Transcripts For WNCN WNCN News At 7 20160228 : comparemela.c

Transcripts For WNCN WNCN News At 7 20160228

easy decision for you to make. >> i like the idea that she's a policy wonk. i think that experience does matter. >> both bernie sanders and hillary clinton spent friday campaigning throughout the palmetto state trying to sway last minute voters. clinton is expected to win big. relying on her advantage with african american voters. >> i voted for hillary. mostly because of her experience and her background and i feel that she may lead us to the track that obama was taking us to. >> sanders is also looking to close the gap among minority voters. >> i vote bernie sanders because of mass incarceration, needing jobs and with him bringing new positive energy, i'm voting for him. >> reporter: a win in south carolina could be a sign of what lies ahead on super tuesday where many of the states like alabama, georgia, and tennessee have a large john lawrence, wncn news now. >> meanwhile, voters in north carolina are gearing up for the march 15th primary. two presidential headquarters are opening this weekend. this one for bernie sanders is located in durham not far from the carolina theater. it'll be his main headquarters for the triangle and officially opens tomorrow. and today was the official opening for donald trump's headquarters in fayetteville. this is the republican candidate's first office. north carolina's march 15th primary will be a historic election since it will be the first time voters will be expected to show identification before they can vote. wncn's lauren shows us how the local naacp is encouraging everyone to vote. >> it's our time. it's our vote. >> the vote is the most important thing that a citizen has. >> during a passionate news everyone to know. >> extremists wanted a fight. you got one. you got one. when you mess with our voting rights. you got a fight on your hands. >> the group is still upset about the voter id law which went into effect january 1st. >> whether it is a general election, a presidential election, or a primary, the right to vote is fundamental. and it should not be a bridged or denied. >> the ncaacp tried to fight the law saying it was unconstitutional and put on unfair burden on black and hispanic voters. >> we challenge those laws because of what they are going to do. but also because of the purpose th which they were enacted. >> even though the law requires identification to cast a ballot, the naacp says everyone should vote even if they don't have one. be able to cast their ballot this march. the civil rights group is enlisting 3,000 communities of faith and 4500 volunteers to educate voters. >> we're going to organize in 55 counties throughout north carolina. we're going to further organize in 90 counties because we understand the fight is on. >> north carolina is sending a message to this nation, do not play politics with the right to vote. >> reporter: after speaking with the media, the group got to work on their mission, lauren, wncn news now. groups including the ncaacp will have 700 pole monitors set up across the state to help voters cast ballots. they'll also document any issues that may come up because of confusion concerning the identification law. and during its news conference the naacp again talked about its disappointment with the new congressional map. the group peoples the map nonpartisan group. the map was redrawn after a panel declared two districts were created along racial lines. lawmakers came up with the new map. because of the change it forced the congressional election to june 7th. we posted the changes on search congressional districts. a man who spent an hour in a chuck e cheese's restaurant was not supposed to be there and was taken into custody. that's according to deputies. they tell the daily news of jacksonville he's a sex offender and isn't supposed to be around children. authorities are searching for the person responsible for a shooting that sent a 56-year- old apex woman to the hospital. it happened last evening on arrowhead drive. neighbors say they heard some kind of argument and then they heard gunshots. the wake county sheriff's office says the woman was not the intended target, she's expected to recover. remembering nick bell, the young man was shot and killed the victim of the first homicide in durham this year. this afternoon, a vigil was held in his honor. amy cutler was at the vigil and has more on why community members are saying enough is enough. more than a dozen people coming together to remember nick bell, his mother, siblings, and local religious leaders reflecting on bell and what a talented loving young man he was. it's been more than a month since he was found shot to death. his body was found on the 2800 block of ash street. it was the first homicide of 2016. family and friends telling us he was an athlete, a musician, and that he was living on ash street with some friends. police have arrests three men in connection with his killing. but today wasn't about that. the focus was on bell. >> i miss nick jumping up and down my stairs and looking back and saying nick don't do that. you're going to hurt yourself. i miss nick calling me on the couple dollars, you know, i miss it. i really do. >> this vigil part of a larger effort to stop the violence in durham. in durham, amy cutler, wncn. cnn is reporting that hillary clinton has won the primary in south carolina. she's won every primary and caucus so far except new hampshires. we'll have a wrap up of today's primary at wncn news at 11:00. days after tornadoes ripped through north carolina several families remain without a home tonight a total of five tornadoes hit the state including in granville, vance, durham, and wayne counties. they helped nine families. in the eastern part of the state. the families aren't able to stay in their homes but they're staying in the homes of friends and family. some in hotels. no one was injured in the state due to wednesday's storms. fortunately no storms here today. so how's the rest of the weekend looking? meteorologist bill ray is in the weather center with an update. bill? >> after what we went through pattern. the winds weren't as strong today as they have been in recent days. it's a beautiful night. it won't be as cold tonight as it was this morning. but it's going to be chilly. it's 40 in south hill virginia. 46 in raleigh. 42 in cylar city. clear skies. 40 degrees. and we join you at 11:00, 38 degrees at midnight. and what we've got are clear skies everywhere. high pressure just kind of smack dab over us. this high will back off and we'll get on the backside of the circulation so tomorrow we're going to see things warm up even more. so after the evening, and we leave you at midnight at 38 degrees. we'll take over night lows down into the lower to mid 30s. that's better than this morning when we were in the 20s. 30 degrees in roxboro for a low. 31 durham. and 33 in rocky mount. and a check of tomorrow. sunshine galore. lots of sunshine, i said clear skies. let's see. the future cast. sure as clear as can be at 6:00. it should be that way throughout the day. much milder tomorrow. we'll talk about tomorrow's temperatures and the next weather maker coming up in a few minutes. the marine core is changing some of its policies after a marine died at camp lejeune during a training exercise. investigators believe an empty stomach and other factors made him more susceptible to the heat. there will be new standards for training exercises designed to protect marines from weather conditions and respond to weather related injuries. veterans who needed to see a doctor managed to get a saturday appointment today. the durham medical center took part in the national access stand down. the department of veterans affairs created the day in hopes of seeing more patients veterans complain it can take more than a month to get an appointment. days like today are designed to help improve things. >> we are fortunate here in durham that we have had very good access that continues to improve. and so we are always grateful that we have a day to focus on lots of new patients that we canwoman we can welcome to the system. a state grant program will help fund three film projects that will be shot here in north carolina. the projects include an independent feature film, a television series, and a televised version of the 1987 hit movie dirty dancing the projects are expected to create 7600 jobs here. up next on wncn news at 7:00 a program designed to help teachers get the supplies they need for the classroom has helped thousands across the country. we'll meet the man behind donors choose. plus we're this close to strawberry season. we'll expl (phone ringing) you can't deal with something, by ignoring it. but that's how some presidential candidates seem to be dealing with social security. so our next president needs a real plan to keep it strong. (elephant noise) (donkey noise) a durham elementary school looks as good as new after community members pitched in to clean it up today. pierson town elementary got a make over this morning. volunteers removed trash outside the school and cleaned the inside too. we've done a bunch of grounds work cleaning up. cleaned a bunch of windows as well. cleaned bathrooms. really just trying to beautify the school. make it a better environment the church plans to host events like this each month in 2016 to focus on serving the community in durham. 16 years ago a schoolteacher in the bronx started an organization that's raised more than $400 million for public schools across the country. >> the 3d printer is warming up inside eric's seventh grade classroom. >> technology in student's hands. >> reporter: technology isn't cheap. this printer costs around $1,000. and the money to buy it, raised in less than seven days. eric posted the printer as a project on downers choose is a nonprofit for educators. teachers make a wish list of resources they'd like in their classroom. each request is vetted by a and once it gets the all clear, it's posted on the website. >> we work with amazon and best buy as well as different companies that have specialized services like carolina biological supply for science equipment. >> parents and community members can make donations. same with complete strangers. eric needed mice for the chrome books in his classroom and posted on donors choose. >> a random donor from texas made a donation toward the computer mice. a random woman from colorado made a donation. >> geology teacher kaylyn would like new geology kits in her class. >> i got $200 donated from random organizations and people looking to help different classrooms. >> she needs $815 for the project and is optimistic. eric is thrilled with the resources he has for his class. and so are his students. who wrote thank you notes to the donors. >> it was nice that they found make those donations. >> it was. teachers can share pictures or post with donors to see exactly how their dollars are being used in classrooms. if the projects are not funded, the money is returned to donors in the form of a credit. donors choose will work with teachers to modify a project and let them repost it. governor pat mccrory wants to hear your input about a monument on the capitol counts. there will be four public input sessions across the state. tuesday march 22nd at 6:30:00 p.m. at the library in rocky mount. another on tuesday march 29th at 6:30:00 p.m. at fayetteville state university in fayetteville. if you live in fayetteville, you may notice a change in your water tuesday. the city will stop adding ammonia to the water for the month of march and will flush the system. chlorine may be more noticeable and your water maybe discolored if you pretreat your water, continue to do so. a partnership to help control the animal population, the post is teaming up with cumberland animal control to give people a place to surrender animals. fort bragg used a volunteer center to deal with animals. but that place is closed. the new partnership begins march 1st. today is national strawberry day. that's a good reason to celebrate. strawberry season is just around the corner. the southeastern part of the state harvests berries in early april. but may is the biggest month for strawberries. almost all the strawberries produced in north carolina are sold here in the state. and it almost feels like strawberry picking season out there. doesn't it? it will tomorrow. >> it'll be really nice tomorrow. it was chilly today but after earlier in the week, it was nice to see the sun and not as strong of wind. a nice evening. grab your coat if you're heading out. but the question is, how's it going to be tomorrow? so let's look at the rays of sunshine, big number, big number, big number, yeah, ten, we got it. it's going to be a nice sunny day with that ten out of ten. skies are clear. radar is clear. things are looking good. temperatures are 40 in south hill virginia. 46 in raleigh. 48 fayetteville. look at that. 40 in wilson. 39 in rocky mount. let's cycle through the temperatures over night and bring you down to over night lows generally in the 30s. so as we look at the hourly forecast, 43 at 9:00. 38 at midnight. 36 at 3:00 a.m. there's the low of 33. 44 at 9:00. heading out for sunday services, you'll want that coat too. but in the afternoon, it's going to be nice. 64 will be the high. sun will be up tomorrow at 6:47. the next weather maker is a wednesday. cold front, generally timing that out i think the best chance will be morning through midday. we've got about a 40% chance you'll see on the seven-day. but amounts now look like they'll be under a half inch and maybe just maybe a little isolated thunder just in a few triangle. but we're not looking for severe weather out break like we had last week. that's good news. but maybe a little rumble of thunder wednesday. so high pressure will back off. through sunday. you see nothing but clear skies coast. the southerly flow will warm us up into the 60s. monday we'll be in the 60s with a southwest westerly flow. i have a few clouds coming by. as the front breaks down, partly cloudy skies heading home. i'm going to go with a few clouds and keep it dry. the atmosphere is just dry. i don't think anything will shower on us with that front. a different story with that front though. there's tuesday afternoon. we'll be mostly sunny to partly sunny. and this is the front that will come through with this low on wednesday. mainly morning and afternoon. and that will bring us the showers, no wintery weather. that will stay up in the eastern great lakes. but some showers. enjoy the warm up. bright and milder tomorrow. in the sand hill, from 64 in willington and done to 66 in fayetteville. 66 in re ford. a little breeze at times. but coming out of the warm direction, southwest 8 to 12. coastal plain from roanoke rapids, pretty consistent temperatures. durham, carey, raleigh, clayton, and along the virginia border, 62 to 63 degrees. not much variation tomorrow. so on sunday, 64 degrees. enjoy the last day of your weekend. it's going to be nice. not as cold heading out. but still a code required there in the morning -- a coat required. sunny at lunch time. milder at 5:00, 61 degrees. monday is leap day but more importantly it's cbs day here. we become cbs north carolina. can't wait. 66 degrees. enjoy that day. enjoy tuesday there will be a dry cold front on monday. then the next cold front is wednesday. 40% chance of some scattered showers. mainly in the morning and early afternoon hours. it might clear out when you head home. temperatures hold in the 50s throughout the day. that's a little cooler. friday, another little system will dive further south. it'll drag in chillier air. i'm going to keep it in the 30s and 40s. areas of rain, just a slight risk by friday. and we will be dry on saturday. but it'll be chilly. the high temperature, 49 degrees. but tomorrow looks delightful. >> usually i try not to look toward the end of the week. but we'll -- >> don't rush your life away. to walk away we live in a pick and choose world. choose, choose, choose. but at beedtime? why settle for this? enter sleep number and the ultimate sleep number event, going on now. sleepiq technology tells you how well you slept and what adjustments you can make. you like the bed soft. he's more hardcore. so your sleep goes from good to great to wow! only at a sleep number store. right now save 50% on the ultimate limited edition bed, plus no interest for 48 months. hurry, ends monday. sleep number. the wolf pack traveled to syracuse today but couldn't pull off a win against the orange. caleb martin and his first the wolf pack with 18 points. but it wasn't enough. syracuse beat state. and a championship game for shaw university's women's basketball team today. they took on virginia union this afternoon for the 2016 ciaa championship in charlotte. virginia union got off to a fast start taking an eight- point lead. shaw did manage to catch up. in the end, it wasn't enough. the final score, so close, 70- 66. still, congratulations to them. it was a great season. you okay? i just wish we didn't have to sell mom's piano. i know, but we need to pay for her funeral, the medical bills ... i'm a little worried i'll leave my kids in the same position. don't you have life insurance? we had to cut it out of our budget a few you know, massmutual has a new policy called guaranteed acceptance life insurance. steve and i got covered, and it was affordable. i know there's nothing we can do about the situation we're in. but this is definitely something you can do to help protect your family. if you're age 50-75, call massmutual today for guaranteed acceptance life insurance. coverage ranges from $2,000 - $25,000, and premiums can start at less than $10 per month. it's an affordable way to get reliable coverage. there are no medical questions or exams, your acceptance is guaranteed. help protect the people who matter most to you with guaranteed acceptance life insurance. call massmutual at this number. bill is back. i guess i'm back with bill here. >> you're a visitor on the home team. we have beautiful weather tomorrow. 64 degrees on sunday after on leap day, your extra february day, 66. and we'll be cbs. that's great. 68 on tuesday. rain showers wednesday morning. we're dry thursday. some rain and chill on friday. and then saturday kind of chilly, 49 degrees. >> don't pack the coats away yet. it might feel like it tomorrow. >> you'll need it in the morning but not in the afternoon. you'll need it later in the i don't want to live with the uncertainties of hep c. or wonder whether i should seek treatment. i am ready. because today there's harvoni. a revolutionary treatment for the most common type of chronic hepatitis c. harvoni is proven to cure up to 99% of patients who've had no prior treatment. it's the one and only cure that's one pill, once a day for 12 weeks. certain patients... can be cured with just 8 weeks of harvoni. with harvoni, there's no interferon and there are no complex regimens. tell your doctor if you have other liver or kidney problems, and about all the medicines you take including herbal supplements. taking amiodarone with harvoni may cause a serious slowing of your heart rate. common side effects of harvoni may include tiredness, headache and weakness. i am ready to put hep c behind me. i am ready to be cured. are you ready? ask your hep c specialist >> judge judy: you knew your daughter wanted to move in w with her. >> right, but i didn't agree with it. >> announcer: there was nothing >> judge judy: her mother tells her, "you're 17, can't leave yet." she says, "i don't care what you say. i'm going." >> announcer: now the judge... >> judge judy: who was paying your living expenses? >> there weren't any yet. >> judge judy: well, there were. >> well, there weren't. >> announcer: ...has a few choice words. >> judge judy: she can't control herself. she has no self-control. >> announcer: "judge judy." you are about to enter the courtroom of judge judith sheindlin. the people are real. the cases are real. the rulings are final. captions paid for by cbs television distribution 18-year-old cheyenne thompson is suing her former roommate and best friend, joisha anderson, and her mother, pauline, for unpaid rent and for vandalizing her belongings. >> byrd: order! all rise! judge, this is case number 401 on the calendar in the matter of thompson vs. anderson. >> judge judy: thank you. >> byrd: you're welcome. parties have been sworn in. you may be seated.

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United States , Charlotte , North Carolina , Alabama , Tennessee , South Carolina , Texas , Fort Bragg , Raleigh , Colorado , Georgia , Virginia , Roanoke Rapids , Palmetto , Shaw University , Fayetteville , American , Caleb Martin , John Lawrence , Maggie Newland , Judith Sheindlin , Cheyenne Thompson , Amy Cutler , Nick Bell , Hillary Clinton , Pat Mccrory , Bernie Sanders ,

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