Transcripts For WNBC Today In New York 20160202 : comparemel

Transcripts For WNBC Today In New York 20160202

valley, poughkeepsie at 25. 27 at monticello. 26 at sussex. newburgh at 27 degrees. 26 degrees in bridgewater. as far as the day goes here's what we can expect everybody. we are at 40 degrees right now in central park. brilliant sunshine. bright out there. 46 at noon. it's going to be really, really very nice today. partly cloudy at 6:00. tomorrow, a much different story, rain in our direction and flriood watches to talk out. first, let get your trip off right and say hello to lauren. >> thanks, dave. we do have one accident on the roads. we'll head to the sprain brook parkway. tuck ka who road, that blocks one lane. to the goethals bridge with construction. remains closed until 5:00 a.m. next weather and traffic on the an historic close race on the democratic side. the republicans donald trump finds himself in second place. >> darlene, good morning to you. did anyone get any sleep in iowa because we were getting results overnip t. even less than an hour ago. democratic leaders in iowa described the race between clinton and sanders was historically close. democratic chair hillary clinton has won in iowa. latest numbers showing she took 50% of the votes while the senator from vermont, bernie sanders took 49%. both candidates acknowledge how close this race was in iowa and in many s both are claiming victory. >> as i stand here tonight, breathing a big sigh of relief, thank you, iowa -- >> we came to this beautiful organization. we had no money. we had no name recognition. and we were taking on the most powerful, political organization in the united states of america. >> and texas senator ted cruz on the republican side sailed to a victory getting 28% of the vote. political analysts said iowa was a must-win for him. it's now on to new hampshire which say must win for trump who placed four points behind cruz. finishing only one point behind trump, a big surprise, florida senator marco rubio. we'll hear from the the republicans coming up in the next half hour. before bew carson is taking a quick breather from the campaign trail. he told reporters in iowa he's headed back to his florida home for 24 hours to grab some fresh clothes. morrow, he plans to speak at the e national prayer breakfast in washington, d.c. and off to new >> meanwhile, twotyore candidates have dropped out of the race for the white house, reinpublican mike huckabee. in his campaign, he joked that voters were sick of seeing him. and martin o'malley suspended his campaign after a poor showing as well. police commissioner bill bradley is going to be in washington, he's going to talk about terrorism. nypd has a huge counterterrorism operation. he's likel tto be asked about it before the senate committee. looking at the front line against terrorism in america. 4:34, time for traffic and weather on the 4s. it's 4:34, right, dave price. >> absolutely, let's do it to it as they say.he37 in standen island. checking temperatures on the isamland we say hello to islip, thri tave degrees. 37 in westhampton. jersey, 35 in trenton. 27 in monticello. things fine right now in our area. all that precip from yesterday, that little bit we got now out of the way. and the good news is we are in good shape for a very nice day today. as we ake a look, 49 degrees is where we w l see our high today. bright sunshine out. it's going to be a lovely day. albeit cooler than yesterday. partly cloudy skies and 44 at 6:00 p.m. tonight. we're goi tong to begin to cloud up. heavy rains coming our way as we head to tomorrow. we've got 234r50d watches to talk about. we'll get to that in a couple minutes. lauren is going to get to where you need to go this morning. hello, lauren. >> hello, dave. good morning, everyone. in service on the 4 train between 86th street and 149th street. the bk 19 and bronx, m 81 or 101 and 102 in manhattan. he other lines, a, e, f and d lines expect service changes. bus detours, m-66, 76, 83, 161, 168. move your car again. the latest incident of crime in new york city's subways. this type, the victim was an nypd officer. "today in new york's" tracy shea stran is in jamaica queens with that. tracy, questions about the subways. >> reporter: michael, solutely, this particular incident is for a victim who dodged a subway car. all of this happened at the jamaica station on sunday. police released images of the two men and women walking through the service gate. thowis happened while they didn't pay their fare just after midnight on sunday. tried to stop them them. one of the male suspects knocked m to the track bed and then fled with the rest of the group. the latest incident of crime on the subway comes as the guardian angels have started patrolling the rails for the first time ally in decades. the head of that volunteer group says they've stepped up their presence because of a spike of the slashing on the subway. they do plan to make arrests and intervene if crime occurs. police commissioner bill bratton, however, not certain how effective they will be. >> all right. thanks so much, tracie. >> thousands ofsstranded commuter peps this follows a tragedy on the tracks. harlem and new haven line had to shut down onterf a student took hiees own life by judging in front of a train in the bronx. omit's the suyong fordham student to commit suicide in the last two weeks. s killed on a busy highway after jumping out o an ambulance. it happened on nichols road in holtzville. 51 c-year-old frank manneta was in the back of an ambulance when he jumped out of an ambulance. he was pninounced dead at the scene. the man accused of killing a young girl in her homestead home is due in court. prosecutors say he fired the stray bullchet that killed the 12 in october. nassau police believe eller is the member of the bloods gang and in dispute with another member allegedly over the theft of a hover board. the partner of nypd officer peter liang could take the stand today. liang is accused of fatally ago. e tri was delayed after one juror was taken to the hospital with a swollen knee. > today marks four years since 18-year-old markly graham was shot and killed by an nypd who chased him into the bathroom of his home in the bronx. his parent, making a plea for that officer to be fired. e letter calls it sickening that the officers involved in the shooting are still being paid by new yorkers' tax dollars. police are looking for the person who drew a swastika. inisvestigators say the suspect entered on motor avenue last friday and drew the words "die yuppies." the governor is proposing a nearly $600 million ho cldut in order to balance the budget for the upcoming fiscal year. across-the-board cuts of almiet 6%, restructuring pensions and possible layoffs. today, president obama and house speaker paul ryan may discuss the nation's budget when 93 have the first one-on-one eting. they'll have lunch at the white house. a presidential spokesman said the men will look at things to be about accomplishinged in congress this year. that could include expanding income tax credits and easing pulierto rico's debt crisis. >> the latest scam, you're going to see this pop up possibly in your facebook feed. bill cosby back in court. why attorneys say charges ainst hig dhouls be thrown out. it's hard to believe. yes, february. look at that scene on the parkway. weather and traffic on the 4s coming up. don't forget to follow us on facebook, twitter and ins is gam. daatrlene4ny. michaelg4ne you're watching "today in new york." it's 4:42. here are 4hings to knos this morning. nbc news is declaring hillary clinton the apparent winner in the democratic caucus in iowa. she defeated vermont senator bernie sandepr in what's being called historically close race. on the republican side, ted cruz beat donald trump with marco ruasbio finishing a close third. hear from the candidates in 15 minutes. a warning from wegmans, there's a facebook scam that offered a free $200 coupon for groceries. the chain is urging customers not to click it or share it. today, the first lady will be in town. she's taking part in a panel called media repurpose. with girls around the worlds expect gridlock in town today. and it is groundhog day. this morning at 7:00 a.m., of course, he will make his prediction as to whether we will see six more weeks of winter. let's get right to business. i say early spring. what do you think. tweet us let us know@davepricetv. let us know about the headlines, what to expect, not six weeks from now or earlier but the next few hours. abundant sunshine. not just sunshine, abundant sunshine. it's going to be terrific out there. but things change tomorrow. the sun goes away and heavy rain rolling in. then for the weekend, quiet and pleasant. we like it. we'll talk more about that towards the end of the forecast. 39 degrees as we say hello to everyone in chelsea. hoboken hoboken, 38 degrees. 26 in sussex. 27 in monticello. look at that bundle up in poughkeepsie, 25 degrees. 35 in farmingdale. and this is what we're talking about, this storm system wreaking havoc all the way up through the midwest and all the way back yesterday through nevada. that is going to roll in our direction and bring us the heavy rains as we get to tomorrow. so, let's wind up to future tracker as we watch the storm system. tomorrow morning 8:00, moving to the west all the way up through the viewing area. then as we head through the day, look at that into rush hour. very moderate to heavy showers be nning to push on through. that out of the way by the early morning hours of thursday. but we have a flood watch in effect. so, keep this in mind. someet middlesex, monmouth counties. we'll continue to watch that. so, our forecast for today, is this what we can expect, 49 degrees, above average temperatures. lots of sunshine. tonight, we will begin to cloud on up. 42 degrees, mild. this is ushering in all the rain that we'll see tomorrow. don't forget, it's groundhog day, everyone. groundhog day. we'll wait to see what punxsutawney phil says and stthaten island, chuck says. and then friday, relatively mild conditions straight through the weekend. that's a quick look at your forecast. let's say hello to lauren and see if traffic's going to bite you if you try and get to where you need to go. >> not just yet. we do have road work out there. we'll head to the cross brox expressway where two lanes are closed westbound. things okay. heading to the grand centr parkway, westbound between jewel avenue and l.i.e. and two lanes closed. goethals bridge closed until 5:00 a.m. head to the bay bridge. let's talk about the 4 train just suspended. it's no longer suspended it's bipassing 138th street in both directions but a major improvement. alternate side parking rules in effect. we'll have next weather and traffic update on the 4s. >> the world health organization isesow declaring the zika virus a public health ergency. the director of the agency made the declaration box of a recent outbreak in south america. meanwhile critics accused the organization taking too long to spona. the group believes upwards of 3 million people can be affected within a year. the son of a former top aide in the de blasio administration is accused of stabbing and killin ing a teenager. he's charg with aggravated manslaughter. police ay he was approached by a group. there was a fight,nd then he was stabbed. that 16-year-old bled and died. >> y i'm a very light sleeper. i a didn't hear a thing. it's a a shock to me. >> the beyond strange. >> the prosecutors say he tried to get rid of the evidence after the stabbing. this is not the first time he's been in trouble with the law. his mother rachel resigned as the first lady assess chief of staff an arrested back in 2014. on staten island, five the city's brave equivalent are recovering after being hurt in a house fire on sinclair avenue. two of the firefighters fel through a floor inside. all five are in stable condition in the hospital right now. no word on how it started. manhattan are goingvtooard buses and travel up to albany. taking part in the charter school advocacy day. they expect thousands to attend and join the support for more funding for new york city troubled schools. lawye will make arguments in a pennsylvania court about whether a criminal says against bill cosby should move forward. cosby's lawyers believe that it's protected. in a 2005 civil suit brought by andrea constand. they said the d.a. vowed that the testimony could not be used against him however, the new d.a. said that the deal was not written down and is not binding. >> i created the scenario where he would have to answer the questions under oath. obviously, they got the information that they needed. >> cosby's charge with allegedly drugging and sexually assaults andrea constand in his home in supermodel stephanie siegel said to stand in a court on a drunk driving charge. police say she backed up her land rover in the car behind her in greenwich. investigators say she was unsteady on her feet and sllou of alcohol. seymour f ofaces charges of driving away that same night. he's a photo of a suspect the latest incident happened near waverly place on christopher street. vestigator, s say the two men pointed a gun i a lobby and stole $4 so 4 00. if you have any information, please ontact police. these are pictures of a couple wanted for a two-month crime spree in manhattan. police say they stole hand bags, wallets and cash in several they've allegedly racked up big. purchases with stolen credit cards. the bill was more than $8,000 in one place. if you know anything, call crime stoppers. pope francis has a new message. it's it goat rid et rid of gossip. and amtrak train bouncing off the track. you're watching "today in new york." have a tip for new york's biggest i-team? call 866-news-44. ah, smell that air. yeah. smells good. really good. why? i gotta get home and wait for the cable company. but we just left your house. oh my gosh, great workout. no, this is your house! we at time warner cable need to ologizave to you. us we no longer offer an excuse to get out of your morning run. we're making a bunch of changes at time warner cable. now you can choose a one-hour arrival window, ma r and our new tech tracknr feare will alert you with a text or email with your technician's name and photo welcome back, 4:53. 40 degrees on this tuesday morning. today, you will get another chance at the online lottery to score the hottest broadway ticket in time. we're talking about "hamilton" of course. that show where the website ashed last month. we're told that the website was upgraded today from 7:00 e 3:00 a.m., you can dry again for >> just don't call anybody at 7:00 a.m. to try to get "hamil ton" tickets, right? >> that's right. >> good luck, everybody. >> did you get to see it >> i did. spectacular. folks, we got spectacular weather and, everybody is eligible for it. let's check at what's happening outside. 49 degrees is today's high temperature. a little cooler than yesterday. plenty of sunshine, great out there. take advantage of it because tonight wengee the clouds begin to roll on in. temperatures drop to 42. a mild evening, we see the increase in clouds and that's a harbinger of things to come because as we head into tomoow, heavy rains roll on in. at 4:54, today is groundhog day. >> meteorologists love groundhog day. >> this is the best. like the holidays. >> totally accurate. >> totally accurate. >> what's happening on this ground hog day? >> not too much on the roads as we like. the long is nd expressway out getting into thi area. grand central parkway westbound between jewel avenue and l.i.e. two lanes closed. where we don't have any road work is brooklyn bridge. bqe, brooklyn bridge. take your time. and electric car drivers can now power up while traveling in hudson valley. four new high-speed charging stations at service areas along the new york state thruway. you can fully charge an electric vehicle in just about 30 minutes. they're in olsen and platakill. governor cuomo wants to install 3,000 of these stations by 2017. and the ground floor of the navymyards building 77. ross & daughters will open a staurant in the food court. signature smoked fish, traditional bagels and baked goods. building 77 is slated to open next year. in new jersey, se areas were rattled again by possible sonic booms. residents in residents in brighamtine were shaken. now, a navy spokesperson said more test flights were conducted yesterday. that may have caused the latest shaking. >> the city cncil may pull back the reins on the mayor's handsome handsome cabs and petty kabs. they told the new york post they're afraid too many people winall lose their jobs. an nypd officer at home after an encounter with a violent woman he was trying to help. he had been called to flat bush to check on an,emotionally disturbed woman. en he got inside, that woman allegedly plunged a kitchen knife into his arm. the blade broke off in his skin. at wok is man is expected to be okay. and the 12-year-old was crossing elmont road outside of a crosswalk when hit by a car and killed. the driver is not expected to face any charges. in connecticut a mural to honor the victims of the sandy hook shootings is now covered up. the painting featured a eamcatcher with the words "in loving memory." they say the mural inside was upsetting students. the superintendent knew that covering the memorial would be controversial but he had to act. deadly amtrak crash outside of philadelphia does remain a mystery along with 12 60 documents, the ntsb released this grainy video. the train's conductor randon bostian told investigators he had a dream- ke memory of the train going too fast around the curve. he also recalls hitting the branakes as he recalls the train going to tip over. eight people died in that crash. it is coming up on 5:00 a.m., if you're about to head out the door take us with you. >> keep watching the "today in new york" app on your mobile device. our next hour starts right now. all eyes on iowa. hillary clinton comes away victorious in what's being called an historically close race. and donald trump, he now findings himself chasing another candidate. plus, new this morning, the search for several suspects knocked an officer on the subway tracks. underground they haven't seen in years. new this morning the search for a man who police say left a hateful message in cement. "today in new york" starts now. good morning, everybody. coming up on 5:00 a.m. on this tuesday, it's february 2nd. i'm michael gargiulo. >> i'm darlene rodriguez. chris is off this morning. storm team 4's dave price here. >> chris took off groundhog's day. >> he did. >> that's how he's celebrating. nice to see you guys. 39 degrees in murray hill this morning. 39 in astoria. we wake up in city island, 36. and 38 in staten island where chuck will prognosticate in the next few hours. 33 degrees in white plains. as you head north towards the hudson valley, temperatures in the 20s. 26 in bridgewater. you up by 10 in long branch as we head to westhampton, 35 degrees. the day planner, everybody, lots of sunshine out there.

Related Keywords

Murray Hill , New York , United States , Trenton , Florida , Nevada , Bridgewater , Farmingdale , Vermont , New Hampshire , Texas , City Island , Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , Jamaica , Middlesex , Monticello , Iowa , Washington , District Of Columbia , Westhampton , Sussex , New Jersey , Jersey City , Connecticut , Staten Island , Poughkeepsie , New Haven , Islip , Sandy Hook , Greenwich , Nassau , New Providence , Bahamas , The , Jersey , America , New Yorker , Hoboken , Marco Rubio , Mike Huckabee , Darlene Rodriguez , Punxsutawney Phil , Tracy Shea , Andrea Constand , Ted Cruz , Stephanie Siegel , Hillary Clinton , Peter Liang , Bernie Sanders ,

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Transcripts For WNBC Today In New York 20160202 :

Transcripts For WNBC Today In New York 20160202

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valley, poughkeepsie at 25. 27 at monticello. 26 at sussex. newburgh at 27 degrees. 26 degrees in bridgewater. as far as the day goes here's what we can expect everybody. we are at 40 degrees right now in central park. brilliant sunshine. bright out there. 46 at noon. it's going to be really, really very nice today. partly cloudy at 6:00. tomorrow, a much different story, rain in our direction and flriood watches to talk out. first, let get your trip off right and say hello to lauren. >> thanks, dave. we do have one accident on the roads. we'll head to the sprain brook parkway. tuck ka who road, that blocks one lane. to the goethals bridge with construction. remains closed until 5:00 a.m. next weather and traffic on the an historic close race on the democratic side. the republicans donald trump finds himself in second place. >> darlene, good morning to you. did anyone get any sleep in iowa because we were getting results overnip t. even less than an hour ago. democratic leaders in iowa described the race between clinton and sanders was historically close. democratic chair hillary clinton has won in iowa. latest numbers showing she took 50% of the votes while the senator from vermont, bernie sanders took 49%. both candidates acknowledge how close this race was in iowa and in many s both are claiming victory. >> as i stand here tonight, breathing a big sigh of relief, thank you, iowa -- >> we came to this beautiful organization. we had no money. we had no name recognition. and we were taking on the most powerful, political organization in the united states of america. >> and texas senator ted cruz on the republican side sailed to a victory getting 28% of the vote. political analysts said iowa was a must-win for him. it's now on to new hampshire which say must win for trump who placed four points behind cruz. finishing only one point behind trump, a big surprise, florida senator marco rubio. we'll hear from the the republicans coming up in the next half hour. before bew carson is taking a quick breather from the campaign trail. he told reporters in iowa he's headed back to his florida home for 24 hours to grab some fresh clothes. morrow, he plans to speak at the e national prayer breakfast in washington, d.c. and off to new >> meanwhile, twotyore candidates have dropped out of the race for the white house, reinpublican mike huckabee. in his campaign, he joked that voters were sick of seeing him. and martin o'malley suspended his campaign after a poor showing as well. police commissioner bill bradley is going to be in washington, he's going to talk about terrorism. nypd has a huge counterterrorism operation. he's likel tto be asked about it before the senate committee. looking at the front line against terrorism in america. 4:34, time for traffic and weather on the 4s. it's 4:34, right, dave price. >> absolutely, let's do it to it as they say.he37 in standen island. checking temperatures on the isamland we say hello to islip, thri tave degrees. 37 in westhampton. jersey, 35 in trenton. 27 in monticello. things fine right now in our area. all that precip from yesterday, that little bit we got now out of the way. and the good news is we are in good shape for a very nice day today. as we ake a look, 49 degrees is where we w l see our high today. bright sunshine out. it's going to be a lovely day. albeit cooler than yesterday. partly cloudy skies and 44 at 6:00 p.m. tonight. we're goi tong to begin to cloud up. heavy rains coming our way as we head to tomorrow. we've got 234r50d watches to talk about. we'll get to that in a couple minutes. lauren is going to get to where you need to go this morning. hello, lauren. >> hello, dave. good morning, everyone. in service on the 4 train between 86th street and 149th street. the bk 19 and bronx, m 81 or 101 and 102 in manhattan. he other lines, a, e, f and d lines expect service changes. bus detours, m-66, 76, 83, 161, 168. move your car again. the latest incident of crime in new york city's subways. this type, the victim was an nypd officer. "today in new york's" tracy shea stran is in jamaica queens with that. tracy, questions about the subways. >> reporter: michael, solutely, this particular incident is for a victim who dodged a subway car. all of this happened at the jamaica station on sunday. police released images of the two men and women walking through the service gate. thowis happened while they didn't pay their fare just after midnight on sunday. tried to stop them them. one of the male suspects knocked m to the track bed and then fled with the rest of the group. the latest incident of crime on the subway comes as the guardian angels have started patrolling the rails for the first time ally in decades. the head of that volunteer group says they've stepped up their presence because of a spike of the slashing on the subway. they do plan to make arrests and intervene if crime occurs. police commissioner bill bratton, however, not certain how effective they will be. >> all right. thanks so much, tracie. >> thousands ofsstranded commuter peps this follows a tragedy on the tracks. harlem and new haven line had to shut down onterf a student took hiees own life by judging in front of a train in the bronx. omit's the suyong fordham student to commit suicide in the last two weeks. s killed on a busy highway after jumping out o an ambulance. it happened on nichols road in holtzville. 51 c-year-old frank manneta was in the back of an ambulance when he jumped out of an ambulance. he was pninounced dead at the scene. the man accused of killing a young girl in her homestead home is due in court. prosecutors say he fired the stray bullchet that killed the 12 in october. nassau police believe eller is the member of the bloods gang and in dispute with another member allegedly over the theft of a hover board. the partner of nypd officer peter liang could take the stand today. liang is accused of fatally ago. e tri was delayed after one juror was taken to the hospital with a swollen knee. > today marks four years since 18-year-old markly graham was shot and killed by an nypd who chased him into the bathroom of his home in the bronx. his parent, making a plea for that officer to be fired. e letter calls it sickening that the officers involved in the shooting are still being paid by new yorkers' tax dollars. police are looking for the person who drew a swastika. inisvestigators say the suspect entered on motor avenue last friday and drew the words "die yuppies." the governor is proposing a nearly $600 million ho cldut in order to balance the budget for the upcoming fiscal year. across-the-board cuts of almiet 6%, restructuring pensions and possible layoffs. today, president obama and house speaker paul ryan may discuss the nation's budget when 93 have the first one-on-one eting. they'll have lunch at the white house. a presidential spokesman said the men will look at things to be about accomplishinged in congress this year. that could include expanding income tax credits and easing pulierto rico's debt crisis. >> the latest scam, you're going to see this pop up possibly in your facebook feed. bill cosby back in court. why attorneys say charges ainst hig dhouls be thrown out. it's hard to believe. yes, february. look at that scene on the parkway. weather and traffic on the 4s coming up. don't forget to follow us on facebook, twitter and ins is gam. daatrlene4ny. michaelg4ne you're watching "today in new york." it's 4:42. here are 4hings to knos this morning. nbc news is declaring hillary clinton the apparent winner in the democratic caucus in iowa. she defeated vermont senator bernie sandepr in what's being called historically close race. on the republican side, ted cruz beat donald trump with marco ruasbio finishing a close third. hear from the candidates in 15 minutes. a warning from wegmans, there's a facebook scam that offered a free $200 coupon for groceries. the chain is urging customers not to click it or share it. today, the first lady will be in town. she's taking part in a panel called media repurpose. with girls around the worlds expect gridlock in town today. and it is groundhog day. this morning at 7:00 a.m., of course, he will make his prediction as to whether we will see six more weeks of winter. let's get right to business. i say early spring. what do you think. tweet us let us know@davepricetv. let us know about the headlines, what to expect, not six weeks from now or earlier but the next few hours. abundant sunshine. not just sunshine, abundant sunshine. it's going to be terrific out there. but things change tomorrow. the sun goes away and heavy rain rolling in. then for the weekend, quiet and pleasant. we like it. we'll talk more about that towards the end of the forecast. 39 degrees as we say hello to everyone in chelsea. hoboken hoboken, 38 degrees. 26 in sussex. 27 in monticello. look at that bundle up in poughkeepsie, 25 degrees. 35 in farmingdale. and this is what we're talking about, this storm system wreaking havoc all the way up through the midwest and all the way back yesterday through nevada. that is going to roll in our direction and bring us the heavy rains as we get to tomorrow. so, let's wind up to future tracker as we watch the storm system. tomorrow morning 8:00, moving to the west all the way up through the viewing area. then as we head through the day, look at that into rush hour. very moderate to heavy showers be nning to push on through. that out of the way by the early morning hours of thursday. but we have a flood watch in effect. so, keep this in mind. someet middlesex, monmouth counties. we'll continue to watch that. so, our forecast for today, is this what we can expect, 49 degrees, above average temperatures. lots of sunshine. tonight, we will begin to cloud on up. 42 degrees, mild. this is ushering in all the rain that we'll see tomorrow. don't forget, it's groundhog day, everyone. groundhog day. we'll wait to see what punxsutawney phil says and stthaten island, chuck says. and then friday, relatively mild conditions straight through the weekend. that's a quick look at your forecast. let's say hello to lauren and see if traffic's going to bite you if you try and get to where you need to go. >> not just yet. we do have road work out there. we'll head to the cross brox expressway where two lanes are closed westbound. things okay. heading to the grand centr parkway, westbound between jewel avenue and l.i.e. and two lanes closed. goethals bridge closed until 5:00 a.m. head to the bay bridge. let's talk about the 4 train just suspended. it's no longer suspended it's bipassing 138th street in both directions but a major improvement. alternate side parking rules in effect. we'll have next weather and traffic update on the 4s. >> the world health organization isesow declaring the zika virus a public health ergency. the director of the agency made the declaration box of a recent outbreak in south america. meanwhile critics accused the organization taking too long to spona. the group believes upwards of 3 million people can be affected within a year. the son of a former top aide in the de blasio administration is accused of stabbing and killin ing a teenager. he's charg with aggravated manslaughter. police ay he was approached by a group. there was a fight,nd then he was stabbed. that 16-year-old bled and died. >> y i'm a very light sleeper. i a didn't hear a thing. it's a a shock to me. >> the beyond strange. >> the prosecutors say he tried to get rid of the evidence after the stabbing. this is not the first time he's been in trouble with the law. his mother rachel resigned as the first lady assess chief of staff an arrested back in 2014. on staten island, five the city's brave equivalent are recovering after being hurt in a house fire on sinclair avenue. two of the firefighters fel through a floor inside. all five are in stable condition in the hospital right now. no word on how it started. manhattan are goingvtooard buses and travel up to albany. taking part in the charter school advocacy day. they expect thousands to attend and join the support for more funding for new york city troubled schools. lawye will make arguments in a pennsylvania court about whether a criminal says against bill cosby should move forward. cosby's lawyers believe that it's protected. in a 2005 civil suit brought by andrea constand. they said the d.a. vowed that the testimony could not be used against him however, the new d.a. said that the deal was not written down and is not binding. >> i created the scenario where he would have to answer the questions under oath. obviously, they got the information that they needed. >> cosby's charge with allegedly drugging and sexually assaults andrea constand in his home in supermodel stephanie siegel said to stand in a court on a drunk driving charge. police say she backed up her land rover in the car behind her in greenwich. investigators say she was unsteady on her feet and sllou of alcohol. seymour f ofaces charges of driving away that same night. he's a photo of a suspect the latest incident happened near waverly place on christopher street. vestigator, s say the two men pointed a gun i a lobby and stole $4 so 4 00. if you have any information, please ontact police. these are pictures of a couple wanted for a two-month crime spree in manhattan. police say they stole hand bags, wallets and cash in several they've allegedly racked up big. purchases with stolen credit cards. the bill was more than $8,000 in one place. if you know anything, call crime stoppers. pope francis has a new message. it's it goat rid et rid of gossip. and amtrak train bouncing off the track. you're watching "today in new york." have a tip for new york's biggest i-team? call 866-news-44. ah, smell that air. yeah. smells good. really good. why? i gotta get home and wait for the cable company. but we just left your house. oh my gosh, great workout. no, this is your house! we at time warner cable need to ologizave to you. us we no longer offer an excuse to get out of your morning run. we're making a bunch of changes at time warner cable. now you can choose a one-hour arrival window, ma r and our new tech tracknr feare will alert you with a text or email with your technician's name and photo welcome back, 4:53. 40 degrees on this tuesday morning. today, you will get another chance at the online lottery to score the hottest broadway ticket in time. we're talking about "hamilton" of course. that show where the website ashed last month. we're told that the website was upgraded today from 7:00 e 3:00 a.m., you can dry again for >> just don't call anybody at 7:00 a.m. to try to get "hamil ton" tickets, right? >> that's right. >> good luck, everybody. >> did you get to see it >> i did. spectacular. folks, we got spectacular weather and, everybody is eligible for it. let's check at what's happening outside. 49 degrees is today's high temperature. a little cooler than yesterday. plenty of sunshine, great out there. take advantage of it because tonight wengee the clouds begin to roll on in. temperatures drop to 42. a mild evening, we see the increase in clouds and that's a harbinger of things to come because as we head into tomoow, heavy rains roll on in. at 4:54, today is groundhog day. >> meteorologists love groundhog day. >> this is the best. like the holidays. >> totally accurate. >> totally accurate. >> what's happening on this ground hog day? >> not too much on the roads as we like. the long is nd expressway out getting into thi area. grand central parkway westbound between jewel avenue and l.i.e. two lanes closed. where we don't have any road work is brooklyn bridge. bqe, brooklyn bridge. take your time. and electric car drivers can now power up while traveling in hudson valley. four new high-speed charging stations at service areas along the new york state thruway. you can fully charge an electric vehicle in just about 30 minutes. they're in olsen and platakill. governor cuomo wants to install 3,000 of these stations by 2017. and the ground floor of the navymyards building 77. ross & daughters will open a staurant in the food court. signature smoked fish, traditional bagels and baked goods. building 77 is slated to open next year. in new jersey, se areas were rattled again by possible sonic booms. residents in residents in brighamtine were shaken. now, a navy spokesperson said more test flights were conducted yesterday. that may have caused the latest shaking. >> the city cncil may pull back the reins on the mayor's handsome handsome cabs and petty kabs. they told the new york post they're afraid too many people winall lose their jobs. an nypd officer at home after an encounter with a violent woman he was trying to help. he had been called to flat bush to check on an,emotionally disturbed woman. en he got inside, that woman allegedly plunged a kitchen knife into his arm. the blade broke off in his skin. at wok is man is expected to be okay. and the 12-year-old was crossing elmont road outside of a crosswalk when hit by a car and killed. the driver is not expected to face any charges. in connecticut a mural to honor the victims of the sandy hook shootings is now covered up. the painting featured a eamcatcher with the words "in loving memory." they say the mural inside was upsetting students. the superintendent knew that covering the memorial would be controversial but he had to act. deadly amtrak crash outside of philadelphia does remain a mystery along with 12 60 documents, the ntsb released this grainy video. the train's conductor randon bostian told investigators he had a dream- ke memory of the train going too fast around the curve. he also recalls hitting the branakes as he recalls the train going to tip over. eight people died in that crash. it is coming up on 5:00 a.m., if you're about to head out the door take us with you. >> keep watching the "today in new york" app on your mobile device. our next hour starts right now. all eyes on iowa. hillary clinton comes away victorious in what's being called an historically close race. and donald trump, he now findings himself chasing another candidate. plus, new this morning, the search for several suspects knocked an officer on the subway tracks. underground they haven't seen in years. new this morning the search for a man who police say left a hateful message in cement. "today in new york" starts now. good morning, everybody. coming up on 5:00 a.m. on this tuesday, it's february 2nd. i'm michael gargiulo. >> i'm darlene rodriguez. chris is off this morning. storm team 4's dave price here. >> chris took off groundhog's day. >> he did. >> that's how he's celebrating. nice to see you guys. 39 degrees in murray hill this morning. 39 in astoria. we wake up in city island, 36. and 38 in staten island where chuck will prognosticate in the next few hours. 33 degrees in white plains. as you head north towards the hudson valley, temperatures in the 20s. 26 in bridgewater. you up by 10 in long branch as we head to westhampton, 35 degrees. the day planner, everybody, lots of sunshine out there.

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