Transcripts For WNYW FOX 5 News At 5 20160212 : comparemela.

Transcripts For WNYW FOX 5 News At 5 20160212

this man, who hits the water every weekend, will have to change his plans. >> i was going to go sailing. >> reporter: now you have to cancel? >> i'm going to cancel becse i don'want to freeze my posterior off. >> reporter: people walking around the city in full winter ar from head to toe, already a slow day for the horse carriages and morrow's ice festival cancelled due to extreme temperatures and it won't be reheduled. others wilbrave the cold. are you cancelling your plans for the weekend? due to the coldweather? >> absolutely no >> reporter: what are your plans? >> i hav to work. on sunday, i don't know. my boyfriend is going to surprise me. we're still on. it's just cold. that's all. you just snuggle and make it warm. >> i'm not scared of the cold. >> reporter: what are your plans? >> i don't really kn yet. gog he going out. >> reporter: a blast ting a toll on people's wallets. losing out on two work days. indoors or outdoors, stay warm and enjoy the long weekend. in the upper east side, i'm jessica formoso steve: the code blue warning goes into effect. the mayor says last night 63 people were taken off the streets and 230 voluntarily checked into shelters. a rough commute home for long island railroad riders. steve: the stalled trains backing up the evening commute. mac king is live at penn station where people aren't thrilled, i'm sure. >> reporter: you've got long island railroad train with equipment trouble that's stuck in penn station. that's led the lirr to cancel trains combining their passenger load with other later trains. now in addition to that, new jersey transit put out a warning this afternoon that it might have to delay trains by up to an hour due to emergency repairs on one of the tracks. right now penn station looks about the same as penn station friday. riders don't seem grumpier than normal, but as you can imagine, this is a recipe that could lead to a long evening for people trying to catch a train home. steve: all right. thank you. rookie cop peter liang was fired from the nypd last night after being convicted of manslaughter. >> his partner has been booted from the force. dan bowens has the details. >> reporter: that decision made by police commissioner bill bratton earlier today. we're at one police plaza because there's supposed to be a rally for akai gurley. you can see some of the barricades behind me, but at this point, it is light. here's what we can tell you. defense attorneys held a news conference earlier where they said they plan to file a motion to have the guilty verdict thrown out. if that doesn't happen, they say they will appeal. as for akai gurley's family, they put out a statement calling for big changes when it comes to policing in new york city. >> i feel it was a tragedy for >> reporter: mayor bill de blasio saying his administration respects the jury's decision to convict former nypd officer peter liang. >> the jury has spoken here. >> reporter: but he's downplaying calls from akai gurley's family to end vertical patrols. they were patrolling a poorly lit stairwell when he was shot and killed. >> vertical patrols are necessary as far as keeping public housing residents safe. we have to work constantly to do them the right way. >> reporter: a day after the guilty verdict against liang on manslaughter and official misconduct charges, the nypd announcing shaun landau, who testified against liang in exchange for immunity, has been fired. pba president pat lynch saying the verdict will have a chilling effect on the police force, citing a recent shooting of two officers in a bronx stairwell last week. >> the police officers were shot in an equally dangerous stairwell. that's why we have the weapons out. it doesn't make this crime. it makes it a terrible, terrible tragedy and anaccident. >> reporter: gurley's family is moving forward with a civil lawsuit against the city. his former domestic partner appearing on "good day", explaining how she talks to her daughters about their father's death. >> they ask all the time about her dad. i just tell them that he's not here and i try to explain it to them. sometimes they might understand, but they're not old enough to actually understand. >> reporter: taking a live look back out here at 1 police plaza, the rally supposed to start at 5:00 for akai gurley. more police officers than participants at this point. the gurley family in that statement that they issued earlier calling on the de blasio administration to divert funding for 1400 new nypd officers and reinvest the money in affordable housing and after-school programs. no word from the mayor's office. steve: thank you. police investigating a school two teenage girls were shot and killed at independence high school in glendale near phoenix. the two 15-year-olds were each shot once and died at the scene. the police are trying to figure out the relationship between the girls and would say they were not searching for any suspects. >> a huge warehouse fire has been contained but is still burning. steve: the fire created so much smoke, they took precautions. antwan lewis has the story. >> the store continues to burn. this is the safest point officials are allowing us to get to it. the black smoke in the distance lets you know something is going on. officials say that the fire is contained, but as you can see, far from being out. by friday morning, black smoke was pouring into the sky, so thick it blocked the morning sun. the first 911 calls were made yesterday afternoon around 3:00. two massive warehouses burning in the town of hillsboro. the weather was a factor with the wind yesterday and the cold. we had minimal -- we didn't have nearly enough water supply that was there. we had access problems due to the track sides. both of the buildings are served by railcars. >> they were part of an industrial park that dates back to world war ii. several businesses were subletting work space to carry out operations. officials say some of the materials being used by the companies fuelled the fire. >> furniture-relateded. we had food materials. there fs was some office supplies as well as -- one of the things you're seeing, a large plume of smoke is related to plastic pellets. >> reporter: several road closures remain in effect giving access to the five neighboring volunteer fire departments helping fight the fire. all public schools were closed for the day, a further safety precaution. it's estimated 500,000 square blaze, which reached five-alarm status. the possibility of toxins in the era huge concern for health officials. >> at no time did we measure material in the air that was a threat to public health. there were a couple of times over the course of the evening that the levels began to rise. >> reporter: however officials say the levels are now decreasing and currently being monitored by bothh epa and dea. two fireghters receivein , toe leg, t he teye. ofcials wl continuthr effos to extinhhe blaze er the weekend. antwan lewis, fox 5 news. >> a new iependent autopsy commissioned by shannan gilbert's family says she may have been strangled. the 24-year-old sex worker disappeared in 2010, her remains found in oak beach. the investigation led to the discovery of 10 sets of human remains, a bieved to be victims of the serial killer, but police classified gilbert's >> she never will beforgotten. are going to continu to fit as long as we need to daughter. >> the family says there were no drugs in her system, contradicting the police report. steve: new york's charles schumer wants a zika czar. he said someone shouldveee the response to e vis and coordinate with foreign governments to keep it from spreading here. experts believe there's a strong connection betweenikas a babiesornithormally small ads. the world health organation said vaccine are still more than a year away. >> many people are wking towards having the ready as soon as possle. but in spite ofs eouraging landscape, vaccines a at least 18 month ay from large scale trials. virus an intertional health emergency earlier this month. exrts urgent pregnant women areas. a solid rally on the markets for the first time this week. the dow jumped 313oints tod and for once, we knowhe rean y. oil shot u 12 percent forts st day in sven years,sing unr the $30 rk nkto srallie jpmorganchase le the way aftr mie dimoout $26 milon of the compa ock. the rks ar csed nday. e:ot a lotof positives said about t cy subwa stations, paicularly t ells. they can be tough to deal with meet the womanowo he usatch andniffour way to aette sy experience. [m ste: a-y15e omew jy hasanced to the final round ofamic idol". what j. lo had to say about her ste: swihi problems causing major problems in a mb subway this morning riders were greeted with an apology. it was put up by the rider alance demanding the governo restorunding for the capital program in this year's budget. the governor's office says funding the program wn money is needed. alis: we've all been in subway stations that sllfunky. don't. alison: now one woman wants to save riders from holdi their se steve: how o artis is helping ridersathe sier. >> angela kim is on mission. she commes fromlushingo her scol inidtown and noced something. >> everyone n agree itmells bad. reporter: as an art project, th23-year-d is posting these signs at certainubwa stops. >> if you smell something, smell sothing else. it scrch and stiff snickers to me yo rid more pasant because mta cannot keep the subwayclean. >> reporter: the posters have scents like lavender, van and orchid. the signs also have a message for the mta. >> the fare iyhig if you're goingo increase it, eant. you have to get bter service for the coutermm >> reporter: wealked to sway rirso see wha they thin how would you say the subway >> hrible. >> it could be better. i feel it's a little disgusting. that's why we have so many rats and stuff. >> it's horrible. like dog poop. >> as soon as i got on, here we go >>orter: ange, it's t much. the subway smells? >> too d. we don't deserve this smell. 2.75 per ride. >> reporter: most of the signs were taken down, but angela plans to put more up she hasn't decided whi stations. on the other side, the mta says they're their part. weeaed to a spokesman who saidac station h ne seven days a week and mobilenis ttar the rm wanthik l that. not enough. steve: tough to keep up with it. it stinks all the me. al: real ite scrat a sniff, smells like my third grade note. alison le lavender? steve: right. thank you, joe. d. m having this argumenth my friends who like to run. theyant to rmorro let's don't. steve: no running tomorrow. on audrey says no. >> no. >> absolutely. it's going to be dangerously cold. it's a morning to stay in. if you're going to pick one -- sunday morning is the morning to be staying in. th's w we're expecting the coldest air of the season across the tri-state area. it was a cold one today. the high number, 27 in central park. normally we should be in the low 40s. we're going to be rebounding rather quickly out of this cold snap. we should see more average readings next week. right now we're sitting in the 20s across the area. monticello was at a cold 18. the newsst, the wdchills are in the teens. they will be dropping significantly over the next 24 to 48 hours. another thing we need to be concerned with tonight is a couple of snow showers. we'r not expecting cumulang snow, but yould mo e seeing a couple of them being picked up by satellite and radar. not all are reaching the ground. more likely across central an southern new jersey. and that will continue to be the fomorrow. we'll have the chace of an isolated snow shower. we're wai on an arctic cold front to sweep through. it's the darker shaded tones of snow coming across thereat lake this will work its way into the region overnit. you wi feel the difference tomoow. ifhought i was cld tomorrow iwill feel really bone-chilling col across th area as the cold air behind the fnt spills in from the -- into the region and you can see temperatures areroppin 20s. it's colder across the wtern great kes. tomorrow, our highs won't en reach into the 20s across much of the tri-state area. a loo at our futurecast sho have some clouds in place tonight. tomorrow, i think we'll see a mix of sun and clouds with a couple osolated snow showers. other than that,it quiet as far as precipitation is concerned. the big concern will be the temperatures. the winds will pk up out of the northwest. they will be gusting to 30 miles an hour over theext two days. windchill factors willel below zero. as i said, we're talking minus 15 to minus 40 from the hudson valley down towards southern new annnd ticut. no one is going to be escaping the brutal cold that we're expecting across the area. tonight we're going for low temperatures in thesingle digits north and west. ths ll pick up and you will feel the difference in the intensity tomorrow. we'll have a mix of sun ad clouds. will be frigid even though highs will be in the teens and 20s. we're going to feel the windchill factors nearero tomo ow night is when the we're expecting an overnight low into sunday morng of 0, which will break the previous record of 2 in 1916. sunday's high only forecasted to be 15. that will also break the record for the high temperature of 17 set back i 19 good news is we're going to have a quick recovery out of this. temperatures will soar into the 30s on monday. tuesday we'll see a high of0 in central park. that's why the precipitation that we're expecting by the middle part of the week will be in the form of rain instead of snow, which is a lot of good news for folks. temperatures will be close or above average as we go into the middle latter part of next week. this frigid air mass will be very short in its stay. it will be in and out of here for the weekend. it's valentines weekend. it's a great time -- steve: perfect time. [indiscernible - talking over one another] steve: thank u. alisonreeth strikes andhe out. for life after testing positive for performance-enhancing drugs. the 26-year-old appeared in seven games last season. first player te b banned f fe. eve: a b night on "amican idol" for a teen from ourarea. [music steve: that'sew jersey's o jianna belting out harmonies with nick. they were singing beaul life. j. lo said was the pct song she is moving onoextwee congrats. very exciting to have a girl in it. still could come, a danceoff. alison:heyeef t can shake it likeyonce. plus th an nor.e: fsiakjersey ihereier of our segment "men. p (vo) with thousands of qualityr pre-owned vehicles... rand exceptional customervservice, head to your neighborhood enterprise car sales and let the people who buy more vehicles than yone... pflip your thinking about buying your next one. here in vineland, home of progresso, we love all kinds of chicken soups... but just one kind of chicken. white breast meat chicken every time. so if you'reoingo make do wt we itress ok a swe fac s.weet ok're going nd a napk gooey, flaky, happy. toaster ison: studio 5, egan a mo attend an emergency beehive eting. steve: simone is here now. >> reporter: we are throwing it back to the destiny child's days and cebrating empowering female figures pop culte, stng whit class. ourl i attempted l a ns recreation of her half-time aphy we tri our best to get into formation. [music] >> step, step, ep. large. >> reporter: how long did it take you to learn the routine? everday sincth. all the direction changes since tuesday. eti it's wonderfulo have a itt's obsesse with beyoe. one, two, three, our,rn this way. here it comes. one, two, three, four. exactly. ke some noise for at. >> reporter: have you had any other classes you want to teac what would they be? >> how not to fall like beyonce. please do not fall. gracefully stand back up again. one and bounce,bounce,one and stanup. five, six, seven. stepstep, step, step. to learning beyonce oreography? >> mainly muscle memory. because some of her lyrics go wi the choreography as opposed to count. youruscle are right in line. >> booty, booty, boy. step. thereu are. >> reporter: i'm ou i pulled a muscle ver early on in the routine. i thought i cou keep going, but i n' i can't be beyonc you have to do this for me. i'm counting on you . attempting t be beyonce is very difficult. steve: you found out it's not so easy. >> reporter: it's hard. ison: the classes are very tough. >> reporter: really, really hard. and my interview with kelly roland. and she'sy busy launching a new show on bet called chasing destiny where she's trying to find the next big girl grou >> i thi it's important for pele to know tht m still have fun. justecause youave a baby doesn'meanou'reust mommy. ian? yowo ould a life. you should have fu >> r love her message. shs saying and dsn't mean youe put everhi yase. alison: love it. steve: good deal. thank you, simone. catch them tomorrow night 10:30 p.m. right here on fox 5 for studio 5. alison: a new jersey teen says he was jumped by undercover cops. steve: all right. the disciplinar action taken against the officers who have ison:hecity'sfforto sere cst i do erythinon the internet. but,t's ndf slow. fends say i should get fiosbecause it's the fastest. i just downloa600 phos i60 that's seriously better. (husband) we're out of 2%! i wonderhat else could be better around here? (husband) i heard that. switching to better internet is now easier than ever. only fios has the fastest intern availab, with uploads up to 5x faster than cable. get 100 meg upload and dowoad speeds. plus tv and phone for just $69.99 a month online with no switch to better. eve: ewar teen is preparing to sue after he ss cops. alonac delikat spoke with him about the >> i feelted andoken. reporter: violated, broken and on bedrest with a dislocated shoulder after the eighth grader was assaulted by undercover officers in newark last week. officers his attorney says failed to identify themselves. >>or no reason, they just beat up thisoor 14-year-old boy. >> reporter: jamaal was leaving his store last tuesday night after 7:00 when he says a black suv pulled up next to him and the men inside told him to stop. fearful for his life, he says he ran, but then two more suv's pulled up and blocked him in. >>hen the vtified themsveinitdges grabbed his left arm and it in the gang watkins has no criminal history and has never been involved with >> iwa terrifng. >> he was onhed for seveminutes while they fondled his privates, w they handcuffed him, heldis h nd . >>orhe was got home, h mother took him to the local police precinct where an amlance s called. >> wn a child cries a certain cry, if you're a mother you know something's not right. >> reporter:he nk police department says one of the officers involved has been suspendefor failing to immediately submit a report about the encounter. the other offirs are being investigated. acting public safety director said in a statement this is an unfortunate incident. however, it's not a reflection on the department, but on the actions of a few. watkins, who has done wel in school and plays sports, haso stay home for a month and out of baseball practice for three. damages and his attorneys want th officersrr and chgewith assault. alison: the ci is cracking down on construction te safety after the deadly crane collapse. steve: arthur chi'en shows us how the city will make sure workers are not cutting corners. >> reporter: if it seems like there's always construction in the city, it's because there always is. if it seems like it's more intense over the last few years, it has increased by 300 percent. th that housing boom has come a host of safety ises. as last week's crane hit the pavement, reverberations of safety concerns rippled across the city. today mayor bill de blasi announced sweepg changes to the city's approach to construction safety. >> no building is worth a person's life. we have to have our prioritie straight, preserving life comes first. staing fro of t building whe aonstction worker lost hislife cy ficiofs quadrupled penalti r serusstctruafety somel rn $25,0 thcityis ordering a immediate waive of -- wave of 1,500 inspections to be finished in three months. all of this as statistics sh cis have doubled the tyn recent years. >> in 205, the were 11 deaths. as the mayor,sa the majity of tsencidentspened at buildings under 10 stories. >> reporter: while the city will work at all construction, d and new, it will also pay special attention to buildings below 10 stories as part of the crow requiring a uc supervir to daily basi >> we're focusingn where 70 peent of the acidents have been in the buildings under 10 sties. we're focusing on the lack of supervision, wch we thk has been o of the biggest problems. >> rorter: with the annocement, the mayor says routine inspectionsre about to become moreroutine. ays he plans to hire 100 new inspectors for the departmt of arthur chi'en, fox 5 news. steve: america's most topodel will be a tap or click away. alison: how social media is changing the game for modeling agencies looking for fresh talent. >> catch my homegrown story only on fox 5 news. alison: here's tonit's new york minute. >> we'll be here for 63 straight hours aroundhe clock. >> reporter: they're making sure the worse valentine's day procrastinators come through. they're open all weekend long. >> we want to show whoever it is that you care. the way we do that is through chocolate. some people do it through flowers and cards and going out to eat. when you want to do it through chocolate, it's about showing someone you care. >> they've been preparing for months and the best sellers are anything salted caramel. >> more than 10,000 years of love celebrated in brooklyn. golden coles, who have been geth 50 years, ghered today for the annual lunch in their honor at borough hall. >> you are our inspiration. you are exactly the value system we want to see infs i brooklyn. >> love and friendship. >> and we sayove you e day. alison: a little league cha grew up to be an all star. steve: russ salzberg shows us how he's staying true to his roots in tonight's "homegrown." russ: todd frasier is a jersey guy guy. born in point pleasant and raised in toms river, where he first gained national prominence at the age of 12 leading toms river east to be the 1998 little league world series champs. >> todd, every kid dreams about going to the little league world series. you not only go, but you hit a lead off home run and you're the winning pitcher and get the final out. what was that like? leaguers. there were a lot of lucky breaks along the way. we ended up winning the whole darned thing. you think about it now, how many kids can say that and have a future in the game? russ: after the win, they were honored at yankee stadium where he got to share the stadium with a yankees legend. >> he's the man. nothing i can say more about the guy. he etched his life in baseball and helped us. i got a picture with him. his last all star game i was in. it was unbelievable. >> unbelievable is how you describe his meter meteoric rise in baseball. the reds selected him in the 2007 amateur draft. if the five seasons in the big during the 2015 midsummer classic, jersey took center stage. you win the home run derby and your brother charlie is the pitcher throwing to you. >> there it is. the hometown hero. >> couldn't get any better. my older brother was cheering me on. words couldn't put into what happened. it was pretty cool. russ: you're considered one of the premier power hitting third basemen in the game. that's pretty heavy stuff. >> you hear it. it gives you goosebumps. it does. it's humping, an honor. you can't take -- it's humbling and an honor. i work my tail off because i'm from new jersey and i take that stuff serious. i want to be the guy that's known like that every year. russ: how important is your jersey upbringing? >> it's affected me greatly. it's an honor to be from here. i love it here. everybody is like we're flying to newark. we see the electrical pipes. of that. there's more to it than the pizza and pork roll and that stuff. the shore. coming from new jersey, you don't play baseball year round. sports. that's helped out. put your body in different motions. the guys are tough. i think the north beach, we've got strong people that love to play the game that bring energy and emotion. day. russ: it was back in 2012 after living through superstorm sandy that his jersey pride came through as frazier came to the aid of people. >> you couldn't move your car. that's how much debris was everywhere. you see people crying. it's tough for everybody. i thought being a major league ok ulo to, i needed to do something. three main things. you need food, clothing and a place to live. i went to the little league field and helped out with food drives and giving clothes. i went to my church, donated money here and there. the cincinnati reds helped a lot. i'm glad i could help. russ: during the off season, todd continues to stay connected to his garden state roots. three yearag h and his othe established frazier baseball, clinics and camps aimed at teaching the fundamentals of the me. >> goes to show you how much work these guys want to put in to be go players. if i can help along the way, give them one tidbit here or the right way to swing or throw a ball, i'm happy. russ: despite coming off his best season in the majors in which he blasted 35 homers, frazier was traded in december to the chicago white sox. opportunity. i see it as another chapter in my life. at the end of the day, do you want to be known as a baseball player and a guy that brought everything he could to the game. that's what i try and do. russ: you know, it's always nice, very nice, to see a local kid make good. t being in this business, being able to watch a little league star grow up to become a big league star, that's something very special. we'll have more homegrown specials coming up. make sure you stay tuned. on top of that, he's a good kid. he grew up from a nice kid to a really nice. act. what a good guy. russ: ve, very grounded. steve: working his tail off. he's got to be a good kid. alison: thank you. all right. turning regular people into the next supeodel. steve: how socia meds th starsf rrow. again! r again! again! again! again? again! again! general mills is removing artificial flavors and colors from our cereals. so you can love cereal... again! terry bradshaw? what apris and how it can hit you out of nowhere. i know. i had it. c' mon let' s sit down and talk aboutt. and did you know that one in three people will get shgles? (all) no. th' s why i' m remindinpeop if you had chickenpox then the shingles virus is already inside you. (all) oooh. who' s had chickenpox? scoot over. and look that nasty rash can pop up anywhere and the pain can be even worse than it looks. talk to your doct or armacist. steve: fox 5 health news. a new way t dgnlymee disease is the works. experts say many cases go undetected because of the difficulty in diagnosing the illness. but this could make testing more accurate. alison: joiningus, dr. kerri peterson. diagnosing. >> i want to go over why it's important. every year in this country. researchers feel we may be underdiagnosing 10 tim that number by challenges in the testing available. this test looks at the genetic expression on whitelood cells which are cells that fight infectio there are genetic changes that take place that the researchers have discovered. thesehanges occly on when a patnt does getyme disee and it lingers eve after the patient is given any antibiot you can see the chaes onhe cell for wee and weeks and weeks. threon that it's important to diagnose lyme dease early if it's untrted, can go on to many complicaons.ti arthritis, probls with the heart, and facial palsy. this could represent a significant breakthrough in diagnosing lyme disease. steve: 300 a yeat maybe 300,000 have it. it's hard to figure out. yore tortud by t sympto. >> it's pba undertestedor as well because sometis you go for long periods without anyympts at all. so it is a cllenging disease to diagne and treat. is: you hear the stories of ople walking around with thin they have no idea what's wrong. thnosomething isn't rht. >> that's right. very often i'll figure itut because they s they're fatigued. just by that, that's one of th things you work up. they don't recall being bit by a ck. so- - ste: it's a nonevent in life. u wouldn't know ithappened. it's not traumatic event. maybe y didn't ow what happened or whatever. years ago. good news. dr. peterson, we apprecte it. >> thank you. alison: happy valentine's day. steve: an indoor weekend. >> for sure. how propriate for valtien day weekend. good weather to stay ioors and culing up withour loved one andtaying indoors because i will be cold outside. todait w a cd one in central park. the high was only 27. we hit the numr at 30 this afternoon. at suld be in the low 40s. we'll rebound back to the average readingss we go int the week. let's review the winter. it's been good. remember the mild november and december we had and so far for the winter season, our coldest day has en7. that was back o the 23rdf january. our coldest night was on january 5th. i think we're going to top out -- bottom out at these mbers and lower. today was going be recorded coldt y ts season. wee going to break the record for the coldest nig further into the weeken you remember the blizzard that happened back on january 22nd into the 23rd. the most rain we've had for the season was january 10th. we are expecting more rainfall as we go into the middle of the upcoming week. we're sitting in the 20s. monticello, 18 at themoment elsewhere across the northeast, we're experiencing cold temperatures from new england down towards the nation's capital. that cold air een further whe 're seeing rdis into the teens in detroit and chicago athe moment. we are expecting an arctic blast to come through, sweeping through the gre lakes tight and eventually working into our tomorrow. the out --here's two things we're watchi. we have an area low pssure sitting to the south igniting snow showers and the edge of the arctic front is here with t sn coming in aoss the great lakes. behind that, tt's where we're experiencing the coldest - expecting the coldestir to come in. that will sweep through the area tomorrow. here's the areaf low pressure that will pass to the south. it can throw back couple of isolatednow owers. most likely across central and southern portions of new jersey during the overnight and into early tomoow morning. then the front begins to work into the region. is will sweep through tomorrow. this could also spark a couple of isolated snoshowers. that's notoing to be the major focus. what's going to grab your attention is the cold air that will be moving into the region. we can see the arctic bst moving into the great lakes tonight. single digits in minneapolis. 13 in chicago. we're expecting teens right here in the northeast and the warmest aiwille b suppressed along the lf coand portions of flora tomorrow. look at the futurecast. it shows lots of clouds in ple. we'll see a couple of breaks overght. tomorrow, we'll see a mixf sun and clos with the threat of a couple of isolated snow showers. looks like it wi stay that way through the overnight morrow. we'll see plenty of sunshine sunday. don't be fooled. the sunshine won't do anything to warm things up. we're expecting windchill facts below 0 saturday night into early sunday. we could see lows in the single digits across many locations. it stays quiet until monday night. that's when we're expecting the xt round of precipitation. tonight, the winds will pick up in speed. we're going with guss a high as 30 miles an hour and through the day tomoow. that going to make for brutally cold windchill factors. tomorrow we'll have a mix of sun and clouds. it will feel frigid will feel closer t 0 across the tri-state. going for a high of 15 on nte's inon sunday. don't be fooled by the it will feel brutally cold. we'll rebound quickly. monday, highs in the 30s. 50 on tuesday. we're expecting rain that day and a chance of scattered showers into late in the day on wednesday. the coldest air will be here over the weekend. then it exits next week. steve: from 0 to 50 in three days. crazy. that's going to be pushing a record. thanks audions r this year's mcdonald's gospel fest continue at poughkeepsie at 7 p.m. on main street. gospel fest is saturday, may 7th. alison: scouts looking for the next hot model don't need to lookurther than the smartphone. steve: baruch shemtov shows us how social media is streamlining the search for talent. >> reporter: some of the world's biggest super models are walking the runways during new york fashion week. cindy starred in prominent runway shows and ad campaigns. and instagram is helping her tat to the next level. >> you have to be relatable to the consumer and at the same time to be a brand ambassador for the client. >> reporter: how does social media help the public see a different side of you? >> it helps me get to know more from my followers and what they want to see. i can share with them what i really am. >> reporter: like workout phot? >> my real life outside. >> for wilhelmina, social media is a critical piece of the business model. >> today social media plays a role in every decision in the modeling business. it's no longer about being a beautiful face. you have to have a social media following. brands want to see that followgin atthingac theelves to sponsorship. >> reporter: more followers can mean more dollars? more followers, more faces, >> reporter: beyond boosting the reercaof existing models, instagram has served as a platform to discover new talent. launching the careers of models ke kelsey and giana. >> we're constantly cheing do we have an agency? are you interested in modelling? yes. we found some amazing stars from there. >> reporter: the ceo is spearheading a new initiative to formalize the scouting process, creating the #willie scouts for models to submit photos. >> we went out knocking on doors. for the first time, we opene our door and said come to us. we have the opportunity to invite you in and take a look at you. >> reporter: if you think you've got what it takes, get the selfies ready. you uld b walking the runway in no time. baruch shemtov, fox 5 news. steve: good to know. i'm going to use the hashtag immediately and get a career. alison: here's ernie with what's coming up at 6:00. >> thank you very much. and what a scial show we have for you tonight. we're heading into valentine's day weekend. talking about the power of love. we'll be joined live in the studio by a couple that i married two years ago. 're going to see how things e going for them now. should be a lot of fu we'll hear fm them. a lotoming up on the fox 5 news at 6:, including our top stories, all straight ahead. keep it here. (vo) want to be happy with your next vehicle purchase? at enterprise, we guarantee it. enterprise car sales p and let the people who buy more vehicles an anyone... p change your thinking about in new york state, we believe tomorrow starts today. all across the state the economy is growi, with creative new business incentives, e lowest taxes in decades, and university partnerships, attracting the talent and companies of tomorrow. like in utica, where a new kind of wororce is being trained. and in albany, the nanotechnology capital of the world. let us help grow your company's tomorrow, today >> announcer: live from studio 5 in new york city, this is the news at 6:00. ernie: here we go. it is friday night. good evening to you. i'm ernie anastos. thank you very much for joining us. we're going to start with the one thing that's on everyone's mind, this ridiculously cold weather. today we struggled to get into the 20s. that means lots of layers for people heading outside. unfortunately the forecast doesn't seem to be getting any better. so get ready for some record audrey puente is here now with a first look at what we can expect. what's it look like? >> today is going to seem balmy compared to the weather we'll be experiencing into the weekend. let's talk about the highs. they were below average, mostly in the 20s across the area. normally we should be in the low 40s. we're not going to see that until next week. wind speeds are light. a little breezy right now, but enough to give us a chill. our current windchill factors are in the teens. we're in the single digits towards monticello. these numbers, double them and throw them below 0 and that's what we'll be experiencing tomorrow night into early sunday. we have a frigid and cold air mass working its way out of canada. tomorrow we'll experience highs in the single digits to teens across the northern plains through the great lakes and the ohio valley and right here into the northeast and new england. it's going to be the coldest air we've seen this season and for at least a year now we haven't had a frigid air mass in place for some time. it looks like it's going to be here a couple of days, which is

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Transcripts For WNYW FOX 5 News At 5 20160212

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this man, who hits the water every weekend, will have to change his plans. >> i was going to go sailing. >> reporter: now you have to cancel? >> i'm going to cancel becse i don'want to freeze my posterior off. >> reporter: people walking around the city in full winter ar from head to toe, already a slow day for the horse carriages and morrow's ice festival cancelled due to extreme temperatures and it won't be reheduled. others wilbrave the cold. are you cancelling your plans for the weekend? due to the coldweather? >> absolutely no >> reporter: what are your plans? >> i hav to work. on sunday, i don't know. my boyfriend is going to surprise me. we're still on. it's just cold. that's all. you just snuggle and make it warm. >> i'm not scared of the cold. >> reporter: what are your plans? >> i don't really kn yet. gog he going out. >> reporter: a blast ting a toll on people's wallets. losing out on two work days. indoors or outdoors, stay warm and enjoy the long weekend. in the upper east side, i'm jessica formoso steve: the code blue warning goes into effect. the mayor says last night 63 people were taken off the streets and 230 voluntarily checked into shelters. a rough commute home for long island railroad riders. steve: the stalled trains backing up the evening commute. mac king is live at penn station where people aren't thrilled, i'm sure. >> reporter: you've got long island railroad train with equipment trouble that's stuck in penn station. that's led the lirr to cancel trains combining their passenger load with other later trains. now in addition to that, new jersey transit put out a warning this afternoon that it might have to delay trains by up to an hour due to emergency repairs on one of the tracks. right now penn station looks about the same as penn station friday. riders don't seem grumpier than normal, but as you can imagine, this is a recipe that could lead to a long evening for people trying to catch a train home. steve: all right. thank you. rookie cop peter liang was fired from the nypd last night after being convicted of manslaughter. >> his partner has been booted from the force. dan bowens has the details. >> reporter: that decision made by police commissioner bill bratton earlier today. we're at one police plaza because there's supposed to be a rally for akai gurley. you can see some of the barricades behind me, but at this point, it is light. here's what we can tell you. defense attorneys held a news conference earlier where they said they plan to file a motion to have the guilty verdict thrown out. if that doesn't happen, they say they will appeal. as for akai gurley's family, they put out a statement calling for big changes when it comes to policing in new york city. >> i feel it was a tragedy for >> reporter: mayor bill de blasio saying his administration respects the jury's decision to convict former nypd officer peter liang. >> the jury has spoken here. >> reporter: but he's downplaying calls from akai gurley's family to end vertical patrols. they were patrolling a poorly lit stairwell when he was shot and killed. >> vertical patrols are necessary as far as keeping public housing residents safe. we have to work constantly to do them the right way. >> reporter: a day after the guilty verdict against liang on manslaughter and official misconduct charges, the nypd announcing shaun landau, who testified against liang in exchange for immunity, has been fired. pba president pat lynch saying the verdict will have a chilling effect on the police force, citing a recent shooting of two officers in a bronx stairwell last week. >> the police officers were shot in an equally dangerous stairwell. that's why we have the weapons out. it doesn't make this crime. it makes it a terrible, terrible tragedy and anaccident. >> reporter: gurley's family is moving forward with a civil lawsuit against the city. his former domestic partner appearing on "good day", explaining how she talks to her daughters about their father's death. >> they ask all the time about her dad. i just tell them that he's not here and i try to explain it to them. sometimes they might understand, but they're not old enough to actually understand. >> reporter: taking a live look back out here at 1 police plaza, the rally supposed to start at 5:00 for akai gurley. more police officers than participants at this point. the gurley family in that statement that they issued earlier calling on the de blasio administration to divert funding for 1400 new nypd officers and reinvest the money in affordable housing and after-school programs. no word from the mayor's office. steve: thank you. police investigating a school two teenage girls were shot and killed at independence high school in glendale near phoenix. the two 15-year-olds were each shot once and died at the scene. the police are trying to figure out the relationship between the girls and would say they were not searching for any suspects. >> a huge warehouse fire has been contained but is still burning. steve: the fire created so much smoke, they took precautions. antwan lewis has the story. >> the store continues to burn. this is the safest point officials are allowing us to get to it. the black smoke in the distance lets you know something is going on. officials say that the fire is contained, but as you can see, far from being out. by friday morning, black smoke was pouring into the sky, so thick it blocked the morning sun. the first 911 calls were made yesterday afternoon around 3:00. two massive warehouses burning in the town of hillsboro. the weather was a factor with the wind yesterday and the cold. we had minimal -- we didn't have nearly enough water supply that was there. we had access problems due to the track sides. both of the buildings are served by railcars. >> they were part of an industrial park that dates back to world war ii. several businesses were subletting work space to carry out operations. officials say some of the materials being used by the companies fuelled the fire. >> furniture-relateded. we had food materials. there fs was some office supplies as well as -- one of the things you're seeing, a large plume of smoke is related to plastic pellets. >> reporter: several road closures remain in effect giving access to the five neighboring volunteer fire departments helping fight the fire. all public schools were closed for the day, a further safety precaution. it's estimated 500,000 square blaze, which reached five-alarm status. the possibility of toxins in the era huge concern for health officials. >> at no time did we measure material in the air that was a threat to public health. there were a couple of times over the course of the evening that the levels began to rise. >> reporter: however officials say the levels are now decreasing and currently being monitored by bothh epa and dea. two fireghters receivein , toe leg, t he teye. ofcials wl continuthr effos to extinhhe blaze er the weekend. antwan lewis, fox 5 news. >> a new iependent autopsy commissioned by shannan gilbert's family says she may have been strangled. the 24-year-old sex worker disappeared in 2010, her remains found in oak beach. the investigation led to the discovery of 10 sets of human remains, a bieved to be victims of the serial killer, but police classified gilbert's >> she never will beforgotten. are going to continu to fit as long as we need to daughter. >> the family says there were no drugs in her system, contradicting the police report. steve: new york's charles schumer wants a zika czar. he said someone shouldveee the response to e vis and coordinate with foreign governments to keep it from spreading here. experts believe there's a strong connection betweenikas a babiesornithormally small ads. the world health organation said vaccine are still more than a year away. >> many people are wking towards having the ready as soon as possle. but in spite ofs eouraging landscape, vaccines a at least 18 month ay from large scale trials. virus an intertional health emergency earlier this month. exrts urgent pregnant women areas. a solid rally on the markets for the first time this week. the dow jumped 313oints tod and for once, we knowhe rean y. oil shot u 12 percent forts st day in sven years,sing unr the $30 rk nkto srallie jpmorganchase le the way aftr mie dimoout $26 milon of the compa ock. the rks ar csed nday. e:ot a lotof positives said about t cy subwa stations, paicularly t ells. they can be tough to deal with meet the womanowo he usatch andniffour way to aette sy experience. [m ste: a-y15e omew jy hasanced to the final round ofamic idol". what j. lo had to say about her ste: swihi problems causing major problems in a mb subway this morning riders were greeted with an apology. it was put up by the rider alance demanding the governo restorunding for the capital program in this year's budget. the governor's office says funding the program wn money is needed. alis: we've all been in subway stations that sllfunky. don't. alison: now one woman wants to save riders from holdi their se steve: how o artis is helping ridersathe sier. >> angela kim is on mission. she commes fromlushingo her scol inidtown and noced something. >> everyone n agree itmells bad. reporter: as an art project, th23-year-d is posting these signs at certainubwa stops. >> if you smell something, smell sothing else. it scrch and stiff snickers to me yo rid more pasant because mta cannot keep the subwayclean. >> reporter: the posters have scents like lavender, van and orchid. the signs also have a message for the mta. >> the fare iyhig if you're goingo increase it, eant. you have to get bter service for the coutermm >> reporter: wealked to sway rirso see wha they thin how would you say the subway >> hrible. >> it could be better. i feel it's a little disgusting. that's why we have so many rats and stuff. >> it's horrible. like dog poop. >> as soon as i got on, here we go >>orter: ange, it's t much. the subway smells? >> too d. we don't deserve this smell. 2.75 per ride. >> reporter: most of the signs were taken down, but angela plans to put more up she hasn't decided whi stations. on the other side, the mta says they're their part. weeaed to a spokesman who saidac station h ne seven days a week and mobilenis ttar the rm wanthik l that. not enough. steve: tough to keep up with it. it stinks all the me. al: real ite scrat a sniff, smells like my third grade note. alison le lavender? steve: right. thank you, joe. d. m having this argumenth my friends who like to run. theyant to rmorro let's don't. steve: no running tomorrow. on audrey says no. >> no. >> absolutely. it's going to be dangerously cold. it's a morning to stay in. if you're going to pick one -- sunday morning is the morning to be staying in. th's w we're expecting the coldest air of the season across the tri-state area. it was a cold one today. the high number, 27 in central park. normally we should be in the low 40s. we're going to be rebounding rather quickly out of this cold snap. we should see more average readings next week. right now we're sitting in the 20s across the area. monticello was at a cold 18. the newsst, the wdchills are in the teens. they will be dropping significantly over the next 24 to 48 hours. another thing we need to be concerned with tonight is a couple of snow showers. we'r not expecting cumulang snow, but yould mo e seeing a couple of them being picked up by satellite and radar. not all are reaching the ground. more likely across central an southern new jersey. and that will continue to be the fomorrow. we'll have the chace of an isolated snow shower. we're wai on an arctic cold front to sweep through. it's the darker shaded tones of snow coming across thereat lake this will work its way into the region overnit. you wi feel the difference tomoow. ifhought i was cld tomorrow iwill feel really bone-chilling col across th area as the cold air behind the fnt spills in from the -- into the region and you can see temperatures areroppin 20s. it's colder across the wtern great kes. tomorrow, our highs won't en reach into the 20s across much of the tri-state area. a loo at our futurecast sho have some clouds in place tonight. tomorrow, i think we'll see a mix of sun and clouds with a couple osolated snow showers. other than that,it quiet as far as precipitation is concerned. the big concern will be the temperatures. the winds will pk up out of the northwest. they will be gusting to 30 miles an hour over theext two days. windchill factors willel below zero. as i said, we're talking minus 15 to minus 40 from the hudson valley down towards southern new annnd ticut. no one is going to be escaping the brutal cold that we're expecting across the area. tonight we're going for low temperatures in thesingle digits north and west. ths ll pick up and you will feel the difference in the intensity tomorrow. we'll have a mix of sun ad clouds. will be frigid even though highs will be in the teens and 20s. we're going to feel the windchill factors nearero tomo ow night is when the we're expecting an overnight low into sunday morng of 0, which will break the previous record of 2 in 1916. sunday's high only forecasted to be 15. that will also break the record for the high temperature of 17 set back i 19 good news is we're going to have a quick recovery out of this. temperatures will soar into the 30s on monday. tuesday we'll see a high of0 in central park. that's why the precipitation that we're expecting by the middle part of the week will be in the form of rain instead of snow, which is a lot of good news for folks. temperatures will be close or above average as we go into the middle latter part of next week. this frigid air mass will be very short in its stay. it will be in and out of here for the weekend. it's valentines weekend. it's a great time -- steve: perfect time. [indiscernible - talking over one another] steve: thank u. alisonreeth strikes andhe out. for life after testing positive for performance-enhancing drugs. the 26-year-old appeared in seven games last season. first player te b banned f fe. eve: a b night on "amican idol" for a teen from ourarea. [music steve: that'sew jersey's o jianna belting out harmonies with nick. they were singing beaul life. j. lo said was the pct song she is moving onoextwee congrats. very exciting to have a girl in it. still could come, a danceoff. alison:heyeef t can shake it likeyonce. plus th an nor.e: fsiakjersey ihereier of our segment "men. p (vo) with thousands of qualityr pre-owned vehicles... rand exceptional customervservice, head to your neighborhood enterprise car sales and let the people who buy more vehicles than yone... pflip your thinking about buying your next one. here in vineland, home of progresso, we love all kinds of chicken soups... but just one kind of chicken. white breast meat chicken every time. so if you'reoingo make do wt we itress ok a swe fac s.weet ok're going nd a napk gooey, flaky, happy. toaster ison: studio 5, egan a mo attend an emergency beehive eting. steve: simone is here now. >> reporter: we are throwing it back to the destiny child's days and cebrating empowering female figures pop culte, stng whit class. ourl i attempted l a ns recreation of her half-time aphy we tri our best to get into formation. [music] >> step, step, ep. large. >> reporter: how long did it take you to learn the routine? everday sincth. all the direction changes since tuesday. eti it's wonderfulo have a itt's obsesse with beyoe. one, two, three, our,rn this way. here it comes. one, two, three, four. exactly. ke some noise for at. >> reporter: have you had any other classes you want to teac what would they be? >> how not to fall like beyonce. please do not fall. gracefully stand back up again. one and bounce,bounce,one and stanup. five, six, seven. stepstep, step, step. to learning beyonce oreography? >> mainly muscle memory. because some of her lyrics go wi the choreography as opposed to count. youruscle are right in line. >> booty, booty, boy. step. thereu are. >> reporter: i'm ou i pulled a muscle ver early on in the routine. i thought i cou keep going, but i n' i can't be beyonc you have to do this for me. i'm counting on you . attempting t be beyonce is very difficult. steve: you found out it's not so easy. >> reporter: it's hard. ison: the classes are very tough. >> reporter: really, really hard. and my interview with kelly roland. and she'sy busy launching a new show on bet called chasing destiny where she's trying to find the next big girl grou >> i thi it's important for pele to know tht m still have fun. justecause youave a baby doesn'meanou'reust mommy. ian? yowo ould a life. you should have fu >> r love her message. shs saying and dsn't mean youe put everhi yase. alison: love it. steve: good deal. thank you, simone. catch them tomorrow night 10:30 p.m. right here on fox 5 for studio 5. alison: a new jersey teen says he was jumped by undercover cops. steve: all right. the disciplinar action taken against the officers who have ison:hecity'sfforto sere cst i do erythinon the internet. but,t's ndf slow. fends say i should get fiosbecause it's the fastest. i just downloa600 phos i60 that's seriously better. (husband) we're out of 2%! i wonderhat else could be better around here? (husband) i heard that. switching to better internet is now easier than ever. only fios has the fastest intern availab, with uploads up to 5x faster than cable. get 100 meg upload and dowoad speeds. plus tv and phone for just $69.99 a month online with no switch to better. eve: ewar teen is preparing to sue after he ss cops. alonac delikat spoke with him about the >> i feelted andoken. reporter: violated, broken and on bedrest with a dislocated shoulder after the eighth grader was assaulted by undercover officers in newark last week. officers his attorney says failed to identify themselves. >>or no reason, they just beat up thisoor 14-year-old boy. >> reporter: jamaal was leaving his store last tuesday night after 7:00 when he says a black suv pulled up next to him and the men inside told him to stop. fearful for his life, he says he ran, but then two more suv's pulled up and blocked him in. >>hen the vtified themsveinitdges grabbed his left arm and it in the gang watkins has no criminal history and has never been involved with >> iwa terrifng. >> he was onhed for seveminutes while they fondled his privates, w they handcuffed him, heldis h nd . >>orhe was got home, h mother took him to the local police precinct where an amlance s called. >> wn a child cries a certain cry, if you're a mother you know something's not right. >> reporter:he nk police department says one of the officers involved has been suspendefor failing to immediately submit a report about the encounter. the other offirs are being investigated. acting public safety director said in a statement this is an unfortunate incident. however, it's not a reflection on the department, but on the actions of a few. watkins, who has done wel in school and plays sports, haso stay home for a month and out of baseball practice for three. damages and his attorneys want th officersrr and chgewith assault. alison: the ci is cracking down on construction te safety after the deadly crane collapse. steve: arthur chi'en shows us how the city will make sure workers are not cutting corners. >> reporter: if it seems like there's always construction in the city, it's because there always is. if it seems like it's more intense over the last few years, it has increased by 300 percent. th that housing boom has come a host of safety ises. as last week's crane hit the pavement, reverberations of safety concerns rippled across the city. today mayor bill de blasi announced sweepg changes to the city's approach to construction safety. >> no building is worth a person's life. we have to have our prioritie straight, preserving life comes first. staing fro of t building whe aonstction worker lost hislife cy ficiofs quadrupled penalti r serusstctruafety somel rn $25,0 thcityis ordering a immediate waive of -- wave of 1,500 inspections to be finished in three months. all of this as statistics sh cis have doubled the tyn recent years. >> in 205, the were 11 deaths. as the mayor,sa the majity of tsencidentspened at buildings under 10 stories. >> reporter: while the city will work at all construction, d and new, it will also pay special attention to buildings below 10 stories as part of the crow requiring a uc supervir to daily basi >> we're focusingn where 70 peent of the acidents have been in the buildings under 10 sties. we're focusing on the lack of supervision, wch we thk has been o of the biggest problems. >> rorter: with the annocement, the mayor says routine inspectionsre about to become moreroutine. ays he plans to hire 100 new inspectors for the departmt of arthur chi'en, fox 5 news. steve: america's most topodel will be a tap or click away. alison: how social media is changing the game for modeling agencies looking for fresh talent. >> catch my homegrown story only on fox 5 news. alison: here's tonit's new york minute. >> we'll be here for 63 straight hours aroundhe clock. >> reporter: they're making sure the worse valentine's day procrastinators come through. they're open all weekend long. >> we want to show whoever it is that you care. the way we do that is through chocolate. some people do it through flowers and cards and going out to eat. when you want to do it through chocolate, it's about showing someone you care. >> they've been preparing for months and the best sellers are anything salted caramel. >> more than 10,000 years of love celebrated in brooklyn. golden coles, who have been geth 50 years, ghered today for the annual lunch in their honor at borough hall. >> you are our inspiration. you are exactly the value system we want to see infs i brooklyn. >> love and friendship. >> and we sayove you e day. alison: a little league cha grew up to be an all star. steve: russ salzberg shows us how he's staying true to his roots in tonight's "homegrown." russ: todd frasier is a jersey guy guy. born in point pleasant and raised in toms river, where he first gained national prominence at the age of 12 leading toms river east to be the 1998 little league world series champs. >> todd, every kid dreams about going to the little league world series. you not only go, but you hit a lead off home run and you're the winning pitcher and get the final out. what was that like? leaguers. there were a lot of lucky breaks along the way. we ended up winning the whole darned thing. you think about it now, how many kids can say that and have a future in the game? russ: after the win, they were honored at yankee stadium where he got to share the stadium with a yankees legend. >> he's the man. nothing i can say more about the guy. he etched his life in baseball and helped us. i got a picture with him. his last all star game i was in. it was unbelievable. >> unbelievable is how you describe his meter meteoric rise in baseball. the reds selected him in the 2007 amateur draft. if the five seasons in the big during the 2015 midsummer classic, jersey took center stage. you win the home run derby and your brother charlie is the pitcher throwing to you. >> there it is. the hometown hero. >> couldn't get any better. my older brother was cheering me on. words couldn't put into what happened. it was pretty cool. russ: you're considered one of the premier power hitting third basemen in the game. that's pretty heavy stuff. >> you hear it. it gives you goosebumps. it does. it's humping, an honor. you can't take -- it's humbling and an honor. i work my tail off because i'm from new jersey and i take that stuff serious. i want to be the guy that's known like that every year. russ: how important is your jersey upbringing? >> it's affected me greatly. it's an honor to be from here. i love it here. everybody is like we're flying to newark. we see the electrical pipes. of that. there's more to it than the pizza and pork roll and that stuff. the shore. coming from new jersey, you don't play baseball year round. sports. that's helped out. put your body in different motions. the guys are tough. i think the north beach, we've got strong people that love to play the game that bring energy and emotion. day. russ: it was back in 2012 after living through superstorm sandy that his jersey pride came through as frazier came to the aid of people. >> you couldn't move your car. that's how much debris was everywhere. you see people crying. it's tough for everybody. i thought being a major league ok ulo to, i needed to do something. three main things. you need food, clothing and a place to live. i went to the little league field and helped out with food drives and giving clothes. i went to my church, donated money here and there. the cincinnati reds helped a lot. i'm glad i could help. russ: during the off season, todd continues to stay connected to his garden state roots. three yearag h and his othe established frazier baseball, clinics and camps aimed at teaching the fundamentals of the me. >> goes to show you how much work these guys want to put in to be go players. if i can help along the way, give them one tidbit here or the right way to swing or throw a ball, i'm happy. russ: despite coming off his best season in the majors in which he blasted 35 homers, frazier was traded in december to the chicago white sox. opportunity. i see it as another chapter in my life. at the end of the day, do you want to be known as a baseball player and a guy that brought everything he could to the game. that's what i try and do. russ: you know, it's always nice, very nice, to see a local kid make good. t being in this business, being able to watch a little league star grow up to become a big league star, that's something very special. we'll have more homegrown specials coming up. make sure you stay tuned. on top of that, he's a good kid. he grew up from a nice kid to a really nice. act. what a good guy. russ: ve, very grounded. steve: working his tail off. he's got to be a good kid. alison: thank you. all right. turning regular people into the next supeodel. steve: how socia meds th starsf rrow. again! r again! again! again! again? again! again! general mills is removing artificial flavors and colors from our cereals. so you can love cereal... again! terry bradshaw? what apris and how it can hit you out of nowhere. i know. i had it. c' mon let' s sit down and talk aboutt. and did you know that one in three people will get shgles? (all) no. th' s why i' m remindinpeop if you had chickenpox then the shingles virus is already inside you. (all) oooh. who' s had chickenpox? scoot over. and look that nasty rash can pop up anywhere and the pain can be even worse than it looks. talk to your doct or armacist. steve: fox 5 health news. a new way t dgnlymee disease is the works. experts say many cases go undetected because of the difficulty in diagnosing the illness. but this could make testing more accurate. alison: joiningus, dr. kerri peterson. diagnosing. >> i want to go over why it's important. every year in this country. researchers feel we may be underdiagnosing 10 tim that number by challenges in the testing available. this test looks at the genetic expression on whitelood cells which are cells that fight infectio there are genetic changes that take place that the researchers have discovered. thesehanges occly on when a patnt does getyme disee and it lingers eve after the patient is given any antibiot you can see the chaes onhe cell for wee and weeks and weeks. threon that it's important to diagnose lyme dease early if it's untrted, can go on to many complicaons.ti arthritis, probls with the heart, and facial palsy. this could represent a significant breakthrough in diagnosing lyme disease. steve: 300 a yeat maybe 300,000 have it. it's hard to figure out. yore tortud by t sympto. >> it's pba undertestedor as well because sometis you go for long periods without anyympts at all. so it is a cllenging disease to diagne and treat. is: you hear the stories of ople walking around with thin they have no idea what's wrong. thnosomething isn't rht. >> that's right. very often i'll figure itut because they s they're fatigued. just by that, that's one of th things you work up. they don't recall being bit by a ck. so- - ste: it's a nonevent in life. u wouldn't know ithappened. it's not traumatic event. maybe y didn't ow what happened or whatever. years ago. good news. dr. peterson, we apprecte it. >> thank you. alison: happy valentine's day. steve: an indoor weekend. >> for sure. how propriate for valtien day weekend. good weather to stay ioors and culing up withour loved one andtaying indoors because i will be cold outside. todait w a cd one in central park. the high was only 27. we hit the numr at 30 this afternoon. at suld be in the low 40s. we'll rebound back to the average readingss we go int the week. let's review the winter. it's been good. remember the mild november and december we had and so far for the winter season, our coldest day has en7. that was back o the 23rdf january. our coldest night was on january 5th. i think we're going to top out -- bottom out at these mbers and lower. today was going be recorded coldt y ts season. wee going to break the record for the coldest nig further into the weeken you remember the blizzard that happened back on january 22nd into the 23rd. the most rain we've had for the season was january 10th. we are expecting more rainfall as we go into the middle of the upcoming week. we're sitting in the 20s. monticello, 18 at themoment elsewhere across the northeast, we're experiencing cold temperatures from new england down towards the nation's capital. that cold air een further whe 're seeing rdis into the teens in detroit and chicago athe moment. we are expecting an arctic blast to come through, sweeping through the gre lakes tight and eventually working into our tomorrow. the out --here's two things we're watchi. we have an area low pssure sitting to the south igniting snow showers and the edge of the arctic front is here with t sn coming in aoss the great lakes. behind that, tt's where we're experiencing the coldest - expecting the coldestir to come in. that will sweep through the area tomorrow. here's the areaf low pressure that will pass to the south. it can throw back couple of isolatednow owers. most likely across central and southern portions of new jersey during the overnight and into early tomoow morning. then the front begins to work into the region. is will sweep through tomorrow. this could also spark a couple of isolated snoshowers. that's notoing to be the major focus. what's going to grab your attention is the cold air that will be moving into the region. we can see the arctic bst moving into the great lakes tonight. single digits in minneapolis. 13 in chicago. we're expecting teens right here in the northeast and the warmest aiwille b suppressed along the lf coand portions of flora tomorrow. look at the futurecast. it shows lots of clouds in ple. we'll see a couple of breaks overght. tomorrow, we'll see a mixf sun and clos with the threat of a couple of isolated snow showers. looks like it wi stay that way through the overnight morrow. we'll see plenty of sunshine sunday. don't be fooled. the sunshine won't do anything to warm things up. we're expecting windchill facts below 0 saturday night into early sunday. we could see lows in the single digits across many locations. it stays quiet until monday night. that's when we're expecting the xt round of precipitation. tonight, the winds will pick up in speed. we're going with guss a high as 30 miles an hour and through the day tomoow. that going to make for brutally cold windchill factors. tomorrow we'll have a mix of sun and clouds. it will feel frigid will feel closer t 0 across the tri-state. going for a high of 15 on nte's inon sunday. don't be fooled by the it will feel brutally cold. we'll rebound quickly. monday, highs in the 30s. 50 on tuesday. we're expecting rain that day and a chance of scattered showers into late in the day on wednesday. the coldest air will be here over the weekend. then it exits next week. steve: from 0 to 50 in three days. crazy. that's going to be pushing a record. thanks audions r this year's mcdonald's gospel fest continue at poughkeepsie at 7 p.m. on main street. gospel fest is saturday, may 7th. alison: scouts looking for the next hot model don't need to lookurther than the smartphone. steve: baruch shemtov shows us how social media is streamlining the search for talent. >> reporter: some of the world's biggest super models are walking the runways during new york fashion week. cindy starred in prominent runway shows and ad campaigns. and instagram is helping her tat to the next level. >> you have to be relatable to the consumer and at the same time to be a brand ambassador for the client. >> reporter: how does social media help the public see a different side of you? >> it helps me get to know more from my followers and what they want to see. i can share with them what i really am. >> reporter: like workout phot? >> my real life outside. >> for wilhelmina, social media is a critical piece of the business model. >> today social media plays a role in every decision in the modeling business. it's no longer about being a beautiful face. you have to have a social media following. brands want to see that followgin atthingac theelves to sponsorship. >> reporter: more followers can mean more dollars? more followers, more faces, >> reporter: beyond boosting the reercaof existing models, instagram has served as a platform to discover new talent. launching the careers of models ke kelsey and giana. >> we're constantly cheing do we have an agency? are you interested in modelling? yes. we found some amazing stars from there. >> reporter: the ceo is spearheading a new initiative to formalize the scouting process, creating the #willie scouts for models to submit photos. >> we went out knocking on doors. for the first time, we opene our door and said come to us. we have the opportunity to invite you in and take a look at you. >> reporter: if you think you've got what it takes, get the selfies ready. you uld b walking the runway in no time. baruch shemtov, fox 5 news. steve: good to know. i'm going to use the hashtag immediately and get a career. alison: here's ernie with what's coming up at 6:00. >> thank you very much. and what a scial show we have for you tonight. we're heading into valentine's day weekend. talking about the power of love. we'll be joined live in the studio by a couple that i married two years ago. 're going to see how things e going for them now. should be a lot of fu we'll hear fm them. a lotoming up on the fox 5 news at 6:, including our top stories, all straight ahead. keep it here. (vo) want to be happy with your next vehicle purchase? at enterprise, we guarantee it. enterprise car sales p and let the people who buy more vehicles an anyone... p change your thinking about in new york state, we believe tomorrow starts today. all across the state the economy is growi, with creative new business incentives, e lowest taxes in decades, and university partnerships, attracting the talent and companies of tomorrow. like in utica, where a new kind of wororce is being trained. and in albany, the nanotechnology capital of the world. let us help grow your company's tomorrow, today >> announcer: live from studio 5 in new york city, this is the news at 6:00. ernie: here we go. it is friday night. good evening to you. i'm ernie anastos. thank you very much for joining us. we're going to start with the one thing that's on everyone's mind, this ridiculously cold weather. today we struggled to get into the 20s. that means lots of layers for people heading outside. unfortunately the forecast doesn't seem to be getting any better. so get ready for some record audrey puente is here now with a first look at what we can expect. what's it look like? >> today is going to seem balmy compared to the weather we'll be experiencing into the weekend. let's talk about the highs. they were below average, mostly in the 20s across the area. normally we should be in the low 40s. we're not going to see that until next week. wind speeds are light. a little breezy right now, but enough to give us a chill. our current windchill factors are in the teens. we're in the single digits towards monticello. these numbers, double them and throw them below 0 and that's what we'll be experiencing tomorrow night into early sunday. we have a frigid and cold air mass working its way out of canada. tomorrow we'll experience highs in the single digits to teens across the northern plains through the great lakes and the ohio valley and right here into the northeast and new england. it's going to be the coldest air we've seen this season and for at least a year now we haven't had a frigid air mass in place for some time. it looks like it's going to be here a couple of days, which is

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