Transcripts For WNCN North Carolina News At 500PM 20161018 :

Transcripts For WNCN North Carolina News At 500PM 20161018

home. the mother of the little boy was also unavailable for an interview. but the daycare center's owner is publicly apologizing to her. >> this is not what we promote. i'm very sorry that it happened. and we took every step that we could to do. i'm sorry. >> reporter: after we conducted that interview she contacted us, again, and said that shened an official with the state agency which licenses daycare centers have reviewed the video. she contends the child was the which was not loving and nurturing. he says she won't release the video unless her lawyers tell her it's okay to do so. coming up at 6:00 we'll take a look at what state inspectors say about this facility. steve sbraccia, cbs north carolina. a morassville man in jail after he ran over two women ride think bicycles and left the scene. in cary david hurst joins us now wit how police caughtp to the driver. >> reporter: the group of four were heading up this hill when a driver came up and hit them om behind. two women were seriously injured and now the driver is facing felony charges 911 calls paint a picture of the scene after a driverhit two cyclists in cary. >> two bicyclists hit cary's transportation and fab silts director was injured. she's listed in critical condition at the hospital. the other woman injured 55-year- old virginia davis is listed in fair condition. 2000 other cyclists were not injured. the group of four started at cycling spoken here a bike shop in cary. employees say the group meets there to ride every monday and they're all experienced riders. >> people are just they're just not observant on the roads any there when we're read of riding. you just never know what's going to happen that day. >> reporter: police arrested the drive, 33-year-old christopher lee moore just hours after the crash thanks to tips from 911 callers able to give dispatchers the model, make, and license plate number of his car. >> a guy just came in, my neighborhood and with a bicycle stuck to his windshield. >> and the bicycle was stuck on his car? the bottom of our cul-de-sac and he threw it out and i said is everything okay and he said yeah us then took off. >> reporter: and we pulled arrest records of moore and we learned he's been arrested 18 times here in wake county just in the past few years. he's being held a. the wake county detention center awitting his first appearance wednesday afternoon if convicted we're told he's prison. and police identified a bank robbery suspect now the hunt is on to find him. police say 52-year-old joel dasher robbed the fifth third bank on u.s. 70 on monday. from the surveillance video authorities believe the man who robbed the bank is dasher. once arrested dasher will be charged with robbery with a dangerous when grub it made national news over the weekend tonight still so suspects in the fire bombing of gop headquarters in hillsborough. the investigation. meanwhile republican vice presidential candidate mike pence visited. he urged anyone with information to come forward. a gofundme site has been set up to help with recovery efforts. volunteers are still working there. blue cross blue shield is increasing their premium by 24% it's higher than the original filing in may of 19%. they say the increase is due to it's that higher cost that led to aetna dropping the state's aca plan for the next year. a wake county school was once a mega school. lincoln heights elementary school lost the magnet status in 2007 and today the wake county school board started discussing future magnet programs for the school and several others. the proposal review showed that by adding the program it will help minimize the performing students at the school. and right now the city of fayetteville is getting an idea of how to railroad from hurricane matthew. the storm dumped more than 8 inches of rain in six hours. the rain caused flash flooding, causing da to breach, flooding major roads and causing streams to overflow the banks. the local swift water team rescued more than 700 people during the first hours after the storm hit. the city council is trying to figure out the best way to railroad and how to review how thousands are heading to the but the impact from hurricane matthew is definitely evident. cbs north carolina's carleigh griffeth is live from the fairgrounds with howe the fair is helping folks after the flood. >> reporter: i speck to brian long with the state fair. that of they have been pleasantly surprised with attendance. take a look behind me. there are lots of folks out here. now, attendance thursday and friday was a little low however, at the century farm reunion the talk awe amongst farmers there was definitely about flooding. hundreds of folks who own hundred year old farms packed into the arena for an event dedicated to their hard wick. while some were not able to make the tp e to devastating flooding from hurricane matthew, those that were there, spoke about the impact. last couple of weeks have been. >> hell. it's farmers could not get to their hogs. they couldn't get to their chicken farms, or turkey farms. roads were washed out. 40 roads were washed out in sanford county. >> reporter: he owns a farm in sampson county. egrows long leaf pine trees and raises in gus cattle. b the winds and rains ravaged his farms. >> i lost a number of straw production way down. so i won't be able to recoup that lost income. >> reporter: his cattle farm is 2 miles from his home but because so many roads were washed out he had to drive a 15 mile rut to get there multiple times a day. he sunday a loss there, too. >> one cow, had lay down to driver a calf, and a tree fell on her and killed her another crop word about this kind of devastation has spread across the fair grounds. in agriculture tent unavengedder is doing what they ca help out. >> we started g sellinlittle sample bottles for $2. that wasgoing towards the red s and sold t of those before the second day waover. >> reporter: and since they sold out, 1 dollar from every bottlehathey sell will go to the red os there's actually anotheway to help out. thursd right here, is hunger relief day. the state fair will be partnering with the food bank of easternand central north carolina. d they say contributions this year are more important than ever. live at the state fair, carleigh griffeth, cbs north carolina. d some more good news, johnston county school kids headed back to class r the first time in six ys. princeton middle and high schools were just some of the >> to make up for the lost time 10 minutes will dded othe end of each schl day for the rest of the year. >> cumberland county students returned to crass yesterday. sampson county schools to open thursday. also, thursday wayne and robeson expected to reopen. em comb county schools will open. wake county vernon malone college and career academy will go back to class but in different buildings. a loved one lost. theydescribe her as fa nominal. 1 she died in the devastating aftermath of matthew. nate rodgers has the story of how she spent hlifetime making poer: loved ones say 81- ar-olds bell hadn't driver lasteekend she left her gracesehind, go into r car and started driving near r white no rest oudeher home loved ones grieve ertragic death. long timfrie carolyn altepolice after is bell caedher pw asng fo next daa ch went to her home and noticed >>he door was open. the candles were buning where she had no wer. and the hou was wide open. >> repter: family members believe the ei rainfall tackled the area. october 10 theyunswampacross f poch bached. the oy thing thas ne body. mer, she's here. >> reporter: a nati is bell fohers nd also snt time in hepsut s chch hi tori. hill baptist as >> her life was ting learn been remembered as a o overcame every obstacle in her path. family members say she survived cancer bypass surgery and kidney fail i. loved ones call her a phenomenal woman. >> her spirit is here. ghts valu still hat ma be e. just twodays ay is hele hoping attract voters tonight. >> so you know, i knoe reecn. >> coming melania ump comes to her se wt shhad to say the sexual allegations. >> call it the myte of the ages why does a ato lo its flavor in the refrigerator. the answer ahead. >>also have another day with dryer. but w ave to al with well ust but pat mccrory seems more interested in givingaxuts to millioir. weth in ending perstuden drop-oates he gone up for the first time in 8 years. we're 41st in how much we pay our teachers. there isk ortage. ant mccrors teacng assistants e . buck newton's law legalizing discrimination. a natial embarrassment. it was my honor and my 3" house bill 2 through the north carolina sen and newton stands defiantly behind hb2. my opponent calls this buck's bill. bon you know w ton wro for attorney general. we're better than thijosh s. rote i'm running for torney general strengthen our communities. together. after 20 years in washington, we're lrning tsabouard first, he opposed a bill aohibitininsidetradingington, by members of congress. now weearn burr had over first, he opposed a bill ,000 in oil and gas stockson, anl d mps donated over half a million lls to burr's campaigns. anl d mps der richard burr's wealth has increaseov 500 nce he'en icore. that's mangashingto work for h in campaign 2016we tod iena and righnow you're looking at pictures the crowd aiting his a rin i fayetteville. ahea 5: wllsh what he nted pporters g. nald trump's wife spoke ouaut the sexual miconduc allegations against her husband.wovecu of head king unwaed sexual advances. she called the chars lies. >> in defendin and goricay said thes gatis are all some of the n who are you think out that? >> wellthat's him. he's raw. so you know, i know he respects women. but he's defending himself because they're lies. >> as for the 2005 tape in which donald trump can be heard making lewd comments about women see goes on to y te he w egged on into quote boy ta tonight the three men who want to lead nor carolina will square offer in a ebate. governor pat mccrory is hoping to keep his job while democrat d lirtarian are hoping to unseat him. beau minnick joins us now from downtown raleigh with a preview. >> reporter: sean right off the bat this the fist -- we'll be hearing from e libearian candidate. isis also the last d and vernorat mccrory each face disagreed with one her on >>he attackbusinessewho are opposed to it. and says that everything is going fi. governor what planet are you on? >> a very liberal mayor of charlotte with very strong support om avery liber attorney general rted this we'll bathroom mess. it 'sneof the biggest fibs in our national press campaign and almost certainly will be key point of the debate tonight. the debate gets started at 7:00. i'll be tweeting abeau minnick and you can watch for a onight at 11:00. live in raleigh, beau minnick, cbs north carolina. and by the way, we want to remind you that early voting begins on thursday. and because there's been some confusion about this you do not need to show voter m d. antimes. >>e fe of syr president says she refused run from syria. she told a russian network th she was offered proction and financial security in exchange for fleeing syria with her children. >> i've been heresince the be ding. and i never thought being anywhere else. . atll >> she went on to call the thtight enis complete. -- once the test is cleat. >> rember thatd from th internnal blue grass mus stival the evseta record inttdance. mo than 21000 peop atteenerating more than $11 million in visitor ding. the festival this year was even larger which helped a accoodate the greg could. >> that was a fun enfor sure. we finally know why you refrigerator. it's been long known the cold temperature robs the fruit of flavor. now, reseahe can say why. once a tomato's core temperature drops below 68 degrees the gene's response before making it taste like a tomato get turned off. how abt thisthe change is irreversible. so once it's gone, it's gone. >> so i saw we were doing this story. so i did a little more research. i want to know how much they got to do this study. of takes the hurster t of this chillingnd tatflavor loss ssociatewith alred volatile sin thesis of centnges in dna. >> sounds like a ientific study for us. >> so it akeshe flavor away. >> do you want to talkabou weather? >> let's do that. it was tenth day in a renear pfectweat althgh you asked argue that 's perfect anmore because o record at way e normal for this ti of yea our forecast tomo is in the mid-80s. 85 in raleigh. 86 in fayetteville. time of year, and 74. re we're expected to go. i don't ink we'll hit a record but we're in that territory. and we'll be there again thursday, as well. so we ed that cold front and it's still going to be here on friday. >> ode upper 60s low 80s right now. outside. and as we had into tonight with warm days you can imagine no going to get all that cool tonight. aswe go hour hour, we'll drop drown 74 at 8:00. 71 at 10:00. 60s into the ernight hours. and once again out the door with tperatures about 61 degrees. so one thing we don't have to talk a lot about today, is widespread flood warnings. r covered in green, covered with flood warnings. widespread flood warnings. the last of our area has been dropped. still a few east. and still some minor flooding in goldsboro, an the neuse river. minor flooding in princeville and tarboro. on the tar river. and then also on the lower okver. but all of those rerare expected to drop below flood stage tomorrow morning. last week and a half. meanwhile high pressure is still in control and we still have dry weather expected. i mean there's not a we'ot going on up and down the east coast yo see the coldfront inhe midwest now. ill expected to be hee on friday. co c, thgh, nor tweaks. as we get to wednesday and thursday. >> highs well into the 80s. ng wh records but probably not breaking them. cold front still just a hair. on friday t lowered it on satu. it will be' cloudy, little bit cooler, not rain all day not heavy oong rain and not vere wther just scattered rain showers on friday. then most of that rain with e exception of le a 10% saturday morning, most of the weekend is dry. but signantly cooler. i mean, if you think about it 're qu to go from about mid- to upper 80sin the next cold front. so that cold front is but that so keep tropical moisture away from however, this system that yesterday had a 60% chance of developing, the national hurricane center now says there's an 80% chance. either tropical or subical. named system if it d ?get one, otto. and it might swing back to the knot a little bit but it should now stay well away from us. but late a season it has been. back here at home temperatures soaring back into the mid-80s 86yeevle with mostly sunny and dry weather. your 7-day forecast will hold us in the mid-80s on thursday. but as the cold front comes through on friday with a 40% chance of with mostly dry weher. 70s for next week. gog to do that with that just st the messdoxt while you drive it's g. batters a new issue apping while driving why some narratoraftetwenty years in washing richard burr has made millions... increasing his wealth over five hundred pet. senators who voted against banning insider trading by congress. then there's medicare. rid w the insurance industry. yo..would pay more for micare. servinhimself. a man attacked me in a parng garage. tried to stab me with an 8-inch knife. but i carry a pistol. i fight back. that's why i'm still here. every woman has a right to defend herself with a gun if she chooses. hillary clinton disagrees with that. cians take away your right to own a gun. a small sin crease coming for those who receive social security benefits t. the .3% increase will translatto $4 re a month. the hike is small because inflation is low. the message don't dex while driving is getting through to teens but usapps while driving teens don't see that as a problem. that's according to a new study by liberty mutual insurance. surveyed admitted to using apps while driving. they believe they are not distracting. the mt common apps are music and navigation which causes them to take their eyes off the ad. >> even a short glance away from the roadway can have a profound impact to respond. >> i felt like i shouldn't boo doing it because it definitely my eyes off the road i'm not going exactly straight. >> but this issue isn't just a te problem. it's also affecting adus they suggested that you use the app ior to driving. your help is needed to save doroths famo red slippers. the shoes from the movie are currently being housed at the smithsonian institute but they need a face le. the museum is using kick starter to raise $300,000 to renovate the shoes and ild a protective case. keep them ruby. >> $300,000. >> that case better be amazing. well, with three weeks until election day both campaigns are pulling out all the storms to win north carolina. >> coming up live in fayetteville where mike pence will soon be taking the stage and hear from a pair laacto in town to ch hillary clinton. >> plus a lumberton rent left in shambles ter hurricane hew. wee hearing from the owners wee hearing from the owners theygot over buck newton's w arrassment. it was my honor and my privilege to carry house bill 2 thr t north carolina sen and newton stands defiantly behind hb2. my opponent calls this buck's bill. and you know what? i say, bring it on! buck newton is wrong for attorney general. we're better than this. i'm josh stein. i'm running foattorney general to protect our families and strengthen our communities. i've been a republican a my life. but i'm the father of three girls. i can't stand hearing donald trump call women pigs, dogs, and bimbos...and i se don't want my daughters hearin it. i want my girls to grow up proud d strong, in a nation where they're valued and respected. donald trump's america is not the country i fought f. , i'm voti for hillary clinton. hilry clinton: and i thinwhat upsets me more than anything is the ugliss that this election has brought about. ta of rigged elections and behind the scene deals are dominating the final stretch of the presidential campaign. we're live ahead mike pence's rally with what the stomach with a lileor mein just took the breath out of me. >> this month should havebeen a 30 year anniversary instead it's the ginning of a long rebuilding process. their message for e o want to see them back in business. >> does it taste good? ry fresh, tender. >> absolutely, yeah. >> and state sture getting a hands lesson in stainability but we begin tonight with breaks news. >> raleigh police have cha0-mon police tell us the child was found in a home. >> 20-year-old marcus alston was arrested and we'll continue to follow the storand bring you updates. > we, three weeks remain until voters decide the next president of the united states. f last year north caroli has been undated with visit from the candidates, as well as their surrogates and today was no vote. she struggle hillary clinton down. >> but we start with the repuan ticket efforts. michael hyland joins us live from fayetteville where ke pence will take the stage in o8 just a few minutes. michael, pence has alrea had some strong words about t fire bombing of the gop office. >> reporter: when we stopped by he called it an act of political terrorism. he expect him to talk about it when egets here this will beat second rally. this rally is being held at k 3 enterprises which is a veteran owned small business and defense contractor. he stopped in hills breast cancer to see the damage. pence thankged the volunteers who continue to coto the office and keep work with just three weeks to go he said there hasn't been enough coverage. federal state and local investigators are working to determine who's responsible. virginia to be analyzed. >> i wanted to come by to call attention to this cowardly attack on our supporters in north carolina d to no less extent an attack on the american political system. thiswas an act of political terrorism. >> reporter: pence was supposed to hold this rally the beginng of last week but that was el canned goods to helppeople impacted by the storm. we're expecting pence to begin speaking here around 6:00 and when he does we're going to bring that to you live. live in fayetteville, michael hyland, cbs north calina. and over the last few days we've heard donaltrump say the election is rigged against him. >> today president obama, well, he didn't mince words when it came to trump's allegations. game's even over, if whenever things are going badly for you and you lose you start blaming somebody else? then crew dent hae what it takes to be in this job. >> trump failed to provide any proof of election rigging mike pence has implied it's not the system itself but instead the media. today outgoing north carolina congress woman took that theo a step further and said k on trump is a knock on the american people. >> when you criticize those of who say that there's a possibility of corruption when it omes tthis election process, when we look at this situation and think that it's rigged against us, it's the american people that are sayinthis. the american people beli this is a riggesystem. so when you criticize, you are criticizing the american people. >> she lost thesecond congional rict primary also predicted trump will win er clinton in north carolina. speaking of clintfrom beat beginning issues with e- s havedogged her quest to win the white hoe. >> this week yet but this time e results were more inside baseball than bmw shell material instthe big issue that they're taking advantage of comes in the form of dams leasedy the fbi. in them an fbi employee says he felt pressured to cage a classified e-mail from in exchange the stte department would allow the fbi to place more agents in countries where they're forbidden. the circumstances art what they appear to be says the state department. >> not el ni?o is there no proof it's absolutely not ue. completely false. it just didn't happen thatway. now what did happen, half of what you said is right. pat kennedy did call e fbi and tried to got a little bi better understanding why the wanted one particular e-mail the fbi held firm ttheir position. the e-mail remained classified. >> well, the e-mail dates back to vember 2012 and was about possible arrests related tothe benghazi attacks. there was one interesting tidbit to come from. latest round owikileaks releases. prior to picking tim kaine they sent out a long list of vice presidential candidates. many group bid ethnity or varied from the of just suas elizabeth warren to the unexpected such as apple ceo tim cook. at the very bottom of the list of names clinton's opponent in the primaries bernie sanders. well 8 yes ago, youn people helped launch barack obama tohe presidency. >> but the youth votsnhillary c even as the majority of millnials appear to support her in pos over donald trump. the problem is that enthusiasm dipping by the day. most other voters are more interested in keeping trump out of office than putting clinton in. >> today we headed out to nc state campus to hear om the movie stars to make sure college students show up on election day. >> early voting forthe general election was a topic of discussion here nc state. >> reporter: actors job choy and cal pen were on hand campaigning for hillary clinton and getting the word out on early voting. the two actors are urgi millennials to get out and vote. >> we're he at nc state to support hillary clinton and tim kaine. and make sure younvoters know that they have 17 days for early voting. hopefully get out the vote. >> i'm here at c state because i'm trying to encourage young people to vote, take charge of their own future and to tel ese laakers what they want. and make your vis heard. >> reporter: nc state freshn do their homework. >> i encourage tudent think about what's important to them go online research e candidatesreally figure out what's important to y. college affordability, lgbt rits on the cp a realmly lot of important things. turn out once, again, in high s. it we have what we have the yog vors are a very just as much s thewere in 2012 and 2008, will be essential if hillary clinton is going to win the election. >> rerter: reporting from nc state, cbs north arolina. in the weather center with chief meorologist wes hohenstein. looks like it's gointo hot for a couple mo days. so not talking 90s or triple dit heaindex or weeks we had hurricane and flood and we haven't had snow or rord heat. >> one of those is come. we've t one, it's not the snow. well into the 80s today. still felt . defitely really warm for ut this time yr. morrowe could be flirting with record highs. one thing we did not have today, for the first time since hurrane matthew, widespread flood warnings are not in our area any more. you head just east toward th greenville area. but for the first time in 11 we do not have widespread flood gs so that is good news as th recoves we have few more dry days. d night is one of them. 76 74 at 8:00. low 70s true nine 10:00. upper 60s into late tonight. so a upleore warm days before the colfront arrives. state, some arst now matthew deo getting ted tp lo at at oc >> repoit's nthe gh de wod normally rook lek a tudateoo light customers. >> whei me around tt corn a uld see the builngndsee and of thwalls of it, it was like i'd got hi the stomach it a lo blow. >> reporter: a fig the restaurant owner es he wasn't in. >> just take this get up, shake reporter: shaking it off parts. ys is one of thhardest wake wking in he bymyse and look around. >> reporter: y e cl sometuff they can ve.

Related Keywords

United States , Charlotte , North Carolina , Lumberton , Sampson County , Washington , Raleigh , Lincoln Heights , Turkey , Cumberland County , Hillsborough , Johnston County , Syria , Greenville , Russia , Reunion , Fayetteville , America , Russian , American , Tim Kaine , Elizabeth Warren , Pat Kennedy , Michael Hyland , Pat Mccrory , Tim Cook , Virginia Davis , Christopher Lee Moore , Richard Burr , Cary David Hurst , Joel Dasher , Nate Rodgers , Barack Obama , Tracey Stallings , Josh Stein , Marcus Alston , Hillary Clinton , Bernie Sanders ,

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Transcripts For WNCN North Carolina News At 500PM 20161018 :

Transcripts For WNCN North Carolina News At 500PM 20161018

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home. the mother of the little boy was also unavailable for an interview. but the daycare center's owner is publicly apologizing to her. >> this is not what we promote. i'm very sorry that it happened. and we took every step that we could to do. i'm sorry. >> reporter: after we conducted that interview she contacted us, again, and said that shened an official with the state agency which licenses daycare centers have reviewed the video. she contends the child was the which was not loving and nurturing. he says she won't release the video unless her lawyers tell her it's okay to do so. coming up at 6:00 we'll take a look at what state inspectors say about this facility. steve sbraccia, cbs north carolina. a morassville man in jail after he ran over two women ride think bicycles and left the scene. in cary david hurst joins us now wit how police caughtp to the driver. >> reporter: the group of four were heading up this hill when a driver came up and hit them om behind. two women were seriously injured and now the driver is facing felony charges 911 calls paint a picture of the scene after a driverhit two cyclists in cary. >> two bicyclists hit cary's transportation and fab silts director was injured. she's listed in critical condition at the hospital. the other woman injured 55-year- old virginia davis is listed in fair condition. 2000 other cyclists were not injured. the group of four started at cycling spoken here a bike shop in cary. employees say the group meets there to ride every monday and they're all experienced riders. >> people are just they're just not observant on the roads any there when we're read of riding. you just never know what's going to happen that day. >> reporter: police arrested the drive, 33-year-old christopher lee moore just hours after the crash thanks to tips from 911 callers able to give dispatchers the model, make, and license plate number of his car. >> a guy just came in, my neighborhood and with a bicycle stuck to his windshield. >> and the bicycle was stuck on his car? the bottom of our cul-de-sac and he threw it out and i said is everything okay and he said yeah us then took off. >> reporter: and we pulled arrest records of moore and we learned he's been arrested 18 times here in wake county just in the past few years. he's being held a. the wake county detention center awitting his first appearance wednesday afternoon if convicted we're told he's prison. and police identified a bank robbery suspect now the hunt is on to find him. police say 52-year-old joel dasher robbed the fifth third bank on u.s. 70 on monday. from the surveillance video authorities believe the man who robbed the bank is dasher. once arrested dasher will be charged with robbery with a dangerous when grub it made national news over the weekend tonight still so suspects in the fire bombing of gop headquarters in hillsborough. the investigation. meanwhile republican vice presidential candidate mike pence visited. he urged anyone with information to come forward. a gofundme site has been set up to help with recovery efforts. volunteers are still working there. blue cross blue shield is increasing their premium by 24% it's higher than the original filing in may of 19%. they say the increase is due to it's that higher cost that led to aetna dropping the state's aca plan for the next year. a wake county school was once a mega school. lincoln heights elementary school lost the magnet status in 2007 and today the wake county school board started discussing future magnet programs for the school and several others. the proposal review showed that by adding the program it will help minimize the performing students at the school. and right now the city of fayetteville is getting an idea of how to railroad from hurricane matthew. the storm dumped more than 8 inches of rain in six hours. the rain caused flash flooding, causing da to breach, flooding major roads and causing streams to overflow the banks. the local swift water team rescued more than 700 people during the first hours after the storm hit. the city council is trying to figure out the best way to railroad and how to review how thousands are heading to the but the impact from hurricane matthew is definitely evident. cbs north carolina's carleigh griffeth is live from the fairgrounds with howe the fair is helping folks after the flood. >> reporter: i speck to brian long with the state fair. that of they have been pleasantly surprised with attendance. take a look behind me. there are lots of folks out here. now, attendance thursday and friday was a little low however, at the century farm reunion the talk awe amongst farmers there was definitely about flooding. hundreds of folks who own hundred year old farms packed into the arena for an event dedicated to their hard wick. while some were not able to make the tp e to devastating flooding from hurricane matthew, those that were there, spoke about the impact. last couple of weeks have been. >> hell. it's farmers could not get to their hogs. they couldn't get to their chicken farms, or turkey farms. roads were washed out. 40 roads were washed out in sanford county. >> reporter: he owns a farm in sampson county. egrows long leaf pine trees and raises in gus cattle. b the winds and rains ravaged his farms. >> i lost a number of straw production way down. so i won't be able to recoup that lost income. >> reporter: his cattle farm is 2 miles from his home but because so many roads were washed out he had to drive a 15 mile rut to get there multiple times a day. he sunday a loss there, too. >> one cow, had lay down to driver a calf, and a tree fell on her and killed her another crop word about this kind of devastation has spread across the fair grounds. in agriculture tent unavengedder is doing what they ca help out. >> we started g sellinlittle sample bottles for $2. that wasgoing towards the red s and sold t of those before the second day waover. >> reporter: and since they sold out, 1 dollar from every bottlehathey sell will go to the red os there's actually anotheway to help out. thursd right here, is hunger relief day. the state fair will be partnering with the food bank of easternand central north carolina. d they say contributions this year are more important than ever. live at the state fair, carleigh griffeth, cbs north carolina. d some more good news, johnston county school kids headed back to class r the first time in six ys. princeton middle and high schools were just some of the >> to make up for the lost time 10 minutes will dded othe end of each schl day for the rest of the year. >> cumberland county students returned to crass yesterday. sampson county schools to open thursday. also, thursday wayne and robeson expected to reopen. em comb county schools will open. wake county vernon malone college and career academy will go back to class but in different buildings. a loved one lost. theydescribe her as fa nominal. 1 she died in the devastating aftermath of matthew. nate rodgers has the story of how she spent hlifetime making poer: loved ones say 81- ar-olds bell hadn't driver lasteekend she left her gracesehind, go into r car and started driving near r white no rest oudeher home loved ones grieve ertragic death. long timfrie carolyn altepolice after is bell caedher pw asng fo next daa ch went to her home and noticed >>he door was open. the candles were buning where she had no wer. and the hou was wide open. >> repter: family members believe the ei rainfall tackled the area. october 10 theyunswampacross f poch bached. the oy thing thas ne body. mer, she's here. >> reporter: a nati is bell fohers nd also snt time in hepsut s chch hi tori. hill baptist as >> her life was ting learn been remembered as a o overcame every obstacle in her path. family members say she survived cancer bypass surgery and kidney fail i. loved ones call her a phenomenal woman. >> her spirit is here. ghts valu still hat ma be e. just twodays ay is hele hoping attract voters tonight. >> so you know, i knoe reecn. >> coming melania ump comes to her se wt shhad to say the sexual allegations. >> call it the myte of the ages why does a ato lo its flavor in the refrigerator. the answer ahead. >>also have another day with dryer. but w ave to al with well ust but pat mccrory seems more interested in givingaxuts to millioir. weth in ending perstuden drop-oates he gone up for the first time in 8 years. we're 41st in how much we pay our teachers. there isk ortage. ant mccrors teacng assistants e . buck newton's law legalizing discrimination. a natial embarrassment. it was my honor and my 3" house bill 2 through the north carolina sen and newton stands defiantly behind hb2. my opponent calls this buck's bill. bon you know w ton wro for attorney general. we're better than thijosh s. rote i'm running for torney general strengthen our communities. together. after 20 years in washington, we're lrning tsabouard first, he opposed a bill aohibitininsidetradingington, by members of congress. now weearn burr had over first, he opposed a bill ,000 in oil and gas stockson, anl d mps donated over half a million lls to burr's campaigns. anl d mps der richard burr's wealth has increaseov 500 nce he'en icore. that's mangashingto work for h in campaign 2016we tod iena and righnow you're looking at pictures the crowd aiting his a rin i fayetteville. ahea 5: wllsh what he nted pporters g. nald trump's wife spoke ouaut the sexual miconduc allegations against her husband.wovecu of head king unwaed sexual advances. she called the chars lies. >> in defendin and goricay said thes gatis are all some of the n who are you think out that? >> wellthat's him. he's raw. so you know, i know he respects women. but he's defending himself because they're lies. >> as for the 2005 tape in which donald trump can be heard making lewd comments about women see goes on to y te he w egged on into quote boy ta tonight the three men who want to lead nor carolina will square offer in a ebate. governor pat mccrory is hoping to keep his job while democrat d lirtarian are hoping to unseat him. beau minnick joins us now from downtown raleigh with a preview. >> reporter: sean right off the bat this the fist -- we'll be hearing from e libearian candidate. isis also the last d and vernorat mccrory each face disagreed with one her on >>he attackbusinessewho are opposed to it. and says that everything is going fi. governor what planet are you on? >> a very liberal mayor of charlotte with very strong support om avery liber attorney general rted this we'll bathroom mess. it 'sneof the biggest fibs in our national press campaign and almost certainly will be key point of the debate tonight. the debate gets started at 7:00. i'll be tweeting abeau minnick and you can watch for a onight at 11:00. live in raleigh, beau minnick, cbs north carolina. and by the way, we want to remind you that early voting begins on thursday. and because there's been some confusion about this you do not need to show voter m d. antimes. >>e fe of syr president says she refused run from syria. she told a russian network th she was offered proction and financial security in exchange for fleeing syria with her children. >> i've been heresince the be ding. and i never thought being anywhere else. . atll >> she went on to call the thtight enis complete. -- once the test is cleat. >> rember thatd from th internnal blue grass mus stival the evseta record inttdance. mo than 21000 peop atteenerating more than $11 million in visitor ding. the festival this year was even larger which helped a accoodate the greg could. >> that was a fun enfor sure. we finally know why you refrigerator. it's been long known the cold temperature robs the fruit of flavor. now, reseahe can say why. once a tomato's core temperature drops below 68 degrees the gene's response before making it taste like a tomato get turned off. how abt thisthe change is irreversible. so once it's gone, it's gone. >> so i saw we were doing this story. so i did a little more research. i want to know how much they got to do this study. of takes the hurster t of this chillingnd tatflavor loss ssociatewith alred volatile sin thesis of centnges in dna. >> sounds like a ientific study for us. >> so it akeshe flavor away. >> do you want to talkabou weather? >> let's do that. it was tenth day in a renear pfectweat althgh you asked argue that 's perfect anmore because o record at way e normal for this ti of yea our forecast tomo is in the mid-80s. 85 in raleigh. 86 in fayetteville. time of year, and 74. re we're expected to go. i don't ink we'll hit a record but we're in that territory. and we'll be there again thursday, as well. so we ed that cold front and it's still going to be here on friday. >> ode upper 60s low 80s right now. outside. and as we had into tonight with warm days you can imagine no going to get all that cool tonight. aswe go hour hour, we'll drop drown 74 at 8:00. 71 at 10:00. 60s into the ernight hours. and once again out the door with tperatures about 61 degrees. so one thing we don't have to talk a lot about today, is widespread flood warnings. r covered in green, covered with flood warnings. widespread flood warnings. the last of our area has been dropped. still a few east. and still some minor flooding in goldsboro, an the neuse river. minor flooding in princeville and tarboro. on the tar river. and then also on the lower okver. but all of those rerare expected to drop below flood stage tomorrow morning. last week and a half. meanwhile high pressure is still in control and we still have dry weather expected. i mean there's not a we'ot going on up and down the east coast yo see the coldfront inhe midwest now. ill expected to be hee on friday. co c, thgh, nor tweaks. as we get to wednesday and thursday. >> highs well into the 80s. ng wh records but probably not breaking them. cold front still just a hair. on friday t lowered it on satu. it will be' cloudy, little bit cooler, not rain all day not heavy oong rain and not vere wther just scattered rain showers on friday. then most of that rain with e exception of le a 10% saturday morning, most of the weekend is dry. but signantly cooler. i mean, if you think about it 're qu to go from about mid- to upper 80sin the next cold front. so that cold front is but that so keep tropical moisture away from however, this system that yesterday had a 60% chance of developing, the national hurricane center now says there's an 80% chance. either tropical or subical. named system if it d ?get one, otto. and it might swing back to the knot a little bit but it should now stay well away from us. but late a season it has been. back here at home temperatures soaring back into the mid-80s 86yeevle with mostly sunny and dry weather. your 7-day forecast will hold us in the mid-80s on thursday. but as the cold front comes through on friday with a 40% chance of with mostly dry weher. 70s for next week. gog to do that with that just st the messdoxt while you drive it's g. batters a new issue apping while driving why some narratoraftetwenty years in washing richard burr has made millions... increasing his wealth over five hundred pet. senators who voted against banning insider trading by congress. then there's medicare. rid w the insurance industry. yo..would pay more for micare. servinhimself. a man attacked me in a parng garage. tried to stab me with an 8-inch knife. but i carry a pistol. i fight back. that's why i'm still here. every woman has a right to defend herself with a gun if she chooses. hillary clinton disagrees with that. cians take away your right to own a gun. a small sin crease coming for those who receive social security benefits t. the .3% increase will translatto $4 re a month. the hike is small because inflation is low. the message don't dex while driving is getting through to teens but usapps while driving teens don't see that as a problem. that's according to a new study by liberty mutual insurance. surveyed admitted to using apps while driving. they believe they are not distracting. the mt common apps are music and navigation which causes them to take their eyes off the ad. >> even a short glance away from the roadway can have a profound impact to respond. >> i felt like i shouldn't boo doing it because it definitely my eyes off the road i'm not going exactly straight. >> but this issue isn't just a te problem. it's also affecting adus they suggested that you use the app ior to driving. your help is needed to save doroths famo red slippers. the shoes from the movie are currently being housed at the smithsonian institute but they need a face le. the museum is using kick starter to raise $300,000 to renovate the shoes and ild a protective case. keep them ruby. >> $300,000. >> that case better be amazing. well, with three weeks until election day both campaigns are pulling out all the storms to win north carolina. >> coming up live in fayetteville where mike pence will soon be taking the stage and hear from a pair laacto in town to ch hillary clinton. >> plus a lumberton rent left in shambles ter hurricane hew. wee hearing from the owners wee hearing from the owners theygot over buck newton's w arrassment. it was my honor and my privilege to carry house bill 2 thr t north carolina sen and newton stands defiantly behind hb2. my opponent calls this buck's bill. and you know what? i say, bring it on! buck newton is wrong for attorney general. we're better than this. i'm josh stein. i'm running foattorney general to protect our families and strengthen our communities. i've been a republican a my life. but i'm the father of three girls. i can't stand hearing donald trump call women pigs, dogs, and bimbos...and i se don't want my daughters hearin it. i want my girls to grow up proud d strong, in a nation where they're valued and respected. donald trump's america is not the country i fought f. , i'm voti for hillary clinton. hilry clinton: and i thinwhat upsets me more than anything is the ugliss that this election has brought about. ta of rigged elections and behind the scene deals are dominating the final stretch of the presidential campaign. we're live ahead mike pence's rally with what the stomach with a lileor mein just took the breath out of me. >> this month should havebeen a 30 year anniversary instead it's the ginning of a long rebuilding process. their message for e o want to see them back in business. >> does it taste good? ry fresh, tender. >> absolutely, yeah. >> and state sture getting a hands lesson in stainability but we begin tonight with breaks news. >> raleigh police have cha0-mon police tell us the child was found in a home. >> 20-year-old marcus alston was arrested and we'll continue to follow the storand bring you updates. > we, three weeks remain until voters decide the next president of the united states. f last year north caroli has been undated with visit from the candidates, as well as their surrogates and today was no vote. she struggle hillary clinton down. >> but we start with the repuan ticket efforts. michael hyland joins us live from fayetteville where ke pence will take the stage in o8 just a few minutes. michael, pence has alrea had some strong words about t fire bombing of the gop office. >> reporter: when we stopped by he called it an act of political terrorism. he expect him to talk about it when egets here this will beat second rally. this rally is being held at k 3 enterprises which is a veteran owned small business and defense contractor. he stopped in hills breast cancer to see the damage. pence thankged the volunteers who continue to coto the office and keep work with just three weeks to go he said there hasn't been enough coverage. federal state and local investigators are working to determine who's responsible. virginia to be analyzed. >> i wanted to come by to call attention to this cowardly attack on our supporters in north carolina d to no less extent an attack on the american political system. thiswas an act of political terrorism. >> reporter: pence was supposed to hold this rally the beginng of last week but that was el canned goods to helppeople impacted by the storm. we're expecting pence to begin speaking here around 6:00 and when he does we're going to bring that to you live. live in fayetteville, michael hyland, cbs north calina. and over the last few days we've heard donaltrump say the election is rigged against him. >> today president obama, well, he didn't mince words when it came to trump's allegations. game's even over, if whenever things are going badly for you and you lose you start blaming somebody else? then crew dent hae what it takes to be in this job. >> trump failed to provide any proof of election rigging mike pence has implied it's not the system itself but instead the media. today outgoing north carolina congress woman took that theo a step further and said k on trump is a knock on the american people. >> when you criticize those of who say that there's a possibility of corruption when it omes tthis election process, when we look at this situation and think that it's rigged against us, it's the american people that are sayinthis. the american people beli this is a riggesystem. so when you criticize, you are criticizing the american people. >> she lost thesecond congional rict primary also predicted trump will win er clinton in north carolina. speaking of clintfrom beat beginning issues with e- s havedogged her quest to win the white hoe. >> this week yet but this time e results were more inside baseball than bmw shell material instthe big issue that they're taking advantage of comes in the form of dams leasedy the fbi. in them an fbi employee says he felt pressured to cage a classified e-mail from in exchange the stte department would allow the fbi to place more agents in countries where they're forbidden. the circumstances art what they appear to be says the state department. >> not el ni?o is there no proof it's absolutely not ue. completely false. it just didn't happen thatway. now what did happen, half of what you said is right. pat kennedy did call e fbi and tried to got a little bi better understanding why the wanted one particular e-mail the fbi held firm ttheir position. the e-mail remained classified. >> well, the e-mail dates back to vember 2012 and was about possible arrests related tothe benghazi attacks. there was one interesting tidbit to come from. latest round owikileaks releases. prior to picking tim kaine they sent out a long list of vice presidential candidates. many group bid ethnity or varied from the of just suas elizabeth warren to the unexpected such as apple ceo tim cook. at the very bottom of the list of names clinton's opponent in the primaries bernie sanders. well 8 yes ago, youn people helped launch barack obama tohe presidency. >> but the youth votsnhillary c even as the majority of millnials appear to support her in pos over donald trump. the problem is that enthusiasm dipping by the day. most other voters are more interested in keeping trump out of office than putting clinton in. >> today we headed out to nc state campus to hear om the movie stars to make sure college students show up on election day. >> early voting forthe general election was a topic of discussion here nc state. >> reporter: actors job choy and cal pen were on hand campaigning for hillary clinton and getting the word out on early voting. the two actors are urgi millennials to get out and vote. >> we're he at nc state to support hillary clinton and tim kaine. and make sure younvoters know that they have 17 days for early voting. hopefully get out the vote. >> i'm here at c state because i'm trying to encourage young people to vote, take charge of their own future and to tel ese laakers what they want. and make your vis heard. >> reporter: nc state freshn do their homework. >> i encourage tudent think about what's important to them go online research e candidatesreally figure out what's important to y. college affordability, lgbt rits on the cp a realmly lot of important things. turn out once, again, in high s. it we have what we have the yog vors are a very just as much s thewere in 2012 and 2008, will be essential if hillary clinton is going to win the election. >> rerter: reporting from nc state, cbs north arolina. in the weather center with chief meorologist wes hohenstein. looks like it's gointo hot for a couple mo days. so not talking 90s or triple dit heaindex or weeks we had hurricane and flood and we haven't had snow or rord heat. >> one of those is come. we've t one, it's not the snow. well into the 80s today. still felt . defitely really warm for ut this time yr. morrowe could be flirting with record highs. one thing we did not have today, for the first time since hurrane matthew, widespread flood warnings are not in our area any more. you head just east toward th greenville area. but for the first time in 11 we do not have widespread flood gs so that is good news as th recoves we have few more dry days. d night is one of them. 76 74 at 8:00. low 70s true nine 10:00. upper 60s into late tonight. so a upleore warm days before the colfront arrives. state, some arst now matthew deo getting ted tp lo at at oc >> repoit's nthe gh de wod normally rook lek a tudateoo light customers. >> whei me around tt corn a uld see the builngndsee and of thwalls of it, it was like i'd got hi the stomach it a lo blow. >> reporter: a fig the restaurant owner es he wasn't in. >> just take this get up, shake reporter: shaking it off parts. ys is one of thhardest wake wking in he bymyse and look around. >> reporter: y e cl sometuff they can ve.

Related Keywords

United States , Charlotte , North Carolina , Lumberton , Sampson County , Washington , Raleigh , Lincoln Heights , Turkey , Cumberland County , Hillsborough , Johnston County , Syria , Greenville , Russia , Reunion , Fayetteville , America , Russian , American , Tim Kaine , Elizabeth Warren , Pat Kennedy , Michael Hyland , Pat Mccrory , Tim Cook , Virginia Davis , Christopher Lee Moore , Richard Burr , Cary David Hurst , Joel Dasher , Nate Rodgers , Barack Obama , Tracey Stallings , Josh Stein , Marcus Alston , Hillary Clinton , Bernie Sanders ,

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