having a big kind of mass spin be class. >> a cycle for survival, it's called. it's taking over times square later today. >> i heard about this at hi equinox -- my equinox gym. >> good for you. >> i'm so into this now. >> by the way, more than a hundred stationary bikes will be in the heart of the city. 100% of the money supports rare cancer research. >> this is a live look. if you want to get involved, i think you can. you may want to go to our web site. ben simmoneau, he'll be cycling away. >> fantastic. in the meantime, it's cecilia, you're breaking our heart. you are our facebook fan -- >> was that phil collins? >> no, it was paul simon. >> ah, that's right. hand-crafted...layer by layer. the new macchiato from dunkin' donuts. experience the flavor of fall we are the largest and most diverse school district in america! yet we are one! one point one million students! one thousand eight hundred schools! sharing one common goal. we're new york city public taking learning to the next level. and parents and the community are on board! all coming together... one. to celebrate the passion and promise of our public schools. i'm michael mulgrew, president of the united federation of people of the coffee drinking world, dunkin' has a dark roast coffee that's deliciously roasted just right for a bold start and smooth finish that's never bitter. put down the dark roast you've been putting up with and reach for first time in other a year. greg: the pope is back in rome. he thought new york was cooler. rosanna: he didn't say that. greg: he thought philadelphia was mean. just kidding. they had a huge mass. rosanna: while in new york city, everybody wanted to cook for the pontiff. just a few were choosen. they are going to join us this morning and bringing us some of the food that is fit for the pope. greg: yes, no kidding, they made the food for all of the pope's meals. we never saw him eat. he likes it on the modest side. rosanna: i heard, because of his dietary restrictions no pasta, and anglo coming up. >> i missed the moon. you? rosanna: i saw it before it became a blood moon, i saw it at 8:00. it happened between 9:00 to 11:00. i woke up at 1:00 and stayed up until now. greg: no kidding? what is with you? rosanna: i don't know. the super blood moon doing crazy things to me. i started to go -- greg: no you didn't. last week, a whirl wind. intense. exhausting for us. running and. rosanna: he ran us ragged. but he's looking great. he exhilarated all of us. we feel spiritually reenergized. greg: i'm glad he game and laid eyes on him. rosanna: we breathed the same air he did. greg: yes, in the same rood at madison square garden. here is the 9/11 service. rosanna: yes, so beautiful, bringing together of all faiths. greg: he wrapped up where the mass at mattedson square garden and flying off in a hell icopter liberty. let's face it, it beats the go wan us. rosanna: it does. sadly it was not put out there gloria porped, jennifer hudson and others. and kelly. >> so many great, great moments. >> there's great food when you go to madison square garden for church. hamburies, hot dogs, pretzels. >> this is comun yun by the way. >> they had to be creative. they pulled it off. ooze ooze it was a beautiful mass. the mass was on tv so everybody got to see that. greg: very nice. we have to get to work, mike woods? mike: the take away is to get greg to mass, give him snacks and soda. rosanna: they wanted to know, are you drinking coke or what? greg: i wanted to support the concession is -- concessions right. it is diet coke. rosanna: you were not drinking during the mass. greg: this is before the pope actually arrived. i saved it for after the pope left. rosanna: you fasted for an hour. that's good. mike: to the weather here. we have gray skies back in the region. the temperatures are mild. 67 central park. 64 belmar. still upper 50s in connecticut. a wind coming in from the a lot of clould ds are building in. changes are coming up and that is rainfall. the cold front is coming in and forcing the water out and the moisture coming up from the southeast states and making for a messy scenario, not today. tomorrow you could see showers in the morning. the bigger stuff in the afternoon. what a mess we have on our hands on wednesday. not today, today is partly cloudy and high of 79. 78 tomorrow with a few showers in the afternoon and evening. next five days or so, we are looking at high temperatures sitting in the upper 70s low 80s for a couple of days. a lot of rain on wednesday. over to ines rosales and we are headed out the door. >> route 3 this morning, expect delays to the 46 merge. om the right lane is open. queens, well, not a bad ride on the l.i.e. eastbound a little slower than normal. the belts parkway westbound an accident. now to cameras, a look at the commute, this is victory boulevard. the tappan zee bridge. 45 miles per hour in place because of the foggy conditions. traffic slow this morning not because of the fog. we had incidents with a spill of metal on the road and causing flat tires. it is blocking a lane at the little tough to see the span, you have delays headed to bronx. >> okay, thank you. if you are a ruler of a country, you are probably in new york city right now for the u.n. general assembly. the president of our country already here. he spoke to a smaller group yesterday. rosanna: also, he's going to speak to the big assembly today and having a private meeting with the russian president putin. this is historic. they haven't talked for a year or so. interpret z is joining us from the united nations with more. what's going on, teresa? teresa: to be a fly on the wall with that conversation. good morning, president obama is speaking at 10:00. putin is expected to speak around noon. now both men are expected to address the situation in syria, that is the high light of their speeches. but the main event, the thing that serve watching, is the sit down and confronting the tension between the two nations. today all eyes are on the meeting of the general assembly at the u.n. and watching to see what becomes of the public addresses and the private meetings. today president obama is speaking to the general assembly. the speech is expected to be a broader examination of the world issues, poverty, famine and long term affects of war. >> here, today we put those myths to rest. >> sunday the president addressed a address addressed smaller group and asking for commitment to a global plan. plan is calling for action so maternal deaths decrease and women's education and greatly reduced. >> many children are a mosquito away from death and that is a moral outrage. it is a profound injustice and it is a matter of life and death and now the world must act. >> also on the president's to-do list, a meeting with russian's president putin. the meeting requested by putin is the pair's first face to face in nearly a year. it is coming as relations between the two countries have deteriorated in part because of russia's support of syria's regime, a way to help that nation help fight isis. the roads around the area will be a frozen zone and the streets are closed for the rest of the week. tomorrow president obama is sitting down with cuba's president raul castro. >> okay, thank you. a little bit on putin, boy oh boy, he's wild, isn't he. what'd you think? rosanna: i think when he goes around without a shirt on. greg: yes. impressive. rosanna: i like him on horse back too. he likes dogs too. greg: well, a lot of bad things going on his watch over there in russia. we'll see what happens today. roz in the meantime, the pope is back home in rome safe and sound, hopefully he's get a lil little time to put up his feet. greg: there he goes. looking out the window fwl. for more on what happened, we are recapping the trip. robert moses actually met him in person. rosanna: he got a special blesing. greg: good for you. robert: st. pat's is glowing this morning and a noticeable yesterday. the holy father had a busy last day in philadelphia and celebrated mass before a million people and visited inmates and of sex. he waved through the window from the plane. many were touched by his visit, including me. i was able to meet him following the mass on friday at madison square garden. it is a night i will remember always. as the pope processed to the alter, he was close enough for me and my camera to touch. i was fortunate to be invited to the mass. he made the chalice that was used at the holy mass. and there he was, holding it up for the world to see. the chalice was made of melted silver jewelry that was donated. - emotional and unforgettable and all of the work and friendship cultivating in that moment and we stood and applauded for a long time to show our appreciation for the holy father. almost as soon as the pope walked past me a guard whisked us to a private room and there was the holy father, i ask he pray for my loved ones and i i was handed a set of roseary beads. we saw him one more time in the backseat of a fiat and a bit of a smile was visible as i stood and took the photo. the gift of the chalice and he gave me a gift. the pictures captured by the pope's official photographer. i can't thank him enough for capturing that moment so i can simply savor it. greg: i'm curious, any interest in converting? joining the church? robert: i was raised proteant. rosanna: it is great that people of all faiths were moved with having the pontiff here. greg: make it official and join the flock. rosanna: leave robert alone. thank you for telling us about. you are going to hell for trying to do that. greg: excuse you. that is harsh. take that back. rosanna: i take it back. per ga tor. >> well, we are going to brett. >> greg: welcome. >> i'm there, i grew up catholic. you don't have to recruit me. greg: well, after all that it is right. rosanna: well, you are putting him on the spot. greg: that happens. did you see the pope? >> i did. not one on one. i met him in rome once before this week. i know tens of thousands here on the streets and it was truly amazing. my wife and one of my children went to one of the masses. greg: the man that invited him to the hill, speaker of the house, the pope shows up and gives the address and john boehner resigns. what a way to go out? >> i believe it factored in, he wanted to go out on the moment and he was touched by it. he was crying a number of times behind the pope's speech and the audience on the west front of the capitol. john boehner said it was going to happen eventually and sped up the process. greg: the guy that comes next, by the way, he's not known to new yorker ls, kevin mc carthy. he's 50 years old and he's the odds on favorite to be the next speaker. the thing about him that is wild, he got to house less than ten years ago. there was a time you worked your way up, decades, decades and maybe getting the speaker ship. that is not holding true any more? >> he took the fast track and he's somebody that walks the line between the conservative really far right and the moderate part of the party. it is interesting to see how he handles the false prophets in the far side of the party and saying they can do more than he said they could. he's the odds on the favor. rosanna: how about donald trump in the polls? >> he's leading, he's slip add bit, but still leading, today he's putting out the tax plan. people are looking for the specifics, other than immigration and the wall, he's going to do that today and we'll see how that is received. greg: thank you, brett. moon. rosanna: there was a lunar ellipse on top of that. greg: that is when the earth blocks the sun from hitting the moon. you can see the earth's shadow in the moon. rosanna: exactly and with a reddish tint. some people saw it in the area. some people watched it on tv. the last time was 1982, and it is not happening again until 2033. greg: i stayed up before for the ellipse, it is kind of a bust. all though the super moon is cool. it is bigger. rosanna: have you watched the solar ellipse? >> greg: no. in six grade. rosanna: 2002 8:19. mike woods? >> we had the clouds coming in town over the weekend. not much going on with the rain. the clouds are out there and building in. fog out there, too. visibility three quarters of a mile in belmar. jfk an eighth of a mile at one time. use the common sense. other than that, partly cloudy skies in the tristate. there are showers way back to west of us. basically we have this cold front coming in and a lot of the moisture coming up this way and giving a set up for the rain. mostly cloudy skies. don't worry about the rain. the temperatures will be warm. a sorm influence coming to us. as we go into tomorrow, it is possible we have a little wet weather for the morning. more likely in the afternoon and the evening. the cold front sliding through on wednesday. high temp today 79. dryer for you headed to tuesday and wednesday. by the way, the fox 5 weather app in the app stores. it is free right now. now to ines rosales and see what's going on getting around town. >> good morning, mike. to the commute, new jersey, doing pretty good. after 280 an accident blocking a lane. westchester, the tappan zee bridge earlier issues. it is by the toll plaza on the side, there is a delay for you. let's go to the cameras, l.i.e., terry road, normal delays. hov lanes are fine. u.n. general assembly going on and avoid the area. 34th. then you have the on and off ramp 42nd to and from that is closed during the sessions. trains are running on or close. suspended. greg: thank you. what was the pope eating while in new york? they cooked for him. rosanna: simple meals. we are finding out exactly from the chefs themselves and medium hot coffee, cream, two sugars -- see you at the window. we make your coffee just the way you like it. on the spot. that's the dd commitment. it's intelligent enough to warn of danger it's been smashed, dropped and driven. it's perceptive enough to detect other vehicles on the road. it's been shaken, rattled and pummeled. it's innovative enough to brake by itself, it's been in the rain... the cold... and dragged through the mud. introducing the all-new mercedes-benz gle. it's where brains meet brawn. rosanna: were getting down to business. greg: hi, lauren. >> more changes with the credit card, there is sa shift in liability and more companies are saying when you pay with a credit card, don't swipe it, we want you to insert your credit card in the terminal here and reading the new chip on the credit card. the chip a mini computer. it is expected to cut back on the fraughted purchases. you are starting to see the changes more in effect on thursday. there are two years for full compliance. this is so, you know, keeping us safe from thieves. greg: has anybody ever stolen your ie dentsty rosanna? i'm thinking about it. rosanna: no. greg: thank you, lauren. >> coming up, willmer. greg: remember the minority report with tom cruise. well, it is brought back to television and interesting new series on fox. we'll peek outside. it may rain mike woods told us. hong in there. we'll be right back. okay. so everyone is saying, "hey! you gotta get fios!" but why? why fios? well fios is a 100 percent fiber optic network, so you can get 100% out of all your devices. whatever speed you need, fios has it. so if you need more streaming for more devices, fios gives you options with the fastest internet and wi-fi available from 50 to 500 mpbs. and we're not just talking downloads. we're talking equal upload speeds, too. you can upload your favorite videos up to 5x faster than cable. plus with the fios mobile app, you can view your entertainment at home, or on the go. but the main reason to get fios? we're rated number 1 in customer satisfaction. why fios? ultimately, that's why. right now, get 50 meg fios internet, tv & phone starting at $79.99 a month, guaranteed for two years. plus get $350 back with a two year agreement. rosanna: it is a little cool out there this morning, but going to warm up. greg: that is september for you. rosanna: yes, it is. i am looking at the people with jackets and sweaters on. but it is getting warl mer there. i like to people watch, greg. greg: so glad you do. people don't people watch like they used. tell me what they watch? rosanna: their phones. there was a great article, i thought about you, it was in the times, young kids and their conversations, and how they are really messed up. this phone completely -- greg: rewiring our brains. it is not just the kids. rosanna: i know, you are right. greg: it is rosanna. rosanna: yes. greg: we pay so much money and so much trouble to live in new york and we are not observing new york. rosanna: thank you taking this on. it is a one man crew said, you can do it. you should have had robber talk to the holy father about it. greg: speaking of the pope, we are going to meet two people that prepared all of the dishes while in new york. that is neat. we'll see what the pope was eating. rosanna: we have lydia and anglo. greg: they have restaurants and they are awesome. rosanna: first, what do we need to wear today? mike: it is warm later on but it is still looking like the temperatures warmer than normal by ten degrees or so. we have a few shout outs, these are the nurses from engelwood hospital. york." thanks for helping out and doing a great job. hope you have a great day. this is what we have for the weather this morning, everyone, 67 in central park. 66 newark. 57 in monticello. are thickening up as time goes away. there is moisture over the southeast states and that is sliding up in this direction. this cold front is forecasted to come into the tristate region. so today mostly cloudy. turn to page morning a few sprinkles around town. but the bigger rain is holding off until tuesday afternoon and wednesday. wednesday will be the the wettest day and rain throughout the day. but today, it is dry for the most part and warm. high up to 79 degrees. 78 tomorrow. showers are likely in the afternoon and the evening. wednesday is the wet day and showers and storms in the area. clearing out for thursday. we have birthday shout outs. ava and veronica. all right, let's bring in ines rosales and what is happening with the roads. ines: street cleaning rules are suspended. parkway northbound, from 78 to exit 147, an accident there blocking a lane. things are slow passing the toll northbound. a crash on the southbound side. as far queens, okay. dor nal delays on the l.i.e. now to the cam radios -- cameras, now to the commute. 59th street, not too bad of a ride. northbound side, looking good. george washington bridge driving into the city, you have delays are back. gwb upper 40. lower 30. 495 backed up to the turnpike. 45 minutes. trains are doing fine. >> so is the pope so active. every day jam packed, one thing we didn't see him is eat. rosanna: he took it in the private residence. greg: hey, everybody has to eat, including the pope. a very special team put together his meals. the pope has particular tastes. we have world class chefs, lydia and anglo and you guys prepared all of the food and the table the picture of the table was looking fancy. rosanna: we are talking to lydia and angelo. nice to have you here. the most memorable moment? >> when he came into the kitchen. we didn't expect him. there are formalities when the pope greets you and meets. we were planning the dinner and we got a secret sfgsman running in, and saying that the pope wants to have coffee with you. >> yes, he wanted espresso. the next thing we know, he's standing next to us. rosanna: you were crying? >> we were chitchatting and he was casual. we talked about jesuit schools said to me, us, he said don't forget pray for me. >> did you talk in italian? >> oh, sure. >> he spoke in italian to us. so what'd he eat? >> lots of good things. lots of appetizers, we wanted to give local fare. tomatoes and vinaigrette. >> this is what the pope ate? this is beautiful. rosanna: the tomatoes from your garden? is>> yes, i got the herbs. my mother so thrilled her garden served him. greg: did the pope ask for seconds? >> no, he was sweet and gracious. i served him every dish and he smiled every time. >> were there dietary re restrictions restrictions? >> there were. very simple. just like him. no pasta. he stayed away from the starches. he loves rice. >> white rise? >> no. >> italian rice. for him, simple white. he ate it all. >> how about let's see, when all said and done deserts? >> yes, very, very light. angle food cake, of course. rosanna: how appropriate. what on top of it? >> seasonal sauce. greg: there is a report out there, forgive me, the celebrity press, but that he's trying to lose weight, are you seeing that? >> that is what we were told actually by his secret service. him were pretty much a security team and that is the way he had breakfast, lunch and dinner. rosanna: was there a taste tester, do you know what i mean. they want to make sure nobody is doing anything? >> no. we were surprised. we came in and brought the food. nobody examined the food. nobody came in the kitchen to monitor, except for what we are going to serve. greg: you are well known and established. how did they come to pick you, how did this come about? >> lydia and i had the great honor of serving pope benedict when he was in town. he was friendly with us. he asked us to do it and we have been a team and friends for over 30 years. thrilling of all, i have to say. rosanna: greg wants to eat what the pope ate. greg: make me a better person. rosanna: he blessed your grandchildren? >> yes. >> my grandchildren and my daughter. so i think the thrill was cooking add feeding him, but the whole family got to meet him. greg: what about aing hunk of bread. rosanna: whole wheat? >> no whole wheat. he had italian baggettes. >> if you are curious, go to lydia's and anglo's restaurant. lydia has a bunch of restaurants. >> two restaurants in the works here. >> this is a nice place. i have been there a couple of times. this is lexington and 74th street. i highly recommend it. rosanna: that is so nice. we are so proud of you two. the holy father left with lots of good feelings. >> i think so. >> thank you, rosanna. >> the matter of the bill? >> that's in the works. we have to tally it up. pay. >> the pope is eating on me. >> all right. >> rosanna: all right. congratulations. thank you very much. back. how is that? this is a story about doers, electric guitars and rockets to the moon. it's the story of america- land of the doers. doin' it. did it. done. doers built this country. john henry was a steel drivin' man hmm, catchy. they built the golden gates and the empire states. and all this doin' takes energy -no matter who's doin'. there's all kinds of doin' up in here. or what they're doin'. what the heck's he doin? energy got us here. and it's our job to make sure there's enough to keep doers doin' the stuff doers do... >> a critical omission, what'd he drink. no wine. the flat bottled water. rosanna: wow. after spending the day and night with him, i needed a drink. greg: i know what you mean. dr. raj, hello. >> good morning, we are talking about alzheimer's, that is a disease we are seeing more and more of. ing aation is a symptom. now a new drug combination may offer some help in treating the symptom. common medications, one is used to treat abnormal heart rhythms and the other is a cough su suppress suppress suppressant. they studied 150 patients and found those receiving the it is good news for the alzheimer's patients. rosanna: that is interesting, cough medicine. >> yes, and heart rhythm medicine. it has been used before to treat neurologic face ticks. >> greg: remember robitusin. remember that taste. >> yes, kids never like it. >> thank you so much, dr. raj. coming up, we have actress judith light. she was on who's the boss. greg: so much happened. the book people, she won a royal caribbean's wow sale is back. buy one get one half off. plus free upgrades and up to $200 onboard spending money. it all ends september 30th, so call 1-800-royal-caribbean or your travel agent today. how much protein does your dog food have? 18%? 20? nutrient-dense purina one true instinct with real salmon and tuna has 30% protein. support your active dog's whole with purina one. okay. so everyone is saying, "hey! you gotta get fios!" but why? why fios? well fios is a 100 percent fiber optic network, so you can get 100% out of all your devices. whatever speed you need, fios has it. so if you need more streaming for more devices, fios gives you options with the fastest internet and wi-fi available from 50 to 500 mpbs. and we're not just talking downloads. we're talking equal upload speeds, too. you can upload your favorite videos up to 5x faster than cable. plus with the fios mobile app, you can view your entertainment at home, or on the go. but the main reason to get fios? we're rated number 1 in customer satisfaction. why fios? ultimately, that's why. right now, get 50 meg fios internet, tv & phone starting at $79.99 a month, guaranteed for two years. plus get $350 back with a two year agreement. get out of the past. get fios. it's the final countdown! the final countdown! if you're the band europe, you love a final countdown. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. rosanna: oh, look at this. this is going to be bike. a hundred bikes out there right now. it is called cycle for survival. >> in the middle of times square. yep. and -- rosanna: there is ben on the left. greg grg hi, ben. ben: it is tough the hear. there is a lot of enthusiasm. a hundred bikes are out here along 7th between 43rd and 44th. i want to bring in dave, the founder of cycle for survival. what is it like to see this? >> it is amazing. it is becoming a national movement. a hundred percent of the into research. ben: this is your third year doing the takeover and kick off to the campaign, so you want to folks to online, registration is open for the big rides in february and march? >> yes, go to cycle for survival and sign up now and we have events inside on february and march. there is an incredible feeling of excitement. ben: luke is 11 years old and cancer survivor and what is it like when you see the support here? >> it is amazing. it is a magical feeling. raise i love raising money for this. so no one has to go through what i went through. ben: luke, thank you so much. congratulations and great to see you. greg, rosanna, the thing that is important, we hear about the four big cancers, that is about 50% of the cancer cases, the rare cancers are the other 50%, all the money raised going to the sloane and keterring. >> thank you, ben. greg: i don't cheer at a spin class like that. rosanna: it is a great way to take care of yourself and raising awareness. >> yes a lot of instructors there. what else? rosanna: if you can't get enough november rock out to the holiness, he's releasing a new cd, wake up. it is segments of the moving speeches set to upliting music. so there are 11 tracks on the album. greg: now is this legitimate? rosanna: it is legitimate. the vatican is doing this. the money is supporting a fund for refugees. it is sanctioned by the vatican. pope francis giving unusual confession. greg: he apologized for the movie ted. >> today i feel i can do anything, and attribute my success to my catholic faith. rosanna: well, that wasn't the part. it is nice to know he believes that his faith is the foundation for who he is. a young boy who sang at this mass for the holy father after wards he whispered to mark wahlberg that ted was his favorite movie and the kid was young and apologized and confessed maybe it wasn't a movie for a young boy. greg: 14 you are learning the ways of the movie. rosanna: it is an r rated movie. greg: what else are you doing to do. rosanna: the pontiff said that the good lord has a sense of humor. super novi. this is natalea. one of the leading super models. >> gregging coming up. we are the largest and most diverse school district in america! yet we are one! one point one million students! one thousand eight hundred schools! sharing one common goal. help all kids succeed. we're new york city public school teachers. taking learning to the next level. and parents and the community are on board! all coming together... one. to celebrate the passion and promise of our public schools. i'm michael mulgrew, president of the united federation of rosanna: you are the man. thank you for saying nice things to us. we have a busy 9:00 hour. judith light is here. you know her from transparent and natalia and willmer. can i get a medium coffee, cream, two sugars? medium hot coffee, cream, two sugars -- see you at the window. at dunkin', we make your coffee just the way you like it. if not, we'll make it again on the spot. that's the dd commitment. okay. so everyone is saying, "hey! you gotta get fios!" well fios is a 100 percent fiber optic network, so you can get 100% out whatever speed you need, so if you need more streaming for more devices, fastest internet and wi-fi available from 50 to 500 mpbs. downloads. we're talking equal you can upload your favorite videos up to plus with the fios mobile app, you can view your entertainment at home, or on the go. but the main reason to get fios? we're rated number 1 in customer satisfaction. why fios? ultimately, that's why. right now, get 50 meg fios internet, tv & phone starting at $79.99 a month, guaranteed for two years. plus get $350 back with a two year agreement. get out of the past. get fios. it' s a taste so bold, yet so smooth, black silk, from folgers. a taste you could enjoy, fresh brewed, or one cup at a time.

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Transcripts For WNYW Good Day New York 20150928 :

Transcripts For WNYW Good Day New York 20150928

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he's got so much energy, how does he do it, you know? i mean, he's shaking hands, taking selfies, saying mass, different languages -- >> no, he really was -- >> he inspired so many people while he was here. >> he's home now. all right, so the presidential campaign, carly fiorina, look at what happened to her. >> just missed her, by the way. >> curtain came down crashing on her. >> it just missed her. >> seemed like it fell all around her. >> right. >> she's okay. anyway, a snafu from the campaign be trail. by the way, anybody see the, what do you call it, the eclipse last night? >> a little bit of it. >> was it decent? >> i just saw before it eclipsed. >> in other words, you missed it. [laughter] >> hey, i'm not going to miss the powerball jackpot. it's at $300 million right now. that's tomorrow -- no, wednesday >> i realize one statistics that said something like 52% of people think they're going to win the lottery someday. >> somebody has to win it, greg. >> i understand, but it ain't gonna be us. the odds are really against you in a huge way. >> oh, you party pooper. >> i feel bad sometimes. you put that money into an interest-accruing account, they say, you might become a millionaire someday. in 3,000 years. [laughter] let's go to the pope. let's recap his trip. he had a fantastic time, and we enjoyed seeing him here. what were some of the highlights? >> well, for me, the mass on friday. that was a beautiful, beautiful mass. >> here he is at the u.n. that was impressive, that he spoke there. and the mass on friday, you're right. 22,000 people -- oh, here he is at world trade center, ground zero. >> a lot of people liked this in particular because it was interfaith. so many different religions came together, prayed together. there were so many different highlights. i also love the fact that this city stopped for a second. people, you know, new yorkers are always in a hurry, we've always got somewhere to go. people actually stopped and enjoyed the moment as, you know, the popemobile went by. >> it was nice. and there was also an opportunity to hobnob with celebs. backstage at the mass there was pretty much everybody because there was a concert before the mass at madison square garden on friday night. rosanna, who are these people? >> perhaps you recognize them, gloria and emilio estefan. >> i saw gloria sing. >> wasn't she beautiful? >> behind the scenes, martin sheen. oh, there's us, hello. there we are. >> it felt weird, you could buy hot dogs and soda before the mass. you see i got a diet coke. >> things go better with coke, right? >> just so you know, when the pope came out, i put my refreshments aside. >> that was good. also behind the scenes, hangs out with -- that's communion. there was something strange about receiving communion by the froze been yogurt. [laughter] >> it was -- priests were hearing con he'ses before the mass -- coon -- confessions before the mass, and they were doing it by the ticket booth. madison square garden is not configured for church services, so they had to be a little bit creative. >> yeah. and they were. do you have that video behind the scenes with martin sheen? maybe not. >> the actor. >> yeah. >> and kelly o'hara and norm lewis and d train kind of warming up before, and i got a little bit of that. okay, we'll show it later. how do you feel? >> i feel fantastic. mike woods, do you feel rejuvenated? >> actually, i think i've got a hitting bit of a cold. >> he too. i don't know if it's a cold or allergies. >> yeah, overnight last night i'm like, hmm, i don't like this. anyhow, nice and warm outside. cloudy skies back in the area again, and it looks like some rain is on the way and some pretty big stuff. this is another thing that's popped up in the last hour or two, some fog being reported here and there. visibility is down to three-quarters of a mile in belmar. quarter of a mile in monticello. jfk reporting visibility down to one-eighth of a mile, so just be aware there is some patchy, isolating to that hay slow you down on the roadways -- that may slow you down on the roadways. we do have a partly cloudy sky at this point, the sun is up, and you'll get a little bit of that for the early part of the day. there's a lot of moisture over the southern states -- south even tates. high pressure is going to head up to the northeast. there's also that cold front that's going to swing into the tristate region. the combination will make for a messy scenario in about two days. right now we've got mostly cloudy sky through the majority it doesn't look like rain's going to be an issue today, but tomorrow you're going to have a chance of showers which actually kicks in in the morning. chances on the minimal side in the morning, but it does increase later in the day, and as that cold front be drags into the tristate region, wednesday looks like a washout which we haven't had in quite a while. be rared for that, again, in two days. today it looks pretty dry and warm, high temp up to 79 with more clouds heading into the afternoon especially. 78's your high tomorrow and shower chances pick up a bit tomorrow afternoon and basically with us throughout the day on wednesday, and it wraps early on wednesday. let's get you over to ines ines row sal who has travel issues. >> it's a bit of a busy monday. street cleaning rules are suspended today and tomorrow for religious observance, meters remain in effect. the belts parkway jammed this brooklyn, there's an accident out there, tractor-trailer struck the overpass, spilled some pipes, so they shut down everything eastbound between coney island avenue andman street. heads up on that. here's a new one, new jersey, route 46 westbound by valley road, you have an accident there blocking a lane. a couple of problems on the long island expressway. that's some of the fog, that's in nassau county. westbound willis avenue, a little delay there. traffic slow, an accident in the area. then in suffolk county, the lie by terry road, that's moving slow eastbound, there's an accident by vets highway blocking two lanes. let's go to the tappan zee bridge, westchester-bound traffic, what happened was earlier this morning around 6:00 here by the super structure there was a metal debris spill from a truck, it caused a lot of flat tires. that's where they pushed off all have a fuel spill, so that's why there's traffic slow there. trains are doing fine this morning, greg and rosanna. >> the president is in town, waking up in new york city. so far not a big deal. oh, i'm sorry, he actually spoke yesterday before a smaller session of the united nations. >> right. today's going to be a little bit bigger. he's going address the 70th sex of the u.n. general -- session of the u.n. general assembly. >> you know, for all the hype about the pope and the traffic, i didn't find it that bad. >> it wasn't terrible. in this morning, you never know. with the u.n., sometimes they close more streets for that. the president's going to speak about 10:00 this morning at the u.n., and later in the day he'll be be meeting with the russian president, vladimir putin. >> oh, boy. teresa priolo has more. >> good morning, everyone. this area is on lockdown here, so avoid it at all costs the you can. president obama will be speaking at 10:30 this morning, vladimir putin speaking around 12:15. see what these two men say is, but the main event is really that meeting between the two of them behind closed doors later today. >> the general assembly is called to order to. >> today all eyes will be on the united nations, watching to see what comes of the lick addresses and the high -- public addresses and the high profile private meetings. today president obama will give his annual address to the general assembly. his speech expected to be a broader examination of world issues like poverty, famine and long-term effects of war. >> here, today we out those myths to rest. >> sunday the president addressed a smaller contingent, calling on global leaders to commit to a 15-year development plan that will require trillions of dollars from nations and companies around the world. the plan calls for action so that that terrible depths during childbirth decrease, also an emphasis on women's education worldwide and prevent are bl diseases like ebola and aids to be greatly reduced. >> many children are just one mosquito bite away from death, and that is a moral outrage. it is a profound injustice. it is literally a heart of life and death -- a matter of life and death, and now the world must act. >> also on the president's to to do list today, a meeting with russia's president, vladimir piewt opinion, the host anticipated sit-down obama will have this week. the meeting, requested by putin, will be the pair's first face to face in nearly a year. it comes as recommendations between the two countries -- relations between the two countries have deteriorated. a way -- with all the high profile leaders in town, the area surrounding the u.n. will continue to be a frozen zone and traffic nightmare. street closures surrounding the east side complex will remain in >> oh. >> okay. >> teresa, dropped her out. >> we'll take it from here. >> there's some technical problems. we'll work it out. in the meantime, lots of people, dignitaries, in town. >> meanwhile, do you remember a couple of months ago the prison be escape upstate? this woman helped them, joyce mitch snell she's 51 years old, she'll get seven years behind bars. she's reached a predeal. i think she'll be back in court today and they'll actually formally sentence her. >> yeah. she is expected to get a few years. she gave hacksaws and other tools to richard math at and david sweat. she enjoyed the attention the two prisoners gave her. they broke out of the clinton correctional anytime june, they were on the run for three weekings. matt was killed, sweat was wounded and recaptured. and we'll hear about her sentencing later. apparently, she's going to get maybe two-three years and maybe a $5,000 fine. >> that was a wild story while it lasted, remember? i can't believe they reached a plea deal so quickly. usually it takes quite some time. >> oh, yeah? meantime, the pope is in rome, italy, this morning. six days in the united states. rosanna, we had been anticipating this for months, and i don't think we were disappointed. >> no. and i bet our blessed robert moses was not disappointed. tell us about your experience. >> well, greg and rosanne a -- rosanna, i'll show you some pics in short order. the pope is back safely in rome, he tweeted his thanks to the american people. by the way, st. patrick's cathedral and the rest of the city is still glowing after his visit. et really was a love affair here for the pope. we always grumble about street closures and traffic tie-ups, but this time new yorkers seemed to take it all in stride. through the window of his plane, pope francis waved good pi to the united states one -- good-bye to the united states vice president joe biden and his wife jill saw him off. the american people fell in love with the holy father during his visit, and from the sounds of it, he tell this love with them. >> dear friends, i embrace all of you in the lord. >> the pope spent his final day in the u.s. celebrating mass along the ben franklin parkway in philadelphia before nearly a million people. >> this has got to be a once in a lifetime opportunity, to be this close to the pope. >> god bless you, you all. >> earlier he met with prisoners, family members and facility. he also tackled the painful sex abuse scandal that scarred the church. some have criticized the holy father for saying bishops handled it well. the pope held a closed door meeting with victims and exrested his pain for what -- exed his pain for what they endured. here in new york the pope's visit reinvigorated the faithful. crowd than usual at st. pat patrick's on the first sunday after his visit. >> he inspired us cotom to st -- us to come to st. patrick's. >> just feel feel really good and revitalized for him. >> i will pray for you and your families, and i ask you, please, to pray for me. may god bless you all. god mess -- god bless america. [cheers and applause] >> and i was lucky enough to be invited to the mass at madison square garden on friday by the silversmith and longtime friend of the pope. he made the chalice that the pope used. following the mass, i was lucky enough to meet the holy father. these are some photos taken by his official photographer are. i greeted him, i asked him for prayers, and i promised to pray for him as well. it was a truly unforgettable night, and i'll have more on my meeting coming up in our next hour. for now that is the latest live from st. patrick's ca cathedral this miles an houring. >> wow, bobby. >> a bit of a conundrum for me because as i see these photos of a holy man, i am filled with feelings of jealousy and rage. [laughter] robert moses, well done. we'll see you later. >> he's not going to -- you're not going to rattle him today. his halo's on perfectly straight. [laughter] unlike ours. anyway, got a little scary at the campaign for republican presidential candidate carly fiorina. the curtain being used as a backdrop came crashing down. >> wow. she's okay. it seemed to fall all around her but not on her. carly fiorina, she is currently one, in the top tier, i think she's in second or third place for the republican nomination. >> yeah, i think so. >> she did well in the republican debate a couple weeks ago. she's okay, and she finished her remarks. >> did you watch "60 minutes" by the way? >> i saw the donald trump interview. >> he was huge. >> he was huge. i think if you like donald trump, you were 'em pressed by it -- impressed by it. if you are not a fan -- who knows? he's a clip. he -- here's a clip. he talked about not taxing the poor. zero taxation. listen to this. >> there will be a large segment of our country that will have a zero rate, a zero rate. and that's something i haven't told anybody. >> you're talking about -- >> we're talking about people in the low income brackets that are supposed to be paying taxes, many of them don't anyway. >> you're talking about making part of the pop belation exempt from income tax. >> that is correct. >> the interview was shot in his trump tower. what else? >> there's a new poll out, by the way. he and ben carson are this a virtual tie. mr. carson has 20% among republican primary voters nationwide, and i think donald trump has 21%. carly fiorina in third. >> donald trump has been giving marco rubio a hard time, and i will say this, he does look boyish. >> he's in his 40s, right? >> i understand, but there is a boyishness to him. hey, that won't keep him out of the white house -- >> how old was john f. kennedy? >> 43, i believe. teddy roosevelt was 42. again, they looked older than they were, right? mike woods, i'm not going to ask you your age. >> we'll keep the age a secret. anyhow, let's get you going out the door. a decent weekend, saturday was better than sunday but, yeah, we had a little of this, little of that. no rain. we need the rain, but it's still not happening, but it's coming in a couple of days, thank goodness. 57's the average low, we are above normal. 66 right now out at central park with winds coming in from the northeast at 10 milesser hour. other temps in the region, 56 in newark, montauk you've got can 67 and let's call it artily cloudy for the time being but more clouds will be building in as time dose on. winds from the east/northeast at around 3 milesser hour. sky nice and dry even though we have a mix of clouds and sun out there. see all this moisture over the south ian states and that -- southeastern tates and that cold front the midwest? today into be tomorrow artily to mostly cloudy skies. then showers start popping up tomorrow. it looks like only a little bit for you in the morning at 8:00, a few spots of rain, but it does pick up as time goes on and the cold front goes by. be prepared for wet weather later in the day tuesday into wednesday. going on with the rain, but it will be warm. high temp up to 79 today, showers late tomorrow. biggest rain day is on wednesday, and then it wraps up early on thursday. all right, now let's bring in ines rosales, the other thing we'll talk about, fog be, at least in some part obviously the tristate. >> you know how thursday and friday traffic in the morning was okay? >> today? >> no. catching up to us. traffic slow here on route 3 westbound as you head towards 46 right by valley road after you pass that ford dealership. you have a lane blocked so traffic jammed on route 3. the lie slow as you approach queens boulevard, grand central parkway, there was an earlier accident by 94th street, cleared away. so a little extra slow this front of laguardia. take a look at your commute on the bronx parkway, a slow ride. northbound side, you're find. tappan zee bridge, speed restrictions are in lace and terrytown toll plaza. earlier debris spill caused a lot of flat tires, so that's jamming things up on the tappan zee bridge. and you have the u.n. general assembly going on, so you want to avoid, basically, the perimeter between 34th and 609 street between the, the dr drive and seventh avenue. that's what will be closed throughout the week, so heads up on that. trains are doing fine, and there's the van wick. very foggy. of course, if you're flying out today, call ahead. >> where is it? >> you see the cars? it's right there. >> no. >> okay. >> all right. thank you very much. quick look outside. man, it's foggy out there. >> i know. >> rosanna, today is d-day by the way. i've got to go out to court in suffolk county and see the judge. all of our legendary racing heritage. all of our pioneering four wheel drive experience. come together in one amazing new vehicle. this is the all-new gle coupe. a mercedes-benz suv with the heart and soul of a race car. >> what kind of truck is that? >> oh, they're driving a -- >> i wonder, everything you walk into a store, it all came from somewhere, you know? you buy a snickers bar, it came from somewhere. and they had to put it on a truck. >> i have to tell you, the last few days there were very few deliveries in the city. people were afraid to come in, and if you were waiting for a you it's going to be a few days, you know, with the open in town? rightly so. >> sure. that looks like northbound -- southbound traffic on -- oh, that was bernie madoff's old apartment building on the northwest corner. >> yeah. >> that's where he used to live. >> you're right. >> he now lives in jail. >> all right, let's talk about other news. oh, my goodness, it was so emotional. warren hills regional high school, new jersey. first time students returned to classes since evan murray died. >> so he was 17 years old to, the quarterback. he collapsed after being hit during a game on friday. he actually walked off the field but died later at the hospital. grief counselors will be there, i heard over the weekend, friends and fact be allty -- and they don't know what happened. field. he gave them the thumbs up. they put him on a stretcher, took him to the hospital. >> so very sad story and, again, over the weekend i heard faculty and friends saying really great things about young man, how talented he was. the funeral will be on thursday. >> all right, meanwhile rising hip-hop star fetty wap is out of the high school. he crashed his motorcycle in patterson, new jersey, over the weekend. >> check this out. looks rate serious. >> yeah. the crash ininjured the rap star and the driver of the car he ran into head on. he was issued three traffic summons for driving without a license, no rebelling dispraition no insurance. the crash happened on saturday. he's got some pretty popular music going on right now. >> he's got to get the paperwork squared away there, huh? >> uh-huh. >> all right, so mars, the closest planet to the earth, i believe. it's right next door. anyway, nasa -- have you heard about this? they've got some wig information they're about to release about mars, but they're not telling anybody. >> they're going to tell us later. little green men or about the water, not the frozen water they sound at the poles, but about images from the mars or bitter that shows -- orbiter that shows floating water on the surface. >> oh, big deal. >> that could be good. >> remember 2001: a space odyssey? that was cool. >> but this flowing water, their saying at nasa it could be a game changer because researchers might be one step closer to finding life. >> well, it'll with be announced at 11:0 this morning and, rosanna, something tells me you with will not be sitting by your computer. >> i'll be looking for the information on twitter, and i'll retweet it. >> there was an eclipse last night. it was different because it was during a super moon. >> super blood moon. >> that's when the orbit brings us closer to the earth. here's the imagings. so this lieu or far e -- lunar eclipse when the earth's shadow covers the moon, and if you were out there trying to figure it out this our area, some people saw a little bit. the last time both happened at once was in 1982. 2033. good day's coming right back. royal caribbean's wow sale is back. buy one get one half off. plus free upgrades and up to $200 onboard spending money. it all ends september 30th, so call 1-800-royal-caribbean >> all right, welcome back, everybody. let's see, rockefeller center vicinity. the pope was there, when did he arrive, was that thursday? thursday. >> thursday. thursday night he did that beautiful vespers service there. yeah. you know what was really, really nice about this visit is that i heard from so many different people of different faiths who said that they thought it was such an inclusive time. everybody kind of -- even if you were not catholic, that you got something out of the pope's visit here. >> i liked it. yeah, everybody was kind of talking about it. it was in the air. and for all the grumbling about the traffic situation, i think people really took it this stride in the end. >> it wasn't too bad. wasn't too bad. >> by the way, cardinal dolan says if you go through those front doors of st. patrick's cathedral, that makes you an official new yorker. >> oh, it does? >> he said that publicly. he said now, your holiness, >> i love it. >> yeah. you don't get paperwork, but, you know, it's a spirit type thing. >> heene while, busy weekend on saturday. big walk for st. jude's hospital. elvis duran, eric trump and his wife laura and thousands of other people walked the raise money for st. jude's hospital -- >> where are you? >> i'm there with steven levine. it was a gorgeous day on saturday. we walked over the brooklyn bridge. by the way, they raised, i think, half a million dollars. >> i feel terrible about this. i did it last year and the year before but this year i just wrote a check. >> i know. that was very nice of you. you know what? we were all a little exhausted from, you know -- >> the pope mania. >> the pope petered us out, you know? [laughter] i don't know how he did it. but the rest of us were a little tired. but anyway, it was great, we were there. you were missed. >> eric trump, be by the way, son of donald trump and very imrestive guy. >> very involved with st. jude's hospital. >> well done, rosanna. >> thanks, everybody, for coming out there and supporting. mike, you were messed as well. >> but you wrote a check though, greg, i'm proud of you for that. yeah, you know what? i'll have to join you guys one of these days. my buddy, timmy bailey, was there -- >> i don't knowny was there -- johnny was there, everybody was there. >> had some cooperative weather at least on saturday. sunday things got gray and cool. you know what? we need rain. we are well behind where we should be this time of the year. it's coming at us, but you're going have to hang this there a couple more days. temp wise we're still looking at above normal temperatures out there with partly cloudy sky. thing this central park, 58 in bridgeport and clouds will start to build in her so over the next couple of days. 57 in monticello, more cloud cover out there. winds not that big of a deal coming this from the east/northeast at around 3-9 miles an hour. partly cloudy sky right now, there's some showers over the western sections of pennsylvania and western new york, but it looks like the cold front that's going to come in here and help to squeeze out all this moisture feeding up from the southeastern states, that won't be here until later tomorrow into wednesday but, yeah, leading up to it, it's on the mild side. high temp today goes up to 79 degrees, so it's pretty warm later this afternoon. 78's your forecast high for tomorrow. showers late tomorrow and wednesday looks sloppy with showers and storms pretty much throughout the day. that's a washout right in the middle of the week, and and it's going to be fairly wet thursday let's get over to ines rosales who's got fog out there amongst all sorts of other issues. >> yeah, traffic issues too. street cleaning rules today, actually, they're suspended today and tomorrow because of religious observances, meters are in effect. route 3, expect delays if you're heading toward 46 westbound, there's an accident blocking a lane. and on the belts parkway, there was an earlier accident by coney island avenue. that's been cleared away, you still have traffic jammed back to ocean arkway. staten island expressway slow towards the verrazano. take a look at the long island expressway by terry road, there's an accident by vets highway blocking at least the right lane there. the hov lanes not affected by that. tappan zee, that's been slow this morning, earlier problems involving flat tires and fuel spills because of some debris on the road. everything was pushed off by have some lane closures. delays go back to the garden state parkway on the thruway rockland side. as far as lincoln tunnel, 30-40 inwound. the holland tunnel, also 30 minute delay. george washington bridge, 30 on the upper and lower level. traffic moving okay crossing the bridge. greg and rosanna, back to you. >> fordham university in the bronx, a sexual assault there over the weekend a student claims, and she was walking down an alley actually near the rose hill campus when she was attacked by two men. >> she says they ran off when a group of people ran toward them. the alley is in the belmont section and is a popular shortcut with students. greg, are you familiar with that shortcut? >> i mean, it's a long time ago so, no, i don't recall -- i don't think they had the dunkin' donuts there. >> police are looking through security footage hoping to track down those attackers. two little girls are missing >> 3-year-old destiny mccoy and her 2-year-old sister vanished after a visit by their biological father. cute girls. if you know anything, please, call crimestoppers at 800-577-tips. it's believed they're with their mother, but the mother should have returned these children. >> well, the powerball jackpot is now worth, i think, 300 million ask $1. >> we haven't had one of these leg -- mega jackpots in a while. 300 million, when's the drawing? >> wednesday night, i believe, but carrie drew is on the upper east side. you have all the info, right? >> yeah, exactly. good morning to you, greg and rosanna. the powerball drawing, $301 million, beginning today you can download this app ask play right here it is, the app is called jack pocket, and you can play wednesday night's powerball draw canning, $301 million right here on this ipad. you cantic your own numbers, $2 quick pick, $10 quick pick, lay the new york lotto, the megamillions and several other games. the company that founded this app is based in soho, and the founder thinks this will make the lottery appeal to a whole new generation. he's targeting to people in their 20s and 30s, and we talked to a couple people this convenient. >> you know, a lot of people are not going out a lot of places, and it's more convenient for a lot of us. the you work late or really early and you don't have time, why not? >> it's just easier, i guess, yeah, i'd try it. the store? >> yeah, absolutely. >> a couple things to note about this app, it is free to download, and it's only available right now in new york state, but the founder hopes to expand to other states. usest get their first ticket for free and you can add and buy more with your credit card. this is basically a courier service, so you order the lottery ticket and this app basically buys it for you on your behalf. if you do win and the amount is less than $600, they will transfer that money into your account. if you win more than $600, they transfer the ticket to you. i haven't tried it yet, looking forward to maybe doing it for wednesday night's drawing, you can see here right in the window, $301 million. greg and rosanna, i'll -- lottery? >> no, it's a courier service, and it's legal in new york city. they buy the tickets for you. stay on the lottery. rosanna, i am done playing the lottery. except when ines does the group thing. first of all, you're not going to win, i'm sorry. and if you take that mentioner i've heard in the story -- that money, $5 a day that you spend on something dopey and put it into an account, you can really headache real hundred over a -- make real money over the long term. i think about some of those guys whose lives were ruined after they won the lottery. it happens. >> you are such a debbie downer on the lottery. >> just think about something just keep it this mmm... nothing like johnsonville breakfast sausage. delicious and packaged with nothing to hide. no secrets. just like our family. well there is one. folks, i'm not your grandma. just a handsome kind hearted drifter who wandrered in years ago and stayed for all the yummy sausage. feel bad about lying. nap time. i got her. seriously? i feel like i just woke up. ha ha ha! fully cooked johnsonville breakfast sausage. we don't make sausage. good morning. what can i get for you? a medium hot coffee, cream and two sugars, please? medium hot coffee, cream, two sugars -- sounds good. at dunkin', we make your coffee just the way you like it. if not, we'll make it again on the spot. see you tomorrow. that's the dd commitment. america runs on dunkin'. >> it's great. all right. so that's where the pope was. >> okay. but thousand be look at the traffic, this looks like fifth avenue. you know, the president of the united states is in town, and he's not staying at the usual haunt which is the waldorf-astoria. he's staying on madison avenue -- >>, at the palace? >> at the palace. >> good for him. shop around. >> shop around, yeah. but i think that might be the reason for all this traffic this morning. >> did you see when the pope was coming down on fifth avenue i was it was thursday -- friday night? thursday night, that whole mess of ambulances behind him. every vehicle you could think of to, they added in that caravan. >> there was. anyway, we met some nice people, fire fight beers who were volunteering at madison square garden on friday night at the mass. nice to see you all. it was great. what a great night. >> yeah, it felt -- >> so good and special, right? >> thank you for arranging everything. great tickets. all right, mike, what's up? >> all right. well, we have a decent weekend. saturday was a little better than sunday, but now we've got to get back to work, and skies are getting a little gray on us again. temps are not so bad, 66, central park be, 58 in bridgeport and kind of a mixed sky throughout the tristate. the other thing we're keeping an eye on, the fog. look at some of these visibility numbers, there has been some reports of patchy fog in long island, kennedy at the airport down to one-eighth of a mile, height want to check ahead on your flights if your flying into or expecting somebody to arrive out at the airports because there is some fog. anyhow, winds are coming in at around 3-9 milesser hour. the clouds will send to thicken up, and we've dot a lot of moisture that's going to feed up from the southeastern states and really squeeze out a good amount of moisture. not today. tomorrow more or less the same thing until later in the day tomorrow as that front gets a little bit closer, then an area of low pressure is going to enhance that shower action, a pretty wet day coming up on wednesday, but today not really. on the cloudy and warm side, high of 79 today, 78 tomorrow, then the showers come through especially wednesday, that's the big wet one. the fox 5ny weather app at the apple itunes store and google play store has live, interactive radar. it's all set to go free. let's bring this ines and see what's going on with our commute. lots of challenges. >> it's a rough one this morning. let's start off with new jersey, route 3 heading towards 46 westbound, accident there. a lot of delays on route 3. traffic you can see backed up beyond the parkway. as far as your commute on staten island expressway, delays approaching the verrazano bridge as usual. if you're traveling on the belts parkway, residual delay ares between an earlier accident. bqe eastbound by the williamsburg bridge, watch out for an accident there. lie, not a bad ride eastbound and westbound and as greg and rosanna mentioned, the u.n. general assembly's going on, and president obama's this town. avoid 60th street down to 34th treat between the fdr drive and seventh avenue. that's the remmer the you want to avoid. >> that's a wig perimeter, ines. >> you remind me, i've got to put money in the meter. i parked on the street. there was no room in the garage. >> so you going to go do this? i'll take care -- >> you've got the con. >> i've got sports. >> we'll begin with the jets. all three facets of the game, they still had a chance in the fourth quarter. jets down 17-0 when ryan fitzpatrick, who did not play well, here's iran done hard shall, looked to be a first down. tries to last early -- lateral, and that was recovered by the eagles. 24-0. the jets did headache a second half -- did make a second half comeback. cut the lead to 24-14 in the fourth. jets had another great chance after an eagles' turnover. fitzpatrick gave it right back. there's a reason he's been with so many teams. picked off by jordan hibbs. the eagles beat the jets 24-17. jets thousand 2-1 on the -- now 2-1 on the green. like i said, as poorly as the jets played though and as much as they miss those guys, they still had a chance. jets do play next sunday in london against the miami struggling. victor cruz looks like he's going to make his 2015 debut when big blue travels to buffalo on sunday. baseball now, the yankees still trying to clinch a playoff berth. joe girardi has to like this. another great outing by louie severino. you know, i would start him that wildcard game if that that can ca can't go because of that hamstring. gave up just one run after the sixth. dustin actually continues to make a push for the second base job. new york wins 6-1. magic number down to 3. mets back in cincinnati. after getting skipped to rest him up, giving up just one run in six innings s ask he struck out nine. the mets played the backups, no problems yesterday scoring runnings. herrera, two-run homer in the second for the 3-0 lead and the mets win it, 8-1, final score. mets fans, this is like icing on the cake. how disfunctional are the washington nationals? bryce harper, they exchange words ask to quote on burgundy -- ron burgundy, apparently, harper did not run out a fly ball, and i guess there's a little history there, ask matt williams, the manager, actually kept helping balm in the game. chokes the pest player on the team. >> are i can't believe that. >> the phillies go on to win. big news in nascar, tony stewart will reportedly retire after the 2016 season. he's expected to make the official announcement wednesday. he won the sprint cup in 2002, 2005 and 2011. he missed out on the chase for the sprint cup this year after posting zero wins and two top ten finishes. clint boyar will reportedly replace stewart in 2017 at stewart-haas racing. finally, the mets' rookies have had a phenomenal season ask just because they made it to the playoffs means they go without wearing underradios -- >> what is this? >> you know, it's a tradition. >> wattman? >> yeah, dress-up. i had no idea that they maid underoos f for adults. i remember having them, hi grandma sending me aqua man and batman at age 7. they had to wear these out of the cincinnati ballpark yesterday back to the motel. they at least got to wear superheroes, flash gordon and batman. >> so exciting, yeah. >> and, you know, i just remember getting those. it came in, like, a manila it was, like, a flat envelope, and i remember being so excited. but i didn't know they made them for adults. >> do you still have them? >> tail, i'm going -- actually, i'm going to go out and buy a pair. >> maybe that's where greg is right and better color, but you want more... me too! new garnier nutrisse. now with 2x the nourishing power. plus avocado, olive and shea. for rich, radiant color. new garnier nutrisse. there's no place like it in the world. come fall, i like to get a taste of everything the state like this famous winery nestled in the hudson valley. or the award-winning vineyards of long island. this cooperstown brewery belongs in every beer lover's hall of fame. you can even try new york's exceptional cider and spirits. this fall, drink in the beauty of new york state. plan your trip at >> all right. let's talk health watch. there is a new gene test that can tell whether women with breast cancer, whether they should have chemo or not. that's huge, dr. raj. >> it's really big news, and this is coming right out of our back yard, and this study looked at women who had early stage breast cancer who were hormone positive, tumors were responsible to hormone therapy, whether or not they needed additional chemotherapy. they found these women did not benefit from additional chemotherapy. in fact, the if they went without it, they had only a 1% chance of having different me tsa tease after -- me tsa seize after five years. this is great news because, as you know, chemotherapy can have many very dewill tating side effects and if women don't actually need it and have good survival, that's great. there's a special kind of gene test which has for several breast cancer genes and really can determine which women can skip chemotherapy, which women actually need it. covered by insurance? >> yeah, it's very expensive and, actually, it is covered by most insurance plans, which is great. >> what about for men? men -- >> breast cancer in general, the attention on the hormone therapy versus the chemotherapy. hopefully there might be broader applications? >> absolutely. it's not one treatment for everyone, figure out what your genes say, what you're going to respond to ask really tailor it to you. >> my uncle actually died of breast cancer. >> you told me that. i know, i remember. >> it was undiagnosed for quite some time. it's unusual, i guess, for men. >> a lot of marines i know actually came down with breast cancer. >> really? >> environmental kind of -- >> that was the concern, but it wasn't firmly established. it. >> let's talk entertainment. anna has the day off. we've got can all the day off. >> i think it's a day of wedding planning, but, okay. >> maybe a mental health day. let's talk about weddings, there is wig news for the only daughter -- big news for the only daughter of the late kurt cobane. francis bean cobain she reportedly secretly wed isaiah silva. they tied the knot in a small seven mother think in front of -- ceremony in front of about 20 guests. somebody who was not on the invite list, her mother. >> what happened? >> i know they've had a rocky relationship in the past, but they did exchange kind words on social media recently -- >> i hate it when relationships like that are reduced to a couple of tweets. >> i know, mother and daughter. >> all right, let's go to central park, the global citizen festival. take a look. >> wow. the fourth annual festival featured performances by beyonce, parallel -- pearl jamb, coldplay -- >> that's kind of cool. it works. >> 60,000 people packed the great lawn for the show, and it was all for a good cause. >> that didn't even look outdoors. >> i love the way you were able to get a ticket for this. you have to pledge to take part in the global poverty project which aims to eradicate extreme ity by 2030. >> how do you do that? >> figure out ways on how to give back, which was really nice. anyway, they gave awareness ideas about climate change ask everything else -- >> all right, times square today they're having a big kind of mass spin be class. >> a cycle for survival, it's called. it's taking over times square later today. >> i heard about this at hi equinox -- my equinox gym. >> good for you. >> i'm so into this now. >> by the way, more than a hundred stationary bikes will be in the heart of the city. 100% of the money supports rare cancer research. >> this is a live look. if you want to get involved, i think you can. you may want to go to our web site. ben simmoneau, he'll be cycling away. >> fantastic. in the meantime, it's cecilia, you're breaking our heart. you are our facebook fan -- >> was that phil collins? >> no, it was paul simon. >> ah, that's right. hand-crafted...layer by layer. the new macchiato from dunkin' donuts. experience the flavor of fall we are the largest and most diverse school district in america! yet we are one! one point one million students! one thousand eight hundred schools! sharing one common goal. we're new york city public taking learning to the next level. and parents and the community are on board! all coming together... one. to celebrate the passion and promise of our public schools. i'm michael mulgrew, president of the united federation of people of the coffee drinking world, dunkin' has a dark roast coffee that's deliciously roasted just right for a bold start and smooth finish that's never bitter. put down the dark roast you've been putting up with and reach for first time in other a year. greg: the pope is back in rome. he thought new york was cooler. rosanna: he didn't say that. greg: he thought philadelphia was mean. just kidding. they had a huge mass. rosanna: while in new york city, everybody wanted to cook for the pontiff. just a few were choosen. they are going to join us this morning and bringing us some of the food that is fit for the pope. greg: yes, no kidding, they made the food for all of the pope's meals. we never saw him eat. he likes it on the modest side. rosanna: i heard, because of his dietary restrictions no pasta, and anglo coming up. >> i missed the moon. you? rosanna: i saw it before it became a blood moon, i saw it at 8:00. it happened between 9:00 to 11:00. i woke up at 1:00 and stayed up until now. greg: no kidding? what is with you? rosanna: i don't know. the super blood moon doing crazy things to me. i started to go -- greg: no you didn't. last week, a whirl wind. intense. exhausting for us. running and. rosanna: he ran us ragged. but he's looking great. he exhilarated all of us. we feel spiritually reenergized. greg: i'm glad he game and laid eyes on him. rosanna: we breathed the same air he did. greg: yes, in the same rood at madison square garden. here is the 9/11 service. rosanna: yes, so beautiful, bringing together of all faiths. greg: he wrapped up where the mass at mattedson square garden and flying off in a hell icopter liberty. let's face it, it beats the go wan us. rosanna: it does. sadly it was not put out there gloria porped, jennifer hudson and others. and kelly. >> so many great, great moments. >> there's great food when you go to madison square garden for church. hamburies, hot dogs, pretzels. >> this is comun yun by the way. >> they had to be creative. they pulled it off. ooze ooze it was a beautiful mass. the mass was on tv so everybody got to see that. greg: very nice. we have to get to work, mike woods? mike: the take away is to get greg to mass, give him snacks and soda. rosanna: they wanted to know, are you drinking coke or what? greg: i wanted to support the concession is -- concessions right. it is diet coke. rosanna: you were not drinking during the mass. greg: this is before the pope actually arrived. i saved it for after the pope left. rosanna: you fasted for an hour. that's good. mike: to the weather here. we have gray skies back in the region. the temperatures are mild. 67 central park. 64 belmar. still upper 50s in connecticut. a wind coming in from the a lot of clould ds are building in. changes are coming up and that is rainfall. the cold front is coming in and forcing the water out and the moisture coming up from the southeast states and making for a messy scenario, not today. tomorrow you could see showers in the morning. the bigger stuff in the afternoon. what a mess we have on our hands on wednesday. not today, today is partly cloudy and high of 79. 78 tomorrow with a few showers in the afternoon and evening. next five days or so, we are looking at high temperatures sitting in the upper 70s low 80s for a couple of days. a lot of rain on wednesday. over to ines rosales and we are headed out the door. >> route 3 this morning, expect delays to the 46 merge. om the right lane is open. queens, well, not a bad ride on the l.i.e. eastbound a little slower than normal. the belts parkway westbound an accident. now to cameras, a look at the commute, this is victory boulevard. the tappan zee bridge. 45 miles per hour in place because of the foggy conditions. traffic slow this morning not because of the fog. we had incidents with a spill of metal on the road and causing flat tires. it is blocking a lane at the little tough to see the span, you have delays headed to bronx. >> okay, thank you. if you are a ruler of a country, you are probably in new york city right now for the u.n. general assembly. the president of our country already here. he spoke to a smaller group yesterday. rosanna: also, he's going to speak to the big assembly today and having a private meeting with the russian president putin. this is historic. they haven't talked for a year or so. interpret z is joining us from the united nations with more. what's going on, teresa? teresa: to be a fly on the wall with that conversation. good morning, president obama is speaking at 10:00. putin is expected to speak around noon. now both men are expected to address the situation in syria, that is the high light of their speeches. but the main event, the thing that serve watching, is the sit down and confronting the tension between the two nations. today all eyes are on the meeting of the general assembly at the u.n. and watching to see what becomes of the public addresses and the private meetings. today president obama is speaking to the general assembly. the speech is expected to be a broader examination of the world issues, poverty, famine and long term affects of war. >> here, today we put those myths to rest. >> sunday the president addressed a address addressed smaller group and asking for commitment to a global plan. plan is calling for action so maternal deaths decrease and women's education and greatly reduced. >> many children are a mosquito away from death and that is a moral outrage. it is a profound injustice and it is a matter of life and death and now the world must act. >> also on the president's to-do list, a meeting with russian's president putin. the meeting requested by putin is the pair's first face to face in nearly a year. it is coming as relations between the two countries have deteriorated in part because of russia's support of syria's regime, a way to help that nation help fight isis. the roads around the area will be a frozen zone and the streets are closed for the rest of the week. tomorrow president obama is sitting down with cuba's president raul castro. >> okay, thank you. a little bit on putin, boy oh boy, he's wild, isn't he. what'd you think? rosanna: i think when he goes around without a shirt on. greg: yes. impressive. rosanna: i like him on horse back too. he likes dogs too. greg: well, a lot of bad things going on his watch over there in russia. we'll see what happens today. roz in the meantime, the pope is back home in rome safe and sound, hopefully he's get a lil little time to put up his feet. greg: there he goes. looking out the window fwl. for more on what happened, we are recapping the trip. robert moses actually met him in person. rosanna: he got a special blesing. greg: good for you. robert: st. pat's is glowing this morning and a noticeable yesterday. the holy father had a busy last day in philadelphia and celebrated mass before a million people and visited inmates and of sex. he waved through the window from the plane. many were touched by his visit, including me. i was able to meet him following the mass on friday at madison square garden. it is a night i will remember always. as the pope processed to the alter, he was close enough for me and my camera to touch. i was fortunate to be invited to the mass. he made the chalice that was used at the holy mass. and there he was, holding it up for the world to see. the chalice was made of melted silver jewelry that was donated. - emotional and unforgettable and all of the work and friendship cultivating in that moment and we stood and applauded for a long time to show our appreciation for the holy father. almost as soon as the pope walked past me a guard whisked us to a private room and there was the holy father, i ask he pray for my loved ones and i i was handed a set of roseary beads. we saw him one more time in the backseat of a fiat and a bit of a smile was visible as i stood and took the photo. the gift of the chalice and he gave me a gift. the pictures captured by the pope's official photographer. i can't thank him enough for capturing that moment so i can simply savor it. greg: i'm curious, any interest in converting? joining the church? robert: i was raised proteant. rosanna: it is great that people of all faiths were moved with having the pontiff here. greg: make it official and join the flock. rosanna: leave robert alone. thank you for telling us about. you are going to hell for trying to do that. greg: excuse you. that is harsh. take that back. rosanna: i take it back. per ga tor. >> well, we are going to brett. >> greg: welcome. >> i'm there, i grew up catholic. you don't have to recruit me. greg: well, after all that it is right. rosanna: well, you are putting him on the spot. greg: that happens. did you see the pope? >> i did. not one on one. i met him in rome once before this week. i know tens of thousands here on the streets and it was truly amazing. my wife and one of my children went to one of the masses. greg: the man that invited him to the hill, speaker of the house, the pope shows up and gives the address and john boehner resigns. what a way to go out? >> i believe it factored in, he wanted to go out on the moment and he was touched by it. he was crying a number of times behind the pope's speech and the audience on the west front of the capitol. john boehner said it was going to happen eventually and sped up the process. greg: the guy that comes next, by the way, he's not known to new yorker ls, kevin mc carthy. he's 50 years old and he's the odds on favorite to be the next speaker. the thing about him that is wild, he got to house less than ten years ago. there was a time you worked your way up, decades, decades and maybe getting the speaker ship. that is not holding true any more? >> he took the fast track and he's somebody that walks the line between the conservative really far right and the moderate part of the party. it is interesting to see how he handles the false prophets in the far side of the party and saying they can do more than he said they could. he's the odds on the favor. rosanna: how about donald trump in the polls? >> he's leading, he's slip add bit, but still leading, today he's putting out the tax plan. people are looking for the specifics, other than immigration and the wall, he's going to do that today and we'll see how that is received. greg: thank you, brett. moon. rosanna: there was a lunar ellipse on top of that. greg: that is when the earth blocks the sun from hitting the moon. you can see the earth's shadow in the moon. rosanna: exactly and with a reddish tint. some people saw it in the area. some people watched it on tv. the last time was 1982, and it is not happening again until 2033. greg: i stayed up before for the ellipse, it is kind of a bust. all though the super moon is cool. it is bigger. rosanna: have you watched the solar ellipse? >> greg: no. in six grade. rosanna: 2002 8:19. mike woods? >> we had the clouds coming in town over the weekend. not much going on with the rain. the clouds are out there and building in. fog out there, too. visibility three quarters of a mile in belmar. jfk an eighth of a mile at one time. use the common sense. other than that, partly cloudy skies in the tristate. there are showers way back to west of us. basically we have this cold front coming in and a lot of the moisture coming up this way and giving a set up for the rain. mostly cloudy skies. don't worry about the rain. the temperatures will be warm. a sorm influence coming to us. as we go into tomorrow, it is possible we have a little wet weather for the morning. more likely in the afternoon and the evening. the cold front sliding through on wednesday. high temp today 79. dryer for you headed to tuesday and wednesday. by the way, the fox 5 weather app in the app stores. it is free right now. now to ines rosales and see what's going on getting around town. >> good morning, mike. to the commute, new jersey, doing pretty good. after 280 an accident blocking a lane. westchester, the tappan zee bridge earlier issues. it is by the toll plaza on the side, there is a delay for you. let's go to the cameras, l.i.e., terry road, normal delays. hov lanes are fine. u.n. general assembly going on and avoid the area. 34th. then you have the on and off ramp 42nd to and from that is closed during the sessions. trains are running on or close. suspended. greg: thank you. what was the pope eating while in new york? they cooked for him. rosanna: simple meals. we are finding out exactly from the chefs themselves and medium hot coffee, cream, two sugars -- see you at the window. we make your coffee just the way you like it. on the spot. that's the dd commitment. it's intelligent enough to warn of danger it's been smashed, dropped and driven. it's perceptive enough to detect other vehicles on the road. it's been shaken, rattled and pummeled. it's innovative enough to brake by itself, it's been in the rain... the cold... and dragged through the mud. introducing the all-new mercedes-benz gle. it's where brains meet brawn. rosanna: were getting down to business. greg: hi, lauren. >> more changes with the credit card, there is sa shift in liability and more companies are saying when you pay with a credit card, don't swipe it, we want you to insert your credit card in the terminal here and reading the new chip on the credit card. the chip a mini computer. it is expected to cut back on the fraughted purchases. you are starting to see the changes more in effect on thursday. there are two years for full compliance. this is so, you know, keeping us safe from thieves. greg: has anybody ever stolen your ie dentsty rosanna? i'm thinking about it. rosanna: no. greg: thank you, lauren. >> coming up, willmer. greg: remember the minority report with tom cruise. well, it is brought back to television and interesting new series on fox. we'll peek outside. it may rain mike woods told us. hong in there. we'll be right back. okay. so everyone is saying, "hey! you gotta get fios!" but why? why fios? well fios is a 100 percent fiber optic network, so you can get 100% out of all your devices. whatever speed you need, fios has it. so if you need more streaming for more devices, fios gives you options with the fastest internet and wi-fi available from 50 to 500 mpbs. and we're not just talking downloads. we're talking equal upload speeds, too. you can upload your favorite videos up to 5x faster than cable. plus with the fios mobile app, you can view your entertainment at home, or on the go. but the main reason to get fios? we're rated number 1 in customer satisfaction. why fios? ultimately, that's why. right now, get 50 meg fios internet, tv & phone starting at $79.99 a month, guaranteed for two years. plus get $350 back with a two year agreement. rosanna: it is a little cool out there this morning, but going to warm up. greg: that is september for you. rosanna: yes, it is. i am looking at the people with jackets and sweaters on. but it is getting warl mer there. i like to people watch, greg. greg: so glad you do. people don't people watch like they used. tell me what they watch? rosanna: their phones. there was a great article, i thought about you, it was in the times, young kids and their conversations, and how they are really messed up. this phone completely -- greg: rewiring our brains. it is not just the kids. rosanna: i know, you are right. greg: it is rosanna. rosanna: yes. greg: we pay so much money and so much trouble to live in new york and we are not observing new york. rosanna: thank you taking this on. it is a one man crew said, you can do it. you should have had robber talk to the holy father about it. greg: speaking of the pope, we are going to meet two people that prepared all of the dishes while in new york. that is neat. we'll see what the pope was eating. rosanna: we have lydia and anglo. greg: they have restaurants and they are awesome. rosanna: first, what do we need to wear today? mike: it is warm later on but it is still looking like the temperatures warmer than normal by ten degrees or so. we have a few shout outs, these are the nurses from engelwood hospital. york." thanks for helping out and doing a great job. hope you have a great day. this is what we have for the weather this morning, everyone, 67 in central park. 66 newark. 57 in monticello. are thickening up as time goes away. there is moisture over the southeast states and that is sliding up in this direction. this cold front is forecasted to come into the tristate region. so today mostly cloudy. turn to page morning a few sprinkles around town. but the bigger rain is holding off until tuesday afternoon and wednesday. wednesday will be the the wettest day and rain throughout the day. but today, it is dry for the most part and warm. high up to 79 degrees. 78 tomorrow. showers are likely in the afternoon and the evening. wednesday is the wet day and showers and storms in the area. clearing out for thursday. we have birthday shout outs. ava and veronica. all right, let's bring in ines rosales and what is happening with the roads. ines: street cleaning rules are suspended. parkway northbound, from 78 to exit 147, an accident there blocking a lane. things are slow passing the toll northbound. a crash on the southbound side. as far queens, okay. dor nal delays on the l.i.e. now to the cam radios -- cameras, now to the commute. 59th street, not too bad of a ride. northbound side, looking good. george washington bridge driving into the city, you have delays are back. gwb upper 40. lower 30. 495 backed up to the turnpike. 45 minutes. trains are doing fine. >> so is the pope so active. every day jam packed, one thing we didn't see him is eat. rosanna: he took it in the private residence. greg: hey, everybody has to eat, including the pope. a very special team put together his meals. the pope has particular tastes. we have world class chefs, lydia and anglo and you guys prepared all of the food and the table the picture of the table was looking fancy. rosanna: we are talking to lydia and angelo. nice to have you here. the most memorable moment? >> when he came into the kitchen. we didn't expect him. there are formalities when the pope greets you and meets. we were planning the dinner and we got a secret sfgsman running in, and saying that the pope wants to have coffee with you. >> yes, he wanted espresso. the next thing we know, he's standing next to us. rosanna: you were crying? >> we were chitchatting and he was casual. we talked about jesuit schools said to me, us, he said don't forget pray for me. >> did you talk in italian? >> oh, sure. >> he spoke in italian to us. so what'd he eat? >> lots of good things. lots of appetizers, we wanted to give local fare. tomatoes and vinaigrette. >> this is what the pope ate? this is beautiful. rosanna: the tomatoes from your garden? is>> yes, i got the herbs. my mother so thrilled her garden served him. greg: did the pope ask for seconds? >> no, he was sweet and gracious. i served him every dish and he smiled every time. >> were there dietary re restrictions restrictions? >> there were. very simple. just like him. no pasta. he stayed away from the starches. he loves rice. >> white rise? >> no. >> italian rice. for him, simple white. he ate it all. >> how about let's see, when all said and done deserts? >> yes, very, very light. angle food cake, of course. rosanna: how appropriate. what on top of it? >> seasonal sauce. greg: there is a report out there, forgive me, the celebrity press, but that he's trying to lose weight, are you seeing that? >> that is what we were told actually by his secret service. him were pretty much a security team and that is the way he had breakfast, lunch and dinner. rosanna: was there a taste tester, do you know what i mean. they want to make sure nobody is doing anything? >> no. we were surprised. we came in and brought the food. nobody examined the food. nobody came in the kitchen to monitor, except for what we are going to serve. greg: you are well known and established. how did they come to pick you, how did this come about? >> lydia and i had the great honor of serving pope benedict when he was in town. he was friendly with us. he asked us to do it and we have been a team and friends for over 30 years. thrilling of all, i have to say. rosanna: greg wants to eat what the pope ate. greg: make me a better person. rosanna: he blessed your grandchildren? >> yes. >> my grandchildren and my daughter. so i think the thrill was cooking add feeding him, but the whole family got to meet him. greg: what about aing hunk of bread. rosanna: whole wheat? >> no whole wheat. he had italian baggettes. >> if you are curious, go to lydia's and anglo's restaurant. lydia has a bunch of restaurants. >> two restaurants in the works here. >> this is a nice place. i have been there a couple of times. this is lexington and 74th street. i highly recommend it. rosanna: that is so nice. we are so proud of you two. the holy father left with lots of good feelings. >> i think so. >> thank you, rosanna. >> the matter of the bill? >> that's in the works. we have to tally it up. pay. >> the pope is eating on me. >> all right. >> rosanna: all right. congratulations. thank you very much. back. how is that? this is a story about doers, electric guitars and rockets to the moon. it's the story of america- land of the doers. doin' it. did it. done. doers built this country. john henry was a steel drivin' man hmm, catchy. they built the golden gates and the empire states. and all this doin' takes energy -no matter who's doin'. there's all kinds of doin' up in here. or what they're doin'. what the heck's he doin? energy got us here. and it's our job to make sure there's enough to keep doers doin' the stuff doers do... >> a critical omission, what'd he drink. no wine. the flat bottled water. rosanna: wow. after spending the day and night with him, i needed a drink. greg: i know what you mean. dr. raj, hello. >> good morning, we are talking about alzheimer's, that is a disease we are seeing more and more of. ing aation is a symptom. now a new drug combination may offer some help in treating the symptom. common medications, one is used to treat abnormal heart rhythms and the other is a cough su suppress suppress suppressant. they studied 150 patients and found those receiving the it is good news for the alzheimer's patients. rosanna: that is interesting, cough medicine. >> yes, and heart rhythm medicine. it has been used before to treat neurologic face ticks. >> greg: remember robitusin. remember that taste. >> yes, kids never like it. >> thank you so much, dr. raj. coming up, we have actress judith light. she was on who's the boss. greg: so much happened. the book people, she won a royal caribbean's wow sale is back. buy one get one half off. plus free upgrades and up to $200 onboard spending money. it all ends september 30th, so call 1-800-royal-caribbean or your travel agent today. how much protein does your dog food have? 18%? 20? nutrient-dense purina one true instinct with real salmon and tuna has 30% protein. support your active dog's whole with purina one. okay. so everyone is saying, "hey! you gotta get fios!" but why? why fios? well fios is a 100 percent fiber optic network, so you can get 100% out of all your devices. whatever speed you need, fios has it. so if you need more streaming for more devices, fios gives you options with the fastest internet and wi-fi available from 50 to 500 mpbs. and we're not just talking downloads. we're talking equal upload speeds, too. you can upload your favorite videos up to 5x faster than cable. plus with the fios mobile app, you can view your entertainment at home, or on the go. but the main reason to get fios? we're rated number 1 in customer satisfaction. why fios? ultimately, that's why. right now, get 50 meg fios internet, tv & phone starting at $79.99 a month, guaranteed for two years. plus get $350 back with a two year agreement. get out of the past. get fios. it's the final countdown! the final countdown! if you're the band europe, you love a final countdown. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. rosanna: oh, look at this. this is going to be bike. a hundred bikes out there right now. it is called cycle for survival. >> in the middle of times square. yep. and -- rosanna: there is ben on the left. greg grg hi, ben. ben: it is tough the hear. there is a lot of enthusiasm. a hundred bikes are out here along 7th between 43rd and 44th. i want to bring in dave, the founder of cycle for survival. what is it like to see this? >> it is amazing. it is becoming a national movement. a hundred percent of the into research. ben: this is your third year doing the takeover and kick off to the campaign, so you want to folks to online, registration is open for the big rides in february and march? >> yes, go to cycle for survival and sign up now and we have events inside on february and march. there is an incredible feeling of excitement. ben: luke is 11 years old and cancer survivor and what is it like when you see the support here? >> it is amazing. it is a magical feeling. raise i love raising money for this. so no one has to go through what i went through. ben: luke, thank you so much. congratulations and great to see you. greg, rosanna, the thing that is important, we hear about the four big cancers, that is about 50% of the cancer cases, the rare cancers are the other 50%, all the money raised going to the sloane and keterring. >> thank you, ben. greg: i don't cheer at a spin class like that. rosanna: it is a great way to take care of yourself and raising awareness. >> yes a lot of instructors there. what else? rosanna: if you can't get enough november rock out to the holiness, he's releasing a new cd, wake up. it is segments of the moving speeches set to upliting music. so there are 11 tracks on the album. greg: now is this legitimate? rosanna: it is legitimate. the vatican is doing this. the money is supporting a fund for refugees. it is sanctioned by the vatican. pope francis giving unusual confession. greg: he apologized for the movie ted. >> today i feel i can do anything, and attribute my success to my catholic faith. rosanna: well, that wasn't the part. it is nice to know he believes that his faith is the foundation for who he is. a young boy who sang at this mass for the holy father after wards he whispered to mark wahlberg that ted was his favorite movie and the kid was young and apologized and confessed maybe it wasn't a movie for a young boy. greg: 14 you are learning the ways of the movie. rosanna: it is an r rated movie. greg: what else are you doing to do. rosanna: the pontiff said that the good lord has a sense of humor. super novi. this is natalea. one of the leading super models. >> gregging coming up. we are the largest and most diverse school district in america! yet we are one! one point one million students! one thousand eight hundred schools! sharing one common goal. help all kids succeed. we're new york city public school teachers. taking learning to the next level. and parents and the community are on board! all coming together... one. to celebrate the passion and promise of our public schools. i'm michael mulgrew, president of the united federation of rosanna: you are the man. thank you for saying nice things to us. we have a busy 9:00 hour. judith light is here. you know her from transparent and natalia and willmer. can i get a medium coffee, cream, two sugars? medium hot coffee, cream, two sugars -- see you at the window. at dunkin', we make your coffee just the way you like it. if not, we'll make it again on the spot. that's the dd commitment. okay. so everyone is saying, "hey! you gotta get fios!" well fios is a 100 percent fiber optic network, so you can get 100% out whatever speed you need, so if you need more streaming for more devices, fastest internet and wi-fi available from 50 to 500 mpbs. downloads. we're talking equal you can upload your favorite videos up to plus with the fios mobile app, you can view your entertainment at home, or on the go. but the main reason to get fios? we're rated number 1 in customer satisfaction. why fios? ultimately, that's why. right now, get 50 meg fios internet, tv & phone starting at $79.99 a month, guaranteed for two years. plus get $350 back with a two year agreement. get out of the past. get fios. it' s a taste so bold, yet so smooth, black silk, from folgers. a taste you could enjoy, fresh brewed, or one cup at a time.

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