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is moving across. right now, we're seeing pretty strong thunderstorms. out north of frederick and east of hagerstown. over toward easton. near vienna, near cambridge and federalsburg. pretty strong thunderstorms. lightning embedded in these systems. we are looking at salisbury, seeing that same rain. pocomostly cloudy city also seeing the rain. also down toward pax river, seeing the same showers. but what you're seeing here, there is a break around the city. a lot of activity going on. but we have watches and warnings in effect, just because of all the storms. take a look. the dark green in the middle of your screen. flash flood watch. the light green on the eastern shore. these are severe thunderstorm warnings. i'm sorry, not severe thunderstorm warnings. but flash flood warnings in effect. flash flooding is already happening in those areas. that is in effect until 8:15, for caroline and kent counties, down toward the lower eastern shore. this isault part of one-- is all part of one portion of the system moving through. >> thank you very much, tim. and good evening, everybody. remember last weekend, all the consternation we had on saturday? well, that scenario is playing out tomorrow night and into tomorrow morning. because of the stalled front. and the inland low that tim just spoke of. and because of tropical storm danny. and there's cold fronts sitting out to the west, which is going to make its presence known tomorrow. believe it or not, the least of our problems is danny. a very unorganized, disjointed system, right now, barely holding on to its tropical properties. let's take a look. 40-mile-an-hour winds. well, heck, as this tropical low gets into slightly cooler water, those winds go below 40 miles an hour. danny loses its name. don't kid yourself. we are still looking at a powerful low, passing a beam above ocean city. in the winter, we call this a nor'easter. the fact of the matter is, right now, as long as danny maintains this track, it's the devil we know, and it's not really going to be a huge and enormous problem. but as we mentioned, there are three sides to this story. this low, coming from georgia, kansas. we'll show you. we think of big energy, going to be north of the area. as a matter of fact, the later we move into tomorrow, the less of a chance you're going to see in showers. as a matter of fact, by late afternoon here. it may just be very, very cloudy with a passing shower or thundershower. not unlike your basic forecast. we'll continue to cover this three-headed system if you will, on air and online. kim will have more details about your forecast coming up. we continue our coverage of tropical storm danny. now in ocean city, where jessica kartalija is live with concerns at the beach. good evening, jessica. >> reporter: good evening, mary. good evening to everyone at home. you couldn't tell from what it looks like out here right now, but it was an absolutely gorgeous beach day here in ocean city. but that was until we got a few sprinkles, the beach completely cleared out. and as you see, all of these clows are starting to roll in, fast and fierce. and those waves are bigger than ever. >> reporter: concerns over tropical storm danny may be few in ocean city. but the focus now is on larger- than-average waves. >> storm-generated wave carries a lot of water with this. very heavy. and will knock even the strongest person down to the sand. >> reporter: danny may be hundreds of miles off the east coast. but the storm is causing waves to rise, 7 to 10 feet in ocean city. >> it's really rough. >> reporter: so when you go out there, what's it like? >> you get pulled under a lot. >> they're a little strong. they're a little bigger than they have been in the past few years i've been out here on vacation from kansas city. >> reporter: but the mayor is in constant contact with officials should danny change course. >> it is hurricane season. it is the sime of year -- time of year where we have to follow the storms. >> visitors -- in the meantime, the city is urging cities planning to come to the beach to stick with their plan. >> we have to look at beach erosion and take public safety as key. but ocean city will be open for business. and i expect it will be so this weekend. >> reporter: one group that certainly doesn't mind all of these big waves, the surfers. of course, the waves roll in. the surfers paddle out. they love it. lifeguards want me to remind you, if you are not comfortable being out in the water, be very careful stepping out there. even if you're just up to your ankles or knees. those waves are coming in very, very quickly. and they are very, very driven by this wind, which means there is a whole bunch of force that can easily throw you backwards. make sure you are out of line. mary, back to you on tv hill. >> lifeguards, thank you, jessica. residents have had their hands full from the severe weather that struck us inland overnight and today. as alex alex demetrick reports, some spots were hit with damage. and the threat of floods is growing. jurisdictions around maryland will be keeping a very close eye on streams. ground is already saturated. >> reporter: streams are running fast and high and could climb higher, if heavy rains hit again. and if those rains come with the kind of violent thunderstorms they did earlier this morning, the damage that hit lutherville could touch down anywhere. >> we were already asleep. and all of a sudden, we heard this crack. and we thought lightning had struck the house. >> at 1:00, i heard the pummeling. sounded like bombs going off. and shortly after that, it was just heavy, torrential rains for about 40 minutes. >> reporter: damage was scattered. as winds ripped loose took out fences and this swimming pool. but the closest call came when lightning split a huge tree in half, bringing down tons of wood, while residents slept just inside. >> this is our bedroom right here. you know, five more feet to the left. it would have fell right on top of us. so we're very lucky. >> reporter: but it may be a while before prayers are said at the sharp's -- shark's feet methodist church. it sheriffed major damage after a strike. as the storm swept east of the bay. >> it was scary. i mean, really scary. i tell you, i have been living in this area inquiry quite a -- area for quite a while. and i've never experienced any storm like that. it was scary. >> reporter: timing may have been a blessing, with most people safe inside. even if they were not able to sleep through the storm. wjz is on. for instant updates and tracking, log onto we have breaking news to tell you right now. a vehicle accident in harford county. captain mike perry with more. >> hi, vic. we are in the 2700 block of rocks road, which is between rocks and fallston, harford county. apparently, a sport utility vehicle has overturned, trapping the driver for a short period of time. they are transporting him to a local ambulance. he is going to be going to shock trauma by maryland state police medivac helicopter, which is sitting nearby the scene here, just off the roadway. they do have rocks road, which is route 24, closed. in its entirety. in the 2700 block, as maryland state police helicopter remains on the scene. once the victim is transported, they should open the road within about an hour or so. so expect delays. >> thank you very much, captain mike perry. tonight, we now know the name of a man found stab -- stabbed. 48-year-old andrew gene coaly was found slumped inside a ford explorer with stab wounds to the chest. he was rushed to the hospital in critical condition, where he later died from his injuries. in anne arundel county, a family is disappointed to learn that a teen who fire bombed their home will be getting probation for the crime. it was in retaliation of a homicide for a crofton teenager. today, the 16-year-old driver was placed on probation for first-degree arson. and he will have to complete 100 hours of community service. his parents will also have to pay $10,000 to maximum restitution allowed in juvenile court. a heartbreaking case of animal abuse. more than 20 dogs removed from a home in bad condition. eyewitness news is live. kelly mcpherson is liva -- live in ann anne arundel county. >> reporter: all 21 dogs were found alive. but where they were living, inside a house and a travel trailer, was so filthy that an investigator had to go in, wearing a hazmat suit. >> reporter: the first thing you notice about this house is its stench. >> death. and feces. and like this gunk all mix the into one bad smell. >> reporter: krista deer has been calling anne arundel county agencies for months, complaining about this property. finally, friday, it required a man suited up for hazardous materials to go in to take pictures. inside animal control found 21 dogs. the county executive liaison was the first official to see and smell the inhumane conditions. >> there were mattresses that had feces on them. and there were feces piled up inside of the trailer, where the dogs were living. and i didn't see any evidence of any food or water. but certainly in the trailer, with the windows covered up in plastic. >> the fire department says a man in his 40s lives inside with the dogs. now, animal control has all of them. and they are of all mixed breeds and ages. >> only two of them had hair. because they were all mangey and flea-bitten. and the thing that really broke my heart the most was the fact that they were 6-week-old puppies. >> reporter: you can still smell the house from several homes away. neighbors tell me that their association has complained about this property for years. they're glad something is getting done. >> i think we ought to prosecute to the fullest extent of the law. >> what would that include? >> i don't know. but clearly it's a hazard to all of his adjacent neighbors. >> reporter: i just spoke with the county executive's office again. and they say as of tonight, the man has not been charged with anything. they are still investigating. we do know that social services was called here to speak with the man. and he has until september 11th to clean the house that as of tonight, has been declared uninhabitable. reporting live, kelly mcpherson, wjz eyewitness news. >> the county executive's office says any other complaint like this can go directly to them. some misplaced papers can amount to a big problem in montgomery county when it comes to dangerous water main breaks. adam may is standing by. >> reporter: the wssc says inspection records may have been thrown away from a water main that experienced a large scale break last year. it caused fast-moving floodwaters. in fact, motorists were trapped. some of them had to be rescued by helicopter. officials had to be rescued for months. without the records, officials can't determine whether or not other pipes could have similar problems. vic? >> the wssc says the water main was built back in 1965. tonight, americans continue to pay tribute to senator ted kennedy. tens of thndles have flocked to the kenned -- thousands have flocked to the kennedy library to say goodbye. whit johnson has more on the ceremonies planned for this weekend. >> reporter: members of the kennedy family saw a moving tribute in this sea of people. >> i don't think there is anybody that would be more pleased with the public outpouring of affection and love, in this extraordinary tribute, as daddy. >> reporter: thousands stood in line. jane dor ofman. >> universally, he stood for everything that mattered to me. >> he fought for all of the social justice issues that are close to my heart. >> reporter: rick boyd wrote a message in one of the condolence books. he called the crowd a testament to one of the live -- to the many lives kennedy touched. >> he left the world a better place than what he found it. just the compassion that he had for people. >> reporter: here, they cut off the line early in the afternoon, so everybody waiting would be able to see kennedy's casket before the evening service. kennedy's widow, vict oaria, and -- victoria, and his only surviving sister, jean, were among the family receiving visitors. >> he used every ounce and every moment to make the biggest impacts. >> reporter: at the private service this evening, many will be sharing their admiration for kennedy, from his niece caroline, to his colleagues in the september. whit johnson, cbs news, boston. wjz 13 is always on. cbs news will bring you live coverage of the funeral for ted kennedy, starting at 10:00 a.m. for more, log onto and still to come tonight on wjz's eyewitness news. >> it was a two-hour nightmare for two teenagers abducted from a timonium light rail stop. including rape. now, a judge decides the fate of one of the men responsible. that's coming up next. violent reaction. a pennsylvania woman, sentenced for faking her own abduction. her father's rage outside the courtroom. where did you meet a champion sheep shower. and get nauseous on rides? of course, the fair. i'm weijia jiang. i'll bring you highlights next on eyewitness news. i'm tim williams. marty bass and i are tracking tropical storm danny and its impact on maryland. the answer coming up in your complete first warning updated forecast. cahim taylor says that two life sentences are painful. >> it's heartbreaking. it's like somebody just took a knife and stabbed it in my heart and just kept jigling it. and they didn't pull it out yet. because it's still going through my head. "life. life ." that's all i hear in my head. >> reporter: the judge says the crime was depraved. two teenagers in the car at a timonium light rail lot. a young man locked up in the trunk for two hours, while his girlfriend was raped in the back seat, made to perform sex acts. and dumped off. the prosecutor said the judge is -- appropriate. >> i told the judge, he does not deserve to breathe free air again. and hopefully he won't breathe free air again. >> the two victims couldn't bear to see the suspect in court again. so they wrote about the crime. >> they wrote about how they still drive by some of the places where some of these things took place and how they have to relive it. and how they don't trust anyone and can't be alone anymore. >> reporter: cahim taylor said, i'm sorry for what my peers did, but i'm experience. he also said that the victims had a horrible experience. but sending him away forever would not change that. >> while they are putting him away for the rest of his life, that person that did this to him is still out there. >> reporter: many of his family members stood up to ask for leniency. but this is the opposite. >> this is a black man who they accused of doing something to a white girl and a white boy. and i don't believe that it was fair. murderers never got two life sentences. >> reporter: on the question of innocence, the judge says there's overwhelming evidence in this case, including a taped phone conversation from the phone at the jail in which taylor talks about the crime. suzanne collins, in towson, back to you in tv hill. >> suzanne, thank you. the codefendant, brian scott will be sentenced in december. we have more breaking news to tell you about now. an accident. sky eye chopper 13 was over the scene with more. >> reporter: we are in essex, baltimore county. this is southbound 702. hamburg avenue. this is where two vehicles collided. looks like one was southbound on 7 are have -- 702 and struck broadside a vehicle that was crossing 702. we have eye third working vehicle inside the black vehicle. you see there is one person trapped inside. looks like the other two vehicles, everyone is out at this point. there is no word how severe this is injurywise. but we do have southbound 702, closed completely at old eastern boulevard right now. down, as you head down towards the back river neck. and turkey point areas. so expect delays southbound on 702. it does not appear to be affecting northbound traffic at this time. >> thank you very much, for the live report. cloudy skies will keep maryland away. we're talking about the state fair. weijia jiang is live at the fair grounds now in timonium, with a few of her furry friends. what's going on? >> absolutely. well, for 128 years, fair has been deeply rooted in agriculture. including sammy here who is a 10-day-old calf. but the petting zoo draws thousands here, year after year. >> reporter: what happens when it pours. >> it's raining. >> on opening day at the state fair. >> bring a hat or umbrella. >> reporter: apparently a lot. >> you have blue? you have this. >> reporter: from arts and crafts. >> i'm making a rose for my mom. >> jump on in. get ready. >> reporter: games galore. >> we think this is the ultimate fair. >> in fact, these guys came all the way from ireland to check out the fair scene in america. >> i love the fair. it's kind of folksy. >> reporter: and what's a fair without the rides? and even though my fellow riders say it's too slow, trust me, they're lying. but let's be honest. one of the best things about going to the fair. the food. >> pork, beef, chicken, lamb, turkey, seafood, maryland produce. we do it all. >> reporter: and you can catch all of the fair action from now through labor day. and the big thing this year is free concerts. tonight, if you come here at 7:30, you'll see boys 2 men for free. we're live in timonium. >> okay, weijia. i see you got a little help there, with a mighty big bottle. >> i needed it a little bit. but she's calm now. >> very cute. you, too, weijia. >> yes, very much so. bye, weijia. >> cute. it's dinnertime. >> they took a liking to ms. jiang. >> yeah, we were talking, that is the kind of assignment where you say, what am i doing today? cow palace. old shoes, absolutely. we saw some rain drops coming down in a portion of her video. >> and unfortunately, in venues like the fair, there are a lot of places to go inside. >> right now, we're seeing dryer conditions. and there are some wetter ones down on the shore. we'll talk about that. currently, conditions in the mid-70s. 76 degrees at bwi marshall. and we're looking at a lot of rough surf down on the shore. your complete updated first warning forecast is coming up. well, you might want to decide. you want to be in the ocean right now? and there's a little way. >> but it's from the boat. not from danny. that's from the boat. >> you know, boogie boarders, surf boarders and a speed boat going by. it's like another day down at the beach. but it not like the weekend. nothing routine about it. we have a lot of activity going on. at first, we'll walk you through. we'll start with the first element in the forecast. we talked about rain moving through. we have a front that has pretty much sagged across our region. it moved across and just draped across maryland about a day or so ago. and now it's lifting back up as a warm front. and with that comes the thundershowers that you're seeing. talbot and caroline counties, both seeing definitely thunderstorms now. and severe thunderstorms are not really in this forecast. but these are very, very gusty. and what we're seeing. flash flood warnings in effect for the eastern shore. for much of the eastern shore, from cecil county really. right on down to the midrange of the eastern shore. these are going to continue to play out. right now, however, our temperatures cool down because of showers that have moved through. and the clouds that have kind of blocked off the sun. we have 75 degrees at bwi marshall. 72, the dew point, which is pretty high. the relative humidity. 92%. that is giving the atmosphere a lot of moisture to work with. and with this front bringing us the rain. and some of the easterly wind, bringing the moisture off the bay. and the ocean. it's all just combining to bring us a very soggy and very damp afternoon. 29.96. and falling is your barometer reading. only got up to 77 degrees today. average is 83. nowhere near the record. we will be down in the 60s tonight. as you see, 66 in oakland. 85 down on the shore, where it seems like nothing is really stopping those, trying to stretch out the last few weekends of summer. and what we're seeing with the northeasterly wind, cooler air from the north. the easterly component is bringing moisture off the bay and the ocean. and that is going to be the factor right on through the weekend. also through the weekend. danny, very minimal tropical storm. and even a tropical storm in minimal fashion is going to bring us some problems from 2:00 a.m., just south of the carolina coastline to about 2:00 p.m. tomorrow. just parallel the maryland coastline. danny is going to be moving by with winds, 40 miles per hour. bringing rip currents and pretty heavy surf. a moderate impact on the shore. minor beach erosion as a result. the other part of the equation is a front moving through. wiping all of this out here, saturday into sunday. but we're going to have to get through the thunderstorms in the meantime. increase high tide is 4:52. small craft advisory in effect through tonight. we're looking at mostly cloudy conditions. a shower and thunderstorm around. 83 degrees tomorrow. variable clouds with a shower or thunderstorm. and a pretty humid day in place. it's going to cool down a lot next week. and we'll talk about that in your five-day forecast, first warning forecast. >> we will be thank for that. still to come tonight. the surf is up, way up in north carolina. as tropical storm danny takes his toll, what the storm is expected to do up and down the east coast. the dangers of lunch meat. you may think you're packing a healthy lunch for your child. why that may not be true. plus... preparing students and classrooms for a new school year. i'm gigi barnett. coming up, how charter schools are getting ready. that story is straight ahead in tonight's eyewitness news school watch it is just after 6:30. 75 degrees and mostly cloudy. here are some of the stories people are talking about tonight. tropical storm danny seems to be losing some steam at this hour. but still, a major concern along the east coast. we have first warning weather of the tropical storm. over the atlantic. you're looking live now over ocean city, maryland. we did have pictures there, where the waters are agitated. not nearly as violent. kathryn brown has more on the conditions. >> reporter: tropical storm danny is weakening but will pack a punch. >> we make our living not having the storms. >> reporter: from north carolina to massachusetts, danny is putting a damper on one of the last busy beach weekends of summer. >> just sitting off the coast and sharing a lot of people. we don't know if it's going to hit us or not hit us. >> reporter: hang gliding is normally packed. but instructor bruce weaver expects these are the last customers he'll see for a while. >> last two classes of the day don't have anybody in them. >> what about tomorrow? >> tomorrow is, too. >> although the outer banks haven't taken a direct hit this season, the threat alone of storms like danny and bill, has kept tourists away. >> business has been impacted. the threat of storms will even reduce further what we're doing as far as retail dollars. >> we're just kind of waiting to see what the weather does. >> reporter: beach-goers enjoyed the last rays of sun. the calm before the storm brushes the coastline. it's expected to bring heavy rain, winds and waves. but that's not driving away the surfer. >> residents here are crossing their fingers. that's about all danny will leave in his path. kathryn brown for cbs news, north carolina. >> in addition to danny, there are some storms and showers in the region. let's check in with meteorologist tim williams and get an updated look at our radar. tim? >> reporter: well, the radar has been lighting up through the afternoon. we want to show you live doppler radar. there are flash flood warnings in effect for talbot and the eastern shore. but we have been watching this. and we'll take you over toward vienna, over near cambridge. thunderstorms there. lightning embedded in those storms. ocean city seeing lightning. we have prince frederick, down toward leonardstown. and hoopersville, seeing pretty decent showers now. but right around the city, right around downtown, and the beltway, for the most part, no real showers anywhere around, which is good for some activities happening down around rash field. of course, there are activities all around downtown. a lot of tourists still in town. but these storms will be rolling through. they will continue to roll through. and there say flash flood watch in effect for most of central maryland until late tonight. but these storms will come down here. >> remember, wjz 13 is always on. check in with eyewitness news for complete coverage of first warning weather. for instant updates, log onto the man who is under arrest for holding a california girl captive for 18 years is questioned by a sheriff's deputy in 2006. the officer inspected the makeshift encampment, where police say phillip garrido kept jaycee dugard. it was dismissed as a routine code violation. they were unaware that he was a registered sex offender. police say garrido kidnapped dugard in 1991 and sexually abused her. >> what are you doing? >> finally restrained by a photographer after he attacked and injured two others. his daughter, bonnie sweeten, was subject to -- sent to prison for calling in a fake abduction report. was angry the judge ignored fake guidelines. >> an officer who fatally shot a fleeing suspect. police have identified the officer as sergeant robert vein. police say ducas tried to run over the officer who then fired at the suspect. he was allegedly involved in several robberies in the county. a howard county teen is in critical condition after being struck while riding his bike. police say the incident happened on the eastbound route 108. they say a car driven by aaron hit 17-year-old benjamin wartman. he was arrested on charges of driving under the influence and possession of heroin. police are investigating this. more charges are pending. city charter schools are preparing for the first day. gigi barnett has more in tonight's school watch report. >> reporter: for a week, teachers at halfstead hill -- hampstead hill academy compare computers, classrooms and books for this charter school on monday. >> three, two, one. >> but this ribbon cutting for a new and improved wing for the school took months and nearly $2 million. >> just to have class windows is extraordinary. we had plastic windows for 20 years. and to have real glass windows and let the sun shine in is sort of a game change ner the classroom. >> reporter: while a renovation can change a classroom, a building can change a school. >> three, two, one. >> reporter: kip harmony academy also marked a part of the new school year with their new building. kip is a college preparatory charter school. classes here started a week and a half ago. >> the new building was used as a school back in the 70s. but it was vacant, until the city renovated it and donate today to the academy. parents liked the change. >> i think it's beautiful. and i seen it before because my son actually went to a head start before. i think it's tremendous. >> reporter: baltimore city has

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Hampstead , Maryland , United States , Turkey , New School , California , Howard County , Salisbury , Mashonaland East , Zimbabwe , Turkey Point , Kansas City , Kansas , Hagerstown , Prince Frederick , Massachusetts , Vienna , Wien , Austria , Cambridge , Cambridgeshire , United Kingdom , Ireland , Anne Arundel County , Baltimore , North Carolina , Methodist Church , Baltimore County , Oakland , Kennedy Library , Boston , Georgia , Timonium , Ocean City , Essex , River Neck , Pennsylvania , Montgomery County , Americans , America , Kathryn Brown , Phillip Garrido , Rick Boyd , Bwi Marshall , Brian Scott , Gigi Barnett , Ann Anne Arundel , Suzanne Collins , Tim Williams , Kelly Mcpherson , Mike Perry , Alex , Ted Kennedy ,

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