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Erin we begin this noon with a look at the weather. It s a bit chilly outside and some areas of the Granite State may soon see snow. I m erin fehlau. Flurries are expected to fall in the North Country later tonight. Skarupa for a look at the how much snow we see. Kevin we have been 10 degrees above normal for the month of december so far. Any sort of temperatures close the averages for this time of year is pretty much news or us. We have quite a few clouds out there and really not much falling from under those. Shower activities in the northeast staying to our southeast, and those clouds will continue to clear purity will notice the lake effect snow going on back to our north and west. Eventually, some of that snow shower to be starts to build in, especially toward northern areas, where they could see an inch or two over the weekend and elsewhere. We will talk about that and the winds that come along with it in a few minutes. Erin all right, kevin, thank you. Slow down, leave more time, and be careful. That was the message today from state police and transportation officials. Authorities took this morning to remind people about the dangers of winter driving. Our Andy Hershberger was there when they talked about the do s and don ts of driving in ice and snow. Andy Winter Weather has been almost nonexistent so far, but the message today from state police and from transportation officials is it s coming, so be prepared. Last year in New Hampshire, 21 state Police Cruisers and 28 dot plow trucks were hit by drivers during Winter Weather. One trooper was hurt so badly that he has not yet returned to work. Tow Truck Drivers are also asking for consideration since they also need to be out doing their job when the weather is bad. Officials say the first snow storm is usually the worst in terms of accidents since people tend to continue driving as they keep a safe distance, especially if you re behind a plow. David if you are trying to get with their wings down and the Big Equipment you can see some of it here today the plow drivers simply are not seeing you trying to get around them, so please, do not try to weave around them, and they backed a safe distance. Andy aaa Officials Say plan ahead and pack an emergency kit in case you get stuck. In concord, Andy Hershberger, wmur news 9. Erin owen labrie is breaking his silence for the First Time Since his conviction. The former saint paul s prep School Student is now on the sex offender registry after sexually assaulting an underage classmate. Abc s gio benitez has more on his exclusive interview with newsweek magazine. That highprofile rape case in the headlines this summer, an alleged sex scandal at one of the premier boarding schools in the country. I was raped. Gio a 15yearold st. Paul s School Student claiming she was raped by fellow classmate, owen labrie. This someone was going to get what he wanted and not take no for an answer. Owen labrie it hadn t been my intention going into the night to have sex. Gio in august, a jury clearing labrie of Forcible Rape charges, but convicting him on others, including misdemeanor sexual assault. This is owen labrie now, out free while he appeals his 1year prison sentence. Instead of studying at harvard s Divinity School as he d planned, he s now building chapels, and speaking out for the First Time Since his conviction, the now 20yearold still insisting he d done nothing wrong. Telling newsweek in an exclusive interview, it was the only thing that sustained me, knowing i had told the truth. I had done what was right. I walked out of the courthouse with my chin up. Matthew cooper he is adamant but he is also resigned to the consequences. Gio labrie expressing no regret about refusing plea deals that would have required him to admit to sex with the girl but put him behind bars for less than a month with no sex offender magazine he decisions the exact same way. But he wears the sex offender matthew it town. That you can t use on television. He has gotten a lot of support. There were a lot of classmates and parents who gave to our Legal Defense fund. He gets it from all sides. Gio now at home with his divorced parents, the once harvardbound superstar student, is under a strict curfew. Sometimes, he says, even defiantly still wearing his st. Paul s shirts. Matthew how could someone so smart with such a Bright Future ahead of them whatever you think about what happened, how erin and we will have more on the interview tonight starting at 5 00. New this noon, the state S Supreme Court has rejected an appeal from a former gunpowder plant owner imprisoned for a 2010 deadly explosion. The court rejected Craig Sanborn s challenges to jury selection, evidence, the verdict, and his sentence. Two workers were killed in the black mag explosion. The alstead woman who holds the only medical marijuana id card in New Hampshire will receive the drug across the border in maine today. Linda horan is suffering from stage four lung cancer. She sued the state for an expedited id card so that she could legally obtain medical marijuana in maine, and last month the judge ruled in her favor. We will be there and bring you these developments on news 9 starting at 5 00. We are following the trouble involving the Bernie Sanders Campaign Democratic National Committee suspending the campaign from allegedly accessing its voter this all happening as the candidates gear up for their debate right here in New Hampshire. Abc s bazi kani has more. Bazi the Bernie Sanders campaign responding swiftly, firing a Campaign Officer accused of a data breach, making passe making it past a data firewall to look at rival Hillary Clinton s confidential database. A Spokesman Says that behavior is unacceptable, and that staffer was immediately fired. But there could be big consequences for his campaign. The campaign s access has been suspended to the crucial voter file. The issue a possible distraction one day before sanders, clinton, and Martin O Malley faceoff in their third debate. Bernie Sanders Campaign book, the raw data that Hillary Clinton s campaign is using. Bazi that staffer who was fired tells abc news he was not flying for clinton s info. We did not take anything out of the system it was in and did not gain anything out of it. Hillary clinton not yet commenting on the matter, but no doubt she will be debate stage in New Hampshire tomorrow night. Rick this is a delicate but potentially powerful issue for Hillary Clinton. Polls show they cannot trust her, but they do trust Bernie Sanders eric cantor use this to undermine that in some ways trust Bernie Sanders. Can she use this to undermine that in some ways . Bazi clinton have been gaining ground and is now nearly tied. By the by the canonic by bazi kanani, abc news, erin here s a time lapse of the s debate here in New Hampshire. You can watch the final democratic debate of the year at 8 00. Next at noon, an emotional reunion as a soldier serving overseas surprises her brother. Plus, two decades after her death, why the nun known around the world for caring for the poorest of the poor is being given the church s highest honors. Kevin after another day with temperatures in the 40 s, the cooler air rushes in, making for a fairly chilly weekend. Details coming up. S cook corner, we re making a chocolate dessert of delight just in time for the holidays. Erin welcome back. Take a look at this. For one sixth grader in peterborough, christmas has arrived. Every year, the middle school puts on a veterans breakfast. Caden cilley s sister serves in the army, and his biggest wish was that she could come to the breakfast, only to be told that she couldn t make it. As ray brewer reports, santa and his elves were able to work some holiday magic. Ray they ve been putting on this breakfast at the middle school in peterborough for more than a decade, but this year in addition to the napkins, they also needed some kleenex. Family is everything. Ray and for the cilley family, this christmas they will be together. Arent surprised her grandfather and brother at a veterans breakfast hosted by sixth graders in peterborough. Caden has only seen his sister once in the past year and a half. Caden it means everything because, like, i love her so much. Arent is stationed at fort hood and spent time overseas in liberia during the ebola outbreak. Arent says returning home is memories, and now there is another memory. Jessica arent he was crying, was like, no, i m not going to cry on camera, but i couldn t help it. Ray family members also conspired to keep jessica s also a vet, Richard Sullivan i didn t have a clue. They said they wanted to see us, and i thought you were just interviewing vets, and it shocked me. Ray and while it may not have the emotional impact of a family reunion, other vets say the breakfast and this day also means a lot to them. Alex bass there was a big Antiwar Movement going on, and we weren t even allowed to wear our uniforms in public, and now leah kranson you get to meet all these people who did amazing things, and, like, you get to thank them. Ray both veterans and School Children alike say they can t think of a better way to kick off the christmas week. In peterborough, ray brewer, wmur news 9. Erin and welcome Home Specialist arent. Pope francis has signed off on the miracle needed to make Mother Teresa a saint. Cared for poor people and also won a novel peace prize. She is receiving the Catholic Church s highest honor two decades after her death at the age of 87. That was going to happen, and it looks like it will. Kevin there it is. A pretty big cooldown in time for the weekend, but does it last in time for the holidays next week . Break. Kitchen. Get your sweet tooth ready. Coming up, we re making a for lynns family, the big stress is paying four hundred dollars a month in medical and drug costs for aidan. For other families its higher deductibles, premiums and copays that keep adding up. Thats why weve got to crack down on price gouging, cap outofpocket costs, and fast track approval of less expensive generic drugs. Because weve got to get Health Care Costs under control for lynns family and for yours. Im Hillary Clinton and i announcer one candidate tough enough to take on the bully. Jeb bush donald, youre not to insult your way to the presidency. Thats not going to happen. applause announcer one candidate jeb will destroy isis. And keep america safe. Jeb bush the United States should not delay in leading a Global Coalition to take out isis with overwhelming force. Announcer tested and proven leadership matters. Jeb bush. Right to rise usa is responsible for the content of this message. Now, meteorologist Kevin Skarupa with your stormwatch 9 forecast. Kevin today essentially one of the last few days and pretty much for most of the month of december so far, and the cooler air that will be coming in over the weekend. Bear in mind over the weekend of are very close to where we should be for this time of year. Average high, conquered the time of year, 30 6, 37. Average low is in the upper range of the teens. That is where we will be with the high temperatures each afternoon, but we will have the wind to go along with it. We have clouds out there at the present time. The wind may be light out of the northwest at 5, 10 miles an hour. A couple of breaks trying to develop. The biggest of cloud cover we to thin out a bit. A couple of breaks in that overcast, showered to be angling suppressed to our south. What this opens the door to is much cooler air. Our north and west. We have the lakeeffect snow machine going. Temperatures from the upper 30 s in the mid40 s in southern spots, a few areas we thin that cloud cover enough, we have a small chance of reaching near 50 degrees this afternoon. You can see the trend on futurecast, keep the showers from anywhere boston south, while we continue to decrease our clouds later on this evening and eventually set of a partly cloudy sky tonight. The breeze becoming 5, 15 miles an hour overnight. It certainly picks up tomorrow. Notice the flow over the next 26 hours is west northwest to east southeast. What that does is the lakeeffect snow streams of way all the way into vermont while up north, in northwestern parts scattered snow showers. We continue to see that go in afternoon, small night, and early on sunday, and there could relation. What that leaves central and southern areas of the state is maybe a chance of a passing snow shower, maybe a couple of both days of the weekend s. Afternoon, and i ll be sleepy winds kicking up. And obviously the winds kicking up. 20 to 25 again early sunday morning. Cooler air coming in, and that next system beyond that in the beginning of middle of next year, right now the pacific northwest, temperatures mild enough ahead of that that we will probably be in the form of rain, and it looks like somewhere wednesday, thursday timeframe, 23rd, the sum of 24th through. There could be a blast of cooler air coming in behind that, but as we have seen play out a couple of times this month, we warm right back up again on the other side, and that is because we do not have any snow on the ground to keep us much cooler. This pattern looks to repeat s head to cook s corner. Erin all right, we are in the with own up williams oona gh williams from royal temptations. We are making a decadent cake. Oonagh i actually called it evil. [laughter] i have worked with celiac awareness, so this month is one i described as evil and sesamecrusted tuna that i described as healthy. Erin what is the name of it again . Oonagh queen of sheba cake. I call it a brownie so people do not get scared. It is not the julia child recipe that she had, so i try to simple by everything, as you know. Nestle toll house is the chocolate i melted, light brown sugar, sugar, butter, beating until creamy, putting in the egg yields and the chocolate, and that is what we get this chocolate thing. It is naturally glutenfree because there is no flour in it. Hazelnut flour. This is toasted almonds, almond s. Two tablespoons of ordinary cocoa. Then the good stuff. Everyone knows i like throwing this in everything. Erin so that is some grant money at grand marnier . Oonagh it is a little cheaper. Grand marnier you stake in a in something. I promise i will not get your dress ruin. Erin it is hard running dietary issues. Oonagh what i normally say when i give talks, you have heard me say it, real food is naturally glutenfree normally, and free of the other allergens. Manufacturers mess around with it and add the soy and other for me, it is baking. This is just the egg whites into it. What we normally do, the easiest thing is you beat in a quart of it, was really loosens it. Erin how long does this cook for . Oonagh 20 minutes in a 350 oven. The top, as you say, it s just melted chocolate and cream. Again, i put some of my favorite stuff and it appeared refrigerating overnight, the bidding on how much you beat it, you can pipe it. And i will do healthy come january. Also, the National Foundation of celiac awareness is now call beyondceliac. Org. People can talk to me and do classes with be in private because i know food. Happy christmas, everyone, and thank you for having me. Best mayors who governed as a pragmatist. Bernie sanders passed more amendments in a Republican Congress than any other member. Cracked the gridlock with john mccain to strengthen Bernie Sanders. A consistent, principled, and effective leader. Building a future to believe in. Sanders im Bernie Sanders and i approve this message. Erin star wars fans are buzzing this noon now that the theaters. Check out the mini jedi. Zuckerberg and shows his writing, the force is strong very cute. And also, adorable alert. Will and kate today released the royal christmas card. The image posted on twitter shows Prince George and Princess Charlotte playing their there he nice family. Starting tonight at 5 00, New Hampshire S Supreme Court rules on the case involving a gunpowder plant where two workers died in an explosion. And also, this warm weather is shopping. How much money stores are losing from people who don t feel like being indoors. That does it for us. Thanks for joining us. John kasichs an impatient rascal. Paces, pushes. But, unlike some, his state is now booming. Unlike some, john kasich has proven he can do the job. Brought back jobs from mexico and china. Keep us safe, make us boom. Because hes done it before. Only an impatient rascal can bring america back. John kasich. New day for america is responsible for the content of

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