Transcripts For WJLA ABC7 News At 630 20160724 : comparemela

Transcripts For WJLA ABC7 News At 630 20160724

avenue with this heartbreaking news. fire brokerly the out before 3:00 this afternoon in the kitchen of the single-story homoe on henry avenue in temple hills. a ticket hour to get it under control. a total of 40 firefighters responded to the call. all ofst concern getting the four people inside the house at the time out safely. which they did. on forcibly, a -- unfortunately a dog died during the fire. another concern -- the safety of firefighters in these near 100 degree temperatures. the firefighting, very good analogy would be don't put on your heaviest winter outfits and go running around on a day like today and put a 50 pounds on your back. so, you dehydrate quickly. three firefighters were taken to the hospital with minor injuries. it does not appear that any of those injuries were heat related. kimberly: thank you. the past 30g, in minutes, prince george's county police announcing the arrest of the suspect in a fatal shooting and carjacking of alonzo jackson. police did release the suspect's mug shot. year old jackson was killed as he pumped gas on wednesday morning. the heat impacting how we are living these days. influencing our clothing choices, our workout schedules, forcing sports fans to decide whether to go to a game. josh knight is live outside the studio in rosslyn with a first look at the forecast, including an early word of a heat adso josh, how does it feel at this hour? josh: that's right. we are talking about the humidity slowly on the rise. we had a little bit of a break today compared to yesterday but by tomorrow, it is right back. in the sunshine makes the world of difference. most people hanging on the corner on the other side of the street in the shade. at least a bit better. let's talk about what it feels like outside right now. feels like temperatures in the triple digits. right around 101 in d.c. you can see about 105 in fredericksburg. those temperatures are going to stay on the warm side. cloud cover moving in as the sun is setting, so temperatures have a tough time going down tonight. i am going to zoom out on radar screens and see what is on the way. this brings a chance for a little bit of rain overnight. i do not expect strong thunderstorms to hold together but during the overnight, you might hear a little bitter rain. by tomorrow morning, it is all gone but what is left is going to be some very muggy and then we are going to see the temperature on the rise tomorrow as well. throughout the rest of this evening, we are still at 85 degrees at 11:00. so, when you go to let up a dog, maybe you go for a long walk, take it easy on everybody. tomorrow even more so. that heat advisory goes into a act for us starting at noon. that is a chance to see heat index around 110 degrees. coming up in 10 minutes, i will show you where we find those highest numbers and we will go through hour-by-hour so you know what time we will see that high heat. kimberly: thanks for sticking it out outside. now, if your are sports fan, this weather testing whether it is baseball, tennis vendors are enduring the heat. ryan hughes visited nats park to see how they are staying cool on this quarter of the sunday. sunday.her of a whether you're using the fan are walking into the misting tents. it is only temporary relief. if you think it is bad for the fans and the players, imagine the ball person running around after every single point. >> a volley. they stand still as stone. when the point is over, these ball persons are on the. -- on the move. >> we do have to run a lot. it is very terrible. >> on the court at the citi open, temperatures are hitting140 degrees. >> the sweat is dripping down and m-- in my eyes. >> teams of 10 are rotating every changeover. >> we really need a break. it means a lot. >> ice. >> at nats park, tamika is braving the blistering temperatures, filling water till the last person leaves the pass out. i would rather sell water. >> vdot workers are helping fans cross south capitol street. >> we have got water, grapes, wet snacks and a washcloth to put on our neck. >> i'm going to try to find seats and the shade. >> no matter of the sport, everyone is sweating it out for love of the game. >> that people see it on tv. ball persons tell me this has been the hottest year at the citi open. it is not slowing them down and they plan to be back again next year. live at the citi open, ryan hughes, abc 7 news. kimberly: visitors packed the smithsonian museums along the national mall today. they reopened for the first time in a day and a half. advantage of all of that a.c. >> my house does not have central air. so i live i n the basement and it is a sauna. anyways to get out of the house is a good thing. kimberly: that's rough. an underground power failure closely smithsonian museum on friday. stay connected with our team of meteorologist. you can download the stormwatch or track the heat with us online and on facebook and twitter. a bombshell. coming up, the change in leadership less than 24 hours before the gavel drops on the democratic national convention. hitting pause on the parties. a newlywed couple calls -- freefalling on the reception, good luck. the uncertainties of hep c. i don't want to live with or wonder whether i should seek treatment. i am ready. because today there's harvoni. a revolutionary treatment for the most common type of chronic hepatitis c. harvoni is proven to cure up to 99% of patients... ...who've had no prior treatment. it transformed treatment as the first cure that's... pill, once a day for 12 weeks. certain patients... ...can be cured with just 8 weeks of harvoni. harvoni is a simple treatment regimen that's been prescribed to more than a quarter of a million patients. tell your doctor if you've had a liver transplant, other liver or kidney problems, hiv, or any other medical conditions, and about all the medicines you take including herbal supplements. taking amiodarone with harvoni may cause a serious slowing of your heart rate. common side effects of harvoni may include tiredness, headache and weakness. i am ready to put hep c behind me. i am ready to be cured. are you ready? ask your hep c specialist if harvoni is right for you. a hero's welcome for senator tim kaine when he got back to richmond last night. people gathered out side to congratulate him. when he got out of the suv, he talked to her neighbor he is grateful for the opportunity. drama emerging 24 hours before the dnc. national chairman debbie wasserman schultz is stepping leakedter wikileaks e-mails revealing what bernie sanders has been saying all along -- the party was slanting influence to help clinton. karen travers has more on what has unfolded within the last few hours. a bombshell on the eve of the democratic convention. party chair debbie wasserman schultz announcing that she will step down oamid the controversies involving -- involving lead e-mails. democrats hoped that the primary season was behind him. but clinton: i can't help reflect how much more enjoyable this election is going to be now that we are on the same side. karen: not so fast. 20,000 e-mailsng from seven top dnc officials during the primary season that seem to back up sanders' lcaiclm the party put its thumb on the scale for clinton. >> experts are telling us that russian state actors broken to the dnc and are leaking these e-mails through website. karen: sandys repeating his call for wasserman schultz to resign. senator sanders: i think we need a new chair who is going to lead us in a very different direction. karen: security is tied at the convention site. issued to protesters. marches and demonstrations are scheduled all week throughout the city. >> we will take the appropriate measures to make sure we keep everyone safe. karen: hillary clinton thanked debbie wasserman schultz but made no mention of the e-mail controversy. bernie sanders his own statement said wasserman schultz made the right decision for the party. therely: we will be tomorrow when the democratic national convention kicks off. chief political correspondent scott thuman and brad bell will bring you live coverage . their reports all start tomorrow. donald trump is standing by his boss -- fox news boss roger ailes: what happened very sad. he was forced from his job amid allegations he sexually harassed female employees. withdraw the u.s. from the wto and refused to rule out handing immigration from france and germany saying both have been compromised by terrorism. let's take a live look outside. sweltering on this sunday. josh tracking a hotter day tomorrow and also, tells us when kimberly: nothing could stop new hampshire couple from celebrate your big day, not even a summer storm. take a look at this tree that came crashing down on the tent where the newlyweds were having the reception. after pausing to make sure everyone is ok, the party was -- and some people reported hail, the national weather service has said nothing about a twister. kind of scary for you are under a tent. josh: you know there is some severe weather in the area but you just, that's why when we get these warnings you have to take them seriously. it does not have to be our tornado warning to cause serious damage. everybody lucky there. kimberly: welcome back into the a.c. josh: had the sleeves rolled up. tomorrow morning, it will smack everybody in the face but you've got your work clothing on trying to get to work and we are really going to be feeling it. your weather alert as we head into tomorrow, starting at noon. that is when we have our heat advisory in effect until 8:00 tomorrow. so, that does include almost the entire area, western maryland and farther south in the shenandoah valley. what's back tomorrow, the big difference mer it is starting to move back in now. 94 at reagan national. the winds at 10 miles now. our dew points in the 70's. most of the day they were in the mid 60's, which is not as humid as what we are starting to feel now. back up to 74 in call proper. -- culpeper. mughigher that number the year it field. that is what we will have tonight and tomorrow. a few thunderstorms for us. harrisonburg. close to d.c. things are dry. we will watch for this rain moving to pittsburgh to head our way. predominately favors areas closer to baltimore than d.c.,b i'll show you what it looks like. 11:00 tonight, hagerstown looking at some of that rain. most of that will stay on the north side of town. you get a few light shower south of gaithersburg. moreso montgomery county in into prince george's county and anne arundel county. tomorrow morning we start off dry. in this heat and humidity, a few showers start to pop up farther west. fore to d.c. that chance rain around 4:00. this is the small side of the weather story as we head into tomorrow, that is when we start to feel the heat. a few more thunderstorms on to say. overnight lows down to 79 degrees around d.c. farther west we are still in the 70's. we do not get very much relief. an isolated thundershower. and then tomorrow we are up to 99 degrees. today we got stuck at 96 and the humidity was lower. tomorrow the humidity is back. with that we feel like 100 degrees at 10:30 tomorrow. we will top out around 110 in in manassas. in the afternoon, 6:00, we still have those temperatures that feel like they are in the triple digits. keep that in mind, be smart, be safe, think about your pets and your neighbors if folks don't have 96 on tuesday. the middle of the week, mostly dry. a better chance for thunderstorms friday and saturday and into sunday. now looking long range, our next chance to get into the 80's will be by next monday. kimberly: so, it turns out we are 10 degrees short of being able to fry and egg on the tennis degrees. >> 7. degrees \ the mi josh: mythbusters. >> a champion has been crowned. next in sports. the toyota sports desk brought to you by your local toyota dealers. >> i couldn't imagine being a tennis player in the citi open and playing in t scott abraham has a battle of his own, trying to keep cool. scott: how are you? to play tennis but there was no way i would be out on that court today playing in these types of conditions. i have a lot of respect for those players that battle but heat today. it was championship sunday at rock creek park for the citi open. we had a good one in the men's final. ivo karlovic trying to turn back clock.c you think yesterday was hot? look at the encore temperature today, 143 degrees at the start of the match. karlovic won the first set. in a second set tiebreak, monfils with set point. a second set, 7-6. he's fired up. he broke karlovic. oh, how sweet it is. gael monfils wins a marathon title-6, 6-4, the sixth of his career. >> i'm very happy, very broad. it's a big tournament for me -- i am very proud. legend. to be next to for me, it is a great achievement. >> the fans love you. what was it like playing in that type of an atmosphere today where the majority of the crowd was behind you? >> it was great. it was great. people here are -- >> it was a tremendous atmosphere at recreate. -- at rock creek. going on right now in centre court, the women's final. ckmaier holding a lead over lauren davis in the first set. we will have high light and postgame reaction from that match coming up later tonight on abc 7 sportscenter. a great atmosphere. tell kim i apologize. it was not hot enough to fry an egg. robert: grab the salt, grab the pepper, we will have breakfast. big wrote by stephen drew last night. a walk-off to win 3-2 over the padres. 3-1 in the third but four runs. that's 455 feet away and long gone. a two run shot. the nats take the lead. jonathan papelbon service of a base hit. will meyers comes around to score. padres take a 7-6 lead. the final 10-6. a final note tonight on woman: i have a masurprise for you.are you? man: you have a surprise for me? narrator: at dominion, 1 in 5 new hires is a veteran. and when they're away, they miss out on a lot. but they won't miss 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"dominion. depend on us for more than energy." ♪ stand by me. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ geico motorcycle, great rates for great rides. josh: tomorrow heat advisory goes in effect starting at noon. 99 the actual high but the temperature will feel close to 110. thunderstorms in the afternoon. kimberly: the will have to wait until 11:00 tonight. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, ribeiro: here's a sneak peek at tonight's "afv." we know you're gonna love it. -oh! -[ laughs ] [ horn honks ] [ high-pitched scream ] [ blows raspberry ] [ laughs ] woman: oh! ♪ welcome to... and now, here he is, the host of our show, alfonso ribeiro! hey! [ cheers and applause ]

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