Transcripts For WMUR Good Morning America 20160929 : compare

Transcripts For WMUR Good Morning America 20160929

florida and east coast on alert. abc news exclusive, amanda knox. >> either i'm a psychopath in sheep's clothing or i am you. >> the brand-new true crime documentary stunning new interviews with knox, her ex-boyfriend and the prosecutor who put them behind bars. this morning she's here live. we have what she's revealing only on "gma." and good morning, america. welcome to robin's favorite day. >> yes, i love happy friday eve, everybody. >> boy, that amanda knox documentary making a lot of headlines and there she is live right now here in our studio and, robin, you'll speak with her just ahead. >> ginger is standing by. she has her eye on that huge storm slamming the caribbean right now. millions of people keeping an eye on that, as well. >> very busy morning. school shooting in south carolina. children terrified after a teen gunman opened fire at the playground. parents' worst nightmare. three injured before he was taken into custody. his father was shot found dead before the rampage and abc's steve osunsami is in townville, south carolina, with all the details. good morning, steve. >> reporter: good morning, robin. authorities aren't sure what set this teenager off. he didn't even go to school here. he was authorities tell us they don't even believe when he came here he intended to target his alleged victims. this morning a teacher and two young students are recovering from gunshot wounds after a teenager with a handgun came shooting at this playground during recess. >> did have a report of a third patient. >> reporter: 1:45 p.m. the kids at townville elementary were near the end of the day. reports of an active shooter at the school lit up cell phones across town. one of their teachers, a woman outside was shot in her shoulder another boy, 6-year-old jacob hall was shot in the leg and had to be airlifted to a hospital. his parents tell us he needed surgery is still there this morning. >> there were some students out on the recess area and the shooting may have occurred there and the teacher got the students in the classroom. >> reporter: police say that the unidentified young man now in their custody is just 14 years old. officers can be seen speaking to someone in the back of a cruiser and say the hero of the steer is it got there first and tackled the kid to the ground. >> he is a proud member of the townville volunteer fire department and did nothing that any of the other volunteer firefighters would have done. >> reporter: two miles away they discover the body of his father in their home. police say he was shot dead. we watched as police towed away a truck from the crime scene. authorities tell us the teenager got into a black truck, drove to the school, rammed a fence, got out, started shooting yelling i nightmare. >> obviously the worst. it's not a phone call you ever want to get. >> reporter: here's how police found the boy's father. they tell us the boy called his grandparents, the grandparents came to the home, discovered the father's body. called 911. school is closed here for the rest of the week. grief counselors will be here for parents and students who need today and tomorrow. robin. >> and beyond, you're right about that, steve, thank you. >> scary now let's take a look at this heavy rains and winds. that's tropical storm matthew hitting the caribbean hard right now. they've got a lot of people in the southeast watching and, ginger, where is matthew heading. >> west then due north. but at least one person is dead. that was in st. vincent crushed by a boulder in a landslide. you can see the turbulent ocean. the barbados, the caribbean doesn't always look like that. a backyard with a pool. it is moving west at about 16 miles per hour and has a lot of warm water to fuel this storm and as it's a tropical storm it looks like it'll become a hurricane as we start the weekend, go through sunday and then some upper level forcing will start to force it northward. the farther it goes east the better for us. a lot of computer models are taking it out in the ocean. if it goes west we'll be talking about it midweek. >> thanks, ginger. the race for the white house and more fallout from that big victory even as sources in his own campaign tell abc news he's to blame for what went wrong monday night. abc's tom llamas is at trump headquarters. pretty extraordinary finger-pointing getting criticized by his own staff. >> reporter: this is a blame game like we've never seen with the trump campaign and it comes at a time that hillary clinton is launching a full frontal assault. she was campaigning with senator bernie sanders yesterday. michelle obama out by herself hitting trump hard and the fallout. this morning, trouble inside the trump campaign. finger-pointing at the highest levels about trump's rocky debate. in an explosive admission, a senior aide telling abc news, the lion's share of the plame rests with one person, donald trump. that aide saying, quote, trump's debate failures stem from more a lack of execution than preparation. and he left a lot of things on the table. he pulled his punches, lost his ne victory citing unscientific polls. >> i had a great time and i know you say the polls weren't scientific but every single poll that was taken i won the debate and some of them by a lot. >> reporter: top aides disagree including about what went wrong. some argue he didn't prepare enough and that there were missed opportunities including not mentions benghazi, trump himself says he showed restraint at the debate when it came to bill clinton's past affairs. >> i was also holding back, i turning up the heat on clinton. bringing up that video outside the 9/11 memorial when clinton almost collapsed. >> you see all the days off that hillary takes. day off, day off, day off. all those day offs and then she can't even make it to her car. isn't it tough? >> reporter: first lady michelle obama taking on trump in the important battlegd off or lash out irrationally. no. we need an adult in the white house. >> reporter: urging people to get out and vote for hillary clinton. >> who spent 11 hours testifying before a congressional committee. can i get an amen. hillary is tough. >> reporter: now, back to the debate prep for a moment. so that first debate, rudy jude annie played a major role in it. the second debate. >> okay, tom, while i have you "newsweek" out a few minutes ago with a brand-new cover story talking about how donald trump and his companies broke the cuba embargo by funneling money through a consulting firm. pretty exclusive charge right there. what is the trump campaign saying about it? >> reporter: right now the trump campaign has no comment but that investigation alleges that the trump corporation reimbursed consultants to go into communist cuba and explore casino po violated the embargo but the big contradiction here is that trump then and now says he would never do business with a castro regime. george. >> we'll see what they say later. let's bring in matthew dowd for more. i have to start with that quote in tom's piece. a candidate staff saying he lost his nerve during the debate. i've never seen anything like it. you've been inside the top levels of campaigns. take us inside their staff meeting this morning after something like that comes out. that. i think that donald trump -- obviously we've seen it transition from various campaign managers, now on their third set of leadership. to me what it looks like is somebody hasn't been able to give him the advice or him take the advice so what they're now trying to do is try to get him the advice through doing it ext externally and doing it publicly. i don't think it's going to help but that's the only explanation i can have for why they did this. >> this "newsweek" cover story, you saw hillary clinton try to put trump's business record o more charges here. does this cut? >> i think the problem with this it's an accumulated wait so every time there's a story that goes to a problem that he's got in his business, it just weighs on the american public who then finally comes to the conclusion that says i can't trust this guy. i can't trust his business background. the other part of the story, this is about the cubans, right, and the cuban vote in florida is very important for him if he's going to carry florida. if they think that he was somehow cutting a deal with >> meantime, you saw that quote from michelle obama last night. pretty fiery speech in pennsylvania. you had president obama out yesterday saying any vote that's not for hillary clinton is a wasted vote even if you're voting for gary johnson or jill stein. they have a direct case to millennials. >> they had a concerted plan going into that debate and coming out of that debate. not only from the ?freepress they got stories but surrogates hit the trail in the aftermath and some of the most popular surrogates, undecided voters in this race a undecided voters and partisans are president obama and michelle obama and they're now out and about. >> matthew, one more question, if you're donald trump and watching obamas on the trail, other people have influence speaking out for hillary how do you go head-to-head with that. >> i think it would be problematic for him to try to sort of scurry around and find surrogates of his own. i would practice it like judo, use their weight against them and basically say i'm here standing alone and that's all you want to get rid of the status quo which is them vote for me who's the singular leader. >> and once again, she never -- michelle obama never mentioned him by name. >> she is the best at surgically going through that and doing it in a way that you start nodding and never hear donald trump's name but you know exactly what she's talking about. new concerns about hacking and the electric. the fbi director sayingac into multiple states voter databases. abc's senior justice correspondent pierre thomas is in washington with these breaking new details. good morning, pierre. >> reporter: good morning, robin. abc news learned u.s. authorities suspected hackers affiliated with the russian government have tried to infiltrate the voter registration databases of at least 15 states and sources briefed on the investigation tell us at least 4 states actually had voter registration computer networks breached with hackers snooping around and robin. >> there are many reasons why hackers would want to do those, right? >> reporter: it would give the hackers the names and addresses allowing them to steal identities potentially but the bigger concern they might get in and try to change the voter rolls. thankfully sources say that hasn't happened yet. still all this makes authorities super uneasy, robin. >> that's understandable. pierre, thank you. >> a lot to be nervous about. protesters took to the streets overnight calling on police to release the video showing the killing of an out of control but abc's matt gutman has the latest. >> no justice. >> reporter: overnight unrest gridlocking this city. the protests covered miles but were mostly peaceful. hundreds of protesters spilling out from a memorial for alfred olango, an unarmed man shot at this strip mall. police revealing that what here fired multiple shots. >> you killed my brother in front of me. >> reporter: olango's sister who you see grieving was right there. >> we don't want to have -- >> reporter: that video streamed live on facebook but this woman. >> she was standing there crying and warning her brother and they did knock. >> reporter: representatives for olango's family says he was suffering some sort of emotional echoing in this community this morning. >> why couldn't you tase him? i told you he's sick. you guys shot him. >> reporter: now this memorial has been growing overnight as has the outrage. we spent hours with those protesters last night. some of them had known alfred olango and said he did have some sort of psychological disorder and said his sister called police asking for them to help her. the last thing they expected to him. robin. >> matt, thank you. now to that mystery at sea. the 22-year-old rescued from that ill-fated boat trip now saying he had nothing to do with his mother's disappearance for the murder of his grandfather nearly three years ago. abc's linzie janis spoke with him. >> reporter: this morning, nathan carman is speaking exclusively to abc news about the fishing trip that left his mother missing and him stranded at sea for more than a week. >> she'd always been kind of reluctant about safety and i gues good reason to be. >> reporter: the 22-year-old who has asperger's syndrome says he convinced his mom linda carman to take a trip on his 32-foot boat 100 miles offshore saying she agreed partly because she didn't want him to go alone. after they arrived, the engine made a strange noise. >> i thought that i was going to diagnose the problem and that we were going to go back to shore. >> reporter: he says his mom was at the back of the boat bringing when suddenly the boat sank. >> i didn't know if she had been dragged down with the ship because neither of us had been wearing life vests. >> nathan swimming to the life raft bringing with him a bag containing food rations, a water desalinater, sleeping bags and flares. must have been terrifying. >> yes. >> reporter: finally after eight days, nathan was rescued. before he was back on dry land, deputies in vermo a search warrant revealing he's under investigation for reckless endangerment resulting in death. there's some concern that the boat was not seaworthy. was it? >> i believed it was when we left the dock. i will not have left the dock. i would not have taken my mom out fishing with me had i not believed the boat was seaworthy. >> reporter: this isn't the first time nathan's been the subject of suspicion surround a before the 87-year-old was shot three times. saying there were several inconsistencies in nathan's account of his whereabouts that might. >> i had absolutely nothing to do with my grandfather's death. >> reporter: nathan was never charged and the crime remains unsolved. and overnight, nathan's father coming out in his son's defense saying nathan had nothing to do with his grandfather's death and what happened to his mother was purelyn nathan telling me he is devastated about his mom but thinks she would be happy that he survived. robin. >> all right, linzie, thank you. now we turn to amy for the other top stories starting with that 9/11 bill. >> that's right. we reaction now from saudi arabia after congress voted to override president obama's veto of the so-called 9/11 lawsuit bill. it clears the way for families of september 11th victims to sue saudi arabia for its alleged role in the attacks. president obama says this could overseas and now the saudis are warping they may scale back their cooperation with counterterrorism efforts. congress has approved a spending bill to prevent the government from shutting down. it includes $1 billion to fight the spread of the zika virus and it offers aid for victims of the flooding in louisiana and those affected by the tainted water crisis in flint, michigan. well, more u.s. troops are headed to iraq to help reclaim the city of mosul from isis. the extra 615 troops will advise the iraqi military andil video from southeastern china where a typhoon triggered this landslide accepting a flood of debris sliding down that mountain. several homes were swept away. up to a foot of rain turned streets into rivers and unfortunately dozens of people are missing. well, if you thought things got heated between donald trump and hillary clinton, i'd like you to take a look at what happened during this debate in the former soviet republic of georgia. look at the news anchor trying to break it up. the fight continued off camera. last week two other candidates brawled on live television as well. there's till a week to go. that news anchor, i'd been out of there trying to break it up. no job worth that. >> here it would be pan that camera over there and get the fight. >> no. >> let's go back over to ginger. look at the hail. >> the hail in virginia. so strong storms with this low that will sit and spin over northeast the next couple of days. that's why we're on flash flood alert. washington, d.c., baltimore, you see the hail there. but there is a lot of rain coming your way. anyone in blue there or certainly in red where we have flash flood warnings, there are roads closed in north carolina. look up there, detroit even on kevin: temperatures in the 40's. along with it,sh lifting northward towards the west. it is mainly pushing towards pennsylvania, leaving us with sunshine and clouds with a northeasterly breeze, which was gusty at times, at times over 20 miles per hour. lower to middle 60's, cool with an increase in clouds tom talking about all this bad stuff. i say after the rain, it always comes the rainbow. kenosha, wisconsin, over lake michigan. >> thanks for sharing that. a wink. i like that. when we come back, coming up we'll go one-on-one with amanda knox. she is here live. she's speaking out about the night that changed her life. what she's revealing. it's a brand-new documentary that is coming out and it's an abc news exclusive next. fisherm. i accept i'm not out on the ocean wrestling marlin. i even accept i have a higher risk of stroke due to afib, a type of irregular heartbeat but i won't go after anything with less than my best. so if i can go for something better than warfarin, i'll do that too. eliquis. eliquis reduced the risk of stroke better than warfarin. plus, it had significantly less major bleeding than warfarin. eliquis had both. that's what i wanted to know. don't stop taking eliquis unless your doctor tells you to, as stopping increases your risk of having a stroke. eliquis can cause serious artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. while taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily. and it may take longer than usual for any 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the car. crystal meth, cash, evidence of drug sales, and a stolen handgun. a keene woman is accused of helping her grandson sell drugs while he was behind bars. police say 23-year-old dylan maliska was already in jail for drug and parole violations. officials say in phone calls between maliska and his grandmother, he told her to get heroin and fentanyl from his home and then sell it. 60-year-old regina miner now faces several drug charges after police say they found drugs in there's a reason cnbc named new hampshire the most business friendly state in the nation: maggie hassan's approach to innovation and business development. controlling spending. smart investments in education. was a bi-partisan "compromise" the telegraph said "worked." cutting taxes for small businesses. targeting millions to fight the opioid crisis. all with no income or sales tax. working across party lines is how maggie hassan makes new hampshire work for us. i'm maggie hassan >> now, meteorologist kevin skarupa with your or cast. kevin: a blend of sunshine and clouds today. a northeasterly wind will add extra chill to the air around low pressure to the west. most moisture is to the southwest, 3-6 inches of rain an increase in clouds tomorrow and increasing clouds tomorrow evening, we could be looking at a half-inch of rain over the weekend. middle 60's falling into the 40's with the general increase in clouds. showers tomorrow, the best chance in the afternoon. scattered showers tomorrow evening with additional activity possible on sunday or monday, but that would be brief. week. i think my strongest asset, maybe by far, is my temperament. i'd like to punch him in the face, i'll tell you. i would bomb the [bleep] out of 'em. i could stand in the middle of 5th avenue and shoot somebody and i wouldn't lose any voters, okay? and you can tell them to go [bleep] themselves. get him out of here! get him out of here! for the content of this advertising. marco...! polo! marco...! polo! marco...! 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"or something"? you don't just graduate from medical school, "or something." and hand-slice avocado. there's nothing "or something" about it. if i'm innocent it means that everyone is vulnerable. and that's everyone's nightmare. >> we welcome you back to "gma." amanda knox opening up in a new documentary about being at the center of that famous murder case. she is joining us live here in the studio. our exclusive interview with amanda knox in just that. investigators searching for a motive after a teen opened fire on an elementary school playground injuring three people. one still in critical condition this morning. the shooter now in custody. take a look at this terrifying kidnapping caught on tape. you see a man armed with a hammer grabbing a california store clerk. drag her away. forcing her into his car. the kidnapper takes the victim to a north hollywood cemetery where she was able to escape and the kidnapper in custody. no one knew what to expect from him when he took the field in his first professional baseball game. but take a look at this. first at bat. tim tebow with the hard stick, everybody, going, going, it is gone. first at bat, former heisman trophy winner does not crack under pressure. >> you're right. first at bat. that was the first pitch. the first pitch that he faced and, boom. >> i thought you're not supposed to swing at the first pitch. that's wha >> talking about it this morning. >> yes, we are. but first that story that captivated the world. amanda knox caught in the middle of a murder case while studying abroad nine years ago. that night changed her life and now the focus of a netflix documentary, going to hear from amanda knox in a moment but first abc's neal karlinsky has more details. >> did you kill meredith kercher? >> reporter: just when you thought you heard everything the true crime documentary airing this week on netflix complete with fresh and at times chilling new interviews. >> if i'm guilty, it means that i am the ultimate figure to fear. >> reporter: knox this college student accused of murdering her college roommate meredith kercher in perugia, italy in 2007, convicted, freed. convicted again only to be found innocent once and for italy's highest court last year. but a huge chunk of the public remains skeptical about her which the documentary feeds on. the film includes knox's former boyfriend and one-time co-defendant. >> i known her only for five days. >> reporter: and the man portrayed in some western media as the real villain, the prosecutor who expresses some of his own less than scientific theories. asking why was kercher covered in a blanket. this. but at the center of it all is knox, branded foxy knoxy in headlines around the word. she's now a writer for a small newspaper in seattle. new interviews cast her as mysterious as ever. >> either i'm a psychopath in sheep's clothing or i am you. >> reporter: for "good morning america," neal karlinsky, abc news, seattle. >> and amanda knox joins us now. good to see you again. >> good to see you again. >> could we start with that last statement that you made. the way you decided to portray yourself -- that's who you are in this documentary. explain a little bit more about. >> well, i think i'm trying to explain what it feels like to be wrongfully convicted. either to be this terrible monster or a regular person who is vulnerable and what i'm trying to convey is that a regular person like me, just a kid who was studying abroad who loved languages could be caught they're portrayed as something that they're not. >> i can't help but think about the last time that you were sitting here, january 2014. you had the conviction had stood again and then the following year it's overturned again. just the emotional roller coaster and many want to know why now? why are you deciding with this documentary now? >> well, now my attention is turning towards the next because my name is cleared. i'm fine, you know, i'm moving on with my life. i'm going back to graduate school. i'm redeveloping my relationships, i'm redeveloping my relationship with freedom. but there remains the fact that i'm in a unique position as an exonoree. i can't go back to my life i had before neither can the other who is are out there and a lot of times their stories go cases of wrongfully convicted people from the perspective of their humanity and to really demand we have objective looks at their cases and the facts of their case as well as them as people, as opposed to demonizing them the way that i was. >> and the facts of the case and that's what this documentary. will we learn anything new. there's some people, i don't have to tell you, some people will never bevi are innocent and there are others who feel that you have been wronged. i mean there's like two camps here. is there anything new that's going to shed any light in this documentary? >> you know, what i really appreciate about this documentary is that they -- it's good journalism in the sense that they give you the facts of the case, the reliable facts of the case and they say, decide for yourself. and the other thing that they do is they ground the case and the people who implement it and who are a part of it so by showing who was a part of it, not just me, not just my co-defendant but the prosecutor and the media, they're shedding more light on what happened than all the speculation that's been put out there combined. >> especially when you are going to see the prosecutor as he is portrayed in the documentary is different than people think. i know that your motivation is to help. you could have sold this for a great deal of money and put it up on the big people that are involved in this documentary say you are not receiving a paycheck for this. that you want to help people. but when you think about meredith's family, do you think about how this is for them to relive it and to have the story out here again. >> oh, my gosh. it's -- for them, that's never going to end and that's the really sad part about this tragedy is that as soon as the prosecutor made it about like it has to be amanda, they took away her and what the truth was about what happened to her. and, you know, she's been lost in all of that. and -- but that doesn't change the fact that we have also an obligation to everyone that could potentially be innocent to like find out the truth for the sake of the victim and for the sake of them, as well. >> your life now? >> my life now is -- i mean, i'm -- it's been a year since i've been exonerated and this relationship with the world where i'm not being hunted down and on the one hand i have -- like i'm writing, i'm with my family, i'm with my friends, i have great relationships and on the other hand i also want to like continue to put forth my passion for these people. like i've healed because other people have reached out to me. negative thing that happened to me put on them because their stories are important and i don't think we quite recognize that yet. >> and thank you for sharing your story and coming here. >> thank you. >> as you have over the years. wish you all the best. the new netflix documentary "amanda knox" is available tonight right after midnight. coming up on our big board, the new app that says it can help prevent sexual assault on college why some think it could make the problem worse. all the networks are great now. we're talking within a 1% difference in reliability of each other. and, sprint saves you 50% on most current national carrier rates. save money on your phone bill, invest it in your small business. wouldn't you love more customers? i would definitely love some new customers. sprint will help you add customers and cut your costs. switch your business to sprint and save 50% on most current verizon, at&t and t-mobile rates. don't let a 1% difference cost you twice as much. take one of those pillows and take a big smell. they smell really fresh. what if we told you we washed these sheets 7 days ago. really no way downy? downy fabric conditioner. give us a week, and we'll change your bed forever. want more freshness? add new downy fresh protect. tag, you're it. tag! you're it. tag, you're it. yes! new gogurt write-on tubes. this back to school, say it with gogurt. it's more expensive every year. it would be a lot cheaper to buy my medication from canada. kelly ayotte voted to block consumers from buying safe medicines from canada. and voted against lower cost generic drugs. kelly ayotte gets all that money from the big drug industry. hundreds of thousands of dollars in campaign contributions. when you take all that money it just changes you. kelly ayotte's not working for us. dscc is responsible for the content of this advertising. time now for the big board. our team of insiders standing by live to talk about today's stories including t.j. holmes. there's this brand-new app on college campuses. what is it. >> a sexual consent app. what happens, two people get hot and heated and one pulling out a phone, read this, initial here, here, let me take your photo. it on. >> kind of a mood killer. >> complete mood killer. the idea here, the creators say is you're creating a legal binding document of concept and intent. they put these things together, specifically for college campuses to combat what they say is the problem of sexual assault on campus. you eliminate any ambiguity. it's clear and you're making a record of it. >> there is a lot of issues with apps like this. another one called good to go. that one shut down. there are a lot of one is that i personally when i read it said, well, what it somebody is -- they say no. >> that is the biggest issue that people have. several issues that are obvious but that's the biggest one, what if you change your mind. you are giving essentially a potential rapist evidence to exonerate themselves later on because you give concept -- it gives you no way to go back and change your mind. these things are created. what person, people think it's ridiculous. two hormonal people will say let's read this contract and >> they say it's not legally binding. >> the people that put it together say it is. we don't have a test case yet but it goes to a server that only police can access, a disciplinary board at a school or by subpoena. >> jen ashton, what do you think. >> i mean i think it's probably a good idea and well intentioned but let's talk about the fact the name sasie is almost a play on words to say yes and i don't think we need any more of this in the bed problems than good things. >> i think in theory it sounds good but i just think execution may be lacking. >> they want to start the conversation. even if it's just not about the consent but gets two people to talk about affirmative concept and what it means. >> you stay right there. we'll talk about this. a new study that can explain why some of us age faster and why george does not age at all, people. researchers at ucla suggesting that regardless of a healthy >> yeah. >> dr. ashton, what exactly is this study saying. >> first of all, in medical school doctors -- we're trained to actually assess someone's appearance with respect to their age because the thinking even in the past was that how someone appears externally may indicate what's going on internalle ali with the aging process. now, this latest study found that while lifestyle, yes, absolutely, behaviors are important. it's actually what's going on in our genes on a important. the good news, both represent targets for intervention whether with changes or with medication and, in fact, the fda just approved a trial to study a drug called matformin used in type two diabetics as a longevity drug. you'll hear a lot more about this in the future. >> we'll come back to you but want to move on to luc danziger. i'm not sure if these stunt lot. doritos locate coast tack coast, the whopperrito right there from burger king. big franchises rolling out more headline grabbing meals. lucy danziger, branding expert and you have a new website we'll talk about as well coming up but what about all this huge calorie filled stunt foods? what's this about? >> okay, so it's food as entertainment. i call it foodfortainment, the ad everybody just wants to outplay each other. >> well, are there any health concerns, though, because i see some of this stuff they're mixing up but i'm going, i don't know if i could handle that. it seems like a lot. any health concerns with all of this big and bold. >> of course, there are. of course, there are. look, you get adren lyzed. you're jumping off the couch saying touchdown. that's not working out. the players are saying go play 60 but we're not playing. we are actually going to gain 60 tacos to conquer and women see a pizza as a heart attack on a plate. so for me, i think it's the scary movie of food and the blob starts right here. >> jen, heart attack on a plate. >> probably. although i have to say i never met a french fry i didn't like. >> t.j., how about you? you have any -- >> i don't need a gimmick food. popeyes chicken, i get it once every six months. they got one in the airport in atlanta. i check the bag full of on my way back from vacation. >> you literally made robin stand up. >> i thought we were in church for a second. >> two-piece white meat spicy and fries. >> george, what about you? >> i can't pass by a big mac every once in a while. >> that chick-fil-a calls my name every time. something about it. all right. well, thank you to lucy, dr. ashton, thank you, as well, t.j., always good to have you. >> you got it. coming up in two minutes there's a new donald trump in my girl cindy bought this fridge from lowe's because of their worry-free 30-day satisfaction guarantee on appliances. that's what i'm talking about cindy. i like your style. so what could make this election even more exciting than it already is? "saturday night live," right. it's coming this weekend, kate mckinnon will be returning to play hillary clinton when the new season debuts. but wait till you see who is playing trump. have you guys heard gentleman. >> yep. >> take a look. ? >> oh, yeah. alec baldwin with the pout right there suiting up to play the donald. 'hosted the though 13 times, we know that but this should be an incredible debate. apparently they've timed the open, the season opening to the debate week. they knew what they were doing and by the way, these impersonations can resonate during an election year, during of voters said they had "snl" on their minds when they went to the poll, that, of course, is the year that tina fey -- >> sarah palin. >> her resemblance uncanny and turned it into comedy gold. i can see russia from my house. >> so good. >> then here's one of my favorites, dana carvey playing george bush, read my lips, no new taxes. >> wouldn't be prudent. >> a thousand points of light and then i love will ferrell as w. >> oh, yeah, he's awesome do you have favorites? >> you hit >> alec, i think he's going to be great. it's going to be a good one. >> and they timed it. they timed it -- >> they knew what they were doing. they have a lot to work with. i think we'll hear some sniffling, just a guess. >> i think you're right. thank you, amy. coming up next on "gma," why matt damon will drop some names here, matt damon, ben affleck and tom brady are teaming up. we'll tell you why. and the royal road trip, kate and will showing their love, the clues from their yours stronger. that's what will and kate will do for you and we will too. just by looking in my eyes. but what they didn't know was that i had dry, itchy eyes. i used artificial tears from the moment i woke up... the moment i went to bed. so i finally decided to show my eyes some love,... ...some eyelove. eyelove means having a chat with your eye doctor about your dry eyes because if you're using artificial tears often and still have symptoms, it could be chronic dry eye. start the interview with a firm handshake. ay,no! don't do that! try head & shoulders instant relief. it cools on contact, and also keeps you 100% flake free. rm, flaky layers are on the inside. but let's just say it's more than ever. share the warmth of grands biscuits, now with even more flaky layers it's baking season. warm up with pillsbury. listerine? kills 99% of bad breath germs for a 100% fresh mouth. feeling 100% means you feel bold enough to... ...assist a magician... bring out the bold? allergies distracting you? when your symptoms start... doctors recommend taking ...non-drowsy claritin every day of your allergy season. claritin provides powerful, non-drowsy 24 hour relief... for fewer interruptions from the amazing things you do every day. live claritin clear. the moments that connect us don't happen overnight. they happen one morning at a time, and one cup at a time. folgers, the best part of wakin' up. [?diggy? by spencer ludwig] back here on "gma," great crowd, yeah and a couple of great kids. this is emma and brother you want to be a what when you grow up? >> a meteorologist. >> that's right. that's right. so this is what we'll do. we'll show off bakersfield, california, dust storm that blew through. dust deafs and nobody hurt there fortunately and stopped traffic. all that brought to you -- i don't have the sponsor there. "good morning america" is brought to you by folger's. the best part of waking up is folgers in your cup. s. the best part of waking up is >> now from wmur news 9 -- sean: good morning. it is 7:56 right now. tilton police have announced a major drug bust. they say it all started when officers conducted a traffic stop monday evening for a false inspection sticker. inside the car, police say they found a large shipment of heroin, fentanyl, and crystal meth. more than 740 grams of heroin, worth about $80,000, was seized. officers also discovered a large amount of cash and a gun that was reported stolen out of boston. tilton police say they plan to seek federal drug and weapons charges against two new hampshire men who were allegedly involved. it has now been 35 years since a woman was murdered in portsmouth , and a year before another woman was killed, and today both cases remain unsolved. the body of 23-year-old laura kempton was found in 1981. a year, later the body of 19-year-old tammy little was found. both women were students at portsmouth beauty school. detectives say the cases are before, thanks to advances in forensic science. well, take you outside. it was foggy in the capital city an hour or two ago, but looking nice. kevin: temperatures starting in the 40's across the state, and with fair skies. we are looking at a partly to mostly sunny day as most of the moisture of this slow-moving system is deflected southwest. this slowly edges heavy rain that we see to the south and west, some scattered shower activity eventually comes this way. temperatures in the 40's to near 50 degrees. a northeasterly breeze still noticeable through the day. at times, at the coast, gusting 20 mph, adding a bit of extra chill. fair skies tonight. increasing clouds from south to north tomorrow. maybe a shower late date in southern areas. scattered showers moving through. maybe a lingering shower or two sunday and monday. it finally pulls away. sean: we are back in about 25 minutes. top job at the family resort. but then things went, well, downhill. over the years, chris cut jobs. chris cut workers' hours to deny them health insurance. and now he opposes the minimum wage. chris has never had to work for anything. chris sununu has no business being governor. this advertisement has been paid for by put new hampshire first kelly: you know me. not from thousands of false, negative ads- but as your first female attorney general- appointed by republican and democratic governors. as your senator, i'm fighting for equal pay and against workplace discrimination, to expand access to birth control, strengthen and preserve medicare, and i reached across the aisle to protect access to mammograms. i approve this message because after all the false, negative ads, i'm still the kelly ayotte you know- good morning, america. it's 8:00 a.m. new details now on that nightmare elementary school shooting. a 14-year-old opens fire on the playground. >> move that patient towards the helicopter. >> one student critical. two more injured. police trying to find a motive for the attack. parenting dilemma. these photos raising a big question about discipline in another parent is doing? our experts weigh in. when to step in and when to back off. royal pda, the brand-new pictures of will and kate that reveal their love connection is stronger than ever. what our body language experts says everyone can learn from them to make their relationship stronger. and fall fashion for less. and tory is here to say -- >> good morning, america. >> how you got downstairs so fast. up there, down here. >> yes. >> ran. >> good morning, america. happy friday eve. we have that great crowd upstairs and here in times square and wonderful to have tory johnson with us. big, big deals and "deals & steals." >> always on thursday. it's national coffee day. audience upstairs is getting a little bit of a treat. >> we have a barista. >> a very special cups. >> wow. >> wow. very nice. >> and cheer, everybody, happy national coffee day. who is really best friends with tom brady? would that be matt damon or ben affleck? these two went public to argue it out. they're kind of desperate in their attempts to show their love for tom brady and it's all for a great cause. >> best friends with each other. >> yes, i have love for tom brady too. >> i think it's more of like a man crush. my interpretation. >> i guess we'll find out more. let's get the morning rundown from amy. >> good morning. the big story this morning a 14-year-old boy in custody in south carolina, police say he killed his father before traveling to a nearby elementary school and opening fire at the playground during recess. abc's steve osunsami has the very latest on the investigation. good morning, steve. >> reporter: good morning, to you, amy. police say the 14-year-old in their custody this morning came to this school in a black pickup out of the truck and then started shooting up in the air. they don't believe he actually intended to shoot the teacher and the two students who were shot on the playground outside the school. the teacher and one of those students was released from the hospital yesterday. but one of those students, a 6-year-old, remains in critical condition this morning. we're told he lost a lot of blood. authorities aren't sure what set this 14-year-old off, but they're also connecting the shooting here to the death of found dead inside their home. school is canceled here for the rest of this week but there are grief counselors here today and tomorrow for any students or parents who need it. amy. >> all right, incredibly sad and shocking. now to politics and campaign insiders admitting donald trump missed some opportunities during monday's debate by failing to bring up key issues like benghazi. some campaign sources trump did not prepare enough. one aide claims trump lost his nerve. down from his feud with former miss universe alicia machado. he said the pageant wanted to fire her for gaining weight but he saved her job. hillary clinton campaigning in iowa as early voting gets under way and expected to benefit from early voting in several states. u.s. authorities believe foreign hackers have managed to infiltrate voter registration databases in at least 15 states successfully breaching four of them. sources say those hackers are extent of their intrusion is larger than first thought. well, this morning, mystery surrounding the deaths of two sisters from minnesota. they were on a dream vacation when they were found unresponsive. an autopsy set this week for annie and robin kworky found dead in their room off the seychelles and were helped to their room the night before after hours of drinking. there was no sign of a break-in or any p reported. some breaking news near atlanta. crews are on the scene of a massive fire collapsing the roof. it's just about 1,000 feet from a fire station so crews were able to respond quickly and no one, thankfully, was believed to be inside. and finally, as we mentioned, it is national holiday today. it is national coffee day and there are some deals brewing out there to perk you up. krispy kreme offering everyone a free cup of coffee and a glazed you're going to have to pay full price at starbucks but if you buy a certain brew they will donate a coffee tree to growers in latin america. then, of course, you could be right here at "good morning america" and it's free coffee for everyone. >> yay. >> yes, that's right. we'll get up there. >> how about that news that goes pop. >> i think i need a little more of this. hold on one sec. >> enjoy. >> all right. i do that every time i sip. like cookie new characters on "sesame street" coffee monster. hi, everybody. starting "pop news" this morning, sad news, agnes nixon, the creative force behind legendary soap ras "all my children" and one one has -- one life to live has died. someone i was proud to call a friend and susan lucci who was went on to play erica kane for 41 incredible years, that really changed my life. posting on instagram, i adored her and admired her and i am forever grateful to her. >> i used to schedule my classes in college around "all my children." i would not -- >> do you have a favorite memory or -- >> the wedding. >> which one? >> luke's wedding. >> well, that's "general hospital." >> oh, yes. too. >> i know you did. >> every time susan lucci comes on the show you're always like -- >> how many times did she get married on the show. >> i'm so glad you asked. yesterday george stumped me so today eric cane married -- she had six marriages to seven men. >> that's it. >> she married one twice. >> i get it. >> read this. >> i can't believe you came >> six men. >> you know why -- >> we're not doing the math here. it's not about math. it's about "pop news." >> you know what happened on "all my children" when men speak up too much. >> oh. >> silence, george. >> soap opera kind of morning in honor of the one and only agnes nixon who we were all -- >> that's how this all started. it all started with coffee day. >> the wrong side. >> george stephanopoulos, i'm going to ask you play nice. >> i love you but you better watch it. >> there's only so much we can do. >> national coffee day and i haven't had enough yet. also in "pop news" this morning, sarah jessica parker channeling her inner carrie bradshaw announcing her line of lbds, michael you know what that is. >> little black dresses. >> revealing the project on instagram saying introducing the bloomingdale's to a company. her range of shoes and handbags, the first silhouette launches in october. more to come including this one that she showed us all on instagram. love a little tea length. looking for that. >> flow to it. >> did you know that was tea length. >> did not. >> let's do that. >> george, i did not know that. >> like he's allowed to not know stuff. >> this is great. then finally hit it, deejay. ? one of the great songs, i love this song. so "vogue" is celebrating the 26th anniversary of george michael's "freedom" video in collaboration with instagram and showcasing to some of today's supermodels working it singing along. adrianna lima. taking on new york by storm. it's pretty fun, i have to say but nothing can compare to the original. do you remember the original? you do, right? it was -- show it again. cindy crawford. christy turlington, naomi campbell and linda evangeevange for getting up that day because she used to shay she wouldn't get up for less than $10,000. like "all my children" and "yen hospital." >> i can't believe it's been that long. >> a classic. check that out online and that is "pop news." i'm going to start research now for all of next week's. you are cut off. you are cut off. you're cut off. >> coming up, these photos raising a big question about disciplining in public. when should you confront a parent who may be hurting their child? our experts weigh in. the royal road trip, kate and will showing pda and what we could take away from their relationship that can help our relationships just ahead. 3, 2, 1 [whispered 'rocket'] i tried hard to quit smoking. but when we brought our daughter home, that was it. now i have nicoderm cq. technology helps prevent your urge to smoke all day. it's the best thing that ever happened to me. every great why needs a great how. my mother passed 2003, but she always told me i don't care if you turn out (phone ringing) answering machine: hi, leave a message after the beep. (beep) hey mom, this is larry. i just want to let you know that uh, i fulfilled the promise that you held me to. love you. (beep) people always say let's just get a sandwich or something. you don't just learn how to drive... be a dad... "or something" and we don't just make sandwiches "or something" we hand-slice avocado, pull smoked chicken, bake fresh foccacia and craft every sandwich clean from top to bottom... there's nothing "or something" about it. we welcome you back to "gma." our audience gearing up for some great fashion deals and staels. first that parenting dilemma. these photos raising a big question. if you think someone is going too far disciplining a child in public should you intervene? the mom who took these photos did and mara schiavocampo has her story. good morning, mara. >> reporter: good morning. that woman didn't just take picture, she put them on social media and her post went viral with tens of thousands of she says that girl was crying and begging her father to stop and when he wouldn't, she stepped in to force him. erika burch was shopping at her local walmart in texas when she saw this, a father appearing to pull his daughter's hair while he pushed the grocery cart. >> i said, you need to let her hair go now and he told me i needed to mind my own business. and i said right now that little girl is my business and you're going to let her hair go. the dad and alerting authorities, the mother of four posted this photo to facebook. shared more than 242,000 times with at least 24,000 comments and over 42,000 likes. >> i received over 900 private messages in my facebook. >> reporter: so many comments calling erika a hero saying bless you for helping a child and glad you confronted him but others writing, she needs to mind her o >> i don't care what they think. i know it's wrong and i don't regret doing it. >> reporter: ultimately the child was allowed to leave the store with her father and now the local police department has filed this report for possible injury to a child. child protective services joining the investigation. telling abc news that while investigations are confidential, it is typical that cps will meet with the family including all the children in the home and determine if the family could as for erika burch she said she would step in again. >> i'm not the president. i was just some, you know, somebody shopping in the grocery store. it's not okay to pull a child by the hair of their head. i don't care what they've done. >> very powerful pictures. burch says of the almost 900 private messages she received most were congratulating her for stepping in. as for that investigation, part of the reason officials say they let the girl go home with her father is becau robin. >> martha, thank you. joining us ericka souter and dr. richard besser. thank you. let's get into this. all right. now, there is a distinct line and a difference between discipline and abuse. ericka, do you think this woman did the right thing. >> i do think she did the right thing. you are allowed to discipline your child. so if you see something happening i'd ask yourself does that should be a barometer. but there are risks associated with that. now, the parent who's doing the hitting could turn their rage toward you so you kind of have to be prepared for the situation kind of turning into something bigger. >> rich, do you think it's okay to intervene. >> as a pediatrician the rules for me are different. i'm required by law if i think a child is being harmed to step in and report it. for the public there's no legal requirement but i think there's a moral requirement. he or she in public that was wrong. this child was being emotionally abused in public and so she stepped in. that was a brave thing to do but when you do that, you know, you want to speak up. you want to try to de-escalate so understand you're dealing with a parent who's frustrated and so using a calm voice is important but if you think the child is actually being harmed and that doesn't work dialing 911 is appropriate. >> we heard in mara's report a lot weighed in on this and it's in but there were some that said something like this, ericka. he was not beating -- referring to the father, he was not beating her or verbally abusing, erika burch needs to mind her own business. a lot of comments like that, as well. is there like a social taboo if it's not your child not to step in. >> seen a lot of cases on the other end where a parent lets their kids playout side in a yard and some neighbor or pass er passer-by saying they're any flecked. there is a moral barometer that you really -- can you live with the fact that if you see something terrible happening to a child and you walk away, is that going to stay with you. then you think about, you know, this is the way parents acting in public how are they dealing with that child at home so you have to decide on your own how to react. >> speaking about doing it in public, the child has -- what is a ramification for a child that's being dealt like that publicly. >> yeah, i mean when you think about child abuse, there's the everyone understands what that is but there's also emotional abuse and shaming and humiliating in public is a form of emotional abuse. long-term those children are going to have trust issues. here you have the person that they look to for security who's shaming them in public. long-term that's not a good thing and hopefully child services will give them the tools they need. >> we don't have much time. the top tip you could give to parents dealing with this. >> stay calm. it's very hard to do but if you need to take ten seconds to coun aggressively with anger, with violence, that's incredibly important and don't be afraid to ask for help. every parent around you has gone through it and all been pushed to the brink. >> can i just say you are glowing. >> thank you very much. congratulations. >> thank you. >> yes. >> you got that glow. thank you both very much. dr. besser will be taking your questions on twitter. coming up what experts say kate and will's body language very veries about their relationship. come on back. y is a gift especially for people with heart failure. but today there's entresto?- a breakthrough medicine that can help make more tomorrows possible. tomorrow, i want to see teddy bait his first hook. in the largest heart failure study ever, entresto? was proven to help more people stay alive and out of the hospital than a leading heart failure medicine. women who are pregnant must not take entresto?. it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto? with or aliskiren. if you've had angioedema while taking an ace or arb medicine, don't take entresto?. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high potassium in your blood. tomorrow, i'm gonna step out with my favorite girl. ask your heart doctor about entresto?. and help make the gift i was in shock when my dentist was explaining to me the acidity of foods and what they can do to your teeth. thinning of the teeth and leading to being extremely yellow would probably gross me out! my dentist recommended pronamel. it can help protect enamel from acid erosion. my mouth feels really fresh and clean i really like it. it gives me a lot of confidence. pronamel is all about your enamel. helping to protect your enamel. ? ? ? and off you go, ? ? ? and off you go, ? ? , every start, begin strong with the lasting energy of 100% whole grain quaker oats... and off you go. during vietnam i served on an aircraft carrier in the gulf of tonkin. after i lost my job, i slept out here with other vets. you never think you'll end up here, until you do. annie kuster is working hard to get veterans off the streets with affordable housing. and she's helped connect vets with jobs that means a lot to me. and i want to say, "thank you, annie." i'm annie kuster and i approve this message. and welcome back to "gma." it's fall fashion "deals & steals," right, tory. this one with magnet. >> magnets. >> other kid, we got you covered. temperature starting in the 40's and eventually getting back into the low and mid 60's. most moisture for the time being back in the lake states. eventually, we see showers creep in, but likely not until later tomorrow for southern areas. northeasterly breeze still noticeable. highs in the mid 60's through the afternoon with sunshine and clouds. breeze will settle down tomorrow as clouds increase in southern trip across canada. another big day ahead for george and charlotte after date night for their parents. lama hasan is with the royals in british columbia with the latest. ? >> reporter: step aside, will and kate. time for a royal play date for the real stars of the show. prince george and princess charlotte set to have some fun with military moms and dads in just a few hours. making only their second appearance in canada since their charlotte have largely been out of the public eye on this tour but word is they did manage to make a secret trip to this petting zoo enjoying a day out seeing some goats. as for mom and dad, a romantic night away from the kids reminding us that the two are not afraid to show their love. from the moment kate reportedly won william's heart to their wedding with not one, but two balcony kisses. will and kate shaking up what is royally acceptable pda. and two adoe their body language says it all. >> you really recognize that there's intimacy, love and romance within that relationship. >> reporter: the couple currently crisscrossing canada, the duchess seen delicately placing her hand on william's leg. >> we thrive on touch. so the fact that she touches him that often makes the relationship even stronger. they still hold eye contact with one another. they pivot towards each other. they even seem to mirror one another's body language when they walk. >> reporter: on wednesday the couple rounding out their final kate, the lady in red, mesmerizing in a bright $1500 carolina herrera overcoat. later making a spontaneous stop to tour a steam train parked on a bridge. >> okay. lovely stuff right there. upstairs to michael. >> well, you know what, we've got a great crowd up here. come on. give it up for [ cheers and applause ] everyone is excited for tory johnson's "deals & steals." we have leggings as you can see and everything is up to 80% off. you can't beat that, tory. >> you can't beat that, baby. >> some way you keep doing it. i'm amazed. >> now from wmur news 9 role nine. sean: tilton police have announced a major drug bust. they say it all started when officers conducted a traffic stop monday evening for a false inspection sticker. inside the car, police say they found a large shipment of heroin, fentanyl, and crystal meth. officers also discovered a large amount of cash and a gun that was reported stolen out of tilton police say they plan to seek federal drug and weapons charges against two new hampshire men who were allegedly involved. republican presidential nominee donald trump is paying a visit to new hampshire today. he will hold a rally at the new hampshire sports complex in bedford. doors open at noon, and the rally starts at 3:00, but you must have a ticket to attend. if you want to check it out. here is a live look at the up. kevin: we have had a northeastern wind, 10-20 mph at the coast line. wave action there. a blend of sunshine and clouds elsewhere this morning. most of the activity around that very slow-moving upper area of low pressure through the ohio valley is being streamed through the mid-atlantic states and pennsylvania. the heaviest of the rain will be moving north and away from us, but there will be other scattered shower activity eventually. continues to keep the atmosphere drive. we are into the low and mid 60's this afternoon. the latest timeline for when the system arrives is a general increase in high-class later tonight for southern areas, and increasing clouds from south to north tomorrow. there may be a shower later in southern areas of the state and scattered activity friday night and the first half of saturday. from there, a couple of colin van ostern: i'm colin van ostern. you can go online and read our plan to create good jobs and keep young families in new hampshire. first, we should cut inefficient state spending, just like a business. no sales tax, no income tax. we need to help small businesses and startups grow with less red tape. lower college costs and cut student debt. and expand clean energy. let's take the next step forward, during vietnam i served on an aircraft carrier in the gulf of tonkin. after i lost my job, i slept out here with other vets. you never think you'll end up here, until you do. annie kuster is working hard to get veterans off the streets with affordable housing. and she's helped connect vets with jobs so they can get back on track. that means a lot to me. ? wow. welcome back, everyone. welcome back to "good morning america." great audience that we have and they have coffee this morning. so even more so than usual. thank you very much for being >> that's the coffee. >> glad you could join us. glad you could join us. >> hi, everybody. >> she had a cup of coffee in the back. michael breach. he's doing his coffee art. it's a viral sensation. we'll check back on new a minute and see what you're working on. >> sounds good. >> sounds good. before we get to that, george. >> okay. would you let a stranger into your home if you weren't there. >> for what reason? supply vote no. >> no. >> a couple companies in seattle who want to give the ability to deliver packages inside your house when you're not there. >> i mean we don't know these people. >> no, they're working -- amazon hasn't confirmed it but working with amazon if they had a virtual key >> no chance. >> i wouldn't do it either but think of the alternative if they don't do that a lot have these all day long in their doorstep and get stolen. i don't think i'd do it either but they think it's going to be a great -- >> who would do that? let strangers in to deliver packages? anybody? any takers. >> i would rather the package get stolen? we're breaking these companies' hearts. >> it is a one-time virtual key so able to get in one time. >> you give authorization for one time. >> that's all it take, one time. >> yeah. it's not my company. >> okay, you got saddled with a tough one today. >> but that's tough. >> yeah. >> i got a good one. >> what do you got? >> okay, what if you were taking a class in college and you heard this song -- ? >> oh, i see all kind of stuff going on. >> if you heard this -- the university of texas in antonio say there's a class focusing on beyonce and her video "lemonade." >> whole class. >> the whole class is based upon that. it's a jumping off point because it's talking about pop culture and women's rights and things like that but it's an actual class. >> guarantee you that class is packed. >> yep. >> so full. >> of course, it's full. >> but it says that -- the professor says they do an internal check of maturity and ability to handle such a self-directed course and they jumping off point. >> they're giving dissertations. >> i think it's great. >> the university that with lady gaga because they were studying stardom and things like that. >> jay z. a lot of interesting classes out there. they didn't have that when we were in school, i don't think. >> i would have been like a rhodes scholar. [ applause ] >> that's one of the wins. >> if they did have a class like that in your school who would you choose to study? >> ooh. >> george stephanopoulos. [ applause ] there's a reason. >> another one. >> there's a reason. the war room that -- your journey. >> right here this morning to "good morning america." years. he's a hard one to crack. >> that's why it's fascinating. >> he is fascinateing. >> someone you would study. a musician. >> i think beyonce yo be great. i love biggie and tupacs and all that stuff. you know, i -- >> robin. >> stevie wonder. >> that's cool. [ applause ] >> yes. there's a reason. >> you thought about it. >> i didn't. there is a reason they call him the musical genius. >> yes. >> you know back to the day he died, that was my dad and my mom was alpha and howard, the original. anyway, so i'm just looking at him -- >> i love that. i love that. >> my topic, my turn? all right, everybody. so have you guys ever dreamt of having dinner with three of the most famous men in the world? the answer is, yes. >> for just $10 you and a friend can hang out with me and tom brady and i guess also matt will be there. >> yeah, and also me because i'm also friends with tom brady. >> sure. you know, lesser friends. in fact, it looks like -- what's this, i'm getting a text from tom brady. hey, b.a., my initials. we use each other's initials because we're close, it's not -- don't make a thing out of it. i'm running a little bit late at the mng soon. okay, cool. >> did he put an emoji on the end. >> yes. >> which one. >> fist bump. >> damn it. >> the video is funny for a great cause. go to and it's $10 for a chance to win a night out with the three guys, pizza, beer. they said you can talk about anything. sports, politics, they'll cover it all and everything. >> just so you know all of them are -- they're all about giving back. all three of those guys and just want to share with you that the money that you donate, the $10 chance which 10 bucks to get a chance for that. i'm in multiple times. eastern congo initiative founded by ben and then there's, and then tom brady is -- all about athletic. >> you can go to our website to see the full video we showed a clip of incredible guys that give back and i've had a chance to have dinner with two of the three individually. >> oh. >> and it's worst $10, you guys. it's worth $10. that's all i got to say. >> and you can sign up. >> and you can sign up. >> you're incorrect. they had dinner with you. they had dinner with. >> >> i've actually, you know, hit tom brady. that was quite fun too. i know you're like the sack machine but i -- >> oh. >> that's all we've got. >> change the subject. >> just made me think of something, though. >> don't think, george. >> no, no, no, let it go. >> so you sack someone a guy like tom brady -- >> thank you. >> wait a second. do you ever say, i'm >> no, why would i do that. >> yeah, yeah, oh, tom, i'm so sorry. it doesn't work that way, george. we take them down and we leave them there. [ cheers and applause ] >> wow. >> but you're friends after. >> girls in the audience, that was sexy, wasn't it? [ cheers and applause ] >> but at the end of the day we're all friends because we're all human beings and we all just want to win and playing hard but it's just the competitive nature >> when you have dinner with tom after you sack him do you discuss the sack? >> no. you don't bring it up. you know, you don't bring it up but i got to say ben is the only one i haven't had dinner with and if you have dinner with him you have to ask him about his new movie. >> "the accountant." >> excellent, excellent. saw it last night, really, really good. >> just a way of trying to get ben to call you. >> no, it's my way of, yes, have dinner with ben because i've had dinner with the other two. ben, call me. all right, you know what we'll ch he's been carefully crafting my mug. this face, you've been putting my face in a mug of coffee over here. >> i think you'll be pleasantly surprised. i think so. oh, i am -- >> michael. >> oh, wow. >> you know what i'm always amazed. everyone gets the gap right. how were you able to get the gap right. >> i was just able to really manipulate the foam in such a way or i was really just features. >> all right, man, i appreciate you, michael. i'll drink this by the way. >> please, have a sip. >> not just a pretty face, everybody. that's meant to be had on coffee day. coming up our big fall fashion "deals & steals" so don't go anywhere. [ cheers and applause ] back here on "gma," it's fall, y'all. >> fall y'all. love for adrian. >> how about leather bags. >> purses too. huh-uh. >> leather bag, baby. we got you covered. seven colors coming up. >> i can't wait so fall fashion, kevin: blend of sunshine and clouds today. temperature starting in the 50's. this system deflected to our southwest for the time being. we will get scattered shower activity after increasing clouds later to all that weather brought to you by pronamel. i tried to stale the purse, robin. >> i know you did. but i was able to steal this woman, tory johnson from you. now to tory johnson's "deals & steals." all about fall fashion this morning. we'll remember all for today as supplies last. as long as supplies last. >> okay, so first up so we got our girls here helping us. wearing leggings from white plum is that they're super soft. feel that. super soft. they got to choose their colors, whether it's with a sweater, t-shirt, so versatile, 50 styles to choose from as well as plus sizes and paternity. normally $20, everything is slashed by 60%, 8 bucks for a pair of leggings. can't beat that. can't beat that. you guys look gorgeous. you look gorgeous. >> tell you what, you can keep them. okay. [ applause ] >> for $8, i magnificent baby, so i saw that little picture of lawrence and i could only imagine. look at these. so lawrence's parents would love these because it's all magnetic and so there's no struggle to get the baby dressed. this is all of -- look how cute. look at these little bunny ears, so adorable. a new niece. >> i do, i do. >> these are fabulous. part of the big, new fall collection. an incredible assortment to choose from. baby $10 to $60, everything slashed by at least 50% if not more. $4 to 30 bucks. >> that's it? >> can't beat that. stunning, stunning. >> "gma" viewer favorite, these are their brand-new leather cuffs, fabulous collection, all the colors that you can choose from, also with their signature logo in silver/gold and paired with a beaded bracelet. brand-new to their collection as clam shell case which is great for gifting or storage or when you travel, easy, easy peasy, normally. >> easy peasy. >> normally 120 for the set however today you know that there's a really big discount, $32. that is a 73% savings. >> oh, my gosh. >> like them. >> you got my attention. >> okay, so this is yummy by heather thompson. what i love about these, three different styles, these are all of them have some kind of that's a little bit longer so when you want to cover some little problem areas, when you put a shirt or a sweater over -- then it hangs out, it looks fabulous and also comes with its really special technology that's built into them that is great for keeping you warm when you want to be warm and keeping you cool when you want to be cool and so i think that kind of body temperature comfort is really fabulous. three different color, three different styles and what i also love they come from e cover everybody. >> what's the deal? >> normally starting at $48, everything is slashed in half, 24 and free shipping from yummie. love that? free shipping. >> we love free shipping. >> and you know the free shipping and you don't even have to be home for shipping and let some stranger come in and deliver it. >> there you go. perfect. >> perfect. >> hey, okay, so ora delphine. their satchel. best-selling satchel but now we colors, what i love is there's the top handle or there is the removable shoulder strap so depending on how you wear your bag which i think sometimes depends how much stuff you have stuffed in your bag. >> this is great. >> big discount, pebble -- like pebble leather. very soft. beautiful genuine leather. normally $425. these are slashed by 80%, $83 from ora delphine. and y amazing for us, so everyone at home, you go to to get the deals but everybody here is going home with your own set from rustic cuff. [ applause ] >> that's what we . isn't that great? >> this is the best group. >> this, not this. okay. always love you. thanks to all these great companies for these deals and get them on our site and our audience is getting as you said that grab bag which is so wonderful. tomorrow we have our biggest deals and steals event ever, 30 deals on september 30th. 30 of them. wow. perfect. that's great. coming up, the cast of "deepwater horizon." thank you. between life and death. planned parenthood gives new hampshire women access to life saving cancer screenings. but ayotte voted to defund planned parenthood six times. why? because ayotte opposes a woman's right to choose. in her relentless effort to overturn roe v. wade, ayotte puts critical cancer screenings at risk, hurting new hampshire women. kelly ayotte: putting her personal interests ahead of your health care. senate majority pac is responsible we are back now with the new movie "deepwater horizon." we have had several of the film stars here in the studio this week shedding light on the tragic oil rig disaster. kurt russell dylan o'brien also star in this movie and abc's elizabeth vargas got to visit the set in new orleans and hear from the cast. >> to bring this harrowing story stars. >> mike, what is that? is everything okay? mike. >> i'll call you back. >> reporter: but this is the real centerpiece a deepwater replica 80% of the size of the real one. it took eight months to create and 85 welders. star mark wahlberg says the film gave him a glimpse into life on a massive rig where in this case more than cr lived. >> i take my hat off to these guys. you're off, leaving your family. it's hard, hard, dangerous work. >> reporter: dangerous work done by real people whom the actors each portray. dylan o'brien, that meant an added responsibility. >> at the end of the day you want to -- you want them to be happy with what you've done, you know and how you've represented them. >> reporter: wahlberg and kate hudson who plays his wife each frequently consulted with their there so you can actually talk to them and really get their experience. i think felicia sort of went into survival mode. >> reporter: also starring in the film is hudson's father, kurt russell who plays installation manager jimmy harrell. >> this man, he is a real man. i felt very responsible to him. i do hope jimmy harrell if he does see this looks at it and says, it made sense. >> reporter: the explosion on the deepwater horizon killed 11 oil spill in u.s. history. there were years of litigation and accusations that the company in charge. bp put profits ahead of safety. bp was judged to be reckless and guilty of gross negligence in court. there were a lot of skepticism about you guys taking this on. >> uh-huh. >> about whether you were going to trivialize it somehow. >> look, some corners were cut and some mistakes were made. telling the story as truthfully as we can. i mean for us it was always about the human story and showing what those brave people went through. >> reporter: elizabeth vargas for "good morning america," in new orleans. >> and "deepwater horizon" opens nationwide tomorrow. deals. >> incredible steals. >> you never cease to amaze. >> now -- >> we're serving up the biggest "deals & steals" event ever. >> tomorrow 30 incredible deals in just one show. 30 on 30 tomorrow on "gma." "good morning america" is brought to you by quaker, off you go. can't wait for "deals & steals." it's going to be huge tomorrow. i had a chance to seek with magic and cook i johnson for the latest episode of my podcast. everybody's got something and nt everybody who has responded to this launch last week and who have subscribed. we talked with amy yesterday. it's going to be one of the future episodes and dan harris so, again, so excited about that and you can go to our website and find out how you can upload it as well. >> the theme song too. >> india arie. >> again. >> so inspirational. >> like collaborating. >> robin writes hits. >> she really does. >> she does the other song, why >> 30 deals tomorrow. >> thank you, george. >> bye. >> now from wmur news 9 -- sean: tilton police have announced a major drug bust. officers conducted a traffic stop monday evening for a false inspection sticker. inside the car, police say they found a large shipment of heroin, fentanyl, and crystal meth. more than 740 grams of heroin, worth about $80,000, was seized. officers also discovered a large amount of cash and a gun that was reported stolen out of boston. tilton police say they plan to seek federal drug and weapons charges against two new hampshire men who were allegedly involved. salem police are considering whether to file charges against a mother after her two-year-old daughter was run over we told you about the accident morning. police say the mother let her 7-year-old daughter start the car tuesday evening but the child managed to put the car into reverse and ran over her two-year-old sister's legs, causing broken bones and other injuries. outside, the sun is shining. kevin: going to be a very nice day. we have a breeze out of the northeast, which yesterday was noticeable and will continue to be again today. essentially links region and gusts at times 15 mph. he continued to watch the system slowly inch eastward. most of that moisture, for the time being, is to our south west. we eat out -- eke out a partly sunny day. we jumped back into the low to mid 60's, a couple of degrees shy of where we should be, thanks to the northeast wind. we will see a gradual increase in high clouds this north tomorrow. maybe a shower late in the day in southern areas. scattered showers tomorrow night and saturday. drier hours mixed in between. >> announcer: it's "live with kelly"! today, ketamine cap meg actor morgan freeman. the dos and don'ts for your eyebrows. and j makeover. all next on "live"! and now, here are kelly ripa and

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