Transcripts For WNYW FOX 5 News At 5 20150904 : comparemela.

Transcripts For WNYW FOX 5 News At 5 20150904

the man flying the drone, a 26-year-old, a new york city public school science teacher at the academy of innovative technology in brooklyn. police say he turned himself in last night. this morning, he was charged with reckless endangerment and operating a drone in a new york city park outside of a prescribed area. mark haynes, a neighbor down the block in queens, believes he saw the drone in the neighborhood a month ago. >> i was sitting in my car up the block from here. i saw something hovering over this house over here. >> reporter: neighbors who know him say they don't think he meant to cause trouble. >> what do i think about it? he wanted to look at the game or whatever is there. i don't think nothing bad about it. >> i don't think he should be -- get any punishment. you know, he loved the kids. he's a teacher. he's a good, honest guy. he made a mistake. everybody makes mistakes. >> reporter: well, the department of education says while this is not a school-related matter, they will be monitoring developments in the case and base any punishment on the outcome of that criminal case. he is due back in court september 16th. live in jamaica, i'm stacey delikat. back to you. thank you. this is the first time a crash like that. during game 6 of the world series, someone parachuted into shea stadium. he was arrested, escorted out. the crowd went nuts. the former pitcher will talk about the moment when sergio dropped in come up at 5:45. high hopes for a spectacular holiday weekend. there's good news in the forecast and the roads. gas prices are dropping. the national average is about a dollar lower than last year. drivers in essex county, new jersey, taking advantage, playing less than $2 a gallon. these are the lowest labor day weekend prices we've seen since 2004. a pretty nice perk for the more than 30 million americans traveling this holiday. steve: summer's last hurrah means a big weekend for beaches. people were getting one last dose and some nice waves. >> we may have more nice weather. mike woods will tell us for sure. he's here with a first look. >> hey. it's looking fantastic for us as we go into the labor day weekend. we had nice, warm temperatures. it did come down today. high temp ended up topping out at 84 at central park. same thing for newark. 90 in allentown. than normal. the average high is about 80. we're still well above that. the big difference is the winds coming from the northeast at 7 to 14 miles an hour. that's pulling in cooler air and making the water choppy at the beaches. that's the one thing to look out for. temps will be fine. sunshine is fine. there is a high risk of rip today. skies. looks like it will be that way as a back door cold front came in. take a look at this forecast for labor day weekend, a perfect stretch. sunny skies. not as hot on saturday. highs in the lower 80s as well as sunday. perfect beach days. on labor day, it's going to be heating up with mainly sunny skies. look at highs getting close to 90. not quite there. but sunny throughout the stretch. things look fantastic. >> we wish it was memorial day. >> did i say memorial day? >> wouldn't that be nice? >> thanks, mike. more trouble for the five rutgers football players facing criminal charges a day after being suspended from the team. they have been suspended from school. four of the players have charged with assaulting a group of people back in april. the fifth is facing charges for two separate home invasions. the two other students helped in those robberies. appeal. >> the buffalo bills released breaking his jaw. training camp. he was immediately cut by the team before being picked up by rex ryan. smith still recovering and he season. big blue booted one of its popular players. steve: steve weatherford has been released. tina joins us more with more on his departure. i saw it in my twitter feed. what happened? >> reporter: it's hard to believe that a story about a punter being cut is in the top of a newscast. this is not so much about the punter, but about what the person steve weatherford meant to the giants fan base. one of the few remaining members of the giants 2011 championship season, punter steve weatherford is often remembered for his reaction after holding the game winning field goal propelling the giants to the super bowl. he was one of the most popular players wearing blue. when news came down he was released by the team, fans were shocked. >> it was unexpected. i didn't see it coming. i wouldn't have expected them to do that. >> a pit guy. are you shocked by that? >> kind of >> a 10 year veteran, weatherford came to the giants in 2011. his popularity stemmed from his charitable efforts from toy drives to project prom where he paid for several high school proms which he also attended. weatherford was tabbed the fittest man in the nfl. a fitness magazine cover model, weatherford regularly posted photos and video on social media for the social purpose to motivate others. >> 10, 15 seconds. >> reporter: he was new 3 million, one of the league's highest paid punters. he was coming off a difficult year marred by injury. we caught up with him earlier this week. >> tearing four ligaments in your ankle week one. looking back, i probably should have taken three, four weeks off and let it heal. but coach t preaches toughness. i wanted to be one of those guys that he looked at as one of the tough players. even though i play a position that's not traditionally looked at as being tough. >> reporter: following his release, the giants traded for steelers punter brad wing. weatherford who has filled in as a sports anchor did not responsible to texts. happen. >> reporter: so well liked. he'll find his place. >> he'll be a giant in heart. thank you. dozens of students and teachers evacuated from the ivy league early learning academy on staten island after some nauseous. skyfox hd through over the richmond avenue building as crews searched inside for the cause, which they say was possibly due to paint fumes. officials say none of the 65 children showed any signs of sickness. the five adults refused medical attention. two daycare workers accused of creating a toddler fight club have pleaded not guilty. they appeared in court this morning in elizabeth, new jersey, charged with child abuse after encouraging young kids to fight on a playground. one is charged with endangering the welfare of a child for recording the fights and sharing the videos with friends. they are due in court in october. the coast guard identified two members whose plane crashed in cresskill, new jersey, yesterday. they are both in stable condition at the hospital. they were surveying the hudson river yesterday when they encountered engine problems. rosenberg tried to land in the river but came down two miles west. the coast guard auxiliary is a volunteer organization. >> it was a tough day on wall street. the dow lost 272 points. the market is down 3% on the week. what was the problem today? a mixed jobs report. august saw the slowest hiring in five months. only 173,000 new jobs. economists expected 220. but the unemployment rate improved to 5.1%, the lowest since 2008. investors were hoping it would offer more direction about rates. they're celebrating in kentucky where a county clerk was refusing to give marriage licenses to same-sex couples. steve: we'll hear from one man who got the license and what the future. >> stores are rolling out plenty of discounts in hopes of attract is yoplait. the smooth and creamy yoplait original with no artificial sweeteners, no artificial flavors, and no high fructose corn syrup. steve: same-sex couples are getting marriage licenses in the kentucky county where a clerk refused to hand them out. alison: as lidia curanaj shows us, the defiance is a hot topic on the presidential campaign. >> reporter: after being denied several times, william smith, jr., and james yates received their marriage license in kentucky amid cameras and a hug from mom. >> civil rights are civil rights. they're not subject to -- >> reporter: demonstrators supporting same-sex marriage and those against it once again converge on the courthouse steps as kim davis remains in jail on a contempt charge for refusing to issue licenses claiming it goes against her religious beliefs. >> for the first time in history, an american citizen has been incarcerated for having the belief of conscience that marriage is the union of one man and one woman. she's been ordered to stay there until she's willing to change her mind. >> reporter: her husband was seen holding a sign that read welcome to sodom and gomorrah and criticized the judge. >> i would defy him. i defy our government. we have no government in the united states no more. >> reporter: the case has become a presidential campaign issue. >> this is the criminalization of christianity. what she did was follow the kentucky constitution, voted on by 75 percent of the people. she has now been criminalized. she's being held without bail. >> reporter: senator at the time cruz, another republican presidential hopeful supports davis and has started a petition on her behalf. the white house is also weighing in on the case, saying no public official is above the law. steve? alison: thanks. this labor day weekend, fewer americans will be firing up the grill. the number of americans grilling their main meals has dropped 5%. rising meat prices could be the problem. beef costs 50 percent more than 10 years ago. bloomberg blames shifting demographics. i would take a steak or burger. steve: i'll go traditional. very good. let's talk about the weather. it's amazing. we are getting spoiled by the heat. the lower 80s felt cool today. alison: i love this warm weather. i'll pretend the summer isn't ending. it doesn't feel like it is. >> it doesn't. our temperatures were warmer than what was anticipated. it did come down a little bit, but not a lot. it did feel a little drier because the dew points and the humidities are starting to back down. that's going to make a difference out there today and especially the weekend. it will feel fresh in the morning for us in the mornings to come. this is what to expect as we go into the labor day weekend. we've got mainly clear skies coming at you tonight. the humidity will be backing down. there's a cool wind from the northeast. it's drier at the same time. that makes it feel more comfortable. you may be tempted to open the windows into tonight. it's a perfect picture weekend coming up with the weather with lots of sunshine out there and comfortable temperatures. it's going to stay warm and dry. the humidity won't be a problem for you at all. and then is there going to be another heat wave? altogether? not exactly. there's the potential of a heat future. today it was pretty warm out we need the rain. we don't need the warm temps. as we go into the holiday with this. 84 was your high at newark. same thing central park. 81 in bridgeport with a lot of sun out there. 79 in montauk. check out the winds. they're coming in from the east to northeast at 7 to 14 miles an hour. that's a different direction. oftentimes when a cold front comes through, you get winds from the northwest. instead they're the east-northeast. that's pulling in the cooler area from canada and off the atlantic waters. that's helping to knock back the temperatures and down the humidity a little bit. as far as showers go, we didn't get a lot out of this. we didn't expect a lot. we didn't get much either. the cooler air will continue to invade over the tri-state and knocks our temps down. you can see where the storms are near the nation's capital. that will continue to be the case. take a look at the futurecast. it doesn't bring us much of anything. keeps a few clouds around this evening. there's a chance you could see a few light showers in the overnight hours. for the most part, you'll see clearing skies and a lot of sunshine coming at you as we get into saturday and into sunday. with that northeast wind continuing, that will bring your highs more so tomorrow and the humidity down as well. here's what to expect tomorrow. starts off on the cooler side, dropping down to 64 for a low. we'll make our way up to 81 for a high tomorrow afternoon. as we go through the next seven days, got a high of 83 on sunday. then it makes it up to 88 on monday. so that is labor day. that memorial day. maybe we want to back it up. steve: wishful thinking. >> that's not happening. we are going to see high temps. 90 twice in a row on tuesday and wednesday. highs of 88 on either side book ending it. we're close to a heat wave. steve: we went so long without a heat wave and then we've had two, almost three. >> it will be real close. this is not the time of year it happens. alison: summer doesn't want to give up. i love it. steve: thanks, mike. good seeing you. we're prepared to see changes at the port authority terminal bus gates will be assigned. one-third of commuters will be affected. the port authority hopes this will help reduce overcrowding and delays. don't worry. there'll be signs directing people on where to go when you get there after your weekend. alison: the pope sounding the alarm on an issue that affects people of all faiths, climate change. steve: antwan lewis shows how he's become one of the biggest champions. >> reporter: in june, pope francis came out strongly in support of protecting mother earth with regard to climate change. he said we have pushed the planet to a breaking point. >> pope francis is one of the most trusted men on the planet. when he comes out and talks about climate change, it's huge. >> reporter: paul is with riverkeeper, a new york-based non-profit that defends and protects the hudson river and the water supply of new york city. they believe the rebuke of those who made him the strongest nonpartisan voice to enter the save the earth discussion. >> in the days after the pope's message on climate, people understand this isn't about some little issue that only people who are environmentalists care about. this is about communities. this is about public health and safety. anybody in this area who went through sandy has got to be thinking, is this going to be something that happens again and gets worse? >> reporter: some wondered if he may have crossed the line between science and religion when declaring global warming to be real and something the world needs to address. dr. miller is a professor of theology at the university of dayton. he said critics who think the pope went too far don't understand religion at all. is something more profound. he asked us to open ourselves to the best scientific arguments that are available as a way of attending to the truth of god's creation. to opening ourselves to what's going on in that creation and taking seriously our part in it. >> a spiritual vision that some say has the pontiff dubbed the first green pope. green could be applied to other religious leaders as well. >> the pope's message to american catholics is going well beyond that community. people of all faiths are responding, whether you're from a different christian denomination or from the jewish faith or you're muslim. all the faiths are starting to rally behind the pope's leadership. and that's inspiring. that's inspiring. >> reporter: as expected, the pope's words on protecting the earth having a global impact. a number of green organizations are reporting upticks in membership and in funding. reporting from central park, antwan lewis, fox 5 news. steve: will you consider being 32 too old? alison: it is according to anne hathaway. what she's saying about the age debate and the double standard in hollywood. steve: the tri-state area could get a new casino. the unlikely place that's making a bid to attract gambling. oh, stay on that one. [changes channel] sometimes it's hard to catch all your favorite shows. you're killing me, dad. give me that, please. with time warner cable's enhanced dvr, you can. record up to 6 shows at the same time. plus, you can record in one room and watch in another. p so you can enjoy tv on your schedule. welcome to the future. yes, welcome. get over 200 hd channels, internet, and unlimited calling for $89.99 a month. time warner cable. yoplait. the smooth and creamy yogurt your whole family loves. yoplait original with no artificial sweeteners, no artificial flavors, and no high fructose corn syrup. alison: anne hathaway used to benefit from ageism in hollywood, but now the shoe is on the other foot. steve: she claims she's losing roles to younger women. baruch shemtov has more on the youth double standard. >> ageism has been an issue in hollywood. one a list star is being shut out of rules. is 32 too old for hollywood? >> i don't think so. >> it's not. >> that's ridiculous. >> it's pathetic. 32 is young. >> reporter: according to anne hathaway, it is a problem with the actress known for roles in the devil wears prada and bride wars, telling u.k. glamour magazine, parts would be written eir 50s and i would get them. >> ageism is a massive problem in hollywood for women. every female actress in hollywood feels this. what's interesting is she talked about this. i predict there's going to be a bit of backlash. this has been going on since the beginning of movies. something. >> reporter: the bottom line is in our hands. >> there's no reason that this should be. we can change this if people like you and me and the public just no longer accept it. let's buy tickets and support women that are playing age appropriate roles. >> reporter: baruch shemtov, fox 5 news. steve: there's plenty of celebrities thought of as young but are over the age of 32. katie holmes is 36. she's working on all we had, which will be a dawson former star's directorial debut. alison: beyonce turned 34. she was dethrown ned by kim kardashian on twitter. steve: and claire daines is 36. she's won two emmys for her role on home land. she won in 2012 and 2013 when she was 33 and 34. alison: paris hilton reunited with her ring worth $350,000 thanks to a polish firefighter. she lost the ring while she was on a shuttle bus. two days later, a fireman found it on the floor. he noticed hilton wearing it on tv and was sure it was returned to her. steve: how about this? rolling the dice in a surprising place. alison: you may be shocked to hear which city has a plan to build a vegas-style casino. steve: and bringing star wars to a new generation. i'm not sick. i'm not sick. i'm not sick. she's perfectly healthy. cigna covers preventive care. that's having your back. mmmmmm yoplait! oh! good news everybody! there is now 25% less sugar in yoplait original. say "adieu" to that sugar. because it still tastes good ahhhh yoplait! so everyone is saying, "hey! you gotta get fios!" but why? percent fiber optic so you can get access to the fastest internet and in-home big capacity too. so everyone in the house can get online. fios? we're rated number 1 in customer satisfaction. get 50 meg fios internet, tv & phone starting at $79.99 a month. hurry, offer ends september 19th. get out of the past. get fios. get this. i was at my shop tied up with a customer when i realized the time. i had to get to the bank before it closed, so i made a break for it. when i got out it was almost closing time. traffic was bad. i knew i was cutting it close. but it was ok. i use td bank. it's got the longest hours and stays open an extra ten minutes every day. i'm sid. and i bank human at td bank. steve: newark doubling down on its hope of becoming a destination for gamblers. alison: antwan lewis is there to tell us about the new development plan. >> reporter: good evening. what newark has done is positioned itself to receive a major boost financially. the makeup of downtown newark could be changing dramatically, a casino might be on the way. >> i understand the pressure economically on the town. >> reporter: this veteran assemblyman drafted a build to amend the constitution and allow casinos to be build in essex, bergen or hudson counties. >> the revenue has dropped 45 percent as far as taxable revenue. in 2006, we were taxing about 5.2 billion. we're down almost half of that. >> reporter: the city council voted unanimously to alter redevelopment plans and designate space for a potential gambling facility along with a shopping center and entertainment complex. residents are weighing in. >> it would be good for business. i don't know if i would go. >> my personal opinion is that casino in the downtown north area would not be positive or in the best interest of the constituents and residents of the city of newark. >> a great job opportunities, especially with a lot of new structures and new businesses that they're building in the area. i think it would be a great fit. >> reporter: the failure of revel and other casinos has made casinos further north more appealing. newark could compete for a location as the bill calls for up to three to be build. >> there's 24 million people in the radius of north jersey. there's -- compared to atlantic city, there's probably 2 million in a 50 mile radius. the income and demographics are here. the money we're losing to pennsylvania and new york is lost. we want to gain that back. >> new jersey lawmakers are expected to support the amendment and voters could see it on a ballot next fall. alison: thanks. a fatal house fire in long branch, new jersey, was ruled a murder-suicide. firefighters found four people dead with gunshot wounds. police say a 35-year-old set the fire after he shot and killed his girlfriend and two children. he then turned the gun on himself. steve: the nypd says a man has been shot. police responded to a call about a 52-year-old man shot in the arm on madison street. when they arrived, they found the armed suspect a few blocks away. the man began shooting at them and hit their car. the officer was able to shoot the gunman in the calf. the suspect taken to a hospital in stable condition where charges are pending. alison: this tsa screener is facing theft charges. authorities say video shows the person stealing a diamond watch from a plastic bin at kennedy airport. it was worth $7,000. once she realized co-workers were searching for it, she said she destroyed it. she is charged with grand larceny and official misconduct and no longer works for the tsa. steve: beaches and barbecues aren't your thing? go shopping. alison: jessica went bargain hunting. >> reporter: i may have to ditch the barbecues and beach and head to the mall. take a look around. there's huge discounts. $20. there's 5, $10 stuff. great deals. let me tell you, i'm not the only one heading to the mall this weekend. there are plenty of people out here doing some great shopping. labor day weekend means two things. end of summer and lots of deals. >> awesome sales. lord & taylor, 60, 50, 70% off. have a ball. >> reporter: stores at westfield south shore mall on long island are offering sales that many can't resist. >> little shirts are like $5, 9, 10. have a ball with the summer clothes. >> reporter: buy one, get one-half off, 50 and up to 70 percent off on clothing stores. adam shapiro of fox business network says a sale is a sale. there's always sales. it comes down to how much you want to spend. >> the deal is sales are constant now. and you need to figure out when you want to jump in to buy something. if something hits a price point that you want, get it. if it's not quite where you want, wait. if it never gets there, then you know the next time it hits sail and it's the price you saw last time, buy it. >> reporter: labor day weekend is the best time to purchase appliances. >> they're offering 40 percent off and free delivery. if you need a washer or drier, i feel like a salesman, but seems like that would be a good deal. >> reporter: outdoor furniture, discounts. >> perfect weekend. we have pretty good stock on a lot of items. they do free delivery over a thousand dollars. alison: on sale. brand new star war toys and the movie are bringing back great memories. steve: how fans with children plan to pass their love of the franchise on to the next generation. alison: plus last night's drone incident at the u.s. open was unusual, but not the first time an unexpected visitor dropped into a sporting event. we'll look back at similar surprises. steve: here's tonight's new york minute. september is hunger action month in suffolk county helped the efforts to feed those in need by donating 37,000 mre's, meals ready to eat. they will help 300,000 struggling long islanders. >> if you're in need, there's an emergency or you're struggling to put food on the table, this is something you could feed your family and that you feel good about. >> learn more at island >> this is very exciting. there are 11 sets of twins here. >> reporter: 11 sets of twins starting school at the lynbrook center. most are brothers and sisters. they will get a chance to learn on their own. >> they are split up. they're able to make friends with different children, have different social gatherings with different children and they can share their friendships. >> this isn't a first for the school. they had seven sets of twins in 2011. and that's yoplait. the smooth and creamy yogurt your whole family loves. yoplait original with no artificial sweeteners, no artificial flavors, and no high fructose corn syrup. alison: the star wars marketing machine with new toys ahead of the new movie. steve: as dan bowens shows us, the toys and nostalgia of older fans are bringing the toys to a new generation. >> reporter: in a galaxy not far away, star wars fans from around the world marching like stormtroopers, some dressed like jedis heading to toy stores from germany to london to california and new york city. dubbed force friday, because of the meta physical power known as the force made popular in the sci-fi george lucas films, it is a day the successful disney franchise is unveiling brand new merchandise ahead of its new star wars movie for its yoda loving faithful. >> it's fun. we had to keep it in the back secret until today. >> reporter: now the secret is out at big fun toys in hoboken. the store with a few of the new line of legos for sale. like the 85 piece bounty hunter and the hurn falcon. >> it spans generations. now a lot of people that are having children are in their 30s, 40s, and they remember from when they were younger. they want to bring it to their kids. >> reporter: fox 5's producer and expert, says there's an art to passing light saber love from one generation to the next. >> the best way to introduce a kid to star wars, the movies, is to watch the original star wars, then empire strikes back. you learn about luke sky walker, darth vader, you learn he's his father. then you watch the second and third prequels and get the story of how he becomes darth vader then the return of the jedi. you ignore phantom menace. >> reporter: do you remember the movies? >> yes. >> reporter: samantha is picking up the new stuff to share old memories with her grand kids. >> i know a lot about it. now i can have that relationship with them and talk about how much i know. i can be the cool grandma. >> reporter: the force is strong with this one. dan bowens, fox 5 news. steve: very good explanation by john. that was interesting. alison: well done. that was spot on. steve: ralph lauren taking workout wear to the next level. alison: we'll show you the new smart shirt that can revolutionize the way you stay fit. steve: and the drone crash at the u.s. open had us remembering the time a parachuter crashed the world series. we'll hear what the so everyone is saying, "hey! you gotta get fios!" but why? well, fios is a 100 percent fiber optic network to the home, so you can get access to the fastest internet and in-home wi-fi available. too. so everyone in the house but the main reason to get fios? we're rated number 1 in customer satisfaction. get 50 meg fios internet, $79.99 a month. hurry, offer ends september 19th. get out of the past. get fios. until morning. so i'm one of many nurses at cigna with answers, anytime, day or night. i'm lauren, and i've got your back. mmm yoplait! it's snack time! oh, look! yoplait original now has 25% less sugar. time to taste it. how is it? it tastes good! congratulations yoplait! you did it! yoplait! steve: last night's drone invasion at the u.s. open got us thinking about other famous visits that dropped in from the sky during major sporting events. alison: like when miller landed on the ropes during the '93 heavy weight fight in las vegas. fans were not happy. they showed him how they felt about it with their fists. he spent a short time in jail and ringside magazine named it the event of the year. steve: something similar happened during game 6 of the '86 world series. michael sergio parachuted in carrying a let's go mets sign. welcome. the pitcher was bobby who said that helped motivate the team. >> to jump out of a plane at night in the dark, land on the field during the world series, a crucial point in the world series, that was -- that was amazing that he actually did it. pulled it off and landed great. steve: look how nuts the crowd was going. that's incredible. amazing stuff. sergio spent a short time in jail before being released with the help of al demata. that was pre-9/11. you could do more. alison: amazing. in fox 5 health news, are you already starting to miss lazy days at the beach, outdoor cafes and barbecues? you don't have to start dreading the months ahead. steve: joining us, dr. devi from the nyu school of medicine. so this is a real thing. the light plays a big role. >> sure. it relates to the days getting blue. there are ways to get over that. sunlight. try to have more light available, especially with kids. spend more time in the sun. there are other things we can look forward to with the fall. just having cool weather, not the humidity. that's one positive. chocolate. and -- hot chocolate. there are studies that actually show when you feel anxious or down, sometimes your heart rate goes up. start breathing faster because you're feeling anxious. there are studies that show instead of telling yourself to calm down, it's better to tell yourself you're excited about those things. excitement goes along with that fast heart rate. it actually makes you feel more excited. steve: there's a lot to look forward to in the fall. alison: i'm going to jedi trick my mind into believing the winter won't be colds. steve: that's a great point. exercise is good for the body and mind. it may be true for kids. keeping your children in shape could wind up with them getting better grades in school. that's a win-win. apparently, though, the unspoken thing is it might be difficult to get your kids out and about with video games and technology and all that. >> of course. this study looked at kids able to run on the treadmill. how long could they go. and how well did they do on the standardized math tests. the ones who did better on the treadmill did better on the tests. there are a couple of ways of looking at that. aerobic exercise, if it's improving circulation, it might improve blood flow to the brain. you're maturing your brain faster. maybe it has to do with the parents. parents who encourage children to study more might encourage them to do more activities. steve: you might have more ambitious parents. >> exactly. you probably need parents to take a more assertive role in terms of physical fitness. back. they're not mandated to do the activities. steve: 30, 40 -- growing up, you had to go outside and run around to have something to do. it's not the case now. >> they're incentive with the schools is not mandated. and especially with the video games and computers and a lot of the other things -- steve: more fun to be inside than it used to be. >> kids after school might not be doing as many things as they used to. you might see more than the one hour. there might be several hours kids have cut back. steve: got to keep moving. all right. we appreciate it. have a great weekend. thank you. >> michael, let's talk about the weather. it did cool down a little. not as much as we were expecting. we're still in the 80s. >> our temps were above normal. we were thinking a high around 81 or so. we managed to get up to around 85. that was your high temperature this afternoon. look at the average high. it's 79. as we get into the early days of down. it hasn't happened yet. we had a couple of days, a few in a row, we had our first heat september. 77 was our low this morning. the average low is only 65. that would feel on the cool side, a little chilly i'm sure. but, yeah, sunset time is coming up just about now. in about a half hour. 6:26. this is what we have with our temperatures. 83. it's come down a bit. 82 in islip and 80 in bridgeport. it was nice and warm. a lot of folks were out there enjoying their holiday weekend at the beaches, at the rivers, whatever the case may be. hasn't been bad. look at the dew points. mostly in the lower 60s. now what we have is cooler, drier air working its way into the tri-state region because of a back door cold front that slid in. when the dew points drop into the lower 60s, the air feels less heavy than what we had over the week. it's not so thick in terms of the humidity. that trend will continue to happen as we get into the overnight hours and into tomorrow and sunday as well. things are looking pretty good, very comfortable. the winds are coming in from the east and northeast at 7 to 14 miles an hour. not a tremendous amount of wind. but it's enough for you to feel out there. that northeast wind also pulls in the cooler air from canada and off the atlantic waters. that's helping us out in terms of drying us out. where it's not helping is the rip currents. good. a northeast wind brought up the risk of rip currents. if you happen to be going to the beaches and you get caught in the rip currents, that's a narrow channel of water heading out to sea, it can be a panic situation. if you get caught in it, try not to panic and as you're in the rip current, you want to swim parallel to that rip current, parallel to the beach. once you come out of the channel of water that's taking you to sea, start making your way back in towards shore and that will situation. flag for help if you get too far out and someone should help you. that's one thing to be aware of on a holiday weekend. oftentimes on the beaches the staff kind of comes down for you along the long island beaches. we have mainly clear skies coming with that back door cold front that came through. it did not bring us much as far as showers go. there wasn't a lot to lift. we have the cooler air that's being forced in. without a lot of lift, it was hard to get things going. a few patchy showers are possible here later tonight as the cool air continues to make its way into the area. for the most part, it's a clearer sky and drier condition that we're going to enjoy through the holiday weekend. clearing skies coming up tonight. pretty comfortable. tonight's lows dropping down between 58 to 64. tomorrow, sunny and warm and dry again. high temp in the city around 81. as we go through the next seven days, we'll have a high of 81 tomorrow. 83 on sunday. all the way back up to 88 for you on monday. and then it gets about to 90 both tuesday and wednesday of next week. the humidity starts to pick up a bit. and some storm chances make that i way back in thursday and friday. a warm looking forecast. could see another heat wave. we're on the cusp here. alison: i'll take more of the warm weather. alison: wearing the right clothes may be the key to getting the most out of your workout. steve: ralph lauren ma banking on it. this smart shirt creates the ultimate workout. baruch shemtov shows us how it works. >> this is a game changer. fashion and technology coming together. >> reporter: we know polo ralph lauren for their polo shirts. with the tech shirt, it is taking wearable technology to a new more fashionable level. >> everybody is trying to figure out how to measure information, how to live a healthier and better life. if fashion can help do that, it's worth that. >> reporter: the new shirt features silver threads and accelorometr, transmitting data to your smartphone or tablet. they have a virtual trainer. >> we've created an app that adapts to your conditioning to help you improve the way in which you're feeling. >> reporter: i gave it a try. with the app adjusting the workout based only my performance. >> you get the directions. chris will count you in. >> your performance is going to determine that. >> nice and light. nice and light. >> squat down as deep as you can by bending back and the knees outward. you should be feeling your quads, glutes and core. >> reporter: i got a great workout in the window of this flagship. >> let's crank it. in five, four, three, two, one. >> reporter: where are we going? >> start pumping away. we brought it up to 150. >> reporter: nothing is going to stop me. >> you've got to earn it. almost. >> yes. yes. >> 150. >> victory. baruch shemtov, fox 5 news. steve: interesting having your shirt goad you on to a better workout. interesting. alison: we'll see you at 10:00. steve: here's christina park with what's coming up at 6:00. >> thanks. it's time to head back to school. tonight we're talking about the best app to help you study and stay organized. plus what happens when a famous designer needs to clean up at home? she throws a yard sale. we'll show you next at 6:00. switch now, new york and get installed as early as today. mom switched. we switched. i switched to time warner cable and knew exactly when they were coming. thanks to their 1 hour appointment window. for $89.99 a month, you'll get 100 meg internet, hundreds of hd channels, and unlimited calling to the u.s., puerto rico, canada, mexico, china and india. and for a limited time, you could get a $300 reward card plus tv equipment and epix included. get installed for free as early as today. call 1-800-341-9716. yoplait. the smooth and creamy yogurt your whole family loves. yoplait original with no artificial sweeteners, no artificial flavors, and no high fructose corn syrup. christina: hello and good evening. happy friday to you. i'm christina park in for ernie anastos who is off tonight. we start tonight with yet another drone incident. this time at the u.s. open and now a science teacher is in trouble over that. stacey delikat is live in jamaica where he lives. >> reporter: christina, that's right. no sign of that science teacher, daniel verley right now. but i can tell you that no one was hurt when this happened last night. that's the good news. prosecutors still say by flying his drone and allegedly crashing it in the stadium, he put a lot of lives in danger. >> early con ject jecture seems to be a drone crashed. >> it crashed into the top level of the stands at the stadium last night around 8:30 in the middle of a heated match, startling many. >> it seems to frustrate panetta. >> it halted the match as police and security personnel rushed to investigate. the man allegedly flying the drone, 26-year-old daniel verley, a new york city public school science teacher at the

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Transcripts For WNYW FOX 5 News At 5 20150904

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the man flying the drone, a 26-year-old, a new york city public school science teacher at the academy of innovative technology in brooklyn. police say he turned himself in last night. this morning, he was charged with reckless endangerment and operating a drone in a new york city park outside of a prescribed area. mark haynes, a neighbor down the block in queens, believes he saw the drone in the neighborhood a month ago. >> i was sitting in my car up the block from here. i saw something hovering over this house over here. >> reporter: neighbors who know him say they don't think he meant to cause trouble. >> what do i think about it? he wanted to look at the game or whatever is there. i don't think nothing bad about it. >> i don't think he should be -- get any punishment. you know, he loved the kids. he's a teacher. he's a good, honest guy. he made a mistake. everybody makes mistakes. >> reporter: well, the department of education says while this is not a school-related matter, they will be monitoring developments in the case and base any punishment on the outcome of that criminal case. he is due back in court september 16th. live in jamaica, i'm stacey delikat. back to you. thank you. this is the first time a crash like that. during game 6 of the world series, someone parachuted into shea stadium. he was arrested, escorted out. the crowd went nuts. the former pitcher will talk about the moment when sergio dropped in come up at 5:45. high hopes for a spectacular holiday weekend. there's good news in the forecast and the roads. gas prices are dropping. the national average is about a dollar lower than last year. drivers in essex county, new jersey, taking advantage, playing less than $2 a gallon. these are the lowest labor day weekend prices we've seen since 2004. a pretty nice perk for the more than 30 million americans traveling this holiday. steve: summer's last hurrah means a big weekend for beaches. people were getting one last dose and some nice waves. >> we may have more nice weather. mike woods will tell us for sure. he's here with a first look. >> hey. it's looking fantastic for us as we go into the labor day weekend. we had nice, warm temperatures. it did come down today. high temp ended up topping out at 84 at central park. same thing for newark. 90 in allentown. than normal. the average high is about 80. we're still well above that. the big difference is the winds coming from the northeast at 7 to 14 miles an hour. that's pulling in cooler air and making the water choppy at the beaches. that's the one thing to look out for. temps will be fine. sunshine is fine. there is a high risk of rip today. skies. looks like it will be that way as a back door cold front came in. take a look at this forecast for labor day weekend, a perfect stretch. sunny skies. not as hot on saturday. highs in the lower 80s as well as sunday. perfect beach days. on labor day, it's going to be heating up with mainly sunny skies. look at highs getting close to 90. not quite there. but sunny throughout the stretch. things look fantastic. >> we wish it was memorial day. >> did i say memorial day? >> wouldn't that be nice? >> thanks, mike. more trouble for the five rutgers football players facing criminal charges a day after being suspended from the team. they have been suspended from school. four of the players have charged with assaulting a group of people back in april. the fifth is facing charges for two separate home invasions. the two other students helped in those robberies. appeal. >> the buffalo bills released breaking his jaw. training camp. he was immediately cut by the team before being picked up by rex ryan. smith still recovering and he season. big blue booted one of its popular players. steve: steve weatherford has been released. tina joins us more with more on his departure. i saw it in my twitter feed. what happened? >> reporter: it's hard to believe that a story about a punter being cut is in the top of a newscast. this is not so much about the punter, but about what the person steve weatherford meant to the giants fan base. one of the few remaining members of the giants 2011 championship season, punter steve weatherford is often remembered for his reaction after holding the game winning field goal propelling the giants to the super bowl. he was one of the most popular players wearing blue. when news came down he was released by the team, fans were shocked. >> it was unexpected. i didn't see it coming. i wouldn't have expected them to do that. >> a pit guy. are you shocked by that? >> kind of >> a 10 year veteran, weatherford came to the giants in 2011. his popularity stemmed from his charitable efforts from toy drives to project prom where he paid for several high school proms which he also attended. weatherford was tabbed the fittest man in the nfl. a fitness magazine cover model, weatherford regularly posted photos and video on social media for the social purpose to motivate others. >> 10, 15 seconds. >> reporter: he was new 3 million, one of the league's highest paid punters. he was coming off a difficult year marred by injury. we caught up with him earlier this week. >> tearing four ligaments in your ankle week one. looking back, i probably should have taken three, four weeks off and let it heal. but coach t preaches toughness. i wanted to be one of those guys that he looked at as one of the tough players. even though i play a position that's not traditionally looked at as being tough. >> reporter: following his release, the giants traded for steelers punter brad wing. weatherford who has filled in as a sports anchor did not responsible to texts. happen. >> reporter: so well liked. he'll find his place. >> he'll be a giant in heart. thank you. dozens of students and teachers evacuated from the ivy league early learning academy on staten island after some nauseous. skyfox hd through over the richmond avenue building as crews searched inside for the cause, which they say was possibly due to paint fumes. officials say none of the 65 children showed any signs of sickness. the five adults refused medical attention. two daycare workers accused of creating a toddler fight club have pleaded not guilty. they appeared in court this morning in elizabeth, new jersey, charged with child abuse after encouraging young kids to fight on a playground. one is charged with endangering the welfare of a child for recording the fights and sharing the videos with friends. they are due in court in october. the coast guard identified two members whose plane crashed in cresskill, new jersey, yesterday. they are both in stable condition at the hospital. they were surveying the hudson river yesterday when they encountered engine problems. rosenberg tried to land in the river but came down two miles west. the coast guard auxiliary is a volunteer organization. >> it was a tough day on wall street. the dow lost 272 points. the market is down 3% on the week. what was the problem today? a mixed jobs report. august saw the slowest hiring in five months. only 173,000 new jobs. economists expected 220. but the unemployment rate improved to 5.1%, the lowest since 2008. investors were hoping it would offer more direction about rates. they're celebrating in kentucky where a county clerk was refusing to give marriage licenses to same-sex couples. steve: we'll hear from one man who got the license and what the future. >> stores are rolling out plenty of discounts in hopes of attract is yoplait. the smooth and creamy yoplait original with no artificial sweeteners, no artificial flavors, and no high fructose corn syrup. steve: same-sex couples are getting marriage licenses in the kentucky county where a clerk refused to hand them out. alison: as lidia curanaj shows us, the defiance is a hot topic on the presidential campaign. >> reporter: after being denied several times, william smith, jr., and james yates received their marriage license in kentucky amid cameras and a hug from mom. >> civil rights are civil rights. they're not subject to -- >> reporter: demonstrators supporting same-sex marriage and those against it once again converge on the courthouse steps as kim davis remains in jail on a contempt charge for refusing to issue licenses claiming it goes against her religious beliefs. >> for the first time in history, an american citizen has been incarcerated for having the belief of conscience that marriage is the union of one man and one woman. she's been ordered to stay there until she's willing to change her mind. >> reporter: her husband was seen holding a sign that read welcome to sodom and gomorrah and criticized the judge. >> i would defy him. i defy our government. we have no government in the united states no more. >> reporter: the case has become a presidential campaign issue. >> this is the criminalization of christianity. what she did was follow the kentucky constitution, voted on by 75 percent of the people. she has now been criminalized. she's being held without bail. >> reporter: senator at the time cruz, another republican presidential hopeful supports davis and has started a petition on her behalf. the white house is also weighing in on the case, saying no public official is above the law. steve? alison: thanks. this labor day weekend, fewer americans will be firing up the grill. the number of americans grilling their main meals has dropped 5%. rising meat prices could be the problem. beef costs 50 percent more than 10 years ago. bloomberg blames shifting demographics. i would take a steak or burger. steve: i'll go traditional. very good. let's talk about the weather. it's amazing. we are getting spoiled by the heat. the lower 80s felt cool today. alison: i love this warm weather. i'll pretend the summer isn't ending. it doesn't feel like it is. >> it doesn't. our temperatures were warmer than what was anticipated. it did come down a little bit, but not a lot. it did feel a little drier because the dew points and the humidities are starting to back down. that's going to make a difference out there today and especially the weekend. it will feel fresh in the morning for us in the mornings to come. this is what to expect as we go into the labor day weekend. we've got mainly clear skies coming at you tonight. the humidity will be backing down. there's a cool wind from the northeast. it's drier at the same time. that makes it feel more comfortable. you may be tempted to open the windows into tonight. it's a perfect picture weekend coming up with the weather with lots of sunshine out there and comfortable temperatures. it's going to stay warm and dry. the humidity won't be a problem for you at all. and then is there going to be another heat wave? altogether? not exactly. there's the potential of a heat future. today it was pretty warm out we need the rain. we don't need the warm temps. as we go into the holiday with this. 84 was your high at newark. same thing central park. 81 in bridgeport with a lot of sun out there. 79 in montauk. check out the winds. they're coming in from the east to northeast at 7 to 14 miles an hour. that's a different direction. oftentimes when a cold front comes through, you get winds from the northwest. instead they're the east-northeast. that's pulling in the cooler area from canada and off the atlantic waters. that's helping to knock back the temperatures and down the humidity a little bit. as far as showers go, we didn't get a lot out of this. we didn't expect a lot. we didn't get much either. the cooler air will continue to invade over the tri-state and knocks our temps down. you can see where the storms are near the nation's capital. that will continue to be the case. take a look at the futurecast. it doesn't bring us much of anything. keeps a few clouds around this evening. there's a chance you could see a few light showers in the overnight hours. for the most part, you'll see clearing skies and a lot of sunshine coming at you as we get into saturday and into sunday. with that northeast wind continuing, that will bring your highs more so tomorrow and the humidity down as well. here's what to expect tomorrow. starts off on the cooler side, dropping down to 64 for a low. we'll make our way up to 81 for a high tomorrow afternoon. as we go through the next seven days, got a high of 83 on sunday. then it makes it up to 88 on monday. so that is labor day. that memorial day. maybe we want to back it up. steve: wishful thinking. >> that's not happening. we are going to see high temps. 90 twice in a row on tuesday and wednesday. highs of 88 on either side book ending it. we're close to a heat wave. steve: we went so long without a heat wave and then we've had two, almost three. >> it will be real close. this is not the time of year it happens. alison: summer doesn't want to give up. i love it. steve: thanks, mike. good seeing you. we're prepared to see changes at the port authority terminal bus gates will be assigned. one-third of commuters will be affected. the port authority hopes this will help reduce overcrowding and delays. don't worry. there'll be signs directing people on where to go when you get there after your weekend. alison: the pope sounding the alarm on an issue that affects people of all faiths, climate change. steve: antwan lewis shows how he's become one of the biggest champions. >> reporter: in june, pope francis came out strongly in support of protecting mother earth with regard to climate change. he said we have pushed the planet to a breaking point. >> pope francis is one of the most trusted men on the planet. when he comes out and talks about climate change, it's huge. >> reporter: paul is with riverkeeper, a new york-based non-profit that defends and protects the hudson river and the water supply of new york city. they believe the rebuke of those who made him the strongest nonpartisan voice to enter the save the earth discussion. >> in the days after the pope's message on climate, people understand this isn't about some little issue that only people who are environmentalists care about. this is about communities. this is about public health and safety. anybody in this area who went through sandy has got to be thinking, is this going to be something that happens again and gets worse? >> reporter: some wondered if he may have crossed the line between science and religion when declaring global warming to be real and something the world needs to address. dr. miller is a professor of theology at the university of dayton. he said critics who think the pope went too far don't understand religion at all. is something more profound. he asked us to open ourselves to the best scientific arguments that are available as a way of attending to the truth of god's creation. to opening ourselves to what's going on in that creation and taking seriously our part in it. >> a spiritual vision that some say has the pontiff dubbed the first green pope. green could be applied to other religious leaders as well. >> the pope's message to american catholics is going well beyond that community. people of all faiths are responding, whether you're from a different christian denomination or from the jewish faith or you're muslim. all the faiths are starting to rally behind the pope's leadership. and that's inspiring. that's inspiring. >> reporter: as expected, the pope's words on protecting the earth having a global impact. a number of green organizations are reporting upticks in membership and in funding. reporting from central park, antwan lewis, fox 5 news. steve: will you consider being 32 too old? alison: it is according to anne hathaway. what she's saying about the age debate and the double standard in hollywood. steve: the tri-state area could get a new casino. the unlikely place that's making a bid to attract gambling. oh, stay on that one. [changes channel] sometimes it's hard to catch all your favorite shows. you're killing me, dad. give me that, please. with time warner cable's enhanced dvr, you can. record up to 6 shows at the same time. plus, you can record in one room and watch in another. p so you can enjoy tv on your schedule. welcome to the future. yes, welcome. get over 200 hd channels, internet, and unlimited calling for $89.99 a month. time warner cable. yoplait. the smooth and creamy yogurt your whole family loves. yoplait original with no artificial sweeteners, no artificial flavors, and no high fructose corn syrup. alison: anne hathaway used to benefit from ageism in hollywood, but now the shoe is on the other foot. steve: she claims she's losing roles to younger women. baruch shemtov has more on the youth double standard. >> ageism has been an issue in hollywood. one a list star is being shut out of rules. is 32 too old for hollywood? >> i don't think so. >> it's not. >> that's ridiculous. >> it's pathetic. 32 is young. >> reporter: according to anne hathaway, it is a problem with the actress known for roles in the devil wears prada and bride wars, telling u.k. glamour magazine, parts would be written eir 50s and i would get them. >> ageism is a massive problem in hollywood for women. every female actress in hollywood feels this. what's interesting is she talked about this. i predict there's going to be a bit of backlash. this has been going on since the beginning of movies. something. >> reporter: the bottom line is in our hands. >> there's no reason that this should be. we can change this if people like you and me and the public just no longer accept it. let's buy tickets and support women that are playing age appropriate roles. >> reporter: baruch shemtov, fox 5 news. steve: there's plenty of celebrities thought of as young but are over the age of 32. katie holmes is 36. she's working on all we had, which will be a dawson former star's directorial debut. alison: beyonce turned 34. she was dethrown ned by kim kardashian on twitter. steve: and claire daines is 36. she's won two emmys for her role on home land. she won in 2012 and 2013 when she was 33 and 34. alison: paris hilton reunited with her ring worth $350,000 thanks to a polish firefighter. she lost the ring while she was on a shuttle bus. two days later, a fireman found it on the floor. he noticed hilton wearing it on tv and was sure it was returned to her. steve: how about this? rolling the dice in a surprising place. alison: you may be shocked to hear which city has a plan to build a vegas-style casino. steve: and bringing star wars to a new generation. i'm not sick. i'm not sick. i'm not sick. she's perfectly healthy. cigna covers preventive care. that's having your back. mmmmmm yoplait! oh! good news everybody! there is now 25% less sugar in yoplait original. say "adieu" to that sugar. because it still tastes good ahhhh yoplait! so everyone is saying, "hey! you gotta get fios!" but why? percent fiber optic so you can get access to the fastest internet and in-home big capacity too. so everyone in the house can get online. fios? we're rated number 1 in customer satisfaction. get 50 meg fios internet, tv & phone starting at $79.99 a month. hurry, offer ends september 19th. get out of the past. get fios. get this. i was at my shop tied up with a customer when i realized the time. i had to get to the bank before it closed, so i made a break for it. when i got out it was almost closing time. traffic was bad. i knew i was cutting it close. but it was ok. i use td bank. it's got the longest hours and stays open an extra ten minutes every day. i'm sid. and i bank human at td bank. steve: newark doubling down on its hope of becoming a destination for gamblers. alison: antwan lewis is there to tell us about the new development plan. >> reporter: good evening. what newark has done is positioned itself to receive a major boost financially. the makeup of downtown newark could be changing dramatically, a casino might be on the way. >> i understand the pressure economically on the town. >> reporter: this veteran assemblyman drafted a build to amend the constitution and allow casinos to be build in essex, bergen or hudson counties. >> the revenue has dropped 45 percent as far as taxable revenue. in 2006, we were taxing about 5.2 billion. we're down almost half of that. >> reporter: the city council voted unanimously to alter redevelopment plans and designate space for a potential gambling facility along with a shopping center and entertainment complex. residents are weighing in. >> it would be good for business. i don't know if i would go. >> my personal opinion is that casino in the downtown north area would not be positive or in the best interest of the constituents and residents of the city of newark. >> a great job opportunities, especially with a lot of new structures and new businesses that they're building in the area. i think it would be a great fit. >> reporter: the failure of revel and other casinos has made casinos further north more appealing. newark could compete for a location as the bill calls for up to three to be build. >> there's 24 million people in the radius of north jersey. there's -- compared to atlantic city, there's probably 2 million in a 50 mile radius. the income and demographics are here. the money we're losing to pennsylvania and new york is lost. we want to gain that back. >> new jersey lawmakers are expected to support the amendment and voters could see it on a ballot next fall. alison: thanks. a fatal house fire in long branch, new jersey, was ruled a murder-suicide. firefighters found four people dead with gunshot wounds. police say a 35-year-old set the fire after he shot and killed his girlfriend and two children. he then turned the gun on himself. steve: the nypd says a man has been shot. police responded to a call about a 52-year-old man shot in the arm on madison street. when they arrived, they found the armed suspect a few blocks away. the man began shooting at them and hit their car. the officer was able to shoot the gunman in the calf. the suspect taken to a hospital in stable condition where charges are pending. alison: this tsa screener is facing theft charges. authorities say video shows the person stealing a diamond watch from a plastic bin at kennedy airport. it was worth $7,000. once she realized co-workers were searching for it, she said she destroyed it. she is charged with grand larceny and official misconduct and no longer works for the tsa. steve: beaches and barbecues aren't your thing? go shopping. alison: jessica went bargain hunting. >> reporter: i may have to ditch the barbecues and beach and head to the mall. take a look around. there's huge discounts. $20. there's 5, $10 stuff. great deals. let me tell you, i'm not the only one heading to the mall this weekend. there are plenty of people out here doing some great shopping. labor day weekend means two things. end of summer and lots of deals. >> awesome sales. lord & taylor, 60, 50, 70% off. have a ball. >> reporter: stores at westfield south shore mall on long island are offering sales that many can't resist. >> little shirts are like $5, 9, 10. have a ball with the summer clothes. >> reporter: buy one, get one-half off, 50 and up to 70 percent off on clothing stores. adam shapiro of fox business network says a sale is a sale. there's always sales. it comes down to how much you want to spend. >> the deal is sales are constant now. and you need to figure out when you want to jump in to buy something. if something hits a price point that you want, get it. if it's not quite where you want, wait. if it never gets there, then you know the next time it hits sail and it's the price you saw last time, buy it. >> reporter: labor day weekend is the best time to purchase appliances. >> they're offering 40 percent off and free delivery. if you need a washer or drier, i feel like a salesman, but seems like that would be a good deal. >> reporter: outdoor furniture, discounts. >> perfect weekend. we have pretty good stock on a lot of items. they do free delivery over a thousand dollars. alison: on sale. brand new star war toys and the movie are bringing back great memories. steve: how fans with children plan to pass their love of the franchise on to the next generation. alison: plus last night's drone incident at the u.s. open was unusual, but not the first time an unexpected visitor dropped into a sporting event. we'll look back at similar surprises. steve: here's tonight's new york minute. september is hunger action month in suffolk county helped the efforts to feed those in need by donating 37,000 mre's, meals ready to eat. they will help 300,000 struggling long islanders. >> if you're in need, there's an emergency or you're struggling to put food on the table, this is something you could feed your family and that you feel good about. >> learn more at island >> this is very exciting. there are 11 sets of twins here. >> reporter: 11 sets of twins starting school at the lynbrook center. most are brothers and sisters. they will get a chance to learn on their own. >> they are split up. they're able to make friends with different children, have different social gatherings with different children and they can share their friendships. >> this isn't a first for the school. they had seven sets of twins in 2011. and that's yoplait. the smooth and creamy yogurt your whole family loves. yoplait original with no artificial sweeteners, no artificial flavors, and no high fructose corn syrup. alison: the star wars marketing machine with new toys ahead of the new movie. steve: as dan bowens shows us, the toys and nostalgia of older fans are bringing the toys to a new generation. >> reporter: in a galaxy not far away, star wars fans from around the world marching like stormtroopers, some dressed like jedis heading to toy stores from germany to london to california and new york city. dubbed force friday, because of the meta physical power known as the force made popular in the sci-fi george lucas films, it is a day the successful disney franchise is unveiling brand new merchandise ahead of its new star wars movie for its yoda loving faithful. >> it's fun. we had to keep it in the back secret until today. >> reporter: now the secret is out at big fun toys in hoboken. the store with a few of the new line of legos for sale. like the 85 piece bounty hunter and the hurn falcon. >> it spans generations. now a lot of people that are having children are in their 30s, 40s, and they remember from when they were younger. they want to bring it to their kids. >> reporter: fox 5's producer and expert, says there's an art to passing light saber love from one generation to the next. >> the best way to introduce a kid to star wars, the movies, is to watch the original star wars, then empire strikes back. you learn about luke sky walker, darth vader, you learn he's his father. then you watch the second and third prequels and get the story of how he becomes darth vader then the return of the jedi. you ignore phantom menace. >> reporter: do you remember the movies? >> yes. >> reporter: samantha is picking up the new stuff to share old memories with her grand kids. >> i know a lot about it. now i can have that relationship with them and talk about how much i know. i can be the cool grandma. >> reporter: the force is strong with this one. dan bowens, fox 5 news. steve: very good explanation by john. that was interesting. alison: well done. that was spot on. steve: ralph lauren taking workout wear to the next level. alison: we'll show you the new smart shirt that can revolutionize the way you stay fit. steve: and the drone crash at the u.s. open had us remembering the time a parachuter crashed the world series. we'll hear what the so everyone is saying, "hey! you gotta get fios!" but why? well, fios is a 100 percent fiber optic network to the home, so you can get access to the fastest internet and in-home wi-fi available. too. so everyone in the house but the main reason to get fios? we're rated number 1 in customer satisfaction. get 50 meg fios internet, $79.99 a month. hurry, offer ends september 19th. get out of the past. get fios. until morning. so i'm one of many nurses at cigna with answers, anytime, day or night. i'm lauren, and i've got your back. mmm yoplait! it's snack time! oh, look! yoplait original now has 25% less sugar. time to taste it. how is it? it tastes good! congratulations yoplait! you did it! yoplait! steve: last night's drone invasion at the u.s. open got us thinking about other famous visits that dropped in from the sky during major sporting events. alison: like when miller landed on the ropes during the '93 heavy weight fight in las vegas. fans were not happy. they showed him how they felt about it with their fists. he spent a short time in jail and ringside magazine named it the event of the year. steve: something similar happened during game 6 of the '86 world series. michael sergio parachuted in carrying a let's go mets sign. welcome. the pitcher was bobby who said that helped motivate the team. >> to jump out of a plane at night in the dark, land on the field during the world series, a crucial point in the world series, that was -- that was amazing that he actually did it. pulled it off and landed great. steve: look how nuts the crowd was going. that's incredible. amazing stuff. sergio spent a short time in jail before being released with the help of al demata. that was pre-9/11. you could do more. alison: amazing. in fox 5 health news, are you already starting to miss lazy days at the beach, outdoor cafes and barbecues? you don't have to start dreading the months ahead. steve: joining us, dr. devi from the nyu school of medicine. so this is a real thing. the light plays a big role. >> sure. it relates to the days getting blue. there are ways to get over that. sunlight. try to have more light available, especially with kids. spend more time in the sun. there are other things we can look forward to with the fall. just having cool weather, not the humidity. that's one positive. chocolate. and -- hot chocolate. there are studies that actually show when you feel anxious or down, sometimes your heart rate goes up. start breathing faster because you're feeling anxious. there are studies that show instead of telling yourself to calm down, it's better to tell yourself you're excited about those things. excitement goes along with that fast heart rate. it actually makes you feel more excited. steve: there's a lot to look forward to in the fall. alison: i'm going to jedi trick my mind into believing the winter won't be colds. steve: that's a great point. exercise is good for the body and mind. it may be true for kids. keeping your children in shape could wind up with them getting better grades in school. that's a win-win. apparently, though, the unspoken thing is it might be difficult to get your kids out and about with video games and technology and all that. >> of course. this study looked at kids able to run on the treadmill. how long could they go. and how well did they do on the standardized math tests. the ones who did better on the treadmill did better on the tests. there are a couple of ways of looking at that. aerobic exercise, if it's improving circulation, it might improve blood flow to the brain. you're maturing your brain faster. maybe it has to do with the parents. parents who encourage children to study more might encourage them to do more activities. steve: you might have more ambitious parents. >> exactly. you probably need parents to take a more assertive role in terms of physical fitness. back. they're not mandated to do the activities. steve: 30, 40 -- growing up, you had to go outside and run around to have something to do. it's not the case now. >> they're incentive with the schools is not mandated. and especially with the video games and computers and a lot of the other things -- steve: more fun to be inside than it used to be. >> kids after school might not be doing as many things as they used to. you might see more than the one hour. there might be several hours kids have cut back. steve: got to keep moving. all right. we appreciate it. have a great weekend. thank you. >> michael, let's talk about the weather. it did cool down a little. not as much as we were expecting. we're still in the 80s. >> our temps were above normal. we were thinking a high around 81 or so. we managed to get up to around 85. that was your high temperature this afternoon. look at the average high. it's 79. as we get into the early days of down. it hasn't happened yet. we had a couple of days, a few in a row, we had our first heat september. 77 was our low this morning. the average low is only 65. that would feel on the cool side, a little chilly i'm sure. but, yeah, sunset time is coming up just about now. in about a half hour. 6:26. this is what we have with our temperatures. 83. it's come down a bit. 82 in islip and 80 in bridgeport. it was nice and warm. a lot of folks were out there enjoying their holiday weekend at the beaches, at the rivers, whatever the case may be. hasn't been bad. look at the dew points. mostly in the lower 60s. now what we have is cooler, drier air working its way into the tri-state region because of a back door cold front that slid in. when the dew points drop into the lower 60s, the air feels less heavy than what we had over the week. it's not so thick in terms of the humidity. that trend will continue to happen as we get into the overnight hours and into tomorrow and sunday as well. things are looking pretty good, very comfortable. the winds are coming in from the east and northeast at 7 to 14 miles an hour. not a tremendous amount of wind. but it's enough for you to feel out there. that northeast wind also pulls in the cooler air from canada and off the atlantic waters. that's helping us out in terms of drying us out. where it's not helping is the rip currents. good. a northeast wind brought up the risk of rip currents. if you happen to be going to the beaches and you get caught in the rip currents, that's a narrow channel of water heading out to sea, it can be a panic situation. if you get caught in it, try not to panic and as you're in the rip current, you want to swim parallel to that rip current, parallel to the beach. once you come out of the channel of water that's taking you to sea, start making your way back in towards shore and that will situation. flag for help if you get too far out and someone should help you. that's one thing to be aware of on a holiday weekend. oftentimes on the beaches the staff kind of comes down for you along the long island beaches. we have mainly clear skies coming with that back door cold front that came through. it did not bring us much as far as showers go. there wasn't a lot to lift. we have the cooler air that's being forced in. without a lot of lift, it was hard to get things going. a few patchy showers are possible here later tonight as the cool air continues to make its way into the area. for the most part, it's a clearer sky and drier condition that we're going to enjoy through the holiday weekend. clearing skies coming up tonight. pretty comfortable. tonight's lows dropping down between 58 to 64. tomorrow, sunny and warm and dry again. high temp in the city around 81. as we go through the next seven days, we'll have a high of 81 tomorrow. 83 on sunday. all the way back up to 88 for you on monday. and then it gets about to 90 both tuesday and wednesday of next week. the humidity starts to pick up a bit. and some storm chances make that i way back in thursday and friday. a warm looking forecast. could see another heat wave. we're on the cusp here. alison: i'll take more of the warm weather. alison: wearing the right clothes may be the key to getting the most out of your workout. steve: ralph lauren ma banking on it. this smart shirt creates the ultimate workout. baruch shemtov shows us how it works. >> this is a game changer. fashion and technology coming together. >> reporter: we know polo ralph lauren for their polo shirts. with the tech shirt, it is taking wearable technology to a new more fashionable level. >> everybody is trying to figure out how to measure information, how to live a healthier and better life. if fashion can help do that, it's worth that. >> reporter: the new shirt features silver threads and accelorometr, transmitting data to your smartphone or tablet. they have a virtual trainer. >> we've created an app that adapts to your conditioning to help you improve the way in which you're feeling. >> reporter: i gave it a try. with the app adjusting the workout based only my performance. >> you get the directions. chris will count you in. >> your performance is going to determine that. >> nice and light. nice and light. >> squat down as deep as you can by bending back and the knees outward. you should be feeling your quads, glutes and core. >> reporter: i got a great workout in the window of this flagship. >> let's crank it. in five, four, three, two, one. >> reporter: where are we going? >> start pumping away. we brought it up to 150. >> reporter: nothing is going to stop me. >> you've got to earn it. almost. >> yes. yes. >> 150. >> victory. baruch shemtov, fox 5 news. steve: interesting having your shirt goad you on to a better workout. interesting. alison: we'll see you at 10:00. steve: here's christina park with what's coming up at 6:00. >> thanks. it's time to head back to school. tonight we're talking about the best app to help you study and stay organized. plus what happens when a famous designer needs to clean up at home? she throws a yard sale. we'll show you next at 6:00. switch now, new york and get installed as early as today. mom switched. we switched. i switched to time warner cable and knew exactly when they were coming. thanks to their 1 hour appointment window. for $89.99 a month, you'll get 100 meg internet, hundreds of hd channels, and unlimited calling to the u.s., puerto rico, canada, mexico, china and india. and for a limited time, you could get a $300 reward card plus tv equipment and epix included. get installed for free as early as today. call 1-800-341-9716. yoplait. the smooth and creamy yogurt your whole family loves. yoplait original with no artificial sweeteners, no artificial flavors, and no high fructose corn syrup. christina: hello and good evening. happy friday to you. i'm christina park in for ernie anastos who is off tonight. we start tonight with yet another drone incident. this time at the u.s. open and now a science teacher is in trouble over that. stacey delikat is live in jamaica where he lives. >> reporter: christina, that's right. no sign of that science teacher, daniel verley right now. but i can tell you that no one was hurt when this happened last night. that's the good news. prosecutors still say by flying his drone and allegedly crashing it in the stadium, he put a lot of lives in danger. >> early con ject jecture seems to be a drone crashed. >> it crashed into the top level of the stands at the stadium last night around 8:30 in the middle of a heated match, startling many. >> it seems to frustrate panetta. >> it halted the match as police and security personnel rushed to investigate. the man allegedly flying the drone, 26-year-old daniel verley, a new york city public school science teacher at the

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