Transcripts For WNBC Sunday Today In New York 20151108 : com

Transcripts For WNBC Sunday Today In New York 20151108

i'm pat battle. >> i'm g rosendale. if you haven't been out, bear in mind some wardrobe changes are required from the last couple days. we'll ask raphael miranda for the latest on wat's happening. friday we had record high temperatures in the 70s. yesterday we saw the 50s. now we're back to reality on this sunday. and you can see that in the weather headlines. it's a perfect november day. no complaints with temperatures in the 50s. lots of sunshine and a lig breeze. we have rain coming our way as headsayeper into the workweek. we'll see that coming up in the ven-day forecast. we do need the rain around here quite a bit. here's a live look at storm acker with sunshine out from norwalk to central park. wn long island, we are enjoying mostly blue skies and sunshine. in the day planner, it's cooler at 50 degrees. a big change from yesterday at this time. we are headed back to he mid-50s by the middle of the day. nothing but sunshine. enjoy that. get outside and maybe do some leaf peeping to the south and east. we are tracking rain over the next few days and will take a look at that in the seven-day forecast coming up in a few. pat and gus, over to you. thank you, raphael. a cab driver facing charges after a crash that killed an 88-year-old woman crossing the street. her death one of two overnight in accidents involving pedestrians. sheldon dutes is joining us from the upper westmside with new information. sheldon? >> reporter: yes, pat and gus, the 88-year-old woman lives on 108th street not far from the park and h yoit by the the accident see here at the intersection of columbus nd 109. police tell us the 88-year-old louisa rosario was crossing the street at 1:00 a.m. when she was hit by a taxi. the cabbie stayed aed the scene and we learn he's been arrested and charged. just a few hours before that accident here on the upper west sirede, around 8:15 last night, a 34-year-old man was injured when a fire truck hit him near east 15th and irving place. police say that man was trying to cross the street even though the signal said don't walk and the sirens were blaring. he was taken to the hospital and treated for a leg injury. when 'm crossing the street and ngi hear sirens, i wait it out. even if it is a walk because you never know. >> reporter: about an hour after that accident over in queens, a 68-year-old man was killed while trying to cross the street near the intersection of south conduit and 188 street. the driver stayed at that scene as well. and we are still waiting for more inormation on that case. and t's still under investigation. as for the cabbie wro was involved in the deadly accident here on the upper west side, he has been charged withailure to leave, excuse me, failure to yield. said those types of tickets and the year the bureau launched those tickets has gone up citywild. eldon duteof nbc 4 new york. three kids are recovering after being rescued from a fishing trip. a fishing boat hit a sandbar off east fire island last night and a passenger was thrown during the collision and lost consciousness. he was taken to the hospital and will be okay. an 11-year-old pe senger also suffered minor injuries. the captain and other passen jers were not hurt. cheers in the studio and chanting in the streets in midtown. demonstrators upset over the fact that donald trump was hosting "saturday night live" in studio 8h last night. 200 protesters marched from trump tower along fifth avenue to 30 rock. many of them are representing latino groups upset with trump's comments about hispanics and his call tu deport 11 million undocumented immigrants. only a few trump supporters showed up to the a rally. >> donald trump hosting "saturday night live" is not cool. that's not what we want. >> i love his passion. i love that he's self-funding and up can't be bought. i love that he speaks his mind. >> and trump believes that the controversy boosted the audience for last night's epismde of "snl." >> protesters didn't seem to hinder the donald's performance on the show. in his opening monologue, he talked about what ars in his corner. >> over the years this show has been a disaster for me. look at this guy. >> great, great, great, great. isn't he fantastic? [ applause ] >> ay ay ay. look at this. [ applause ] >> you think you're this terrific person. you think you're this, you think you're that, ba ba ba ba. trump also took part in plenty of skits. in one of them he played the role of president donald trump at a meeting inside the white house. >> secretary, how is the situation in russia? >> never better. after your face-to-face meeting, putin has withdrawn from ukraine. and believe me, he does not want to be called a loser again. he cried for hours. >> well, i'm sorry, i just had to do that, keep up the good work, amarosa, you're doing fantastic. >> trump did not appear in the sketch you see right here but he did live tweet it if you will. the tweets were filled with amusing insults of the cast members and popped up on the screen during the skit. we'll stick with politics, "meet the press" coming up at 10:30 and chuck today is live with a preview. >> good morning, gus, big day. >> in all seriousness, the comedy shows can be big. i think of richard nixon when he went, sock it to me, and people weren't so keen on him. was this an event where trump was recruiting people? >> i don't know. what -- what nixon did was a cameo. what hillary clinton did a couple weeks ago was a cameo. what bill clinton did on arsenio hall which kicked off this new-found way to spend all the time on late night was a cameo. so i don't know. look, for donald trump, i was always thought this was high risk because there has been these questions that some folks have had, how serious is he about running for president? and he is, i think, made a case that he's very serious over the last three months. he's put out real plans, this and that. and then does this undo that? does this undo this, and some voters think, whoa, yes, we know he's aty reality show guy and does this go too far? i don't know. >> also making news is ben carson who caught flak for embellishing his relationship with west point. where does that stand? >> well, look, we have new comments from ben carson that leadoff the show in a few minutes. chris jansing, my colleague, caught up with him right before he was getting on an airplane last night to puerto rico. and he's pretty defiant about all this. i think he believes he's being vetted for so than any other candidate. he thinks going back 30, 40 years, is it fair? but i'll tell you this, guys, i think this is a very precarious time for his campaign. his campaign is built on his life story. it's been built on the idea that he is sort of above our approach, the most honest and trustworthy candidate in this race. highest favorability ratings, all those things. if his personal story unravels, i think his whole candidacy unravels. away with it because we are believing politicians xanl exaggerate. ben carson is not another politician. >> if i went home and saw a couple of these debates, what should i be looking for in particular this week? >> look, i think this is desperation time for the single-digit candidates. think about the time where we are. there's only one more debate and thanksgiving is coming up. if you don't make a move now and you're in single digits, when are you going to make a move? i'm looking at you jeb bush, chris christie, you name it. >> and the pressure is on with a busy day. we appreciate the preview. >> you got it. >> stick around for "meet the press" with chuck todd right after "today in new york." and now the latest into the passenger plane that crashed in egypt's sinai peninsula. a team of russian inspectors are headed to egypt to examine security at the airports there. a top official said a noise is heard in the cockpit in the last second audio of the voice but he says it is still not clear whether that noise came from a bomb or from something else. one second later the plane broke up in midair killing all 224 people on board. investigators are going to test the wreckage to see if they can find any evidence of a bomb blast. the number one most important thing is testing the residue of this airliner to try to see whether there's any kind of traces of explosives. whether or not they're sitting on the metal. whether or not there's evidence of shrapnel. >> isis claimed it brought the plane down shortly after taking off from sharm el-sheikh but the claim has not been substantiated. two people died when their truck plunged into the charles river and crashed through a guardrail plunging into the water. when emergency crews arrived, the truck was submerged and russ cue rescuers got them out of the truck but they were pronounced dead at the hospital. and ethanol has spilled into the mississippi river after a train derailment in wisconsin. a voluntary evacuation has been lifted and railroad officials maintain there's no danger to the public. an amazing rescue is caught on camera in australia. video shows two men perched on the tiny cliff ledge steps away from a steep 164-foot drop into the ocean. one of the men was injured after falling from the stop of wedding cake rock near sydney. a friend who tried to help him got stuck, too. so rescuers had to repel down to bring the two men to safety. wow. coming up on "today in new york," the light in the sky that made many ask, what is out there? what the military says caused the sight to light up social media. and later, how queens county judges are blocking shortcuts to citizenship after an i-team and we're enjoying lots of sunshine out there on this sunday. cool temperatures as well. but the umbrellas will be needed over the next few days. we'll take a look at the seven-day forecast to show you soggy times coming up after the break. find over 1,000 special stories at hospital for special surgery. welcome, to the simply orange tour. this is our plant. these are our workers. and this, is upper management. but what you won't find around here, is any freezing, flavoring, or concentrating. which brings us to our end product. simply orange. honestly simple. that's just the night watchman. sfx: owl i was running 6 months after a hip repair. and setting records 9 months after shoulder treatment. one special hospital, over 1,000 special stories. see them all at look at that. >> they are moving, yeah. there's our tree if you can see it in the midst of all the wood there on 30 rock out on the plaza there. >> trimming it away to make sure it is symmetrical. >> do they cover it up until the big reveal? >> no, they don't light it up until the -- >> right. >> december 3rd. please join us here on nbc 4 for that. >> you know it! >> maybe it will be cold by then. maybe it will feel like the holidays. today is our taste of november weather. actually feeling the way it should be this time of the year. temperatures in the 40s right now. the low 50s outside. it gets warmer day by day, so beautiful shot there. but look at that beautiful visibility. the sunshine, the blue skies, we've got it all for you on this sunday morning. and 50 degrees right now in central park. temperatures already on the rise. it's not going to rise that much today, but we'll take a look at that in a few. here's a live look at storm tracker. poughkeepsie to norwalk, you're looking nice and dry. temperatures in the hudson valley have warmed up. we have the 30s earlier this morning. now we are back to the 40s in la grange. 50s in rhinebeck. 52 for you. coming in at 49 in beacon with temperatures jumping back to the 50s from bridgeport to islip. we'll stay in the 50s today. none of the 60s from yesterday. football forecast, great weather for the jets taking on the jaguars at home. 1:00, 54 degrees. loads of sunshine to bring your shades and a light jacket or windbreaker and you'll be fine with temperatures in the 50s with a light breeze throughout the game. future tracker shows around 11:00, the sunshine goes on and on right through the morning into the afternoon. this is dinnertime. if you have plans outside or around town, it's dry for you. the monday morning commute is dry and sunny around 7:00 a.m. you need the shades there. we are keeping it quiet through the evening commute. monday at 6:00 p.m., clouds are filtering in and that's the trend monday night. by tuesday morning, the trend is a wet one. showers return to the dry state. we need rain and this is beneficial. it looks like tuesday could be quite soggy with periods of rain continuing right through the evening commute and maybe even lingering. it looks like the system may stall out a bit heading into wednesday morning. so the shower chance lingers into wednesday as well. hopefully drying out by the afternoon for the veterans day parade. fall foliage past peak west of new york city. head south and east. so this is your weekend, long island. nassau, suffolk county and down the jersey shore, you have the fantastic color. and this is the last weekend we can say this after it's going to be past peak for everyone. 56 for your high temperatures today. lots of sunshine and blue skies to enjoy overnight tonight. the chill is back down to 44. that will be the coldest night of the month so far. light winds and 30s north and west of town. even frost possible in the suburbs. the seven-day forecast shows 61 for the high tomorrow heading back to work. showers are possible tuesday lingering into wednesday morning. then another round of showers are possible. very light on thursday. we should be dry by next weekend. you want to stay up-to-date with all the changes and the rain chance heading our way with the news 4 new york app. tap the logo in the corn we are the peacock, scroll down to see the weather tab. use our interactive radar not today but tuesday, and learn how to make your own weather videos. the news 4 new york is available in the iphone app store. we have an update on the i-team investigation that grabbed attention of the homeland security investigation. a questionable path to a green card in the queens family court. >> melissa russo has been tracking the story for more than a year and learned some judges are pushing back blocking some they don't find the cases credible. >> reporter: a luxury trip to disney. it's not how most undocumented immigrants cross the u.s. border, but some family court insiders are noticing what might be a new theme involving this theme park. some teenagers are injuring the u.s. on school trips to disney paid for by their families. the very same families they say are abusing them. >> clearly, a family that's abusing their son is not paying for them to go to disney world. >> reporter: that's the chairman of the house judiciary committee, bob goodlat, responding to the latest discovery. a handful of recent cases where a teenager slips away from a disney tour and hops on a bus to richland hill. meets an adult to become his guardian, then heads to queens family court asking for a in a vent ruling obtained by the i-team, judge nicolette blocked this teen's claim that he came here on an all-expense paid trip from his father but he was beaten and couldn't return to india. the judge grew suspicious after receiving another case curiously and remarkably similar filed by another punjabi man with the same lawyer. in her ruling she called the similarities disturbing. the judge also questions by affidavits from two different people intended to corroborate on a deep story contained the same exact spelling errors and draw grammatical mistakes. like how his father is a victim of habitual drinking. the similar wording was just a mistake by the translator adding, quote, if this were fraud, wouldn't one be more the lawyer also said many victims of abuse unfortunately suffer similar circumstances and that's why their stories appear so similar in court. >> when so many people come in with this rare occurrence all at once in the same court at the same time, they should ask some more questions than they have been asking. >> reporter: this year the u.s. department of homeland security opened a criminal investigation after the i-team exposed a surge of cases from india. judges expressed frustration they were suddenly swamped with stories of abuse they had no way to verify. >> it's a one-sided proceeding and as a result it becomes pretty much taking what is said at face value. >> reporter: the feds want to know whether there's an organized racket in which the punjabi families are paying smugglers to bring their sons across the border and hooking them up to guardians in richmond hill for a path to citizenship. regarding the situation in queens -- homeland security jay johnson has declined to talk about it at this time. his agency spokesman issuing a statement this week saying the criminal investigation is ongoing and it will be inappropriate to disclose any further information. meanwhile, the new york state court system this month convened a new immigration counsel to add advise judges on how to handle the sticky issues. >> one among many will be dealing with the issues that came up in the i-team investigation. >> reporter: judge pock rejected the cut for shortcut calling his testimony credible and noting he was privileged enough to travel on a luxury execution paid by his family that also included stops at universal studios and the nasa space center. his lawyer tells us he'll reapply. here in queens family court, still wide open with hundreds of these similar special immigration requests on the calendar. and in most cases, the judge is saying they are without much power to verify them. even though they may suspect the tales of abuse and maltreatment seem worthy of a disney movie. melissa russo for "today in new york." >> the majority of the people in the queens cases are not using luxury between tours across the border according to sources, but enough are doing this to notice. advocates for immigrants say it's important to preserve the special sit den citizenship to pathways here. i'm only in my 60's. i've got a nice long life ahead. big plans. so when i found out medicare doesn't pay all my medical expenses, i got a medicare supplement insurance plan. 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