Transcripts For WLWT WLWT News 5 At 1100 20160127 : comparem

Transcripts For WLWT WLWT News 5 At 1100 20160127

a witness who has lived near the greene county airport for decades described seeing the final few second of the flight. >> it just looked like it just went nose first from my vantage point, into the trees. but when i got here and the emergency vehicles got here they , found the plane on the end of the runway. sheree: no agency has confirmed the death saying an update will , happen in the morning. the national transportation safety board said it will be out there to continue the investigation when the sun comes up. mike: the fbi confirming one member of the armed group that took over the wildlife refuge in oregon was chilled. other members, including the leader, was arrested. it was the site of a long-running dispute over public land in the west. curbing craigslist crimes. buying and selling over the internet is the easy part, but it' phase of that transaction that sometimes has you wondering who you' re about to meet. wlwt news 5' s tammy mutasa is live in hamilton with butler county' s new safety option. tammy? tammy: you just don' t know who' s on the other side of a computer screen. it could be a robber or it could be a killer. one man we spoke with says he is glad the sheriff' s department is opening it' s doors for transactions. otherwise he wouldn' t have been , a victim. >> i just didn' t think he would take the money and run away. tammy: he has used craigslist before. >> done multiple transactions on craigslist always met in public places jungle jims or mcdonalds. , but last august a craigslist tammy:but last august a craigslist ad for an ipad left him swindled out of $250. >> it just didn' t turn out the way i expected. according to court documents, meet michael stetson at a loveland mcdonalds. stetson pretended to get the ipad from a friend inside and never came back. stetson was convicted in the case. >> he seemed like a nice enough fellow, so i handed him the money standing right outside mcdonalds, and he went in, and a minute later, he hadn' t come out, so i went in and he wasn' t anywhere to be found. tammy: starting february 1, the butler county sheriff' s department will open its lobby doors for people to make internet transactions in a safe place. >> you don' t know who' s on the other end of that line. it takes a lot of the fear out of being robbed, hurt, possibly murdered. tammy: last year a liberty , township teenager was robbed and beaten up after a craigslist meeting to buy videogames. >> that' s the ultimate goal is to protect people and their safety. tammy: mr. foister says he has not been back on craigslist since his ordeal. >> i think i learned not to be so trusting with craigslist. tammy: once this gets started on february 1, 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. tammy mutasa, wlwt news 5. mike: thank you. the sheriff is also considering designated parking spots and signs for people to do transactions. >> we will endure. there will be tomorrow as sad as , this evening has been. sheree: overcome with emotion. tonight, an indiana prince is being remembered. -- an indiana principa l is being remembered. susan jordan died today after being struck by a school bus outside of an indianapolis-area elementary school. two 10-year-olds were also critically hurt when the bus jumped a curb. 25 students were on that bust at -- on the that bus at the time. the school' s superintendent says jordan was a beloved educator on the job for 22 years. >> as superintendent of schools and a representative of the entire school community, we lost a great educator today. sheree: the cause of the crash mike: a delivery driver robbed at gunpoint tonight in pleasant ridge. police say the two girls used a gun to rob the driver on the 5700 block of montgomery road. no word if they got away with anything. sheree: setting aside rivalry to raise money for a cancer fight. mason and sycamore played on the court in a varsity basketball game this evening. but as wlwt news 5' s emily wood battle wasn' tonight. emily? emily: tonight' s game was for 21-year-old liz lothrop, a 2013 mason graduate who is currently battling her second round of cancer. her father is a math teacher here at sycamore. together, these two schools are raising thousands of dollars for cancer research. a mid-season basketball game is the end of the week long fundraiser, hoops for hope for , the lothrop family. at sycamore high school for 29 years and dad to liz lothrop for 21. in 2008, liz was diagnosed with leukemia and in remission by 2011. in june of last year, doctors found a brain tumor, starting another round of surgeries, radiation and chemo. ,>> being in the situation, i mean, i can only grow as a person. i can' t get down with what i have. emily: liz' s non-stop spirit and drive has inspired two communities to raise money for brain cancer research. >> would you like to purchase raffle tickets? emily: students are selling raffle tickets, t-shirts, baked goods and even auction items to , help the lothrop family find a cure. >> it' s just overwhelming to see the support that people are behind liz to support her, her cause and to find a cure which , is truly the best gift of all >> the hardest part has been watching her suffer. i was willing to let her go if -- just so that she would be out of this pain. emily: the eight-year journey has been tough for this family, and even as they took center court tonight, the emotions were overflowing. >> the reason i fight, it' s not even for myself -- it' s for the people i love. >> would you stand up for us? >> the people who surround me and sport me and i want to give , hope to other people. [cheers and applause] emily: it was a powerful moment tonight -- [no audio] reported. she was about to say that the family presented a check for $9,000, and it will be donated in liz' s name at the duke this is the third year for the hoops for hope event. in previous years, it raised money for a variety of causes, including cancer, autism, and multiple sclerosis. mike: he' s the batboy with the big personality and even bigger heart, and tonight, the reds' lucky charm spoke at nku. teddy kremer is hosting a think tank about what people with disabilities can achieve. kremer was born with down syndrome. tonight, teddy and his mother, cheryl, delivered a keynote speech about how the community can better support people with disabilities. teddy had simple advice for the families who came to see him. >> they can do anything. also work hard and be , successful. mike: and you are just that, teddy. tomorrow, the kremers will take part in a workshop about challenges and opportunities that people with different abilities face. the discussion runs from 8:30 to 1:00 in nku' s student union sheree: the nicest guy you ever want to meet. happening now, an outreach effort to the homeless population in hamilton county. dozens of volunteers will be out overnight tonight doing their annual count of the homeless community living on the streets or people living in shelters or even in transitional housing. >> what we have seen is a slight decrease in the number of homeless people locally. the number of homeless people overall somewhat tends to mirror what is going on with the economy. sheree: federal funding is based off of tonight' s count. volunteers will go until about 3:00 a.m. northern kentucky will conduct their count in the morning. mike: the east coast still digging out after the record snowfall. some streets in washington, d.c., and queens, new york, still have not been plowed. the public transit is back up city got two feet of snow, but the government is still shut down. broadway reported losses on every show after cancelling sunday' s performances. and airports are still catching up on hundreds of canceled flights. >> airports take a while to get back on track, so you just have to live with it. >> two feet of snow -- it' s a lot of snow. mike: the death toll related to store now at 48 people. about a quarter of those deaths were from shoveling the two feet plus of snow. and schools are still closed in washington. mr. trump: i see they picked me as number one, not only number one, number one by far. but probably i won' t be doing the debate. sheree: it' s official tonight -- donald trump will not be participating in thursday' s gop debate. his campaign manager saying he will definitely skip the debate that will air on fox news because of his fight with the cable network. trump was set to take the center podium for the debate before iowa' s caucus on monday. in today' s quinnipiac poll, ahead of ted cruz. ohio governor john kasich and u.s. senator rand paul from kentucky also made thursday' s prime-time debate. mike: and the race for rand paul' is heating up. s mayor has now joined the race. jim gray filed papers today to run as a democrat in the u.s. senate race. gray is now in his second term -- he is one of five democrats running. voters will decide on a democrat in may. sheree: this started out as a seatbelt violation and quickly turned into a shootout. >> shots fired, shots fired. mike: the violent battle between police and a teenager and how it finally came to dramatic end. kevin: a chilly nights, but temperatures have been holding steady. it will be a cold start to wednesday. but a big-time warm-up is coming. you' re watching cincinnati' s wlwt news 5. tonight. sheree poppa a violent battle between an orlando officer and a teenage driver caught on camera. mike: police pulled over the driver for a small violation. but it quickly turned into a big commotion. >> shots fired, shots fired. mike: all started with a seat belt violation. >> we' re the police -- stop. mike: the department released this body cam footage showing what led up to the officer involved shooting on january 16. the report states the driver kept moving back and forth in stolen. two officers try to force him to stop. >> put your hands on the wheel now. mike: with glass breaking from the officers batons, the driver then you hear the driver try to make an escape. [shots fired] >> shots fired, shots fired. mike: the reporting officer said the car comes right at officer jonathan mills, who was forced to fire. another angle from store surveillance shows the driver maneuvering, getting shot at, and making a sharp left turn. [] shots fired] mike: the driver was hit in the shoulder but kept driving nearly half a mile. he hit a vacant home, and he and officers caught up to the 17-year-old then, taking him to the hospital and then to juvenile detention, accused of aggravated assault on an >> shots fired, shots fired. mike: officer mills is on paid administrative leave, standard procedure while the incident is investigated. sheree poppa in cleveland, six police officers are now fired three years after a 137-shot s that killed two unarmed s police union filed a grievance today after the city they were involved in november fired those officers. 2012 incident that left a man and woman dead. the pair had been involved in a high-speed chase before the shooting. the union called the firings politically motivated. mike: a kentucky man is now charged with recording cell phone video in the men' s bathroom of a chick-fil-a. court records say 31-year-old bryan wilson propped his cell phone on a cabinet near the urinal at the restaurant in louisville. four boys and a man over an five hours. employee turned the phone over to police. wilson pleaded not guilty to video voyeurism. >> it was stolen from a three-year-old, you know, a little kid. sheree: stealing from a three-year-old boy with autism. two thieves in texas are caught on surveillance cameras taking a toy car from the boy' s front lawn. in the video, you can see a woman hop out of the passenger side of the car, run into the yard, and grab the red toy car. she then tries to stuff it into the front seat before the car takes off. just minutes before, little santiago were outside playing with the car. mike: the man who used affluenza as a difference in a drunk driving accident has dropped his appeal against deportation from mexico. that means that ethan couch will return to texas as soon as this week to face charges for the 18-year-old and his mother took off for mexico late last year. she was sent back to america earlier this month. ethan was two years into a 10-year probation sentenced when he left. at trial, a defense witness had argued ethan had been coddled by his wealthy parents, blurring the line between right and announcer: cincinnati' s certified most accurate forecast. kevin: looks like it will be another cold start for wednesday morning. i expect clouds first thing, but as the day progresses, it should get brighter, especially by late morning. early afternoon, some sunshine returning. chilly with temperatures barely creeping above freezing. looks like another cold night tomorrow night. cool skies beard down close to freezing, low 30' s him a first thing tomorrow evening. a look at the headlines -- clouds will linger tonight or not much longer though. here is the big story, something everyone will be excited about. by the time we get to the into the 50' s to welcome in early february. nothing like that outside tonight. compared to this exact same time last night am a temperatures were climbing up towards 50 here at we are on the other side of that now, heading down. compared to play for hours ago, it is about 20 degrees colder outside. we have had a brisk west and northwest wind throughout the day, adding an additional chill this afternoon. those wins bubble gradually relax late tonight or first thing tomorrow morning. -- those winds will gradually relax. at the airport, a you degrees a west wind at nine. this time last night, it felt like it was 50. almost a 30 degree temperature drop as far as how it feels. batavia, 29. wilmington and hillsboro, 20 30 in falmouth. the cold front they came through before sunrise they dropped temperatures is now off in the a chilly northwesterly flow. the cloud cover sneaks from towards jefferson city, and now around the des moines area. this will probably take all night tonight and during the day tomorrow to move its way into the ohio valley. here is futurecast. starting cloudy tomorrow. some sunshine -- it is tricky how quickly we will get rid of the clouds. if they linger longer, we will be on the cooler side. i will be optimistic. a weak front trying to sneak in tomorrow night. i would not rule out a passing flurry or two. but warmer weather is coming this weekend. as we head into the weekend, this green represents much milder air. looks like we' re about to go through a weather pattern change once again. it will not be quite as warm as december, but i think early february will start off unseasonably mild. 25 for low tonight with a chilly breeze. tomorrow, sunshine returns. highs about the mid-30' s. 26 at 8:00 a.m. 33 by lunchtime. mid-30' s for the afternoon. seven-day forecast -- 44 for thursday, a flurry or two thursday night. 32 for friday. 56 on saturday. the countdown clock to spring already, low 60' s early next week. remember, it is still only early february. mike: the droning and sound effects, what was the problem? sheree: i will take the rain with the temperatures. mike: and a high school george: xavier has already racked up some impressive wins this season, but if they musketeers could win at providence, that might be the best one yet. welcome back, everyone. providence came into the night ranked 10th in the country. xavier is ranked 7th. the muskies looking for a second straight win. xavier up eight at the half. dave is doing the work in the second half. he gets the three. x up 12 early in the second. davis with 13 points. reynolds hits the jumper. 15 points and 11 boards. trevon bluiett pops his three. but then the shot of the game happened. muskies improving to 18-2. winning 75-68. xavier shooting the ball very well, over 50% from the field. providence struggling at a 31 percent. x gets an oppressive win. the hoosiers and head coach tom crean at wisconsin for a big ten matchup. it goes to overtime. wisconsin' s ethan happ spin move. nifty reverse lay up to give the badgers a three point lead. under 30 seconds to play. thomas bryant wants the ball down low. a dunk? no, a block by ethan happ. indiana falls to wisconsin, 82-79, in overtime. central michigan, the red sox now 0-7. in high school basketball, it was a record setting win at roger bacon. head coach brian neal passes the late, great bill brewer, who not wins, brewer led the spartans to their last state championship back in 2002. neal having a good time before the game with fenwick. once the game started, it was neal' s players having a good time. craig mcgee ahead to justin johnson. two-handed slam. bacon plays the inside-out game with junior craig mcgee draining the three ball. bacon pulling away. brandon bibbs sends this one out to james johnson. 69-28. brian neal passes bill brewer, win number 171, making neal the all time winningest coach at bacon. >> it' s a way for us to honor bill who was a great friend and , great mentor to me and i think he' s probably up there pretty happy that i' m the guy that beat him. so it' s a way for us to honor him and all the things he did for this program, but more importantly than that it' s a way , for us to just recognize all the good players that i' ve been fortunate enough to be able to coach. s wife peggy was on hand to help honor neal after the record setting win. two more bengals are heading to the pro bowl, alternates adam jones and cedric peerman were added to the roster today. this is the first pro bowl for both players and gives the bengals a total of eight the pro bowl is coming up this sunday night. the united soccer league schedule is out. fc cincinnati will be playing its first ever match on the road at charleston, south carolina, on march 26. then the home opener is two weeks later at nippert stadium against charlotte. congratulations again to neal and roger bacon. bill brewer, such a great coach there. i know his parents are proud of brian neal setting that record. kevin: i love when we celebrate local athletes like that. sheree: mike will be in trouble with his friends back at mason. my cup 82-48. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, visit] -- a deadly plane crash just north of cincinnati. the ohio state highway patrol is on the scene of the wreckage off the green county' s coroner. multiple outlets, including the dayton daily news, say at least one person was killed. the national transportation safety board will be out in the morning to investigate the crash. mike: i am hoping kevin puts up the extended forecast, because end. look for a specific number. kevin: i like how you are thinking. there it is. we want you to remember the s into early next week. that is how it looks right now. before then, a cold start in the morning, 20' s. 30' but we are gradu this is violet. she's been waiting for this moment for awhile. a moment other kids wouldn't think twice about. her first bowl of cheerios. because now that cheerios are gluten free, violet, and many others are enjoying their first

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New York , United States , Charleston , South Carolina , Dayton , Ohio , Texas , Batavia , Kentucky , Cleveland , Falmouth , Michigan , Indiana , Hamilton County , Wisconsin , Green County , Oregon , Hillsboro , Washington , District Of Columbia , Cincinnati , Des Moines , Iowa , Jordan , Mexico , Sycamore , Santiago , Regióetropolitana , Chile , Greene County , Pleasant Ridge , Butler County , America , August A Craigslist , M Tammy Mutasa , A Loveland Mcdonalds , James Johnson , Craig Mcgee , Thomas Bryant , Ethan Happ , John Kasich , Bryan Wilson , Justin Johnson , Tammy Mutasa , Adam Jones , Ted Cruz , Brian Neal , August A Craigslist Tammy ,

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Transcripts For WLWT WLWT News 5 At 1100 20160127 :

Transcripts For WLWT WLWT News 5 At 1100 20160127

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a witness who has lived near the greene county airport for decades described seeing the final few second of the flight. >> it just looked like it just went nose first from my vantage point, into the trees. but when i got here and the emergency vehicles got here they , found the plane on the end of the runway. sheree: no agency has confirmed the death saying an update will , happen in the morning. the national transportation safety board said it will be out there to continue the investigation when the sun comes up. mike: the fbi confirming one member of the armed group that took over the wildlife refuge in oregon was chilled. other members, including the leader, was arrested. it was the site of a long-running dispute over public land in the west. curbing craigslist crimes. buying and selling over the internet is the easy part, but it' phase of that transaction that sometimes has you wondering who you' re about to meet. wlwt news 5' s tammy mutasa is live in hamilton with butler county' s new safety option. tammy? tammy: you just don' t know who' s on the other side of a computer screen. it could be a robber or it could be a killer. one man we spoke with says he is glad the sheriff' s department is opening it' s doors for transactions. otherwise he wouldn' t have been , a victim. >> i just didn' t think he would take the money and run away. tammy: he has used craigslist before. >> done multiple transactions on craigslist always met in public places jungle jims or mcdonalds. , but last august a craigslist tammy:but last august a craigslist ad for an ipad left him swindled out of $250. >> it just didn' t turn out the way i expected. according to court documents, meet michael stetson at a loveland mcdonalds. stetson pretended to get the ipad from a friend inside and never came back. stetson was convicted in the case. >> he seemed like a nice enough fellow, so i handed him the money standing right outside mcdonalds, and he went in, and a minute later, he hadn' t come out, so i went in and he wasn' t anywhere to be found. tammy: starting february 1, the butler county sheriff' s department will open its lobby doors for people to make internet transactions in a safe place. >> you don' t know who' s on the other end of that line. it takes a lot of the fear out of being robbed, hurt, possibly murdered. tammy: last year a liberty , township teenager was robbed and beaten up after a craigslist meeting to buy videogames. >> that' s the ultimate goal is to protect people and their safety. tammy: mr. foister says he has not been back on craigslist since his ordeal. >> i think i learned not to be so trusting with craigslist. tammy: once this gets started on february 1, 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. tammy mutasa, wlwt news 5. mike: thank you. the sheriff is also considering designated parking spots and signs for people to do transactions. >> we will endure. there will be tomorrow as sad as , this evening has been. sheree: overcome with emotion. tonight, an indiana prince is being remembered. -- an indiana principa l is being remembered. susan jordan died today after being struck by a school bus outside of an indianapolis-area elementary school. two 10-year-olds were also critically hurt when the bus jumped a curb. 25 students were on that bust at -- on the that bus at the time. the school' s superintendent says jordan was a beloved educator on the job for 22 years. >> as superintendent of schools and a representative of the entire school community, we lost a great educator today. sheree: the cause of the crash mike: a delivery driver robbed at gunpoint tonight in pleasant ridge. police say the two girls used a gun to rob the driver on the 5700 block of montgomery road. no word if they got away with anything. sheree: setting aside rivalry to raise money for a cancer fight. mason and sycamore played on the court in a varsity basketball game this evening. but as wlwt news 5' s emily wood battle wasn' tonight. emily? emily: tonight' s game was for 21-year-old liz lothrop, a 2013 mason graduate who is currently battling her second round of cancer. her father is a math teacher here at sycamore. together, these two schools are raising thousands of dollars for cancer research. a mid-season basketball game is the end of the week long fundraiser, hoops for hope for , the lothrop family. at sycamore high school for 29 years and dad to liz lothrop for 21. in 2008, liz was diagnosed with leukemia and in remission by 2011. in june of last year, doctors found a brain tumor, starting another round of surgeries, radiation and chemo. ,>> being in the situation, i mean, i can only grow as a person. i can' t get down with what i have. emily: liz' s non-stop spirit and drive has inspired two communities to raise money for brain cancer research. >> would you like to purchase raffle tickets? emily: students are selling raffle tickets, t-shirts, baked goods and even auction items to , help the lothrop family find a cure. >> it' s just overwhelming to see the support that people are behind liz to support her, her cause and to find a cure which , is truly the best gift of all >> the hardest part has been watching her suffer. i was willing to let her go if -- just so that she would be out of this pain. emily: the eight-year journey has been tough for this family, and even as they took center court tonight, the emotions were overflowing. >> the reason i fight, it' s not even for myself -- it' s for the people i love. >> would you stand up for us? >> the people who surround me and sport me and i want to give , hope to other people. [cheers and applause] emily: it was a powerful moment tonight -- [no audio] reported. she was about to say that the family presented a check for $9,000, and it will be donated in liz' s name at the duke this is the third year for the hoops for hope event. in previous years, it raised money for a variety of causes, including cancer, autism, and multiple sclerosis. mike: he' s the batboy with the big personality and even bigger heart, and tonight, the reds' lucky charm spoke at nku. teddy kremer is hosting a think tank about what people with disabilities can achieve. kremer was born with down syndrome. tonight, teddy and his mother, cheryl, delivered a keynote speech about how the community can better support people with disabilities. teddy had simple advice for the families who came to see him. >> they can do anything. also work hard and be , successful. mike: and you are just that, teddy. tomorrow, the kremers will take part in a workshop about challenges and opportunities that people with different abilities face. the discussion runs from 8:30 to 1:00 in nku' s student union sheree: the nicest guy you ever want to meet. happening now, an outreach effort to the homeless population in hamilton county. dozens of volunteers will be out overnight tonight doing their annual count of the homeless community living on the streets or people living in shelters or even in transitional housing. >> what we have seen is a slight decrease in the number of homeless people locally. the number of homeless people overall somewhat tends to mirror what is going on with the economy. sheree: federal funding is based off of tonight' s count. volunteers will go until about 3:00 a.m. northern kentucky will conduct their count in the morning. mike: the east coast still digging out after the record snowfall. some streets in washington, d.c., and queens, new york, still have not been plowed. the public transit is back up city got two feet of snow, but the government is still shut down. broadway reported losses on every show after cancelling sunday' s performances. and airports are still catching up on hundreds of canceled flights. >> airports take a while to get back on track, so you just have to live with it. >> two feet of snow -- it' s a lot of snow. mike: the death toll related to store now at 48 people. about a quarter of those deaths were from shoveling the two feet plus of snow. and schools are still closed in washington. mr. trump: i see they picked me as number one, not only number one, number one by far. but probably i won' t be doing the debate. sheree: it' s official tonight -- donald trump will not be participating in thursday' s gop debate. his campaign manager saying he will definitely skip the debate that will air on fox news because of his fight with the cable network. trump was set to take the center podium for the debate before iowa' s caucus on monday. in today' s quinnipiac poll, ahead of ted cruz. ohio governor john kasich and u.s. senator rand paul from kentucky also made thursday' s prime-time debate. mike: and the race for rand paul' is heating up. s mayor has now joined the race. jim gray filed papers today to run as a democrat in the u.s. senate race. gray is now in his second term -- he is one of five democrats running. voters will decide on a democrat in may. sheree: this started out as a seatbelt violation and quickly turned into a shootout. >> shots fired, shots fired. mike: the violent battle between police and a teenager and how it finally came to dramatic end. kevin: a chilly nights, but temperatures have been holding steady. it will be a cold start to wednesday. but a big-time warm-up is coming. you' re watching cincinnati' s wlwt news 5. tonight. sheree poppa a violent battle between an orlando officer and a teenage driver caught on camera. mike: police pulled over the driver for a small violation. but it quickly turned into a big commotion. >> shots fired, shots fired. mike: all started with a seat belt violation. >> we' re the police -- stop. mike: the department released this body cam footage showing what led up to the officer involved shooting on january 16. the report states the driver kept moving back and forth in stolen. two officers try to force him to stop. >> put your hands on the wheel now. mike: with glass breaking from the officers batons, the driver then you hear the driver try to make an escape. [shots fired] >> shots fired, shots fired. mike: the reporting officer said the car comes right at officer jonathan mills, who was forced to fire. another angle from store surveillance shows the driver maneuvering, getting shot at, and making a sharp left turn. [] shots fired] mike: the driver was hit in the shoulder but kept driving nearly half a mile. he hit a vacant home, and he and officers caught up to the 17-year-old then, taking him to the hospital and then to juvenile detention, accused of aggravated assault on an >> shots fired, shots fired. mike: officer mills is on paid administrative leave, standard procedure while the incident is investigated. sheree poppa in cleveland, six police officers are now fired three years after a 137-shot s that killed two unarmed s police union filed a grievance today after the city they were involved in november fired those officers. 2012 incident that left a man and woman dead. the pair had been involved in a high-speed chase before the shooting. the union called the firings politically motivated. mike: a kentucky man is now charged with recording cell phone video in the men' s bathroom of a chick-fil-a. court records say 31-year-old bryan wilson propped his cell phone on a cabinet near the urinal at the restaurant in louisville. four boys and a man over an five hours. employee turned the phone over to police. wilson pleaded not guilty to video voyeurism. >> it was stolen from a three-year-old, you know, a little kid. sheree: stealing from a three-year-old boy with autism. two thieves in texas are caught on surveillance cameras taking a toy car from the boy' s front lawn. in the video, you can see a woman hop out of the passenger side of the car, run into the yard, and grab the red toy car. she then tries to stuff it into the front seat before the car takes off. just minutes before, little santiago were outside playing with the car. mike: the man who used affluenza as a difference in a drunk driving accident has dropped his appeal against deportation from mexico. that means that ethan couch will return to texas as soon as this week to face charges for the 18-year-old and his mother took off for mexico late last year. she was sent back to america earlier this month. ethan was two years into a 10-year probation sentenced when he left. at trial, a defense witness had argued ethan had been coddled by his wealthy parents, blurring the line between right and announcer: cincinnati' s certified most accurate forecast. kevin: looks like it will be another cold start for wednesday morning. i expect clouds first thing, but as the day progresses, it should get brighter, especially by late morning. early afternoon, some sunshine returning. chilly with temperatures barely creeping above freezing. looks like another cold night tomorrow night. cool skies beard down close to freezing, low 30' s him a first thing tomorrow evening. a look at the headlines -- clouds will linger tonight or not much longer though. here is the big story, something everyone will be excited about. by the time we get to the into the 50' s to welcome in early february. nothing like that outside tonight. compared to this exact same time last night am a temperatures were climbing up towards 50 here at we are on the other side of that now, heading down. compared to play for hours ago, it is about 20 degrees colder outside. we have had a brisk west and northwest wind throughout the day, adding an additional chill this afternoon. those wins bubble gradually relax late tonight or first thing tomorrow morning. -- those winds will gradually relax. at the airport, a you degrees a west wind at nine. this time last night, it felt like it was 50. almost a 30 degree temperature drop as far as how it feels. batavia, 29. wilmington and hillsboro, 20 30 in falmouth. the cold front they came through before sunrise they dropped temperatures is now off in the a chilly northwesterly flow. the cloud cover sneaks from towards jefferson city, and now around the des moines area. this will probably take all night tonight and during the day tomorrow to move its way into the ohio valley. here is futurecast. starting cloudy tomorrow. some sunshine -- it is tricky how quickly we will get rid of the clouds. if they linger longer, we will be on the cooler side. i will be optimistic. a weak front trying to sneak in tomorrow night. i would not rule out a passing flurry or two. but warmer weather is coming this weekend. as we head into the weekend, this green represents much milder air. looks like we' re about to go through a weather pattern change once again. it will not be quite as warm as december, but i think early february will start off unseasonably mild. 25 for low tonight with a chilly breeze. tomorrow, sunshine returns. highs about the mid-30' s. 26 at 8:00 a.m. 33 by lunchtime. mid-30' s for the afternoon. seven-day forecast -- 44 for thursday, a flurry or two thursday night. 32 for friday. 56 on saturday. the countdown clock to spring already, low 60' s early next week. remember, it is still only early february. mike: the droning and sound effects, what was the problem? sheree: i will take the rain with the temperatures. mike: and a high school george: xavier has already racked up some impressive wins this season, but if they musketeers could win at providence, that might be the best one yet. welcome back, everyone. providence came into the night ranked 10th in the country. xavier is ranked 7th. the muskies looking for a second straight win. xavier up eight at the half. dave is doing the work in the second half. he gets the three. x up 12 early in the second. davis with 13 points. reynolds hits the jumper. 15 points and 11 boards. trevon bluiett pops his three. but then the shot of the game happened. muskies improving to 18-2. winning 75-68. xavier shooting the ball very well, over 50% from the field. providence struggling at a 31 percent. x gets an oppressive win. the hoosiers and head coach tom crean at wisconsin for a big ten matchup. it goes to overtime. wisconsin' s ethan happ spin move. nifty reverse lay up to give the badgers a three point lead. under 30 seconds to play. thomas bryant wants the ball down low. a dunk? no, a block by ethan happ. indiana falls to wisconsin, 82-79, in overtime. central michigan, the red sox now 0-7. in high school basketball, it was a record setting win at roger bacon. head coach brian neal passes the late, great bill brewer, who not wins, brewer led the spartans to their last state championship back in 2002. neal having a good time before the game with fenwick. once the game started, it was neal' s players having a good time. craig mcgee ahead to justin johnson. two-handed slam. bacon plays the inside-out game with junior craig mcgee draining the three ball. bacon pulling away. brandon bibbs sends this one out to james johnson. 69-28. brian neal passes bill brewer, win number 171, making neal the all time winningest coach at bacon. >> it' s a way for us to honor bill who was a great friend and , great mentor to me and i think he' s probably up there pretty happy that i' m the guy that beat him. so it' s a way for us to honor him and all the things he did for this program, but more importantly than that it' s a way , for us to just recognize all the good players that i' ve been fortunate enough to be able to coach. s wife peggy was on hand to help honor neal after the record setting win. two more bengals are heading to the pro bowl, alternates adam jones and cedric peerman were added to the roster today. this is the first pro bowl for both players and gives the bengals a total of eight the pro bowl is coming up this sunday night. the united soccer league schedule is out. fc cincinnati will be playing its first ever match on the road at charleston, south carolina, on march 26. then the home opener is two weeks later at nippert stadium against charlotte. congratulations again to neal and roger bacon. bill brewer, such a great coach there. i know his parents are proud of brian neal setting that record. kevin: i love when we celebrate local athletes like that. sheree: mike will be in trouble with his friends back at mason. my cup 82-48. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, visit] -- a deadly plane crash just north of cincinnati. the ohio state highway patrol is on the scene of the wreckage off the green county' s coroner. multiple outlets, including the dayton daily news, say at least one person was killed. the national transportation safety board will be out in the morning to investigate the crash. mike: i am hoping kevin puts up the extended forecast, because end. look for a specific number. kevin: i like how you are thinking. there it is. we want you to remember the s into early next week. that is how it looks right now. before then, a cold start in the morning, 20' s. 30' but we are gradu this is violet. she's been waiting for this moment for awhile. a moment other kids wouldn't think twice about. her first bowl of cheerios. because now that cheerios are gluten free, violet, and many others are enjoying their first

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