Transcripts For WMUR News 9 At Five 20151120 : comparemela.c

Transcripts For WMUR News 9 At Five 20151120

sylvester has been ruled a homicide. >> people are very upset about it, they feel sorry for the child that died for no reason at all, aa little child like that should have a long life. reporter: this woman who didn't want to be shown on camera describes the scene the day the boy was med flighted to a hospital with severe injuries. >> by ambulance, fire trucks, cones out in the field, police truck or fire truck in the yard. reporter: the attorney general's office says sylvester died two days later from blunt impact head trauma. no one has been charged with his death. but investigators say they arrested 29-year-old tommy paige, a person living at the home where the baby's injuries happened. on 23 counts of possession of child sexual abuse images. >> we're talking about two separate investigations at this point, and both of this is investigations are open and ongoing. so because they're both open and ongoing, i'm very limited with the information that our office can share. reporter: the images of a baby boy and are sexually explicit. in the criminal complaint against paige it says the pictures were to you on his phone. >> i cannot divulge anything beyond what's charged in the criminal complaints against them which are 23 counts. reporter: neighbors say they are waiting to see if paige also caused the boy's death. >> there's no reason for it. if you cannot keep a child or cannot raise a child, put up with a child, give them away. people need children, people are looking for children. reporter: paige is being held on $500,000 cash bail. coming up at 6:00 you'll hear from shawns grandfather, timothy. for now, kristen carosa, wmur news 9. tom: there are many questions tonight about the disappearance of a hamilton, massachusetts toddler. the girl was found about 8 miles away from her home by a couple on their way to work. they say the child was naked and that her head had been. the girl was checked by doctors and is said to be in fair condition. police are trying to figure out how she got so far from home. jean: police have arrested a suspect in the murder of a manchester man. the shooting happened outside of his granite state apartment earlier this month. michael young is charged with shooting michael pittman to death. andy hershberger joins us live with details. reporter: there was a heavy police presence in court today as michael young was arraigned on a murder charge and ordered held without bail. 25-year-old michael young appeared in court friday morning charged with one count of first degree murder for the shooting death of michael pittman, a father and husband who authorities say was gunned down earlier this month. >> michael pittman was outside of his residence working on his vehicle, and shots were fired. we believe five to six shots were fired. and michael pittman was shot and killed at that, in that area outside of his home. reporter: thursday night authorities released this surveillance picture that officials say shows young at a local store shortly before the murder. hours after that picture was shown, authorities stormed the home on dartmouth street in manchester where they say young was taken into custody. jessica mooney was friends with pittman and is relieved that someone has been arrested. >> he was a good person, he had a good heart, and but he always had this laugh, you could hear him every day laughing, anywhere, i'd be standing over there and i could hear him, and he's always smiling. it was really sad. reporter: authorities are not releasing any details about a possible motive. they have said that they don't think this shooting was random, but would not elaborate. >> i can't comment on any of their relationships or the crime. reporter: the victims wife did not want to comment today after the court hearing was over. andy hershberger, wmur news 9. more than he bargained for when he knocked on a door in concord, the man found 57-year-old robert martin who he believed had been drinking. police say instead of signing the receipt for his pizza, martin went into another room, got a shotgun, and pointed it at the delivery man. >> he was obviously very concerned at that point, then the man says you want to hold the gun, you want to carry it or hold it, and this guy says hey, i just want to be paid and get out of here, i don't want anything to do with that. and this guy apparently sits down in a chair, racks the shotgun. tom: police surrounded the billion and the landlord eventually convinced martin to come out. he's facing charges that include criminal threatening and is being held on $50,000 cash bail. jean: exactly one week after the paris terror attacks, gunmen african country of mali. at least 19 people were killed in the hotel. several americans were among the guests targeted in the massacre. as meghan hughes reports, all of the hostages have been freed. reporter: the guests of of the radisson blue hotel in mali ushered to safety at a nearby sports center, after a deadly standoff with terrorists. this eyewitness said they were shooting everywhere. the terrorists armed with guns and grenades stormed the hotel at 7:00 this morning, they shot at guards and took 170 people hadn't. >> an al qaeda group has claimed responsibility, i think it's too soon to tell right now. reporter: located in mali's capital, the hotel was hosting a u. n. delegation and at least five u.s. department of defense personnel. the state department today had this update. >> about a dozen americans including chief of mission personnel in that dozen were rescued. i have no u.s. injuries or deaths to report at this time. we're working to verify the safety and security of u.s. citizens there. reporter: this incident follows the paris attack, twin suicide bombings in beirut and the downing of a rush sean airliner, all happening within a month. mali is no stranger to terrorist activity, this is the second attack on a hotel this year. in 2012 france was forced to send in troops. the u.s. embassy is asking any u.s. citizens in that city to stay vigilant of their surroundings. jean: in paris investigators are still trying to identify the third body found after a raid that killed the man who planned last friday's terror attacks. at least two more suspects remain on the loose tonight. we are also learning that a woman killed during that raid did not detonate a suicide vest as previously thought. thousands of people have gathered in the streets of paris to remember the victims of the attacks and show that they will not give in to terror. tom: commitment 2016 now, and republican dr. ben carson the last major candidate to file paperwork for the new hampshire primary ballot. carson arrived at the state house today, he was met by a large group of supporters. the former neurosurge unis near the top of many polls but has also had to fen off questions about his foreign policy experience, and that's something he addressed today. >> listen to what i actually say about foreign policy. don't listen to what detractors say that i said. listen to what i say. and i think you will find that the answers are quite consistent with someone who is very knowledgeable in the area. tom: the major party candidates make national news when they file for out historic primary. but people outside new hampshire don't realize that there are many other candidates also on vernon supreme is a familiar face in granite state politics, he was one of the last people to file for the 2016 primary. there are actually 58 names on the ballot, 30 republicans, 28 democrats. the very first to file was stein. several candidates who filed before today were back in new campaigns. john kasich, ohio governor, held a town hall in hollis this afternoon. lindsey graham also had a town hall in manchester. he has another in hudson this evening. chris christie was scheduled to attend a house party in new hampshire tonight, but apparently he had to cancel. jean: it's traffic watch time, we made it to friday, let's see how it's looking out there. we'll start with live pictures in manchester, this is near exit 5. at our evening commute. peggy: hi, jean, happy friday. looks like we're heading into the weekend with a pretty good start to the commute. coming up from the massachusetts border, 93 is moving well into manchester, no major delays there. 293 plenty of company around the mill yard, but no crashes to tell you about at this point, that's good news. hooksett is a good ride, slight slowdowns through the tolls and making your way through concord you'll have a tap of the breaks through the exits in concord. 101 west through bedford you slow down between 114 and wallace road. everett turnpike lots of company between exits 10 and 11 as our heading northbound. no problems on 101 toward the seacoast, although it is heavy on the spaulding turnpike north. the report being brought to you by auto fair. i'm peggy james for 95.7, wzid. jean: thanks, peggy. coming up on news 9 at 5:00, a cruise ship drifting toward a dangerous shoreline and these rescue crews arrived just in time. tom: it could be a messy start to the holiday travel season in some places, several states are under severe weather warnings, as wintery storms begin to move in. hayley: i'm hayley lapoint in howon at the new hampshire motor speedway helping to kick off a new hampshire family tradition tonight, the gift of lights. i'll have i a preview and the forecast. >> a giant gift box in downtown portsmouth, i'm jennifer crompton with the powerful message it's meant to share. jean: and the man suspected in a bold jewelry theft may have we'll have that story coming u people are sick and tired of establishment politics, and they want real change! [ cheers and applause ] bernie sanders -- husband, father, grandfather. he's taking on wall street and a corrupt political system that keeps in place a rigged economy. bernie's campaign is funded by over a million contributions -- people like you, who see the middle class disappearing and want a future to believe in. i'm bernie sanders, jean: british military forces came to the aid of a cruise ship that lost power after the falkland islands. authorities say it was in real danger of running aground. the royal air force and navy helped evacuate everyone, and the ship has now been stabilized. the american who spent 30 years in prison for spying for israel is now a free man. tom: jonathan pollard was released from a north carolina prison early this morning, then went to court in new york to challenge parole conditions that allow the government to track him and his computer use. pollard was convicted back in 1987 of selling classified information to israel. president obama had a senior moment of sorts while meeting with some young people in malaysia this week. >> is aging, to the very senior life. [laughter] president obama: that's pretty low. tom: the questioner wanted the president's thoughts on the best ways to communicate with young people. and what the commander in chief wants from younger generations. president obama: well, the first thing i want from young people is to stop calling me old. tom: the president also pointed out that he chooses not to dye his hair, unlike some other leaders, he says, although he jean: well, some serious wintery weather is arriving in the midwest less than a week before thanksgiving. a developing storm could bring up to a foot of snow in some areas tomorrow. forecasters are also warning of high winds that could reduce visibility to less than a mile. some places are considering whether to ban those triple trailers from the highways at the height of the storm. we have not seen any of that yet. in fact we have pretty clear skies tonight, that's great news for the new hampshire motor speedway. tom: that's because the annual gift of life just got under way and hayley lapoint is there. hayley: hi, guys, it's officially under way. and a real sign of the season here. even before thanksgiving. they are lighting up the lights here. it's three miles long where you can drive all throughout the speedway, even into the infield this year and get to see lots of beautiful lights and all for a good cause too. i'm joined by kristen tonight, she's from the communications department here at the speedway. she has more information about all the good that goes into all this. can you tell us about where the proceeds go to? >> absolutely. this is a wonderful community event that benefits a bunch of local nonprofits. speedway children's charities, which is an organization that we support and our new hampshire chapter will be raising some money and proceed will go to them. also food that's donate willed go to the loudon food pantry. and the loudon fire department will be selling christmas trees. hayley: so if you bring three cans of nonperishables you can get a discount? >> yes, exactly. so bring three or more nonperishable items for a $2 scunlt over the -- $2 discount. hayley: and over $100,000, i believe, too. there are over 2 million light bulbs in this display. can you tell us about this tunnel behind us? >> one of the new things this year that's exciting for our fans is the fact of going into the actual infield tunnel. in the past it's been on the back of the grand stands. this year we brought it in. it's two tunnels of light, you get to go right into the infield. hayley: i drove through it myself and it's super fun, and i'm sure the kids will love that. i'm hayley lapoint, live at the loudon, new hampshire motor speedway. i'll be back at 6:00 with more on the forecast. mike: enjoy the time up there, beautiful night up there. of course a beautiful day after we got rid of the rain, up to an inch plus in some spots. early this morning in the weirs a few drops still on the lens there. but then there go the clouds, there go the rain drops and here comes the sun. it was a beautiful day out there with temperatures well above the average by at least 10 degrees. notice on doppler radar over the last few hours all the rain some spots did get over an inch, including the concord area. now just about three quarters of an inch below the average for the month of november. so we put a little dent in the deficit for this month. how about these high temperatures today, keep in mind the average is 47 south. low 50's north. 57 in concord, 10 above the average, and it did hit 60 right along the coastline. this will be the warmest we'll see through the next several days, as some cooler air is on the way. speaking of cooler, already down in the 30's in the upper valley and great north woods. on average in the lower 50's from concord points south. it will be chilly overnight, not as warm as last night where many spots held in the 40's and 50's. tonight we're back into the cool zone of the 20's and very low 30's. speaking of cool, much colder air sitting back in the plains states and midwest helping to spawn that snowstorm in places like wisconsin, and also down into the great lakes. that's moving northeast at least for now. so we enjoy seasonably cooler air and then we do get much colder along about early next week. so here's that snow setting up shop in southern minnesota, down into iowa, pressing up towards wisconsin and chicago. but we will not get in on the snowy side of this storm as it weakens and moves through on sunday, it will pass to our north and that's a warm track for new hampshire. right now tracking fair skies, lots of sun for your saturday. sunday the cloud will likely win the battle over sun, and there could be a couple of widely scattered showers, but the heaviest rain will be off shore and where it's just cold enough could be a couple of mixed or snow showers the the mountains. beyond that it's dry and chilly as we go into early next week. back to out even slightly below the average. clear skies, seasonably cold tonight, lots of sun, cooler tomorrow but very pleasant. a couple degrees above average but not as warm as today. couple of widely scattered showers on sunday. but temperatures again making a run near 50. then the late november classic chill moves in for monday, tuesday, early wednesday, it's bright and warmer, could be near 50 in spots for thanksgiving. which will be a much different story than it was a year ago. jean: thanks, mike. tom: helping others should be enough of a reason to donate to charity. jean: but some generous donors got a big surprise too, up next you'll see who popped up with a tom: you won't find adele's new album streaming online. jean: spotify and apple say it won't be available on their network. a representative says it's to reduce the chances of songs being downloaded illegally. it's not clear if the album will be available for streaming in the future. ticket sales for the new star wars movie have already set a record. advanced sales for the december movie have reached more than $50 million. most imax screenings are already sold out. but there are still plenty of seats at the traditional screens for opening weekend. star wars, the force awakens, opens on december 20. we'll be hearing a lot more about that. and generous star wars fans got quite the holiday surprise. you'll like this one. tom: harrison ford personally thanked people who donated to one charity by popping up in their skype chats. >> send a, is that a picture of your boyfriend? lady, you can do so much better. oh my gosh! tom: can you imagine? all those surprised fans donated money to, they can attend a contest to attend the premiere of the new star wars movie. jean: i like harrison's stick face that he puts over his normal face. music is a new approach to alzheimer's, how the therapy works, ahead. tom: and junk people need a little extra love this holiday season, how you can help the people who i'm todd from aarp riding through the mill yards to make some noise for all the real possibilities we're providing right here in our community because if you don't think real possibilities in greater manchester when you think aarp then you don't know "aarp" maybe you've caught our movies for grownups series or heard about how our fraud watch network protects families from being the victims of scams we're also helping people achieve their goals with life reimagined across a very serious message. what we're learning about a case that highlights the threat of human trafficking in new hampshire. tom: the recent terror attacks have many people on edge as the holiday travel season gets under way. what to expect now at u.s. airports. mike: mild today, but temperatures will be closer to normal through the weekend. jean: the prosthetic leg built for marathon bombing survivor has been found, what this dancer has to say tonight about the airline that lost it. jean: the issue of human trafficking is front and center in downtown portsmouth tonight in the form of this giant gift box. welcome back, i'm jean mackin. tom: and i'm tom griffith. that box is an interactive art installation filled with stories of survivors. jean: jennifer crompton talked to the people behind this awareness campaign and joins us live in our seacoast bureau. reporter: the gift box is a traveling exhibit. it was brought to portsmouth with a collaborative effort between u.n.h. and the freedom cafe in durham. it is an attention getter to try to bring awareness to and stop the manipulation, coercion and victimization that is human trafficking. a 10 by 7-foot gift box sits in portsmouth's downtown, luring people inside to read real life stories from new england survivors of human trafficking. public art, symbolic of a trafficker's ruse, the offer of a better life that becomes anything but. >> they want you to come and work for them and do what they're asking so they can give you this new bright life, when what it ends up being is a life of slavery. reporter: most often it the sex trade involving drugs, young people the victims. >> generally it's 19 through 24 is what we see, but it's not uncommon and we're seeing unfortunately more often is as young as 15. yes, here in new hampshire. we'll respond to a report of prostitution and through investigating and interviews with the victim or the prostitute, we might learn that trafficked. and they are being rewarded and paid through the use of heroin. reporter: a federal case on the coast in present involving a woman from maine. >> we're picking up on some of of these cases through social media, monitoring social immediate yeah, seeing some of of the ads that are out there looking for people like this. and running stings locally. reporter: the gift box empowering peel to look for signs. >> some of the things you might look for is people who live with their employer, or perhaps there are many people living in a cramped space. victims often are very fearful, very submissive. vaughn mall area of downtown portsmouth until sunday night, then it moves to another location. but the goal of the organization is to have it visit new hampshire high schools next year. live in portsmouth, jennifer crompton, wmur news 9. jean: thanks. a brookline man has been indicted on 21 counts including charges of felony sex assault and criminal threatening. according to the indictment, raymond l. assaulted the victim multiple times from 2014 to 2015. the indictments allege he used a rope to tie her hand and threatened to kill her if she reported the assaults to police. the owner of an enfield day care where a girl died last year has conduct. jurors took less than two days to render that verdict against mary ellen burrit. 4-year-old willa clark died after her jacket got tangled on a stick fort. time. she was also convicted today of running an unlicensed day care. tom: the recent terror attacks have many people worried about visiting places that could be targets, places like new york or washington d.c. many visitors are staying alert, but some tourists are going even further and hiring personal security to travel with them. >> we've already gotten several calls specifically one from a well to do family that wants to take their kids out to the parade and then to go walk around central park and have lunch afterwards, but in the advent of the paris attack and all the threats that are going on in new york, they called us to provide them with armed security. just as a just in case method. tom: that security firm expects to get more of those calls especially if there are more attacks. jean: families are already starting to head out for holiday travel and airports you'll find a larger police presence in response to the terror attacks. here's brandi hitt. reporter: this is the new normal this holiday season, heightened security at airports across the country, with 25.3 million passengers expected to fly on u.s. airlines in the 12 days surrounding thanksgiving. >> i thought it would not be this crowded. reporter: with the recent terror attacks in paris, the bombing of a russian jet and shooting spree at this mali hotel, security lines are expected to be long. what can travelers expect at the airport this thanksgiving? >> i think they'll see more scrutiny of their carry on bags and probably their luggage. reporter: the beefed up police presence comes at the same time abc news obtained a confidential f.b.i. bulletin reporting three men with suspected terror ties came into the u.s. from france in the last 90 days, landing in los angeles, atlanta and new york. this week two false bomb threats grounded air france flights, and two men were escorted off this spirit jet after an emergency landing. spirit now says that threat was a misunderstanding. but a passenger interrogated and released claims he was treated like a terrorist. >> nobody told me what's going on, nobody told me why i've been arrested. reporter: passengers flying this week say the extra security and plans. >> i've been waiting five years for this trip, i'm not about to blow it right now. reporter: officers across the country are also relying on the public. they say if you see something suspicious, report it. law enforcement would rather be safe than sorry. brandi hitt, los angeles. tom: of the millions who will fly this season, many will end up dealing with the head aches of lost lug ang. there are some things you can do to reduce the chances of having your bags delayed. jean: an unusual warning from home depot what you'll want to know about recalled products till being sold in its stores. mike: sunshine for hasn't on saturday, possible changes on sunday. >> we as a community have been future america's never been a country of quitters. it's not who we are. we don't ignore threats like climate change. we face our problems head-on. with american-made clean energy, we can end our dependence on foreign oil... spark new innovation... and create millions of new jobs. starts with 50% clean energy by 2030. it took alexis 4 years to earn her college degree. but it will take her 25 years to pay off her student loans. join the fight to make college affordable. join the fight for alexis. i'm hillary clinton and tom: there's your video of the closing bell provided by the new york stock exchange. it was a big update on wall street today with the dow jones industrial average climbing 91 points. the s&p up seven, the nasdaq up 31. gas prices nationwide still at about d2.10. in new hampshire a penny less. millions of people will board planes this holiday season, but many of them will arrive at their destination to discover lost. jean: december and january are traditionally the worst months for lost bags, thanks to a combination of crowded planes and weather delays. the industry says now most of these bags really aren't lost, they're just delayed, and the getting better. mostly thanks to technology. >> think of the gate agents, the ability to print out tags right there at the gate as you're boarding the plane, so that a bag that gets put under at the last second doesn't get lost. they've also given the people who drive the drug tugs from one plane to another technology so that there's a gate change at the last second, that driver knows where to go so your bag doesn't miss the connection. jean: there are a few things you can do, get to the airport early so your luggage has plenty of time to get on the plane and put a copy of your itinerary inside the suitcase, that way even if the tags get ripped off the airline knows how to find you. we told you earlier that american airlines had lost the prosthetic leg made for a marathon bombing surveyor, adrian haslet. she sent out a tweet asking the airline to respond and tonight she says the prosthetic leg has indeed been found. haslet says america had its, american had its best people on it. and she's jealous, her leg got to travel somewhere pretty. tom: recalled products are still on the shelves, they were recalled between 2012 and 2015 but are still being sold at home depot. it's also possible they were sold to resigninglers who may have resold them to buyers. products on and the very first taco bell has been moved now to a brand new home. numero uno opened its door back in 1962 in downey, california. after word that the building might be demolished the company had it moved to its headquarters in your vine. a food truck handed out tacos and burritos, and taco bell hasn't decided yet what do with the building. jean: all right. just in time for holiday parties, we ask you which granite state winery is your favorite. the winner of this week's viewers choice was sweet baby vineyard in hampstead, white mountain winery in north conway at second, followed by copper beech winery in hooksett. we really do love them all. and a big congratulations tonight to a cake decorator from bedford's triolo's bakery. bryson perkins was the only u.s. competitor in the cake designers world championship. the master cake artist traveled to italy for the competition, and in the end he was ranked fourth in the entire world. we are so proud to claim him our own. tom: awesome. you know, it's a thanksgiving tradition for the president to pardon the national turkey. jean: but do you know how the bird gets selected? we'll show you right after the break. tom: later in sports, what rob gronkowski, aka the gronk, has bills. jean: and he's been one of the biggest surprises in a very unusual campaign season. sits down with tt0w!ty%hp! %4@-z5x tt0w!ty%hp! el@-p24 tt0w!ty%hp! ed@-v0p tt0w!ty%hp% )8h-6n, tt0w!ty%hp% kzh-+!p tt0w!ty%hp% n-h-^h\ tt0w!ty%hp% 0ph-@/d tt0w!ty%hp% s"h-p]$ tt0w!ty%hp% ueh-s?t people are sick and tired of establishment politics, and they want real change! [ cheers and applause ] bernie sanders -- husband, father, grandfather. he's taking on wall street that keeps in place bernie's campaign is funded by people like you, who see the middle class disappearing and want a future i'm bernie sanders, and i approve this message. jean: a new kind of therapy could help dementia patients retain their memories and make them more comfortable. tom: it all involves a walk down memory lane. reporter: in a room straight out of 1940's, they get lost in the sound of another era. he visits his long-time companion every day. >> i think it revives some things, some feelings. seems to anyhow. reporter: cici lives in the facility. staff say the retro living room, old fashioned kitchen and old-time music help residents remember buy-gone days. >> it takes them back to a place that they're familiar with and they can talk about their experiences. past. and they love it. reporter: as the population ages, care facilities are increasingly using sight, sound and other sensory cues to stimulate memory in people with alzheimer's and other forms of dementia. >> the benefits of reminiscence therapy is that it taps into memories that are well learned. it's not so much that they're old memories, it's that their well learned memories, memories that are attached not just to fact but also to smell, to images, to music. reporter: chris boyce visits her grandmother every week, they usually spend time in the kitchen. >> it wasn't becoming a conversation i would know to start with her, that's the truth. i've learned more about her in the two months she's been here than i think i knew before then. reporter: an old ironing board, an antique washing machine got her talking about how she helped her mother with the laundry. while reminiscing won't alter the course of the disease, it can improve mood and behavior. >> we take away the dementia person. and having fun. and enjoying life. reporter: a life that includes plenty of dancing. erin -- mike: lots of clouds earlier today, rain last night, but most of them moving out in time for the morning commute. except right at the coast, and that's where we take you for time lapse in portsmouth today. around 7:30 the cloud and showers lingering along the shore, and the clouds were stubborn to mid to late morning before clearing out along the shore oh. the west, sunshine developed early and temperatures started to climb, well above the average today by at least 8 to 10 degrees in many spots. clear skies continue to move in from the west right now, and as that builds on in towards new hampshire it's driving the latest system out to sea to our east. an inch plus of rain family in many spots last night and early this morning. but clear, colder weather built in for tonight, 20's for many, a few low 30's in manchester and the coast. then a bright and cooler saturday, but seasonably so, still a couple notches above the average. by sunday the next system could produce a couple widely scattered showers, mixed in the mountains, then a dry and colder start to next week before it warms just in time for the thanksgiving holiday. we're still hanging onto 51 in exeter. hampton falls at 50. a few upper 30's in the lake sunapee zone. lakes region in the 40's, and same story through the southern white mountains. a little colder farther north. overnight tonight notice with future temperatures we start to see them thumb blink lower than last night. on average it will bottom out in the mid to upper 20's and low 30's. tomorrow plenty of sunshine, a nice start to the weekend, not as warm as today but still a couple degrees above average. then that changes on sunday as the next front moves in. it will be just warm enough, so mainly rain showers as i see it right now, some of the higher elevations could get a touch of wet snow mixing this, then it will dry out later in the day. once that moves through, well, looks fairly dry and chilly to start off next week. take a look at region by region tomorrow, we'll be in the upper 40's from manchester through nashua towards the coast. a little cooler. some of the higher terrain, keene about 47 or 48. valley through the heart of the lakes region, concord over towards rochester, similar temperatures through a good part of the lakes region, again seasonably so. not all that bad in and the winds not too strong as well. lower 40's far north, fall again later tomorrow night. but not as cold as tonight. it's 20's for many, a fairly nice weekend again. minor interruption on sunday with a couple widely scattered showers, then beyond that system behind it it turns much colder, so highs only in the low 40's, feeling a bit cooler with the breeze, more sun on tuesday, could be the coldest morning so far and you notice temperatures climb in time for thanksgiving and friday. tom: looks like a great forecast. jean: thanks, mike. tom: before the national turkey actually flies to the white house for its pardon, it actually has to win the title. jean: you might win the title with those moves. the judges who make that choice look a little different than only 10 years old. those california fifth graders saw a dozen turkey finalists strut their stuff. their decision gets a little help from professional farmers, eventually choosing one lucky winner, tom won -- tom one will take a special flight. turkey one from san fran to d.c., after the presidential pardon tom one will spend the rest of his life at a park in virginia. >> celtics open their series tonight at the garden, boston 3-1 in the last four games. patriots and bills will wrap up their season series on monday night football. the pats beat the bills in buffalo back in week two. but since then they've lost a handful of players to injury. but they still have gronk. >> prepared for the team that you're playing, so obviously seeing how they do things, preparing for the schemes that they do. but you also have to adjust on the fly during the game. can you see new looks that you never seen all year or never seen before. >> patriots and bills monday night football, live right here on channel 9. congratulations to seven student athletes from windham high school that signed their national letters of intend today. congratulations to them. jean: thanks, jason. still ahead, some kids won't have the option of being home for christmas this year. tom: but you can help their holiday sparkle, we'll tell you how when we come back. jennifer: straight ahead at 6:00, the death of this little homicide investigation. loss. also police need your help identifying this thief who is tom: a group that helps young people with troubled home lives holidays. jean: the webster house provides girls ages 8 to 18 in manchester. this is a private nonprofit organization that relies really heavily on donations. at christmas time it's looking for the public's help to buy presents for the kids who live here together. officials say they especially need things for the teenagers, like gift cards and electronics. >> this is a special time of year. we have 16 children that live in the home that aren't able to live at home, so we try to make the second best thing we can for the kids and make the holidays special for them. tom: you can always find out more information about our spirit of giving campaign, it's at >> we have a lot of families sticking together, trying to get through it. tom: the death this alexandria boy now a homicide after investigators say he died of a head injury. tonight the family is looking for answers. jer an arrest in a shooting on the west side, just hours after police release pictures of a person of interest in the unsolved case. tom: plus a man runs off with an expensive pair of diamond earrings from a jewelry store has done it again. mike: a sunny saturday tomorrow, as temperatures drop just a little bit. i'll have the timeline of when colder air moves in. >> no one covers new hampshire like we do. now wmur news 9 at 6:00. tom: tonight the death of this little boy now a homicide investigation, investigators say he died days after suffering blunt force trauma to the head. good evening, i'm tom griffith. jennifer: and i'm jennifer vaughn. the investigation into this child's injuries began a week ago at this alexandria home. no one has been charged with his death.

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Transcripts For WMUR News 9 At Five 20151120 :

Transcripts For WMUR News 9 At Five 20151120

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sylvester has been ruled a homicide. >> people are very upset about it, they feel sorry for the child that died for no reason at all, aa little child like that should have a long life. reporter: this woman who didn't want to be shown on camera describes the scene the day the boy was med flighted to a hospital with severe injuries. >> by ambulance, fire trucks, cones out in the field, police truck or fire truck in the yard. reporter: the attorney general's office says sylvester died two days later from blunt impact head trauma. no one has been charged with his death. but investigators say they arrested 29-year-old tommy paige, a person living at the home where the baby's injuries happened. on 23 counts of possession of child sexual abuse images. >> we're talking about two separate investigations at this point, and both of this is investigations are open and ongoing. so because they're both open and ongoing, i'm very limited with the information that our office can share. reporter: the images of a baby boy and are sexually explicit. in the criminal complaint against paige it says the pictures were to you on his phone. >> i cannot divulge anything beyond what's charged in the criminal complaints against them which are 23 counts. reporter: neighbors say they are waiting to see if paige also caused the boy's death. >> there's no reason for it. if you cannot keep a child or cannot raise a child, put up with a child, give them away. people need children, people are looking for children. reporter: paige is being held on $500,000 cash bail. coming up at 6:00 you'll hear from shawns grandfather, timothy. for now, kristen carosa, wmur news 9. tom: there are many questions tonight about the disappearance of a hamilton, massachusetts toddler. the girl was found about 8 miles away from her home by a couple on their way to work. they say the child was naked and that her head had been. the girl was checked by doctors and is said to be in fair condition. police are trying to figure out how she got so far from home. jean: police have arrested a suspect in the murder of a manchester man. the shooting happened outside of his granite state apartment earlier this month. michael young is charged with shooting michael pittman to death. andy hershberger joins us live with details. reporter: there was a heavy police presence in court today as michael young was arraigned on a murder charge and ordered held without bail. 25-year-old michael young appeared in court friday morning charged with one count of first degree murder for the shooting death of michael pittman, a father and husband who authorities say was gunned down earlier this month. >> michael pittman was outside of his residence working on his vehicle, and shots were fired. we believe five to six shots were fired. and michael pittman was shot and killed at that, in that area outside of his home. reporter: thursday night authorities released this surveillance picture that officials say shows young at a local store shortly before the murder. hours after that picture was shown, authorities stormed the home on dartmouth street in manchester where they say young was taken into custody. jessica mooney was friends with pittman and is relieved that someone has been arrested. >> he was a good person, he had a good heart, and but he always had this laugh, you could hear him every day laughing, anywhere, i'd be standing over there and i could hear him, and he's always smiling. it was really sad. reporter: authorities are not releasing any details about a possible motive. they have said that they don't think this shooting was random, but would not elaborate. >> i can't comment on any of their relationships or the crime. reporter: the victims wife did not want to comment today after the court hearing was over. andy hershberger, wmur news 9. more than he bargained for when he knocked on a door in concord, the man found 57-year-old robert martin who he believed had been drinking. police say instead of signing the receipt for his pizza, martin went into another room, got a shotgun, and pointed it at the delivery man. >> he was obviously very concerned at that point, then the man says you want to hold the gun, you want to carry it or hold it, and this guy says hey, i just want to be paid and get out of here, i don't want anything to do with that. and this guy apparently sits down in a chair, racks the shotgun. tom: police surrounded the billion and the landlord eventually convinced martin to come out. he's facing charges that include criminal threatening and is being held on $50,000 cash bail. jean: exactly one week after the paris terror attacks, gunmen african country of mali. at least 19 people were killed in the hotel. several americans were among the guests targeted in the massacre. as meghan hughes reports, all of the hostages have been freed. reporter: the guests of of the radisson blue hotel in mali ushered to safety at a nearby sports center, after a deadly standoff with terrorists. this eyewitness said they were shooting everywhere. the terrorists armed with guns and grenades stormed the hotel at 7:00 this morning, they shot at guards and took 170 people hadn't. >> an al qaeda group has claimed responsibility, i think it's too soon to tell right now. reporter: located in mali's capital, the hotel was hosting a u. n. delegation and at least five u.s. department of defense personnel. the state department today had this update. >> about a dozen americans including chief of mission personnel in that dozen were rescued. i have no u.s. injuries or deaths to report at this time. we're working to verify the safety and security of u.s. citizens there. reporter: this incident follows the paris attack, twin suicide bombings in beirut and the downing of a rush sean airliner, all happening within a month. mali is no stranger to terrorist activity, this is the second attack on a hotel this year. in 2012 france was forced to send in troops. the u.s. embassy is asking any u.s. citizens in that city to stay vigilant of their surroundings. jean: in paris investigators are still trying to identify the third body found after a raid that killed the man who planned last friday's terror attacks. at least two more suspects remain on the loose tonight. we are also learning that a woman killed during that raid did not detonate a suicide vest as previously thought. thousands of people have gathered in the streets of paris to remember the victims of the attacks and show that they will not give in to terror. tom: commitment 2016 now, and republican dr. ben carson the last major candidate to file paperwork for the new hampshire primary ballot. carson arrived at the state house today, he was met by a large group of supporters. the former neurosurge unis near the top of many polls but has also had to fen off questions about his foreign policy experience, and that's something he addressed today. >> listen to what i actually say about foreign policy. don't listen to what detractors say that i said. listen to what i say. and i think you will find that the answers are quite consistent with someone who is very knowledgeable in the area. tom: the major party candidates make national news when they file for out historic primary. but people outside new hampshire don't realize that there are many other candidates also on vernon supreme is a familiar face in granite state politics, he was one of the last people to file for the 2016 primary. there are actually 58 names on the ballot, 30 republicans, 28 democrats. the very first to file was stein. several candidates who filed before today were back in new campaigns. john kasich, ohio governor, held a town hall in hollis this afternoon. lindsey graham also had a town hall in manchester. he has another in hudson this evening. chris christie was scheduled to attend a house party in new hampshire tonight, but apparently he had to cancel. jean: it's traffic watch time, we made it to friday, let's see how it's looking out there. we'll start with live pictures in manchester, this is near exit 5. at our evening commute. peggy: hi, jean, happy friday. looks like we're heading into the weekend with a pretty good start to the commute. coming up from the massachusetts border, 93 is moving well into manchester, no major delays there. 293 plenty of company around the mill yard, but no crashes to tell you about at this point, that's good news. hooksett is a good ride, slight slowdowns through the tolls and making your way through concord you'll have a tap of the breaks through the exits in concord. 101 west through bedford you slow down between 114 and wallace road. everett turnpike lots of company between exits 10 and 11 as our heading northbound. no problems on 101 toward the seacoast, although it is heavy on the spaulding turnpike north. the report being brought to you by auto fair. i'm peggy james for 95.7, wzid. jean: thanks, peggy. coming up on news 9 at 5:00, a cruise ship drifting toward a dangerous shoreline and these rescue crews arrived just in time. tom: it could be a messy start to the holiday travel season in some places, several states are under severe weather warnings, as wintery storms begin to move in. hayley: i'm hayley lapoint in howon at the new hampshire motor speedway helping to kick off a new hampshire family tradition tonight, the gift of lights. i'll have i a preview and the forecast. >> a giant gift box in downtown portsmouth, i'm jennifer crompton with the powerful message it's meant to share. jean: and the man suspected in a bold jewelry theft may have we'll have that story coming u people are sick and tired of establishment politics, and they want real change! [ cheers and applause ] bernie sanders -- husband, father, grandfather. he's taking on wall street and a corrupt political system that keeps in place a rigged economy. bernie's campaign is funded by over a million contributions -- people like you, who see the middle class disappearing and want a future to believe in. i'm bernie sanders, jean: british military forces came to the aid of a cruise ship that lost power after the falkland islands. authorities say it was in real danger of running aground. the royal air force and navy helped evacuate everyone, and the ship has now been stabilized. the american who spent 30 years in prison for spying for israel is now a free man. tom: jonathan pollard was released from a north carolina prison early this morning, then went to court in new york to challenge parole conditions that allow the government to track him and his computer use. pollard was convicted back in 1987 of selling classified information to israel. president obama had a senior moment of sorts while meeting with some young people in malaysia this week. >> is aging, to the very senior life. [laughter] president obama: that's pretty low. tom: the questioner wanted the president's thoughts on the best ways to communicate with young people. and what the commander in chief wants from younger generations. president obama: well, the first thing i want from young people is to stop calling me old. tom: the president also pointed out that he chooses not to dye his hair, unlike some other leaders, he says, although he jean: well, some serious wintery weather is arriving in the midwest less than a week before thanksgiving. a developing storm could bring up to a foot of snow in some areas tomorrow. forecasters are also warning of high winds that could reduce visibility to less than a mile. some places are considering whether to ban those triple trailers from the highways at the height of the storm. we have not seen any of that yet. in fact we have pretty clear skies tonight, that's great news for the new hampshire motor speedway. tom: that's because the annual gift of life just got under way and hayley lapoint is there. hayley: hi, guys, it's officially under way. and a real sign of the season here. even before thanksgiving. they are lighting up the lights here. it's three miles long where you can drive all throughout the speedway, even into the infield this year and get to see lots of beautiful lights and all for a good cause too. i'm joined by kristen tonight, she's from the communications department here at the speedway. she has more information about all the good that goes into all this. can you tell us about where the proceeds go to? >> absolutely. this is a wonderful community event that benefits a bunch of local nonprofits. speedway children's charities, which is an organization that we support and our new hampshire chapter will be raising some money and proceed will go to them. also food that's donate willed go to the loudon food pantry. and the loudon fire department will be selling christmas trees. hayley: so if you bring three cans of nonperishables you can get a discount? >> yes, exactly. so bring three or more nonperishable items for a $2 scunlt over the -- $2 discount. hayley: and over $100,000, i believe, too. there are over 2 million light bulbs in this display. can you tell us about this tunnel behind us? >> one of the new things this year that's exciting for our fans is the fact of going into the actual infield tunnel. in the past it's been on the back of the grand stands. this year we brought it in. it's two tunnels of light, you get to go right into the infield. hayley: i drove through it myself and it's super fun, and i'm sure the kids will love that. i'm hayley lapoint, live at the loudon, new hampshire motor speedway. i'll be back at 6:00 with more on the forecast. mike: enjoy the time up there, beautiful night up there. of course a beautiful day after we got rid of the rain, up to an inch plus in some spots. early this morning in the weirs a few drops still on the lens there. but then there go the clouds, there go the rain drops and here comes the sun. it was a beautiful day out there with temperatures well above the average by at least 10 degrees. notice on doppler radar over the last few hours all the rain some spots did get over an inch, including the concord area. now just about three quarters of an inch below the average for the month of november. so we put a little dent in the deficit for this month. how about these high temperatures today, keep in mind the average is 47 south. low 50's north. 57 in concord, 10 above the average, and it did hit 60 right along the coastline. this will be the warmest we'll see through the next several days, as some cooler air is on the way. speaking of cooler, already down in the 30's in the upper valley and great north woods. on average in the lower 50's from concord points south. it will be chilly overnight, not as warm as last night where many spots held in the 40's and 50's. tonight we're back into the cool zone of the 20's and very low 30's. speaking of cool, much colder air sitting back in the plains states and midwest helping to spawn that snowstorm in places like wisconsin, and also down into the great lakes. that's moving northeast at least for now. so we enjoy seasonably cooler air and then we do get much colder along about early next week. so here's that snow setting up shop in southern minnesota, down into iowa, pressing up towards wisconsin and chicago. but we will not get in on the snowy side of this storm as it weakens and moves through on sunday, it will pass to our north and that's a warm track for new hampshire. right now tracking fair skies, lots of sun for your saturday. sunday the cloud will likely win the battle over sun, and there could be a couple of widely scattered showers, but the heaviest rain will be off shore and where it's just cold enough could be a couple of mixed or snow showers the the mountains. beyond that it's dry and chilly as we go into early next week. back to out even slightly below the average. clear skies, seasonably cold tonight, lots of sun, cooler tomorrow but very pleasant. a couple degrees above average but not as warm as today. couple of widely scattered showers on sunday. but temperatures again making a run near 50. then the late november classic chill moves in for monday, tuesday, early wednesday, it's bright and warmer, could be near 50 in spots for thanksgiving. which will be a much different story than it was a year ago. jean: thanks, mike. tom: helping others should be enough of a reason to donate to charity. jean: but some generous donors got a big surprise too, up next you'll see who popped up with a tom: you won't find adele's new album streaming online. jean: spotify and apple say it won't be available on their network. a representative says it's to reduce the chances of songs being downloaded illegally. it's not clear if the album will be available for streaming in the future. ticket sales for the new star wars movie have already set a record. advanced sales for the december movie have reached more than $50 million. most imax screenings are already sold out. but there are still plenty of seats at the traditional screens for opening weekend. star wars, the force awakens, opens on december 20. we'll be hearing a lot more about that. and generous star wars fans got quite the holiday surprise. you'll like this one. tom: harrison ford personally thanked people who donated to one charity by popping up in their skype chats. >> send a, is that a picture of your boyfriend? lady, you can do so much better. oh my gosh! tom: can you imagine? all those surprised fans donated money to, they can attend a contest to attend the premiere of the new star wars movie. jean: i like harrison's stick face that he puts over his normal face. music is a new approach to alzheimer's, how the therapy works, ahead. tom: and junk people need a little extra love this holiday season, how you can help the people who i'm todd from aarp riding through the mill yards to make some noise for all the real possibilities we're providing right here in our community because if you don't think real possibilities in greater manchester when you think aarp then you don't know "aarp" maybe you've caught our movies for grownups series or heard about how our fraud watch network protects families from being the victims of scams we're also helping people achieve their goals with life reimagined across a very serious message. what we're learning about a case that highlights the threat of human trafficking in new hampshire. tom: the recent terror attacks have many people on edge as the holiday travel season gets under way. what to expect now at u.s. airports. mike: mild today, but temperatures will be closer to normal through the weekend. jean: the prosthetic leg built for marathon bombing survivor has been found, what this dancer has to say tonight about the airline that lost it. jean: the issue of human trafficking is front and center in downtown portsmouth tonight in the form of this giant gift box. welcome back, i'm jean mackin. tom: and i'm tom griffith. that box is an interactive art installation filled with stories of survivors. jean: jennifer crompton talked to the people behind this awareness campaign and joins us live in our seacoast bureau. reporter: the gift box is a traveling exhibit. it was brought to portsmouth with a collaborative effort between u.n.h. and the freedom cafe in durham. it is an attention getter to try to bring awareness to and stop the manipulation, coercion and victimization that is human trafficking. a 10 by 7-foot gift box sits in portsmouth's downtown, luring people inside to read real life stories from new england survivors of human trafficking. public art, symbolic of a trafficker's ruse, the offer of a better life that becomes anything but. >> they want you to come and work for them and do what they're asking so they can give you this new bright life, when what it ends up being is a life of slavery. reporter: most often it the sex trade involving drugs, young people the victims. >> generally it's 19 through 24 is what we see, but it's not uncommon and we're seeing unfortunately more often is as young as 15. yes, here in new hampshire. we'll respond to a report of prostitution and through investigating and interviews with the victim or the prostitute, we might learn that trafficked. and they are being rewarded and paid through the use of heroin. reporter: a federal case on the coast in present involving a woman from maine. >> we're picking up on some of of these cases through social media, monitoring social immediate yeah, seeing some of of the ads that are out there looking for people like this. and running stings locally. reporter: the gift box empowering peel to look for signs. >> some of the things you might look for is people who live with their employer, or perhaps there are many people living in a cramped space. victims often are very fearful, very submissive. vaughn mall area of downtown portsmouth until sunday night, then it moves to another location. but the goal of the organization is to have it visit new hampshire high schools next year. live in portsmouth, jennifer crompton, wmur news 9. jean: thanks. a brookline man has been indicted on 21 counts including charges of felony sex assault and criminal threatening. according to the indictment, raymond l. assaulted the victim multiple times from 2014 to 2015. the indictments allege he used a rope to tie her hand and threatened to kill her if she reported the assaults to police. the owner of an enfield day care where a girl died last year has conduct. jurors took less than two days to render that verdict against mary ellen burrit. 4-year-old willa clark died after her jacket got tangled on a stick fort. time. she was also convicted today of running an unlicensed day care. tom: the recent terror attacks have many people worried about visiting places that could be targets, places like new york or washington d.c. many visitors are staying alert, but some tourists are going even further and hiring personal security to travel with them. >> we've already gotten several calls specifically one from a well to do family that wants to take their kids out to the parade and then to go walk around central park and have lunch afterwards, but in the advent of the paris attack and all the threats that are going on in new york, they called us to provide them with armed security. just as a just in case method. tom: that security firm expects to get more of those calls especially if there are more attacks. jean: families are already starting to head out for holiday travel and airports you'll find a larger police presence in response to the terror attacks. here's brandi hitt. reporter: this is the new normal this holiday season, heightened security at airports across the country, with 25.3 million passengers expected to fly on u.s. airlines in the 12 days surrounding thanksgiving. >> i thought it would not be this crowded. reporter: with the recent terror attacks in paris, the bombing of a russian jet and shooting spree at this mali hotel, security lines are expected to be long. what can travelers expect at the airport this thanksgiving? >> i think they'll see more scrutiny of their carry on bags and probably their luggage. reporter: the beefed up police presence comes at the same time abc news obtained a confidential f.b.i. bulletin reporting three men with suspected terror ties came into the u.s. from france in the last 90 days, landing in los angeles, atlanta and new york. this week two false bomb threats grounded air france flights, and two men were escorted off this spirit jet after an emergency landing. spirit now says that threat was a misunderstanding. but a passenger interrogated and released claims he was treated like a terrorist. >> nobody told me what's going on, nobody told me why i've been arrested. reporter: passengers flying this week say the extra security and plans. >> i've been waiting five years for this trip, i'm not about to blow it right now. reporter: officers across the country are also relying on the public. they say if you see something suspicious, report it. law enforcement would rather be safe than sorry. brandi hitt, los angeles. tom: of the millions who will fly this season, many will end up dealing with the head aches of lost lug ang. there are some things you can do to reduce the chances of having your bags delayed. jean: an unusual warning from home depot what you'll want to know about recalled products till being sold in its stores. mike: sunshine for hasn't on saturday, possible changes on sunday. >> we as a community have been future america's never been a country of quitters. it's not who we are. we don't ignore threats like climate change. we face our problems head-on. with american-made clean energy, we can end our dependence on foreign oil... spark new innovation... and create millions of new jobs. starts with 50% clean energy by 2030. it took alexis 4 years to earn her college degree. but it will take her 25 years to pay off her student loans. join the fight to make college affordable. join the fight for alexis. i'm hillary clinton and tom: there's your video of the closing bell provided by the new york stock exchange. it was a big update on wall street today with the dow jones industrial average climbing 91 points. the s&p up seven, the nasdaq up 31. gas prices nationwide still at about d2.10. in new hampshire a penny less. millions of people will board planes this holiday season, but many of them will arrive at their destination to discover lost. jean: december and january are traditionally the worst months for lost bags, thanks to a combination of crowded planes and weather delays. the industry says now most of these bags really aren't lost, they're just delayed, and the getting better. mostly thanks to technology. >> think of the gate agents, the ability to print out tags right there at the gate as you're boarding the plane, so that a bag that gets put under at the last second doesn't get lost. they've also given the people who drive the drug tugs from one plane to another technology so that there's a gate change at the last second, that driver knows where to go so your bag doesn't miss the connection. jean: there are a few things you can do, get to the airport early so your luggage has plenty of time to get on the plane and put a copy of your itinerary inside the suitcase, that way even if the tags get ripped off the airline knows how to find you. we told you earlier that american airlines had lost the prosthetic leg made for a marathon bombing surveyor, adrian haslet. she sent out a tweet asking the airline to respond and tonight she says the prosthetic leg has indeed been found. haslet says america had its, american had its best people on it. and she's jealous, her leg got to travel somewhere pretty. tom: recalled products are still on the shelves, they were recalled between 2012 and 2015 but are still being sold at home depot. it's also possible they were sold to resigninglers who may have resold them to buyers. products on and the very first taco bell has been moved now to a brand new home. numero uno opened its door back in 1962 in downey, california. after word that the building might be demolished the company had it moved to its headquarters in your vine. a food truck handed out tacos and burritos, and taco bell hasn't decided yet what do with the building. jean: all right. just in time for holiday parties, we ask you which granite state winery is your favorite. the winner of this week's viewers choice was sweet baby vineyard in hampstead, white mountain winery in north conway at second, followed by copper beech winery in hooksett. we really do love them all. and a big congratulations tonight to a cake decorator from bedford's triolo's bakery. bryson perkins was the only u.s. competitor in the cake designers world championship. the master cake artist traveled to italy for the competition, and in the end he was ranked fourth in the entire world. we are so proud to claim him our own. tom: awesome. you know, it's a thanksgiving tradition for the president to pardon the national turkey. jean: but do you know how the bird gets selected? we'll show you right after the break. tom: later in sports, what rob gronkowski, aka the gronk, has bills. jean: and he's been one of the biggest surprises in a very unusual campaign season. sits down with tt0w!ty%hp! %4@-z5x tt0w!ty%hp! el@-p24 tt0w!ty%hp! ed@-v0p tt0w!ty%hp% )8h-6n, tt0w!ty%hp% kzh-+!p tt0w!ty%hp% n-h-^h\ tt0w!ty%hp% 0ph-@/d tt0w!ty%hp% s"h-p]$ tt0w!ty%hp% ueh-s?t people are sick and tired of establishment politics, and they want real change! [ cheers and applause ] bernie sanders -- husband, father, grandfather. he's taking on wall street that keeps in place bernie's campaign is funded by people like you, who see the middle class disappearing and want a future i'm bernie sanders, and i approve this message. jean: a new kind of therapy could help dementia patients retain their memories and make them more comfortable. tom: it all involves a walk down memory lane. reporter: in a room straight out of 1940's, they get lost in the sound of another era. he visits his long-time companion every day. >> i think it revives some things, some feelings. seems to anyhow. reporter: cici lives in the facility. staff say the retro living room, old fashioned kitchen and old-time music help residents remember buy-gone days. >> it takes them back to a place that they're familiar with and they can talk about their experiences. past. and they love it. reporter: as the population ages, care facilities are increasingly using sight, sound and other sensory cues to stimulate memory in people with alzheimer's and other forms of dementia. >> the benefits of reminiscence therapy is that it taps into memories that are well learned. it's not so much that they're old memories, it's that their well learned memories, memories that are attached not just to fact but also to smell, to images, to music. reporter: chris boyce visits her grandmother every week, they usually spend time in the kitchen. >> it wasn't becoming a conversation i would know to start with her, that's the truth. i've learned more about her in the two months she's been here than i think i knew before then. reporter: an old ironing board, an antique washing machine got her talking about how she helped her mother with the laundry. while reminiscing won't alter the course of the disease, it can improve mood and behavior. >> we take away the dementia person. and having fun. and enjoying life. reporter: a life that includes plenty of dancing. erin -- mike: lots of clouds earlier today, rain last night, but most of them moving out in time for the morning commute. except right at the coast, and that's where we take you for time lapse in portsmouth today. around 7:30 the cloud and showers lingering along the shore, and the clouds were stubborn to mid to late morning before clearing out along the shore oh. the west, sunshine developed early and temperatures started to climb, well above the average today by at least 8 to 10 degrees in many spots. clear skies continue to move in from the west right now, and as that builds on in towards new hampshire it's driving the latest system out to sea to our east. an inch plus of rain family in many spots last night and early this morning. but clear, colder weather built in for tonight, 20's for many, a few low 30's in manchester and the coast. then a bright and cooler saturday, but seasonably so, still a couple notches above the average. by sunday the next system could produce a couple widely scattered showers, mixed in the mountains, then a dry and colder start to next week before it warms just in time for the thanksgiving holiday. we're still hanging onto 51 in exeter. hampton falls at 50. a few upper 30's in the lake sunapee zone. lakes region in the 40's, and same story through the southern white mountains. a little colder farther north. overnight tonight notice with future temperatures we start to see them thumb blink lower than last night. on average it will bottom out in the mid to upper 20's and low 30's. tomorrow plenty of sunshine, a nice start to the weekend, not as warm as today but still a couple degrees above average. then that changes on sunday as the next front moves in. it will be just warm enough, so mainly rain showers as i see it right now, some of the higher elevations could get a touch of wet snow mixing this, then it will dry out later in the day. once that moves through, well, looks fairly dry and chilly to start off next week. take a look at region by region tomorrow, we'll be in the upper 40's from manchester through nashua towards the coast. a little cooler. some of the higher terrain, keene about 47 or 48. valley through the heart of the lakes region, concord over towards rochester, similar temperatures through a good part of the lakes region, again seasonably so. not all that bad in and the winds not too strong as well. lower 40's far north, fall again later tomorrow night. but not as cold as tonight. it's 20's for many, a fairly nice weekend again. minor interruption on sunday with a couple widely scattered showers, then beyond that system behind it it turns much colder, so highs only in the low 40's, feeling a bit cooler with the breeze, more sun on tuesday, could be the coldest morning so far and you notice temperatures climb in time for thanksgiving and friday. tom: looks like a great forecast. jean: thanks, mike. tom: before the national turkey actually flies to the white house for its pardon, it actually has to win the title. jean: you might win the title with those moves. the judges who make that choice look a little different than only 10 years old. those california fifth graders saw a dozen turkey finalists strut their stuff. their decision gets a little help from professional farmers, eventually choosing one lucky winner, tom won -- tom one will take a special flight. turkey one from san fran to d.c., after the presidential pardon tom one will spend the rest of his life at a park in virginia. >> celtics open their series tonight at the garden, boston 3-1 in the last four games. patriots and bills will wrap up their season series on monday night football. the pats beat the bills in buffalo back in week two. but since then they've lost a handful of players to injury. but they still have gronk. >> prepared for the team that you're playing, so obviously seeing how they do things, preparing for the schemes that they do. but you also have to adjust on the fly during the game. can you see new looks that you never seen all year or never seen before. >> patriots and bills monday night football, live right here on channel 9. congratulations to seven student athletes from windham high school that signed their national letters of intend today. congratulations to them. jean: thanks, jason. still ahead, some kids won't have the option of being home for christmas this year. tom: but you can help their holiday sparkle, we'll tell you how when we come back. jennifer: straight ahead at 6:00, the death of this little homicide investigation. loss. also police need your help identifying this thief who is tom: a group that helps young people with troubled home lives holidays. jean: the webster house provides girls ages 8 to 18 in manchester. this is a private nonprofit organization that relies really heavily on donations. at christmas time it's looking for the public's help to buy presents for the kids who live here together. officials say they especially need things for the teenagers, like gift cards and electronics. >> this is a special time of year. we have 16 children that live in the home that aren't able to live at home, so we try to make the second best thing we can for the kids and make the holidays special for them. tom: you can always find out more information about our spirit of giving campaign, it's at >> we have a lot of families sticking together, trying to get through it. tom: the death this alexandria boy now a homicide after investigators say he died of a head injury. tonight the family is looking for answers. jer an arrest in a shooting on the west side, just hours after police release pictures of a person of interest in the unsolved case. tom: plus a man runs off with an expensive pair of diamond earrings from a jewelry store has done it again. mike: a sunny saturday tomorrow, as temperatures drop just a little bit. i'll have the timeline of when colder air moves in. >> no one covers new hampshire like we do. now wmur news 9 at 6:00. tom: tonight the death of this little boy now a homicide investigation, investigators say he died days after suffering blunt force trauma to the head. good evening, i'm tom griffith. jennifer: and i'm jennifer vaughn. the investigation into this child's injuries began a week ago at this alexandria home. no one has been charged with his death.

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