Transcripts For WJLA ABC7 News At Noon 20170511 : comparemel

Transcripts For WJLA ABC7 News At Noon 20170511

windshield wipers going, but not raining too hard. it is steady, at least an inch of rain has already fallen. if you are headed out the door and plan to be on the road, you might want to slow down. if you're going to be walking i would stay on the closest side of the sidewalk to the buildings because you are probably going to get slashed from these puddles. doug, it's raining now, rain for the next couple days. when will it stop? doug: looks like my saturday evening it will be out of here. the good news is it's not going to rain every minute, heavily times. and then get heavier, especially by tomorrow afternoon. this is the view congressional country club. surprise, nobody on the fairways. little rivers running there. the rain continues. over to doppler radar and show you a close-up now. in this presentation when you see yellow or orange or red, those are the heavier elements. those of that is continuing to push south and east of the metro area. plenty of rain to go around. it's widespread through pennsylvania all the way through southeast virginia, northeast north carolina. there are some breaks in the pattern. we'll see that especially lighter rain amounts. as far as the rain so far today, 1.39 inches of rain reported at dulles. that's the winner so far. everybody else less. there is a lot more to come. i stress again especially tomorrow afternoon, late tomorrow night into saturday morning. the next batches of heavy rain expected. we're in the 50's everywhere. the temperatures may not move more than another degree or two during the afternoon as we're locked in. our future cast shows the rain showing the east-west orientation later today. this evening the steadier rain goes south. left overdrizzle, light rain, and fog at no extra charge. look what happens in the late today tomorrow. heavy rain elements across the mountains. more downpours tomorrow evening, tomorrow night, through saturday morning. fingers crossed if everything works out, the rain should taper off and end sometime saturday afternoon. clear out somewhat for mother's day. as far as the total rainfall accumulation when all this is finished, we're looking somewhere in the vicinity 2 1/2 of the viewing area. the next 10 days for you. in about 12 minutes. lindsay: thank you. and happening today, president trump is expected to sign an executive order establishing a commission to review alleged voter fraud in the american election system. senior administration officials say that vice president mike pence and the kansas secretary of state will be announced as chair and vice chair. the commission will be tasked with studying vulnerabilities in u.s. voting systems and the potential impact they could have on fraut lent -- fraudulent voter rest trations and fraudulent voting. developing now, more fallout from the president's bombshell decision to fire f.b.i. director james comey. that brings us to our i.n.s. at thatpoll question of the day. -- instapoll question of the day. what do you think of donald trump's time in office so star? go to here's abc's jinae with the ongoing question about what >> less than 24 hours after firing the man leading the investigation into russian meddling, president trump welcomed russia's ambassador and foreign minister to the white house. trump laughing with the russians in the oval office and then commenting on why he fired f.b.i. director james comey president trump: he wasn't doing a good job. >> james comey writing his former f.b.i. colleagues, quote, i'm not going to spend time on the decision or the way it was executed. i hope you won't, either. it is done. i will be fine. although i will miss you and the mission deeply. the sudden decision left in a week after the white house said the president had confidence in comey. now a different story. >> the president had lost, again, like i said, he lost confidence in director comey. frankly, he had been considering letting director comey go since the day he was elected. >> abc news has learned days before he was fired, comey requested more resources from the department of justice for the russian but comey's firing only raising more questions. >> obviously when you have the president fire the f.b.i. director when there is an active investigation going on, then there are questions that need to be answered. >> the white house pinning the sudden decision on how comey handled the clinton investigation in july of last year. and recommendation from deputy attorney general rod rosen stein. >> the reason for the firing what was written by the deputy attorney general? is that why he did it? >> that was the final piece that moved the president to make that quick and decisive action. >> abc news has learned rosenstein was so upset with the white house for putting comey's firing on him that he was on the verge of resigning. democrats are now insisting a special prosecutor take over the russian investigation, even postponing all senate hearings yesterday to make a point. now at least one republican is considering it. abc news washington. lindsay: new at noon, 1 students and a driver are hurt following a terrifying school bus crash st. louis. police say the driver lost control of the bus when it swerved to avoid a crash with an erratic vehicle. the bus went airborne over a guardrail and down an embankment. it crashed into a wooded area. police say one child was thrown from the bus during the crash. the others have minor injuries. the driver had to be extricated. everyone involved is expected to survive. covering metro. we've got brand new video just into the newsroom. this is a red line train opening doors on the wrong side. this happened yesterday morning on an elevated section at the rhode island metro station. no one was hurt. and service was not affected. metro is currently investigating. meanwhile, a board meeting just wrapped up a short time ago as new numbers so ridership in decline. more on how the transit agency intends to address the situation. >> this is it. this is a copy of the newly released report that t over today. i had a seat in the meeting here at the metro headquarters in northwest. one of the main talking points, ridership. it's down across the board. here's what we found out. the average week day rail ridership is down 9%. that's about 13 million trips in the first three months of this year compared to last. bus ridership is down 4%. so overall that's a 7% decline in ridership systemwide. metro now forecasts a $38 million operating deficit for this year. and they plame the drop in ridership and revenue in most parts on stage fright. other things dropping the crime rate and on-time performance. that's also down. some other things they spoke about here today are the reston town center station, safety, and customer satisfaction which has not changed since last year. 74% for buses. 69% for metro. some other things they talked about, the station, safety, and customer satisfaction. which hasn't changed since last year, 7 % for buses. 69% for metro. that's the latest from northwest. abc 7 news. lindsay: residents in prince william county are on edge. this after several armed robberies in the area. the sussspekt's weapon of choice? baseball bats? today prince william county police searching for several suspects they say involved in this robbery spree here in prince william county. using not only a gun, but also baseball bats. in fact, we spoke to one of the victims off camera who says he was more concerned about this weapon of choice. we're set up here in one of the neighborhoods where one of these attacks took place. you can see there is a neighbor watch sign there. that obviously did not deter these criminals. look at this video. a resint system captured the moment when the group of men stopped their car on edge hill drive in montclair. they approached a 73-year-old man with what looked like an assault rifle and baseball bat. in the video the car is seen making a u-turn and taking offer after the robbery. then police say the group at least three men robt a 1-year-old man on quate lane in woodbridge. then about an hour later, 60-year-old man robbed here at the intersection of pilgrim and halfry way in woodbridge. >> we want to be extra careful when we let the dogs out, walk the dogs at night. it's making us very much more aware of what's going on. >> police say none of the victims were injured. authorities have been using k nine and helicopters to search, but coming up empty right now. we understand that the suspects were masked and dark -- wore mavericks and dark clothing. no good description. these all appear to be random tuesday night and 12:30 wednesday morning. in woodbridge, john gonzalez, abc news 7 abc -- -- abc 7 news. lindsay: a fierce standoff in new jersey. how police are trying to bring a suspect who already killed an innocent bystander. you'll juan to thing twice before dipping in this water. we'll he show you where nearly a dozen sharks popped up near beach goers. the caps' season is over. another heartbreaker at the verizon center. reaction from game seven's defeat coming up. first, let's get a check on the roads with angela. angela: lindsay, we have road spray and even reports of flooding in some of this area. so be alert as you head out this afternoon. you'll need extra travel time. we're getting major reports of lots of incidents. interstate 95 in virginia we have had two accidents within the last hour between traveling on the southeast-southwest freeway we have gotten reports of flooding west bound as you travel between the case bridge and 14th street bridge, and of course they are moving our 395 camera, that's where the accident is southbound 395. we're blocking a lane as you approach gleeb road. a live look at interstate 95 at the prince william parkway. our delays there are mostly on the northbound side. that's your traffic update. we'll be back with more news after th lindsay: you have to see this video out of california. 10 great white sharks were spotted off the coast of long beach. from the beach. one crew got an up close look. the reason that there are so many is the healthy ecosystem in the area. it brings an abundance of food to the coast. if you thought that was wild, look at this. a snake hunter named dusty the wildman crumb catches a 16-foot, 130-pound python near miami, florida. the hunter got a big payday, bringing in more than $700 for it. still not the biggest catch ever in florida. that would be 18 feet. pretty big. right now in new jersey, a deadly standoff enters the second day. the suspect barricaded himself inside a house and opened fire on police as they tried to serve a warrant wednesday. a bystander in the area was killed in that gunfire. early this morning exchanges of gunfire between the suspect and police were heard. we'll continue to monitor this developing story and bring you the latest as it becomes available. and turning now to that foiled school. police discovered that a student planned a calculated attack using knives and a hit list of potential victims. suzanne kennedy shows us how authorities were able to avoid what could have been a deadly massacre. >> this was a shocking discovery in the book bag of a student pulled out of a class at a high school south of charlotte, north carolina. knives, dismantled shotgun shell, firecrackers, gasoline, and hit list with names of nearly a dozen students. the teenager was planning to stab his classmates. they sent extra security to the school that will stay as long as they are needed. >> the scary thing, too, is nobody at this point knows why. why he picked out the students that he chose. >> authorities here say they were tipped off tuesday morning after phone calls from police in ontario, canada. a canadian girl in an internet chatroom noticed the unidentified north carolina teenager talking about his plans and reported within minutes, the phones were ringing in union county, north carolina. minutes later this school resource officer was on his way to pull the kid out of class. >> he had students that he wanted to harm. some were in that classroom. >> who knows who was on that list that the person made. it could have been me. it could have been any of my closest friends. >> police say as of this point the student has not been charged. suzanne kennedy, abc 7 news. lindsay: an incredible video out of oklahoma. storm chasers spotted a massive tornado. this is just one of two tornadoes that touched down near chattanooga. no word on any damage from these twisters on injuries. tornado warnings to the area have been canceled. fortunately, there's nothing like that here for us. but we're getting a nice dose of wet weather today. doug: the timing's not good, the effects with the rain. we needed it because we were still very droud and the drought situation. mother's day, the sun will come back and be warm. let's talk about the rain. we have had over an inch in some areas already. start with a live look in national harbor. visibility down because of the the way this has been working out, the steadiest rain will move out during the afternoon. the rest of the afternoon evening, night, early tomorrow, light patchy rain or drizzle and cloudy and cool. more heavy rain developing later in the day tomorrow. let's get you through the rest of the afternoon here. first with an update on how much rain since midnight, 1.39 inches at dulles. about the same at fort belvoir. close to an inch in fredericksburg. a little lighter rain to the east and northeast. as the pattern has been well established here with the rain coming pretty much through the metro area. the areas you see in yellow, heavier elements. farther back north and west it feathers out. still additional light rain at times. the key is light rain. if you get far enough to the west, you can see the rain has ended. another disturbance will develop over kentucky and tennessee during the day tomorrow and that will reinforce the rain. look at the chilly air in our area in the northeast in of the 50's. south and west in the sunshine. roanoke, 73. 79 already in charlotte. farther south and west they'll enjoy mayweather. here we're locked into mid march pattern with cool temperatures, gusty breezes, and rain later this evening. patches of rain. the heaviest rain will be somewhere else. overnight not much measurable rain according to modeling, chilly, damp, a little drizzy, a little fog at times. that will be the story for a good chunk of tomorrow. look what happens late tomorrow afternoon and evening. the next heavy rain will approach the area, overnight into saturday monching. according to most models, looks like most of the steady rain should get out of here noontime or so on saturday. remain cloudy and breezy, that opens the door to high pressure and sunshine for mother's day. rainfall b out of here, probably a good two to three inches across the entire area. then on to the good news. if you like warm weather and sunshine, you'll love the 10 day. there you go with the cool temperatures and the rain possibilities here through saturday. saturday night d.c. united taking on philadelphia at r.f.k. watch that live on news channel eight. mothers' day, sunshine, breedsy, pleasant, warmer weather with sunshine next week. 5 on wednesday. 88 on thursday. staying comfortably warm through the end of next week. lindsay: if you haven't thought of a mother's day gift, you can say i got you nice weather. doug: that's cheap way to go but it will work. lindsay: doug, thank you. do you know thousands of dollars might be yours and you don't even know it. seven son your side tonight to tell you about a treasure-trove of cash that night have your name on it. you can call into the experts at our phone bank tonight from 4:30 to 6:30 to find out whether there's any unclaimed cash for you. watch abc 7 news at :00 out about it. coming up on abc 7 news at noon, happened again. yet another early playoff exit for the caps. what are fans saying about the tough loss? reaction is coming up right after the break. line instead of rocking the red caps fans are feeling the blues this noon after a heartbreaking loss in game seven against the penguins. they had their chances early. first period olynyk wins the race for the puck but his shot is wide. the game remained entering the second period when the caps turned over the puck, brian scores and penguins go up 1-0 and go on to win 2-0. sending the caps into the off-season again. leaving caps fans wondering if we'll ever get over this hump. >> whether it be the caps, nationals, wizards, you make it every year, we almost got that will sweetness, and then it fades. goes away. every time. lindsay: with the loss the caps failed to get beyond the second round for the seventh time since star alection ovechkin arrived. the last time getting to the conference finals, back in 199 . the wizards are one loss away from being elimit nated from the nba playoffs. they were run out of the buildings in game five of the second round in boston. avery bradley leded way for the celtics with 29 points. celtics win 123-101. it is win or go home tomorrow night as the in game six at the verizon center. all morning long we asked how you think president trump has done so far in office. take a look at the results from our instapoll question of the day. right now it's down to about 1.5 stars. we saw it start high up then trail down. you can continue to vote. we want to hear from you-all day. go to still to come on abc 7 news at noon, not the prettiest day outside. we have rain across the region. of many pieces in my life. so when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my long-term control medicine. i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo. once-daily breo prevents asthma symptoms. breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. breo won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. breo is specifically designed to open up airways to improve breathing for a full 24 hours. breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. breo is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, ce your asthma is well controlled, your doctor will decide if you can stop breo and prescribe a different asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. do not take breo more than prescribed. see your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. ask your doctor if 24-hour breo could be a missing piece for you. learn more about better breathing at lindsay: big anow. about our abc 7 family. a bittersweet one for us chief meteorologist doug hill will retire in september. so he's still with us until then. we want you to share your gratitude and stories about him using the #thank doug. you have so many stories as well. this is such a new chapter for you. nonstop for 40 years. doug: almost. i want to enjoy the summer. fun time here. lot to cover. retirement is good. quick look at our weather. the rain continues at times. not so heavily this afternoon or tonight. back tomorrow afternoon and part of saturday. clearing out for mom on mother's day. lindsay: thanks for joining. watch abc 7 news at rrator: "the time is to do what is right. ralph northam. army doctor during the gulf war. volunteer director of a pediatric hospice. progressive democrat. in the senate, he passed the smoking ban in restaurants, stopped the transvaginal ultrasound anti-choice law, as lieutenant governor, dr. northam is fighting to expand access to affordable healthcare. ralph northam believes in making progress every day. and he won't let donald trump stop us. >> you know, they say money can't buy happiness, but i've given away a lot of money on this show and those people, they all look pretty happy to me. so why stop now? let's play "who wants to be a millionaire." [cheers and applause] welcome to the show. are you guys ready to play "millionaire" today? [cheers and applause] i am too! today's contestant has been on 20 horrible blind dates and with a million dollars is ready to write a book all about it. from las vegas, nevada, please welcome jolie lindley. [cheers and applause] jolie, how you doing? >> i'm great. thank you. >> 20 bad blind dates. >> at least. yeah. >> you know what they call that? episode one of "the bachelor." >> i'

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