Transcripts For WLOS News 13 Saturday At 7am 20160220 : comp

Transcripts For WLOS News 13 Saturday At 7am 20160220

votes we can give you a live interview of what is on their mind today. already2 polling location, the sears shelter in greenville filling up with voters casting their ballots. we are not allowed inside but we can give you a look from the outside, polling locations across the state will be open until 7 p.m. tonight. and a look at the top polling gop candidates in south carolina right now, trump is leading in the state, fresh off his new hampshire win. he spent the last moments leading up to this primary election, taking a hard stance against the company apple. calling hn his reporters to put pressure on them to work with the fbi. ted cruz? is a close second gaining on trump but spending the day at the supreme court justice antonin scalia's funeral and marco rubio with governor nicki haley's endorsement is polling third in this state. i spoke with a few of the voters out here today. they say some of the issues on their mind is the economy, getting the country back on president that they do not agree with, and just right there, they are getting a look at how they can cost their votes today. we are going to be live here throughout south carolina with crews across the state giving you a live update on this coverage. reporting live in greenville, hope hanselman, news 13. >>evan: as hope mentioned news 13 will have extensive coverage throughout the day of the south carolina primaries. live reports, all afternoon, and on our news at 6:00, 10:00, and 11:00 at news 13 at my 40. we will have several crews bringing you the latest election results, reaction from the candidates, victory, and concession speeches. you can also find the latest results at or if you go the facebook and twitter pages, you can click the "election" tab. today hillary clinton and bernie sanders will face off in the nevada caucuses on the democratic side. clinton once had a comfortable lead, but reports now say senator sanders and clinton are in a dead heat. hillary clinton did pick up a crucial endorsement from one of u.s. representative jim clyburn. again, we will have live results on news 13 throughout the afternoon from nevada and south carolina. all new information this morning on north carolina's redistricting battle. this happened overnight. the u.s. supreme court refused to stop a lower court order demanding that state legislators draw a new congressional map. that means the new maps drawn by the ledge legislature yesterday will take effect. the first and 12th districts were struck down by a federal district court that said they were primarily drawn based on race. the state had a deadline of yesterday to redraw the maps unless the supreme court grant add stay. it refused to do so late last night. putting the new maps into effect. the presidential primaries will still be march 15th, but congressional primaries in the north carolina will now be delayed until june 7th. evidence in the case of richard o'shields, charged in the 2011 murder of toby mathis in what prosecutors call a revenge killing after the death of o'shield's son. mathis was convicted of involuntary manslaughter of joey o'shields months before he was shot and killed. friday, jurors heard from a former medical examiner and the sheriff offense's detective. a bryson city man made a deal, dennis green was originally charged with first degree murder and pleaded guilty to voluntary manslaughter for the beating death of bud dover, a veteran who used a wheelchair. green also pleaded guilty to felony assault for an assault that happened in jail. he was sentenced to 12 years in prison for both charges. the owners of a state fair pleaded guilty to an obstruction of justice. an injury seriously injured five people at the north carolina state fair in 2013. to 15 months in prison, all but a month of that is suspended. $22,000. a michigan contractor halts work on a big road construction debeer construction is the same company that stopped work road. they have also halted work on a connector work in jackson county, as well as projects in the eastern part of the state. the dot says debeers' bonding company will take over the projects. >> the bonding company will step up and complete the project for the agreed-upon contract price. >>evan: the dot says it holds contractors to specific schedules and there can be financial consequences if those are not met. debeers said they halted work on the north carolina project because the state put them in a financial position where work couldn't continue without being paid. they say they are looking at all tropical cyclone winston is making landfall infygy, the most ( ) powerful to hit the nation. it is packing winds of 180 miles per hour, with gusts over 220. that's the equivalent of a category 5 hurricane. the storm is expected to strengthen further before the eye of the storm hits. president obama will spend part of his weekend reviewing nominees to fill the vacant supreme court seat left by the late justice antonin scalia. that tops this morning's news. the president carried a heavy binder of background information and research on several potential candidates. republicans are threatening to block obama's nominee with some saying he should wait and let the next president decide on a replacement. author harper lee died a the the age of 89. lee wrote novels "to kill a mockingbird" and its sequel "go set a watchman." the story of racial injustice, it was published in 1960 and won the pulitzer prize for fiction the next year. it sold 10,000,000 copies. she passed away in her sleep on friday morning. an estimated 40,000-acres of land are burning across oklahoma. this is as intense gusty winds followed a record heat spell that dried up grass and brush. winds are spreading the flames. one fire in harper county burned 17,000-acres in a few hours. firefighters say no one has been killed or hurt, but a number of homes have been lost. the first private space tourism flights are getting closer to reality. virgin galactic unveiled a new space ship in california to replace the one that broke apart in flight in 2014, killing the test pilot. the company's founder, richard branson, says after that crash he considered scrapping the program but his engineers and astronauts and the public the plan is to fly passengers 50 miles above the earth's surface and two of the first passengers are right here. >>zack: right here. >>evan: what is the difference between a cyclone and hurricane? >>zack: they have a lot of same characteristics but there is differences in the energy, usually cyclones have more emergency and this will be a category 5 in terms of what hurricane speeds are, so it will be the heaviest and really the most intense that the island of fee gee ( ) has ever seen so drastic impacts we have seen out there. >>evan: no drastic impact here, maybe a little wetness? >>zack: spotty showers. the bigger topic of conversation is the warmer temperatures this weekend, as we make our way into tomorrow afternoon, mid 60s in some locations. going to be a big change on the way though as rain is going to dominate the start of our work week. lasts copping up coming up after the break. steve: today is your lucky day. woman: (surprised) oh, my goodness mark: you've just won - a thousand dollars! woman: that's amazing! that's amazing! (shrieks) woman: ok, nice job. mark, way better than yesterday. maria, that delivery felt a little forced. and steve, steve: yeah? woman: i am still missing that raw emotion. woman: pretty awesome for a tuesday, but tomorrow is hump day, so let's really bring it! lucky for life. win a thousand dollars a day, now, in high definition, this is your news 13 skywatch forecast. saturday morning. mostly cloudy, if you step out the door, but overall a quiet start to the day. starting to already see some moisture trying to make its way in towards the mountains. yes, i think it will be reserved more so for the upstate later this afternoon. but, some spotty condition pess cannot be ruled out. a bigger topic of conversation is the warmer temperatures. warmer still in burnsville. take a look at this, we generally see cooler temperatures as we head further north. newland, 50 50 degrees and hendersonville beating everyone at 51. in comparison to what we saw 24 hours ago, 15, maybe 20 degrees warmer than where we were friday morning on the commute. so, the overall consensus is the weekend will be warm, but we will be paying a price as we start to say spotty showers in both afternoons. i do think it's mostly going to be cloud cover for those in western north carolina and some calm breezes. for those down in the upstate we increase the storm chances ever so lightly but it's limited in impact. and very little in terms of accumulation. probably trace amounts. the wind might be picking up closer to 10 miles per hour, but overall, i do think things are going to remain, postally calm formostly calm forthe first half of the weekend. but sunday, things rap up. ramp up. later this afternoon you will see a broadband of rain going from extreme western carolina and south carolina border, closer as we make our way east towards spartanburg. watch this, as we we go 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. it will dissipate and we are looking at overcast conditions in the evening hours saturday, maybe clearing overnight bringing us into tomorrow morning. there may be fog concerns az you head out to the sunday morning destination. by the afternoon hours, that's when the storm chances are going to start picking up ever so slightly and then by monday through wednesday, that's the system that we are certainly going to be monitoring. because it can brick heavy accumulation. not a lot to tack about in terms of the accumulation over the next 48 hours. maybe upwards of a quarter inch in some localized areas, maybe a half inch in the northern mountains and north carolina and tennessee border, but we could be talking about upwards of about 3" in some localized spots as we head into tuesday and wednesday of the upcoming week. that will be the next system that we certainly are going to be looking forward as we make our way into the week that's when we decrease temperatures as well. talking warmth today, warmer into the 50s on monday, down into the 40s as we see some more widespread showers on tuesday. much more of the same on wednesday. maybe even a wintry mix at times. but, we will clear out the skies and we will be back in closer to the 50s by the end of the week. >> evan: each week we partner with to talk about the cause and help. one child's unfortunate diagnosis brought hope to others. >> joy cruz started a charity after her son developed a cancer that attacks cells. >> we wanted conor to be the voice for kids. kidscoins for cancer is because even a few coins can make a difference for research. >> it goes for finding a cure, run a coins for kids cure, learn more at coins for kids with cancer. the more i stood up and spoke up and said, you know, you will not treat me this way, the more violence entered the relationship. >> the most difficult thing for women in abusive relationships is how to find a way out. >> that was it. it wasn't going to change ever. >> one nonprofit in grapevine, texas, created an oasis for women with stories like this. the gatehouse can house up to 96 families providing free counseling services, food, clothing and most importantly, a safe environment. >> it's so important that our supporters know that we are so grateful with all they are doing to support the gatehouse family. >> to donate or adopt a family, visit gatehouse that's your chideo cause wire. >> evan: to learn about the and click on "news links." links. >> we're not getting it. i wouldn't turn it down. >> evan: random acts of kindness week continues with a gas station near the north carolina line, why it was a man. >> evan: joining us this asheville lyric actor, jeffrey plays the lead in the upcoming performance of "the magic flute," did i say that right? >> yes. >> evan: we will learn about it in a moment but first we have the asheville lyric opera gala coming up, big fund-raiser next saturday night. tell us about it david. >> it's the winter opera gala, we have been doing item for 13-14 years, hosted by the doubletree in biltmore village. cadillac is our sponsor and dining innovations does an amazing meal for us, we have a silent auction and live auction, amazing experiences like a river cruise in lake toxaway, golf package at the pga championship, but then we have these singers that are able to come in and -- i might not be on loud enough here, with my mike, but we keep going here on t.v. >> evan: yeah. >> but that's all right, you know. we are hanging out here. so we have these opera singers that are coming in, like jeff the opera's of the upcoming season. this there is an intimate concert that is basically in your lap, enjoy the food and ambience of the doubletree hotel and it's just a wonderful event. >> evan: it gives you a taste of the opera and raises funds for the opera. we want to get a little bit of a sound from the opera now. so, jeffrey, you play the lead character and tell me about the "magic flute." >> it's kind of a battle between light and dark. not necessarily good or evil, zarostro represents the light and the queen is the darkness, and he represents wisdom and righteousness, that's the entire virtue. and that's what we eventually get to at the very end of the opera is at that end. >> evan: interesting. this starts early april, the "magic flute" and you are a local asheville guy? >> i live in asheville. >> evan: real quickly, how did you get into this? never thought i would get into it. i found it and loved it and i just do it. >> evan: you have the pipes for it. let's hear a little bit, a few bars for us. >> well, the character is known for his low notes so for a bass it's wonderful to sing in the middle of your voice. so at the end of the arias he sings [singing bass opera] and everyone waits for the low f at the very end. you can sing anything else, so long as you hit the low "f.," you're all set. >> evan: what language is that? >> german. >> evan: i thought i caught that at the end there. thank you for joining us. tomorrow on the show we will give away tickets for the upcoming performance. so make sure you tune in. we have a "early bird gets the win" for you. show. >> zack: welcome back, a warm start. your sun rise was official just about 12 minutes ago at 7:12 this morning. we are looking at mostly just cloud cover, however, there is a few chances of some blue sky, rolling on in through the mountains. however, it will be overcast conditions for those down in the upstate. 48 degrees right now. southwest wind at 7 miles per hour. we could see that breeze getting sustained above 10 miles per hour throughout the course of the day. the topic of conversation is certainly going to be the warmer weather. we can't rule out a few chances of isolated showers this afternoon. as we head into the second half of the weekend, the rain chances are going to be increasing. so, i would say head out and enjoy some of the warmer weather today. maybe keep an eye to the sky and wear a raincoat. >> evan: grab there you go. as random acts of kindness week, our crew is working to make your day brighter. >> zack: evan and i went to the gas station at the state line to spread our own cheer. >> >> >> zack: we are going around wonder if we can fill up your tank? >> you're kitting me? >> zack: we're not kidding you. >> i wouldn't turn it down. >> zack: that's what we like to hear. >> evan: no reason to turn it down. you don't have to do anything. >> good. i like not doing anything. >> zack: how low is your tank at the moment? >> it's almost empty. >> zack: almost empty. we will fill it up. >> evan: we will fill it up ifer you right now. >> all right. sounds great. >> another customer? okay. there you go. much. >> zack: you have had an experience at this gas station, what happened the first time? >> the first time our two year-old daughter several years ago threw up here in the car, and so this is much more before. >> evan: what is your name? >> i'm sandra, i live here a mile down the road. >> evan: you come to the gas station a lot? >> yeah, like every day. >> evan: it will be cool if we >> sure. >> evan: that's whate with were hoping for. >> evan: how much do you need? >> just 10. >> evan: done. why don't we fill it up for you? >> that's up for you. >> zack: sounds great. >> thank you. >> zack: absolutely. >> okay. >> evan: where are you going today? >> where are we going? just running err ranldz. >> zack: were you expecting this at all today? >> definitely not. no. >> evan: how old are the kids? >> mine is a year-old a month from today. >> mine is five months. >> evan: wow. >> zack: congratulations. >> well, have a good day making people smile. >> evan: see you later. not a bad day. >> evan: not a bad day at all. that was a lot of fun, actually. >> zack: it made us smile, too, on top of it all. we had a good time. >> evan: that guy had a terrible experience with his kid. >> zack: that was probably 15 years ago he was saying at this point and, yeah, so hopefully it will be better than his daughter throwing up. >> evan: tomorrow is the last day for randoms acts and it's a good one. karma you won't want to miss it. >> hope: polling places across south carolina are now open and seeing some action. coming up after this break, we will tell you what issues are on these voters dunkin' donuts' unbelievable selection of breakfast sandwiches freshly made all day -- and now you can enjoy two english muffin egg and cheese breakfast sandwiches for $4. the new caramel macchiato from dunkin' donuts. let hand-crafted layers of espresso, milk, and a caramel-flavored swirl uplift your mood. indulge in a hot or iced macchiato today. america runs on dunkin'. now, in high definition, from the western north carolina's news leader, this is news 13 this weekend. >> evan: a funeral service for supreme court justice antonin scalia will be held today. >> zack: it's being held at the basilica of the national shrine of the i'm mac lat conception in washington, dc and begins 11 a.m.. >> evan: that is a live look at the capitol there, flags at half staff. we will have complete coverage of what you can expect from today's service later on in our show. we also have a live look from hope hanselman. she is in south carolina. first in the south primaries taking place today. gop candidates, traversing the state all week. >> zack: hot topic, everyone is talking about it and we are talking this weekend, the warmer weather and the chance of people going outside and enjoying it. but, if you do, you just might want to keep an eye on the sky. there are a few chances of rain showers today. the warmth, yeah, it will be the 60s across the board. today as well as tomorrow. but more rain is on the way as we head into the work week, but even heavy accumulations at times. we have a timeout for the system and when it's coming in a little bit. >> >> evan: in just the last half at the polls in south carolina for the nation's first in the south primary. pal melt toe state voters will choose their nominee for president today, a week ahead of the democratic primary in that state. news 13's hope hanselman join us live in greenville and, hope, who is the early leader based on the people you have been talking to so far? >> hope: well, so far, we have not been able to find anyone who is willing to share with us who they are voting for today. but i just got jimmy durham as he leaves the polling place in greenville. jimmy, tell me what issue, first of all, brought you out here to vote to zai in. >> it's time for a change. not only at the federal level but also the grass roots level and i'm totally behind that and i'm voting for donald trump, i'm proud to say that and he can be a radical as all get out, but he was the very first one that said i'm not a politician. maybe he will brush up and smooth his rhetoric a little better later, but this time it's time fora change and anybody that does not agree with that, their eyes are not wide open. >> hope: and you feel so strongly about it you got out here bright and early to make sure you got your vose cast? >> i'm brewerying my brother today at 1:00, and it was important enough for me to get out here and share at least, do my part, my civic duty. >> hope: wow. those are some strong words. well, you have a busy day ahead of you and thank you so much for coming out here. >> thank you is much. thank you for your time. thank you. have a good day. >> hope: thank you so much. the so the polls out here in south carolina were open from 7:00 to 7:00 p.m. and we saw more than a dozen people filter into the sears shelter in greenville and in the first 10 minutes the polls opened, a look on the door, and a reminder of what campaign materials are you are not allowed to bring inside, that. also a reminder in south carolina, you can only vote in one party's presidential primary. if you vote today, you will not democratic presidential primary. coming up throughout the day, we will have live coverage of these polling places across the state and bring you updates as they come in. reporting live in greenville, hope hanselman, news 13. >> evan: as hope mentioned, no better place to get live results and updates on all the election coverage. news 13 will have that on my 40 at 10:00, and on news 13 at 6:00 and 11:00, we have crews throughout the state of north carolina bringing you those results. reactions from the candidates. concession and victory speeches. you will also find the latest on our web site, and you can click the "election" tab on our facebook or twitter pages. on them thissic side, hillary clinton and bernie sanders will face off today in the nevada caucuses. clinton once had a comfortable lead but reports now say the latest polling is next and neck. clinton did pick up a crucial endorsement from south carolina's most powerful democrats, representative jim clyburn, again, we will have all and south carolina tonight on news 13. as many as 4,000 people are expected to attend the funeral mass today for the late supreme court justice antonin scalia. bazi kanani has more. >>bazi kanani: the what sill yeah of the shine of the immaculate conception is another chance to say farewell after thousands more stretched for blocks outside the supreme court friday. >> scalia has been a figure in my life for my whole life. >> he set an example for americans that you can stand up on principle and for the laws. >>bazi kanani: justice scalia's former clerks lined the way as he was carried into the court for one last time. the other 8 justices waiting if the light-filled great hall, where scalia's body lay in repose on the same platform that once held the casket of abraham lincoln. >> let us pray for the coming of the kingdom. >> his son paul, a priest, >> you have called your servant antonin out of this world. >>bazi kanani: the president and first lady bowed in silence after meeting privately with scalia's family. also there to pay their respects, judges patty millet and slee vee vin zin ( ) believed to be on the short list for the nominees of the supreme court. even though republican leaders said again friday in the washington post they don't plan to confirm the next justice until after the presidential election, president obama is not waiting to ask. that binder he carried as he left the oval office friday is filled with notes he is reviewing this weekend about possible nominees. bazi kanani, abc new, washington. >>on;mmh'n`efpn:->gm-ramwg- cyber attack this week cost a california hospital $17,000 to regain control of its communications system. the same type of virus a mountain hospital received several months ago, but they were able to stop it. john brown is the chief information officer for the mission health system. he says his teams are constantly anything out of the ordinary. >> this particular attack we experienced in the latter part of 2015 was limited in its scope. and the ability for them to get to any confidential data was not possible because of the quick action that the team took and there is no sensitive information made available to anyone so our patients' data was safe. >> evan: we also spoke with the cio of pardee hospital as well. she said they are also constantly monitoring for cyber attacks and have plans to install an even more secure system this summer. developing this morning, the first case of the zika virus in a north carolina resident has been confirmed. it's an adult who recently traveled to a zika affected country, but that person's name and where they live in our state has not been released. state health officials say there is little to fear from the zeka virus at least right now. >> i don't thinke with need to be worried about what is going i think that the concern is what's happening in south and central america and the caribbean, we are certainly concerned for those people, and we also want to make sure that when people from north carolina travel there, that they protect themselves against the mosquito bites. >> evan: a reminder, pregnant women should not travel to any country where the virus is common. they can transmit it to their unborn child. tropical cyclone winston is making landfall in fiji, the most powerful storm ever to hit the island nation. winston packed winds of 180 miles per hour, gusts over 220. that's the equivalent of a category 5 hurricane. the storm is expected to strengthen further as the eye hits the islands. zack we talked about the difference between a hurricane and cyclone and typhoon. >> zack: it's all geography, really all it comes down to. basically all the same. there is a few subtle characteristics here and there. but, overall, it's the same in terms of cyclonic movement ( ) and actually just in terms of strength. it will be feeling like -- we will not feel anything like that across the mountains, just a few chances of rain showers rolling through but more on the way for the second half of the weekend. we will outline it with some of the heaviest accumulations in the upcoming work week. >> zack: with are looking at mostly cloudy conditions and overcast skies but activity is limited for the moment, however, some moisture already starting to move in to the extreme western counties of the mountains and we will see more on the way, but they will be spotty at best. not a whole lot in terms of impact. little in terms of accumulation, but the big i story is the warmer temperatures. right now, asheville, sitting at 44 degrees. now, generally, when we move further north towards newland and some of the northern mountains, we get colder but take a look at that, 50 degrees right now there. hendersonville, beating them out, 51 for the moment. and yes we will keep things on the warm side throughout the course of the day leading into the afternoon and in comparison to what we saw 24 hours ago, maybe upwards of 15-20 degrees warmer than friday morning's commute. so, that is going to be sticking around all weekend. but if you are planning on going outside we want to keep an eye to the sky as we are going to see the cloud cover. we are going to see the slim chances of rain. we will describe them as spotty and isolated. but, it will be calm breezes. down in the upstate, there is a but little in terms of accumulation. maybe even trace amounts in the next 24 hours. but, by tomorrow afternoon, we will increase the chances ever so slightly. so let's put this into the hour-by-hour forecast for you now. starting to see a southwesterly flow. that's increasing the temperatures and the afternoon hours. by 12 p.m., spotty. you will see a broader band rolling through --, right across the north carolina and south carolina border but it is going to be dissipating quickly, right after the mid morning hours, leading us into the evening we will see cloud cover remaining. you no, overnight,@ a bit of clearing so we could see even fog concerns as you are heading out to your destination on sunday morning. but watch what happens as we head into the afternoon hours on sunday. that's when we start to see the storm chances picking up ever so slightly. they're not going to be as wide spread as what we see for the upcoming work week but we want to grab the umbrella by tomorrow afternoon. take a look at this. we are not seeing a whole lot in terms of impact but some locations could possibly see even upwards of a half inch of rain, especially for those in the northern mountains across the tennesseeeorder as well. tomorrow afternoon, but the bigger implications are certainly going to be coming as we make our way into monday and tuesday and by wednesday, i think we may even mix in just a bit of wintry area. so, we could be monitoring that as well. upwardssf maybe 2-3" of accumulations in some localized spots for that 72 hour period. not a lot of concern today. 60 degrees in asheville, warmer still as we head into sunday, but we will pay the price with some rain showers across our region. we will decrease our temperatures with the impacts rolling through monday thru wednesday, clearing out by tend of the week. >>stan: good morning, everyone, in sports, the mac 3a conference title game, north buncombe countyham, reynolds hoping fofo the double but to win both titles will take a huge effort. girls game, irwin stands in the way, warriors third ranked in 3a, 23-1, two easy wins over the rockets in the early season. third quarter, griffin beats upa and in, irwin leads 31-20, then perkins finds sierra davidson, little jumper is good. but the warriors would run away with this one late in the fourth. watch casey kidwell, in transition, there she goes. she scores the layup, irwin rolls on and win the 3a tonament, 64-48. mac 3a boys, title game, streaking north buncombe, regular season champs against reynolds, a team they beat twice thisser yes, i do. first quarter rockets josh jones drives the base, kicks it up, the golden greek knocks it in for 3 of the 116789 rockets early lead. later in the game blocks david elkins nice pass to blake matthews and won, hawks up 3. reynolds will pull through as western close all the way, nice basket with somebody all over him. renales upsets north buncombe 66-61 to win the mac 3a title. other title games, western highlands conference, the girls top seed mountain heritage beats owen, avery beats poke, 73-62 in the boys. girls and boys won their titles, boys won a scoring fest with hayesville, 103-the 6. girls state playoffs, over fayetteville, wildcats play davidson for the title today and if they win it will be the sixth straight championship, the state playoffs for the public schools start next week. unc asheville's home opener in baseball season, actually, at greenwood field, taking on ohio university, third inning mitch longo is a deep 9 fly ball to center field. great catch by joe, acrobatic catch, tyler finkler, the game is tied at 1. ohio scored sixth in the ninth and win it 12-5. same two teams saturday at 2:00, sunday at 1:00 thadged's sports this morning, i'm stan pamfilis. >> evan: joining us this morning, sara meryl is here to show us the color me fashionable, and she is a fashion nissa if you don't know by now ( ). we have great looks to show you have, where will we start? >> i will start off here. this is for the color me goodhill fashion show, all the designs are upcycled designs made from items at goodwill. the show is friday, march 18th at diana wortham theater. and it's a fusion of fashion, art, food, all for a mission. so we will have a great sneak speak. >> evan:esigners actually take clothes from good will and make them into a fashion show? >> they do. we have a whole fashion show made out of it. >> evan: we only have 2 minutes so where do we start? >> first we have betsy modeling a design by trysha ellis and this is actually made out of cur tans and a bed sheet. >> evan: whoa, really? that is a really cute dress. i like that. >> it's a cocktail dress, just modeled by mackenzie and by rachel highielle which is an up cycled design and it's a variety of items seen together. aubrey is modeling a design from grateful threads and as you can see, each design kind of represents a different color that sort of is the theme of the show. this is the color purplpl >> evan: love the ruffles. >> that is the great thing of the designs. we have these great features to them. we have morgan goff modeling the color red, a rock abilly ( ) inspired look and mckinney tailored these very nicely to create this awesome look on her. >> evan: so the color me good will, obviouslyyhat's the theme, everyone is wearing different colors? >> that is the theme. both models wear a different color. bell is modeling a design by danielle from enchanted forest. and this was made out of three different skirts from good will and some beading and lace was added to it. and of course the models, if you can tell, they all have really awesome colorful makeup that was by eel yeahna ( ) and annette costillo and we also have some our hair stylists for the show, we did hair from carmen carmen, jessica lynn and isabelle rivers and brittany craig. you will see these at the runway at the diana were them theater. >> evan: tickets are $15, don't miss it, all goes to a good cause. >> right. >> evan: thanks so much, sara. time is 7:50. let's look at today's mind teaser, today is national cherry pie day. we are testing your knowledge of cherries. in the world, which country produces the most amount of cherries? break. >> evan: welcome back. voters have been voting for their nominee in the republican presidential primary, the first in the south. news 13's hope hanselman is in greenville at a polling location. hope, you have been talking to some voters. what are you hearing out there? >> hope: so far the voters are telling us they want a strong leader to represent the republican nomination, also, out here at the sears shelter in greenville, we have seen a steady stream of folks heading in all day, casting their ballots, since it opened at 7 a.m.. we have spoke with one voter, robert banks who tells us he wants a nominee who can boost the economy. >> yeah, for me a strong leader in the country again after 8 years of obama, he has torn our country apart. we need to get back to the grass roots and go back to our constitution where the founding fathers designed the country to run, which it hasn't has. the top 3 positions here in south carolina, donald trump is in the lead, ted cruz, close behind him. and in third place, marco rubio with governor nicki haley's endorsement. today is young, as far as voting goes out here in greenville, and throughout south carolina. polls close tonight at 7 p.m. reporting live in greenville, hope hanselman, news 13. >> evan: we have extensive coverage throughout the day of the south carolina primaries. live reports all afternoon and on our news at 6:00, 10:00, and 11:00, we have crews all across south carolina, bringing the result, reaction, concession and victory speech, all the results are also at or you can click the "election" tab on our facebook and twitter pages. national cherry pie day, which country produces the most cherries? >> zack: the answer? in the course of the last year, turkey, produced nearly 500,000-tons, yes, tons of u.s. produced a little over 300,000-tons. >> evan: that is a lot. that is a lot. >> zack: it is. >> zack: little cloudy, little rainy but it will be spotty rain. not a whole lot in terms of activity or impact today. we want the keep an eye to the sky and if you are heading outdoors to enjoy the warmer weather, you want to maybe grab a raincoat. because by tomorrow we will see the rains increasing signififantly monday thru wednesday, that will be the brunt of this system and can be impacting us pretty heavily. >> evan: join us for news 13 this weekend. tomorrow we have a "early bird gets the win" giveaway for opera tickets and have a political science professor in here breaking down the results from today's primaries and square root, one of our favorites, will have a great day. i'm chriribosh. when i was sidelined with blood clots in my lung, it was serious. fortunately, my 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nevada. the late-night campaigning ahead of the big vote. >> bernie sanders hoping he'll be singing a victory tune. hoverboard warning. the government's big crackdown. >> it's on fire! >> calling them all unsafe. the question put to the feds in charge. >> would you let one of your own children ride a hoverboard? >> what you should do if you have one. celebrating freedom. released from prison after four decades in solitary confinement for a crime he says he didn't commit. what he's saying this morning about starting a new life. and real-life star wars. virgin galactic unveils its new

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Harper County , Oklahoma , United States , Biltmore , North Carolina , Bryson City , Nevada , New Hampshire , Germany , Burnsville , Texas , Spartanburg , South Carolina , Asheville , Turkey , California , Center Field , Ohio , Jackson County , Michigan , Washington , District Of Columbia , Ohio University , Fayetteville , Greenville , Fiji , Tennessee , Dover , Hendersonville , Greece , Americans , America , German , Greek , Harper Lee , Blake Matthews , John Brown , Nicki Haley , Marco Rubio , Richard Branson , Toby Mathis , Casey Kidwell , Josh Jones , Jim Clyburn , Abraham Lincoln , Carmen , Sara Meryl , David Elkins , Jessica Lynn , Hillary Clinton , Ted Cruz , Bernie Sanders , Morgan Goff , Brittany Craig ,

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