Transcripts For WNCN North Carolina News At 530AM 20160907 :

Transcripts For WNCN North Carolina News At 530AM 20160907

>> all right. thank you. breaking news right now. just wildfire midnight fire ripped through an apartment complex. helping about 20 people find add place to stay. >> it happened at the eagle landing apartments and that's where we find -- she's live with us right now and a scary, scary night for those folks. >> it absolutely is and the remnants is still here. not only with the building and how tart it looks. now they tell us that the good news here is that they don't have to report any fatalities to residents or any serious injuries but as well they are saying that this particular building is uninhabitable. all of these residents will have to find a new place to call home at least temporarily. right now authorities can't pinpoint where or how they got started. throughout the morning and once daylight hits they will go inside to investigate and learn how padly damaged the buildings is and hoi it started. >> we consider it a significant event. so, you know, to any homeowner, one fire is a big event but when you have 20 homeowners and 24 apartments, that's a lot of people that you'll have to contend with. >> and this complex has a to assist these residents and make sure they have a temporary place. di speak with one woman. tafs quick process and that's exactly officials are hoping for to accommodate them and make it an easy transition. we'll continue to monitor the progress and bring you live updates. for now reporting live in cary for cbs north carolina. >> all right. thank you so much. from cary now to fayetteville. detectors. this is actually an update to a story that we first brought to you as breaking news yesterday morning at 4:30. investigators say the fire at the home started in a bedroom where the woman was asleep. a man did get out safely. right now an amber alert remains in effect for two missing children from greensboro. now he's six years old. he was last seen white t-shirt and blue jean shorts. she was last seeing wearing a white shirt and blue jean shorts shvment he yellow bows in her hair. they believe michael mayo jrp took the chirm. the 29-year-old is the mom's boyfriend. last seen wearing a white tank top and gray gym shorts. if you have any information at all call the local death of the toddler. she's charged with involuntary manslaughter and federal child abuse and neglect. the 3-year-old daughter died last week after she admit she left the toddler in the backseat of the mini van. the mom called an accident and gone to run errands. the father found her hours later after he came home from work. >> i don't what i did. >> a man took to facebook to admit to shooting his ex-wife. earl vallen tine is accused of shooting and killing his teanl now. now the search for him spans three states. north carolina, south carolina and the state of virginia. he broke into his ex-wife's home around 1:30 yesterday morning. shot her and their 15-year-ol son. the teenage son died. hospital. minutes before the shooting police say -- broadcasting hims on facebook live bragging about the crime. >> no remorse whatsoever. we spoke to him by phone. he said that basically he was armed and dangerous and he wasn't coming in peacefully. >> police say he threatened to hurt other family members. he may be driving a black yukon, if you have any information call police. >> well, certainly a busy day in north carolina for presidential politics. greenville yesterday republican presidential nominee spoke at a rally. he spoke about his immigration plan. he also was critical of his opponent for deleted e-mails while she was secretary of state. >> we can't have someone in the oval office who of the word confidential or classified. >> during his address trump said he would release new fund raising numbers today. he heads to philadelphia where he will deliver a private speech later and tonight, hillary clinton and donald trump are set to appear at the same forum in new york and discuss national security. they'll appear on stage but separately. hillary clinton will be in charlotte. yesterday she camed in florida. she spoke to students and faculty about her plans to improve the economy. >> the biggest husband, former president bill clinton campaigned in the tar heel state. he addressed supporters in durham where he talked about the plans for the economy. he talked about the importance of voter registration. he also stopped at the dur republican coopt mark. again hillary clinton will be in charlotte tomorrow. we plan to cover that stop as well. our campaign coverage continues right now online at just scroll over the news tab 2016. as we check the traffic i'm bill ray. allie's a little under the weather today. she's okay. so is traffic right now. we got roads all reporting open and going. we talked about a couple of road closures. so since we know the triangle is doing pretty well let's go down to fayetteville and i-# 5. going at speed all the way up tu -- that does go into wilson that's kind of early to start talking about heading to the beach from your labor day weekend. we'll take a look at i-40. that is also moving at speeds. all in all knock on wood. it's been -- pretty good morning for traffic. we know that can change. we'll stay on top of it right here. >>let hope that stays that way. >> 5:37 in the morning right now. zika cases popped up at fort the governor takes aim at a state toxicologist today in another political dustup over coal ash. woman: governor pat mccrory's office is refuting claims he misled the homeowners about the safety of their well water. dr. megan davies was the state epidemiologist, but she resigned this week, that deliberately misleads the public. she claims the state never should have told people who live near coal ash ponds their well water was safe. i want to see jacob. i'm so sorry. it's incredibly painfully to know his last days, last hours, last minutes. >> a couple of -- even after ?? ?? ?? give extra. get extra. about 20 people were out of their apartments after an early-morning fire. >> it's been a long night for those guys t. started around midnight on high park court. officials are trying to figure out what started that missing children. they believe the mother's boyfriend took the kids. if you have any information please call authorities immediately. >> thousands of steuntds are in limbo. the for-profit college chain closed nationwide. that includes the one right here in durham. after department of education prevent the is students from using federal aid. itt also cut more than 8,000 jobs. . >> a mystery in minta in court to kill an 11-year-old boy. he led detectives to the boy's remain last week. just for possession of child pornography. >> after only 10 minutes of court proceedings he turned and asked 53-year-old danny heinrich did you kidnap, sexually assault and murder jacob weatherly? the courtroom and listened to all of the details of the final moments of their son's life on october 22nd, 1989. >> heinrich detailed how he drove down a dead end road and noticed three young boys playing with a flashlight. he approached them and ordered them into a st. joseph, minnesota, ditch. he told two of the boys to run away. he handcuffed jacob and he asked him what did i he took him to a remote location. heinrich saw a nearby police car patrolling and got scared. so he pulled his revolver out of his pocket. he then clicked once and the bullet didn't enter the chamber. so he shot again and that's what jacob fell to the ground. >> i want to see jacob. i'm so sorry. it's incredibly painful to know his last days, last heinrich could face up to 20 years in prison but why won't he face a murder charge? after nearly 27 years of waiting for answers, the weatherly agreed to a plea deal so they could start to heal. he was recently tide to another boy's kidnapping from the same year. >> friday, a funeral will take place for a fayetteville businow was beaten to death. the two men accused of killing him appeared in court. they are both facing first- degree murder charges am a verbal altercation started inside of a bar before spilling outside to the parking lot. police say the attack was caught on surveillance video but they do not plan to release it yet. >> students at two elementary schools will receive discovered elevated lead levels. they sent letters to parents to let them know what they're doing to fix the problem. our cbs north carolina investigates team found that since twoif more than 45 schools turned up high lead levels and there could be more. test in schools and child care facilities but the bill stalled in a senate committee. breaking news now. less than 30 minutes hurricane newton did make land fall on mexico's mainland and weakened to a tropical storm. it hit the area with 70 miles an hour wind. now the storm is headed to the u.s. and could bring heavy rains to arizona and new mexico. o.k. so we experienced hermine. they're experiencing newton. >> one in the desert. they can get flash flooding t. comes down so hard and the ground is so hard. they can use the rain out there. nice if that rain didn't flood but got into california. >> and the wild fires that well. >> help that. >> talking about the morning and how things are looking for today. we're off to a pretty decent start. >> it's kind of decent. it's not as beautiful or as -- as it was the last couple of days. everybody at home. you'll note that but all in all it's not bad. it's not bad as we look at shaw university neighborhood network. what about rays of sunshine for today? the right number now. >> 7. >> lucky seven for you. mostly sunny to partly cloudy comfortable. we're going to be a little humid today. a little more humid tomorrow on more humid on friday. that's going up. so are our temperatures. once again on this satellite picture you don't see anything going on here. there are a few showers from a trough of low pressure coming out of the low. the remnants continues to spin. these showers are supposed to sweep through and maybe southeast virginia. i'm going to keep them out of the viewing area. trend. 69 in south hill, virginia. 71 raleigh. 72 fayetteville. so some pleasant 60s out there. your temperatures. you can watch the map turn orange and then you're going to watch it turn red as we're going to be back in the 90s today. what we've got for you at 8:00. 73. 82 at 10:00. 88 at noon and then here come the 90s. 90 at 2:00. 92 at 4:00. ba and i put the heat index here. the humidity creeping up. the mid-90s. 84 degrees. a high of 83 in raleigh. 92 in durham. mostly sunny. fayetteville. partly cloudy. as we take a look at that low pressure system that continues off the jersey coast and the long island coast continues to spin around. see those showers coming in? maybe around elizabeth city. mainly sunny tomorrow. but it's going to be even hotter. a little more humid. mid-890s tomorrow. keep that going into friday. this front hung up out in the ohio valley. we'll eventually get here but not until sunday. so it's going to be kind of hot. 90 -- kind of? it is. 93 on wednesday. 94 on thursday. as a matter of fact as we get into those mid-90s see those 90s all the way town pennsyia ones into the heat on the high temperatures on thursday. friday, 94. for the weekend 92 on saturday. sunday is 90 degrees. that 20% chance is with the front. i'm not really impressed with the moisture on that front but i'm impressed we're in the mid-80s on monday and tuesday. just a slight chance of a shower and storm. all in all, kind of hot. well, o.k. it is hot for the next several days. so you want to try to stay cool. >> now it's time to check roadways very green on the map for the most part. 15/501 starting to get at yellow and if you're coming in on 401, 32 miles an hour speed u.s. northbound. u.s. 401 northbound. there's a little stop and go. we'll keep an eye on thatful and down once again in fayetteville and the southeastern viewing area. not many problems at all. cars starting to get a little more populated. that's i-4 no problems in the triangle as we speak. guys? >> nice start. >> a man in greensboro says his fatherly instincts kicked in. in two minutes what he did to chase the guy down. >> before we go to break a look at what's coming up later on cbs this morning. . >> coming whrawp does it mean to be a great citizen? starbucks ceo howard schultz will share his hillary clinton: i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. bob kidder, owner, new england shirt company: this over sixty people here making shirts labled made in america. but donald trump's brand of shirts come from china, his suits from mexico, his coats from india. trump's products have been made in twelve other countries because he says there's no place in america that he can make them. well there is. this is the third sighting. it came two tried to lure kids in winston-salem. these are in aition to similar case in south carolina. authorities throughout our area are urging parents to use these incidents to warn their kid about strangers. >> people in wake forest will have a new grocery store option. vise visitors put big smiles on patients' faces. spiderman, superman, even iron man appeared as window washers. it's one way to make a tough experience more comfortable. for those poishts who couldn't make it to the lobby area because they're too sick they paid them a visit as well. >> that's super cool. love that story. more whales are now off the numbers have grown since a global man on commercial whaling started about r50 years ago. the whaling moratorium remains in effect. >> while today is encouraging that certain populations have rebounded to the numbers that they have, there are also populations that are still struggling and they need the protections that they listed as engage in 1907. francis is expected to make her public debut. the one-year old girrafe came from minnesota. >> she may have a boyfriend there too. >> 13-year-old junbae is there. getting a little more exhibits. >> love it. >> all right. it's 5:57 in the morning. we're continuing to follow breaking news in cary after a building is consumed by fire. >> how many people had to find another place to sleep last night. what officials are doing this morning. >> before we go to break a live look outside. sun is trying to wake up and it's going to in just a few minutes. bill hay as look at the forecast right after the ?? the moments that connect us don't happen overnight. they happen one morning at a time, and one cup at a time. this is bill ray. quite a character. this is a little water and a

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New York , United States , North Carolina , Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , Raleigh , China , Florida , Minnesota , California , Virginia , Ohio Valley , New Mexico , Greenville , Shaw University , Fayetteville , Winston Salem , Charlotte , Mexico , Arizona , India , South Carolina , Jersey , South Hill , Elizabeth City , America , Howard Schultz , Danny Heinrich , Jacob Weatherly , Megan Davies , Bob Kidder , Michael Mayo , Hillary Clinton ,

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Transcripts For WNCN North Carolina News At 530AM 20160907 :

Transcripts For WNCN North Carolina News At 530AM 20160907

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>> all right. thank you. breaking news right now. just wildfire midnight fire ripped through an apartment complex. helping about 20 people find add place to stay. >> it happened at the eagle landing apartments and that's where we find -- she's live with us right now and a scary, scary night for those folks. >> it absolutely is and the remnants is still here. not only with the building and how tart it looks. now they tell us that the good news here is that they don't have to report any fatalities to residents or any serious injuries but as well they are saying that this particular building is uninhabitable. all of these residents will have to find a new place to call home at least temporarily. right now authorities can't pinpoint where or how they got started. throughout the morning and once daylight hits they will go inside to investigate and learn how padly damaged the buildings is and hoi it started. >> we consider it a significant event. so, you know, to any homeowner, one fire is a big event but when you have 20 homeowners and 24 apartments, that's a lot of people that you'll have to contend with. >> and this complex has a to assist these residents and make sure they have a temporary place. di speak with one woman. tafs quick process and that's exactly officials are hoping for to accommodate them and make it an easy transition. we'll continue to monitor the progress and bring you live updates. for now reporting live in cary for cbs north carolina. >> all right. thank you so much. from cary now to fayetteville. detectors. this is actually an update to a story that we first brought to you as breaking news yesterday morning at 4:30. investigators say the fire at the home started in a bedroom where the woman was asleep. a man did get out safely. right now an amber alert remains in effect for two missing children from greensboro. now he's six years old. he was last seen white t-shirt and blue jean shorts. she was last seeing wearing a white shirt and blue jean shorts shvment he yellow bows in her hair. they believe michael mayo jrp took the chirm. the 29-year-old is the mom's boyfriend. last seen wearing a white tank top and gray gym shorts. if you have any information at all call the local death of the toddler. she's charged with involuntary manslaughter and federal child abuse and neglect. the 3-year-old daughter died last week after she admit she left the toddler in the backseat of the mini van. the mom called an accident and gone to run errands. the father found her hours later after he came home from work. >> i don't what i did. >> a man took to facebook to admit to shooting his ex-wife. earl vallen tine is accused of shooting and killing his teanl now. now the search for him spans three states. north carolina, south carolina and the state of virginia. he broke into his ex-wife's home around 1:30 yesterday morning. shot her and their 15-year-ol son. the teenage son died. hospital. minutes before the shooting police say -- broadcasting hims on facebook live bragging about the crime. >> no remorse whatsoever. we spoke to him by phone. he said that basically he was armed and dangerous and he wasn't coming in peacefully. >> police say he threatened to hurt other family members. he may be driving a black yukon, if you have any information call police. >> well, certainly a busy day in north carolina for presidential politics. greenville yesterday republican presidential nominee spoke at a rally. he spoke about his immigration plan. he also was critical of his opponent for deleted e-mails while she was secretary of state. >> we can't have someone in the oval office who of the word confidential or classified. >> during his address trump said he would release new fund raising numbers today. he heads to philadelphia where he will deliver a private speech later and tonight, hillary clinton and donald trump are set to appear at the same forum in new york and discuss national security. they'll appear on stage but separately. hillary clinton will be in charlotte. yesterday she camed in florida. she spoke to students and faculty about her plans to improve the economy. >> the biggest husband, former president bill clinton campaigned in the tar heel state. he addressed supporters in durham where he talked about the plans for the economy. he talked about the importance of voter registration. he also stopped at the dur republican coopt mark. again hillary clinton will be in charlotte tomorrow. we plan to cover that stop as well. our campaign coverage continues right now online at just scroll over the news tab 2016. as we check the traffic i'm bill ray. allie's a little under the weather today. she's okay. so is traffic right now. we got roads all reporting open and going. we talked about a couple of road closures. so since we know the triangle is doing pretty well let's go down to fayetteville and i-# 5. going at speed all the way up tu -- that does go into wilson that's kind of early to start talking about heading to the beach from your labor day weekend. we'll take a look at i-40. that is also moving at speeds. all in all knock on wood. it's been -- pretty good morning for traffic. we know that can change. we'll stay on top of it right here. >>let hope that stays that way. >> 5:37 in the morning right now. zika cases popped up at fort the governor takes aim at a state toxicologist today in another political dustup over coal ash. woman: governor pat mccrory's office is refuting claims he misled the homeowners about the safety of their well water. dr. megan davies was the state epidemiologist, but she resigned this week, that deliberately misleads the public. she claims the state never should have told people who live near coal ash ponds their well water was safe. i want to see jacob. i'm so sorry. it's incredibly painfully to know his last days, last hours, last minutes. >> a couple of -- even after ?? ?? ?? give extra. get extra. about 20 people were out of their apartments after an early-morning fire. >> it's been a long night for those guys t. started around midnight on high park court. officials are trying to figure out what started that missing children. they believe the mother's boyfriend took the kids. if you have any information please call authorities immediately. >> thousands of steuntds are in limbo. the for-profit college chain closed nationwide. that includes the one right here in durham. after department of education prevent the is students from using federal aid. itt also cut more than 8,000 jobs. . >> a mystery in minta in court to kill an 11-year-old boy. he led detectives to the boy's remain last week. just for possession of child pornography. >> after only 10 minutes of court proceedings he turned and asked 53-year-old danny heinrich did you kidnap, sexually assault and murder jacob weatherly? the courtroom and listened to all of the details of the final moments of their son's life on october 22nd, 1989. >> heinrich detailed how he drove down a dead end road and noticed three young boys playing with a flashlight. he approached them and ordered them into a st. joseph, minnesota, ditch. he told two of the boys to run away. he handcuffed jacob and he asked him what did i he took him to a remote location. heinrich saw a nearby police car patrolling and got scared. so he pulled his revolver out of his pocket. he then clicked once and the bullet didn't enter the chamber. so he shot again and that's what jacob fell to the ground. >> i want to see jacob. i'm so sorry. it's incredibly painful to know his last days, last heinrich could face up to 20 years in prison but why won't he face a murder charge? after nearly 27 years of waiting for answers, the weatherly agreed to a plea deal so they could start to heal. he was recently tide to another boy's kidnapping from the same year. >> friday, a funeral will take place for a fayetteville businow was beaten to death. the two men accused of killing him appeared in court. they are both facing first- degree murder charges am a verbal altercation started inside of a bar before spilling outside to the parking lot. police say the attack was caught on surveillance video but they do not plan to release it yet. >> students at two elementary schools will receive discovered elevated lead levels. they sent letters to parents to let them know what they're doing to fix the problem. our cbs north carolina investigates team found that since twoif more than 45 schools turned up high lead levels and there could be more. test in schools and child care facilities but the bill stalled in a senate committee. breaking news now. less than 30 minutes hurricane newton did make land fall on mexico's mainland and weakened to a tropical storm. it hit the area with 70 miles an hour wind. now the storm is headed to the u.s. and could bring heavy rains to arizona and new mexico. o.k. so we experienced hermine. they're experiencing newton. >> one in the desert. they can get flash flooding t. comes down so hard and the ground is so hard. they can use the rain out there. nice if that rain didn't flood but got into california. >> and the wild fires that well. >> help that. >> talking about the morning and how things are looking for today. we're off to a pretty decent start. >> it's kind of decent. it's not as beautiful or as -- as it was the last couple of days. everybody at home. you'll note that but all in all it's not bad. it's not bad as we look at shaw university neighborhood network. what about rays of sunshine for today? the right number now. >> 7. >> lucky seven for you. mostly sunny to partly cloudy comfortable. we're going to be a little humid today. a little more humid tomorrow on more humid on friday. that's going up. so are our temperatures. once again on this satellite picture you don't see anything going on here. there are a few showers from a trough of low pressure coming out of the low. the remnants continues to spin. these showers are supposed to sweep through and maybe southeast virginia. i'm going to keep them out of the viewing area. trend. 69 in south hill, virginia. 71 raleigh. 72 fayetteville. so some pleasant 60s out there. your temperatures. you can watch the map turn orange and then you're going to watch it turn red as we're going to be back in the 90s today. what we've got for you at 8:00. 73. 82 at 10:00. 88 at noon and then here come the 90s. 90 at 2:00. 92 at 4:00. ba and i put the heat index here. the humidity creeping up. the mid-90s. 84 degrees. a high of 83 in raleigh. 92 in durham. mostly sunny. fayetteville. partly cloudy. as we take a look at that low pressure system that continues off the jersey coast and the long island coast continues to spin around. see those showers coming in? maybe around elizabeth city. mainly sunny tomorrow. but it's going to be even hotter. a little more humid. mid-890s tomorrow. keep that going into friday. this front hung up out in the ohio valley. we'll eventually get here but not until sunday. so it's going to be kind of hot. 90 -- kind of? it is. 93 on wednesday. 94 on thursday. as a matter of fact as we get into those mid-90s see those 90s all the way town pennsyia ones into the heat on the high temperatures on thursday. friday, 94. for the weekend 92 on saturday. sunday is 90 degrees. that 20% chance is with the front. i'm not really impressed with the moisture on that front but i'm impressed we're in the mid-80s on monday and tuesday. just a slight chance of a shower and storm. all in all, kind of hot. well, o.k. it is hot for the next several days. so you want to try to stay cool. >> now it's time to check roadways very green on the map for the most part. 15/501 starting to get at yellow and if you're coming in on 401, 32 miles an hour speed u.s. northbound. u.s. 401 northbound. there's a little stop and go. we'll keep an eye on thatful and down once again in fayetteville and the southeastern viewing area. not many problems at all. cars starting to get a little more populated. that's i-4 no problems in the triangle as we speak. guys? >> nice start. >> a man in greensboro says his fatherly instincts kicked in. in two minutes what he did to chase the guy down. >> before we go to break a look at what's coming up later on cbs this morning. . >> coming whrawp does it mean to be a great citizen? starbucks ceo howard schultz will share his hillary clinton: i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. bob kidder, owner, new england shirt company: this over sixty people here making shirts labled made in america. but donald trump's brand of shirts come from china, his suits from mexico, his coats from india. trump's products have been made in twelve other countries because he says there's no place in america that he can make them. well there is. this is the third sighting. it came two tried to lure kids in winston-salem. these are in aition to similar case in south carolina. authorities throughout our area are urging parents to use these incidents to warn their kid about strangers. >> people in wake forest will have a new grocery store option. vise visitors put big smiles on patients' faces. spiderman, superman, even iron man appeared as window washers. it's one way to make a tough experience more comfortable. for those poishts who couldn't make it to the lobby area because they're too sick they paid them a visit as well. >> that's super cool. love that story. more whales are now off the numbers have grown since a global man on commercial whaling started about r50 years ago. the whaling moratorium remains in effect. >> while today is encouraging that certain populations have rebounded to the numbers that they have, there are also populations that are still struggling and they need the protections that they listed as engage in 1907. francis is expected to make her public debut. the one-year old girrafe came from minnesota. >> she may have a boyfriend there too. >> 13-year-old junbae is there. getting a little more exhibits. >> love it. >> all right. it's 5:57 in the morning. we're continuing to follow breaking news in cary after a building is consumed by fire. >> how many people had to find another place to sleep last night. what officials are doing this morning. >> before we go to break a live look outside. sun is trying to wake up and it's going to in just a few minutes. bill hay as look at the forecast right after the ?? the moments that connect us don't happen overnight. they happen one morning at a time, and one cup at a time. this is bill ray. quite a character. this is a little water and a

Related Keywords

New York , United States , North Carolina , Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , Raleigh , China , Florida , Minnesota , California , Virginia , Ohio Valley , New Mexico , Greenville , Shaw University , Fayetteville , Winston Salem , Charlotte , Mexico , Arizona , India , South Carolina , Jersey , South Hill , Elizabeth City , America , Howard Schultz , Danny Heinrich , Jacob Weatherly , Megan Davies , Bob Kidder , Michael Mayo , Hillary Clinton ,

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