Transcripts For WNCN North Carolina News At 600AM 20160825 :

Transcripts For WNCN North Carolina News At 600AM 20160825

indiana. >> yeah, we did. >> tornadoes. >> that's a cold front. that will make its way for us, but the good news it will weaken considerably. that's still a few daysway. in the meantime this morning still starting off pretty nice. it is 68 degrees right now. this is a live picture from the raleigh and durham international airport starting to be a little brighter. as it does we can see an area of clouds out there this morning hanging over the northern portions of wake county. we'll watch for these throughout the morning. >> all in all, i do think you'll see more sunshine than no rain, though, on the satellite and radar composite, so that's also some good news. let's get straight to the temperatures around the region. 61 in louisburg and clayton. dropping now to 60 in roanoke rapids. we have the mid-60s in henderson and durham. 65 in lillington. also the mid-six tee around fayetteville. -- mid-60s around fayetteville. 84 at lunchtime. i'd say mcat worst, 90 our afternoon high. so yes, this could be so far the hottest day this work week but temperatures climb for tomorrow. i'll have details on your friday forecast and the weekend ahead in about 10 minutes. right now let's check in with ali. what's the latest on the roadways? good morning. we do have a crash out there. second one of the morning. on u.s. 1, capital boulevard at sims creek road. heads up to you traveling capital boulevard. heads up through garner and johnston county area. starting at 9:00 inside lane closures for maintenance work on i-40. so be careful of the crews work out there. also been reporting this all morning long. a barn fire as two roads closed racetrack road andrew lanier caster store road. so be wear if you're heading through nash county that you'll drive times westbound to research triangle park. 540-u.s. 64-rtp, 23 minutes there. garner from u.s. 70. 24. outside now, i-40 at clayton bypass, this is the time to get out there. not seeing any delays yet. we know that changes quick lynn the next half hour or so. we are conning to follow breaking news. where a siege at american university has ended te afghanistan. >> several people were killed, dozens more wounded. emma wright joins us live in the studio with the very latest. >> reporter: according to kabul police 13 people were killed in the attack including seven students, three lemonade and three guard. 35 students and nine other police officers were injured. another750 students were rescued from the american university in kabul. witnesses say they heard gunshots, then a blast. some say curing that blast the survivors say they barricaded themselves in classrooms. one man says he and several classmates were on the second floor of bailing when they heard the gunshots down stairs and ended up jumping out of a window to save their lives. >> second floor that suddenly we hear very harsh sound. feel good and safe so therefore, we jumped from the second floor and escaped. >> reporter: the attack lasted several hours but afghan police say it understands no u over. >> . u.s. government says no one claimed responsibility for the attack yet. fayetteville police are searching for any leads that will help them lock up the suspects in a horrifying rape investigation. >> cbs north carolina's lauren haviland is live at the police learned about the attack. >> reporter: fayetteville police tell us that the victim was walking in the bonnie doone subdivision when a car pulled up. they tell us that a man and woman got out of the car, hit the victim over the head with an unknown weapon and then dragged her into their car. they say this happened on monday night around 9:00. take a good look at these photos. fayetteville police have provided us. investigators say this white sedan possibly achieve cruz was according to police he drove them to an abandoned house where the suspects beat and one of the men raped the victim. once it was over, authorities tell us they put the woman back in the car and dropped her back offer in the subdivision. somehow she managed to make it home. that's when see called 911. police say it's unclear if this woman was targeted. now that is part of their investigation. they say this case is a top priority for the fayetteville police department. you oner website. plus the three suspects' descriptions. live in fayetteville, lauren haviland cbs north carolina. a fort bragg sergeant accused rape will be back in court on new charges. fayetteville police have charged justin lewis in connection with rape in a 2014 case. as of last check he was still in jail on a $900,000 bond. with weekly visits from presidential candidate families you could be forgiven for forgetting there's a close race for senate. >> we have a new poll for you. shows senator richard busch is leading thinks democratic challenger debra ross by two points. that's within the margin of error. it record back into the spotlight. ross' campaign said busch has burr's camp responded that he spent is time in the senate securing social security and medicare. he'll continue to do so while in office. going back to the big name vis our state has been seeing, speaking near wilmington mike pence mentioned ross' response to hillary clinton's e-mail scandal while he didn't exactly criticize her he made it clear he felt north carolinians have a berth choice. >> when confronted by all this avalanche of e-mails, and this cascade of foundation and the state department said quote about the e-mails she said quote it was wrong. debra ross said no two ways about it the mess has to be cleaned, close quote. the only way to make sure that the white house won't have to be cleaned is by electing donald trump as the next president of the united states and reelecting senator richard busch as the great senator from the great state of north carolina. >> now that new poll is casting race here, as well. >> we're going to break that down for you coming up next and tell you a little bit about what the math may be misleading that's the story. still to come a half dozen storeses left behind a trail of damage. a look at the cleanup this morning. >> i overslept my alarm clock didn't go off i. missed the bus. you have a number of excuses that you hear. >> sorry, kids you'll need to come up with awe new excuse if you're late to class. the changes some durham ho >> and temperatures before you get -- story at 615. >> and temperatures now in the upper 50s. six staying in italy ofty three in tar approached more on how ?? from the mountains... to the beaches... the piedmont... to the sandhills... north carolina is possessed of spectacular natural beauty. [ sea gulls crying ] ?? ? i don't feel like i'm falling ? ? i'm up against the sky ? ? i said i'd taken it all in ? ? to make the good life ? ? and i don't feel like i'm falling ? ? i'm up against the sky ? because we're only borrowing it from our children. ?? welcome back to cbs north across the horizon. we are still about 30 minutes or s away from the official sunrise this morning. in the meantime, looks like it's going to be another spectacular one. it's going to feel great, too as you get ready to head out the door. 68degrees in raleigh. we've been in the mid-60s and i expect us to drop back there before 7:00 a.m. then the temperatures will rise. 70 at 8:00 a.m. 74 by 9:00 this morning no. rain in our forecast. and pretty clear skies as the temperatures around the region. 65 in henderson. 68 in raleigh. again, 66 in durham. 61 in louisburg and clayton. then as we check in around the sandhills we have 65 in fayetteville and raeford. the morning commute, lunchtime, not looking too bad. 84degrees maybe a few clouds there. 90 this afternoon. going to be hotter than the past few days. >> the dry weather, is going to how long the 90s will now hang around for coming up in the complete storm team forecast. people in central indiana are dealing with the aftermath of several tornadoes this morning. as many as 8 hit near kokomo just north of indianapolis. the twisters tore apart dozens of homes and businesses. one woman describes the moment she tried to leave her apartment bulldogs tornadoes touched down. >> i pushed -- i went into the bathroom u. auto got out a call 911. she said look, go somewhere safe. i tried to push the door and the wind was blowing so fast. i came out. i was just hysterical because i never sign it. then i short the doorp and then it blew my window out. and then that was it. >> i just ran down stairs. i was just so scared. >> emotional but we're so happy she's safe this morning. authorities say despite the and they also say the dozen or so injured, they're all minor injuries. time check for you on your thursday morning, it's 6:13 still ahead the first bell of the day will be ricking a little later for dumb students next week. students next week. what they hope to change with crisp garden vegetables. no artificial flavors. philadelphia? garden vegetable. rich, creamy... ...and delicious ke trying especially when it comes to sosnacking.ew. that's why we're introducing cheese dippers. the creamy cheese and crunchy breadsticks that go wherever you do. cheese dippers by the laughing cow. reinvent snacking. efforts almost time for kids to head back to class. >> yeah, not everything l several schools are making a really big change. on monday a big change will take place after more than a decade of talks southern high will now push back the start of class until 9:00 a.m. now as you can probably guess, the response to this has been a bit mixed. >> so this is something new for all of us. and so some of these things i canopy i want to wait to seey they're going to happen. we hope that this is for the make we hope that it's for student achievement. >> reporter: there could be many positives and negatives with the change but the bottom line administrators hope that this change will mean more success in the classroom. >> there's a lot of research that indicates that high schoolers need more sleep. so we're hopeful that by providing that they'll be more alert in their classes. and of course that will start to achieve results. >> reporter: on their old schedule they started at 7:30 a.m. fourth year ac a bit early for some students. >> first period would be a lot of kids that like to kind of lag in. oh, i overslept, my alarm clock didn't go off. i missed the bus. you have a number u excuses you hear on a regular basis. i think the 9:00 would be beneficial for them. >> this will not help him get more sleep. it will not. that's just an extra hour for facebook or instagram or twitter. >> reporter: her daughter will be a senior this year and when for her and her daughter, she said. >> jury's still out. right? so i have to change the schedule so that is a change in and of itself. not sure how i'm going to be impacted on that especially on the back edged. so ask me six months from now, how i feel about the change and i'd be able to give you a more definitive response. >> reporter: this is a change felt in the morning and afternoon as classes start an hour and a half later, the dismissal bell will not ring until advise parents to be as supportive as possible. listen to your students hear them out. they might even give you good feedback, too, witch as teachers they may not tell us. >> reporter: some good advice there. this is a change that will impact self schools. if you want a closer look at the individual schedules head over to our website we post aid-ing to the durham public schools ter crew can get more information for those response. check back in with me in six months. >> they have an open mind you think it that's what you have to have. elementary schools are going to be flip flopping they'll be starting earlier. they already had some trial runs with the year round schedules and elementary schools are loving it. >> are they? good. >> little kids are up early anyway, right? it's the high schoolers. >> all of this coming from four of us who have no children. so let's wait and let them be the judge. >> that's a good idea u. auto like the idea of how do i get that. let's get to the forecast for today. 6degrees right now. starting to get brighter at the raleigh durham international airport. but still, pretty cloudy in this direction. here in north carolina raleigh at our studios we're seeing clear skies just a matter of a few miles away they are looking at pretty cloudy conditions at the airport. let's get to the current temperatures. 61 in clayton and louisburg. 65 in henderson. mid-60s in roxboro. sanford right now 62. mid-60s as we do get our day started. so let's walk through the day hour by hour. 78 at 10:00 a.m. 84 at lunchtime. humidity still for the most part relatively low for this time of year. so should be still pretty comfortable to head out on your lunch hour. 90 this afternoon seeing a few more clouds throughout the afternoon hours but we will stay dry again today. that is thanks to this area of high pressure still controlling our forecast. slides off to the east tomorrow which makes way for our next weather ma cold front, hotter and humid ahead of the front. >> this front approaching the weekend will bring us the chance for storms. i've been talking a lot about the humidity because it's been really comfortable. today still in the muggy category. dewpoints in the mid-60s. we cross to the steamy category tomorrow and saturday. dewpoint temperatures back in the 70s by that point in time. now, i'll show you the future forecast quickly but we are dry this morning. we'll stay dry throughout the home. not a lot changes overnight. partly cloudy that's where we'll be and dry to start off your friday morning. now i do want to give you an update on the tropics. new this morning we have hurricane gaston that has strengthened winds at 75 miles per hour. still looking northwest of puerto rico right now this area of unsettled weather has a 50% chance of strengthening into a tropical cyclone. these are the spaghetti plots. alth likely going to strengthen as it heads into warmer waters over the bahamas. a lot of these spaghetti plots take this right over the southern portions of florida. an interesting track certainly. >> we'll watch it closely into the weekend. >> 90 our high today in raleigh. 89 in durham. 92 in fayetteville. >> overnight tonight, 71 degrees seeing partly cloudy and warm. comfortable fights will be a thing of the past into the weekend. >> 93 as we head divorce >> small chances for a few showers and storms in the afternoon. let's send it over to ali with an update on the commute. i hope you gave the air conditioners a rest. looks like they'll be back on today. we have a crash in raleigh at sims creek road on capital boulevard. what will cause delays starting at 9:00 a.m. i-40 inside lane closed in that starts at 9:00 this morning. we'll take you to an area were we have road closures. nash county reporting it all morning because of a fire at baron there. racetrack road andrew lanier caster store road we do still have orange grief road closed. that's starts at nineful tore road work. otherwise your commute looks pretty good. heading north into raleigh slowing down from u.s. 1-55 downtown, 16 minutes there. and on 401 from 55 to downtown, 21 minutes there. the longest stretch of your commute. 55-u.s. 70. outside this morning and show you what it looks like at 440 at six forks road. you can see in the back ground it is starting to pick up out there. yeah, it is thanks a lot ali. wildfires across the state right now. one of them the chimney fire along the central coast grew to 41,000 acres wednesday. authorities say more than a thousand struck cures are in danger of being burned down. >> one home owner says he thought he was in the clear but he says wind caused the fire to quickly change direction. >> my deck was first one that caught fire. they're down there and i told them to leave my deck. leave that and just take all johnson's house. he's the one saved. they live here full time they're 90 that's all they have. >> the chimney fire is 39% contained. they are making progress. firefighters are working to protect homes in the fire's path by moving dead brush. that makes it more difficult to reach the homes. hope solo is paying the price. the gel keeper has been suspended for six months from the u.s. national team for conduct counter tour the orgati the never shy solo drew scorn when see said sweden played like cowards during the olympics match. sweden won in penalty kicks. still ahead here on cbs north carolina, a french woman's trip to the beach has turned into a worldwide controversy. what police are using as their argument for ordering her to remove part of her swim suit. we have that story for you next. >> plus if you're an early riser you're in good company. apple's cooper: governor mccrory wants you to believe there's a carolina comeback. but raise your hand if your taxes have gone up while those at the top are the ones getting the tax break. and raise your hand if you're working more for less. i'm roy cooper, and that's not a comeback. that's moving backwards. raise your hand if you agree that those at the top should pay their fair share. raise your hand if you agree that tax breaks should be going to the middle class. wish you could nourish your hair without it falling flat? dove oxygen moisture with oxygen fused moisture... for the nourishment you need... with 95% more volume. dove oxygen moisture. we invited women to a spa to test a new body wash. dish soap. you may not feel it, but some body washes can contain cleansers found in dish soap. dove body wash is different. rs. it just made me feel good. hewlett packard looking at a lawsuit and turns out us morning people get more done while you're sleeping through this newscast. jill wagner s more. >> reporter: good morning. hewlett packard being accused of age discrimination. four ex employees are suing the company. saying they were fired as part of a major restructure. when hewlett packard transformed itself to a younger operation it hired a disproportionate number of people under 40. for everyone getting up before dawn we have some good company and for a good reason. a.m. the wall street journal calls it the most productive hour. early birds get a head start on the day without the distraction of technology, social media and people fight for their attention. so stefan would you get up at four ample if you didn't have to. >> i read the article. a lot of the folks who get up they talk about having children. so it's easier for them to have a little alone time. for me, though, no, i wouldn't wake up if i didn't have to, 9:00. >> reporter: even 6:00, right? >> you can still get stuff done. >> . >> 4:00 a little early. >> i'm with you guys. >> would you wake up that early. >> absolutely not. but to be here with you guys, for sure. >> oh, yeah. moving on. the death toll is rising by the good morning everyone thanks for watching north carolina news at 6:30 i'm russ bowen. stefan chase is with us and stefan you were outside earlier. >> i was outside earlier? >> you said it felt really good. >> yes, it feels pretty nice. good morning to you, russ, great to have you along for we're live in fayetteville where police are trying to track down the trio suspected suv kidnapping and raping a woman. >> rescue workers are still fighting against time to find survivors in italy. but first we need to get to alyssa corfont to talk about this weather this morning. alyssa the point is it's not oppressive out there. there's barely any human trafficking. >> it's been very comfortable the past few mornings. here's the bummer news, this will be the last humidity returns. that means morning temperatures likely only going to drop into the 70s. right now at 68 degrees. looking at a little bit of cloud cover that's for sure at the raleigh durham international airport. but you slide a few miles down the road you're seeing clear conditions to start your day. let's get to the current temperatures, 66 in durham. 65 in henderson. we have 61 in clayton and b goldsboro. around the sandhills, mid-60s seem to be 65 in fayetteville. here's a look at your forecast for the day ahead. we should be at 70 at 8:00 a.m. back to 84 so warming up nicely around lunchtime. then 90 for an afternoon high. keep in mind these temperatures so far this week will be the hottest. back to 88 by 6:00 p.m. now tomorrow i think the temperatures will continues to climb. that's when you'll notice more humidity back. i'm have a look at when that means rain is back for us coming up in 10 minutes. right now, though, send it over on the roadways. 6:31 on this friday eve. we have a few problems spots. we have a crash on capital boulevard at sims creek road. heads up in that area. and starti at 9:00 a.m. your commute through garner might get a little tricky. we have inside lane closures on i-40 for maintenance work between 306 and 309 exits. wake to johnston county expect delays. also slowing down already because of the morning rush. we do have a road closure in nash at racetrack road because of a barn fire. lancaster store road we do still have crews out there cleaning that up. putting that fire out. orange grove road closed through orange county today. an area at 9:00 a.m. that's going to get a little bit congested for road work, as well. look at your eastbound drive times, 540 glenwood avenue to u.s. 64, 16 minutes there. east into raleigh, not too bad. minutes. outside now to i-540 at lls of neuse road. no problems just yet. 440 at last ter mill road looks pretty good. pretty crowded out there. fayetteville police are asking for help in tracking down the suspects behind a hoific series of crimes. >> yeah, police tell us a woman was kidnapped and raped while walking in a neighborhood. lauren haviland is live at the fayetteville police department. get us up to speed with >> reporter: fayetteville police say the victim was walking in the bonnie doone sunday vision when a car pulled up next to her. >> a man and woman got out of the car, hit the victim over the head with app unknown weapon then tracked her back into that car. this happened on monday night around 9:00. we want you to take a good look at those photos that you're seeing. these were provided to us by the fayetteville police department. investigators say this white sedan possibly a chevy cruze that makes three people. according to police he drove them to an abandoned house where the suspects beat and one of the men raped the victim. once it was over authorities tell us they put the woman back in the car and dropped her off in the subdivision. somehow she managed to make it home and she called 911. police say it's unclear if this woman was targeted. that is part of their investigation. fayetteville police tell us this case is a top priority for them. our web ice storm, you can take another look at the photos. we also have a description of the three suspects on our website. live in fayetteville, lauren haviland, cbs north carolina. the number of casualties continues to rise in italy from yesterday's powerful earthquake. >> now, at least 247 people are sewed to be dead many more buried underneath all the rubble. for survivors. emma wright has been following this all morning long with more now. >> reporter: rescue operations are underway but have been slow because of the remote locations of some of the towns and villages. the hardest hit areas were small towns in the central part of italy. one of the worst towns was amatrice where initial reports by the italian government said over 50 people were killed. more than 1000 people have been displaced by the earthquake. a local a close call. the elon university women's basketball team was traveling in europe and staying in rome not far from where the quake happened. they felt the tremors and are shaken up but not hurt. >> just still kind of in shock about the whole thg and knowing that we were so close. but fortunately, we were blessed to everyone being okay and nothing major happened at our hotel. >> reporter: the team says they used social media to keep in touch with family members back home. this morning. charges have been upgraded against the man accused intentionally hitting and killing a man with his car in fayetteville. stony riley will be arraigned in court this morning on a charge of first degree murder. he had previously been charged with involuntary manslaughter in the death of justin atkins. they believe riley hit atkins with his car after asking him if he had drugs to sell. beyond that no motive. we hope you recognize the suspects on your screen. surveillance cameras captured the men brki the middle of the afternoon. the man who lives there says this is the second time he's been targeted and his alarm system scared the thieves off this time. if you have any information calm the sheriff's office. nine people are at duke medical center this morning after being exposed to carbon monoxide. this happened yesterday at a catering company in edenton near the virginia border. six other people were treated at the hospital. at. time of the evacuation people reported feeling faint and nauseous. wake county board of elections sent a clear message to a candidate for the commissioner's race. you have a right to be frustrated but there's no turning back. caroline sullivan asked a federal court to open up a new filing period to allow her to return. she had been vying for one of the newly created districts which were thrown out. the election board said he says has a chance to run in her current district and asked the court to deny requests. still ahead, former president bill clinton going on the offensive when it comes to his foundation. >> people who gave the money knew exactly what they were doing. and i have nothing to say. >> why he says attacks have been unfounded. >> plus a trip to the beach end in embarrassment and outrage in france. the photo that has a lot of people talking when we come back. >> temperatures before you head in chapel hill. the low 60s in siler city and sanford. more on just how warm we'll get today and tomorrow. before a few storms arrive [music] >> dr. stanley: we can understand and realize, it's through the gospel that you and i can be absolutely assured at what paul said when he said, "absent from the body, present with the lord." we don't have to fear death. it's through the gospel that our beyond has a natural grain free pet food committed to truth on the label. when we say real meat is the first ingredient, it is number one. and we leave out corn, wheat and soy. for your pet, we go beyond. so alyssa you were just commenting on the gorgeous sun. it's going to heat us up. >> it's going to. so let's take a live picture if you look closely right at the center of your screen the sun is just crossing the horizon right on time here in central north carolina. current temperature of 68 degrees but like russ and i were talking about, this sun is really going to warm us up 61 in louisburg and clayton. 61 in goldsboro. 65 in sanford. 63 in south hill. 65 in henderson. so here's that bus stop forecast. plenty of kids on their year round track. going to be a comfortable morning, 66 degrees there. then 90 this afternoon. so hotter, still not very humid but that changes in the coming days. and speaking of the coming days, the weekend is just around the cor an early start on that. 75 saturday morning at 8:00 a.m. we climb to 93, a very small chance for shower or storm there. sunday those temperatures look very similar but we'll stay around 90 for an afternoon high. a small chance for a shower or storm. i'll have a look at that back to school forecast for early next week coming up. a photo of french police ordering a woman to remove part of her swim suit caused controversy around the latest city to ban a full body swim suit meant for muslim women. police showed up on a beach and ordered a woman to remove part of her garb. the time is currently 6:42 new polls show the gunner is behind the race for his reelection. and the famiar to ?? from the mountains... to the beaches... the piedmont... to the sandhills... north carolina is possessed of spectacular natural beauty. [ sea gulls crying ] [ man vocalizing ] run! ? i don't feel like i'm falling ? ? i'm up against the sky ? ? i said i'd taken it all in ? ? to make the good life ? ? and i don't feel like i'm falling ? ? i'm up against the sky ? it's ours to preserve... because we're only borrowing it from our children. two new polls show attorney general roy cooper is ahead of pat mccrory. montgomery mouth university finds the democrat is leading by nine points the that poll is a margin of error of five points and was drawn from a survey of 400 likely voters. the mccrory campaign said that the voters weren't weighed fairly. a new poll from cnn finds cooper is lead big six points. this has been criticized for the strange fact that when the results were released it listed governor's full name as rip ard pat mccrory. cnn respond bid saying the typo is in the press release and not in the poll itself. mccrory will get a little help benefit in fayetteville on his behalf later today. we will be theory to cover it and bring you mr. later this evening. bill clinton has spent the last few days promising transparency for his name sake foundation but after days of criticism he seems to be got ailing little tired of people bashing the group he spent years building. >> we're trying to do good things. if there's something wrong with creating jobs and saving lives, i don't know what it is. knew exactly what they were doing. and i have nothing to say about it. except i'm really proud of what they have done. >> many reports have pointed to overlap between the clinton foundation and the state department. as for the foundation itself, watchdog groups have consistently given it very high grades and said the monday a peers to be going where it's promised. archbishop desmond to to is expected tour remain recurring infection. the 84-year-old checked himself into a hospital yesterday. and is expected to remain there for up to two more weeks. he received the nobel peace prize. paisley park will be open to the public in october. prince's sister claims that her brother had been working on to open it to the public. tickets go on sale tomorrow afternoon. >> i would do it. i would like to see it. >> i've been and it's absolutely worth check out. >> you got to go inside. >> not quite. but i was on the outside. looking in. >> i don't know i'd probably do it. why not? >> so many prince fans out there. >> i'll wait a couple years. >> once it dies down. >> once it slows down a little bit. let's get to our forecast for today. plenty of sunshine as we do start off early. ju sunrise. before it crosses the tree line anyways from the top of the hill restaurant in chapel hill. if you're getting ready to head out the door just a few clouds as we start our morning. so let's get to the temperatures. 66 in durham. 65 in henderson. we're at 63 in south hill. some of those numbers just updating. you can see thank you to 61 in sanford. 62 in goldsboro. also in rocky mount. so let's walk through our day hour by hour. 87 at 2:00. near 90 later today. it is going to be hotter but don't you worry, tomorrow could be even hotter man today. won't necessarily be the hottest day of the work week. high pressure still in control of the forecast today. that's why we're staying dry. we will see a few clouds develop for the afternoon hours. area of high pressure slides to the east making way for the next weather maker. that's a cold front and temperatures will >> lets talk about the humidity forecast. today, dewpoint temperatures are going to be in the mid-60s so not so bad. especially from were we could be. as we head towards friday and saturday, that's when some temperatures or dewpoint temperatures in the 70s return. that's in the steamy category. rather uncomfortable, then if you're spending time outside friday or saturday or sunday. now, let's look act the future forecast. we could see a few more clouds. we'll stay dry today. back to the west, though, mountains, possibly towards charlotte could see a few showers. as we head into tomorrow, we'll start off our day dry, the majority of us will stay dry from start to finish but there will be an isolated chance that we could see a shower or two. most of us, won't have to worry about the umbrella. update this morning, now, yes, it's hurricane gaston winds at 75 miles per hour. now here's th expected to weaken, again, into a tropical storm later today before restrengthening for later this weekend into another hurricane. the good news it's expected to take a northerly turn which poses no threat to the united states. 90 our high today in raleigh. 92 in fayetteville. overnight tonight we'll drop to the low 70s. go ahead and take a look at the next few days. 90-- shower or storm there. unsettled weather. most of us being dry into early next week. >> that back to school forecast on monday, high near 90. it's 6:50 right now here's ali with awe check on the commute. have to pack that sunscreen with you as you head back to school on monday. we do have a crash out there for quite a while. still reported out there. u.s. one capital boulevard. sims creek road. heads up there. area that's going to get extremely biz i-40 inside lanes right on the wake county and johnston county line going to be closed today for maintenance work. you can see 40 already starting to slow down. 9:00a.m. a little worse for you. road closed in nash county at racetrack road and caster store road for a barn fire. if you're heading through durham, the orange county area, today. tier road to dairy land road. lot of construction going on out there. not slowing down the westbound drive times. overall still moving pretty well on 540 from 64-rtp, 23 minutes there. u.s. 1 to rtp about 15. outside to i-40 and harrison avenue where you have a lot of company with you out there on i- 40 at 6: morning. it is busy out there right now. we'll be right back with all the updates on the big stories we're watching this morning. first we wants to check in with cbs this morning team to see what they're working on. ahead here on cbs this morning we're in italy with the massive rescue efforts after the deadly quake. and we're also in indiana where tornadoes for through homes and businesses. plus a new sharp berthing site discovered off the coast of new york. researchers tag young great whites. all that and more because the this. is. everything. honey bunches of oats. it's this, this, this, and this. it is the mother of all cereals. it's that, and that, and all of that. it's the most cerealriffic cereal in all the history and will be for eternity. honey bunches of oats. sweet sun ripened strawberries. no artificial flavors. philadelphia? strawberry. rich..., creamy... ...and delicious. before we go to break we want to get you up to speed on two big breaking news stories. >> the first one on the seen on the american university of afghanistan has come to a violent end. >> in italy rescue operations have been going non stop. since the earthquake struck 24 hours ago. >> reporter: according to kabul police 13 people were 7p students, three employment and three guards. 35 students and nine police officers were also injured. another 750 students were rescued from the american university in kabul. witnesses say they heard gunshots, then a blast. some say during that blast the gates to the university were blown open and let the attackers inside. the attack lasted several hours but afghan police say it is now over. yet. in italy 246 people confirmed dead after a 6.2 magnitude earthquake rocked the country on wednesday. the hardest hit areas were small towns in the central part other country. some of the rescue operations have been slow because of the remote locations of some towns and villages. elon university women's back become team was in rome when they felt the tremors. they are unaffected but shaken up from the experience. two m after apparently stabbing each other in moore county. the two were rushed to the hospital via helicopter. their names and conditions not yet been released. it's a case fayetteville police are calling a top priority. three suspects remain on the run after allegedly kidnapping and raping a woman. monday night in the bonnie doone subbed vicks. a woman was walking when two suspects hit her over the head and dragged her into a car. abandoned house where she was beaten and raped. anyone with information contact police. breaking overnight a barn full of farm equipment and hay caught fire in nash county. take a look act the video from the scene. you can see the flames just pouring from the roof on lancaster store road. crews tell us it will be days before the fire is out for good. >> everything's going to be okay. it's contained. we dent feel like it's going to leave the arha which is inside the barn itself. s i think we should be good. >> thankfully nobody was injured. wake county principal reeceed in a bizarre incident -- arrested in a bizarre incident will be in court. her car's license plate matched that of a car stolen in fayetteville. she's insisted that she was driving the same car that she's owned for years and someone swiped her license plate. she's charged with possession of stolen goods. back in june that they believe she's innocent. thursday is our second to the favorite day of the week. it's friday eve so lots of folks making their plans. >> still a comfortable morning for us so that's the good news. we have a beautiful sunrise taking place. look at this. >> gorgeous. >> gorgeous from the tower camera in north raleigh. 67degrees right now. still humidity staying low for us. that starts to change in a small amounts this afternoon, then the heat and humidity really bulls for 84 our temperature at lunchtime. we make it to 90 for the first time this week later this afternoon. >> taking you out to the clayton bypass you can see busy as usual. although we are seeing some movement and some days we don't see that on 40 in this area. but we have a lot of road work going on today. so we're going to have updates on that until 9:00 a.m. so some areas could be a little tricky to navigate around. >> the morning commute begins. thanks a lot. with us this morning. we're back here at noon and tomorrow morning, as well. z23aoz zi0z captioning funded by cbs good morning. it is thursday, august 25th, 2016. welcome to "cbs this morning.? the number of earthquake victims in italy jumps dramatically survivors intensifies. we just made it into one of the hardest hit towns for the wo world's first look at damage there. more than 20 tornadoes rip across indiana, tearing through homes and businesses. people are trapped inside, as buildings collapse around them. and hillary clinton hits back after donald trump calls her a bigot. trump's campaign manager is in studio 57. we begin this morning with a look at today's "eye opener."

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