Transcripts For WJW FOX 8 Sunday Early News 20160320 : compa

Transcripts For WJW FOX 8 Sunday Early News 20160320

fox eight news in the morning starts right now. a happy sunday to march 20th and you know what that means. >> spring spring. >> spring has arrived.. >> i feel quite airy but i'm not quite warm and i don't know >> that'sw because it's still chilly outside. i >> is still time forch coats. >> thanks for joining us this morning.hanks fo and of course jen is here toto tell us that spring is a chilly one out there. >> it could be worse. we could be dealing with snowstorms but that's not the case. we are also seeing a few flurries across the area. don't worry about it. leave a coating on the ground of area of the low-pressure and you low pressure and you cana see these snow showers are moving to the north andnd west or rather from the north and west so just if you snow showers around. not a lot of it.a it feels like heavy snow but it's not. lhe we are at 34 degrees right now much and ashtabula youngstown so we did have some twenties on the yo map in toledo and we will drop to the upper twenties before the sun comesefo up and about the next th half-hour so wind chills right now in the twenties for sure. when you factor in the wind it feels like the low to mid twenties.. a few flurries this morning. by noon we are at 36 degrees and cloudy.. we but temperatures are not recovering all that much. m let's talk about the snow. the snow forecast not a big deal. everybody less than anig inch but a little coating on the ground. no big deal and i don't see any snowstorms in the future. and temperatures are rebounding to around 60 degrees as we get into the 60 week. >> it's a nice rebound. >> i think so. n tragedy in hudson this morning. police fines find the bodies of two people inside the home. >> policefii believe this is the resultis of a possible murder suicide.ic they say 53 -year-old steven bice and his -y wife 43 -year-old kristi bice were found dead from gunshot it is believed steven shot his wife then turned the gun on himself. >>on the incident has left this >> hudson police and bci agents b not a typical side on this ravenna road. >> it's sad. it's so close to home. >> saturday this crimeo scene kept investigators busy investigating in and around the home. >> it is pretty quiet. that's why i was surprised.d. >> there is nothing ever really going on here. you never expect anything like that ne in this neighborhood but nowadays you never know what is going to happen for mac here is what we know. police were called out to the home a littlee bit before noon but when they arrived they found two people deceased inside the in homes according to city t spokesperson jody roberts and for people who live near the sceneple they say they are concerned. >> hudson police spent most of saturday investigating at the home before coming back to the policecese station, but it is still unclear what led to the deaths family members came and went all day spending time consoling each otherg t and obviously there's a lot of speculation about the deaths death that happened here.'s a >> authorities say there is noo reason to believe there was any threat or risk to the general public.thre police say a wrong way driver caused a major crash off the sure way saturday night in the eastbound lanes of the sure way and west 25th street. the ban in the car collided van in the car collided head on. this is just one of many wrong way crashes in the city in recent months. canton police have arrested 36 are rolled -year-old lance rankin wanted in connection with the homicide that happened homicide that happened friday night.ntecppene briefly chased him along i 77 in countyhe jail. meanwhile a third suspect in then murder of us his five -month-old cleveland girl was issued a one month old $1 million million-dollar bond saturday. charles caldwell appeared in court on charges of aggravated murder. investigators said they believed the wrong house was targeted by two men have already beenl charged in connection with this case.r services were held this weekend for a little girles whotl died in a fire two weeks ago. >> tragedy at this apartment complex in brunswick. many people were displaced as a result, and brittney harris tells us the community is stepping in to help out all of the victim's. >> family and friends gathered in brunswick saturday to remember the life of keegan sullivan who died in a fire on march 7th. hurt, and the building was completely destroyed.bu >> i was one of the first people up at saint ambrose parish within one hour parish within one hour after notification of the fire.u we went through social media to have people bring in blankets and clothes and again all night long people were so overwhelmingly's responses tos helping people in their time of need.hlpi >> she says many of the families are now strugglingof to pay their th bills and find a place to live. >> probably about 80 percent of residents did not have any types of renters insurance and with a second fire later thatn week and another complex there is a great need right now in the community. >> her group has already collected a lot of donations but they want to doocol more so they are hosting a fundraiser that will be held at the restaurant on monday. every dollar made that day will victims.hatwar >> all the families that are displaced, i can't even imagine losing all of myca belongings. >> george is the director of operations here and he says they are happy tohere a host a fundraiser and hope to see a big turnout. >> they feel that we feel very strongly about being a part of this community so certain situations we feel that we need to step up and help where we can and we are proud to do it. and. sad news this morning out of will awake. th we have learned that mayor we've learned that mayor richard bondy died saturdayy morning he was diagnosed with hodgkin's burial will be private. and cleveland city councilman joe simpercl min has tapped political newcomer men has tapped political newcomer careyey mccormick to be the new representative for ward three. people getting a new do you need do. in rocky river saturday which raises funds for pediatric cancer one of those benefiting from the event is shane who has a brain tumor and is in a wheelchair. his father says it is great to see all of this support. >> when you are in the community have having a family member who has been not bigger a lot bigger community. not only that we've been touched by pediatric cancer but learning about families with also been had been touched. 7:10 a.m. and still ahead a deadly plane crash. c >> new details coming in out of russia where officials have located flight recorders from that crashed.i pope francis. how he is working to gain more followers wo online. winter winter is officially a thing of the past> but we will let you know why it seems mother nature did not get se the memo.e >> she never does. she always misses it. >> first year here's a look ata l one of our fox eight roof cam's.m' it is sunday and the sun isun starting to, it up over the lake and we will have a look at the enough welcome back. a four-month international manhunt ended with the capture of the suspect in the parish terror attack and he has been chargedee with terrorist murderer >> the top suspect in the deadly paris attack is facing charges. just one day after being captured following the shoot out with belton police.lic twenty-six -year-old saleh abdasalem was released from the hospital saturday morning and later charged with participation in a terrorist murder and taking part with a terrorist organization. france president said they will t seek the extradition of saleh abdasalem, belgian born citizen for france to a trial his lawyers said they will fight the extradition but some believe the quickly. >> it will take less time which is good. notot only for the families but victims they want and need and will ask to w have they have a lot of questions. >> saleh abdasalem was taken into custody friday along with four others during a morning raid in brussels. authorities believe he has been hiding there since the bloodshed in paris whichthe left 430 people dead. >> we not only have saleh abdasalemn buty we all know that saleh abdasalem w is one of hundreds and maybe more people in this paris attack. investigators have recovered the flight recorders of the side ofne the failed plane crash in russia. two but dubai air plane went strong wind killing all 62 people on board. you live newly released footage shows the plane going down at a steep angle and exploding in a powerful the airline fly dubai was carrying 55 passengers mostly russians and seven crew members. >> we have activated our team wearing were in a bad way now to decide. we we do not yet know all of the details of the incident, but we are working closely with the what happened. >> this was fly dubai's first crash since the budget carrier began operating in 20 oh nine. scary moments in one of the world's biggest airports as a drone gets's a little too close to commercial aircraft. they landed safely afterter 14 miles east of the airport. an faa spokesperson said theon drone passed past about 200 feet overhead at an altitude of about 5,000 feet. authorities say it should not haveay it been above 400 feet. police and sheriff's helicopters were asked to keep an eye out for that >> at that moment these guys are pretty close to the aircraft getting ready to put the gear down and prepare for landing. something like that would definitely startle anybody. >> so far policeed have beene unable to locate the drone breathe a sigh of relief. still ahead. >> it feels good doesn't it quacks that's because of spring allergies. spring is here. the season officially began today just afterrt midnight. at the sun's rays are directly over the equator. but a winter will not be going away without a fight. of the mid-atlantic and northeast today as much as a foot of snow are possible in some areas in new england. >> in some ways that's typical. >> yesat's but they can keep the snowstorms. c unfortunately flights to the eastligh coast, new york boston portland that's where it's going to w be affected there's lots of wind and snow with it and it is pretty quickly moving up the coast and should be out of here by monday and morning. we might see a knife they are seeing an a nice little saying a nice littlee s snowstorm so it's not bad. >> we are lucky. it puts things into perspective. >> we like to talk about sixties and seventies for the first day of spring. i have some of that in the day i forecast but not today.n today you will need your winter jacket..j we have a lot of flurries around but they will not fl amount to very very light snow showers and just a coating on the ground at best so not a big deala here, no worries, and those snow showersh could turn to afternoon showers as the system exits the area and crawls up the east coast. i will show you that coming up but it will be winding down and monday will feel like a fantastic day. still on the chilly side. it will be an unsettled weeket ahead. spring iseek around so when you get big temperature changes and temperature trends, lots of rain chances and even some thunderstorms possible thursday. it is a cold start in hudson, 29 degrees 31 alliance that a 31 mass. one massillon and westlake. thirty for brunswick and low thirties in elyria.s on storm fox you can see snow showers curling in, a lot of it darker shades of blue here and we will bring in portage county and geography out to where thereere are some flakes flying. this will start to wind itself down as we head into the afternoon hours. h notice it is coming in from the south and east and that is from the east coast storm that is going on.t coas we could have some breaks of snow going on today but not too much. on t at 9:00 o'clock you could still see a lot of snow showers around.coua l watch how it transitions to thishi green color around for 5:00 p.m. in our southeastern communitiesuniti so some hit and miss showers at that point. the farther west you go you see some sunshine before the sun goeses down and we are going to clear out a little bit throughout the night. a it will be another cold night with temperatures dipping down to the twenties.s. w morning commute kids at the bus, we will kick out the risk of snow and rain showers and i think that system will be farther to thetha north and eastn that we will clear out for the day tomorrow.ear we will see some sunshine but you will need the jacket as well. wind is right now out of the north and northeast anywhere from five toh a 15 so you factor in the y wind and remaining thirties feeling more like the twenties. it feels like to want to t worcester and akron canton, 23 and lorraine and here is a look at the hour by hour forecast. temperatures only topping out in the midnly to possibly upper thirties, 37 is my forecasted high. 37 degrees today cloudy, mostly chilly. wind out of the west between five of t and 10h tonight and we are guys start to clear. tomorrow rebounding with a mix a of sun and clouds and tuesday 54 degrees with a slight chance of a shower temperatures around 60 as we head into thursday. 65 yesterday and it looks like the cold front will arrive a little quicker than anticipated, so that is why we th have the knockdown temperatures and then we are back to chilly kn friday but the upcoming weekend we can't complain about. >> it's a steady incline. it will happen. 7:22 a.m. and still ahead, he is back at it again. >> republican front-runner donald trump iss squaring offing against making kelly, but why quacks. the latest from capitol hill as the debate heats up over president obama's supreme court >> that says it all. that's a great sunrise shot there over a beautifulr lake erie on this beautiful sunday morning first day ofau spring. protesters gathering on both ends of the country thiste weekend to rally against donald trump. a massive crowd gathered in new york city where police had to use pepper spray when the situation got out of hand. meanwhile, trump was in arizona were dozens of demonstrators the road to the me reality to the rally. traffic there was backed up for miles. and the war of words betweentwe donald trump and fox news is back on. on twitter trump referred tore megan kelly makingd kelly megan kelly is quote sick and overrated.n he has regularly attacked kelly since he accused her of being unfair to him during a gop presidential debate last august. fox ate fired back accusing trump of making sexist verbal assaults against kelly. it is unclear what prompted trump to goat after kelly again. president obama used his weekly address to keep the senate majority leader says he willajo not even schedule a vote onv the appointment of supremepr court nominee merrick garland.ri here is more. >> the white house is not taking no ho for an answer and all week the administration has been laid be down next strategy for getting merrick garland confirmation hearings but republican that any nomination from president obama is essentially dead on arrival and that the next president should fill the th opening on the supreme court. democrats are arguing that their th abdicating their constitutional duties by refusing to give him a hearing and a vote. in many ways both sides are using the dc's go to strategy of accusing the other one of playing politics, this time with a supreme court vacancy. we saw this with weekly addresses th from both the white house and the republican party. >> this is precisely the time we should treat the appointment of the supreme court justice with the seriousness it deserveses because our supreme court is supposed to be above politics, not an extension of politics. democratic leaders will make. will they join us in doing their jobs on behalf of the american people or instead seek to further divide our nation by turning the supreme court process into a blatantly partisan back and forth. >> you can get used to hearing this kind these kinds of arguments because this fight is expected too carry on all the way through the election and afterer a chcrcrwi byby that a handful of people said theyhan could change their opinion particularly if bernie sanders or hillary clinton wins the election. >> ie would rather have a less liberalul r nominee like merrick garland then a nominee that hillary clinton if she were president would put forward. >> a small number of republicans now say they are willing n to at least meet with garland after the senate's two-week break butut they point out quickly that that will only be as a courtesy quick. courtesy. still ahead, mothers for justice taking a stand in cleveland. >> what they'ren working to shine a aligned light on and how they are working toon a make sure certain crimes don't happen to keepw of the memory of one of first day of spring. it's looking a little bit gray on this first day of spring but. >> no snow. >> and that is more than they can say on parts of the east coast. >> they are gettinge east some spots from that nor'easter today so if you few have slight plans nor today. >> keep that in mind. of course jen has it all. >> she does. she has the information for forth for us to get you can'tca see it because it is so hard to tell but there are a few flurries starting outside. some light snow showers around and flurries but don't worry, it will be a glancing blow that will be out of here before you know it.t. w we are not talking a lot. a chilly first day of spring. upper twenties at 8:00 o'clock at where it 36. we could possibly see a break of sun mid and upper thirties. on storm fox youer have light flurries. the law will be moving up the east coast and it will bringil aboutl a foot of snow for some onf the east coast.or this little dusting we got here is not comparabledu whatsoever to what the east coast will see in the next 24 to 48 hours. right now downtown worcester and akron canton right near the freezing point but in worcester we feel more like the twenties sofe yes, a cold start to spring temperatures coming m up. they call themselves mothers fore justice and here in cleveland debate they kicked off what they hope will be a nationalal tour aimed at shining a spotlight on the police and armed police on police involvedn >> for one cleveland woman whoom took part in this this weekend, it is an especially painful day as she remembers her 18 -year-oldld son. >> today is the one year deathye anniversary of my son brandon jones who was coming out of a store. >> tonya brown fights doubled back fight stumbled back the tears.y a year ago her son brandon jones was killed by so police after allegedly breaking into the store. brown says her son wasak th unarmed. >> i don't think breaking and a entering warrant warrants a death sentence. i can't get in any logic into that. >> the event in front of the store was one of many planned people who have lost loved ones and police involved incidents from around the nation including new york and michigan came to cleveland for thegan event. >> that could've been my son orn i lost my son and granddaughter in 2010. >> there were three mothers who lost their children in police involved shootings taking part. brandon jones mother, 12 field field tamir rice's mother who spokee very briefly, and alisha kirkman, mother of angela miller who died in a police involved incidents incident nine years ago.e >> they want to pass off and that is not fair to us. indict the police. we are so sick and tired of it. that's what we want. we want justice and we are fed up. >> the reverend from dayton said the relationship between police and african-american men must change. >> it really doesn't matter what our reaction has been to police. young men have been killed surrendering, they have been killed runningg away, they have been kill awed no had been killed no matter what theyll do so we are seeking some issues and looking for answers. >> so asg sue tonya brown on the anniversary of her son's death. >> i just don't understand why my baby i is sick and he was unarmed not posing a threat to anyone.arm >> brandon jones family has just recently filed a lawsuit against brandon jones including two of his police officers.ran the erie county conservation league lead led a large group of ation donors who raise an officer body camera rolling during a frightening moment on an open highway and officer stays remarkably calm hit by a drunk driver the officer doesn't take it waste anyyoff times going after the suspect.t. the officer was not seriously injured. building a stronger st relationship between cleveland police andatio the community. >> that was the goal of the boys and girlsls club of cleveland this weekend.f cl they want to forge a better relationship between officers and the people they serve. b city councilman zachary helped this is the latest in their ongoing effort to reduce violence. >> there is a lot of tension in the i community with police relationships. this event partnering with the cleveland clinic is tot bring residents together who can talk withth them. >> in addition to free people pizza and coffee some officers and children .-dot free haircuts as well. stillhair ahead, today marks the first day of spring and theng >> tonight fox is kicking off holy week and a big way. the look at the preparation next. at pope francis is working to gain more followers online during this holy week.inore we will let you know how he is trying to do it next. let's take another live look outside, a bit of a breeze and the flag is blowing in the you can see has jen mentioned just a few of those snowflakes starting to fall.few of we shouldn't see too much of that at least we hope not. >> she is going to fill us in you don't want to do tooo no. it is a chilly first day of spring so ch far and that is probably going to be the case for the next 24 to 48y oi hours. >> wendy in some flurries but nothing like the east coast. today marks theea first day d of holy weekend to celebrate,b fox will air a we have a look at the final preps. >> fox's sunday live broadcast of the passion will be an epic to our life event taking place on the streets of new orleans. mixing modern pop songs with the contemporary story of jesus is the last as last fewy hours, the cast and narrator tyler pac. believes this perry believes this is the perfect thing for people looking for inspiration. we need faith, we need god.o i was so surprised to find how many millennial's don't even know the story of christ or the resurrection said to have this told as set in modern day times it opens it up to everyone. >> this modern retelling of this 2,000 plus year-old story to hear a story more than 2,000 years old told by songs of our time where we have heard them 100,000a times. >> i think they were chosen and when you see the visuals that go along with it and thehv scene working the contexts. >> the 16 set sound song soundtrack is out this week. and with thousands expected to watch a 20-foot illuminated cross carried across the citye c broadcast from the hometown. is >> is being performed here because new orleans beingei my hometown number one it became a city again. so there was a resurrection here so what betteresur place to tell the story? >> the passion airs live tonight at 8:00 p.m. on fox eight. we had some wind and flurries. it felt like january but it ist is spring. >> it spring. >> it is spring.g. spr you know it is going to make a flip though. it is a march rally with ups and downs snow showers rain showers we have itsh all but i do have some b sixties. it is nice to finally get winter >> rebid it a fond >> there are some flurries out there. we think of winter and of course we knew it was going to happen. where got some snow showers across the so area in springtime but let's check out storm fox right these are very light, no big deal. we could get a coding from twinsburg road to streetsboro over to streetsboro writes a long-term pot twind to turn pike over and portions of trumbull county,u portage county, ravenna, stowe, you are dealing with light snow showers and they're focusing here on 77.h this is where it is coming down and at least you are seeing the floorr reaction.. right along the steps in southern lorain county there. notra a big deal. de we're talking about a coding at best. most of us will not have anything on the ground but here is a look at your hour by hour we're going to wind things down to the morning hours but i can't rule out a hit or miss shower in thet o afternoon. temperatures will be right above freezing so i expect may be ae mix and of some snow and rainain for our southeast southeastern communities.for that eventually gets out of here and then the skies clear outut overnight and it will be pretty chilly around here. temperatures back into the mid- twenties tonight. no problem. we will see sunshine around here tomorrow. it iss coming back and i am i taking out the risk of rain and snow by tomorrow evening. here's a look at the 12 hour forecast. temperature wise we are back in the low to mid forties this afternoon. ck some of us could hit 38 or 39 degrees but for the most part we will hit the thirties.t fo if you factor in the wind, it twenties. here is what is going on. o we have that nor'easter started starting to take shape. it is going to take this showers and the showers and snow showers with it. if you do have plans to travel to the east coast and and eyes into tomorrow morning, you really want to watch out for that. this thing is really going to start to wrap itself up as we head toward 10 orwr 11:00 o'clock 37 degrees today. mostly cloudy, chilly with some light snow showers ch around ar tomorrow mainly in the morning hours. tonight definitely cold again ascold clouds start clear out. we will see a mix of sun and clouds and a bit of a breeze with wind out of the west at five to eight. take a look at the eight eight-day forecast, i told you it getss warmer. averagee high for this time of year 48.8 could be some sprinkles on tuesday. temperatures right around 60. thursday looks like a wash. we will see some showers and thunderstorms that will be out bysh friday but we are back toto chilly again for one day and then the upcoming weekend looks like a nice one. easter sunday is looking good. >> beautiful. >> not be bad at all. you've got to get those spring dresses on the girls. gi i love the easter dresses. they are so colorful and you kind of get finally get to bringrin out the purples and thinks. >> the flowers. >> absolutely..> a very unusual robbery in las vegas. police say it happened at this convenience store on friday when a suspect pulled a gun on the store clerk but not for money. the only thing he made off with was a tray of nachos. the man says he understands why >> he told the customer you need to pay for that piece of known going to c p pay and people are stealing something. i'mr angry. >> there was a physical confrontation outside before police said the suspect took out the weapon and fired one shot behind the counter as the clerk's sped out the back door. please talk to witt victims and the 24 -year-old not to the is now facing burglary and weapons f a company allows its workers to drink during business hours. d at tower review the company has two kegs of craft beer in the office 24 / seven. the ceo says if you offer beer in the office the talent willwi come and stay. he got in touch with the w business called crafty thati supplies the kegs to more than 100 chicago companies. >> we c are not big on rules but a problem-solving session at 4:00 p.m., let's have a beer. >> how much of that creative credit goes to the beer? in the tower review's office the motto is when the taps aretap flowing, so are thes ideas. >> that would be an interesting newscast. >> right? you canrst. call of the best summer job if you're looking for ajob summer job or just one beer a beer is offering an internship to those 21 and older older to travel all over the world and sample beer. o ot in addition to the $12,000 paycheck all travel expenses are covered by you tovel do is provide a do video that shows why you are the best person fordeo the position. i don't thinkk there'll be anyone left in the newsroom after t this. pope francis has posted a photo of himselfran praying is in he says he wants to walk with followers along the way of god's mercy and tenderness. he already has more than 260,000 followers and this is his second media. he also has a twitter account.u >> very up-to-date. >> you really do. 7:53 a.m. and still aheade here comes santa claus. >> you heard that right. it may be spring but santa is still out in full force having welcome back. it may be the first day of spring but some people are thinkingng christmas. >> you could say christmas came real early or real laid weight inin tennessee. fastest and snow tubing in a race they are. the event is held every other year and this year's winner is from jefferson georgia. he's having a good time. >> that's great. look at him. thumbs up that santa.. >> a snow tubing santa. >> why not? we have a snow tubing santa waterskiing sn santa. >> kids are watching all the time. >> all the time. >> it is kind of creepy in and of itself. >> we have a lot morean coming upp in the next hour or so don't go good morning everyone.ev the gray skies out there. some flurries. but it is spring. >>it it is officially the firstthe day of spring, march 20th. spring arrives at midnight this morning. >> it's like seven hours lead and we haven't had a blizzard yet. >> it is officially spring weather, not mother nature. it is here. thanks for waking up with us. >> jan has it all figured out.

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Transcripts For WJW FOX 8 Sunday Early News 20160320 :

Transcripts For WJW FOX 8 Sunday Early News 20160320

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fox eight news in the morning starts right now. a happy sunday to march 20th and you know what that means. >> spring spring. >> spring has arrived.. >> i feel quite airy but i'm not quite warm and i don't know >> that'sw because it's still chilly outside. i >> is still time forch coats. >> thanks for joining us this morning.hanks fo and of course jen is here toto tell us that spring is a chilly one out there. >> it could be worse. we could be dealing with snowstorms but that's not the case. we are also seeing a few flurries across the area. don't worry about it. leave a coating on the ground of area of the low-pressure and you low pressure and you cana see these snow showers are moving to the north andnd west or rather from the north and west so just if you snow showers around. not a lot of it.a it feels like heavy snow but it's not. lhe we are at 34 degrees right now much and ashtabula youngstown so we did have some twenties on the yo map in toledo and we will drop to the upper twenties before the sun comesefo up and about the next th half-hour so wind chills right now in the twenties for sure. when you factor in the wind it feels like the low to mid twenties.. a few flurries this morning. by noon we are at 36 degrees and cloudy.. we but temperatures are not recovering all that much. m let's talk about the snow. the snow forecast not a big deal. everybody less than anig inch but a little coating on the ground. no big deal and i don't see any snowstorms in the future. and temperatures are rebounding to around 60 degrees as we get into the 60 week. >> it's a nice rebound. >> i think so. n tragedy in hudson this morning. police fines find the bodies of two people inside the home. >> policefii believe this is the resultis of a possible murder suicide.ic they say 53 -year-old steven bice and his -y wife 43 -year-old kristi bice were found dead from gunshot it is believed steven shot his wife then turned the gun on himself. >>on the incident has left this >> hudson police and bci agents b not a typical side on this ravenna road. >> it's sad. it's so close to home. >> saturday this crimeo scene kept investigators busy investigating in and around the home. >> it is pretty quiet. that's why i was surprised.d. >> there is nothing ever really going on here. you never expect anything like that ne in this neighborhood but nowadays you never know what is going to happen for mac here is what we know. police were called out to the home a littlee bit before noon but when they arrived they found two people deceased inside the in homes according to city t spokesperson jody roberts and for people who live near the sceneple they say they are concerned. >> hudson police spent most of saturday investigating at the home before coming back to the policecese station, but it is still unclear what led to the deaths family members came and went all day spending time consoling each otherg t and obviously there's a lot of speculation about the deaths death that happened here.'s a >> authorities say there is noo reason to believe there was any threat or risk to the general public.thre police say a wrong way driver caused a major crash off the sure way saturday night in the eastbound lanes of the sure way and west 25th street. the ban in the car collided van in the car collided head on. this is just one of many wrong way crashes in the city in recent months. canton police have arrested 36 are rolled -year-old lance rankin wanted in connection with the homicide that happened homicide that happened friday night.ntecppene briefly chased him along i 77 in countyhe jail. meanwhile a third suspect in then murder of us his five -month-old cleveland girl was issued a one month old $1 million million-dollar bond saturday. charles caldwell appeared in court on charges of aggravated murder. investigators said they believed the wrong house was targeted by two men have already beenl charged in connection with this case.r services were held this weekend for a little girles whotl died in a fire two weeks ago. >> tragedy at this apartment complex in brunswick. many people were displaced as a result, and brittney harris tells us the community is stepping in to help out all of the victim's. >> family and friends gathered in brunswick saturday to remember the life of keegan sullivan who died in a fire on march 7th. hurt, and the building was completely destroyed.bu >> i was one of the first people up at saint ambrose parish within one hour parish within one hour after notification of the fire.u we went through social media to have people bring in blankets and clothes and again all night long people were so overwhelmingly's responses tos helping people in their time of need.hlpi >> she says many of the families are now strugglingof to pay their th bills and find a place to live. >> probably about 80 percent of residents did not have any types of renters insurance and with a second fire later thatn week and another complex there is a great need right now in the community. >> her group has already collected a lot of donations but they want to doocol more so they are hosting a fundraiser that will be held at the restaurant on monday. every dollar made that day will victims.hatwar >> all the families that are displaced, i can't even imagine losing all of myca belongings. >> george is the director of operations here and he says they are happy tohere a host a fundraiser and hope to see a big turnout. >> they feel that we feel very strongly about being a part of this community so certain situations we feel that we need to step up and help where we can and we are proud to do it. and. sad news this morning out of will awake. th we have learned that mayor we've learned that mayor richard bondy died saturdayy morning he was diagnosed with hodgkin's burial will be private. and cleveland city councilman joe simpercl min has tapped political newcomer men has tapped political newcomer careyey mccormick to be the new representative for ward three. people getting a new do you need do. in rocky river saturday which raises funds for pediatric cancer one of those benefiting from the event is shane who has a brain tumor and is in a wheelchair. his father says it is great to see all of this support. >> when you are in the community have having a family member who has been not bigger a lot bigger community. not only that we've been touched by pediatric cancer but learning about families with also been had been touched. 7:10 a.m. and still ahead a deadly plane crash. c >> new details coming in out of russia where officials have located flight recorders from that crashed.i pope francis. how he is working to gain more followers wo online. winter winter is officially a thing of the past> but we will let you know why it seems mother nature did not get se the memo.e >> she never does. she always misses it. >> first year here's a look ata l one of our fox eight roof cam's.m' it is sunday and the sun isun starting to, it up over the lake and we will have a look at the enough welcome back. a four-month international manhunt ended with the capture of the suspect in the parish terror attack and he has been chargedee with terrorist murderer >> the top suspect in the deadly paris attack is facing charges. just one day after being captured following the shoot out with belton police.lic twenty-six -year-old saleh abdasalem was released from the hospital saturday morning and later charged with participation in a terrorist murder and taking part with a terrorist organization. france president said they will t seek the extradition of saleh abdasalem, belgian born citizen for france to a trial his lawyers said they will fight the extradition but some believe the quickly. >> it will take less time which is good. notot only for the families but victims they want and need and will ask to w have they have a lot of questions. >> saleh abdasalem was taken into custody friday along with four others during a morning raid in brussels. authorities believe he has been hiding there since the bloodshed in paris whichthe left 430 people dead. >> we not only have saleh abdasalemn buty we all know that saleh abdasalem w is one of hundreds and maybe more people in this paris attack. investigators have recovered the flight recorders of the side ofne the failed plane crash in russia. two but dubai air plane went strong wind killing all 62 people on board. you live newly released footage shows the plane going down at a steep angle and exploding in a powerful the airline fly dubai was carrying 55 passengers mostly russians and seven crew members. >> we have activated our team wearing were in a bad way now to decide. we we do not yet know all of the details of the incident, but we are working closely with the what happened. >> this was fly dubai's first crash since the budget carrier began operating in 20 oh nine. scary moments in one of the world's biggest airports as a drone gets's a little too close to commercial aircraft. they landed safely afterter 14 miles east of the airport. an faa spokesperson said theon drone passed past about 200 feet overhead at an altitude of about 5,000 feet. authorities say it should not haveay it been above 400 feet. police and sheriff's helicopters were asked to keep an eye out for that >> at that moment these guys are pretty close to the aircraft getting ready to put the gear down and prepare for landing. something like that would definitely startle anybody. >> so far policeed have beene unable to locate the drone breathe a sigh of relief. still ahead. >> it feels good doesn't it quacks that's because of spring allergies. spring is here. the season officially began today just afterrt midnight. at the sun's rays are directly over the equator. but a winter will not be going away without a fight. of the mid-atlantic and northeast today as much as a foot of snow are possible in some areas in new england. >> in some ways that's typical. >> yesat's but they can keep the snowstorms. c unfortunately flights to the eastligh coast, new york boston portland that's where it's going to w be affected there's lots of wind and snow with it and it is pretty quickly moving up the coast and should be out of here by monday and morning. we might see a knife they are seeing an a nice little saying a nice littlee s snowstorm so it's not bad. >> we are lucky. it puts things into perspective. >> we like to talk about sixties and seventies for the first day of spring. i have some of that in the day i forecast but not today.n today you will need your winter jacket..j we have a lot of flurries around but they will not fl amount to very very light snow showers and just a coating on the ground at best so not a big deala here, no worries, and those snow showersh could turn to afternoon showers as the system exits the area and crawls up the east coast. i will show you that coming up but it will be winding down and monday will feel like a fantastic day. still on the chilly side. it will be an unsettled weeket ahead. spring iseek around so when you get big temperature changes and temperature trends, lots of rain chances and even some thunderstorms possible thursday. it is a cold start in hudson, 29 degrees 31 alliance that a 31 mass. one massillon and westlake. thirty for brunswick and low thirties in elyria.s on storm fox you can see snow showers curling in, a lot of it darker shades of blue here and we will bring in portage county and geography out to where thereere are some flakes flying. this will start to wind itself down as we head into the afternoon hours. h notice it is coming in from the south and east and that is from the east coast storm that is going on.t coas we could have some breaks of snow going on today but not too much. on t at 9:00 o'clock you could still see a lot of snow showers around.coua l watch how it transitions to thishi green color around for 5:00 p.m. in our southeastern communitiesuniti so some hit and miss showers at that point. the farther west you go you see some sunshine before the sun goeses down and we are going to clear out a little bit throughout the night. a it will be another cold night with temperatures dipping down to the twenties.s. w morning commute kids at the bus, we will kick out the risk of snow and rain showers and i think that system will be farther to thetha north and eastn that we will clear out for the day tomorrow.ear we will see some sunshine but you will need the jacket as well. wind is right now out of the north and northeast anywhere from five toh a 15 so you factor in the y wind and remaining thirties feeling more like the twenties. it feels like to want to t worcester and akron canton, 23 and lorraine and here is a look at the hour by hour forecast. temperatures only topping out in the midnly to possibly upper thirties, 37 is my forecasted high. 37 degrees today cloudy, mostly chilly. wind out of the west between five of t and 10h tonight and we are guys start to clear. tomorrow rebounding with a mix a of sun and clouds and tuesday 54 degrees with a slight chance of a shower temperatures around 60 as we head into thursday. 65 yesterday and it looks like the cold front will arrive a little quicker than anticipated, so that is why we th have the knockdown temperatures and then we are back to chilly kn friday but the upcoming weekend we can't complain about. >> it's a steady incline. it will happen. 7:22 a.m. and still ahead, he is back at it again. >> republican front-runner donald trump iss squaring offing against making kelly, but why quacks. the latest from capitol hill as the debate heats up over president obama's supreme court >> that says it all. that's a great sunrise shot there over a beautifulr lake erie on this beautiful sunday morning first day ofau spring. protesters gathering on both ends of the country thiste weekend to rally against donald trump. a massive crowd gathered in new york city where police had to use pepper spray when the situation got out of hand. meanwhile, trump was in arizona were dozens of demonstrators the road to the me reality to the rally. traffic there was backed up for miles. and the war of words betweentwe donald trump and fox news is back on. on twitter trump referred tore megan kelly makingd kelly megan kelly is quote sick and overrated.n he has regularly attacked kelly since he accused her of being unfair to him during a gop presidential debate last august. fox ate fired back accusing trump of making sexist verbal assaults against kelly. it is unclear what prompted trump to goat after kelly again. president obama used his weekly address to keep the senate majority leader says he willajo not even schedule a vote onv the appointment of supremepr court nominee merrick garland.ri here is more. >> the white house is not taking no ho for an answer and all week the administration has been laid be down next strategy for getting merrick garland confirmation hearings but republican that any nomination from president obama is essentially dead on arrival and that the next president should fill the th opening on the supreme court. democrats are arguing that their th abdicating their constitutional duties by refusing to give him a hearing and a vote. in many ways both sides are using the dc's go to strategy of accusing the other one of playing politics, this time with a supreme court vacancy. we saw this with weekly addresses th from both the white house and the republican party. >> this is precisely the time we should treat the appointment of the supreme court justice with the seriousness it deserveses because our supreme court is supposed to be above politics, not an extension of politics. democratic leaders will make. will they join us in doing their jobs on behalf of the american people or instead seek to further divide our nation by turning the supreme court process into a blatantly partisan back and forth. >> you can get used to hearing this kind these kinds of arguments because this fight is expected too carry on all the way through the election and afterer a chcrcrwi byby that a handful of people said theyhan could change their opinion particularly if bernie sanders or hillary clinton wins the election. >> ie would rather have a less liberalul r nominee like merrick garland then a nominee that hillary clinton if she were president would put forward. >> a small number of republicans now say they are willing n to at least meet with garland after the senate's two-week break butut they point out quickly that that will only be as a courtesy quick. courtesy. still ahead, mothers for justice taking a stand in cleveland. >> what they'ren working to shine a aligned light on and how they are working toon a make sure certain crimes don't happen to keepw of the memory of one of first day of spring. it's looking a little bit gray on this first day of spring but. >> no snow. >> and that is more than they can say on parts of the east coast. >> they are gettinge east some spots from that nor'easter today so if you few have slight plans nor today. >> keep that in mind. of course jen has it all. >> she does. she has the information for forth for us to get you can'tca see it because it is so hard to tell but there are a few flurries starting outside. some light snow showers around and flurries but don't worry, it will be a glancing blow that will be out of here before you know it.t. w we are not talking a lot. a chilly first day of spring. upper twenties at 8:00 o'clock at where it 36. we could possibly see a break of sun mid and upper thirties. on storm fox youer have light flurries. the law will be moving up the east coast and it will bringil aboutl a foot of snow for some onf the east coast.or this little dusting we got here is not comparabledu whatsoever to what the east coast will see in the next 24 to 48 hours. right now downtown worcester and akron canton right near the freezing point but in worcester we feel more like the twenties sofe yes, a cold start to spring temperatures coming m up. they call themselves mothers fore justice and here in cleveland debate they kicked off what they hope will be a nationalal tour aimed at shining a spotlight on the police and armed police on police involvedn >> for one cleveland woman whoom took part in this this weekend, it is an especially painful day as she remembers her 18 -year-oldld son. >> today is the one year deathye anniversary of my son brandon jones who was coming out of a store. >> tonya brown fights doubled back fight stumbled back the tears.y a year ago her son brandon jones was killed by so police after allegedly breaking into the store. brown says her son wasak th unarmed. >> i don't think breaking and a entering warrant warrants a death sentence. i can't get in any logic into that. >> the event in front of the store was one of many planned people who have lost loved ones and police involved incidents from around the nation including new york and michigan came to cleveland for thegan event. >> that could've been my son orn i lost my son and granddaughter in 2010. >> there were three mothers who lost their children in police involved shootings taking part. brandon jones mother, 12 field field tamir rice's mother who spokee very briefly, and alisha kirkman, mother of angela miller who died in a police involved incidents incident nine years ago.e >> they want to pass off and that is not fair to us. indict the police. we are so sick and tired of it. that's what we want. we want justice and we are fed up. >> the reverend from dayton said the relationship between police and african-american men must change. >> it really doesn't matter what our reaction has been to police. young men have been killed surrendering, they have been killed runningg away, they have been kill awed no had been killed no matter what theyll do so we are seeking some issues and looking for answers. >> so asg sue tonya brown on the anniversary of her son's death. >> i just don't understand why my baby i is sick and he was unarmed not posing a threat to anyone.arm >> brandon jones family has just recently filed a lawsuit against brandon jones including two of his police officers.ran the erie county conservation league lead led a large group of ation donors who raise an officer body camera rolling during a frightening moment on an open highway and officer stays remarkably calm hit by a drunk driver the officer doesn't take it waste anyyoff times going after the suspect.t. the officer was not seriously injured. building a stronger st relationship between cleveland police andatio the community. >> that was the goal of the boys and girlsls club of cleveland this weekend.f cl they want to forge a better relationship between officers and the people they serve. b city councilman zachary helped this is the latest in their ongoing effort to reduce violence. >> there is a lot of tension in the i community with police relationships. this event partnering with the cleveland clinic is tot bring residents together who can talk withth them. >> in addition to free people pizza and coffee some officers and children .-dot free haircuts as well. stillhair ahead, today marks the first day of spring and theng >> tonight fox is kicking off holy week and a big way. the look at the preparation next. at pope francis is working to gain more followers online during this holy week.inore we will let you know how he is trying to do it next. let's take another live look outside, a bit of a breeze and the flag is blowing in the you can see has jen mentioned just a few of those snowflakes starting to fall.few of we shouldn't see too much of that at least we hope not. >> she is going to fill us in you don't want to do tooo no. it is a chilly first day of spring so ch far and that is probably going to be the case for the next 24 to 48y oi hours. >> wendy in some flurries but nothing like the east coast. today marks theea first day d of holy weekend to celebrate,b fox will air a we have a look at the final preps. >> fox's sunday live broadcast of the passion will be an epic to our life event taking place on the streets of new orleans. mixing modern pop songs with the contemporary story of jesus is the last as last fewy hours, the cast and narrator tyler pac. believes this perry believes this is the perfect thing for people looking for inspiration. we need faith, we need god.o i was so surprised to find how many millennial's don't even know the story of christ or the resurrection said to have this told as set in modern day times it opens it up to everyone. >> this modern retelling of this 2,000 plus year-old story to hear a story more than 2,000 years old told by songs of our time where we have heard them 100,000a times. >> i think they were chosen and when you see the visuals that go along with it and thehv scene working the contexts. >> the 16 set sound song soundtrack is out this week. and with thousands expected to watch a 20-foot illuminated cross carried across the citye c broadcast from the hometown. is >> is being performed here because new orleans beingei my hometown number one it became a city again. so there was a resurrection here so what betteresur place to tell the story? >> the passion airs live tonight at 8:00 p.m. on fox eight. we had some wind and flurries. it felt like january but it ist is spring. >> it spring. >> it is spring.g. spr you know it is going to make a flip though. it is a march rally with ups and downs snow showers rain showers we have itsh all but i do have some b sixties. it is nice to finally get winter >> rebid it a fond >> there are some flurries out there. we think of winter and of course we knew it was going to happen. where got some snow showers across the so area in springtime but let's check out storm fox right these are very light, no big deal. we could get a coding from twinsburg road to streetsboro over to streetsboro writes a long-term pot twind to turn pike over and portions of trumbull county,u portage county, ravenna, stowe, you are dealing with light snow showers and they're focusing here on 77.h this is where it is coming down and at least you are seeing the floorr reaction.. right along the steps in southern lorain county there. notra a big deal. de we're talking about a coding at best. most of us will not have anything on the ground but here is a look at your hour by hour we're going to wind things down to the morning hours but i can't rule out a hit or miss shower in thet o afternoon. temperatures will be right above freezing so i expect may be ae mix and of some snow and rainain for our southeast southeastern communities.for that eventually gets out of here and then the skies clear outut overnight and it will be pretty chilly around here. temperatures back into the mid- twenties tonight. no problem. we will see sunshine around here tomorrow. it iss coming back and i am i taking out the risk of rain and snow by tomorrow evening. here's a look at the 12 hour forecast. temperature wise we are back in the low to mid forties this afternoon. ck some of us could hit 38 or 39 degrees but for the most part we will hit the thirties.t fo if you factor in the wind, it twenties. here is what is going on. o we have that nor'easter started starting to take shape. it is going to take this showers and the showers and snow showers with it. if you do have plans to travel to the east coast and and eyes into tomorrow morning, you really want to watch out for that. this thing is really going to start to wrap itself up as we head toward 10 orwr 11:00 o'clock 37 degrees today. mostly cloudy, chilly with some light snow showers ch around ar tomorrow mainly in the morning hours. tonight definitely cold again ascold clouds start clear out. we will see a mix of sun and clouds and a bit of a breeze with wind out of the west at five to eight. take a look at the eight eight-day forecast, i told you it getss warmer. averagee high for this time of year 48.8 could be some sprinkles on tuesday. temperatures right around 60. thursday looks like a wash. we will see some showers and thunderstorms that will be out bysh friday but we are back toto chilly again for one day and then the upcoming weekend looks like a nice one. easter sunday is looking good. >> beautiful. >> not be bad at all. you've got to get those spring dresses on the girls. gi i love the easter dresses. they are so colorful and you kind of get finally get to bringrin out the purples and thinks. >> the flowers. >> absolutely..> a very unusual robbery in las vegas. police say it happened at this convenience store on friday when a suspect pulled a gun on the store clerk but not for money. the only thing he made off with was a tray of nachos. the man says he understands why >> he told the customer you need to pay for that piece of known going to c p pay and people are stealing something. i'mr angry. >> there was a physical confrontation outside before police said the suspect took out the weapon and fired one shot behind the counter as the clerk's sped out the back door. please talk to witt victims and the 24 -year-old not to the is now facing burglary and weapons f a company allows its workers to drink during business hours. d at tower review the company has two kegs of craft beer in the office 24 / seven. the ceo says if you offer beer in the office the talent willwi come and stay. he got in touch with the w business called crafty thati supplies the kegs to more than 100 chicago companies. >> we c are not big on rules but a problem-solving session at 4:00 p.m., let's have a beer. >> how much of that creative credit goes to the beer? in the tower review's office the motto is when the taps aretap flowing, so are thes ideas. >> that would be an interesting newscast. >> right? you canrst. call of the best summer job if you're looking for ajob summer job or just one beer a beer is offering an internship to those 21 and older older to travel all over the world and sample beer. o ot in addition to the $12,000 paycheck all travel expenses are covered by you tovel do is provide a do video that shows why you are the best person fordeo the position. i don't thinkk there'll be anyone left in the newsroom after t this. pope francis has posted a photo of himselfran praying is in he says he wants to walk with followers along the way of god's mercy and tenderness. he already has more than 260,000 followers and this is his second media. he also has a twitter account.u >> very up-to-date. >> you really do. 7:53 a.m. and still aheade here comes santa claus. >> you heard that right. it may be spring but santa is still out in full force having welcome back. it may be the first day of spring but some people are thinkingng christmas. >> you could say christmas came real early or real laid weight inin tennessee. fastest and snow tubing in a race they are. the event is held every other year and this year's winner is from jefferson georgia. he's having a good time. >> that's great. look at him. thumbs up that santa.. >> a snow tubing santa. >> why not? we have a snow tubing santa waterskiing sn santa. >> kids are watching all the time. >> all the time. >> it is kind of creepy in and of itself. >> we have a lot morean coming upp in the next hour or so don't go good morning everyone.ev the gray skies out there. some flurries. but it is spring. >>it it is officially the firstthe day of spring, march 20th. spring arrives at midnight this morning. >> it's like seven hours lead and we haven't had a blizzard yet. >> it is officially spring weather, not mother nature. it is here. thanks for waking up with us. >> jan has it all figured out.

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